O Brasil é o país que possui a maior diversidade de bambus em todo o continente americano, com mais de 200 espécies catalogadas. Devido à alta resistência e durabilidade, essas espécies são muito utilizadas na construção civil e confecção de móveis e utensílios. No entanto, faltam estudos que investiguem a composição química e as atividades biológicas. Neste projeto foram avaliados extratos etanólicos de folhas e colmos de Guadua chacoensis (Rojas) Londoño & P.M. Peterson e frações em hexano, clorofórmio, acetato de etila e n-butanol. Também se obteve o óleo volátil, mas com um rendimento extremamente baixo (0,00079%). As frações dos extratos apresentaram teores de compostos fenólicos variando entre 1,92 e 15,80 µg EAG/mg. Esses compostos mostraram-se mais abundantes nas amostras de colmos. Em relação ao teor de flavonoides, as folhas apresentaram maior quantidade, variando entre 0,39 e 1,18 µg EQ/mg contra 0,17 a 0,34 µg EQ/mg nos colmos. Investigou-se a atividade antimicrobiana dos extratos, frações e óleo volátil frente cinco microrganismos: Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans e Aspergillus brasiliensis. As amostras demonstraram potencial inibitório moderado a bom contra S. aureus e C. albicans, porém fraca para as demais espécies. Testou-se a capacidade antioxidante frente o radical DPPH e os resultados indicaram atividade antioxidante significativa, especialmente as frações acetato e butanol de colmos. As folhas apresentaram EC50 variando entre 67,5 e 124,0 µg/mL e os colmos entre 40,2 e 124 µg/mL. A inibição da enzima tirosinase, que está associada à produção de melanina, também se mostrou boa a uma concentração de 1 mg/mL, com o extrato bruto de colmos apresentando 43% de inibição, seguido pelas frações acetato (36%) e n-butanol (38%) de folhas. As análises por CG-MS detectaram pelo menos 44 compostos diferentes no óleo volátil, com vários terpenos e sesquiterpenos, e com ß-ionona sendo o componente majoritário (8,75%). As amostras de colmos e folhas apontaram grande diversidade de compostos, cerca de 20 para cada fração, onde os ácidos graxos como ácido palmítico e linoleico e seus ésteres derivados foram os mais abundantes. A análise dos perfis cromatográficos por CCD e CLAE revelaram a presença de ácido p-cumárico nos colmos de G. chacoensis. Esse composto tem relevante atividade antioxidante e de inibição da tirosinase. Também foi possível identificar a quercetagetina-7-O-glicosídeo, uma flavona glicosilada, com propriedades anti-inflamatorias e antidiabéticas. Desta forma, constatou-se que G. chacoensis apresenta grande diversidade de metabólitos secundários com atividades biológicas relevantes, como atividade antioxidante e clareadora, abrindo caminho para investigações mais profundas de suas aplicações, especialmente no segmento de cosméticos e produtos naturais
Brazil is the country with the greatest diversity of bamboo in the entire American continent, with more than 200 species catalogued. Due to their high resistance and durability, they are widely used in home construction and manufacture of furniture and utensils. However, studies investigating chemical composition and biological activities are absent. In this project, ethanol extracts from leaves and stems of Guadua chacoensis (Rojas) Londoño & P.M. Peterson and fractions in hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and n-butanol were evaluated. Volatile oil was also obtained, but with an extremely low yield (0.00079%). The fractions of the extracts presented contents of phenolic compounds varying between 1.92 and 15.80 µg GAE/mg. These compounds were more abundant in culm samples. In relation to the flavonoid content, leaves showed a greater amount, varying between 0.39 and 1.18 µg QE/mg against 0.17 to 0.34 µg QE/mg in culms. The antimicrobial activity of extracts, fractions and volatile oil were investigated against five microorganisms: Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans and Aspergillus brasiliensis. The samples showed moderate to good inhibitory potential against S. aureus and C. albicans, but weak for the other species. The antioxidant capacity was tested against the DPPH radical and the results indicated significant antioxidant activity, especially acetate and butanol culm fractions. The leaves presented EC50 varying between 67.5 and 124.0 µg/mL and culms between 40.2 and 124 µg/mL. The inhibition of the enzyme tyrosinase, which is associated with the production of melanin, was also shown to be good at a concentration of 1 mg/mL, with the raw culm extract showing 43% inhibition, followed by acetate (36%) and n-butanol (38%) fractions of leaves. CG-MS analysis detected at least 44 different compounds in volatile oil, with several terpenes and sesquiterpenes, and with ß-ionone being the major component (8.75%). Culm and leaf samples showed great diversity of compounds, about 20 for each fraction, where fatty acids such as palmitic and linoleic acid and their derivative esters were the most abundant. The analysis of the chromatographic profiles by TLC and HPLC revealed the presence of p-coumaric acid in culms of G. chacoensis. This compound has relevant antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibiting activity. It was also possible to identify quercetagetine-7-O-glucoside, a glycosylated flavone, with anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties. Thus, it was found that G. chacoensis presents a great diversity of secondary metabolites with relevant biological activities, such as antioxidant and whitening activity, opening ways for deeper investigations of its applications, especially in the segment of cosmetics and natural products
Aspergillus/metabolism , Plant Extracts/agonists , Bambusa/adverse effects , Poaceae/chemistry , Antioxidants/analysis , Oils, Volatile/analysis , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/instrumentation , Monophenol Monooxygenase/classification , 1-Butanol , Bambusa/chemistryABSTRACT
