Si bien el conocimiento científico para el tratamiento de la periimplantitis ha avanzado significativamente en los últimos años, sigue en discusión qué tipo de abordaje quirúrgico genera los mejores resultados clínicos y si el uso de biomateriales da mejoras significativas en dicho tratamiento. Este reporte de caso describe un abordaje quirúrgico reconstructivo de un defecto intraóseo por periimplantitis en una paciente que refería dolor y un intenso sangrado en sus implantes dentales, empleando un sustituto óseo anorgánico mineral bovino, sin el uso de una membrana o barrera, y con un protocolo de descontaminación de la superficie del implante mecánico y químico. Posteriormente, a las 20 semanas de realizado el procedimiento, se hizo la evaluación del defecto, obteniendo profundidades al sondeo menores a 5 mm, ausencia de sangrado al sondeo en todos los sitios y un llenado óseo radiográfico de aproximadamente 90%; cumpliendo con los criterios de éxito de la terapia periimplantaria. Lo anterior muestra que la terapia reconstructiva para los defectos por periimplantitis puede ser posible mediante el uso de un sustituto óseo xenogénico únicamente y con una correcta descontaminación de la superficie del implante (AU)
Although scientific knowledge for the treatment of peri-implantitis have advanced significantly in recent years, the type of surgical approach that generates the best clinical results is still under discussion and whether the use of biomaterials gives significant improvements in said treatment. This case report describes a reconstructive surgical approach for a periimplantitis intrabony defect using an anorganic bovine bone substitute, without the use of a membrane or barrier, and with a mechanical and chemical implant surface decontamination protocol. Twenty weeks after the procedure, the defect was reassessed, obtaining probing depths of less than 5 mm, no bleeding on probing in all sites, and radiographic bone filling of approximately 90%; meeting the success criteria for the peri-implant therapy. This shows that reconstructive therapy for periimplantitis defects may be possible using a xenogeneic bone substitute only and proper decontamination of the implant surface (AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Bone Substitutes/therapeutic use , Oral Surgical Procedures/methods , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/adverse effects , Peri-Implantitis/surgery , Periodontal Pocket/diagnosis , Surgical Flaps , Toothbrushing/methods , Periodontal Index , Decontamination/methods , MexicoABSTRACT
Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate the structural characterization, wear and penetration tension of periodontal probes before and after sterilization cycles and wear simulation. Materials and Methods: nine North Carolina periodontal probes from three commercial brands available in Brazil (Hu-Friedy, HF; Millenium, MI; and Quinelato, Qui) were tested. Following initial evaluation, the instruments underwent sterilization in an autoclave for 60 cycles. Precision and sharpness of the millimeter marks and the shape of the tips were recorded before and after every 20 cycles using stereomicroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy was employed to assess topography. In vitro testing evaluated probe penetration tension. Scanning electron microscopy and penetration tension were performed before sterilization process. Statistical analysis utilized analysis of variance and the Student-Newman- Keuls test at a 5% significance level. Results: the results indicated differing probe tip shapes among brands, categorized as flame (MI), rounded (HF), and obtuse vertex (QUI). Morphology and tip angle were similar between HF and QUI but greater than MI. Laser mark sharpness varied among instruments, with QUI probes inducing the highest stress and penetration force in vitro. Surface morphology remained unchanged after 60 sterilization cycles and mechanical testing, though all probes exhibited superficial finishing flaws. HF exhibited the most precise millimeter engravings among the brands tested. Conclusion: tested probes displayed some finishing defects, with their shapes and sizes impacting probing tension, and Hu- Friedy probes demonstrating superior accuracy in millimeter markings compared to other brands tested.
Objetivo: avaliar as características estruturais, desgaste e tensão de penetração de sondas periodontais antes e após ciclos de esterilização e simulação de desgaste. Materiais e Métodos: foram testadas nove sondas periodontais da Carolina do Norte de três marcas comerciais disponíveis no Brasil (Hu-Friedy, HF; Millenium, MI; e Quinelato, Qui). Após avaliação inicial, os instrumentos foram submetidos à esterilização em autoclave por 60 ciclos. A precisão e a nitidez das marcas milimétricas e o formato das pontas foram registradas antes do primeiro ciclo e após cada 20 ciclos, utilizando estereomicroscopia. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura foi empregada para avaliar a topografia. Os testes in vitro avaliaram a tensão de penetração da sonda. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura e o teste de tensão de penetração foram realizados antes do processo de esterilização. A análise estatística utilizou análise de variância e teste de Student-Newman-Keuls, com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: os resultados indicaram diferentes formatos de ponta de sonda entre as marcas, categorizados como chama (MI), arredondada (HF) e vértice obtuso (QUI). A morfologia e o ângulo da ponta foram semelhantes entre HF e QUI, mas maiores que MI. A nitidez da marcação a laser variou entre os instrumentos, com as sondas QUI induzindo a maior tensão e força de penetração in vitro. A morfologia da superfície permaneceu inalterada após 60 ciclos de esterilização e testes mecânicos, embora todas as sondas apresentassem falhas de acabamento superficial. A HF exibiu as gravações milimétricas mais precisas entre as marcas testadas. Conclusão: as sondas testadas apresentaram alguns defeitos de acabamento, com seus formatos e tamanhos impactando a tensão de sondagem, e as sondas Hu-Friedy demonstraram precisão superior em marcações milimétricas em comparação com outras marcas testadas.
