La adhesión a dentina con sistemas adhesivos polimé-ricos representa un desafío que surge de la necesi-dad de vincular un sustrato dentario heterogéneo y variable con materiales que presentan todavía cier-tos aspectos a atender para poder conseguir el máxi-mo desempeño. El propósito del presente artículo es evaluar algunas de las estrategias propuestas para mejorar la adhesión a dentina, y sugerir un protocolo de trabajo con los diferentes tipos de sistemas adhesivos (AU)
Dentin bonding with polymeric adhesive systems represents a challenge that arises from the need to link a heterogeneous and variable dental substrate with materials that still have certain aspects to be addressed in order to achieve maximum performance. The aim of this article is to evaluate some of the proposed strategies to improve dentin bonding and to suggest a protocol for each different type of bonding systems (AU)
Clinical Protocols , Dentin-Bonding Agents/therapeutic use , Dentin/drug effects , Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Acid Etching, Dental/methods , Smear Layer , Composite Resins/chemistry , Dental Enamel/drug effects , PolymerizationABSTRACT
La aparición de aparatología preadjustada ha colaborado en la efectividad de los tratamientos de ortodoncia, pero para que la expresión de esta aparatología se logre, es necesario una correcta colocación de los brackets y la permanencia de estos en boca durante todo el tratamiento. La precisión en la colocación mejora con la técnica de cementado indirecta, ya que permite el acceso a las zonas posteriores, a lugares donde se ve disminuida la visión y además disminuye la condensación de aliento y contaminación salival. Si bien esta técnica requiere tiempo extra de laboratorio, es más rápida en la etapa clínica (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Silicone Elastomers , Cementation/methods , Orthodontic Brackets , Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Research Design , Schools, Dental , Acid Etching, Dental/instrumentation , Efficacy , Dental Impression Technique , Dental Bonding/instrumentation , Composite Resins , Models, DentalABSTRACT
Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of hydrofluoric acid (HF) concentration, etching time, and application of phosphoric acid (PA) followed by neutralization with sodium bicarbonate on the bond strength between a feldspar ceramic and resin cement. Thus, 80 blocks (10 x 12 x 2 mm) of glass ceramic (VM - Vita Mark II - Vita Zahnfabrik) were made and randomly assigned to eight groups (n = 10) according to the factors: HF concentration (5 and 10%), etching time (60 and 120 s), and use of phosphoric acid (PA) (with and without). According to the experimental group, 37% PA (Condac, FGM) was applied after HF etching for 60s. Afterwards, samples were immersed in sodium bicarbonate for 1 min then in an ultrasonic bath in distilled water (5 min) for cleaning. After surface bonding treatment, cylinders (Ø = 2 mm; h = 2 mm) of dual resin cement (AllCem / FGM) were made in the center of each block. The samples were then stored in water (37ºC) for 90 days and submitted to the shear bond test (50 KgF, 1 mm/min). Failure analysis was performed by stereomicroscope and scanning electron microscopy. Data (MPa) were analyzed with 3-way ANOVA and Tukey's test. Only the factor "HF concentration" was significant (p = 0.02). Most failures were of cohesive in ceramic (40%) and mixed types (42.5%). The 10% HF resulted in higher shear bond strength value than the 5% HF. Surface cleaning with phosphoric acid followed by sodium bicarbonate and HF time (60 or 120 seconds) did not influence the resin bond strength to feldspar ceramic.
Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Dental Bonding/methods , Potassium Compounds/chemistry , Aluminum Silicates/chemistry , Hydrofluoric Acid/chemistry , Reference Values , Silanes/chemistry , Surface Properties , Time Factors , Materials Testing , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance , Resin Cements/chemistry , Shear Strength/drug effects , Dental Porcelain/chemistry , Methacrylates/chemistryABSTRACT
Abstract The aim was to evaluate the effect of 2% grape seed extract (GSE) containing phosphoric acid (PhA) on the bond strength to enamel and dentin. The control group was 37% PhA. The following three PhA formulations with 2% GSE and 20% ethanol were obtained: GSE5 = 5% PhA; GSE10 = 10% PhA; and GSE20 = 20% PhA. The enamel and dentin surfaces of molars were etched with the acid solutions, followed by Scotchbond Multi-Purpose adhesive and composite resin application. The tensile bond strength (TBS) test evaluated the bond to enamel after 24 h, and the microtensile bond strength (μTBS) test evaluated the bond to dentin after 24 h and 12-month water storage. Etched enamel and dentin were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), respectively. The TBS data were submitted to one-way ANOVA, while µTBS data were submitted to two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). The TBS (MPa) to enamel did not significantly differ among the control (48.1 ± 15.7), GSE5 (46.1 ± 9.6), GSE10 (49.8 ± 13.6) and GSE20 (44.1 ± 11.9) groups (p = 0.537). The µTBS (MPa) to dentin of the control (28.4 ± 14.4) and GSE20 (24.1 ± 8.1) groups were significantly higher than those of the GSE5 (16.8 ± 7.4) and GSE10 (17.5 ± 6.6) groups at 24 h (p < 0.006). After 12-month storage, only GSE5 (21.0 ± 7.8) and GSE10 (17.6 ± 8.0) did not show significantly decreased μTBS (p > 0.145). SEM micrographs showed a shallower enamel etching pattern for GSE5. AFM images showed the formation of collagenous globular structures for GSE5 and GSE10. The different acid solutions did not influence the TBS to enamel, and the µTBS to dentin was stable over time when dentin was etched with GSE5 and GSE10.
Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Acid Etching, Dental/methods , Dental Bonding/methods , Dental Enamel/drug effects , Dentin/drug effects , Grape Seed Extract/chemistry , Reference Values , Surface Properties/drug effects , Tensile Strength , Time Factors , Materials Testing , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric , Microscopy, Atomic Force , Dental Enamel/chemistry , Dentin/chemistryABSTRACT
Abstract The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of different surface treatments and polymerization protocols on the bond strength of brackets to enamel, and the degree of conversion of the bonding agents. 120 bovine crowns were embedded in acrylic resin blocks and sanded. Next, the blocks were randomly assigned into 12 groups. Metal brackets were bonded to enamel according to the "surface treatment" factor (A: Phosphoric Acid; ATxt: Phosphoric Acid + Transbond XT Primer®; Tse: Transbond Plus Self Etching Primer®; and SBU: Scotchbond Universal®) and "polymerization" factor (R20: Radii-Cal®/20 seconds; V20: Valo Cordless®/20 seconds; and V3: Valo Cordless®/3 seconds). All samples were stored for 6 months (water, 37ºC) and then subjected to a shear bond strength test (SBS). Bond failures were classified according to the Adhesive Remnant Index (ARI) and analyzed with the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (5%). Using the same factors, 120 resin discs were made to assess the degree of conversion (DC) of the monomer. Data from the SBS (MPa) and DC (%) were analyzed by analysis of variance (2 factors) and Tukey's test (5%). For the SBS, the factors "polymerization" (R20 = 8.1B; V20 = 13.2A; V3 = 5.2C, p = 0.0001) and "surface treatment" (A = 3.1C; ATxt = 13.6A; Tse = 12.3A; SBU = 6.3B, p = 0.0001) were statistically significant among groups. The highest adhesion value were found for the ATxt/V20 group (22.2A) and the lowest value for the A/R20 group (1.2E). Regarding ARI, score 2 was the most prevalent in groups A, ATxt, V20 and V3, while score 4 was the most prevalent in the Tse, SBU and R20 groups, with no significant difference between them (p = 1.0). Regarding DC, the factors "polymerization" (R20 = 66.6A; V20 = 58.4B; V3 = 45.1C, p = 0.0001) and "surface treatment" (A = 52B, ATxt = 59.7A, Tse = 51.4B, SBU = 63.8A, p = 0.0001) were statistically significant. Tse was more sensitive to the variations in polymerization protocols than the other surface treatments. Treatment A did not present suitable bond strength or degree of conversion.
Animals , Cattle , Orthodontic Brackets , Resin Cements/chemistry , Dental Enamel/drug effects , Self-Curing of Dental Resins/methods , Light-Curing of Dental Adhesives/methods , Polymerization/drug effects , Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Reference Values , Time Factors , Acid Etching, Dental/methods , Materials Testing , Random Allocation , Adhesiveness/drug effects , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance , Dental Enamel/chemistry , Shear Strength , Phase Transition , Curing Lights, DentalABSTRACT
Utilizar esta técnica implica grandes ventajas, ya que se reduce el volumen de cemento de resina, lo que disminuye la probabilidad de contracción, formación de burbujas y vacíos internos, los cuales representanáreas de debilidad en la restauración postendodóncica. Esta técnica ya ha sido propuesta y debidamente investigada por algunos autores. Se aplica en dientes con conductos radiculares amplios que han sido debilitados por restauraciones defi cientes, desmineralización de la dentina, fi ltraciones en la corona y poste radicular o simplementeconductos amplios en pacientes de corta edad. Tenemos la firme convicciónde que no podemos garantizar la permanencia de un órgano dentalen la cavidad oral, pero sí podemos intentar prolongar su permanenciaen el alvéolo el mayor tiempo posible. La técnica que se describe en elpresente artículo consiste en colocar postes accesorios de fi bra de vidriodespués del poste principal, logrando reducir el espesor de película delagente cementante a un grado ideal.
The use of this technique, shows significant advantages, as the thicknessof the resin cement is reduced, in consequence, the contraction ratio,bubble formation, and internal voids are reduced, which represent areasof weakness in the post-endodontic restoration, this technique has beenalready proposed and properly investigated by certain authors. Thisis applied on teeth with enlarged canals, that have been weakened byineffi cient restorations, dentin demineralization, bacterial fi ltration ofcrown and post, or simply wide canals in young patients. We have afi rm conviction, that we can´t guarantee the permanence of a dentalorgan in the oral cavity, but we can try to lengthen its permanency onthe alveolus as much as possible. The technique that´s described in thisarticle, consists in placing accessory posts of fi ber glass after placingthe main post, achieving a reduction of the cement fi lm thickness toideal thicknesses.
Humans , Female , Young Adult , Cementation/methods , Glass , Post and Core Technique , Root Canal Therapy/standards , Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Glass Ionomer Cements/chemistry , Acid Etching, Dental/methods , Dental Bonding/methods , Composite Resins/chemistry , Tensile StrengthABSTRACT
Abstract The quality of the dentin root is the most important factor for restoration resin sealing and drives the outcome of endodontic treatment. Objective This study evaluated the effect of different filling pastes and cleaning agents on the root dentin of primary teeth using Fourier-transformed Raman spectroscopy (FT-Raman), micro energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (µ-EDXRF) and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) analysis. Material and Methods Eighty roots of primary teeth were endodontically prepared and distributed into 4 groups and filled according to the following filling pastes: Control-no filling (CP), Calen®+zinc oxide (CZ), Calcipex II® (CII), Vitapex® (V). After seven days, filling paste groups were distributed to 4 subgroups according to cleaning agents (n=5): Control-no cleaning (C), Ethanol (E), Tergenform® (T), 35% Phosphoric acid (PA). Then, the roots were sectioned and the dentin root sections were internally evaluated by FT-Raman, µ-EDXRF and SEM. Data was submitted to two-way ANOVA and Tukey tests (α=0.05). Results Regarding filling pastes, there was no significant difference in organic content. CP provided the lowest calcium values and, calcium/phosphoric ratio (Ca/P), and the highest phosphoric values. For cleaning agents there was no difference in organic content when compared to the C; however, T showed significantly higher calcium and Ca/P than PA. All groups showed similar results for phosphorus. The dentin smear layer was present after use of the cleaning agents, except PA. Conclusion The filling pastes changed the inorganic content, however they did not change the organic content. Cleaning agents did not alter the inorganic and organic content. PA cleaned and opened dentin tubules.