This study aims to explore the mechanism of fresh Phragmitis Rhizoma against chronic bronchitis airway inflammation. The SD rats of SPF grade were divided into control group, model group, Guilongkechuanning group(GLKCN, 1.125 g·kg~(-1)), high-dose fresh Phragmitis Rhizoma group(LG-HD, 15 g·kg~(-1)), and low-dose fresh Phragmitis Rhizoma group(LG-LD, 7.5 g·kg~(-1)). The chronic bronchitis models of rats in other groups except the control group were induced by the modified smoking method. From the 15 th day of modeling, the rats were given corresponding agents by gavage for 20 consecutive days. After the last administration, the rats were sacrificed for sample collection. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) was employed to detect serum transforming growth factor-β(TGF-β) and interleukin-6(IL-6) levels. The protein expression of TGF-β, IL-1β and IL-6 in lung tissue was detected by immunohistochemical method. Masson staining was performed to detect collagen fibers and muscle fibers in lung tissue, and HE staining to detect the pathological changes of lung tissue. Human bronchial epithelial(16 HBE) cells were cultured in vitro, and CCK-8(cell counting kit-8) method was used to detect the cytotoxicity of cigarette smoke extract(CSE) and fresh Phragmitis Rhizoma. After the exposure of 16 HBE cells to 3.5% CSE and appropriate concentration(800, 400 μg·mL~(-1)) of fresh Phragmitis Rhizoma for 24 h, quantitative real-time PCR was conducted to determine the mRNA levels of TGF-β and IL-1β, and Western blot was employed to determine the protein levels of TGF-β and IL-6 in the cells. The rat model of chronic bronchitis induced by smoking was successfully established. Fresh Phragmitis Rhizoma reduced serum TGF-β and IL-6 levels, down-regulated the protein levels of TGF-β, IL-1β, and IL-6 in lung tissue, and alleviated pathological changes and fibrotic lesions in lung tissue. Moreover, it down-regulated the CSE-induced protein expression of TGF-β and IL-6 as well as the mRNA level of TGF-β in 16 HBE cells. These results indicated that fresh Phragmitis Rhizoma could prevent airway inflammation from chronic bronchitis and promote cell repair by inhibiting the TGF-β signaling pathway.
Animals , Rats , Bronchitis, Chronic/genetics , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/pharmacology , Inflammation , Lung , Poaceae/chemistry , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Rhizome , Signal Transduction , Transforming Growth Factor beta/geneticsABSTRACT
Fungi are among the main responsible for damage and loss in stored grains, its control has been done through synthetic substances, which are harmful to man and the environment. Brazil, one of the leading countries in agriculture, has optimal environmental conditions for the development of mycotoxigenic fungi. Most of the synthetic chemicals used as preservatives have often been realized to be toxic to humans and also cause adverse environmental effects. Thus, it is necessary to search for alternative methods of controlling. In this study the aimed was to evaluate the efficacy of lemongrass essential oil in the control of the Aspergillus brasiliensis. In vitro and serial microdilution tests were carried out at different concentrations of essential oil and citral, which corresponds to 72% of the total oil composition. Inhibition of fungal growth on contaminated wheat grain was evaluated. The in vitro test results showed that the essential oil has fungicidal potential at concentrations from 0.6 956;L mL-1, the minimum inhibitory concentration was determined at 0.8 956;L mL-1. The tests with citral showed fungal control at concentrations from 0.6 956;L mL-1 onwards. For wheat grain, fungal growth inhibition was obtained at the concentration of 1.6 956;L mL-1. The essential oil of Cymbopogon flexuosus showed fungicidal activity against the fungus Aspergillus brasiliensis.
Antifungal Agents , Aspergillus , Poaceae/chemistry , Triticum/microbiology , Oils, Volatile/analysisABSTRACT
This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of nitrogen fertilization on tillering dynamics of Alexandergrass (Urochloa plantaginea (Link) Hitch) grazed by beef heifers in a rotational stocking grazing method. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design following a repeated measure arrangement, three levels of nitrogen (Zero, 150 and 300kg ha-1) and two area repetition. The classification of tillers into categories (basal and axillary) showed a greater number of basal tillers, due to their higher appearance rate, in the absence of nitrogen fertilization. Nitrogen fertilization promoted higher axillary tiller density. The use of nitrogen promotes the renewal of axillary tillers of Alexandergrass, without compromising the stability of the tiller population.(AU)
Esse estudo foi conduzido para avaliar o efeito da fertilização nitrogenada no perfilhamento do Papuã (Urochloa plantaginea (Link) Hitch) pastejado por novilhas de corte em um método de lotação rotacionada. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado com arranjo de medidas repetidas, três níveis de nitrogênio (Zero, 150 e 300kg ha -1 ) e duas repetições de área. A classificação dos perfilhos em categorias (basais e axilares) mostrou um maior número de perfilhos basais, devido à sua maior taxa de aparecimento, na ausência de adubação nitrogenada. A fertilização nitrogenada promoveu maior densidade de perfilhos axilares. O uso de nitrogênio promove renovação dos perfilhos axilares no Papuã, sem comprometer a estabilidade da população de plantas.(AU)
Animals , Female , Cattle , Pasture/methods , Fertilizers/analysis , Poaceae/chemistry , Nitrogen/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Background: Pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass is essential for using it as a raw material for chemical and biofuel production. This study evaluates the effects of variables in the chemical pretreatment of the Arundo biomass on the glucose and xylose concentrations in the final enzymatic hydrolysate. Three pretreatments were tested: acid pretreatment, acid pretreatment followed by alkaline pretreatment, and alkaline pretreatment. Results: The amounts of glucose and xylose released by the enzymatic hydrolysis of the Arundo biomass obtained from acid pretreatment ranged from 6.2 to 19.1 g/L and 1.8 to 3.1 g/L, respectively. The addition of alkaline pretreatment led to a higher yield from the enzymatic hydrolysis, with the average glucose concentration 3.5 times that obtained after biomass hydrolysis with an acid pretreatment exclusively. The use of an alkaline pretreatment alone resulted in glucose and xylose concentrations similar to those obtained in the two-step pretreatment: acid pretreatment followed by alkaline pretreatment. There was no significant difference in 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, furfural, or acetic acid concentrations among the pretreatments. Conclusion: Alkaline pretreatment was essential for obtaining high concentrations of glucose and xylose. The application of an alkaline pretreatment alone resulted in high glucose and xylose concentrations. This result is very significant as it allows a cost reduction by eliminating one step.
