The objective was to study the effectiveness of the growth regulator (ANA + GA3) associated or not to the application of adjuvant and artificial pollination in 'Gefner' atemoya. The experiment was conducted in the experimental orchard at Florida's Tropical Research and Education Center. The experimental design was in a randomized block, with 14 treatments, 10 repetitions and 3 flowers per plot. The highest percentages of fixed fruits were obtained with hand pollination HP and 450 NAA + 1250 GA3 mg L-1 + adjuvant and HP. The use of hand pollination for 'Gefner' atemoya tree proved to be the most efficient method so far. Applying growth regulator without artificial pollination produces parthenocarpic fruits, however with high rate of abortions, and small fruits. Growth regulators together with hand pollination produces small and uneven fruits, and cause reduction in the fruits' titratable acidity. The use of adjuvant caused low fixation and toxicity to fruits, and its use is not recommended.
Plant Growth Regulators , Annona , PollinationABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: El conocimiento de la riqueza vegetal y la estacionalidad alrededor de los apiarios de Apis mellifera es una herramienta de planificación indispensable para los apicultores. Debe incluir la disponibilidad de recursos, las preferencias alimenticias y el comportamiento de búsqueda de alimento. Dicha información no está disponible para las Yungas argentinas, uno de los ecosistemas forestales más estacionales de América del Sur. Objetivo: Evaluar la disponibilidad de recursos tróficos a través de un calendario de floración y su relación con las cargas de polen de A. mellifera en las Yungas. Métodos: En El Fuerte, Jujuy, recolectamos muestras mensuales de septiembre a marzo (2014-2015 y 2015-2016) utilizando trampas de polen. Utilizamos técnicas estandarizadas para los análisis palinológicos e índices de asociación para el uso de recursos. Las fenofases fueron Inicio de floración, Plena floración y Fin de floración. Resultados: Se identificaron 47 especímenes botánicos a nivel de especie y 9 a nivel de género. En ambos períodos hubo una oferta moderada de flores al inicio de la primavera, representada igualmente por plantas arbustivas y herbáceas, con un pico de floración en noviembre. Posteriormente, hubo una caída en la disponibilidad, con un pico de floración nuevamente al final de la temporada. En cinco especies de plantas hubo una asociación de media a alta entre la especie vegetal disponible y la presencia de ésta en el espectro polínico de la muestra de polen corbicular recolectada (Vachellia aroma, Blepharocalyx salicifolius, Cantinoa sp., Vernonanthura sp. y Zanthoxylum coco). Conclusión: En esta región hay una oferta moderada de flores de plantas arbustivas y herbáceas a principios de la primavera, con un pico de floración en noviembre y al final de la temporada. Solo cinco, de casi 50 especies de plantas, muestran una asociación de disponibilidad y uso por parte de las abejas.
Abstract Introduction: Knowledge of vegetation richness and seasonality around Apis mellifera apiaries is an indispensable planning tool for beekeepers. It must include resource availability, food preferences and foraging behaviour. Such information is unavailable for the Argentinian Yungas, one of the most seasonal forest ecosystems in South America. Objective: To assess the availability of trophic resources through a flowering calendar and its relationship with A. mellifera pollen loads in the Yungas. Methods: In El Fuerte, Jujuy, we collected monthly samples from September to March (2014-2015 and 2015-2016) using pollen traps. We used standardized techniques for palynological analyses, and association indices for resource use. The phenophases were Beginning of flowering, Full flowering, and End of flowering. Results: We identified 47 botanical specimens to species level and 9 only to genus. In both periods there was a moderate supply of flowers at the beginning of spring, represented equally by shrub and herbaceous plants, with peak flowering in November. Subsequently, there was a drop in availability, with peak flowering again at the end of the season. In five plant species, there was a medium to high association between the plant species available and their presence in the pollen spectrum of the corbicular pollen samples collected (Vachellia aroma, Blepharocalyx salicifolius, Cantinoa sp., Vernonanthura sp. And Zanthoxylum coco). Conclusion: In this region, there is a moderate supply of shrub and herbaceous plant flowers at the beginning of spring, with peak flowering in November and at the end of the season. Only five, out of nearly 50 plant species, show an association of availability and use by bees.
