Abstract Background: Acute stress disorder (ASD) is one of the most frequent mental illnesses occurring during sanitary emergencies. This study aimed to estimate the frequency of ASD in health care workers of a tertiary level pediatric hospital during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study in which health care workers completed a virtual questionnaire, including sociodemographic information and the ASD scale. Results: We analyzed 206 questionnaires. The population was divided into three groups: attending physicians, medical residents, and nursing personnel. The frequency of health care workers who showed at least nine symptoms of ASD was 88.8%. No significant differences were found between the studied groups. Conclusions: ASD is a frequent condition in health care workers in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. We need to investigate further and assess risk and protective factors for developing this and other psychopathologies in this population.
Resumen Introducción: El trastorno por estrés agudo es una de las enfermedades mentales más frecuentemente manifestadas en emergencias sanitarias. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la frecuencia con la que se presentó el trastorno por estrés agudo en el personal de salud de un hospital pediátrico de tercer nivel durante la epidemia de COVID-19. Método: Se realizó un estudio transversal en el que trabajadores de la salud contestaron un cuestionario virtual que incluyó datos sociodemográficos y la Escala de Trastorno por Estrés Agudo. Resultados: Se analizaron 206 encuestas. La población se dividió en tres grupos: médicos adscritos, residentes y personal de enfermería. El 88.8% de los trabajadores de la salud reportaron más de nueve síntomas de trastorno por estrés agudo. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos de estudio. Conclusiones: Los síntomas del trastorno por estrés agudo son frecuentes en los trabajadores de la salud en el contexto de la COVID-19. Es necesario investigar acerca de los factores de riesgo y protectores asociados al desarrollo de esta y otras psicopatologías en dicha población.
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Health Personnel/psychology , Occupational Stress/epidemiology , COVID-19/prevention & control , Acute Disease , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Tertiary Care Centers , Hospitals, PediatricABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION@#Frontline healthcare workers (HCWs) exposed to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are at risk of psychological distress. This study evaluates the psychological impact of COVID-19 pandemic on HCWs in a national paediatric referral centre.@*METHODS@#This was a survey-based study that collected demographic, work environment and mental health data from paediatric HCWs in the emergency, intensive care and infectious disease units. Psychological impact was measured using the Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale-21. Multivariate regression analysis was performed to identify risk factors associated with psychological distress.@*RESULTS@#The survey achieved a response rate of 93.9% (430 of 458). Of the 430 respondents, symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress were reported in 168 (39.1%), 205 (47.7%) and 106 (24.7%), respectively. Depression was reported in the mild (47, 10.9%), moderate (76, 17.7%), severe (23, 5.3%) and extremely severe (22, 5.1%) categories. Anxiety (205, 47.7%) and stress (106, 24.7%) were reported in the mild category only. Collectively, regression analysis identified female sex, a perceived lack of choice in work scope/environment, lack of protection from COVID-19, lack of access to physical activities and rest, the need to perform additional tasks, and the experience of stigma from the community as risk factors for poor psychological outcome.@*CONCLUSION@#A high prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress was reported among frontline paediatric HCWs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Personal psychoneuroimmunity and organisational prevention measures can be implemented to lessen psychiatric symptoms. At the national level, involving mental health professionals to plan and coordinate psychological intervention for the country should be considered.
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Anxiety/etiology , COVID-19/psychology , Depression/etiology , Health Surveys , Hospitals, Pediatric , Logistic Models , Multivariate Analysis , Occupational Diseases/etiology , Pandemics , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Self Report , Severity of Illness Index , Singapore/epidemiology , Stress, Psychological/etiologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The rapid spread of the COVID-19 epidemic has led to extraordinary measures taken worldwide, and has led to serious psychological disorders. Healthcare professionals face greater severity of stress burden, due both to their direct contact with patients with the virus and to the isolation dimension of this outbreak. OBJECTIVE: To examine psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression and sleep disorders among healthcare professionals working in an emergency department and a COVID-19 clinic. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study including healthcare professionals in the emergency department and other units serving patients with COVID-19, of a training and research hospital in Turkey. METHODS: 210 volunteers, including 105 healthcare professionals in the emergency department and 105 healthcare professionals working in other departments rendering services for COVID-19 patients, were included in this study. A sociodemographic data form and the Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HAD), Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), World Health Organization Quality of Life scale (WHOQOL-BREF-TR) and Religious Orientation Scale were applied to the volunteers. RESULTS: The perceived stress levels and PSQI subscores were found to be significantly higher among the volunteers working in the emergency department than among those in other departments. The risk of development of anxiety among women was 16.6 times higher than among men. CONCLUSIONS: Healthcare professionals on the frontline need systematic regular psychosocial support mechanisms. Anxiety due to fear of infecting family members can be prevented through precautions such as isolation. However, it should be remembered that loneliness and feelings of missing family members consequent to isolation may increase the risk of depression.