Humans , Root Canal Filling Materials/chemistry , Root Canal Irrigants/chemistry , Dental Pulp Cavity/drug effects , Dentin/drug effects , Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Silicones/chemistry , Spectrometry, X-Ray Emission , Spectrum Analysis, Raman , Surface Properties/drug effects , Time Factors , Tooth, Deciduous/drug effects , Zinc Oxide/chemistry , Calcium Hydroxide/chemistry , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Analysis of Variance , Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared , Ethanol/chemistryABSTRACT
Objetivo: comparar el comportamiento clínico de restauraciones realizadas en piezas primarias con resinas compuestas utilizando un sistema adhesivo universal y un autoacondicionante de un solo frasco, ambos con grabado selectivo a esmalte. Métodos: Estudio experimental. Los datos obtenidos en 39 pacientes (5.47+1.67 años) con una o más piezas primarias vitales con lesiones amelodentinarias en 1 o 2 superficies restauradas con resinas compuestas utilizando Adper Easy One (AAG1 n= 66 restauraciones)fueron comparados con los obtenidos en 58 pacientes (5,76+ 1.58 años) utilizando Single Bond Universal 3M/ESPE (AAG2 n=81). En ambos grupos se realizó acondicionamiento del esmalte durante 30 con ácido fosfórico al 37 por ciento, previo a la aplicación de los sistemas adhesivos. Las 147 restauraciones fueron realizadas y evaluadas clínicamente por tres docentes calibrados (Kappa 0.96) en condiciones basales y en 2 controles posteriores (Ryge modificado). Se calcularon porcentajes y promedios de los porcentajes de fracasos de las restauraciones analizando los resultados a través del Test Normal para diferencia de medias. El proyecto fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (FOUBA) (120809-5). Resultados: El porcentaje medio de fracasos antes del primer control resultó 7.21 por ciento y 6.25 por ciento (p=0.85) y antes del segundo control 13.89 por ciento y 9.65 por ciento (p=0,50) en AAG1 yAAG2, respectivamente. Conclusión: El comportamiento clínico de las restauraciones realizadas con resinas compuestas utilizando un sistema adhesivo universal y un auto-acondicionante de un solo frasco, ambos con grabado selectivo a esmalte, reveló resultados similaresdurante el período bajo estudio.
Objective: to compare clinical performance of composite restorations placed in primary dentition using an universal adhesive and an onebottleself-etching system, both of them with selective enamel etching. Method: Experimental Design. Data obtained from 39 patients(5.47+1.67 years.) with one or more small and moderate carious lesions in vital deciduous teeth restored with resin composites usingAdper Easy One (AAG1 n= 66), were compared with the obtained in 58 patients (5,76+ 1.58 years) using Universal Single Bond3M/ESPE (AAG2 n=81). In both groups enamel was etched with phosphoric acid 37% during 30 prior to the application ofadhesive systems. Composite resin restorations (N=147) were placed and assessed by 3 calibrated operators (Kappa: 0.96) at baselineand after two appointments (Modified Ryge Criteria). Percentages and average of percentages of failures of restorations were calculated.Statistical analysis: Two sample normal test for the difference in means. Project approved by FOUBA Ethics Committee. (120809-5).Results: The average percentage of failures before the first control was 7.21 % and 6.25 % (p=0.85) and before the second control was13.89 % and 9.65% (p=0.50) in AAG1 and AAG2, respectively. Conclusions: In this work clinical performance of compositerestorations using two single components adhesive systems with previous enamel acid conditioning showed similar results during the periodunder study.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Dentin-Bonding Agents , Tooth, Deciduous , Acid Etching, Dental/instrumentation , Acid Etching, Dental/methods , Argentina , Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Dental Enamel , Composite Resins/therapeutic use , Data Interpretation, StatisticalABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective Green tea extract has been advocated as a matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitor; however, its effect on bond durability to caries-affected dentin has never been reported. Thus, the aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of two MMP inhibitors (2% chlorhexidine and 2% green tea extract), applied after acid etching, on bond durability of an etch-and-rinse adhesive system to caries-affected dentin. Material and Methods Occlusal enamel was removed from third molars to expose the dentin surface, and the molars were submitted to a caries induction protocol for 15 days. After removal of infected dentin, specimens were conditioned with 37% phosphoric acid (15 seconds) and randomly divided into three groups, according to the type of dentin pretreatment (n=10): NT: no treatment; GT: 2% green tea extract; CLX: 2% chlorhexidine. The etch-and-rinse adhesive system (Adper™ Single Bond 2, 3M ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA) was applied according to the manufacturer's instructions, and composite resin restorations were built on the dentin. After 24 hours, at 37°C, the resin-tooth blocks were sectioned perpendicularly to the adhesive interface in the form of sticks (0.8 mm2 of adhesive area) and randomly subdivided into two groups according to when they were to be submitted to microtensile bond strength (μTBS) testing: immediately or 6 months after storage in distilled water. Data were reported in MPa and submitted to two-way ANOVA for completely randomized blocks, followed by Tukey’s test (α=0.05). Results After 24 hours, there was no significant difference in the μTBS of the groups. After 6 months, the GT group had significantly higher μTBS values. Conclusion It was concluded that the application of 2% green tea extract was able to increase bond durability of the etch-and-rinse system to dentin. Neither the application of chlorhexidine nor non-treatment (NT - control) had any effect on bond strength after water storage.
Humans , Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Tea/chemistry , Chlorhexidine/chemistry , Dental Caries/drug therapy , Dental Cements/chemistry , Dentin/drug effects , Anti-Infective Agents, Local/chemistry , Surface Properties , Tensile Strength , Time Factors , Acid Etching, Dental/methods , Materials Testing , Random Allocation , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance , Dental Bonding/methods , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistryABSTRACT
Para lograr una unión fuerte entre las restauraciones de cerámica sin metal y las resinas de cementación se indican acondicionamientos de superficie previos a la cementación. Nuestro objetivo es describir y comparar al MEB las superficies de cerámicas feldespáticas y reforzadas con disilicato de litio antes y después de ser tratadas con 2 procedimientos ácidos. Se utilizaron 8 bloques de cerámica feldespática (A) y 8 de cerámica reforzada con disilicato de litio (B). Se subdividieron en 2 grupos de 4 bloques (A1 y A2) y (B1 y B2). Los grupos A1 y B1 fueron tratados con ácido fluorhídrico 9% (HF) y los grupos A2 y B2 con ácido fluorhídrico, seguido de ácido fosfórico al 35%. Posteriormente, se observaron al MEB (1.000 ×) y se procesaron las imágenes con el programa Matlab R2012a, que mide el contraste. Los estadísticos utilizados fueron el test ANOVA y el test «t¼ no pareado Resultados El ácido fluorhídrico 9% crea irregularidades en ambos tipos de cerámicas. Al aplicar HF, seguido de ácido fosfórico sobre la cerámica feldespática no se aprecian diferencias en el contraste, con respecto a utilizar solo HF. Al usar ambos ácidos, en la cerámica reforzada con disilicato de litio se aprecian menos irregularidades respecto a las tratadas con un solo ácido. Conclusiones El ácido fluorhídrico 9% crea microrretenciones en ambas cerámicas. El HF al 9%, seguido del ácido fosfórico 35% parece modificar los valores de contraste de la cerámica colada, en cambio en las feldespáticas no hay diferencias significativas con ambos tratamientos.