Animals , Bees/classification , Pollination/physiology , ArgentinaABSTRACT
High temperature stress events are critical factors inhibiting crop yield. Meanwhile, world population is growing very rapidly and will be reached up to 9 billion by 2050. To feed increasing world population, it is challenging task to increase about 70% global food productions. Food crops have significant contribution toward global food demand and food security. However, consequences from increasing heat stress events are demolishing their abilities to survive and sustain yield when subjected to extreme high temperature stress. Therefore, there is dire need to better understand response and tolerance mechanism of food crops following exposure to heat stress. Here, we aimed to provide recent update on impact of high temperature stress on crop yield of food crops, pollination, pollinators, and novel strategies for improving tolerance of food crop under high temperature stress. Importantly, development of heat-resistant transgenic food crops can grant food security through transformation of superior genes into current germplasm, which are associated with various signaling pathways as well as epigenetic regulation in response to extreme high temperature stress.
Eventos de estresse de alta temperatura são fatores críticos que inibem o rendimento das culturas. Enquanto isso, a população mundial está crescendo muito rapidamente e atingirá até 9 bilhões em 2050. Para alimentar a crescente população mundial, é uma tarefa desafiadora aumentar cerca de 70% da produção global de alimentos. As culturas alimentares têm uma contribuição significativa para a procura global de alimentos e a segurança alimentar. No entanto, as consequências do aumento de eventos de estresse por calor estão destruindo suas habilidades de sobreviver e manter a produção quando submetidos a estresse de alta temperatura. Portanto, há uma necessidade urgente de entender melhor o mecanismo de resposta e tolerância das safras de alimentos após a exposição ao estresse por calor. Aqui, nosso objetivo foi fornecer atualizações recentes sobre o impacto do estresse de alta temperatura no rendimento de culturas de alimentos, polinização, polinizadores e novas estratégias para melhorar a tolerância de culturas de alimentos sob estresse de alta temperatura. É importante ressaltar que o desenvolvimento de culturas alimentares transgênicas resistentes ao calor pode garantir segurança alimentar por meio da transformação de genes superiores em germoplasma atual, que estão associados a várias vias de sinalização, bem como à regulação epigenética em resposta ao estresse de alta temperatura extrema.
Food Demand , Heat Stress Disorders , Food, Genetically Modified , Agriculture , Pollination , Food , Food SupplyABSTRACT
As florestas ripárias no Brasil são importantes ecossistemas que sustentam uma enorme biodiversidade. Apesar de protegidas pela legislação brasileira, elas têm sofrido grandes impactos decorrentes da fragmentação florestal. As abelhas das orquídeas constituem um grupo chave de polinizadores na região Neotropical, porém, pouco se sabe sobre suas assembleias em florestas ripárias. Nós avaliamos o papel de fragmentos de floresta ripária e de terra-firme na conservação e manutenção da fauna de abelhas das orquídeas em uma paisagem urbana no sudoeste da Amazônia. Especificamente, avaliamos se assembleias de abelhas de fragmentos ripários e de terra-firme diferem significativamente em abundância, riqueza e composição de espécies. Também avaliamos se a abundância e a riqueza de espécies variam em função do tamanho do fragmento. Machos de abelhas foram atraídos por iscas odoríferas e coletados com redes entomológicas em 10 fragmentos florestais. Não houve diferença significativa entre fragmentos ripários e de terra-firme quanto à abundância, riqueza e composição de espécies, mas houve uma correlação positiva entre o tamanho do fragmento e a riqueza e abundância de espécies. Nossos resultados sugerem que, em uma paisagem urbana, os fragmentos de floresta ripária e de terra firme ainda podem manter 62,7% do número de espécies de abelhas das orquídeas conhecido para a região, reforçando o valor da conservação desses remanescentes florestais. Nossos dados indicam que esses fragmentos fornecem um habitat potencialmente importante para a manutenção das populações locais de abelhas na paisagem. (AU)
Bees , Forests , Orchidaceae , PollinationABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: The species and functional diversity of pollinators are important components for the reproduction of cultivated plants. More information is necessary about this diversity and its geographical variation in crops such as Cucurbita pepo, an important crop in global agriculture. Objective: To describe the taxonomic diversity, geographic variation and foraging patterns of the community of bees that visit C. pepo crops in Costa Rica. Methods: Squash fields were visited at 11 locations within three geographic regions of the country, where the groups of bees and their relative frequency were determined. Through video recordings, information was obtained on their behavior at two locations. Results: A minimum of 27 species belonging to 19 genera and 2 families of bees were found. Three species were dominant in 10 localities (Eucera limitaris, Apis mellifera and Trigona corvina). Altitude reduces bee diversity due to the dominance of Bombus ephipiatus in high regions. Two genera of halictids (Megalopta and Caenaugochlora) that are rarely reported in this crop were frequently observed. Trigona bees dominated among the flowers later in the morning, lacerating nectary holes to facilitate nectar collection. Conclusions: Squash fields in Costa Rica are visited by a highly diverse bee community, which may ensure pollination via complementarity in the face of spatial or seasonal changes in environmental conditions.
