Poliomyelitis, or polio, is a highly infectious disease and can result in permanent flaccid paralysis of the limbs. Singapore was certified polio-free by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 29 October 2000, together with 36 other countries in the Western Pacific Region. The last imported case of polio in Singapore was in 2006. Fortunately, polio is vaccine-preventable-the world saw the global eradication of wild poliovirus types 2 and 3 achieved in 2015 and 2019, respectively. However, in late 2022, a resurgence of paralytic polio cases from vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV) was detected in countries like Israel and the US (specifically, New York); VDPV was also detected during routine sewage water surveillance with no paralysis cases in London, UK. Without global eradication, there is a risk of re-infection from importation and spread of wild poliovirus or VDPV, or new emergence and circulation of VDPV. During the COVID-19 pandemic, worldwide routine childhood vaccination coverage fell by 5% to 81% in 2020-2021. Fortunately, Singapore has maintained a constantly high vaccination coverage of 96% among 1-year-old children as recorded in 2021. All countries must ensure high poliovirus vaccination coverage in their population to eradicate poliovirus globally, and appropriate interventions must be taken to rectify this if the coverage falters. In 2020, WHO approved the emergency use listing of a novel oral polio vaccine type 2 for countries experiencing circulating VDPV type 2 outbreaks. Environmental and wastewater surveillance should be implemented to allow early detection of "silent" poliovirus transmission in the population, instead of relying on clinical surveillance of acute flaccid paralysis based on case definition alone.
Child , Humans , Infant , Public Health Surveillance , Pandemics , Wastewater , Wastewater-Based Epidemiological Monitoring , COVID-19/epidemiology , Poliomyelitis/prevention & control , Poliovirus , Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral , Vaccination , Global HealthABSTRACT
Ante el riesgo real de ocurrencia de brotes de parálisis fláccida aguda en la región debidos a poliovirus derivado de la vacuna Sabin o a la importación de poliovirus salvaje, la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Infectología Pediátrica comisionó a un grupo ad hoc de expertos integrantes del Comité de Vacunas y Biológicos de la institución, para redactar un documento oficial de posición sobre la necesidad imperiosa de incrementar los niveles de inmunización contra la enfermedad en la región e incorporar definitivamente en forma exclusiva la vacuna de polio inactivada en todos los esquemas nacionales de vacunación. La presente publicación discute las principales conclusiones y recomendaciones generadas como resultado de esta actividad.
Given the actual risk of poliomyelitis outbreaks in the region due to poliovirus derived from the Sabin vaccine or the importation of wild poliovirus, the Latin American Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases commissioned an ad hoc group of experts from the institution's Vaccines and Biologicals Committee, to draft an official position paper on the urgent need to increase immunization levels against the disease in the region and incorporate inactivated polio vaccine exclusive schedules in all national immunization programs. This publication discusses the main conclusions and recommendations generated as a result of such activity.
Humans , Poliomyelitis/prevention & control , Poliovirus Vaccine, Inactivated/administration & dosage , Poliovirus Vaccine, Inactivated/supply & distribution , Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral/administration & dosage , Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral/supply & distribution , Paralysis/etiology , Poliomyelitis/complications , Poliomyelitis/epidemiology , Poliovirus/immunology , Vaccination Coverage , Disease Eradication , Epidemiological Monitoring , Latin AmericaABSTRACT
Given the actual risk of poliomyelitis outbreaks in the region due to poliovirus derived from the Sabin vaccine or the importation of wild poliovirus, the Latin American Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases commissioned an ad hoc group of experts from the institution's Vaccines and Biologicals Committee, to draft an official position paper on the urgent need to increase immunization levels against the disease in the region and incorporate inactivated polio vaccine exclusive schedules in all national immunization programs. This publication discusses the main conclusions and recommendations generated as a result of such activity.
