Abstract Introduction The role of surgical drainage versus conservative therapy in treating patients with parapharyngeal abscesses is still a theme of debate. Objectives This study aimed to investigate the characteristics associated with good outcomes in pediatric patients with parapharyngeal abscesses treated with conservative therapy. Methods This retrospective chart review was performed on children aged 0.3-14 years with the diagnosis of parapharyngeal abscesses confirmed by computed tomography from January 2013 to March 2018. Patients with a severe upper airway obstruction required early intervention, while those in a stable condition initially received conservative therapy with antibiotics. If the patients appeared unlikely to recover, additional surgical drainage was provided. Multivariate logistic regression models were constructed to investigate the clinical characteristics associated with a good response to conservative therapy. A receiver operating characteristic curve was used to identify the age and abscess size cutoff for predicting a successful response. Results A total of 48 children were included in the study. Patient age, antecedent illness, and abscess size were significantly associated with a response to therapy (Odds Ratio = 1.326, 2.314 and 1.235, respectively). The age cutoff associated with the conservative therapy was 4.2 years (76.9% sensitivity, 68.2% specificity), and the abscess size cutoff associated with the conservative therapy was 23 mm (84.6% sensitivity, 77.3% specificity). Conclusion The findings suggested that younger age, smaller abscess size, and less frequent antecedent illnesses, such as upper respiratory tract infection and lymphadenitis, could predict a successful response to conservative therapy in pediatric patients with parapharyngeal abscesses.
Resumo Introdução O papel da drenagem cirúrgica versus tratamento conservador na abordagem de pacientes com abscessos parafaríngeos ainda é uma questão controversa. Objetivo Investigar as características associadas a um bom desfecho em pacientes pediátricos com abscessos parafaríngeos tratados com terapia conservadora. Método Revisão retrospectiva de prontuários feita em crianças de 14 anos com diagnóstico de abscesso parafaríngeo confirmado por tomografia computadorizada de janeiro de 2013 a março de 2018. Pacientes com obstrução grave das vias aéreas superiores necessitaram de intervenção precoce, enquanto aqueles em estado inicialmente estável receberam tratamento conservador com antibióticos. Se a recuperação dos pacientes parecesse improvável, drenagem cirúrgica adicional era feita. Modelos de regressão logística multivariada foram construídos para investigar as características clínicas associadas a uma boa resposta a terapia conservadora. Uma curva ROC, ou seja, característica de operação do receptor, foi usada para identificar a idade e o tamanho do abscesso com o intuito de prever uma resposta bem-sucedida. Resultados Foram incluídas no estudo 48 crianças. Idade do paciente, doenças respiratórias prévias e comorbidades e tamanho do abscesso foram significantemente associados à resposta terapêutica. (odds ratio = 1.326, 2.314 e 1.235, respectivamente). O ponto de corte da idade associado à terapia conservadora foi de 4,2 anos (sensibilidade de 76,9%, especificidade de 68,2%) e o ponto de corte do tamanho do abscesso associado à terapia conservadora foi de 23 mm (sensibilidade de 84,6%, especificidade de 77,3%). Conclusão Os achados sugerem que idade mais jovem, menor tamanho de abscesso e menor frequência de doença comuns, como infecção do trato respiratório superior e linfadenite, podem prever uma resposta bem-sucedida à terapia conservadora em pacientes pediátricos com abscessos parafaríngeos.
Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Pharyngeal Diseases , Abscess/therapy , Abscess/diagnostic imaging , Drainage , Retrospective Studies , Conservative TreatmentABSTRACT
La tiroiditis aguda supurada es una entidad poco frecuente en pediatría; de origen infeccioso, cuya etiología más frecuente es bacteriana. Su presentación típica en niños es la aparición de una tumoración en la cara anterior del cuello, con signos de flogosis, dolorosa, caliente y eritematosa, que excursiona con la deglución, y puede o no estar acompañada de fiebre, disfagia o disfonía. En niños, las anomalías congénitas, principalmente la fístula del seno piriforme, predisponen a la infección de la glándula, por lo que es importante la resolución quirúrgica del defecto anatómico para prevenir las recurrencias. El diagnóstico rápido, basado en la clínica y los estudios por imágenes, es importante para comenzar en forma temprana con un tratamiento antibiótico adecuado.Se presenta una paciente de 3 años, previamente sana, con tumoración cervical izquierda dolorosa y asociada a fiebre. Durante la internación, se arribó al diagnóstico de tiroiditis aguda supurada secundaria a fístula de seno piriforme.
