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Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 20(2): 101-122, 2021. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1342191


Humans when exposed to harmful ionising radiations suffer from various pathophysiological disorders including cancer. Radiotherapy is a treatment where these cancerous cells within a tumor aretargeted and killed by means of high energy waves. This therapy is very expensive and involves highly sophisticated instruments. In addition to this, most synthetic radioprotectors including Amifostine have been found to possess toxicity. This led researchers to develop a novel, economically viable, and efficient therapeutic alternative to radiation therapy. The last two decades have observed a major shift towards investigating natural products as radioprotectors, as these are immensely effective in terms of their potential bioequivalence relative to many of the established synthetic compounds available. Taking into account the limitations of radiation therapy, an approach 'Integrative Oncology' that involves a combination of both traditional and conventional medical treatment are used nowadays to treat patients suffering from cancer and associated mental and psychological disorders.

Los seres humanos, cuando se exponen a radiaciones ionizantes nocivas, sufren diversos trastornos fisiopatológicos, incluido el cáncer. La radioterapia es un tratamiento en el que estas células cancerosas dentro de un tumor son atacadas y destruidas por medio de ondas de alta energía. Esta terapia es muy cara e implica instrumentos muy sofisticados. Además de esto, se ha descubierto que la mayoría de los radioprotectores sintéticos, incluida la amifostina, poseen toxicidad. Esto llevó a los investigadores a desarrollar una novedosa, económicamente viable y eficiente alternativa terapéutica a la radioterapia. En las dos últimas décadas se ha observado un cambio importante hacia la investigación de productos naturales como radioprotectores, ya que son inmensamente eficaces en términos de su potencial bioequivalencia en relación con muchos de los compuestos sintéticos establecidos disponibles. Teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones de la radioterapia, hoy en día se utiliza un enfoque de "Oncología Integrativa" que implica una combinación de tratamiento médico tradicional y convencional para tratar a pacientes que padecen cáncer y trastornos mentales y psicológicos asociados.

Humans , Plants/chemistry , Radiation-Protective Agents , Biological Products , Integrative Oncology/methods , Radiotherapy/methods , DNA Damage , Radiation Oncology/methods , Genomic Instability
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 18(6): 533-543, nov. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1100255


The livestock sector is continuously facing problems in controlling parasitic diseases especially Haemonchosis due to emergence of anthelminthic resistance and failure in vaccination control programmes. Therefore, to increase milk and meat production and emerging demand of meat free from drug residues development of new alternative approaches are appealing for prevention and control of Haemonchosis in small ruminants. Among alternatives, plants driven essentials oils have shown promising results in control of Haemonchus contortus infection at various concentrations by different assays including egg hatch assay, larval development assay, larval exsheathment assay and adult motility assay. Essential oils are complex mixtures of various impulsive or volatile compounds which have potential to control Haemonchosis. The current study reviews the therapeutic effects of essential oils of plants against Haemonchus contortus and to be used them against Haemonchus contortus for future perspectives.

El sector ganadero enfrenta continuamente problemas para controlar las enfermedades parasitarias, especialmente la hemoncosis, debido a la aparición de resistencia antihelmíntica y al fracaso en los programas de control de vacunación. Por lo tanto, para aumentar la producción de leche y carne, y la demanda emergente de carne libre de residuos de medicamentos, el desarrollo de nuevos enfoques alternativos es atractivo para la prevención y el control de la hemoncosis en pequeños rumiantes. Entre las alternativas, los aceites esenciales producidos por las plantas han mostrado resultados prometedores en el control de la infección por Haemonchus contortus a diversas concentraciones mediante diferentes ensayos, incluido el análisis de eclosión de huevos, el desarrollo de larvas, el análisis de vaciado de larvas y el ensayo de motilidad en adultos. Los aceites esenciales son mezclas complejas de varios compuestos impulsivos o volátiles que tienen potencial para controlar la hemonchosis. Este estudio revisa los efectos terapéuticos de los aceites esenciales de las plantas contra Haemonchus contortus y evalúa sus perspectivas futuras como agentes para combatir las enfermedades causadas por este parásito.

Animals , Plants/chemistry , Ruminants/parasitology , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Haemonchus/drug effects , Anthelmintics/pharmacology , Oils, Volatile/isolation & purification , Parasitic Sensitivity Tests , Haemonchiasis/drug therapy , Anthelmintics/isolation & purification
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 18(5): 444-458, sept. 2019. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1008263


This review work focuses on how the secondary chemistry could help in the survival of plants in high mountain habitats under extreme environmental conditions. The elevated levels of stress in high areas of the tropic and subtropic change dramatically not only by following the annual cycles of winter and summer but they also change in a single day. Some species, however, are able to successfully grow at heights more than 3000 m in the tropical mountains due, in part, to highly specialized physiological processes that affect their physical and chemical responses. In this study, it describes some strategies of how the secondary metabolites could help the plants to stand the high levels of stress in the high mountain ecosystems.

Este trabajo de revisión se centra en cómo la química secundaria podría ayudar en la supervivencia de plantas en hábitats de alta montaña en condiciones ambientales extremas. Los altos niveles de estrés en las zonas altas del trópico y subtrópico cambian dramáticamente no solo al seguir los ciclos anuales de invierno y verano, sino que también cambian en un solo día. Sin embargo, algunas especies pueden crecer con éxito a alturas superiores a 3000 m en las montañas tropicales debido, en parte, a procesos fisiológicos altamente especializados que afectan sus respuestas físicas y químicas. En esta revisión, se describen algunas estrategias de cómo los metabolitos secundarios podrían ayudan a las plantas a soportar los altos niveles de estrés en los ecosistemas de alta montaña.

