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Braz. j. biol ; 83: e250373, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339376


Abstract Honey is a suitable matrix for the evaluation of environmental contaminants including organochlorine insecticides. The present study was conducted to evaluate residues of fifteen organochlorine insecticides in honey samples of unifloral and multifloral origins from Dir, Pakistan. Honey samples (5 g each) were extracted with GC grade organic solvents and then subjected to Rotary Evaporator till dryness. The extracts were then mixed with n-Hexane (5 ml) and purified through Column Chromatography. Purified extracts (1μl each) were processed through Gas Chromatograph coupled with Electron Capture Detector (GC-ECD) for identification and quantification of the insecticides. Of the 15 insecticides tested, 46.7% were detected while 53.3% were not detected in the honey samples. Heptachlor was the most prevalent insecticide with a mean level of 0.0018 mg/kg detected in 80% of the samples followed by β-HCH with a mean level of 0.0016 mg/kg detected in 71.4% of the honey samples. Honey samples from Acacia modesta Wall. were 100% positive for Heptachlor with a mean level of 0.0048 mg/kg followed by β-HCH with a mean level of 0.003 mg/kg and frequency of 83.3%. Minimum levels of the tested insecticides were detected in the unifloral honey from Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Methoxychlor, Endosulfan, Endrin and metabolites of DDT were not detected in the studied honey samples. Some of the tested insecticides are banned in Pakistan but are still detected in honey samples indicating their use in the study area. The detected levels of all insecticides were below the Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) and safe for consumers. However, the levels detected can cause mortality in insect fauna. The use of banned insecticides is one of the main factors responsible for the declining populations of important insect pollinators including honeybees.

Resumo O mel é uma matriz adequada para a avaliação de contaminantes ambientais, incluindo inseticidas organoclorados. O presente estudo foi conduzido para avaliar resíduos de 15 inseticidas organoclorados em amostras de mel de origem unifloral e multifloral de Dir, Paquistão. Amostras de mel (5 g cada) foram extraídas com solventes orgânicos de grau GC e, em seguida, submetidas ao evaporador rotativo até a secura. Os extratos foram então misturados com n-hexano (5 ml) e purificados por cromatografia em coluna. Os extratos purificados (1μl cada) foram processados através de cromatógrafo gasoso acoplado a detector de captura de elétrons (GC-ECD) para identificação e quantificação dos inseticidas. Dos 15 inseticidas testados, 46,7% foram detectados enquanto 53,3% não foram detectados nas amostras de mel. O heptacloro foi o inseticida mais prevalente com um nível médio de 0,0018 mg / kg detectado em 80% das amostras, seguido por β-HCH com um nível médio de 0,0016 mg / kg detectado em 71,4% das amostras de mel. Amostras de mel da parede de Acacia modesta foram 100% positivos para heptacloro com um nível médio de 0,0048 mg / kg seguido por β-HCH com um nível médio de 0,003 mg / kg e frequência de 83,3%. Níveis mínimos dos inseticidas testados foram detectados no mel unifloral de Ziziphus jujuba da usina. Metoxicloro, Endosulfan, Endrin e metabólitos do DDT não foram detectados nas amostras de mel estudadas. Alguns dos inseticidas testados são proibidos no Paquistão, mas ainda são detectados em amostras de mel, indicando seu uso na área de estudo. Os níveis detectados de todos os inseticidas estavam abaixo dos Níveis Máximos de Resíduos (MRLs) e seguros para os consumidores. No entanto, os níveis detectados podem causar mortalidade na fauna de insetos. O uso de inseticidas proibidos é um dos principais fatores responsáveis pelo declínio das populações de importantes insetos polinizadores, incluindo as abelhas.

