Resumen Introducción: Ante la pandemia de COVID-19, el apego a las medidas de higiene es un objetivo para disminuir la morbimortalidad. Objetivo: Evaluar el apego a la higiene de manos y medidas de protección durante la pandemia de COVID-19 en un hospital de tercer nivel. Métodos: Estudio transversal acerca del lavado de manos del personal de salud en los cinco tiempos recomendados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, así como sobre el uso del equipo de protección personal específico. Resultados: Fueron observadas 117 oportunidades de higiene de manos en personal de salud: 40 (34 %) respecto al lavado de manos y 76 (65 %) respecto a su omisión; sobre el apego al uso de careta en cinco (4 %) y sobre la falta de apego en 112 (96 %). Se identificó apego al uso de mascarilla en 65 profesionales de enfermería (87 %), uso adecuado de mascarilla en 56 de ellos (60 %) y uso de careta en uno (1 %.) Conclusión: El personal mostró baja proporción de apego a la higiene de manos y al uso de equipo para la protección específica durante la pandemia de COVID-19.
Abstract Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, adherence to hygiene measures is an objective aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality. Objective: To evaluate adherence to hand hygiene and protection measures during the COVID-19 pandemic in a tertiary care hospital. Methods: Cross-sectional study on health personnel handwashing at the five moments recommended by the World Health Organization, as well as on the use of specific personal protective equipment. Results: One hundred and seventeen hand hygiene opportunities were observed in health personnel. Hand washing was observed in 40 (34 %) and omission in 76 (65 %). Adherence to the use of face shield was observed in five (4 %), and lack of adherence in 112 (96%). Adherence to the use of face mask was observed in 65 nursing professionals (87 %), with appropriate use of the mask in 56 of them (60 %) and use of face shield in one (1 %). Conclusion: Health personnel showed low proportions of adherence to hand hygiene and use of equipment for specific protection during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Humans , Male , Female , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Guideline Adherence/statistics & numerical data , Hand Hygiene/statistics & numerical data , Personal Protective Equipment/statistics & numerical data , COVID-19/prevention & control , Personnel, Hospital/standards , Time Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Tertiary Care Centers , Hand Hygiene/standardsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the patient safety culture among the workers of a hospital institution in southern Brazil. Method: This is a cross-sectional study, which was performed with 630 hospital workers, at Santa Rosa, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, through the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire tool, in the month of April 2017. Results: We found positive scores in all the safety culture domains, except for the perceived stress domain. Conclusion: Job satisfaction and teamwork spirit showed better scores for nursing and health professionals, when compared to the support team. Schooling, gender, operation time and the choice of workplace positively influenced the safe atmosphere.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Evaluar la cultura de seguridad del paciente entre los trabajadores de una institución hospitalaria de Santa Rosa, Río Grande del Sur, Brasil. Método: Estudio transversal, el cual se desarrolló con un equipo multidisciplinario de una institución hospitalaria, mediante el instrumento Safety Attitudes Questionnaire, en el mes de abril de 2017. Resultados: Se encontraron puntuaciones positivas en todos los dominios de la cultura de seguridad, excepto para el dominio sobre la percepción del estrés. Conclusión: La satisfacción laboral y el clima de trabajo en equipo demostraron mejores puntuaciones para profesionales de la enfermería y del área de la salud, en comparación con el equipo de apoyo. La escolaridad, el género, el tiempo activo en la profesión y la elección por el sitio de trabajo influenciaron el clima de seguridad de manera positiva.
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a cultura de segurança do paciente entre todos os trabalhadores de uma instituição hospitalar no sul do Brasil. Método: Estudo transversal, realizado com 630 trabalhadores de um hospital de Santa Rosa, no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, por meio do instrumento Safety Attitudes Questionnaire, no mês de abril de 2017. Resultados: Encontraram-se escores positivos em todos os domínios da cultura de segurança, exceto para o domínio percepção do estresse. Conclusão: A satisfação do trabalho e o clima de trabalho em equipe demonstraram melhores escores para profissionais da enfermagem e da área da saúde, se comparado à equipe de apoio. Escolaridade, gênero, tempo de atuação e a escolha pela unidade de trabalho influenciaram positivamente o clima de segurança.
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Safety Management , Patient Safety , Hospitals, General , Nursing Staff, Hospital/psychology , Patient Care Team , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Stress, Psychological/diagnosis , Brazil , Organizational Culture , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Job Satisfaction , Nursing Staff, Hospital/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
El principal activo de las organizaciones está constituido por sus trabajadores, por lo cual se debe prestar una especial atención a su motivación y satisfacción, y también a la relación con el desempeño. La satisfacción laboral de los profesionales del sistema de salud se relaciona directamente con la calidad de servicio ofrecido, de ahí la importancia de su medición. La insatisfacción puede repercutir negativamente en la calidad de atención. La presente investigación tiene por objetivo determinar el nivel de satisfacción y motivación laboral de los y las profesionales matronas del Hospital de Puerto Montt-Chile, para lo cual se realizó un estudio de carácter cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal. Para medir la motivación se empleó el Job Diagnostic Survey y para la satisfacción se utilizó la escala de satisfacción laboral SL-SPC. Se logró determinar que los profesionales poseen niveles de motivación media-alta en todas las dimensiones estudiadas. Respecto a los factores de satisfacción, el estudio arrojó un nivel medio-bajo, en la mayoría de los factores medidos.
