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Braz. j. biol ; 84: e255485, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1350312


Abstract The current focus is on the overall pattern of seed storage present in the fragments of the soil of piedmont and alluvial landscapes of the environment. The present study predicted the seed banks of both soils of alluvial and piedmont zones in different ecological conditions and evaluate the potential of seeds in the restoration of both environments. The composition of the seed bank of soil is mainly affected by the alluvial environment and the structure of cleared area shows that more species of germinating annual grasses and growable seeds with the higher total number. Extant vegetation structures have an important role in the diversity of soil seed reservoirs, whose composition corresponded with the openness of the site. When in situ soil seed bank is recruited, it helps to restore only some components of the plant community in an alluvial environment. In our current research, it was confirmed that seed richness was higher in number at lower elevation (alluvial) than that at high elevation (piedmont). Seed richness showed a significant negative correlation with anions, cations, while significantly positive with altitude that suggests the richness pattern of the overall seed bank of the area is influenced by various environmental factors.

Resumo O foco atual está no padrão geral de armazenamento de sementes presente nos fragmentos de solo do Piemonte e nas paisagens aluviais do meio ambiente. O presente estudo previu os bancos de sementes de ambos os solos das zonas aluvial e piemontesa em diferentes condições ecológicas e avaliou o potencial das sementes na restauração de ambos os ambientes. A composição do banco de sementes do solo é afetada principalmente pelo ambiente aluvial e a estrutura da área desmatada mostra que mais espécies de gramíneas anuais em germinação e sementes cultiváveis ​​apresentam o maior número total. As estruturas da vegetação existente têm um papel importante na diversidade dos reservatórios de sementes do solo, cuja composição correspondeu à abertura do local. Quando o banco de sementes do solo in situ é recrutado, o mesmo ajuda a restaurar apenas alguns componentes da comunidade de plantas em um ambiente aluvial. Em nossa pesquisa atual, foi confirmado que a riqueza de sementes era maior em número em altitudes mais baixas (aluviais) do que em altitudes elevadas (Piemonte). A riqueza de sementes mostrou uma correlação negativa significativa com ânions, cátions, enquanto significativamente positiva com a altitude, o que sugere que o padrão de riqueza do banco geral de sementes da área é influenciado por vários fatores ambientais.

Soil , Seed Bank , Pakistan , Plants , Seeds , Ecosystem , Poaceae
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 56(2): 149-159, abr. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1402952


Resumen Se pretendió desarrollar una fórmula artesanal, a base de lactosuero, como complemento alimenticio para niños preescolares. Se realizó una investigación descriptiva ejecutada en tres fases: 1. Ensayos preliminares para la determinación del esquema tecnológico; 2. Evaluación fisicoquímica para la caracterización del producto y determinación de macronutrientes y 3. Evaluación sensorial donde se midió el nivel de agrado del producto final. Los datos obtenidos de los análisis se tabularon en cuatro repeticiones y se analizaron a través de estadísticas descriptivas de tendencia central y en frecuencias expresadas en tablas y gráficos mediante el programa estadístico SPSS versión 20.0. Se obtuvo que en el análisis proximal del requesón deshidratado, éste aportó por cada 100 gramos de producto: 480,28 kcal, 46,5% de proteínas, 22,36% de grasas y 23,26% de hidratos de carbono. La formulación final de la bebida constó de 2,9 g de requesón deshidratado, 3,6 g de arroz previamente cocido y 1,8 g de azúcar diluidos por cada onza preparada. Se determinó que es una fórmula hipocalórica-hiperproteica e isoosmolar, con una viscosidad de 275cP, un pH de 5,1 y con 0,291% de ácido láctico. La fórmula artesanal a base de lactosuero fue de agrado para 41 niños que participaron en el análisis sensorial. Se recomienda su uso en niños que se encuentren en condición de vulnerabilidad nutricional.

Abstract The main objective of this research was to develop an artisan formula based on whey as food supplement directed to preschool children. It was a descriptive study carried out in three phases: 1. Preliminary tests, for the determination of the technological scheme; 2. Physical-chemical evaluation, for the characterisation of the product and determination of nutrients and, 3. Sensory evaluation: the level of satisfaction of the final product measured. The data obtained from the analysis were tabulated in four repetitions and analysed through descriptive statistics of central tendency and in frequencies expressed in tables and graphs using the statistical program SPSS version 20.0. As a result, for each 100 grams of dehydrated cottage cheese this malnuprovides: 480.28 kcal, 46.5% protein; 22.36% fat and 23.26% carbohydrates. The final formulation of the drink consisted of 2.9 g of dehydrated cottage cheese, 3.6 g of previously cooked rice and 1.8 g of diluted sugar for each prepared ounce. It was determined as a hypocaloric-hyperproteic and isomolar formula, with a viscosity of 275cP, a pH of 5.1 and with 0.291% lactic acid. The artisan formula based on whey was liked by 41 children who participated in the sensory analysis. As a conclusion, it can be recommended as food supplement in children with nutritional vulnerability conditions.

Resumo O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi desenvolver uma fórmula artesanal à base de soro de leite como suplemento alimentar direcionado a crianças pré-escolares. Foi realizado um estudo descritivo em três fases: 1. Ensaios preliminares, para determinação do esquema tecnológico; 2. Avaliação físico-química, para caracterização do produto e determinação de macronutrientes e 3. Avaliação sensorial: mediu-se o grau de satisfação do produto final. Os dados obtidos das análises foram tabulados em quatro repetições e analisados por meio de estatísticas descritivas de tendência central e em frequências expressas em tabelas e gráficos utilizando o programa estatístico SPSS versão 20.0. Como resultado da análise proximal, para cada 100 gramas de requeijão desidratado fornece: 480,28 kcal, 46,5% de proteína; 22,36% de gordura e 23,26% de carboidratos. A formulação final da bebida consistiu em 2,9 g de requeijão desidratado, 3,6 g de arroz previamente cozido e 1,8 g de açúcar diluído para cada onça preparada. O resultado concluiu que é uma fórmula hipocalórica-hiperproteica e isoosmolar, com viscosidade de 275cP, pH de 5,1 e com 0,291% de ácido lático. A fórmula artesanal à base de soro de leite foi apreciada por 41 crianças que participaram da análise sensorial. É recomendado seu uso em crianças que se encontrem em condições de vulnerabilidade nutricional.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Infant Formula , Whey , Personal Satisfaction , Research , Oryza , Carbohydrates , Proteins , Nutrients , Cheese , Chemistry, Pharmaceutical , Lactic Acid , Dietary Supplements , Diagnosis , Sugars , Fats , Poaceae , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 38: e38070, Jan.-Dec. 2022. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396899