Ante el riesgo real de ocurrencia de brotes de parálisis fláccida aguda en la región debidos a poliovirus derivado de la vacuna Sabin o a la importación de poliovirus salvaje, la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Infectología Pediátrica comisionó a un grupo ad hoc de expertos integrantes del Comité de Vacunas y Biológicos de la institución, para redactar un documento oficial de posición sobre la necesidad imperiosa de incrementar los niveles de inmunización contra la enfermedad en la región e incorporar definitivamente en forma exclusiva la vacuna de polio inactivada en todos los esquemas nacionales de vacunación. La presente publicación discute las principales conclusiones y recomendaciones generadas como resultado de esta actividad.
Humans , Poliomyelitis/prevention & control , Poliovirus Vaccine, Inactivated/administration & dosage , Poliovirus Vaccine, Inactivated/supply & distribution , Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral/administration & dosage , Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral/supply & distribution , Paralysis/etiology , Poliomyelitis/complications , Poliomyelitis/epidemiology , Poliovirus/immunology , Vaccination Coverage , Disease Eradication , Epidemiological Monitoring , Latin AmericaABSTRACT
Objective: To compare the immunogenicity of three kinds immunization programs with poliovirus vaccine. Methods: Healthy infants aged 2 months or over were selected and divided into three groups by complete randomization method. Basic immunization with Sabin inactivated poliovirus vaccine(sIPV) and bivalent oral poliovirus vaccine(bOPV) were completed. Three kinds of basic immunization procedures were 1sIPV+2bOPV,2sIPV+1bOPV and 3sIPV, respectively.Two qualified serums that before basic immunization and 28-42 days later were collected, and measured the poliovirus neutralizing antibody with microcell neutralization method. To compare the difference by analysis of variance, rank test and χ2 test. Results: After the basic immunization, 205 subjects of the positive conversion rate of poliovirus neutralizing antibodies of types Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲwere all higher than 97.00%, and the positive rates were all higher than 98.00%, the geometric mean titer (GMT) of neutralizing antibody was significantly higher than that before basic immunization in three groups.There were significant differences in the positive rate and GMT before and after basic immunization of typeⅠ, Ⅱand Ⅲ in the three (P<0.05). The highest GMT in three groups after basic immunization were all typeⅠ, followed by type Ⅲ, and the lowest in type Ⅱ. The GMT of type Ⅱin 2sIPV+1bOPV and 3sIPV groups were both higher than that in sIPV+2bOPV group. Conclution: After three kinds of basic immunization, the poliovirus neutralizing antibodies of serum were all at high levels in three groups, which could form an effective immune barrier against poliovirus. The immunogenicity of three kinds of basic immunization programs were all well, but there were certain differences of neutralizing antibodies among three kinds basic immunization programs. The immunogenicity in 2sIPV+1bOPV and 3sIPV groups against typeⅡpoliovirus were better than that in 1sIPV+2bOPV group.
Humans , Infant , Antibodies, Neutralizing , Antibodies, Viral , Immunization Schedule , Poliovirus , Poliovirus Vaccine, Inactivated , Poliovirus Vaccine, OralABSTRACT
Se desarrollan los principales elementos históricos en el estudio y la lucha contra la poliomielitis, su aislamiento por Karl Landsteiner en 1909, la primera vacuna con virus muerto (Jonas Salk, 1955), la segunda vacuna con virus vivo atenuado (Albert Sabin, 1961) y la reducción paulatina de la polio en todo el mundo, hasta llegar a menos de 200 casos al año (virus salvaje)(AU)
The main historical events in the study and fight against polio are shown, its isolation by Karl Landsteiner in 1909, the development of the first vaccine with dead virus (Jonas Salk, 1955), the second vaccine with live attenuated virus (Albert Sabin, 1961) and the gradual reduction of polio worldwide, reaching less than 200 cases a year (wild virus)(AU)
Poliomyelitis/mortality , Poliomyelitis/virology , Central Nervous System Viral Diseases , Poliovirus , Spinal Cord/virology , Poliovirus Vaccine, Inactivated , Poliovirus Vaccine, OralABSTRACT
Since the Global Polio Eradication Initiative was launched by the World Health Assembly in 1988, significant progress has been made in global polio prevention and control. But the occurrence of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis cases and vaccine-derived poliovirus related cases have become a major challenge during the post-polio era. While coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) has brought serious disease burden and economic burden to all countries in the world, prevention and control of vaccine-preventable infectious diseases such as polio should not be neglected under the background of the global common fight against COVID-19. Taking the type Ⅲ VDPV cycle event in Shanghai as an example, the paper discussed how to do a good job of routine inoculation under the prevention and control of COVID-19 to strictly prevent the outbreak of vaccine-preventable infectious diseases.