The main asset of an organization is its workers. Special attention must be paid to their motivation and satisfaction and also to how they relate to performance. Job satisfaction of health care professionals is directly related to the quality of care provided, hence the importance of its measurement. Dissatisfaction can negatively impact the quality of care. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of satisfaction and work motivation of the midwifery professionals of the Hospital of Puerto Montt (Chile). We used a quantitative, descriptive, and cross-sectional study. To measure motivation, we used the Job Diagnostic Survey, and to measure satisfaction, we used the SL-SPC scale. It was possible to determine that the professionals have medium-high levels of motivation in all the dimensions studied. Regarding satisfaction factors, the study showed a medium-low level, in most of the factors measured.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Job Satisfaction , Midwifery/statistics & numerical data , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Hospitals , MotivationABSTRACT
Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a prevalência e os fatores associados aos acidentes de trabalho entre profissionais da limpeza hospitalar. Foram entrevistados 199 trabalhadores da limpeza de seis hospitais em São Luís, Maranhão, Brasil. Primeiramente, realizou-se análise univariada e, posteriormente, utilizaram-se as análises de regressão de Poisson com variância robusta, com modelagem hierarquizada dos dados a fim de estimar razões de prevalências (RP) entre as variáveis independentes e o desfecho (acidentes de trabalho). Houve prevalência de 13,57% de acidentes de trabalho, destes, 81,48% ocorridos com materiais perfurocortantes. Ao final da análise multivariada, identificaram-se fatores associados á ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho: idade de 18 a 30 anos, ter ensino médio incompleto, tempo de serviço de 2 a 5 anos, segregação inadequada dos resíduos de serviços de saúde (RSS), ter capacitação somente na admissão, não considerar os riscos dos resíduos à saúde e o não uso de equipamento de proteção individual (EPI). Os fatores avaliados apresentaram-se associados significativamente aos acidentes de trabalho e ressaltam a importância da educação permanente em saúde, com ênfase em capacitações periódicas e uso de EPI.
Abstract The goal of this study was to investigate the prevalence and factors associated with workplace accidents among hospital cleaning professionals. This is a cross-sectional, analytical study of a sample of 199 cleaning workers at six hospitals in São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil. We first ran a univariate analysis, and later the Poisson regression analyzes with robust variance were used, with hierarchized modeling of the data in order to estimate the prevalence ratios (PR) between the independent variables and the outcome (workplace accidents). The prevalence of workplace accidents is 13.57%, 81.48% of them with sharps. At the end of the multivariate analysis the following were found to be associated with workplace accidents: age between 18 and 30, not having a high-school degree, on the job for 2 to 5 years, inadequate segregation of health service waste (HSW), training only on admission, failure to consider the health hazards of hospital waste and failure to use personal protective equipment (PPE). Our findings reinforce the importance of continued health education, stressing periodic training and the use of PPE.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Accidents, Occupational/statistics & numerical data , Personal Protective Equipment/statistics & numerical data , Housekeeping, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Time Factors , Brazil , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Occupational Health , Educational Status , Employment/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
Resumo O ganho de peso na vida adulta pode ser responsável por doenças crônicas, e seu acompanhamento pode ser um subsídio para evitar esses agravos. O objetivo foi analisar o ganho de peso e fatores associados em trabalhadores de um hospital privado no município do Rio de Janeiro. Trata-se de uma coorte retrospectiva com 686 trabalhadores, que realizaram ao menos dois exames de saúde ocupacionais (admissional e periódico) entre os anos de 2010 e 2015. O método de Kaplan-Meier e o modelo de regressão semiparamétrico de riscos proporcionais de Cox foram utilizados. A incidência de ganho de peso dos trabalhadores do hospital foi de 22 casos/100 pessoas-ano. O ganho de peso nos trabalhadores com mais de 30 anos foi 35% menor (p < 0,001), quando comparado ao ganho de peso naqueles de até 30 anos. Em relação à escolaridade, as taxas de incidência de ganho de peso nos trabalhadores de níveis fundamental e médio se apresentaram maiores, com magnitude de até 61%, comparadas aos de nível superior completo (p < 0,001); e no setor de trabalho considerado fechado foi 63% maior quando comparada ao setor aberto (p < 0,001). Ganho de peso é um fenômeno multifacetado e complexo, podendo os setores de trabalho de uma unidade hospitalar contribuir fortemente para a ocorrência do mesmo.
Abstract Weight gain in adult life may be responsible for chronic diseases, and follow-up of this may be a subsidy to avoid these diseases. The objective was to analyze the weight gain and associated factors in workers of a private hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro. This is a retrospective cohort of 686 workers, who performed at least two occupational health exams (admission and periodic) between 2010 and 2015. The Kaplan-Meier method and the Cox proportional hazards regression model were used. The incidence of weight gain of hospital workers was 22 cases / 100 person-years. The weight gain in workers over 30 years old was 35% lower (p < 0.001) when compared to weight gain in those up to 30 years of age. Regarding schooling, the incidence rates of weight gain among workers at primary and secondary levels were higher, with a magnitude of up to 61%, compared to those at a higher level (p < 0.001); And in the closed sector it was 63% higher when compared to the open sector (p < 0.001). Weight gain is a multifaceted and complex phenomenon, being the work sectors of a hospital unit a strong causer of occurrences of the event.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Weight Gain , Occupational Health , Survival Analysis , Incidence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Cohort Studies , Hospitals, Private , Age Factors , Educational StatusABSTRACT
Resumo O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as modificações no perfil nutricional dos trabalhadores de um hospital público por três décadas e sua associação com fatores ocupacionais. Estudo de coorte histórica com trabalhadores ativos em 2013 admitidos em três períodos. Foram coletados dados sociodemográficos, de peso e de estatura, e calculado o índice de massa corporal (IMC) do exame admissional e de dois exames periódicos/década. Avaliados 386 trabalhadores (76,4% mulheres, 88,1% de cor de pele branca e 29,3±7,3 anos). A média do peso corporal e do IMC da admissão foram maiores naqueles admitidos em 2000 (P = 66,3 ± 12,5 kg; IMC = 21,3 ± 2,5 kg/m2), em comparação àqueles admitidos em 1980 (P = 56,7 ± 10,2 kg; IMC=21,3 ± 2,5 kg/m2) e 1990 (P = 62,2 ± 11,5 kg; IMC = 22,9 ± 3,3 kg/m2). A variação do peso e do IMC/década foi maior nos trabalhadores admitidos em 2000, em comparação com aqueles admitidos em 1990 e 1980. Quando essa comparação foi estratificada por sexo, a diferença na variação do peso e do IMC/década foi observada apenas nos homens. Turno de trabalho e categoria profissional não foram associados com a variação do peso corporal e IMC. O aumento ponderal e do IMC refletem a transição nutricional observada no País, o que reforça a necessidade de vigilância nutricional e educação continuada desses trabalhadores.