It is believed that indaziflam gives a longer period of weed control compared to clomazone, irrespective of the type or texture of the soil. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate pre-emergent control in five problematic weed species of family Poaceae to sugarcane, using the herbicides indaziflam and clomazone in two soils of different textures. Two experiments were carried out, one in a soil of a sandy-loam texture and the other in a clayey soil. For both experiments, a randomised block design of split plots was chosen, with four replications. The treatments consisted of the herbicides indaziflam (75 and 100 g ai ha-1), clomazone (1080 g ai ha-1) and a control with no herbicide. In the subplots, the treatments were Digitaria horizontalis, Panicum maximum, Rottboellia cochinchinensis, Urochloa decumbens and Urochloa plantaginea. Both herbicides were more effective in the clayey soil, but with indaziflam (100 g ai ha-1), more than 90% control of the weeds remained after 240 days after application (DAA), whereas for clomazone, control remained only up to 90 DAA. The herbicide clomazone did not satisfactorily control the weeds in the sandy-loam soil. The herbicide indaziflam did not control U. decumbens in the sandy-loam soil. D. horizontalis and R. cochinchinensis were the most sensitive species to the herbicide indaziflam, irrespective of soil texture.

Saccharum , Weed Control , Poaceae , Herbicides
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-929062


The aquatic grass Zizania latifolia grows symbiotically with the fungus Ustilago esculenta producing swollen structures called Jiaobai, widely cultivated in China. A new disease of Z. latifolia was found in Zhejiang Province, China. Initial lesions appeared on the leaf sheaths or sometimes on the leaves near the leaf sheaths. The lesions extended along the axis of the leaf shoots and formed long brown to dark brown streaks from the leaf sheath to the leaf, causing sheath rot and death of entire leaves on young plants. The pathogen was isolated and identified as the bacterium Pantoea ananatis, based on 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequencing, multilocus sequence analysis (atpD (β-subunit of ATP synthase F1), gyrB (DNA gyrase subunit B), infB (translation initiation factor 2), and rpoB (β‍-subunit of RNA polymerase) genes), and pathogenicity tests. Ultrastructural observations using scanning electron microscopy revealed that the bacterial cells colonized the vascular tissues in leaf sheaths, forming biofilms on the inner surface of vessel walls, and extended between vessel elements via the perforated plates. To achieve efficient detection and diagnosis of P. ananatis, species-specific primer pairs were designed and validated by testing closely related and unrelated species and diseased tissues of Z. latifolia. This is the first report of bacterial sheath rot disease of Z. latifolia caused by P. ananatis in China.

Pantoea/genetics , Plant Diseases/microbiology , Poaceae/microbiology , Virulence
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2022. 103 p. tab, ilus, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378523


O Brasil é o país que possui a maior diversidade de bambus em todo o continente americano, com mais de 200 espécies catalogadas. Devido à alta resistência e durabilidade, essas espécies são muito utilizadas na construção civil e confecção de móveis e utensílios. No entanto, faltam estudos que investiguem a composição química e as atividades biológicas. Neste projeto foram avaliados extratos etanólicos de folhas e colmos de Guadua chacoensis (Rojas) Londoño & P.M. Peterson e frações em hexano, clorofórmio, acetato de etila e n-butanol. Também se obteve o óleo volátil, mas com um rendimento extremamente baixo (0,00079%). As frações dos extratos apresentaram teores de compostos fenólicos variando entre 1,92 e 15,80 µg EAG/mg. Esses compostos mostraram-se mais abundantes nas amostras de colmos. Em relação ao teor de flavonoides, as folhas apresentaram maior quantidade, variando entre 0,39 e 1,18 µg EQ/mg contra 0,17 a 0,34 µg EQ/mg nos colmos. Investigou-se a atividade antimicrobiana dos extratos, frações e óleo volátil frente cinco microrganismos: Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans e Aspergillus brasiliensis. As amostras demonstraram potencial inibitório moderado a bom contra S. aureus e C. albicans, porém fraca para as demais espécies. Testou-se a capacidade antioxidante frente o radical DPPH e os resultados indicaram atividade antioxidante significativa, especialmente as frações acetato e butanol de colmos. As folhas apresentaram EC50 variando entre 67,5 e 124,0 µg/mL e os colmos entre 40,2 e 124 µg/mL. A inibição da enzima tirosinase, que está associada à produção de melanina, também se mostrou boa a uma concentração de 1 mg/mL, com o extrato bruto de colmos apresentando 43% de inibição, seguido pelas frações acetato (36%) e n-butanol (38%) de folhas. As análises por CG-MS detectaram pelo menos 44 compostos diferentes no óleo volátil, com vários terpenos e sesquiterpenos, e com ß-ionona sendo o componente majoritário (8,75%). As amostras de colmos e folhas apontaram grande diversidade de compostos, cerca de 20 para cada fração, onde os ácidos graxos como ácido palmítico e linoleico e seus ésteres derivados foram os mais abundantes. A análise dos perfis cromatográficos por CCD e CLAE revelaram a presença de ácido p-cumárico nos colmos de G. chacoensis. Esse composto tem relevante atividade antioxidante e de inibição da tirosinase. Também foi possível identificar a quercetagetina-7-O-glicosídeo, uma flavona glicosilada, com propriedades anti-inflamatorias e antidiabéticas. Desta forma, constatou-se que G. chacoensis apresenta grande diversidade de metabólitos secundários com atividades biológicas relevantes, como atividade antioxidante e clareadora, abrindo caminho para investigações mais profundas de suas aplicações, especialmente no segmento de cosméticos e produtos naturais