Humans , Male , Female , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Pneumonia, Viral , Mental Health , Coronavirus Infections , Pandemics , Occupational Stress/epidemiology , Quality of Life , Turkey/epidemiology , Volunteers/psychology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Betacoronavirus , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19Subject(s)
Humans , Hospitals, Voluntary/supply & distribution , Economics, Hospital/ethics , Materials Management, Hospital/methods , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Hospitals, Voluntary/organization & administration , Health Personnel/psychology , Coronavirus Infections/economics , Equity in the Resource Allocation , Harm Reduction , Consensus , Patient Care/ethics , Hospital Distribution Systems/economicsABSTRACT
Resumo Objetivou-se identificar os fatores associados à personalidade hardiness em profissionais de saúde atuantes em serviços hospitalares que atendem a pacientes críticos. Estudo epidemiológico, transversal e analítico, realizado com 469 profissionais de saúde. Como instrumento, utilizou-se a Escala Hardiness (EH) associada a um questionário para investigar as condições sociodemográficas, ocupacionais e de saúde. Foi realizada a análise descritiva e bivariada por meio do teste qui-quadrado e modelo múltiplo através de regressão logística múltipla, utilizando o teste Hosmer Lemeshow e PseudoR2, estimando razão das chances (odds ratio). A classificação dos escores totais na EH evidenciou preponderância de moderado hardiness (48,4%). A chance de alto hardiness entre profissionais com estilo de vida fantástico regular ou ruim reduziu em 74% quando comparado aos considerados muito bons e excelentes. Também esteve aumentada entre os profissionais que não tiveram licença/afastamento, que apresentavam alta satisfação por compaixão no trabalho, baixo estresse e baixo burnout. A personalidade hardiness influência direta e indiretamente a saúde e o bem-estar do profissional de saúde atuante em serviços hospitalares que atendem a pacientes críticos.
Abstract This study aimed to identify factors associated with the hardy personality in health professionals working in hospital services that treat critically ill patients. This is an epidemiological, cross-sectional, and analytical study conducted with 469 health professionals. We used the Hardiness Scale (HS), coupled with a questionnaire to investigate sociodemographic, occupational, and health conditions. A descriptive and bivariate analysis was performed using the chi-square test and the multiple model through multiple logistic regression, using the Hosmer-Lemeshow and PseudoR2 tests, estimating odds ratios. The classification of total scores in HS showed prevailing moderate hardiness (48.4%). Professionals with a fair or poor fantastic lifestyle (FL) were 74% less likely to show high hardiness than those with very good and excellent FL. Also, professionals who were not on leave, who had high satisfaction with compassion at work, low stress, and low burnout were more likely to show high hardiness. The hardy personality, directly and indirectly, influences the health and well-being of health professionals working in hospital services that treat critically ill patients.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Personality , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Adaptation, Psychological , Critical Care , Resilience, Psychological , Occupational Stress/psychology , Epidemiologic Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Middle AgedABSTRACT
El principal activo de las organizaciones está constituido por sus trabajadores, por lo cual se debe prestar una especial atención a su motivación y satisfacción, y también a la relación con el desempeño. La satisfacción laboral de los profesionales del sistema de salud se relaciona directamente con la calidad de servicio ofrecido, de ahí la importancia de su medición. La insatisfacción puede repercutir negativamente en la calidad de atención. La presente investigación tiene por objetivo determinar el nivel de satisfacción y motivación laboral de los y las profesionales matronas del Hospital de Puerto Montt-Chile, para lo cual se realizó un estudio de carácter cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal. Para medir la motivación se empleó el Job Diagnostic Survey y para la satisfacción se utilizó la escala de satisfacción laboral SL-SPC. Se logró determinar que los profesionales poseen niveles de motivación media-alta en todas las dimensiones estudiadas. Respecto a los factores de satisfacción, el estudio arrojó un nivel medio-bajo, en la mayoría de los factores medidos.
The main asset of an organization is its workers. Special attention must be paid to their motivation and satisfaction and also to how they relate to performance. Job satisfaction of health care professionals is directly related to the quality of care provided, hence the importance of its measurement. Dissatisfaction can negatively impact the quality of care. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of satisfaction and work motivation of the midwifery professionals of the Hospital of Puerto Montt (Chile). We used a quantitative, descriptive, and cross-sectional study. To measure motivation, we used the Job Diagnostic Survey, and to measure satisfaction, we used the SL-SPC scale. It was possible to determine that the professionals have medium-high levels of motivation in all the dimensions studied. Regarding satisfaction factors, the study showed a medium-low level, in most of the factors measured.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Job Satisfaction , Midwifery/statistics & numerical data , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Hospitals , MotivationABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the patient safety culture among the workers of a hospital institution in southern Brazil. Method: This is a cross-sectional study, which was performed with 630 hospital workers, at Santa Rosa, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, through the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire tool, in the month of April 2017. Results: We found positive scores in all the safety culture domains, except for the perceived stress domain. Conclusion: Job satisfaction and teamwork spirit showed better scores for nursing and health professionals, when compared to the support team. Schooling, gender, operation time and the choice of workplace positively influenced the safe atmosphere.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Evaluar la cultura de seguridad del paciente entre los trabajadores de una institución hospitalaria de Santa Rosa, Río Grande del Sur, Brasil. Método: Estudio transversal, el cual se desarrolló con un equipo multidisciplinario de una institución hospitalaria, mediante el instrumento Safety Attitudes Questionnaire, en el mes de abril de 2017. Resultados: Se encontraron puntuaciones positivas en todos los dominios de la cultura de seguridad, excepto para el dominio sobre la percepción del estrés. Conclusión: La satisfacción laboral y el clima de trabajo en equipo demostraron mejores puntuaciones para profesionales de la enfermería y del área de la salud, en comparación con el equipo de apoyo. La escolaridad, el género, el tiempo activo en la profesión y la elección por el sitio de trabajo influenciaron el clima de seguridad de manera positiva.
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a cultura de segurança do paciente entre todos os trabalhadores de uma instituição hospitalar no sul do Brasil. Método: Estudo transversal, realizado com 630 trabalhadores de um hospital de Santa Rosa, no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, por meio do instrumento Safety Attitudes Questionnaire, no mês de abril de 2017. Resultados: Encontraram-se escores positivos em todos os domínios da cultura de segurança, exceto para o domínio percepção do estresse. Conclusão: A satisfação do trabalho e o clima de trabalho em equipe demonstraram melhores escores para profissionais da enfermagem e da área da saúde, se comparado à equipe de apoio. Escolaridade, gênero, tempo de atuação e a escolha pela unidade de trabalho influenciaram positivamente o clima de segurança.