Abstract This study assessed changes in the nutrition profile of public hospital workers over a period of three decades and the association between nutritional status and occupational factors. A retrospective cohort study was conducted with staff taken on in 1980, 1990, and 2000 still working in the hospital in 2013. The following data was obtained from staff records: sociodemographic characteristics; and body weight and height, recorded during pre-employment and periodic medical examinations. The latter was used to calculate body mass index (BMI).The final sample consisted of 386 workers (76.4% women and 88.1% white) with a mean age of 29.3 ± 7.3 years. Mean body weight and BMI at admission were highest in the 2000 cohort (W = 66.3 ± 12.5kg; BMI = 21.3 ± 2.5 kg/m2), compared to 1980 (W = 56.7 ± 10.2 kg; BMI = 21.3 ± 2.5 kg/m2)and 1990 (W = 62.2 ± 11.5 kg; BMI = 22.9 ± 3.3 kg/m2) cohorts. Variation in weight and BMI between the pre-employment examination and final periodic examination was highest in the 2000 cohort. When stratified by sex, this difference in variation was observed only in men. No association was found between variation in body weight and BMI and work shift and occupation. The increase in weight and BMI reflects the nutritional transition in Brazil, underscoring the need for nutritional surveillance and the implementation of health education programs directed at staff.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Weight Gain , Nutritional Status , Occupational Health , Personnel Staffing and Scheduling/statistics & numerical data , Body Weight , Body Mass Index , Retrospective Studies , Cohort Studies , Hospitals, PublicABSTRACT
Introdução: a cavidade bucal é constituída de inúmeros microrganismos que favorecem o desenvolvimento de doenças quando o paciente se encontra imunossuprimido. Considerando esse fato, surge o interesse em avaliar as condições bucais de pacientes hospitalizados em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva. Objetivo: este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a percepção dos profissionais atuantes nas UTIs dos principais hospitais da região do Cariri do Ceará, quanto à importância das condutas de saúde bucal, o conhecimento dos profissionais sobre a associação da condição bucal e geral dos pacientes internos, analisar a existência de protocolos de higiene bucal para o paciente internado na UTI e justificar se há importância do cirurgião-dentista neste ambiente. Materiais e método: para obtenção de dados, foi realizada uma pesquisa do tipo transversal, na qual o instrumento para avaliação dos entrevistados foi um questionário constituído por 8 questões de múltipla escolha e 7 discursivas, abordando conteúdos relacionados aos objetivos da pesquisa. Resultados: de acordo com a análise de dados, foi observado que: a higienização bucal é realizada com antissépticos, sendo a clorexidina, a substância mais utilizada. A frequência da descontaminação era realizada nos intervalos de 6 e 12 horas. A higienização da língua era realizada por meio do tracionamento e limpeza com gaze, a mucosa não era higienizada. Não foi relatado o uso de saliva artificial e a realização de cursos de capacitações. Considerações finais: foi concluído neste estudo que muitos dos profissionais deixam a desejar na higienização bucal, visando apenas ao quadro de internação do paciente e, que, o dentista ainda não está incluído nas equipes de saúde que atuam diretamente nessas unidades, sendo uma das causas de deficiências nesses cuidados.(AU)
Introduction: The oral cavity consists of several microorganisms that favor the development of diseases when patients are immunosuppressed. Therefore, there is an interest in assessing the oral conditions of patients hospitalized in intensive care units (ICU). Objective: This study aims to assess the perception of professionals working in ICUs of the main hospitals of Cariri (Ceará, Brazil) on the importance of oral health conducts and the knowledge of professionals about the association of oral and general conditions of inpatients. It also analyzed the existence of oral hygiene protocols for ICU patients and justified whether dentists are important in such environment. Materials and method: The data was obtained with a cross-sectional research in which the instrument for assessing the respondents was a questionnaire consisting of eight multiple choice and seven discursive questions addressing contents related to the objectives of the study. Results: The data analysis showed that oral hygiene is performed with antiseptics, and chlorhexidine is the most used substance. The frequency of decontamination was performed at intervals of 6 and 12 hours. The tongue was cleaned using traction and gauze, and mucosa was not cleaned. The use of artificial saliva and the performance of training courses were not reported. Final considerations: This study concluded that many professionals fall short in oral hygiene, only considering the hospitalization condition of patients. Additionally, dentists are not yet included in the health teams working directly in intensive care units, which is one of the causes of deficiencies in such service.(AU)
Humans , Oral Hygiene/methods , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Oral Health , Inpatients , Intensive Care Units , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Dentist's Role , Intubation/adverse effects , Nurse Practitioners/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
Resumo OBJETIVO Analisar as notificações de incidentes relacionados à segurança do paciente. MÉTODOS Estudo transversal com abordagem quantitativa, baseado nos dados do Gerenciamento de Risco de um complexo hospitalar, localizado no noroeste paulista, de agosto/2015 a julho/2016. RESULTADOS Foram analisadas 4.691 notificações. O enfermeiro foi a categoria profissional que mais notificou (71%), seguido do médico (8%). O período mais frequente em que ocorreram as notificações foi o diurno. Houve diferença significativa da proporção de notificações entre os dias da semana. As notificações foram classificadas por motivo, com destaque para os medicamentos (17%), seguido de lesões de pele (15%) e flebite (14%). A maior frequência de notificações ocorreu nas unidades de Internação. Quanto à gravidade 344 eventos ocasionaram dano ao paciente, sendo a maioria de intensidade leve (65%). CONCLUSÃO As notificações espontâneas são uma importante fonte de informações e evidenciam a magnitude do problema relacionado aos incidentes em saúde.