Resumen Introducción: Dada la importancia del componente diversidad para la polinización de plantas cultivadas, es necesario obtener más información de esta diversidad y su variación geográfica en cultivos como Cucurbita pepo, uno de los cultivos más importantes de la agricultura centroamericana. Objetivo: Describir la diversidad y la variación geográfica de la comunidad de abejas que visitan este cultivo en Costa Rica, y algunos aspectos de sus patrones de búsqueda de alimento. Métodos: Se visitaron cultivos de C. pepo en 11 localidades dentro de tres regiones geográficas de Costa Rica, donde se determinó los grupos de abejas y su frecuencia relativa. Por medio de grabaciones de video se registró el comportamiento de cada grupo en dos localidades. Resultados: Fueron encontradas un mínimo de 27 especies pertenecientes a 19 géneros y 2 familias de abejas. Tres especies son dominantes en 10 localidades (Eucera limitaris, Apis mellifera y Trigona corvina). La altitud reduce la diversidad de abejas debido a la dominancia de Bombus ephipiatus en regiones altas. Se observaron dos géneros de halíctidos (Megalopta y Caenaugochlora) no previamente reportados en este cultivo. Abejas Trigona dominan las flores en horarios más tardíos de la mañana, donde algunas veces muerden los orificios de los nectarios para facilitar la recolecta de néctar. Conclusiones: La diversidad de abejas que visitan C. pepo en Costa Rica parece asegurar su polinización ante cambios espaciales o estacionales en condiciones ambientales.
Animals , Bees , Cucurbitaceae , Pollination , CucurbitaABSTRACT
The study is aimed to investigate the reproductive biology characteristics of Polygonatum cyrtonema, especially including phenology, flower bud differentiation, flowering timing, floral traits, pollen vigor and stigma receptivity. The results showed that P. cyrtonema forms inflorescence before the leaves spread. In the wild, P. cyrtonema is mainly pollinated by insects such as bumblebees, with a seed setting rate of 65.12%. The seed setting rate of indoor single plant isolation or self-pollination enclosed by parchment paper bag is 0, indicating that it is self-incompatible. In Lin'an city, seedlings begin to emerge from mid-March to early April(the temperature is higher than 7.5 ℃), buds begin to emerge from the end of March to mid-April, and then undergo the full bloom stage from mid-to-late April, and the final flowering stage from the end of April to mid-May. The whole flowering period lasts 36 to 45 days. There are obvious differences in the phenology of different provenances. The flowers come into bloom from the base to the top along the aboveground main axis, which usually contain 4-22 inflorescences with(2-) 4-10(-21) flowers per inflorescence. The flowering pe-riod for a single plant is 26-38 days. The single flower lasts about 20-25 days from budding to opening and withers 2 days after pollination, and then the ovary will gradually expand. If unpollinated, it will continue to bloom for 3-5 days and then wither. Flower development period is significantly related to pollen vigor and stigma remittance. The pollen viability is the highest when the flower is fully opened with anthers gathering on the stigma, and the receptivity is the strongest when the stigma protrudes out of the perianth and secretes mucus. The fruits and seeds ripen in October, and proper shading can ensure the smooth development and maturity of the seeds. This study provides a basis for the hybrid breeding and seed production of P. cyrtonema.
Flowers , Plant Breeding , Pollination , Polygonatum , ReproductionABSTRACT
Studies on the Myrtaceae family are mainly distributed in floristic surveys, reproductive studies of plant communities or related to family taxonomy. Based on this, the objective of the present study was to elucidate aspects of floral and reproductive biology and, of floral visitors from Campomanesia guazumifolia (Cambess.) O. Berg., a neglected species. Information was obtained on floral morphology and morphometry, anthesis, nectary, and structures attractive to pollinators, characterization of pollinators, receptiveness of stigma and maturing of the androecium components, and characterization of the reproductive system. Sete-capote tree has hermaphrodite flowers, and the floral opening occurs mainly during the daytime. Pollen grains was the main resource offered to pollinators. The flowers had mellow sweet odor, attracting mainly native bees and Apis melifera, which was characterized as effective pollinators. The species presents high reproductive efficiency and could be considered self-compatible; however, fertilization also occurs by cross-pollination.