Plants/chemistry , Stress, Physiological , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Altitude , Phloroglucinol/analysis , Phloroglucinol/chemistry , Terpenes/analysis , Terpenes/chemistry , Flavonoids/analysis , Flavonoids/chemistry
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;79(2): 233-242, Apr.-June 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-989454


Abstract The expression of chemical compounds by individual plants of the same species in different locations may be affected by abiotic factors resulting in differences in the production of allelopathic compounds. The objective of this study was to compare the phytochemical profiles of plant species from two different forest formations in the state of Paraná, Brazil. The forest formations were Seasonal Semideciduous Forest (SSF) and Lowland Ombrophilous Dense Forest (LODF), and the five study species were Jacaranda micrantha, Cecropia pachystachya, Mimosa bimucronata, Schinus terebinthifolius and Cedrela fissilis. Secondary metabolites were extracted by exhaustive extraction with methanol, and the crude extract was fractionated using column chromatography. The fractions were used to calculate the retention factor of the main compounds using thin layer chromatography and phytochemical tests. The classes of compounds identified were practically the same among the analyzed species, however, at different levels of concentration. The type of tannins found in S. terebinthifolius differed between the two forest formations.

Resumo A expressão de compostos químicos de uma mesma espécie pode ser afetada e diferenciada pelos fatores abióticos, resultando em respostas alelopáticas diferenciadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o perfil químico de espécies provenientes de duas Formações Florestais do Estado do Paraná. As formações foram a Floresta Estacional Semidecidual e Floresta Ombrófila Densa, sendo as espécies escolhidas: Jacaranda micrantha, Cecropia pachystachya, Mimosa bimucronata, Schinus terebinthifolius e Cedrela fissilis. Foi realizada extração exaustiva dos metabólitos secundários com metanol e o extrato bruto fracionado em coluna cromatográfica. As frações foram utilizadas para calcular o fator de retenção dos constituintes principais empregando cromatografia em camada delgada e para realizar testes fitoquímicos. As classes de compostos identificados foram praticamente as mesmas entre as espécies analisadas, porém, em diferentes níveis de concentração. O tipo de tanino encontrado em S. terebinthifolius foi diferente entre as duas formações florestais.

Plants/classification , Plants/chemistry , Plant Extracts/analysis , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Forests , Phytochemicals/analysis , Brazil
Infectio ; 21(3): 176-181, jul.-set. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-892727


Objetivo: Echinophora platyloba se utiliza tradicionalmente como agente antimicrobiano con el fin de preservar los productos caseros de deterioro. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la composición química del aceite esencial, actividad antimicrobiana y antioxidante del aceite esencial de E. platyloba de la provincia de Shahr-e-Kord. Materiales y métodos: la composición química del aceite esencial de E. platyloba mediante técnicas de GC-MS y GC y evaluar su efecto antibacteriano frente a Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enterica y Helicobacter pylori por ensayos de difusión en disco y de micro dilución en caldo. La actividad antioxidante del aceite esencial de E. platyloba se evaluó por los radicales ABST. β-ocimeno y α-cariofileno eran los componentes principales del aceite esencial de E. platyloba. El aceite esencial mostró la actividad antibacteriana prometido contra S. aureus, seguido de S. enterica y H. pylori. El aceite esencial presenta actividad antioxidante del aceite esencial mostró la IC50 de 0. 32 mg/ml que fue mayor que la IC50 de ácido ascórbico (0.20 mg/ml). En conclusión : Aceite esencial de E. platyloba ha se recomienda ß-ocimeno y quimiotipo α-cariofileno y su uso como agentes antioxidantes y antibacterianas como sus usos tradicionales.

Objective: Echinophora platyloba is traditionally used as antimicrobial agent in order to preserve the home-made products from deterioration. The aim of this study was to evaluate chemical composition of essential oil, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of E. platyloba essential oil from Shahr-E-Kord city, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province. Materials and methods: chemical composition of E. platyloba essential oil by GC and GC-MS techniques and evaluate its antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enterica and Helicobacter pylori by disc diffusion and micro broth dilution assays. The antioxidant activity of E. platyloba essential oil was evaluated by ABST radicals. β-ocimene and α-caryophyllene were the main components of E. platyloba essential oil. The essential oil showed the promised antibacterial activity against S. aureus, followed by S. enterica and H. pylori. The antioxidant activity evaluation of essential oil showed the IC50 of 0.32 mg/ml that was higher than the IC50 of ascorbic acid (0.20 mg/ml). In conclusion , E. platyloba essential oil has β-ocimene and α-caryophyllene chemotype and its use as antioxidant and antibacterial agents is recommended as its traditional uses.

Humans , Plants/chemistry , Oils, Volatile , Anti-Infective Agents , Antioxidants , Staphylococcus aureus , Helicobacter pylori , Salmonella enterica , Polycyclic Sesquiterpenes
Rev. patol. trop ; 44(1): 45-55, 2015. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-758564


Para identificar as propriedades químicas de plantas do Cerrado, realizou-se um levantamentoetnobotânico que resultou na seleção de sete espécies vegetais de acordo com as indicações terapêuticaspara antibiótico, anti-inflamatório, analgésico, antiofídico e cicatrizante. Foram testados os extratoshidroalcoólicos das seguintes plantas quanto à sua atividade contra as formas promastigotas de Leishmaniaamazonensis: Terminalia fagifolia Mart. (Combretaceae), Vellozia squamata Pohl. (Velloziaceae),Vochysia haenkeana (Spreng.) Mart. (Vochysyaceae), Siparuna guianensis Aublet (Siparunaceae),Lafoensia pacari St. Hil. (Lythraceae), Galactia glauscecens Kunth. (Leguminosae) e Plathymeniareticulata Benth. (Mimosaceae). Feita a triagem para identificação da atividade leishmanicida,calculou-se a concentração inibitória do crescimento (IC50) em relação às culturas não tratadas com osextratos. Nas espécies L. pacari, G. glaucensces e P. reticulata, seus extratos demonstraram IC50 comvalores de 14,6 mug/mL, 46,0 mug/mL e 59,5 mug/mL, respectivamente, apresentando maior eficácia eminduzir a morte dos parasitos. T. fagifolia, V. squamata e V. haenkeana apresentaram IC50 com valoresde 446,1 mug/mL, 305,0 mug/mL e 85,1 mug/mL, respectivamente, demonstrando eficácia moderada.A prospecção fitoquímica evidenciou a presença de flavonoides, triterpenoides, esteroides e taninosque, segundo a literatura, são responsáveis pela atividade leishmanicida. Esses resultados indicam anecessidade de mais estudos para a avaliação da atividade em infecções in vivo e do fracionamento dassubstâncias em busca dos princípios ativos responsáveis pela ação leishmanicida...