Resumen OBJETIVO Analizar las notificaciones de incidentes relacionados con la seguridad del paciente. MÉTODOS Estudio transversal con abordaje cuantitativo, basado en los datos del Gestión de Riesgos de un complejo hospitalario, ubicado em el noroeste paulista, de agosto de 2015 a julio de 2016. RESULTADOS Se analizaron 4.691 notificaciones. El enfermero fue la categoría profesional que más notificó (71%), seguido del médico (8%). El período más frecuente en que ocurrieron las notificaciones fue el diurno. Hubo una diferencia significativa de la proporción de notificaciones entre los días de la semana. Las notificaciones se clasificaron por motivo, con destaque para los medicamentos (17%), seguido de lesiones de piel (15%), flebitis (14%). La mayor frecuencia de notificaciones ocurrió en las unidades de Internación. En cuanto a la gravedad 344 eventos ocasionaron daño al paciente, siendo la mayoría de intensidad leve (65%). CONCLUSIÓN Las notificaciones espontáneas son una importante fuente de información, y evidencia la magnitud del problema relacionado con los incidentes en salud.
Abstract OBJECTIVE Analyze incident notifications related to the patient's safety. METHOD Cross-sectional study with quantitative approach, based on data from the risk Management of a hospital complex, located in northwest São Paulo, from August 2015 to July 2016. RESULTS 4,691 notifications were analyzed. Nurses were the professionals who notified the most (71%), followed by physicians (8%). The most frequent period in which the notifications occurred was the daytime. There was significant difference in the proportion of notifications between the days of the week. The notifications were classified by reason and the most prevalent were those related to medication (17%), followed by skin lesions (15%), and phlebitis (14%). The highest frequency of notifications occurred in the hospitalization units. In relation to severity, 344 events caused damage to the patient, most of which were of mild intensity (65%). CONCLUSION Spontaneous notifications are an important source of information, and highlight the magnitude of the problem related to health incidents.
Humans , Medication Errors , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Phlebitis/epidemiology , Risk Management/methods , Risk Management/organization & administration , Risk Management/statistics & numerical data , Skin Diseases/epidemiology , Time Factors , Accidental Falls/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Quality Improvement , Hospital Units , Medication Errors/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
Resumen La cultura sobre seguridad se perfila como uno de los requisitos para evitar la aparición de efectos adversos, sin embargo, no se ha estudiado en el ámbito de la cardiología. Objetivo: es evaluar la cultura de seguridad en una unidad de cardiología que tiene implantado y certificado un sistema integrado de gestión de calidad y riesgos para la seguridad del paciente. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional trasversal en 2 años consecutivos utilizando la encuesta Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture de la «Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality¼ en su versión española (42 ítems agrupados en 12 dimensiones) sobre todo el personal. Se comparó el porcentaje de respuestas positivas de cada dimensión en 2014 y 2015, así como con los datos a nivel nacional y en EE. UU., siguiendo las recomendaciones establecidas. Resultados: La valoración global, sobre un máximo de 5, fue de 4.5 en 2014 y de 4.7 en 2015. Identificamos 7 dimensiones como fortaleza. Las peor valoradas fueron: Dotación de personal, Apoyo de la gerencia y Trabajo en equipo entre unidades. La comparación mostró superioridad en todas las dimensiones a nivel nacional, y en 8 respecto a los datos del registro americano. Conclusiones: La cultura de seguridad en una unidad de cardiología con un sistema integrado de gestión de calidad y riesgos y seguridad del paciente es elevada, superior a la nacional en todas sus dimensiones y en la mayoría de ellas respecto al registro de EE. UU.
Abstract Safety culture is one of the requirements for preventing the occurrence of adverse effects. However, this has not been studied in the field of cardiology. The aim of this study is to evaluate the safety culture in a cardiology unit that has implemented and certified an integrated quality and risk management system for patient safety. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted in 2 consecutive years, with all staff completing the Spanish version of the questionnaire, ''Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture'' of the ''Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality'', with 42 items grouped into 12 dimensions. The percentage of positive responses in each dimension in 2014 and 2015 were compared, as well as national data and United States data, following the established rules. Results: The overall assessment out of a possible 5, was 4.5 in 2014 and 4.7 in 2015. Seven dimensions were identified as strengths. The worst rated were: staffing, management support and teamwork between units. The comparison showed superiority in all dimensions compared to national data, and in 8 of them compared to American data. Conclusions: The safety culture in a Cardiology Unit with an integrated quality and risk management patient safety system is high, and higher than nationally in all its dimensions and in most of them compared to the United States.