Myrtaceae/growth & development , Myrtaceae/embryology , Pollination , BiologyABSTRACT
Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the effects of florivory and of the patrolling ants associated to EFNs-extrafloral nectaries, on the frequency of floral visitors, using the specie Ipomoea carnea subs. fistulosa (Martius and Choise) in Caatinga area. The floral attributes of the species were characterized. The effect of florivoria on the frequency of visitors and the influence of the presence of ants associated with the NEFs on the pollinator visit rate were evaluated. The rate of natural florivoria was recorded and collected floral visitors and ants over eight months. The damage on floral structure and the presence of ants foraging in the flowers causes a decrease in the number of total visits. The results may be justified by the fact that the floral damage consisted in the loss of important floral attributes. These effects for Ipomoea carnea subs. fistulosa can affect reproductive success, since it is a self-incompatible species and depends on the activity of the pollinators for their fertilization to occur.
Resumo Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito da florivoria e do patrulhamento de formigas nos NEFs - nectários extraflorais sobre a frequência dos visitantes florais, utilizando a espécie Ipomoea carnea subs. fistulosa (Martius e Choise), em uma área de Caatinga. Os atributos florais da espécie foram caracterizados. Foram avaliados o efeito da florivoria sobre a frequência dos visitantes e a influência da presença de formigas associadas aos NEFs sobre a taxa de visita de polinizadores. Ao longo de oito meses foram registrados a taxa de florivoria natural foi registrada e realizada a coleta de visitantes florais e formigas. Os danos na estrutura floral e presença de formigas forrageando nas flores provocam decréscimo no número de visitas totais. Os resultados podem ser justificado pelo fato de que o dano floral consistiu na perda de atributos florais importantes. Estes efeitos para Ipomoea carnea subs. fistulosa podem afetar o sucesso reprodutivo, uma vez que é uma espécie autoincompatível e depende da atividade dos polinizadores para que a sua fecundação ocorra.
Animals , Ants , Convolvulaceae , Ipomoea , Flowers , PollinationABSTRACT
Strawberry presents moderate dependence on bee pollination service, and pollination is related to the production and quality of fruits. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pollination service provided by Nannotrigona testaceicornis stingless bees in strawberry. Primary flowers of cultivar San Andreas were used in a completely randomized experimental design, with twelve replicates and five types of pollination: one N. testaceicornis visit (1V); two N. testaceicornis visits (2V); three N. testaceicornis visits (3V); natural pollination (NP); self-pollination (SP). In flowers visited by N. testaceicornis, movements and visit time were observed. The following fruit characteristics were evaluated: fruit biometry, fecundation rate of achenes, postharvest fruit quality, contribution of pollination agents and mechanisms on average fruit weight. In fruit biometry, pollination service contributed only in longitudinal length, which was higher in NP and 3V, compared to SP. In the different types of pollination, the fertilization rate of achenes did not differ and showed no effect on fresh fruit weight. In post-harvest fruit quality, 1V, 3V and NP showed better results regarding degree of deformation and marketability. Nannotrigona testaceicornis stingless bees and natural pollination contributed to the average fresh weight of strawberry fruits. Nannotrigona testaceicornis stingless bees and natural pollination provided improvement in quality and added value of fruits. Nannotrigona testaceicornis stingless bees were effective strawberry pollinators.(AU)
O morangueiro apresenta dependência moderada quanto ao serviço de polinização por abelhas, e sua polinização está relacionada com a produção e a qualidade das frutas. Diante disso, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o serviço de polinização da abelha Nannotrigona testaceicornis no morangueiro. Utilizaram-se flores primárias do cultivar San Andreas no delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com doze repetições e cinco tipos de polinização: uma visita de N. testaceicornis (1V); duas visitas de N. testaceicornis (2V); três visitas de N. testaceicornis (3V); polinização natural (PN) e autopolinização (AP). Os movimentos e o tempo de visita nas flores foram observados nas visitas de N. testaceicornis. Nas frutas, avaliaram-se as características: biometria das frutas, taxa de fecundação dos aquênios, qualidade pós-colheita, contribuição de agentes e mecanismos de polinização na massa média das frutas. Na biometria das frutas, o serviço de polinização contribuiu no comprimento longitudinal, que se apresentou mais elevado na PN e 3V, em relação à AP. Nos diferentes tipos de polinização, a taxa de fecundação dos aquênios não diferiu e não apresentou efeito sobre a massa fresca das frutas. Na qualidadepós-colheita, 1V, 3V e PN apresentaram melhores resultados no grau de deformação e frutas comercializáveis. A abelha N. testaceicornis e a polinização natural contribuíram na massa fresca média das frutas de morangueiro. Os serviços de polinização natural e de N. testaceicornis proporcionaram melhoria na qualidade e agregação de valor das frutas. A abelha N. testaceicornis apresentou-se como polinizadora efetiva do morangueiro.(AU)