Ethanol/metabolism , Poaceae/chemistry , Acids/chemistry , Xylose/analysis , Cellulose/chemistry , Biomass , Biofuels , Glucose/analysis , Hydrolysis , LigninABSTRACT
O presente trabalho visou empregar um estudo metanalítico para sumarizar e analisar dados sobre adubação nitrogenada em pastagens formadas por gramíneas dos gêneros Brachiaria, Cynodon e Panicum. Foram selecionados 36 trabalhos de pesquisa realizados no Brasil nos últimos 10 anos, incluindo artigos científicos, teses e dissertações. Com base nos dados contidos nesses trabalhos, foi calculado o incremento relativo de matéria seca e de proteína bruta em relação ao tratamento controle (ausência de adubação nitrogenada) e a eficiência da utilização do nitrogênio na produção de matéria seca e proteína bruta. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância para efeito linear e quadrático em cada uma das variáveis dentro de cada gênero e, no caso de significância, foi realizada análise de regressão. A produção de matéria seca e de proteína bruta de forrageiras tropicais responde de forma expressiva à adubação nitrogenada, principalmente a segunda, porém o acréscimo nas doses de nitrogênio reduz a eficiência da adubação. Verificou-se uma frequente omissão de informações relevantes em trabalhos com adubação nitrogenada em pastagens.(AU)
The study aimed to employ a meta-analytic study to summarize and analyze data on nitrogen fertilization in grasslands formed by grasses of the genera Brachiaria, Cynodon and Panicum. A sample of 36 research projects carried out in Brazil in the last ten years, including scientific papers, theses and dissertations were selected. From the data contained in these works, relative dry matter and crude protein increment compared to the control treatment (absence of nitrogen fertilization) and the efficiency of nitrogen use in the production of dry matter and crude protein were calculated. Data were subjected to analysis of variance for linear and quadratic effect on each variable within each genus and, in case of significance, regression analysis was performed. The production of dry matter and crude protein of tropical forages responds greatly to nitrogen fertilization, especially the second, but the increase in nitrogen rates reduces the efficiency of fertilization. There was a frequent omission of relevant information in scientific works on nitrogen fertilization in grasslands.(AU)
Composting/methods , Poaceae/chemistry , Poaceae/metabolism , Meta-Analysis , Nitrogen Compounds/administration & dosageABSTRACT
ABSTRACT The milk and meat from animals with a pasture-based diet have higher proportions of CLA and C18:3 and lower omega-6:omega-3 ratios than products from animals with diets based on corn silage and concentrate. However, most of the published studies have evaluated fatty acid profiles in temperate climate grasses and the literature with tropical grasses is scarce. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the morphological and fatty acid compositions in the vertical strata of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) swards subjected to grazing heights (90 or 120 cm pre-grazing heights) and levels of defoliation (50% or 70% removal of the initial pre-grazing height). There were no interactions among pre-grazing height, the level of defoliation and grazing stratum. However, higher proportion of C18:3 (58% and 63%) was found in the 90-cm swards and in the half upper stratum. A higher proportion of C18:3 was associated with a higher leaf proportion and crude protein content. Thus, the upper stratum of sward or a grazing management scheme (e.g. first-last stocking) resulting in a higher proportion of leaves and crude protein both provide higher proportions of C18:3 to animals grazing in elephant grass swards.
Animals , Fatty Acids/analysis , Poaceae/chemistry , Animal Feed/analysis , Seasons , Silage , Cattle , Poaceae/growth & development , Animal Feed/classificationABSTRACT
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to compare the estimates of ether extract (EE) contents obtained by the Randall method and by the high-temperature method of the American Oil Chemist's Society (AOCS; Am 5-04) in forages (n = 20) and cattle feces (n = 15). The EE contents were quantified by using the Randall extraction or AOCS method and XT4 filter bags or cartridges made of qualitative filter paper (80 g/m²) as containers for the samples. It was also evaluated the loss of particles, and concentration of residual chlorophyll after extraction and the recovery of protein and minerals in the material subjected to extraction. Significant interaction was observed between extraction method and material for EE contents. The EE estimates using the AOCS method were higher, mainly in forages. No loss of particles was observed with different containers. The chlorophyll contents in the residues of cattle feces were not affected by the extraction method; however, residual chlorophyll was lower using the AOCS method in forages. There was complete recovery of the protein and ash after extraction. The results suggest that AOCS method produces higher estimates of EE contents in forages and cattle feces, possibly by providing greater extraction of non-fatty EE.
