El selenio (Se) es un elemento esencial para el ser humano que se encuentra en pequeñas cantidades en los suelos, pero se acumula en ciertas plantas, proporcionando beneficios como antioxidante, antiinflamatorio y quemopreventivo por la presencia de unas 25 selenoproteínas que participan en diversas acciones de bienestar, lactancia, desarrollo, reproducción y salud de la progenie. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el contenido de Se en hojas de vegetales utilizados tradicionalmente en la alimentación guatemalteca. Se colectaron hojas de materiales cultivados para los mercados locales de nueve hierbas nativas (Amaranthus hybridus, Cnidoscolus aconitifolius, Crotalaria longirostrata, Dysphania ambrosioides, Lycianthes synanthera, Sechium edule, Solanum americanum, Solanum nigrescens y Solanum wendlandii) y dos introducidas de reconocido uso alimenticio (Moringa oleifera y Spinacia oleracea), se secaron en un horno de convección forzada para lograr una humedad < 10% y se digirieron 0.25 ± 0.02 g de hojas en una mezcla de ácido nítrico y ácido perclórico que se calentó hasta la digestión total de la materia. El Se fue determinado por el método de reflexión total de rayos X, utilizando un estándar interno de itrio (Y) el que se midió utilizando reflectores de cuarzo en un espectrómetro de reflexión total de rayos X. De todas las especies evaluadas, únicamente A. hybridus demostró cantidades cuantificables de Se. Se determinó que 100 g de materia vegetal seca de A. hybridus proporciona 0.355 mg de Se, por lo que su consumo semanal puede contribuir con el requerimiento de este micronutriente para un adulto.
Selenium (Se) is an essential element for the human being; it is in small amounts in the soil but it accumulates in certain plants, providing benefits as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and chemopreventive, due to the presence of about 25 selenoproteins that participate in different welfare and development actions, lactation, reproduction and health of the progeny. This study aimed to assess Se content in leaves of nine native plants traditionally used in Guatemalan food (Amaranthus hybridus, Cnidoscolus aconitifolius, Crotalaria longirostrata, Dysphania ambrosioides, Lycianthes synanthera, Sechium edule, Solanum americanum, Solanum nigrescens and Solanum wendlandii) and two internationally uses herbs (Moringa oleifera, Spinacia oleracea). Se was determined by total reflection X-ray method. Plants were dried in a forced convection oven to constant weight, then were digested by weighing 0.25 ± 0.02 g of dry plant material with a mixture of nitric and perchloric acid, and warmed to achieve complete digestion. Using a yttrium (Y) internal standard were measured using quartz reflectors Spectrometer Total reflection X-ray. Of all native plant species tested, only A. hybridus there were measurable amounts of Se. It was determined that 100 g of dry plant material of A. hybridus provides 0.355 mg of Se, so its weekly consumption by an adult might contribute to satisfied the requirement of this microelement.
Humans , Male , Female , Rubidium/administration & dosage , Strontium/analysis , Amaranthus/growth & development , Plants, Edible/classificationABSTRACT
AbstractThe biodiversity rich state of Meghalaya, India located in the realms of mega-biodiversity hotspots, is home to numerous species of wild edible macrofungi that are used extensively by the mycophillic ethnic population, as a part of their traditional cuisine and medicine systems. However, habitat loss, due to deforestation and climate change, is destroying the natural population of these mushrooms, depleting their availability to the local communities. In the present investigation, a GIS guided habitat search, using Lentinula edodes as a representative species, was used in mapping the habitats of wild edible macrofungi of the study region. Sampling of around 4 000 specimens per distinct morphological type available in the traditional markets and "sacred grove" forests indicated presence of ten common genera, belonging to nine different families of wild edible mushrooms. Nutritional profiling of the representative species Lentinula edodes was carried out by evaluation of its moisture, total fat, crude protein and carbohydrates contents by standard methods. Similarly, bioactive components determination was performed by estimation of total phenols, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, β-carotene and lycopenes. Bioactivity of the mushrooms extracts was studied using the DPPH radical scavenging and Human Red Blood Cell (HRBC) membrane stabilization assays. The present investigation successfully attempted to explore remote sensing technologies and GIS (Geographic Information System) based system to predict the natural habitats of wild edible mushrooms of Meghalaya, India which we believe will lead to the generation of a mushroom specific non-wood forest resource mapping system in the near future. Results of nutritional profiling and biological activity studies on the representative species of wild edible mushrooms from the studied region revealed that it is a rich source of essential nutrients and antioxidants.
