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Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;41(1): 168-173, feb. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559667


Revisando el segundo volumen de actas del Primer Congreso Latinoamericano de Medicina, reunido en Santiago los nueve primeros días del siglo XX, encontramos una conferencia de Eloísa Díaz, primera mujer chilena y latinoamericana en graduarse de médico, pese a la discriminación sufrida, que la obligó incluso a asistir a clases acompañada por su madre. Se analiza tanto esta conferencia sobre la organización del servicio médico escolar, como la introducción a su tesis de grado, y de paso las presentaciones de otros médicos participantes, haciendo hincapié en la patología infecciosa discutida y en su lenguaje verboso y florido.

Analyzing the second volume of proceedings of the First Latin American Congress of Medicine held in Santiago on the first nine days of the twentieth century, we found a lecture by Eloísa Díaz, the first Chilean and Latin American woman to graduate as a doctor, despite the discrimination she suffered, which even forced her to attend classes accompanied by her mother. This conference on the school medical service is analyzed, as well as the introduction to her degree thesis, and incidentally the presentations of other participating doctors, emphasizing the infectious pathology discussed and its verbose and flowery language.

History, 20th Century , Physicians, Women/history , History of Medicine , Chile
The Nigerian Health Journal ; 23(3): 819-827, 2023. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1512111


Nigeria has one of the highest rates of cervical cancer morbidity and mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa. Both the human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) and cervical screening are effective prevention strategies against both HPV infection and cervical cancer. Lack of awareness, limited knowledge, limited decision-making agency, lack of spousal support and stigma are barriers to uptake of these preventive measures. Cervical cancer is a deadly disease claiming the lives of many women in developing countries due to late presentation which might be influenced by a lack of knowledge of the disease and its prevention. Method: This descriptive study examined the knowledge assessment of cervical cancer among women of reproductive age (15-49), about cervical cancer, its prevention, and their utilization of Pap smear screening; using a convenience sample of 426 women in Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. Women voluntarily completed a structured questionnaire. Result: Results showed that women who participated in the study were aware of cervical cancer (77%; n=328) but many (62.9%; n= 268) were unaware of Pap smears as the screening tests for cervical cancer. Although 41.3% (n=176) were knowledgeable about cervical cancer, risk factors and prevention, only 9.4% (n=40) had Pap smear tests done. Conclusion: Health care professionals, need to intensify efforts to increase awareness about cervical cancer screening, and encourage women through the different clinics to use these services. The benefits of screening and early diagnosis of cervical cancer should be emphasized to enhance the utilization of cervical cancer screening services.

Humans , Female , Women , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms , Physicians, Women , Quality Assurance, Health Care , Health Personnel
Rev. chil. ortop. traumatol ; 63(3): 145-149, dic.2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436850


Históricamente, las médicas han sido asociadas a especialidades determinadas. En los últimos años, estos estereotipos han sido lentamente revertidos con mayor participación de la mujer en especialidades quirúrgicas. En el proceso de aprendizaje se sabe la importancia que tienen los modelos y mentores. Buscamos evaluar el grado de satisfacción y el éxito profesional de las mujeres en Traumatología, y qué factores cumplieron un rol positivo en la decisión de optar por ella.Se encuestó a 108 mujeres dedicadas a la Traumatología, y se evaluaron las influencias positivas y los mentores como modelo en la toma de decisión por la especialidad y los grados de satisfacción personal y profesional.Pese a una mayor percepción de dificultades en lograr el objetivo, destacan los altos grados de satisfacción profesional y personal de las mujeres en Traumatología: 95% refirió haber elegido la especialidad correcta, 100% afirmó que las dificultades se compensan con los resultados obtenidos, y 96% volvería a elegir la misma especialidad. En relación con la percepción de éxito, 73% se considera exitosa en su vida profesional, y en la vida personal, 85%.Muy relevante en la toma de decisión por la especialidad es el rol que cumplen docentes, mentores, y el gusto por la cirugía y los deportes. Un 84% recibió alguna influencia positiva, 61% tuvo como modelo en su formación una traumatóloga, y un 98% recomendaría a otras mujeres en período de formación que se dedicaran a la Traumatología.Las estrategias de incremento de la participación femenina en la especialidad pudiesen orientarse a fomentar modelos femeninos durante el aprendizaje.