Acute suppurative thyroiditis is an infectious disease, uncommon in children, caused by various microorganisms, being bacteria the most frequently involved. The typical presentation includes the appearance of a tumor in combination with signs of swelling in the anterior aspect of the neck, which is painful on palpation and is associated with warmth and erythema. It usually moves with swallowing and the patient can suffer fever, dysphagia or dhysfonia. In children, congenital anomalies can lead to the gland's infection, and the surgical excision of them is important to prevent recurrency. A quick diagnosis, based on clinical manifestations and imaging studies, is necessary to install an adequate antibiotic treatment. We present the case of a 3-year-old patient, who was previously healthy, with a painful left cervical tumor associated with fever. During the hospitalization, we reached the diagnosis of acute suppurative thyroiditis caused by an underlying pyriform sinus fistula
Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Thyroiditis, Suppurative/complications , Thyroiditis, Suppurative/diagnosis , Pharyngeal Diseases , Pyriform Sinus , Fistula/diagnosis , Acute Disease , NeckABSTRACT
Abstract Pharyngeal tuberculosis is an extrapulmonary form of this disease which makes up less than 1% of cases, most of which are secondary. In Peru, there are no case reports of this form of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis. We present the case of a 42-year-old man who consulted due to a two-month history of sore throat and a pharyngeal lump, with no epidemiological or medical history. A biopsy of the lesion and Ziehl-Neelsen staining yielded results compatible with pharyngeal tuberculosis. A chest x-ray showed bilateral miliary lesions, confirming a secondary form of disseminated tuberculosis. This highlights the importance of ruling out tuberculosis in all cases of chronic pharyngitis which are unresponsive to conventional treatment.
Resumen La tuberculosis faríngea es una forma extrapulmonar de esta enfermedad que corresponde a menos de 1% de casos, mayormente de carácter secundario. En Perú, no hay datos de reportes de casos en esta forma de tuberculosis extrapulmonar. Presentamos el caso de un varón de cuarenta y dos años que consultó por dolor de garganta y tumoración en faringe de dos meses de evolución, sin antecedentes epidemiológico o patológico. Se realiza biopsia de la lesión y coloración Ziehl Neelsen dando compatible a tuberculosis faríngea. En la radiografía de tórax se encontró lesiones pulmonares diseminadas bilaterales de tipo miliar, confirmando forma secundaria a tuberculosis diseminada. Por ello, se resalta la importancia de descartar tuberculosis ante toda faringitis crónica sin respuesta al tratamiento convencional.
Humans , Male , Adult , Tuberculosis , Pharyngeal Diseases , Peru , Pharynx , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary , PharyngitisABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: The pectoralis major flap is a reconstructive option to consider in the treatment of pharyngocutaneous fistula after a total laryngectomy. There are not large studies assessing variables related to pharyngocutaneous fistula recurrence after removal of the larynx. Our objectives were to review the results obtained with this type of treatment when pharyngocutaneous fistula appears in laryngectomized patients, and to evaluate variables related to the results. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed our results using either a myocutaneous or fasciomuscular pectoralis major flap to repair pharyngocutaneous fistula in 50 patients. Results: There were no cases of flap necrosis. Oral intake after fistula repair with a pectoralis major flap was restored in 94% of cases. Fistula recurrence occurred in 22 cases (44%), and it was associated with a lengthening of the hospital stay. Performing the flap as an emergency procedure was associated with a significantly higher risk of fistula recurrence. Hospital stay was significantly shorter when a salivary tube was placed. Conclusions: The pectoralis major flap is a useful approach to repair pharyngocutaneous fistula. Placing salivary tubes during fistula repair significantly reduces hospital stay and complication severity in case of pharyngocutaneous fistula recurrence.
Resumo Introdução: O retalho do músculo peitoral maior é uma opção a ser considerada no fechamento de fístula faringocutânea pós-laringectomia total. Não há grandes estudos que avaliem as variáveis relacionadas à recorrência da fístula faringocutânea após esse procedimento. Nossos objetivos foram avaliar os resultados obtidos com esse tipo de tratamento em pacientes laringectomizados com fístula faringocutânea e as variáveis relacionadas aos resultados. Método: Revisamos retrospectivamente os nossos resultados em 50 pacientes nos quais um retalho miocutâneo ou fasciomuscular do músculo peitoral maior foram utilizados para reparar a fístula faringocutânea. Resultados: Não houve casos de necrose de retalho. Após o reparo da fístula com um retalho do músculo peitoral maior, a ingestão oral foi restaurada em 94% dos casos. Houve recorrência da fístula em 22 casos (44%), a qual foi associada à duração da hospitalização. O uso do retalho como procedimento de emergência foi associado a um risco significativamente maior de recorrência da fístula. A permanência hospitalar foi significativamente menor quando utilizado um tubo de derivação salivar. Conclusões: O uso do retalho do músculo peitoral maior é uma abordagem útil para reparar a fístula faringocutânea. A colocação de tubos de derivação salivar durante o reparo da fístula reduz significativamente o tempo de hospitalização e a gravidade das complicações em caso de recorrência da fístula faringocutânea.