Bees , Fragaria , Pollination , Pollen , FruitABSTRACT
The Amerindian yam (Dioscorea trifida) is a food plant native to the Amazon region. Several local varieties are cultivated by traditional family farmers for consumption and local trade. However, socioeconomic processes may be causing species genetic erosion. Knowledge about species sexual reproduction is essential for its conservation and genetic improvement. The objective of this study was to observe the floral phenology, to assess the germination and dormancy of seeds, to conduct controlled pollinations and to select hybrid plants of D. trifida with agronomic potential. Seed dormancy was confirmed and was broken by after-ripening at 28 oC and 80% RH. We carried out controlled pollinations between local landraces and cultivated the resulting hybrid plants in the field. The new genotypes showed high phenotypic variability and tubers with new characteristics, which permitted the selection of genotypes with agronomic potential for further studies. The results contribute to the conservation of agrobiodiversity and genetic improvement for added value of Amazonian native food plants. (AU)
Plants, Edible , Germination , Amazonian Ecosystem , Dioscorea , Pollination , Plant BreedingABSTRACT
Studies related to floral biology are essential for the understanding of the ecological relations between different species, and the beginning of breeding programs. In this way, the aim of the study was to elucidate aspects of floral and reproductive biology and floral visitors of this species. Information about floral morphology and morphometry, anthesis, nectaries and pollinator attractive structures, characterization of floral visitors, receptivity of androcytic stigma and maturation, in vitro pollen storage and germination, and characterization of the reproductive system were obtained. The guabiju tree has hermaphrodite flowers, and the floral opening occurs mainly during the night, but also in the morning. Anthers are the main attractive structure to the pollinating insects, releasing fetid odor, attracting mainly flies and wasps characterized as occasional pollinators, and moths characterized as effective pollinators. For the germination of pollen, it is recommend using it without desiccation, collected in post-anthesis, and for the culture medium the use of 11% of sucrose and 7% of boric acid. Pollen presents recalcitrant behavior, so even when stored in refrigerator, freezer, liquid nitrogen and natural environment lose viability in less than 30 days. It presents high reproductive efficiency, and can be considered self-compatible; however, fertilization also occurs by cross-pollination.
Myrtales/growth & development , Myrtales/chemistry , Pollination/genetics , Reproductive TechniquesABSTRACT
Resumen La vegetación chaqueña esta condicionada por diversas presiones ambientales que afectan la fisionomía del paisaje. Con el objetivo de reconocer cambios espaciales de la vegetación y distinguir indicadores de disturbios naturales (inundaciones, sequías) y/o antrópicos (incendios, malezas de cultivos y pastoreo), se analizó la composición y distribución de las asociaciones polínicas de sedimentos superficiales sobre un gradiente ambiental al norte de la región chaqueña argentina (23°-27° S & 59°63° W). Se tomaron 35 muestras en un gradiente de 600 km en dirección SE-NO. El análisis se realizó con métodos multivariados y el índice de valor de importancia (IVI). La zonación mostró un reemplazo gradual de biotipos y taxones. En la zona oriental dominó el polen de palmeras (Copernica alba), hierbas (Poaceae) y árboles altos (Schinopsis balansae). Hacia la zona central predominó el polen de árboles bajos (Schinus, Prosopis ruscifolia, Pisonia zapallo), arbustos (Celtis, Castela) y hierbas (Amaranthaceae/Chenopodiaceae, Poaceae). La zona occidental presentó altos contenidos de polen de árboles altos (Schinopsis balansae, Schinopsis lorentzii, Astronium). Se detectaron conjuntos polínicos que permitieron discernir contingencias ambientales, como las inundaciones (Copernicia alba, Juncaginaceae, Cyperaceae) y actividades antrópicas, tales como incendios (Trithrinax, Shinus, Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco), malezas de cultivos (Amaranthaceae/ Chenopodiaceae, Gomphrena, Urticaceae, Ambrosia) y pastoreo (Prosopis ruscifolia, Prosopis kuntzei, Capparicordis, Cerciduim praecox). Los tipos polínicos más importantes fueron: Schinopsis balansae (9 %), Celtis (8.4 %), Poaceae (7.5 %), Schinus (6.9 %), Copernicia alba (3.7 %), entre otros. Se diferenciaron tres asociaciones polínicas que representaron las comunidades de: 1) palmares y sabanas, 2) bosques bajos y matorrales y 3) bosques altos, que se distribuyeron en umbrales de precipitación de 1 100 - 1 000, 1 000 -850 y 850 - 700 mm respectivamente. Los resultados amplían el conocimiento sobre las asociaciones polínicas de la región chaqueña argentina, ofreciendo una buena perspectiva para interpretar la dinámica del paisaje durante el Holoceno en la región.(AU)
