Background and Objectives: The main objective was to analyze the consumption of antimicrobials (ATMs) subjected to prescription retention, and with indication for the treatment of respiratory infections in Brazil, from 2014 to 2021. Methods: This is an ecological study of mixed design. Secondary data was obtained from the National System for the Management of Controlled Products (SNGPC). Data was presented following the equation: number of total consumption of ATMs for each macro-region of Brazil by year or trimester / number of residents for each macro-region per year *1.000 inhabitants. Annual data was analyzed by Prais-Winsten, and quarterly data was analyzed by automatic forward stepwise regression. Results: The Southern region showed the highest mean rates of consumption when compared to the other macro-regions. For annual analysis, the proportion of stability, increase and decrease of consumption of ATMs was similar among macro-regions. The quarterly period registered an increase in the consumption of Amoxicillin, Amoxicillin+Clavulanate, Azithromycin and Cephalexin altogether, in the Southern, Southeastern and Northern regions. Conclusion: Our data reveals an increased consumption of some ATMs during the pandemic period in specific macro-regions of Brazil. The five macro regions have shown different patterns of ATMs consumption.(AU)
Justificativa e Objetivos: O objetivo principal foi analisar o consumo de antimicrobianos (ATMs) sujeito a retenção de receita e com indicações para tratamento de infecções respiratórias no Brasil de 2014 até 2021. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo ecológico de desenho misto. Dados secundários foram obtidos do Sistema Nacional de Gerenciamento de Produtos Controlados (SNGPC). Dados foram apresentados conforme a seguinte equação: número total de consumo de ATMs por cada macrorregião do Brasil por ano ou trimestre/ número de residentes por cada macrorregião do Brasil por ano *1.000 habitantes. Dados anuais foram por Prais-Winsten, e dados trimestrais por regressão automática passo-a-passo. Resultados: Região Sul apresentou maiores taxas médias de consumo em comparação às demais macrorregiões. Para análise anual, a proporção de estabilidade, aumento e diminuição dos ATMs foi similar entre as macrorregiões. O trimestre registrou aumento no consumo de Amoxicilina, Amoxicilina+Clavulanato, Azitromicina e Cefalexina, juntas, nas regiões Sul, Sudeste e Norte. Conclusão: Nossos dados revelam um aumento no consumo de alguns ATMs durante o período de pandemia em macrorregiões específicas do Brasil, as cinco macrorregiões apresentaram padrões diferentes de consumo de ATMs.(AU)
Justificación y Objetivos: El objetivo principal fue analizar el consumo de antimicrobianos (ATMs) sujetos a retención de ingresos con indicaciones para el tratamiento de infecciones respiratorias en Brasil de 2014 a 2021. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio ecológico de diseño mixto. Datos secundarios obtenidos del Sistema Nacional de Gestión de Productos Controlados (SNGPC). Los datos fueron presentados siguiendo la ecuación: número de consumo total de cajeros automáticos para cada macro región de Brasil por año o trimestre / número de residentes para cada macro región por año *1.000 habitantes. Los datos anuales fueron analizados por Prais-Winsten, y trimestralmente analizados por regresión paso a paso automática hacia adelante. Resultados: La región Sur mostró las mayores tasas medias de consumo en comparación con las demás macrorregiones. Para el análisis anual, la proporción de estabilidad, aumento y disminución de ATMs fue similar entre las macrorregiones. En el trimestre se registró aumento en el consumo de Amoxicilina, Amoxicilina+Clavulanato, Azitromicina y Cefalexina, en conjunto, en las regiones Sur, Sudeste y Norte. Conclusión: Nuestros datos revelan un mayor consumo de algunos ATMs durante el período de la pandemia en macro regiones específicas de Brasil, las cinco macro regiones han mostrado diferentes patrones de consumo de ATMs.(AU)
Humans , Brazil , COVID-19 , Anti-Infective Agents , Respiratory Tract Infections , PharmacovigilanceABSTRACT
Background@#The pharmacovigilance system in the Philippines aims to ensure the safe use of medicines, including herbal products. However, there is a lack of reporting on adverse events related to herbal products, indicating a need for an improved monitoring system.@*Objectives@#This study seeks to develop a community-based adverse event reporting system for herbal products in Calamba and Los Baños Laguna to enhance pharmacovigilance practices in the Philippines. The primary objectives include assessing consumer knowledge, willingness to report adverse events, and evaluating the feasibility of implementing such a system in community pharmacies. @*Methodology@#A mixed-methods approach was employed, involving surveys with herbal product consumers and focus group discussions with community pharmacists. Data analysis utilized Likert scaling for surveys and thematic analysis for discussions, providing a comprehensive understanding of consumer perceptions and pharmacist experiences.@*Results@#The study revealed limited consumer awareness of herbal safety risks but with a positive attitude towards reporting adverse events through community pharmacies. The developed algorithm, tailored to consumer and pharmacist preferences, demonstrated potential benefits in enhancing pharmacovigilance and promoting the rational use of herbal products. @*Conclusion@#The proposed community-based adverse event reporting system for herbal products in the Philippines offers a practical and accessible solution to improve pharmacovigilance, empower consumers, and ensure the safe utilization of herbal products. Implementation of this system has the potential to significantly enhance public health outcomes and contribute to the overall well-being of the Filipino population.
