ABSTRACT Pigment dispersion syndrome is associated with clinical features such as Krukenberg's spindles, trabecular pigmentation, Scheie's stripe and Zentmayer's ring. Another less common feature of this syndrome is retrolental pigment deposits due to anterior hyaloid detachment or a defect in the Wieger's ligament. We present two cases of pigment deposits on the posterior lens capsule. In both cases, there is bilateral dispersion of pigment throughout the anterior segment. The retrolental deposits are unilateral in the first case and bilateral in the second. Both patients report a history of ocular trauma. This is a possible important clinical sign of pigment dispersion syndrome, rarely described.
RESUMO A síndrome de dispersão pigmentar associa-se a sinais clínicos característicos como fuso de Krukenberg, hiperpigmentação da malha trabecular, linha de Scheie e anel de Zentmeyer. Um sinal menos comum dessa síndrome é o depósito de pigmento posterior ao cristalino, que ocorre por um descolamento da hialoide anterior ou um defeito no ligamento de Wieger. Apresentamos dois casos de depósitos de pigmento posterior à cápsula posterior do cristalino. Em ambos os casos, existia dispersão bilateral de pigmento por todo o segmento anterior. No primeiro caso, os depósitos eram unilaterais e, no segundo, estavam presentes em ambos os olhos. Este pode corresponder a um sinal potencialmente importante da síndrome de dispersão pigmentar, raramente descrito.
Humans , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Pigmentation Disorders/etiology , Pigmentation , Exfoliation Syndrome/complications , Posterior Capsule of the Lens/pathology , Lens Diseases/etiology , Pigment Epithelium of Eye/diagnostic imaging , Syndrome , Visual Acuity , Lens Diseases/diagnosisABSTRACT
El síndrome de Laugier-Hunziker (SLH) es un trastorno de hiperpigmentación macular benigno adquirido que se caracteriza por la presencia de máculas hiperpigmentadas policrómicas, de superficie plana, con morfología lenticular oval, de márgenes definidos; parte importante de éste es el desarrollo de melanoniquia longitudinal. Su principal diagnóstico diferencial es el síndrome de Peutz-Jeghers, ya que este último tiende a desarrollar neoplasias malignas en el tracto digestivo. Es importante que el estomatólogo conozca el SLH, con la finalidad de poder diagnosticarlo y diferenciarlo de otras entidades, particularmente de aquellas de carácter maligno (AU)
Laugier-Hunziker syndrome (LHS) is an acquired benign macular hyperpigmentation disorder, characterized by the presence of polychromic hyperpigmented macules, with a smooth surface, with oval lenticular morphology, with defined margins; An important part of this is the development of longitudinal melanonychia. Its main differential diagnosis is Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, since it tends to develop malignant neoplasms in the digestive tract. It is important that the Stomatologist knows the LHS, in order to be able to diagnose it and differentiate it from other entities, even those of a malignant nature (AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Pigmentation Disorders , Hyperpigmentation , Diagnosis, Differential , Mexico , Mouth Mucosa/injuriesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Waardenburg syndrome is a rare congenital genetic disorder characterized by sensorineural hearing loss and pigmentary abnormalities of the hair, skin, and eyes. Based on the different clinical presentations, it is divided into four subtypes as in WS1 to WS4. This report describes a 15-year-old boy who presented with low vision and bilateral hearing loss. His visual acuity was 20/200 in both eyes. Slit-lamp examination revealed complete iris heterochromia, with one blue iris and one brown iris. Fundus examination showed symmetrical pigmentation of the retina and choroid, with atrophy of the pigment epithelium in the macular region, notably also in the eye with normal iris pigment illustrating the broad spectrum of the iris and fundus pigmentation as part of this syndrome. A carefully clinical and ophthalmological evaluation should be done to differentiate various types of Waardenburg syndrome and other associated auditory-pigmentary syndrome. Early diagnosis in some cases may be crucial for the adequate development of patients affected with this condition.