Humans , COVID-19 , China , Poliovirus , Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral , SARS-CoV-2 , VaccinationABSTRACT
Resumen La vacuna oral contra el poliovirus (OPV) ha sido fundamental en controlar la epidemia de poliomielitis, y destaca por su seguridad, eficacia, facilidad de administración oral y bajo costo. Sin embargo, a pesar de estas ventajas, al tratarse de una vacuna con virus vivos atenuados, existe la posibilidad de mutaciones que confieran neurovirulencia. Por ende, es importante la vigilancia de parálisis flácida aguda (PFA), ya sea asociada a las vacunas atenuadas (VAPP) o a los virus derivados de vacunas (VDPV). En esta revisión presentamos datos importantes de Latinoamérica en los últimos años, donde se revisan los datos de VDPV de transmisión comunitaria, de origen ambiguo y asociadas con inmunodeficiencias. Debido a la presencia de VDPV, es importante fortalecer el sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica por PFA, con datos muy inferiores a los recomendados en estos últimos años en las Américas. Adicionalmente, es fundamental mejorar las coberturas vacunales para reducir la cantidad de lactantes en riesgo de adquirir poliomielitis. En consecuencia, presentamos las tasas de cobertura vacunal con la vacuna inactivada contra el poliovirus (IPV) en la región y analizamos los programas de vacunación contra la poliomielitis en concordancia con las recomendaciones de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Infectología Pediátrica (SLIPE; mínimo 3 dosis de IPV) y del Grupo de Expertos en Asesoramiento Estratégico (SAGE) sobre Inmunización de la OMS (mínimo 2 dosis de IPV). El estudio concluye con recomendaciones de los autores para el cambio de OPV a uso exclusivo de IPV, para aumentar las coberturas vacunales y para reforzar la vigilancia por PFA en la región.
Abstract Oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) has been instrumental in controlling the polio epidemic, and stands out for its safety, efficacy, ease of oral administration, and low cost. However, despite these advantages, as it is a live attenuated virus vaccine, there is the possibility of mutations that confer neurovirulence. Therefore, surveillance for acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) is important, whether associated with live vaccines (VAPP) or vaccine-derived viruses (VDPV). In this review we present important data from Latin America in recent years, where data on VDPV of community transmission, of ambiguous origin and associated with immunodeficiencies are reviewed. Due to the presence of VDPV, it is important to strengthen the epidemiological surveillance system for AFP, with data much lower than those recommended in recent years in the Americas. Additionally, it is essential to improve vaccination coverage to reduce the number of infants at risk of acquiring poliomyelitis. Consequently, we present the vaccination coverage rates with the inactivated vaccine against poliovirus (IPV) in the region and analyze the vaccination programs against poliomyelitis in accordance with the recommendations of the Latin American Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (SLIPE; minimum 3 doses of IPV) and the WHO Strategic Advisory Expert Group (SAGE) on Immunization (minimum 2 doses of IPV). The study concludes with recommendations from the authors for the change from OPV to exclusive use of IPV, to increase vaccination coverage and to strengthen surveillance for AFP in the region.