Pharmacovigilance , Pharmacies , PharmacistsABSTRACT
La Atención farmacéutica (AF) ayuda a los pacientes a alcanzar objetivos terapéuticos reduciendo los problemas relacionados al medicamento (PRM). Objetivos: analizar los PRM en la práctica de la AF a pacientes con inmunodeficiencia adquirida (IDA) y/o tuberculosis (TBC) y evaluar su impacto. Método: estudio, descriptivo, observacional, en el área ambulatoria de Farmacia. Se incluyeron pacientes con IDA y/o TBC con: inicio de tratamiento, polifarmacia, reinternaciones frecuentes, regular/mala adherencia, reacciones adversas a medicamentos (RAM) previas y/o comorbilidades. Se entrevistaron pacientes o cuidadores y se registraron PRM, errores, grados de adherencia y conocimiento farmacoterapéutico, retiro oportuno de medicamentos y parámetros clínicos. Se registró la intervención farmacéutica y entregó material educativo. Se repitieron las mediciones en una segunda entrevista. Resultados: Se estudiaron 54 pacientes (28 con IDA y 26 con TBC). Se realizaron 93 intervenciones (29.9% dirigidas al prescriptor, 27.8% a otros profesionales) y se detectaron 8 RAM y 53 errores (28 IDA y 25 TBC), el principal PRM fue la mala/regular adherencia con bajo porcentaje de conocimiento farmacoterapéutico completo. Después de la AF, en IDA el grado de adherencia tuvo una mejora estadísticamente significativa (p= 0.012), también fue significativa la mejora en el retiro oportuno de la medicación (28.6% a 71.4% p=0.005 IDA). Se obtuvieron resultados favorables de carga viral (CV) en 72% pacientes con IDA y aumento de peso en 92% pacientes con TBC, aunque no fueron estadísticamente significativos. Conclusiones: mediante AF se mejoró la adherencia y la comunicación en pacientes pediátricos con IDA y/o TBC (AU)
Pharmacovigilance (PV) helps patients achieve therapeutic goals by reducing drug-related problems (DRP). Objectives: to analyze DRPs in the practice of PV in patients with acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS) and/or tuberculosis (TB) and to evaluate its impact. Methods: A descriptive, observational study was conducted in the outpatient pharmacy area. Patients with AIDS and/or TB with: treatment initiation, polypharmacy, frequent readmissions, regular/poor adherence, previous adverse drug reactions (ADR) and/or comorbidities were included. Patients or caregivers were interviewed, and DRP, errors, adherence and pharmacotherapeutic knowledge, timely drug withdrawal, and clinical parameters were recorded. The pharmaceutical intervention was recorded and educational material was delivered. Measurements were repeated in a second interview. Results: We studied 54 patients (28 with AIDS and 26 with TB). Ninety-three interventions were performed (29.9% addressed to the drug prescriber, 27.8% to other professionals) and 8 ADRs and 53 errors were detected (28 AIDS and 25 TB). The main DRP was poor/regular adherence together with a low level of complete pharmacotherapeutic knowledge. After PV, in patients with AIDS the degree of adherence statistically significantly improved (p= 0.012). The improvement in timely medication withdrawal was also significant (28.6% vs. 71.4% p=0.005 AID). Favorable viral load results were obtained in 72% of patients with AIDS and weight gain in 92% of patients with TB, although they were not statistically significant. Conclusions: PV improved adherence and communication in pediatric patients with AIDS and/or TB (AU)
Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Outpatient Clinics, Hospital , Tuberculosis/drug therapy , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/drug therapy , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Pharmacovigilance , Treatment Adherence and Compliance , Hospitals, Pediatric , Medication Errors , Epidemiology, Descriptive , InterviewABSTRACT
Introducción: El uso de fármacos con potencial cardiotóxico para tratar enfermedades no cardiovasculares coexistentes resulta un agravante evitable. Objetivo: Evaluar la prescripción de 5 fármacos cardiotóxicos en pacientes con enfermedades cardiovasculares. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal (enmarcado en los estudios de utilización de medicamentos) de marzo a diciembre de 2020 en el Policlínico Santa Cruz (Artemisa, Cuba), en una población de 234 sujetos con enfermedades cardiovasculares que habían sido tratados con domperidona, azitromicina, ciprofloxacina, ibuprofeno y diclofenaco. Las variables estudiadas fueron: sexo, edad, consumo de fármacos cardiotóxicos, motivo de indicación, enfermedades cardiovasculares, forma farmacéutica, dosis diaria, intervalo de las dosis y duración del tratamiento. Se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo. Resultados: Los fármacos más prescritos fueron la azitromicina (n= 63), el ibuprofeno (n= 59) y la ciprofloxacina (n= 57). Sus principales motivos de indicación fueron, respectivamente, la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad (38,1 por ciento), las infecciones de piel y tejidos blandos (28,8 por ciento), y las infecciones del tracto urinario (43,8 por ciento). La principal enfermedad cardiovascular fue la hipertensión arterial. Para los 5 fármacos seleccionados se reportó su esquema terapéutico (forma farmacéutica, dosis diaria, intervalo de dosis y duración del tratamiento). Conclusiones: Aunque en todos los casos el motivo de indicación es el adecuado, los fármacos pueden sustituirse por otros de menor riesgo cardiovascular. En su mayoría, los esquemas terapéuticos son correctos, salvo en los casos de la domperidona (duración prolongada) y el diclofenaco (altas dosis)(AU)
Introduction: The use of drugs with cardiotoxic potential to treat coexisting noncardiovascular diseases results in avoidable aggravation. Objective: To assess the prescription of 5 cardiotoxic drugs in patients with cardiovascular disease. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study (framed in the studies of drug utilization) was carried out from March to December 2020 in the Policlínico Santa Cruz (Artemisa, Cuba), in a population of 234 subjects with cardiovascular diseases who had been treated with domperidone, azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, ibuprofen and diclofenac. The variables studied were: sex, age, consumption of cardiotoxic drugs, reason for indication, cardiovascular disease, pharmaceutical form, daily dose, dose interval, and duration of treatment. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed. Results: The most prescribed drugs were azithromycin (n= 63), ibuprofen (n= 59) and ciprofloxacin (n= 57). Their main reasons for indication were, respectively, community-acquired pneumonia (38.1 percent), skin and soft tissue infections (28.8 percent), and urinary tract infections (43.8 percent). The main cardiovascular disease was arterial hypertension. For the 5 selected drugs, their therapeutic scheme (pharmaceutical form, daily dose, dose interval and duration of treatment) was reported. Conclusions: Although in all cases the reason for indication was adequate, the drugs can be substituted by others of lower cardiovascular risk. For the most part, the therapeutic regimens are correct, except in the cases of domperidone (prolonged duration) and diclofenac (high doses)(AU)
Humans , Drug Prescriptions , Cardiovascular Diseases/drug therapy , Cardiotoxins/toxicity , Pharmacovigilance , Ciprofloxacin/therapeutic use , Diclofenac/therapeutic use , Ibuprofen/therapeutic use , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Azithromycin/therapeutic use , Domperidone/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Abstract Hepatic injury has been documented in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). However, pharmacotherapy can frequently impact liver alterations, given the known hepatotoxic potential of drugs not effective to treat COVID-19. The objective of the present study was to evaluate reports of suspected liver reactions to drugs used for treating COVID-19, compare their use for other indications among patients with COVID-19, and assess possible interactions between them. We obtained reports on drugs used to treat COVID-19 (tocilizumab, remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, and/or lopinavir/ritonavir), registered on June 30, 2020, from the Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) Public Dashboard. We then analyzed the risk of developing liver events with these drugs by calculating the reported odds ratios (ROR). We identified 662, 744, and 1381 reports related to tocilizumab, lopinavir/ ritonavir, and hydroxychloroquine use, respectively. The RORs (95% confidence intervals) were 6.32 (5.28-7.56), 6.12 (5.22-7.17), and 9.07 (8.00-10.29), respectively, demonstrating an increased risk of liver events among patients with COVID-19 when compared with uninfected patients. The elevated risk of reporting adverse liver events in patients with COVID-19 who receive these drugs, alone or in combination, highlights the need for careful drug selection and efforts to reduce drug combinations without notable benefits. Similar to any other condition, the use of drugs without established efficacy should be avoided.