RESUMO A síndrome de Waardenburg é uma doença genética congênita rara caracterizada por perda auditiva neurossensorial e anormalidades pigmentares do cabelo, da pele e dos olhos. Com base nas diferentes apresentações clínicas, é dividida em quatro subtipos (WS1 a WS4). Este relato descreve o caso de um menino de 15 anos que apresentava baixa visão e perda auditiva bilateral. Sua acuidade visual era de 20/200 em ambos os olhos. O exame em lâmpada de fenda revelou heterocromia completa da íris, com uma íris azul e uma íris marrom. A fundoscopia mostrou pigmentação simétrica da retina e coroide, com atrofia do epitélio pigmentar na região macular, notadamente também no olho com pigmento de íris normal, ilustrando o amplo espectro de pigmentação de íris e fundo como parte dessa síndrome. Uma avaliação clínica e oftalmológica criteriosa deve ser feita para diferenciar os vários tipos de síndrome de Waardenburg e outras síndromes auditivo-pigmentares associadas. O diagnóstico precoce em alguns casos pode ser crucial para o desenvolvimento adequado dos pacientes acometidos por essa condição.
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Pigmentation Disorders/diagnosis , Retinal Diseases/diagnosis , Retinal Diseases/etiology , Waardenburg Syndrome/complications , Iris Diseases/diagnosis , Iris Diseases/etiology , Pigmentation Disorders/etiology , Waardenburg Syndrome/diagnosis , Visual Acuity , Slit Lamp Microscopy , Fundus Oculi , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/etiologyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore the genetic basis for a Chinese pedigree affected with dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria (DSH).@*METHODS@#PCR and Sanger sequencing were carried out for the proband, and suspected variant was validated by Sanger sequencing in the pedigree.@*RESULTS@#The proband was found to harbor a novel variant of c.1352delA (p.N451Mfs*13) of the ADAR (NM_001111) gene. The same variant was found in her affected mother and sister, but not in her unaffected father, uncle, and 100 healthy individual.@*CONCLUSION@#The novel variant of the ADAR gene probably underlay the pathogenesis of DSH in this pedigree.
Female , Humans , Adenosine Deaminase/genetics , China , Mutation , Pedigree , Pigmentation Disorders/congenital , RNA-Binding Proteins/geneticsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the clinical features and genetic basis for a Chinese pedigree affected with hereditary dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria (DSH).@*METHODS@#Peripheral blood samples of the proband and his mother were collected and subjected to PCR and Sanger sequencing.@*RESULTS@#The patient has conformed to the typical pattern of DSH and manifested with hyperpigmentation, hypo- and hyperpigmentation spots on the back of hands, feet and face. Sanger sequencing confirmed that the proband and his mother have both harbored heterozygous splicing variant c.2762+1G>T in exon 9 of the ADAR gene, which was unreported previously. The same variant was not detected among 100 healthy controls. According to the guidelines of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, the variant was predicted to be pathogenic (PVS1+PM2+PP4).@*CONCLUSION@#The c.2762+1G>T variant of the ADAR gene probably underlay the DSH in this pedigree. Above finding has enriched the spectrum of ADAR gene mutations.
Humans , Adenosine Deaminase/genetics , China , Mutation , Pedigree , Pigmentation Disorders/congenital , RNA-Binding Proteins/geneticsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Chlorpromazine is a medication widely used in psychiatry for the treatment of psychoses, especially schizophrenia. Since 1964, published articles have been correlating this medication with the appearance of ocular alterations. In this paper, we report the case of a 65-year-old patient with ocular effects due to long-term therapy with chlorpromazine. Biomicroscopy of both eyes presented diffuse granular brown deposits, most prominent at the deep stroma and corneal endothelium level. Also showed anterior subcapsular brown deposits with a stellate pattern in the lens. The total amount exceeds 2.000g (significant for the ocular alterations described) considering the patient's daily dosage of chlorpromazine of 300mg for ten years. After performing complete ophthalmic evaluation and discarding other causes for the ocular deposits, we diagnosed a secondary corneal deposit and cataract due to the use of chlorpromazine. This case reinforces the importance of periodic follow-up with an ophthalmologist for chlorpromazine users to trace ocular changes, heeding the exposure time and its dosage.