Animals , Chemistry Techniques, Analytical/methods , Ether/analysis , Ether/chemistry , Feces/chemistry , Poaceae/chemistry , Animal Feed/analysis , Cattle , Reproducibility of Results , Food Analysis/methods , Hot TemperatureABSTRACT
ResumenLa industria petrolera ha generado derrames crónicos de petróleo y su acumulación en Gleysoles en zonas anegadas en el estado de Tabasco, en el sureste de México. El anegamiento es un factor que limita el uso de tecnologías de remediación por el alto costo y los bajos niveles de degradación del petróleo, sin embargo, Leersia hexandra Sw. es un pasto que crece en estas zonas contaminadas con petróleo intemperizado. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la densidad de bacterias, producción de biomasa vegetal y fitorremediación de L.hexandra en suelo contaminado con petróleos fresco e intemperizado, bajo condiciones experimentales de anegamiento. Se realizaron dos experimentos (E1 y E2) en un túnel de plástico. El E1 se basó en ocho dosis: 6 000, 10 000, 30 000, 60 000, 90 000, 120 000, 150 000 y 180 000 mg kg-1 base seca (b.s.) de hidrocarburos totales de petróleo fresco (HTPF), y en el E2 se evaluaron cinco dosis: 14 173, 28 400, 50 598, 75 492 y 112 142 mg kg-1 b. s. de hidrocarburos totales de petróleo intemperizado (HTPI), con ocho repeticiones en cada experimento, además se utilizó un testigo con 2 607 mg kg-1 b. s. de HTP de origen biogénico. Las variables evaluadas a los tres y seis meses fueron 1) densidad microbiana de las bacterias fijadoras de nitrógeno de vida libre totales (BFN), del grupo Azospirillum (AZP) y Azotobacter (AZT), por cuenta viable en placa seriada; 2) producción de materia seca total (MS), se cuantificó por el peso seco por gravimetría, y 3) el porcentaje de descontaminación de los hidrocarburos (DSC) por extracción en equipo soxhlet. En suelos con HTPF, la población de BFN, AZP y AZT se estimuló hasta cinco veces más que el tratamiento testigo a los tres y seis meses; sin embargo, concentraciones de 150 000 y 180 000 mg kg-1 b. s. inhibieron entre un 70 y 89 % la densidad bacteriana. A su vez, en suelos con PI, la inhibición se registró hasta en un 90 %, a excepción del tratamiento con 14 173 mg kg-1 b. s., el cual estimuló las BNF y AZT en 2 y 0.10 veces más que testigo, respectivamente. La producción de MS fue continua en los experimentos hasta los seis meses, con valores de 63 y 89 g en PF y PI, respectivamente; sin diferencias significativas con el testigo (p ≤ 0.05). El DSC alcanzó valores del 66 % al 87 % en HTPF como HTPI a los seis meses, respectivamente. Estos resultados demuestran la habilidad del L. hexandra para desarrollar una rizósfera con alta densidad de BFN, producir biomasa vegetal y fitorremediar Gleysoles con petróleo fresco e intemperizado en ambientes tropicales inundados.
Abstract:The oil industry has generated chronic oil spills and their accumulation in wetlands of the state of Tabasco, in Southeastern Mexico. Waterlogging is a factor that limits the use of remediation technologies because of its high cost and low levels of oil degradation. However, Leersia hexandra is a grass that grows in these contaminated areas with weathered oil. The aim of the study was to evaluate the bacteria density, plant biomass production and phytoremediation of L. hexandra in contaminated soil. For this, two experiments in plastic tunnel were performed with fresh (E1) and weathered petroleum (E2) under waterlogging experimental conditions. The E1 was based on eight doses: 6 000, 10 000, 30 000, 60 000, 90 000, 120 000, 150 000 and 180 000 mg.kg-1 dry basis (d. b.) of total petroleum hydrocarbons fresh (TPH-F), and the E2, that evaluated five doses: 14 173, 28 400, 50 598, 75 492 and 112 142 mg. kg-1 d. b. of total petroleum hydrocarbons weathered (TPH-W); a control treatment with 2 607 mg.kg-1 d. b. was used. Each experiment, with eight replicates per treatment, evaluated after three and six months: a) microbial density of total free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria (NFB) of Azospirillum (AZP) and Azotobacter group (AZT), for viable count in serial plate; b) dry matter production (DMP), quantified gravimetrically as dry weight of L. hexandra; and c) the decontamination percentage of hydrocarbons (PDH) by Soxhlet extraction. In soil with TPH-F, the NFB, AZP y AZT populations were stimulated five times more than the control both at the three and six months; however, concentrations of 150 000 and 180 000 mg.kg-1 d. b. inhibited the bacterial density between 70 and 89 %. Likewise, in soil with TPH-W, the FNB, AZP and AZT inhibitions were 90 %, with the exception of the 14 173 mg.kg-1 d. b. treatment, which stimulated the NFB and AZT in 2 and 0.10 times more than the control, respectively. The DMP was continued at the six months in the experiments, with values of 63 and 89 g in fresh and weathered petroleum, respectively; had no significant differences with the control (p≤0.05). The PDH reached values of 66 to 87 % both TPH-F and TPH-W at six months, respectively. These results demonstrated the ability the L. hexandra rhizosphere to stimulate the high NFB density, vegetal biomass production and phytoremediation of contaminated soils (with fresh and weathered petroleum), in a tropical waterlogging environment. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (1): 21-30. Epub 2017 March 01.
Soil Pollutants/chemistry , Biodegradation, Environmental , Petroleum Pollution/prevention & control , Poaceae/microbiology , Poaceae/chemistry , Reference Values , Soil/chemistry , Soil Microbiology , Azotobacter/growth & development , Time Factors , Petroleum/analysis , Colony Count, Microbial , Reproducibility of Results , Azospirillum/growth & development , Biomass , Hydrocarbons/analysis , Hydrocarbons/chemistryABSTRACT
Desmostachya bipinnata (L.) Stapf. (Fam. Poaceae) and Imperata cylindrica (L.) P. Beauv. (Fam. Poaceae) also traditionally known as Kusha and Dharbha respectively are two grasses that form vital ingredient in various Vedic sacrifices (Yagnas) and rituals. They are found along river beds and plains throughout India and are well known for their medicinal properties as supported by traditional Ayurvedic scriptures and are a vital component in traditional medicinal formulations such as Tripanchamool, Kusadya-ghrita and Kusablecha, etc. to treat many disorders such as dysentery, diuresis, jaundice, skin infections etc. The current review enlightens the bioactive molecules such as flavonoids, glycosides etc. isolated from these grasses so far. Emphasis is laid on the various therapeutic applications of extracts or biomolecules characterized from these medicinal grasses. Reports of antimicrobial, diuretic, anti-ulcerogenic and other activities from both of these plants suggest involvement of various bioactive principles. Also, the future perspectives concerned with medicinal properties of these sacred grasses is discussed.