Humans , Cardiology Service, Hospital/standards , Safety Management , Patient Safety , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Risk Management/methods , Spain , United States , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Cardiology Service, Hospital/organization & administrationABSTRACT
Resumen: Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar la relación entre los riesgos psicosociales y el burnout en un hospital español de media-larga estancia. Se realizó un estudio transversal en 2017, aplicando la versión española del MBI-HSS y el cuestionario F-Psico 3.1 del Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo. Variables predictoras: características sociodemográficas, moduladoras y factores de riesgo psicosocial. Variables resultado: prevalencia de burnout y afectación de sus subescalas. La asociación entre variables se cuantificó con odds ratio. El cansancio emocional se asoció positivamente a los riesgos psicosociales vinculados a carga de trabajo, demandas psicológicas, participación/supervisión, desempeño de rol, relaciones/apoyo social y al consumo de ansiolíticos; fueron factores protectores los hijos, sentirse valorado por pacientes y compañeros, satisfacción laboral, optimismo y apoyo social. Las asociaciones halladas para la despersonalización fueron similares, pero más débiles. La baja realización personal se asoció positivamente a los riesgos psicosociales vinculados al tiempo trabajado, autonomía, variedad/contenido del trabajo, desempeño de rol y apoyo social; fue la subescala que mostró mayor número de variables sociodemográficas/moduladoras protectoras: estado civil, tener hijos, trabajar de noche, sentirse valorado por pacientes y familiares, ilusión por el trabajo, apoyo social, autoeficacia y optimismo. Según nuestros resultados, existe asociación entre los riesgos psicosociales y el burnout. Los individuos con mayor satisfacción laboral, autoeficacia y optimismo, afrontan mejor el estrés y son menos vulnerables a los riesgos psicosociales y al burnout
Abstract: The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between psychosocial risks and burnout syndrome in a long-stay hospital in Spain. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2017, applying the Spanish version of the MBI-HSS and the F-Psico 3.1 questionnaire of Spain's National Institute of Work Safety and Health. The predictive variables were sociodemographic characteristics, modulators, and psychosocial risk factors. The outcome variables were prevalence of burnout and the effects on his subscales. Associations between variables were measured by odds ratio. Burnout was directly associated with psychosocial risks related to workload, psychological demands, participation/supervision, role performance and social support, and consumption of anxiolytics. Meanwhile, protective factors were having children, feeling valued by patients and coworkers, satisfaction at work, optimism, and social support. The associations found on depersonalization were similar but weaker. Low personal fulfillment was directly associated with the psychosocial risks related to length of workweek, limited autonomy and variety/content of work, and role performance and social support. Low personal fulfillment was the subscale with the most modulating and protective sociodemographic variables included marital status, children, night shift, feeling valued by patients and family members, social support, self-efficacy, and optimism. According to our results, there is an association between psychosocial risks and burnout syndrome. Individuals with greater work satisfaction, self-efficacy, and optimism cope better with stress and are less vulnerable to psychosocial risks and burnout.
Resumo: Nosso objetivo foi avaliar a relação entre os riscos psicossociais e a síndrome de burnout em um hospital espanhol de meia-longa permanência. Foi realizado um estudo transversal em 2017, aplicando a versão espanhola do MBI-HSS e o questionário F-Psico 3.1 do Instituto Nacional de Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho. Variáveis preditoras: características sociodemográficas, moduladoras e fatores de risco psicossocial. Variáveis de resultado: prevalência de burnout e afetação das subfaixas. A associação entre variáveis foi quantificada com odds ratio. A fatiga emocional foi associada positivamente aos riscos psicossociais vinculados a uma carga de trabalho, demandas psicológicas, participação/supervisão, desempenho de funções, relações/apoio social e consumo de ansiolíticos; por outro lado, foram fatores protetores: os filhos, se sentir valorados por pacientes e companheiros de trabalho, satisfação laboral, otimismo e apoio social. As associações encontradas para a despersonalização foram similares, entretanto mais débeis. A baixa realização pessoal foi associada positivamente aos riscos psicossociais vinculados ao tempo trabalhado, autonomia, variedade/conteúdo do trabalho, desempenho de funções e apoio social; foi a subfaixa que mostrou maior número de variáveis sociodemográficas/moduladoras protetoras: estado civil, ter filhos, trabalhar de noite, sentir-se valorizado por pacientes e membros da família, ilusão pelo trabalho, apoio social, auto-eficácia e otimismo. Segundo nossos resultados, existe uma associação entre os riscos psicossociais e a síndrome de burnout. Os indivíduos com maior satisfação laboral, auto-eficácia e otimismo afrontam melhor o stress e são menos vulneráveis aos riscos psicossociais e ao burnout.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Burnout, Professional/epidemiology , Spain/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Analysis of Variance , Workload/psychology , Statistics, Nonparametric , Risk Assessment , Job SatisfactionABSTRACT
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of Burnout in a medium or long-stay hospital, to monitor its evolution and to highlight the importance of cut-off points used to avoid distortions in the interpretation of the results. METHODS Two cross-sectional studies (2013-2016) were carried out, applying the Spanish version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory to the staff of a chronic care hospital (n = 323). Result variables were: Burnout prevalence and a high degree of affectation of the subscales and predictor variables: sociodemographic characteristics and factors that trigger and modulate the syndrome. The association between variables was quantified using odds ratio. RESULTS The participation rate went from 31.5% to 39.3%. The professionals presented a mean level of Burnout in both moments, observing a lower degree of affectation of the depersonalization subscales and personal accomplishment in the 2016 cut-off. The average score of the subscales in 2016 was 21.5 for emotional fatigue, 4.7 for depersonalization and 41.7 for personal fulfillment, compared to the values of emotional fatigue = 21.6, depersonalization = 6.9 and personal fulfillment = 36.3 obtained in 2013. The emotional fatigue score was slightly higher than the mean value of the national studies (19.9), while the rest of the values were similar to the mean values of the studies considered. The prevalence of Burnout and the interpretation of the results varied significantly according to the cut-off points considered. In both studies, sociodemographic variables showed little significance, while social support and interpersonal relationships were associated with the degree of burnout among professionals. CONCLUSIONS Our prevalence of Burnout was similar to that of other studies consulted, although the emotional component is more marked in our environment. The interpretation of the results varied significantly according to the cut-off points applied, due to the cross-cultural differences.