Child , Humans , Infant , Poliomyelitis , Poliovirus , Poliomyelitis/prevention & control , Poliomyelitis/epidemiology , Poliovirus Vaccine, Inactivated , Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral , Immunization Schedule , Vaccination , Latin America/epidemiologyABSTRACT
O objetivo deste artigo é rever o "estado da arte" dos avanços, obstáculos e estratégias para atingir a erradicação global da pólio. As ações de controle da poliomielite iniciaram na década de 1960 com o advento das duas vacinas antipoliomielíticas, a vacina oral da pólio (VOP) e a vacina inativada da pólio (VIP). No período de 1985 a 2020, são implementadas estratégias para atingir a meta de erradicação do poliovírus selvagem (WPV). Após o sucesso da interrupção da transmissão autóctone do WPV na região da Américas, foi lançada a meta da erradicação global. Descrevemos o processo de erradicação em quatro tempos: (1) O advento das vacinas VIP e VOP iniciou a era do controle da poliomielite; (2) A utilização massiva e simultânea da VOP teve impacto significativo sobre a transmissão do poliovírus selvagem no final da década de 1970 no Brasil; (3) Políticas públicas (nacionais e internacionais) decidem pela erradicação da transmissão autóctone do poliovírus selvagem nas Américas e definem as estratégias epidemiológicas para interromper a transmissão; e (4) A implantação das estratégias de erradicação interrompeu a transmissão autóctone do WPV em quase todas as regiões do mundo, exceto no Paquistão e Afeganistão, onde, em 2020, cadeias de transmissão do WPV1 desafiam as estratégias de contenção do vírus. Por outro lado, a persistência e a disseminação da circulação do poliovírus derivado da VOP, em países com baixa cobertura vacinal, somadas às dificuldades para substituir a VOP pela VIP constituem, atualmente, os obstáculos para a erradicação a curto prazo. Finalmente, discutimos as estratégias para superar os obstáculos e os desafios na era pós-erradicação.
El objetivo de este artículo es revisar el "estado de la cuestión" de los avances, obstáculos y estrategias para alcanzar la erradicación global de la polio. Las acciones de control de la poliomielitis se iniciaron en la década de 1960, con el advenimiento de las dos vacunas antipoliomielíticas, la vacuna oral de la polio (VOP) y la vacuna inactivada de la polio (VIP). En el período de 1985 a 2020, se implementan estrategias para alcanzar la meta de la erradicación del virus de la polio salvaje (WPV). Tras el éxito de la interrupción de la transmisión autóctona del WPV en la región de las Américas, se lanzó la meta de la erradicación global. Describimos el proceso de erradicación en cuatro tiempos: (1) El advenimiento de las vacunas VIP y VOP inició la era del control de la poliomielitis; (2) La utilización masiva y simultánea de la VOP tuvo un impacto significativo sobre la transmisión del virus de la polio salvaje, al final de la década de 1970, en Brasil; (3) Políticas públicas (nacionales e internacionales) deciden la erradicación de la transmisión autóctona del virus de la polio salvaje en las Américas y definen las estrategias epidemiológicas para interrumpir la transmisión; y (4) La implantación de las estrategias de erradicación interrumpió la transmisión autóctona del WPV en casi todas las regiones del mundo, excepto en Paquistán y Afganistán, donde, en 2020, cadenas de transmisión del WPV1 desafían las estrategias de contención del virus. Por otro lado, la persistencia y la diseminación de la circulación del virus de la polio, derivado de la VOP, en países con baja cobertura de vacunas, sumadas a las dificultades para substituir la VOP por la VIP constituyen, actualmente, los obstáculos para la erradicación a corto plazo. Finalmente, discutimos las estrategias para superar los obstáculos y los desafíos en la era poserradicación.
This article's objective is to review the "state of the art" in the progress, obstacles, and strategies for achieving global polio eradication. Poliomyelitis control measures began in the 1960s with the advent of two vaccines, the oral polio vaccine (OPV) and the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). From 1985 to 2020, strategies were implemented to reach the goal of eradication of wild poliovirus (WPV). Following the success with the interruption of indigenous WPV transmission in the Americas, the goal of global eradication was launched. We describe the process of eradication in four historical stages: (1) The advent of the inactivated and oral polio vaccines launched the age of poliomyelitis control; (2) The massive and simultaneous use of OPV had a significant impact on WPV transmission in the late 1970s in Brazil; (3) Domestic and international public policies set the goal of eradication of indigenous WPV transmission in the Americas and defined the epidemiological strategies to interrupt transmission; and (4) The implementation of eradication strategies interrupted indigenous WPV transmission in nearly all regions of the world except Pakistan and Afghanistan, where in 2020 the WPV1 transmission chains have challenged the strategies for containment of the virus. Meanwhile, the persistence and dissemination of circulation of OPV-derived poliovirus in countries with low vaccination coverage, plus the difficulties in replacing OPV with IPV, are currently the obstacles to eradication in the short term. Finally, we discuss the strategies for overcoming the obstacles and challenges in the post-eradication era.
