La faringoamigdalitis es uno de los motivos más frecuentes de consulta en pediatría. Aproximadamente un 70-80% de las faringoamigdalitis son de etiología viral. El 20-30% restante son de origen bacteriano. El agente causal más frecuente es Streptococcus pyogenes (estreptococo ß-hemolítico del grupo A). El rol de Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis, (estreptococos ß-hemolíticos grupos C y G) fue claramente establecido como agente etiológico en la faringitis bacteriana, tanto en niños como en adultos. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y retrospectivo entre enero 2018 y diciembre de 2021. Se evaluó la prevalencia de faringitis estreptocócica, la edad, el período estacional, los agentes etiológicos y la resistencia a macrólidos durante los períodos pre-COVID-19 (2018-2019) y COVID-19 (2020-2021). Se analizaron 11 396 muestras de exudados de fauces de pacientes con sospecha de faringitis bacteriana; las mismas se procesaron mediante el uso de técnicas microbiológicas convencionales. En el período estudiado el porcentaje de positividad de los cultivos de exudados de fauces se mantuvo constante. Al comparar los períodos pre-COVID-19 (2018-2019) y COVID-19 (2020-2021) se observó una disminución en el número de aislados de S. pyogenes con un aumento de S. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis, mientras que la resistencia a macrólidos encontrada fue superior en S. pyogenes y para S. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis se mantuvo constante. Es importante realizar el cultivo para la identificación del agente etiológico y determinar la sensibilidad antibióticapara continuar con la vigilancia epidemiológica de la resistencia a los macrólidos, porque representan una opción en pacientes alérgicos a ß-lactámicos (AU)
Pharyngotonsillitis is one of the most frequent reasons for consultation in children. Approximately 70-80% of pharyngotonsillitis are of viral etiology. The remaining 20-30% are bacterial in origin. The most frequent causative agent is Streptococcus pyogenes (group A ß-hemolytic streptococcus). Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis (ß-hemolytic streptococcus groups C and G) was clearly established as an etiologic agent in bacterial pharyngitis in both children and adults. A descriptive and retrospective analysis was conducted between January 2018 and December 2021. The prevalence of streptococcal pharyngitis, age, seasonal period, etiologic agents, and macrolide resistance during the pre-COVID-19 (2018-2019) and COVID-19 (2020-2021) periods were evaluated. We analyzed 11 396 specimens of swabs from patients with suspected bacterial pharyngitis. Conventional microbiological techniques were used. In the study period, the percentage of positivity of swab cultures remained constant. When comparing the preCOVID-19 (2018-2019) and COVID-19 (2020-2021) periods, a decrease in the number of S. pyogenes isolates was observed with an increase in S. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis, while the resistance to macrolides found was higher for S. pyogenes and remained constant for S. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis. The identification of the etiologic agent and determination of antibiotic sensitivity are important for epidemiological surveillance of macrolide resistance, as they are a treatment option in patients who are allergic to ß-lactams (AU)
Humans , Streptococcal Infections/epidemiology , Pharyngitis/etiology , Pharyngitis/epidemiology , Macrolides/pharmacology , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , COVID-19 , Streptococcus pyogenes/isolation & purification , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Resumen La mononucleosis infecciosa (MI) es un cuadro clínico generalmente benigno y autolimitado en la infancia y adolescencia debido a la primoinfección del virus de Epstein-Barr caracterizado por la triada de faringitis, fiebre y adenopatías. El riesgo de complicaciones aumenta con la edad y la inmunosupresión, siendo las complicaciones letales más frecuentes las asociadas a rotura esplénica, alteraciones neurológicas y obstrucción de la vía aérea por el aumento del tamaño amigdalar. Los abscesos cervicales asociados a MI son poco frecuentes, siendo mayoritariamente periamigdalinos e intraamigdalares. Presentamos dos casos quirúrgicos de abscesos cervicales profundos de gran tamaño con afectación retrofaríngea y parafaríngea en adolescentes sanos de corta edad (14 y 15 años), sin ningún tipo de inmunosupresión o factores de riesgo, uno de ellos asociado además, a una relevante hemorragia amigdalar espontanea, condición no descrita previamente en la literatura en relación a MI en un paciente tan joven.
