La presentación bilateral del absceso periamigdalino es poco frecuente. Su abordaje es controversial y se discute si realizar amigdalectomía en caliente versus diferida. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de sexo masculino, de 14 años, con odinofagia, trismo y fiebre. Presentaba hipertrofia amigdalina bilateral, pilares abombados y edema de paladar blando. Tomografía computada: hipertrofia amigdalina bilateral, con realce poscontraste, ambas con colección, edema con moderada estenosis faríngea. Se decidió internación para tratamiento endovenoso y amigdalectomía con drenaje bilateral. Resolución completa del cuadro con alta a las 48 horas. Ante la presencia de un absceso periamigdalino, debe considerarse la posibilidad de un absceso contralateral oculto. Debe ser diagnosticado y tratado adecuadamente para prevenir complicaciones. La amigdalectomía en caliente podría ser un tratamiento seguro y debería ser considerado en pacientes que serán sometidos a anestesia para drenaje. La decisión final debe ser determinada para cada caso en particular.
The bilateral presentation of peritonsillar abscess is uncommon. Its management is controversial and it has been argued whether a quinsy tonsillectomy or an interval tonsillectomy should be performed. Here we describe the case of a 14-year-old boy with sore throat, trismus, and fever. He had bilateral tonsillar hypertrophy, convex arches, and soft palate edema. Computed tomography: bilateral tonsillar hypertrophy, with post-contrast enhancement, both with collection, edema with moderate pharyngeal stenosis. The patient was hospitalized for intravenous therapy and tonsillectomy with bilateral drainage resulting in a complete resolution of his condition and discharge at 48 hours. In the presence of a peritonsillar abscess, an unsuspected contralateral abscess should be considered. It should be diagnosed and managed adequately to prevent complications. Quinsy tonsillectomy could be safe and should be considered in patients who will undergo anesthesia for abscess drainage. The final decision should be made for each patient on an individual basis.
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Pharyngitis , Peritonsillar Abscess/surgery , Peritonsillar Abscess/diagnosis , Tonsillectomy/methods , Edema , Hypertrophy/complicationsABSTRACT
La faringoamigdalitis es uno de los motivos más frecuentes de consulta en pediatría. Aproximadamente un 70-80% de las faringoamigdalitis son de etiología viral. El 20-30% restante son de origen bacteriano. El agente causal más frecuente es Streptococcus pyogenes (estreptococo ß-hemolítico del grupo A). El rol de Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis, (estreptococos ß-hemolíticos grupos C y G) fue claramente establecido como agente etiológico en la faringitis bacteriana, tanto en niños como en adultos. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y retrospectivo entre enero 2018 y diciembre de 2021. Se evaluó la prevalencia de faringitis estreptocócica, la edad, el período estacional, los agentes etiológicos y la resistencia a macrólidos durante los períodos pre-COVID-19 (2018-2019) y COVID-19 (2020-2021). Se analizaron 11 396 muestras de exudados de fauces de pacientes con sospecha de faringitis bacteriana; las mismas se procesaron mediante el uso de técnicas microbiológicas convencionales. En el período estudiado el porcentaje de positividad de los cultivos de exudados de fauces se mantuvo constante. Al comparar los períodos pre-COVID-19 (2018-2019) y COVID-19 (2020-2021) se observó una disminución en el número de aislados de S. pyogenes con un aumento de S. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis, mientras que la resistencia a macrólidos encontrada fue superior en S. pyogenes y para S. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis se mantuvo constante. Es importante realizar el cultivo para la identificación del agente etiológico y determinar la sensibilidad antibióticapara continuar con la vigilancia epidemiológica de la resistencia a los macrólidos, porque representan una opción en pacientes alérgicos a ß-lactámicos (AU)
Pharyngotonsillitis is one of the most frequent reasons for consultation in children. Approximately 70-80% of pharyngotonsillitis are of viral etiology. The remaining 20-30% are bacterial in origin. The most frequent causative agent is Streptococcus pyogenes (group A ß-hemolytic streptococcus). Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis (ß-hemolytic streptococcus groups C and G) was clearly established as an etiologic agent in bacterial pharyngitis in both children and adults. A descriptive and retrospective analysis was conducted between January 2018 and December 2021. The prevalence of streptococcal pharyngitis, age, seasonal period, etiologic agents, and macrolide resistance during the pre-COVID-19 (2018-2019) and COVID-19 (2020-2021) periods were evaluated. We analyzed 11 396 specimens of swabs from patients with suspected bacterial pharyngitis. Conventional microbiological techniques were used. In the study period, the percentage of positivity of swab cultures remained constant. When comparing the preCOVID-19 (2018-2019) and COVID-19 (2020-2021) periods, a decrease in the number of S. pyogenes isolates was observed with an increase in S. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis, while the resistance to macrolides found was higher for S. pyogenes and remained constant for S. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis. The identification of the etiologic agent and determination of antibiotic sensitivity are important for epidemiological surveillance of macrolide resistance, as they are a treatment option in patients who are allergic to ß-lactams (AU)
Humans , Streptococcal Infections/epidemiology , Pharyngitis/etiology , Pharyngitis/epidemiology , Macrolides/pharmacology , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , COVID-19 , Streptococcus pyogenes/isolation & purification , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the clinical characteristics of children with allergic diseases suffering from SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant strains. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. A total of 43 pediatric patients with allergic diseases infected by SARS-CoV-2 from April 25, 2022 to June 8, 2022 in Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine were selected as the allergic disease group, while 114 cases without underlying diseases and 16 cases with other underlying diseases were selected as control groups diagnosed at the same period. Clinical data including clinical features, laboratory tests, duration of hospitalization, and the time to negative turn of novel coronavirus nucleic acid were collected and analysed. Kruskal-Wallis H test, chi-square test or Fisher exact test were used for comparison among three groups. Results: Among the 43 patients with allergic diseases, 28 were males and 15 were females, with an age of 4.4 (2.1, 8.2) years on admission, including 32 mild cases and 11 common cases. The allergic disease group included 20 cases (46.5%) of atopic dermatitis and eczema, followed by 14 cases (32.6%) of rhinitis, 8 cases (18.6%) of food allergies, 7 cases (16.3%) of asthma, 4 cases (9.3%) of allergic conjunctivitis and 2 cases (4.7%) of drug allergy. Among the 114 cases without underlying diseases, 57 were males and 57 were females, with an age of 2.8 (1.2, 5.6) years on admission, including 93 mild cases and 21 common cases. Among the 16 cases with other underlying diseases, 9 were males and 7 were females, with an age of 3.0 (2.6, 10.8) years on admission, including 13 cases mild and 3 cases common cases. Children with allergic diseases had higher frequency of sore throat and vomiting than those without underlying diseases (10 cases (23.3%) vs.9 cases (7.9%), 14 cases (32.6%) vs. 11 cases (9.6%), χ²=6.93, 12.24, both P<0.05). The lymphocyte count of patients with allergic disease was lower than those without underlying disease (1.1 (0.7,1.7)×109 vs. 1.6 (1.1,2.7)×109/L, H=-28.00,P=0.005). There were no significant differences in age, gender, typing of SARS-CoV-2, the duration of hospitalization, cycle threshold values of SARS-CoV-2 and the time to negative turn of novel coronavirus nucleic acid among the three groups (all P>0.05). Conclusions: Children with allergic diseases may suffer from sore throat and vomiting more frequently when infected with SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant. The combination of allergic diseases hardly influenced the disease course of SARS-CoV-2 in children.