In order to identify chemical properties of plants of the Brazilian savanna (Cerrado) an ethnobotanicalsurvey was performed. Seven plant species were selected according to their indications for antibiotic,anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-ophidian and healing properties. The following hydroalcoholic extracts of these plants were tested for activity against promastigotes of Leishmania amazonensis:Terminalia fagifolia Mart. (Combretaceae), Vellozia squamata Pohl. (Velloziaceae), Vochysiahaenkeana (Spreng.) Mart. (Vochysyaceae), Siparuna guianensis Aublet (Siparunaceae), Lafoensiapacari St. Hil. (Lythraceae), Galactia glauscecens Kunth. (Leguminosae) and Plathymeniareticulata Benth. (Mimosaceae). The growth inhibitory concentration (IC50) of these extracts wascalculated in relation to untreated cultures. Higher efficacy in inducing the death of parasites wasdemonstrated with extracts of L. pacari, G. glaucensces and P. reticulata, which showed IC50 valuesof 14.6 mg/mL, 46.0 mg/mL and 59.5 mg/mL, respectively. Moderate effectiveness was shown withT. fagifolia, V. squamata and V. haenkeana extracts, with values of 446.1, mg/mL 305.0 mg/mL and85.1 mg/mL respectively. Phytochemical studies showed the presence of flavonoids, triterpenoids,steroids and tannins that, according to the literature, are responsible for the leishmanicidal activity.These results indicate the need for future studies to evaluate the activity of these extracts againstinfections in vivo, as well as the fractionation of substances, in search of the active componentsresponsible for the leishmanicidal action...

Humans , Ethnobotany , Leishmaniasis/diagnosis , Plants/chemistry , Grassland , Dimethyl Sulfoxide
Braz. j. microbiol ; Braz. j. microbiol;45(3): 769-779, July-Sept. 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-727001


Previous studies analyzing 2,200 plant extracts indicated anti-enterococcal activity in 25 extracts obtained from Brazilian forests' plants. In the present study, these extracts were subjected to microdilution broth assay (MDBA) and disk diffusion assay (DDA) using planktonic Enterococcus faecalis ATCC® 29212TM and were submitted to phytochemical analysis in TLC and HPLC. Three extracts obtained from Ipomoea alba (MIC < 40 µg/mL), Diclinanona calycina (MIC < 40 µg/mL) and Moronobea coccinea (40 < MIC < 80 µg/mL; MBC = 80 µg/mL) showed significant bactericidal activity in the MDBA and four extracts obtained from I. alba (14.04 ± 0.55 mm diameter) S. globulifera (14.43 ± 0.33 mm and 12.18 ± 0.28 mm diameter) and Connarus ruber var. ruber (13.13 ± 0.18 mm diameter) were active in DDA. Residues H2O obtained from Psidium densicomum (mean of 16.78 mm diameter) and from Stryphnodendron pulcherrimum (mean of 15.97 mm diameter) have shown an improved antibacterial activity after fractionation if compared to that obtained from the respective crude extracts. Antioxidant activity was observed in some residues of the active extracts. TLC analysis showed that phenolic compounds are likely to be found in active extracts. Three molecules were isolated from S. globulifera and were identified by 13C NMR lupeol, α-amyrin and 3β-hydroxyglutin-5-ene. The present chemical and biological findings suggest that these extracts are a potential source of new anti-Enterococcus compounds to be introduced in endodontic therapy.

Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Enterococcus faecalis/drug effects , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Plants/chemistry , Anti-Bacterial Agents/chemistry , Anti-Bacterial Agents/isolation & purification , Brazil , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Chromatography, Thin Layer , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Models, Molecular , Molecular Structure , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Plant Extracts/isolation & purification
Indian J Exp Biol ; 2014 Jan; 52(1): 73-79
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-150335


A common method for analysis of 17 amino acids from various insect species and plant parts was standardized using HPLC-PDA. Prior to hydrolysis, lyophilization of test samples was found indispensible to remove excess moisture, which interferes in hydrolysis and separation of amino acids. After the hydrolysis of plant and insect samples, 500 and 100 µL of boiling HCl, respectively for reconstitution, and 20 µL of hydrolyzed samples used for derivatization, provided best results. Gradient profile of mobile phase and run time up to 65 min were standardized to (i) overcome the problems related to eluting underivatized sample part, (ii) optimize the use of mobile phase and run time, and (iii) get better separation of different amino acids. Analysis of Chilo partellus larvae reared on sorghum seedling powder based artificial diet indicated that arginine and histidine quantities were on par in both samples. However, methionine was higher, and leucine, isoleucine, lysine, phenylalanine, threonine and valine were lower in sorghum seedlings than in C. partellus larvae, suggesting compensation of these amino acids by the insect through voracious feeding, as is being expected from artificial diet. This method was found highly sensitive, reproducible and useful for the analysis of amino acids for better understanding of insect-plant interactions.

Amino Acids/chemistry , Amino Acids/isolation & purification , Animals , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methods , Insecta/chemistry , Plants/chemistry
Medwave ; 13(10)nov. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-716676


Introducción: los antivirales son los únicos fármacos usado en el tratamiento de patologías infecciosas de origen vírico, aunque presentan riesgos o efectos nocivos para la salud como flebitis, hematuria, hipocalcemia, creatininemia, y en el peor caso mutagénesis y teratogenia. Objetivo: realizar un resumen descriptivo sobre las propiedades antivirales investigadas globalmente en plantas de uso terapéutico alternativo en patologías de origen vírico como hepatitis, VIH, virus papiloma humano, entre otros. Discusión: las plantas aún son la fuente para encontrar soluciones a problemas de salud pública actuales, como la resistencia antimicrobiana a antibacterianos y antimicóticos, así como a patologías recalcitrantes en Latinoamérica como la malaria y la tuberculosis. No obstante, la investigación en esta materia es incipiente, faltando mayores estudios sobre sus propiedades farmacológicas, identificando sus principios activos y caracterizándolos, tanto en su espectro terapéutico como en sus riesgos toxicológicos.

