Abstract Introduction: Epiphytes (vascular and non-vascular) are one of the most diverse groups in the Neotropics, but despite their importance in the functioning of many ecosystems, much of their taxonomy and ecology is still unknown in the dry forest of Colombia. Objective: To compare the diversity patterns and species composition of vascular and non-vascular epiphytes along tropical dry forest remnants of Cauca Valley, Colombia. Methods: Ten permanent plots (50 x 20 m2) were established in tropical dry forest remnants. The epiphytes were sampled in 40-50 trees per plot. Alpha and gamma diversity were calculated using the richness (q0) and Shannon index (q1) (alpha was estimated as the average for phorophytes). Beta diversity was measured using the Whitaker index. To evaluate the relationship between diversities and environmental variables, GLM analysis was used. Results: We found 50 morphospecies of vascular epiphytes, 77 of bryophytes and 290 of lichens. The 𝛼 and 𝛾 diversity of bryophytes from each remnant was significantly explained by temperature. The abundance of lichens per tree was significantly related with the DBH and tree height of each remnant. The 𝛼 diversity of vascular epiphytes shown can be explained by temperature and precipitation. The 𝛾 diversity was strongly influenced by the beta diversity in bryophytes and lichens. This pattern is because the sites with high disturbance present a lower diversity, as a consequence of a homogenizing effect, that is, a low turnover of species between sampling units. Conclusions: Precipitation and temperature affected the diversity of bryophytes and vascular epiphytes, while it did not show a relationship with the lichen's diversity, for which there is not a high congruence between the diversity and composition of these epiphytes.
Resumen Introducción: Los epífitos (vasculares y no vasculares) son uno de los más diversos grupos de plantas en el Neotrópico, pero a pesar de su importancia para el funcionamiento de varios ecosistemas, existen grandes vacíos en su conocimiento taxonómico y ecológico en el bosque seco de Colombia. Objetivo: Comparar los patrones de diversidad y composición de especies de epífitas vasculares y no vasculares a lo largo de remanentes de bosque seco tropical del Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Métodos: Se establecieron diez parcelas permanentes (50 x 20 m2) en remanentes de bosque seco tropical. Las epífitas se muestrearon en 40-50 árboles por parcela. La diversidad alfa y gamma se calculó utilizando la riqueza (q0) y el índice de Shannon (q1) (alfa se estimó como el promedio para los forófitos). La diversidad beta se midió utilizando el índice de Whitaker. Para evaluar la relación entre diversidades y variables ambientales se utilizó el análisis GLM. Resultados: Se encontraron 50 morfoespecies de epífitas vasculares, 77 de briófitas y 290 de líquenes. La diversidad de 𝛼 y 𝛾 de briófitas de cada remanente fue explicada significativamente por la temperatura. La abundancia de líquenes por árbol se relacionó significativamente con el DAP y la altura del árbol de cada remanente. La diversidad 𝛼 de epífitas vasculares que se muestra puede explicarse por la temperatura y la precipitación. La diversidad 𝛾 estuvo fuertemente influenciada por la diversidad beta en briófitas y líquenes. Este patrón se debe a que los sitios con alta perturbación presentan una menor diversidad, como consecuencia de un efecto homogeneizador, es decir, un bajo recambio de especies entre unidades de muestreo. Conclusiones: La precipitación y la temperatura afectaron la diversidad de briófitas y epífitas vasculares, mientras que no mostró relación con la diversidad de líquenes, por lo que no existe una alta congruencia entre la diversidad y composición de estas epífitas.
Plants/anatomy & histology , Plant Physiological Phenomena , Lichens/growth & development , ColombiaABSTRACT
In assessing the quality of seed lots, the vigor tests are complementary to the germination test and they identify differences in the degree of deterioration of the lots. For safflower, there is little information regarding these tests. In this way, the intention of this study was to adapt the accelerated aging test methodology to assess the physiological potential of safflower seeds (Carthamus tinctorius). For this purpose, 12 seed lots were evaluated for thousand-seed weight, germination, first germination count, seedling emergence test (emergence percentage, emergence speed index, relative emergence frequency and the initial, final and mean times) and accelerated aging. For the accelerated aging test, the traditional and saline methods were used. For this, the samples were conditioned in periods of 0, 8, 16, 24, 32 and 48 hours at 42 °C. Afterwards, they were submitted to the germination test, with evaluation of normal seedlings on the 3rd day. The 12 lots were evaluated within each period, in independent experiments. The data were submitted to analysis of variance and the means were compared using the Scott-Knott clustering method at 5% probability. In the traditional accelerated aging test the periods of 16, 24, 32 and 48 hours were more efficient in differentiating the lots in vigor levels, as they stratified the lots in three classes and the time of 8 hour classified the lots in two levels of vigor. In the accelerated saline aging method the time 32 hours were more efficient since it ranked seed lots at three levels of vigor and the periods of 8, 16 and 24 hour stratified the lots in two levels. In results obtained by the principal component analysis it was verified. The variables traditional accelerated aging for 24 and 32 hours correlated with emergence in the field. Therefore, the traditional accelerated aging test at 42 °C for 24 hours are promising for evaluating the physiological quality of safflower seeds.
Plant Physiological Phenomena , Carthamus tinctorius/physiologyABSTRACT
La fenología estudia los cambios estacionales en los ciclos de vida de los organismos. Una utilidad de la fenología, es que permite establecer periodos en que se pueden colectar semillas para programas de restauración ecológica. Por lo que, de abril de 2017 a mayo de 2019, en el volcán Tacaná, San Marcos, Guatemala, se estableció la estaciona-lidad, variación anual, sincronía, intensidad y duración de las fenofases reproductivas de Prunus lundelliana Standl. Aproximadamente cada 15 días, en 10 individuos se registró la presencia e intensidad de las flores (botones y abiertas) y frutos (inmaduros y maduros). Los datos se analizaron con estadística circular, encontrándose que todas la fenofases fueron estacionales y que solo el patrón de los frutos inmaduros varió significativamente entre los dos periodos. La sincronía fue principalmente alta y la intensidad no superó el 40%. En ambos periodos las intensidades menores las presentaron los frutos maduros (17 y 25%). Los índices de actividad e intensidad se correlacionaron significativamente, por lo que los ángulos medios fueron semejantes en las fenofases y periodos de estudio. Los picos de actividad-in-tensidad de las flores abiertas y de los frutos maduros ocurrieron durante los meses secos (noviembre-abril), patrón que se ha registrado en otros bosques nubosos. La duración de las fenofases varió entre 2.5-3.5 meses, siendo la más pequeña la de frutos maduros. Para fines de manejo, la colecta de frutos maduros puede hacerse desde mediados de marzo hasta finales de mayo, sin embargo, se sugiere hacerlo principalmente entre el 15 de abril y el 15 de mayo.