Animals , Pesticide Residues/analysis , Pesticide Residues/toxicity , Honey/analysis , Insecticides/toxicity , Bees , Environmental Biomarkers , Endosulfan/analysis
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 611-627, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927943


A total of 33 pesticides have been banned from Chinese medicinal materials and decoction pieces(plants) according to Chinese Pharmacopoeia(2020 edition). According to the chemical structures, they are mainly divided into seven categories: organophosphorus compounds, organochlorines, carbamates, amidines, sulfonylureas, phenylpyrazoles, and ethers. These banned pesticides exhibit neurotoxicity, reproductive toxicity, immune system toxicity, teratogenicity, carcinogenesis, and mutagenesis, seriously damaging human and animal health. They affect not only the quality and safety of traditional Chinese medicines and resulting products, but also their competitiveness in the international market. Due to the numerous varieties of traditional Chinese medicines and their complex substrates, it is necessary to establish a universal and highly sensitive method for pesticide residue detection. This review systematically summarized the residual status, toxicity, and analytical methods of banned pesticides in traditional Chinese medicines, and forecasted the prospects of different analytical techniques, so as to provide reference for further safety and risk assessment of banned pesticide residues in traditional Chinese medicines, thus ensuring the safe production of traditional Chinese medicines.

Humans , China , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/toxicity , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Organophosphorus Compounds , Pesticide Residues/toxicity , Pesticides/analysis
Nutrire Rev. Soc. Bras. Aliment. Nutr ; 42: 1-9, Dec. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-881540


The article aims to present an overview of pesticide usage and population exposure, focusing on the impact on health and the correlation with food and nutrition security (FNS). This review is relevant due to the extensive use of pesticides in food production, which exposes individuals in various ways, including the ingestion of contaminated food, with adverse health effects. Brazil is one of the largest consumers of pesticides in the world, with product sale growth above 200% from 2000 to 2013, increasing the predisposition of the population and environment to the impacts caused by these compounds. The country has weaknesses regarding the monitoring of pesticide usage, besides its vulnerable population affected by social and economic problems. Studies on the correlation between pesticides and diseases have shown potential health risks, including birth defects, hearing loss, cancer, and infertility, in addition to symptoms related to acute intoxication, such as weakness, vomiting, seizures, difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, and nosebleed, among others. Reduction policies in pesticide usage and the encouragement for the sustainable agricultural practices should be prioritized by public managers. It is also essential to improve the monitoring and surveillance programs and research on the topic, as well as training of health professionals to identify and report the cases of pesticide poisoning.

Humans , Male , Female , Food Security , Pesticide Residues/adverse effects , Pesticide Residues/metabolism , Pesticide Residues/toxicity , Environmental Monitoring
Hig. aliment ; 31(274/275): 110-14, 30/12/2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-880360


O consumo, de alimentos seguros, vem aumentando e a prática do uso de agrotóxicos é comum no Brasil. A cesta básica deve ter os alimentos monitorados, para tanto, esforços do governo deveriam garantir a produção de alimentos seguros. O monitoramento de resíduos de agrotóxicos auxilia na garantia da qualidade. Neste estudo, no Laboratório de Resíduos de Pesticidas, analisaram-se amostras de frutas, grãos e hortaliças, no período de 10 anos (2001 a 2010). Método multirresíduos foi utilizado para identificar e quantificar os agrotóxicos. As amostras sem resíduos corresponderam de 60 a 95% do total. As amostras positivas apresentaram principalmente fungicidas e inseticidas. As violações (não permitido para a cultura e acima do limite máximo de resíduos-LMR) corresponderam a 20% do total e, apesar dos valores acima do LMR, a ingestão diária aceitável dos agrotóxicos encontrados nos alimentos não foi ultrapassada. Os resultados, embora não sejam críticos, são importantes para avaliar a qualidade do alimento consumido.(AU)

Nowadays, the safe food products concerning the human and animal health is increasing. Pesticide usage is a common practice in Brazil, therefore, the food basket must be controlled. Pesticide residues analysis conducted by laboratories as Pesticide Residues Laboratory (LRP) and national programs are important to guarantee the food quality. The objective of this work was to evaluate the data from LRP to these from monitoring programs. Samples of fruits, grains and vegetables (10-year period, 2001 to 2010) were analyzed. Multi-residues method was used to identify and quantify the pesticide residues. The total of 60 to 95% were negative samples. About 20% of the samples could be declared as inappropriate for the consumption, considering compounds not permitted for the crops and above the MRL. The ADI parameter was not exceeded. Perhaps such levels could represent a public health concern, the results are not critical, but are useful to evaluate the exposure to the food contaminants.