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Safety Management , Patient Safety , Hospitals, General , Nursing Staff, Hospital/psychology , Patient Care Team , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Stress, Psychological/diagnosis , Brazil , Organizational Culture , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Job Satisfaction , Nursing Staff, Hospital/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: La muerte en la infancia es una realidad a la que se ven enfrentados los profesionales de salud, especialmente en unidades de alta complejidad como son los cuidados intensivos. Esto genera en los profesionales impotencia y frustración, comprometiendo su salud física, emocional y mental, agravada por la sensación de bajo soporte social y deficiente preparación para el afrontamiento de la muerte y el apoyo a los familiares de sus pacientes. OBJETIVO: Develar la percepción de apoyo en duelo de profesionales y técnicos en unidades de cuidado intensivo pediátrico de hospitales públicos, tras la muerte de los pacientes. SUJETOS Y MÉTODO: Estudio cualitativo con enfoque fenomenológico. Se realizaron 16 entrevistas en profundidad a profesionales y técnicos de cuidados intensivos pediátricos de cinco hospitales públicos de Santiago. Como criterios de inclusión se consideraron el trabajar por más de un año en la unidad, haber vivenciado la muerte de pacientes, y reconocer que ha cursado un duelo profesional. La entrevista fue guiada por la siguiente pregunta: ¿Cómo ha vivenciado usted el apoyo en duelo recibido, tras la muerte de pacientes en su unidad? Una vez trascritas las narrativas se realizó el análisis fenomenológico y posterior triangulación de los datos, logrando la saturación. RESULTADOS: Se develó que los participantes se sienten poco apoyados en sus duelos tras la muerte de los pacientes, existiendo obstáculos para su afrontamiento. Aunque enfrentar la muerte es algo complejo para ellos, reconocen que son capaces de generar estrategias de protección y además se sienten apoyados por personas de su entorno. A pesar de lo complejo de esta experiencia, ellos consideran que existen aprendizajes al enfrentar la muerte que los lleva a dar sentido a su labor profesional. CONCLUSIÓN: Los profesionales requieren que las pérdidas en el ámbito laboral sean reconocidas, y por ello, contar con un apoyo formal y continuo de su equipo de trabajo e institución.
INTRODUCTION: Death in childhood is a reality faced by health professionals, especially in highly com plex units such as intensive care ones. This leads to feelings of helplessness and frustration in health professionals, compromising their physical, emotional, and mental health, which is worsened by the feeling of low social support and poor preparation for coping with death and support for the patient's family. OBJECTIVE: To expose the perception of sorrow support of professionals and techni cians in pediatric intensive care units of public hospitals, after the death of the patients. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: Qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. 16 in-depth interviews were conducted with pediatric intensive care professionals and technicians from five public hospitals in Santiago, Chile. Inclusion criteria considered working for more than a year in the Unit, having experienced the death of patients, and recognizing that they have gone through a professional sorrow. The in terview focused on the following question: How have you experienced the sorrow support received after the death of patients in your unit? Once the narratives were transcribed, the phenomenological analysis and subsequent data triangulation were carried out, achieving saturation. RESULTS: It was observed that the participants feel little supported in their sorrows after the death of the patients, where there are obstacles to face the situation. Although facing death is something complex for the participants, they recognize that they can generate protection strategies and also feel supported by the people around them. Despite the complexity of this experience, the participants consider that there are lessons learned in facing death which leads them to give meaning to their professional work. CONCLUSION: Professionals need the recognition of deaths in the workplace and, therefore, formal and continuous support from their work team and institution.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adult , Middle Aged , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Grief , Intensive Care Units, Pediatric , Attitude to Death , Social Support , Adaptation, Psychological , Attitude of Health Personnel , Chile , Interviews as Topic , Hospitals, PublicABSTRACT
Resumo OBJETIVO Descrever e analisar estratégias de comunicação interprofissional efetiva no gerenciamento de comportamentos destrutivos no trabalho hospitalar e promoção da segurança do paciente. MÉTODOS Estudo descritivo e qualitativo, desenvolvido com 29 profissionais de saúde de hospital público no Ceará, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados em 2014, mediante entrevista em profundidade, analisados pela técnica de análise de conteúdo, com o software MAXQDA®, e discutidos segundo referenciais da segurança do paciente. RESULTADOS Emergiram 27 unidades de contexto da análise do conteúdo abordando estratégias de comunicação efetiva para gerenciamento de comportamentos destrutivos, destacando-se: reuniões em equipe com diálogo aberto, avaliação de desempenho e feedback; e exercício da liderança com ênfase no suporte individual, treinamentos, reconhecimento e respeito mútuos. CONCLUSÕES Estratégias individuais e grupais focalizadas em habilidades de comunicação e estabelecimento de respeito mútuo no trabalho atuam como barreiras a comportamentos destrutivos e, se adequadamente instituídas, têm impacto positivo na segurança do paciente.
