Objetivo: examinar os efeitos das abordagens herbais na mucosite oral em pacientes adultos com câncer. Método: revisão sistemática seguindo as diretrizes da Cochrane, com uma busca por estudos experimentais e randomizados entre 2013 e 2023. Foram incluídos estudos em inglês sobre intervenções herbais em pacientes com mais de 18 anos. Resultados: foram avaliados oito estudos que usaram intervenções herbais para tratar a mucosite oral. As ervas testadas incluíram aloe vera, raiz de althaea, cúrcuma, camomila, vinagre de uva, água de rosas, suco de frutas/vegetais e extrato de amoreira. As intervenções variaram em frequência e duração, mas mostraram resultados positivos, reduzindo a intensidade da mucosite oral, dor e outros sintomas. Algumas intervenções foram tão eficazes quanto tratamentos convencionais como a clorexidina. Conclusão: a pesquisa sugere que abordagens herbais podem ser benéficas no manejo da mucosite oral em pacientes com câncer, mas mais estudos são necessários para confirmar esses resultados
Objective: to examine the effects of herbal approaches on oral mucositis in adult cancer patients. Method: systematic review following Cochrane guidelines, with a search for experimental and randomized studies from 2013 to 2023. English studies on herbal interventions in patients over 18 years were included. Results: eight studies that used herbal interventions to treat oral mucositis were evaluated. The herbs tested included aloe vera, althaea root, turmeric, chamomile, grape vinegar, rose water, fruit/vegetable juice, and mulberry extract. The interventions varied in frequency and duration but showed positive results, reducing oral mucositis inten-sity, pain, and other symptoms. Some interventions were as effective as conventional treatments like chlorhexidine. Conclusion: the research suggests that herbal approaches can be beneficial in managing oral mucositis in cancer patients, but more studies are needed to confirm these results
Objetivo: examinar los efectos de los enfoques herbales en la mucositis oral en pacientes adultos con cáncer. Método: revisión sistemática siguiendo las directrices de Cochrane, con una búsqueda de estudios experimentales y aleatorizados entre 2013 y 2023. Se incluyeron estudios en inglés sobre intervenciones herbales en pacientes mayores de 18 años. Resultados: se evaluaron ocho estudios que utilizaron intervenciones herbales para tratar la mucositis oral. Las hierbas probadas incluyeron aloe vera, raíz de althaea, cúrcuma, manzanilla, vinagre de uva, agua de rosas, jugo de frutas/verduras y extracto de moras. Las intervenciones variaron en frecuencia y duración, pero mostraron resultados positivos, reduciendo la intensidad de la mucositis oral, el dolor y otros síntomas. Algunas intervenciones fueron tan eficaces como tratamientos convencionales como la clorhexidina. Conclusión: la investigación sugiere que los enfoques herbales pueden ser beneficiosos para el manejo de la mucositis oral en pacientes con cáncer, pero se nece-sitan más estudios para confirmar estos resultados
Humans , Male , Female , Plant Preparations/therapeutic use , Mucositis , NeoplasmsABSTRACT
Objetivo:Identificar propriedades químicas e farmacológicas do gênero Copaifera no tratamento de lesões e feridas. Método: Revisão integrativa da literatura realizada nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE, PubMed, Taylor & Francis e Scopus, em janeiro de 2022, por meio da estratégia de busca: "Chemical Properties" AND "Copaifera" AND "Wounds and Injuries" e "Pharmacology" AND "Copaifera" AND "Wounds and Injuries". Foram incluídos artigos originais, de texto completo, identificados de acordo nível de evidência, redigidos em português, inglês ou espanhol. Resultados: Na busca primária foram encontrados 261 artigos. Após a seleção sistematizada, 12 estudos foram selecionados para análise qualitativa. Espécies do gênero Copaifera apresentam propriedades farmacológicas favoráveis ao tratamento de feridas: controle da dor inflamatória, diminuição da reação inflamatória, reepitelização e reparo tecidual, angiogênese, retração da ferida e remodelagem de cicatrizes. Dentre as propriedades químicas associadas ao tratamento de lesões, destacam-se presença de compostos bioativos: diterpenos, 3-hidroxi-copálico, sesquiterpenos, éster kolavic-15-metílico. Entre os diterpenos testados, o caurenoico e os ácidos copálicos mostraram atividades hemolíticas significativas. Apenas o ácido copálico e o ácido hardwíckiico inibiram a produção de óxido nítrico em macrófagos ativados por lipopolissacarídeos. Conclusão: As plantas do gênero Copaifera apresentam propriedades químicas e farmacológicas favoráveis ao tratamento de lesões e feridas
Objective:To identify chemical and pharmacological properties of Copaifera in the treatment of injuries and wounds. Method: Integrative literature review conducted in the LILACS, MEDLINE, PubMed, Taylor & Francis and Scopus databases in January 2022, using the search strategy: "Chemical Properties" AND "Copaifera" AND "Wounds and Injuries" and "Pharmacology" AND "Copaifera" AND "Wounds and Injuries." Original articles, full text, identified according to level of evidence, written in Portuguese, English or Spanish, were included. Results: In the primary search 261 articles were found. After systematized selection, 12 studies were selected for qualitative analysis. Species of the genus Copaifera have pharmacological properties favorable for wound treatment: control of inflammatory pain, reduction of inflammatory reaction, tissue reepithelialization and repair, angiogenesis, wound retraction and scar remodeling. Among the chemical properties associated with the treatment of injuries, the presence of bioactive compounds stand out: diterpenes, 3-hydroxy-copalic, sesquiterpenes, kolavic-15-methyl ester. Among the tested diterpenes, kaurenoic and copalic acids showed significant hemolytic activities. Only copalic acid and hardwickiic acid inhibited nitric oxide production in lipopolysaccharide-activated macrophages. Conclusion: Plants of the genus Copaifera have chemical and pharmacological properties favorable for the treatment of injuries and wounds.