Periodontal Diseases/diagnosis , Periodontal Pocket , Periodontics , Periodontal Index , Dental InstrumentsABSTRACT
Objetivo: A periodontite é uma doença infecto-inflamatória que acomete os tecidos de inserção periodontal, e ser fumante representa um risco modificável significativo para todos os graus da doença. Ainda, indivíduos fumantes apresentam uma resposta inflamatória alterada quando comparados a não fumantes. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi reportar um relato de caso de tratamento periodontal de paciente fumante pesado. Relato de caso: O paciente DRS, sexo masculino, 22 anos, foi encaminhado à Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel) com a queixa principal de necessidade de "realização de uma limpeza dentária". Na anamnese, relatou fumar 20 cigarros ao dia, há 7 anos (7 maços-ano). Na consulta inicial, foi encontrado índice de placa visível (IPV) de 100% e índice de sangramento gengival (ISG) de 66,67%. Foi encontrado cálculo supragengival como fator retentivo de placa (FRP) em 46,30% dos sítios. Estabeleceu-se o diagnóstico de periodontite estágio III localizado grau C. Os exames periodontais foram realizados por um único pesquisador calibrado e optou-se pelo tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico. Ao exame de 12 meses, o paciente apresentou IPV de 23,45% e ISG de 22,83%. Houve ausência de FRP. De uma forma geral, foi possível constatar a diminuição significativa das bolsas periodontais, bem como o ganho significativo de inserção clínica periodontal. Considerações finais: Dessa forma, é possível concluir a efetividade da terapia periodontal não cirúrgica, aliada à manutenção periodontal e instruções de higiene para o tratamento de periodontite estágio III, grau C, em paciente fumante.(AU)
Objective: Periodontitis is an infect-inflammatory diseases that affects the periodontal attachment tissues, and being smoker represents a significant modifiable risk for all degrees of the disease. Moreover, smokers have an altered inflammatory response when compared to non-smokers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to report a case report of periodontal treatment of a heavy smoker. Case report: A patient DRS, male, 22 years old, was referred to the School of Dentistry of the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel) with the main complaint of the need to "perform a dental cleaning". During the anamnesis, he reported smoking 20 cigarettes a day for 7 years (7 pack-years). In the initial appointment, a visible plaque index (VPI) of 100% and a gingival bleeding index (GBI) of 66.67% were found. Supragingival calculus was found as a plaque retentive factor (PRF) in 46.30% of the sites. The diagnosis of periodontitis stage III localized grade C was established. Periodontal examinations were performed by a single calibrated researcher and non-surgical periodontal treatment was chosen. At the 12-month appointment, the patient had an VPI of 23.45% and an GBI of 22.83%. There was absence of PRF. In general, it was possible to observe a significant decrease in periodontal pockets, as well as a significant gain in periodontal clinical attachment. Final considerations: Thus, it is possible to conclude the effectiveness of non-surgical periodontal therapy, combined with periodontal maintenance and hygiene instructions for the treatment of periodontitis stage III localized grade C in a smoker.(AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Periodontitis/etiology , Periodontitis/therapy , Tobacco Use Disorder/complications , Periodontal Pocket/therapy , Severity of Illness Index , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Furcation involvement (FI) is the lesion and destruction of periodontium that spread to the root furcation of multi-root teeth, where periodontal pockets, loss of periodontal attachment and resorption of alveolar bone are formed. Furcation involvement is a common concomitant lesion of periodontitis. The severity of furcation involvement can directly affect the prognosis of periodontitis. However, the specificity of the anatomical structure of the root furcation greatly increases the difficulty of treatment. Therefore, early detection and treatment of furcation involvement is crucial for the prevention and control of periodontitis. This paper briefly describes the pathogenesis of furcation involvement and discusses the diagnosis, classification and treatment of this disease, which is helpful to improve the clinical diagnosis and treatment of furcation involvement.
Humans , Molar , Furcation Defects/therapy , Periodontitis/complications , Periodontal Pocket , PrognosisABSTRACT
Introducción: La presencia de abscesos periodontales es la tercera emergencia dental más frecuente (6%-14%). Objetivo: Reportar información sobre diferentes factores etiológicos de absceso periodontal en tres pacientes. Descripción de casos: Primer caso, mujer de 52 años quien acudió a consulta por sangrado espontáneo, al examen clínico se evidenció sangrado al sondaje (SS), presencia de bolsas periodontales (BP) y cálculos (C); como tratamiento se realizó raspado y alisado radicular (RAR), complementado con detoxificación con tetraciclina y tratamiento farmacológico posoperatorio. Segundo caso, hombre de 27 años quien acudió a consulta por agrandamiento de encía, se observó (SS), y (BP); se retiró la lesión y se realizó (RAR). Tercer caso, hombre de 21 años quien acudió a consulta de control, al examen clínico se evidenció presencia de cálculos en órganos dentarios y bolsas periodontales en órganos dentarios 16-17; se utilizó (RAR) complementado con detoxificación con tetraciclina y tratamiento farmacológico posoperatorio. Conclusión: La etiología del absceso periodontal en el primer y último caso se basó en la falta de profundidad durante el raspado y alisado radicular, y en el segundo estuvo relacionado a impactación de alimentos. El identificar la etiología permite determinar diagnóstico, pronóstico y tratamiento ideal.
Introduction: Periodontal abscesses are the third most frequent dental emergency (6%-14%). Objective: To describe different etiological factors of periodontal abscesses in three patients. Case description: The first case was a 52-year-old woman who sought treatment due to spontaneous bleeding. During the examination, she revealed bleeding on probing (BP), presence of periodontal pockets (PP), and calculi (C). Scaling and root planning (SRP) was performed as treatment, which was complemented with detoxification with tetracycline and postoperative pharmacological treatment. The second case was a 27-year-old man who came to the clinic due to gum enlargement and showed BP and PP. The lesion was treated and SRP was performed. Finally, the third patient was a 21-year-old male who sought a follow-up consultation. The clinical examination showed the presence of dental calculi and periodontal pockets in teeth 16 and 17. SRP complemented with detoxification with tetracycline and postoperative pharmacology were used as treatments. Conclusion: The etiology of the periodontal abscesses in the first and third cases was based on the lack of depth during root scaling and planning. The cause in the second case was effects of food. Identifying this etiology is useful to achieve proper diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of periodontal abscesses.