Phenology studies the seasonal changes in the life cycle of organisms. Phenological data allow to set the periods in which the seeds can be collected for ecological restoration programs. From April, 2017 to May, 2019, in Taca-ná volcano, San Marcos, Guatemala, it was established the seasonality, annual variation, synchrony, intensity, and duration of the reproductive phenophases of Prunus lundelliana Standl. About every 15 days, 10 individuals were observed and it was recorded the presence and intensity of flowers (buds and blossom flowers) and fruits (immature and mature fruits). The data was analyzed with circular statistics, finding that all the phenophases were seasonally distributed and only the immature fruits pattern significantly variated between the two periods. The synchrony was mainly high and the intensity did not exceed 40%. In both of the study periods, the lesser intensities were presented by the mature fruits (17 and 25%). The activity and intensity indexes were significantly correlated; therefore the mid angles were alike in the phenophases and study periods. The activity-intensity highs of blossom flowers and of mature fruits happened in the dry months (November to April), a pattern that has been registered in other cloud forests. The duration of the phenophases ranged from 2.5 to 3.5 months, being the shortest the mature fruits phenophase. For environmental management purposes, the collection of mature fruits can be done from the middle of March to the end of May, nonetheless, it should be done mainly between April 15th and May 15th.
Trees/growth & development , Forests , Plant Physiological Phenomena , Endangered Species , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Prunus/growth & development , Reproduction , Seasons , Seeds/growth & development , Tropical Climate , Volcanoes , Flowers/growth & development , Fruit/growth & development , GuatemalaABSTRACT
Objetivou-se avaliar o perfilhamento da Brachiaria brizantha cv. Piatã, como base para identificação das frequências e alturas pós-corte mais adequadas para essa gramínea forrageira. Em um esquema fatorial 2 x 2, foram estudadas combinações entre duas frequências de corte (95% e máxima interceptação de luz, ILmax) e duas alturas pós-corte (15 e 20cm). O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, totalizando 12 unidades experimentais de 14m2 cada. Foram avaliadas as taxas de aparecimento (TApP) e de mortalidade (TMoP) de perfilhos, o índice de estabilidade (IE) e a densidade populacional de perfilhos. A maior TApP no dossel sob IL de 95% ocorreu no Verão 1, em comparação às demais épocas. Nos dosséis manejados com ILmax, a TApP foi superior no Verão 1 e no Outono, quando comparados às outras épocas. No Verão 1 e no Final da Primavera e Verão 2, houve as maiores TMoP para as duas frequências de corte avaliadas. No Outono, a TMoP também foi alta no dossel cortado com ILmáx. O IE foi menor durante o Verão 1 no dossel sob ILmax e com 15cm de resíduo (0,995). Porém, nas demais épocas, os valores de índice de estabilidade foram maiores que uma unidade e não foram influenciados pela frequência e altura pós-corte. A densidade populacional de perfilhos foi menor no Verão 1, em comparação às demais épocas. O capim-piatã pode ser desfolhado com qualquer combinação entre as interceptações de luz, 95% e ILmax, e alturas pós-corte, 15 ou 20cm, sem prejudicar a persistência do pasto.(AU)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the tillering of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Piatã, as a basis for identifying the frequencies and post-cutting heights most suitable for this grass. In a 2 x 2 factorial scheme, combinations between two cut frequencies (95% and maximum light interception, IL max ) and two post-cut heights (15 and 20cm) were studied. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with 3 replicates, totaling 12 experimental units of 14m 2 each. Rates of appearance (TAR) and mortality (TMR) of tillers, the stability index and the population density of tillers were evaluated. The highest TAR in the canopy under 95% IL occurred in Summer 1, in comparison to the other seasons. In the canopies managed with IL max , TAR was higher in summer 1 and in autumn, when compared to other seasons. In summer 1 and at the end of spring and summer 2, there were the highest TMR for the two cutoff frequencies evaluated. In autumn, TMR was also high in the canopy cut with IL max . IE was lower during summer 1 in the canopy under IL max and 15cm of residue (0.995). However, at other times, stability index values were greater than one unit and were not influenced by post-cut frequency and height. The population density of tillers was lower in Summer 1, when compared to the other seasons. The piata grass may be defoliated with any combination of light intercepts, 95% and ILmax, and post-cut heights, 15 or 20cm, without impairing the persistence of pasture.(AU)
Sunlight , Plant Physiological Phenomena , Brachiaria/growth & developmentABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Drought is a major abiotic stress affecting global wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production. Exploration of drought-tolerant genes is essential for the genetic improvement of drought tolerance in wheat. Previous studies have shown that some histone encoding genes are involved in plant drought tolerance. However, whether the H2B family genes are involved in drought stress response remains unclear. METHODS: Here, we identified a wheat histone H2B family gene, TaH2B-7D, which was significantly up-regulated under drought stress conditions. Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) technology was used to further verify the function of TaH2B-7D in wheat drought tolerance. The phenotypic and physiological changes were examined in the TaH2B-7D knock-down plants. RESULTS: In the TaH2B-7D knock-down plants, relative electrolyte leakage rate and malonaldehyde (MDA) content significantly increased, while relative water content (RWC) and proline content significantly decreased compared with those in the non-knocked-down plants under drought stress conditions. TaH2B-7D knock-down plants exhibited severe sagging, wilting and dwarf phenotypes under drought stress conditions, but not in the non-knocked-down plants, suggesting that the former were more sensitive to drought stress. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that TaH2B-7D potentially plays a vital role in conferring drought tolerance in wheat.
Plant Proteins/genetics , Stress, Physiological/genetics , Triticum/genetics , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant/genetics , Gene Silencing , Droughts , Phenotype , Plant Proteins/metabolism , Stress, Physiological/physiology , Triticum/metabolism , Plants, Genetically Modified/genetics , Plant Physiological Phenomena/genetics , Real-Time Polymerase Chain ReactionABSTRACT
In the growth condition(s) of plants, numerous secondary metabolites (SMs) are produced by them to serve variety of cellular functions essential for physiological processes, and recent increasing evidences have implicated stress and defense response signaling in their production. The type and concentration(s) of secondary molecule(s) produced by a plant are determined by the species, genotype, physiology, developmental stage and environmental factors during growth. This suggests the physiological adaptive responses employed by various plant taxonomic groups in coping with the stress and defensive stimuli. The past recent decades had witnessed renewed interest to study abiotic factors that influence secondary metabolism during in vitro and in vivo growth of plants. Application of molecular biology tools and techniques are facilitating understanding the signaling processes and pathways involved in the SMs production at subcellular, cellular, organ and whole plant systems during in vivo and in vitro growth, with application in metabolic engineering of biosynthetic pathways intermediates.