Abstract Infectious mononucleosis (MI) is a generally benign and self-limited condition in childhood and adolescence due to the primary EBV infection characterized by the triad of pharyngitis, fever, and lymphadenopathies. The risk of complications increases with age and immunosuppression. The most frequent fatal complications are those associated with splenic rupture, neurological alterations, and airway obstruction due to increased tonsillar size. Cervical abscesses associated with MI are rare, being mostly peritonsillar and intra-tonsil. We present two surgical cases of big deep cervical abscesses with retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal involvement in healthy very young adolescents (14 and 15 years old), without any type of immunosuppression or risk factors, one of them associated with a clinically relevant spontaneous tonsillar bleeding, which had not been described in the literature associated with MI in such young patient.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Peritonsillar Abscess/complications , Peritonsillar Abscess/therapy , Infectious Mononucleosis/complications , Infectious Mononucleosis/therapy , Pharyngitis/etiology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Peritonsillar Abscess/diagnostic imaging , Fever/etiology , Hemorrhage/etiology , Infectious Mononucleosis/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Abstract Background and objective: Sore throat is well recognized complaint after receiving general anesthesia. This study is conducted to compare the severity and frequency of postoperative sore throat in children undergoing elective surgery, following the use of Ambu laryngeal mask airway or I-gel®, who are able to self-report postoperative sore throat. Method: Seventy children, 6 to 16 years-old, undergoing elective surgery randomly allocated to either Ambu laryngeal mask (Ambu Group) or I-gel® (I-gel Group). After the procedure, patients were interviewed in the recovery room immediately, after one hour, 6 and 24 hours postoperatively by an independent observer blinded to the device used intra-operatively. Results: On arrival in the recovery room 17.1% (n = 6) of children of the Ambu Group complained of postoperative sore throat, against 5.7% in I-gel Group (n = 2). After one hour, the results were similar. After 6 hours, postoperative sore throat was found in 8.6% (n = 3) of the children in Ambu group vs. 2.9% (n = 1) in I-gel Group. After 24 hours, 2.9% (n = 1) of the children in Ambu Group complained of postoperative sore throat compared to none in I-gel Group. There was no significant difference found in the incidence of postoperative sore throat in both devices on arrival (p = 0.28); after 1 hour (p = 0.28); after 6 hours (p = 0.30); and after 24 hours (p = 0.31). The duration of the insertion of Ambu laryngeal mask was shorter and it was easier to insert than I-gel® (p = 0.029). Oropharyngeal seal pressure of I-gel® was higher than that of Ambu laryngeal mask (p = 0.001). Conclusion: The severity and frequency of postoperative sore throat in children is not statistically significant in the I-gel Group compared to Ambu Group.
Resumo Justificativa e objetivo: Dor de garganta é uma queixa bem conhecida após anestesia geral. O presente estudo comparou a gravidade e a frequência da queixa de dor de garganta pós-operatória associada ao uso de máscara laríngea Ambu ou máscara laríngea I-gel® durante cirurgia eletiva, em crianças capazes de autoreferir a queixa no pós-operatória. Método: Setenta crianças, de 6 a 16 anos submetidas à cirurgia eletiva foram alocadas aleatoriamente para o emprego da máscara laríngea Ambu (Grupo Ambu) ou para o emprego da máscara laríngea I-gel® (Grupo I-gel). Após o procedimento, os pacientes foram entrevistados imediatamente após admissão na sala de recuperação pós-anestésica-SRPA, uma hora, 6 e 24 horas após a cirurgia por um observador independente e cego ao dispositivo de vias aéreas utilizado no intraoperatório. Resultados: Na admissão à SRPA, 17,1% das crianças no Grupo Ambu (n = 6) se queixaram de dor de garganta pós-operatória, contra 5,7% no Grupo I-gel (n = 2). Após uma hora, os resultados foram similares. Após 6 horas, houve dor de garganta pós-operatória em 8,6% (n = 3) das crianças no Grupo Ambu vs. 2,9% (n = 1) no Grupo I-gel. Após 24 horas, 2,9% (n = 1) das crianças no Grupo Ambu versus nenhuma criança no Grupo I-gel. Não houve diferença significante na incidência de dor de garganta pós-operatória nos dois dispositivos na admissão na SRPA (p = 0,28); após 1 hora (p = 0,28); após 6 horas (p = 0,30); e após 24 horas (p = 0,31). A duração da inserção foi menor no grupo da máscara laríngea Ambu, e a I-gel® foi mais fácil de inserir (p = 0,029). A pressão de selagem orofaríngea do I-gel® foi maior do que a da máscara laríngea Ambu (p = 0,001). Conclusão: A gravidade e a frequência da dor de garganta pós-operatória em crianças não foram estatisticamente significantes no grupo com máscara laríngea I-gel® em comparação ao grupo com máscara laríngea Ambu.