Patients/classification , Pharmaceutical Preparations/classification , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions/complications , COVID-19/pathology , PharmacovigilanceABSTRACT
Justificativa: Os eventos adversos a medicamentos são uma das principais causas de mortes evitáveis nos sistemas de assistência à saúde e este problema se tornou ainda mais desafiador durante a pandemia da COVID-19, devido à falta de evidências robustas acerca de medicamentos efetivos para o tratamento da doença. Ademais, uma das principais barreiras para a compreensão aprofundada deste fenômeno é a problemática da subnotificação, especialmente em países de baixa e média renda. Objetivos: Analisar o perfil e a ocorrência de eventos adversos a medicamentos notificados por profissionais da saúde, pacientes e empresas/fabricantes no sistema nacional de informação on-line (NOTIVISA) nas cinco regiões brasileiras e avaliar o impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 nas notificações de eventos adversos a medicamentos às autoridades sanitárias em âmbito global. Método: Para o alcance dos objetivos propostos, foram realizados dois estudos. O primeiro estudo consistiu em um estudo epidemiológico e foram analisadas as notificações de eventos adversos a medicamentos inseridos no banco de dados do sistema brasileiro NOTIVISA, no período de 18 março de 2014 a 04 de dezembro de 2018, por duas pesquisadoras de forma independente. Procedeu-se à análise descritiva das variáveis desfecho e preditoras de eventos adversos a medicamentos, características dos pacientes, região brasileira, grau do dano e classificação do erro de medicação. O segundo estudo envolveu revisão sistemática da literatura conduzida nas bases de dados eletrônicas: Medline, Embase, Cinahl, Scielo e literatura cinzenta, utilizando os Descritores em Ciências da Saúde (DECs) e Medical Subject Heading (MeSH). A revisão foi relatada de acordo com as diretrizes PRISMA-2020 e a seleção dos estudos, bem como a extração de dados, foram realizadas por três revisores independentes. O risco de viés foi verificado por meio da ferramenta ROBINS-I. Resultados: Um total de 6.289 notificações foram analisadas e foi verificado um crescente aumento em seu número até o ano de 2016; posteriormente, queda gradual das notificações de eventos adversos a medicamentos foi detectada no período de 2017 e 2018. Houve maior frequência de notificações na região sudeste (48%) e os casos envolveram, predominantemente, pessoas do sexo feminino (52,1%), na faixa etária dos 18 a 65 anos (56,8%) e com neoplasias (22,9%). Além disso, 96% ocorreram durante a prestação de cuidados por um profissional, mais de 78% transcorreram no período diurno e 43% resultaram em danos leves. Na revisão sistemática, foram rastreados 6.014 artigos; destes, 1.863 duplicatas foram removidas. Após triagem, 4.143 foram excluídos por não atenderem aos critérios de inclusão e oito estudos foram elegíveis para a análise qualitativa. Não foram encontradas publicações na literatura cinzenta que contemplassem os critérios de inclusão propostos para esta revisão. Os estudos contemplam notificações de eventos adversos a medicamentos oriundas de 13 países, envolveram pacientes com idade média de 55 anos e sem comorbidades. Cinco estudos evidenciam que o número de notificações aumentou durante a pandemia contraponto outras duas publicações que apontam maior número de notificações antes da pandemia. Ademais, em um estudo, o resultado foi inconclusivo. Em dois estudos, foi identificado alto risco de viés. Conclusão: Os resultados do estudo demonstram que as notificações de EAM aumentaram durante a pandemia. No período pré-pandêmico houve destaque para a região sudeste conhecida com umas mais desenvolvidas, levando a danos leves principalmente vinculados ao erro de administração do medicamento comprometendo a segurança do paciente. Se faz necessário o reforço da importância no monitoramento e da real descoberta do motivo ao qual levou ao aumento nas notificações durante o período pandêmico a fim de melhorias nos processos de saúde e capacitação profissional para obter zero danos evitáveis.
Justification: Adverse drug events are one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in health care systems and this problem has become even more challenging during the pandemic of COVID-19, due to the lack of robust evidence about effective drugs for treating the disease. Moreover, one of the main barriers to a thorough understanding of this phenomenon is the problem of underreporting, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Objectives: To analyze the profile and occurrence of adverse drug events reported by health professionals, patients, and companies/manufacturers in the national online notification system (NOTIVISA) in the five Brazilian regions and to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adverse drug events notifications to health authorities globally. Method: To achieve the proposed objectives, two studies were carried out. The first study consisted of an epidemiological study and the notifications of adverse drug events entered in the database of the Brazilian NOTIVISA system from March 18, 2014, to December 04, 2018, were analyzed. Only cases involving adverse drug events were screened and this process was carried out by two researchers independently. We performed a descriptive analysis of the outcome and predictor variables of adverse drug events, patient characteristics, Brazilian region, degree of harm, and medication error classification. The second study involved a systematic literature review conducted in the electronic databases: Medline, Embase, Cinalh, Scielo and grey literature, using Health Sciences Descriptors (HSC) and Medical Subject Heading (MeSH). The review was reported according to PRISMA-2020 guidelines and the selection of studies as well as data extraction were performed by three independent reviewers. The risk of bias was checked using the ROBINS-I tool. Results: A total of 6.289 notifications were analyzed and an increasing increase in their number was verified until the year 2016, subsequently, gradual decrease in adverse drug events notifications was detected in the period of 2017 and 2018. There was a higher frequency of notifications in the southeast region (48%) and the cases predominantly involved females (52.1%), in the age group 18 to 65 years (56.8%) and with neoplasms (22.9%). In addition, 96% occurred during the provision of care by a professional, more than 78% occurred during daytime hours, and 43% resulted in minor injuries. In the systematic review, 6,014 articles were screened; of these, 1,863 duplicates were removed. After screening, 4,143 were excluded for not meeting the inclusion criteria and eight studies were eligible for qualitative analysis. No publications were found in the gray literature that met the inclusion criteria proposed for this review. The studies contemplate notifications of adverse drug events from 13 countries, involved patients with a mean age of 55 years and without comorbidities. Five studies show that the number of notifications increased during the pandemic, as opposed to two other publications that indicate a higher number of notifications before the pandemic. Moreover, in one study, the result was inconclusive. In two studies, a high risk of bias was identified. Conclusion: The results of the study show that ADE notifications increased during the pandemic. In the pre-pandemic period, there was an emphasis on the southeastern region known as the most developed, leading to mild damage mainly linked to drug administration error, compromising patient safety. It is necessary to reinforce the importance of monitoring and the real discovery of the reason that led to the increase in notifications during the pandemic period in order to improve health processes and professional training to obtain zero preventable damage.