Surface conditioning prior to cementing is indicated to achieve a strong bond between metal-free ceramic restorations and resin cements. The aim of this study is to describe and compare the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the surfaces of Feldspathic ceramic and Lithium disilicate glass ceramic before and after being treated with two acid procedures. For this, 8 blocks of Feldspathic ceramic (A) and 8 of Ceramic lithium disilicate (B) were used. They were subdivided into two groups of 4 blocks (A1 and A2) and (B1 and B2). Groups A1 and B1 were treated with 9% Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) and the A2 and B2 groups, with 9% Hydrofluoric Acid followed by 35% Phosphoric Acid. Subsequently, they were observed using SEM (1,000 ×) and the images processed with the program Matlab R2012a, which measures the contrast. The statistics used were ANOVA test and the unpaired t test. Results 9% Hydrofluoric Acid creates irregularities in both types of ceramics. When applying HF followed by Phosphoric Acid on Feldspathic ceramics, no differences in contrast were found, compared to using only HF. With ceramic lithium disilicate using both acids, there are fewer irregularities with respect to those treated with a single acid. Conclusion 9% Hydrofluoric Acid creates micro-retentions in both ceramics. 9% HF followed by 35% Phosphoric Acid appears to significantly modify the Lithium disilicate glass ceramic contrast values. On the other hand, the Feldspathic ceramic showed no significant differences with both treatments.
Humans , Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Ceramics/chemistry , Dental Porcelain/chemistry , Hydrofluoric Acid/chemistry , Surface Properties , Acid Etching, Dental , Microscopy, Electron, ScanningABSTRACT
Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of passive or active phosphoric acid (PA) application after hydrofluoric acid (HA) treatment on the microshear bond strength of lithium disilicate. Thirty ceramic discs were made with IPS Emax 2 (10 mm thick and 10 mm diameter). The specimens were divided into 3 groups, A: 9.6% HA application; AF: 9.6% HA application + cleaning with 37% PA in passive mode and AFF: 9.6% HA application + cleaning with 37% PA in active mode. For the microshear test, four tygons (0.9 mm diameter and 0.2 mm high) were filled with resin cement (RelyX Ultimate) and placed on the ceramic disks. After testing, the fracture modes were examined under scanning electron microscopy. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey's post test (α=0.05). The bond strength values were significantly higher in Group AFF (11.0±2.5 MPa) compared with group A (8.1±2.6 MPa) (p<0.002). AF group was not statistically different (9.4±2.5 MPa) from Group A. It was concluded that the active application of 37% PA after 9.6% HA increases the microshear bond strength values between the resin cement and lithium disilicate ceramic.
Resumo O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação passiva ou ativa do ácido fosfórico após o tratamento com ácido hidrofluorídrico na resistência de união ao microcisalhamento entre cimento resinoso e dissilicato de lítio. Trinta discos foram confeccionados com IPS Emax 2 (10 mm de espessura e 10 mm de diâmetro). Os espécimes foram divididos em três grupos (A: aplicação do ácido hidrofluorídrico 9,6%; AF: aplicação do ácido hidrofluorídrico 9,6% + limpeza com ácido fosfórico 37% em modo passivo; AFF: aplicação do ácido hidrofluorídrico 9,6% + limpeza com ácido fosfórico 37% no modo ativo). Para o teste de microcisalhamento, quatro tygons (0,9 de diâmetro e 0,2 mm de altura) foram preenchidos com cimento resinoso (RelyX Ultimate) e dispostos sobre os discos de cerâmica. Após o teste, os modos de fratura foram examinados por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente por ANOVA e pós-teste de Tukey (α=0,05). Os valores de resistência de união foram significativamente superiores para o grupo AFF (11,0±2,5 MPa), comparado ao grupo A (8,1±2,6 MPa) (p<0,002), mas este não estatisticamente diferente do grupo AF (9,4±2,5 MPa). Concluiu-se que a aplicação ativa do ácido fosfórico 37% após o uso do ácido hidrofluorídrico 9,6% aumenta a resistência de união entre o cimento resinoso e a cerâmica de dissilicato de lítio.
Dental Bonding , Dental Porcelain/chemistry , Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Acid Etching, DentalABSTRACT
Abstract: Endodontic sealer residues remaining within the pulp chamber dentin after root canal obturation and cleaning with various solvents may compromise the appearance and the durability of dental restorations. Acid etching is routinely performed prior to application of dentine adhesive systems, but is effect on residual sealer material and the optimal time-point for performing etching, are unknown. Here, we evaluated the effect of acid etching on the dentin surface when performed either immediately or 7 days after removal of the endodontic sealer with two solvents, i.e., 95% ethanol or xylol. Forty crowns fragments from bovine incisors were impregnated with sealer and divided into 4 groups (n = 10 each), according to the dentin cleaning protocol and to the acid etching time-point: G1, 95.0% ethanol and immediate acid etching; G2, xylol and immediate acid etching; G3, 95.0% ethanol and acid etching after 7 days; and G4, xylol and acid etching after 7 days. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images (2000 ×) were obtained from each specimen and the number of open dentinal tubules counted and compared. Another 40 fragments were similarly prepared, and SEM images were obtained (500 ×) to score and compare the persistence of sealer residues on the dentin. G4 showed the most open dentinal tubules and the least epoxy resin-based sealer residues on the dentin surface (p < 0.05). The least epoxy resin-based sealer residues was obtained when acid etching, using 37% phosphoric acid, was performed after 7 days after cleaning the dentin with xylol.