Brazil is the country with the greatest diversity of bamboo in the entire American continent, with more than 200 species catalogued. Due to their high resistance and durability, they are widely used in home construction and manufacture of furniture and utensils. However, studies investigating chemical composition and biological activities are absent. In this project, ethanol extracts from leaves and stems of Guadua chacoensis (Rojas) Londoño & P.M. Peterson and fractions in hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and n-butanol were evaluated. Volatile oil was also obtained, but with an extremely low yield (0.00079%). The fractions of the extracts presented contents of phenolic compounds varying between 1.92 and 15.80 µg GAE/mg. These compounds were more abundant in culm samples. In relation to the flavonoid content, leaves showed a greater amount, varying between 0.39 and 1.18 µg QE/mg against 0.17 to 0.34 µg QE/mg in culms. The antimicrobial activity of extracts, fractions and volatile oil were investigated against five microorganisms: Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans and Aspergillus brasiliensis. The samples showed moderate to good inhibitory potential against S. aureus and C. albicans, but weak for the other species. The antioxidant capacity was tested against the DPPH radical and the results indicated significant antioxidant activity, especially acetate and butanol culm fractions. The leaves presented EC50 varying between 67.5 and 124.0 µg/mL and culms between 40.2 and 124 µg/mL. The inhibition of the enzyme tyrosinase, which is associated with the production of melanin, was also shown to be good at a concentration of 1 mg/mL, with the raw culm extract showing 43% inhibition, followed by acetate (36%) and n-butanol (38%) fractions of leaves. CG-MS analysis detected at least 44 different compounds in volatile oil, with several terpenes and sesquiterpenes, and with ß-ionone being the major component (8.75%). Culm and leaf samples showed great diversity of compounds, about 20 for each fraction, where fatty acids such as palmitic and linoleic acid and their derivative esters were the most abundant. The analysis of the chromatographic profiles by TLC and HPLC revealed the presence of p-coumaric acid in culms of G. chacoensis. This compound has relevant antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibiting activity. It was also possible to identify quercetagetine-7-O-glucoside, a glycosylated flavone, with anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties. Thus, it was found that G. chacoensis presents a great diversity of secondary metabolites with relevant biological activities, such as antioxidant and whitening activity, opening ways for deeper investigations of its applications, especially in the segment of cosmetics and natural products

Aspergillus/metabolism , Plant Extracts/agonists , Bambusa/adverse effects , Poaceae/chemistry , Antioxidants/analysis , Oils, Volatile/analysis , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/instrumentation , Monophenol Monooxygenase/classification , 1-Butanol , Bambusa/chemistry
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 83(2): 19-23, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1381646


A alta viabilidade de sementes de espécies forrageiras é fundamental para um bom desempenho e estabelecimento das culturas a campo. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o efeito do preparado homeopático Silicea terra 12 CH e a homeopatização de óleos essenciais de aroeira e alecrim-do-campo na 6CH na superação de dormência e germinação de sementes de Avena strigosa (Aveia preta), Lolium multiflorum (Azevém anual) e Paspalum notatum (Pensacola). Os experimentos foram conduzidos no Laboratório de Homeopatia e Saúde Vegetal da EPAGRI e no Laboratório de Sementes da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Lages/SC. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com 50 sementes e 4 repetições para cada espécie. As sementes foram dispostas em papel germitest e condicionadas em câmaras de germinação. As espécies foram avaliadas quanto a viabilidade (1ª contagem) e com teste padrão de germinação indicado nas Regras de Análises de Sementes. Os dados foram analisados com auxílio do ambiente R, considerando o nível de 5% de significância. Os resultados encontrados indicaram que o preparado homeopático Silicea terra 12CH atuou na velocidade de germinação, promovendo maiores taxas germinativas para todas as sementes testadas durante a primeira contagem. O índice de germinação da espécie Pensacola foi superior com o uso de Silicea terra 12CH ao final do experimento, diferindo significativamente do controle. O uso de óleo essencial homeopatizado de alecrim-do- -campo e aroeira atuaram sobre a viabilidade de azevém-anual na primeira contagem. Preparados homeopáticos e óleo essencial homeopatizado podem auxiliar na quebra de dormência de sementes de espécies forrageiras.

The high viability of forage species seeds is fundamental for a good performance and establishment of crops in the field. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the homeopathic preparation Silicea terra 12 CH and the homeopathization of essential oils of mastic and rosemary-of-the-field in 6CH in overcoming dormancy and germination of Avena strigosa (black oat) seeds, Lolium multiflorum (anual Ryegrass) and Paspalum notatum (Pensacola). The experiments were conducted at the EPAGRI Homeopathy and Plant Health Laboratory and at the Seed Laboratory at the State University of Santa Catarina, Lages / SC. The experimental design was completely randomized, with 50 seeds and 4 replicates for each species. The seeds were placed on germitest paper and conditioned in germination chambers. The species were evaluated for viability (1st count) and with a standard germination test indicated in the Seed Analysis Rules. The data were analyzed with the aid of the R environment, considering the level of 5% of significance. The findings indicated that the homeopathic preparation Silicea terra 12CH acted at the germination speed promoting higher germination rates for all seeds tested during the first count. The germination index of the Pensacola species was higher with the use of Silicea terra 12CH at the end of the experiment, differing significantly from the control. The use of homeopathized essential oil of rosemary- -of-the-field and mastic influenced the viability of ryegrass in the first count. Homeopathic preparations and homeopathized essential oils can assist in breaking dormancy of seeds of forage species.

Seeds , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Plant Extracts , Dynamization , Poaceae
Rev. biol. trop ; 69(3)sept. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387670


Abstract Introduction: Numbers of alien plant species are rising around the globe, but not all of them become invasive. Whereas introductions have been documented for several decades in some regions of the world, knowledge on alien species in Western Mexico is limited. Here, we study roadside vegetation along an elevational gradient, which includes a protected area. Objective: We analysed the floristic composition of herbaceous alien species, their distribution patterns, and their relationship with various environmental factors. A relative importance value index (IVI) identified the most important and, therefore, probably invasive taxa. Methods: During 2017 and 2018, roadside vegetation was documented with 4-6 transects every 300 altitudinal meters, from 0 to 2 100 m, for a total of 37 transects. Each transect consisted of five 1 m² plots. All herbaceous species were registered and alien taxa identified. A cluster analysis distinguished grouping of species based on elevation. The potentially invasive species were identified by their IVI, based on the sum of relative frequency and density values. The influence of environmental variables was analysed with a canonical correspondence analysis. Results: Most alien species were grasses; other families were represented by one or two species. The species were grouped into three main clusters. The first group included rare species, the second consisted of species restricted to higher altitudes, and the third group were tropical taxa with a distribution from sea level to medium altitudes. The most important potentially invasive species were: Urochloa maxima, Melinis repens, Eragrostis ciliaris and Cynodon dactylon, all African grasses introduced for grazing. The IVI of the species was related to tree cover, leaf litter depth and surface stone cover for some species and, for others, to soil compaction, distance to major roads and elevation. Conclusions: The alien ruderal species clustered according to the general climate (temperate vs. tropical). Grasses of African origin are of highest concern as invasive species. Although most introductions are related to human disturbance, each species becomes dominant under certain environmental conditions. Thus, management programs must be specifically adjusted to each individual invasive alien.