Male , Female , Humans , Child , SARS-CoV-2 , Cross-Sectional Studies , COVID-19 , China/epidemiology , Food Hypersensitivity , PharyngitisABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the clinical features of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in patients with aplastic anemia (AA) undergoing immunosuppressive therapy (IST) . Methods: In this prospective cohort study, we collected the demographic and clinical data of patients with AA and COVID-19 from December 1, 2022, to January 31, 2023. We described the clinical features of COVID-19 among patients with AA and evaluated the effects of IST on the signs and severity of COVID-19. Results: A total of 170 patients with AA and COVID-19 were included. The common early symptoms, including fever, dizziness or headache, muscle or body aches, and sore throat, disappeared within 1-2 weeks. Approximately 25% of the patients had persistent fatigue within 2 weeks. Many patients experienced cough after an initial 1-3 days of infection, which lasted for more than 2 weeks. There were no differences in the duration of total fever episodes and maximum body temperature when patients were stratified according to whether or not they underwent IST, by IST duration, or by use of anti-lymphocyte globulin (ALG) (P>0.05). No differences were observed in the occurrence of symptoms in either the early or recovery stages when patients with AA were stratified according to whether or not they underwent IST, or by IST duration (P>0.05). However, patients who received ALG had fewer fever episodes within 1 week after infection (P=0.035) and more sore throat episodes within 2 weeks after infection (P=0.015). There were no other significant differences in clinical symptoms between patients who did and patients who did not receive ALG (P>0.05) . Conclusion: The majority of patients with AA and COVID-19 recovered within 2 weeks of noticing symptoms when treated with IST.
Humans , Anemia, Aplastic , COVID-19 , Prospective Studies , Fever , Immunosuppression Therapy , PharyngitisABSTRACT
Introducción: las infecciones estreptocócicas pueden presentarse con fiebre, inflamación faringoamigdalina con o sin exudados, petequias en el paladar, adenitis cervical, exantema escarlatiniforme y / o dolor abdominal. Resulta útil en área de urgencia disponer de pruebas de detección rápida de antígenos de S. pyogenes (DRASP) de alta especificidad y sensibilidad algo menor. Objetivos: conocer la utilidad de un test de DRASP en 2 servicios de Urgencia Pediátrica, describiendo las características clínicas y epidemiológicas de los pacientes estudiados durante el período de la investigación y su correlación con el cultivo de exudado faríngeo mediante el cálculo de sensibilidad (S), especificidad (E), valor predictivo positivo (VPP) y valor predictivo negativo (VPN). Material y métodos: estudio prospectivo, observacional, transversal en dos servicios de emergencia pediátrica. Se incluyeron niños a los que se les realizó DRASP y exudado faríngeo (EF) entre el 14 de febrero y el 13 de abril de 2018. Se registró: sexo, edad, motivo de consulta, diagnóstico, tratamiento, destino, resultado del test y de cultivo faríngeo. Se calcularon S, E, VPP y VPN. Resultados: n=241 niños. Rango 8 meses - 14 años, media 6 años. Consultaron por fiebre 103 niños (42,7%); por odinofagia 48, por erupción 11 y 47 por otros síntomas. Al 95% de los niños se le otorgó el alta. DRASP negativos 87,6% (N: 211) y positivos 12,9% (N: 31). EF negativos 80,1% (n: 193) y positivos para SßHGA en 13,7% (n: 33). La sensibilidad de la prueba fue del 52% y su especificidad del 93%. El VPP 55% y el negativo 92%. El diagnóstico más frecuente fue faringitis viral 132 (54,7%). Conclusiones: el test se aplicó fundamentalmente a escolares febriles, algunos con odinofagia. Contribuye a diferenciar en forma rápida la etiología y habilita a no usar antibióticos en caso de resultado negativo. Estos resultados avalan el uso de DRASP en la urgencia pediátrica.