Desmostachya bipinnata (L.) Stapf. (Fam. Poaceae) e Imperata cylindrica (L.) P. Beauv. (Fam. Poaceae) también conocida tradicionalmente como Kusha y Dharbha respectivamente, son dos plantas medicinales que forman un ingrediente vital en diversos sacrificios védicos (yagnas) y rituales. Se encuentran a lo largo de cauces y llanuras en toda la India y son bien conocidos por sus propiedades medicinales apoyadas por escrituras ayurvédicas tradicionales y son un componente vital en formulaciones medicinales tradicionales como Tripanchamool, Kusadya-ghrita y Kusablecha, etc. para tratar muchos trastornos tales como la disentería, la diuresis, la ictericia, infecciones de la piel, etc. La revisión actual resalta las moléculas bioactivas como los flavonoides, glucósidos etc., aislados de estas plantas hasta ahora. Se hace hincapié en las diversas aplicaciones terapéuticas de los extractos o biomoléculas caracterizadas de estas hierbas medicinales. Informes de actividades antimicrobianas, diuréticas anti-ulcerogénicas y otras de estas dos plantas sugieren la participación de varios principios bioactivos. Además, se discutieron las perspectivas de futuro que se ocupan de las propiedades medicinales de estas hierbas sagradas.
Medicine, Traditional , Plants, Medicinal , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Poaceae/chemistry , IndiaABSTRACT
In this study, we report isolation of flavonoids, viz., 3-O-methylquercetin, tangeritin, luteolin-7-O-glucoside, luteolin, apigenin-7-O-glucoside, apigenin-8-C-glucoside, luteolin-8-C-glucoside, luteolin-6-C-glucoside, diosmetin and catechin from the methanolic extract of Hyparrhenia hirta employing high performance liquid chromatography and liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. The total phenolic content of H. hirta extract was 105.58 ± 0.1 mg gallic acid equivalents/g of plant extract while the total flavonoid content was 45.20 ± 0.2 mg quercetin equivalents/g of plant extract and the total condensed tannin were 72.35 ± 0.7 mg catechin equivalents/g of plant extract by reference to standard curve. The antioxidant activity was assayed through the antioxidant capacity by phosphomolybdenum assay, the reducing power assay and the radical scavenging activity using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl method. The extract showed dose dependant activity in all the three assays.
Antioxidants/chemistry , Antioxidants/pharmacology , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , /chemistry , /pharmacology , Methanol/chemistry , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Poaceae/chemistry , Spectrometry, Mass, Electrospray IonizationABSTRACT
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar três sistemas forrageiros (SF) com capim elefante (CE) + azevém (AZ) + espécies de crescimento espontâneo (ECE); CE + AZ + ECE + amendoim forrageiro (AM); e CE + AZ + ECE + trevo vermelho (TV), usando-se a mesma área, sob pastejo rotacionado, no decorrer do ano agrícola. O CE foi estabelecido em linhas afastadas a cada 4m. No período hibernal, fez-se o estabelecimento do AZ entre as linhas do CE; o TV foi semeado e o AM foi preservado, considerando-se os respectivos SF. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente ao acaso, com três tratamentos (SF), duas repetições (piquetes) e avaliações independentes (ciclos de pastejos). Para avaliação, foram utilizadas vacas da raça Holandesa em lactação, que receberam suplementação alimentar com concentrado à razão de 1% do peso corporal/dia. Foram avaliados a massa de forragem, os componentes botânicos do pasto e estruturais do CE e a taxa de lotação. Durante o período experimental, foram efetuados oito ciclos de pastejo. Sistemas forrageiros que envolvem gramíneas e leguminosas de diferentes ciclos proporcionam a utilização da área durante todo o ano agrícola em pastejo rotativo com bovinos leiteiros. Considerando-se a predominância das avaliações em cada pastejo, os sistemas forrageiros consorciados apresentam melhor resultado tanto paras as variáveis de massa de forragem quanto para a taxa de lotação.
The objective of this research was to evaluate three grazing systems (GS) with elephant grass (EG) + ryegrass (RG) + spontaneous growing species (SGS); EG + RG + SGS + forage peanut (FP); and EG + RG + SGS + red clover (RC), in order to use the area in rotational grazing during the agricultural year. EG was planted in rows with a distance of 4m between each row. In the cool-season, RG was sowed between EG rows and FP was preserved on GS. The experimental design was completely randomized with three treatments (GS), two replicates (paddocks) and independent evaluations (grazing cycles). For the evaluation lactating Holstein cows receiving 1% of BW/day feed supplement concentrate were used. The herbage mass, botanical composition of pasture, structural component of EG and stocking rate were evaluated. Eight grazing cycles were performed during the experimental period. Grazing systems involving grass and legume forage in different cycles provided the use of the area during the agricultural year in rotational grazing with dairy cattle. Considering the predominance of the evaluations in each grazing, the mixed grazing systems have better results for both forage mass and stocking rate variables.
Animals , Female , Cattle , Fabaceae/growth & development , Fabaceae/chemistry , Poaceae/chemistry , Breast-Milk Substitutes , Pennisetum/chemistryABSTRACT
Desmostachya bipinnata root has been used in the Indian traditional system of medicine for treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery. The antidiarrhoeal effect of both alcoholic and aqueous extracts of the roots of Desmostachya bipinnata were studied in rats against castor oil induced diarrhoea and charcoal meal test at the doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight. The alcoholic extract and to a lesser extent aqueous extract significantly reduced the weight of the faces and decreased the propulsion of charcoal meal through the gastrointestinal tract. The phytochemical screening of the extracts showed the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, tannins, phytosterol, terpenoids, polyphenolics, protein and carbohydrates. These results may support the fact that this plant is used traditionally to cure diarrhoea.