Objetivo:Identificar las propiedades químicas y farmacológicas del género Copaifera en el tratamiento de lesiones y heridas. Método: Revisión integradora de la literatura realizada en las bases de datos LILACS, MEDLINE, PubMed, Taylor & Francis y Scopus, en enero de 2022, mediante la estrategia de búsqueda: "Chemical Properties" AND "Copaifera" AND "Wounds and Injuries" e "Pharmacology" AND "Copaifera" AND "Wounds and Injuries". Se incluyeron artículos originales, a texto completo, identificados según el nivel de evidencia, escritos en portugués, inglés o español. Resultados: En la búsqueda primaria se encontraron 261 artículos. Tras una selección sistematizada, se seleccionaron 12 estudios para el análisis cualitativo. Las especies del género Copaifera presentan propiedades farmacológicas favorables para el tratamiento de las enfermedades: control del dolor inflamatorio, disminución de la reacción inflamatoria, reepitelización y reparación tecidual, angiogénesis, retracción de la piel y remodelación de las cicatrices. Entre las propiedades químicas asociadas al tratamiento de las lesiones, destaca la presencia de compuestos bioactivos: diterpenos, 3-hidroxicopálico, sesquiterpenos, éster kolavico-15-metilo. Entre los diterpenos probados, los ácidos kaurenoico y copálico mostraron actividades hemolíticas significativas. Sólo el ácido copálico y el ácido hardwickiico inhibieron la producción de óxido nítrico en macrófagos activados por lipopolisacáridos. Conclusión: Las plantas del género Copaifera presentan propiedades químicas y farmacológicas favorables para el tratamiento de lesiones y heridas.
Humans , Animals , Wounds and Injuries/drug therapy , Plant Preparations/pharmacology , Fabaceae/chemistry , Phytotherapy , Wound Healing/drug effects , Plant Oils/therapeutic use , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/pharmacologyABSTRACT
SUMMARY: The toxic effects of acetaminophen appear primarily in the liver and kidney. The protective effect of blue green alga Arthrospira platensis on hepato-renal toxicity caused by acetaminophen was evaluated in male rats. The obtained results showed that subcutaneous injection of acetaminophen at a dose 120 &240 սl acetaminophen/kg by weight resulted in an observed elevation in the enzyme activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), serum total lipids, total cholesterol, creatinine, total bilirubin, urea, nitric oxide (NO), L- malondialdehyde (MDA) and interleukins (IL-2 &IL-6). However, there is a decrease in the serum total protein, albumin and loss in antioxidant enzyme activities in liver including; superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione reductase (GSH). This effect was found to be dose and time dependent. In spite of, pre- oral administration of Arthrospira platensis 1000 mg/kg .b. wt. prior acetaminophen injection succeeded to modulate the effect of the observed abnormalities caused by acetaminophen. Moreover, there were no remarkable changes in serum biomarkers of rats received Arthrospira platensis only at a dose of 1000 mg/kg by weight (group 2). The histopathological findings confirm the biochemical results that indicates the safety use of Arthrospira platensis at the selected dose in this study. Therefore, the present results clarified the protective effect of blue green alga Arthrospira platensis on oxidative stress, hepatic and nephrotoxicity induced by acetaminophen in male Wister rats.
Los efectos tóxicos del paracetamol aparecen principalmente en el hígado y el riñón. Se evaluó en ratas macho Wistar el efecto protector del alga verde azulada Arthrospira platensis sobre la toxicidad hepatorrenal causada por paracetamol. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la inyección subcutánea de paracetamol a dosis de 120 y 240 µl de paracetamol/kg, resultó en una elevación en las actividades enzimáticas de la aspartato aminotransferasa (AST), alanina aminotransferasa (ALT) y fosfatasa alcalina (ALP), lípidos séricos totales, colesterol total, creatinina, bilirrubina total, urea, óxido nítrico (NO), L- malondialdehído (MDA) e interleucinas (IL-2 e IL-6). Sin embargo, hay una disminución en la proteína sérica total, albúmina y pérdida en las actividades de las enzimas antioxidantes en el hígado, incluyendo; superóxido dismutasa (SOD), catalasa (CAT) y glutatión reductasa (GSH). Se encontró que este efecto era dependiente de la dosis y el tiempo. A pesar de la administración preoral de Arthrospira platensis 1000 mg/kg, la inyección previa de acetaminofeno logró modular el efecto de las anormalidades observadas causadas por el acetaminofeno. Además, no hubo cambios notables en los biomarcadores séricos de ratas que recibieron Arthrospira platensis solo a una dosis de 1000 mg/kg (Grupo 2). Los hallazgos histopatológicos confirman los resultados bioquímicos que indican la seguridad del uso de Arthrospira platensis a la dosis seleccionada en este estudio. Por lo tanto, los presentes resultados aclararon el efecto protector del alga verde azulada Arthrospira platensis sobre el estrés oxidativo, la toxicidad hepática y la nefrotoxicidad inducida por paracetamol en ratas Wistar macho.