Introduction: streptococcal infections can show fever, pharyngotonsillar inflammation with or without swabs, palatal petechiae, cervical adenitis, scarlatiniform rash and/or abdominal pain. Rapid detection tests for S. pyogenes antigens (DRASP) with high specificity and somewhat lower sensitivity are a useful at the Emergency Ward. Objectives: know the usefulness of a DRASP test in 2 Pediatric Emergency, describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the patients studied during the research period and its correlation with the culture of pharyngeal exudates by calculating sensitivity (S) , specificity (S), positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV). Material and Methods: prospective, observational, cross-sectional study carried out in two pediatric emergency wards. We included children who underwent DRASP and pharyngeal swab (PS) between February 14 and April 13, 2018. The following data were recorded: sex, age, reason for consultation, diagnosis, treatment, destination, test results and throat cultures. S, S, PPV and NPV were calculated. Results: n=241 children. Range 8 months - 14 years, average 6 years. 103 children (42.7%) consulted due to fever; 48 due to sore throat, 11 due to rash and 47 due to other symptoms. 95% of children were discharged. DRASP negative 87.6% (N: 211) and positive 12.9% (N: 31). Negative EP 80.1% (n: 193) and positive for SßHGA in 13.7% (n: 33). The test sensitivity was 52% and specificity 93%. The PPV 55% and the negative 92%. The most frequent diagnosis was viral pharyngitis 132 (54.7%). Conclusions: the test was applied mainly to febrile schoolchildren, some with odynophagia. A quick etiology differentiation is helpful, since it prevents antibiotics from being used in the event of a negative result. These results support the use of DRASP in pediatric emergency wards.
Introdução: as infecções estreptocócicas manifestam-se com febre, inflamação faringotonsilar com ou sem exsudado, petéquias palatinas, adenite cervical, erupção cutânea escarlatiniforme e/ou dor abdominal. Nos serviços de emergência é útil realizar testes de detecção rápida para antígenos de S. pyogenes (DRASP) com alta especificidade e sensibilidade um pouco mais baixa Objetivos: conhecer a utilidade do teste DRASP em 2 Emergências Pediátricas, descrever as características clínicas e epidemiológicas dos pacientes estudados durante o período da pesquisa e sua correlação com a cultura de exsudatos faríngeos por meio do cálculo de sensibilidade (S) , especificidade (S), positivo valor preditivo (VPP) e valor preditivo negativo (VPN). Material e métodos: estudo prospectivo, observacional, transversal, realizado em duas unidades de emergência pediátrica. Foram incluídas crianças que realizaram DRASP e swab faríngeo (PS) entre 14 de fevereiro e 13 de abril de 2018. Foram registrados os seguintes dados: sexo, idade, motivo da consulta, diagnóstico, tratamento, destino, resultados de exames e culturas de garganta. S, S, VPP e VPN foram calculados. Resultados: n=241 crianças. Faixa 8 meses - 14 anos, média 6 anos. 103 crianças (42,7%) consultadas por febre; 48 por dor de garganta, 11 por erupção cutânea e 47 por outros sintomas. 95% das crianças receberam alta. DRASP negativo 87,6% (N: 211) e positivo 12,9% (N: 31). EP negativo 80,1% (n: 193) e positivo para SßHGA em 13,7% (n: 33). A sensibilidade do teste foi de 52% e a especificidade de 93%. O PPV 55% e o negativo 92%. O diagnóstico mais frequente foi faringite viral 132 (54,7%). Conclusões: o teste foi aplicado principalmente em escolares febris, alguns com odinofagia. A rápida diferenciação etiológica é útil, pois evita o uso de antibióticos em caso de resultado negativo. Esses resultados apoiam o uso do DRASP em enfermarias de emergência pediátrica.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Streptococcal Infections/diagnosis , Streptococcus pyogenes/isolation & purification , Deglutition Disorders/diagnosis , Pharyngitis/diagnosis , Streptococcal Infections/microbiology , Deglutition Disorders/microbiology , Pharyngitis/microbiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Predictive Value of Tests , Prospective Studies , Emergency Service, Hospital , Exudates and Transudates/microbiologyABSTRACT
Regan Syrup has the effect of clearing heat, releasing exterior, benefiting pharynx and relieving cough, and previous phase Ⅱ clinical trial showed that the efficacy of Regan Syrup high-dose and low-dose groups was better than that of the placebo group, and there was no statistically significant difference in the safety between the three groups. The present study was conducted to further investigate the efficacy and safety of the recommended dose(20 mL) of Regan Syrup in the treatment of common cold(wind-heat syndrome). Patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected and divided into the test group(Regan Syrup+Shufeng Jiedu Capsules placebo), positive drug group(Regan Syrup placebo+Shufeng Jiedu Capsules) and placebo group(Regan Syrup placebo+Shufeng Jiedu Capsules placebo) at a 1∶1∶1 using a block randomization method. The course of treatment was 3 days. A total of 119 subjects were included from six study centers, 39 in the test group, 40 in the positive drug group and 40 in the placebo group. The onset time of antipyretic effect was shorter in the test group than in the placebo group(P≤0.01) and the positive drug group, but the difference between the test group and the positive drug group was not significant. The test group was superior to the positive drug group in terms of fever resolution(P<0.05), and had a shorter onset time of fever resolution than the placebo group, but without obvious difference between the two groups. Compared to the positive drug group, the test group had shortened disappearance time of all symptoms(P≤0.000 1). In addition, the test group was better than the positive drug group and the placebo group in relieving symptoms of sore throat and fever(P<0.05), and in terms of clinical efficacy, the recovery rate of common cold(wind-heat syndrome) was improved in the test group compared to that in the placebo group(P<0.05). On the fourth day after treatment, the total TCM syndrome score in both test group and positive drug group was lower than that in the placebo group(P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the incidence of adverse events between three groups and none of them experienced any serious adverse events related to the study drug. The results indicated that Regan Syrup could shorten the onset time of antipyretic effect, reduce the time of fever resolution, alleviate the symptoms such as sore throat and fever caused by wind-heat cold, reduce the total score of Chinese medicine symptoms, and improve the clinical recovery rate with good safety.