La raíz de Desmostachya bipinnata ha sido utilizada en el sistema tradicional de medicina Hindú para el tratamiento de diarrea y disentería. El efecto antidiarreico de los extractos alcohólicos y acuosos de los extractos de la raíz de Desmostachya bipinnata fueron estudiados en ratas, utilizando la diarrea inducida por aceite de castor y el ensayo de la prueba por carbón en dosis de 200 y 400 mg/kg de peso corporal. El extracto alcohólico y en menor grado, el extracto acuoso, redujeron significativamente la propulsión de carbón a través del tracto gastrointestinal. El análisis de los extractos mostrarón la presencia de alcaloides, glicósidos, flavonoides, taninos, fitoesterol, terpenoides, polifenoles, proteínas y carbohidratos. Estos resultados pueden apoyar el hecho de que esta planta sea usada tradicionalmente para curar la diarrea.
Animals , Rats , Antidiarrheals/pharmacology , Diarrhea/drug therapy , Ethanol/pharmacology , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Poaceae/chemistry , Plant Roots/chemistry , Castor Oil , Diarrhea/chemically induced , Gastrointestinal Motility , Rats, WistarABSTRACT
Echinolaena inflexa (Poir.) Chase is an abundant C3 grass species with high biomass production in the Brazilian savanna (cerrado); Melinis minutiflora Beauv. is an African C4 forage grass widespread in cerrado and probably displacing some native herbaceous species. In the present work, we analysed seasonally the content and composition of soluble carbohydrates, the starch amounts and the above-ground biomass (phytomass) of E. inflexa and M. minutiflora plants harvested in two transects at 5 and 130 m from the border in a restrict area of cerrado at the Biological Reserve and Experimental Station of Mogi-Guaçu (SP, Brazil). Results showed that water soluble carbohydrates and starch amounts from the shoots of both species varied according to the time of the year, whilst in the underground organs, variations were observed mainly in relation to the transects. Marked differences in the pattern of the above-ground biomass production between these two grasses relative to their location in the Reserve were also observed, with two peaks of the invasive species (July and January) at the Reserve border. The differences in carbohydrate accumulation, partitioning and composition of individual sugars concerning time of the year and location in the Reserve were more related to the annual growth cycle of both grasses and possibly to specific physiological responses of M. minutiflora to disturbed environments in the Reserve border.
Echinolaena inflexa (Poir.) Chase é uma gramínea C3 muito abundante em áreas de cerrado e com alta produção de biomassa. Melinis minutiflora Beauv. é uma gramínea C4 de origem africana introduzida no Brasil para fins forrageiros, que se espalhou amplamente por áreas de cerrado, provavelmente deslocando espécies nativas. No presente trabalho, o conteúdo e a composição de carboidratos solúveis, o teor de amido e a biomassa aérea foram analisados sazonalmente em plantas de E. inflexa e M. minutiflora coletadas em dois transectos, a 5 e 130 m da borda da Reserva Biológica e Estação Experimental de Mogi-Guaçu, uma área restrita de cerrado (SP, Brasil). Os resultados mostraram que os carboidratos solúveis e o conteúdo de amido da parte aérea de ambas as espécies variaram de acordo com a época do ano, enquanto que nos órgãos subterrâneos as variações foram observadas principalmente em relação aos transectos. Diferenças marcantes no padrão de distribuição de biomassa aérea das duas espécies em relação à localização na reserva também foram observadas, com dois picos de produção da espécie invasora (em julho e janeiro) na borda da reserva. As diferenças observadas no acúmulo de carboidratos, partição e composição dos açúcares em relação à época do ano e localização na reserva foram mais relacionadas ao ciclo anual de crescimento de ambas as espécies e possivelmente a respostas fisiológicas específicas de M. minutiflora a ambientes perturbados na borda da reserva.
Biomass , Carbohydrates/analysis , Poaceae/chemistry , Seasons , Starch/analysis , Poaceae/classificationABSTRACT
Java citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt) is member of the Poaceae family. Java citronella volatile oil has been reported to be among the volatile oils, showing repellent, antimycotic, and acaricide activities. It has been known that agronomical factors have a great effect on both the quality and quantity of essential metabolites. For this reason, it is necessary to determine optimum levels of agronomical factors affecting plant growth and production. Harvest time and drying are very important agronomical factors. This study has been conducted in the Research farm of the " Universidade Federal de Sergipe" , Agronomical Engineering Department along 2002-2003 on the base of factorial experiment in randomized complete block design with three replications. Java citronella was cultivated in a 60 x 60 cm space. Early, midday, and late harvest at 9:00 h, 12:00 h, and 15:00 h were conducted on four different seasons. Fresh and dried leaves were used on the experiments. In order to study the effects of harvest time and drying, yields of dry and fresh herbage (kg/ha), moisture content ( percent), volatile oil content ( percent) and yield (L/ha), and chemical composition of the volatile oil were measured. Seasonal changes had significant effect on yield of fresh herbage, yield and volatile oil content. Maximum volatile oil yields were observed at 9:00 during summer, winter, and spring. Volatile oil content was influenced by season and drying, but not influenced by harvest time.