Humans , Periodontics , Periodontal Abscess , Periodontal Pocket , Calculi , AbscessABSTRACT
Background: Probing of periodontal pockets is an essential part in the diagnosis of periodontal disease. Fifteen to seventy seven percent of untreated periodontal patients experience pain during probing. Hence the aim of this study is to evaluate the pain perceived by patients with gingivitis and periodontitis during periodontal probing. The goals of this study were to compare the patients' pain perception when using a conventional UNC15 probe and a manual pressure sensitive periodontal probe, and to relate the clinical features of gingivitis and periodontitis to the discomfort associated with periodontal probing. Material and Methods: A total of 475 subjects were recruited into the study. The subjects were initially divided into two groups Group A (Gingivitis group - 275 patients) and Group B (Chronic Periodontitis group -200 patients) according to the AAP 1999 Classification. These two groups were further subdivided into two groups each (Gingivitis Conventional Probe GCP, Gingivitis Manual Pressure Sensitive Probe GMPS, Periodontitis - Conventional Probe PCP, Periodontitis Manual Pressure Sensitive Probe PMPS) using a computer generated program of random numbers. Results: A significant difference was noted in pain perception when pressure sensitive probe was used compared to conventional UNC-15 probe. Reduced Bleeding on Probing and Pain scores were noted in Chronic periodontitis subjects with use of pressure sensitive probe, which was statistically significant (p<0.001). Conclusion: Dentistry has changed its focus towards painless dentistry. In this context, the present study presents data towards use of manual pressure sensitive probes, which offers an advantage of low cost when compared to more advanced computerized systems with reduced pain during periodontal examination. It could result in a positive attitude of the patients towards continuous supportive periodontal therapy thereby monitoring periodontal health.
Antecedentes: El sondaje de los sacos periodontales es una parte esencial en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad periodontal. Del quince al setenta y siete por ciento de los pacientes periodontales no tratados experimentan dolor durante el sondaje. De ahí que el objetivo de este estudio fué evaluar el dolor percibido por pacientes con gingivitis y periodontitis durante el sondaje periodontal. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron comparar la percepción del dolor de los pacientes al usar una sonda UNC15 convencional y una sonda periodontal sensible a la presión manual, y relacionar las características clínicas de la gingivitis y la periodontitis con la incomodidad asociada con el sondaje periodontal. Material y Métodos: Un total de 475 sujetos fueron reclutados en el estudio. Los sujetos se dividieron inicialmente en dos grupos - Grupo - A (grupo de Gingivitis - 275 pacientes) y Grupo - B (grupo de Periodontitis Crónica - 200 pacientes) de acuerdo con la Clasificación AAP 1999. Estos dos grupos se subdividieron en dos grupos cada uno (Gingivitis - Sonda convencional - GCP, Gingivitis - Sonda manual sensible a la presión - GMPS, Periodontitis - Sonda convencional - PCP, Periodontitis - Sonda manual sensible a la presión - PMPS) usando un programa generado por computadora de datos aleatorios. números. Resultados: Se notó una diferencia significativa en la percepción del dolor cuando se usó una sonda sensible a la presión en comparación con la sonda UNC-15 convencional (p<0,001). Conclusion: La odontología ha cambiado su enfoque hacia una odontología sin dolor. En este contexto, el presente estudio presenta datos hacia el uso de sondas manuales sensibles a la presión, que ofrece una ventaja de bajo costo en comparación con sistemas computarizados más avanzados con reducción del dolor durante el examen periodontal. Podría resultar en una actitud positiva de los pacientes hacia la terapia periodontal de apoyo continuo, monitoreando así la salud periodontal.
Humans , Male , Female , Periodontitis/therapy , Pain Perception , Gingivitis/therapy , Pain , Periodontal Diseases/therapy , Periodontal Pocket , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
RESUMEN: El objetivo de este trabajo fue establecer la asociación entre la profundidad de bolsa periodontal y la presencia de Candida albicans en el fluido crevicular de sujetos adultos con salud gingival y periodontitis, recibidos en el área de la Maestría en Periodoncia de un Centro Odontológico. El estudio estuvo conformado por 81 muestras de fluido crevicular obtenidas con un cono de papel Nº 40. Fueron distribuidas en tres grupos: G1: 20 muestras del grupo control (salud gingival), G2: 32 muestras de bolsas con profundidad de 4-6 mm y G3: 29 muestras de bolsas con profundidad >6mm; que fueron colocadas en Caldo Sabouraud Dextrosa para su trasporte al laboratorio, donde fue cultivado en Agar Sabouraud Dextrosa por 48 h a 37 ºC. Posteriormente se realizó tinción a las colonias y prueba de tubo germinal para la confirmación de la presencia de Candida albicans. Del total de muestras, 12 (14,8 %) evidenciaron presencia de Candida albicans, de las cuales 6 (18,8 %) pertenecían al grupo de bolsas con profundidad de 4-6 mm y las otras 6 (20,7 %) pertenecían al grupo de bolsas con profundidad >6mm. En el grupo control, no se observó presencia de Candida albicans. Los pacientes con salud gingival no presentaron Candida albicans. Sin embargo, la Candida albicans estuvo presente en pacientes con bolsas periodontales de 4-6 mm y >6 mm (14,8 %). No se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre presencia de Candida albicans con profundidad de bolsa periodontal (p=0,849).