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Pectoralis Muscles/transplantation , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Pharyngeal Diseases/surgery , Cutaneous Fistula/surgery , Laryngectomy/adverse effects , Postoperative Complications , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Cutaneous Fistula/etiologyABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: Los abscesos profundos de cuello son colecciones de pus alojadas en los espacios profundos cervicales. En la población pediátrica son poco frecuentes, sin embargo, pueden presentar complicaciones potencialmente mortales. Objetivo: Caracterizar a los pacientes que consultan por abscesos profundos del cuello en el Servicio de Urgencia Pediátrico del Hospital Dr. Sótero del Rio. Material y método: Estudio de tipo descriptivo retrospectivo con datos obtenidos de fichas clínicas de pacientes. Se realizó una revisión de fichas clínicas de los pacientes diagnosticados con abscesos profundos de cuello en el Servicio de Urgencia Pediátrica del Hospital Sótero del Río entre los años 2011 y 2018. Se analizaron variables clínicas (anamnesis, examen físico, exámenes de laboratorio generales y específicos y su manejo) y demográficas. Los resultados se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva con medidas de tendencia central y rango, utilizando Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). Resultados: Se incluyeron 41 pacientes entre 0 y 15 años, con un promedio de edad de 7,2 años. Sesenta y tres por ciento de los pacientes fueron de sexo masculino. Se presentaron 23 (56%) pacientes con abscesos periamigdalinos (PA), 12 (29,2%) con abscesos retrofaríngeos (RF), 5 (12,1%) con abscesos parafaríngeos (PF) y 1 (2,4%) con absceso de tipo mixto (RF- PF). El 60% de los pacientes recibió algún tratamiento médico previo. Se realizó estudio imagenológico en 83% de los pacientes. Todos los pacientes presentaron parámetros inflamatorios elevados. En el 80% de los pacientes se realizó tratamiento médico y algún tipo de drenaje. Conclusiones: Los abscesos profundos del cuello son una entidad relativamente poco frecuente en pediatría, pero potencialmente peligrosa si no se detecta a tiempo, por lo que debemos tener un alto índice de sospecha para evitar las complicaciones.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Deep neck abscesses are pus collections lodged in the deep cervical spaces. They are rare in the pediatric population, however, they can present life-threatening complications. Objective: To characterize the patients who consult for deep neck abscesses in the pediatric emergency department of Dr. Sótero del Rio Hospital. Material and method: Descriptive retrospective study. A review of clinical records of patients diagnosed with deep neck abscesses in the pediatric emergency department of Dr. Sótero del Rio Hospital between 2011 and 2018 was made. The clinical (anamnesis, physical exam, general and specific laboratory exams and management) and demographic characteristics were evaluated. The results were analyzed by descriptive statistics with measures of central tendency and range, using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). Results: Forty-one patients between 0 and 15 years of age were included, with an average age of 7.2 years. 63% of the patients were male. There were 23 (56%) patients with peritonsillar abscesses (PA), 12 (29.2%) with retropharyngeal abscesses (RF), 5 (12.1%) with parapharyngeal abscesses (PF) and 1 (2.4%) with abscess of mixed type (RF-PF). 60% of the patients received some previous medical treatment. An imaging study was performed in 83% of the patients. All the patients presented high inflammatory parameters. In 80% of patients, medical treatment and some type of drainage were performed. Conclusions: Deep abscesses of the neck are a relatively rare entity in pediatrics, but potentially dangerous if not detected in time, so we must have a high index of suspicion to avoid complications.