Objective: To investigate the reactions of women with driving phobia to a therapeutic program of scheduled virtual reality exposure treatment (VRET) sessions. Methods: The study intervention consisted of a computer game with car-driving scenarios that included several traffic situations. We investigated the participants' sense of presence, subjective distress, and physiological responses during eight virtual-reality exposures. We also evaluated clinical characteristics, driving cognitions, and quality of life in the participants. Results: Thirteen women were selected. Eight were able to complete the protocol. After VRET, there was a decrease in the frequency of distorted thoughts and state anxiety scores, as well as a slight improvement in quality of life. Subjective discomfort scores, heart rate variation, and sense of presence scores confirmed that there was sense of presence in the virtual reality environment. Conclusion: All patients showed some degree of improvement and demonstrated different levels of anxiety in subsequent in vivo driving experiences. Our findings suggest that VRET could be used to facilitate in vivo exposure, because it can induce presence/immersion and reduce anxiety in patients with specific phobia. Furthermore, VRET is not associated with any type of risk.
Humans , Female , Adult , Phobic Disorders/therapy , Automobile Driving/psychology , Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy/methods , Anxiety Disorders/classification , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Phobic Disorders/etiology , Quality of Life , Brazil , Educational Status , Fear , Virtual Reality , Heart RateABSTRACT
Desde los años 90 la realidad virtual se ha aplicado en el ámbito de la salud para tratar fobias y trastornos mentales. Actualmente se utiliza para la neurorrehabilitación, ya que es capaz de engañar al cerebro y extrapolar al usuario a un mundo virtual. Dado el interés creciente por la temática, este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la producción científica en la Web of Science y Scopus sobre la realidad virtual aplicada a la neurorrehabilitación durante los últimos 10 años. Para esto, se ha empleado una metodología propia de los estudios bibliométricos a partir del establecimiento de una serie de palabras clave comprobadas en bases de datos y utilizadas por distintos autores en sus publicaciones. Se analizaron 8 variables siguiendo la línea de estudios previos: número total de documentos, producción por años, tipología de los archivos, títulos de las fuentes, instituciones, países, autores y artículos más citados. Entre los resultados se destaca el creciente interés de la temática a partir del año 2013 y el auge de la producción en el año 2016, así como la implicación de las principales potencias mundiales en la investigación y publicación sobre la realidad virtual para la rehabilitación. El análisis de los metadatos muestra un panorama incipiente en las publicaciones sobre la realidad virtual en el ámbito de la salud, donde Estados Unidos se destaca como el país con mayor producción científica(AU)
Ever since the 1990s virtual reality has been applied in healthcare to treat phobias and mental disorders, and is currently used for neurorehabilitation, as it is able to deceive the brain and extrapolate the user to a virtual world. Given the growing interest in the topic, this study aims to analyze the high-impact scientific production about virtual reality applied to neurorehabilitation included in the Web of Science and Scopus in the last 10 years. To achieve this end, a bibliometric methodology was used based on a number of keywords checked in databases and used by different authors in their publications. Eight variables were analyzed, in line with previous studies: total number of documents, production per year, document type, source title, affiliation, countries, authors and most cited articles. Among the results is the growing interest in the topic as of the year 2013 and the boom in production in 2016, as well as the involvement of the main world powers in research and publication about the use of virtual reality for rehabilitation. Finally, analysis of the metadata shows an incipient panorama in publications about virtual reality in healthcare, with the United States as the country with the greatest scientific production(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Phobic Disorders/therapy , Bibliometrics , Virtual Reality , Medicine in Literature , Mental Disorders/therapyABSTRACT
Problema de investigación: Describir los costos y la efectividad de escitalopram comparado con paroxetina, sertralina, fluoxetina, y venlafaxina como terapia de mantenimiento en adultos con diagnóstico de trastorno de fobia social en Colombia. Tipo de evaluación económica: Análisis de costo-utilidad. Población objetivo: Adultos colombianos con diagnóstico de trastorno de fobia social. Intervención y comparadores: Intervención: escitalopram, Comparadores: paroxetina, sertralina, fluoxetina, y venlafaxina. Horizonte temporal: 32 semanas. Perspectiva: SGSSS. Tasa de descuento: No aplica. Estructura del modelo: Se estructuró un árbol de decisión, teniendo en cuenta modelos publicados en la literatura. Fuentes de datos de efectividad y seguridad: Reporte de efectividad y seguridad elaborado en diciembre de 2014 en el IETS, Ensayos clínicos aleatorizados. Desenlaces y valoración: AVAC, Tasa de respuesta al medicamento. Costos incluidos: Costo de los medicamentos, Costo de procedimientos, Costo de los eventos adversos. Fuentes de datos de costos: SISMED. Manual