Humans , Pesticide Utilization , Pesticide Residues/analysis , Pesticide Residues/toxicity , Crop Production , Quality Control , Brazil , Food Contamination/prevention & control , Environmental Monitoring/methods
Cad. saúde pública ; Cad. Saúde Pública (Online);28(7): 1263-1272, jul. 2012. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-638721


Brazil is the world's largest consumer of pesticides. Epidemiological studies have shown an association between maternal exposure to pesticides and adverse pregnancy events. An ecological study was conducted to investigate potential relations between per capita pesticide consumption and adverse events in live born infants in micro-regions in the South of Brazil (1996-2000). The data were obtained from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and the Health Information Department of the Unified National Health System (DATASUS). Micro-regions were grouped into quartiles of pesticide consumption, and prevalence ratios (PR) were calculated. Linear trend p-values were obtained with the chi-square test. Premature birth (gestational age < 22 weeks) and low 1 and 5-minute Apgar score (< 8) in both boys and girls showed a significantly higher PR in the upper quartile of pesticide consumption. No significant differences were observed for low birth weight. The findings suggest that prenatal pesticide exposure is a risk factor for adverse pregnancy events such as premature birth and inadequate maturation.

O Brasil é o primeiro mercado mundial consumidor de agrotóxicos. Evidências epidemiológicas apontam associação entre exposição materna a agrotóxicos e eventos adversos na gravidez. Realizou-se um estudo ecológico para investigar possíveis associações entre o consumo per capita de agrotóxicos por microrregiões e eventos adversos em nascidos vivos na Região Sul do Brasil no período 1996-2000. Dados foram obtidos junto ao Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) e ao Departamento de Informática do SUS (DATASUS). Microrregiões foram agrupadas segundo quartis de consumo de agrotóxicos e foram calculadas razões de prevalência (RP). O teste qui-quadrado foi usado para calcular o valor de p de tendência lineal. Nas microrregiões de maior consumo de agrotóxicos nascimentos prematuros (< 22 semanas) e de índice de Apgar 1º e 5º minuto insatisfatório (< 8) apresentaram RP significativamente maiores, tanto em meninos como em meninas. Não foi observado um padrão similar em relação a baixo peso ao nascer. Estes achados sugerem a exposição intraútero a agrotóxicos como possível fator de risco para eventos adversos na gravidez, como parto prematuro e maturação inadequada.

Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Male , Pregnancy , Young Adult , Maternal Exposure/adverse effects , Pesticide Residues/toxicity , Pesticides/toxicity , Apgar Score , Brazil/epidemiology , Infant, Low Birth Weight , Maternal Exposure/prevention & control , Premature Birth , Prevalence , Pesticides/economics , Risk Factors , Socioeconomic Factors
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 24(4): 240-247, oct. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-500454


OBJETIVO: Investigar a tendência temporal da proporção de nascimentos masculinos para o Estado do Paraná no período entre 1994 e 2004 e a correlação dessa tendência com o volume de vendas de agrotóxicos no Estado em 1985. MÉTODO: No presente estudo ecológico, foram empregados como fontes de dados o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (volume de vendas de agrotóxicos) e o banco DATASUS (nascidos vivos segundo o sexo). Foram analisados 308 municípios, divididos em quartis conforme o consumo de agrotóxicos, resultando em quatro estratos contendo 77 municípios cada um, sendo o quarto quartil o de maior consumo. A proporção de nascimentos masculinos foi obtida ano a ano para cada município e, ao final do período (1994 a 2004), um valor mediano foi calculado para cada uma das localidades. Foi realizada uma análise bivariada e calculados os coeficientes de Pearson para cada quartil de municípios. Uma análise exploratória e comparativa dos quartis foi realizada, na qual se calculou o consumo médio per capita para os mesmos. Posteriormente, foram selecionados e analisados individualmente 10 municípios com intensa atividade agropecuária quanto ao perfil agrícola e à tendência da proporção de nascimentos masculinos ao longo do período de estudo. RESULTADOS: Foi observada uma discreta tendência de declínio na proporção de nascidos vivos do sexo masculino para o Estado como um todo. A magnitude desse declínio foi visivelmente maior quando se analisou individualmente o grupo de 10 municípios, cujos valores observados ao final da série mostraram-se muito abaixo daqueles normalmente descritos na literatura (proporção de nascimentos masculinos < 50 por cento). Em relação aos quartis, todos apresentaram correlação negativa, ainda que sem significância estatística. CONCLUSÕES: A tendência de declínio estatisticamente significativa na proporção de nascimentos masculinos em alguns municípios paranaenses sugere que o fenômeno possa ser decorrente da alta exposição ambiental aos agrotóxicos nessas localidades. Sendo assim, recomendam-se estudos futuros que visem a esclarecer e a dimensionar a força do impacto da contaminação ambiental por agrotóxicos na saúde reprodutiva, representada aqui pela razão de sexos ao nascimento.