Humans , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Pharmacovigilance , Patient Safety , COVID-19ABSTRACT
A evolução da biotecnologia somada à ascensão da tecnologia para recombinação do DNA impulsionou a produção de biológicos ao longo de décadas. Com o término das patentes, os biossimilares emergiram com potencial de gerar um grande impacto na acessibilidade e assim estabelecer seu lugar no mercado após comprovação da equivalência com o medicamento biológico. Entretanto, as preocupações sobre as trocas de medicamentos biológicos e biossimilares é um importante debate atual que ressalta a relevância de acompanhamento pós mercado das pessoas em uso de biofármacos. Este estudo teve como objetivo elaborar um protótipo para identificar e validar os dados necessários para a construção de um software específico para o monitoramento dos medicamentos biossimilares para doenças inflamatórias imunomediadas, tendo em vista o processo de trabalho dos profissionais de saúde e da indústria farmacêutica, considerando os aspectos legais e legislativos das agências reguladoras em benefício do doente crônico. Trata-se de uma pesquisa aplicada, com abordagem qualitativa, na modalidade pesquisa-ação. A população amostral foi constituída por profissionais de saúde, profissionais da indústria farmacêutica, agência reguladora, usuários de medicamento biológico e medicamento biossimilar e especialistas de informática que aceitaram participar da pesquisa por meio da assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Abordados na primeira etapa do estudo, os apontamentos dos integrantes do Comitê de Especialistas agregaram as diretrizes estabelecidas pelas agências reguladoras e contribuíram com o levantamento de requisitos que, permeado por padrões de terminologia, direcionou o desenvolvimento dos protótipos (estático e de software). O Adobe Illustrator® foi o editor de imagens vetoriais utilizado para desenvolver o protótipo estático e contribuir para consolidar as telas, ao passo que o protótipo de software explorou as potencialidades da tecnologia Angular e favoreceu a interação do usuário com as telas desenvolvidas. Na segunda fase do estudo, os integrantes do Comitê de Avaliadores acessaram o protótipo para avaliação da tecnologia por meio da aplicação de um questionário. Os resultados evidenciam a importância de desenvolver estratégias para identificar os desvios de qualidade e dessa forma minimizar os eventuais danos das novas gerações de medicamentos. Soma-se a relevância de identificar as trocas de medicamentos biológicos e biossimilares e qualificar as informações para favorecer o acompanhamento pós mercado dos biofármacos e, assim, fortalecer a farmacovigilância e contribuir com a segurança do paciente. A aproximação entre o pesquisador e as pessoas implicadas na jornada do paciente em uso de medicamento biológico e biossimilar proporcionou a inserção de perspectivas não previstas pela literatura e, sobretudo, delineou potenciais soluções para os problemas apontados.
The evolution of biotechnology added to the rise of technology for DNA recombination boosted the production of biologicals for decades. With the end of patents, biosimilars emerged with the potential to generate a great impact on accessibility and thus establish their place in the market after proof of equivalence with biological medicine. However, concerns regarding the exchange of biological and biosimilar medicines is an important current debate that highlights the relevance of post-market monitoring of people using biopharmaceuticals. This study aimed to develop a prototype to validate the data necessary for the monitoring of biological and biosimilar medicines for immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. It is an applied research, with a qualitative approach, in the action-research modality. The sample population consisted of health professionals, professionals from the pharmaceutical industry, regulatory agency, users of biological and biosimilar products and IT specialists who agreed to participate in the research by signing the Free and Informed Consent Form. Approached in the first stage of the study, the notes of the members of the Committee of Experts added the guidelines established by the regulatory agencies and contributed to the survey of requirements that, permeated by terminology standards, guided the development of prototypes (static and software). Adobe Illustrator® was the vector image editor used to develop the static prototype and contributed to consolidate the developed screens, while the software prototype explored the potential of Angular technology and favored user interaction with the screens developed. In the second phase of the study, the members of the Committee of Evaluators accessed the prototype for evaluating the technology through the application of a questionnaire. The results show the importance of developing strategies to identify quality deviations and minimize the potential damages of new generations of medicines. biopharmaceuticals and, thus, strengthen pharmacovigilance and contribute to patient safety. The approximation between the researcher and the people involved in the journey of the patient using biological and biosimilar medicines provided the insertion of perspectives not foreseen in the literature and, above all, outlining potential solutions to the problems mentioned.
Technology , Medical Informatics , Drug Monitoring , Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting Systems , PharmacovigilanceABSTRACT
La viruela del mono fue declarada emergencia de salud pública de importancia internacional por la Organización Mundial de la Salud el año 2022. En Chile, hasta septiembre se han confirmado sobre 450 enfermos, mayoritariamente hombres jóvenes. Este poxvirus zoonótico se transmite entre humanos por contacto estrecho; la enfermedad es autolimitada y puede ser fatal en inmunocomprometidos. La prevención mediante inmunización es importante. MVA-BN es una de las tres vacunas disponibles, de 3° generación, contiene el virus vaccinia atenuado, no replicante por lo que se puede administrar a pacientes inmunocomprometidos y mujeres embarazadas y está aprobada para viruela símica en personas > 18 años. La información disponible sobre eficacia y efectividad es limitada. El CAVEI recomienda incorporar esta vacuna para interrumpir la cadena de transmisión y reducir el riesgo de enfermedad grave, en dos dosis separadas por 28 días, por vía subcutánea, priorizando el uso post-exposición para contactos estrechos con riesgo de enfermedad grave, idealmente en los primeros 4 días y hasta 14 días post contacto de riesgo y en ausencia de síntomas. Cuando el suministro de vacunas lo permita, se recomienda prevención pre-exposición para personas con alto riesgo ocupacional o por prácticas sexuales. Esta recomendación podría modificarse según la epidemiología, el suministro de vacunas y nueva información científica.