Introduction. Antiviral drugs are the only medicines currently in use in viral conditions in spite of the described risk of adverse health effects such as phlebitis, hematuria, hypocalcaemia, increased creatinine and, in the worst cases, mutagenicity and teratogenicity. Aim. The purpose of this article is to provide a descriptive overview of global research on the antiviral properties of complementary medicinal plants to treat diseases such as hepatitis, HIV, human papilloma virus, among others. Discussion. Plants continue to provide answers to current public health problems, such as microbial resistance to antibiotics and antifungal agents, or recalcitrant conditions present in Latin America such as malaria and tuberculosis. However, research in this area is still incipient. More studies are needed on pharmacological properties, identification of active ingredients, characterization of therapeutic spectrum and toxicological risks.

Humans , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Plants/chemistry , Plant Preparations/therapeutic use , Complementary Therapies , Latin America
Indian J Biochem Biophys ; 2012 Jun; 49(3): 143-154
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-140230


Chemical genomics is a newly emerged and rapidly progressing field in biology, where small chemical molecules bind specifically and reversibly to protein(s) to modulate their function(s), leading to the delineation and subsequent unravelling of biological processes. This approach overcomes problems like lethality and redundancy of classical genetics. Armed with the powerful techniques of combinatorial synthesis, high-throughput screening and target discovery chemical genomics expands its scope to diverse areas in biology. The well-established genetic system of Arabidopsis model allows chemical genomics to enter into the realm of plant biology exploring signaling pathways of growth regulators, endomembrane signaling cascades, plant defense mechanisms and many more events.

Arabidopsis/chemistry , Arabidopsis/genetics , Arabidopsis/metabolism , Genomics/methods , Molecular Biology , Plant Proteins/chemistry , Plant Proteins/genetics , Plant Proteins/metabolism , Plants/chemistry , Plants/genetics , Plants/metabolism , Small Molecule Libraries
Invest. clín ; Invest. clín;53(1): 71-83, mar. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-664567


La infección por VIH (virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana) en la actualidad es un grave problema de salud pública a nivel mundial, que requiere de nuevas estrategias vacunales para detener su propagación así como para su efectivo tratamiento. Algunos estudios relacionados con la inmunidad innata en contra de VIH, han demostrado que los péptidos antimicrobianos (AMP´s) pueden generar resistencia a las infecciones virales. En la presente revisión, se describen a los péptidos antimicrobianos de humano y su actividad en contra de VIH así como péptidos de otras especies como plantas, anfibios, insectos y varias especies de animales que poseen un potencial terapéutico o profiláctico en la infección por VIH. Se describen brevemente algunos mecanismos mediante los cuales estos péptidos pueden bloquear la replicación e infección por el VIH.

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection is today a very important health issue worldwide, which demands new ways and strategies for its prevention and treatment. Several studies on the innate immunity against HIV infection have shown that antimicrobial peptides are associated with increased resistance to infection. In the present review, we briefly summarize the major characteristics of antimicrobial peptides from human and several species of plants, amphibians, insects and other animal species that have significant potential to be used as therapeutic or prophylactic agents. The mechanisms of infection inhibition and viral replication blockade are also described in the context of the biology of infection.

Animals , Humans , Anti-HIV Agents/therapeutic use , Antimicrobial Cationic Peptides/therapeutic use , HIV Infections/drug therapy , Anti-HIV Agents/isolation & purification , Anti-HIV Agents/pharmacology , Antimicrobial Cationic Peptides/isolation & purification , Antimicrobial Cationic Peptides/pharmacology , Drug Discovery , Drug Evaluation, Preclinical , HIV , Invertebrates/chemistry , Plants/chemistry , Species Specificity , Vertebrates/metabolism , Virus Replication/drug effects
Cusco; s.n; 2012. 153 p. tab, graf, ilus.
Thesis in Spanish | MTYCI, LILACS | ID: biblio-880300


La presente investigación se desarrolló en las comunidades: Rumira Sondormayo, Chaullacocha y Chupani, Provincia de Urubamba- Cusco, en la etnobotánica y fitoquímica de las especies tintóreas. La metodología consistió en encuestas bilaterales a un total de 55 mujeres de asociaciones textiles, distribuidas entre 15, 20 y 20 personas, registrando los conocimientos tradicionales, se procedió a la colecta de las muestras botánicas mediante herborización, determinación e identificación luego se realizó pruebas de tinción con tres mordientes: orina, chicha y kollpa, determinando la intensidad de la coloración y pH, sometiéndose a pruebas de solidez para determinar la calidad de fijación del tinte en lana de oveja y fibra de alpaca y finalmente se realizaron pruebas fitoquímicas preliminares mediante marchas fitoquímicas determinando los compuestos secundarios y la naturaleza del colorante de cada especie. De los resultados se registra un total de 24 especies tintóreas, pertenecientes a 15 Familias, con 20 Géneros, donde las más representativas son: Familia Asteraceae con 6 especies, entre las más resaltantes están Baccharis latifolia (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers, Baccharis genistelloides (Lam.) Pers y Senecio rizhomatus Rusby, Familia Fabaceae con 3 especies, Caesalpinia spinosa (Molina) y Familia Berberidaceae con 2 especies, con Berberís humbertiana J.F. Macbr. y Berberís carinata Lechler. En el proceso de tinción se obtuvo 8 variedades de coloraciones, siendo las coloraciones frecuentemente el amarillo, verde y marrón; se determinó que la lana de oveja es un buen material textil y el mordiente Kollpa un buen fijador de la coloración, se vio que a pH ácido elevados se obtienen mejores coloraciones, siendo más resistentes a las pruebas de solidez, determinando una muy buena solidez a la luz y entre muy buena a escasa solidez al lavado con detergente; estableciéndose finalmente los compuestos secundarios donde los Alcaloides, Compuestos Fenólicos y Taninos son los más comúnmente encontrados y entre los colorantes naturales registró mayormente las Antocianinas, Carotenoides y Flavonoides; hallándose exclusivamente el Ácido usnico, Depsidos y Depsidonas en líquenes.