Humans , Antipyretics/therapeutic use , Capsules , Common Cold/diagnosis , Double-Blind Method , Fever/drug therapy , Hot Temperature , Pharyngitis , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
This study aims to systematically review the efficacy and safety of Shufeng Jiedu Capsules in the treatment of influenza. The randomized controlled trial(RCT) of Shufeng Jiedu Capsules alone or in combination with conventional western medicine for treating influenza were retrieved from PubMed, EMbase, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, SinoMed, CNKI, VIP, Wanfang, and ClinicalTrails.gov. The data analysis was performed in RevMan 5.4.1. The Cochrane risk of bias assessment tool was used to evaluate the quality of the involved RCT, and GRADEpro GDT to assess the quality of the evidence. A total of 11 RCTs involving 1 836 patients were included in this study. Compared with conventional western medicine, Shufeng Jiedu Capsules/Shufeng Jiedu Capsules + conventional western medicine improved the response rate(RR=1.09, 95%CI[1.03, 1.15], P=0.002), shortened the time to relief of cough, and increased the 3-day sore throat relief rate, whereas there was no significant difference in the time to fever abatement, the time to relief of sore throat, 3-day cough relief rate, or 3-day runny nose relief rate. Subgroup-analysis showed that Shufeng Jiedu Capsules + conventional western medicine improved the response rate(RR=1.11, 95%CI[1.08, 1.15], P<0.000 01), shortened the time to relief of cough, and increased the 3-day relief rate of symptoms(cough, sore throat, and runny nose) compared with conventional western medicine alone, while there was no significant difference in the time to fever abatement or the time to relief of sore throat. Shufeng Jiedu Capsules alone could not improve the response rate(RR=0.97, 95%CI[0.93, 1.02], P=0.19). In addition, Shufeng Jiedu Capsules/Shufeng Jiedu Capsules + conventional western medicine vs conventional western medicine were no significant difference in adverse reactions(RR=0.98, 95%CI[0.57, 1.69], P=0.95). The available evidence suggests that Shufeng Jiedu Capsules is effective and safe in the treatment of influenza, and the combination of Shufeng Jiedu Capsules with conventional western medicine can accelerate the relief of symptoms. However, since the number and quality of the included studies were low, the above findings remained to be further verified by multicenter RCT with large sample sizes.
Humans , Influenza, Human/drug therapy , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/adverse effects , Capsules , Cough/chemically induced , Pharyngitis , Rhinorrhea , Multicenter Studies as TopicABSTRACT
According to the Guidelines for clinical comprehensive evaluation of Chinese patent medicine(2022 version), this study comprehensively compared the clinical value of Jinsang Liyan Pills/Capsules with that of another commonly used Chinese patent medicine(drug A).(1)Effectiveness: Jinsang Liyan Pills/Capsules had antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving effects and can improve the total response rate in the treatment of chronic pharyngitis. Moreover, they took effect faster than the control group.(2)Safety: Jinsang Liyan Pills/Capsules did not cause acute toxicity and long-term toxicity, with low incidence of adverse reactions, which were mild and alleviated after drug withdrawal. Therefore, the risk of Jinsang Liyan Pills/Capsules was under control.(3)Economy: Jinsang Liyan Pills/Capsules had lower cost per course of treatment than drug A. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio(ICER) of Jinsang Liyan Pills combined with Jinsang Qingyin Pills was-39.97 yuan compared with conventional treatment. The ICER of Jinsang Liyan Pills compared with amoxicilin was 0.01 yuan. The results meant that Jinsang Liyan Pills/Capsules had a cost-effectiveness advantage.(4)Innovation: Jinsang Liyan Pills/Capsules had reasonably formula and wide indications, meeting the clinical needs. Moreover, they had been authorized four patents of advanced manufacturing technology.(5)Suitability: the storage and administration of Jinsang Liyan Pills/Capsules were convenient, with clear instruction of medication.(6) Accessibility: Jinsang Liyan Pills/Capsules had sufficient drug reserve, caused low economic burden of patients, and presented environmental bearing capacity. Finally, Jinsang Liyan Pills/Capsules were scored 79.10 points, and drug A 67.93 points. The experts reached the consensus of grade A for Jinsang Liyan Pills/Capsules, which can be directly converted into decision making. The result of this comprehensive evaluation of Jinsang Liyan Pills/Capsules highlight the clinical advantages in the treatment of chronic pharyngitis and lay a foundation for the standardized research on the clinical basic research of the drug in the future.
Humans , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/therapeutic use , Pharyngitis/drug therapy , Medicine, East Asian Traditional , Nonprescription Drugs/therapeutic use , CapsulesABSTRACT
El brote reciente de viruela símica ha despertado el interés de la comunidad internacional por su creciente número de contagiados en países no endémicos. Entre sus síntomas se encuentran la fiebre, dolor de cabeza, fatiga, dolor muscular, exantema y linfadenoma. La cavidad bucal es el lugar en el que suelen aparecer los primeros signos de la enfermedad. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo fue establecer las principales manifestaciones orales de la viruela del mono y enumerar algunas recomendaciones de prevención. Para ello, se hizo una revisión bibliográfica entre 2012 y 2022 en la base de datos PubMed, usando las palabras clave, en inglés, monkeypox, oral manifestation y transmission. Se garantizó que, de los 14 documentos seleccionados, al menos el 80%, fueran publicaron en 2022. Las manifestaciones orales más frecuentes fueron: úlcera eritematosa, vesículas-ulcerosas y las asociadas a linfadenopatía (disfagia, odinofagia y faringitis). Entre las recomendaciones se encuentran: uso de mascarilla N95 y visores faciales, lavado constante de manos y espacios y atención de contagiados solo por eventos agudos (urgencias). Aunque no se ha confirmado, es posible que el Tecovirimat sea de ayuda en pacientes con sintomatología grave. Se concluye que es necesario que los odontólogos sepan distinguir los signos orales de la enfermedad para que contribuyan a cortar la cadena de contagio y deriven prontamente a los sospechosos para que se hagan las pruebas diagnósticas y las terapias medicamentosas de manera oportuna(AU)