Animals , Male , Rats , Plant Preparations/administration & dosage , Spirulina , Kidney/drug effects , Liver/drug effects , Acetaminophen/toxicity , Aspartate Aminotransferases/analysis , Superoxide Dismutase , Lipid Peroxidation , Interleukins , Rats, Wistar , Alanine Transaminase/analysis , Alkaline Phosphatase/analysisABSTRACT
The genus Bauhinia popularly known as "pata-de-vaca", "unha de vaca", "unha de boi", "unha de anta" e "casco de vaca" is widely used in the form of teas and other herbal preparations. The aim of this literature review was to show the diversity and biological potential of Bauhinia species for health promotion. A search was carried out for articles listing some species of medical interest. The pharmacological activities of B. forficata were also highlighted in articles published in the last twenty years using the PubMed database. Research has shown that Bauhinia is used as a hypoglycemic and antidiabetic agent, diuretic, cholesterol reducer, in the treatment of cystitis, intestinal parasites, elephantiasis, tumors and other ailments, including infections and painful processes. In the last eleven years, 86% of the works carried out with B. forficata used the plant collected or acquired in Brazil, predominantly publications from the southern region of the country where almost 60% reported activity on diabetes and its complications and/or antioxidant effect. Despite the literature pointing out the great medicinal potential of Bauhinia in chronic diseases and their complications, there is still a need for more translational research.
O gênero Bauhinia conhecido popularmente como "pata-de-vaca", "unha de vaca", "unha de boi", "unha de anta" e "casco de vaca" é amplamente utilizado em forma de chás e outras preparações fitoterápicas. O objetivo desta revisão de literatura foi mostrar a diversidade e potencial biológico das espécies de Bauhinia para a promoção a saúde. Foi realizada a busca de artigos elencando algumas espécies de interesse médico. Destacou-se também as atividades farmacológicas de B. forficata em artigos publicados nos últimos vinte anos utilizando a base de dados PubMed. A pesquisa mostrou que a Bauhinia é utilizada como hipoglicemiante e antidiabética, diurética, redutora de colesterol, no tratamento da cistite, parasitoses intestinais, elefantíase, tumores e outros males, incluindo infecções e processos dolorosos. Nos últimos onze anos, 86% dos trabalhos realizados com B. forficata utilizaram a planta coletada ou adquirida no Brasil sendo predominante publicações oriundas da região sul do país onde quase 60% relataram atividade sobre o diabetes e suas complicações e/ou efeito antioxidante. Apesar da literatura apontar o grande potencial medicinal da Bauhinia em doenças crônicas e suas complicações ainda há a necessidade de mais pesquisas de caráter translacional.
El género Bauhinia, conocido popularmente como "garra de vaca", "garra de ganado", "garra de tapir" y "pezuña de vaca", se utiliza ampliamente como té y otros preparados fitoterapéuticos. El objetivo de esta revisión bibliográfica era mostrar la diversidad y el potencial biológico de las especies de Bauhinia para la promoción de la salud. Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda de artículos que incluyeran algunas especies de interés médico. Las actividades farmacológicas de B. forficata también fueron destacadas en artículos publicados en los últimos veinte años utilizando la base de datos PubMed. La investigación demostró que la Bauhinia se utiliza como hipoglucemiante y antidiabético, diurético, reductor del colesterol, en el tratamiento de la cistitis, la parasitosis intestinal, la elefantiasis, los tumores y otras dolencias, incluyendo infecciones y procesos dolorosos. En los últimos once años, el 86% de los estudios realizados con B. forficata utilizaron la planta recolectada o adquirida en Brasil, siendo predominantes las publicaciones de la región sur del país, donde casi el 60% reportó actividad sobre la diabetes y sus complicaciones y/o efecto antioxidante. Aunque la bibliografía señala el gran potencial medicinal de la Bauhinia en las enfermedades crónicas y sus complicaciones, todavía es necesario realizar más investigaciones traslacionales.
Bauhinia , Phytochemicals , Systematic Reviews as Topic , Plants, Medicinal , Plant Preparations , Diuretics , Hypoglycemic Agents , Phytotherapy , AntioxidantsABSTRACT
Abstract Background Various studies are ongoing related to the radioprotective agents. Herbal preparations are currently becoming popular because of their beneficial effects with fewer side effects compared to the synthetic/semi-synthetic medicines, and Nigella sativa oil (NSO) is only one of them. Objective To investigate NSO for its antioxidant effects on the heart tissue of rats exposed to ionizing radiation (IR). Methods Thirty six male albino Wistar rats, divided into four groups, were designated to group I (IR plus NSO group) that received both 5 Gray of gamma IR to total cranium and NSO; group II (IR alone group) that received IR plus saline, group III (control group of NSO) that received saline and did not receive NSO or IR; group IV (control group) that received only sham IR. Alterations in Total antioxidant status (TAS) and Total oxidant status (TOS), Oxidative stres index (OSI), Sulhydryl group (SH), Lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH), Paraoxonase (PON) levels, Arylesterase (ARE) and Ceruloplasmin (CER) activities in homogenized heart tissue of rats were measured by biochemical methods. Results In heart tissue of the rats in the IR alone group (group II) LOOH, TOS and OSI levels were found to be higher, ARE activity and TAS level were found to be lower than all of the other groups (p < 0.01). These results also support that IR increases oxidative stress and NSO's protective effect. Conclusion NSO would reduce the oxidative damage in the irradiated heart tissue in the experimental rat model.
