Abstract Conservation agriculture practices can contribute to changes in soil nutrient dynamics over time. This experiment evaluated the changes in total stocks and distribution of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur concentrations in soil, during 60 months, in an integrated crop-livestock system (ICLS) due to anticipated fertilization of sources and doses phosphates applied in soil surface. The experiment was conducted over a period of five years, under Typic Dystrudept, using a randomized block design, in an incomplete factorial scheme (3×3+1), with four replications. Treatments consisted of three sources of P [triple superphosphate (TSP), rock phosphate - Arad (RP) and magnesium thermophosphate (MTP)], along with four doses of P (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg ha-1 P2O5 total). Samples of soil were collected in 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20 and 20-30 cm layers at 24, 36, 48 and 60 months after beggining of experiment where the following chemical attributes were evaluated: (i) total organic carbon (TOC); (ii) total nitrogen Kjeldahl (TNK); (iii) available P by ion exchange resin method (P-IER); and (iv) available S-SO4 2-. The ICLS conditions provided increased total stocks and concentrations of TOC, TNK, P-IER and S-SO4 2- over time. The applications of different phosphates had no influence on soil TOC concentrations during the five years of experimentation. The concentrations of TNK, P-IER and S-SO4 2- showed an increase in different layers of soil, with the application of sources and doses of P. The P fertilization practice that was anticipated can consist of an efficient management of soil fertility, using properly managed conservation systems.
Humans , Animals , Phosphates/administration & dosage , Soil/chemistry , Crop Production , Soil Analysis , Fertilizers , Animal Husbandry , Phosphorus/analysis , Sulfur/analysis , Carbon/analysis , Nitrogen/analysisABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Background - Adequate bowel preparation is critical for the quality of colonoscopy. Despite reported occurrence of colonic explosion due to methane and hydrogen production by bacterial fermentation during colonoscopy, gas exchange during the procedure is believed to be effective in lowering existing methane concentration, allowing for safe utilization of mannitol for bowel preparation. Thus, mannitol is widely used for bowel cleansing prior to colonoscopy, considering its low cost and effectiveness for bowel preparation. Objective - The aim of this study was to assess the safety of mannitol for bowel preparation, when compared to sodium phosphate (NaP). Methods - We conducted a prospective observational study in which 250 patients undergoing colonoscopy at Universidade Federal de São Paulo and Hospital Albert Einstein (São Paulo, Brazil) were approached for inclusion in the study. Patients received either mannitol (n=50) or NaP (n=200) for bowel preparation, based on physician indication. Study was conducted from August 2009 to December 2009. The main outcome of interest was presence of detectable levels of methane (CH4) during colonoscopy and reduction in such levels after gas exchange during the procedure. Methane concentrations were measured in three intestinal segments during scope introduction and withdrawal. Safety was assessed as the absence of high levels of methane, defined as 5%. Measurements were made using a multi-gas monitor (X-am 7000, Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA, Lübeck, Germany) connected to a plastic catheter introduced into the working channel of the colonoscope. Additional outcomes of interest included levels of O2. Methane and O2 levels are reported as ppm. Mean, difference and standard deviation of levels of gas measured in both moments were calculated and compared in both groups. Proportions of patients with detectable or high levels of methane in both groups were compared. Continuous variables were analyzed using t test and categorical variables using qui-square tests. The Ethics Committee in both study sites approved the study protocol. Results - Patients in both groups were similar regarding demographics, colonoscopy indication, ASA status and quality of bowel preparation. Seven (3.5%) patients in the NaP group had methane detected during introduction of the endoscope. Methane levels became undetectable during withdrawal of the scope. None of the patients in the mannitol group had detectable levels of methane. O2 levels did not differ in the groups. Conclusion - This is the largest study to assess the safety of mannitol for bowel preparation, considering methane measurements. Our results indicate that mannitol use is as safe as NaP, and gas exchange was efficient in reducing methane concentrations.
RESUMO Contexto - Preparo adequado é fundamental para garantia de boa qualidade em colonoscopia. Apesar de relatos de explosão do cólon durante colonoscopia, secundários à produção de metano e hidrogênio pela fermentação bacteriana, acredita-se que a troca gasosa durante o procedimento diminua a concentração existente de metano, permitindo a utilização com segurança, de manitol para o preparo de cólon. Assim, manitol é largamente utilizado para limpeza dos cólons antes da colonoscopia, especialmente devido ao seu baixo custo e eficácia. Objetivo - O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a segurança do uso de manitol no preparo dos cólons, quando comparado ao uso de fosfo-soda (NaP). Métodos - Este foi um estudo observacional retrospectivo no qual foram incluídos 250 pacientes submetidos a colonoscopia na Universidade Federal de São Paulo e Hospital Albert Einstein (São Paulo - Brasil). Os pacientes receberam preparo de cólon com manitol (n=50) ou NaP (n=200), de acordo com preferências dos médicos que encaminharam os pacientes. O estudo foi realizado entre agosto e dezembro de 2009. O principal resultado pesquisado foi a presença de níveis detectáveis de metano (CH4) durante a colonoscopia, e a redução nestes níveis após troca gasosa durante o procedimento. As concentrações de metano foram dosadas com detector multi-gas (X-am 7000, Dräger Safety AG & Co., KGaA, Lübeck, Alemanha) conectado a um cateter plástico que foi introduzido no canal de instrumentação do colonoscópio. Outro achado de interesse foram níveis de O2. Níveis de metano e O2 foram relatados em ppm. Média, diferença entre as médias e desvio padrão nos níveis dos gases em ambos momentos foram comparados nos dois grupos. A proporção de pacientes com níveis detectáveis ou