RESUMO A clorpromazina é uma medicação muito empregada na psiquiatria para tratamento de psicoses, especialmente em casos de esquizofrenia. Desde 1964 existem artigos publicados que correlacionam o uso dessa medicação com o aparecimento de alterações oculares. Neste trabalho, relatamos o caso de um paciente de 65 anos com efeitos oculares devido à terapia de longo prazo com clorpromazina. A biomicroscopia de ambos os olhos apresentou depósitos granulares difusos e de cor marrom, mais proeminente ao nível do estroma profundo e do endotélio da córnea, além de depósitos castanhos subcapsulares anteriores centrais em um padrão estrelado no cristalino. Considerando a dose diária de clorpromazina de 300mg por 10 anos usada pelo paciente, a quantidade total ultrapassa 2.000g (dose considerada significativa para as alterações oculares descritas). Após avaliação oftalmológica completa e descartado outras causas desses depósitos oculares, foram diagnosticados depósito corneano e catarata secundários ao uso de clorpromazina. O caso apresentado reforça a importância do acompanhamento oftalmolÓgico periÓdico de usuários de clorpromazina para o rastreio de alteraçÕes oculares, atentando-se ao tempo de exposição à droga e à posologia da mesma.
Humans , Male , Aged , Cataract/chemically induced , Chlorpromazine/adverse effects , Chlorpromazine/toxicity , Cornea/drug effects , Corneal Diseases/chemically induced , Corneal Opacity/chemically induced , Pigmentation Disorders/chemically induced , Antipsychotic Agents/adverse effects , Antipsychotic Agents/toxicity , Antipsychotic Agents/therapeutic use , Bipolar Disorder/drug therapy , Visual Acuity , Chlorpromazine/administration & dosage , Chlorpromazine/therapeutic use , Corneal Diseases/diagnosis , Corneal Opacity/diagnosis , Slit Lamp , Slit Lamp MicroscopyABSTRACT
Vitiligo is a dermatological disease affecting both animals and humans. It is characterized by depigmented macules of varying shape and size, originated from melanocyte destruction. Even though there are some theories tackling causation, disease etiopathology is not yet certain. Moreover, lesion areas can either increase or diminish over time, and therefore, available treatment alternatives tend to prove inconsistencies. No epidemiological data or registered cases were found for equines in Brazil. The horse in this case description displayed depigmentation areas in facial regions, including upper lip, nose and lips. However, the individual did not happen to develop any systemic alteration. Through clinical evaluation, backed by a histopathological exam, a definitive vitiligo diagnosis was obtained. However, no therapeutic plan was stipulated. The animal was accompanied for four years, during which period some affected areas diminished while others increased in size. In addition, emergence of new skin lesions was also observed during the time the animal was studied. Overall, this disease does not display alterations to organism functionality, only aesthetic changes. Therefore, treatment plans may vary from case to case, occasionally being even ruled out.(AU)
O vitiligo é uma doença dermatológica que pode afetar animais e humanos. Caracteriza-se por áreas despigmentadas, de formas e tamanhos variáveis, que surgem devido a destruição dos melanócitos. Existem algumas teorias que tentam explicar a etiopatogenia da doença, entretanto ainda não é totalmente esclarecida. As lesões podem aumentar ou diminuir com o tempo, por isso os tratamentos disponíveis são inconsistentes. Não foram encontrados dados epidemiológicos ou relatos de vitiligo em cavalos no Brasil. O equino deste relato apresentava lesões despigmentadas na região da face, incluindo pálpebras, narina e lábios, sem alterações sistêmicas. Por meio da avaliação clínica em conjunto com o exame histopatológico obteve-se o diagnóstico definitivo de vitiligo. Não foi instituído nenhuma terapia, e o equino foi acompanhado durante quatro anos. Durante esse período algumas lesões diminuíram e outras aumentaram de tamanho sendo também observado o aparecimento de novas lesões. O vitiligo não traz alterações sistêmicas, apenas mudanças estéticas, por isso a escolha pelo tratamento dependerá de cada caso.(AU)