Resumen Introducción: El número de especies de plantas exóticas está aumentando en todo el mundo, pero no todas las especies se convierten en invasoras. Si bien para algunas regiones la introducción de especies se ha documentado durante varias décadas, para el occidente de México los conocimientos sobre especies exóticas son escasos. Aquí, estudiamos la vegetación de los bordes de las carreteras a lo largo de un gradiente altitudinal en una región que incluye un área protegida. Objetivos: Estudiamos la composición florística de las herbáceas exóticas, sus patrones de distribución y su relación con diversos factores ambientales. El índice de valor de importancia (IVI) de las especies identificó las especies más importantes, y por lo tanto probablemente invasoras. Métodos: Durante el 2017 y 2018 se documentó la vegetación del borde de la carretera con 4-6 transectos en cada nivel de elevación de 300 m, de 0 a 2 100 m, para un total de 37. Cada transecto constó de cinco parcelas de 1 m². Se registraron todas las especies herbáceas y se identificaron las especies introducidas. Un análisis de agrupamiento identificó los grupos de especies basado en sus patrones de distribución relacionadas con la elevación. Las especies potencialmente invasoras se identificaron por su IVI, basado en la suma de la frecuencia relativa y la densidad relativa. La influencia de las variables ambientales fue estudiada mediante un análisis de correspondencia canónica. Resultados: La mayoría de las especies exóticas fueron pastos, otras familias estuvieron representadas por una o dos especies. Las especies formaron tres grupos principales. El primero incluyó especies raras; el segundo las especies distribuidas principalmente en elevaciones altas, y el tercero incluyó los taxones con una distribución desde el nivel del mar hasta elevaciones medias. Las especies más importantes y potencialmente invasoras fueron: Urochloa maxima, Melinis repens, Eragrostis ciliaris y Cynodon dactylon, todas gramíneas africanas introducidas como forraje para el ganado. El IVI de las especies se relacionó con la cobertura de árboles, profundidad de hojarasca y con pedregosidad para algunas especies, y para otras con la compactación del suelo, la distancia a carreteras (federales) y elevación. Conclusiones: Las especies ruderales exóticas se agruparon según el clima general (templado vs. tropical). Las gramíneas de origen africano son las que más preocupan como especies invasoras. Aunque la mayoría de las introducciones están relacionadas con las alteraciones humanas, cada especie se vuelve dominante en determinadas condiciones ambientales. Por ello, los programas de manejo deben ajustarse específicamente a cada especie exótica invasora.

Introduced Species , Poaceae , Plant Dispersal , Mexico
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(4): 821-826, Jul.-Aug. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285277


Canine atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory, genetic, pruritic and chronic dermatosis that affects between 10 and 30% of dogs and one of the most important allergens is grass pollen. The objective of this study was to evaluate the sensitization to grass pollen allergens in dogs with canine atopic dermatitis and to compare intradermal skin test (IDT) with percutaneous test (PT). For this study, ten healthy dogs and 39 dogs with atopic dermatitis were tested. Dogs were submitted to IDT and PT for Lolium multiflorum, Cynodon dactylon and Paspalum notatum. The IDT and PT tests were compared using the Proportion Test. All healthy dogs were negative to both tests. Ten atopic dogs (25.6%) responded positively to the PT and none were positive in IDT. C. dactylon, L. multiflorum and P. notatum were responsible for positive reactions in 70%, 70% and 30% of positive dogs, respectively. The number of positive reactions in PT were statistically higher than IDT (P<0.05). In conclusion, grass pollen can be important source of allergens for dogs in Paraná state (Brazil) and the PT showed higher sensitization to grass pollen in dogs with atopic dermatitis than IDT.(AU)

A dermatite atópica canina é uma dermatose inflamatória, genética, prurítica e crônica que afeta entre 10% e 30% dos cães, e um dos alérgenos mais importantes são os polens de gramíneas. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a sensibilização a alérgenos de polens de gramíneas em cães com dermatite atópica e comparar o teste intradérmico (TID) com o teste percutâneo (TP). Para o estudo, 10 cães hígidos e 39 cães com dermatite atópica foram testados. Estes foram submetidos ao TID e ao TP para Lolium multiflorum, Cynodon dactylon e Paspalum notatum. TID e TP foram comparados usando-se o teste de proporção. Todos os cães hígidos foram negativos em ambos os testes. Dez cães atópicos (25,6%) responderam positivamente ao TP e nenhum ao TID. C. dactylon, L. multiflorum e P. notatum foram responsáveis por reações positivas de 70%, 70% e 30% dos cães positivos, respectivamente. O número de reações positivas no TP foi estatisticamente maior que no TID (P<0,05). Foi concluído que os polens de gramíneas podem ser importantes fontes de alérgenos para cães no estado do Paraná (Brasil) e que o TP mostrou maior sensibilização a polens em cães com dermatite atópica que o TID.(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Pollen/adverse effects , Allergens/analysis , Dermatitis, Atopic/veterinary , Lolium , Skin Tests/veterinary , Cynodon , Paspalum , Poaceae/adverse effects
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-921710