RESUMEN OBJETIVO Estimar la prevalencia de Burnout en un hospital de media-larga estancia, monitorizar su evolución y evidenciar la importancia de los puntos de corte utilizados para evitar sesgos en la interpretación de los resultados. MÉTODOS Se realizaron dos estudios transversales (2013-2016), aplicando la versión española del cuestionario Maslach Burnout Inventory al personal de un hospital de crónicos (n = 323). Fueron variables resultado: prevalencia de Burnout y alto grado de afectación de las subescalas y variables predictoras: características sociodemográficas y factores desencadenantes y moduladores del síndrome. La asociación entre variables se cuantificó mediante odds ratio. RESULTADOS El índice de participación pasó del 31,5% al 39,3%. Los profesionales presentaron un nivel medio de Burnout en ambos momentos, observándose menor grado de afectación de las subescalas de despersonalización y realización personal en el corte realizado en 2016. La puntuación media de las subescalas en 2016 fue 21,5 para el cansancio emocional, 4,7 para la despersonalización y 41,7 para la realización personal, frente a los valores de cansancio emocional = 21,6, despersonalización = 6,9 y realización personal = 36,3 obtenidos en 2013. La puntuación de la escala de cansancio emocional fue ligeramente superior al valor promedio de los estudios nacionales (19,9), mientras que el resto de valores fueron similares a los valores promedio de los estudios considerados. La prevalencia de Burnout y la interpretación de los resultados variaron significativamente en función de los puntos de corte considerados. En ambos estudios, las variables sociodemográficas mostraron escasa significación, mientras que el apoyo social y las relaciones interpersonales se asociaron al grado de Burnout de los profesionales. CONCLUSIONES Nuestra prevalencia de Burnout fue similar a la de otros estudios consultados, aunque el componente emocional es más marcado en nuestro medio. La interpretación de los resultados varió significativamente en función de los puntos de corte aplicados, debido a las diferencias transculturales.
Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Burnout, Professional/epidemiology , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Spain/epidemiology , Time Factors , Burnout, Professional/classification , Chronic Disease , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Health Surveys , Depersonalization , Hospitals, Public , Job Satisfaction , Medical Staff, Hospital/psychology , Middle Aged , Nursing Staff, Hospital/psychologyABSTRACT
Abstract Globally, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) remains a major cause of healthcare-associated infections. Healthcare workers (HCWs), patients and the environment may act as reservoirs for the spread of MRSA to patients and other HCWs. Screening and eradication of MRSA colonization is an effective method of reducing the MRSA infection rate. There are limited data on the prevalence of MRSA among Iranian HCWs. We performed a systematic search by using different electronic databases including Medline (via PubMed), Embase, Web of Science, and Iranian Databases (from January 2000 to July 2016). Meta-analysis was performed using the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (Biostat V2.2) software. The meta-analyses showed that the prevalence of S. aureus and MRSA among HCWs were 22.7% [95% confidence interval (CI): 19.3-26.6] and 32.8% (95% CI: 26.0-40.4) respectively. The high rate of nasal MRSA carriage among Iranian HCWs has been attributed to poor compliance to hand hygiene, injudicious use of antibiotics, and ineffective infection control and prevention measures. The rational use of antibiotics plus strict infection control are the main pillars for controlling multidrug resistant microorganisms such as MRSA in the hospital setting. These measurements should be applied nationally.
Humans , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Carrier State/microbiology , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/isolation & purification , Nasal Cavity/microbiology , Staphylococcal Infections/microbiology , Staphylococcal Infections/prevention & control , Cross Infection/microbiology , Cross Infection/prevention & control , Infectious Disease Transmission, Professional-to-Patient/prevention & control , Iran/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) is an ancient contagious disease, and continues to be the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among infectious contagious diseases. It can be considered an occupational infectious disease when it happens in health professionals. These professionals are directly exposed to TB and are considered to be a high risk population for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and active TB. The primary aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of LTBI among the clinical and administrative staff of an oncology referral hospital in Rio Grande do Sul. The secondary aim of this study was evaluate tuberculin skin test (TST) conversion rate and the risk factors for TST positivity in this population. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a retrospective cohort with data collected in March 2013 and March 2014. Data of professionals from different hospital units were included. Those with induration ≥ 10 mm were considered as reactors, and conversion rate was assessed by an increase ≥ 10 mm in induration in the second TST compared with the first one. Results: Among the 225 professionals evaluated in 2013, 135 (60%) were reactors and 90 (40%) were non-reactors. The mean age was 32.9 (± 9.55), 176 (78.22%) were female, and most of the reactors worked in the hospital for 4 years or less. Non-reactors in 2013 were recommended to repeat the test in 2014, and the conversion rate was 9.37%. There was no significant difference in prevalence among the different professional categories, and the assessed risk factors were not associated with ILTB. Conclusions: The prevalence of LTBI in the study population was high, reinforcing the need to implement effective control measures to prevent LTBI in the hospital where the study was conducted (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Cancer Care Facilities/statistics & numerical data , Latent Tuberculosis/epidemiology , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Latent Tuberculosis/diagnosis , Latent Tuberculosis/prevention & control , Occupational Health/statistics & numerical data , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Assessment , Risk Factors , Tuberculin TestABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo Descrever o perfil de adoecimento por transtornos mentais e comportamentais em trabalhadores de saúde de um hospital de ensino no sul do Brasil. Métodos pesquisa quantitativa, epidemiológica transversal retrospectiva cuja coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de documentos institucionais utilizados para alimentar o Sistema de Monitoramento da Saúde do Trabalhador de Enfermagem e envolveu todos os afastamentos ocorridos em 2011. Resultados Foram contabilizados 55 registros de afastamentos por Transtornos Mentais e Comportamentais que totalizaram 317 dias de absenteísmo. Os Técnicos de Enfermagem foram os profissionais mais afastados com o equivalente a 29,09% dos registros. As Unidades de Terapia Intensiva representaram os setores com o maior número de dias de absenteísmo, totalizando 81% e os Episódios depressivos obtiveram a frequência mais significativa, 52,72% dos transtornos mentais. Conclusão Os resultados evidenciaram que os transtornos mentais em trabalhadores de saúde constituem uma realidade preocupante que necessitam urgentemente de intervenções.