The recent outbreak of monkeypox has aroused the interest of the international community due to its growing number of infections in non-endemic countries. Its symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, muscle pain, rash, and lymphadenoma. The oral cavity is the place where the first signs of the disease usually appear. Therefore, the objective of this work was to establish the main oral manifestations of monkeypox and list some prevention recommendations. For this, a bibliographic review was carried out between 2012 and 2022 in the PubMed database, using the keywords, in English, monkeypox, oral manifestation and transmission. It was guaranteed that, of the 14 selected documents, at least 80% would be published in 2022. The most frequent oral manifestations were: erythematous ulcer, ulcer-vesicles and those associated with lymphadenopathy (dysphagia, odynophagia and pharyngitis). Among the recommendations are: use of N95 mask and face visors, constant washing of hands and spaces, and attention to those infected only due to acute events (emergencies). Although it has not been confirmed, it is possible that Tecovirimat is helpful in patients with severe symptoms. It is concluded that it is necessary for dentists to know how to distinguish the oral signs of the disease so that they contribute to breaking the chain of contagion and promptly refer suspects to diagnostic tests and drug therapies in a timely manner(AU)
Deglutition Disorders/prevention & control , Pharyngitis/prevention & control , Oral Ulcer/prevention & control , Dental Offices , Mpox (monkeypox)/prevention & control , Lymphadenopathy/prevention & control , Review Literature as TopicABSTRACT
Resumen La mononucleosis infecciosa (MI) es un cuadro clínico generalmente benigno y autolimitado en la infancia y adolescencia debido a la primoinfección del virus de Epstein-Barr caracterizado por la triada de faringitis, fiebre y adenopatías. El riesgo de complicaciones aumenta con la edad y la inmunosupresión, siendo las complicaciones letales más frecuentes las asociadas a rotura esplénica, alteraciones neurológicas y obstrucción de la vía aérea por el aumento del tamaño amigdalar. Los abscesos cervicales asociados a MI son poco frecuentes, siendo mayoritariamente periamigdalinos e intraamigdalares. Presentamos dos casos quirúrgicos de abscesos cervicales profundos de gran tamaño con afectación retrofaríngea y parafaríngea en adolescentes sanos de corta edad (14 y 15 años), sin ningún tipo de inmunosupresión o factores de riesgo, uno de ellos asociado además, a una relevante hemorragia amigdalar espontanea, condición no descrita previamente en la literatura en relación a MI en un paciente tan joven.
Abstract Infectious mononucleosis (MI) is a generally benign and self-limited condition in childhood and adolescence due to the primary EBV infection characterized by the triad of pharyngitis, fever, and lymphadenopathies. The risk of complications increases with age and immunosuppression. The most frequent fatal complications are those associated with splenic rupture, neurological alterations, and airway obstruction due to increased tonsillar size. Cervical abscesses associated with MI are rare, being mostly peritonsillar and intra-tonsil. We present two surgical cases of big deep cervical abscesses with retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal involvement in healthy very young adolescents (14 and 15 years old), without any type of immunosuppression or risk factors, one of them associated with a clinically relevant spontaneous tonsillar bleeding, which had not been described in the literature associated with MI in such young patient.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Peritonsillar Abscess/complications , Peritonsillar Abscess/therapy , Infectious Mononucleosis/complications , Infectious Mononucleosis/therapy , Pharyngitis/etiology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Peritonsillar Abscess/diagnostic imaging , Fever/etiology , Hemorrhage/etiology , Infectious Mononucleosis/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore the effectiveness and feasibility of dexamethasone combined with oxybuprocaine hydrochloride gel on the prevention of postoperative sore throat after nasal endoscopy.@*METHODS@#In the study, 60 patients with American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) physical statuses Ⅰ to Ⅱ, aged 18 to 72 years, scheduled for elective nasal endoscope surgery under general anesthesia requiring endotracheal intubation were randomly divided into dexamethasone combined with oxybuprocaine hydrochloride gel group (G group, n=30) and control group (C group, n=30). The patients in the G group received dexamethasone 0.1 mg/kg before induction and the oxybuprocaine gel was applied to the endotracheal catheter cuff and the front end within 15 cm. The patients in the C group received the same dose of saline and the saline was applied to the endotracheal catheter cuff and the front end within 15 cm. Then, all the patients in the two groups received the same induction and anesthesia maintainance. The operation time, anesthesia time, emergence time, extubation time and departure time were recorded. The intraoperative infusion volume, blood loss volume, propofol, remifentanil, rocuronium dosage were also recorded. The adverse reactions such as intraoperative hypotension, bradycardia and postoperative agitation were recorded. The postoperative sore throat score was recorded at the end of operation and 4 h, 8 h, 12 h, and 24 h after operation.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the C group, the emergence time [(8.4±3.9) min vs. (10.8±4.7) min], extubation time [(8.8±3.7) min vs. (11.9±4.8) min], and departure time [(20.0±5.3) min vs. (23.0±5.8) min] were significantly shorter, and the propofol dosage [(11.8±1.8) mg/kg vs. (15.9±4.6) mg/kg], remifentanil dosage [(10.9±4.7) μg/kg vs. (14.1±3.6) μg/kg] were significantly less in the G group, and there was no difference of rocuronium dosage in the two groups. Compared with the C group the incidence of intraoperative hypotension [10%(3/30) vs. 30%(9/30)], bradycardia [16.7%(5/30) vs. 20%(6/30)] and postoperative agitation [6.7%(2/30) vs. 23.3%(7/30)] were significantly lower in the C group. The postoperative sore throat score at the end of operation, 4 h, 8 h, 12 h and 24 h after operation in the G group were significantly lower than in the C group respectively [0 (0, 1) vs. 1 (1, 2), 0 (0, 0) vs. 1 (1, 2), 0 (0, 0) vs. 1 (1, 2), 0 (0, 0) vs. 1 (0.75, 1), 0 (0, 0) vs. 1 (0, 1)].@*CONCLUSION@#Dexamethasone combined with oxybuprocaine hydrochloride gel was effective and feasible on the prevention of postoperative sore throat after nasal endoscopy.