Humans , Poliomyelitis/prevention & control , Poliomyelitis/epidemiology , Immunization Programs , Brazil/epidemiology , Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral , Afghanistan , Disease EradicationABSTRACT
Abstract Given that the last notified case of poliomyelitis due to wild poliovirus type 2 was in 1999, in 2012, the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) of the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended the withdrawal of the type 2 component of oral polio vaccine (OPV) and the introduction of a bivalent OPV (bOPV) in all countries by 2016. WHO recommended also that the withdrawal should be preceded by the introduction of at least one dose of inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) in routine immunization schedules. The introduction of IPV prior to the change of the bOPV in 2016 to trivalent OPV (tOPV) was based on the concept of ensuring that a substantial proportion of the population would be protected against type 2 polio after the removal of the type 2 OPV. However, the world's two producers of IPV (Bilthoven Biologicals and Sanofi) have faced problems in the production of this vaccine and therefore reported a reduction of the global supply of IPV. In response to the potential shortage of IPV, at a meeting held on March 10 2017, the SAGE and Technical Advisory Group (TAG) of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) urged the countries in the Latin American region to replace the routine administration of the full doses of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV-C) in the immunization schedule (administered by intramuscular route), administering a fraction of the full dose in two intradermal shots (IPV-f). The possibility of this strategy was analyzed by opinion leaders convened by the Paraguayan Society of Pediatrics with the support of the Latin American Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (SLIPE) and Latin American Association of Pediatrics (ALAPE). This document presents the results of the discussion.
Humans , Child , Poliomyelitis/prevention & control , Poliovirus Vaccine, Inactivated/administration & dosage , Immunization Schedule , Vaccination/methods , Pan American Health Organization , World Health Organization , Injections, Intradermal , Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral/administration & dosage , Risk Factors , Vaccine Potency , Latin AmericaABSTRACT
Objective To evaluate a project that integrated essential primary health-care services into the oral polio vaccine programme in hard-toreach, underserved communities in northern Nigeria.Methods In 2013, Nigeria's polio emergency operation centre adopted a new approach to rapidly raise polio immunity and reduce newborn, child and maternal morbidity and mortality. We identified, trained and equipped eighty-four mobile health teams to provide free vaccination and primary-care services in 3176 hard-to-reach settlements. We conducted cross-sectional surveys of women of childbearing age in households with children younger than 5 years, in 317 randomly selected settlements, pre- and post-intervention (March 2014 and November 2015, respectively). Findings From June 2014 to September 2015 mobile health teams delivered 2 979 408 doses of oral polio vaccine and dewormed 1 562 640 children younger than 5 years old; performed 676 678 antenatal consultations and treated 1 682 671 illnesses in women and children, including pneumonia, diarrhoea and malaria. The baseline survey found that 758 (19.6%) of 3872 children younger than5 years had routine immunization cards and 690/3872 (17.8%) were fully immunized for their age. The endline survey found 1757/3575 children (49.1%) with routine immunization cards and 1750 (49.0%) fully immunized. Children vaccinated with 3 or more doses of oral polio vaccine increased from 2133 (55.1%) to 2666 (74.6%). Households' use of mobile health services in the previous 6 months increased from 509/1472 (34.6%) to 2060/2426(84.9%). Conclusion Integrating routine primary-care services into polio eradication activities in Nigeria resulted in increased coverage for supplemental oral polio vaccine doses and essential maternal, newborn and child health intervention
Nigeria , Poliomyelitis/prevention & control , Poliovirus Vaccine, OralABSTRACT
As last notified case of poliomyelitis due to wild poliovirus type 2 was 1999, in 2012, the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) of the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended the withdrawal of the type 2 component of oral polio vaccine (OPV) and the introduction of bivalent OPV (bOPV) in all countries by 2016. WHO recommended also that the withdrawal should be preceded by the introduction of at least one dose of inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) in routine immunization schedules. The introduction of IPV prior to the change of the bOPV in 2016 to trivalent OPV (tOPV) was based on the concept of ensuring that a substantial proportion of the population would be protected against type 2 polio after the removal of the type 2 OPV. However, the world's two producers of IPV (Bilthoven Biologicals and Sanofi) have faced problems in the production of this vaccine and therefore reported reduction in IPV global supply. In response to the possible shortage of IPV, the SAGE and Technical Adviser Group (TAG) of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), in the meeting of March 10, 2017, has urged that countries in the Latinamerican region should replace the routine administration of the full doses of polio inactivated vaccine (IPV-C) in the immunization schedule (administered by intramuscular route) by the administration of a fraction of the full dose in two shots by intradermal route (IPV-f). The possibility of this strategy was analyzed by leaders of opinions gathered by the call of the Paraguayan Pediatric Society with the support of the Latin American Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (SLIPE) and Latin American Association of Pediatrics (ALAPE). The results of the discussion are presented in this document.