Historically, female doctors have been associated with certain specialties. In recent years, these stereotypes have been slowly reversed with an increased participation of women in surgical specialties. The importance of models and mentors in the learning process is known. We seek to evaluate the level of professional satisfaction and success of women in Traumatology, as well as the factors that may have played a positive role in the decision to pursue this specialty. We surveyed 108 women working in Traumatology and evaluated the positive influences and mentors as models in the decision-making regarding the specialty and the degrees of personal and professional satisfaction. Despite a greater perception of difficulties in achieving the purpose, the high degrees of professional and personal satisfaction of women in Traumatology stands out: 95% reported having chosen the correct specialty, 100% stated that the difficulties are offset by the results obtained, and 96% would choose the same specialty again. Regarding the perception of success, 73% consider themselves successful in their occupation, and 85% consider themselves successful in their personal lives. The role played by teachers, mentors, as well as an interest in surgery and sports are very relevant in choosing the specialty. In total, 84% of the sample received some positive influence 61% had a female traumatologist as a model during their training, and 98% would recommend other women in training to dedicate themselves to Traumatology. The strategies to increase female participation in the specialty could be aimed at promoting female role models during learning.

Humans , Female , Personal Satisfaction , Physicians, Women/psychology , Orthopedic Surgeons/psychology , Orthopedics , Perception , Traumatology , Mentors , Career Choice , Chile , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Surveys and Questionnaires , Job Satisfaction
Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 49: e20223204EDIT01, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365384


ABSTRACT In September 2021, the 34th Brazilian Surgical Conference hosted the "Panel: Women in Surgery" - the only session in the event solely composed of female speakers. Although gender inequities in surgery are well recognized in the international literature, the panel portrayed how distant we are from the desired equity in our country. In addition, the session emphasized the need to broaden the debate and identify the mechanisms for greater inclusion and maintenance of women in the surgical career. In this editorial, we provide a historical overview of gender disparities in the Brazilian surgical ecosystem, highlight the contributing factors to a reduced number of female surgeons, and how the structure of medical societies may influence the rise of women to leadership positions. Accordingly, we discuss the benefits of gender diversity for surgeons, patients, and institutions. Furthermore, we analyze the representation of women in the Brazilian College of Surgeons since its foundation and in the scientific sessions at the conference, demonstrating that more initiatives are required to encourage female representation in the college. Finally, we propose a series of recommendations to foster engagement and contribute to the prosperity of women surgeons in Brazil.

RESUMO Em setembro de 2021, o 34º Congresso Brasileiro de Cirurgia sediou o "Painel de debates: Mulheres na Cirurgia" - o único espaço do evento composto somente por mulheres. Embora a existência de iniquidades de gênero na cirurgia seja bem reconhecida na literatura internacional, esse painel retratou como estamos distantes da almejada equidade em nosso país. Além disso, a sessão enfatizou a necessidade de ampliar o debate e identificar os mecanismos para maior inclusão e retenção das mulheres na carreira cirúrgica. Neste editorial, apresentamos panorama histórico e atual das disparidades de gênero no ecossistema cirúrgico brasileiro; destacamos os fatores que contribuem para o número reduzido de cirurgiãs e, como a estrutura das sociedades médicas influencia na ascensão de mulheres para cargos de liderança. Em seguida, discutimos os benefícios da diversidade de gênero para cirurgiões, pacientes e instituições. Ademais, analisamos a representatividade feminina no Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões desde a fundação e nos espaços científicos do congresso, demonstrando que mais medidas serão necessárias para incentivar maior protagonismo feminino no colégio. Finalmente, propomos uma série de recomendações para fomentar o engajamento e contribuir para a prosperidade das cirurgiãs no Brasil.