Animals , Male , Rats , Radiation-Protective Agents/therapeutic use , Plant Oils/therapeutic use , Nigella sativa , Oxidative Stress/drug effects , Heart/radiation effects , Antioxidants/therapeutic use , Plants, Medicinal , Radiation-Protective Agents/analysis , Rats, Inbred Strains , Rats, Wistar , Oxidative Stress/radiation effects , Plant Preparations/therapeutic use , Cardiotoxicity/drug therapy , Heart/drug effects , PhytotherapyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To conduct qualitative and quantitative analyses of Tripterygium hypoglaucum in Yinning Tablets, a compound preparation of traditional Chinese herbal medicine.@*METHODS@#Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) was used for qualitative analysis of Tripterygium hypoglaucum in Yining Tablets and the analytical protocols were optimized. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to quantitatively analyze the content of triptolide (the main active ingredient of Tripterygium hypoglaucum) in Yinning Tablets.@*RESULTS@#The results of TLC analysis showed that the test sample of Yinning Tablets and the positive control samples both produced clear, well separated spots without obvious interference in the blank samples. Assessment of the influences of the thin-layer plates from different manufacturers, temperature and humidity on the test results demonstrated good durability of the test. HPLC analysis of triptolide showed a good linear relationship within the concentration range of 1-100 μg/mL (regression equation: A=22.219C-19.165, r=0.9999); the contents of triptolide in 3 batches of Yinning tablets were 0.34, 0.34, and 0.28 μg per tablet, all within the range of 0.28-0.34 μg per tablet. It was finally determined that each Yinning tablet should not contain more than 0.6 μg of triptolide.@*CONCLUSION@#TLC and HPLC are simple, accurate, durable and specific for qualitative and quantitative analyses of Tripterygium hypoglaucum in Yinning Tablets.
China , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methods , Plant Preparations , Tablets , Tripterygium/chemistryABSTRACT
Drug disposition in the human body is strongly influenced by transporters and metabolizing enzymes expressed in key organs including intestine, liver and kidney. Since drugs and chemicals present in foods such as fruit juices and herb-based products are substrates of the above-mentioned proteins, there is a high probability of pharmacokinetic interactions. Findings from preclinical and clinical studies helped to characterize the mechanisms by which the components of fruit juices and herbs act as perpetrators of pharmacokinetic interactions. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of pharmacokinetic fruit juice- and herb-drug interactions that could be relevant in the clinical setting.
Humans , Plant Preparations/adverse effects , Fruit and Vegetable Juices , Herb-Drug Interactions , FruitABSTRACT
O vitiligo é uma desordem dermatológica complexa, cuja patogênese ainda não é totalmente esclarecida. Apesar de não apresentar complicações funcionais no organismo dos pacientes acometidos, o vitiligo pode resultar em um grande impacto psicossocial. Desse modo, é importante que os médicos saibam como conduzir o tratamento dessa patologia. O objetivo deste estudo foi documentar as terapias disponíveis para o tratamento do vitiligo, assim como apontar pesquisas que relataram a utilização dessas opções terapêuticas e os dados resultantes. As terapias abordadas foram corticoides tópicos e sistêmicos, fototerapia e fotoquimioterapias, antioxidantes, imunomoduladores, fenilalanina, despigmentação, procedimentos cirúrgicos e novas abordagens. A monoterapia parece ser menos eficaz no tratamento do vitiligo. A associação de medicação tópica e/ou sistêmica com o uso da fototerapia ultravioleta B de banda estreita parece ser o padrão-ouro para a repigmentação da pele dos pacientes. Medicamentos novos estão em estudo, porém sua eficácia e o estudo dos possíveis efeitos colaterais, principalmente a longo prazo, têm que ser melhores investigados. É necessário que o médico dermatologista, em conjunto com o paciente, escolha a melhor terapia dentre as disponíveis, de acordo com critérios clínicos e a possibilidade de acesso ao tratamento pelo portador. O acompanhamento e a abordagem por uma equipe multiprofissional também são importantes. (AU)
Vitiligo is a complex dermatological disorder, whose pathogenesis has not yet been fully elucidated. Although it does not present functional complications in the affected patients' body, vitiligo can result in a great psychosocial impact. Therefore, it is important that physicians know how to conduct its treatment. This study aimed at documenting the available therapies for the treatment of vitiligo, as well as pointing out studies reporting the use of these therapeutic options and their resulting data. The therapies addressed were topical and systemic corticosteroids, phototherapy, and photochemotherapies, antioxidants, immunomodulators, phenylalanine, depigmentation, surgical procedures, and new approaches. Monotherapy appears to be less effective in the treatment of vitiligo. The combination of topical and/or systemic medication with the use of narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy seems to be the gold standard for the patients' skin repigmentation. New drugs are under study, but their effectiveness and study of possible side effects, especially in the long run, have to be better investigated. It is necessary that the dermatologist, together with the patient, choose the best therapy among those available, according to clinical criteria and the possibility of access to treatment by the patient. Monitoring and approach by a multiprofessional team is also important. (AU)
Humans , Vitiligo/therapy , Phototherapy/methods , Phenylalanine/therapeutic use , Vitiligo/drug therapy , Vitiligo/radiotherapy , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/therapeutic use , Plant Preparations/therapeutic use , Polypodium , Immunologic Factors/therapeutic use , Phytotherapy , Antioxidants/therapeutic useABSTRACT
The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has triggered an international pandemic that has led to significant public health problems. To date, limited evidence exists to suggest that drugs are effective against the disease. As possible treatments are being investigated, herbal medicines have shown potential for producing novel antiviral agents for the COVID-19 disease. Aim This review explored the potential of Malawi's traditional medicinal plants for the management of COVID-19. Methods:The authors searched on PubMed and Google scholar for medicinal plants that are used in Malawi and published in openly available peer reviewed journals. Plants linked with antiviral treatment, anti-COVID-19 activity or COVID-19 symptoms management were targeted. These included activity against pneumonia, inflammation, cough, difficulty in breathing, pain/aches, fever, diarrhoea, rheumatism, fatigue, asthma, immunocompromised and cardiovascular diseases.Results:11 studies were found with 306 plant species. 127 plant species had at least one COVID-19 related pharmacological activity. Of these plant species, the number of herbal entities used for each indication was: pain/aches (87), fever (2), pneumonia (9), breathing/asthma problems (5), coughing (11), diarrhoea (1), immunosuppression (8), blood issues (10), fatigue (2), heart problems (11), inflammation (8), rheumatism (10) and viral diseases (12). Thirty (30) species were used for more than one disease and Azedarachta indica topped the list (6 of the 13 COVID-19 related diseases). The majority of the species had phytochemicals known to have antiviral activity or mechanisms of actions linked to COVID-19 and consequent diseases' treatment pathways.Conclusion:Medicinal plants are a promising source of compounds that can be used for drug development of COVID-19 related diseases. This review highlights potential targets for the World Health Organization and other research entities to explore in order to assist in controlling the pandemic.
