Introdução: A periostite é uma inflamação do periósteo que pode se estender para os tecidos moles adjacentes. Há pouca informação na literatura sobre alterações genéticas nessas lesões, as quais são reparadas por intensas reações de proliferação osteoblástica e possuem curso clínico semelhante ao das osteomielites crônicas inespecíficas, que podem evoluir para neoplasias. Objetivo: análise citogenética de amostra de periostite para detecção e descrição de alterações cromossômicas, principalmente as associadas com desenvolvimento de neoplasias. Métodos: material obtido de lesão em palato de paciente, um homem de 74 anos de idade, submetido anteriormente a cirurgias de remoção de carcinoma basocelular em nariz e cavidade oral. Após a coleta, com estudo histopatológico confirmando apenas material de periostite, a amostra foi submetida à análise citogenética a partir de cultura de células e bandamento GTG. Resultados: o cariótipo composto evidenciou, como alterações clonais, monossomia dos cromossomos 10, 15, 20 e 22; trissomia do cromossomo 22; inversão do cromossomo 12 e deleção de 15q. O grande número de alterações cromossômicas estaria relacionado com a alta taxa de proliferação celular, a qual poderia induzir replicação celular desbalanceada e instabilidade genética. Há genes, envolvidos com desenvolvimento de neoplasias, localizados nos pontos de quebra das alterações estruturais encontradas nos cromossomos 12 e 15. Conclusão: foram evidenciadas várias alterações cromossômicas que refletiriam a proliferação celular local. A análise citogenética em casos de periostite poderá auxiliar na descoberta de biomarcadores de prognóstico e ser utilizada, futuramente, na rotina médica para um melhor manejo dos pacientes.
Introduction: Periostitis is an inflammation of the soft tissues adjacent to the bone that affects the periosteum. There is little information in the literature about genetic alterations in these lesions, which are repaired by intense osteoblast proliferation reactions and present a clinical course that resembles that of nonspecific chronic osteomyelitis that may progress to neoplasms. Objective: Cytogenetic analysis of periostitis sample for detection and description of chromosomal alterations, especially those associated with cancer development. Methods: Material obtained from a palate lesion of a 74-year-old man who had previously undergone surgery to remove basal cell carcinoma in the nose and oral cavity. After collection, with a histopathological study confirming only periostitis material, the sample was submitted to a cytogenetic analysis from cell culture and GTG banding. Results: The composite karyotype showed, as clonal alterations, monosomy of chromosomes 10, 15, 20, and 22; trisomy of chromosome 22; inversion of chromosome 12, and deletion of 15q. The large number of chromosomal alterations would be related to the high rate of cell proliferation, which could induce unbalanced cell replication and genetic instability. There are genes, which are involved in the development of neoplasms, mapped at the breakpoints of structural changes found on chromosomes 12 and 15. Conclusion: Several chromosomal alterations that were observed would reflect local cell proliferation. Cytogenetic analysis of periostitis may help in the discovery of prognostic biomarkers and may be used in the medical routine for better patient management in the future.
Chromosome Aberrations , Periostitis , Cytogenetic AnalysisABSTRACT
Abstract Florid reactive periostitis is a benign andrare lesion that is a recurrent diagnostic problem. Its etiopathogenesis remains unknown. Florid reactive periostitis consists of a fibrotic, cartilage- producing tumor accompanied by an aggressive inflammatory periosteal and soft tissue reaction. It typically occurs in adolescents and young adults, mostly female; it often affects hand and foot bones, and it may occur in long bones. Its diagnosis remains a major challenge due to the vast possibility of differential diagnoses. Therefore, careful clinical, radiological, and pathological evaluation is required to establish a proper diagnosis. We report the case of a patientwith florid reactive periostitis in the proximal phalanx of the right index finger, who underwent surgical excision with a wide margin, from the second ray to the proximal third of the secondmetacarpal bone, and evolved without complications,with satisfactory range of motion and strength.