altos de metano em ambos os grupos foram comparados. Variáveis contínuas foram analisadas com teste t e variáveis categóricas com o teste do qui-quadrado. Os Comitês de Ética de ambas instituições aprovaram o protocolo do estudo. Resultados - Pacientes nos dois grupos foram comparáveis quanto aos dados demográficos, indicação para colonoscopia, classificação ASA e qualidade do preparo do cólon. Sete (3,5%) pacientes no grupo NaP tinham níveis detectáveis de metano durante a introdução do colonoscópio. Os níveis de metano se tornaram indetectáveis durante a retirada do aparelho. Nenhum dos pacientes no grupo manitol tinha níveis detectáveis de metano. Níveis de O2 foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. Conclusão - Este é o estudo com maior casuística que avaliou a segurança do uso de manitol para preparo de cólon, no que diz respeito a dosagem de metano. Nossos resultados indicam que o emprego do manitol é tão seguro quanto o NaP, e que a troca gasosa é eficaz na redução da concentração de metano.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Phosphates/administration & dosage , Cathartics/administration & dosage , Colonoscopy/methods , Intestines/physiology , Mannitol/administration & dosage , Methane/analysis , Preoperative Care/methods , Prospective Studies , Gases/analysis , Middle AgedABSTRACT
Oral sodium phosphate (OSP) solutions are widely used for bowel cleansing before colonoscopy, for stercoral retention phenomena and persistent chronic constipation. Its main risk, is acute phosphate nephropathy (APN), which is a clinic-pathological entity characterized by acute kidney disease secondary to deposition of calcium phosphate crystals in the renal tubules. Its recognition has been documented over the last decade in relation to case reports and the warning of the FDA. This report discusses two cases of APN certified by renal biopsy after the administration of OSP. One of them had an acute symptomatic presentation, and the other one, was a late finding. Both developed renal failure.
Las soluciones de fosfato de sodio oral (FSO) son ampliamente utilizadas para la preparación de colon previo a colonoscopia, para fenómenos de retención estercorácea y constipación crónica pertinaz. Su principal riesgo, la nefropatía aguda por fosfatos (NAF), es una entidad clínico-patológica caracterizada por falla renal aguda secundaria a depósito de cristales de fosfato de calcio en los túbulos renales. En la última década se han comunicado reportes de casos clínicos y una advertencia del uso de FSO por parte de la Food and Drug Administration de EE.UU. (FDA). En esta publicación se comunican dos casos de NAF, posterior a la administración de FSO, confirmadas por biopsia. Uno de ellos tuvo una presentación aguda y sintomática y el otro fue un hallazgo tardío. Ambos se acompañaron de falla renal.
Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Acute Kidney Injury/chemically induced , Colonoscopy/methods , Phosphates/adverse effects , Preoperative Care , Administration, Oral , Kidney Diseases/chemically induced , Phosphates/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Bowel preparation is essential for successful colonoscopy examination, and the most important factor is the bowel preparation agent used. However, selection of a bowel preparation agent invariably involves compromise. Originally, bowel preparation was performed for radiologic and surgical purposes, when the process involved dietary limitations, cathartics, and enemas, which had many side effects. Development of polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution led to substantive advancement of bowel preparation; however, despite its effectiveness and safety, the large volume involved, and its salty taste and unpleasant odor reduce compliance. Accordingly, modified PEG solutions requiring consumption of lower volumes and sulfate-free solutions were developed. Aqueous sodium phosphate is more effective and better tolerated than PEG solutions; however, fatal complications have occurred due to water and electrolyte shifts. Therefore, aqueous sodium phosphate was withdrawn by the US Food and Drug Administration, and currently, only sodium phosphate tablets remain available. In addition, oral sulfate solution and sodium picosulfate/magnesium citrate are also available, and various studies have reported on adjunctive preparations, such as hyperosmolar or stimulant laxatives, antiemetics, and prokinetics, which are now in various stages of development.
Humans , Administration, Oral , Cathartics/administration & dosage , Citrates/administration & dosage , Citric Acid/administration & dosage , Colonic Diseases/diagnosis , Colonoscopy , Organometallic Compounds/administration & dosage , Phosphates/administration & dosage , Picolines/administration & dosage , Polyethylene Glycols/administration & dosageABSTRACT
PURPOSE: Bowel cleansing is generally regarded as time-consuming and unpleasant among patients. Patients commonly state that bowel preparation provokes more discomfort than the actual colonoscopic examination. The purpose of this study was to compare two regimens of sodium phosphate (NaP) tablets versus polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution for bowel preparation in healthy Korean adults. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a single center, prospective, open-label, investigator-blinded, randomized, controlled-pilot study. A total of 62 healthy Korean subjects were randomly assigned to two groups (NaP vs. PEG). Efficacy, safety, and patient-related outcomes, as well as procedural parameters, were evaluated. RESULTS: Although there were no significant differences in total Ottawa bowel quality score, fluid scores and the rate of adequate bowel preparation were significantly better in the NaP group than the PEG group. Additionally, the NaP group showed better results regarding patient tolerance, satisfaction, preference, and rate of adverse events than the PEG group. Significant fluctuations in specific serum electrolytes were common and of a greater magnitude in the NaP group than the PEG group. However, these abnormalities were transient and did not result in serious complications and side effects. CONCLUSION: In this study, NaP tablets were shown to be an effective, well-tolerated, and acceptable regimen for bowel preparation. Also, our study suggests that NaP tablets may be safe and can be used as a bowel cleansing agent in healthy adults undergoing elective colonoscopy. Further multicenter, large scale studies are needed to confirm these findings.