Animals , Cattle , Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Root Canal Filling Materials/chemistry , Acid Etching, Dental/methods , Dentin/drug effects , Epoxy Resins/chemistry , Reference Values , Solvents/chemistry , Surface Properties , Time Factors , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Reproducibility of Results , Dental Pulp Cavity/drug effectsABSTRACT
Este estudo in vitro avaliou a influência do tempo de aplicação do bicarbonato de sódio a 10% na qualidade da união de um sistema adesivo universal unido ao esmalte bovino clareado por meio de testes de resistência de união (microtração imediata e após 6 meses) e grau de conversão na interface adesiva (espectroscopia micro-Raman). Cento e dez blocos de esmalte bovino (4x4 mm) foram planificados e distribuídos aleatoriamente em 5 grupos: C: controle, sem clareamento; B: clareamento com peróxido de hidrogênio 35% (HP); BS3: clareamento com HP seguido de tratamento com a solução de bicarbonato de sódio 10% (BS) por 3 min; BS5: clareamento com HP seguido de tratamento com BS por 5 min; BS10: clareamento com HP seguido de tratamento com BS por 10 min. O HP foi aplicado duas vezes (20 minutos cada, com exceção do grupo C) e em seguida as restaurações adesivas foram realizadas. Após 24 horas, 20 espécimes de cada grupo foram seccionados em palitos (1x1 mm) e submetidos ao teste de resistência de união (imediato e após 6 meses) em máquina de ensaios universal com velocidade de 0,5 mm/min (n=10). Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA a dois critérios (p <0,05). As médias das análises imediata e após 6 meses foram: C: 26,77 / 25,32; B: 26,42 / 26,42; BS3: 23,95 / 22,98; BS5: 23,65 / 26,64; BS10: 23,42 / 29,30. Nenhum dos fatores testados apresentou significância: tratamento (p=0,349) e tempo (p=0,234), não havendo interação entre estes (p=0,198). Falhas adesivas foram predominantes nos dois períodos de avaliação. Para a análise do grau de conversão, após 24 horas da restauração, 2 espécimes de cada grupo foram seccionados em fatias de 1mm, sendo apenas 3 fatias selecionadas. Os seguintes parâmetros foram utilizados: excitação dos espécimes com laser de argônio operando a 538 nm, espectro obtido a uma resolução ~4cm-1, sob uma região de espectro entre 1580-1660cm-1, verificando a altura dos picos 1608cm-1 e 1637cm-1. Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA a um critério (p <0,05) e as médias do grau de conversão foram: C: 71,10%; B: 72,11%; BS3: 73,98%; BS5: 69,25%; BS10: 70,56%. O fator de estudo tratamento não apresentou significância estatística (p=0,808). A adesão no esmalte clareado parece não ter sido afetada negativamente quando restaurações adesivas foram feitas imediatamente após o clareamento, independente da aplicação ou não da substância antioxidante. Mais estudos que avaliem a adesão em esmalte clareado, principalmente no que diz respeito ao grau de conversão e aos diferentes tipos de sistemas adesivos universais se fazem necessários para fins comparativos e para que possamos indicar seguramente as restaurações imediatas (quando necessárias) na prática clínica.(AU)
The present in vitro study evaluated the influence of the application time of 10% sodium bicarbonate in the adhesion quality of a universal adhesive system bonded to bleached enamel through microtensile bond strength testing (immediate and after 6 months) and the degree conversion (micro-Raman spectroscopy). One hundred and ten bovine enamel blocks (4x4mm) were flattened and randomly allocated into 5 groups: C: control, without bleaching; B: bleached with 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP); BS3: bleached and treated with 10% sodium bicarbonate solution (BS) for 3 min; BS5: bleached and treated with BS for 5 min; BS10: bleached and treated with BS for 10 min. HP was applied twice (20 minutes each, except in group C) and the adhesive restorations were performed. After 24 hours, 20 specimens from each group were sectioned into sticks (1x1 mm) and submitted to microtensile bond strength testing (immediately and after 6 months) in a universal testing machine with a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min (n = 10). Data was analyzed by two-way ANOVA (p <0.05). The means of the immediate and 6 months analysis were: C 26.77 / 25.32; B: 26.42 / 26.42; BS3: 23.95 / 22.98; BS5: 23.65 / 26.64; BS10: 23.42 / 29.30. None of the tested factors showed significance: treatment (p = 0.349) and time (p = 0.234), with no interaction between them (p = 0.198). Adhesive failures were predominant in both evaluation periods. For the degree of conversion analysis, 2 specimens of each group were sectioned into 1 mm slices after 24 hours of the restorative procedure, and 3 slices were selected. The following parameters were used: excitation of specimens with argon laser operating at 538 nm, spectrum obtained at a resolution of ~4cm-1, under a spectrum region between 1580-1660cm-1, evaluating the height of the peaks at 1608cm-1 and 1637cm-1. Data was analyzed by one-way ANOVA (p <0.05). The means of degree of conversion were: C: 71.10%; B: 72.11%; BS3: 73.98%; BS5: 69.25%; BS10: 70.56%. The study factor "treatment" was not statistically significant (p = 0.808). The results of bonding to bleached enamel was not negatively affected when adhesive restorations were made immediately after bleaching, regardless of the application of the antioxidant substance. Further studies to evaluate the adhesion on bleached enamel, mainly with regard to the degree of conversion and different types of universal adhesive systems are needed for comparative purposes. Only after this, the immediate restoration (if necessary) in clinical practice can be safely and indicated.(AU)
Animals , Cattle , Dental Enamel/drug effects , Hydrogen Peroxide/chemistry , Sodium Bicarbonate/chemistry , Tooth Bleaching Agents/chemistry , Tooth Bleaching/methods , Materials Testing , Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Reproducibility of Results , Resin Cements/chemistry , Spectrum Analysis, Raman/methods , Surface Properties , Tensile Strength , Time FactorsABSTRACT
A aplicação de flúor tópico é a principal estratégia de natureza química para a remineralização de lesões incipientes (LI) clinicamente visíveis como manchas brancas (MB) por cárie. Abordagens para aumentar a retenção de F no substrato pode favorecer sua ação e para isso, tratamentos prévios da superfície do esmalte podem ser usados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a capacidade de remineralização do flúor sem e com pré-tratamento do esmalte com ácido fosfórico e nitrato de alumínio e a sua resistência após novo desafio. Sessenta espécimes de esmalte bovino foram preparados (6mm x 4mm) e selecionados por meio de análise de microdureza de superfície (MS). LI foram produzidas através de ciclagem Desmineralização-Remineralização (DES-RE) e os espécimes divididos aleatoriamente em cinco grupos, de acordo com o tratamento (n=12): V- controle (verniz de fluoreto de sódio 5% por 4 horas), F (sem pré-tratamento); P-F(condicionamento ácido com ácido fosfórico por 30s); Al-F (nitrato de alumínio a 0,05M por 1min); P-Al-F (condicionamento com ácido fosfórico a 37% + nitrato de alumínio a 0,05M). Os tratamentos foram repetidos semanalmente durante quatro semanas. Após o tratamento, os espécimes foram submetidos à nova ciclagem ácida. Após cada etapa, nova MS foi realizada e ao final das análises, um corte transversal dos espécimes foi realizado. Uma das metades foi submetida à análise da microdureza longitudinal (ML) e a outra preparada para realização da microrradiografia transversal (TMR) para a análise de conteúdo mineral perdido. O percentual de perda de dureza de superfície (%PDS) foi analisado por ANOVA a 2 critérios de medidas repetidas e Tukey e o percentual de perda de dureza longitudinal (%PDL) por ANOVA a 3 critérios de medidas repetidas e Tukey (p<0,05). Os dados de TMR no parâmetro LD (profundidade da lesão) foram analisados por ANOVA a dois critérios (p<0,05). Os resultados mostraram que a ciclagem DES-RE resultou em significante %PDS e %PDL em todos os grupos. Grupo F revelou menor perda de MS após tratamento e, F, Al-F e P-Al-F, mostraram menor perda de dureza final, após o novo desafio ácido. Na análise de %PDL, o grupo V apresentou menor perda de dureza final quando comparado com os demais grupos, nas diferentes profundidades. A análise do conteúdo mineral não revelou nenhuma diferença entre os tratamentos e fases. Nenhum dos pré tratamentos propostos foram capazes de otimizar a atuação do gel APF na remineralização de MB.(AU)