Resumo A periostite reativa florida éumalesão benigna e rara que constitui umproblema recorrente de diagnóstico. Sua etiopatogênese permanece desconhecida. A periostite reativa florida caracteriza- se por ser uma reação periosteal agressiva e inflamatória de tecido mole e por ser um tumor portador de fibrose e produtor de cartilagem. Ocorreemadolescentes e adultos jovens, com predomínio no sexo feminino, e acomete com frequência os ossos das mãos e pés, podendoacometer tambémossos longos.Odiagnósticopermaneceumgrandedesafiodevido à enorme possibilidade de diagnósticos diferenciais. Por isso, uma cuidadosa avaliação clínica, radiológica e patológica é necessária para fechar o diagnóstico. Relata-se o caso de umpaciente com periostite reativa florida na falange proximal do segundo dedo da mão direita, que foi submetida à excisão cirúrgica com margem ampla do segundo raio até o terço proximal do segundometacarpo, e evoluiu semqueixas, comamplitude demovimento e força satisfatória.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Periostitis , Bone Neoplasms , Finger PhalangesABSTRACT
PURPOSE: An ingrown nail is common in military trainees who are exposed to highly demanding activities. Although the matrixectomy procedure has been the main treatment modality, several drawbacks may follow after the procedure, such as infection, periostitis, and continued pain that causes a delayed return to duty. This study examined the outcomes of a simple partial nail extraction with the hypothesis that this procedure may bring an earlier return to duty, lower the perioperative complications, and produce a comparable recurrence rate. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The medical records of patients who had surgical treatment for an ingrown nail in the authors' institution between April 2016 and December 2017 were reviewed retrospectively. Under the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 28 patients with a simple partial nail extraction (group A) and 29 patients with a partial nail extraction with matrixectomy (group B) were investigated. As the clinical outcome, the visual analogue scale (VAS) and satisfaction score, time to return to duty, complications, and recurrence rate were checked and compared between the groups. RESULTS: The VAS scores of group B were significantly higher during the first (p<0.001) and second (p=0.026) follow-up week than group A. The time to return to duty was shorter in group A (7.8 days) than group B (10.1 days), and this difference was significant (p<0.001). Group B had five patients with complications, whereas group A had none (p=0.028). No differences in the recurrence rate (p=0.197) and patient satisfaction (p=0.764) were found between the groups. CONCLUSION: In this study, simple partial nail extraction in military trainees resulted in lower postoperative pain, lower complication rates, and earlier return to duty than the procedure with matrixectomy. Military trainees are temporarily exposed to highly demanding activities. Thus, a satisfactory outcome would be expected with simple partial nail extraction without performing a radical procedure, such as a matrixectomy.
Humans , Follow-Up Studies , Medical Records , Military Personnel , Nails, Ingrown , Pain, Postoperative , Patient Satisfaction , Periostitis , Recurrence , Retrospective Studies , ToesABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To compare the diagnostic ability of undergraduate dental students to detect maxillary sinus abnormalities in panoramic radiographs (PR) and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a retrospective study based on the evaluation of PR and CBCT images. A pilot study was conducted to determine the number of students eligible to participate in the study. The images were evaluated by 2 students, and 280 maxillary sinuses were assessed using the following categories: normal, mucosal thickening, sinus polyp, antral pseudocyst, nonspecific opacification, periostitis, antrolith, and antrolith associated with mucosal thickening. The reference standard was established by the consensus of 2 oral radiologists based on the CBCT images. The kappa test, receiver operating characteristic curves, and 1-way analysis of variance with the Tukey-Kramer post-hoc test were employed. RESULTS: Intraobserver and interobserver reliability showed agreement ranging from substantial (0.809) to almost perfect (0.922). The agreement between the students' evaluations and the reference standard was reasonable (0.258) for PR and substantial (0.692) for CBCT. Comparisons of values of sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy showed that CBCT was significantly better (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: CBCT was better than PR for the detection of maxillary sinus abnormalities by dental students. However, CBCT should only be requested after a careful analysis of PR by students and more experienced professionals.
Humans , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Consensus , Maxillary Sinus , Periostitis , Pilot Projects , Polyps , Radiography, Panoramic , Retrospective Studies , ROC Curve , Sensitivity and Specificity , Students, DentalABSTRACT
La hipofosfatasia (HP) es una enfermedad congénita, causada por mutaciones con pérdida de función en el gen ALPL que codifica la isoenzima no específica de tejido de la fosfatasa alcalina (TNSALP). Su expresión clínica es muy variable, desde casos de muerte intraútero por alteración grave de la mineralización ósea, hasta casos solo con caída prematura de la dentición. Se presenta el caso clínico de un varón al que se le diagnosticó odontohipofosfatasia a los 30 meses por pérdida temprana de piezas dentarias y niveles anormalmente bajos de fosfatasa alcalina, sin signos de raquitismo ni deformidades óseas. Durante su seguimiento, hasta los 13 años, presentó síntomas compatibles con HP infantil leve, como cansancio al caminar, incoordinación en la marcha y dolor en miembros inferiores que aumentaban con la actividad física. Ante la aparición de edema bimaleolar y poca respuesta al tratamiento con calcitonina y antiinflamatorios, se descartaron patologías infecciosas o reumáticas o ambas y se diagnosticó, por biopsia de tibia y peroné, periostitis sin detección de cristales de pirofosfato. Los controles radiológicos durante su evolución mostraron ensanchamiento metafisario en muñeca, falta de remodelado de metacarpianos, hojaldrado perióstico en tibia y peroné e hipomineralización en metáfisis tibiales, con "lenguas radiolúcidas" características de HP. Como conclusión, la hipofosfatasia debe considerarse como una entidad clínica para descartar en niños que presentan pérdida temprana de dientes. La presencia de este cuadro clínico es en general suficiente para realizar el diagnóstico de HP de la niñez. (AU)