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Asian People , Colonoscopy , Phosphates/administration & dosage , Pilot Projects , Polyethylene Glycols/administration & dosage , Prospective Studies , Republic of Korea , Surface-Active Agents/administration & dosage , Tablets , Therapeutic Irrigation/methodsABSTRACT
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram : 1) sintetizar e caracterizar partículas de fosfato di-cálcico di-hidratado (DCPD) funcionalizadas com dimetacrilato de trietileno glicol (TEGDMA), com o propósito de reduzir a aglomeração e melhorar a interação entre as partículas e a matriz orgânica dos materiais resinosos e 2) avaliar o efeito da adição de partículas funcionalizadas em uma matriz resinosa em relação a liberação de íons, propriedades ópticas, grau de conversão, propriedades mecânicas e microestrutura do material. Na primeira etapa do trabalho foram sintetizadas pelo método sol-gel dois tipos partículas de DCPD: funcionalizadas e puras. Além dessas, caracterizou-se nesta etapa partículas comerciais do mesmo composto. As partículas foram caracterizadas por difração de raio X (DRX), espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), análise elementar, análise termogravimétrica (TGA), isortermas de adsorção de nitrogênio e método BET, microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e espalhamento de luz dinâmico (DLS). Na segunda etapa do trabalho, um novo lote de partículas funcionalizadas foi sintetizado, e como controle, sintetizou-se partículas não funcionalizadas. Quatro materiais resinosos foram formulados, um deles contendo apenas BisGMA e TEGDMA (1:1 em mols) e os demais contendo, além da matriz resinosa, 20% (em volume) de partículas funcionalizadas, partículas não funcionalizadas ou sílica coloidal silanizada. Os materiais foram avaliados quanto à liberação de íons, propriedades ópticas (transmitância total e E em relação à resina sem carga), grau de conversão (GC), resistência à flexão biaxial (RFB), módulo de elasticidade e análise microestrutural...
The aims of this study were: 1) to synthesize and characterize dicalcium phosphate dihidrate (DCPD) particles functionalized with triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA), with the purpose of reducing agglomeration and improve the interaction between the particles and the organic matrix of resin-based materials and 2) evaluate the effect of the addition of functionalized particles in a resin matrix regarding ion release, optical properties, degree of conversion, mechanical properties and microstructure. In the first part of the study, two types of DCPD particles were synthesized by a sol-gel method: functionalized and bare. Additionally, proprietary DCPD particles were also characterized. Particles were characterized by X-ray diffraction (DRX), Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), elemental analysis, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Nitrogen adsorption isotherms and BET method, transmission electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering (DLS). In the second part, a new batch was synthesized and, as a control, non-functionalized nanoparticles were synthesized. Four resin-based materials were prepared, one containing only BisGMA and TEGDMA (1:1 in mols) and the other containing besides the resin, 20 % (in volume) of functionalized, non-functionalized or silanized colloidal silica particles. Materials were evaluated for ion release, optical properties (total transmittance and E, in relation to the unfilled resin), degree of conversion (DC), biaxial flexural strength (BFS), elastic modulus and microstructural analysis. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA), complemented by Tukey test, with a global significance level of 5%. Particles composition was confirmed by DRX, while functionalization was confirmed by FTIR , elemental analysis and TGA. Functionalized particles presented surface area up to three times higher compared to bare and proprietary particles. These findings were confirmed by DLS, which found larger...
Composite Resins , Phosphates/administration & dosage , Ions/administration & dosage , Biocompatible Materials/therapeutic use , Tooth Remineralization/methodsABSTRACT
Introducción. La difusión de la colonoscopía incrementó el uso del fosfato sódico oral (NaP). Se han notificado complicaciones como deshidratación, hipotensión, insuficiencia renal aguda e insuficiencia renal crónica con nefrocalcinosis, y hasta casos fatales de hiperfosfatemia severa. Basado en la evidencia científica actual, en el presente trabajo se presentan los riesgos y contraindicaciones de la utilización de laxantes de fosfato sódico y cómo evitarlos. Material y métodos. Se realizó un análisis bibliográfico sobre el tema en PubMed y Google Advanced Search, de publicaciones en español e inglés, en el que se incluyen ensayos clínicos, revisiones bibliográficas, cartas, editoriales, guías prácticas, meta análisis y revisiones Cochrane. Resultados. Las complicaciones por NaP se relacionan con patologías que incrementan la absorción del fosfato, con hiperparatiroidismo y con disfunción renal. También se asocian con dosis mayores a 60 g y con intervalos entre las tomas menores a 5 h, y son facilitadas por la deshidratación. Se reportaron algunos casos en los que no se respetaron estas condiciones. La insuficiencia renal por nefrocalcinosis es irreversible. Conclusión. Se debe realizar una selección adecuada de los pacientes para evitar el uso de NaP en aquellos que presenten riesgo de desarrollar hiperfosfatemia o insuficiencia renal; además, es necesario efectuar una correcta hidratación oral, no administrar más de 60 g de NaP y evitar que los intervalos entre las dosis sean menores a 5 h.
Introduction. The spread of colonoscopy has increased the use of oral sodium phosphate (OSP). Complications such as dehydration, hypotension, acute renal failure and chronic kidney disease with nephrocalcinosis and even fatal cases of severe hyperphosphatemia have been reported. The risk and contraindications of OSP use and the ways to avoid them are shown in this paper according to the scientific evidence. Material and methods. Bibliographic analysis on this subject is carried in PubMed and Google Advanced Search, publications in Spanish and English, including clinical trials, bibliographic revisions, letters, editorials, practical guidelines, meta analyses and Cochrane reviews. Results. OSP complications are related to pathologies that increase its absorption, with hyperparathyroidism and with kidney impairment. They are also associated with OSP doses >60 g and with dose intervals <5 h and are facilitated by dehydration. Some cases have been reported in patients without those conditions. Nephrocalcinosis kidney disease is irreversible. Conclusion. Adequate patient selection is mandatory to avoid OSP in patients with risk of developing hyperphosphatemia or renal impairment; proper oral hydration is also essential as is not administering more than 60 g OSP, and avoiding dose intervals <5 h.