The topical fluoride is the main chemical strategy to remineralize incipient caries lesions (ICL) visible as carious white spot lesions (WSL). Approaches to increase the fluoride retention may favor its action and therefore, enamel pretreatments can be used for this purpose. The aim of this study was to compare the potential of fluoride remineralization with and without previous enamel pretreatment with aluminum nitrate and phosphoric acid as well as their resistance after a new acid challenge. Sixty bovine enamel specimens were prepared (6mm x 4mm) and selected by the surface hardness (SH) analysis. The ICL were produced using DE-RE cycling and the specimens were randomized in five groups, according to the treatment (n=12): Vcontrol (5% sodium fluoride varnish during 4h), and four groups previously preatreated with topical application of acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) during 4min: F (without pretreatment), P-F (phosphoric acid etching during 30s), Al-F (0.05M aluminum nitrate during 1min); P-Al-F (phosphoric acid etching + aluminum nitrate). The treatments were performed weekly during four weeks. After the treatment, the specimens were submitted to the new acid challenge. After each step, a new SH analysis was performed followed by the transversal cut of the specimens. A half was submitted to the longitudinal cross-sectional hardness analysis (LH) and the other half was prepared to transverse microradiography assessments (TMR) to determine the loss of mineral content. The percentage of surface mineral loss (%SH) was analyzed using two-way repeated-measures ANOVA and the percentage of crosssectional mineral loss (%LH) by the three-way repeated-measures ANOVA and Tukey (p<0.05). Data of TMR analysis by LD (lesion depth) parameter was analyzed with two-way ANOVA (p<0.05). The results showed significant %SH and %LH after DE-RE cycling for all groups. F group showed the lowest %SH after treatment, with no significant difference to Al-F and P-Al-F after the new acid challenge. V group showed the lowest %LH compared to the other groups, in the different depths, suggesting more resistance. Mineral content assessment did not reveal any difference among treatments and phases. None pretreatments were able to increase the potential of fluoride remineralization.(AU)
Animals , Cattle , Acid Etching, Dental/methods , Cariostatic Agents/chemistry , Dental Caries/therapy , Fluorides/chemistry , Tooth Remineralization/methods , Aluminum Compounds/chemistry , Dental Enamel/drug effects , Hardness Tests , Microradiography/methods , Nitrates/chemistry , Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Reproducibility of Results , Surface Properties , Time Factors , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
O uso de implantes osseointegrados vem crescendo nas ultimas decadas e, juntamente com eles, suas complicacoes. A periimplantite se apresenta como uma infeccao bacteriana que afeta os tecidos moles e duros ao redor do implante, promovendo perda da osseointegracao. Assim, o objetivo primario deste estudo foi analisar a efetividade da remocao de bacterias, atraves do software ImageJ, aderidas as superficies de titanio por diferentes agentes quimicos condicionantes, por meio de analise em microscopia eletronica de varredura (MEV). Juntamente foi analisado a alteracao da rugosidade de superficie apos a utilizacao dos agentes. Foi realizado estudo in vitro, no qual 70 covers (prototipos de implantes) passaram por preparo das superficies para adequacao do meio a cultura bacteriana, fixacao das bacterias; e em seguida, foram divididos em 7 grupos (n=10), de acordo com o tratamento: AF180 aplicacao de acido fosforico (AF) por 180 segundos; AF90- AF por 90 segundos; EDTA180 EDTA por 180 segundos; EDTA90 EDTA por 90 segundos; AC180 acido citrico por 180 segundos; AC90 AC por 90 segundos; Controle RAR. A analise comparativa do grau de contaminacao bacteriana observado antes e depois do tratamento entre os diferentes grupos foi realizada por meio do teste nao parametrico de Kruskal-Wallis; e as alteracoes da rugosidade superficial foram analisadas por meio do teste ANOVA a dois criterios, pos-teste de Dunnett. Atraves desta metodologia, este trabalho sugere que o tratamento de superficies de titanio contaminadas por meio do emprego de solucao em gel de EDTA a 24% por 90 e 180 segundos e acido citrico a 50% por 180 segundos e efetiva para remocao de A. atinomycetencomitans. Alem disso, o tratamento por meio de EDTA por 90 e 180 segundos promove alteracao significativa dos parametros de rugosidade superficial, especialmente quando comparado aos grupos controle e AF180, indicando que este tratamento pode resultar em subtracao acida adicional.
The use of dental implants has grown in recent decades and, with them, their complications. The periimplantitis is presented as a bacterial infection that affects the soft and hard tissue around the implant, promoting loss of osseointegration. Thus, the primary objective of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of removal of bacteria tby means of the ImageJ software, adhered to the titanium surfaces by different chemical conditions, through analysis in scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The change of surface roughness was also analyzed after using the chemical agents. An in vitro study in which 70 covers (implant prototypes) was prepared for the bacteria culture, fixation of the bacterias; and then they were divided into 7 groups (n = 10), according to the surface treatment: AF180- application of phosphoric acid (FA) for 180 seconds; AF90- AF for 90 seconds; EDTA180 - EDTA for 180 seconds; EDTA90 - EDTA for 90 seconds; AC180 - citric acid for 180 seconds; AC90 -AC for 90 seconds; Control - RAR. The comparative analysis of the degree of bacterial contamination was performed using Kruskal-Wallis non parametric test; and changes of surface roughness were analyzed by ANOVA two criteria, post-test Dunnett. Through this method, this work suggests that treatment of titanium contaminated surfaces by means of EDTA gel solution employing 24% for 90 and 180 seconds and citric acid 50% for 180 seconds is effective for removing A. atinomycetencomitans. Moreover, treatment using EDTA for 90 to 180 seconds promotes significant change of surface roughness parameters, especially when compared to control groups and AF180, indicating that this treatment can result in additional acidic subtraction.