tarifario ISS 2001. Resultados del caso base: Para el caso base, paroxetina, sertralina y venlafaxina son dominados por fluoxetina y escitalopram. El costo por AVAC ganado con escitalopram comparado con fluoxetina se estimó en $30.968.662. Todas las alternativas tienen una efectividad esperada muy similar. Análisis de sensibilidad: Los análisis de sensibilidad y el diagrama de tornado mostraron que las variables con mayor impacto sobre las estimaciones de costo-utilidad del escitalopram son la probabilidad de respuesta y las ponderaciones de utilidad. Conclusiones y discusión: Escitalopram parece ofrecer una mejor relación entre costos y efectividad respecto a sus comparadores. No obstante, es necesario tener en cuenta que sertralina, paroxetina y fluoxetina pueden llegar a ser costo-efectivas debido a que variaciones en los parámetros de efectividad y utilidad pueden cambiar la decisión. Venlafaxina obtuvo una peor relación de costos y beneficios comparativos. La principal limitación de este estudio se centra en la ausencia de ensayos clínicos de no inferioridad con un horizonte de largo plazo. (AU)
Humans , Adult , Phobic Disorders/therapy , Preventive Maintenance , Health Evaluation/economics , Citalopram/administration & dosage , Fluoxetine/administration & dosage , Cost-Benefit Analysis/economics , Paroxetine/administration & dosage , Colombia , Sertraline/administration & dosage , Biomedical Technology , Drug Therapy, Combination , Venlafaxine Hydrochloride/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Tecnologías evaluadas: Nuevas: escitalopram, paroxetina y venlafaxina, Actuales: sertralina y fluoxetina. Población: Pacientes mayores de 18 años con trastorno de ansiedad generalizada en Colombia. Perspectiva: La perspectiva del presente AIP corresponde al tercero pagador, que en este caso es el Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud (SGSSS) en Colombia. Horizonte temporal: El horizonte temporal de este AIP en el caso base corresponde a un año. Adicionalmente se reportan las estimaciones del impacto presupuestal para los años 2 y 3, bajo el supuesto de la inclusión en el POS en el año 1. Costos incluidos: Costos por mg de los medicamentos analizados. Fuente de costos: Los precios de cada tecnologías considerada fueron calculados con la base de datos SISMED. Escenarios: En el escenario 1 se considera una igualación progresiva de las participaciones de mercado de todos los medicamentos analizados, igualándose en el año 3. En el escenario 2, además de dicha igualación de participaciones de mercado, se asumen un precio común para las nuevas alternativas, siguiendo las metodologías de inclusión fe grupos terapéuticos definidas\r\npor el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social. Resultados: Para la inclusión en el POS de escitalopram, paroxetina y venlafaxina como terapia de mantenimiento para pacientes con trastorno de ansiedad\r\ngeneralizada en Colombia, se requeriría una inversión de $5.874.138.950 en el año 1 y de $5.795.867.954 en el año 3. En el caso en el que los medicamentos del escenario nuevo sean incluidos con un precio común\r\nbasado en las metodologías de grupos terapéuticos del Ministerio de Salud y protección Social, el impacto presupuestal se reduciría a $664.806.300 en el año 1 y $631.634.228, en el año 3.(AU)
Humans , Adult , Phobic Disorders/therapy , Preventive Maintenance , Citalopram/therapeutic use , Paroxetine/therapeutic use , Colombia , Costs and Cost Analysis/methods , Biomedical Technology , Venlafaxine Hydrochloride/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Os exames de Ressonância Magnética vêm sendo muito requisitados nas diferentes especialidades médicas como complemento diagnóstico e acompanhamento evolutivo de diversas patologias. Embora seja um método diagnóstico de excelência, os pacientes que se submetem ao exame podem apresentar muito desconforto em razão do espaço restrito do aparelho. A fobia de espaços fechados é considerada um tipo de fobia específica, segundo o Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais DSM 5 (APA, 2013). OBJETIVOS: Verificar se uma sessão de Terapia de Aceitação e Compromisso é tão eficaz quanto sete sessões deste mesmo modelo terapêutico no tratamento de pacientes com medo de realizar exames de Ressonância Magnética. MÉTODO: Foi realizado um ensaio clínico randomizado com dois grupos paralelos, um grupo recebeu uma sessão e o outro grupo recebeu sete sessões de tratamento de Terapia de Aceitação e Compromisso. Os participantes foram avaliados no início e ao final do tratamento a partir dos seguintes instrumentos: Inventário de Claustrofobia de Rachman e Taylor (1993), Inventário de Depressão de Beck et al. (1961) e Inventário de Ansiedade estado-traço de Spielberger, Gorsuch e Lushene (1970). O estudo foi realizado em um hospital público na cidade de São Paulo com 30 pacientes. Desfecho principal: permanecer dentro de um simulador de Ressonância Magnética por, no mínimo, trinta minutos após o término de cada um dos tratamentos. Desfechos secundários: as diferenças nos escores dos Inventários de Claustrofobia, Inventário de Depressão de Beck e Inventário de Ansiedade Estado-traço do início e do final do tratamento. RESULTADOS: 92,9% dos participantes (N) do grupo de sete sessões conseguiram realizar exame de Ressonância Magnética no simulador após o tratamento, enquanto que 50% dos participantes do grupo de uma sessão conseguiram realizar o exame no simulador (p=0,033). Dos sujeitos que tiveram melhor resposta ao tratamento, 78% eram do sexo masculino, 80% eram...