Plant Growth Regulators/metabolism , Stress, Physiological/physiology , Plant Physiological Phenomena , Secondary Metabolism/physiology , Plants/metabolism , Signal Transduction , Plant Shoots/metabolism , Plant Roots/metabolism , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant/physiology , Cell Culture TechniquesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Among weeds, morning glories comprise a very important group of climbing plants that infest sugarcane crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the shoot and root interference of Merremia cissoides on the initial growth of sugarcane cultivar RB 966928. The experiment consisted of five treatment groups: (i) sugarcane monocropping, (ii) morning glory monocropping, (iii) sugarcane intertwined with morning glory but inseparate boxes, (iv) sugarcane intertwined with morning glory in attached boxes and (v) sugarcane with morning glory in attached boxes with morning glory prevented from intertwining with the sugarcane. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks with four replicates. Merremia cissoides adversely affected the initial growth of the RB 966928 sugarcane starting at 90 days after transplanting (DAT). This effect increased with the time of intercropping, reaching at 180 DAT with a reduction of 57.3% in height,15.5% in stalk diameter, 90.4% in leaf areas, 86.6 and 75.2% in stalk and leaf dry mass, respectively. These reductions primarily due to the weed intertwining with the sugarcane plants because the weed had a physical choking and shading effect. This negative effect of morning glory on the sugarcane plants increased when they shared the substrate (i.e., when they competed for space and water), which also adversely affected weed growth, reducing 50.2% leaf areas and 42.1% shoot dry mass. The leaf area and the stalk and leaf dry mass of sugarcane are the characteristics more sensitive to the weed interference. Thus, both the shoot and root of M. cissoides interferes negatively in the growth of sugarcane, with the effect proportional to the period of coexistence, highlighting the detrimental effect on the stem (greater economic interest), and may also compromise the mechanical harvesting of the crop.
Plant Shoots/physiology , Plant Roots/physiology , Crops, Agricultural/physiology , Convolvulaceae/physiology , Saccharum/growth & development , Plant Weeds/physiology , Time Factors , Random Allocation , Analysis of Variance , Plant Physiological Phenomena , Plant Leaves/physiology , Plant Development/physiology , Host-Seeking BehaviorABSTRACT
Abstract Cicadas are usually studied regarding their importance in agriculture. However, the possibility of this group to represent a pulse of nutrients can also imply on the success of a given species in the biome. The aim of this study was to assess the level of total soluble proteins and lipids of Fidicina mannifera (Fabricius, 1803), and to determine whether the species can promote a pulse of nutrients in two vegetation classes of the Brazilian Cerrado. To assess the pulse of nutrients, it was concluded the determination of total soluble proteins and lipids from samples of males and adult females of F. mannifera, and the spatial distribution of exuviae of this species was also calculated in two vegetation classes of the Brazilian Cerrado. The amount of protein provided by each individual did not differ between males and females (p = 0.66) but females had 40% more lipids than males (p = 0.05). Regarding F. mannifera the gallery forest offered 11.75 g/ha of protein, 3.91 g/ha of lipids, and the Cerrado stricto sensu offered 4.25 g/ha of protein, and 1.41 g/ha of lipid. The male cicadas have a hollow abdomen, which houses a resonance chamber for sound production in order to attract females to mate, and females store larger amounts of lipids, mainly located in the abdominal cavity, where the body fat is directly linked to the reproductive system for the development of the ovaries and egg production after emergence. The mass occurrence of F. mannifera in the Brazilian Cerrado and the fast availability of proteins and lipids make this species a food resource that can directly impact the diet of secondary consumers and scavengers, although the amount of nutrients available by F. mannifera does not promote a pulse of nutrients in the study site.
Resumo O interesse no estudo de cigarras geralmente é despertado pela sua importância na agricultura. Entretanto, a possibilidade de que este grupo represente um pulso de nutrientes pode também implicar no sucesso de sobrevivência de espécies importantes num determinado bioma. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o nível de proteínas solúveis e lipídios totais de Fidicina mannifera (Fabricius, 1803) e determinar se a espécie pode promover um pulso de nutrientes em duas fitofisionomias do Cerrado. Para avaliar o pulso de nutrientes, foram determinados os níveis de proteínas solúveis e lipídios totais de machos e fêmeas adultos de F. mannifera, e também a distribuição espacial de exúvias desta espécie, em duas fitofisionomias de Cerrado. A quantidade de proteínas disponibilizada por indivíduo não diferiu entre machos e fêmeas (p = 0,66), porém fêmeas apresentaram 40% mais lipídios do que machos (p = 0,05). Para mata de galeria F. mannifera ofertou 11,75 g/ha de proteína, 3,91 g/ha de lipídios, e no cerrado stricto sensu, 4,25 g/ha de proteína, e 1,41 g/ha de lipídio. Machos de cigarras possuem um abdômen oco, que abriga uma câmara de ressonância para a produção de som com o objetivo atração de fêmeas para acasalar, por outro lado as fêmeas armazenam maiores quantidades de lipídios, localizados principalmente na cavidade abdominal, onde a gordura corporal está diretamente ligada ao aparelho reprodutor para o desenvolvimento dos ovários, e produção de ovos após a emergência. A ocorrência em massa de F. mannifera no Cerrado, bem como a disponibilidade de proteínas e lipídios de fácil acesso, faz desta espécie um recurso alimentar que pode impactar diretamente na dieta de consumidores e detritívoros secundários, embora quantidade de nutrientes disponibilizados por F. mannifera não promova um pulso de nutrientes no local estudado.
Animals , Male , Female , Plant Physiological Phenomena , Insect Proteins/analysis , Grassland , Hemiptera/chemistry , Lipids/analysis , BrazilABSTRACT
Abstract In Cerrado, studies of post-fire vegetation recovery show that some herbaceous species are able to flower shortly after fires. However, these were mainly short-term studies that focused on grasslands and savannas. Little is known about the effects of fire on ground layer of forests that border the savannas in Central Brazil. Thus, an accidental burning gave us the opportunity to describe the reproductive activity of the ground layer vegetation after a fire event along a savanna-forest boundary at the IBGE Ecological Reserve, Brasília, Brazil. During the 16-month of the inventory, we registered 170 herbaceous species flowering or fruiting, of which 52 species (31%) may have been influenced by fire that changed their times of reproduction. In the savanna plots reproduction peaked at the end of the rainy season. Of the total number of reproducing species, 90 species occurred only in the savanna and four in the forest. Five herbs were recorded in the forest, savanna and border environments. Late dry season fire probably lead the majority of herbaceous species to have their reproduction spread throughout the study time.
Resumo No Cerrado, estudos de recuperação da vegetação pós-fogo mostram que algumas espécies herbáceas são capazes de florescer logo após queimadas. No entanto, esses foram principalmente estudos de curto prazo, que se concentraram em áreas campestres e savânicas. Pouco se sabe sobre os efeitos do fogo no sub-bosque de matas que margeiam as savanas do Brasil Central. Assim, uma queima acidental nos deu a oportunidade de descrever a atividade reprodutiva pós-fogo do estrato herbáceo ao longo de ecótono cerrado-mata na Reserva Ecológica do IBGE, Brasília, Brasil. Durante os 16 meses do inventário, foram registrados 170 espécies herbáceas com flores ou frutos, das quais 52 espécies (31%) podem ter sido influenciadas pelo fogo, que alterou suas épocas reprodutivas. Nas parcelas de cerrado, a reprodução teve seu pico ao final da estação chuvosa. Do número total de espécies, 90 ocorreram exclusivamente no cerrado e quatro na floresta. Cinco espécies herbáceas foram registradas na floresta, cerrado e borda. O fogo ao final da estação seca pode ter levado a maioria das plantas a se reproduzir através do período de estudo.