Resumen OBJETIVO Describir y analizar estrategias de comunicación interprofesional efectiva en la gestión de comportamientos destructivos en el trabajo hospitalario y promoción de la seguridad del paciente. MÉTODOS Estudio descriptivo y cualitativo, desarrollado con 29 profesionales de salud de hospital público en Ceará, Brasil. Los datos fueron recolectados en 2014, mediante entrevista en profundidad, analizados por la técnica de análisis de contenido, con el software MAXQDA®, y discutidos según referenciales de la seguridad del paciente. RESULTADOS Emergieron 27 unidades de contexto del análisis del contenido abordando estrategias de comunicación efectiva para gestión de comportamientos destructivos, destacándose: reuniones en equipo con diálogo abierto, evaluación de desempeño y feedback; y ejercicio del liderazgo con énfasis en el soporte individual, entrenamientos, reconocimiento y respeto mutuos. CONCLUSIONES Estrategias individuales y grupales enfocadas en habilidades de comunicación y establecimiento de respeto mutuo en el trabajo actúan como barreras a comportamientos destructivos y, si adecuadamente instituidas, tienen impacto positivo en la seguridad del paciente.
Abstract OBJECTIVE To describe and analyze strategies for professionals to communicate effectively when managing disruptive behaviors at the hospital and to promote patient safety. METHODS This is a descriptive and qualitative study conducted with 29 health professionals at a public hospital in Ceará, Brazil. Data were collected in 2014 by means of an in-depth interview, analyzed using the content analysis technique with MAXQDA® software, and discussed according to patient safety references. RESULTS The interview transcripts resulted in 27 contextual units of analysis that address effective communication strategies for managing disruptive behaviors, such as team meetings with open dialogue; performance evaluation and feedback; and exercising leadership with emphasis on individual support, training, recognition, and mutual respect. CONCLUSIONS Individual and group strategies that focus on communication skills and establishing mutual respect at work act as barriers for disruptive behavior and, if properly adopted, have a positive impact on patient safety.
Humans , Attitude of Health Personnel , Professional Misconduct , Patient Safety , Interprofessional Relations , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Brazil , Organizational Culture , Interviews as Topic , Negotiating , Interdisciplinary Communication , Qualitative Research , Bullying , Hospitals, Public , LeadershipABSTRACT
Resumo OBJETIVO Analisar a percepção de profissionais de saúde e acompanhantes/familiares quanto ao desenvolvimento da comunicação para a segurança do paciente em internações pediátricas. MÉTODO estudo exploratório-descritivo, qualitativo, realizado em unidades de internação clínico-cirúrgicas pediátricas de três hospitais de Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. Participaram do estudo 44 profissionais de saúde e 94 acompanhantes de crianças hospitalizadas, totalizando 138 participantes. A coleta ocorreu no período de 2016 a 2017, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Realizou-se análise de conteúdo do tipo temática. RESULTADOS Emergiram duas categorias: "Barreiras para a Comunicação Efetiva" que abordou as falhas e dificuldades no processo de comunicação e "Ferramentas para Qualificar a Comunicação" que apresenta recomendações para as melhorias, em especial, instrumentalização do acompanhante/familiar. CONCLUSÕES As barreiras para a comunicação efetiva envolvem múltiplos fatores e as estratégias de comunicação efetiva podem auxiliar no desenvolvimento de melhorias para a segurança do paciente pediátrico.
Resumen OBJETIVO Analizar la percepción de profesionales de salud y acompañantes/familiares con respecto al desarrollo de la comunicación para la seguridad del paciente en internaciones pediátricas. MÉTODO Estudio exploratorio-descriptivo, cualitativo, realizado en unidades de internación clínico-quirúrgicas pediátricas de tres hospitales de Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. Participaron del estudio 44 profesionales de salud y 94 acompañantes de niños hospitalizados, totalizando 138 participantes. La recolección ocurrió en el período de 2016 a 2017, por medio de entrevistas semiestructuradas. Se realizó un análisis de contenido del tipo temático. RESULTADOS Surgieron dos categorías: "Barreras para la comunicación efectiva" que abordo las fallas y dificultades en el proceso de comunicación y "Herramientas para calificar la comunicación" que presenta recomendaciones para mejorías, em particular, instrumentalización del acompañante/familiar. CONCLUSIONES Las barreras para la comunicación efectiva envuelven diversos factores y las estrategias de comunicación efectiva pueden ayudar en el desarrollo de mejorías para la seguridad del paciente pediátrico.
Abstract OBJECTIVE To analyze the perception of health professionals and companions/family about the development of communication for patient safety in pediatric hospitalizations. METHOD It is an exploratory-descriptive study with a qualitative approach, performed in pediatric clinical-surgical hospitalization units of three hospitals in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. 44 health professionals and 94 companions of hospitalized children participated in the study, to a total of 138 participants. Data collection took place between 2016 and 2017, through semi-structured interviews. A thematic content analysis was used. RESULTS Two categories emerged: "Barriers to an effective communication", addressing the failures and difficulties in the communication process and "Tools to improve communication", that present recommendations for improvements, especially instrumentalization of the companion/family member. CONCLUSIONS The barriers to an effective communication involve several factors, and effective communication strategies can assist in the development of improvements for pediatric patient safety.
Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Child, Hospitalized , Communication Barriers , Patient Safety , Hospital Communication Systems/organization & administration , Patient Care Team , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Professional-Family Relations , Professional-Patient Relations , Attitude of Health Personnel , Family/psychology , Interviews as Topic , Qualitative Research , Friends/psychology , Health Communication , Interprofessional RelationsABSTRACT
Antecedentes: el mobbing se define como acoso, ofensa, exclusión social de alguien e interferencia negativa en sus tareas por uno o más individuos del mismo ambiente laboral. Objetivo: identificar los factores de riesgo, procedencia y análisis de la incidencia del mobbing, así como su relación con los factores de riesgo psicosociales y su afectación en los trabajadores de la salud. Material y métodos: estudio prospectivo, observacional descriptivo, con participante natural y de campo. Se utilizaron encuestas anónimas a personal sanitario incluido en las Leyes No 10.471 y No 10.430 de hospitales públicos de la provincia de Buenos Aires, durante un período de 12 meses consecutivos. Resultados: se incluyeron 147 participantes, de los cuales 101 (68,7%) fueron mujeres, 42 (28,5%) varones, y 4 (2,8%) no contestaron. El grupo más numeroso correspondió a la franja etaria 41-50 años (n = 51; 36%). La antigüedad laboral presentó una distribución bimodal de los grupos 1-5 años (27,25%) y 16-20 años (24%). El número que se consideró acosado fue de 86 agentes (58,5% de la muestra). Hubo mayor preponderancia de los superiores como los principales acosadores con 52,4% (n = 77). Conclusiones: la incidencia hallada es mayor que la informada en la literatura al comparar solo un sector laboral con la totalidad de la población activa (58,5% vs. 11,4%). Las variables sociodemográficas, como sexo, nacionalidad de origen, estado civil, nivel de estudios cursados y alcanzados y el tipo de contratación no se asociaron a una mayor incidencia de mobbing, como sí tuvieron una relación directa tanto la edad como la antigüedad, lo que confirma el acoso moral como un estresor crónico en el trabajo. Los motivos del ausentismo de naturaleza psicológica (depresión y crisis de ansiedad) producidos por el mobbing no solo afectan los síntomas psicosomáticos evaluados, sino también aumentan el ausentismo laboral, afectando la productividad de la empresa hospital.
Background: mobbing is defined as harassment, offense, social exclusion of someone and negative interference in their work tasks by one or more individuals from the same work environment. Objective: to identify the risk factors, origin and analysis of the incidence of mobbing, as well as its relationship with psychosocial risk factors and their involvement in health workers. Material and methods: prospective, observational, descriptive study with natural and field participant. Anonymous surveys were used for health personnel included in Laws No. 10471 and No. 10430 from public hospitals in the province of Buenos Aires, during a 12-month period. Results: a total of 147 participants were included, 101 (68.7%) were female, 42 (28.5%) were male, and 4 (2.8%) did not answer. The largest group corresponded to the age group 41-50 years (n= 51; 36%). The age of labor presented a bimodal distribution of groups 1-5 years (27.25%) and 16-20 years (24%). The number that was considered harassed was 86 agents (58.5% of the sample). There was greater preponderance of superiors as the main stalkers with 52.4% (n= 77). Conclusions: the incidence found is greater than that reported in the literature when comparing a single labor sector with the total of the active population (58.5% vs. 11.4%). Sociodemographic variables such as gender, national origin, marital status, level of studies completed and type of recruitment, were not associated with a higher incidence of mobbing, as were age and seniority in a direct proportion, confirming moral harassment as a chronic stressor at work. The reasons for leave of absence of a psychological nature (depression and crisis of anxiety) produced by mobbing, not only affects the psychosomatic symptoms evaluated, but also increase work leaves of absence, affecting the productivity of the hospital.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Social Discrimination/psychology , Argentina , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective Studies , Sexual Harassment/psychology , Harassment, Non-Sexual/psychology , Hospitals, PublicABSTRACT
Resumo OBJETIVO Avaliar o estresse ocupacional entre trabalhadores de saúde de um hospital universitário. MÉTODOS Estudo transversal com trabalhadores de saúde de enfermagem e medicina de um hospital universitário da Região Sul do Brasil. Os dados foram coletados entre agosto de 2011 e agosto de 2012 por um questionário para caracterização e a Job Stress Scale. Realizou-se análise descritiva e univariada (Kruskal-Wallis). RESULTADOS Os participantes apresentaram alta demanda e alto controle do trabalho e baixo apoio social, indicando um trabalho ativo. Os enfermeiros tiveram menor controle sobre o trabalho (p<0,001) e os médicos receberam maior apoio social (p=0,006). Apoio social reduzido esteve relacionado à maior exposição ao estresse entre os auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem (p=0,012). CONCLUSÃO Os trabalhadores que perceberam o apoio social reduzido apresentaram maior exposição ao estresse. Torna-se necessário implementar estratégias de prevenção ao estresse entre os trabalhadores de saúde, como o fortalecimento do apoio social no trabalho.
Resumen OBJETIVO Evaluar el estrés ocupacional entre los trabajadores de la salud en un hospital universitario. MÉTODOS Estudio transversal con trabajadores de salud de enfermería y medicina de un hospital universitario del sur de Brasil. Los datos fueron recogidos entre agosto de 2011 y agosto de 2012 por un cuestionario para la caracterización y la Job Stress Scale. Se realizaron análisis descriptiva y univariada (Kruskal-Wallis). RESULTADOS Los participantes mostraron una alta demanda y alto control del trabajo, y bajo apoyo social, indicando un trabajo activo. Las enfermeras tenían un menor control sobre el trabajo (p<0,001) y los médicos recibieron más apoyo social (p=0,006). Reducción de apoyo social se relaciona con una mayor exposición al estrés entre los auxiliares de enfermería y técnicos (p=0,012). CONCLUSIÓN Los trabajadores que sentían el bajo apoyo social tenían una mayor exposición al estrés. Necesario implementar estrategias de prevención del estrés entre los trabajadores de la salud, como el fortalecimiento del apoyo social en el trabajo.