The MRI exams have been in considerable demand in various medical specialties to diagnose diseases. Although it is an effective diagnostic method, patients who are subjected to the exam might present high levels of discomfort due to the confined space of the device. The phobia of enclosed spaces is considered a type of specific phobia, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (APA, 2013). Objectives: to check if a single session of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is as effective as seven sessions of the same therapeutic model for the treatment of patients with fear of undergoing MRI exams and enclosed spaces phobia. METHODS: A randomized clinical trial study with two parallel groups was performed, one group underwent one session and the other group underwent seven sessions of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Participants were assessed at the beginning and at the end of treatment with the following instruments: Claustrophobia Inventory from Rachman and Taylor (1993), Beck Depression Inventory from beck et al. (1961) and Anxiety Inventory State - Trait from Spielberger, Gorsuch and Luschene (1970). The study was performed in a public hospital in the city of Sao Paulo with 30 patients. Main outcome: to remain in a MRI simulator for at least 30 minutes after each treatment. Secondary outcomes: compare the differences in the inventories of Claustrophobia, Beck Depression Inventory and the Anxiety Inventory Trait- State scores compared at the beginning and at the end of treatments. RESULTS: 92.9% of participants (N) on the seven sessions group were able to carry out the MRI exam simulator after treatment, while 50% of participants of the one session group were able carry out the post treatment session in the simulator (p = 0.033). From the participants who had better response to treatment, 78 % were male, 80 % were married, 78 % did not use psychiatric medication and 20 % had a diagnosis of specific MRI phobia, 80% had a...
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Acceptance and Commitment Therapy , Behavior Therapy , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Phobic Disorders/therapy , Phobic Disorders/diagnosisABSTRACT
Objective: To determine whether there are differences in quality of life (QoL) improvement after treatment with the trial-based thought record (TBTR) versus conventional cognitive therapy (CCT) in patients with social anxiety disorder (SAD). Method: A randomized trial comparing TBTR with a set of CCT techniques, which included the standard 7-column dysfunctional thought record (DTR) and the positive data log (PDL) in patients with SAD, generalized type. Results: Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed a significant time effect in the general health, vitality, social functioning, and mental health domains of the Short Form 36. It also indicated significant treatment effects on the bodily pain, social functioning, role-emotional, and mental health domains, with higher scores in the TBTR group. One-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), using pretreatment values as covariates, showed that TBTR was associated with significantly better QoL post-treatment (bodily pain, social functioning and role-emotional) and at follow-up (role-emotional). A significant treatment effect on the role-emotional domain at 12-month follow-up denoted a sustained effect of TBTR relative to CCT. Conclusion: This study provided preliminary evidence that TBTR is at least as effective as CCT in improving several domains of QoL in SAD, specifically when the standard 7-column DTR and the PDL are used. .
Humans , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/methods , Phobic Disorders/therapy , Quality of Life , Analysis of Variance , Phobic Disorders/psychology , Social Adjustment , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Objective: Functional neuroimaging techniques represent fundamental tools in the context of translational research integrating neurobiology, psychopathology, neuropsychology, and therapeutics. In addition, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has proven its efficacy in the treatment of anxiety disorders and may be useful in phobias. The literature has shown that feelings and behaviors are mediated by specific brain circuits, and changes in patterns of interaction should be associated with cerebral alterations. Based on these concepts, a systematic review was conducted aiming to evaluate the impact of CBT on phobic disorders measured by functional neuroimaging techniques. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was conducted including studies published between January 1980 and April 2012. Studies written in English, Spanish or Portuguese evaluating changes in the pattern of functional neuroimaging before and after CBT in patients with phobic disorders were included. Results: The initial search strategy retrieved 45 studies. Six of these studies met all inclusion criteria. Significant deactivations in the amygdala, insula, thalamus and hippocampus, as well as activation of the medial orbitofrontal cortex, were observed after CBT in phobic patients when compared with controls. Conclusion: In spite of their technical limitations, neuroimaging techniques provide neurobiological support for the efficacy of CBT in the treatment of phobic disorders. Further studies are needed to confirm this conclusion. .