Abstract Chaco vegetation is conditioned by several environmental pressures affecting the physiognomy of the landscape. With the aim to recognize the spatial changes of vegetation and distinguish indicators of natural (floods, droughts) and/or anthropogenic disturbances (fires, weeds of crops and grazing), we analyzed the composition and distribution of pollen assemblages of surface sediments along an environmental in the north of Argentine Chaco region (23°-27° S, 59°-63° W). Thirty-five samples were taken into an environmental gradient comprising 600 km length in SE-NW direction. The analyses was performed by multivariate methods and the importance value index (IVI). Zonation showed a gradual replacement of biotypes and taxa. In the Eastern zone, the pollen of palms (Copernica alba), herbs (Poaceae) and high trees (Schinopsis balansae) were dominant. Towards the middle zone, the pollen of low trees (Schinus, Prosopis ruscifolia, Pisonia zapallo), shrubs (Celtis, Castela) and herbs (Amaranthaceae/Chenopodiaceae, Poaceae) were dominant. The western zone recorded the highest content of pollen of high trees (Schinopsis balansae, Schinopsis lorentzii, Astronium). Pollen types were detected that allowed to discern environmental contingencies, such as floods (Copernicia alba, Juncaginaceae, Cyperaceae) and anthropic activities, such as fires (Trithrinax, Shinus, Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco), weeds of crops (Amaranthaceae/Chenopodiaceae, Gomphrena, Urticaceae, Ambrosia) and grazing (Prosopis ruscifolia, Prosopis kuntzei, Capparicordis, Cerciduim praecox). The most important pollen types were: Schinopsis balansae (9 %), Celtis (8.4 %), Poaceae (7.5 %), Schinus (6.9 %), Copernicia alba (3.7 %), among others. Three pollen assemblages were differentiated which represent the follow communities: 1) palms and savannas, 2) low forests and scrublands and 3) high forests, that are distributed in precipitation thresholds corresponding to, 1 100 - 1 000, 1 000 - 850 and 850 - 700 mm respectively. Results expand the knowledge about the pollen assemblages of the Argentine Chaco region, offering a good perspective to interpret the dynamic of the landscape during the Holocene in the region.(AU)
Environmental Biomarkers , Environment , Pollination , Argentina , Rain MeasurementABSTRACT
Resumen En el noroeste de Argentina, los bosques subtropicales de las Yungas son de gran importancia por la gran diversidad vegetal. Las abejas melíferas (A. mellifera) utilizan estos recursos para su alimentación y en consecuencia como un servicio ecosistémico a través de la apicultura. La caracterización de la flora polinífera de una región permite conocer la fuente de alimento y definir la importancia de las diferentes especies vegetales para el desarrollo y mantenimiento de las colonias. El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar la flora polinífera utilizada por A. mellifera en el sector oeste de las Yungas en Jujuy (Argentina) a través de la caracterización de sus cargas corbiculares y analizar las variaciones a lo largo de la primavera y verano de dos periodos productivos consecutivos. Para ello, se analizaron 14 muestras tomadas mensualmente a la largo de los periodos setiembre 2011 a marzo 2012 y setiembre 2012 a marzo de 2013. Las muestras se obtuvieron a través de trampas caza polen en las entradas de las colmenas y tratadas en el laboratorio según las técnicas convencionales de melisopalinología con posterior acetólisis. Se identificaron un total de 46 tipos polínicos pertenecientes a 25 familias botánicas. Las más importantes de acuerdo a los valores de índice de importancia de familia son: Euphorbiaceae (35.54), Fabaceae (26.27), Asteraceae (20.77), Vitaceae (16.14) y Myrtaceae (9.13). Asimismo, los principales recursos poliníferos fueron Eucalyptus, Eupatorium, Mimosa, Parapiptadenia excelsa, Sebastiania, Viguiera, Zanthoxylum, tipo Cissus y representantes de las familias Cactaceae y Euphorbiaceae. Las variaciones del índice de amplitud de nicho trófico evidencian para la zona una selección de recursos florales, donde se destaca la utilización de especies nativas. La información generada en este estudio, aporta al conocimiento del recurso ofrecido por el bosque y las especies que son de importancia para la producción apícola. Además, de contribuir a potenciar la producción y comercialización de este producto a partir de su valor agregado, permitiendo a los apicultores un buen manejo de las colmenas.