Animals , Pigmentation Disorders/veterinary , Vitiligo/diagnosis , HorsesABSTRACT
RESUMO A íris é responsável pela cor dos olhos. Ela ainda realiza o controle da quantidade de luz que penetra no olho pela pupila. Variações nos genes de cada indivíduo, além da quantidade e da qualidade de melanina na íris, determinam a cor dos olhos. A heterocromia é caracterizada por diferenças na coloração da íris de um mesmo indivíduo, sendo, na maioria das vezes, benigna. Existem basicamente três tipos de heterocromia de íris: central, setorial e completa. A heterocromia de íris pode ter como causa alterações genéticas e congênitas, relacionadas ou não a síndromes específicas, como a de Sturge-Weber, a de Waardenburg, a de Parry-Romberg e a de Horner congênita. Há também causas adquiridas, como doenças ou lesões, trauma ocular e corpos estranhos intraoculares, uso de certas medicações tópicas, siderose ocular, irites ou uveítes como a síndrome uveítica de Fuchs, dentre outras. Diante de um paciente com heterocromia de íris, deve-se entender o contexto e o curso clínico desse sinal, pois pode se tratar de uma alteração de pigmentação benigna ou existir uma doença base em curso, que requer terapêutica específica. Este artigo de revisão de literatura visa abordar as principais etiologias relacionadas à heterocromia de íris, além de discorrer sobre a anatomia e a fisiologia da coloração iridiana e sobre a fisiopatologia de suas possíveis alterações.
ABSTRACT The iris is responsible for eye color and controls the amount of light that enters the eye through the pupil. Variation in each individual's genes, besides the quantity and quality of melanin in the iris, determine eye color. Heterochromia is characterized by different colors of irises in the same individual, and it is benign in most cases. There are basically three types of heterochromia: central, partial and complete. Heterochromia can be caused by genetic and congenital alterations, which may or may not be related to specific conditions, such as Sturge-Weber syndrome, Waardenburg syndrome, Parry-Romberg syndrome and congenital Horner syndrome. It may be associated to acquired causes like diseases or injuries, such as eye trauma and intraocular foreign bodies, use of some topical medications, ocular siderosis, iritis or uveitis, such as Fuchs´ uveitis, among others. When assessing a patient with heterochromia, one must understand the context and clinical course of this signal, since it may be a benign pigmentation disorder or there may be an underlying disease, which requires specific therapy. This literature review article was set out to address the main etiologies related to heterochromia, in addition to describing the anatomy and physiology of the iris color and the pathophysiology of possible alterations.
Humans , Pigment Epithelium of Eye/abnormalities , Pigmentation Disorders/etiology , Iris Diseases/etiology , Pigmentation Disorders/genetics , Prostaglandins F, Synthetic/adverse effects , Waardenburg Syndrome/complications , Eye Color , Sturge-Weber Syndrome/complications , Iridocyclitis/complications , Eye Foreign Bodies/complications , Horner Syndrome/complications , Iris/abnormalities , Nevus of Ota/complications , Iris Diseases/genetics , Melanoma/complicationsABSTRACT
Las pigmentaciones de la cavidad oral son comunes, éstas pueden representar diversas entidades clínicas, desde cambios fisiológicos hasta cambios malignos. Las pigmentaciones en la encía se conocen como pigmentaciones melánicas o melanosis gingival; en la encía se observan como tinciones oscuras ocasionadas por la acumulación de melanina en la zona. Éstas se consideran comunes, pueden representar variación normal en la pigmentación de melanina de la mucosa oral, hasta representar procesos malignos. En general, las personas de piel más oscura presentan frecuentemente mayor pigmentación de melanina oral que las personas de piel clara. Las variaciones en la pigmentación fisiológica oral están determinadas genéticamente a menos que estén asociadas con alguna enfermedad subyacente (AU)