Introdução. A difusão da colonoscopia aumentou o uso de fosfato de sódio oral (NaP). Têm sido relatadas complicações como desidratação, hipotensão, insuficiência renal aguda e insuficiência renal crônica com nefrocalcinose, e até casos fatais de hiperfosfatemia severa. Com base na evidência científica atual, são apresentados os riscos e contraindicações da utilização de laxantes de fosfato de sódio e a forma de evitá-los. Material e métodos. Foi feita uma análise bibliográfica sobre o tema (publicações em espanhol e inglês) em PubMed e Google Advanced Search que abrange ensaios clínicos, revisões bibliográficas, cartas, editoriais, guias práticos, meta-análise e revisões Cochrane. Resultados. As complicações por NaP se associam a patologias que aumentam a absorção de fosfato, a hiperparatiroidismo e a disfunção renal. Também se associam a doses maiores que 60 g e intervalos entre as tomadas menores que 5 h, e são facilitadas pela desidratação. São relatados casos em estas condições não foram respeitadas. A insuficiência renal por nefrocalcinose é irreversível. Conclusão. Deve ser feita uma seleção adequada dos pacientes para evitar o uso de NaP naqueles com risco de desenvolver hiperfosfatemia ou insuficiência renal; além disso, é necessário realizar uma correta hidratação oral, não administrar mais do que 60 g de NaP e evitar intervalos entre as doses menores que 5 h.
Colonoscopy/methods , Phosphates/administration & dosage , Phosphates/therapeutic use , Premedication/methods , Hyperphosphatemia/etiology , Hyperphosphatemia/therapy , Laxatives/administration & dosage , Laxatives/adverse effects , Nephrocalcinosis/etiology , Nephrocalcinosis/therapyABSTRACT
A adubação fosfatada e as formas de aplicação de fertilizantes fosfatados são fatores importantes no manejo das culturas. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de doses de fósforo e formas de aplicação de fertilizante fosfatado na cultura do feijão-caupi (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) em solo de cerrado do Estado de Roraima. O experimento foi realizado em condições de campo, em Latossolo Amarelo distrocoeso, no Campus do Cauamé da Universidade Federal de Roraima. O delineamento experimental foi o de parcelas subdivididas, com as parcelas principais organizadas em blocos casualizados, com três repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas pelas formas de aplicação do fertilizante fosfatado: a) Lanço - L; b) Sulco simples - SS e c) Sulco duplo - SD. As subparcelas corresponderam às doses da adubação fosfatada: 0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 e 2,0 vezes a dose recomendada para adubação de manutenção do feijão-caupi. Houve efeito das doses de fósforo sobre o crescimento e absorção de fósforo pelas plantas. O maior crescimento, produção de vagem por planta, de grãos e absorção de fósforo ocorreu com a aplicação do fertilizante fosfatado aplicado em sulcos duplos.
Phosphorus fertilization and ways of phosphate fertilizers application are important factors considering crop management. This study aimed at assessing the effect of phosphorus rates and phosphate fertilizers application forms on growth and phosphorus uptake of cowpea plants cropped on cerrado soil in the State of Roraima, Brazil. An experiment took place under field conditions, on a Yellow Latosol, at Cauamé Campus of Roraima's Federal University, located in the municipality of Boa Vista/RR. The experimental design was split-plot, in a completely randomized blocks, with three replicates. The plots consisted of the following phosphoric fertilizers application forms: a) broadcasting; b) single furrow and c) double furrow. Sub-plots corresponded to phosphorus doses: 0, 0,5; 1,0; 1,5, and 2,0 times the recommended dose for cowpea maintenance fertilization (60 kg ha-1 of P2O5). There was a significant effect of P rates over plant growth and plant uptake. Application of fertilizer in double furrows promoted higher plant growth, grain yield, and plant phosphorous uptake.
Phosphates/administration & dosage , Absorption, Physicochemical , Vigna/physiology , GrasslandABSTRACT
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Effective bowel preparation is essential for accurate diagnosis of colon disease. We investigated efficacy and safety of 2 L polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution with 90 mL sodium phosphate (NaP) solution compared with 4 L PEG method. METHODS: Between August 2009 and April 2010, 526 patients were enrolled who visited Seoul National University Bundang Hospital for colonoscopy. We allocated 249 patients to PEG 4 L group and 277 patients to PEG 2 L with NaP 90 mL group. Detailed questionnaires were performed to investigate compliance, satisfaction and preference of each method. Bowel preparation quality and segmental quality were evaluated. Success was defined as cecal intubation time less than 20 minutes without any help of supervisors. RESULTS: Both groups revealed almost the same baseline characteristics except the experience of operation. PEG 4 L group's compliance was lower than PEG 2 L with NaP 90 mL group. Success rate and cecal intubation time was not different between two groups. Overall bowel preparation quality of PEG 2 L with NaP 90 mL group was better than PEG 4 L group. Segmental bowel preparation quality of PEG 2 L with NaP 90 mL group was also better than PEG 4 L group in all segments, especially right side colon. Occurrence of hyperphosphatemia was higher in PEG 2 L with NaP 90 mL group than PEG 4 L group. However, significant adverse event was not reported. CONCLUSIONS: PEG 2 L with NaP 90 mL method seems to be more effective bowel preparation than PEG 4 L method.
