Introdução: A imagem é um veículo de comunicação, com função, história e significado. A Tese tem como objeto de investigação os desenhos de representação da Enfermagem presentes no selo postal, carimbo postal, bilhete postal, envelope de primeiro dia e folhinha comemorativa. Hipótese: os documentos postais brasileiros, emitidos no período de 1843 a 2022, contêm evidências da trajetória histórica da Enfermagem no Brasil, materializadas nas expressões artísticas dos desenhistas de filatelia e divulgadas para a sociedade brasileira e mundial, através dos desenhos de representação de personalidades históricas, símbolos e outros elementos alusivos à profissão de Enfermagem. Objetivo geral: Analisar as imagens dos documentos postais brasileiros, com representação alusiva e simbólica da profissão de Enfermagem, emitidos no período de 1843 a 2022, contendo fragmentos da trajetória histórica da Enfermagem brasileira. Metodologia: Pesquisa histórica, de abordagem qualitativa, inserida na Linha de Pesquisa História da Enfermagem. Os locais de busca foram: Catálogos Postais e o site do Museu dos Correios. A técnica utilizada foi a observação visual das imagens. A análise foi guiada pelo referencial teórico e o Método Iconológico, de Erwin Panofsky. A pesquisa não envolveu seres humanos. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da EEUSP. A Gerência de Filatelia dos Correios autorizou a reprodução e uso das imagens. A amostra foi constituída por 62 documentos postais, distribuídos em sete grupos: personalidades da Enfermagem, Enfermagem nas organizações sociais, entidades de classe da Enfermagem, eventos científicos de Enfermagem, escolas de Enfermagem, Enfermagem em ações de cuidado e Enfermagem em instituições de saúde. Resultados: A Tese apresenta a descrição, análise e interpretação dos desenhos dos documentos postais brasileiros e o contexto da Enfermagem brasileira no momento de sua emissão. As imagens mostram cuidadores laicos e religiosos; voluntária de guerra; profissionais da saúde pública, do socorro de urgência e de ambiente hospitalar; instituições de ensino e de assistência; cientificidade da Enfermagem; celebração de aniversários; associativismo, fiscalização, sindicalismo profissional; e símbolos da profissão. Foram identificadas ausências, como a representação da identidade visual e nominal de profissionais contemporâneos; rituais profissionais; temática acadêmica; datas comemorativas; celebração do centenário de nascimento de pioneiras, e lacunas na literatura sobre o papel desempenhado por padres católicos e enfermeiras inglesas na Enfermagem brasileira. A interpretação das imagens evidencia: a valorização e o reconhecimento social, pelo Estado brasileiro, da importância da profissão e do trabalho dos profissionais de Enfermagem, no cuidado da vida e promoção da saúde do povo brasileiro; a visibilidade dada à identidade profissional da Enfermagem e a preservação da memória da profissão. Conclusões: Os desenhos dos documentos postais analisados registraram o caminho percorrido pela Enfermagem brasileira, comprovando a hipótese delineada. Os resultados constatam o alcance dos objetivos propostos. A contribuição da Tese é a apresentação dos documentos postais e do referencial teórico-metodológico de Erwin Panofsky, como tecnologias inovadoras no ensino e pesquisa na Enfermagem brasileira, sendo a metodologia replicável. Recomenda-se novas investigações, para elucidar as lacunas encontradas; que os símbolos profissionais sejam usados de forma adequada; que sejam criadas representações compostas por elementos mais fidedigno e condizentes com a realidade profissional.
Introduction: The image is a communication resource with function, history, and meaning. The Thesis has as an object of investigation the representation drawings of the nursing present in the postage stamp, postmark, post card, first day cover, and philatelic sheet. Hypothesis: Brazilian postal documents, issued between 1843 and 2022, contain evidence of the historical trajectory of nursing in Brazil, materialized in the artistic expressions of philatelic designers and disseminated to Brazilian and world society through drawings representing historical personalities, symbols, and other elements alluding to the nursing profession. General Objective: To analyze the images of Brazilian postal documents, with an allusive and symbolic representation of the nursing profession, issued from 1843 to 2022, containing fragments of the historical trajectory of Brazilian nursing. Methodology: Historical research, with a qualitative approach, inserted in the Nursing History Research Line. The search locations were: Postal Catalogs and the website of the Correios Museum. Observatory analysis was the applied methodological technique. The analysis followed the theoretical framework and the Iconological Methodology by Erwin Panofsky. The research did not involve human subjects. The Research Ethics Committee of the EEUSP approved the project in its present form. The Correios Philately Management authorized the reproduction and use of the images. Sampling included 62 postal documents classified into seven groups, such as nursing personalities, nursing in social organizations, nursing class entities, scientific nursing events, Nursing Schools, nursing in care actions, and nursing in health institutions. Results: The Thesis presents the description, analysis, and interpretation of the drawings of Brazilian postal documents and the context of Brazilian nursing at the time of their issuance. The images show secular and religious caregivers; war volunteer; public health, emergency, and hospital environment professionals; teaching and assistance institutions; nursing science; birthday celebrations; associations, surveillance, professional syndicalism; and symbols of the profession. Absences were identified, such as the representation of the visual and nominal identity of contemporary professionals; professional rituals; academic subject commemorative data; the celebration of the centenary of the birth of female pioneers; and gaps in the literature on the role played by Catholic priests and English nurses in Brazilian nursing. The interpretation of the images shows the valorization and social recognition, by the Brazilian State, of the profession and work of nursing professionals relevant to the society, in the care of life and promotion of the health of the Brazilian people; the visibility given to the professional identity of nursing and the preservation of the memory of the profession. Conclusions: The drawings of the analyzed postal documents recorded the path taken by Brazilian nursing, confirming the outlined hypothesis. The results reinforce the achievement of the proposed objectives. The Thesis contribution to science is the presentation of postal documents and the theoretical-methodological framework of Erwin Panofsky, as innovative technologies in teaching and research in Brazilian nursing, which is a replicable methodology. New research to clarify the related gaps is stimulated. It is recommended the proper uses of professional symbols and more realistic representations composed of elements consistent with a daily professional routine.