Pigmentation of the oral cavity is common, it can represent diverse clinical entities, from physiological changes to malignant changes. Gum pigmentations are known as melanic pigmentations or gingival melanosis, and are observed as dark stains caused by the accumulation of melanin in the localized area. These are considered common, they can represent normal variation in melanin pigmentation of the oral mucosa, or malignant processes. In general, people with darker skin often exhibit greater pigmentation of oral melanin than people with fair skin. Variations in oral physiological pigmentation are genetically determined unless they are associated with some underlying disease (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Pigmentation Disorders/physiopathology , Melanosis , Mouth Mucosa , Pigmentation Disorders/surgery , Pigmentation Disorders/genetics , Biopsy , Diagnosis, Differential , Melanins/physiologyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To detect variants of ADAR1 gene in two Chinese pedigrees affected with dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria (DSH).@*METHODS@#Clinical data and peripheral blood samples of the pedigrees were collected. All exons of the ADAR1 gene were amplified by PCR and subjected to Sanger sequencing. Suspected pathogenic variants were validated among other members of the pedigrees and 100 unrelated healthy controls.@*RESULTS@#For pedigree 1, Sanger sequencing has identified a heterozygous missense variant c.3002G>C (p.Asp968His) in exon 11 of the ADAR1 gene in the proband and his father. For pedigree 2, a novel nonsense variant c.3145C>T (p.Gln1049Ter) was identified in exon 12 of the ADAR1 gene in the proband and his son, which were previously unreported and absent among the healthy controls.@*CONCLUSION@#The c.3002G>C (p.Asp968His) and c.3145C>T (p.Gln1049Ter)variants of the ADAR1 gene probably underlay the DSH in the two pedigrees.
Humans , Adenosine Deaminase/genetics , Mutation , Pedigree , Pigmentation Disorders/genetics , RNA-Binding Proteins/geneticsABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: Las melanocitosis dérmicas son un grupo de enfermedades dermatológicas pigmentarias asociadas con la proliferación melanocítica. Se clasifican con base en su número y localización profunda a nivel de la dermis; pueden ser congénitas o adquiridas. Caso clínico: Paciente de sexo masculino de 11 años de edad, sin antecedentes de importancia para el padecimiento actual. Inicio con mácula oscura en la palma de la mano izquierda hace 5 años, asintomática, de crecimiento paulatino. A la exploración física, se detectó dermatosis que afectaba la palma izquierda, cara palmar de las falanges proximales del tercer y cuarto dedos, caracterizada por la presencia de mácula grisácea negruzca, bordes difusos e irregulares, no infiltrada ni indurada. En la dermatoscopia se detectó un patrón de pigmento de tono gris acero con áreas de color café, y con evidencia de puntos blanquecinos dentro de estas. En la histopatología se identificaron células fusiformes, con núcleo grande y la presencia de pigmento melánico en su interior, con distribución perivascular y entremezclados con las fibras de colágeno en la dermis superficial y media. Con base en las características clínicas e histopatológicas de la lesión, se concluyó melanocitosis dérmica adquirida de la mano como el diagnóstico definitivo. Conclusiones: Los reportes de casos de melanocitosis dérmica adquiridas atípicas son infrecuentes. La melanocitosis dérmica de la mano es una variante de estas enfermedades, de la que existen menos de 10 casos. Se presenta el primer caso reportado en Latinoamérica hasta el momento, con el objetivo de ampliar el conocimiento de sus características clínico-histológicas y dermatoscópicas.