Abstract OBJECTIVE To evaluate the occupational stress among health workers in a university hospital. METHODS Cross-sectional study conducted with health workers in the areas of nursing and medicine at a university hospital in southern Brazil. The data were collected between August of 2011 and August of 2012 by a questionnaire of characterization and Job Stress Scale. A descriptive and univariate analysis was performed (Kruskal-Wallis). RESULTS The participants presented high demand and high control of the work and low social support, indicating an active work. Nurses had less control over work (p<0.001) and physicians received more social support (p=0.006). Reduced social support was related to greater exposure to stress among nursing assistants and technicians (p=0.012). CONCLUSION Workers who felt the low social support had higher exposure to stress. It is necessary to implement stress prevention strategies among health workers, such as the strengthening of social support at work.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Hospitals, University , Social Support , Socioeconomic Factors , Severity of Illness Index , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Occupational Exposure , Occupational Stress/psychology , Occupational Stress/epidemiology , Habits , Medical Staff, Hospital/psychology , Middle Aged , Nursing Assistants/psychology , Nursing Staff, Hospital/psychologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of Burnout in a medium or long-stay hospital, to monitor its evolution and to highlight the importance of cut-off points used to avoid distortions in the interpretation of the results. METHODS Two cross-sectional studies (2013-2016) were carried out, applying the Spanish version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory to the staff of a chronic care hospital (n = 323). Result variables were: Burnout prevalence and a high degree of affectation of the subscales and predictor variables: sociodemographic characteristics and factors that trigger and modulate the syndrome. The association between variables was quantified using odds ratio. RESULTS The participation rate went from 31.5% to 39.3%. The professionals presented a mean level of Burnout in both moments, observing a lower degree of affectation of the depersonalization subscales and personal accomplishment in the 2016 cut-off. The average score of the subscales in 2016 was 21.5 for emotional fatigue, 4.7 for depersonalization and 41.7 for personal fulfillment, compared to the values of emotional fatigue = 21.6, depersonalization = 6.9 and personal fulfillment = 36.3 obtained in 2013. The emotional fatigue score was slightly higher than the mean value of the national studies (19.9), while the rest of the values were similar to the mean values of the studies considered. The prevalence of Burnout and the interpretation of the results varied significantly according to the cut-off points considered. In both studies, sociodemographic variables showed little significance, while social support and interpersonal relationships were associated with the degree of burnout among professionals. CONCLUSIONS Our prevalence of Burnout was similar to that of other studies consulted, although the emotional component is more marked in our environment. The interpretation of the results varied significantly according to the cut-off points applied, due to the cross-cultural differences.
RESUMEN OBJETIVO Estimar la prevalencia de Burnout en un hospital de media-larga estancia, monitorizar su evolución y evidenciar la importancia de los puntos de corte utilizados para evitar sesgos en la interpretación de los resultados. MÉTODOS Se realizaron dos estudios transversales (2013-2016), aplicando la versión española del cuestionario Maslach Burnout Inventory al personal de un hospital de crónicos (n = 323). Fueron variables resultado: prevalencia de Burnout y alto grado de afectación de las subescalas y variables predictoras: características sociodemográficas y factores desencadenantes y moduladores del síndrome. La asociación entre variables se cuantificó mediante odds ratio. RESULTADOS El índice de participación pasó del 31,5% al 39,3%. Los profesionales presentaron un nivel medio de Burnout en ambos momentos, observándose menor grado de afectación de las subescalas de despersonalización y realización personal en el corte realizado en 2016. La puntuación media de las subescalas en 2016 fue 21,5 para el cansancio emocional, 4,7 para la despersonalización y 41,7 para la realización personal, frente a los valores de cansancio emocional = 21,6, despersonalización = 6,9 y realización personal = 36,3 obtenidos en 2013. La puntuación de la escala de cansancio emocional fue ligeramente superior al valor promedio de los estudios nacionales (19,9), mientras que el resto de valores fueron similares a los valores promedio de los estudios considerados. La prevalencia de Burnout y la interpretación de los resultados variaron significativamente en función de los puntos de corte considerados. En ambos estudios, las variables sociodemográficas mostraron escasa significación, mientras que el apoyo social y las relaciones interpersonales se asociaron al grado de Burnout de los profesionales. CONCLUSIONES Nuestra prevalencia de Burnout fue similar a la de otros estudios consultados, aunque el componente emocional es más marcado en nuestro medio. La interpretación de los resultados varió significativamente en función de los puntos de corte aplicados, debido a las diferencias transculturales.
Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Burnout, Professional/epidemiology , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Spain/epidemiology , Time Factors , Burnout, Professional/classification , Chronic Disease , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Health Surveys , Depersonalization , Hospitals, Public , Job Satisfaction , Medical Staff, Hospital/psychology , Middle Aged , Nursing Staff, Hospital/psychologyABSTRACT
Resumen: Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar la relación entre los riesgos psicosociales y el burnout en un hospital español de media-larga estancia. Se realizó un estudio transversal en 2017, aplicando la versión española del MBI-HSS y el cuestionario F-Psico 3.1 del Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo. Variables predictoras: características sociodemográficas, moduladoras y factores de riesgo psicosocial. Variables resultado: prevalencia de burnout y afectación de sus subescalas. La asociación entre variables se cuantificó con odds ratio. El cansancio emocional se asoció positivamente a los riesgos psicosociales vinculados a carga de trabajo, demandas psicológicas, participación/supervisión, desempeño de rol, relaciones/apoyo social y al consumo de ansiolíticos; fueron factores protectores los hijos, sentirse valorado por pacientes y compañeros, satisfacción laboral, optimismo y apoyo social. Las asociaciones halladas para la despersonalización fueron similares, pero más débiles. La baja realización personal se asoció positivamente a los riesgos psicosociales vinculados al tiempo trabajado, autonomía, variedad/contenido del trabajo, desempeño de rol y apoyo social; fue la subescala que mostró mayor número de variables sociodemográficas/moduladoras protectoras: estado civil, tener hijos, trabajar de noche, sentirse valorado por pacientes y familiares, ilusión por el trabajo, apoyo social, autoeficacia y optimismo. Según nuestros resultados, existe asociación entre los riesgos psicosociales y el burnout. Los individuos con mayor satisfacción laboral, autoeficacia y optimismo, afrontan mejor el estrés y son menos vulnerables a los riesgos psicosociales y al burnout
Abstract: The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between psychosocial risks and burnout syndrome in a long-stay hospital in Spain. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2017, applying the Spanish version of the MBI-HSS and the F-Psico 3.1 questionnaire of Spain's National Institute of Work Safety and Health. The predictive variables were sociodemographic characteristics, modulators, and psychosocial risk factors. The outcome variables were prevalence of burnout and the effects on his subscales. Associations between variables were measured by odds ratio. Burnout was directly associated with psychosocial risks related to workload, psychological demands, participation/supervision, role performance and social support, and consumption of anxiolytics. Meanwhile, protective factors were having children, feeling valued by patients and coworkers, satisfaction at work, optimism, and social support. The associations found on depersonalization were similar but weaker. Low personal fulfillment was directly associated with the psychosocial risks related to length of workweek, limited autonomy and variety/content of work, and role performance and social support. Low personal fulfillment was the subscale with the most modulating and protective sociodemographic variables included marital status, children, night shift, feeling valued by patients and family members, social support, self-efficacy, and optimism. According to our results, there is an association between psychosocial risks and burnout syndrome. Individuals with greater work satisfaction, self-efficacy, and optimism cope better with stress and are less vulnerable to psychosocial risks and burnout.