Monkeypox was declared a public health emergency of international concern by the World Health Organization during 2022. In Chile, over 450 patients have been confirmed until September, mostly young men. This zoonotic poxvirus is transmitted from humans to humans through close contact; it is a self-limiting disease and can be fatal in people with immunodeficiency. Prevention by immunization is important. MVA-BN, one of the three vaccines available, it is a third generation vaccine, based on non-replicating modified vaccinia virus, therefore can be administered to immunocompromised patients and pregnant women and it has been approved for monkeypox in people over 18 years of age. The available information on efficacy and effectiveness is limited. The CAVEI recommends incorporating this vaccine to interrupt the chain of transmission and reduce the risk of severe disease, administered subcutaneously in two doses, 28 days apart, prioritizing post exposure use for close contacts of confirmed cases with risk of severe disease, ideally within 4 days of exposure and it can be used up to 14 days after exposure and in the absence of symptoms. When the vaccine supply allows it, its application is recommended as pre-exposure prevention for people with high-risk sexual practices or with occupational risk. This recommendation could be modified according to epidemiology, vaccines supply and new scientific information.
Humans , Smallpox Vaccine/administration & dosage , Immunization Programs , Mpox (monkeypox)/prevention & control , Chile/epidemiology , Mpox (monkeypox)/epidemiology , PharmacovigilanceABSTRACT
Fundamentos: O sistema de saúde brasileiro é embasado nos princípios estabelecidos na Constituição Federal, que in-cluem igualdade, universalidade, equidade e participação popular, em um modelo de saúde totalmente gratuito. O Brasil vive um grande desafio para ofertar assistência de qualidade para toda população. Muitas vezes, é necessário solicitar à justiça um suporte para conseguir acesso à saúde pública. Entre os processos judiciais envolvendo questões de saúde, a maioria são referentes ao fornecimento de medicamentos. Dentre os medicamentos solicitados, destacam-se os anticoagulantes orais diretos (DOACs), cujos estudos apontam que apresentam melhor segurança e eficácia similar em relação à varfarina, medicamento padronizado no SUS para o tratamento do tromboembolismo venoso e fibrilação atrial. Objetivo: Avaliar o perfil dos pacientes e das solicitações dos DOACs atendidos por via judicial. Métodos: Estudo documental descritivo realizado em Divinópolis/MG a partir de todos os processos julgados com parecer favorável pela justiça referentes à solicitação dos DOACs. A coleta de dados foi realizada em três fontes secundárias: os pro-cessos judiciários, prontuários dos pacientes nas unidades básicas de saúde e no Sistema de Informações em Saúde. Resultados: Foram incluídos no estudo um total de 74 processos referentes à solicitação dos DOACs no município de Divinópolis-MG. Observou-se que 74,3% dos indivíduos eram do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 70 anos. O diagnóstico mais observado foi a fibrilação atrial (36,5%). Cerca de 52,7% dos médicos registraram que houve tenta-tiva terapêutica com varfarina antes da introdução dos DOACs e a comodidade (24,3%) foi a justificativa mais utilizada por optar pelos DOACs seguida por dificuldade em controlar a RNI (20,3%). Outro dado encontrado foi que 25,7% dos pacientes nunca obtiveram na farmácia do SUS o medicamento solicitado por via judicial. Conclusão: Concluímos que a demanda judicial que afoga tanto o sistema judiciário como o sistema de saúde, poderia ser evitada se fossem seguidas as recomendações da Comissão Nacional de Incorporação de Tecnologias no Sistema Único de Saúde para estabelecer a distribuição dos insumos de saúde. Além disso, nos processos judiciais faltam informações importantes para auxiliar o juiz a emitir um parecer, sendo baseadas, na maioria das vezes, em apenas uma opinião médica. (AU)
Fundamentals: The Brazilian health system is based on the principles established in the Federal Constitution, which include equality, universality, equity, and popular participation in a completely free health model. Brazil is under great challenge to offer quality care to the entire population. It is often necessary to ask the court for support to gain access to public health.Among the court proceedings involving health issues, the majority refer to the supply of medicines. Among the drugs requested, direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) stand out, which indicate that they have better safety and similar efficacy concerning warfarin, a standardized medication in the SUS to treat venous thromboembolism (VTE) and atrial fibrillation (AF). Objective: Assess the profile of patients and requests for direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) served by the court. Methods: Descriptive documental study carried out in Divinópolis/MG from all cases judged with a favorable opinion by the court regarding the request of DOACs. Data collection was carried out from three secondary sources: court proceedings, medical records of patients in basic health units, and the Health Information System (SIS). Results:A total of 74 lawsuits referring to the DOACs request in the city of Divinópolis-MG were included in the study. It was observed that 74.3% of the individuals were female, with a mean age of 70 years. The most common diagnosis was atrial fibrillation (36.5%). About 52.7% of physicians reported that there was a therapeutic attempt with warfarin before the introduction of DOACs, and convenience (24.3%) was the most used justification for choosing DOACs, followed by difficulty in controlling the INR (20.3%). Another finding was that 25.7% of the patients never obtained the medication requested through the courts at the SUS pharmacy. Conclusion: We concluded that the judicial demand that drowns both the judicial system and the health system could be avoided if the recommendations of the National Commission for the Incorporation of Technologies in the Unified Health System were followed to establish the distribution of health education. In addition, in court proceedings, important information is lacking to assist the judge in issuing an opinion and is most often based on only one medical opinion. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Atrial Fibrillation/drug therapy , Warfarin/therapeutic use , Health Profile , Pharmacovigilance , Health's Judicialization , Anticoagulants/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Resumo Os estudos em vigilancia farmacológica e ecofarmacológicas possibilitam o monitoramento, identificagao e minimi-zagao de efeitos nocivos advindos do uso de medicamentos. Diante disso, o presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever o cenário atual da farmacoepidemiologia e ecofarmacovigilancia no Brasil, no que se refere a produgao, registro, comerciali-zagao e uso de medicamentos. Foi realizado um levantamento sistemático, através dos bancos de dados PubMed/Medline, Lilacs e SciELO, cuja temática envolveu pesquisas em farmacoeconomia, farmacovigilancia, ecofarmacovigilancia e estudo da utilizagao de medicamentos no Brasil de 2001 a 2019. As publicagóes distribuíram-se de forma desigual entre as regióes brasileiras. Pacientes hipertensos, oncológicos e as gestantes foram os grupos de risco mais citados e os antimicrobianos, psicotrópicos e antineoplásicos os grupos farmacológicos mais discutidos. Custo de cuidados em saúde foi a temática mais abordada no contexto da farmacoeconomia e grande parte dos trabalhos destinou-se a análise e obtengao de dados referentes ao uso de medicamentos e suas reagóes adversas. Em relagao a ecofarmacovigilancia nao foram encontradas publicagóes no Brasil que contemplem essa área. Apesar dos avangos da legislagao farmacoepidemiológica e melhorias nos processos de fiscalizagao, no que tange a vigilancia da produgao, registro, comercializagao e uso de medicamentos, ainda permanecem carencias, quanto ao aporte de uma visao científica direcionada, sobretudo ao gerenciamento e diferentes usos dos recursos terapéuticos, e económicos do sistema de saúde brasileiro, bem como uma visao ambiental referente ao uso de medicamentos.