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Humans , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Bradycardia/drug therapy , Dexamethasone/therapeutic use , Endoscopy/adverse effects , Hypotension/drug therapy , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effects , Pain/drug therapy , Pharyngitis/prevention & control , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Procaine/analogs & derivatives , Propofol , Remifentanil , RocuroniumABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore the correlation of temperament type and mother's emotional state with acute respiratory tract infections in children so as to provide evidence for comprehensive treatment of the infections.@*METHODS@#A total of 200 children aged between 3 and 6 were enrolled in this study from two kindergartens of Guangzhou and Hengyang. The mothers were invited to complete a questionnaire of the children's general information followed by assessment using children's temperament scale and the Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scale.@*RESULTS@#The total incidence of acute respiratory infection was significantly higher in children with a hard- to-raise temperament than the easy- to-raise children (P < 0.05); the incidences of acute rhinitis, acute pharyngitis, acute laryngitis and acute bronchitis were all significantly higher in the hard-to-raise children (P < 0.05). A significant positive correlation was identified between the total number of episodes of acute respiratory tract infection in children and their mothers' stress and anxiety levels (P < 0.01). Acute rhinitis and acute tracheitis in the children were both positively correlated with the mothers' stress scores (P < 0.05), while acute pharyngitis and acute laryngitis were positively correlated with the mothers' anxiety scores (P < 0.05), while acute bronchitis was positively correlated with the mothers' stress and anxiety scores (P < 0.05). Multiple linear regression analysis with the factors influencing the types of acute respiratory tract infections in children as the independent variables suggested that the easy-to-raise type of temperament was a protective factor against acute rhinitis in children (P < 0.05), while mothers' anxiety was a risk factor of acute laryngitis in children (P < 0.05); the mothers' stress was a risk factor for acute bronchitis in children (P < 0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Acute respiratory tract infection in children is closely related to the temperament type of the children and the emotional state of the mothers, which are important therapeutic targets in comprehensive interventions of acute respiratory tract infection in children.
Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Bronchitis , Laryngitis , Mothers/psychology , Pharyngitis , Rhinitis , TemperamentABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To observe the influence of acupoint application on the use of antibiotics in primary clinic practice, and explore the effect of acupoint application and its influence on the use of antibiotics based on common diseases in primary clinic (fever, cough, diarrhea, sore throat).@*METHODS@#With the help of the internet electronic diagnosis and treatment platform (the main TCM suitable technology promoted by this platform is acupoint application therapy), the diagnosis and treatment data of 1.23 million patients in 2 000 primary clinics from August 24, 2020 to March 31, 2021 were collected. The patients were divided into an application group (acupoint application treatment) and a non-application group (non-acupoint application treatment), and the proportion of antibiotic use in the two groups was compared. The propensity score was used to match age, gender, concomitant symptoms, diagnosed diseases and other confounding factors of treatment, and the disappearance rate of symptoms (fever, cough, diarrhea, sore throat) and the time to first disappearance of symptoms were compared between the two groups.@*RESULTS@#A total of 1 230 923 patients were analyzed, including 1 048 382 cases in the application group, accounting for 85.2%; 182 541 cases in the non-application group, accounting for 14.8%. The most patients who used acupoint application treatment were 0-2 years old, followed by 3-6 years old, and the patients over 15 years old who did not use acupoint application treatment were the most. The proportion of antibiotic use in the application group was 2.4%, lower than that in the non-application group (44.2%, P<0.001). The proportion of antibiotic use in all ages of patients in the application group was lower than that in the non-application group (P<0.001). Among the common diseases in primary clinic (fever, cough, diarrhea and sore throat), the proportion of antibiotic use in the application group was lower than that in the non-application group (P<0.01); the disappearance rate of symptoms in the application group was higher than that in the non-application group, and the time to first disappearance of symptoms was shorter than that in the non-application group (P<0.001).@*CONCLUSION@#Acupoint application has a certain influence on the use of antibiotics in primary clinic patients. In the treatment of common diseases, patients treated with acupoint application have better curative effect and lower proportion of antibiotic use.
Adolescent , Child , Child, Preschool , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Acupuncture Points , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Cough/drug therapy , Diarrhea , Pharyngitis/drug therapyABSTRACT
Dendrobium officinale can serve as Chinese medicinal material effective in nourishing yin, clearing heat, and producing fluid, and is used to treat throat diseases, but its active substances and mechanism are not clear. To clarify the active fraction and underlying mechanism of D. officinale against chronic pharyngitis(CP), the present study induced a CP model in rats by pepper water combined with low-concentration ammonia, and crude polysaccharides of D. officinale(DOP), non-polysaccharides of D. officinale(DON), and total extract of D. officinale(DOT)(0.33 g·kg~(-1), calculated according to the crude drug) were administered by gavage for six weeks. The changes in oral secretions and pharyngeal conditions of rats with CP were observed and rated. The hematological indicators were determined by an automatic hematology analyzer. The serum levels of pro-inflammatory factors, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-α), interleukin 1β(IL-1β), and interleukin 6(IL-6), and T-lymphocyte cytokines, including interferon γ(IFN-γ), interleukin 4(IL-4), interleukin 17(IL-17), and transforming growth factor β1(TGF-β1) were detected by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). The proportions of CD3~+, CD4~+, and CD8~+cells in peripheral blood T lymphocyte subsets were determined by the flow cytometry. The histomorphological changes of the pharynx were observed by hematoxylin-eosin(HE) staining. The protein expression of nuclear factor-κB P65(NF-κB P65), cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2), F4/80, and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1(MCP-1) in the pharynx were detected by immunohistochemistry and Western blot. The results showed that DOP and DON could significantly relieve pharyngeal lesions, reduce white blood cells(WBC) and lymphocytes(LYMP), decrease the levels of pro-inflammatory factors TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β, and inhibit the protein expression of NF-κB P65, COX-2, F4/80, and MCP-1 in the pharynx. DOP was superior in reducing oral secretions and serum IL-17 level and inferior in increasing CD4~+/CD8~+ratio to DON. It is suggested that both polysaccharides and non-polysaccharides of D. officinale have anti-PC effects and the anti-inflammatory mechanism may be related to the regulation of T lymphocyte distribution and inhibition of the inflammatory signaling pathways mediated by NF-κB P65. The anti-inflammatory effect of DOP may be related to the regulation of Th17/Treg balance, while that of DON may be related to the regulation of the Th/Tc ratio.