Adult , Aged , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Administration, Oral , Colonic Diseases/diagnosis , Colonoscopy/methods , Patient Compliance , Phosphates/administration & dosage , Polyethylene Glycols/administration & dosage , Surveys and Questionnaires , Solutions , Therapeutic IrrigationABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: To compare castor oil and sodium phosphate preparation (Swiff) in patients' satisfaction, efficacy for colon cleanness, side effects, and prices. MATERIAL AND METHOD: One hundred patients referred for barium enema were randomized to receive castor oil (n = 50) and sodium phosphate preparation (n = 50). They graded their satisfaction using a 5-point scale (easy, acceptable, slightly difficult, extremely difficult, and unacceptable). The efficacy for colon cleanness was graded by two radiologists using a 5-point scale (excellent, easy for evaluation, acceptable, difficult for evaluation, and unacceptable). Side effects were evaluated by patients' vital signs, total number of bowel frequency, and 10 associated symptoms. RESULTS: Both preparations revealed no difference in patients' satisfaction (p = 0.882) and efficacy of colon cleanness (p = 0.130). Sodium phosphate preparation was more expensive (79 vs. 10 Baht) and caused higher number of bowel frequency (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: With a cheaper price, castor oil was comparable with sodium phosphate preparation in patients' satisfaction and efficacy of colon cleanness.
Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Castor Oil/administration & dosage , Cathartics/administration & dosage , Colon/diagnostic imaging , Enema , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Patient Satisfaction , Phosphates/administration & dosage , Single-Blind Method , Young AdultABSTRACT
Avaliou-se o efeito de dois fosfatos, tripolifosfato de sódio (TPF) e hexametafosfato de sódio (HMF), incorporados à ração seca sob diferentes formas, como cobertura do grânulo da ração e no interior da massa da ração, na prevenção do desenvolvimento de cálculo dentário em 25 cães. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições. Os tratamentos experimentais foram: 1) ração seca; 2) ração seca com TPF incorporado na cobertura do grânulo da ração; 3) ração seca com TPF incorporado na massa da ração; 4) ração seca com HMF incorporado na cobertura do grânulo da ração; 5) ração seca com HMF incorporado na massa da ração. Os animais receberam as dietas por um período experimental de 90 dias e, após esse período, foram submetidos à avaliação da área de cálculo dentário formado. A inclusão do HMF na ração seca, tanto na cobertura dos grânulos como no interior da massa, e do TPF, como cobertura dos grânulos, reduziu o acúmulo de cálculo dentário em cães, comparada à dieta sem adição de fosfatos. O HMF foi o fosfato mais eficiente, ao reduzir o acúmulo de cálculo dentário em até 47 por cento. As formas de inclusão do HMF na ração não influenciaram o acúmulo de cálculo dentário. Houve redução do desenvolvimento de cálculo dentário pela incorporação do TPF como cobertura do grânulo da ração, comparada à inclusão deste fosfato no interior da massa da ração. Conclui-se que os fosfatos incorporados na ração seca reduzem o acúmulo de cálculo dentário em cães.
The effect of dry food treated with sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP) or sodium hexametaphosphate (HMP), as kibble coated or added into the interior of the kibble on the accumulation of dental calculus in 25 dogs was evaluated. The study used a completely randomized design with five treatments and five repetitions. The experimental treatments were: 1) dry food; 2) dry food coated with TPP; 3) dry food with TPP incorporated into the interior of the kibble; 4) dry food coated with HMP; 5) dry food with HMP incorporated into the interior of the kibble. The animals received the diets for a 90-day experimental period, and then, the teeth were clinically examined for the presence of calculus. The inclusion of HMP in the dry food, as kibble coated or added into the interior of the kibble, and the inclusion of TPP as kibble coated reduced the accumulation of dental calculus compared to the control group without anti-calculus agents. HMP was the most efficient phosphate, reducing the accumulation of dental calculus in 47 percent. The forms of HMP inclusion in the dry food exerted no significant effect upon calculus formation. However, there was a reduction of calculus accumulation when TPF was incorporated as coating of the kibble, compared to the inclusion of this phosphate into the interior of the kibble. It was concluded that phosphates incorporated in the dry food reduce the accumulation of dental calculus in dogs.
Animals , Male , Female , Animal Feed , Dental Calculus/prevention & control , Dental Calculus/veterinary , Dogs , Phosphates/administration & dosage , Phosphates/metabolism , Phosphates/therapeutic useABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a cinética celular do epitélio corneano de coelhas em três situações: controle, hiperproliferação e hipoproliferação celular, com a utilização dos marcadores de proliferação celular BrdU, Ki-67/MIB-1 e AgNOR. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizadas quinze coelhas albinas que tiveram seus olhos aleatoriamente divididos em 3 grupos (A, B e C). O grupo A incluiu olhos que foram submetidos à instilação de tampão fosfato (total de 10 olhos); o grupo B, instilação de tampão fosfato após a remoção de uma área central do epitélio corneano de 10 mm (total de 10 olhos) e o grupo C, instilação de 5-fluoruracil em superfície ocular íntegra (total de 10 olhos). RESULTADOS: Os resultados da média e desvio-padrão do número de células marcadas pela BrdU nos grupos A, B e C foram, respectivamente, de 7,17 ± 0,74; 35,00 ± 3,01 e 0,22 ± 0,1 células marcadas por 100 células basais. As diferenças entre os grupos foram estatisticamente significantes. A média e o desvio padrão do número de células marcadas utilizando o Ki-67 foram de 7,55 ± 1,22 no grupo A; 35,55 ± 3,84 no grupo B e 0,34 ± 0,14 no grupo C. As diferenças entre os grupos foram estatisticamente significantes. A média e o desvio-padrão da medida da área das NORs no grupo A foram de 1,92 ± 0,24, no grupo B foram de 3,61 ± 0,27 e no grupo C foram de 1,71 ± 0,26. CONCLUSÕES: Os marcadores BrdU, Ki-67 e AgNOR apresentaram uma correlação positiva e estatisticamente significante nas situações de proliferação celular avaliadas (controle, hiperproliferação e hipoproliferação); o emprego do AgNOR não permitiu identificar diferenças na proliferação celular nas situações controle e hipoproliferação e houve maior concordância de resultados entre a BrdU e o Ki-67 nas três situações de proliferação celular.