Humans , Female , Child , Adolescent , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Pharyngitis/etiology , Laryngeal Masks/adverse effects , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Severity of Illness Index , Pharyngitis/epidemiology , Single-Blind Method , Incidence , Prospective StudiesABSTRACT
Abstract Diagnosing cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) with only non-respiratory symptoms has been challenging. We reported the diagnosis of a child who tested positive for COVID-19 with abdominal pain/diarrhea and tracked his family cluster. One member of the family tested positive for COVID-19 on real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction assay and three other family members had anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.
Humans , Male , Pneumonia, Viral/diagnosis , Coronavirus Infections/diagnosis , Coronavirus/isolation & purification , Diarrhea/diagnosis , Pandemics , Pharyngitis/etiology , Abdominal Pain/etiology , Cluster Analysis , Contact Tracing , Coronavirus Infections , Clinical Laboratory Techniques , Diarrhea/etiology , Fever/etiology , BetacoronavirusABSTRACT
This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility and performance of Arndt-endobronchial blocker (Arndt) combined with laryngeal mask airway (LMA) compared with left-sided double-lumen endobronchial tube (L-DLT) in morbidly obese patients in one-lung ventilation (OLV). In a prospective, randomized double-blind controlled clinical trial, 80 morbidly obese patients (ASA I-III, aged 20-70) undergoing general anesthesia for elective thoracic surgeries were randomly allocated into groups Arndt (n=40) and L-DLT (n=40). In group Arndt, a LMA™ Proseal was placed followed by an Arndt-endobronchial blocker. In group L-DLT, patients were intubated with a left-sided double-lumen endotracheal tube. Primary endpoints were the airway establishment, ease of insertion, oxygenation, lung collapse and surgical field exposure. Results showed similar ease of airway establishment and tube/device insertion between the two groups. Oxygen arterial pressure (PaO2) of patients in the Arndt group was significantly higher than L-DLT (154±46 vs 105±52 mmHg; P<0.05). Quality of lung collapse and surgical field exposure in the Arndt group was significantly better than L-DLT (effective rate 100 vs 90%; P<0.05). Duration of surgery and anesthesia were significantly shorter in the Arndt group (2.4±1.7 vs 3.1±1.8 and 2.8±1.9 vs 3.8±1.8 h, respectively; P<0.05). Incidence of hoarseness of voice and incidence and severity of throat pain at the post-anesthesia care unit and 12, 24, 48, and 72 h after surgery were significantly lower in the Arndt group (P<0.05). Findings suggested that Arndt-endobronchial blocker combined with LMA can serve as a promising alternative for morbidly obese patients in OLV in thoracic surgery.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Obesity, Morbid/surgery , Laryngeal Masks/standards , Thoracic Surgical Procedures/instrumentation , One-Lung Ventilation/instrumentation , Intubation, Intratracheal/instrumentation , Pain, Postoperative/etiology , Pulmonary Atelectasis , Time Factors , Pharyngitis/etiology , Ventilators, Mechanical/standards , Double-Blind Method , Prospective Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Treatment Outcome , Thoracic Surgical Procedures/methods , Equipment Design , One-Lung Ventilation/methods , Operative Time , Intubation, Intratracheal/methodsSubject(s)
Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Pharyngitis/diagnosis , Pharyngitis/etiology , Pharyngitis/drug therapy , Recurrence , Streptococcus pyogenesABSTRACT
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Proton pump inhibitor-responsive esophageal eosinophilia (PPI-REE) is a newly recognized form of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) that responds to PPI therapy. It remains unclear whether PPI-REE represents a subphenotype of gastroesophageal reflux disease, a subphenotype of EoE, or its own distinct entity. The aim was to evaluate the clinicopathologic features of PPI-REE. METHODS: Six patients were diagnosed with PPI-REE based on symptoms, endoscopic abnormalities, esophageal eosinophilia with > or =15 eosinophils/high-power field, and a response to PPI treatment. Symptoms and endoscopic and pathological findings were evaluated. RESULTS: The median follow-up duration was 12 months. Presenting symptoms included dysphagia, heartburn, chest pain, foreign body sensation, acid reflux, and sore throat. All patients had typical endoscopic findings of EoE such as esophageal rings, linear furrows, nodularity, and whitish plaques. Three patients had a concomitant allergic disorder, and one had reflux esophagitis. Four patients exhibited elevated serum IgE, and five had positive skin prick tests. All patients experienced symptomatic resolution within 4 weeks and histologic resolution within 8 weeks after starting PPI therapy. There was no symptomatic recurrence. CONCLUSIONS: PPI therapy induced rapid resolution of symptoms and eosinophil counts in patients with PPI-REE. Large-scale studies with long-term follow-up are warranted.