This study aims to explore the mechanism of fresh Phragmitis Rhizoma against chronic bronchitis airway inflammation. The SD rats of SPF grade were divided into control group, model group, Guilongkechuanning group(GLKCN, 1.125 g·kg~(-1)), high-dose fresh Phragmitis Rhizoma group(LG-HD, 15 g·kg~(-1)), and low-dose fresh Phragmitis Rhizoma group(LG-LD, 7.5 g·kg~(-1)). The chronic bronchitis models of rats in other groups except the control group were induced by the modified smoking method. From the 15 th day of modeling, the rats were given corresponding agents by gavage for 20 consecutive days. After the last administration, the rats were sacrificed for sample collection. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) was employed to detect serum transforming growth factor-β(TGF-β) and interleukin-6(IL-6) levels. The protein expression of TGF-β, IL-1β and IL-6 in lung tissue was detected by immunohistochemical method. Masson staining was performed to detect collagen fibers and muscle fibers in lung tissue, and HE staining to detect the pathological changes of lung tissue. Human bronchial epithelial(16 HBE) cells were cultured in vitro, and CCK-8(cell counting kit-8) method was used to detect the cytotoxicity of cigarette smoke extract(CSE) and fresh Phragmitis Rhizoma. After the exposure of 16 HBE cells to 3.5% CSE and appropriate concentration(800, 400 μg·mL~(-1)) of fresh Phragmitis Rhizoma for 24 h, quantitative real-time PCR was conducted to determine the mRNA levels of TGF-β and IL-1β, and Western blot was employed to determine the protein levels of TGF-β and IL-6 in the cells. The rat model of chronic bronchitis induced by smoking was successfully established. Fresh Phragmitis Rhizoma reduced serum TGF-β and IL-6 levels, down-regulated the protein levels of TGF-β, IL-1β, and IL-6 in lung tissue, and alleviated pathological changes and fibrotic lesions in lung tissue. Moreover, it down-regulated the CSE-induced protein expression of TGF-β and IL-6 as well as the mRNA level of TGF-β in 16 HBE cells. These results indicated that fresh Phragmitis Rhizoma could prevent airway inflammation from chronic bronchitis and promote cell repair by inhibiting the TGF-β signaling pathway.

Animals , Rats , Bronchitis, Chronic/genetics , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/pharmacology , Inflammation , Lung , Poaceae/chemistry , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Rhizome , Signal Transduction , Transforming Growth Factor beta/genetics
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 30(2): e028120, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251371


Abstract The resistance of gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) of sheep to anthelmintic treatment has motivated researchers to seek alternatives to reduce the use of these drugs in sheep farming and decontaminate pastureland based on knowledge about the survival dynamics of larvae. The aim of this work was to evaluate the migration of the infective larvae (L3) of Haemonchus contortus at different times of the day, strata, and sward heights, with and without shade after the deposition of contaminated sheep feces. The grass species used here was Cynodon dactylon cv. Tifton 85 in four treatments: low sward height shade; low sward height sunshine; high sward height shade; and high sward height sunshine. The number of L3 recovered from the pasture at different times of the day did not differ. The highest number of L3 recovered was in shade. The number of L3 at different times and strata occurred uniformly, confirming that L3 remain in the same place after migrating from dung at the hottest times of the day. Infective larvae of H. contortus were able to migrate across all the strata regardless of the time of day in the summer season in humid subtropical climate.

Resumo A resistência dos nematódeos gastrintestinais (NGI) de ovinos aos tratamentos com anti-helmíntico tem estimulado os pesquisadores a buscar alternativas para reduzir o uso desses medicamentos na ovinocultura e descontaminar pastagens com base no conhecimento sobre a dinâmica de sobrevivência das larvas. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a migração das larvas infectantes (L3) de Haemonchus contortus em diferentes horários do dia, estratos, e alturas do pasto, com e sem sombra, após a deposição de fezes de ovinos contaminadas. A espécie forrageira utilizada foi Cynodon dactylon cv. Tifton 85 em quatros tratamentos: pasto baixo sombra; pasto baixo sol; pasto alto sombra; e pasto alto sol. Não houve diferença na recuperação de L3 no pasto nos diferentes horários. As maiores recuperações foram encontradas na sombra. O número de larvas recuperadas nos diferentes horários e estratos ocorreu de forma uniforme, confirmando que as L3 podem permanecer no mesmo local, após migrar do bolo fecal, nos horários mais quentes do dia. Larvas infectantes de H. contortus foram capazes de migrar por todos os estratos, independentemente da hora do dia no verão em clima subtropical úmido.

Animals , Sheep Diseases , Haemonchiasis/veterinary , Haemonchus , Sheep , Feces , Poaceae , Larva
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 30(2): e001221, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251379


Abstract In the present study, anthelmintic activities of Arundo (A.) donax L., Areca (Ar.) catechu L., and Ferula (F.) assa-foetida L. were determined. Leaves of A. donax L., latex of F. assa-foetida L. and seeds of Ar. catechu L. in different solvent fractions were subjected to in vitro (egg hatch assay; EHA, and adult motility assay; AMA) and in vivo (faecal egg count reduction test; FECRT) tests of anthelmintic activity using Haemonchus contortus model. In the AMA, crude aqueous methanol extracts (CAME) and ethyl acetate fractions of F. assa-foetida at 10 hr post-treatment showed maximum mortality of H. contortus at 12.5-50 mg mL-1. In the EHA, CAME of F. assa-foetida was identified as a potent ovicide based on its low LC50 (16.9 µg mL-1), followed in order by Ar. catechu and A. donax. Results from the FECRT also showed the extract of F. assa-foetida L. to be more effective than those of Ar. catechu L. and A. donax L., against the gastrointestinal parasitic nematodes. Chloroform and ethyl acetate fractions showed better anthelmintic activities against the adult worms in vitro, while CAME of these plants were better than their crude powders in vivo. It is recommended to document and investigate indigenous knowledge of possible medicinal plants to plan scientific trials that may justify their endorsement.

Resumo No presente estudo, as atividades anti-helmínticas de Arundo (A.) donax L., Areca (Ar.) Catechu L. e Ferula (F.) assa-foetida L. foram determinadas. Folhas de A. donax L., látex de F. assa-foetida L. e sementes de Ar. catechu L. em diferentes frações de solvente foram submetidos a testes in vitro (teste de eclosão de ovos, EHA e ensaio de motilidade em adultos, AMA); e in vivo (teste de redução da contagem de ovos fecais, FECRT) de atividade anti-helmíntica, usando-se Haemonchus contortus. Na AMA, extratos aquosos brutos de metanol (CAME) e frações de acetato de etila de F. assa-foetida. Dez horas pós-tratamento, apresentaram mortalidade máxima de H. contortus em 12,5-50 mg mL-1. No EHA, CAME de F. assa-foetida foi identificado como um ovicida potente baseado em seu baixo LC50 (16,9 µg mL-1), seguido em ordem por Ar. catechu e A. donax. Os resultados do FECRT também mostraram que o extrato de F. assa-foetida L. é mais eficaz do que o de Ar. catechu L. e A. donax L., contra nematoides parasitas gastrointestinais. As frações clorofórmio e acetato de etila mostraram melhores atividades anti-helmínticas contra vermes adultos in vitro, enquanto o CAME dessas plantas foi melhor do que o pó bruto in vivo. Recomenda-se documentar e investigar o conhecimento indígena de possíveis plantas medicinais para planejar ensaios científicos que possam justificar seu endosso.

