RESUMEN Objetivo. El trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) se caracteriza por alteraciones en el desarrollo, dificultades de interacción social y comunicación, y patrones restrictivos y repetitivos de conducta. A pesar de su alta prevalencia, pocos estudios se han realizado en ambientes de rehabilitación. El objetivo del estudio fue describir las características de los niños con TEA atendidos en el Servicio de Rehabilitación Pediátrica del Hospital Rebagliati (SRP-HNERM). Materiales y métodos. Estudio descriptivo transversal. Se revisaron las historias clínicas de niños menores de 14 años con diagnóstico previo de TEA atendidos en el SRP-HNERM durante el 2022. Resultados. Se evaluaron a 120 niños con TEA. La mediana de edad fue de cinco años. La mayoría recibía educación regular, pero solo para el 9,8% fue inclusiva. La media de edad de diagnóstico fue de 3,83 años. El 78,4% no tenía certificado de discapacidad y el 77,5% tenía evaluación psicológica incompleta. La mediana del tiempo transcurrido desde las últimas sesiones de terapia física, ocupacional y de lenguaje fue de 3, 8 y 3,5 meses respectivamente. Conclusión. La media de edad de diagnóstico de TEA fue mayor de tres años y más del 75% de los pacientes no contaban con un certificado de discapacidad ni con una evaluación psicológica completa. La mediana del tiempo desde las últimas sesiones de terapias de rehabilitación fue de tres meses o más. Estos hallazgos resaltan la necesidad de potenciar el diagnóstico temprano, la educación inclusiva y la evaluación y posterior certificación de la discapacidad, así como de establecer intervenciones más oportunas.
ABSTRACT Objective. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by developmental disorders, difficulties in social interaction and communication, and restrictive and repetitive patterns of behavior. Despite its high prevalence, few studies have been conducted in rehabilitation settings. This study aimed to describe the characteristics of children with ASD from the Pediatric Rehabilitation Service of the Rebagliati Hospital (SRP-HNERM). Materials and methods. Cross-sectional descriptive study. We reviewed the medical records of children under 14 years of age previously diagnosed with ASD from the SRP-HNERM during 2022. Results. A total of 120 children with ASD were evaluated. The median age was 5 years. Most received regular education, but it was inclusive only for 9.8%. The mean age at diagnosis was 3.83 years. We found that 78.4% had no disability certificate and 77.5% of the participants had incomplete psychological evaluation. The median time since the last physical, occupational and speech therapy sessions was 3, 8 and 3.5 months respectively. Conclusion. The mean age at diagnosis of ASD was older than three years, and more than 75% of the patients had neither a disability certificate nor a complete psychological evaluation. The median time since the last rehabilitation therapy sessions was three months or more. Our findings highlight the need to improve early diagnosis, inclusive education and evaluation and subsequent certification of disability, as well as to establish timely interventions.
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , Child DevelopmentABSTRACT
Introdução: O processo de reabilitação visa recuperar a saúde física, emocional e funcional após lesões, doenças ou cirurgias, buscando a independência e qualidade de vida. Requer coordenação entre profissionais e integração de serviços diversos. A adoção de frameworks ágeis potencializa os resultados ao priorizar o paciente, aumentar a produtividade e identificar oportunidades de inovação, promovendo uma recuperação mais eficaz e personalizada. Objetivo Geral: Este estudo avalia a efetividade de uma metodologia que propõe melhorias no processo de reabilitação, apresentando o novo modelo Re-AbilityLab - Laboratórios de Habilidades, no Instituto de Medicina Física e Reabilitação, da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, Hospital das Clínicas. Esses Laboratórios de Habilidades oferecem atividades para maximizar a performance do paciente, promovendo resultados funcionais específicos, os quais estão descritos na Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade (CIF). Objetivos Específicos: Os objetivos específicos deste projeto abrangem diferentes áreas-chave. Primeiramente, busca-se descrever o desenvolvimento da metodologia Re-AbilityLab, destacando os frameworks ágeis como pilares essenciais para sua sustentação. Em segundo lugar, pretende-se identificar e detalhar as melhorias de processo específicas que foram incorporadas ao longo do desenvolvimento dessa metodologia. Por fim, o terceiro objetivo consiste em avaliar a percepção da equipe multiprofissional sobre a efetividade da Metodologia Re-AbilityLab em seu cotidiano de trabalho. O projeto integra práticas inovadoras e estratégias de gestão do conhecimento para maximizar a realização dos objetivos e resultados. Metodologia: A análise de dados compreendeu quatro etapas essenciais: Inicialmente, as Planilhas de Transformação de Processos foram examinadas, resultando no Quadro de Melhorias Decorrentes dos Ganhos Obtidos. Em seguida, aplicou-se o Questionário de Avaliação da Efetividade da Metodologia Re-AbilityLab para identificar pontos fortes e áreas de melhoria, abrangendo dimensões como Cultura, Inovação, Gestão do Conhecimento e Práticas Ágeis de Projeto. Simultaneamente, os dados do Sistema Tasy foram analisados, complementados por um Sistema de Gestão de Indicadores e Resultados e representados visualmente. Essa integração propiciou uma compreensão abrangente e detalhada do contexto avaliado, enriquecendo a avaliação e fundamentando as conclusões de forma sólida. Resultados: O estudo evidenciou a eficácia das abordagens ágeis, como Scrum, Kanban, Design Thinking e Lean, na melhoria dos processos de reabilitação. Introduziram-se novos conceitos, como Trilhas de Desenvolvimento, Laboratórios de Habilidades e Avaliação Global Funcional, aprimorando as práticas. A integração de tecnologia melhorou a coleta, análise de dados e elaboração de gráficos, por meio de um sistema de gestão contínua que impulsionou operações e simplificou a visualização do progresso. Os resultados dos questionários destacaram a efetividade da metodologia Re-AbilityLab, em fomentar uma cultura propícia para otimizar o processo de reabilitação, caracterizada pela colaboração, mentalidade de aprendizado, autonomia, flexibilidade e adaptabilidade. Esses aspectos ressaltam a importância de uma abordagem dinâmica e sistêmica no contexto da reabilitação, contribuindo para avanços significativos na qualidade dos serviços e na experiência do paciente. Conclusão: As práticas ágeis mostraram uma mudança de mentalidade, levando a equipe multiprofissional a atuar de forma colaborativa, compartilhando informações e experiências para desenvolver e implementar soluções terapêuticas personalizadas. O Re-AbilityLab, fundamentado em frameworks ágeis, introduz um novo paradigma, assegurando a qualidade dos processos, produtos e serviços.