ResumenLa rica biodiversidad del estado de Meghalaya, India situado en los reinos de los hotspots mega-biodiversidad es el hogar de numerosas especies de macro hongos silvestres comestibles que se utilizan ampliamente por la población étnica micofílica como parte de su alimentación y medicina tradicional. Sin embargo, la pérdida de hábitat debido a la deforestación y el cambio climático está destruyendo la población natural de estos hongos, que agotan su disponibilidad para las poblaciones locales. En la presente investigación, se utilizó el SIG para la búsqueda guiada de hábitat usando Lentinula edodes como especie representativa en la cartografía de los hábitats de macrohongos silvestres comestibles de la región de estudio. Alrededor de cuatro mil ejemplares de distinto tipo morfológico fueron muestreados según su disponibilidad en los mercados tradicionales y los "sacred grove" (bosques sagrados) lo que indicó la presencia de diez géneros comunes pertenecientes a nueve familias de setas silvestres comestibles. Perfiles nutricionales de las especies representativas Lentinula edodes se llevaron a cabo mediante la evaluación de su humedad, grasa total, proteína cruda y contenido de carbohidratos. Del mismo modo, la determinación de componentes bioactivos se realizó por estimación de fenoles totales, flavonoides, ácido ascórbico, β-caroteno y licopeno. La bioactividad de los extractos de setas se estudió mediante la captación de radicales DPPH y el ensayo de estabilización de la membrana de glóbulos rojos de la sangre humana (hRBC). Los resultados de estudios de perfiles nutricionales y actividad biológica en hongos comestibles revelan que es una fuente rica en nutrientes esenciales y antioxidantes. La presente investigación ha intentado con éxito explorar las tecnologías de teledetección y SIG (Sistema de Información Geográfica) para predecir el hábitat natural de los hongos silvestres comestibles de Meghalaya, India que creemos dará lugar a la generación de un mapeo de los recursos forestales no madereros, específicamente de hongos, en el futuro cercano.
Plants, Edible/chemistry , Shiitake Mushrooms/chemistry , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/analysis , Nutritive Value , Plants, Edible/classification , Forests , Shiitake Mushrooms/classification , Geographic Information Systems , Biodiversity , IndiaABSTRACT
La florifagia, que es el consumo de flores como alimento es una práctica que, aunque no es nueva no estaba muy difundida entre los consumidores hasta hace algunas décadas. Las flores comestibles contribuyen al mejoramiento de la estética de los alimentos además, aportan sustancias biológicamente activas como vitaminas A, C, riboflavina, niacina, minerales como calcio, fósforo, hierro y potasio beneficiando la salud de quien las consume. Esta revisión incluye algunos ejemplos de flores comestibles como las rosas, violetas y capuchinas entre otras, sus usos y aplicaciones como alimento, sus características organolépticas y valor nutrimental por las cuales pueden considerarse un alimento funcional. No todas las flores pueden consumirse como alimento hay otro grupo de flores que pueden resultar tóxicas e incluso su ingesta puede ser mortal. Un factor importante que afecta la calidad de las flores es la forma en la que se conservan la cual repercute en sus características sensoriales y nutrimentales. Finalmente aunque el consumo de flores como alimento es una práctica antigua hay poca reglamentación es necesario realizar mayor investigación sobre su análisis químico y nutrimental que promueva su inclusión en la dieta ya que pueden ser una fuente alimenticia con un alto valor nutrimental y funcional.
The floriphagia that is the consumption of flowers as a food, is an old practice not widespread among consumers until some decades ago. Edible flowers contribute to increasing the appearance of food. They can provide biologically active substances including vitamin A, C, riboflavins, niacin, minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, iron and potassium that are eventually beneficial to consumers health. This review includes some examples of edible flowers including roses, violets and nasturtium among others, uses and applications, sensorial characteristics and nutritional values that lead them to be considered as functional food. An important factor that affects the quality of edible flowers is the form in which they are preserved since it may affect their sensorial and nutritional characteristics. However, not all flowers can be eaten as food since there are some of them that can be toxic or even mortal. Finally, although the consumption of flowers is an ancient practice, there is little regulation in this regard. Of the review on edible flowers, it is concluded that there are still numerous aspects about them to evaluate such as nutritional and functional characteristics, conservation and regulation with the aim to extend its consumption.