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Asian People , Chest Pain/etiology , Deglutition Disorders/etiology , Diagnosis, Differential , Eosinophilic Esophagitis/complications , Esophagus/pathology , Follow-Up Studies , Gastroesophageal Reflux/etiology , Heartburn/etiology , Pharyngitis/etiology , Phenotype , Proton Pump Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Republic of Korea , Retrospective Studies , Sensation Disorders/etiology , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Infectious mononucleosis (IM) is the clinical presentation of primary infection with Epstein-Barr virus. Although the literature contains a massive amount of information on IM, most of this is related specifically to only children or adults separately. In order to distinguish any differences between preschool children and youth patients, we retrospectively analyzed their demographic and clinical features. METHODS: Records of patients hospitalized from December 2001 to September 2011 with a diagnosis of IM were retrieved from Peking University First Hospital, which is a tertiary teaching hospital in Beijing. The demographic data and clinical characteristics were collected. RESULTS: IM was diagnosed in 287 patients during this 10-year period, with incidence peaks among preschool children (15 and <24 years old, 101/287, 35.2%). Although the complaints at admission did not differ between these two patient groups, the incidence of clinical signs (tonsillopharyngitis, lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, and edema of the eyelids) was much higher in preschool children. The incidence of liver lesion and percentage of atypical lymphocytes were significantly higher in the youth group (P<0.001), and the average hospital stay was longer in this group. Pneumonia was the most common complication, and there was no case of mortality. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of IM peaks among preschool children and youth patients in Beijing, China. The levels of liver enzymes and atypical lymphocytes increase with age.
Adolescent , Adult , Child , Child, Preschool , Humans , Infant , Young Adult , Alanine Transaminase/blood , Aspartate Aminotransferases/blood , Demography , Fever/etiology , Incidence , Infectious Mononucleosis/diagnosis , Liver/enzymology , Lymphocytes/cytology , Pharyngitis/etiology , Retrospective Studies , gamma-Glutamyltransferase/bloodABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: We evaluated whether endotracheal tube (ETT) intracuff alkalinized lidocaine was superior to saline in blunting emergence coughing, postoperative sore throat, and hoarseness in smokers. METHODS: In our prospective, double-blind trial, we enrolled 50 smoking patients undergoing surgery under general anesthesia including nitrous oxide (N2O). Patients were randomly allocated to receive either ETT intracuff 2% lidocaine plus 8.4% sodium bicarbonate (L group), or ETT intracuff 0.9% saline (S group). The ETT cuff was inflated to achieve a cuff pressure that prevented air leak during positive pressure ventilation. Incidence of emergence coughing, sore throat, and hoarseness were analyzed. The volume of inflation solution, the intracuff pressure, the duration of anesthesia, the time elapsed to extubation after discontinuation of anesthesia, and the volume of the inflation solution and the air withdrawn from the ETT cuff were also recorded. RESULTS: Intracuff alkalinized 2% lidocaine was superior to saline in blunting emergence coughing (p < 0.001). The incidence of sore throat was significantly lower in the L group at the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) (p = 0.02). However, at 24 hours after extubation, sore throat incidence was similar in both groups (p = 0.07). Incidence of hoarseness was similar in both groups. Intracuff pressure in the saline group increased with time while the intracuff pressure in the lidocaine group remained constant. CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrated that the intracuff alkalinized 2% lidocaine was superior to saline in decreasing the incidence of emergence coughing and sore throat during the postoperative period in smokers.