Plants/classification , Forests , Plant Physiological Phenomena , Grassland , Plant Development , Reproduction , Brazil , Biodiversity , FiresABSTRACT
Características produtivas e nutricionais de Brachiaria decumbens, submetida a condições de sombreamento (sol pleno, 20% e 70% de sombreamento), sem e com uso de fertilização (80 kg.ha-1 de N e K2O e 60 kg.ha-1 de P2O5), foram avaliadas no delineamento de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. As parcelas sombreadas foram alocadas em um sistema silvipastoril, enquanto aquelas a pleno sol foram avaliadas em um monocultivo de B. decumbens. O sombreamento severo promoveu reduções de 54% na massa seca verde, 59% na massa seca total e 58% na densidade volumétrica de forragem. Aumentos da massa de forragem e da densidade volumétrica em resposta ao fertilizante foram observados somente nas condições de sol pleno e sombreamento moderado. A adubação não influenciou nas características nutricionais da forragem, mas o sombreamento severo promoveu aumentos de 20 e 51% nos teores de clorofila e de proteína bruta, respectivamente. Reduções dos teores de fibra em detergente neutro e fibra em detergente ácido foram observadas com o sombreamento. Os teores de lignina e a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca não variaram com nenhum fator estudado (médias de 6,0 e 60,9%, respectivamente). A adubação de B. decumbens com dose moderada de NPK é recomendada para dosséis cultivados no sol pleno e sombreamento moderado, mas deve ser evitada em pastos severamente sombreados, pois não reflete aumento de massa de forragem nem melhorias de seu valor nutricional.(AU)
Productive and nutritional traits of Brachiaria decumbens, submitted to shading conditions (full sun, 20% and 70% shading) and fertilization levels (without or with 80 kg.ha-1 of N and K 2 O and 60 kg.ha-1 of P 2O5), were evaluated in a randomized complete block design, with four replications. The shading were allocated in a silvopastoral system, while full sun was obtained in an exclusive B. decumbens pasture. The severe shading reduced the green dry mass in 54%, total dry mass in 59% and the forage bulk density in 58%. Increases in the forage mass and forage bulk density in response to fertilization were observed only in full sun and moderate shade. The nutritional traits did not vary with fertilization, but the chlorophyll and crude protein contents increased 20 and 51% with severe shading, respectively. The neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber reduced with shade. The lignin content and in vitro dry matter digestibility did not vary with factors (average values of 6.0 and 60.9%, respectively). Fertilization with moderate dose of NPK is recommended to B. decumbens in full sun and moderate shading, but should be avoided in severely shaded pasture, because not reflected in improvement of forage mass and its nutritional traits.(AU)
Brachiaria/chemistry , Nutritive Value , Pasture/analysis , Plant Physiological Phenomena , SunlightABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Wild plant species with potential for use as ornamental green foliage are often reported. Nevertheless, there are few studies evaluating morphological and anatomical aspects associated with this use. Preliminary trials suggest that the species of Sphaeradenia (Sander ex Mast.) Harling, a Cyclantaceae that occurs from Costa Rica to Peru, is suitable to be used as fresh foliage because of attractiveness of their leaves in vase and its durability without showing tissue damage, compared with other genera of this family. Through the study of anatomical characters, it is possible to predict the potential of a species that can serve as ornamental foliage. In this study, three foliar anatomical features (thickness of the cuticle and leaf, and percentage of fibers in the mesophyll) of seven Cyclanthaceae species were evaluated, using anatomical techniques and image analysis with the LUCIA® and ImageJ softwares. Statistical analysis of the results suggests that this high durability is associated with the thickness of the cuticle and mesophyll, but not with the amount of fibers in the leaf.
Plant Physiological Phenomena , Plant Leaves/anatomy & histology , Plant Leaves/physiology , Mesophyll CellsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Background: Since 1960s, the organophosphate pesticide chlorpyrifos has been widely used for the purpose of pest control. However, given its persistence and toxicity towards life forms, the elimination of chlorpyrifos from contaminated sites has become an urgent issue. For this process bioremediation is the method of choice. Results: Two bacterial strains, JCp4 and FCp1, exhibiting chlorpyrifos-degradation potential were isolated from pesticide contaminated agricultural fields. These isolates were able to degrade 84.4% and 78.6% of the initial concentration of chlorpyrifos (100 mg L-1) within a period of only 10 days. Based on 16S rRNA sequence analysis, these strains were identified as Achromobacter xylosoxidans (JCp4) and Ochrobactrum sp. (FCp1). These strains exhibited the ability to degrade chlorpyrifos in sterilized as well as non-sterilized soils, and were able to degrade 93-100% of the input concentration (200 mg kg-1) within 42 days. The rate of degradation in inoculated soils ranged from 4.40 to 4.76 mg-1 kg-1 d-1 with rate constants varying between 0.047 and 0.069 d-1. These strains also displayed substantial plant growth promoting traits such as phosphate solubilization, indole acetic acid production and ammonia production both in absence as well as in the presence of chlorpyrifos. However, presence of chlorpyrifos (100 and 200 mg L-1) was found to have a negative effect on indole acetic acid production and phosphate solubilization with percentage reduction values ranging between 2.65-10.6% and 4.5-17.6%, respectively. Plant growth experiment demonstrated that chlorpyrifos has a negative effect on plant growth and causes a decrease in parameters such as percentage germination, plant height and biomass. Inoculation of soil with chlorpyrifos-degrading strains was found to enhance plant growth significantly in terms of plant length and weight. Moreover, it was noted that these strains degraded chlorpyrifos at an increased rate (5.69 mg-1 kg-1 d-1) in planted soil. Conclusion The results of this study clearly demonstrate that the chlorpyrifos-degrading strains have the potential to develop into promising candidates for raising the productivity of crops in pesticide contaminated soils.
Plants/microbiology , Bacteria/classification , Bacteria/metabolism , Plant Physiological Phenomena , Bacterial Physiological Phenomena , Chlorpyrifos/metabolism , Phenotype , Plant Growth Regulators/biosynthesis , Soil Microbiology , Bacteria/growth & development , Biodegradation, EnvironmentalABSTRACT
Abstract Aquatic plants can use differential allocation (trade-off) of carbon among their structures depending on the nutrition concentration. Given that N and P are limiting in the growth of plants, our questions were: Are the N and P concentrations in S. auriculata related to the biomass allocation to its structures? Is a differential allocation of N and P between floating and submerged leaves? We evaluated the relation between the nutrients and the biomass allocation, and the trade-off among the leaves using the Spearman correlation. Our results showed that N and P concentrations in S. auriculata are related to the biomass allocation to its structures, and that there is no trade-off of these nutrients between “shoot and root”. Thus, we can see the importance of N and P concentration in the biomass of S. auriculata, and why this plant is capable to development in different environments as a weedy.