Introduction: The rehabilitation process aims to recover physical, emotional and functional health after injuries, illnesses or surgeries, seeking independence and quality of life. It requires coordination between professionals and integration of different services. The adoption of agile frameworks enhances results by prioritizing the patient, increasing productivity and identifying opportunities for innovation, promoting a more effective and personalized recovery. General Objective: This study evaluates the effectiveness of a methodology that proposes improvements in the rehabilitation process, presenting the new model Re-AbilityLab - Skills Laboratories, at the Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo, Clinical Hospital. These Skills Laboratories offer activities to maximize patient performance, promoting specific functional results, which are described in the International Classification of Functioning (ICF). Specific Objectives: The specific objectives of this project cover different key areas. Firstly, we seek to describe the development of the Re-AbilityLab methodology, highlighting agile frameworks as essential pillars for its support. Secondly, we intend to identify and detail the specific process improvements that were incorporated throughout the development of this methodology. Finally, the third objective is to evaluate the multidisciplinary team's perception of the effectiveness of the Re-AbilityLab Methodology in their daily work. The project integrates innovative practices and knowledge management strategies to maximize the achievement of objectives and results. Methodology: Data analysis comprised four essential steps: Initially, the Process Transformation Spreadsheets were examined, resulting in the Framework of Improvements Resulting from the Gains Obtained. Next, the Re-AbilityLab Methodology Effectiveness Assessment Questionnaire was applied to identify strengths and areas for improvement, covering dimensions such as Culture, Innovation, Knowledge Management and Agile Project Practices. Simultaneously, data from the Tasy System was analyzed, complemented by an Indicator and Results Management System and visually represented. This integration provided a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the evaluated context, enriching the evaluation and solidly substantiating the conclusions. Results: The study highlighted the effectiveness of agile approaches, such as Scrum, Kanban, Design Thinking and Lean, in improving rehabilitation processes. New concepts were introduced, such as Development Trails, Skills Laboratories and Global/Functional Assessment, improving practices. Technology integration improved data collection, analysis and charting through a continuous management system that boosted operations and simplified progress visualization. The results of the questionnaires highlighted the effectiveness of the Re-AbilityLab methodology in fostering a culture conducive to optimizing the rehabilitation process, characterized by collaboration, a learning mentality, autonomy, flexibility and adaptability. These aspects highlight the importance of a dynamic and systemic approach in the context of rehabilitation, contributing to significant advances in the quality of services and the patient experience. Conclusion: Agile practices showed a change in mentality, leading the multidisciplinary team to act collaboratively, sharing information and experiences to develop and implement personalized therapeutic solutions. Re-AbilityLab, based on agile frameworks, introduces a new paradigm, ensuring the quality of processes, products and services.
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , Rehabilitation/methods , Organizational Culture , Knowledge ManagementABSTRACT
El síndrome de sensibilización espinal segmentaria es un cuadro clínico de dolor regional crónico muy frecuente en la consulta fisiátrica cotidiana. Se caracteriza por la presencia de fenómenos de sensibilización periférica y central las cuales son producidas por el bombardeo persistente de impulsos nociceptivos que provienen de una articulación inestable y/o una lesión de los tejidos, e involucran a uno o más segmentos adyacentes de la columna vertebral, sus correspondientes nervios espinales (raíces nerviosas) y a todas las metámeras que estas inervan, con predominio de los sistemas tegumentario y musculoesquelético. musculoesquelético. Este cuadro clínico, que tiene características de un dolor mixto (nociceptivo y nociplástico), causa desconcierto en la mayoría de médicos porque corresponde a una disfunción neuromusculoesquelética que se presenta sin una lesión definida (no se aprecia en los estudios de imágenes ni de electromiografía), o cuando la hay, esta no es proporcional al dolor que manifiesta el paciente. En este sentido, la compresión de su neurofisiopatología es fundamental para establecer un diagnóstico oportuno e iniciar un tratamiento de rehabilitación adecuado, lo cual beneficiará a un gran número de pacientes que sufren de dolor crónico discapacitante a causa de esta condición.
Segmental spinal sensitization syndrome is a clinical picture of chronic regional pain, very frequent in daily physiatric consultation, characterized by the presence of phenomena of peripheral and central sensitization produced by the persistent bombardment of nociceptive impulses coming from an unstable articular and/or tissue injury and involving one or more adjacent segments of the spine, their corresponding spinal nerves (nerve roots) and all the metameres innervated by those roots, with a predominance of the integumentary and musculoskeletal systems. This clinical picture, which has mixed pain characteristics (nociceptive and nociplastic), baffles the majority of physicians because it corresponds to a neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction that occurs without a defined lesion (nothing is seen in imaging or electromyography studies), or when there is one, it is not proportional to the pain manifested by the patient. In this sense, understanding its neuropathophysiology is essential to establish a timely diagnosis and initiate an adequate rehabilitation treatment, which will benefit a large number of patients who suffer from chronic disabling pain due to this condition.