Humans , Female , Plants/chemistry , Ethnobotany , Phytochemicals , Peru , Data Collection
Braz. j. pharm. sci ; 47(3): 623-628, July-Sept. 2011. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-602680


Gunnera (Gunneraceae) forms a complex association with the cyanobacterium Nostoc puctiforme L. Gunnera-Nostoc symbiosis is the only one reported involving a flowering plant, and results in the formation of the neurotoxic amino acid β-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA). The species Gunnera manicata L., for which phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological studies are lacking, is found in Southern Brazil. Therefore, acute toxicity and the presence of neurotoxic amino acid were investigated in aqueous extracts of G. manicata. The acute toxicity test was conducted by administering aqueous root extract of G. manicata at a concentration of 2000 mg/kg in a single dose orally to Wistar rats. Lethality was monitored daily for 14 days after treatment. The relative mass of organs was analyzed by one-way ANOVA and macroscopic changes were investigated. The analysis of BMAA, a procedure performed by GC/MS, involved a preliminary derivatization step. The ESI-MS/MS analysis was done by direct infusion. The present study demonstrated absence of neurotoxin in the samples of G. manicata analyzed and absence of acute toxicity in aqueous root extracts. These data confirm that extracts from the roots of G. manicata have a high margin of drug safety.

Gunnera (Gunneraceae) forma uma complexa associação com a cianobactéria Nostoc puctiforme L. A simbiose Gunnera-Nostoc é a única relatada envolvendo uma angiosperma e, em decorrência desta, ocorre a formação da neurotoxina β-N-metilamino-L-alanina (BMAA). No sul do Brasil, encontra-se a espécie G. manicata L., da qual não constam, na literatura científica, estudos fitoquímicos, farmacológicos e toxicológicos. Assim, o presente estudo avaliou a toxicidade aguda e a presença da neurotoxina BMAA em extratos aquosos de G. manicata. O ensaio de toxicidade aguda foi realizado com extrato aquoso das raízes de G. manicata na concentração de 2000 mg/kg, administrado em dose única via oral em ratos Wistar. Letalidade foi observada diariamente durante 14 dias pós-tratamento. Após a eutanásia, a massa relativa dos órgãos foi analisada por ANOVA de uma via e investigou-se a presença de alterações macroscópicas. A análise do BMAA por CG/EM envolveu uma etapa preliminar de derivatização, já a análise por ESI-EM/EM foi realizada por infusão direta. O presente estudo demonstrou a ausência da neurotoxina nas amostras de G. manicata analisadas bem como a ausência de toxicidade aguda no extrato aquoso das raízes. Esses dados demonstram alta margem de segurança dos extratos testados.

Animals , Male , Female , Young Adult , Rats , Brazil , Plants/chemistry , Plants/toxicity , Toxicity Tests, Acute/statistics & numerical data , Toxicity Tests, Acute/methods , Analysis of Variance , Neurotoxins/pharmacokinetics , Neurotoxins/toxicity
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-604944


Epidemiological studies indicate the health protective effect of fruits andvegetables. A significant part of this effect may be due to their contentof flavonoids. These bioactive compounds from vegetables in the diet of humans feature many biological properties. Such properties include the ones related to the Central Nervous System physiology. Currently, literature suggests that flavonoids can modulate many enzymes, including those with anti-inflammatory action, in reduction of atherosclerotic plaques, inhibition of platelet aggregation, vasodilation, exhibit hormonal activity (specifically isoflavones) and significant antioxidant activity. Studies indicate that the prevalence of mental illness in developed countries increased in correlation with the deterioration of the dietary pattern of these populations, as a result of Western Diet adoption. Flavonoids pass beyond the Blood-Brain Barrier through several channels, most of which are still under investigation, and reach almost all brain nuclei. These compounds are able to increase the antioxidant capacity of the brain and improve its blood perfusion, interact with neuronal genes and modulate the activity of certain neuronal receptors. The data reported in this review reinforce the recommendations for promoting the consumption of fruits and vegetables, which supply food flavonoids, in order to prevent and treat diseases affecting the Central Nervous System, as recommended bythe World Health Organization.

Los estudios epidemiológicos muestran el efecto protector de la salud del consumo de frutas y verduras, que puede ser en gran parte atribuidoa los flavonoides. Estos compuestos bioactivos provenientes de los vegetales de la dieta humana, presentan numerosas propiedades biológicas. Entre ellas se encuentran las actividades relacionadas con la fisiología del Sistema Nervioso Central. En la actualidad, la literatura sugiere que los flavonoides por mediode la modulación de numerosas enzimas, tienen acción en el sistema vascular, incluyendo acción antiinflamatoria, de reducción delas placas arterioscleróticas, inhibiciónde la agregación plaquetaria, promociónde vasodilatación, actividad hormonal (específicamente las isoflavonas) y significativa actividad antioxidante. Los estudios indican que la prevalencia de enfermedades mentales en los países desarrollados aumentó en correlación con la deterioración de los hábitos alimentarios de estas poblaciones, como resultado de la adopción de la dieta occidental. Los flavonoides penetran la barrera hematoen cefálica através de varios canales, la mayoría de los cuales están todavía bajo investigación, y alcanzan prácticamente todos los núcleos cerebrales. Estos compuestos son capaces de aumentar la capacidad antioxidante del cerebro, mejorar su perfusión sanguínea, interactuar con genes neuronales y modular la actividad de receptores neuronales. Los datos presentados en esta revisión refuerzan las recomendaciones depromoción del consumo de frutas y hortalizas, los principales proveedores de flavonoides de la dieta, de acuerdo con la OMS, a fin de preveniry tratar enfermedades que afectan el Sistema Nervioso Central.