Resumo Plantas aquáticas podem realizar alocação diferencial (trade-off) de carbono entre as suas estruturas dependo da disponibilidade de nutrientes. Considerando que N e P são limitantes para o crescimento de plantas, nossas perguntas foram: As concentrações de N e P em S. auriculata estão relacionadas com a alocação de biomassa para suas estruturas? Existe alocação diferencial de N e P entre os folíolos aéreos e a “raiz”? Avaliamos a relação entre os nutrientes e a biomassa, e o trade-off entre as folhas utilizando correlação de Spearman. Os resultados encontrados mostram que as concentrações de N e P em S. auriculata estão relacionadas com a alocação de biomassa para as suas estruturas, e que não há um trade-off de N e P entre os folíolos aéreos e a “raiz”. Dessa maneira, é possível observar a importância de N e P no ganho de biomassa de S. auriculata, e porque a espécie é capaz de se desenvolver em diferentes ambientes como uma planta daninha.
Phosphorus/analysis , Phosphorus/metabolism , Plant Physiological Phenomena , Plant Weeds/physiology , Nitrogen/analysis , Nitrogen/metabolism , Carbon/metabolism , Statistics as Topic , Plant Leaves/growth & development , Biomass , Hydrobiology/methodsABSTRACT
Maize plants can establish beneficial associations with plant growth-promoting bacteria. However, few studies have been conducted on the characterization and inoculation of these bacteria in the Amazon region. This study aimed to characterize endophytic bacteria isolated from maize in the Amazon region and to assess their capacity to promote plant growth. Fifty-five bacterial isolates were obtained from maize grown in two types of ecosystems, i.e., a cerrado (savanna) and a forest area. The isolates were characterized by the presence of the nifH gene, their ability to synthesize indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and solubilize calcium phosphate (CaHPO4), and 16S rRNA partial gene sequencing. Twenty-four bacteria contained the nifH gene, of which seven were isolated from maize plants cultivated in a cerrado area and seventeen from a forest area. Fourteen samples showed the capacity to synthesize IAA and only four solubilized calcium phosphate. The following genera were found among these isolates: Pseudomonas; Acinetobacter; Enterobacter; Pantoea; Burkholderia and Bacillus. In addition, eight isolates with plant growth-promoting capacity were selected for a glasshouse experiment involving the inoculation of two maize genotypes (a hybrid and a variety) grown in pots containing soil. Inoculation promoted the development of the maize plants but no significant interaction between maize cultivar and bacterial inoculation was found. A high diversity of endophytic bacteria is present in the Amazon region and these bacteria have potential to promote the development of maize plants.
Plantas de milho podem estabelecer associações benéficas com bactérias promotoras do crescimento vegetal. No entanto, poucos estudos de caracterização e inoculação com essas bactérias foram realizados na região Amazônica. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar bactérias endofíticas isoladas de milho na região Amazônica e avaliar sua capacidade de promover o crescimento. Cinquenta e cinco isolados bacterianos foram obtidos de plantas de milho cultivadas em diferentes tipos de ecossistemas, cerrado (savana) e área de floresta. Estes foram caracterizados pela presença do gene nifH, capacidade de sintetizar ácido indol-3-acético (AIA), solubilizar fosfato de cálcio (CaHPO4) e sequenciamento parcial do gene 16S rRNA. Vinte e quatro bactérias apresentaram o gene nifH. Destas, sete são oriundas de plantas cultivadas em uma área de cerrado e 17 em área de floresta. Quatorze bactérias demonstraram a capacidade de solubilizar AIA e quatro de solubilizar fosfato de cálcio. Entre estas bactérias, foram encontrados os seguintes gêneros: Pseudomonas; Acinetobacter; Enterobacter; Pantoea; Burkholderia e Bacillus. Oito isolados com capacidade de promoção do crescimento vegetal foram selecionados para experimento em casa de vegetação com a inoculação em dois diferentes genótipos de milho (um híbrido e uma variedade) em vasos com solo. Quanto à promoção de crescimento vegetal, a inoculação promoveu o desenvolvimento de plantas de milho, mas não foi encontrada interação significativa entre a cultivar de milho e a inoculação bacteriana. Na região Amazônica há uma diversidade de bactérias endofíticas e estas possuem potencial para promover o desenvolvimento de plantas de milho.
Endophytes , Plant Physiological Phenomena , Nitrogen Fixation , RNA, Plant , Zea mays/growth & development , Acinetobacter , Bacillus , Burkholderia , Enterobacter , Pantoea , PseudomonasABSTRACT
It has been established that a decrease in the population of Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus associated with sugarcane occurs after nitrogen fertilization. This fact could be due to a direct influence of NH4NO3 on bacterial cells or to changes in plant physiology after fertilizer addition, affecting bacterial establishment. In this work, we observed that survival of G. diazotrophicus was directly influenced when 44.8 mM of NH4NO3 (640 mg N/plant) was used for in vitro experiments. Furthermore, micropropagated sugarcane plantlets were inoculated with G. diazotrophicus and used for split root experiments, in which both ends of the system were fertilized with a basal level of NH4NO3 (0.35 mM; 10 mg N/plant). Twenty days post inoculation (dpi) one half of the plants were fertilized with a high dose of NH4NO3 (6.3 mM; 180 mg N/plant) on one end of the system. This nitrogen level was lower than that directly affecting G. diazotrophicus cells; however, it caused a decrease in the bacterial population in comparison with control plants fertilized with basal nitrogen levels. The decrease in the population of G. diazotrophicus was higher in pots fertilized with a basal nitrogen level when compared with the corresponding end supplied with high levels of NH4NO3 (100 dpi; 80 days post fertilization) of the same plant system. These observations suggest that the high nitrogen level added to the plants induce systemic physiological changes that affect the establishment of G. diazotrophicus.