Animals , Rats , Ammonia/therapeutic use , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/therapeutic use , Cyclooxygenase 2 , Dendrobium/chemistry , Interleukin-17/therapeutic use , Interleukin-6 , NF-kappa B/metabolism , Pharyngitis/drug therapy , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Polysaccharides/pharmacology , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha , WaterABSTRACT
Introduction. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching conditions changed around the world from in-person classes to online classes, which also determined changes on teachers' working conditions. Method: Exploratory cross-sectional study with the aim of determining the association between two voice symptoms (vocal fatigue and throat pain) with home working conditions during online classes in times of COVID-19 pandemic. Professors answered an online survey including 27 questions about four components: sociodemographic factors, characteristics of home working, quarantine characteristics, and health conditions (including voice functioning). Results: 177 college professors from Argentina, Colombia, and Chile participated in this study. First, incidence of vocal fatigue, during online classes in times of COVID-19 pandemic, represented around 50%. Although throat pain had a smaller incidence, it was also important (35%). Second, days in quarantine, number of classes per week, people living with during quarantine, and history of vocal fatigue before quarantine were important associated factors of vocal fatigue. Third, important associated factors of throat pain were number of classes per week, level of stress, years of experience, and history of throat pain before quarantine. Conclusion: Similar to pre-COVID-19, vocal fatigue and throat pain were frequently reported voice symptoms among college professors. Associated factors of these symptoms included years of experience, number of classes per week, stress, people living with during quarantine due to COVID-19, and history of voice symptoms. Workplace Health Promotion programs should include activities that facilitate a healthy occupational voice use during and post-COVID-19 pandemic, considering the implications of online teaching on teachers' health and safety
Introducción: Debido a la pandemia del COVID-19, las condiciones de ense-ñanza-aprendizaje cambiaron alrededor del mundo, pasando de clases presen-ciales a clases virtuales, lo que también determinó cambios en las condiciones de trabajo docente. Métodos: Estudio transversal exploratorio que tuvo como propósito determinar la asociación entre dos síntomas de voz (fatiga vocal y dolor de garganta) con las con-diciones de trabajo docente durante las clases virtuales en tiempos de COVID-19. Los profesores diligenciaron una encuesta virtual que incluyó 27 preguntas sobre los siguientes cuatro componentes: factores sociodemográficos, características del tra-bajo en casa, características de la cuarentena, y condiciones de salud (incluyendo funcionamiento vocal). Resultados: 177 profesores universitarios de Argentina, Colombia y Chile parti-ciparon en este estudio. Primero, la incidencia de la fatiga vocal durante las clases virtuales en tiempos de COVID-19 representó alrededor del 50%. Aunque el dolor de garganta tuvo una menor incidencia, también fue importante (35%). Segundo, los días en cuarentena, número de clases por semana, personas con las que vivió durante la cuarentena, y los antecedentes de fatiga vocal antes de la cuarentena estuvieron estadísticamente asociados a la fatiga vocal. Tercero, los factores asociados al dolor de garganta fueron el número de clases semanales, los niveles de estrés, los años de experiencia y los antecedentes de dolor de garganta antes de la cuarentena.Conclusión: Similar a hallazgos previos al COVID-19, la fatiga vocal y el dolor de garganta son síntomas vocales frecuentemente reportados en docentes universitarios. Factores asociados de estos síntomas incluyen años de experiencia, número de clases semanales, estrés, personas con las que vivió durante la cuarentena y antecedentes de estos síntomas vocales antes del trabajo en casa. Los Programas de Promoción de la Salud en los Lugares de Trabajo deben incluir actividades que faciliten el uso ocupacional saludable de la voz durante y después del COVID-19, considerando las implicaciones de la enseñanza virtual en la salud y seguridad de los profesores.
Humans , Voice , Pharyngitis/complications , Faculty , Pharynx , Pharyngitis , Workplace , Vocal Cord Dysfunction , COVID-19 , Sociodemographic FactorsABSTRACT
Etudier l'ampleur et les caractéristiques de l'automédication en consultation ORL. Méthode: Etude descriptive du 1er juin 2020 au 1er février 2021 dans le service d'ORL-CCF/ Hôpital d'Instruction des Armées. Ont été inclus tous les patients reçus en consultation ORL ayant déclaré avoir utilisé des substances actives sans prescription médicale pour soulager leur plainte actuelle. 6 Résultats: L'automédication a été retrouvée chez 373 patients soit une prévalence de 47,88%. La moyenne d'âge était 32,26 ans (02 mois et 80 ans). Les sujets âgés 0 à 20 étaient plus représenté (68,4%). La sex-ratio était de 0,86. Les professions libérales étaient plus représentées (30%). La quasi-totalité des patients (98%) a pu énumérer au moins deux effets nocifs de l'automédication. Les médicaments en cause étaient les médicament en vente libre OTC (80%). Les principales raisons ayant motivé l'automédication ont été le coût élevé des prestations médicales (41,3%) et le manque de temps (33,2%). Conclusion: L'automédication a été retrouvée chez des patients volontiers jeunes, de sexe féminin, porteurs d'affections rhinologiques. Les OTC étaient en cause dans huit cas sur dix. Les principales motivations à l'automédication ont été le coût élevé des prestations médicales et le manque de temps
Humans , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Self Medication , Pharyngitis , EarABSTRACT
Durante la pandemia de COVID-19 el Centro Nacional de Salud Intercultural (CENSI) del Instituto Nacional de Salud realizó un estudio exploratorio en la comunidad de Puerto Ocopa Satipo Región Junín, a fin de identificar el comportamiento de la población respecto a esta enfermedad. Se aplicaron 104 encuestas a los pobladores presentes, observándose un nivel de conocimiento de 93.27%. El 88.5% de los participantes percibía que el contagio ocurría por el contacto con personas infectadas, refiriendo síntomas como fiebre (66.3 %), dolor de cabeza (58.7%), dolor de garganta (30.8%). El 70.19% de los encuestados usa mascarilla y el 100% refirió poner en práctica el lavado de manos.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Primary Health Care , Culturally Competent Care , Pharyngitis , Surveys and Questionnaires , FeverABSTRACT