Humans , Physical and Rehabilitation MedicineABSTRACT
Introducción. El desarrollo del ser humano está determinado por factores biológicos, ambientales y contextuales que determinan la adquisición de habilidades neurológicas, y que bajo situaciones patológicas aumentan el riesgo de alteraciones en el neurodesarrollo desde etapas tempranas. Objetivo. Diseñar un protocolo con validez ecológica para la detección temprana de riesgo neurológico en la primera infancia por parte de equipos interdisciplinarios de rehabilitación. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio mixto, retrospectivo, transversal y descriptivo con un diseño exploratorio secuencial (DESPLOX). En la fase cualitativa se conformaron dos grupos focales: uno con padres (n=8) y otro con profesionales (n=6), de los cuales se obtuvieron las categorías del protocolo. En la fase cuantitativa se revisaron sistemáticamente artículos científicos (n=30) para la construcción de las orientaciones de acción. Finalmente, el protocolo se validó mediante un panel de expertos empleando el coeficiente de V de Aiken. Resultados. En la fase cualitativa emergieron cuatro categorías: 1) detección temprana, 2) contextos del desarrollo, 3) plan de intervención y 4) calidad y humanización en la atención. En la fase cuantitativa se seleccionaron las orientaciones de acción ubicadas en los Q2 y Q3. Posteriormente se evidenció una validación del protocolo igual a X Ì =0,98. Conclusiones. Un protocolo de neurorrehabilitación válido ecológicamente se caracteriza por reconocer las percepciones, vivencias y experiencias de familiares y profesionales; recoger evidencia científica confiable; aportar orientaciones y recomendaciones sistémicas para la atención de niñas y niños, y contener criterios de validación de contenido.
Introduction. The human being's development is determined by biological, environmental, and contextual factors that determine the acquisition of neurological skills and that, under pathological situations, increase the risk of alterations in neurodevelopment from early stages. Objective. Design a protocol with ecological validity for the early detection of neurological risk in early childhood by interdisciplinary rehabilitation teams. Methods. A mixed, retrospective, cross-sectional, and descriptive study was performed with Exploratory Sequential Designs (DEXPLOS). In the qualitative phase, two focus groups were formed: one with parents (n=8) and another with professionals (n=6), from which the protocol categories were obtained. In the quantitative phase, scientific articles (n=30) were systematically reviewed to construct the action guidelines. Finally, the protocol was validated by a panel of experts using Aiken's V coefficient. Results. In the qualitative phase, four categories emerged: 1) early detection, 2) development contexts, 3) intervention plan, and 4) quality and humanization of care. In the quantitative phase, the action orientations located in Q2 and Q2 were selected. Subsequently, a validation of the protocol equal to X Ì =0.98 was evidenced. Conclusions. An ecologically valid neuro-rehabilitation protocol is characterized by recognizing the perceptions, expe-riences, and experiences of relatives and professionals; collecting reliable scientific evidence; providing systemic guide-lines and recommendations for the care of girls and boys, and containing content validation criteria.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , Neurology/methods , Neurologic ManifestationsABSTRACT
La fibrosis quística (FQ) es una enfermedad genética que se hereda de forma autosómica recesiva, tiene características multiorgánicas y se presenta con mayor frecuencia en población caucásica. La disfunción respiratoria es la causa de muerte en cerca del 95% de los pacientes con FQ y una causa importante de morbilidad. Los programas de rehabilitación pulmonar en casos de FQ deben centrarse en las necesidades específicas de cada paciente, mejorar su tolerancia al ejercicio y su movilización de secreciones, disminuir el riesgo de complicaciones e impactar en su calidad de vida.
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease inherited in an autosomal recessive manner; it has multi-organ characteristics and occurs more frequently in the Caucasian population. Respiratory dysfunction is the cause of death in about 95% of CF patients and a major cause of morbidity. Pulmonary rehabilitation programs in CF cases should focus on each patient's specific needs, improve their exercise tolerance and mobilization of secretions, decrease the risk of complications, and impact their quality of life.
Humans , Physical and Rehabilitation MedicineABSTRACT
El hombro es una de las regiones anatómicas de mayor movilidad en la vida cotidiana, siendo una de las causas de consulta más frecuentes en el área de fisioterapia para su rehabilitación, pues la primera línea de acción es el tratamiento conservador del hombro; por ello, es de suma importancia conocer y evaluar el complejo articular del hombro, así como también de la región cervicotorácica, con los resultados de la valoración establecer una estrategia de tratamiento que pueden ir desde la terapia manual, el masaje terapéutico, cambios de temperatura hasta el empleo de otros agentes físicos. Paciente femenino de 42 años, con ocupación de asistente odontológica; no reporta discapacidad previa. Como antecedente médico se presenta accidente de tránsito en motocicleta sin producir fractura de hueso ni luxación, ocurrido ocho años antes de la consulta en fisiatría, la paciente tiene afectado el desarrollo de las actividades de la vida cotidiana. Recibió serie de tratamientos durante 10 sesiones, en las cuales se aplican agentes físicos, dado que anteriormente recibió tratamiento farmacológico sin resultados favorables. Se aplica protocolo de rehabilitación fundamentado en las técnicas de propiocepción y al finalizar la terapia la paciente reporta dolor leve, y mejora en la realización de actividades de la vida diaria.
The shoulder is one of the anatomical regions of greater mobility in daily life, being one of the most frequent causes of consultation in the area of physiotherapy for rehabilitation, since the first line of action is the conservative treatment of the shoulder; therefore, it is of utmost importance to know and evaluate the articular complex of the shoulder, as well as the cervicothoracic region, with the results of the assessment to establish a treatment strategy that can range from manual therapy, therapeutic massage, temperature changes to the use of other physical agents. Female patient, 42 years old, with occupation as a dental assistant; she reports no previous disability. As medical history, she had a traffic accident on a motorcycle without bone fracture or dislocation, which occurred eight years before the physiatry consultation, the patient has affected the development of activities of daily living. She received a series of treatments during 10 sessions, in which physical agents are applied, since she had previously received pharmacological treatment without favorable results. Rehabilitation protocol based on proprioception techniques is applied and at the end of therapy the patient reports mild pain and improvement in the performance of activities of daily living.
O ombro é uma das regiões anatômicas de maior mobilidade na vida diária, sendo uma das causas mais freqüentes de consulta na área de fisioterapia para reabilitação, pois a primeira linha de ação é o tratamento conservador do ombro; portanto, é extremamente importante conhecer e avaliar o complexo articular do ombro, bem como a região cervicotorácica, com os resultados da avaliação para estabelecer uma estratégia de tratamento que pode variar desde a terapia manual, massagem terapêutica, mudanças de temperatura até o uso de outros agentes físicos. Paciente do sexo feminino, 42 anos de idade, trabalhando como assistente odontológica; nenhuma deficiência anterior foi relatada. O histórico médico inclui um acidente de trânsito em uma motocicleta sem fratura ou deslocamento ósseo, que ocorreu oito anos antes da consulta ao fisiatra; as atividades de vida diária do paciente são afetadas. Ela recebeu uma série de tratamentos durante 10 sessões, nas quais foram aplicados agentes físicos, já que ela havia recebido anteriormente tratamento farmacológico sem resultados favoráveis. Um protocolo de reabilitação baseado em técnicas de propriocepção foi aplicado e ao final da terapia o paciente relatou dor leve e melhora no desempenho das atividades da vida diária.