Estudos epidemiológicos demonstram o efeito protetor à saúde do consumo de frutas e hortaliças; uma parcela significativa deste efeito pode ser atribuída aos flavonoides. Estes compostos bioativos, provenientes dos vegetais presentes na dieta dos seres humanos, exibem inúmeras propriedades biológicas. Dentre elas, destacam-se atividades ligadas à fisiologiado Sistema Nervoso Central. Atualmente, a literatura aponta que os flavonoides são capazes de modular numerosas enzimas, têm ação no sistema vascular, inclusive ação anti-inflamatória, redução de placas ateroscleróticas, inibição da agregação plaquetária, promoção da vasodilatação, ação hormonal (especificamente isoflavonas) e significante atividade antioxidante. Estudos apontam que a prevalência de doenças mentais aumentou nos países desenvolvidos em correlação com a deterioração do padrão alimentar destas populações, como resultado da adoção da Dieta Ocidental. Os flavonoidesultra passam a Barreira Hemato-Encefálica por diversas vias, a maioria das quais ainda em investigação, e atingem praticamente todos os núcleos cerebrais. Estes compostos são capazes de aumentar a capacidade antioxidante do cérebro, melhorar sua perfusão sanguínea, interagir com genes neuronais e modulara atividade de determinados receptores neuronais. Os dados relatados nesta revisão reforçam as recomendações de promoção do consumo de frutas e hortaliças, principais fornecedores de flavonoides na alimentação, em consonância com a OMS, como modo deprevenir e tratar doenças que acometem o Sistema Nervoso Central.

Flavonoids/analysis , Flavonoids/biosynthesis , Central Nervous System/enzymology , Central Nervous System/metabolism , Nervous System Diseases/prevention & control , Micronutrients/therapeutic use , Phytotherapeutic Drugs , Plants/chemistry
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 10(1): 75-82, ene. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-686902


The main objective of anti-carcinogenic chemotherapy is to stop uncontrolled cellular proliferation. This has prompted us to begin a systematic survey of new effective inhibitors with ability to react with cytoskeletal components and arrest living, dividing cells. Even for traditional populations herbs-consuming, encouraging the use of species with chemopreventive actions could be helpful as part of life expectancy improvement strategies. Herbal products have significantly lower costs, exhibit little or no toxicity during long-term oral administration and are relatively available at large scale. Current work involved the screening of 85 extracts from Cuban medicinal plants, selected on the basis of traditional use, ethnobotanics and pharmacological information (antiparasitic, antitumour, abortive, etc.). Antitubulinic activity in the hydroalcoholics extracts was evaluated by using a modified version of the conventional turbidity assay of tubulin assembly/ disassembly. The activity limits of the news isolated antitubulin agents were thoroughly investigated. According to the presented results, the extracts displaying the highest antitubulinic activity were Tamarindus indica L., Lawsonia inermes L and Xanthium strumarium L.

Detener la proliferación celular es el principal propósito de la quimioterapia anticarcinogénica. Para ello se ha realizado una búsqueda a partir de fuentes naturales de nuevos inhibidores efectivos que reaccionen con los componentes del citoesqueleto y puedan detener la división celular. En poblaciones que tradicionalmente utilizan plantas medicinales se estimula el uso de aquellas especies con acción quimiopreventivas como parte de una estrategia que contribuya a la calidad de vida. Los productos herbarios tienen costos significativamente más bajos, exhiben poca o ninguna toxicidad durante la administración oral a largo plazo y están al alcance de todos. Nuestro trabajo consistió en realizar un tamizaje de 85 extractos de plantas medicinales cubanas seleccionadas en base al uso tradicional, en las encuestas etnobotánicas e información farmacológica (actividad antiparasitaria, antitumoral, abortiva, etc). La actividad antitubulínica fue evaluada mediante una versión modificada del ensayo turbimétrico del ensamblaje/desensamblaje de la tubulina. Se determinó la actividad límite de los nuevos agentes antitubulínicos siendo los extractos de Tamarindus indica L., Lawsonia inermes L and Xanthium strumarium L. los de mejor actividad antitubulínica según las condiciones ensayadas.

Antimitotic Agents/pharmacology , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Plants/chemistry , Antineoplastic Agents/pharmacology , Cuba , Flora , Lawsonia Plant/chemistry , Microtubules , Plant Preparations/pharmacology , Tamarindus/chemistry , Xanthium/chemistry
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 11(1): 132-142, jul. 2009. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-590639


Phytolacca tetramera Hauman "ombusillo", es una especie vegetal endémica del SE de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, que se halla en peligro crítico de extinción. Su principal factor de amenaza es la reducción del hábitat por acción antrópica. Esta especie presenta principios activos fungicidas y, posiblemente, dada su afinidad con otras especies del mismo género, presente compuestos antivirales, antitumorales, bactericidas e insecticidas. Se realizaron ensayos de macropropagación con distintas concentraciones de reguladores de crecimiento de tipo auxínicos que muestran claramente un enraizamiento óptimo correspondiente a segmentos de ejes aéreos vegetales “estacas” sometidas a 300 ppm de ácido indol butírico y a segmentos de tallos subterráneos sin aplicación de hormonas. Así mismo, se realizaron ensayos de germinación, en condiciones de luz y de oscuridad, comprobándose que las semillas presentan fotoblastismo positivo con un porcentaje de germinación del 65%, el cual disminuye enormemente luego del año de cosecha.

Phytolacca tetramera Hauman "ombusillo" is an endemic plant species which is in critical danger of becoming extinct; it comes from the south-east of the province of Buenos Aires. The main factor threatening this species is the reduction of its natural environment by antropic action.This species has antifungal properties and, due to its relationship with other species from the same genus, it could also have antiviral, antitumour, antibacterial and insecticidal compounds. Macropropagation experiments were carried out using different concentrations of auxinic growth regulators. Segements of aerial axis “stakes” treated with 300 ppm of indol-butiric acid and segments of underground stems without hormonal treatment provided optimum rooting. Germination experiments in dark and light conditions were also carried out, finding that seeds showed positive photoblastisme with a 65% germination rate which declined considerably after the crop had been harvested.