ABSTRACT: The aim of this work was to establish the association between the depth of the periodontal pocket and the presence of Candida albicans in the crevicular fluid of adult subjects with gingival health and periodontitis, received in the area of the Master in Periodontology of a Dental Center. The study consisted of 81 samples of crevicular fluid obtained with a No. 40 paper cone. They were distributed into three groups: G1: 20 samples from the control group (gingival health), G2: 32 samples from pockets with depth of 4-6 mm and G3: 29 samples from pockets with depth >6 mm; which were placed in Sabouraud Dextrose Broth for transport to the laboratory, where it was cultivated in Sabouraud Dextrose Agar for 48h at 37 ºC. Subsequently, colony staining and a germ tube test were performed to confirm the presence of Candida albicans. Of the total samples, 12 (14.8 %) showed the presence of Candida albicans, of which 6 (18.8 %) belonged to the group of pockets with depth of 4-6 mm and the other 6 (20.7 %) belonged to the group of bags with depth> 6mm. In the control group, no presence of Candida albicans was observed. The patients with gingival health did not present Candida albicans. However, Candida albicans was present in patients with periodontal pockets of 4-6 mm and >6 mm (14.8 %). No statistically significant difference was found between the presence of Candida albicans with depth of the periodontal pocket (p=0.849).
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Candida albicans , Gingival Crevicular Fluid/chemistry , Periodontal Pocket/microbiology , Specimen Handling , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Microbiological Techniques , Coloring AgentsABSTRACT
Os lasers de diodo tornaram-se ferramentas clínicas populares devido ao seu tamanho compacto, acessibilidade, facilidade de uso e versatilidade. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar as diversas aplicações de um laser de diodo na prática diária e destacar os aspectos técnicos do uso do laser de diodo para o mesmo. Esta série de casos relata o manejo de seis diferentes situações clínicas com laser de diodo: anquiloglossia, bolsa periodontal, zênites gengivais desiguais, mucocele, hipersensibilidade dentinária e gengiva hiperpigmentada. Os pacientes foram tratados com laser de diodo de 940 nm com potência de 0,5 W a 2 W dependendo do caso. A cicatrização pós-operatória transcorreu sem intercorrências na maioria dos casos e foram observados resultados favoráveis. O laser de diodo ofereceu vantagens cirúrgicas como campo seco, desinfecção do sítio cirúrgico e cirurgia sem sutura. Além disso, os autores observaram melhor satisfação do paciente devido à mínima dor ou edema pós-operatório e alívio imediato em caso de hipersensibilidade dentinária. Este artigo apresenta as aplicações cirúrgicas e não cirúrgicas do laser de diodo juntamente com os aspectos técnicos. Embora a literatura disponível não forneça evidências substanciais para comparação direta do laser de diodo com as técnicas convencionais, é seguro concluir que o laser de diodo é uma ferramenta eficiente para uso rotineiro em odontologia.(AU)
The diode lasers have become popular clinical tools because of their compact size, affordability, ease of use and versatility. The aim of this paper is to put forth the various applications of a diode laser in day to day practice and highlight the technical aspects of diode laser use for the same. This case series reports management of six different clinical situations with diode laser namely ankyloglossia, periodontal pocket, unequal gingival zeniths, mucocele, dentinal hypersensitivity and hyper-pigmented gingiva. The patients were treated with 940 nm diode laser with power settings from 0.5 W to 2 W depending on the case. The post-operative healing was uneventful in most cases and favourable outcomes were observed. The diode laser offered surgical advantages like dry field, disinfection of surgical site and suture-less surgery. In addition, the authors observed better patient satisfaction owing to minimal post-operative pain or swelling and immediate relief in case of dentinal hypersensitivity. This paper presents both surgical and non-surgical applications of diode laser along with the technical aspects. Even though the available literature does not lend substantial evidence for direct comparison of diode laser with conventional techniques, it is safe to conclude that diode laser is an efficient tool for routine use in dentistry.(AU)
Humans , Adult , Periodontal Pocket , Dentin Sensitivity , Esthetics, Dental , Laser Therapy , Ankyloglossia , GingivectomyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT: Progressive periodontal disease causes loss of supporting structures of teeth resulting in deep bony defects. In this case a report of 22-year old female patient is being presented with clinical findings of vertical bone loss in two adjacent teeth, on distal surface of 2nd upper right premolar and mesial surface of upper right 1st molar. Root canal treatment, non-surgical periodontal therapy followed by guided tissue regeneration was carried out using decalcified freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA) and collagen membrane. Analysis of clinical and radiographic findings showed marked reduction in pocket depth up to 12mm with hard tissue repair on 3-month, 2-year and 5- year follow ups.
RESUMEN: La enfermedad periodontal progresiva provoca la pérdida de las estructuras de soporte de los dientes, lo que resulta en defectos óseos profundos. En este caso clínico se presenta un informe de una paciente de 22 años con pérdida ósea vertical en la superficie distal del segundo premolar superior derecho y en la superficie mesial del primer molar superior derecho. El tratamiento del conducto radicular, la terapia periodontal no quirúrgica seguida de la regeneración tisular guiada se llevó a cabo utilizando aloinjerto óseo liofilizado descalcificado (DFDBA) y membrana de colágeno. El análisis de los hallazgos clínicos y radiográficos mostró una marcada reducción en la profundidad de la bolsa de hasta 12 mm con reparación de tejido duro en seguimientos de 3 meses, 2 años y 5 años.