Humans , Female , Physicians, Women , Specialties, Surgical , Societies, Medical , Brazil , Ecosystem , Gender Equity , Leadership
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 38(3): 452-457, jul.-sep. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357380


RESUMEN La equidad de género es un tema social que atraviesa diversas disciplinas. Dentro del campo de la medicina, ha sido claramente identificada la inequidad del rol de la mujer en las especialidades quirúrgicas. Limitada representatividad femenina en puestos de liderazgo de sociedades quirúrgicas o académicas, diferencias salariales en comparación con sus colegas varones y falta de programas de mentoría para llevar una carrera equilibrada son algunas de las dificultades que afrontan las mujeres que escogen una carrera quirúrgica. El presente artículo explora el estado de la mujer en la carrera quirúrgica en el Perú, las particulares limitaciones que afronta; también destaca la importancia de la participación femenina en cirugía y presenta algunas propuestas para mejorar el rol de la mujer en el campo quirúrgico.

ABSTRACT Gender equality is a social issue that affects various disciplines. Within the field of medicine, inequality regarding the role of women in surgical specialties has been clearly identified. Limited female representation in leadership positions regarding surgical or academic societies, salary differences when compared to their male colleagues, and lack of mentoring programs for a balanced career are some of the difficulties faced by women who pursue a surgical career. This article explores the status of women who pursue surgical careers in Peru and the specific limitations they face; it also highlights the importance of female participation in surgery and proposes some suggestions to improve the role of women in the surgical field.

Humans , Female , Physicians, Women , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Women , Gender Equity , General Surgery , Public Health , Medicine
urol. colomb. (Bogotá. En línea) ; 30(3): 171-178, 15/09/2021. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1369412


Objetivo Realizar un análisis bibliométrico sobre el liderazgo femenino en medicina para conocer el panorama actual y dirigir futuras investigaciones. Métodos Se realizó un análisis bibliométrico descriptivo retrospectivo de la literatura disponible en MEDLINE en relación con el liderazgo de mujeres médicas de 1973 al 2019. Se utilizó Pubmed y FABUMED, y la siguiente estrategia: ("Leadership"[Mesh]) AND "Physicians, Women"[Mesh] (1973:2019[dp]). Se incluyeron artículos originales, de revista, ensayos, informes científicos y reseñas, para analizar toda la literatura indexada relacionada. Para la obtención del factor de impacto (FI), se utilizó el Journal Citation Reports (7)2017/2018 de las revistas encontradas para estimar la calidad de cada una de ellas. Resultados Un total de 310 referencias fueron encontradas en 139 revistas publicadas, el 71,2% fueron artículos originales, el resto revisiones. Hubo un incremento en las publicaciones de 1996 al 2019 en un 11,9%. Las revistas con mayor porcentaje de publicaciones fueron: Academic Medicine y J Womens Health (Larchmt), con 7,7% y 7,1%. Los países con mayores publicaciones fueron Estados Unidos, con 66 (56%) y Reino Unido con 10 (8,6%). América latina tiene cuatro publicaciones y Colombia no cuenta con ninguna publicación indexada. Conclusión El liderazgo femenino en medicina y las publicaciones sobre el tema han aumentado en las últimas décadas en países industrializados. Por su parte, Latinoamérica debe aumentar sus esfuerzos en publicar en revistas con alto factor de impacto para trabajar por la equidad de género.

Objective Perform a biometrical analysis of female leadership in medicine, in order to know the actual perspective and guide future research. Materials and Methods: A retrospective descriptive bibliometric analysis of the literature available in MEDLINE was performed in relation to the leadership of female physicians from 1973 to 2019, through MEDLINE database, using GoPubmed and FABUMED. The following strategy was deployed: ("Leadership"[Mesh]) AND "Physicians, Women"[Mesh] (1973:2019[dp]). Original articles, journal articles, essays, scientific reports and reviews were included to analyze all related indexed literature. To obtain the impact factor (FI), the Journal Citation Reports (7) 2017/2018 of the journals found was used to estimate the quality of each one of them. Results A total of 310 references were found in 139 published journals, 71.2% were original articles; the remaining 22% were reviews. There was a 11.9% increase in publications from 1996 to 2019. The journals with the highest rate of publications were: Academic Medicine and J Womens Health (Larchmt) with 7.7% and 7.1%. Countries with the highest number of publications were United States with 66 (56%), and United Kingdom with 10 (8.6%). Latin America has four publications, while Colombia has none. Conclusion Female leadership in the medical field and the publications regarding this subject have increased in the last decades, mainly in developed countries. Latin America has to make significant efforts to produce more publications in journals with high impact factor, in order to close the gender gap in the medical field.