OBJECTIVE: To determine the trend in male birth rates from 1994-2004 in the state of Paraná, Brazil, and whether a correlation exists between this trend and the state's agricultural toxic sales in 1985. METHOD: This ecological study employed data from the Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics (agricultural toxic sales) and the Unified Health System's data-base "DATASUS" (sex ratio at birth). Three hundred and eight (308) municipalities were analyzed, divided into quartiles by pesticide usage. Each of the four resulting quartiles included 77 municipalities, with the fourth quartile representing the highest consumption. The male birth rate was obtained for each year for each municipality. Then the median rate was calculated for the entire period (1994-2004) for each municipality. A bivariate analysis was carried out. Pearson coefficients were calculated for each quartile. An exploratory and comparative analysis of quartiles was performed, and the mean per capita consumption was calculated for each quartile. Ten municipalities with intense agricultural activity were then selected and analyzed individually in terms of their agricultural profile and male birth rate trend during the study period. RESULTS: A discrete decline was observed in the rate of live male births for the entire state. The magnitude of this decline was more evident when the group of 10 municipalities was analyzed: in this group, the rates observed at the end of the study period were much lower than those usually described in the literature (male birth rate < 50 percent). Pearson's correlation was negative for all quartiles, although without statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS: The statistically significant trend towards a decline in male births in some of the Paraná municipalities suggests that this phenomenon may be a result of a high level of environmental exposure to pesticides. Future studies should confirm and measure the impact of environmental pesticide contamination on reproductive health, expressed in this study as sex ratio at birth.

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Agrochemicals/toxicity , Birth Rate/trends , Endocrine Disruptors/toxicity , Environmental Pollutants/toxicity , Sex Ratio , Brazil/epidemiology , Maternal Exposure/adverse effects , Paternal Exposure/adverse effects , Pesticide Residues/toxicity
Cad. saúde pública ; Cad. Saúde Pública (Online);24(4): 755-766, abr. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-479690


This article presents the results of a heath risk assessment in Cidade dos Meninos, an area contaminated with organochlorine pesticide residues located in the county (municipality) of Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) risk assessment methodology was applied. The following organochlorine compounds exceeded the established limits and were considered target pollutants: HCH and its isomers (in eggs, milk, and soil); DDT and its metabolites; trichlorobenzenes; trichlorophenols; dioxins and furans (eggs and soil). For all the substances studied (with the exception of trichlorophenols), the estimated doses exceeded the minimum risk levels for chronically exposed children and adults. According to the ATSDR classification, the area was considered an "urgent public health hazard" because of its high and serious exposure to substances that are dangerous to human health.

Cidade dos Meninos é uma área localizada no Município de Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, onde ocorreu contaminação ambiental por deposição de pesticidas organoclorados. Este artigo apresenta os resultados de um estudo de avaliação de risco para a saúde da população residente, utilizando-se a metodologia de avaliação de risco à saúde da Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Os seguintes compostos organoclorados superaram as normas estabelecidas e foram considerados contaminantes de interesse: hexaclorociclohexano (HCH) e seus isômeros (ovo, leite, solo); tricloro-bis-(clorofenil)-etano (DDT) e seus metabólitos (ovo, leite, solo); triclorobenzenos (solo); triclorofenóis (solo); dioxinas e furanos (ovo, solo). Para todos os compostos estudados, exceto triclorofenóis, na situação de exposição crônica, as doses estimadas estavam acima dos níveis mínimos de risco à saúde, para crianças e adultos. A área foi classificada como de perigo urgente para a saúde pública por exposição de alta intensidade e grave a substâncias nocivas à saúde humana. Os autores observam que a realização de estudos de avaliação de risco para a saúde humana é uma importante ferramenta para a tomada de decisões para ações de saúde pública.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Middle Aged , Carcinogens, Environmental/adverse effects , Environmental Exposure/adverse effects , Food Contamination/analysis , Hydrocarbons, Chlorinated/toxicity , Pesticide Residues/toxicity , Soil/analysis , Brazil , Carcinogens, Environmental/analysis , Environmental Exposure/analysis , Hydrocarbons, Chlorinated/analysis , Pesticide Residues/analysis , Risk Assessment
Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences [AJVS]. 2008; 27 (1): 9-17
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-99691