Humans , Medicine, African Traditional , COVID-19 , Plant Preparations , Malawi , Medicine, TraditionalABSTRACT
Solanum nigrum (SLN), commonly known as African nightshade, is used as a vegetable as well as in the management and treatment of various ailments including gastric ulcers. We analyzed, both grossly and microscopically using H&E, Masson's trichrome and PSA staining methods, the protective effects of aqueous leaf extracts of three Kenyan SLN genotypes namely S. scabrum (SSB), S. sarrachoides (SSR) and S. villosum (SVL) on ethanol-induced gastric lesions in rats. There was evidence of gastro-protection by all the three genotypes with the SSB showing the highest ulcer inhibition score (76.37 %) followed by SSR (72.51 %) and SVL (63.30 %). SLN-pretreated rats showed less areas of gastric mucosal surface erosion. Additionally in the pretreated animals, the depth of the ulcers were markedly reduced, reaching only the gastric pit region except in those treated with SVL where the ulcers penetrated slightly more deeply to affect the gastric glands. Compared with controls, the mean microscopic ulcer index decreased 5.07, 3.55 and 2.37-fold in rats pretreated with SSB, SSR and SVL extracts respectively. Results of this work show extracts of the three SLN genotypes to have antiulcerogenic potential but at varied strengths, thus confirming earlier reports that phytoconstituents and hence the efficacy of a medicinal plant may be influenced by genetic factors.
Solanum nigrum (SLN), comúnmente conocida como la solanácea africana, se usa como vegetal, para el tratamiento de diversas dolencias incluyendo las úlceras gástricas. Analizamos de forma macro y microscópica, de forma macroscópica y microscópica, utilizando para ello tinciones de H&E, tricrómico de Masson y PSA los efectos protectores de extractos acuosos de hojas de tres genotipos SLN de Kenia: S. scabrum (SSB), S. sarrachoides (SSR) and S. villosum (SVL) en lesiones gástricas inducidas por etanol en ratas. Hubo evidencia de gastroprotección por parte de los tres genotipos con el SSB mostrando el puntaje más alto de inhibición de la úlcera (76,37 %) seguido de SSR (72,51 %) y SVL (63,30 %). Las ratas tratadas previamente con SLN mostraron menos áreas de erosión de la superficie de la mucosa gástrica. Además, en los animales pretratados, la profundidad de las úlceras se redujo notablemente, llegando solo a la región del fondo gástrico, excepto en aquellos tratados con SVL donde las úlceras penetraron un poco más profundamente para afectar las glándulas gástricas. En comparación con los controles, el índice medio de úlcera microscópica disminuyó 5,07, 3,55 y 2,37 veces en ratas pretratadas con extractos de SSB, SSR y SVL, respectivamente. Los resultados de este trabajo muestran que los extractos de los tres genotipos de SLN tienen potencial antiulcerogénico en diferentes concentraciones, lo que confirma informes anteriores que los fitoconstituyentes y la eficacia de una planta medicinal pueden estar influenciados por factores genéticos.
Animals , Rats , Stomach Ulcer/drug therapy , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Solanum nigrum/chemistry , Anti-Ulcer Agents/therapeutic use , Stomach/drug effects , Rats, Wistar , Protective Agents , Plant Preparations/pharmacology , Kenya , Anti-Ulcer Agents/pharmacologyABSTRACT
RESUMEN Objetivos: Determinar la calidad microbiológica de una muestra de productos naturales procesados de uso medicinal de libre comercio en Quito, Ecuador. Materiales y métodos: 83 productos se sometieron a recuentos de microorganismos aerobios, mohos y levaduras por técnicas convencionales estandarizadas, de acuerdo a la Farmacopea de los Estados Unidos (USP, por sus siglas en inglés). Se identificaron los microorganismos presentes y se determinó su sensibilidad antimicrobiana usando el método de difusión en agar. Resultados: El 17,0% de los jarabes, el 27,0% de los productos tópicos y el 43,0% de los sólidos orales excedieron los límites especificados para el recuento total de microorganismos aerobios, mientras que el 33,0% de los jarabes, el 7,0% de los productos tópicos y el 36,0% de los sólidos orales excedieron el límite para mohos y levaduras. Los productos de uso ocular no pasaron la prueba de esterilidad. El género bacteriano más frecuentemente aislado fue Bacillus, seguido por Escherichia coli, Klebsiella y Enterobacter. Salmonella ni Staphylococcus aureus se encontraron en ningún producto, pero microorganismos potencialmente patógenos como Pseudomonas se aislaron en el 40,0% de los colirios. Enterobacter y Escherichia coli mostraron resistencia a múltiples compuestos y Pseudomonas no fue resistente a ningún antibiótico. Conclusiones: La calidad microbiológica de los productos examinados no fue adecuada. Se aislaron microorganismos potencialmente patógenos y resistentes a antibióticos. Estos productos podrían no ser aptos para su distribución y consumo, aun cuando muchos de ellos cuenten con registro sanitario. El control y regulación por los entes responsables es indispensable.