Female , Humans , Male , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/methods , Functional Neuroimaging , Phobic Disorders/therapy , Phobic Disorders/physiopathology , Tomography, Emission-Computed , Tomography, X-Ray ComputedABSTRACT
El propósito de este estudio es adaptar y validar para su aplicación en población adulta española el tratamiento Terapia para la Eficacia Social (Turner, Beidel, Cooley, Woody y Messer, 1994). Se presentan los resultados obtenidos con un grupo experimental-tratamiento compuesto por 16 participantes que fueron comparados con un grupo de control-lista de espera, todos con fobia social generalizada (APA, 2000). La evaluación se realizó antes y después del tratamiento en ambos grupos, así como en dos medidas de seguimiento en el grupo experimental. Los resultados en el grupo experimental muestran la eficacia a corto y a largo plazo de la adaptación realizada de la Terapia para la Eficacia Social en todas las medidas que evalúan la ansiedad y evitación social; por el contrario, los integrantes del grupo de control no alcanzaron mejoría en ninguna de las variables evaluadas.
The objective of this study is to adapt and validate for use in the adult Spanish population the treatment known as social effectiveness therapy (Turner, Beidel, Cooley, Woody, and Messer, 1994). We present results that were obtained by comparing an experimental-treatment group consisting of 16 participants with a waiting list control group, all with generalized social phobia (APA, 2000). The evaluation was carried out before and after the treatment in both groups as well as in two follow-ups with the experimental group. The results in the experimental group show the short and long-term efficacy of social effectiveness therapy for all measures that assess social anxiety and avoidance. In contrast, the members of the control group did not experience improvement in any of the variables evaluated.
Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Social Behavior , Psychotherapy/methods , Phobic Disorders/therapy , Spain , Personality , Psychotherapy, Group , Interpersonal Relations , Treatment Outcome , Phobic Disorders/diagnosis , Phobic Disorders/psychologyABSTRACT
Dentre os transtornos psiquiátricos, os transtornos de ansiedade (TAs) são os mais comuns, com prevalência em torno de 20% na população e, portanto, provocam grande prejuízo a pacientes e familiares. São vários os subtipos de transtornos de ansiedade e um diagnóstico correto se baseia em uma avaliação clínica cuidadosa. No presente artigo apresentamos os diagnósticos e os achados mais recentes sobre o tratamento com estimulação magnética transcraniana repetitiva (EMTr) para o transtorno de pânico, transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo, transtorno de estresse pós-traumático e fobia social.
Among psychiatric disorders, anxiety disorders (ATs) are the most common, with a prevalence of around 20% in the population and with great harm to patients and families. There are several subtypes of anxiety disorders and a correct diagnosis is based on a careful clinical assessment. In this paper we present the findings and the latest findings about treatment with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress and social phobia.
Humans , Male , Female , Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation/methods , Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation , Electric Stimulation Therapy/methods , Anxiety Disorders/diagnosis , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Brain Mapping , Prefrontal Cortex/physiology , Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder/diagnosis , Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder/therapy , Panic Disorder/diagnosis , Panic Disorder/therapy , Phobic Disorders/diagnosis , Phobic Disorders/therapy , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/diagnosis , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/therapyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: This article aims to review the clinical features and therapeutic characteristics that may predict treatment response in patients with social anxiety disorder (SAD). METHODS: A systematic review of trials identified through databases of ISI, Medline, PsycInfo, Cochrane, LILACS, Current Controlled Trials, and in references of previously selected articles published in English up to December 2010. In our literature search, we used the words prediction/predictors and social anxiety disorder or social phobia. RESULTS: Early onset, greater disease severity, comorbidity with other anxiety disorders (including generalized anxiety disorder and simple phobia), and high expectations about the role of the therapist emerged as potential predictors of less effective treatment in SAD. CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge of various clinical and treatment features may help professionals to predict possible responses to therapeutic interventions in patients with SAD. However, given the diversity of measures used to assess response, further studies should be performed with standardized methods to investigate the aspects related to treatment resistance in SAD.
OBJETIVO: Este artigo tem por objetivo descrever as principais características clínicas e terapêuticas que possam predizer resposta ao tratamento em pacientes com transtorno de ansiedade social (TAS). MÉTODOS: Revisão sistemática de ensaios clínicos identificados através das bases de dados ISI, Medline, PsycInfo, Cochrane, LILACS, Current Controlled Trials e em referências bibliográficas de artigos previamente selecionados publicados em inglês até dezembro de 2010. As seguintes palavras-chave foram utilizadas em nossa busca bibliográfica: prediction/predictors e social anxiety disorder ou social phobia. RESULTADOS: Início precoce, maior gravidade da doença, comorbidade com outros transtornos de ansiedade (incluindo o transtorno de ansiedade generalizada e fobia simples) e alta expectativa sobre o papel do terapeuta emergiram como potenciais fatores de predição menor eficácia do tratamento do TAS. CONCLUSÕES: O conhecimento de uma variedade de características clínicas e de tratamento pode auxiliar os profissionais a preverem possíveis respostas às intervenções terapêuticas nos pacientes com TAS. No entanto, devido à diversidade de medidas utilizadas para avaliar a resposta, novos estudos com o objetivo de investigar aspectos relacionados à resistência ao tratamento do TAS devem ser realizados com métodos mais padronizados.