PURPOSE: In order to maintain its clear and uniform structure, the corneal epithelium needs constant equilibrium between production (division) and desquamation of its epithelial cells. The author aimed to evaluate the cell kinetics of corneal epithelium of rabbits in three situations (control, hypoproliferation and hyperproliferation) using BrdU, Ki-67/MIB-1 and AgNORs proliferation markers. METHODS: Fifteen white female rabbits had their eyes randomly divided into three groups (A, B and. C). Group A included eyes submitted to phosphate buffer saline instillation (total 10 eyes); group B, instillation of phosphate buffer saline after removing a 10 mm central area of the corneal epithelium (total 10 eyes) and group C, instillation of 5-fluorouracil in normal epithelium (total 10 eyes). RESULTS: The results of the mean number and standard deviation of the marked cells using BrdU in groups A, B e C were, respectively, 7.17 ± 0.74; 35.00 ± 3.01 e 0.22 ± 0.1 marked cells per 100 basal cells. Differences among groups were statistically significant. The mean number and standard deviation of the labelled cells using Ki-67 were 7.55 ± 1.22 in group A; 35.55 ± 3.84 in group B and 0.34 ± 0.14 in group C. Differences among groups were statistically significant. The mean area and standard deviation of NORs in group A were 1.92 ± 0.24, in group B, 3.61 ± 0.27 and in group C, 1.71 ± 0.26. CONCLUSIONS: The markers BrdU, Ki-67 and AgNOR showed a positive correlation with statistical significance among the cellular proliferation situations studied (control, hypoproliferation and hyperproliferation); the AgNOR did not show statistically significant differences among the control and hypoproliferation situations and there was more agreement in the results among markers BrdU and Ki-67 in three cell proliferation situations.
Animals , Female , Rabbits , Cell Division/physiology , Cornea/cytology , Epithelial Cells/metabolism , Antibodies, Antinuclear/analysis , Antibodies, Monoclonal/analysis , Biomarkers/analysis , Bromodeoxyuridine/analysis , Cell Division/drug effects , Cell Proliferation/drug effects , Cornea/drug effects , Cornea/injuries , Cornea/metabolism , Epithelial Cells/drug effects , Fluorouracil/administration & dosage , Kinetics , /analysis , Nucleolus Organizer Region/chemistry , Phosphates/administration & dosage , Random Allocation , Silver Staining , Statistics, Nonparametric , Sodium Chloride/administration & dosageABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To study the effects on the water, electrolyte, and acid-base balances in rabbits submitted to antegrade enema with different solutions through appendicostomy. METHODS: Forty male New Zealand rabbits were submitted to appendicostomy, and distributed in 4 groups, according to the antegrade enema solution: PEG group, polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution (n=10); ISS group, isotonic saline solution (n=10); GS group, glycerin solution (n=10); SPS group, sodium phosphate solution (n=10). After being weighed, arterial blood gas analysis, red blood count, creatinine and electrolytes were measured at 4 times: preoperatively (T1); day 6 postop, before enema (T2); 4h after enema (T3); and 24h after T3 (T4). RESULTS: In PEG group occurred Na retention after 4h, causing alkalemia, sustained for 24h with HCO3 retention. In ISS group occurred isotonic water retention and hyperchloremic acidosis after 4h, which was partially compensated in 24h. GS group showed metabolic acidosis after 4h, compensated in 24h. In SPS group occurred hypernatremic dehydration, metabolic acidosis in 4h, and hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, and metabolic alkalosis with partially compensated dehydration in 24h. CONCLUSIONS: All solutions used in this study caused minor alterations on water, electrolyte or acid-base balances. The most intense ones were caused by hypertonic sodium phosphate solution (SPS) and isotonic saline solution (ISS) and the least by polyethyleneglycol electrolyte solution (PEG) and glycerin solution 12 percent (GS).
OBJETIVO: Estudar os efeitos no equilíbrio hídrico, eletrolítico e ácido-base, do enema anterógrado com diferentes soluções em coelhos através de apendicostomia. MÉTODOS: 40 coelhos Nova Zelândia, machos, submetidos a apendicostomia, distribuídos em quatro grupos segundo a solução de enema: grupo PEG (n = 10) solução de polietilenoglicol com eletrólitos; grupo SF (n = 10) solução fisiológica; grupo SG (n = 10) solução glicerinada; grupo FS (n = 10) solução de fosfato de sódio. Realizou-se pesagem, gasometria arterial, série vermelha, creatinina e ionograma, em quatro tempos: TI (pré-operatório); T2 (6o PO antes do enema); T3 (4h após enema); T4 (24h após T3). RESULTADOS: No PEG ocorreu retenção de Na em 4h, com alcalemia por retenção de HCO3, mantida por 24h. No SF ocorreu retenção hídrica isotônica e acidose hiperclorêmica em 4h, resolvidos parcialmente com 24h. No SG ocorreu acidose metabólica hiperclorêmica em 4h, compensada com 24h. No FS ocorreu desidratação hipenatrêmica, acidose metabólica com ânion gap elevado em 4h, hipopotassemia, hipocalcemia, hipomagnesemia e alcalose metabólica com recuperação parcial da desidratação em 24h. CONCLUSÕES: Todas as soluções empregadas neste estudo causam alterações de pouca intensidade no equilíbrio hídrico, eletrolítico ou ácido-base. As mais intensas foram causadas pela solução de fosfato de sódio e solução fisiológica, e as menos intensas pela solução de polietilenoglicol com eletrólitos e solução glicerinada.