One hundred and fifty random samples of local meat and fat of beef, buffaloe and mutton carcasses [50 samples of each] were examined for detection of pesticide residues qualitatively and quantitatively by using thin layer chromatography. Organochlorine pesticide residues were detected in meat and fat of examined carcasses with various levels but organophosphate pesticide residue could not be detected in any sample. The pesticide residues in examined samples were compared with the maximum residual levels of pesticide residues

Animals , Pesticide Residues/toxicity , Fats/analysis , Chromatography/methods , Hydrocarbons, Chlorinated/toxicity , Rural Population
Biofarbo ; 15(15): 13-19, dic. 2007. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-507165


En nuestro medio son comercializados plaguicidas en diferentes áreas como: jardinería, cultivos agrícolas, control de roedores; denominados como insecticidas y rodenticidas, los mismos son comercializados con los siguientes nombres comerciales: DDT, Bin Laden, Gamezan, Malation, Neocid 50%, Folidol, Baygon, Matarapido, Racumin, etc.

Insecticides/analysis , Pesticide Residues/toxicity
Bulletin of the National Research Centre. 2005; 30 (5): 455-465
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-70281


Soybeans were treated with the recommended dose of dichlorvos insecticide [12.0mg pesticide/kg seeds] and its duplicate [24 mg pesticide / kg seeds] and stored for 7 months under normal local storage conditions. The rate of penetration of the pesticide through the seeds and the percentage of bound residues were apparently not dose dependent. The amount of surface residues decreased with time to 18% of the applied dose while the amount of extracted and bound residues inside the seeds showed a slow but definite increase with time of storage and reached more than 61% and 9%, respectively, at the end of the experiment. The incomplete recovery of the applied radioactivity by extraction and combustion may be attributed at least to volatilization of the parent substance. Toxicity of the total internal residues of dichlorvos in stored soybeans was studied in mice through a subchronic feeding experiment for three months. The maximum inhibition in plasma and erythrocyte cholinesterase activity was 60% and 52% after the first month, respectively. Blood picture showed a slight decrease in hemoglobin concentration [18%] and red blood cell counts [19%] and a significant decrease [55%] in white blood cell-counts at the end of experimental period. Treated mice suffered from deterioration of hepatic and renal functions as indicated by the obtained results. Percentage increase in alanine aminotransferase [ALT], aspartate aminotransferase [AST] and alkaline phosphatase [ALP] reached to about 93, 61, and 20%, respectively as compared with control animals at the end of feeding period. A significant increase in blood urea [65%] was observed whereas creatinine concentration showed only a slight increase [17%] as compared with control group

Animals, Laboratory , Insecticides , Radioactivity , Pesticide Residues/toxicity , Glycine max , Seeds , Mice , Cholinesterases/blood , Leukocyte Count , Kidney Function Tests , Liver Function Tests
Acta toxicol. argent ; 6(2): 28-33, dic. 1998. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-248522


En el presente trabajo se exponen los resultados obtenidos de las pericias realizadas en la causa judicial originada en una denuncia por delitos contra el medio ambiente. La mismas conciernen al enterramiento clandestino de residuos de agroquímicos en un paraje semidesértico de la Provincia de Río Negro, Argentina. Un total de dieciocho muestras representativas de lo encontrado en las excavaciones se analizó por cromatografía gaseosa- espectrometría de masas (GC/MS). En todos los casos se constató la presencia de plaguicidas parcialmente degradados junto con sustanciaspropias de la formulación del producto técnico. En ninguno se observó la presencia de metales pesados. Por otra partese realizaron mediciones de residuos de plaguicidas sobre tierra de los pozoz y el área circundante, con el objeto de monitorear el proceso de limpieza y descontaminación del área (ánalisis de algunos plaguicidas organofosforados por GC con detección NOD). En base a datos geológicos e hidrográficos de la zona, se analizó el riesgo potencial para la salud y el medio ambiente