Humans , Phobic Disorders/therapy , Clinical Trials as Topic , Combined Modality Therapy , Phobic Disorders/psychology , Predictive Value of Tests , Prognosis , Risk Factors , Severity of Illness Index , Treatment FailureABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: Specific phobia (SP) is characterized by irrational fear associated with avoidance of specific stimuli. In recent years, neuroimaging techniques have been used in an attempt to better understand the neurobiology of anxiety disorders. The objective of this study was to perform a systematic review of articles that used neuroimaging techniques to study SP. METHOD:A literature search was conducted through electronic databases, using the keywords: imaging, neuroimaging, PET, spectroscopy, functional magnetic resonance, structural magnetic resonance, SPECT, MRI, DTI, and tractography, combined with simple phobia and specific phobia. One-hundred fifteen articles were found, of which 38 were selected for the present review. From these, 24 used fMRI, 11 used PET, 1 used SPECT, 2 used structural MRI, and none used spectroscopy. RESULT: The search showed that studies in this area were published recently and that the neuroanatomic substrate of SP has not yet been consolidated. CONCLUSION: In spite of methodological differences among studies, results converge to a greater activation in the insula, anterior cingulate cortex, amygdala, and prefrontal and orbitofrontal cortex of patients exposed to phobia-related situations compared to controls. These findings support the hypotheses of the hyperactivation of a neuroanatomic structural network involved in SP.
A Fobia Específica (SP do inglês) é caracterizada por medos irracionais associados à evitação de estímulos específicos. Nos últimos anos, técnicas de neuroimagem vêm sendo empregadas na tentativa de melhor compreender a neurobiologia dos transtornos de ansiedade. O objetivo do presente estudo é realizar uma revisão sistemática dos artigos que utilizaram neuroimagem para estudar a SP. A busca na literatura foi realizada por intermédio de indexadores eletrônicos, utilizando-se as palavras-chave: imaging, neuroimaging, PET, spectroscopy, functional magnetic ressonance, structural magnetic ressonance, SPECT, MRI, DTI e tractography, cruzadas individualmente com os termos simple phobia e specific phobia. Foram encontrados 115 artigos, sendo 38 deles selecionados para a presente revisão. Desses, 24 usaram fMRI, 11 usaram PET, 1 usou SPECT, 2 usaram MRI estrutural e nenhum artigo de espectroscopia. Verifica-se que os estudos na área foram publicados recentemente e que, até o momento, o substrato neuroanatômico deste transtorno não está consolidado. Apesar das diferenças metodológicas entre os estudos, os resultados convergem para maior ativação na ínsula, cíngulo anterior, amídala e córtex préfrontal e orbitofrontal dos pacientes expostos a situações phobia related quando comparados aos controles. Esses achados reforçam hipóteses a respeito da hiperativação de uma determinada rede de estruturas neuroanatômicas envolvidas no transtorno de SP.
Humans , Amygdala/physiopathology , Brain Mapping/methods , Phobic Disorders/diagnosis , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Meta-Analysis as Topic , Phobic Disorders/physiopathology , Phobic Disorders/therapy , Tomography, Emission-Computed/methods , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methodsABSTRACT
Although the effectiveness of paroxetine and Attention Modification Program has been studied separately in treating social anxiety disorder, there has been no research comparing them according to the literature. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of paroxetine, Attention Modification Program [AMP] and combination of both on improving the Social Anxiety Symptoms. 33 patients meeting DSM-IV-TR criteria for social anxiety disorder were randomly assigned in 3 groups: 11 in paroxetine group, 11 in AMP group and 11 in combined group. Treatment intervention was done during 8 weeks period. Social Phobia Inventory [SPIN], Beck Depression Inventory [BDI-II] and Sheehan Disability Scale [SDS] were administered before and after treatment intervention. One-way Analysis of Covariance [ANCOVA] was used to determine the differences and efficacy of treatment interventions between groups. Data analysis was done by SPSS-16 software. 28 participants completed the treatment period. One-way ANCOVA results showed statistically significant differences in post-treatment scores of social phobia [p=0/007], depressive symptoms [p=0.007] and daily life functioning treatment is significantly more effective than AMP in reducing social phobia symptoms [p=0.007], depressive symptoms [p=0.022] and enhancing daily life functioning [0.019%]. Yet, there were no significant differences between Paroxetine and combined treatment in all post-treatment scores [p=0.890], p=1.000, p=1.000 for social phobia, depressive symptoms and daily life functioning respectively]. paroxetine showed more significant improvement of depressive symptoms [p=0.016] and enhancing daily life functioning [p=0.045] than AMP. Also, there were no significant differences between paroxetine and AMP in reducing social anxiety symptoms. It seems that paroxetine has wider effect in reducing social anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms and enhancing daily life functioning than AMP and adding to paroxetine does not make significant changes than medicating with paroxetine alone
Humans , Male , Female , Paroxetine , Attention , Treatment Outcome , Phobic Disorders/therapy , Depressive Disorder/therapy , Anti-Anxiety Agents , Comparative Effectiveness Research , Combined Modality TherapySubject(s)
Humans , Male , Young Adult , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Defecation , Phobic Disorders/therapy , Urination Disorders/psychology , Antidepressive Agents, Second-Generation/therapeutic use , Combined Modality Therapy , Paroxetine/therapeutic use , Phobic Disorders/drug therapy , Urination Disorders/therapyABSTRACT
La Terapia de Exposición mediante Realidad Virtual e Internet constituyen dos nuevos formatos de aplicación de la terapia de conducta y constituyen una alternativa a la exposición en vivo estándar. El presente trabajo estudia la relevancia de estas modalidades de tratamiento en el Trastorno por Ansiedad/Fobia Social. Se ha llevado a cabo una búsqueda de estudios realizados al respecto, concluyéndose tanto que la evidencia disponible muestra indicios razonables de su efectividad como que resultan necesarios nuevos estudios con mayores tamaños muestrales.