Resumo: Nosso objetivo foi avaliar a relação entre os riscos psicossociais e a síndrome de burnout em um hospital espanhol de meia-longa permanência. Foi realizado um estudo transversal em 2017, aplicando a versão espanhola do MBI-HSS e o questionário F-Psico 3.1 do Instituto Nacional de Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho. Variáveis preditoras: características sociodemográficas, moduladoras e fatores de risco psicossocial. Variáveis de resultado: prevalência de burnout e afetação das subfaixas. A associação entre variáveis foi quantificada com odds ratio. A fatiga emocional foi associada positivamente aos riscos psicossociais vinculados a uma carga de trabalho, demandas psicológicas, participação/supervisão, desempenho de funções, relações/apoio social e consumo de ansiolíticos; por outro lado, foram fatores protetores: os filhos, se sentir valorados por pacientes e companheiros de trabalho, satisfação laboral, otimismo e apoio social. As associações encontradas para a despersonalização foram similares, entretanto mais débeis. A baixa realização pessoal foi associada positivamente aos riscos psicossociais vinculados ao tempo trabalhado, autonomia, variedade/conteúdo do trabalho, desempenho de funções e apoio social; foi a subfaixa que mostrou maior número de variáveis sociodemográficas/moduladoras protetoras: estado civil, ter filhos, trabalhar de noite, sentir-se valorizado por pacientes e membros da família, ilusão pelo trabalho, apoio social, auto-eficácia e otimismo. Segundo nossos resultados, existe uma associação entre os riscos psicossociais e a síndrome de burnout. Os indivíduos com maior satisfação laboral, auto-eficácia e otimismo afrontam melhor o stress e são menos vulneráveis aos riscos psicossociais e ao burnout.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Burnout, Professional/epidemiology , Spain/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Analysis of Variance , Workload/psychology , Statistics, Nonparametric , Risk Assessment , Job SatisfactionABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate professional achievement and factors associated with occupational burnout among health professionals. METHODS: An institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted on 436 healthcare providers, consisting of 101 nurses, 81 doctors and 254 nursing technicians, all meeting pre-established inclusion criteria. Occupational burnout was detected using the Maslach occupational burnout inventory tool. Data were collected by self-administered questionnaires comprising questions concerning socio-demographics, education and training, and the Maslach occupational burnout inventory was used to identify levels of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and professional achievement. RESULTS: Emotional exhaustion was associated with education level and work place for nursing technicians. Depersonalization was associated with gender in nursing technicians. For nurses, depersonalization showed a significant association with education level, whereas this factor was associated with number of jobs for doctors. Lower levels of professional achievement were observed for unspecialized doctors compared to those with further training. Higher levels of professional achievement were associated with professionals with postgraduate training compared to those without. CONCLUSIONS: High levels of emotional exhaustion were found in professionals from the maternity unit as well as in professionals with lower educational levels. Depersonalization was higher in physicians with several jobs and in female nurses. Low professional achievement was found in unspecialized doctors, while high professional achievement was associated with postgraduate training.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Burnout, Professional/epidemiology , Burnout, Professional/etiology , Occupational Diseases/epidemiology , Occupational Diseases/etiology , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Depersonalization , Hospitals, University/statistics & numerical data , Mental Fatigue/epidemiology , Mental Fatigue/etiology , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , Self Report , Socioeconomic Factors , Workload/psychology , Workplace/psychologyABSTRACT
Resumen: Objetivo: Validar un instrumento para medir la calidad de vida laboral en hospitales públicos (CVL-HP) de Tlaxcala, México. Material y métodos: El instrumento fue validado en 669 trabajadores de seis hospitales de la Secretaría de Salud de Tlaxcala, México. Se evaluó validez de contenido por consulta a expertos, de constructo mediante análisis factorial, de criterio por comparación con otras escalas y la confiabilidad con Alpha de Cronbach. Resultados: El análisis factorial descubrió cuatro dimensiones: “bienestar individual”, “condiciones y medio ambiente de trabajo”, “organización” y “bienestar logrado a través del trabajo”. La confiabilidad fue de 0.921. Los trabajadores con mejor CVL-HP fueron menores de 50 años, de contrato, con menor antigüedad laboral, personal de jornada acumulada diurna y aquéllos con licenciatura. Conclusiones: La escala CVL-HP mostró ser psicométricamente válida y confiable. Se recomienda probar esta escala en otras instituciones públicas y privadas, y relacionarla con indicadores de desempeño y gestión de los servicios de salud.