Humans , Nursing , History of Nursing , Philately , Drawing , Science in the ArtsABSTRACT
Maria Montessori is one of the most well-known women in Italian history. Although she was the first woman who graduated in medicine in Italy, she is mostly known as an educator. Her teaching method -the Montessori Method- is still used worldwide. Because she could not speak English during the imprisonment in India, there was a big obstacle for her communication with children. However, the need to adopt a non-verbal communication, led her to a sensational discovery: children use an innate and universal language. This language, made of gestures and mimic, is called extra verbal communication .
History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Teaching/history , Italy , Persons with Mental Disabilities/history , Nonverbal Communication , Philately/history , Women's Rights/historyABSTRACT
La temática biomédica es un capítulo extendido de la filatelia o coleccionismo de sellos postales. Inaugura la temática la imagen de la diosa Hygeia, en un sello de la isla Nevis de 1861. Los primeros médicos retratados en una estampilla son tres constitucionalistas americanos, en un ejemplar de 1869, pero recién en 1937 aparecen médicos holandeses en reconocimiento específico de sus aportes a la salud. En la Argentina la primera estampilla que oficialmente se ocupa del tema es de 1944, en ayuda de las víctimas del terremoto de San Juan. Florentino Ameghino es el primer científico incluido en 1954, y en 1967 se edita un sello conmemorativo de la Dra. Cecilia Grierson. La filatelia argentina luego reconoce varios de nuestros científicos y médicos, congresos, universidades, campañas sanitarias, temas de odontología, farmacia, enfermería y otros, generando un amplio material filatélico en reconocimiento del valor social que la ciencia biomédica argentina ha logrado en el contexto propio e internacional. Posiblemente sea un científico, el Dr. Bernardo Houssay, uno de los argentinos más veces editado en distintos sellos postales de la filatelia mundial.
Biomedicine is a vast field in philately or stamp collecting. It opens the topic the image of the goddess Hygeia, issued in a stamp from Nevis Island dated 1861. The first physicians to appear printed in stamps, in 1869, were three American constitutionalists, but only in 1937 there appear Dutch physicians as an acknowledgement of their contribution to public health. In Argentina the first stamp officially related to the topic was issued in 1944, to raise funds for the victims of the San Juan earthquake. Florentino Ameghino was the first scientist included in 1954, and in 1967 a stamp was issued in honour of Dr. Cecilia Grierson. Afterwards, Argentinean philately has recognized several of our scientists and physicians, congresses, universities, health campaigns, dentistry topics, chemistry, and nursery, among others, promoting a large amount of philatelic material in acknowledgement of the social value that Argentinean biomedical science has gained locally and abroad. Probably, it is a scientist, Dr. Bernardo Houssay, the Argentinean who has more often appeared in international philately.
History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Humans , Philately/history , ArgentinaABSTRACT
Medical philately provides a useful medium for the study of medical history. There are a handful of Iranian stamps which have been issued with a medical theme. This report briefly reviews the history of Iranian medicine through Iranian commemorative postage stamps. Some notable stamps are presented
El presente artículo nos permite recrear una parte de la historia de los comienzos de la Enfermería como disciplina y la importancia de la profesión en diferentes ámbitos tanto del conocimiento como de la cultura. También se refiere a la repercusión obtenida por distintas personalidades que, por su trayectoria en la profesión, fueron plasmadas en los sellos postales y las obras de arte.
This article aims at recreating part of the history of nursing in its beginnings as discipline and the importance ofthe profession in different areas, related to both knowledge and culture. The repercussion of certain personalities was made evident in stamps and works of art that pay tribute to those who devoted their lives to this profession.