Abstract In Northwest Argentina, Yungas subtropical forests are very important because of their huge vegetal diversity. Honeybees (A. mellifera) use these resources to feed and therefore as an ecosystemic service through beekeeping. The characterization of pollen flora of a region allows getting to know the food source and defining the importance of different plant species for colonies development and maintenance. The aim of the present study is to identify the pollen flora used by A. mellifera in the Yungas Western area in Jujuy (Argentina) by means of their pollen loads characterization and to analyze the variations of two consecutive productive periods throughout spring and summer. To do this, 14 samples taken monthly were analyzed over the periods from September 2011 to March 2012 and September 2012 to March 2013. The samples were obtained from pollen traps at the entrances of the hives and were treated in the laboratory under conventional melisopalinology techniques with subsequent acetolysis. A total of 46 pollen types belonging to 25 botanical families were identified. The most important ones according to the family importance index are Euphorbiaceae (35.54), Fabaceae (26.27), Asteraceae (20.77), Vitaceae (16.14), Myrtaceae (9.13). Zanthoxylum, Sebastiania, Mimosa, Euphorbiaceae, Cactaceae, Parapiptadenia excelsa, Eupatorium, Cissus, Eucalyptus y Viguiera were identified as dominant resources. The variations of the breadth Index trophic niche show a floral resources selection for the area, where the use of native species stands out. The information produced in this study contributes to the knowledge of the resource offered by the forest and the species that are important for beekeeping production. Besides, it contributes to enhance the production and marketing of this product from its added value, allowing beekeepers a good management of hives. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(3): 1182-1196. Epub 2018 September 01.
Animals , Argentina , Pollen , Bees , Diet , Pollination , Beekeeping , ForestryABSTRACT
Informo sobre el comportamiento de robo de néctar del colibrí pico cuña, Schistes geoffroyi (Trochilidae) en la flor campanulada neotropical, Centropogon granulosus (Campanulaceae). Muchas especies de Centropogon se caracterizan por tener una flor tubular curvada de distintas formas y probablemente especializadas para ser polinizadas por los colibríes de pico curvo (Eutoxeres), como es evidente a partir de la curvatura tanto de la flor como del pico. Debido a la exclusividad de este mutualismo, el robo de néctar ha sido ocasionalmente documentado en Centropogon. Aquí amplío el estudio de robo de néctar de Centropogon incluyendo a Schistes geoffroyi. Esta expansión puede ser un indicador de la alta especialización entre el mutualismo de Centropogon y el colibrí de pico curvo, siendo esta más susceptible al robo de néctar de lo que pensaba previamente. Esto genera preguntas acerca de la evolución de la especialización y parasitismo en este grupo tropical, tanto de las campanuladas como de los colibríes.
I report on nectar robbing behavior of the wedge-billed hummingbird, Schistes geoffroyi (Trochilidae) on the Andean bellflower, Centropogon granulosus (Campanulaceae). Many species of Centropogon are characterized by an abruptly curved corolla tube which is likely specialized for pollination by sicklebill hummingbirds (Eutoxeres), as evident from the matching curvature of flower and bill. Nectar robbing has been documented for some Centropogon spp., but not for sicklebill pollinated C. granulosus. Given recent developments and interest in the Centropogon-sicklebill mutualism, it is pertinent to document any natural history observations that may underlie the ecology and evolution of this pollination system. The establishment of wedge-billed hummingbird as a nectar robber of C. granulosus calls for a new assessment of the ecology and evolution of the highly specialized Centropogon-sicklebill mutualism.