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , Pain , Shoulder , MassageABSTRACT
Resumen En marzo del año 2020, se declaró una pandemia de características mundiales, por un virus, que genera deterioro importante a nivel sistémico, SARS -CoV-2, con la enfermedad COVID-19. El deterioro funcional de quienes sufren secuelas post COVID-19 ha llevado a los profesionales de la rehabilitación a buscar formas eficientes de intervenir. Este estudio, descriptivo y retrospectivo, evaluó los efectos de un programa de rehabilitación remoto de 6 semanas, en 39 pacientes dados de alta de COVID-19, de un Centro de Salud Familiar (CESFAM) de la Comuna de El Bosque, Santiago, Chile, entre julio y diciembre del año 2020, analizando la capacidad física con el test 1 minuto sentado-de pie y disnea con escala de Borg modificada. Los resultados mostraron cambios estadísticamente significativos en la capacidad física y disnea de los pacientes intervenidos. Es necesario estudiar los beneficios de intervenciones específicas para esta población, y su impacto a largo plazo, entendiendo que convivimos con una nueva enfermedad, un COVID-19 prolongado, que incluso en cuadros leves está dejando secuelas funcionales importantes.
In March 2020, a pandemic of global characteristics was declared, due to a virus, which generates significant deterioration at the systemic level, SARS -CoV-2, with the COVID-19 disease. The functional deterioration of those suffering from post-COVID-19 sequelae has led rehabilitation professionals to look for efficient ways to intervene. This study, descriptive and retrospective, evaluated the effects of a 6-week remote rehabilitation program, in 39 patients discharged from COVID-19, from a Family Health Center in the Commune of El Bosque, Santiago, Chile, between July and December 2020, analyzing physical capacity with the 1 minute sitting-standing test and dyspnea with modified Borg's scale. The results showed statistically significant changes in the physical capacity and dyspnea of the operated patients. It is necessary to study the benefits of specific interventions for this population, and their long-term impact, understanding that we live with a new disease, a prolonged COVID, which even in mild cases is leaving important functional sequelae.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Primary Health Care , Dyspnea/rehabilitation , Telerehabilitation/methods , COVID-19/rehabilitation , Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , Program Evaluation , Chile , Physical Fitness , Family Health , Retrospective Studies , COVID-19/complicationsABSTRACT
Background@#The Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of the University of the Philippines-Philippine General Hospital (UP-PGH) established its telerehabilitation service program in 2017. The program previously catered to patients in a partner rural community by providing teleconsultation and teletherapy over a distance. With the unprecedented coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the program has expanded its service to outpatients previously managed face-to-face by the department, regardless of location. @*Objectives@#This study aimed to evaluate the usability of the telerehabilitation service program at UP-PGH when it was expanded during the pandemic and to associate telerehabilitation usability ratings with the participant groups, demographic characteristics, and prior telemedicine knowledge and experience. @*Methods@#This cross-sectional study involved the doctors, physical therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, patients, and patients’ carers, who participated in at least one telerehabilitation session and consented to respond to a digital survey thereafter. Total enumeration sampling of all telerehabilitation participants was employed. The study outcome was the usability of the expanded telerehabilitation program based on the System Usability Scale (SUS) benchmarked at 68. Descriptive and inferential statistics were done at a 95% confidence interval. The participants’ responses to open-ended questions regarding telerehabilitation experience and recommendations were also presented. @*Results@#The participants consisted of 19 doctors, 11 therapists, 37 patients, and 74 caregivers. The majority of the participants were female and lived in urban areas. The primary online telerehabilitation platforms used were Viber™ and Zoom™. The mean of overall SUS scores was below average for health providers [doctors (mean = 61.71), therapists (mean = 67.73)]; and above average for end-users [patients (mean 74.56), and carers (mean = 71.89)]. There was a significant difference in the overall SUS scores between doctors (mean: 61.7) and patients (mean: 74.6), p<0.05. In terms of videoconferencing platform, participants reported significantly higher system usability for those who used either Zoom™ (mean: 75.0) or Viber™ (mean: 69.3), as compared to Google Meet™ (mean: 53.1), p<0.05. There was no significant difference in the overall SUS scores across sexes, places of residence, primary telerehabilitation techniques used, prior telemedicine knowledge, and experience. The majority viewed telerehabilitation as a valuable method to provide service during the pandemic, but they were mostly concerned with technical problems, particularly an unstable Internet connection. @*Conclusion@#The expanded telerehabilitation service program of the PGH was perceived as useful by patients and caregivers but not by the health providers. While the program succeeded in providing continued outpatient rehabilitation services during the pandemic, the challenges experienced by its telehealth providers must be investigated and addressed.