Abstract Studies in pharmacological and ecopharmacological surveillance make it possible to monitor, identify and minimize harmful effects arising from the use of drugs. Therefore, the present study aimed to describe the current scenario of pharmacoepidemiology and ecopharmacovigilance in Brazil, about the production, registration, marketing, and use of medicines. A systematic survey was carried out through the PubMed/Medline, Lilacs, and SciELO databases, whose theme involved research in pharmacoeconomics, pharmacovigilance, ecopharmacovigilance, and the study of drug use in Brazil from 2001 to 2019. Publications were unevenly distributed between Brazilian regions. Hypertensive patients, cancer patients, and pregnant women were the most cited risk groups, and antimicrobials, psychotropics, and antineoplastics were the most discussed pharmacological groups. Cost of health care was the most discussed topic in the context of pharmacoeconomics and most of the work was aimed at analyzing and obtaining data regarding the use of drugs and their adverse reactions. Regarding ecopharmacovigilance, no publications were found in Brazil covering this area. Despite advances in pharmacoepidemiological legislation and improvements in inspection processes, regarding the surveillance of the production, registration, commercialization, and use of medicines, there are still gaps regarding the contribution of a directed scientific vision, especially to the management and different uses of resources. therapeutic and economic aspects of the Brazilian health system, as well as an environmental vision regarding the use of medicines.
Resumen Los estudios de vigilancia farmacológica y ecofarmacológica permiten controlar, identificar y minimizar los efectos nocivos derivados del uso de los medicamentos. Ante esto, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo describir el escenario actual de la farmacoepidemiología y la ecofarmacovigilancia en Brasil, en relación con la producción, el registro, la comercialización y el uso de los medicamentos. Se realizó una encuesta sistemática, a través de las bases de datos PubMed/Medline, Lilacs y SciELO, cuya temática involucró investigaciones sobre farmacoepidemiología, farmacovigilancia, ecofarmacovigilancia y estudio del uso de medicamentos en Brasil desde 2001 hasta 2019. Las publicaciones se distribuyeron de forma desigual entre las regiones brasileñas. Los pacientes hipertensos, los pacientes oncológicos y las mujeres embarazadas fueron los grupos de riesgo más citados y los antimicrobianos, los psicotrópicos y los antineoplásicos fueron los grupos farmacológicos más discutidos. El coste de la asistencia sanitaria fue el tema más abordado en el contexto de la farmacoeconomía y la mayoría de los trabajos estaban dirigidos a analizar y obtener datos sobre el uso de los medicamentos y sus reacciones adversas. En cuanto a la ecofarmacovigilancia, no se encontraron publicaciones en Brasil que aborden esta área. A pesar de los avances en la legislación farmacoepidemiológica y de las mejoras en los procesos de inspección, en lo que respecta a la vigilancia de la producción, registro, comercialización y uso de los medicamentos, todavía falta una visión científica dirigida, sobre todo, a la gestión y a los diferentes usos de los recursos terapéuticos y económicos del sistema de salud brasileño, así como una visión ambiental en cuanto al uso de los medicamentos.
Brazil , Pharmacovigilance , Pharmacoepidemiology/statistics & numerical data , Economics, PharmaceuticalABSTRACT
Introdução: Eventos adversos a medicamentos estão associados à morbimortalidade, altas taxas de permanência hospitalar e custos elevados. Pacientes de unidade de terapia intensiva são um dos principais grupos de risco para ocorrência desses eventos. O uso de rastreadores, indicadores de potenciais eventos, pode simplificar a detecção por meio do screening sistemático de prontuários e possibilitar mensuração contínua. Objetivo: Analisar potenciais eventos adversos e correlacionar seus rastreadores com tempo de internação, número de medicamentos e comorbidades em pacientes internados em unidade de terapia intensiva adulto. Métodos: Estudo longitudinal conduzido com pacientes internados em terapia intensiva de um hospital de alta complexidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Amostra probabilística composta por 83 prontuários de pacientes, hospitalizados, por no mínimo 24 horas, para tratamento clínico e que receberam, pelo menos, um medicamento. Na identificação dos eventos foi utilizado o instrumento do Institute for Healthcare Improvement adaptado, que inclui rastreadores, medicamentos, bioquímicos e clínicos. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas pela Correlação de Pearson, com significância de p<0,05. Resultados: Anti-histamínicos (43,4%), aumento de creatinina (50,6%) e letargia (20,5%) foram os rastreadores mais frequentes de cada categoria. Os medicamentos mais utilizados foram ácido acetilsalicílico (67%) e omeprazol (55%). Houve correlação positiva entre o número total de rastreadores e tempo de internação, número de medicamentos e comorbidades (r= 0,961, r=0,555 e r=0,210 respectivamente; p<0,001). Conclusão: Os rastreadores destacados são esperados para pacientes com cardiopatias em unidades de terapia intensiva e sugerem alerta para os profissionais envolvidos no monitoramento de eventos adversos (AU)
Introduction: Adverse drug events are associated with morbidity and mortality, high hospital stay rates and high costs. Intensive care unit patients are one of the main risk groups for the occurrence of these events. The use of triggers, which indicate potential events, can simplify detection by systematic screening of medical records and enables continuous measurement. Objective: Analyze potential adverse events and correlate their triggers with the length of stay, number of medications, and comorbidities in patients admitted to an adult intensive care unit. Methods: A longitudinal study was conducted with patients admitted to intensive care at high complexity hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. A probabilistic sample consisting of medical records of 83 patients hospitalized, for at least 24 hours, for clinical treatment and who received at least one medication. In the identification of the events the adapted instrument of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement was used, which includes drug, biochemical, and clinical triggers. The Pearson's correlation test was used to correlate the number of triggers with the length of stay, the number of medications, and comorbidities, and the significance of p<0.05. Results: Antihistamines (43.4%), creatinine increase (50.6%), and lethargy (20.5%) were the most frequent triggers for each category. Among the drugs, acetylsalicylic acid (67%) and omeprazole (55%) were prominent. There was a positive correlation between the total number of triggers and time of hospitalization, the number of medications, and comorbidities (r=0.961, r=0.555, and r=0,210 respectively; p<0.001). Conclusions: Outstanding triggers can be expected for intensive care units' cardiac patients and suggest warning for professionals involved in monitoring these events (AU)