Female , Humans , Intubation, Intratracheal/methods , Lidocaine/administration & dosage , Smoking , Sodium Chloride/administration & dosage , Anesthesia, General/adverse effects , Cough/etiology , Double-Blind Method , Hoarseness/etiology , Incidence , Pharyngitis/etiology , Postoperative ComplicationsABSTRACT
The Ministry of Health in southern Sudan, recently, reported an outbreak of suspected Influenza like Illness [ILI] from Ikotos County of Eastern Equatorial State. A total of 295 cases with no related death were reported between 23 June to 12 July 2010. Fourteen nasopharyngeal swabs have been collected and sent to CDC/KEMRI for laboratory confirmation. Most [almost 92%] of the cases were reported from the Ikotos town and the median age of the cases was 8 years with a range from 0 to 50 years. The MOH with support from WHO office in Juba, south Sudan has deployed additional health workers in the county for case management and to monitor the situation through active surveillance
Humans , Influenza, Human/diagnosis , Cough/etiology , Pharyngitis/etiology , Disease Outbreaks , Influenza A Virus, H1N1 SubtypeABSTRACT
A study was conducted over a 1-year period [1st August, 2002-31st July, 2003] during which throat swabs were taken aseptically from 294 patients [aged between 0-70 years] diagnosed for sore throat infection [from the Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital and Murtala Mohammed Specialist Hospital]. The different bacterial pathogens associated with sore throat infection, their seasonal variation, and possible association with gender and age, were determined. Also their susceptibility was determined towards antibiotics. Confirmation of bacterial sore throat infection was carried out in 115 [39.12%] patients of the 294 patients examined. Five different types of bacterial pathogens were isolated from the throats of the subjects viz. Streptococcus pneumoniae, 51 [44.35%], Streptococcus pyogenes, 21 [18.26%] Staphylococcus aureus 3 [26.95%], Klebsiella pneumoniae 8 [6.96%] and Eschericfiia coli 4 [3.48%]. Streptococcus pneumoniae was the most frequently isolated organism. The months of October and November had the highest number of cases. The results also showed a significant difference in infection rate between two sexes, with females having 74 [64.35%] and males 41 [35.65%] at p >/= 0.05. Infection was also most prevalent among age group 21-30 years [35.65%] in both hospitals. The infection rate decreased with increasing age. Results of Antibiotic sensitivity test indicate that Augmentin has the widest spectrum of activity against bacterial etiological agents of sore throat in Kano, followed by Erythromycin, Gentamycin and Chloramphenicol
Humans , Male , Female , Pharyngitis/diagnosis , Pharyngitis/drug therapy , Pharyngitis/etiology , Pharyngitis/epidemiology , Bacteriology , Streptococcus pneumoniae/drug effects , Streptococcus pneumoniae/pathogenicity , Streptococcus pneumoniae/drug effects , Streptococcus pneumoniae/pathogenicity , Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Staphylococcus aureus/pathogenicity , Klebsiella pneumoniae/drug effects , Klebsiella pneumoniae/pathogenicity , Escherichia coli/drug effects , Escherichia coli/pathogenicity , Amoxicillin-Potassium Clavulanate Combination , Erythromycin , Gentamicins , ChloramphenicolABSTRACT
Previous reports indicate that inhaled corticosteroids attenuate airway inflammation. Beclomethasone inhaler was highly effective in the prevention of postoperative airway symptoms. Intravenous lidocaine prior to endotracheal intubation has also been shown to decrease the incidence of postoperative sore throat and cough. The aim of the present study was to compare the effect of beclomethasone inhaler with various clinically used dosages of intravenous lidocaine prior to endotracheal intubation on the incidence and severity of postoperative sore throat, cough, sputum, hoarseness, and dysphagia. One hundred twenty patients undergoing elective operations were assigned to one of four treatments: intravenous lidocaine 1mg/kg [Group L1, n=30], intravenous lidocaine 1.5 mg/kg [Group L2, n=30], beclomethasone inhaler 50 micro g [Group B, n=30] or intravenous normal saline [Group C, n=30]. The incidence and severity of sore throat, cough, sputum, hoarseness, and dysphagia were compared between the beclomethasone inhaler and intravenous lidocaine groups before they left the operating room, 1 hour later, at time of the first postoperative drink or meal [for assessment of dysphagia], and on the morning after surgery. In the evaluation of postoperative symptoms, the incidence and severity of sore throat were significantly lower in Group L2 and B than Group C [P<.05] at all time intervals. One and 20 hours after emergence from anesthesia, the incidence and severity of cough were significantly lower in Group L2 and B than Group C [P<.05]. The incidence and severity of sore throat or cough was not significantly different between Groups L2 and B. Throughout the study, the incidence and severity of sputum were significantly lower in Group B than group C [P<.05]. Beclomethasone inhaler is comparable with intravenous lidocaine prior to intubation in decreasing postoperative sore throat and cough. In addition, beclomethasone inhaler decreases the incidence and severity of postoperative sputum
Humans , Male , Female , Lidocaine/administration & dosage , Cough/prevention & control , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Administration, Inhalation , Pharyngitis/etiology , Postoperative Complications , Treatment Outcome , Intubation, Intratracheal , Sputum , Hoarseness , Deglutition DisordersABSTRACT
Os autores fazem uma revisão sobre as causas de uma das mais frequentes doenças infecciosas em crianças e sugerem uma abordagem diagnóstica e terapêutica racional e baseada em evidências.