Telemedicine , Telerehabilitation , Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , Technology Assessment, Biomedical , Delivery of Health CareABSTRACT
Introduction@#In compliance with the COVID-19 infection control guidelines outlined by the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization, non-urgent and non-essential services have been postponed in most healthcare institutions in the Philippines, including medical training institutions wherein responses and strategies for the residency program vary. These changes may impact the trainees’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes on their training. Specifically, most services were halted indefinitely in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R). Some resident trainees were deployed to treat COVID-19 patients not as PM&R residents but as generalists to augment the number of medical front-liners. @*Objective@#To determine the PM&R residents’ COVID-19 risk preparedness in terms of relevant knowledge, attitudes, practice, and perceived barriers, and to describe the impact of COVID-19 on residency training. @*Methods@#In this descriptive cross-sectional survey, the population consisted of a sample of PM&R residents from the six training institutions in the Philippines. A 15-20-minute web-based assessment tool was used to gather the following: participant characteristics; level of awareness and knowledge of residents towards COVID-19; risk preparedness through risk perception, knowledge, and attitudes regarding COVID-19; and impact of COVID-19 on residency training. @*Results@#A total of 62 PM&R residents participated in the study. The majority were female and aged at least 30 years. The respondents had the following mean scores: 12.84 out of 14 for knowledge (interpreted as good), 9.16 out of 35 for attitude (interpreted as positive), and 5.65 out of 6 for practiced adherence to COVID-19 and infection control measures in their respective institutions (interpreted as good). The most commonly cited barriers to COVID-19 infection control included overcrowding in the emergency room (95%), lack of knowledge about the mode of transmission of the disease (92%), and limitation of infection control resources (92%). The majority reported that the main impact of the pandemic on PM&R residency training included the lack of clinical exposure to cases and procedures. @*Conclusion@#The study provided local baseline data on the PM&R residents’ level of COVID-19 risk preparedness and the perceived impact of the pandemic on their training. The study results may help the faculty plan for program improvement measures amid the changing COVID-19 landscape.
COVID-19 , Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , Internship and ResidencyABSTRACT
Background and Objectives@#Virtual learning has been utilized in residency programs to continue training amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to determine the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of faculty members and residents of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of the Philippine General Hospital towards virtual learning. @*Method@#This is a descriptive cross-sectional study. Respectively, residents and faculty members answered the Online Learning Readiness Scale (OLRS) and Faculty Readiness to Teach Online (FRTO) through Google Forms. @*Results@#Twenty (20) residents and 19 faculty members participated in the study. The majority of the residents preferred asynchronous learning (50%), while faculty members preferred the hybrid mode (74%). Residents’ readiness for online learning was generally high, though problems with easy distractibility (60%) and time management (40%) were revealed. Female residents had higher online communication self-efficacy compared to males (p = 0.0367). Faculty members’ perceived attitude was significantly higher than ability in course design (p = 0.00102), time management (p = 0.00159), and technical competence (p < 0.0001). Males had higher perceived ability in course design (p = 0.0320). Older age groups had lower perceived abilities in course design (p = 0.0301) and technical competence (p = 0.0371). @*Conclusion@#This study revealed the levels of readiness of residents and faculty for virtual learning. Finding indicate the need to address both issues by developing programs to enhance faculty’s online teaching abilities and observing best practices to minimize problems such as distractibility. Large-scale studies with longer time frames are also recommended.
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , Internship and Residency , Education, Distance , Education, DistanceABSTRACT
@#Musculoskeletal conditions are among the leading causes of consultations in Rehabilitation Medicine. A fellowship program in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Medicine was proposed to enrich physiatrists’ knowledge and skills in evaluating and managing musculoskeletal conditions. In this paper, we shared the process of developing the curriculum of the fellowship program, which was proposed to and eventually approved by the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila. A core group of consultants, considered as experienced clinicians and educators in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Medicine in the study institution, designed the program from the scope of training to learning competencies, outcomes, and assessment methods. To our knowledge, developing the fellowship program in this constantly evolving area in Rehabilitation Medicine is the first of its kind in the Philippines and a milestone in the history of postgraduate education in the longest-running training program for aspiring physiatrists.
Physical and Rehabilitation MedicineABSTRACT
Physical rehabilitation interventions address functional deficits caused by impairments that affect someone's performance. Whilst rehabilitation is important, it is assumed that these services are either minimal or nonexistent in low-resource settings. Our data expand on the data from the Situation Assessment of Rehabilitation in the Republic of Rwanda report to describe rehabilitation services and who access them at public and semiprivate facilities (primarily funded by the private sector).Objectives: This article describes the use of the outpatient physical rehabilitation services across nine health facilities, the characteristics of adults attending these health facilities and some of the facilitators and barriers they encounter when attending rehabilitation. Method: Data were collected between September and December 2018 from the heads of departments and adult patients attending outpatient rehabilitation services funded by the government, international nongovernmental organizations or faith-based organizations. Results: Two hundred and thirteen adults were recruited from nine facilities. There is a sixfold difference in the number of rehabilitation personnel between public and semiprivate hospitals in these facilities' catchment areas. However, most participants were recruited at public facilities (186 [87%]), primarily with physical disorders. Patients reported that family support (94%) was the most crucial facilitator for attending rehabilitation, whilst transportation cost (96%) was a significant barrier. Conclusion: Rehabilitation service availability for Rwandan adults with disabilities is limited. Whilst family support helps patients attend rehabilitation, transportation costs remain a significant barrier to people attending rehabilitation. Strategies to address these issues include developing triage protocols, training community health workers and families. Contribution: Data on rehabilitation service provision in Rwanda and most African countries are either non-existent or very limited. These data contain important information regarding the services provided and the people who used them across different health facilities (public versus private) and urban versus rural settings). To improve rehabilitation service provision, we first need to understand the current situation. These data are an important step to better understanding rehabilitation in Rwanda
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , Adult , Health Facilities , Learning Disabilities , Rwanda , Ambulatory CareABSTRACT