Humans , Infant , Child , Poliomyelitis/prevention & control , Poliovirus Vaccine, Inactivated/administration & dosage , Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral/administration & dosage , Vaccination/methods , Immunization Programs/methods , Disease Eradication/methods , Pan American Health Organization , Risk Factors , Immunization Schedule , Latin AmericaABSTRACT
Este estudo relata um caso de paresia flácida assimétrica após administração da vacina oral contra poliomielite, com acometimento do membro inferior esquerdo. A primeira dose de medicamento homeopático foi prescrita no 20º dia após o início dos sintomas. Evoluiu com desaparecimento da paresia e normalização do padrão de marcha nos 40 dias subsequentes. Pode-se considerar a homeopatia como escolha terapêutica em casos de paresias agudas. (AU)
We report a case of asymmetric flaccid paresis which developed following intake of oral polio vaccine affecting the left lower limb. Homeopathic treatment was started 20 days after the onset of symptoms. Paresis disappeared and the gait pattern became normal along the following 40 days. Homeopathy might be considered for treatment of acute paresis. (AU)
Humans , Male , Infant , Paresis , Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral/adverse effects , Pulsatilla nigricans/therapeutic use , HomeopathyABSTRACT
Entre el 17 de abril y el 1 de mayo de 2016, 155 países en todo el mundo cambiaron el uso de la vacuna oral trivalente, que protege contra los tres tipos de poliovirus (1, 2 y 3), por la vacuna oral bivalente, que protege contra los poliovirus tipo 1 y 3. Este cambio señala el mayor esfuerzocoordinado globalmente en la historia de las vacunas. En Argentina se realizó el pasado 29 de abril, con una intensa planificación previa y una posterior validación.
Humans , Disease Eradication , Poliomyelitis , Poliovirus Vaccine, Inactivated , Poliovirus Vaccine, OralABSTRACT
As the world celebrates the world polio day, the battle continues to end polio transmission in two of the last endemic countries in the world which happen to be both in the Eastern Mediterranean Region of WHO
Humans , Poliovirus/drug effects , Poliomyelitis/drug therapy , Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral/therapeutic use , Disease EradicationABSTRACT
La poliomielitis fue introducida en Cuba a finales del siglo XIX por norteamericanos residentes en Isla de Pinos. Las primeras epidemias ocurrieron en 1906 y 1909, aumentaron en intensidad entre 1930-1958. El objetivo del artículo es reconstruir la historia de la enfermedad y sus epidemias en Cuba hasta 1961, de la primera Campaña Nacional de Vacunación Antipolio (1962) y de sus resultados, bien como analizar la continuidad de las campañas anuales de vacunación hasta la certificación de su eliminación (1994). Se siguió el método histórico lógico; se revisaron documentos de archivos, las estadísticas del Ministerio de Salud Pública sobre morbilidad y mortalidad hasta el 2000. Se calcularon tasas brutas de morbilidad y mortalidad. Se realizaron entrevistas a personajes claves.