Abstract: Objective: To validate a scale for assessing the labour quality of life in public hospitals (LQL-PH) from Tlaxcala, Mexico. Materials and methods: The instrument was validated among 669 health workers from six hospitals from the Ministry of Health of Tlaxcala, Mexico. Content validity was by inquiry to experts, construct validity by factor analysis, criterion validity by comparing with other scales, and reliability with Cronbach’s Alpha. Results: The factor analysis uncovered four dimensions: “individual welfare”, “conditions and labour environment”, “organization”, and “well-being accomplished by the work”; reliability was 0.921. Workers who perceibed better LQL-PH were: under 50 years old, with temporary contract, with less seniority in job, with work schedule at daytime of weekends, and those with academic degree. Conclusions: LQL-PH showed to be an instrument phsycometrically valid and reliable. It’s recommendable to prove this scale in other public and private health institutions, as well as its relationship with key health care indicators of labour performance and management.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Quality of Life , Surveys and Questionnaires , Hospitals, Public , Psychometrics , Reproducibility of Results , Sampling Studies , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Job Satisfaction , MexicoABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo Analisar as representações sociais da autonomia profissional do enfermeiro e da enfermagem para profissionais de saúde não enfermeiros. Métodos Estudo qualitativo delineado pela abordagem estrutural das representações sociais. Participaram 53 profissionais de saúde não enfermeiros de um hospital municipal. A coleta de dados foi realizada de março a abril de 2015 e se deu através de evocações livres hierarquizadas, utilizando os termos indutores “autonomia profissional do enfermeiro” e, em seguida, “enfermagem”. A análise de dados foi realizada pelo software EVOC 2003. Resultados Figuraram como provável núcleo central da representação social da autonomia profissional os termos cuidado, equipe e responsabilidade. Por seu turno, o provável núcleo central da representação da enfermagem é composto pelos elementos cuidado, equipe, responsabilidade e trabalho. Conclusões A autonomia profissional do enfermeiro e a enfermagem consistem em objetos de representação bastante próximos entre si para o grupo investigado, e, por isso, trata-se de representações não autônomas, ainda sensíveis à incorporação de novos elementos.
RESUMEN Objetivo Analizar las representaciones de la autonomía profesional de las enfermeras y de enfermería para profesionales de la salud no-enfermeros. Métodos estudio cualitativo descrito por el enfoque estructural de la Representación Social. Participaron 53 profesionales de salud no-enfermeros, de un hospital municipal. La recolección de datos se llevó a cabo a través de evocaciones libres con los términos inductores “autonomía profesional del enfermero” y “enfermería”, entre marzo y abril de 2015. El análisis de datos fue realizado por el software EVOC 2003. Resultados Calculada la base probable de la representación de la autonomía profesional en términos, cuidado de equipo y responsabilidad. Por su parte, el núcleo probable de enfermería se compone de los elementos, cuidado del equipo, responsabilidad y trabajo. Conclusiones Autonomía profesional de los enfermeros y enfermería consisten en objetos de representación muy cercanos el uno del otro, no son representaciones autónomas, sin embargo son sensibles a la incorporación de nuevos elementos.
ABSTRACT Objective To analyse the social representations of the professional autonomy of nurses and nursing for non-nursing health professionals. Methods This is a qualitative study based on the theory of social representations. Fifty-three non-nursing professionals of a municipal hospital participated in this study. Data were collected between March and April 2015, from hierarchical free evocations using the inductor terms, “professional autonomy of nurses” and “nursing”. The data were analysed using EVOC 2003. Results The most likely core of the social representation of professional autonomy were the terms care, team, and responsibility. Moreover, the likely core of nursing comprises the elements care, team, responsibility, and work. Conclusions The professional autonomy of nurses and nursing consists of fairly close objects of representation in the studied group, which makes them non-autonomous representations that are still sensitive to the incorporation of new elements.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Attitude of Health Personnel , Professional Autonomy , Nurses , Patient Care Team , Social Responsibility , Social Values , Socioeconomic Factors , Symbolism , Culture , Qualitative Research , Free Association , Interprofessional Relations , Models, TheoreticalABSTRACT
Resumo Discute o aborto pelas perspectivas de mulheres internadas em uma maternidade pública de Salvador (BA). Enfatiza a observação participante do cotidiano do hospital e descreve trabalho de campo com técnicas de pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa. Por perspectiva etnográfica, aborda a experiência hospitalar de mulheres diante da interrupção, voluntária ou não, da gravidez e apresenta o ponto de vista dos profissionais de saúde, argumentando que a forma pela qual a instituição estrutura a atenção ao aborto e os processos de simbolização a ela imbricados afetam profundamente as experiências das mulheres. Aponta que a discriminação contra as mulheres que abortam está integrada a estrutura, organização e cultura institucionais, e não apenas a ações individuais dos profissionais.
Abstract The article discusses abortion and miscarriage from the perspective of women admitted to a public maternity hospital in Salvador (BA), Brazil. Based on qualitative and quantitative research, it draws on participant observation of everyday hospital life. Taking an ethnographic approach, it addresses the hospital experiences of women who had miscarriages or induced abortions, also presenting the views of health professionals. It argues that the way the institution structures care for abortion and miscarriage involves symbolic processes that profoundly affect women’s experiences. The discrimination against women who have had abortions/miscarriages is an integral part of the structure, organization and culture of these institutions, and does not derive solely from the individual actions of healthcare personnel.