Plants/enzymology , Plants/immunology , Plants/microbiology , Plants/parasitology , Plants/chemistry , Germination/physiology , Germination/genetics , Germination/immunology
Rev. chil. nutr ; 36(2): 152-158, jun. 2009. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-554844


Las especies reactivas del oxígeno (ERO) causan daño celular que se puede expresar como patología, tales como las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) y otras enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. El organismo humano cuenta con sistemas antioxidantes; algunos provienen de la dieta, especialmente de frutas y hortalizas, otros los genera el mismo organismo de manera endógena. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la capacidad antioxidante in vitro de algunas frutas y hortalizas que se consumen en la Región del Maule de Chile. Las once especies de frutas y 16 de hortalizas empleadas en el estudio fueron adquiridas en el Centro Regional de Abastecimiento de Talca, en época de cosecha; a partir de ellas se obtuvo extractos acuosos y metanólicos. La actividad antioxidante se determinó mediante decoloración del radical violeta 2,2-difenil-I-picril hidrazilo hidratado (DPPH). En general la actividad antioxidante, en extractos metanólicos, fue mayor en frutas (70,3 por ciento; 87,7-54,3 por ciento de decoloración) que en hortalizas (54,7 por ciento; 44,3-79,7 por ciento) (p < 0.003) y dependiente de la concentración del extracto evaluado. En los ensayos a 1000 f < g/m, la mayoría de las frutas mostraron un porcentaje de decoloración superior al 60 por ciento y las que presentaron mayor actividad antioxidante fueron frambuesa, frutilla y kiwi. Entre las hortalizas, las que presentaron mayor actividad antioxidante, fueron los tomates seguidos por pepino dulce, betarraga, melón tuna, pimentón y sandía. La actividad antioxidante observada en la mayoría de las frutas y hortalizas evaluadas podría ser un argumento científico a dar a conocer en las campañas de promoción del consumo interno y en la exportación de productos hortofrutícolas.

The reactive oxygen species (ERO) cause cell damage that can be expressed as a disease, including cardiovascular disease (CVD) and other non transmissible chronic diseases. The human body has antioxidant systems, some come from the diet, especially fruits and vegetables, and others are generated by the same organism as an endogenous way. The aim of this study was to determine the in vitro antioxidant capacity of some fruits and vegetables that are consumed in the Maule Region, Chile. Eleven species of fruits and 16 of vegetables used in the study were obtained at the Regional Center of Fruits and Vegetables of Talca during the harvest season, and different aqueous and methanol extract were obtained. The antioxidant activity was determined by purple discoloration of the radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl hidrazilo hydrated (DPPH). In general the antioxidant activity was slightly higher in fruits (70,3 percent; 87,7-54,3 percent) than in vegetables (54,7 percent; 44,3-79,7 percent) (p < 0.003) and it was dependent on the concentration of the extract. In the tests at 1000 ug/m, most fruits showed a higher percentage of discoloration over to 60 percent; those that showed higher antioxidant activity were raspberry, strawberry and kiwi. Among vegetables, those showing higher antioxidant activity were tomato, followed by melon pear, red beet, melon (type tuna), sweet pepper and watermelon. The antioxidant activity observed in most fruits and vegetables could be assessed as a scientific argument to make known in promotional campaigns in national consumption and the horticultural products exports.

Antioxidants/pharmacology , Antioxidants/chemistry , Reactive Oxygen Species , Fruit/chemistry , Plants/chemistry , Chile , Picrates , Vegetables
Nutrire Rev. Soc. Bras. Aliment. Nutr ; 34(1): 85-95, abr. 2009. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-517516


Considering that food processing can affect the level of nutrients in relationto a fresh food, particularly the content of antioxidants and, consequently,the antioxidant activity of these compounds, this study was carried outto investigate the antioxidant capacity of vegetables submitted to cookingin steam. Methanol extracts were screened for their antioxidant activityby two tests: DPPH free radical scavenging and β-carotene/linoleic acidassay. Spinach, carrot, spring greens and caulifl ower were found tohave the highest free radical scavenging activities (>70%), similar to thesynthetic antioxidant BHT. Pumpkins exhibited the lowest free radicalscavenging activities, without differing from the activities of green beans,white onion, potato and cabbage (<60%), after 15 minutes of reaction. At the end of the reaction period (60 minutes), cabbage and potato increasedtheir scavenging capacity to values between 60 and 70%, while the othersmaintained a low scavenging capacity (<60%). In β-carotene/linoleic acidassay, the antioxidant activity of broccoli and pumpkins was consideredstrong (> 70%) and did not statistically differ from BHT. Except for the greenbeans and spinach, with moderate antioxidant capacity (60 - 70%), theother vegetables presented an antioxidant activity (<60%) lower than BHT. Based on the results, it was evidenced that all cooked vegetables exhibited antioxidant property, but in different extent. Thus, it can be inferred that cooking in steam did not dramatically affect the antioxidant property of the vegetables.

Considerando que el procesamiento de los alimentos afecta los nutrientes que contienen los alimentos frescos, particularmente los compuestos antioxidantes y la acción queejercen, este estudio se propuso para determinar la capacidad antioxidante de hortalizas cocinadas al vapor. Con ese fin se determino la actividad antioxidante de extractos metanólicosde las hortalizas cocidas por medio de dos ensayos: actividad secuestrante del radical DPPH y co-oxidación del β-caroteno / ácido linoleico. Espinaca, zanahoria, col y coliflor presentaron elevada capacidad de secuestro delradical DPPH (>70%), semejante al antioxidante sintético BHT. Calabaza presentó la más baja capacidad de captación de radical DPPH, aligual que judías verdes, cebolla blanca, papa y repollo (<60%), a los 15 minutos de reacción. Al fi nal del tiempo de reacción (60 minutos),repollo y papa aumentaron su capacidadde captación del radical DPPH (60 - 70%), mientras que las demás hortalizas mantuvieronsu actividad baja (<60%). En el experimento de la co-oxidación del β-caroteno/ácido linoleico, brócoli y calabaza presentaron fuerte actividad antioxidante (> 70%), sin diferir estadísticamente de BHT. Con excepción de las judías verde y espinaca, con moderada capacidad antioxidante (60 - 70%), las otras hortalizas presentaron una acción débil (<60%). Los resultados obtenidos muestran quetodos las hortalizas cocidas presentan acción antioxidante en diferentes rangos. De este modo, se puede deducir que la cocción a vapor, no afecta de manera radical la propiedadantioxidante de los vegetales.