Citric Acid/chemistry , Edetic Acid/chemistry , Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Acid Etching, Dental/methods , Titanium , Analysis of Variance , Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Reference Values , Reproducibility of Results , Surface Properties , Time FactorsABSTRACT
O uso de implantes osseointegrados vem crescendo nas ultimas decadas e, juntamente com eles, suas complicacoes. A periimplantite se apresenta como uma infeccao bacteriana que afeta os tecidos moles e duros ao redor do implante, promovendo perda da osseointegracao. Assim, o objetivo primario deste estudo foi analisar a efetividade da remocao de bacterias, atraves do software ImageJ, aderidas as superficies de titanio por diferentes agentes quimicos condicionantes, por meio de analise em microscopia eletronica de varredura (MEV). Juntamente foi analisado a alteracao da rugosidade de superficie apos a utilizacao dos agentes. Foi realizado estudo in vitro, no qual 70 covers (prototipos de implantes) passaram por preparo das superficies para adequacao do meio a cultura bacteriana, fixacao das bacterias; e em seguida, foram divididos em 7 grupos (n=10), de acordo com o tratamento: AF180 aplicacao de acido fosforico (AF) por 180 segundos; AF90- AF por 90 segundos; EDTA180 EDTA por 180 segundos; EDTA90 EDTA por 90 segundos; AC180 acido citrico por 180 segundos; AC90 AC por 90 segundos; Controle RAR. A analise comparativa do grau de contaminacao bacteriana observado antes e depois do tratamento entre os diferentes grupos foi realizada por meio do teste nao parametrico de Kruskal-Wallis; e as alteracoes da rugosidade superficial foram analisadas por meio do teste ANOVA a dois criterios, pos-teste de Dunnett. Atraves desta metodologia, este trabalho sugere que o tratamento de superficies de titanio contaminadas por meio do emprego de solucao em gel de EDTA a 24% por 90 e 180 segundos e acido citrico a 50% por 180 segundos e efetiva para remocao de A. atinomycetencomitans. Alem disso, o tratamento por meio de EDTA por 90 e 180 segundos promove alteracao significativa dos parametros de rugosidade superficial, especialmente quando comparado aos grupos controle e AF180, indicando que este tratamento pode resultar em subtracao acida adicional.
The use of dental implants has grown in recent decades and, with them, their complications. The periimplantitis is presented as a bacterial infection that affects the soft and hard tissue around the implant, promoting loss of osseointegration. Thus, the primary objective of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of removal of bacteria tby means of the ImageJ software, adhered to the titanium surfaces by different chemical conditions, through analysis in scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The change of surface roughness was also analyzed after using the chemical agents. An in vitro study in which 70 covers (implant prototypes) was prepared for the bacteria culture, fixation of the bacterias; and then they were divided into 7 groups (n = 10), according to the surface treatment: AF180- application of phosphoric acid (FA) for 180 seconds; AF90- AF for 90 seconds; EDTA180 - EDTA for 180 seconds; EDTA90 - EDTA for 90 seconds; AC180 - citric acid for 180 seconds; AC90 -AC for 90 seconds; Control - RAR. The comparative analysis of the degree of bacterial contamination was performed using Kruskal-Wallis non parametric test; and changes of surface roughness were analyzed by ANOVA two criteria, post-test Dunnett. Through this method, this work suggests that treatment of titanium contaminated surfaces by means of EDTA gel solution employing 24% for 90 and 180 seconds and citric acid 50% for 180 seconds is effective for removing A. atinomycetencomitans. Moreover, treatment using EDTA for 90 to 180 seconds promotes significant change of surface roughness parameters, especially when compared to control groups and AF180, indicating that this treatment can result in additional acidic subtraction.
Citric Acid/chemistry , Edetic Acid/chemistry , Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Acid Etching, Dental/methods , Titanium , Analysis of Variance , Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Reference Values , Reproducibility of Results , Surface Properties , Time FactorsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: To assess four different chemical surface conditioning methods for ceramic material before bracket bonding, and their impact on shear bond strength and surface integrity at debonding.METHODS: Four experimental groups (n = 13) were set up according to the ceramic conditioning method: G1 = 37% phosphoric acid etching followed by silane application; G2 = 37% liquid phosphoric acid etching, no rinsing, followed by silane application; G3 = 10% hydrofluoric acid etching alone; and G4 = 10% hydrofluoric acid etching followed by silane application. After surface conditioning, metal brackets were bonded to porcelain by means of the Transbond XP system (3M Unitek). Samples were submitted to shear bond strength tests in a universal testing machine and the surfaces were later assessed with a microscope under 8 X magnification. ANOVA/Tukey tests were performed to establish the difference between groups (α= 5%).RESULTS: The highest shear bond strength values were found in groups G3 and G4 (22.01 ± 2.15 MPa and 22.83 ± 3.32 Mpa, respectively), followed by G1 (16.42 ± 3.61 MPa) and G2 (9.29 ± 1.95 MPa). As regards surface evaluation after bracket debonding, the use of liquid phosphoric acid followed by silane application (G2) produced the least damage to porcelain. When hydrofluoric acid and silane were applied, the risk of ceramic fracture increased.CONCLUSIONS: Acceptable levels of bond strength for clinical use were reached by all methods tested; however, liquid phosphoric acid etching followed by silane application (G2) resulted in the least damage to the ceramic surface.