Humans , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Pharmacovigilance , Patient Safety , Intensive Care UnitsABSTRACT
Las nuevas estrategias, que incluyen el diagnóstico y el tratamiento tempranos, el enfoque de tratamiento dirigido a un objetivo, la remisión como ese objetivo principal del tratamiento, la participación de los pacientes en las decisiones terapéuticas, junto con el desarrollo de nuevos tratamientos efectivos, han cambiado las expectativas de los reumatólogos y de los pacientes con enfermedades reumáticas. Todavía existen, sin embargo, importantes desafíos tales como la seguridad a largo plazo de los tratamientos actuales y poder escoger tratamientos más individualizados y eficaces, de forma tal de elegir el mejor tratamiento para cada paciente. El futuro, como en el resto de la medicina, probablemente sea la prevención del desarrollo de enfermedades reumáticas. Discutiremos estos temas en esta revisión. (AU)
New strategies, including early diagnosis and treatment, targeted therapy, remission as the main objective of treatment, patient involvement in therapeutic decision-making, and the development of new effective therapies, have changed the expectations of rheumatologists and patients with rheumatic diseases.There are still serious challenges, such as the long-term safety of current treatments and the ability to make more individualized and effective treatments to choose the best treatment for each patient. The future, as that of the whole of medical science, will probably lie in preventing the development of rheumatic diseases. We will discuss these issues in this review. (AU)
Humans , Rheumatic Diseases/diagnosis , Rheumatic Diseases/prevention & control , Rheumatic Diseases/drug therapy , Patient Participation , Remission Induction/methods , Early Diagnosis , Precision Medicine/trends , Pharmacovigilance , Early Goal-Directed Therapy/methodsABSTRACT
La presente Norma establece las disposiciones para la organización y operación de los procesos técnicos y administrativos relacionados a la farmacovigilancia de productos farmacéuticos, productos naturales, suplementos vitamínicos, vacunas, homeopáticos y donativos de los antes mencionados fabricados, importados, exportados, comercializados, distribuidos y dispensados en el territorio nacional. Es aplicable a todas las personas naturales o jurídicas prestadoras de servicios de salud, así como aquellas que desarrollen procesos relacionados con la fabricación, importación, exportación, comercialización, distribución, prescripción, dispensación y administración en el territorio nacional de productos farmacéuticos, productos naturales, suplementos vitamínicos, vacunas, homeopáticos y donativos de los antes mencionados
This Standard establishes the provisions for the organization and operation of the technical and administrative processes related to the pharmacovigilance of pharmaceutical products, natural products, vitamin supplements, vaccines, homeopathic products and donations of the aforementioned manufactured, imported, exported, marketed, distributed and dispensed in the national territory. It is applicable to all natural or legal persons providing health services, as well as those that develop processes related to the manufacture, import, export, marketing, distribution, prescription, dispensing and administration in the national territory of pharmaceutical products, natural products, vitamin supplements, vaccines, homeopathic and donations of the aforementioned
Pharmacovigilance , Health Services , Vitamins , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Vaccines , El SalvadorABSTRACT
RESUMEN El estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el conocimiento, las actitudes y prácticas de un grupo de profesionales de la salud sobre la farmacovigilancia en el contexto de la COVID-19 en el Seguro Social de Salud del Perú (EsSalud). Se realizó un análisis secundario descriptivo de una base de datos que incluía las respuestas de una encuesta en línea realizada por el Centro de Referencia Institucional de Farmacovigilancia y Tecnovigilancia de EsSalud. De 144 participantes, el 66% mostró alto nivel de conocimiento y el 81,2%, actitud positiva; sin embargo, el 71,5% tuvo un inadecuado nivel de práctica de farmacovigilancia. Si bien los profesionales de EsSalud demostraron tener alto conocimiento y actitud positiva para implementar farmacovigilancia, esto no se ve reflejado en la práctica de esta actividad en la época de pandemia por el SARS-CoV-2. Se deben emplear estrategias para integrar a la farmacovigilancia en las actividades asistenciales en beneficio de la seguridad del paciente.
ABSTRACT The study aimed to evaluate a group of health professionals' knowledge, attitudes, and practices on pharmacovigilance in the context of COVID-19 in the Peruvian Social Health Insurance (EsSalud). A descriptive secondary analysis was carried out on a database that included responses from an online survey conducted by the Institutional Referral Center for Pharmacovigilance and Technovigilance of EsSalud. Of 144 participants, 66% showed a high level of knowledge and 81.2% had a positive attitude; however, 71.5% had an inadequate level of pharmacovigilance practice. Although EsSalud professionals demonstrated a high level of knowledge and positive attitude to implement pharmacovigilance, this is not reflected in the practice of this activity during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Strategies should be implemented to integrate pharmacovigilance into healthcare activities to benefit patient safety.