La población de Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus asociada a la caña de azúcar disminuye después de la fertilización nitrogenada, lo cual podría ocurrir por la influencia directa del NH4NO3 sobre la supervivencia bacteriana, o por cambios en la fisiología de las plantas, que impiden el establecimiento bacteriano. En el presente trabajo se observó que en experimentos in vitro la supervivencia de G. diazotrophicus fue influenciada por 44,8 mM de NH4NO3 (640 mg N/plant). Además, G. diazotrophicus fue inoculado en plántulas micropropagadas de caña de azúcar, que fueron usadas para realizar experimentos de raíz dividida, en las que ambos extremos de los sistemas se fertilizaron con un nivel basal de NH4NO3 (0,35 mM; 10 mg N/planta). A los 20 días posteriores a la inoculación (dpi), la mitad de plantas fueron fertilizadas en uno de sus extremos con una dosis elevada de NH4NO3 (6,3 mM; 180 mg of N/plant). Este nivel fue menor al que afectó directamente a las células de G. diazotrophicus; sin embargo, provocó una disminución de la población bacteriana en comparación con plantas testigo fertilizadas con niveles basales de nitrógeno. La disminución de la población fue mayor para raíces fertilizadas con un nivel basal de nitrógeno en comparación con las raíces fertilizadas con altos niveles del mismo sistema de plantas (100 dpi; 80 días posfertilización). Estas observaciones indican que el alto nivel de nitrógeno añadido a las plantas inducen cambios fisiológicos sistémicos que afectan el establecimiento de G. diazotrophicus.
Plant Physiological Phenomena , Gluconacetobacter/drug effects , Fertilizers/adverse effects , Plant Physiological Phenomena , Saccharum/growth & development , Saccharum/physiology , Fertilizers/analysisABSTRACT
AbstractLitterfall has a strong influence on biodiversity and on the chemical and physical characteristics of the soil. Its production can be quite variable over time and space, and can be influenced by both natural and anthropogenic factors. We evaluated litterfall production and its relationship with rainfall, species richness, and the densities of the arboreal vegetation. Thirty litter traps were constructed with 1.0 m2 nylon mesh (1.0 mm) and randomly installed within a 2000 m × 500 m area of arboreal/shrub Caatinga (dryland) vegetation. Litter samples were collected monthly from November/2010 to June/2012, and the collected material was classified, dried, and weighted. Species richness and tree densities were determined by conducting phytosociological surveys in 20 m × 20 m plots surrounding each of the litter traps. The litterfall accumulation rate was 3.673 Mgha–1yr–1, similar to values from other seasonally dry tropical forests. Litterfall production was continuous, and principally accompanied the rainfall rate, but with a time interval of 2 to 3 months, with the greatest accumulation at the beginning of the dry season and the least during the rainy season. The different fractions of materials demonstrated distinct accumulation rates, with leaves being the principal category. Litterfall production was found to be related to tree density, but no link was found to species richness. The observed temporal heterogeneity of litterfall production demonstrated a strong link between rainfall and the dynamics of nutrient cycling in the semiarid region of Brazil.
ResumoA serapilheira exerce forte influência sobre a biodiversidade e as características físicas e químicas do solo. Sua produção pode ser bastante variável no tempo e no espaço e pode ser influenciada por fatores naturais e antropogênicos. Este estudo buscou avaliar a taxa de produção de serapilheira e a sua relação com a precipitação, riqueza de espécies e densidade da vegetação arbórea. No interior de uma área de 2000 m × 500 m foram sorteados aleatoriamente 30 pontos amostrais e em cada um deles instalado um coletor de aço de 1,0 m2. As coletas ocorreram mensalmente de novembro de 2010 a junho de 2012. O material coletado foi triado, secado e pesado. A riqueza de espécies e a densidade de árvores foram obtidas através de estudo fitossociológico em 30 parcelas de 20 m × 20 m. Foi registrada uma produção de serapilheira de 3,673 Mgha–1yr–1, taxa condizente com os valores encontrados para florestas tropicais sazonalmente secas. A produção de serapilheira foi contínua entre os meses, acompanhando principalmente o efeito tardio da precipitação (dois a três meses anteriores) e apresentou maior deposição no período do início da estação seca e menor no chuvoso. As frações do material apresentaram taxas de contribuição distintas, sendo a de folha a maior contribuinte. A produção de serapilheira também foi relacionada com a densidade de árvores, porém não houve relação com a riqueza de espécies. A heterogeneidade temporal da produção de serapilheira evidencia a forte ligação entre as chuvas e a dinâmica de ciclagem de nutrientes na região semiárida do Brasil.
Biodiversity , Forests , Plant Physiological Phenomena , Rain , Brazil , Population DensityABSTRACT
As interações entre as plantas cultivadas e os outros organismos do agroecossistema podem afetar as características dos alimentos, trazendo implicações que abrangem desde as condições socioeconômicas dos produtores até a qualidade nutricional e sensorial dos produtos agrícolas. No caso de agroecossistemas equilibrados, a conservação da biodiversidade na propriedade contribui para diminuir a dependência de insumos externos, principalmente para o controle de pragas e doenças. Nesse sentido a produção de bananas no Vale do Ribeira constitui um mosaico de agroecossistemas, que pressionam os maiores e mais conservados remanescentes florestais de Mata Atlântica. A banana é um fruto climatérico típico, que mostrou grande potencial para o presente estudo, primeiro por ter boa parte de seus processos bioquímicos parcialmente elucidados, segundo, por apresentar seu genoma sequenciado e, terceiro, por ser um cultivo que permeia as áreas de Mata Atlântica do Vale do Ribeira. A perspectiva de análise do Proteoma label-free do fruto foi escolhida por sua ampla capacidade de compreensão de respostas biológicas, especialmente em delineamentos experimentais inéditos como esse, onde não é possível fazer grandes especulações acerca da resposta esperada. Dessa forma, inserido a um projeto de objetivo mais amplo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da biodiversidade atlântica no entorno do agroecossistema sobre a expressão de proteínas das bananas, considerando os aspectos físico-químicos, fisiológicos e bioquímicos, de modo a estimar as vias metabólicas influenciadas por esta condição ambiental. O projeto foi desenvolvido a partir da comparação de duas áreas comerciais de bananicultura que possuem idade e tratos culturais idênticos, sendo que a única diferença é que uma delas encontra-se cercada exclusivamente pelo monocultivo de bananeiras (parcela Controle) e a outra possui 60% do perímetro adjacente a um fragmento de Mata Atlântica (parcela Biodiversidade). Foi utilizada uma estratégia holística, contemplando diversos fatores do ambiente (fertilidade do solo e aspectos climáticos), da fisiologia da bananeira (diagnose foliar e infestação por doenças) e da banana (aspectos de qualidade, comportamento pós-colheita e proteoma da polpa). Os resultados mostram que as plantas da parcela biodiversidade apresentaram menor Índice de Severidade de Sigatoka Negra e produziram frutos com maior vida verde. Em relação ao Proteoma, as vias do Ciclo do ácido cítrico, do Metabolismo do piruvato e da Alanina, aspartato e glutamato foram as mais alteradas entre os frutos das duas parcelas, sinalizando uma maior tendência na síntese de ácidos graxos nos frutos da parcela Biodiversidade, que parece ter sido desviada para a síntese de aminoácidos nos frutos da parcela Controle. Algumas evidências reunidas sugerem que a presença da biodiversidade da Mata Atlântica no entorno do agroecossistema favorece o restabelecimento da homeostase vegetal, trazendo efeitos benéficos para o cultivo e para o fruto