Citronela de Java (Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt) pertence à família Poaceae. Óleo volátil de citronela de Java apresenta atividade repelente, antimicrobiana e acaricida. Sabe-se que fatores agronômicos têm grande efeito sobre a qualidade e quantidade de metabólitos essenciais. Por isso é importante a determinação dos níveis ótimos dos fatores agronômicos que afetem o crescimento e a produção. Horário de colheita e secagem são fatores agronômicos muito importantes. O presente estudo foi conduzido na Fazenda Experimental do Departamento de Engenharia Agronômica da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, no período de 2002-2003, usando o delineamento de blocos casualizados e um experimento em esquema fatorial com três repetições. O capim citronela foi cultivado usando espaçamento de 60 cm entre linhas e 60 cm entre plantas. Realizaram-se colheitas de manhã, meio dia e à tarde, às 9:00 h, 12:00 h e 15:00 h, nas quatro estações do ano. Usaram-se folhas frescas e secas no experimento. Para estudar os efeitos do horário de colheita e secagem avaliaram-se as seguintes características: rendimento de biomassa seca e fresca (kg/ha), umidade ( por cento), teor ( por cento) e rendimento (L/ha) de óleo essencial, e a composição química do óleo essencial. Mudanças sazonais apresentaram efeito significativo sobre o rendimento de biomassa fresca e seca, e teor e rendimento de óleo. Rendimentos máximos de óleo essencial foram observados às 9:00 h durante o verão, inverno e primavera. O teor de óleo essencial foi influenciado pela estação doa ano e secagem, mas não foi influenciado pelo horário de colheita.
Crop Production , Cymbopogon/chemistry , Oils, Volatile , Poaceae/chemistryABSTRACT
Avaliaram-se as frações dos compostos nitrogenados dos capins setária (Setaria anceps Stapf), hemarthria (Hemarthria altissima [Poir] Stapf. & Hubbard), angola (Brachiaria purpurascens [Raddi] Henr.) e acroceres (Acroceras macrum Stapf.) adubados com 0, 100, 200, 300 e 400kg de nitrogênio/ha e colhidos aos 28, 42, 56 e 70 dias de idade, utilizando-se análise de fatores. Após redução e avaliação da variação conjunta total das variáveis, optou-se pela adoção de três fatores, os quais englobaram 85,6 por cento da variação total, em que o primeiro fator associou-se intimamente aos compostos nitrogenados ligados à parede celular (frações B3 e C), o segundo fator associou-se aos compostos nitrogenados protéicos citoplasmáticos de rápida e intermediária degradação (fração B1+B2), e o terceiro fator associou-se aos compostos nitrogenados não-protéicos (NNP) (fração A). As frações dos compostos nitrogenados das forrageiras foram influenciadas pela idade de corte, e o avanço da idade das plantas resultou em redução dos teores de NNP. A adubação nitrogenada contribuiu para a elevação dos teores das frações de NNP e B1+B2, e as frações associadas à parede celular não apresentaram respostas evidentes quanto à adubação nitrogenada.
The effects of levels of nitrogen fertilizer 0, 100, 200, 300 and 400kg of nitrogen/ha, and cutting ages at 28, 42, 56 and 70 days on nitrogenous compounds of tropical grasses, Setaria grass (Setaria anceps Stapf), Limpo grass (Hemarthria altissima [Poir] Stapf. & Hubbard), California grass (Brachiaria purpurascens [Raddi] Henr.) and Nilo grass (Acroceras macrum Stpaf) were evaluated, using factor analysis. After reduction and evaluation of the total variation, three selected factors accounted for 85.60 percent of the total variation, the first factor was strongly associated with nitrogenous compounds of cell wall (fractions B3 and C), the second factor, was related to citoplasmatic protein and to fast and intermediary degradations rates (fraction B1+B2), while the third factor was related to nonproteic nitrogenous compounds (NPN) (fraction A). Cutting age affected nitrogenous compounds fractions of the grasses. The increase in cutting age resulted in a reduction of NPN fraction scores. The level of nitrogen fertilizer resulted in increases of NPN and B1+B2 fractions scores, however, no evident responses in other fractions were related to nitrogen fertilizer supply.
Nitrogen Compounds/administration & dosage , Poaceae/chemistry , Chemical FractionationABSTRACT
We compared the values of the biomass, chemical composition and nutritive value of the emergent aquatic macrophyte S. alterniflora in a river affected by the discharge of domestic sewage (Guaú River) and in an unpolluted river (Itanhaém River). S. alterniflora, water and sediment samples were obtained in the two rivers in November, 2001. The Guaú River presented the highest levels of Total-N and Total-P in the water (415 and 674 æg.L-1, respectively) and in the sediment (0.25 e 0.20 percent of the Dry Mass, respectively), when compared to the water (TN = 105 æg.L-1; TP = 20 æg.L-1) and the sediment (NT = 0.12 percent DM; PT = 0.05 percent DM) of the Itanhaém River. Aerial (316 g DM.m-2) and subterraneous (425 g DM.m-2) biomass of S. alterniflora were significantly higher in the Guaú River than in the Itanhaém River (146 and 115 g DM.m-2, respectively). In addition, the values of TN, protein, TP, lipids and soluble carbohydrates were significantly higher in S. alterniflora biomass from the Guaú River. On the other hand, the values of the polyphenols and the cell wall fraction were significantly higher in the biomass of S. alterniflora from the Itanhaém River. We concluded that domestic sewage discharge in water bodies may increase the biomass and change the chemical composition of S. alterniflora. The high N and P availability in the water of the Guaú River is probably the cause of the higher biomass, TN, TP, protein, lipids and soluble carbohydrates measured in S. alterniflora in this river.