Poliomyelitis was introduced in Cuba in the late nineteenth century by American residents in Isla de Pinos. The first epidemics occurred in 1906 and 1909 and increased in intensity between 1930 and 1958. The scope of the paper is to reconstruct the history of the disease and its epidemics in Cuba prior to 1961, the first National Polio Vaccination Campaign (1962) and its results, as well as analyze the ongoing annual vaccination campaigns through to certified elimination of the disease (1994). The logical historical method was used and archival documents and statistics from the Ministry of Health on morbidity and mortality through 2000 were reviewed. Gross morbidity and mortality rates were calculated and interviews with key figures were conducted.
Humans , History, 20th Century , Epidemics/history , Immunization Programs/history , Poliomyelitis/history , Cuba/epidemiology , Epidemics/prevention & control , Poliomyelitis/epidemiology , Poliomyelitis/prevention & control , Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral/historyABSTRACT
The following is a commentary on the article “Sabin AB, Ramos-Alvarez M, Alvarez-Amezquita J, Pelon W, Michaels RH, Spigland I, et al. Live, orally given poliovirus vaccine: effects of rapid mass immunization on population under conditions of massive enteric infection with other viruses. Jama. 1960;173(14):1521-6.” Abstract (of the original article): The phenomenon of viral interference must be taken into account in planning the use of live poliovirus vaccine in areas where conditions favor the extensive dissemination of naturally occurring polioviruses. Experience with feeding a trivalent vaccine to 26,033 children in a tropical city of 100, 000 population led to the conclusion that interference was overcome by mass feeding of vaccine to 86% of all children under 11 years within a period of about four days, and that, because dissemination of the poliovirus was self-limited, a second feeding of trivalent vaccine was necessary to achieve immunization of almost all children. Recom-mendations are here formulated for the eradication of poliomyelitis, but they apply only to subtropical and tropical regions with extensive dissemination of various enteric viruses and not to temperate zones with good sanitation and hygiene during certain periods of the year and under conditions of low or absent dis-semination of enteric viruses.
Child, Preschool , Humans , Intestinal Diseases/immunology , Poliomyelitis/history , Poliomyelitis/prevention & control , Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral/history , Vaccination/history , Viral Interference , Virus Diseases/immunology , World Health OrganizationABSTRACT
<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To analyze the polio immunity level of persistent population in Beijing, 2012.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>A total of 1 676 subjects residing more than 6 months in Beijing were selected by stratified random cluster sampling design in 2012. Demographic characteristics, history of oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) immunization were investigated by questionnaire. All 5 ml blood sample were collected for testing of polio neutralizing antibody using the method of microcell neutralization. The positive rate and the geometric mean titer (GMT) of polio neutralizing antibody type I, II and III were analyzed in different groups.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>The positive rate of type I, II and III were 98.2% (1 645/1 676), 98.1% (1 644/1 676), 97.6% (1 635/1 676); The GMT were 1:130.2, 1: 113.4 and 1: 79.7. Three types of positive rates in<15 years group (99.7% (664/666), 99.8% (665/666), 99.5% (663/666)) were higher than those of ≥ 15 years group (97.1% (981/1 010), 96.9% (979/1 010), 96.2% (972/1 010)), the differences were significant (all the values of P < 0.01); The GMT in<15 years group (1:325.9, 1:250.5, 1:190.7) were higher than that of ≥ 15 years group (1: 71.1, 1: 67.2, 1: 44.8), the difference was significant (all the values of P < 0.01). The positive rate (99.0%-100%) and GMT (1: 128.8-1: 300.7) in vaccination information confirmed population were higher. The highest positive rate (all were 100%) and GMT(1: 409.7-1: 636.7) were observed in children who vaccinated three times.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>The polio antibody of healthy population was at a high level in Beijing in 2012; Especially the age groups of < 15 years which were covered by vaccines.Immunization barrier had been formed firmly to interrupt the transmission of wild poliovirus and vaccine-derived poliovirus.</p>
Adolescent , Child , Humans , Adaptive Immunity , Antibodies, Neutralizing , Antibodies, Viral , Poliomyelitis , Poliovirus , Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral , VaccinationABSTRACT