RESUMEN Objetivo Describir el perfil de salud de los trastornos mentales y de comportamiento en los trabajadores sanitarios de un hospital universitario en el sur de Brasil. Método Investigación cuantitativa, transversal epidemiológico retrospectivo cuyos datos fueron recolectados a través de documentos institucionales utilizados para alimentar lo Sistema de Vigilancia de la Salud de Trabajadores de Enfermería y involucrados todos los registros de absentismo por los trastornos mentales y del comportamiento en 2011. Resultados Se descubrió que 55 registros totalizando 317 días de absentismo. Los técnicos de enfermería presentaron el mayor número de registros, 29,09%, las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos fueron los sectores con el mayor número de días de trabajo perdidos, con un total del 81%, e los episódios depressivos tuvieron la frecuencia más significativa, 52,72% de los registros. Conclusión Los resultados mostraron que los trastornos mentales en trabajadores de la salud son una realidad preocupante que requiere medidas urgentes.
ABSTRACT Objective To describe the health profile of mental and behavioral disorders in health professionals at a teaching hospital in southern Brazil. Methods This was a quantitative, retrospective cross-sectional epidemiological study whose data were collected through institutional documents used to feed the Health Monitoring System for Nursing Professionals and involved all absenteeism occurred in 2011. Results We found 55 records of absenteeism due to mental and behavioral disorders, a total of 317 days absent. Nursing technicians were the most absentee, with 29.09% of the records. The intensive care unit represented the sector with the highest number of days absent, 81%, and depressive episodes were the most frequent, representing 52.72% of mental disorders. Conclusion The results showed that mental disorders in health professionals are a cause for concern and urgently need intervention.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Absenteeism , Mental Disorders/epidemiology , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Workplace , Depressive Disorder/epidemiology , Hospital Departments , Hospitals, Teaching , Middle Aged , Occupational Diseases/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Background Workplace stress has been associated with obesity. Diminished body weight has also been anticipated in some contexts. Objective In a cohort of healthcare personnel, morning cortisol was compared to nutritional and metabolic variables, aiming to identify the correlates of such marker. Methods Population n=185, 33.8 ± 9.8 years, 88.1% females, body mass index (BMI) 25.6 ± 4.4 kg/m2, included nurses and other nosocomial professionals, the majority with high social-economic status (75.2%). Participants were stratified according to BMI, fasting blood glucose (FBG) and metabolic syndrome (MS). Fasting plasma cortisol and the Framingham Coronary Risk Score was calculated. Results Mean cortisol was acceptable (19.4 ± 7.9 µg/dL) although with elevation in 21.6%. No correlation with FBG or MS occurred, and nonobese persons (BMI <25) exhibited the highest values (P=0.049). Comparison of the lowest and highest cortisol quartiles confirmed reduced BMI and waist circumference in the former, with unchanged Framingham Coronary Risk Score. Conclusion Cortisol correlated with reduced BMI. Despite low BMI and waist circumference, Framingham Coronary Risk Score was not benefitted, suggesting that exposure to cardiovascular risk continues, besides psychological strain. Initiatives to enhance organizational and staff health are advisable in the hospital environment. .
Contexto O estresse no ambiente de trabalho tem sido associado com obesidade. Peso corporal diminuído também tem sido relatado em algumas circunstâncias. Objetivo Numa casuística de profissionais da saúde, o cortisol matutino foi comparado com variáveis nutricionais e metabólicas, objetivando identificar as correlações de tal marcador. Métodos A população com n=185; 33,8 ± 9,8 anos; 88,1% mulheres, índice de massa corporal (IMC) 25.6 ± 4.4 kg/m2, incluía enfermeiros e outros funcionários nosocomiais, em sua maioria (75,2%) com nível sócio-econômico elevado. Os participantes foram estatrificados de acordo com IMC, glicemia de jejum, e síndrome metabólica. O cortisol de jejum e o escore Framingham de risco cardiovascular foram registrados. Resultados O cortisol médio era aceitável (19.4 ± 7.9 µg/dL), todavia com valores elevados em 21,6%. A glicemia de jejum e a síndrome metabólica não exibiram correlação, sendo que no tocante ao IMC, os não obesos (IMC <25) apresentaram o cortisol mais alto (P=0,049). Comparando-se os quartis superior e inferior do cortisol, confirmou-se o vínculo com o IMC e perímetro abdominal mais baixos, com escore Framingham de risco cardiovascular inalterado. Conclusão O cortisol alterado concentrou-se nos casos de IMC mais reduzido. A despeito do baixo IMC e perímetro abdominal, esta população não se beneficiou de escore de risco cardiovascular menor, sugerindo que, mesmo na ausência de obesidade, este grupo estava exposto a elevado risco cardiovascular, ao lado do estresse. Iniciativas direcionadas para melhor saúde organizacional e da equipe de profissionais, são recomendáveis no ambiente hospitalar. .