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Abscess/surgery , Abscess/drug therapy , Neck , Pharyngeal Diseases/surgery , Pharyngeal Diseases/drug therapy , Chile , Drainage , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retropharyngeal Abscess/surgery , Retropharyngeal Abscess/drug therapy , Abscess/diagnosis , Abscess/microbiologyABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction Fish bone foreign body (FFB) impaction in the upper aerodigestive tract is a common cause for emergency department referral. Its management varies in both diagnosis and treatment paradigms. Fish bone foreign bodies are more commonly found in the oropharynx in cases of patients < 40 years old, and in the esophagus in cases of patients > 40 years old. Symptoms are typically non-indicative for the location of the FFB, with the exception of foreign body sensation at/superior to the cervical esophagus. A lack of findings during the physical examination is routinely followed by imaging, with computed tomography (CT) being the preferred modality. In practice, many patients undergo unnecessary imaging studies, including CT scans. Objectives To identify patients with suspected fish bone impaction who do not require CT imaging and can be safely discharged. Data Synthesis We have searched the PubMed database for the following medical subject headings (MeSH) terms: fish bone, fish foreign body AND oropharynx, hypopharynx, esophagus, flexible esophagoscopy, and rigid esophagoscopy. Our search in the English language yielded 32 papers. Case reports were included, since they highlighted rare and serious complications. Conclusion In patients > 40 years old suspected of fish bone impaction, noncontrast CT is recommended and should be urgently performed, even in the presence of ambiguous symptoms. However, in patients < 40 years old presenting within 24 hours from ingestion, imaging has little diagnostic value due to the low probability of esophageal fish bones. For this specific subgroup, in the absence of clinical findings, discharge without imaging studies may be considered safe. (AU)
Humans , Child, Preschool , Adult , Middle Aged , Bone and Bones/diagnostic imaging , Pharyngeal Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Esophageal Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Fishes , Foreign Bodies/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Prevalence , Esophagoscopy/methods , Foreign Bodies/complications , Foreign Bodies/physiopathology , Foreign Bodies/therapy , Foreign Bodies/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: La mucositis orofaríngea (MO) es una de las principales complicaciones del tratamiento oncológico que reduce significativamente la calidad de vida (CV) del paciente. El objetivo fue traducir, adaptar de manera cultural y validar una nueva versión en español del instrumento Oropharyngeal Mucositis-Specific Quality-of-Life (OMQoL) en pacientes pediátricos. Métodos: Estudio transversal de validación, multicéntrico, realizado para la traducción y adaptación del OMQoL del inglés al español en pacientes de entre 8 y 16 años con MO. Se midió la confiabilidad mediante el Alfa de Cronbach; la validez del contenido y el constructo, con un análisis factorial exploratorio; y la validez convergente, con las correlaciones de las escalas para MO de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), la Oropharingeal Mucositis Assessment Scale (OMAS) y con el Pediatric Quality of Life-3 (PedsQL-3) módulo cáncer en español. Resultados: Participaron en el estudio 193 niños con una media de edad de 10.91 ± 2.38 años, de los cuales 101 (52.3%) fueron de sexo femenino. En esta muestra, 80 niños (41.5%) presentaron leucemia aguda linfoblástica y 111 (57.5%) presentaron MO grado 2 y 3. El análisis factorial resultó con cuatro dimensiones con cargas > 0.40. De los 31 ítems del OMQoL, seis fueron eliminados. El Alfa de Cronbach del OMQoL español fue de 0.954. Las correlaciones de Spearman (r) con las escalas de la OMS y OMAS fueron significativas (r = −0.720 y r = −0.689; p<0.01, respectivamente); con el PedsQL-3 módulo cáncer existió una moderada correlación (r = 0.426; p < 0.01). Conclusiones: La nueva versión del OMQoL en español demostró propiedades psicométricas adecuadas, y resulta un instrumento confiable y válido para medir la CV en niños con MO.
Abstract Background: Oropharyngeal mucositis (OM) is one of the primary complications arising during oncological treatment, which significantly reduces the patient's quality of life (QoL). The aim of this study was to translate, culturally adapt, and validate the use of a new Spanish version of the Oropharyngeal Mucositis-Specific Quality-of-Life instrument (OMQoL) for pediatric patients. Methods: A multicentric, cross-sectional validation study was conducted to translate and adapt OMQoL from English to Spanish for its use by children with OM aged 8-16 years. Reliability was measured using Cronbach's alpha; content and construct validity, in conjunction with exploratory factor analysis. The convergent validity, with the correlations of the scales for OM defined by the WHO, OMAS (Oropharingeal Mucositis Assessment Scale) and the PedsQL-3 cancer module in Spanish. Results: One hundred and ninety-three children with mean age of 10.91 ± 2.38 years participated in the study, out of which 101 (52.3%) were females. In this sample, 80 children (41.5%) suffered from acute lymphoblastic leukemia and 111 (57.5%) had grade 2 and 3 OM. The factorial analysis resulted in four dimensions with loads >0.40. Among the 31 items of the OMQoL, six were eliminated. Cronbach alpha of OMQoL-Spanish was 0.954. Spearman´s correlations (r) with the OMS and OMAS scales were significant (with r = −0.720 and r = −0.689; p < 0.01, respectively). Moderate correlation was observed with the PedsQL-3 cancer module (r = 0.426; p < 0.01). Conclusions: OMQoL-Spanish demonstrated adequate psychometric properties, resulting in a reliable and valid instrument for measuring QoL in children with MO.