Animals , Male , Rabbits , Acid-Base Equilibrium/drug effects , Enema/methods , Glycerol/adverse effects , Phosphates/adverse effects , Polyethylene Glycols/adverse effects , Water-Electrolyte Balance/drug effects , Acid-Base Imbalance/blood , Acid-Base Imbalance/etiology , Appendix/surgery , Cathartics/administration & dosage , Cathartics/adverse effects , Enema/adverse effects , Glycerol/administration & dosage , Isotonic Solutions/administration & dosage , Isotonic Solutions/adverse effects , Models, Animal , Magnesium Deficiency/blood , Magnesium Deficiency/etiology , Phosphates/administration & dosage , Polyethylene Glycols/administration & dosage , Time Factors , Water-Electrolyte Imbalance/blood , Water-Electrolyte Imbalance/etiologyABSTRACT
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Bowel preparation for colonoscopy remains an unpleasant experience because oral solutions have unpleasant tastes and may provoke abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and sleep disturbance. Duodenoscopic bowel preparation is an alternative method for patients who are unwilling to take oral preparation solution or for those who are supposed to have both gastroscopic and colonoscopic examination on the same day. We assessed the effectiveness and tolerance of duodenoscopic bowel preparation. METHODS: Patients in group OA (orally administered) ingested 45 mL of sodium phosphate (NaP) in the evening before the day of procedure and in the morning on the day of colonoscopy, whereas patients in group EA (endoscopically administered) were prepared for the procedure by duodenoscopic infusion of 90 mL of NaP diluted with 180 mL of water into the second portion of the duodenum. After 4 hours, we assessed the overall quality of colonic cleansing, using a range of excellent to inadequate. The patients completed a questionnaire on their preparation-associated symptoms, tolerance, and preference. RESULTS: In group EA, sleep disturbance (p<0.05) and nausea (p<0.05) occurred less frequently than in group OA. Overall, the tolerance rating for preparation was higher in group EA. However, the quality of colonic cleansing and cecum intubation time was not different between the two groups. Patients in group EA who had ingested NaP in the past preferred duodenoscopic bowel preparation. CONCLUSIONS: Duodenoscopic bowel preparation may play a role in colonic cleansing especially for patients who are scheduled to undergo gastroscopic and colonoscopic examination on the same day and for those who are unwilling to ingest NaP.
Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Administration, Oral , Cathartics/administration & dosage , Colonoscopy , Duodenoscopy , Image Enhancement , Therapeutic Irrigation , Phosphates/administration & dosage , Surveys and Questionnaires , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Bowel preparation for colonoscopy remains an unpleasant experience because oral solutions have unpleasant tastes and may provoke abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and sleep disturbance. Duodenoscopic bowel preparation is an alternative method for patients who are unwilling to take oral preparation solution or for those who are supposed to have both gastroscopic and colonoscopic examination on the same day. We assessed the effectiveness and tolerance of duodenoscopic bowel preparation. METHODS: Patients in group OA (orally administered) ingested 45 mL of sodium phosphate (NaP) in the evening before the day of procedure and in the morning on the day of colonoscopy, whereas patients in group EA (endoscopically administered) were prepared for the procedure by duodenoscopic infusion of 90 mL of NaP diluted with 180 mL of water into the second portion of the duodenum. After 4 hours, we assessed the overall quality of colonic cleansing, using a range of excellent to inadequate. The patients completed a questionnaire on their preparation-associated symptoms, tolerance, and preference. RESULTS: In group EA, sleep disturbance (p<0.05) and nausea (p<0.05) occurred less frequently than in group OA. Overall, the tolerance rating for preparation was higher in group EA. However, the quality of colonic cleansing and cecum intubation time was not different between the two groups. Patients in group EA who had ingested NaP in the past preferred duodenoscopic bowel preparation. CONCLUSIONS: Duodenoscopic bowel preparation may play a role in colonic cleansing especially for patients who are scheduled to undergo gastroscopic and colonoscopic examination on the same day and for those who are unwilling to ingest NaP.
Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Administration, Oral , Cathartics/administration & dosage , Colonoscopy , Duodenoscopy , Image Enhancement , Therapeutic Irrigation , Phosphates/administration & dosage , Surveys and Questionnaires , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: To assess the acceptability, safety and effectiveness of an oral sodium phosphate solution (Exelyte) for colon preparation prior to colonoscopy, compared with a polyethylene glycol solution (Peglec). METHOD: A colonoscopist-blinded, prospective, randomized, observational clinical study. PATIENTS: One hundred patients undergoing colonoscopy for various indications were randomized (n = 50 each) to receive either 90 mL of oral sodium phosphate mixed with 300 mL clear liquid and then consume about 4-5 glasses of water, or 2 liters of polyethylene glycol solution. RESULT: Sodium phosphate showed a safety profile similar to that of polyethylene glycol. However, patients tolerated it better. The colonoscopist reported similar cleansing of bowel in both groups. CONCLUSION: Oral sodium phosphate is well tolerated, is safe and provides bowel cleansing similar to that with a polyethylene glycol solution.