Animals , Ferula , Haemonchus , Anthelmintics/pharmacology , Areca , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Poaceae
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 43: e56763, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460992


Fungi are among the main responsible for damage and loss in stored grains, its control has been done through synthetic substances, which are harmful to man and the environment. Brazil, one of the leading countries in agriculture, has optimal environmental conditions for the development of mycotoxigenic fungi. Most of the synthetic chemicals used as preservatives have often been realized to be toxic to humans and also cause adverse environmental effects. Thus, it is necessary to search for alternative methods of controlling. In this study the aimed was to evaluate the efficacy of lemongrass essential oil in the control of the Aspergillus brasiliensis. In vitro and serial microdilution tests were carried out at different concentrations of essential oil and citral, which corresponds to 72% of the total oil composition. Inhibition of fungal growth on contaminated wheat grain was evaluated. The in vitro test results showed that the essential oil has fungicidal potential at concentrations from 0.6 956;L mL-1, the minimum inhibitory concentration was determined at 0.8 956;L mL-1. The tests with citral showed fungal control at concentrations from 0.6 956;L mL-1 onwards. For wheat grain, fungal growth inhibition was obtained at the concentration of 1.6 956;L mL-1. The essential oil of Cymbopogon flexuosus showed fungicidal activity against the fungus Aspergillus brasiliensis.

Antifungal Agents , Aspergillus , Poaceae/chemistry , Triticum/microbiology , Oils, Volatile/analysis
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06848, 2021. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1351276


Colic outbreaks in horses have been associated with the grazing of several Megathyrsus maximus (Sin. Panicum maximum) cultivars in the North and Central-West regions of Brazil. In this paper, we report a horse colic outbreak in the Southeast region of Brazil caused by ingestion of the "Colonião" cultivar of M. maximus, which has not previously been considered as toxic. The five affected horses belonged to the Veterinary Platoon based at the Central Ammunition Deposit of the Brazilian Army in the city of Paracambi, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. The horses had access to treated water and commercial concentrate, and were located in a field of M. maximus at the time of the outbreak. All horses exhibited clinical signs of colic and bloat, and three of them died. The extend of the clinical course ranged from four to five days in the three animals that died; in the two animals that recovered from the colic episodes, the extend of the clinical courses were 10 and 15 days. Necropsy findings revealed intestinal and gastric bloating and hemorrhages involving the intestinal wall. Light microscopy showed moderate diffuse lymphoplasmacytic and eosinophilic enteritis with multifocal erosions, in addition to submucosal edema associated with multifocal vasculitis. The pathogenesis of colic caused by M. maximus ingestion in horses has not yet been elucidated. Some authors have suggested that higher starch concentrations in M. maximus during the rainy season may be responsible for the toxicity of this plant. However, the findings of this study do not support this hypothesis. As a prophylactic measure, it is suggested that horses do not graze exclusively M. maximus at the beginning of rainy periods, in which regrowth of this grass occurs. In Brazil, outbreaks of horse colic associated with ingestion of varieties of Megathyrsus can also occur outside the North and Midwest regions, under specific climate conditions.(AU)

Surtos de cólica em equinos vêm sendo associados ao pastejo de várias cultivares de Megathyrsus maximus (Sin. Panicum maximum) nas regiões Norte e Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Neste trabalho relata-se um surto de cólica em equinos determinado pela ingestão da variedade Colonião de M. maximus, cultivar até então não descrita como tóxico. Os cinco equinos, oriundos do Pelotão de Veterinária do Centro de munição do Exército situado no município de Paracambi/RJ, estavam em uma mesma pastagem de M. maximus, tinham acesso à água tratada e ao concentrado comercial para equinos. Todos os equinos tiveram sinais clínicos de cólica por timpanismo e três deles morreram. O curso clínico variou de quatro a cinco dias nos três equinos que morreram e de 10 a 15 dias nos dois equinos que recuperaram-se da cólica. À necropsia, os principais achados foram timpanismo intestinal e gástrico e hemorragias na parede intestinal. À microscopia havia enterite linfoplasmocítica e eosinofílica difusa moderada com erosões multifocais e edema submucoso associado à vasculite multifocal. A patogênese da cólica pela ingestão de M. maximus ainda não foi elucidada, no entanto, alguns autores têm sugerido que uma maior concentração de amido presente na forrageira durante o período de chuvas possa ser responsável pela ação tóxica da planta. Contudo as observações aqui levantadas não dão suporte a essa hipótese. Sugere-se como medida profilática evitar o pastejo exclusivo de M. maximus por cavalos, por meio de pastagens alternativas, principalmente durante o início das chuvas e rebrota da pastagem. Demonstra-se que, no Brasil, os surtos de cólica em equinos associados à ingestão de variedades de Megathyrsus, também podem ocorrer fora das regiões Norte e Centro-Oeste, desde que existam condições climáticas especiais.(AU)

Animals , Poisoning , Pasture , Poaceae , Horses , Plants, Toxic
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(3): 1027-1033, May-June, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1129731


The objective was to evaluate animal performance and nutritional characteristics of Brachiaria brizantha cv. BRS Piatã in two integrated systems, during the summer and winter, five years after the initial establishment of the area. The randomized block experimental design was adopted with treatments consisting of a control (five native trees per hectare) and an integrated crop-livestock-forestry (ICLF) system with 227 eucalyptus trees per hectare. Animal performance, canopy height, soil cover, forage mass (leaf, stem and senescent material), and forage nutritive value were evaluated. Differences between systems were observed in forage mass (total, leaf, stem and senescent material), soil cover and forage nutritive value in both seasons. Shading conditions provided by eucalyptus in the ICLF system lead to a reduction in forage mass and neutral detergent fiber content, and to an increase in crude protein and in vitro organic matter digestibility. However, no effect on animal performance was obtained. The presence of trees improves the forage nutritive value without impacting animal performance in integrated systems.(AU)