Virtual reality exposure therapy and the Internet are two new formats for the application of behavior therapy and are an alternative to standard in vivo exposure. The present study examines the relevance of these treatment modalities in Social Anxiety/Phobia Disorder. It has carried out a search of the studies performed, thus concluding that the evidence shows prima facie evidence of its effectiveness as a resulting need for new studies with larger sample sizes.
Humans , User-Computer Interface , Internet , Behavior Therapy/methods , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Internal-External Control , Therapy, Computer-Assisted , Phobic Disorders/therapyABSTRACT
INTRODUÇÃO: O transtorno de ansiedade social (TAS) é o transtorno de ansiedade mais comum, freqüentemente sem remissões, sendo comumente associado com importante prejuízo funcional e psicossocial. A Associação Médica Brasileira (AMB), através do "Projeto Diretrizes", busca desenvolver consensos de diagnóstico e tratamento para as doenças mais comuns. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar os achados mais relevantes das diretrizes relativas ao tratamento do TAS, servindo de referência para o médico generalista e especialista. MÉTODO: O método utilizado foi o proposto pela AMB. A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados do MEDLINE (PubMed), Scopus, Web of Science e Lilacs, entre 1980 e 2010. A estratégia utilizada baseou-se em perguntas estruturadas na forma P.I.C.O (acrônimo das iniciais "paciente ou população"; "intervenção, indicador ou exposição"; "controle ou comparação" e; "outcome ou desfecho"). RESULTADOS: Estudos evidenciam que o tratamento farmacológico de primeira linha para adultos e crianças são os inibidores seletivos de recaptação de serotonina e os inibidores de recaptação de serotonina e noradrenalina, enquanto que a terapia cognitivo-comportamental é apontada como melhor tratamento psicoterápico. Além disso, algumas comorbidades psiquiátricas foram associadas a uma pior evolução do TAS. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar da alta prevalência, o TAS acaba por não receber a devida atenção e tratamento. A melhor escolha para o tratamento de adultos é a associação psicoterapia cognitivo-comportamental com inibidores seletivos de recaptação de serotonina e os inibidores de recaptação de serotonina e noradrenalina. Outras opções como benzodiazepínicos ou inibidores da monoamino-oxidase devem ser usados como segunda e terceira opção respectivamente.
INTRODUCTION: Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is the most common anxiety disorder, usually with no remission, and is commonly associated with significant functional and psychosocial impairment. The Brazilian Medical Association (BMA), with the project named Diretrizes (Guidelines, in English), seeks to develop consensus for the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. The aim of this article is to present the most important findings of the guidelines on the treatment of SAD, serving as a reference for the general practitioner and specialist. METHOD: The method used was proposed by the BMA. The search was conducted in the databases of MEDLINE (PubMed), Scopus, Web of Science and LILACS, between 1980 and 2010. The strategy used was based on structured questions as PICO (acronym formed by the initials of "patient or population", "intervention, display or exhibition", "control or comparison" and "outcome"). RESULTS: Studies show that the first-line pharmacological treatment for adults and children are serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, whereas cognitive-behavioral therapy is considered the best psychotherapeutic treatment. Moreover, some psychiatric comorbidities were associated with a worse outcome of SAD. CONCLUSIONS: Despite its high prevalence, SAD does not receive adequate attention and treatment. The best choice for the treatment of adults is a combination of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy with serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. Other options as benzodiazepines or monoamine oxidase inhibitors must be used as second and third choices, respectively.