Adolescent , Child , Humans , Male , Quality of Life , Pharyngeal Diseases/pathology , Mucositis/pathology , Neoplasms/therapy , Oropharynx/pathology , Psychometrics , Pharyngeal Diseases/etiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Mucositis/etiologyABSTRACT
Objetivo: Describir el uso irracional de antibióticos en base a criterios de McIsaac (criterios de Centor modificados por McIsaac), en una unidad de salud de primer nivel de atención. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal con los registros de pacientes de 3 a 19 años atendidos en el servicio de emergencia (246), con los diagnósticos de faringitis aguda, amigdalitis aguda, e infecciones respiratorias superiores agudas de múltiples sitios y sin especificar. Se estableció como prescripción inadecuada si el facultativo indicó antibióticos con un puntaje menor o igual a 1 sobre 5 puntos o si no prescribió antibióticos con puntaje mayor o 4 sobre 5 puntos. Resultados: Se estimó 24,29% de uso inadecuado de antibióticos de los registros de emergencia. Se prescribió antibióticos en 160 pacientes, de los cuales se encontró que, amoxicilina fue el más utilizado (61,87%); seguido de benzilpenicilina benzatina (28,12%) y en tercer lugar macrólidos (8,12%). Conclusión: En la unidad de primer nivel analizada se encontró que el uso inadecuado de antibióticos es superior a la prevalecía estimada de faringoamigdalitis estreptocócica para el grupo de edad estudiado. Por esto, es imperativo que se tomen las medidas necesarias a nivel institucional y comunitario para lograr su reducción y evitar las complicaciones que se derivan de esta.
Objetivo: Descrever o uso irracional de antibióticos com base nos critérios de McIsaac (critérios de Centor modificados por McIsaac), em uma unidade de saúde de primeiro nível de atenção. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo transversal com os prontuários de pacientes de 3 a 19 anos atendidos no serviço de emergência (246), com diagnóstico de faringite aguda, amigdalite aguda, e infecções respiratórias superiores agudas de múltiplos locais e sem especificação. Estabeleceu-se como uma prescrição inadequada se o médico indicou antibióticos com um escore menor ou igual a 1 de 5 pontos ou se ele não prescreveu antibióticos com um escore maior ou igual a 4 de 5 pontos. Resultados: O uso inadequado de antibióticos foi estimado em 24,29% dos prontuários de emergência. Antibióticos foram prescritos em 160 pacientes, dos quais constatou-se que a amoxicilina foi a mais utilizada (61,87%); em segundo, a penicilina benzatina (28,12%); e, em terceiro lugar, os macrolídeos (8,12%). Conclusão: Na unidade de primeiro nível analisada foi encontrado que o uso de antibióticos é superior à prevalência de faringite estreptocócica estimada para a faixa etária estudada. Então, é imperativo que a nível institucional e comunitário sejam tomadas as medidas necessárias para sua redução e evitar as complicações resultantes.
Objective: To describe the irrational use of antibiotics based on McIsaac criteria (Centor criteria modified by McIsaac), in a primary care facility. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted with the medical record of patients from 3 to 19 years old, treated in the emergency department (246), with the diagnoses of acute pharyngitis, acute tonsillitis, and acute upper respiratory infections from multiple sites and not specified. It was established as an inappropriate prescription if the physician indicated antibiotics with a score less than or equal to 1 out of 5 points or if he did not prescribe antibiotics with a score greater than or equal to 4 out of 5 points. Results: Inadequate use of antibiotics was found in 24.29% of emergency records. Antibiotics were prescribed in 160 patients, of which, amoxicillin was the most used (61.87%); followed by benzathine penicillin (28.12%) and in third place macrolides (8.12%). Conclusion: In the first level unit analyzed, it was found that the inappropriate use of antibiotics is superior to the estimated prevalence of streptococcal pharyngitis for the age group studied. Therefore, it is imperative that the necessary measures are taken at the institutional and community level to achieve its reduction and avoid the complications that result from it.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Streptococcal Infections , Pharyngeal Diseases , Pharyngitis , Tonsillitis , Drug Utilization , Inappropriate PrescribingABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To determine whether airway narrowing during obstructive events occurs predominantly at the retropalatal level and results from dynamic changes in the lateral pharyngeal walls and in tongue position. Methods: We evaluated 11 patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and 7 healthy controls without OSA during wakefulness and during natural sleep (documented by full polysomnography). Using fast multidetector CT, we obtained images of the upper airway in the waking and sleep states. Results: Upper airway narrowing during sleep was significantly greater at the retropalatal level than at the retroglossal level in the OSA group (p < 0.001) and in the control group (p < 0.05). The retropalatal airway volume was smaller in the OSA group than in the control group during wakefulness (p < 0.05) and decreased significantly from wakefulness to sleep only among the OSA group subjects. Retropalatal pharyngeal narrowing was attributed to reductions in the anteroposterior diameter (p = 0.001) and lateral diameter (p = 0.006), which correlated with an increase in lateral pharyngeal wall volume (p = 0.001) and posterior displacement of the tongue (p = 0.001), respectively. Retroglossal pharyngeal narrowing during sleep did not occur in the OSA group subjects. Conclusions: In patients with OSA, upper airway narrowing during sleep occurs predominantly at the retropalatal level, affecting the anteroposterior and lateral dimensions, being associated with lateral pharyngeal wall enlargement and posterior tongue displacement.