OBJETIVO: avaliar quatro métodos de condicionamento químico da superfície cerâmica, previamente à colagem de braquetes, e seu impacto sobre a resistência ao cisalhamento e a integridade da superfície ao descolamento.MÉTODOS: quatro grupos experimentais (n = 13) foram delineados de acordo com o método de condicionamento da superfície cerâmica empregado: G1 = ácido fosfórico a 37%, seguido da aplicação de silano; G2 = ácido fosfórico líquido a 37%, seguido da aplicação de silano sem lavagem prévia do ácido; G3 = ácido fluorídrico a 10%; e G4 = ácido fluorídrico a 10%, seguido da aplicação de silano. Após o condicionamento da superfície, braquetes metálicos foram colados à porcelana utilizando-se o sistema Transbond XP (3M Unitek). As amostras foram submetidas a ensaios de resistência ao cisalhamento, em máquina de ensaio universal, e as superfícies cerâmicas foram posteriormente avaliadas em microscópio, com magnitude de 8X. Testes ANOVA/Tukey foram realizados para verificar-se a diferença entre os grupos (α = 5%).RESULTADOS: os maiores valores de resistência ao cisalhamento foram encontrados nos grupos G3 e G4 (22,01 ± 2,15MPa e 22,83 ± 3,32Mpa, respectivamente), seguidos por G1 (16,42 ± 3,61MPa) e G2 (9,29 ± 1,95MPa). Quanto à avaliação da superfície após a descolagem do braquete, a utilização de ácido fosfórico líquido seguido da aplicação de silano, sem lavagem do ácido (G2), produziu menores danos à porcelana. Quando ácido fluorídrico e silano foram aplicados, o risco de fraturar a cerâmica aumentou.CONCLUSÕES: níveis aceitáveis de resistência de união para uso clínico foram alcançados por todos os métodos testados. No entanto, o condicionamento com ácido fosfórico líquido, seguido da aplicação de silano (G2), resultou em menor dano à superfície cerâmica.
Acid Etching, Dental/methods , Dental Bonding , Orthodontic Brackets , Dental Porcelain/chemistry , Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Silanes/chemistry , Stress, Mechanical , Surface Properties , Materials Testing , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Dental Debonding/methods , Potassium Compounds/chemistry , Composite Resins/chemistry , Resin Cements/chemistry , Dental Alloys/chemistry , Shear Strength , Dental Stress Analysis/instrumentation , Aluminum Silicates/chemistry , Hydrofluoric Acid/chemistry , MicroscopyABSTRACT
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of cariogenic challenge on the microtensile bond strength values (μTBS) of dentin pre-treated with chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) or sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). Thirty-six sound molars were selected and randomly assigned to 3 dentin pre-treatments (distilled water - control, 2% CHX and 10% NaOCl) and 4 aging protocols (24h control, biofilm without cariogenic challenge, biofilm with cariogenic challenge, and 18-month water storage). The same etch-and-rinse adhesive system and composite resin were used for all groups (n=30 beams). For the biofilm groups, dental microcosm biofilms originated from saliva of a healthy donor were grown on the samples with a defined medium enriched with mucin, with or without 10% sucrose, according to the group. After the experimental period, the microtensile test was performed. Data were analyzed with ANOVA followed by Tukey test (p<0.05). The pre-treatment did not influence μTBS for all aging conditions (p=0.188), but the type of aging affected the bond strength (p<0.001). Cariogenic challenge and water storage aging affected the bond stability resulting in a decrease of the μTBS, but the pre-treatments did not influence the μTBS.
O objetivo neste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do desafio cariogênico na resistência de união (RU) da dentina pré-tratada com clorexidina (CRX) ou hipoclorito de sódio (NaOCl). Trinta e seis molares hígidos foram selecionados e randomizados de acordo com 3 pré-tratamentos dentinários (controle, CRX a 2% e NaOCl a 10%) e 4 protocolos de envelhecimento (controle 24h, biofilme sem desafio cariogênico, biofilme com desafio cariogênico, e armazenamento de 18 meses em água). O mesmo sistema adesivo e resina composta foram usados para todos os grupos (n=30). Biofilme dental de microcosmo originado da saliva de doador saudável foi desenvolvido sobre as amostras com meio enriquecido com mucina adicionada ou não com sacarose a 10%, de acordo com o grupo. Após o período experimental, o teste de microtração foi realizado. Os dados de microtração foram analisados com ANOVA a dois fatores e teste de Tukey (p<0,05). O pré-tratamento não influenciou os valores de RU para todos os protocolos de envelhecimento (p=0,188), porém o tipo de envelhecimento influenciou os valores de RU (p<0,001). O desafio cariogênico e o armazenamento em água afetaram a estabilidade adesiva resultando na diminuição dos valores de RU e o pré-tratamento não influenciou os valores de RU.
Humans , Composite Resins/chemistry , Dental Cements/chemistry , Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Acid Etching, Dental , Chlorhexidine/analogs & derivatives , Chlorhexidine/pharmacology , Dental Bonding , Dental Restoration, Permanent/methods , Dental Stress Analysis , Dentin/drug effects , In Vitro Techniques , Molar , Sodium Hypochlorite/pharmacology , Surface Properties , Tensile StrengthABSTRACT
Objective The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of conditioning methods and thermocycling on the bond strength between composite core and resin cement. Material and Methods Eighty blocks (8×8×4 mm) were prepared with core build-up composite. The cementation surface was roughened with 120-grit carbide paper and the blocks were thermocycled (5,000 cycles, between 5°C and 55°C, with a 30 s dwell time in each bath). A layer of temporary luting agent was applied. After 24 h, the layer was removed, and the blocks were divided into five groups, according to surface treatment: (NT) No treatment (control); (SP) Grinding with 120-grit carbide paper; (AC) Etching with 37% phosphoric acid; (SC) Sandblasting with 30 mm SiO2 particles, silane application; (AO) Sandblasting with 50 mm Al2O3 particles, silane application. Two composite blocks were cemented to each other (n=8) and sectioned into sticks. Half of the specimens from each block were immediately tested for microtensile bond strength (µTBS), while the other half was subjected to storage for 6 months, thermocycling (12,000 cycles, between 5°C and 55°C, with a dwell time of 30 s in each bath) and µTBS test in a mechanical testing machine. Bond strength data were analyzed by repeated measures two-way ANOVA and Tukey test (α=0.05). Results The µTBS was significantly affected by surface treatment (p=0.007) and thermocycling (p=0.000). Before aging, the SP group presented higher bond strength when compared to NT and AC groups, whereas all the other groups were statistically similar. After aging, all the groups were statistically similar. SP submitted to thermocycling showed lower bond strength than SP without thermocycling. Conclusion Core composites should be roughened with a diamond bur before the luting process. Thermocycling tends to reduce the bond strength between composite and resin cement. .