Humans , Male , Female , Health Personnel , Pharmacovigilance , COVID-19 , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Delivery of Health Care , Insurance, HealthABSTRACT
Introducción: El nimotuzumab es un anticuerpo monoclonal empleado en el tratamiento de pacientes con tumor cerebral. Dada su novedad se justifica la realización de estudios de farmacovigilancia que avalen su seguridad. Objetivo: Caracterizar los eventos adversos relacionados con este medicamento en la práctica médica habitual. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 41 pacientes con tumor cerebral primario tratados con nimotuzumab en el Departamento de Ensayos Clínicos del Hospital Provincial Docente Saturnino Lora Torres de Santiago de Cuba, desde mayo de 2017 hasta abril de 2019. Resultados: En la serie se identificaron 31 eventos adversos, de los cuales 17 eran conocidos y 14 desconocidos. Predominaron la cefalea (80,5 %), la debilidad en miembros inferiores (48,8 %) y la fosfatasa alcalina elevada (41,5 %). Cabe destacar que el total de los efectos no deseados se consideraron ligeros, según su intensidad; reversibles, según sus resultados y sin cambios, según la actitud respecto al medicamento. Conclusiones: Las características de los eventos adversos encontrados se asemejan a las descritas en otros estudios que también avalan la seguridad del fármaco.
Introduction: The nimotuzumab is a monoclonal antibody used in the treatment of patients with cerebral tumor. The realization of pharmaco surveillance studies that guaranteed its security is justified given its new features. Objective: To characterize the adverse events related to this medicine in the habitual medical practice. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study of 41 patients with primary cerebral tumor treated with nimotuzumab in the Clinical Trial Department of Saturnino Lora Torres Teaching Provincial Hospital was carried out in Santiago de Cuba, from May, 2017 to April, 2019. Results: In the series 31 adverse events were identified, of which 17 were known and 14 were unknown. There was a prevalence of the headache (80.5 %), weakness in lower members (48.8 %) and the high alcaline phosphatase (41.5 %). It is necessary to highlight that all the non wanted effects were considered light according to the intensity; reversible, according to the results and without changes, according to the attitude regarding the medicine. Conclusions: The characteristics of the adverse events that were found resemble to those described in other studies that also guarantee the security of the drug.
Brain Neoplasms , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Antibodies, Monoclonal , PharmacovigilanceABSTRACT
The aim of this study was to investigate adverse reactions to Dolutegravir, a drug recently made available by the Unified Health System (SUS) for treating HIV infections. The frequency, severity and sex distribution of adverse reactions to Dolutegravir were identified over the first 18 months of its availability in users in the state of Paraná. Information was obtained through the pharmacovigilance questionnaire prepared by the Ministry of Health, accessed through the Logistics Control System for Medicines(SICLOM). During the study period, dolutegravirwas dispensed to 9,865 patients in the state. However, 9,207 users (93.3%) answered the pharmacovigilance questionnaire. Among them, 1.75% reported 279 adverse reactions. This population was composed mainly of male people (69.57%), in the ratio of 2.29 men for each woman, white (67.08%), aged between 20 and 29 years (26.71%), single (45.34%) and with education between 8 and 11 years of study (41.61%). Gastrointestinal (36.92%) and nervous system (14.34%) disorders were the most prevalent. 77.78% adverse reactions were considered non-serious by users. It can be concluded that dolutegravirhad a low prevalence of adverse reactions in users in the state of Paraná, demonstrating to be safe for use by the population in therapy against HIV, in accordance with clinical trials.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , HIV Infections/drug therapy , HIV Integrase Inhibitors/adverse effects , Anti-Retroviral Agents/adverse effects , Anti-Retroviral Agents/pharmacology , Pharmacovigilance , Unified Health System , Severity of Illness Index , Sex Distribution , HIV Integrase Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Anti-Retroviral Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Technical Specifications for Revision of Safety Information in Marketed Chinese Patent Medicine Instructions,a series of group standards,were proposed by Professor ZHANG Bing from Research Center for Pharmacovigilance and Rational Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine,and underwent centralized management by Chinese Association of Chinese Medicine. They were officially released on July 23 and implemented on July 31,2021. The series of group standards consist of six sections,including general principles,adverse drug events,contraindications,precautions,application for special populations,and warnings. The section of general principles is comprised of holistic and programmatic expressions,which explain the general technical requirements for revising the marketed Chinese patent medicine instructions. The other five sections focus on information collection,screening,transformation,and illustration of specific items,forming a standardized revision technical process. This series of standards is the result of multiple rounds of research and the suggestions of more than 200 experts in different professional fields of " medicine-pharmacy-management-law-enterprise" have been gathered therein to reach a consensus. With the purposes of establishing standardized technical specifications for the revision of safety information in the marketed Chinese patent medicine instructions,guiding marketing authorization holders in revising the instructions,filling the gaps in the research of Chinese patent medicine instructions,promoting the deve-lopment of pharmaceutical care and academic research,and encouraging the rational and safe medication of Chinese patent medicine,the series of group standards is of great significance.
Humans , China , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/adverse effects , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Nonprescription Drugs/adverse effects , PharmacovigilanceABSTRACT
In 2019, Drug Administration Law of China was first time proposed that the country should establish pharmacovigilance system. In 2021, the first Pharmacovigilance Quality Management Standard of China was released. The proposal and implementation of pharmacovigilance were the initial stage in China, and it needed to improve the aspects of pharmacovigilance include institution, monitoring mechanism and database construction. The number of new diagnosed cancer patients in China ranked first in the world. In recent years, the marketing speed of novel antitumor drugs was accelerated, and there were many clinical trials. Therefore, antitumor pharmacovigilance was imperative. In this article, we summarized pharmacovigilance of the origin, clinical practice objectives, procedures, methods. We described the difficulties in antitumor pharmacovigilance and current characteristics of pharmacovigilance in China, aiming to provide reference for the development of antitumor pharmacovigilance. .
Humans , China , Lung Neoplasms , PharmacovigilanceABSTRACT
Abstract We aimed to measure the prevalence of adverse events related to oral hormonal contraceptive (OHC) use and their associated factors in undergraduate pharmacy students. A cross-sectional study was conducted by using an online questionnaire for female students of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of São Paulo from July to August 2020. A descriptive analysis of the data was carried out, which was followed by determining the prevalence ratios to identify possible factors associated with adverse events resulting from OHC. A total of 269 valid responses were obtained, among which 50.2% (n = 135) of the students reported using OHC as a contraceptive method and 21.2% (n = 57) affirmed that they had at least one adverse event related to OHC use, which corresponds to 42.2% of those who had used OHC. The most common adverse event was headache (70.2%), and a period of less than one month was the most cited (49.1%). Only migraine comorbidity was associated with the occurrence of adverse events related to OHC. These findings reinforce the high incidence of adverse events among OHC users and the low rate of discontinuation due to these events. There is a need to provide more information on contraceptive methods to users, including its risks and contraindications.