Flowers , Nutritive Value , Plants, Edible , Flowers/chemistry , Flowers/classification , Plants, Edible/chemistry , Plants, Edible/classificationABSTRACT
Neotropical parrots usually forage in forest canopies for nectar, flowers, leaves, fruit pulp, and seeds. As they have no all-purpose territories, these birds usually exploit vegetation mosaics in order to use plentiful resources as they become available. In this study we examine the use of a gallery forest in the southern Pantanal (Brazil) by a diverse parrot community that ranged from Brotogeris chiriri (a small species) to Ara chloroptera (a large one). Plant food resources principally used by parrots were abundantly available during the rainy season (fleshy fruits), the annual floods (fleshy fruits), and the dry season (flowers). While both smaller and larger species foraged on fruits, parakeets largely consumed the pulp, while larger parrot species used pulp and seeds. In the dry season parakeets foraged extensively on nectar, especially Inga vera nectar that was abundantly available during the last two months of the dry season, the harshest period of the year. Among larger parrots, only Propyrrhura auricollis frequently harvested nectar. Fruits maturing during floods, despite being fish- or water- dispersed were extensively used by the parrots. Hence, unlike what happens in most other Neotropical dry forests, occurrence of a fruiting peak during the annual flooding, which occurs in the transition from the wet to the dry season, constitutes an extra and significant episode of food availability, since in this period, fruit production normally declines. Therefore, the unique and abundant availability of flowers and fruits in this gallery forest may account for the presence of large parrot populations in the southern Pantanal.
Psitacídeos neotropicais usualmente exploram o dossel das florestas em busca de alimentos como néctar, flores, folhas, polpa e sementes de frutos. Como essas aves não estabelecem territórios, movimentam-se através de mosaicos de vegetação no sentido de utilizar recursos alimentares, produzidos massivamente, à medida que se tornam disponíveis. Neste estudo, nós examinamos a utilização de uma mata ciliar, no Pantanal Sul (Brasil), por uma comunidade de psitacídeos, constituída por um gradiente de formas que incluiu desde o pequeno Brotogeris chiriri até a grande Ara chloroptera. Os recursos vegetais, importantes para os psitacídeos, foram produzidos massivamente durante a estação chuvosa (frutos carnosos), subseqüentemente durante as cheias anuais (também frutos carnosos) e, finalmente, na estação seca (flores). Tanto as pequenas quanto as grandes espécies consumiram tais frutos, no entanto os periquitos utilizaram predominantemente a polpa, enquanto as espécies maiores consumiram em proporções similares a polpa e as sementes. Durante a estação seca os periquitos utilizaram extraordinariamente néctar das flores, sobretudo produzido por Inga vera, que anualmente floresceu massivamente ao final da estação seca, período mais rigoroso do ano. Dentre as espécies maiores, apenas Propyrrhura auricollis utilizou substancialmente néctar. A intensa produção de frutos, tipicamente dispersos por peixes ou pela água durante a cheia anual, foi amplamente utilizada pelos psitacídeos. Portanto, ao contrário dos padrões de frutificação da maioria das matas secas neotropicais, a ocorrência de um pico de frutificação durante as cheias emerge como um evento marcante de disponibilidade de frutos, num período (transição da estação úmida para a seca) em que tipicamente tendem a declinar. Nesse sentido, a peculiar produção massiva de flores e frutos, nessa mata ciliar, potencialmente contribui para manutenção das grandes populações de psitacídeos, ainda presentes,...
Animals , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Parrots/physiology , Plants, Edible/classification , Trees , BrazilABSTRACT
The edible mushroom Oudemansiella canarii (Jungh.) Höhn is common in the Brazilian territory, being found in different biomas, where they colonize several plant species. In this study, the O. canarii cultivation was evaluated in polypropilene bags containing sugar-cane bagasse (200 g) or eucalyptus sawdust (200 g) supplemented with wheat bran (50 g). The composts were sterilized at 121§C for 1 hour, after cooling they were inoculated with 3 g of spawn and then remained incubated at 25§C until the basidiomata primordia formation. The mushrooms, harvested after the pilei opening, presented varied sizes reaching 9 cm of diameter and 10 cm of height. The fresh mushrooms presented mild taste and soft consistency. When kept at 4§C, they maintained good appearance and good consistency for 7 days. In a period of 60 days, the largest basidiomata production was obtained in the compost with sugar-cane bagasse, showing greater productivity (4.47per cent ñ 1.34), biological efficiency (55.66per cent ñ 20.41) and compost consumption (38.78per cent ñ 4.59) averages. Wilcoxon's non-parametric statistical analysis used to compare the biomass production in the two composts, showed significant differences at 5 per cent significance level.