Introducción: la faringoamigdalitis aguda, independientemente de su origen, es de los diagnósticos más frecuentes en los servicios de urgencias. Aunque se ha establecido que en la mayoría de casos su origen es viral, ante la dificultad de identificar su agente etiológico con hallazgos clínicos se ha aumentado la formulación indiscriminada de antibióticos, principalmente en los servicios de urgencias, lo que contribuye con la emergencia de resistencias bacterianas y la aparición de efectos secundarios. Se propone evaluar la adherencia a la guía de práctica clínica para el manejo de faringoamigdalitis aguda en urgencias en el Hospital Universitario San Ignacio en Bogotá, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo retrospectivo. Se revisaron 7762 historias clínicas de pacientes que consultaron por urgencias entre 2016 y 2019 por dolor de garganta. Se analizaron los datos de formulación de analgésicos, antibióticos, solicitud de la prueba rápida de detección de Estreptococo betahemolítico del grupo A (SBHGA) y el registro de la presencia de exudados al examen físico. Resultados: se incluyeron 7762 pacientes. Del total, 74,2 % recibieron antibiótico y 98 % analgesia. Se solicitó la prueba rápida de detección de SBHGA al 11,53 % de los pacientes. La presencia de exudados es el principal factor asociado a la formulación de antibióticos, y la solicitud de una prueba rápida de detección disminuye significativamente su formulación, dado que 21 % de dichos estudios fueron positivos
Objective: Sore throat is one of the most frequent complaints in the ER, both in children and adults. Although it has been established that most cases of acute tonsillitis are caused by viruses, given the difficulty in identifying its etiology based exclusively upon clinical signs, the indiscriminate prescription of antibiotics in the emergency setting has become very frequent. This practice may lead to the emergence of antibiotic resistance and secondary effects. We evaluated the adherence of ER physicians to clinical practice guidelines for the management of acute tonsillitis at Hospital Universitario San Ignacio in Bogotá, Colombia. Methods: A retrospective descriptive study was carried out. Clinical records for emergency visits between the years of 2016 and 2019 were reviewed. Data regarding rapid antigen detection test for GABHS (RAD), antibiotic and analgesic prescription and tonsillar exudates on physical exam, were recorded. Results: 7.762 patients with acute tonsillitis were included in the study. 74,2% were prescribed antibiotics and 98% received pain medication. For 11,53% of cases the rapid antigen test for GABHS was requested. Although tonsillar exudates are the main factor associated with the formulation of antibiotics, only 21% of rapid antigen detection tests were positive. As such, the systemic use of rapid diagnostic tests may help reduce unnecessary antibiotic prescription, bacterial resistance and drug side effects
Humans , Pharyngitis , DiagnosisABSTRACT
Paciente masculino de 32 años de edad sin comorbilidades, acude a servicio de urgencias con cuadro clínico caracterizado por dolor en región cervical anterior, tos con expectoración de color marrón de mal olor y dolor torácico. Refiere como antecedente, diagnóstico de faringoamigdalitis hace un mes, para el cual recibió tratamiento antibiótico intramuscular que no especifica. Al examen físico presenta masa palpable a nivel de región cervical anterior, dolor a la palpación torácica en séptimo espacio intercostal izquierdo. A la auscultación frote pericárdico, murmullo vesicular bilateral disminuido y frote pleural. Los estudios de laboratorio demostraron leucocitosis (17230 k/ul), neutrofilia (79,25%), anemia leve (Hb 11 g/dl, Hcto 35,5%). La tomografía computarizada contrastada de tórax, demostró presencia de edema y líquido en los tejidos blandos superficiales anteriores infrahioideos del cuello por encima de la horquilla esternal, y, en la fase contrastada trombosis de la vena yugular interna izquierda
Male , Lemierre Syndrome , Pharyngitis , Fever , MastoiditisABSTRACT
Introducción: El síndrome de fiebre periódica, estomatitis aftosa, faringitis y adenitis es un cuadro relativamente frecuente de curso autolimitado y buen pronóstico. Es la más común de las enfermedades autoinflamatorias que presentan fiebre recurrente y su etiología y fisiopatogenia permanecen inciertas. Objetivo: Describir el caso clínico de un niño que consultó por fiebre recurrente y faringitis y se arribó al diagnóstico de síndrome de fiebre periódica, estomatitis aftosa, faringitis y adenitis. Presentación del caso: Se trata de un paciente de 5 años que consultó por un episodio febril acompañado de faringitis y adenitis, con antecedente de múltiples episodios previos. Conclusiones: El síndrome fiebre periódica, estomatitis aftosa, faringitis y adenitis, es una entidad de curso benigno y autolimitado que constituye la causa más común de fiebre recurrente con un gran impacto en la vida de los pacientes. La fisiopatogenia permanece incierta. Es destacable la sospecha clínica para arribar al diagnóstico ya que no existen en la actualidad exámenes complementarios específicos(AU)
Introduction: Periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenitis syndrome is a relatively common picture of self-limiting course and good prognosis. It is the most common of self-inflammatory diseases with recurrent fever and its etiology and physiopathology remain uncertain. Objective: Describe the clinical case of a boy who was checked due recurrent fever and pharyngitis and being diagnosed with Periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenitis syndrome. Case presentation: This is a 5-year-old patient who was consulted due to a febrile episode accompanied by pharyngitis and adenitis, with a history of multiple previous episodes. Conclusions: Periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenitis syndrome is a benign, self-limiting course entity that is the most common cause of recurrent fever with a large impact on patients' lives. Its physiopathology remains uncertain. Clinical suspicion for diagnosis is noteworthy as there are currently no specific complementary test for it(AU)