Adenoids , Pharyngitis/diagnosis , Pharyngitis/etiology , Pharyngitis/therapy , Pharyngeal DiseasesABSTRACT
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: High intracuff pressure in endotracheal tubes (ETs) may cause tracheal lesions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of endotracheal tube cuffs filled with air or with alkalinized lidocaine. DESIGN AND SETTING: This was a prospective clinical study at the Department of Anesthesiology, Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Universidade Estadual Paulista. METHODS: Among 50 patients, ET cuff pressures were recorded before, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes after starting and upon ending nitrous oxide anesthesia. The patients were randomly allocated to two groups: Air, with ET cuff inflated with air to attain a cuff pressure of 20 cmH2O; and Lido, with ET cuff filled with 2 percent lidocaine plus 8.4 percent sodium bicarbonate to attain the same pressure. ET discomfort before tracheal extubation, and sore throat, hoarseness and coughing incidence were studied at the time of discharge from the post-anesthesia care unit, and sore throat and hoarseness were studied 24 hours after anesthesia. RESULTS: Pressures in Lido cuffs were significantly lower than in Air cuffs (p < 0.05). Tracheal complaints were similar for the two groups, except for lower ET discomfort and sore throat incidence after 24 hours and lower systolic arterial pressure at the time of extubation in the Lido group (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: ET cuffs filled with alkalinized lidocaine prevented the occurrence of high cuff pressures during N2O anesthesia and reduced ET discomfort and postoperative sore throat incidence. Thus, alkalinized lidocaine-filled ET cuffs seem to be safer than conventional air-filled ET cuffs.
CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Os tubos traqueais são dispositivos utilizados para manutenção da ventilação. A hiperinsuflação do balonete do tubo traqueal, causada pela difusão do óxido nitroso (N2O), pode determinar lesões traqueais, que se manifestam clinicamente como odinofagia, rouquidão e tosse. A lidocaína, quando injetada no balonete do tubo traqueal, difunde-se através de sua parede, determinando ação anestésica local na traquéia. O objetivo foi avaliar a efetividade e a segurança do balonete do tubo traqueal preenchido com ar comparado com o balonete preenchido com lidocaína, considerando os desfechos: sintomas cardiovasculatórios (HAS, taquicardia); odinofagia, tosse, rouquidão e tolerância ao tubo traqueal. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo clínico prospectivo, realizado no Departamento de Anestesiologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Unesp, campus de Botucatu. MÉTODOS: A pressão do balonete do tubo traqueal foi medida, entre 50 pacientes, antes, 30, 60, 90 e 120 minutos após o início da inalação de N2O anestésico. As pacientes foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: Air, em que o balonete foi inflado com ar para obtenção de pressão de 20 cm H2O, e Lido, em que o balonete foi preenchido com lidocaína a 2 por cento mais bicarbonato de sódio a 8,4 por cento para obtenção da mesma pressão. O desconforto antes da extubação, e manifestações clínicas como dor de garganta, rouquidão e tosse foram registrados no momento da alta da unidade de cuidados pós-anestésicos, e dor de garganta e rouquidão foram avaliadas também 24 horas após a anestesia. RESULTADOS: Os valores da pressão no balonete em G2 foram significativamente menores do que os de Air em todos os tempos de estudo, a partir de 30 minutos (p < 0,001). A proporção de pacientes que reagiu ao tubo traqueal no momento da desintubação foi significantemente menor em Lido (p < 0,005). A incidência de odinofagia foi significantemente menor em Lido no primeiro dia de pós-operatório...
Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Anesthetics, Local/administration & dosage , Intubation, Intratracheal/instrumentation , Lidocaine/administration & dosage , Nitrous Oxide/administration & dosage , Pharyngitis/etiology , Administration, Inhalation , Anesthesia, Inhalation , Cough/etiology , Hoarseness/etiology , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effects , Intubation, Intratracheal/standards , Oxygen/administration & dosage , Pharyngitis/prevention & control , Prospective Studies , Trachea/injuries , Young AdultABSTRACT
INTRODUÇÃO: A Doença do Refluxo Gastroesofágico (DRGE) é a doença digestiva mais prevalente da atualidade e, recentemente, tem sido implicada em uma gama de alterações do seguimento laringofaríngeo (RLF). No entanto, pouco se sabe dos mecanismos fisiopatológicos destas manifestações supraesofágicas da DRGE. Os achados clínicos contraditórios e recentes pesquisas sugerem haver deficiências na capacidade de defesa deste seguimento. Uma das principais responsáveis pela homeostase da mucosa oral e do trato digestivo é a saliva com seu conteúdo orgânico e inorgânico. Tanto alterações do pH quanto do volume salivar já foram correlacionados com os sintomas e sinais sugestivos da DRGE e RLF. Estudo recente de nossa autoria demonstra diminuição estatisticamente significante do pH salivar de indivíduos com RLF quando comparado a controles sem a doença. Outro estudo constatou correlação entre a redução do volume X pH da saliva em indivíduos com DRGE, estando esta redução diretamente relacionada aos níveis de pH esofágico constatados durante pH-metria esofágica de 24 horas. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar como se comportam o pH e volume da saliva em um mesmo indivíduo com DRGE e RLF antes e após o tratamento clínico. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Vinte e três pacientes com RLF tiveram o pH e volume da saliva total testados antes e após receberem tratamento com droga bloqueadora de bomba de prótons durante 12 semanas. RESULTADOS: Houve uma diferença estatisticamente significante (p<0,001) entre o pH da saliva antes e após o tratamento, estando este maior após o controle clínico da doença. O volume de saliva no paciente tratado foi significativamente maior do que no paciente pré-tratamento (p=0.009). DISCUSSÃO: Os achados sugerem que o pH salivar é influenciado pela presença de refluxo gastroduodenal à região laringofaríngea. Caso estudos futuros com populações maiores realmente comprovem esta correlação, poderemos cogitar a possibilidade de usar a mensuração do pH salivar, que é feita de forma rápida e não invasiva, como um meio de diagnosticar e avaliar o comportamento e controle do Refluxo Laringofaríngeo.
INTRODUCTION: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is the most prevalent digestive disease of the modern society and has been associated with abnormalities in the larynx and pharynx (LPR). Nonetheless, little is known about the mechanisms involved in this atypical form of the disease. Contradictory clinical data suggest a defense deficit at this segment. Saliva with its organic and inorganic components is responsible for the homeostasis of the oral mucosa and the digestive tract. Salivary pH and volume abnormalities have been linked to laryngopharyngeal symptoms of GERD and LPR. In a recent study we demonstrated significant salivary pH reduction in patients with LPR. Another study found correlation between reduced salivary pH and volume directly related to esophageal pH-metry results. AIM: To evaluate salivary pH and volume before and after clinical treatment of LPR. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Twenty-three adults with LPR had total fasting saliva tested before and after a 12-week course of oral proton pump inhibitor. RESULTS: A statistically significant difference was found in salivary pH before and after treatment with increase of pH values after control of the disease (p<0.001). Salivary volumes of treated patients were also significantly higher than in pre-treated patients (p=0.009). DISCUSSION: These findings suggest that salivary pH and volume are influenced by the presence of gastroesophageal contents and that salivary pH monitoring can potentially become a cost-effective method for diagnosing and controlling LPR.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Proton Pumps/antagonists & inhibitors , Pharyngitis/diagnosis , Laryngitis/diagnosis , Omeprazole/therapeutic use , Saliva/chemistry , Proton Pumps/pharmacology , Chronic Disease , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration/drug effects , Pharyngitis/drug therapy , Pharyngitis/etiology , Laryngitis/drug therapy , Laryngitis/etiology , Manometry , Monitoring, Physiologic , Omeprazole/pharmacology , Gastroesophageal Reflux/complications , Gastroesophageal Reflux/drug therapy , Saliva/drug effects , SalivaABSTRACT