Humans , Female , Bibliometrics , Gender Identity , Gender Equity , Physicians, Women , Impact Factor
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 73(4): 476-482, ago. 2021. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388857


Resumen Introducción: La cirugía ha sido tradicionalmente considerada una especialidad masculina. Se desconoce si el aumento en el número de médicas en las últimas décadas ha producido un aumento significativo en el número de cirujanas. Objetivo: Analizar y visibilizar la participación actual e histórica de las mujeres en Medicina y en Cirugía General en Chile. Materiales y Método: Estudio retrospectivo de la cohorte de médicas/os y cirujanas/os egresados de escuelas de medicina chilenas desde el año 1970, complementado con estudio de corte transversal para conocer la información actual de las cirujanas y residentes. Las fuentes de datos fueron los Registros de la Superintendencia de Salud, CONACEM y el Catastro de la Asociación de Cirujanas. Resultados: Ha existido un aumento sostenido de médicas egresadas sobrepasando a sus pares masculinos a partir de 2018. Las cirujanas representan el 15% del total de cirujanas y cirujanos, y este número se ha duplicado por década a partir de los años 70. Actualmente, 33% de los residentes en formación son de género femenino. Las áreas más comunes de desarrollo son cirugía general (35%), y dentro de las subespecialidades: mama, plástica y cabeza y cuello. Conclusión: Las mujeres siguen siendo minoría en cirugía; sin embargo, se ha producido un aumento progresivo y se espera siga la misma tendencia. Es necesario visibilizar la importancia de las cirujanas para que sirvan como modelo a nuevas generaciones de estudiantes y así poder aumentar la representación femenina en la especialidad.

Introduction: Surgery traditionally has been considered a male discipline. It is unknown if the increase in the number of female doctors in the last decades has increased the number of female surgeons. Aim: Is to analyze and make visible the historical and current participation of women in Medicine and Surgery in Chile. Materials and Method: Retrospective cohort study of all medical doctors and surgeons graduated from chilean Universities since 1970 to date, and cross-sectional study to know current information of female surgeons and residents. Source of data were the Registries of Health Superintendence, CONACEM and the Registry of the Female Surgeon Association. Results: There has been a steady increase in the number of graduated female doctors in Chile, surpassing male doctors since 2018. Female surgeons are 15% of all surgeons, and the number has duplicated every decade since 1970s. Currently, 33% of the residents are female. Main area of developing is general surgery (35%), and within subspecialties: Breast, Plastics, and Head and Neck. Conclusions: Women are still underrepresented in Surgery: however, there has been a steady increase and that trend is expected to continue. It is necessary to make visible the importance of female surgeons to be able to increase female representation.

Humans , Surgeons/statistics & numerical data , Gender Equity/statistics & numerical data , Physicians, Women , Chile
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 41(1): 43-46, mar. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1178979


Maud Leonora Menten nació en Canadá, tuvo cuatro títulos universitarios: Bachiller en Artes, Master en Fisiología, médica y Doctora en Bioquímica. Trabajó en Estados Unidos, Alemania y Canadá. Trabajó en diferentes áreas: en la distribución de los iones cloruro en el sistema nervioso central, en tumores experimentales y su tratamiento con bromuro de radio, en el equilibrio ácido-base durante la anestesia, en el mecanismo hiperglucemiante de toxinas bacterianas, en el descubrimiento de un mecanismo de acoplamiento en química orgánica y hasta en la electroforesis de las hemoglobinas humanas. Sin embargo, el aporte por el cual es más conocida es su trabajo en el estudio de la cinética enzimática junto a Leonor Michaelis en 1913. El propósito de este trabajo es exponer la vida personal y académica de una científica conocida por la gran mayoría de los profesionales de la salud. La mujer que a principios del siglo XX trabajó con grandes investigadores de Canadá, Estados Unidos y Alemania, cuyos aportes científicos fueron reconocidos muchas décadas después. (AU)