Considerando que o processamento dealimentos pode exercer efeitos sobre o nível de nutrientes, particularmente no que tange ao teor de compostos antioxidantes e sua atividade antioxidante, este trabalho teve comoobjetivo avaliar a capacidade antioxidante de hortaliças submetidas à cocção em vapor. Extratos metanólicos de hortaliças cozidas foram submetidos à determinação da atividadeantioxidante por dois métodos: sequestro do radical estável 1,1-difenil-2-picrilhidrazil (DPPH) e sistema de cooxidação do β-caroteno/ácido linoleico. A capacidade de sequestro do radical DPPH exibida pelo extrato de espinafre, cenoura, couve-folha e couve-fl or (>70%) foisemelhante a do antioxidante sintético BHT. A menor capacidade de sequestro foi exibida pelo extrato de jerimum sem, contudo, diferir da vagem, cebola branca, batata inglesa e repolho (<60%), aos 15 minutos da reação. Ao final do tempo de reação (60 minutos),o repolho e a batata-inglesa elevaram sua capacidade de sequestro para valores entre 60 e 70%, enquantoque as demais mantiveram capacidade de sequestro inferior a 60%. A ação antioxidante do brócolis e jerimum determinada em sistemade cooxidação β-caroteno/ácido linoleico foi superior 70%, não diferindo estatisticamente do BHT. Com exceção da vagem e espinafre,com capacidade antioxidante moderada(60 - 70%), as demais hortaliças apresentaram ação antioxidante (<60%) inferior a do BHT.Com base nos resultados obtidos, evidenciase que todas as hortaliças cozidas exibiram propriedade antioxidante, entretanto a açãofoi diferenciada entre elas. Assim, pode-se inferir que o calor aplicado não afetou de forma drástica a propriedade antioxidante das hortaliças.

Antioxidants/chemistry , Vegetables , Thermic Treatment/methods , Plants/chemistry , Data Interpretation, Statistical
J Environ Biol ; 2008 Sep; 29(5): 785-8
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-113321


In the Muthupettai mangrove environment, spectral properties of six mangrove species viz. Avicennia marina, Aegiceras corniculatum, Excoecaria agallocha, Acanthus ilicifolius, Suaeda monoica and S. maritima was studied using Multi band Ground Truth Radiometer (Model-041). The study found that the chlorophyll concentration of different mangrove leaves varies between 0.05 and 0.36 mg g(-1), registering the minimum in S. maritima and maximum in E. agallocha. Interestingly species with higher chlorophyll concentration showed lower reflectance values alteast in the spectral bands 1 and 2. E. agallocha registered 0.36 mg g(-1) of chlorophyll while it recorded only 2.18 and 2.43% reflectance where as S. maritima recorded 3.16 and 3.27% of reflectance in bands 1 and 2. This indicates chlorophyll concentration is one of major factors responsible in determining the reflectance pattern of the pant communities. The spectral properties of mangroves were largely differed with that of the water and soil samples collected from the same locations, these results favourd the utilization of remotely sensed data for depicting various water and soil quality parameters from that of mangrove species in the mangrove environment. This study also found that the difference in reflectance of mangroves at canopy level is not only influenced by the chlorophyll content of species but also by the prevailing environmental condition and background reflectance of soil and water as well.

Avicennia/chemistry , Chlorophyll/chemistry , Environment , Geologic Sediments/chemistry , India , Plants/chemistry , Radiometry , Water/chemistry , Wetlands
An. venez. nutr ; 21(1): 25-30, 2008.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-563718


La fibra alimentaria (FA) ha sido un tópico de considerable interés para los nutricionistas y médicos en estos últimos 35 años. Este artículo presenta un análisis sobre la definición de fibra alimentaria y la controversia que existe al respecto, así como las nuevas propuestas que han surgido para incluir en su definición. La FA fue definida como: todos los polisacáridos no almidones más la lignina, que no pueden ser digeridos o absorbidos en el intestino delgado humano. Esta definición no incluye otros componentes vegetales tales como: polifenoles, proteínas resistentes y almidones resistente, los cuales son también resistentes a la digestión. Para muchos investigadores, la definición de FA aun no esta concluida o completa. Las investigaciones epidemiológicas han indicado, la posible relación entre las enfermedades más comunes en las modernas sociedades occidentales y la fibra alimentaria.

Dietary fiber (DF) has been a topic of considerable interest among nutritionists and physicians for the last 35 years. This work was basically focused on an analysis of the dietary fiber definition, the currently existing controversy and the new proposal to be included in such a definition. DF was defined as all nonstarch polysaccharides plus lignin, which are not digested or absorbed in the human digestive tract. This definition does not include other vegetable substances, such as, polyphenols, resistant protein or resistant starch, which are also resistant to digestion. For most researchers this definition is not yet complete. Epidemiological investigations, have suggested the possible relationship between the most common diseases in the modern Western societies and the dietary fiber.

Humans , Dietary Carbohydrates/blood , Dietary Carbohydrates/chemical synthesis , Dietary Fiber/administration & dosage , Dietary Fiber/history , Dietary Fiber/metabolism , Gastrointestinal Tract/metabolism , Nutritional Sciences , Phenolic Compounds , Polysaccharides/metabolism , Plants/chemistry