ABSTRACT Objectives: To determine the microbiological quality of samples from processed natural products used for medicinal purposes and marketed in Quito, Ecuador. Materials and methods: Aerobic microorganisms, molds and yeasts were counted by conventional standardized techniques, according to the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), in samples from 83 products. The microorganisms found were identified and their antimicrobial sensitivity was determined using the agar diffusion method. Results: The total aerobic microorganism count exceeded the specified limits in 17.0% of syrups, 27.0% of topical products and 43.0% of oral solids; the molds and yeasts count exceeded the limit in 33.0% of syrups, 7.0% of topical products and 36.0% of oral solids. Products for eye use did not pass the sterility test. The most frequently isolated bacterial genus was Bacillus, followed by Escherichia coli, Klebsiella and Enterobacter. Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus were not found in any product, but potentially pathogenic microorganisms such as Pseudomonas were isolated in 40.0% of the eye drops. Enterobacter and Escherichia coli showed resistance to multiple compounds and Pseudomonas was not resistant to any antibiotic. Conclusions: The microbiological quality of the products examined was not adequate. Potentially pathogenic and antibiotic resistant microorganisms were isolated from the samples. These products may not be suitable for distribution and consumption, even though many of them have sanitary registration. Control and regulation by the corresponding authorities is essential.
Bacteria , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Commerce , Plant Preparations , Economics , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Biological Products , Biological Products/analysis , Biological Products/standards , Marketing , Drug Industry , Ecuador , Escherichia coli , Fungi , Anti-Bacterial AgentsABSTRACT
Abstract The human being, throughout history, has used plants to prevent and cure diseases. It is important to know that for a long time, the mechanism through which those plants worked was unknown, making herbal medicine a purely empirical science. Medical prescriptions in the 19th century in the Kingdom of Nueva Granada were considered a significant medical advance as a result of knowledge and medical practices in the old continent. Medical literature of the time achieved, despite the lack of studies, the development of new schemes with exact dosages and new therapeutic possibilities. The medical prescription presented in this article was used in the management of heart palpitations, a frequent symptom nowadays, described as thoracic and/or neck beating, underlying various cardiac and non-cardiac diseases. The recipe for the palpitations of the historical archive "Cipriano Rodríguez Santa María" is a mixture of herbal agents that, as reviewed in the medical literature, showed to have anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, and antioxidant effects, among others, allowing a beneficial effect on cardiac palpitations. Due to the lack of information on the posology, safety in its use, contraindications, and possible adverse effects, its potential use should have been underestimated at that time for the control of palpitations or as phytochemical agents directed to treat diseases causing this symptom.
Resumen A lo largo de la historia, el ser humano ha utilizado plantas para prevenir, aliviar y curar enfermedades. Cabe destacar que durante mucho tiempo se desconoció el mecanismo por el cual su uso era beneficioso, lo que hacía de la fitoterapia una ciencia netamente empírica. Las recetas médicas eran consideradas un avance médico significativo, resultado de conocimientos y prácticas traídas desde el viejo continente. Pese a la carencia de estudios locales, la literatura médica de la época permitió utilizar la biodiversidad de América para el desarrollo, investigación y uso de nuevos esquemas fitoterapéuticos con dosificaciones establecidas e indicaciones de uso, incluso un lugar específico de dispensación, ampliando aún más las posibilidades terapéuticas. La receta médica que se expone en este artículo era empleada en el manejo de las palpitaciones cardiacas, síntoma frecuente aún en la actualidad, descrito como golpes en tórax y/o cuello, subyacente en diversas enfermedades cardiacas y no cardiacas. La receta para las palpitaciones del archivo histórico Cipriano Rodríguez Santa María es una mezcla de agentes herbarios que, al realizar una revisión en la literatura médica, evidencian efectos antiinflamatorios, ansiolíticos y antioxidantes entre otros, sustentando un posible efecto beneficioso en las palpitaciones cardiacas. Debido a la ausencia de información sobre la posología, seguridad en su uso, contraindicaciones y posibles efectos adversos, es subestimado su potencial uso en aquel entonces para el control de las palpitaciones o como unos agentes fitoquímicos dirigidos para tratar enfermedades causantes de dicho síntoma.
Humans , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , Plants, Medicinal/chemistry , Arrhythmias, Cardiac/history , Plant Preparations/history , Arrhythmias, Cardiac/drug therapy , Plant Preparations/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Abstract Rationale: Disuse colitis is frequent in our country and the most effective treatment is high cost and there is a need for effective and low cost therapy. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of Baccharis dracunculifolia (field rosemary) in the treatment of exclusion colitis in rats. Method: Eighteen Wistar rats were anesthetized and submitted to colostomy; they were then distributed into two groups: Control Group, receiving intrarectal saline infusion (n = 8) and Group BD receiving intrarectal infusion ofBaccharis dracunculifolia extract (n = 10); after 21 days of treatment they were euthanized, the intestinal segment excluded from intestinal transit was resected and submitted to histopathological study, classifying the degree of inflammation and degree of vascular congestion from 0 to 3. Results: Mean inflammation was 2.7 in Control Group versus 2.1 in BD Group (p = 0.049), while mean vascular congestion was 2.3 and 2, respectively, in Control and BD groups (p = 0.1642). Conclusion: Intra-rectal infusion ofBaccharis dracunculifolia extract significantly minimized the inflammatory process in the exclusion colitis of rats submitted to colostomy, without altering the degree of vascular congestion.