To evaluate the occurrence of postoperative sore throat after the use of LMA among patients undergoing surgery on intermittent positive pressure ventilation and those on spontaneous mode. hundred adult patients of ASA I or II status were included and divided into two equal groups. Group I patients were randomly assigned for positive pressure ventilation and group II patients for spontaneous breathing. Anaesthesia was administered with propofol, oxygen nitrous oxide and halothane. The LMA of appropriate size was placed.After completion of surgery, LMA was removed when the patient regained deglutition reflex. Patient was questioned postoperatively for variables of sore throat for three days. In group I, 12% patients complained of mild sore throat in comparison to group II where 6% suffered from mild sore throat [p>0.05]. There was no difference in the discomfort levels among males and females. Pharyngolaryngeal discomfort is less after use of LMA under spontaneous ve ntilation in comparison to controlled ventilation
Humans , Male , Female , Pharyngitis/etiology , Intermittent Positive-Pressure Ventilation , Anesthesia/complications , Propofol , Halothane , Nitrous Oxide , Oxygen , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
Sore-throat and hoarseness are the most common complication after endotracheal intubation which take place 12-24 hr after operation. Different studies have reported the incidence of these complications between 24-90%. Increase of heat on the trachea will raise the blood pressure in the local capillaries and therefore induce better blood supplementation to the local tissues. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of local heat on the incidence of sore- throat and hoarseness after endotracheal intubations. One hundred and sixty patients aging 15 -50 years old, candidate for elective surgeries under general anesthesia, were randomly divided into two groups. Patients for head and neck surgeries were excluded from the study. Methods of intubation, type, size, cuff pressure of ETT, method of anesthesia and time of operation were the same for all patients. During the operation time, local heat was applied on the external surface of trachea [up to 40 [oc] by using electrical blanket for the patients in the study group. 24 hr after operation all the patients were visited by anesthesiologist for evaluating the sore- throat and hoarseness. The incidence of sore-throat in the control group was 65% versus 40% in the study group [p<0.05]. Moreover the incidence of hoarseness was 66.2% in the control group versus 10% in the case group. Application of local heat [40[oc] on the external surface of trachea can effectively decreases the incidence of postoperative sore - throat and hoarseness
Humans , Hoarseness/prevention & control , Pharyngitis/prevention & control , Hot Temperature , Postoperative Complications , Hoarseness/etiology , Pharyngitis/etiology , Incidence , Hoarseness/epidemiology , Pharyngitis/epidemiologySubject(s)
Humans , Male , Female , Pharyngitis/etiology , Child , Amoxicillin-Potassium Clavulanate Combination , Amoxicillin , Ampicillin , Erythromycin , Penicillins , Streptococcus pyogenes , PediatricsABSTRACT
Los procesos infecciosos que afectan al tracto respiratotio -rinosinusitis, bronquitis obstructiva y neumonías- constituyen una de las principales patologías con que debe enfrentarse el pediatra y los especialistas dedicados a otorrinolaringología y a enfermedades broncopulmonares. Un grupo de estos pacientes puede presentar un curso crónico, muchas veces refractario a los tratamientos convencionales, constituyendose en un verdadero desafío para el medico tratante. Los avances en el campo de la inmunología han podido explicar mucho de los mecanismos fisiopatológicos involucrados en estas enfermedades. Al respecto, una respuesta tipo Th2, con una síntesis elevada de IgE y un proceso inflamatorio mantenido, ha sido un hallazgo muy importante en los últimos años debido a sus implicancias en diversas ßreas de la medicina y en patología infecciosa, incluyendo a enfermos con sinusitis crónica y asma bronquial. La impotancia de algunas inmunodeficiencias en sinusitis crónica y neumonías a repetición puede ser relevante, tal como ocurre en pacientes con deficiencia de anticuerpos específicos. En esta discusión se consideran algunos de estos procesos que afectan al tracto respiratorio de tipo recurrentes y se dan a conocer los principales hallazgos que pudieran explicar las dificultades terapÚuticas en patologías tales como farigitis a repetición, sinusitis crónica, bronquitis obstructiva recidivante y neumonías a repetición.