Food quality is affected by crop and other agroecosystem organism interaction. These are a broad and diverse field of study, with unclear central issues, implying since socioeconomic condition of the producer, up to food quality, in terms of nutritional and sensorial issues. In this sense, banana production on Vale do Ribeira represents an agroecosystem mosaic, among the hugest and most conserved remaining Atlantic forest. Banana is a climacteric fruit with great potential for this study, firstly because its biochemical processes has been partially clarified, secondly, because its genome is already sequenced and, finally, because its cultivation area is surrounded by Atlantic forest areas from Vale do Ribeira. Proteomic label-free has been chosen, because of its great capability to understand biological response, especially in unprecedented experimental approaches, in which expectations cannot be done. Thereby, inserted on a broader project, the aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of Atlantic forest biodiversity surrounding the agroecosystem on protein expression of banana fruit, considering physic-chemical, physiological and biochemical aspects, in order to highlight metabolic pathways influenced by this environmental condition. The development of this project is based on the comparison of two banana commercial plots, with similar age and cultural practices, being the only difference between plots the presence of an Atlantic forest remanant on 60% of the Biodiversity plot, while the Control plot is exclusively surrounded by banana crop. It has been adopted an holistic approach, including several environmental factors (soil fertility and climatic factors), crop physiology factors (foliar diagnosis and disease severity) and banana fruit (quality attributes, post-harvest behavior and pulp proteome). Results revealed a reduction on disease severity and a longer fruit greenlife, which represents the time available to transport and marketing, for plants of the Biodiversity plot. The Proteome has shown alterations on metabolic pathways, as Citric acid cycle, Piruvate metabolism and Alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism, suggesting a greater tendency on fatty acid biosynthesis on fruits from Biodiversity plots, whereas fruits from Control plot seems to enhance amino acid biosynthesis. Some evidence suggest that the Atlantic forest surrounding the agroecosystem can be helpful to plant homeostasis, with benefits to the crop and fruit
Crop Production , Musa/physiology , Biodiversity , Biochemistry , Plant Physiological Phenomena , Proteome/analysisABSTRACT
A banana é um fruto consumido no mundo todo e, ao contrário do que acontece na maioria dos países nos quais predomina o grupo Cavendish, uma grande variedade de cultivares são consumidas nas diferentes regiões do Brasil. No entanto, as informações bioquímicas e fisiológicas a respeito das cultivares consumidas no país são ainda restritas e, apesar de serem muito diferentes entre si, são tratadas da mesma maneira na pré e pós-colheita, o que muitas vezes compromete a qualidade do fruto. Diante disso, dois pontos são fundamentais para a obtenção de frutos de melhor qualidade: a definição do ponto de colheita e o tratamento dos frutos com etileno após a colheita. Hoje a colheita é feita em função do diâmetro dos frutos e o tratamento com etileno é o mesmo para todas as cultivares. Porém, frutos com o mesmo diâmetro nem sempre estão no mesmo estágio de maturidade fisiológica e, usualmente, o tratamento pós-colheita feito com etileno, visando o amadurecimento mais rápido e uniforme dos frutos, não segue nenhuma orientação técnica. A consequência da falta de critérios definidos para a colheita e para a aplicação de etileno resulta em bananas com baixa qualidade e com vida-de-prateleira curta. A produção de banana é dificultada pelos problemas fitossanitários que ocorrem nas plantações, incluindo doenças como as Sigatokas Negra e Amarela e o Mal-do-Panamá. Tendo em vista a ameaça que as doenças da bananeira representam e os prejuízos que podem causar, a introdução de cultivares resistentes é a melhor forma para reduzir a pressão desses patógenos sobre a cultura. Por ser resistente às Sigatokas e ao Mal de Panamá este trabalho visou conhecer melhor a cultivar Thap Maeo (Musa acuminata AAB cv. Thap Maeo) que tem como defeito principal uma vida-de-prateleira muito curta. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: (1) estabelecer o ponto de colheita das bananas da cultivar Thap Maeo utilizando a metodologia da soma de temperatura a que a planta está exposta durante o desenvolvimento dos frutos; (2) estabelecer, a partir da caracterização físico-química dos frutos, o teor ideal de etileno exógeno para promover o amadurecimento uniforme dos frutos e, (3) estudar o balanço hormonal no amadurecimento dos frutos. Em uma primeira etapa foi implantado um experimento de campo para determinar a Temperatura Base e a Idade Fisiológica Máxima para esta cultivar. Estes parâmetros são necessários para o cálculo da idade fisiológica e na determinação do ponto de colheita. Com o término desta etapa, foram realizadas colheitas de frutos em diferentes épocas do ano para confirmar a metodologia usada. Foi possível estabelecer uma metodologia para estimar o ponto de colheita dos frutos de acordo com a estação do ano em que estes se desenvolveram. Para estabelecer o teor ideal de etileno exógeno aplicado na pós-colheita, os frutos foram testados com diferentes concentrações de etileno (0 a 1000 ppm) em dose única. Os resultados indicam que mesmo as menores concentrações de etileno aplicadas promovem o amadurecimento uniforme dos frutos, sem diferenças aparentes entre os tratamentos. Além disso, as análises do perfil de compostos voláteis da polpa indicam que a maior diferença entre o aroma dos tratamentos é entre frutos tratados e não tratados. Os frutos que não foram tratados apresentaram maior quantidade de compostos identificados. Em todas as colheitas realizadas, o período entre o início do amadurecimento e o amadurecimento completo dos frutos foi consideravelmente curto se comparado a bananas do subgrupo Nanica. Para melhor compreender estes resultados, além do etileno, foram quantificados os teores livres dos hormônios ácido indol-3-acético (AIA) e ácido abcísico (ABA). Em comparação com estudos anteriores, com cultivares do subgrupo Nanica, a cultivar Thap Maeo produz mais etileno e ABA durante o amadurecimento, além de apresentar menores teores de AIA quando verde. Estas diferenças hormonais podem explicar o curto período de amadurecimento desta cultivar
Banana is an important staple food. Unlike the world Market, which has only the Cavendish Bananas as export bananas, Brazilian market has many Bananas varieties. However, biochemical and physiological information about these varieties are still scarce and different bananas cultivars are treated the same way in pre or post-harvest, which often affects the quality of the fruit. In this context, two issues are important to reach best fruit quality: definition of harvest time and the exogenous ethylene treatment. Now a day the harvest time is defined by the diameter of the fruits and the ethylene treatment is equal for all cultivars. However, fruits with the same diameter not always are in the same development grade and the post-harvest ethylene treatment, aiming a faster and uniform ripening, does not follow any technical recommendation. The consequences for the lack of criteria in the harvest and for the ethylene treatment might be a low quality and shelf life banana. Banana production is hampered by plant health problems occurring in the production fields, including the diseases such as the Sigatokas and the Panama Wilt. Given the threat of the banana diseases, and the damage they can cause, the introduction of resistant cultivars is the best way to reduce the pressure of these pathogens on this crop. Being resistant to Sigatokas and Panama