Agrochemicals/adverse effects , Agrochemicals/poisoning , Environment , Impacts of Polution on Health , Pesticide Residues/adverse effects , Pesticide Residues/toxicity , Pesticides/analysis
Rev. cuba. aliment. nutr ; 11(2): 111-6, jul.-dic. 1997. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-223066


Se brinda información general acerca del uso de los plaguicidas en Cuba, los niveles de residuos en diferentes cultivos, así como una valoración sobre los datos de intoxicación aguda entre 1987 y 1995. Persisten concentraciones de etilen bisditiocarbamatos en muestras de tomate, cebolla y papa por encima de los límites máximos recomendados, establecidos en Cuba. Se analizan los diferentes factores que permiten argumentar sobre las posibles limitaciones de uso de los etilen bisditiocarbamatos en las cosechas, incluyendo los aspectos relacionados con la salud humana

Humans , Adult , Mice , Ethylenebis(dithiocarbamates)/poisoning , Ethylenebis(dithiocarbamates)/toxicity , Ethylenethiourea/poisoning , Ethylenethiourea/toxicity , Pesticide Residues/poisoning , Pesticide Residues/toxicity , Pesticides/poisoning , Pesticides/toxicity , Cuba
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz ; 53(1/2): 49-54, 1993. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: lil-141020


Endosulfan é um inseticida do grupo éster do ácido sulfuroso de um diol cíclico clorado. Com a finalidade de registro no Brasil para extensäo de uso foi realizado um estudo de seus isômeros Endosulfan I(alfa), Endosulfan II(beta) e metabolito sulfato de Endosulfan, remanescentes das culturas de batata, tomate, laranja, mamäo, maçä, maracujá, morango, tratadas com o produto formulado Thiodan, concentrado emulsionável com teor de 350g/l do ingrediente ativo, seguinndo-se as boas práticas agrícolas. O método utilizado foi o descrito por Mitchell, com modificaçöes que permitiram obter melhores recuperaçöes (82,1 por cento de Endosulfan I, 84,4 por cento de Endosulfan II e 91,0 por cento de sulfato de Endosulfan, média obtida nas amostras testemunhas fortificadas). O limite de quantificaçäo pela técnica de cromatografia em fase gasosa com detector de captura de elétrons foi de 0,01mg/kg(ppm). Das 60 amostras analisadas, 20 testemunhas e 40 provenientes de culturas tratadas, foram encontrados Endosulfan I em 19(47,5 por cento ), Endosulfan II em 21(52,5 por cento ) e sulfato de Endosulfan em 17(42,5 por cento ). Nas amostras de polpa de laranja e maracujá e na batata näo foram encontrados resíduos, enquanto que na polpa de mamäo foi detectado apenas o metabolito sulfato de endosulfan. Resíduos de Endosulfan I, Endosulfan II e sulfato de Endosulfan foram os mais elevados na casca da laranja, apresentando níveis de 0,48 e 0,69mg/kg de Endosulfan total. As amostras de maçä, tomate e morango apresentaram valores dentro dos limites máximos de resíduos(LMR) estabelecidos pelo Codex Alimentarius

Solanum tuberosum , Fruit , Food Analysis , Pesticide Residues/toxicity , Food Contamination
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-24459


Effect of subacute insecticide exposure was studied in male albino mice treated with phosphamidon, propoxur or aldrin at 1/40 LD50 dose intraperitoneally daily for 8 wk. The parameters studies included body weight, pentobarbitone (50 mg/kg) sleeping time, chlorpromazine (6 mg/kg) induced motor incoordination and convulsions induced by leptazol (100 mg/kg) and electrical stimulation (18 mA for 0.2 msec). While body weight and electrically induced convulsions were not affected, the effect of various drugs was significantly decreased. The observed changes may be due to the induction of hepatic drug metabolising enzymes by the insecticides. The study suggests that certain dose adjustment of drugs may be necessary in those exposed to insecticides over long periods.

Animals , Body Weight/drug effects , Chlorpromazine/pharmacology , Drug Interactions , Insecticides/administration & dosage , Male , Mice , Mice, Inbred Strains , Pentobarbital/pharmacology , Pentylenetetrazole/pharmacology , Pesticide Residues/toxicity , Seizures/chemically induced