Foram comparados a biomassa, a composição química e o valor nutritivo da macrófita aquática emersa S. alterniflora em um rio impactado por descargas de efluentes domésticos (Rio Guaú) e em um rio bem conservado (Rio Itanhaém). Amostras de S. alterniflora, água e sedimento foram coletadas nos dois rios, em novembro de 2001. O rio Guaú apresentou as maiores concentrações de N-Total e P-Total na água (415 e 674 æg.L-1, respectivamente) e sedimento (0,25 e 0,20 por cento de Massa Seca, respectivamente), em relação a água (NT = 105 æg.L-1; PT= 20 æg.L-1) e sedimento (NT = 0,12 por cento MS; PT = 0,05 por cento MS) do rio Itanhaém. A biomassa aérea (316 g MS.m-2) e subterrânea (425 g MS.m-2) de S. alterniflora no rio Guaú foram significativamente maiores do que no rio Itanhaém (146 e 115 g MS.m-2). Além disto, os valores de NT, proteínas, PT, lipídios e carboidratos solúveis foram significativamente maiores na biomassa de S. alterniflora no rio Guaú. Por outro lado, a fração de parede celular e os teores de polifenóis foram maiores na biomassa de S. alterniflora no rio Itanhaém. Concluiu-se que o lançamento de efluentes domésticos em corpos d'água pode aumentar a biomassa e alterar a composição química de S. alterniflora. A maior disponibilidade de N e P no rio Guaú, provavelmente, é a causa dos maiores valores de biomassa, NT, PT, lipídeos e carboidratos solúveis em S. alterniflora neste rio.
Biomass , Geologic Sediments/analysis , Poaceae/chemistry , Sewage , Water Pollutants , Brazil , Chemistry, Physical , Nutritive Value , Poaceae/physiology , RiversABSTRACT
ß-Glucans are soluble fibers with physiological functions, such as interference with absorption of sugars and reduction of serum lipid levels. The objective of the present study was to analyze the distribution of ß-glucans in different tissues of the African grass species Rhynchelytrum repens and also to evaluate their hypoglycemic activity. Leaf blades, sheaths, stems, and young leaves of R. repens were submitted to extraction with 4 M KOH. Analysis of the fractions revealed the presence of arabinose, glucose, xylose, and traces of rhamnose and galactose. The presence of ß-glucan in these fractions was confirmed by hydrolyzing the polymers with endo-ß-glucanase from Bacillus subtilis, followed by HPLC analysis of the characteristic oligosaccharides produced. The 4 M KOH fractions from different tissues were subjected to gel permeation chromatography on Sepharose 4B, with separation of polysaccharides with different degrees of polymerization, the highest molecular mass (above 2000 kDa) being found in young leaves. The molecular mass of the leaf blade polymers was similar (250 kDa) to that of maize coleoptile ß-glucan used for comparison. The 4 M KOH fraction injected into rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes showed hypoglycemic activity, reducing blood sugar to normal levels for approximately 24 h. This performance was better than that obtained with pure ß-glucan from barley, which decreased blood sugar levels for about 4 h. These results suggest that the activity of ß-glucans from R. repens is responsible for the use of this plant extract as a hypoglycemic drug in folk medicine.
Animals , Male , Rats , Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental/drug therapy , Hypoglycemic Agents/pharmacology , Poaceae/chemistry , Polysaccharides/pharmacology , beta-Glucans/pharmacology , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Hypoglycemic Agents/isolation & purification , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Polysaccharides/isolation & purification , Rats, Wistar , beta-Glucans/isolation & purificationABSTRACT
Chronic fluoride toxicity in the form of dental fluorosis was observed in cattle from nine (9) villages under two (2) blocks of Nayagarh district of Orissa. Out of 1117 cattle, 221 (18.09%) showed the signs of dental fluorosis. In all affected villages, the prevalence of dental fluorosis in calves (< 1 year age) was greater than adults. There was significant difference in prevalence in respect to age. The commonly observed signs of dental fluorosis were brown discoloration, mottling, attrition or uneven wearing of teeth with or without pitting. None of the affected animals showed characteristic signs of osteofluorosis. The mean serum and urine fluoride concentration of affected animals were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than those of control animals. Fluoride levels (mean) of ground water and surface water in two blocks were 1.30 +/- 0.16 ppm, 0. 66 +/- 0.08 ppm and 1.12 +/- 0.19 ppm, 0. 48 +/- 0.05 ppm respectively. The fluoride content of grass samples of affected and control (non-endemic) area was comparable. There was a highly positive correlation (r = + 0.664) between prevalence of dental fluorosis and fluoride content of ground water. It was concluded that fluoride intake through the water especially ground water contributed to the development of fluorosis in cattle.
Age Factors , Animals , Cattle , Cattle Diseases/pathology , Fluorides/analysis , Fluorosis, Dental/pathology , India , Poaceae/chemistry , Sex Factors , Water/chemistryABSTRACT
The paper reports the establishment of mycorrhizal infection of a non-mycorrhizal Ri-T-DNA transformed carrot root when co-cultured with a surface sterilized sweet potato root segment colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus G. intraradices on minimal M medium. Extensive fungal hyphal emergence from each cut end of the mycorrhizal sweet potato root piece was observed in one week old cultures. These hyphae caused infection on contacting the transformed-carrot- root segment and produced many hyphae and spores both inside and outside the zone of the root after 6 week of growth. Axenically produced fungal propagules proliferated on the surface of fresh minimal M medium when sub-cultured without any root segment. On repeated sub-culturing, these propagules did not lose their ability to grow and produced many juvenile small spore-like vesicles during the non-symbiotic phase. Although these spores were morphologically and anatomically similar to their soil borne counter parts, they were much smaller. When placed in the vicinity of a fresh hairy root on the minimal medium or a Sudan grass seedling in sand culture, the axenically produced AM fungal propagules caused root infection, but the infection characteristics were significantly different to the original culture in terms of shape (spherical vs oval) and size (20 microm vs 45 microm) of the intraradical vesicles, and absence of 'H' branches. Sudan grass seedlings inoculated with the axenically cultured fungus showed significantly (P < 0.05) higher dry weights plant'. When compared to the plants inoculated with sand cultures, the growth parameters and the percentage infection were not significantly different. However, when both sources of inocula were used together, a synergistic effect on plant growth as well as root infection was observed.