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Hydrocortisone/blood , Metabolic Syndrome/psychology , Obesity/blood , Obesity/psychology , Personnel, Hospital/psychology , Stress, Physiological , Body Mass Index , Biomarkers/blood , Blood Glucose/analysis , Fasting , Metabolic Syndrome/blood , Metabolic Syndrome/diagnosis , Occupational Diseases/blood , Occupational Diseases/psychology , Prospective Studies , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Risk Factors , Socioeconomic FactorsABSTRACT
The evaluation of workers as potential reservoirs and disseminators of pathogenic bacteria has been described as a strategy for the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of Enterobacteriaceae in the oral cavity of workers at an oncology hospital in the Midwest region of Brazil, as well as to characterize the phenotypic profile of the isolates. Saliva samples of 294 workers from the hospital’s healthcare and support teams were collected. Microbiological procedures were performed according to standard techniques. Among the participants, 55 (18.7%) were colonized by Enterobacteriaceae in the oral cavity. A total of 64 bacteria were isolated, including potentially pathogenic species. The most prevalent species was Enterobacter gergoviae (17.2%). The highest rates of resistance were observed for β-lactams, and 48.4% of the isolates were considered multiresistant. Regarding the enterobacteria isolated, the production of ESBL and KPC was negative. Nevertheless, among the 43 isolates of the CESP group, 51.2% were considered AmpC β-lactamase producers by induction, and 48.8% were hyper-producing mutants. The significant prevalence of carriers of Enterobacteriaceae and the phenotypic profile of the isolates represents a concern, especially due to the multiresistance and production of AmpC β-lactamases.
A investigação de trabalhadores dos serviços de saúde como reservatório e disseminadores de bactérias patogênicas tem sido referida como estratégia de prevenção e controle das infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde. Este estudo buscou avaliar a presença de Enterobacteriaceae na cavidade bucal de trabalhadores de hospital oncológico do Centro-Oeste brasileiro, bem como caracterizar o perfil fenotípico dos isolados. Foi coletada amostra de saliva de 294 trabalhadores pertencentes às equipes de saúde e de apoio. Procedimentos microbiológicos foram realizados segundo técnicas referendadas. Dentre os participantes, 55 (18,7%) estavam colonizados por Enterobacteriaceae na cavidade bucal. Foram isoladas 64 bactérias, incluindo espécies potencialmente patogênicas. A espécie mais prevalente foi Enterobacter gergoviae (17,2%). As maiores taxas de resistências foram observadas para os β-lactâmicos e 48,4% dos isolados foram considerados multirresistentes. Para as enterobactérias pesquisadas, a produção de ESBL e KPC foi negativa. Porém, dentre os 43 isolados do grupo CESP, 51,2% foram considerados produtores de β-lactamase AmpC por indução e 48,8% mutantes hiperprodutores. Considera-se a prevalência de portadores de Enterobacteriaceae significativa e o perfil fenotípico dos isolados preocupante, especialmente pela multirresistência e produção de β-lactamases AmpC.
Humans , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Enterobacteriaceae/isolation & purification , Mouth/microbiology , Personnel, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Cancer Care Facilities , Cross-Sectional Studies , Disease Reservoirs/microbiology , Enterobacteriaceae/classification , Enterobacteriaceae/drug effects , Enterobacteriaceae/metabolism , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , PhenotypeABSTRACT
Background: It is currently unknown which is the prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection in healthcare workers in Chile, but this group has been described as at higher risk of developing active tuberculosis than general population. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection in a sample of healthcare workers from at risk areas. Methodology: A cross-sectional, descriptive study, conducted in health care workers from clinical laboratories or respiratory care areas in four hospitals in Santiago. Latent tuberculosis infection detection was determined by Quantiferon® TB Gold In Tube testing (QFT). Results: QFT resulted positive in 20 of 76 (26.3%) of the individuals tested. Test positivity reached 62.5% among the personnel that reported history of past TB contact in the community, 50% among the personnel who belonged to the national tuberculosis control program and 38% among those doing induced sputum, acid fast smear or mycobacterial cultures. The proportion of individuals with positive QFT was significantly lower in those personnel who had no such risk factors (15.7%, p = 0.03). The proportion of latent tuberculosis infection also increased in direct relation to the age of the subject. Conclusion: Latent tuberculosis infection as detected by QFT testing was highly prevalent in healthcare workers included in the present study. Further exploring the limitations and possible scenarios for this new diagnostic tool is needed, with emphasis on health personnel at higher-risk and younger individuals.
Introducción: Se desconoce en la actualidad cuál es la real prevalencia de infección tuberculosa latente en el personal de salud en Chile; sin embargo, este grupo ha sido descrito como con mayor riesgo de desarrollar tuberculosis activa que la población general. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de infección tuberculosa latente en funcionarios de la salud en diferentes áreas laborales de riesgo. Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal, descriptivo, realizado en funcionarios pertenecientes a laboratorios clínicos o áreas de atención broncopulmonar de cuatro hospitales de la Región Metropolitana en quienes se hizo test de Quantiferon TB Gold®In tube(QFT). Resultados: Se evidenció infección tuberculosa latente en 20 de las 76 (26,3%) personas estudiadas. En aquellos funcionarios que referían antecedente de contacto en el pasado en la comunidad con enfermos de tuberculosis, la positividad del test llegó a 62,5%; en aquellos que pertenecían al Programa Nacional de Control de la Tuberculosis, a 50% y en los que realizaban toma de esputo inducido, baciloscopias o cultivo de micobacterias, a 38%. La proporción de individuos con QFT positivo fue significativamente menor en aquellos funcionarios que no tenían estos antecedentes (15,7%, p = 0,03). Se encontró además una mayor proporción de infección tuberculosa latente a mayor edad del individuo estudiado. Conclusión: La infección tuberculosa latente medida por QFT resultó altamente prevalente en el personal de la salud incluido en el presente estudio. Es necesario seguir profundizando en los posibles escenarios de implementación y limitaciones del uso de esta nueva herramienta diagnóstica, haciendo énfasis en el personal de la salud de mayor riesgo y menor edad.