Abstract Background: Dermal melanocytosis is a group of pigmentary dermatological diseases associated with melanocytic proliferation, which are classified based on their number and depth at the level of the dermis; they may be congenital or acquired. Case report: An 11-year-old male patient with no history of importance for the current condition started 5 years ago with a dark macula in the left hand palm, which was asymptomatic but grew gradually. On physical examination, dermatoses affecting the left palm, palmar face of proximal phalanges of the third, fourth and fifth fingers, characterized by the presence of blackish greyish macula, diffuse and irregular edges, not infiltrated or indurated were detected. The dermatoscopy identified a pattern of pigment with a greyish-brown tone with brown areas, showing whitish spots inside. In the histopathology, the presence of spindle cells was observed in the superficial and middle dermis, with a large nucleus and the presence of a melanic pigment inside, with perivascular distribution and intermingled with the collagen fibres. Based on the clinical characteristics and the histopathological findings, acquired dermal melanocytosis of the hand was concluded as the final diagnosis. Conclusions: Case reports of atypical acquired dermal melanocytosis are infrequent. Dermal melanocytosis of the hand is a rare variant of these diseases, of which less than 10 cases have been reported. At present, this case of dermal melanocytosis is the first reported in Latin America with the aim to extend the knowledge of its clinical-histological and dermatoscopic characteristics.
Child , Humans , Male , Pigmentation Disorders/pathology , Cell Proliferation , Hand Dermatoses/pathology , Melanocytes/pathology , DermoscopyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To detect mutations of ADAR gene in two pedigrees affected with dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria (DSH).@*METHODS@#Potential mutations of the ADAR gene were analyzed by Sanger sequencing of the probands from both pedigrees. Suspected mutations were validated by Sanger sequencing of other patients from both pedigrees as well as unrelated healthy individuals.@*RESULTS@#A heterozygous nonsense mutation c.1325C>G (p.Ser442Ter) and a novel nonsense mutation c.1498C>T (p.Gln500Ter) were respectively identified in the ADAR gene among all patients from the two pedigrees but not among 200 healthy individuals.@*CONCLUSION@#Mutations of the ADAR gene probably underlie the DSH in the two pedigrees. Above findings have enriched the spectrum of ADAR gene mutation.
Humans , Adenosine Deaminase , Mutation , Pedigree , Pigmentation Disorders , Genetics , RNA-Binding ProteinsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore the genetic etiology of two unrelated patients with dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria.@*METHODS@#Variant analysis of the ADAR gene was carried out by Sanger sequencing.@*RESULTS@#Patient 1 was found to harbor a c.2633_2634delCT (p.Ser878fs) in exon 8 of the ADAR gene. The same variant was not found among 100 unrelated individuals. No pathogenic variant of the ADAR gene was found in patient 2. Functional prediction of the ADAR c.2633_2634delCT (p.Ser878fs) variant indicated it to be pathogenic by losing a catalytic structural domain.@*CONCLUSION@#The c.2633_2634delCT (p.Ser878fs) variant of the ADAR gene probably underlies the pathogenesis of DSH in one of the patients.
Humans , Adenosine Deaminase , Genetics , Mutation , Pedigree , Pigmentation Disorders , Genetics , RNA-Binding Proteins , Genetics , Tomography, X-Ray ComputedABSTRACT
Hypomelanosis of Ito (HI) is a neurocutaneous disorder, also known as incontinentia pigmenti achromians. HI has been associated with chromosomal abnormalities, especially mosaicism. Herein, we report a case of HI with multiple congenital anomalies. A 2-month-old girl presented with multiple linear and whorling hypopigmentation on the face, trunk, and both extremities and patch alopecia on the scalp. Moreover, she had conical teeth, aniridia of the both eyes, and multiple musculoskeletal problems, including syndactyly and coccyx deviation. Cytogenetic analysis on peripheral blood was normal 46, XX, and no mutation was found in IKBKG gene test.
Female , Humans , Infant , Alopecia , Aniridia , Chromosome Aberrations , Coccyx , Cytogenetic Analysis , Extremities , Hypopigmentation , Karyotype , Mosaicism , Neurocutaneous Syndromes , Pigmentation Disorders , Scalp , Syndactyly , ToothABSTRACT
No abstract available.