Introducción: A diario, los profesionales de la salud se enfrentan a importantes retos diagnósticos cuando atienden a sus pacientes, por lo que se apoyan en exámenes paraclínicos que complementan su ejercicio semiológico, porque les permiten confirmar o descartar una enfermedad. Objetivo: Explicar a los especialistas en rehabilitación cardiopulmonar los conceptos requeridos para interpretar de forma crítica los resultados de las pruebas diagnósticas. Materiales y métodos: Revisión narrativa de la literatura, que expone conceptos actualizados, ejemplos y gráficas con enfoque académico y didáctico. Resultado: Se realizó la actualización y explicación de los conceptos de sensibilidad, especificidad, valores predictivos positivo y negativo y los likelihood ratio positivo y negativo y su interpretación en el normograma de Fagan, a través de ejemplos del día a día del especialista. Conclusión: Comprender los conceptos que acompañan la evaluación de pruebas diagnósticas ayuda a que los especialistas en rehabilitación cardiopulmonar analicen críticamente los resultados de las ayudas paraclínicas funcionales y estructurales que acompañan a sus pacientes y, de esta manera, puedan caracterizar bien el diagnóstico y seguimiento de las personas
Introduction: Health professionals face important diagnostic challenges daily when they care for their patients, which is why they rely on paraclinical tests that complement their semiological exercise by confirming or ruling out a disease. Objective: Explain to cardiopulmonary rehabilitation specialists, the concepts necessary to critically interpret the results of diagnostic tests. Materials and methods: narrative review of the literature was carried out, which exposes updated concepts, examples, and graphs with an academic and didactic approach.Result: The concepts of sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values and the positive and negative Likelihood Ratio and their interpretation in the Fagan normogram were updated and explained, through examples of the specialists day-to-day. Conclusion: understanding the concepts that accompany the evaluation of diagnostic tests help car-diopulmonary rehabilitation specialists to critically analyze the results of the functional and structural paraclinical aids that accompany their patients, and thus be able to properly characterize the diagno-sis and follow-up. of people
Introdução: Diariamente, os profissionais da saúde enfrentam desafios diagnósticos, recorrendo a exames que complementem a sua prática semiológica, permitindo-lhes confirmar ou excluir uma doença. Objetivo: Explicar aos especialistas em reabilitação cardiopulmonar os conceitos necessários para interpretar criticamente os resultados dos testes de diagnóstico. Materiais e métodos: Revisão narrativa da literatura, fornecendo conceitos atualizados, exemplos e gráficas com uma abordagem académica e didática. Resultado: Os conceitos de sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivos positivos e negativos e razões de verossimilhança positivas e negativas e a sua interpretação no normograma de Fagan foram atualizados e explicados com exemplos do trabalho diário do especialista. Conclusão: A compreensão dos conceitos que acompanham a avaliação dos testes de diagnóstico ajuda aos especialistas em reabilitação cardiopulmonar na analise critica dos resultados das ajudas clínicas funcionais e estruturais dos pacientes e, desta forma, caracterizar bem o diagnóstico e o acompanhamento dos indivíduos
Cardiac Rehabilitation , Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , Epidemiology , Predictive Value of Tests , Sensitivity and Specificity , Diagnostic Tests, RoutineABSTRACT
La presente norma técnica tiene por objeto establecer las disposiciones técnicas y administrativas para regular la promoción, prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento en los servicios de habilitación y rehabilitación. Están sujetos al cumplimiento de la presente norma, el personal que proporciona dichos servicios en los establecimientos públicos y privados del Sistema Nacional Integrado de Salud (SNIS). El Ministerio de Salud a través de la Oficina de Habilitación y Rehabilitación, debe gestionar y dar seguimiento al cumplimiento de los procesos en materia de habilitación y rehabilitación, facilitando la inclusión, para la atención integral en salud de la persona en el curso de vida
The purpose of this technical standard is to establish the technical and administrative provisions to regulate the promotion, prevention, diagnosis and treatment in rehabilitation and rehabilitation services. The personnel who provide such services in public and private establishments of the National Integrated Health System (SNIS) are subject to compliance with this regulation. The Ministry of Health, through the Office of Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation, must manage and monitor compliance with the processes in terms of habilitation and rehabilitation, facilitating inclusion, for the comprehensive health care of the person in the course of life
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , Rehabilitation , Health , Rehabilitation Services , Therapeutics , Health ServicesABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: Se denomina trastorno temporomandibular al conjunto de condiciones musculoesqueléticas que afectan la articulación temporomandibular, los músculos de la masticación y las estructuras anatómicas adyacentes. Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de las terapias físicas en pacientes con trastornos de la articulación temporomandibular. Métodos: Se efectuó una intervención terapéutica en la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente Mártires del Moncada de Santiago de Cuba, desde junio de 2016 hasta febrero de 2020. La muestra quedó conformada por 264 pacientes distribuidos en 4 grupos con 66 integrantes cada uno, a quienes se les aplicaron diferentes terapias físicas, tales como ultrasonido, laserterapia, magnetoterapia y técnica de estimulación eléctrica transcutánea, respectivamente. Se analizaron las siguientes variables: edad, grado de trastorno de la articulación temporomandibular y efectividad terapéutica. Se empleó el porcentaje como medida de resumen y el estadígrafo de Ji al cuadrado con un nivel de significación de 0,05. Resultados: Predominó el sexo femenino en todas las terapias aplicadas con más de 75,0 % y el grupo etario de 40 - 49 años. Al finalizar el tratamiento se observó que en los grupos donde se empleó ultrasonido, láser y magneto, la respuesta fue efectiva en más de 90,0 % de los pacientes, con primacía del primero (96,6 %); sin embargo, en el grupo donde se utilizó la técnica de estimulación eléctrica transcutánea solo se logró en 89,4 % de los afectados. Conclusiones: La ultrasonoterapia fue más efectiva en pacientes con trastornos de la articulación temporomandibular.
ABSTRACT Introduction: A temporomandibular disorder is a group of musculoskeletal conditions that affect the temporomandibular joint, the mastication muscles and the adjacent anatomical structures. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the physical therapies in patients with temporomandibular joint disorders. Methods: A therapeutic intervention was carried out in Mártires del Moncada Teaching Provincial Stomatological Clinic from Santiago de Cuba, from June, 2016 to February, 2020. The sample was formed by 264 patients distributed in 4 groups with 66 members each one, to whom different physical therapies were applied, such as ultrasound, laser therapy, magnetotherapy and technique of transcutaneous electric stimulation, respectively. The following variables were analyzed: age, grade of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint and therapeutic effectiveness. The percentage as summary measure and the chi-squared test were used with a significance level of 0.05. Results: There was a prevalence of the female sex in all the therapies applied with more than 75.0 % and the 40 - 49 age group. When concluding the treatment it was observed that in the groups where ultrasound, laser and magneto was used, the response was effective in more than 90.0 % of the patients, with primacy of the first one (96.6 %); however, in the group where the technique of transcutaneous electric stimulation was used it was just achieved in 89.4 % of the affected patients. Conclusions: The ultrasonotherapy was more effective in patients with temporomandibular joint disorders.