Resumo Objetivo: Determinar se o estreitamento das vias aéreas durante eventos obstrutivos ocorre predominantemente na região retropalatal e resulta de alterações dinâmicas nas paredes laterais da faringe e na posição da língua. Métodos: Avaliamos 11 pacientes com apneia obstrutiva do sono (AOS) grave (grupo AOS) e 7 indivíduos saudáveis sem AOS (grupo controle) durante a vigília e o sono natural (documentado por meio de polissonografia completa). Por meio de TC multidetectores rápida, obtivemos imagens das vias aéreas superiores no estado de vigília e de sono. Resultados: O estreitamento das vias aéreas superiores durante o sono foi significativamente maior na região retropalatal do que na região retrolingual no grupo AOS (p < 0,001) e no grupo controle (p < 0,05). O volume da via aérea retropalatal foi menor no grupo AOS do que no grupo controle durante a vigília (p < 0,05) e diminuiu significativamente da vigília ao sono apenas no grupo AOS. O estreitamento retropalatal da faringe foi atribuído à redução do diâmetro anteroposterior (p = 0,001) e lateral (p = 0,006), que se correlacionou com o aumento do volume das paredes laterais da faringe (p = 0,001) e o deslocamento posterior da língua (p = 0,001). Não ocorreu estreitamento retrolingual da faringe durante o sono no grupo AOS. Conclusões: Em pacientes com AOS, o estreitamento das vias aéreas superiores durante o sono ocorre predominantemente na região retropalatal e afeta as dimensões anteroposterior e lateral, além de estar relacionado com aumento das paredes laterais da faringe e deslocamento posterior da língua.
Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Tongue/diagnostic imaging , Pharyngeal Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Sleep Apnea, Obstructive/diagnostic imaging , Multidetector Computed Tomography/methods , Palate/physiopathology , Palate/pathology , Palate/diagnostic imaging , Pharynx/physiopathology , Pharynx/pathology , Pharynx/diagnostic imaging , Reference Values , Respiratory Tract Diseases/physiopathology , Respiratory Tract Diseases/pathology , Respiratory Tract Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Tongue/physiopathology , Tongue/pathology , Wakefulness/physiology , Pharyngeal Diseases/physiopathology , Pharyngeal Diseases/pathology , Case-Control Studies , Polysomnography , Sleep Apnea, Obstructive/physiopathology , Sleep Apnea, Obstructive/pathologyABSTRACT
Abstract: Objective: To determine the prevalence and risk factors for oral high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) infection in human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)-infected men. Materials and methods: Consecutive male outpatients with HIV-infection were enrolled. Demographic and behavioral risk data were obtained. Anal swabs and oral rinses were tested for HR-HPV DNA. Oral, pharyngeal and video laryngoscopy examinations were performed for detection of lesions. Results: The prevalence of HR-HPV oral infection was 9.3% (subtypes other than HR HPV 16/18 predominated). The prevalence of anal HR-HPV infection was 75.7%. The risk factors for oral infection with HR-HPV were tonsillectomy (OR=13.12) and years from HIV diagnosis (OR=1.17). Conclusions: Tonsillectomy and years from HIV diagnosis were associated with oral HPV infection. No association was found between oral and anal HR-HPV infections. This is the first study reporting the prevalence and risk factors for oral HR-HPV infection in Mexican HIV-infected population.
Resumen: Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y los factores de riesgo para infección oral por virus de papiloma humano de alto riesgo (VPH-AR) en individuos con VIH. Material y métodos: Se incluyeron pacientes ambulatorios consecutivos con VIH. Se recabó información demográfica y sobre factores de riesgo conductuales. Se detectó DNA de VPH-AR en hisopado rectal y enjuague bucal. Se efectuó exploración de boca, faringe y videolaringoscopía para detectar lesiones. Resultados: La prevalencia de VPH-AR oral fue 9.3% (predominaron subtipos diferentes de VPH-AR 16/18). La prevalencia de VPH-AR anal fue 75.7%. Los factores de riesgo para VPH-AR oral fueron la tonsilectomía (OR=13.12) y los años de diagnóstico del VIH (OR=1.17). Conclusiones: La tonsilectomía y los años de diagnóstico del VIH se asociaron con VPH-AR oral. No hubo asociación entre VPH-AR oral y anal. Este es el primer reporte sobre prevalencia y factores de riesgo para VPH-AR oral en población mexicana con VIH.