Skin Abnormalities , Herpesviridae Infections , Pigmentation Disorders , HamartomaABSTRACT
Introduction: la dermatoscopie est une technique d'examen non invasive, permettant de donner un nouveau regard de la morphologie clinique des lésions pigmentées et des tumeurs cutanées. Nous montrons à travers notre série les caractéristiques morphologiques dermotoscopiques du carcinome basocellulaire (CBC) chez notre population.Méthodes: notre étude est une étude prospective unicentrique étalée sur une période de 2 ans. Nous avons utilisé le dermoscope chez tous les patients ayant un CBC. L'analyse statistique était réalisée à 'aide du logiciel SPSS version 17.Résultats: on avait recensé 100 CBC, L'âge moyen des patients était de 51,87 ans, avec un sex ratio F/H = 0,6. Le visage était la localisation la plus fréquente et la plupart des patients étaient de phototype III et IV. On a distingué des critères dermatoscopiques classiques et non classiques. On a montré qu'il existe une relation significative entre le phototype et le degré de la pigmentation des CBC. Conclusion: dans ce présent travail, le dermoscope était bénéfique d'une part pour détecter les CBC de petite taille, d'autre part pour faciliter le diagnostic des CBC pigmentés
Carcinoma, Basal Cell , Carcinoma, Basal Cell/diagnosis , Dermoscopy , Morocco , Pigmentation DisordersABSTRACT
Introducción: El método científico es un método general, constituido por varias etapas necesarias en el desarrollo de toda investigación científica. Es la forma de abordar la realidad y estudiar los fenómenos de la naturaleza, para descubrir su esencia y sus interrelaciones. El método clínico es la aplicación particular del método científico en el ejercicio de la práctica médica, y en las condiciones económicas actuales prevalecientes a nivel mundial resulta de inestimable valor su aplicación por las ventajas que reporta desde ese punto de vista, así como también por el bienestar del paciente que no es sometido a innecesarios y costosos procedimientos diagnósticos. Objetivo: Proporcionar al personal médico los criterios clínicos para lograr, mediante el uso del método clínico, el diagnóstico de algunos síndromes genéticos; los que han sido elaborados luego de una exhaustiva delineación clínica de estos. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de los textos básicos de genética clínica y sindromología con independencia del año de su publicación y se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos Medline, Lilacs y Cochrane en el periodo comprendido entre 2012 y 2016. Conclusiones: Fueron reflejados los criterios establecidos para el diagnóstico clínico de catorce síndromes genéticos(AU)
Introduction: The scientific method is a general method which consists of several stages necessary for the development of all scientific research. It is the way to approach reality and to study the phenomena of nature, to discover their essence and interrelations. The clinical method is the particular application of the scientific method in the medical practice, and in the current economic conditions prevailing worldwide, its application is of inestimable value because of the advantages it brings from that point of view, as well as for the well-being of the patient, who would not be subjected to unnecessary and expensive diagnostic procedures. Objective: To provide the medical personnel with the clinical criteria to achieve, through the use of the clinical method, the diagnosis of some genetic syndromes. Such criteria have been elaborated after an exhaustive clinical description of those conditions. Methods: A review of basic texts of clinical genetics and syndromology was carried out regardless the year of publication. A search was carried out in the databases Medline, Lilacs and Cochrane, in the period between 2012 and 2016. Conclusions: The criteria established for the clinical diagnosis of fourteen genetic syndromes have been presented(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Pigmentation Disorders/diagnosis , Tuberous Sclerosis/diagnosis , Sturge-Weber Syndrome/diagnosis , Proteus Syndrome/diagnosis , Neurofibromatosis 1/diagnosis , Williams Syndrome/diagnosis , Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome/diagnosis , Genetic Diseases, Inborn , Marfan Syndrome/diagnosisABSTRACT
Resumen: Las lesiones cutáneas por radiación (LCR) son una complicación infrecuente, con un estimado de 3.600 casos de lesiones mayores reportados en la actualidad. Presentamos un caso de lesión eritematosa mayor por radiación posterior a angioplastía coronaria fallida y en segundo tiempo angioplastía coronaria con rotablación.
Abstract: Cutaneous radiation injuries are an infrequent complication, with an estimated 3.600 cases of major injuries reported up to now. We present a case of a major erythematous lesion induced by radiation after failed coronary angioplasty and consecutive coronary rotablation.