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , Temporomandibular Joint/abnormalities , Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation/methods , Rehabilitation Services , Magnetic Field TherapyABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN. Los trastornos músculo esqueléticos son problemas de salud en el trabajo y causa de ausentismo laboral a nivel mundial, por lo que la valoración de los factores de riesgo laboral es necesaria para lograr prevención. OBJETIVO. Evaluar el nivel de riesgo ergonómico por posturas forzadas en los fisioterapeutas. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio descriptivo transversal. Población de 35 y muestra de 31 fisioterapeutas del Área de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación del Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín, agosto de 2020. Se aplicó el cuestionario nór-dico para conocer la percepción de la sintomatología osteomuscular; una lista de verificación rápida de condiciones de riesgo (ISO TR 12295); y, para medir el nivel de riesgo de posturas forzadas se aplicó los métodos OWAS REBA. RESULTADOS. El 96,77% (30; 31) tuvo sintomatología osteomuscular en los últimos 12 meses. Las zonas corporales con mayor afectación fueron: cuello 77,42% (24; 31), espalda alta 64,52% (20; 31), y espalda baja 58,06% (18; 31). REBA mujer: puntaje de 11; nivel de acción 4, riesgo muy alto; y, hombre: nivel de acción 3, riesgo alto. OWAS mujer: nivel 3; y, hombre: nivel 2. CONCLUSIÓN. Se evaluó el nivel de riesgo ergonómico por posturas forzadas en los fisioterapeutas. Existieron factores predisponentes para el desarrollo de trastornos músculo esqueléticos que han repercutido en el normal desarrollo de sus actividades. Las metodologías REBA y OCRA, evidenciaron que las actividades laborales presentaron un nivel de riesgo alto a muy alto, por lo que es necesaria la actuación en el mejoramiento del puesto de trabajo.
INTRODUCTION. Musculoskeletal disorders are occupational health problems and a cause of absenteeism worldwide, so occupational risk assessment is necessary to achieve prevention. OBJECTIVE. To evaluate the level of ergonomic risk due to forced postures in physical therapists. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Cross-sectional descriptive study. Population of 35 and sample of 31 physical therapists of the Phy-sical Medicine and Rehabilitation Area of the Carlos Andrade Marín Specialties Hos-pital, august 2020. The nordic questionnaire was applied to know the perception of musculoskeletal symptomatology; a quick checklist of risk conditions (ISO TR 12295); and, to measure the level of risk of forced postures the OWAS REBA methods were applied. RESULTS. The 96,77% (30; 31) had musculoskeletal symptomatology in the last 12 months. The most affected body areas were: neck 77,42% (24; 31), upper back 64,52% (20; 31), and lower back 58,06% (18; 31). REBA female: score of 11; performance level 4, very high risk; and, male: performance level 3, high risk. OWAS woman: level 3; and, man: level 2. CONCLUSION. The level of ergonomic risk due to forced postures of physiotherapists was evaluated. There were predisposing factors for the development of musculoskeletal disorders that have impacted on the normal development of their activities. The REBA and OCRA methodologies showed that the work activities presented a high to very high level of risk, which is why it is necessary to revise the activities assigned to this job position.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Occupational Risks , Musculoskeletal Diseases , Postural Balance , Ergonomics , Occupational Medicine , Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , Surveys and Questionnaires , Occupational Health , Physical Therapy ModalitiesABSTRACT
Introducción: El dolor crónico no oncológico (DCNO) es un tema de salud pública con alta prevalencia en Chile. Existe evidencia sobre la necesidad de abordaje multidisciplinario por profesionales capacitados. El año 2013 se crea el policlínico de DCNO por la especialidad de fisiatría, coordinando atención con anestesista para intervencionismo. El Objetivo de este trabajo es conocer las características clínicas de los usuarios en control en policlínico de DCNO. Material y Método: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, observacional. Desde la base de datos de usuarios atendidos entre inicios del 2013 y mayo 2018 de policlínico DCNO del Servicio de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación del HHHA; se recogen variables como: sexo, edad, etnia, previsión, ruralidad, diagnóstico ingreso, intensidad dolor (según NRS), tratamiento farmacológico, entre otras. Para manejo estadístico se utiliza planilla Excel, con pruebas paramétricas (promedio, mínimo, máximo), tablas y gráficos. Resultados: Los usuarios en control en el periodo fueron 125, con un 67,2% de mujeres y una mediana de edad de 55,5 años (mínimo 12, máximo 88). El 58,4% tenía como previsión Fonasa B, 83.2% presenta domicilio urbano, 16% etnia mapuche. El mayor número de ingresos ocurrió el año 2017. Las derivaciones provienen de especialidades médicas (25,6%), quirúrgicas (29,6%), fisiatría (24,8%). Según tipo de dolor, el 49,6% es nociceptivo, 32% neuropático y 18,4% mixto. Al ingreso, la intensidad fue 90% severa y 10% moderada (según NRS). Los principales diagnósticos de ingreso fueron 44,8% patología de columna, 27,2% patología neurológica, 12,8% fibromialgia y 15,2% otras. Al ingreso mayoría de los usuarios usaba paracetamol, tramadol gotas o comprimidos; actualmente 23% recibe metadona, 8% parches buprenorfina, 20% paracetamol, 27,2% tramadol en gotas/comprimidos y 23,2% pregabalina/ gabapentina. En el 51,2% se requirió cambio de terapia; en el 79,7% por analgesia insuficiente y 20,3% por reacción adversa a medicamentos. Se realizó derivación a intervencionismo en 21 usuarios. 15 usuarios fueron dados de alta de policlínico DCNO (12%). Conclusiones: Estos datos servirán para futuras investigaciones y medir impacto de nuestras intervenciones. Se presenta como desafío aumentar recursos de la unidad, demostrar beneficio de atención interdisciplinaria y bajar costos para la institución.