O objetivo foi avaliar o desempenho animal e as características nutricionais de Brachiaria brizantha cv. BRS Piatã em dois sistemas integrados, durante o verão e o inverno, cinco anos após o estabelecimento inicial da área. O delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso foi adotado com tratamentos constituídos por um controle (cinco árvores nativas por hectare) e um sistema integrado lavoura-pecuária-floresta (ILPF) com 227 eucaliptos por hectare. Desempenho animal, altura do dossel, cobertura do solo, massa de forragem (folha, caule e material senescente) e valor nutritivo da forragem foram avaliados. Diferenças entre os sistemas foram observadas na massa de forragem (total, foliar, caule e material senescente), na cobertura do solo e no valor nutritivo da forragem em ambas as estações. As condições de sombreamento proporcionadas pelo eucalipto no sistema ICLF levaram a uma redução na massa de forragem e no teor de fibra em detergente neutro e a um aumento na proteína bruta e na digestibilidade in vitro da matéria orgânica. No entanto, nenhum efeito no desempenho animal foi obtido. A presença de árvores melhora o valor nutritivo da forragem, sem impactar o desempenho animal em sistemas integrados.(AU)

Animals , Brachiaria , Poaceae , Animal Husbandry
Rev. biol. trop ; 68(2)jun. 2020.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507684


Introduction: Light stress is an important factor limiting the biomass yield while combining forage production with crops or forestry. Guinea grass is a widely adapted perennial fodder grass. The species exhibits high degree of variation for morphology, adaptation and biomass yield. Objective: Since there is a need in identifying shade adapted forage grasses for the expanding area under agroforestry/silvipastures, the present investigation took the task of understanding how the morphologically distinct genotypes of guinea grass respond under different shaded intensities. Methods: In the present study, forty-four genotypes related with the shade response were studied in varying shading conditions (pure sunlight, 25, 50 and 75 % shade) created artificially. Results: Based on green and dry matter yields ranking, the genotype IG 01-98 performed the best followed by genotypes IG 01-92, IG 97-5, IG 97-6 and IG 01-89 in decreasing order. Particularly, IG 01-93 was identified as the best performing under 50 % shading conditions. On the other hand, most of the top ranking genotypes performed well both under open and up to 50 % of shade. Morphologically, these genotypes were taller and possessed longer and broader leaves. Under shaded conditions (over 50 %), leaf length and width showed an increasing trend compared to open conditions. Also, chlorophyll content increased with shading intensity. Conclusions: Most of the genotypes collected from the southern Indian humid tropical environment with early flowering nature were tolerant to shade. Differential genotypic response was observed for biomass yield and yield attributes under shade. The study established appreciable variability for shade tolerance among genotypes.

Introducción: El estrés leve es un factor importante que limita el rendimiento de la biomasa al tiempo que combina laproducción forrajera con los cultivos o la silvicultura. El zacate guinea es una planta de forraje perenne ampliamente adaptada. La especie presenta un alto grado de variación en su morfología, adaptación y rendimiento de biomasa. Objetivo: Como existe la necesidad de la identificación de pastos forrajeros adaptados a la sombra para el área de expansión bajo agroforestería /silvicultura, la presente investigación se realizó para entender cómo los genotipos morfológicamente distintos al zacate guinea responden a diferentes intensidades de sombra. Métodos: Se estudiaron 44 genotipos y su respuesta a los niveles de sombra: luz solar pura y 25, 50 y 75 % de sombra (creados artificialmente). Resultados: Basado en la clasificación de rendimientos demateria verde y seca, el genotipo IG 01-98 fue el mejor, seguido de los genotipos IG 01-92, IG 97-5, IG 97-6 e IG 01-89 en orden decreciente. Por su parte, el IG 01-93 fue identificado como el de mayor rendimiento bajo el 50 % de condición de sombra. La mayoría de los genotipos de primer nivel tuvieron un buen desempeño, tanto bajo sombra abierta como al 50 %. Morfológicamente, estos genotipos fueron más altos y poseían hojas más largas y más anchas. En condiciones de sombra, de más del 50 %, la longitud y ancho de la hoja mostraron una tendencia creciente en comparación con la condición abierta. El contenido de clorofila aumentó con la intensidad de la sombra. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los genotipos recolectados al sur de la India en un ambiente tropical húmedo y tienen una floración temprana, fueron tolerantes a la sombra. Se observó una respuesta genotípica diferencial para los atributos de rendimiento y rendimiento de biomasa bajo sombra. El estudio mostró la existencia de una variabilidad apreciable para la tolerancia a la sombra entre los genotipos.

Biomass , Poaceae/classification , Poaceae/growth & development , India
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(2): 507-518, 01-03-2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1146408


This research aimed to evaluate the performance, body composition and net requirements for protein and energy in grazing Nellore steers supplemented with or without addition of lipids. Twenty-eight steers, 301 ± 5.8 kg BW, were used in the experiment. The comparative slaughter method was used, with four steers used as references. The remaining 24 steers were randomly distributed into four groups, during 180 days, according to treatment: only Panicum maximum cv. Mombasa grass; Mombasa grass with concentrated supplementation based on soybean meal; Mombasa grass with concentrate containing lipids from soybean oil; and Mombasa grass with concentrate containing lipids derived from soybean grains. The total DMI of the steers fed only the pasture did not differ (P > 0.05) from the average intake of the treatments with or without addition of lipids. There were no differences (P > 0.05) between treatments for total daily gain, carcass and non carcass for protein, energy and fat. The requirements of protein and energy did not differ (P > 0.05) among the treatments. When the pasture is of good quality, supplementation does not alter the body composition or the net requirements of protein and energy for weight gain. The supplementations with higher concentrations of lipids (oil and grain) were not enough to promote greater gains in fat and energy in carcass.

Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho, composição corporal e requisitos líquidos para proteínas e energia de novilhos Nelore em pastejo suplementados com ou sem adição de lipídios.Foram utilizadas no experimento vinte e oito novilhos, 301 ± 5,8 kg PC. O método comparativo de abate foi utilizado, com quatro novilhos utilizados como referências. Os 24 restantes novilhos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos, durante 180 dias, de acordo com o tratamento: apenas Panicum maximum cv. Grama Mombasa; Grama de Mombasa com suplementação concentrada à base de farelo de soja; Grama de Mombasa com concentrado contendo lipídios de óleo de soja; e Mombasa com concentrado contendo lipídiosderivados de grãos de soja. O CMS total dos novilhos alimentados apenas com a pastagem não diferiu (P>0,05) da ingestão média dos tratamentos com ou sem adição de lipídios. Não houve diferenças (P> 0,05) entre os tratamentos para o ganho diário total, carcaça e não carcaça para proteínas, energia e gordura. Os requisitos de proteína e energia não diferiram (P> 0,05) entre os tratamentos.Quando a pastagem é de boa qualidade, a suplementação não altera a composição corporal ou os requisitos líquidos de proteína e energia para ganho de peso. As suplementações com maiores concentrações de lipídios (óleo e grão) não foram suficientes parapromover maiores ganhos de gordura e energia na carcaça.