Adolescent , Adult , Child , Humans , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/methods , Phobic Disorders/therapy , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Anxiety Disorders/diagnosis , Anxiety Disorders/drug therapy , Brazil , Combined Modality Therapy/methods , Phobic Disorders/diagnosis , Phobic Disorders/drug therapy , Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Considerando que a ausência dos participantes no processo grupoterápico, notadamente quando se tratam de grupos fechados, acaba por interferir na dinâmica grupal, o estudo aborda a questão da ausência (ou falta) dos participantes durante o processo terapêutico desenvolvido em um grupo formado por jovens diagnosticados com fobia social. O grupo em apreço foi composto por jovens universitários diagnosticados com Transtorno de Ansiedade Social em tratamento ambulatorial em um hospital universitário, em uma cidade de médio porte do interior do Estado de São Paulo. A partir da sessão analisada, por meio do referencial psicanalítico, compreendeu-se que as ausências não são meros esquecimentos ou fatos sem quaisquer repercussões na dinâmica grupal. Um evento externo (falta) foi trazido para dentro do espaço grupal, suscitando a assunção de novos posicionamentos dos participantes que estavam presentes e reconhecendo a necessidade de que todos os participantes (ausentes ou não) fossem devidamente acolhidos, observados e ajudados no processo terapêutico.
Considering that the absence of participants in group therapy process, especially when dealing with closed groups, ultimately interfere with group dynamics, the study aimed to investigate the absence of participants during the therapeutic process developed in a group of young people diagnosed with social phobia. The group in question was composed of university students diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder in a university hospital in a midsize city in the state of Sao Paulo. From the session analyzed by means of psychoanalysis, it was understood that absences are not mere forgetfulness or facts without any impact on group dynamics. An external event (failure) was brought into the group space, raising the assumption of new placements of participants who were present and acknowledging the need for all participants (missing or not) to be duly accepted, observed and assisted in the therapeutic process.
Considerando que la ausencia de los participantes en el proceso de terapia de grupo, especialmente cuando se trata de grupos cerrados, acaba por, interferir en la dinámica de grupo, el estudio se refiere a la ausencia (o falta) de los participantes durante el proceso terapéutico desarrollado en un grupo de gente joven que fue diagnosticada con fobia social. El grupo en cuestión estaba compuesto por estudiantes universitarios diagnosticados con Trastorno de Ansiedad Social en pacientes ambulatorios de un hospital universitario en una ciudad de tamaño medio en el estado de Sao Paulo. A partir de la sesión de análisis, a través del psicoanálisis se entendió que las ausencias no son meros olvidos o hechos sin ningún tipo de impacto sobre la dinámica de grupo. Un evento externo (falta) se ha presentado en el espacio del grupo, aumentando la aparición de nuevas ubicaciones de los participantes que estuvieron presentes y reconociendo la necesidad de que todos los participantes (que faltan o no) fueron debidamente aceptado, observado y ayudado en el proceso terapéutico.
Psychotherapy, Group , Phobic Disorders/psychology , Phobic Disorders/therapy , Withholding TreatmentABSTRACT
La terapia cognitivo-conductual es la intervención psicológica más eficaz para los trastornos de angustia y los síntomas de agorafobia.
Internet , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/instrumentation , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/methods , Phobic Disorders/psychology , Phobic Disorders/therapy , Anxiety Disorders/psychology , Anxiety Disorders/therapyABSTRACT
CONTEXTO: Enrubescimento, tremores e transpiração excessiva são fenômenos frequentemente observados na fobia social. OBJETIVOS: Descrever a resposta de um paciente com o tipo generalizado de fobia social e hiperidrose à terapia cognitivo-comportamental aliada à toxina botulínica. MÉTODO: Relato de caso único. RESULTADOS: O Sr. A, 20 anos, estudante universitário, procurou tratamento por apresentar sintomas compatíveis com os diagnósticos de fobia social e depressão. O Sr. A também apresentava diagnóstico de hiperidrose palmar, plantar e axilar. Tanto a fobia social quanto a hiperidrose tiveram seu início no começo da adolescência, com a primeira se iniciando quatro anos antes da segunda. A terapia cognitivo-comportamental levou à remissão da depressão, mas o tratamento efetivo da fobia social apenas foi possível após a terapia com a toxina botulínica. CONCLUSÃO: A toxina botulínica, um tratamento que bloqueia fenômenos autonômicos periféricos, também pode proporcionar alívio dos sintomas em pacientes com fobia social.
BACKGROUND: Blushing, trembling, and sweating are frequently seen in social phobia. OBJECTIVES: In this study, we aimed at describing the response of a patient with a generalized type of social phobia and hyperhydrosis to cognitive-behavioral therapy augmented by botulinum toxin. METHOD: Single case report. RESULTS: Mr. A, a 20 year-old university student, sought treatment in our unit for social phobia with comorbid depression. Mr. A also exhibited a diagnosis of palmar, plantar, and axilar hyperidrosis. He described that exposure to feared situations always lead to aggravation of sweating and other symptoms of heightened physiological arousal. Both social phobia and hyperhydrosis had their onset in early adolescence, with the former beginning four years before the latter. Cognitive-behavioral therapy led to aliviation of depression but effective treatment of social phobia was only possible after therapy with botulinum toxin. DISCUSSION: Botulinum toxin, a treatment that blocks peripheral autonomic symptoms, might also lead to improvement of social phobia.