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Pharyngeal Diseases/epidemiology , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Papillomavirus Infections/epidemiology , Mouth Diseases/epidemiology , Anus Diseases/epidemiology , Papilloma/virology , Sexual Behavior , Alcohol Drinking/epidemiology , Mouth Neoplasms/epidemiology , Smoking/epidemiology , Comorbidity , HIV Infections/blood , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , CD4 Lymphocyte Count , Mexico/epidemiologySubject(s)
Humans , Pharyngeal Diseases/complications , Laryngeal Diseases/complications , Vagus Nerve Diseases/complications , Pharyngeal Diseases/physiopathology , Laryngeal Diseases/physiopathology , Chronic Disease , Cough/complications , Cough/physiopathology , Vagus Nerve Diseases/physiopathology , Laryngopharyngeal Reflux/complications , Laryngopharyngeal Reflux/physiopathology , Hypersensitivity/complications , Hypersensitivity/physiopathologyABSTRACT
BACKGROUND@#Mediastinal infection is a serious infection of mediastinal connective tissue, with more complications and higher mortality. Application of broad-spectrum antibiotics and nutritional support, early sufficient drainage is the key to successful treatment. In the mode of drainage, this paper discusses the application of continuous negative pressure drainage technique to treat acute anterior mediastinal infection of severe mouth pharynx source, and the good results are summarized and shared.@*METHODS@#In January to December in 2017, a total of 17 cases treated acute mediastinal infection is derived from the throat, has formed a mediastinal abscess, surgery adopts retrosternal counterpart negative pressure drainage way, namely the sternum nest and free sternum xiphoid process under the incision on the first mediastinal clearance, make breakthrough and placed drainage device, suture closed wound, continuous negative pressure drainage, negative pressure using 3 cm-5 cm water column.@*RESULTS@#Among the 17 patients, 14 patients were relieved by continuous negative pressure drainage, and then the drainage tube was removed. In 2 cases, the infection broke into the right thoracic cavity, and the closed drainage caused the negative pressure to disappear, and the negative pressure drainage was replaced by the conventional drainage, and the drainage tube was removed after the drainage tube was clear. One patient had formed a mediastinal abscess incision drainage time later, complicated with septic shock and sepsis, resulting in the death of multiple organ failure.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The traditional treatment of severe acute mediastinal infection is sternal incision and drainage. Continuous negative pressure drainage adequate drainage of mediastinal can relieve patients' pain, effusion, and avoid the dressing out repeatedly. It is an effective method. However, there are limitations in this method, which need to be further optimized.
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Drainage , Methods , Mediastinal Diseases , Diagnostic Imaging , General Surgery , Mediastinum , Diagnostic Imaging , General Surgery , Pharyngeal Diseases , Diagnostic ImagingABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: Las fístulas del seno piriforme, originadas desde el tercer o cuarto arco branquial, son entidades poco frecuentes. Se pueden presentar como aumento de volumen cervical, fístula cervical, absceso cervical, tiroiditis abscedada y/o disfonía. Objetivo: Reportar 4 casos tratados en nuestro hospital y revisión de la literatura. Discusión: Frente a un cuadro clínico compatible, se debe realizar estudio endos- cópico y de imágenes. El manejo quirúrgico sigue siendo el de mejores resultados, pero se han desarrollado terapias endoscópicas y combinaciones de estas con buenos resultados. Conclusión: El diagnóstico requiere un alto índice de sospecha clínica. La cirugía abierta se mantiene como el gold standard, sin embargo, en población pediátrica estaría indicada la resolución endoscópica debido a la alta morbilidad de la cirugía tradicional.
Introduction: Pyriform sinus fistula is a rare cervical branchial anomaly derived from the third and fourth branchial arch. Pyriform sinus fistula should be considered in children presenting enlarged neck mass, fistula, abscess, thyroid infection and/or dysphonia. Objective: We here report 4 cases treated in Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile and review of the current literature on pyriform sinus fistula. Discussion: When clinical presentation is compatible with pyriform sinus fistula, endoscopic and imaging techniques are required. Surgical outcomes are better, although endoscopic therapies and combination of both surgery and endoscopy have also reported good outcomes. Conclusion: Diagnosis is made based on signs and symptoms and a high index of clinical suspicion. Open surgery is gold standard, however in pediatric population endoscopic resolution should be considered to reduce the high morbidity of traditional surgery.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Pharyngeal Diseases/surgery , Pyriform Sinus , Fistula/surgery , Pharyngeal Diseases/congenital , Pharyngeal Diseases/diagnosis , Endoscopy , Fistula/congenital , Fistula/diagnosisABSTRACT
Introducción: La Histoplasmosis es una enfermedad endémica, que presenta un comportamiento oportunista cuyo germen causal es el Histoplasma capsulatum (HC), considerado un hongo dimórfico. Objetivo: Presentar un caso con el diagnóstico de Histoplasmosis generalizada, cuyas manifestaciones faríngeas fueron el inicio de la enfermedad. Presentación del caso: Se presenta el caso de un paciente, con los síntomas faríngeos que fueron la primera manifestación de la enfermedad, en el que la biopsia permitió llegar al diagnóstico nosológico. Posteriormente presentó otras manifestaciones con aspectos clínicos-microbiológicos de diseminación progresiva. Conclusiones: La Histoplasmosis faríngea es una micosis sistémica infrecuente y de difícil diagnóstico, es preciso un buen interrogatorio y examen físico, en aquellos pacientes con factores de riesgo de enfermedades infecciosas sin diagnóstico aparente y deterioro progresivo de su estado general(AU)