Maud Leonora Menten was born in Canada; she had four university degrees, Bachelor of Arts, Master of Physiology, Physician and Doctor of Biochemistry. She worked in the United States, Germany, and Canada. Maud worked in different areas: the distribution of chloride ions in the central nervous system, experimental tumors and their treatment with radium bromide, the acid-base balance during anesthesia, the hyperglycemic mechanism of bacterial toxins, the discovery of a coupling mechanism in organic chemistry and even the electrophoresis of human hemoglobins. However, the contribution for which she is best known is for her work in the study of enzymatic kinetics with Leonor Michaelis in 1913. The aim of this paper is to expose the personal and academic life of a scientist known to the vast majority of Health professionals. The woman who, at the beginning of the 20th century, worked with great researchers from Canada, the United States and Germany, whose scientific contributions were recognized many decades later. (AU)

Humans , Female , Physicians, Women/history , History of Medicine , Women, Working/history , History, 20th Century
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 26(2): e21spe2, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1249702


ABSTRACT Introduction: This paper reviews the history of women scientists in the 'Western world', whilst highlighting the persistent socio-structural issues that have led to the hiding and masking of the participation of women in Science. Further, a reflection is made of the situation of Dentistry, specifically in the field of Orthodontics in Brazil. The difference between genders is discussed, with the intention to map the progress of women in management and leadership positions, in both the academic and professional fields. Description: In Brazil, within Dentistry and Orthodontics, despite being in a numerical majority, women are still underrepresented in the area of professional leadership. This is true for Research Groups and Research Productivity; an example being the relatively low authorship of publications in a Brazilian journal of Orthodontics. They are also underrepresented as lead presenters at professional meetings, whilst there are also few female Presidents of professional organizations and associations. Conclusion: Despite being in a numerical majority, it is also important that women act in a more co-ordinated and consistent manner to achieve greater representation in these areas. The necessary changes in the structure in order to achieve this are not only of women and for women, but they must also involve the whole of society so that leadership, rights and duties are equally distributed between the genders.

RESUMO Objetivo: Este estudo objetivou resgatar a história de mulheres cientistas nos principais períodos históricos do mundo ocidental, para realçar a questão socioestrutural persistente que "invisibiliza" e mascara a participação das mulheres na Ciência. A partir disso, realizou-se uma reflexão sobre a situação da Odontologia, especificamente na área de Ortodontia no Brasil, no que tange à diferença de gêneros, com a finalidade de mapear a atuação das mulheres nos cargos de gestão e liderança nos âmbitos acadêmico e profissional. Descrição: No Brasil, na área de Odontologia e Ortodontia, apesar de serem maioria numérica, as mulheres ainda são minoria na liderança de Grupos de Pesquisa, Produtividade em Pesquisa, na autoria de artigos em um periódico nacional da área de Ortodontia, palestrantes de congressos e na presidência de Associações de Classe. Conclusão: Apesar de apresentar maioria numérica, é importante que as mulheres atuem de maneira mais consistente. As mudanças necessárias na estrutura não são apenas da mulher e para a mulher, mas devem envolver toda a sociedade para que direitos e deveres sejam distribuídos de forma igualitária entre os sexos.

Humans , Male , Female , Orthodontics , Physicians, Women , Authorship , Brazil , Leadership
Rev. méd. Chile ; 148(3): 387-392, mar. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115803


This article analyzes some publications of Ernestina Pérez Barahona (1865-1951), the second Chilean and Latin American female physician. It exposes her concern for the public health and, more precisely, for the problem of the Chilean race. She constantly refers to hygiene in her conferences, articles and books published between 1887 and 1920. Thus, the aim of this review is to recover her production and to inform the readers about her intervention as a medical professional.