Cattle , Diet , Lipids , Glycine max , Body Composition , Soybean Oil , Weight Gain , Proteins , Pasture , Brachiaria , Poaceae , Panicum
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(2): 519-526, 01-03-2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1146412


The aim of research was to evaluate the performance and characteristics of the carcasses of Nellore young bulls in grazing supplemented with or without addition of lipids. Twenty­eight young bulls, 301 ± 5.8 kg in body weight, which four constituted the reference group and the twenty-four remnants were used in the experiment and randomly distributed into four groups according to treatment: only Panicum maximum cv. Mombasa grass; Mombasa grass with concentrated supplementation based on soybean meal; Mombasa grass with concentrate containing lipids from soybean oil; and Mombasa grass with concentrate containing lipids derived from soybean grains. The total dry matter intake of the animals fed only Mombasa grass did not differ from the average intake of the three treatments supplemented with concentrate. There were no differences (P>0.05) between Mombasa grass and diets with concentrate, supplementation with or without lipid and lipids sources in the carcass traits, gastrointestinal tract, organs and loin eye area. Nellore bulls receiving concentrate increased subcutaneous fat thickness compared with bulls that received only Mombasa grass. Nellore young bulls fed Mombasa grass only, supplemented with or without addition of lipids were similar regarding growth performance and carcass traits

Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa avaliar o desempenho e as características das carcaças de novilhos Nelore em pastejo suplementados com ou sem adição de lipídios. Vinte e oito novilhos, 301 ± 5,8 kg de peso vivo, sendo que quatro constituíram o grupo de referência e os vinte e quatro remanescentes foram utilizados no experimento e distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos de acordo com o tratamento: somente Panicum maximum cv. capim-mombaça; capim-mombaça com suplementação concentrada à base de farelo de soja; capim-mombaça com concentrado contendo lipídios do óleo de soja; e capim-mombaça com concentradocontendo lipídios derivados de grãos de soja. O consumo total de matéria seca dos animais alimentados apenas com capim-mombaça não diferiu da ingestão média dos três tratamentos suplementados com concentrado. Não houve diferenças (P>0,05) entre capim-mombaça e dietas com concentrado, suplementação com ou sem lipídeos e fontes de lipídeos nas características de carcaça, trato gastrintestinal, órgãos e área de olho de lombo. Os novilhos Nelore que receberam concentrado aumentaram a espessura de gordura em comparação aos novilhos que receberam apenas capim-mombaça. Novilhos Nelore criados em capim-mombaça, alimentados apenas com capim-mombaça ou suplementados com ou sem adição de lipídeos, foram semelhantes quanto ao desempenho de crescimento e características de carcaça.

Cattle , Diet , Lipids , Glycine max , Soybean Oil , Brachiaria , Poaceae , Growth , Panicum
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785342


PURPOSE: The pollen calendar is the simplest forecasting method for pollen concentrations. As pollen concentrations are liable to seasonal variations due to alterations in climate and land-use, it is necessary to update the pollen calendar using recent data. To attenuate the impact of considerable temporal and spatial variability in pollen concentrations on the pollen calendar, it is essential to employ a new methodology for its creation.METHODS: A pollen calendar was produced in Korea using data from recent observations, and a new method for creating the calendar was proposed, considering both risk levels and temporal resolution of pollen concentrations. A probability distribution was used for smoothing concentrations and determining risk levels. Airborne pollen grains were collected between 2007 and 2017 at 8 stations; 13 allergenic pollens, including those of alder, Japanese cedar, birch, hazelnut, oak, elm, pine, ginkgo, chestnut, grasses, ragweed, mugwort and Japanese hop, were identified from the collected grains.RESULTS: The concentrations of each pollen depend on locations and seasons due to large variability in species distribution and their environmental condition. In the descending order of concentration, pine, oak and Japanese hop pollens were found to be the most common in Korea. The pollen concentrations were high in spring and autumn, and those of oak and Japanese hop were probably the most common cause of allergy symptoms in spring and autumn, respectively. High Japanese cedar pollen counts were observed in Jeju, while moderate concentrations were in Jeonju, Gwangju and Busan.CONCLUSIONS: A new methodology for the creation of a pollen calendar was developed to attenuate the impact of large temporal and spatial variability in pollen concentrations. This revised calendar should be available to the public and allergic patients to prevent aggravation of pollen allergy.

Humans , Alnus , Ambrosia , Artemisia , Asian People , Betula , Climate , Corylus , Cryptomeria , Forecasting , Ginkgo biloba , Hypersensitivity , Korea , Methods , Poaceae , Pollen , Rhinitis, Allergic, Seasonal , Seasons
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 63(spe): e20190498, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142507


Abstract The objective was to undertake the visual evaluation of soil structure in maize and forage grasses intercropping under no-tillage. The experiment was carried out in a rural property located in North Paraná State, Brazil, where there were five parallel areas with the following treatments: maize + Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu (T1), maize + Urochloa brizantha cv. Piatã (T2), maize + Urochloa brizantha cv. Xaraés (T3), maize + Urochloa ruziziensis (T4), and non-intercropping maize (T5). Seeds of forage grasses were sown in April 5th, 2018 and sampling was carried out in December, 30th, 2018. Samples of 0.10 m width, 0.20 m length, and 0.25 m thickness were collected from five random locations of each experimental area and, for the visual evaluation of soil structural quality, a soil evaluation (VESS) chart was used so that visual scores were attributed to each sample. Treatments 1 and 5 received the highest scores, while treatment 3 had the lowest score and showed good structural quality and great root presence. At the superficial layer, treatment 2 had the lowest score (0.8) among treatments. For the subsuperficial layer, the scores obtained were higher than those found for the superficial layer: T3 had the lowest mean (1.5) and was significantly similar to T4 that presented a mean score of 1.7. Except for T1, which showed a similar score to non-intercropping maize (T5), the forage grasses had better visual scores. The visual evaluation of soil structure indicated that maize and forage grasses intercropping improves soil structural quality.

Humans , Soil Monitoring , Zea mays , Poaceae , Brazil , Models, Theoretical