Introduction: The Histoplasmosis is an endemic illness that presents an opportunist behavior in which causal germ is the Histoplasma capsulatum (HC), considered a dimorphic mushroom. Objective: To present a case with the diagnosis of Generalized Histoplasmosis in which pharyngeal manifestations were the beginning of the illness. Presentation of the case: The case of a patient is presented with the pharyngeal symptoms that were the first manifestation of the illness, in which the biopsy allowed to arrive to the diagnostic. Later the patient presented other manifestations with clinical-microbiologic aspects of progressive dissemination. Conclusions: The pharyngeal Histoplasmosis is an uncommon systemic mycosis and with a difficult diagnostic, it is necessary a good interrogation and physical exam, in those patients with factors of risk of infectious illnesses without apparent diagnosis and progressive deterioration of their general state(AU)
Humans , Male , Aged , Pharyngeal Diseases/complications , Histoplasmosis/diagnosis , Histoplasmosis/etiology , Histoplasmosis/pathologyABSTRACT
Branchial cleft anomalies are among the most common causes of congenital anterior neck masses in the pediatric population. They present as epithelial-lined, single cysts. The definitive management is surgical excision. However, failure to remove the entire cyst and tract may lead to recurrence of the mass. Unusual presentations of this condition may lead to incomplete excision if inadequately evaluated. There is a scarcity of material documenting atypical presentations of branchial cleft anomalies-- in particular, presentation as 2 distinct cysts in one region. In our literature search of PubMed, Google Scholar and HERDIN using the terms: "congenital mass," "branchial cleft cyst," and "multiple cysts," only 3 similar cases were found. We report a case of a second branchial cleft anomaly presenting as a dumbbell-shaped mass (two cystic structures, connected by a tubular structure) in the right lateral neck, the subsequent management and outcomes.
Humans , Female , Branchioma , Branchial Region , Pharyngeal Diseases , Craniofacial Abnormalities , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local , Head and Neck NeoplasmsABSTRACT
@#<p style="text-align: justify;">Branchial cleft anomalies are among the most common causes of congenital anterior neck masses in the pediatric population. They present as epithelial-lined, single cysts. The definitive management is surgical excision. However, failure to remove the entire cyst and tract may lead to recurrence of the mass.</p><p style="text-align: justify;">Unusual presentations of this condition may lead to incomplete excision if inadequately evaluated. There is a scarcity of material documenting atypical presentations of branchial cleft anomalies-- in particular, presentation as 2 distinct cysts in one region. In our literature search of PubMed, Google Scholar and HERDIN using the terms: "congenital mass," "branchial cleft cyst," and "multiple cysts," only 3 similar cases were found.</p><p style="text-align: justify;">We report a case of a second branchial cleft anomaly presenting as a dumbbell-shaped mass (two cystic structures, connected by a tubular structure) in the right lateral neck, the subsequent management and outcomes.</p>
Humans , Female , Branchioma , Branchial Region , Pharyngeal Diseases , Craniofacial Abnormalities , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local , Head and Neck NeoplasmsABSTRACT
La actinomicosis es una infección poco frecuente, lentamente progresiva y de difícil diagnóstico. Se presenta el caso clínico de una mujer de 63 años en remisión total de un linfoma no Hodgkin difuso de células B grandes de amígdala. Durante su seguimiento se observó un ligero aumento de la lactato deshidrogenasa (LDH). Por la posibilidad de una recaída de su linfoma se realizó una tomografía por emisión de positrones (TEP-TC) que detectó mayor densidad y actividad en la orofaringe izquierda. Se realizó la extirpación de la lesión, cuyo diagnóstico histopatológico fue de una actinomicosis amigdalina. El género Actinomyces es comensal de la orofaringe y de la vía respiratoria y digestiva. La forma cérvico-facial es la más frecuente. La extirpación quirúrgica es a menudo esencial para un diagnóstico definitivo. Es importante incluir esta enfermedad en el diagnóstico diferencial de las lesiones tumorales de la región cérvico-facial.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Palatine Tonsil , Actinomycosis/diagnosis , Pharyngeal Diseases/diagnosis , Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse/diagnosis , Actinomycosis/surgery , Pharyngeal Diseases/surgery , Pharyngeal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Diagnosis, DifferentialABSTRACT
We report the treatment of one patient with pharynx anastomotic stenosis after cervical esophagealresection by stent implantation. The patient suffered from serious pharynx anastomotic stenosis after gastric-pha-ryngeal anastomosis. After balloon-dilatation,a domestic self-expanding Z-stents was implanted in the stricture ofthe esophagus under the X-rays. After stent implantation, the patient has been leading a normal life for threeyears. Balloon dilatation and stent implantation is an effective and safe method in the treatment of patients withpharynx anastomotic stenosis.