Humans , Female , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Physicians, Women/history , Hygiene , Books , Chile , Public Health
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 79(4): 387-394, dic. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058713


RESUMEN Introducción: Cada día son más las mujeres que ingresan a las escuelas de medicina y a los programas de especialización tradicionalmente considerados como de "predominancia masculina" (especialidades quirúrgicas y médico-quirúrgicas). Internacionalmente se han hecho esfuerzos por conocer la realidad de igualdad de género en otorrinolaringología, pero poco se sabe del escenario chileno. Objetivo Evaluar la percepción de igualdad de género en otorrinolaringología en residentes y médicos de la especialidad en Chile. Además evaluar la asociación entre género y aspectos de vida laboral y personal. Material y método Elaboración y distribución de encuesta que recopila información epidemiológica, de formación, de vida personal y laboral, además de preguntas relacionadas con percepción de acoso y/o discriminación de género. Resultados 139 encuestados (55% hombres, 75% ≥40 años, 72% especialistas). Se obtuvo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en percepción de discriminación negativa de género hacia mujeres tanto durante la residencia como en el lugar de trabajo, mayor reporte de cuestionamiento de habilidades quirúrgicas y de comentarios sexistas en desmedro de mujeres. Sin diferencia estadísticamente significativa en percepción de acoso sexual ni en variación de horas de trabajo luego de ser padre o madre. Conclusión En la población encuestada, la población femenina reportó mayor percepción de discriminación de género. Se deben aumentar los esfuerzos por estudiar la situación de igualdad de género en nuestro medio y generar ambientes amigables para el desarrollo profesional indiferente del género.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Everyday more women enter medicine schools and to traditionally known as "male predominant" specialization programs (surgical and medical-surgical specialties). Internationally, efforts have been made to understand the reality regarding gender equality in otolaryngology, but little is known about the Chilean scene. Aim: To evaluate the perception on gender equality in otolaryngology of residents and physicians of the specialty in Chile. Also, to evaluate the association between gender and aspects of labor and personal life. Material and methods: Elaboration and distribution of a survey that collects epidemiologic, schooling, personal and labor life information, additionally questions related to perception of harassment and/or gender discrimination. Results: 139 people surveyed (55% men, 75% ≤40 years old, 72% specialists). Statistically significant difference was found in the perception of negative discrimination against women during residency and in work places, greater report of questioning of surgical abilities and sexist comments against women. No statistical difference was found in the perception of sexual harassment nor variation of work hours after mother or fatherhood. Conclusion: The female population surveyed reported a greater perception of gender discrimination. Efforts to study gender equality situation should be increased and friendly environments for professional development independent of gender should be generated.

Humans , Male , Female , Otolaryngology/statistics & numerical data , Physicians, Women/statistics & numerical data , Gender Equity , Chile , Surveys and Questionnaires , Sexual Harassment , Sexism
Rev. méd. Chile ; 147(9): 1184-1189, set. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058662


Though the presence of many women in medicine goes unnoticed today, their incorporation to the field was slow and difficult. It took until the end of the nineteenth century for women to be finally allowed to study at the University in Chile, being Eloísa Díaz the first woman to become a medical doctor in 1887. In that century, only six women became medical doctors. However, throughout the twentieth century, this small proportion of women in medicine increased at a similar rate as tuition did in the schools of medicine, especially from the 1960's when limited quotas for women were abolished. At present, women doctors constitute 40% of the total pool of medical doctors in Chile, being present in all specialties, though preferably found as general practitioners, family doctors and pediatricians. While many women have stood out in academia and in politics, they have also successfully reached high positions in scientific societies (and other offices such in the Health Ministry, and even the country's presidency) their participation is still limited in these areas. It is only fair to conclude that the outstanding participation that women in Chilean medicine enjoy today is not solely due to their long-lasting efforts, but more importantly, to their tireless struggle to overcome prejudice, discrimination and misunderstanding; the latter being especially represented by pioneer women of medicine.

Humans , Female , Physicians, Women , Medicine , Chile