Humans , Female , Adult , Guided Tissue Regeneration/methods , Periodontal Pocket/diagnosisABSTRACT
@#<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Objective.</strong> Second-generation force-controlled periodontal probes were developed to address examiner-related factors in the application of standard forces while probing. However, previous researches comparing the accuracy of first and second-generation probes have failed to yield unequivocal results. This study aimed to determine the accuracy and reproducibility of a first-generation UNC-15 probe and force-controlled Gram probe #2, used by senior and junior dental students in measuring probing pocket depths (PPD).</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Methods.</strong> Eight senior and eight junior dental students participated in the study. A periodontal model was positioned on a digital balance. Each participant performed probing four times, twice using a UNC-15 and twice employing a Gram probe #2. The order of probe usage was randomly assigned. The PPD and probing forces employed were recorded initially and after a 15-minute interval. Data were analyzed using a t-test at a 0.05 significance level.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Results.</strong> Both junior and senior students used significantly higher probing forces (35.3 ± 1.4 and 29.9 ± 2.1 g, respectively) than the standard 25 g when using the UNC-15 probe. The junior students employed accurate forces using the Gram probe while probing both anterior (25.6 ± 1.2 g) and posterior teeth (25.1 ± 0.7 g). In comparison, the seniors used accurate forces (26.0 ± 1.3 g) only while examining anterior teeth. The PPD values obtained by both student groups were comparable to the actual PPD, except for significantly higher measurements (P=0.0003) obtained by juniors when examining posterior teeth using the Gram probe. When assessing the reproducibility of PPD measurements obtained from two examinations, values were reproducible for both juniors and seniors when using the Gram probe and during an inspection of posterior teeth using the UNC-15 probe.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Conclusions.</strong> The Gram probe #2 had better reproducibility and yielded forces closer to the standard 25 g. However, more accurate PPD values were obtained with the UNC-15 probe.</p>
Periodontal Pocket , Diagnosis , CalibrationABSTRACT
Una de las causas de la evolución de la periodontitis es la formación de defectos óseos y pérdida de inserción clínica. Una manera de eliminar el defecto intraóseo y su bolsa periodontal es eliminar las paredes de hueso que componen el defecto para colocar el complejo dentogingival en una posición más apical. La cirugía ósea es un procedimiento periodontal resectivo que involucra la modificación del tejido óseo del soporte dental, la cual es una modalidad del tratamiento periodontal quirúrgico que puede utilizarse para eliminar eficazmente los defectos óseos periodontales para estabilizar la inserción periodontal. El objetivo del presente estudio es realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre las consideraciones actuales, técnicas y principios de la cirugía ósea resectiva en el paciente periodontalmente comprometido (AU)
One of the causes of the evolution of periodontitis is the formation of bone defects and loss of clinical attachment, where one way to eliminate the intraosseous defect and its periodontal pocket is to eliminate the bone walls that make up the defect to place the dentogingival complex in a more apical position. Bone surgery is periodontal surgery that involves the modification of the supporting bone tissue of the teeth, which is a modality of surgical treatment that can be used to effectively eliminate periodontal defects and stabilize the periodontal insertion. The aim of the present study is to conduct a literature review about the considerations, techniques and principles of resective bone surgery in the periodontally compromised patient (AU)
Humans , Periodontitis/surgery , Alveolar Bone Loss/surgery , Alveolar Process/surgery , Osteotomy/methods , Periodontal Pocket/surgery , Surgical Flaps , Crown Lengthening/methodsABSTRACT
Introducción: El ozono (O3) presenta múltiples acciones biológicas, entre ellas su efecto antimicrobiano, lo que ha sido beneficioso en odontología, siendo la presentación acuosa la más utilizada (20 µg/ mL), la cual presenta efectos similares a la clorhexidina. Reporte de caso: Paciente masculino de 76 años de edad, diagnosticado con periodontitis crónica moderada localizada, el cual fue tratado mediante ozonoterapia acuosa durante la fase inicial periodontal y la fase quirúrgica en colgajo por debridación. 12 semanas posteriores al acto quirúrgico se obtuvo la eliminación de las bolsas periodontales, encontrándose un surco de 3 y 2 mm y un buen control de placa dentobacteriana. Conclusión: No existen reportes acerca del uso de ozonoterapia acuosa durante un colgajo por debridación. El éxito del tratamiento periodontal consiste en la eliminación del factor causal así como en establecer y mantener un control de placa dentobacteriana adecuado (AU)
Introduction: Ozone (O3) has multiple biological actions, including its antimicrobial effect, which has been beneficial in dentistry, the aqueous presentation being the most used (20 µg/mL), which has similar effects to chlorhexidine. Case report: Male patient of 76 years of age, diagnosed with localized moderate chronic periodontitis, which was treated by aqueous ozone therapy during the initial periodontal phase and surgical phase in debridement flap. Twelve weeks after surgery, the periodontal pockets were eliminated, finding a 3 and 2 mm groove and good control of dentobacterial plaque. Conclusion: There are no reports about the use of aqueous ozone therapy during a debridement flap. The success of the periodontal treatment consists in the elimination of the causal factor, as well as establishing and maintaining an adequate control of plaque (AU)
Humans , Male , Aged , Ozone/therapeutic use , Chronic Periodontitis/drug therapy , Periodontal Pocket/drug therapy , Surgical Flaps , Chronic Periodontitis/surgery , Periodontal Debridement/methodsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the effectiveness of periodontal endoscope as an adjuvant therapy for the non-surgical periodontal treatment of patients with severe and generalized periodontitis.@*METHODS@#Patients (n=13) were divided into three groups: patients treated with conventional subgingival scaling and root planing (SRP) (n=7, 408 sites) (group A), SRP using periodontal endoscope (n=4, 188 sites) (group B) or SRP with periodontal endoscope 3 months after initial SRP (n=2, 142 sites) (group C). Two subgroups were divided into 2 subgroups according to PD at the baseline: 46 mm as subgroup 2. Probing depth (PD), attachment loss (AL), gingival recession (GR) and bleeding on probing (BOP) were recorded.@*RESULTS@#The results of 3 months after treatment showed all PD, AL, and GR values in group A1 were less than those in group B1 (P6 mm, the application of periodontal endoscopy can increase the effect, reducing PD and GR, which may be an effective supplement to the current non-surgical periodontal treatment.