Humans , Male , Adult , Depression/therapy , Hyperhidrosis/diagnosis , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Behavior Therapy , Botulinum Toxins/therapeutic use , Phobic Disorders/therapyABSTRACT
CONTEXTO: O transtorno de ansiedade social (TAS), apesar da baixa taxa de detecção e do alto índice de comorbidades associadas, é considerado uma condição tratável. Apesar da resposta estabelecida a diversas classes de medicamentos, os algoritmos para o tratamento do TAS necessitam de atualização constante. OBJETIVO: Realizar revisão sistemática da literatura no que diz respeito à eficácia dos tratamentos farmacológicos relativos ao TAS, a partir de estudos controlados, conduzidos no período de 2005 a 2010. MÉTODO: Foram utilizados os indexadores eletrônicos PsycoInfo, Lilacs e Medline, utilizando-se as palavras-chave: "social phobia or social anxiety and treatment". RESULTADOS: De acordo com critérios de inclusão adotados, 29 artigos foram incluídos e analisados. Mostram-se eficazes para o tratamento do TAS as seguintes drogas, de acordo com a classe: a) ISRSs: escitalopram, fluvoxamina, citalopram, GR205171 e sertralina; b) ISRSN: venlafaxina; c) IMAOs: fenelzina, moclobemina; d) aminoácidos: d-cicloserina; f) anticonvulsivantes: tiagabina. CONCLUSÃO: Os ISRSs e os ISRSNs têm seu uso estabelecido e ainda continuam sendo considerados primeira opção de tratamento. Porém, destaca-se o potencial futuro da d-cicloserina e dos anticonvulsivantes, com necessidade de um número maior de estudos controlados que confirmem os achado iniciais. A ação das diferentes drogas em nível neurobiológico, bem como dos tratamentos associados, necessita ainda ser mais explorada.
BACKGROUND: Social anxiety disorder (SAD), despite its low detection rates and high level of associated comorbidities, is considered a treatable condition. Although the condition's response to several drug classes is well established, the algorithms for the treatment of SAD require regular updating. OBJECTIVE: To perform a systematic literature review on the efficacy of pharmacological treatments for SAD based on controlled trials published between 2005 and 2010. METHOD: Searches were performed in the electronic databases PsycInfo, Lilacs, and Medline using the search terms "social phobia or social anxiety and treatment". RESULTS: In accordance with the inclusion criteria adopted, 29 articles were included and analyzed. The following drugs, grouped according to class, proved efficient to treat SAD: a) SSRIs: escitalopram, fluvoxamine, citalopram, GR205171, and sertraline; b) SNRI: venlafaxine; c) MAOIs: phenelzine, moclobemide; d) amino acids: f-cycloserine; and (e) anticonvulsants: tiagabine. DISCUSSION: The use of SSRIs and SNRIs to treat SAD is well established and these are still considered the first-line treatment for the condition; however, evidence suggests the future potential of D-cycloserine and anticonvulsants, whose efficacy must be confirmed by further controlled trials. The action profiles of the different medications used to treat SAD at the neurobiological level, as well as that of associated treatments, need to be explored in greater depth.
Humans , Male , Female , Phobic Disorders/therapy , PsychopharmacologyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: A phobic behavior pattern is learned by classical and operant conditioning mechanisms. The present article reviews the main determinants of choking phobia etiology and describes the behavior therapy of an adult patient. METHOD: Psychoeducation, functional analysis, and graded exposure to aversive stimuli were used to treat the patient, after extensive psychiatric and psychological assessment. Ingesta and anxiety levels were measured along treatment and at follow-up. RESULTS: A multiple assessment baseline design was used to demonstrate the complete remission of symptoms after seven sessions, each of them exposing the patient to a different group of foods. CONCLUSION: Psychoeducation and exposure were critical components of a successful choking phobia treatment.
OBJETIVO: O padrão comportamental da fobia é adquirido com base no condicionamento clássico e mecanismos operantes de aprendizagem. Este artigo faz uma revisão dos principais determinantes da etiologia da fobia de deglutição e descreve o tratamento da terapia comportamental em uma paciente adulta. MÉTODO: Foram usadas psicoeducação, análise funcional e gradativa exposição a estímulos aversivos no tratamento da paciente, depois de uma extensiva avaliação psiquiátrica e psicológica. Níveis de ingesta e ansiedade foram medidos ao longo de todo o tratamento e no follow-up. RESULTADOS: Para demonstrar a completa remissão dos sintomas, após sete sessões de exposição a diferentes grupos de alimentos foi usado um delineamento de linha de base de avaliações múltiplas. CONCLUSÃO: Terapia de exposição e psicoeducação foram componentes que contribuíram de modo crítico para a obtenção de resultados positivos ao tratamento.