Introduction: Non-oncological chronic pain (NOCP) is a public health issue with high prevalence in Chile. There is evidence of the need for a multidisciplinary approach by trained professionals. In 2013, the NOCP polyclinic was created for the specialty of physiatry, coordinating care with anesthesiologist for interventionism. The objective of this work is to know the clinical characteristics of users in control in NOCP polyclinic. Material and Methods: Retrospective, descriptive, observational study. From the database of users attended between the beginning of 2013 and May 2018, from the NOCP polyclinic of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service of the HHHA; variables such as: sex, age, ethnicity, foresight, rurality, income diagnosis, pain intensity (according to NRS), and pharmacological treatment, among others are collected. For statistical management Excel spreadsheet isused, with parametric tests (average, minimum, maximum), tables and graphs. Results: The users in control in the period were 125, with 67.2% of women, a median age of 55.5 years (minimum 12, maximum 88). 58.4% had Fonasa B as a forecast, 83.2% have an urban address, 16% Mapuche ethnicity. The highest number of admissions occurred in 2017. The referrals come from medical specialties (25.6%), surgical specialties (29.6%), and physiatry (24.8%). According to type of pain, 49.6% is nociceptive, 32% neuropathic and 18.4% mixed. At admission, the intensity was 90% severe and 10% moderate (according to NRS). The main diagnoses of admission were 44.8% spinal pathology, 27.2% neurological pathology, 12.8% fibromyalgia and 15.2% others. On admission, most users used paracetamol, tramadol drops or tablets; currently 23% receive methadone, 8% patches buprenorphine, 20% paracetamol, 27.2% tramadol in drops / tablets and 23.2% pregabalin / gabapentin. In 51.2%, therapy change was required; in 79.7% due to insufficient analgesia and 20.3% due to adverse drug reaction. A derivation to interventionism was carried out in 21 users. 15 users were discharged from polyclinic DCNO (12%). Conclusions: These data will serve for future research and measure the impact of our interventions. It is a challenge to increase the resources of the unit, demonstrate the benefit of interdisciplinary attention and lower costs for the institution.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Chronic Pain/epidemiology , Patient Discharge/statistics & numerical data , Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , Referral and Consultation/statistics & numerical data , Chile , Public Health , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Age and Sex Distribution , Chronic Pain/drug therapy , Health Services ResearchABSTRACT
Introducción El reemplazo total de rodilla (RTR) es una de las cirugías con mayor tasa de éxito, y la funcionalidad y calidad de vida dependen en gran medida de la rehabilitación física adecuada. En Colombia no existe una Guía de rehabilitación física registrada ante el Ministerio de Salud. Por lo anterior el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo general determinar el efecto de la intervención fisioterapéutica en la funcionalidad y calidad de vida en pacientes sometidos a RTR. Materiales & métodos Estudio de cohorte transversal, que consto de tres evaluaciones (prequirúrgica, a los 3 y 6 meses) aplicando WOMAC, SF12, evaluación fisioterapéutica; y 36 sesiones de fisioterapia domiciliaria a 10 adultos mayores de 65 años. La muestra fue tomada de la lista de espera del cirujano participante entre noviembre de 2017 y junio de 2018. Resultados Al aplicar el cuestionario WOMAC la rigidez y el dolor obtuvieron un valor p=0.00 y 0,01 respectivamente. En la capacidad funcional se encontró una significancia de 0,009 entre el 1 y el 3 momento de la evaluación. Los resultados obtenidos al aplicar el cuestionario SF12 refirieron un mejor estado de salud, con poca limitación al realizar esfuerzos moderados o subir escaleras. En el 80% de la población la fuerza paso de 3- a 4+. En amplitud de movimiento articular se alcanzaron rangos funcionales que superan los 90° de flexión. Discusión Los resultados en la funcionalidad y calidad de vida están en consonancia con lo reportado en la literatura internacional.
Introduction Total knee replacement (TKR) has one of the highest success rates, and functionality and quality of life depend largely on appropriate physical rehabilitation. There is no physical rehabilitation guideline registered with the Ministry of Health in Colombia. Therefore, the general objective of this study was to determine the effect of physiotherapy intervention on functionality and quality of life in patients undergoing TKR. Materials & methods A cross-sectional cohort study, comprising three assessments (preoperative, at 3 and at 6 months) using the WOMAC and SF12 questionnaires, physiotherapy assessment, and 36 sessions of home physiotherapy in 10 adults over 65 years of age. The sample was taken from the participating surgeon's waiting list between November 2017 and June 2018. Results. Stiffness and pain obtained p-values of .00 and .01 respectively from the WOMAC questionnaire. A significance level of .009 was found in functional ability between the 1st and 3rd assessments. The SF12 questionnaire results reflected a better state of health, with little limitation on moderate effort or climbing stairs. Strength went from 3- to 4+ in 80% of the population. Functional ranges exceeding 90Ì of flexion were achieved in joint range of motion. Discussion Outcomes in terms of functionality and quality of life are in line with those reported in the international literature.
Humans , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee , Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , Quality of LifeABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: As patients recovering from the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) present with physical, respiratory, cognitive, nutritional, and swallowing-related impairments and mental health complications, their rehabilitation needs are complex. This study aimed to describe the demographic, clinical, and functional status after the discharge of COVID-19 survivors who underwent intensive multidisciplinary inpatient rehabilitation at the Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Institute of the University of Sao Paulo Medical School General Hospital and Lucy Montoro Rehabilitation Institute. We determined the most important factors related to the length of inpatient rehabilitation treatment and present the functional outcomes. METHODS: This was a retrospective study based on electronic medical records. In addition to the severity of COVID-19 and length of hospital stay for the management of COVID-19 and comorbidities, we collected sociodemographic data including age, sex, height, and weight. Functional assessments were performed using the Functional Independence Measure (FIM); Short Physical Performance Battery; Montreal Cognitive Assessment; Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale; Revised Impact of Events Scale; bioelectrical impedance; Functional Oral Intake Scale; oropharyngeal dysphagia classification; and nutritional assessment. RESULTS: There was a significant improvement in FIM before and after inpatient rehabilitation treatment (p<0.0001). Muscle strength and walking capacity were significantly improved (p<0.01). The most important factors related to the length of inpatient rehabilitation treatment were improvement in FIM scores (Spearman's r=0.71) and gain in lean mass (Spearman's r=0.79). CONCLUSIONS: Rehabilitation of patients after COVID-19 recovery improves their functional status and should be considered in the post-acute phase for selected patients with COVID-19.