Resumo Racional A colite de desuso é frequente em nosso meio e o tratamento de maior eficácia é de alto custo, havendo necessidade de se encontrar uma terapêutica eficaz e de baixo custo. Objetivo Avaliar a eficácia da Baccharis dracunculifolia (alecrim-do-campo) no tratamento da colite de exclusão em ratos. Método Utilizou-se 18 ratos Wistar, os quais foram anestesiados e submetidos à colostomia; em seguida distribuídos em 2 grupos: Grupo Controle, recebendo infusão intrarretal de solução salina (n = 8) e Grupo BD, recebendo infusão intrarretal de extrato de Baccharis dracunculifolia (n = 10); após 21 dias de tratamento foram submetidos a eutanásia, o segmento intesinal excluso de trânsito intestinal foi ressecado e submetido a estudo histopatológico classificando-se o grau de inflamação e grau de congestão vascular de 0 a 3. Resultados Verificou-se média de inflamação 2,7 no Grupo Controle vs. 2,1 no Grupo BD (p = 0,049), enquanto as médias de congestão vascular foram 2,3 e 2, respectivamente, nos grupos controle e BD (p = 0,1642). Conclusão A infusão intrarretal do extrato de Baccharis dracunculifolia minimizou significantemente o processo inflamatório na colite de exclusão de ratos submetidos à colostomia, sem alterar o grau de congestão vascular.
Animals , Rats , Colitis , Colitis/drug therapy , Plant Preparations , Vernonia , Phytotherapy , Plants, Medicinal , Colostomy , Vernonia/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Abstract Rationale: Considering that anal fistulae are still challenging regarding their treatment due to the risk of fecal incontinence in the most complex cases and the increasing use of phytotherapeutic drugs such as Aloe Vera in medicine, even with proven healing effectiveness, there is interest in researching this drug in the treatment of anal fistulae. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of Aloe Vera extract in the treatment of anal fistulae in rats. Method: Thirty male Wistar rats weighing 250-300 g were submitted to anal fistula and after 30 days were divided into three groups: Control Group (GCo) (n = 5), Carbopol Group (GCa) (n = 5), and Aloe Vera Group (GAV) (n = 10). In the GCo no treatment was performed, while in the others a daily infusion of 0.3 mL of solution (Carbopol only in GCa and Carbopol plus Aloe Vera extract in the GAV) was performed through the external orifice of the fistula for 30 days. Afterwards, euthanasia was performed and specimens were removed for histological study. It was evaluated the closure of the fistulous tract, the area of the remaining tract, the inflammatory infiltrate and the degree of vascular congestion. The results were submitted to statistical treatment by Kruskall-Wallis test, considering p<0.05. Results: There was no complete closure of the fistulous tract in any of the animals. The mean area of the remaining tract was 847.2 µm in the GCo, 565.6 µm in the GCa and 377.8 µm in the GAV (p<0.05). The mean of the inflammatory infiltrate score was 2.4 in the GCo, 2.4 in the GCa and 2.3 in the GAV (p<0.05), while in the evaluation of vascular congestion, we observed a mean of 1.6 in the GCo, 1.4 in GCa and 1.1 in GAV (p<0.05). Conclusion: The extract of Aloe vera was able to reduce the lumen of the fistulous tract and reduce the degree of vascular congestion; however, it did not allow the complete closure of the fistulous tract nor diminished the inflammatory process.
Resumo Racional: Considerando que o tratamento das fístulas anais tem risco de incontinência fecal e o crescente uso do Aloe Vera na medicina, há interesse em se pesquisar este fármaco. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia do extrato de Aloe vera no tratamento das fístulas anais em ratos. Método: Utilizou-se 30 ratos Wistar, os quais foram submetidos à criação de fístula anal e após 30 dias distribuídos em três grupos: Controle (GCo), Carbopol (GCa) e Aloe Vera (GAV). No GCo nenhum tratamento foi realizado, enquanto nos outros realizou-se infusão diária de 0,3 mL de Carbopol GCa e Carbopol mais extrato de Aloe Vera no GAV por 30 dias. Foram retirados os espécimes para estudo histológico, avaliou-se o fechamento do trajeto fistuloso, a área do trajeto remanescente, o infiltrado inflamatório e o grau de congestão vascular. Resultados: Não houve fechamento completo do trajeto fistuloso em nenhum dos animais. A média da área do trajeto remanescente foi 847,2 µm no GCo; 565,6 µm no GCa e 377,8 µm no GAV (p<0,05). A média do escore de infiltrado inflamatório foi 2,4 no GCo; 2,4 no GCa e 2,3 no GAV (p<0.05), enquanto na avaliação da congestão vascular observou-se média 1,6 no GCo; 1,4 no GCa e 1,1 no GAV (p<0,05). Conclusão: O extrato de Aloe Vera foi capaz de diminuir o lumen dos trajetos fistulosos e reduzir o grau de congestão vascular, porém, não permitiu o fechamento completo dos trajetos fistulosos nem diminuiu o processo inflamatório.
Animals , Rats , Rectal Fistula/drug therapy , Plant Preparations , Aloe , Aloe/drug effects , Phytotherapy , Plants, Medicinal , Rectal Fistula , Rats, WistarABSTRACT
Professor believes that infantile cerebral palsy is located in the brain and closely related to the kidney. The clinical treatment should focus on the brain theory and root at the kidney. In pathogenesis, infantile spastic cerebral palsy refers to flaccidity of and spasticity of . The principle of treatment should be balancing and , promoting the circulation of the governor vessel and regulating the spirit/mind. In clinical treatment, the comprehensive therapy of acupuncture and herbal medicine is adopted. In acupuncture, the acupoints on the head and the face are dominant and the body acupoints are selected rigorously and precisely. The herbal formula with and is used and taken orally with warm water. In acupoint application treatment, and are the main herbal medicines for the external application at Shenque (CV 8) and Baihui (GV 20). All of the above therapies are used in combination to co-achieve the effect of regaining consciousness, opening orifices and benefiting the intelligence. The clinical therapeutic effect of this comprehensive therapy is significant.