Humans , Dental Scaling , Endoscopes , Follow-Up Studies , Gingival Hemorrhage , Periodontal Attachment Loss , Periodontal Index , Periodontal Pocket , Periodontitis , Root Planing , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Abstract The aim of this split mouth, double blinded, randomized clinical trial was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of use of Plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) as an adjunct to scaling and root planing (SRP) in the treatment of periodontal pockets. Twenty six patients (15 males, 11 females) diagnosed with generalized periodontitis with Pocket Depth > 5mm and plaque index score < 1.5, were randomly allocated by using computer generated random sequence, into two groups, one treated with intra-pocket application of PRGF adjunct to SRP and other with SRP alone. The clinical outcomes like pocket depth (PD), relative attachment level (RAL) and sulcus bleeding index (SBI) were assessed at baseline, 3 months and 6 months. Twenty two patients (44 sites) were analyzed at the end of 6 month follow-up, using SPSS 20.0v software. There was a significant statistical difference observed between both the groups favouring SRP +PRGF group in terms of PD (p = 0.007) and RAL (p = 0.021) at the end of 6 month follow-up. Also there was a statistical significant difference (< 0.001) at all time points compared to baseline, for all parameters in intra-group comparison. Moreover, the sites with PD>4mm necessitating further treatment after 6-month follow-up were significantly lesser for SRP+PRGF group. The use of PRGF technology in non-surgical periodontal therapy, by single intra-pocket application in to periodontal pockets as an adjunct to SRP, in chronic periodontitis patients, was found to be effective in reduction of pocket depth and gain in clinical attachment level.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Periodontal Pocket/therapy , Dental Scaling/methods , Intercellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins/therapeutic use , Platelet-Rich Plasma , Time Factors , Periodontal Index , Double-Blind Method , Reproducibility of Results , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Periodontal Attachment Loss , Middle AgedABSTRACT
Abstract Objective This study aimed to clarify the association between oral human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and periodontitis in Japanese adults. Methodology In total, 190 patients (75 men and 115 women; mean age, 70.2 years) who visited Hiroshima University Hospital between March 2018 and May 2020 were included. Oral rinse samples were taken to examine the presence of HCMV DNA using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). P. gingivalis was detected by semi-quantitative PCR analysis. Results HCMV DNA was present in nine of 190 patients (4.7%). There were significant associations between HCMV presence and the presence of ≥4-mm-deep periodontal pockets with bleeding on probing (BOP) (P<0.01) and ≥6-mm-deep periodontal pockets with BOP (P=0.01). However, no significant relationship was observed between HCMV presence and periodontal epithelial surface area scores. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the presence of ≥4-mm-deep periodontal pockets with BOP was significantly associated with HCMV (odds ratio, 14.4; P=0.01). Propensity score matching was performed between patients presenting ≥4-mm-deep periodontal pockets with BOP (i.e., active periodontitis) and patients without ≥4-mm-deep periodontal pockets with BOP; 62 matched pairs were generated. Patients who had ≥4-mm-deep periodontal pockets with BOP showed a higher rate of HCMV presence (9.7%) than those who lacked ≥4-mm-deep periodontal pockets with BOP (0.0%). There was a significant relationship between HCMV presence and ≥4-mm-deep periodontal pockets with BOP (P=0.03). A significant relationship was found between HCMV/P. gingivalis DNA presence and ≥4-mm-deep periodontal pockets with BOP (P=0.03). Conclusions Coinfection of oral HCMV and P. gingivalis was significantly associated with active periodontitis. Moreover, interactions between oral HCMV and P. gingivalis may be related to the severity of periodontal disease.
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Periodontitis/microbiology , Periodontitis/epidemiology , Periodontitis/virology , Bacteroidaceae Infections/epidemiology , Cytomegalovirus Infections/epidemiology , Periodontal Pocket/microbiology , Periodontal Pocket/virology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Porphyromonas gingivalis , Cytomegalovirus , Coinfection , Japan/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Abstract Since December 2019, an outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in China and is now becoming a global Pandemic, with over 10.5 million cases worldwide. Angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE-2) has been considered the main receptor for the SARS-CoV-2 entry into human cells, and they are known to be present not only in lungs (therefore the common viral pneumonia) but also in nasopharyngeal mucosa, salivary cells and oral epithelial cells. Moreover, there seems to be recent evidence showing that the crevicular fluid on the periodontal pockets of patients presenting periodontitis could harbor SARS-CoV-2 and act as a potential reservoir for increased viral load in the oral cavity of COVID-positive patients. Additionally, sites with active periodontal disease might contribute for virus binding and tissue infection due to elevated expression of furin and cathepsin L proteases, which play a major role in enabling the SARS-CoV-2 to bind ACE-2 receptors and facilitating endosomal fusion in the host cells. Taken together this news and views article highlight possible virus reservoirs in COVID-positive patients, as well as increased risk for infection in patients with active periodontal disease, further proposing potential targets for antiviral intervention on SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Periodontal Diseases/pathology , Periodontitis , Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus/immunology , Pandemics , COVID-19 , Periodontal Pocket , PeriodonticsABSTRACT
Abstract Periodontal therapy usually requires local anesthesia. If effective, a non-invasive, liposomal anesthetic gel could increase the levels of acceptance of patients in relation to periodontal therapy. Objective: This study investigated the efficacy of liposomal anesthetic gel for pain control during periodontal therapy. Methodology: Forty volunteers with moderate to severe chronic periodontitis were recruited, of which at least three sextants required periodontal therapy. At least one of the selected teeth had one site with a probing depth of ≥4 mm. The volunteers received the following three gels: a placebo, lidocaine/prilocaine (Oraqix®), or a liposomal lidocaine/prilocaine, which were applied to different sextants. Pain frequency was registered during treatment and the volunteers received a digital counter to register any painful or uncomfortable experiences. At the end of each session, the volunteers indicated their pain intensity using rating scales (NRS-101 and VRS-4). The volunteers had their hemodynamic parameters measured by a non-invasive digital monitor. Results: Pain frequency/intensity did not show statistical difference between intervention groups. The tested gels did not interfere with the hemodynamic indices. Dental anxiety, suppuration and probing depth could influence pain during periodontal therapy. Conclusion: Our results suggest limited indications for the use of non-invasive anesthesia when used for scaling and root planing. Intra-pocket anesthetic gel could be a good option for anxious patients, or those who have a fear of needles.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Pain/prevention & control , Dental Scaling/adverse effects , Root Planing/adverse effects , Gels/administration & dosage , Anesthesia, Dental/methods , Anesthetics, Local/administration & dosage , Periodontal Pocket , Placebos , Prilocaine/administration & dosage , Pain Measurement/methods , Double-Blind Method , Chronic Periodontitis/complications , Chronic Periodontitis/therapy , Lidocaine, Prilocaine Drug Combination , Lidocaine/administration & dosageABSTRACT