Movements of populations from countries where polio has not been eradicated is a concern in the Islamic Republic of Iran. A cross-sectional, community-based study was implemented in 2010 in 2 districts in Sistan-va-Baluchestan Province near the south-east border. The aim was to determine the seroprevalence of antibodies in children aged 20 [+/
Humans , Male , Female , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Child , Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Introduction: There is not known if a viraemia post-oral polio vaccine (OPV) is detectable by modern molecular techniques. Such viraemia could affect the performance of the real time-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for non polio enterovirus (EV) detection, technique of growing clinical use for the study of febrile infants. Objective: To determine viraemia post-first dose of OPV in healthy infants, by molecular techniques. Patients and Methods: 50 infants less than three months without previous VPO were randomized in 5 groups: a control group with pre-vaccination blood sample (BS), group 1 BS at day 2, group 2 BS at day 4, group 3, BS at day 6 and group 4, BS at day 8 post-vaccination. Conventional and specific PCR for poliovirus and real time PCR for non polio EV were performed in BS and in OPV samples. Results: No genetic material of poliovirus was detected in any infant, while in 9 of them (18%) non polio EV was identified. Real time PCR for EV did not amplify poliovirus from OPV samples. Discussion: Results suggest that no post VPO viraemia detectable by molecular methods exists. Considering that real time PCR for EV does not allow to identify polio virus, no false positives of the test are expected as a result of a recent VPO vaccination. We documented presence of non polio EV in blood of healthy asymptomatic infants.
Introducción: No existen estudios que indiquen si la vacuna polio oral (VPO) produce viremia detectable mediante métodos moleculares. Una eventual viremia podría afectar el rendimiento de la RPC tiempo real para detectar enterovirus (EV) no polio, examen de creciente uso clínico en lactantes pequeños con fiebre sin foco. Objetivo: Determinar viremia post VPO en lactantes sanos, por métodos moleculares. Métodos: 50 menores de 3 meses, al momento de recibir su primera VPO se distribuyeron en forma aleatoria en 5 grupos: control, muestra de sangre pre-vacunación; grupo 1, muestra al 2° día; grupo 2, al 4° día; grupo 3, al 6° día y grupo 4, al 8° día post-vacunación. Se realizó RPC convencional específica para virus polio y RPC tiempo real para EV no polio en las muestras de sangre y en muestras de VPO. Resultados: No se identificó presencia de material genético de virus polio en lactante alguno, mientras que en 9 (18%) se identificó presencia de EV no polio. La RPC tiempo real para EV no polio no amplificó material genético a partir de las muestras de VPO. Discusión: Los resultados sugieren que no existe viremia post-VPO detectable por métodos moleculares. Considerando que la RPC tiempo real de EV no polio de uso clínico no permite identificar la presencia de virus polio, estos hallazgos indican que no existirán falsos positivos de este examen como resultado de una vacunación VPO reciente. Adicionalmente se documentó presencia de EV no polio en sangre de lactantes asintomáticos.
Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Antibodies, Viral/blood , Enterovirus/isolation & purification , Poliovirus , Poliomyelitis/prevention & control , Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral/immunology , Enterovirus B, Human/genetics , Enterovirus B, Human/isolation & purification , Enterovirus/genetics , Poliomyelitis/immunology , Poliovirus/genetics , Poliovirus/immunology , Real-Time Polymerase Chain ReactionABSTRACT
<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To study the effect of aluminume adjuvant and immunization schedule on immunogenicity of Sabin inactivated poliovirus vaccine.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Four batches of Sabin IPV were produced by different concentrations of type 1, 2, and 3 poliovirus and administrated on three-dose schedule at 0, 1, 2 months and 0, 2, 4 months on rats. Serum samples were collected one month after each dose and neutralizing antibody titers against three types poliovirus were determined by micro-neutralization assay.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>The GMTs of neutralizing antibodies against three types poliovirus increased significantly and the seropositivity rates were 100% in all groups after 3 doses. There was no significant difference between two immunization schedules, and the 0, 2, 4 month schedule could induce higher level neutralizing antibody compared to the 0, 1, 2 month schedule. The groups with aluminum adjuvant could induce higher level neutralizing antibody compared to the groups without adjuvant.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>Aluminum djuvant and immunization schedule could improve the immunogenicity of Sabin IPV.</p>