Humans , Acupuncture Points , Acupuncture Therapy , Cerebral Palsy , Therapeutics , Herbal Medicine , Plant Preparations , Therapeutic UsesABSTRACT
With the development of society, more and more foreign natural medicines have entered China, but they are faced with the problem that they are not given with the traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) properties when they are used with other TCM. When we carried out the research on introducing foreign natural plant resources to TCM, gradually, a new research model and field with original characteristics of TCM--the study of new foreign introducing TCM had been formed. In the process of it, we explored and summarized research rules to form the research paradigm, which will be conducive to the standardization and scientization of new foreign introducing TCM research. For the research of foreign introducing TCM, we analyzed the research background, reviewed the application history, sorted out the research status, elaborated the concept and summarized the research achievements. On this basis, we put forward the concept and system of the modern research paradigm of new foreign introducing TCM, studied and clarified the core elements, properties and research principles of this paradigm, and summarized the research contents and methods of new foreign introducing TCM. We interpreted the foundation of paradigm construction from multiple perspectives. The paradigm was the practical application of theoretical innovation of TCM. Under the guidance of it, more and more varieties of new foreign introducing TCM will be studied, the study will be more standardized, the conclusions will be more scientific and reliable, which will inspire and guide more researchers to focus on the research of new foreign introducing TCM, and the paradigm itself will be constantly improved. The construction and application of the paradigm will certainly accelerate the innovative research of foreign introducing TCM and play a historic role in promoting the enrichment of traditional Chinese medicine varieties.
China , Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Internationality , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Plant Preparations/standards , Research DesignABSTRACT
Objetivo: Descrever as plantas medicinais utilizadas por pessoas com tuberculose (TB) em municípios do norte da Bahia, em 2017. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo descritivo com dados primários sobre plantas medicinais utilizadas por pessoas com TB ≤18 anos, apresentados por nomenclatura botânica e frequência de consumo. Resultados: Das 80 pessoas entrevistadas, 50 referiram consumir alguma planta medicinal; essas pessoas eram principalmente do sexo masculino (34), ≥47 anos (22), pardas/pretas (34), com até o ensino primário completo (25), casadas (26), não economicamente ativas (30), dispondo de até R$ 300,00/mês (26), com tosse (33) e sem história anterior de TB (44). Duas espécies protagonizaram as citações, Chenopodium ambrosioides L. (mastruz: 23 citações) e Solanum capsicoides All. (melancia-da-praia: 17 citações). Conclusão: Observou-se ampla utilização de plantas medicinais como prática de cuidado com a TB em seis municípios do norte da Bahia.
Objetivo: Describir las plantas medicinales utilizadas por personas con tuberculosis (TB) en municipios del norte de Bahia, en 2017. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo con datos primarios sobre plantas medicinales utilizadas por personas con TB ≥18 años, presentado por nomenclatura botánica y frecuencia de consumo Resultados: De las 80 personas entrevistadas, 50 informaron consumir alguna planta medicinal, entre las cuales, principalmente hombres (34), ≥47 años (22), pardos/negros (34), con educación primaria completa (25), casados (26), no económicamente activos (30), con hasta 300,00 reales/mes (26), con tos (33) y sin antecedentes de TB (44). Dos especies aparecen en las citas, Chenopodium ambrosioides L. (paico: 23 citas) y Solanum capsicoides All. (baya cucaracha: 17 citas). Conclusión: Se observó el uso generalizado de plantas medicinales como práctica para el cuidado de la TB en seis municipios del norte de Bahia.
Objective: To describe medicinal plants used by people with tuberculosis (TB) in municipalities in Northern Bahia, in 2017. Methods: A descriptive study was carried out with primary data on medicinal plants used by people with TB ≥18 years old, presented according to botanical nomenclature and frequency of consumption. Results: Of the 80 people interviewed, 50 reported consuming some kind of medicinal plant; these were mainly male (34), ≥47 years old (22), of brown/black skin color (34), with up to complete primary education (25), married (26), not economically active (30), earning up to BRL 300/month (26), with coughs (33) and with no previous history of TB (44). Two species stood out in the citations, Chenopodium ambrosioides L. (worm-seed: 23 citations), and Solanum capsicoides All. (cockroach berry: 17 citations). Conclusion: There was widespread use of medicinal plants as a TB care practice in six municipalities in Northern Bahia.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Plants, Medicinal , Tuberculosis/drug therapy , Plant Preparations/therapeutic use , Phytotherapy , Tuberculosis/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Abstract Purpose To develop a new wound dressing composed of alginate and Aloe vera gel and cross-linked with zinc ions. Methods The aloe-alginate film was characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), swelling profile, mechanical properties, polysaccharide content and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Thirty Wistar rats were divided in two groups a) treated with aloe-alginate film and b) control (treated with sterile gauze). Wound contraction measurements and hystological analysis were performed on 7th, 14th and 21st days after wound surgery. Results The aloe-alginate film presented adequated mechanical resistance and malleability for application as wound dressing. There was no statistical difference in wound contraction between two groups. Histological assay demonstrated that aloe-alginate film presented anti-inflammatory activity, stimulated angiogenesis on proliferative phase and a more significant increased in collagen type I fibers and decreased type III fibers which promoted a mature scar formation when compared to control. Conclusions The aloe-alginate film showed adequate physicochemical characteristics for wound dressing applications. The in vivo assay demonstrated that aloe-alginate film enhanced the healing process of incisional skin wounds.