A destruição periodontal resulta principalmente da resposta inflamatória exacerbada do hospedeiro frente ao desafio bacteriano. Por isso, pesquisas envolvendo a modulação da resposta do hospedeiro têm sido desenvolvidas com o objetivo de facilitar a resolução da inflamação, bem como promover reparação tecidual e estabilidade periodontal. Recentemente, o uso de ácidos graxos poli-insaturados de ômega-3 (AGP Ω-3) e ácido acetilsalicílico (AAS) foi relacionado à produção de mediadores lipídicos mais bioativos e à melhores resultados clínicos no tratamento de periodontite crônica. Desse modo, pesquisas envolvendo modulação das respostas inflamatórias de portadores de periodontite agressiva (PAg) podem ser de grande valia. Assim, o objetivo dos presentes estudos clínicos controlados randomizados foi avaliar a utilização da suplementação de 900 mg AGP Ω-3 e 100 mg de AAS por 180 dias como adjuvantes ao tratamento de PAg generalizada (PAgG). (1) Selecionou-se 38 pacientes com PAgG os quais receberam debridamento subgengival associado a AGP Ω-3 e AAS (n=19) ou placebo (n=19). Ambos os grupos apresentaram diminuição (p<0,05) em todos os parâmetros clínicos avaliados, bem como em IL-1ß, sem diferença entre os tratamentos (p>0,05). O nível de TIMP-2 diminuiu significantemente no grupo controle, porém se manteve estável no grupo teste. Concluiu-se que a nova terapia proposta não trouxe benefícios clínicos no tratamento não-cirúrgico de PAgG. (2) Selecionou-se 34 pacientes com PAgG previamente submetidos à terapia básica que apresentavam bolsas residuais e foram submetidos à cirurgia de acesso para raspagem e alisamento radicular associado a AGP Ω-3 e AAS (n=17) ou placebo (n=17). Após 6 meses, ambos os grupos obtiveram diminuição na PS (p<0,05), porém somente o grupo teste obteve ganho no NIC na comparação intergrupo (p=0,02), assim como apresentou menor recessão gengival (p=0,03), diminuição da hipersensibilidade dentinária (p=0,01), menor consumo de analgésicos (p=0,02) e diminuição intragrupo de IL-10 (p<0,05). Concluiu-se que a nova terapia proposta trouxe benefícios clínicos no tratamento de bolsas residuais de pacientes com PAgG(AU)
Periodontal destruction results mainly from the exacerbated host inflammatory response to the bacterial challenge. For this reason, research involving the modulation of host response has been developed aiming to facilitate the resolution of inflammation, as well as to promote tissue repair and periodontal stability. Recently, the use of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (Ω-3 PUFA) and low-dose acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) was related to the production of enhanced lipidic mediators and to better clinical outcomes in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. Thus, the aim of the present randomized controlled clinical trials was to evaluate the use of 900 mg Ω-3PUFA and 100 mg ASA for 180 days as adjuvants to the treatment of generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAgP). (1) Thirty-eight GAgP patients were submitted to subgingival debridement associated with Ω-3 PUFA and ASA (n=19) or placebo (n=19). Both groups showed a statistically significant decrease (p<0.05) in all clinical parameters, as well as a decrease in IL-1ß, with no difference between treatments (p>0.05). The TIMP-2 level significantly decreased in the control group and remained stable in the test group. It was concluded that the proposed new therapy did not bring clinical benefits in the non-surgical treatment (NST) of GAgP. (2) Thirty-four GAgP patients previously submitted to NST with residual pockets were selected and underwent open flap debridement associated with Ω-3 PUFA 3 and ASA (n=17) or placebo (n=17). After 6 months, both therapies led to decreased PD (p>0.05), but only the test group had CAL gain in the intergroup comparison (p=0,02), as well as presented less gingival recession (p=0,03), decreased dentin hypersensitivity (p=0,01), lower consumption of analgesics (p=0,02) and significant intragroup reduction of IL-10 (p<0.05). It was concluded that the proposed new therapy brought clinical benefits in the surgical treatment of GAgP patient(AU)
Fatty Acids, Omega-3/administration & dosage , Periodontal Pocket/complications , Aggressive Periodontitis/diagnosis , Aspirin/pharmacology , Immunologic Factors/immunologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to describe the microbiological profile of HIV patients under highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART). This crosssectional study comprised 32 HIV patients with periodontal disease (PD) who had been under HAART for more than 6 months. Information about the patients' medical history was obtained from clinical records. Clinical dental examination was performed by a calibrated researcher using standard dental instruments to determine probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), and bleeding on probing (BOP). A total 4,765 periodontal sites were evaluated, 125 of which were also studied microbiologically. Subgingival biofilm samples were obtained using sterile paper points; one set was used for microbiological culture studies and the other for endpoint PCR. Statistical analysis was performed using KruskalWallis and posthoc DunnBonferroni contrast tests. All participants were on HAART at the time of the study, and 90.6% had a viral load below 50 copies/mm3. Prevalence of periodontally active sites was low in the study population. Microbiological studies: Black pigmented anaerobic bacteria and fusiform CFU counts were significantly higher in samples from sites with BOP and PD ≥4mm (p 0.020 and p 0.005, respectively). Molecular Assays: Detection of Porphyromonas gingivalis (p 0.002), Tannerella forsythia (p 0.023) and Treponema denticola (p 0.015) was significantly more frequent at sites with BOP and PD ≥4mm. Conclusions: The patients living with HIV/AIDS under HAART studied here had low prevalence of clinical periodontal disease signs. However, significant detection of P. gingivalis, T. denticola, and T. forsythia in periodontal active sites, and the involvement of these microorganisms as potential HIV reactivators, show the importance of creating awareness among dental health professionals of the need for close dental and periodontal monitoring in HIV patients.
RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio fue describir el perfil microbiológico del biofilm subgingival de los pacientes con VIH bajo tratamiento antirretroviral de alta actividad (TARGA). El estudio comprendió a 32 pacientes VIH seropositivos con enfermedad periodontal (EP) que se encontraran en tratamiento con TARGA por más de 6 meses. Los antecedentes médicos de los pacientes se obtuvieron de las historias clínicas. El examen clínico instrumental (profun didad de sondaje (PS), nivel de inserción clínico (NIC) y sangrado al sondaje (SS)) fue realizado con instrumental odontológico estándar por un investigador calibrado. De este modo, se evaluaron un total de 4.765 sitios periodontales de los cuales 125 fueron estudiados microbiológicamente. Las muestras de biope lícula subgingival se obtuvieron empleando conos de papel estéril. Las muestras se emplearon en estudios microbiológicos y moleculares por PCR de punto final. El análisis estadístico se realizó según KruskalWallis y pruebas de contrastes posthoc de DunnBonferroni. El 90,6% de la población en estudio presentó carga viral inferior a 50 copias/mm3. La prevalencia de sitios periodontales activos fue baja (1%). Los recuentos de bacterias anaerobias estrictas pigmentadas de negro y fusiformes fueron significativamente más altos en muestras de sitios periodontales con SS positivo y PS ≥4 mm (p 0.020 y p 0.005). La detección molecular de Porphyromonas gingivalis (p 0.002), Tannerella forsythia (p 0.023) y Treponema denticola (p 0.015) fue significativamente mayor en los sitios con SS y PS ≥4mm. La prevalencia del 1% de enfermedad periodontal en el grupo de pacientes estudiados fue menor a la esperada, sin embargo; la detección significativa de P. gingivalis, T. denticola y T. forsythia en sitios periodontales activos y su potencial participación como agentes reactivadores del VIH, nos alerta de la importancia de crear conciencia en los profesionales de la salud (médicos y odontólogos) acerca de la necesidad de un monitoreo minucioso del estado periodontal de pacientes con características semejantes a las descriptas en la muestra poblacional estudiada.
Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Periodontal Pocket/microbiology , Periodontitis/microbiology , HIV Infections/microbiology , HIV Infections/drug therapy , Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active , Gingiva/microbiology , Periodontal Diseases , Periodontitis/complications , Argentina , HIV Infections/complications , Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans/isolation & purification , Porphyromonas gingivalis/isolation & purification , Biofilms , Anti-HIV Agents/pharmacology , Dental Health Services , Dental Plaque/microbiology , Treponema denticola , Tannerella forsythiaABSTRACT
Abstract The present study aimed to evaluate clinical and microbiological effects of surgical and nonsurgical periodontal therapy in generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAgP) treatment. Sixteen GAgP patients were included in this randomized split-mouth design clinical trial. Maxillary quadrants were allocated into two groups: Nonsurgical Therapy (NST) and Surgical Therapy (ST). The following clinical parameters were assessed: plaque index (PI), bleeding on probing index (BoP), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL) and gingival margin position (GMP). Concentrations of Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg) and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) in the subgingival biofilm were also determined. Clinical and microbiological parameters were assessed at baseline (n=16), 3 (n=15), 6 (n=15) and 12 months (n=8) after treatment. ST was able to promote higher PD reduction compared to NST in deep pockets at 12 months (p<0.05) and in posterior teeth at 6 months (p<0.05). In addition, higher gingival recession was observed in posterior teeth of the ST group at the 6th month (p<0.05). However, ST failed to promoted additional CAL gain in any timepoint (p>0.05). Moreover, microbiological evaluation showed no statistical difference in levels of Aa and Pg for both groups at all follow-up periods. Surgical therapy promoted similar clinical benefits to GAgP therapy. Moreover, both therapies failed to reduce Aa and Pg levels at different follow-up times.
Resumo O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos clínicos e microbiológicos de terapia periodontal cirúrgica e não cirúrgica no tratamento da periodontite agressiva generalizada (PAgG). Dezesseis pacientes portadores de PAgG foram incluídos neste estudo clínico, prospectivo, randomizado, de boca dividida. Os quadrantes superiores de cada paciente foram alocados em dois grupos: um grupo de terapia não-cirúrgica (NST) e um grupo de terapia cirúrgica (ST). Os parâmetros clínicos avaliados foram: índice de placa (PI), sangramento à sondagem índice (BoP), profundidade de sondagem (PD), nível clínico de inserção (CAL) e posição da margem gengival (GMP). Também foram determinadas as concentrações de Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg) e Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) no biofilme subgengival. Os parâmetros clínicos e microbiológicos foram avaliados no início, 3, 6 e 12 meses após o tratamento. A terapia cirúrgica foi capaz de promover maior redução de PD em comparação com NST em bolsas profundas aos 12 meses (p<0,05) e em dentes posteriores aos 6 meses (p<0,05). Além disso, houve maior recessão gengival nos dentes posteriores do grupo ST no 6° mês (p<0,05). Entretanto, ST não promoveu ganho adicionais de inserção (CAL) em nenhum período do avaliação. A avaliação microbiológica não mostrou diferença estatística nos níveis de Aa e Pg, para ambos os grupos, em todos os períodos de acompanhamento. O tratamento cirúrgico promoveu benefícios clínicos similares ao tratamento não cirúrgico em pacientes com PAgG. Além disso, ambas as terapias não conseguiram reduzir os níveis Aa e Pg após terapia.