Administration, Oral , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Colonic Diseases/diagnosis , Colonoscopy , Enema/methods , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Phosphates/administration & dosage , Polyethylene Glycols/administration & dosage , Prospective StudiesABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the pre-operative-post-operative complications and patients' tolerance between sodium phosphate solution (NaP) and polyethylene glycol-electrolyte solution (PEG-ES) for elective colorectal surgery. MATERIAL AND METHOD: All colorectal cancer patients treated between August 2000 and May 2001 (NaP group) who received two doses of 45 ml NaP solution with a glass of water were compared to all colorectal cancer patients between July 1997 and July 2000 (PEG group) who received 3 liters of PEG-ES. Patient tolerance, post-operative septic complications, and serum sodium and potassium before and after bowel preparation were assessed. RESULTS: Twenty five patients in the NaP group and eighty six patients in the PEG group were included in the study. Age, gender and surgical procedure were well matched. Patient tolerance to NaP was superior to PEG-ES (p=0.044). There was a significant increase in serum sodium levels (p=0.022) and a significant decrease in serum potassium levels in NaP group (p=0.018) without any clinical sequelae. 35 per cent of the patients in the PEG group had wound infection versus only 10 per cent of patients in the NaP group (p=0.021). CONCLUSION: Sodium phosphate solution was safe, rapid, well-tolerated and could be the standard pre-operative mechanical bowel preparation for elective colorectal surgery.
Administration, Oral , Aged , Chi-Square Distribution , Colorectal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Phosphates/administration & dosage , Polyethylene Glycols/administration & dosage , Preoperative Care/methods , Probability , Prospective Studies , Sensitivity and Specificity , Solutions , Elective Surgical ProceduresSubject(s)
Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage , Diet, Protein-Restricted , Dietary Supplements , Humans , Hydroxycholecalciferols/administration & dosage , India , Kidney Failure, Chronic/diet therapy , Kidney Function Tests , Parathyroid Glands/metabolism , Phosphates/administration & dosage , Proteins/metabolism , Reproducibility of ResultsABSTRACT
Objetivo: Analizamos la tolerancia, resultados y costo de dos preparaciones orales, el polietilenglicol (preparación 1) y la solución de fosfato monosódico y disódico (preparación 2) para la limpieza intestinal previa a procedimientos programados de cirugía y endoscopia colorrectales. Material y Métodos: en el período abril a septiembre de 1997, analizamos 438 pacientes mayores de 15 años, con indicación de procedimientos electivos de colonoscopia y cirugía colorrectal en los centros participantes y actividad privada de los autores. Criterios de exclusión: megacolon congénito, insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva, hepática o renal; ascitis clínicamente detectable; infarto de miocardio reciente; embarazo o lactancia. El estudio se efectuó en forma multicéntrica, prospectiva, randomizada utilizando la tabla de números aleatorios y en forma de doble ciego, mediante dos fichas, la primera para el paciente que debía evaluar la tolerancia de la preparación en cuanto a sabor, presencia de naúseas, dolor y facilidad para cumplir las indicaciones con cuatro opciones posibles en cada caso. Además se le inquiría sobre antecedentes de preparación de colon, debiendo especificar cual había sido y la comparación con la actual. La segunda ficha fue completada por el profesional actuante sin conocer el resultado de la primera ni el producto utilizado y debía consignar el tipo de procedimiento y calificar la preparación en cuanto a su calidad, contenido residual, edema y procesos inflamatorios mucosos con cuatro opciones posibles. En el caso de los procedimientos quirúrgicos se consignaron los resultados del ionograma basal y luego de la preparación. Los datos se volcaron en la planilla de cálculo Excel y se valoraron por el test de bondad de ajuste de "ji cuadrado". Se analizaron 438 pacientes, con una edad promedio de 56 años, de los que 225, el 51,37 por ciento fueron de sexo masculino. El 80,36 por ciento, 352 pacientes fueron evaluados mediante colonoscopia y los 86 restantes por procedimientos quirúrgicos. Los evaluados mediante endoscopia tenían una edad promedio de 54,9 años y los de cirugía 60,4. Resultados: Las poblaciones que utilizaron ambas preparaciones no tienen diferencias significativas en cuanto a edad, sexo y tipo de procedimiento utilizado para evaluarlos, por lo que son comparables. Sabor: calificaron como agradable o tolerable el 69,72 por ciento del grupo que usó la preparación 1 y el 66,08 por ciento del grupo 2; diferencia no sginificativa...
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Colon , Colonoscopy , Colorectal Surgery , Enema/statistics & numerical data , Strategic Evacuation , Phosphates/administration & dosage , Polyethylene Glycols/administration & dosage , Preoperative Care , Costs and Cost Analysis , Nausea/prevention & control , Permissiveness , Data Interpretation, StatisticalABSTRACT
A proposta deste estudo foi comparar duas soluçöes orais utilizadas no preparo intestinal mecânico de pacientes submetidos a cirurgia colorretal eletiva. Foram estudados 90 pacientes, prospectivamente randomizados para receber polietilenoglicol (PEG) ou fosfato de sódio (FS). Níveis séricos de hemoglobina, hematócrito, sódio e potássio foram obtidos em todos os pacientes, antes e depois de cada preparo. Todos os efeitos colaterais e complicaçöes pós-operatórias foram relatados. A qualidade do preparo foi avaliada por cirurgiäo "cego" à substância utilizada. As duas soluçöes foram equivalentes no que se refere à limpeza do cólon e à ocorrência de complicaçöes pós-operatórias. No entanto, o FS foi melhor tolerado