Hypophosphatasia (HP) is a congenital disease, caused by mutations with loss of function in the gene ALPL that encodes the non-specific tissue isoenzyme of alkaline phosphatase (TNSALP). Its clinical expression displays considerable variability, from cases of intrauterine death due to severe alteration of bone mineralization, to cases with only early loss of teeth. We report the case of a male, diagnosed as odontohypophosphatasia at 30 months of age due to early loss of teeth and abnormally low levels of alkaline phosphatase, without signs of rickets or bone deformities. During follow-up, up to 13 years of age, he presented symptoms consistent with mild infantile HP such as tiredness when walking, lack of gait coordination, and pain in lower limbs, especially after physical activity. Due to the appearance of bimalleolar edema and poor response to treatment with calcitonin and anti-inflammatory drugs, infectious and / or rheumatic pathologies were ruled out. Periostitis without pyrophosphate crystal detection was diagnosed by tibial and fibular biopsy. Radiological controls during follow up showed metaphyseal wrist enlargement, lack of remodeling of metacarpals, periosteal flaking in the tibia and fibula and hypomineralization in the tibial metaphysis, with "radiolucent tongues"; characteristic of HP. In conclusion, hypophosphatasia should be considered as a clinical entity in children who present early loss of teeth. The presentation of this clinical case is generally sufficient to make the diagnosis of childhood HP. (AU)
Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Alkaline Phosphatase/genetics , Hypophosphatasia/diagnosis , Periostitis/diagnosis , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/diagnosis , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/therapy , Sodium Fluoride/administration & dosage , Tibia/diagnostic imaging , Tooth Abnormalities/genetics , Vitamin B Complex/therapeutic use , Calcitonin/administration & dosage , Carbamazepine/therapeutic use , Alkaline Phosphatase/blood , Fibula/diagnostic imaging , Hydroxycholecalciferols/adverse effects , Hypophosphatasia/pathology , Hypophosphatasia/blood , Hypophosphatasia/therapy , Magnesium Sulfate/therapeutic use , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
ABSTRACT The authors report a case of congenital syphilis in a newborn with a bone lesion, resulting in left ankle periostitis.
RESUMO Os autores apresentam um caso de um recém-nascido portador de sífilis congênita com lesão óssea que evoluiu com periostite no tornozelo esquerdo.
Pregnancy , Bone Diseases , Periostitis , Syphilis, CongenitalABSTRACT
Summary Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis is an idiopathic nonpyogenic autoinflammatory bone disorder involving multiple sites, with clinical progression persisting for more than 6 months and which may have episodes of remission and exacerbation in the long term. It represents up to 2-5% of the cases of osteomyelitis, with an approximate incidence of up to 4/1,000,000 individuals, and average age of disease onset estimated between 8-11 years, predominantly in females. The legs are the most affected, with a predilection for metaphyseal regions along the growth plate. We describe the case of a female patient, aged 2 years and 5 months, with involvement of the left ulna, right jaw and left tibia, showing a predominance of periosteal reaction as main finding.
Resumo Osteomielite crônica multifocal recorrente é uma desordem autoinflamatória óssea idiopática não piogênica, envolvendo vários sítios e com evolução clínica persistindo por mais de 6 meses, podendo apresentar episódios de remissão e exacerbação em longo prazo. Representa de 2 a 5% das osteomielites, com incidência aproximada de até 4/1.000.000, com idade média de apresentação estimada entre 8 e 11 anos, predominando no gênero feminino. Os membros inferiores são os mais afetados, com predileção para regiões metafisárias junto à fise. Descrevemos um caso da doença em uma menina de 2 anos e 5 meses de idade, com acometimento de ulna esquerda, mandíbula à direita e tíbia esquerda, exibindo predomínio de reação periosteal como achado principal.
Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Osteomyelitis/pathology , Osteomyelitis/diagnostic imaging , Periostitis/pathology , Periostitis/diagnostic imaging , Tibia/pathology , Tibia/diagnostic imaging , Ulna/pathology , Ulna/diagnostic imaging , Biopsy , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Mandible/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
In prolonged chronic osteomyelitis, chronic inflammation and low-grade infections can result in new periosteal bone formation. Chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis (traditionally termed Garré's sclerosing osteomyelitis) mainly affects children and young adults. Here, we present two rare cases of an 11-year-old and a 12-year-old patient with suppurative chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis without any definitive infection source, such as dental caries or periodontitis. The source of infection was likely to be related to the development of a lower right third molar germ with follicular space widening. Management involved antibiotics and the removal of the third molar germ and surgical debridement. Disease remission and a normal appearance was observed at the six-month follow-up visit.