diseases, this work aimed to know better the cultivar Thap Maeo (Musa acuminata AAB cv. Thap Maeo) whose main defect is a short shelf life. The objectives of this work were: (1) to establish the harvest time of Thap Maeo bananas using the thermal sum techniques, (2) using the physico-chemical characterization of the fruit, establish the ideal concentration of exogenous ethylene to promote uniform ripening of fruits and (3) study the hormonal balance in the fruit ripening. The first step was a field experiment to determine the base temperature and the maximum physiological age. These parameters are used to calculate the thermal sum. The next step was to harvest fruits from different times of the year to confirm the methodology. It was established a methodology to estimate the harvest time according to the season in which the fruit has developed. Five ethylene concentration were tested (0-1000 ppm). Results showed that even the low ethylene concentration applied could promote the uniform ripening of the fruits with no apparent differences between the treatments. Furthermore, the analysis of volatile compounds in the pulp indicate that the major difference between the aroma of treatments is between treated and untreated fruits. The fruits that were not treated showed a higher amount of identified compounds. For all harvested fruits, the period between the ripening start and full ripening of the fruit was short when compared to the Nanica bananas. Levels of the hormones indole-3-acetic acid and abscisic acid, in addition to ethylene, were quantified to better understand these results. Compared to previous studies, with cultivars of Nanica subgroup, the cultivar Thap Maeo produce more ethylene and ABA during ripening, and have lower IAA level in the green stage. These hormonal differences may explain the short maturity period of this cultivar
Abscisic Acid/analysis , Crops, Agricultural/metabolism , Ethylenes/toxicity , Biochemistry , Plant Physiological Phenomena , Volatile Organic Compounds/classificationABSTRACT
A competição das plantas daninhas com as culturas reduz o fornecimento de alguns recursos para as espécies, ocasionando deficiências que culminam em alterações nas características fisiológicas relacionadas à fotossíntese, como a deficiência hídrica e nutricional e a baixa qualidade ou quantidade de luminosidade. Assim, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar o efeito da competição e do manejo de plantas daninhas nas características fisiológicas de plantas de feijoeiro. Utilizou-se delineamento em blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram: plantas de feijoeiro submetidas à aplicação da mistura de herbicidas fomesafen+fluazifop-p-butyl (Robust®), cultivadas isoladamente e em competição com capim-marmelada (Brachiaria plantaginea), caruru (Amaranthus hybridus) e picão-preto (Bidens pilosa). As plantas de picão-preto foram as que mais afetam as características fisiológicas do feijoeiro, influenciando negativamente o consumo de CO2, a transpiração, a condutância estomática e principalmente a taxa fotossintética. Estes resultados podem estar relacionados ao fato dessa espécie daninha ser altamente eficiente no uso da água. A mistura de herbicidas fomesafen+fluazifop-p-butyl reduziu a taxa fotossintética do feijoeiro.
The weed competition with crops leads to lower supply of some resources for the species, causing deficiencies that culminate in changes in physiological characteristics related to photosynthesis, such as water deficiency and low nutritional quality or quantity of light. So aim with this study was to evaluate the effect of weed competition and management on physiological characteristics of bean plants. The experimental design comprised randomized blocks with four replications. The treatments were: bean plants subjected to the application of the herbicide mixture fomesafen + fluazifop-p-butyl (Robust ®), grown in isolation, in competition with alexandergrass (Brachiaria plantaginea), pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus) and beggar-ticks (Bidens pilosa). The plants are beggartick that most affect the physiological characteristics of bean, negatively influencing the consumption of CO2, transpiration, stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate mainly for these results may be related to this photo weed be highly efficient water use. The herbicides mixture fomesafen + fluazifop-p-butyl reduced the photosynthetic rate of the bean plants.
Photosynthesis , Plant Physiological Phenomena , Phaseolus , Plant WeedsABSTRACT
Species of Plocamium are known as prolific sources of halogenated secondary metabolites exhibiting few explored ecological roles. In this study the crude extracts from specimens of P. brasiliense collected in two distinct places, Enseada do Forno and Praia Rasa, Búzios, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, were evaluated as defense against the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus and the crab Acanthonyx scutiformis. These specimens produce a similar amount of crude extract and also halogenated monoterpene compound-types, but individuals of P. brasiliense from Praia Rasa exhibit a major compound representing about 59% of the total chemicals. Natural concentrations of the crude extracts obtained from both specimens of P. brasiliense significantly inhibited the herbivory by the sea urchin L. variegatus, but had no significant effect on the feeding by A. scutiformis, a crab commonly associated to chemically defended host. Crude extract from P. brasiliense collected at Praia Rasa was more efficient as defense against L. variegatus than that crude extract from populations of this alga from Enseada do Forno, probably due to presence of a major secondary metabolite. These two studied population live under different environmental conditions, but they are only about 30 Km apart. However, it is impossible to affirm that environmental characteristics (abiotic or biotic) would be responsible for the difference of defensive potential found in the two populations of P. brasiliense studied here. Further genetic studies will be necessary to clarify this question and to explain why populations of a single species living in different but close locations can exhibit distinct chemicals.
Espécies de Plocamium são conhecidas como fontes prolíficas de metabólitos secundários halogenados com significados ecológicos pouco conhecidos. Neste trabalho extratos brutos de espécimes de P. brasiliense coletados em duas localidades distintas, Enseada do Forno e Praia Rasa, Búzios, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, foram avaliados como defesa química contra o ouriço Lytechinus variegatus e o caranguejo Acanthonyx scutiformis. Estes espécimes produzem teores similares de extrato bruto e tipos de substâncias monoterpenos halogenados, mas os indivíduos da Praia Rasa possui um componente majoritário representando 59% do total de metabólitos. Concentrações naturais dos extratos brutos destes espécimes inibiram significativamente o consumo por L. variegatus, mas não causaram qualquer efeito sobre A. scutiformis, um caranguejo comumente associado a P. brasiliense, um hospedeiro quimicamente defendido. O extrato bruto de P. brasiliense coletada na Praia Rasa foi mais eficiente como defesa frente a L. variegatus do que aquele obtido de população desta alga da Enseada do Forno, provavelmente pela presença de uma substância majoritária. Estas duas populações de P. brasiliense estudadas vivem sob diferentes condições ambientais, mas distantes somente cerca de 30 km. Entretanto, é impossível afirmar que características ambientais (abióticas ou bióticas) seriam responsáveis pelas diferenças de potencial defensivo encontrados nestas duas populações de P. brasiliense estudadas. Futuros estudos genéticos são necessários para esclarecer esta questão e para explicar porque populações de uma mesma espécie vivendo em regiões tão próximas, mas ambientalmente distintas, produzem substâncias distintas.