Animals , Birds , Campanulaceae , Pollination , Flowers , Plant NectarABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Varronia curassavica, a subshrubby medicinal species associated with restinga in the Atlantic Forest, has been exploited by local people and the pharmaceutical industry. Indeed, restingas have experienced a continuous process of degradation, and thus, with species and ecosystem both at risk, efforts to support conservation actions are required. The present study aimed to evaluate aspects of V. curassavica reproductive biology. To accomplish this, morphological characterization was performed by monitoring flowering events. The availability of nectar and pollen, as well as the frequency and behavior of floral visitors and dispersers, was also evaluated. This species exhibits both heterostyly and protogyny. Anthesis is diurnal, and flowers last less than a day. The high number of flower and fruit abortions suggests that mechanisms, such as self-incompatibility intra-morphs and easily detached flowers, contribute to reduced fruit production. The high diversity of floral visitors indicate a generalist pollination syndrome. Diptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera were the main pollinators, and nectar was the main resource sought by these insects. Fruits were dispersed by birds and ants. It can be concluded that the interaction of V. curassavica with several species is a key factor in its own survival and for maintaining the biological diversity of restinga.
Boraginaceae/anatomy & histology , Boraginaceae/physiology , Flowers/anatomy & histology , Flowers/physiology , Plants, Medicinal/physiology , Reference Values , Reproduction/physiology , Species Specificity , Time Factors , Biodiversity , Pollination/physiology , Plant DispersalABSTRACT
To study the breeding system and pollination characteristics of Gleditsia sinensis, we observed the development of flower development and the processing of pollination, and determined the pollen viability and stigma acceptability by TTC and benzidine-hydrogen peroxide method and detected its breeding system using OCI value, P/O ratio and artificial pollination.The results showed that: ①G. sinensis are racemes, divided into bisexual inflorescences (only a small amount of inactive pollen) and male inflorescences (occasionally a few bisexual flowers), flowers hermaphrodite. ②Male flowers had the strongest pollen activity 4 h after flowering; the stigma receptivity of bisexual was the highest at 1 h after flowering, and pollination was the best in this time. ③The pollen tube had a few elongation when the bisexual flower is half-opened. The number of pollen tube and length significantly increased when blooming. The flower reaches the ovary and even enters the ovule to complete the fertilization. ④When the OCI=4 and P/O=11 684, it means that the breeding system was facultative, outcrossing, and requiring pollinators based on the results of the bagging experiment.There was parthenogenesis. ⑤The characteristics of saponin pollination were wind pollination and insect vector pollination, and pollinators were initially identified as Apis mellifera ligustica. All these results provides a theoretical and technical foundation for the new germplasm of G. sinensis.
Animals , Bees , Flowers , Gleditsia , Plant Breeding , Pollen , Pollination , ReproductionABSTRACT
Weather may alter the concentrations of pollens which can subsequently influence the occurrence of allergic diseases. Many studies have demonstrated that greenhouse gases increase pollen concentration. Daily fluctuations in the pollen concentration have to do with a variety of meteorological factors such as temperature, rainfall and sunshine amount; therefore, it is complicated. At least more than 10 weather elements that affect the concentration of pollen. Earlier pollination and rising pollen concentrations have been reported in many countries. Most studies have focused on analysis of their relationships with local meteorological and climatic factors. Observed pollen data at locations representing a wide range of geographic and climatic conditions should be analyzed statistically to identify pollination date, pollen season length, and annual mean and peak values of daily concentrations of pollen. The seasonal and regional variations of pollen have also been changed in South Korea with climate change. There were evaluated sensitization rate to pollen in South Korea since 1997. Sensitization rates for weed and tree pollens are increased in Korean children, especially with increasing pollen concentration of ragweed and Japanese hop. It has been demonstrated that urbanization correlate with the increasing pollen allergies. However, the effects of environmental change on allergic diseases have not yet been completely understood. Recently there have been many epidemiological studies on the relationship between allergic diseases and climate changes. Previous studies suggest that climate changes interact with and affect pollen allergy, which in turn increases the frequency and severity of allergic disease.
Child , Humans , Ambrosia , Asian People , Climate Change , Climate , Epidemiologic Studies , Gases , Korea , Meteorological Concepts , Pollen , Pollination , Rhinitis, Allergic, Seasonal , Seasons , Sunlight , Trees , Urbanization , WeatherABSTRACT
Pollination services performed by bees are essential for the reproduction of a great part of flowering plants. The pollen collected by Apis mellifera while performing pollination (bee pollen), has been incorporated into the human diet for its favorable nutritional components. Around 1,500 tons of bee pollen are produced annually worldwide, especially in Spain, China, Australia, Argentina, and Brazil. Despite the importance of bee pollen within apiculture, little is known about the effects of climate variations on bee pollen collection and production. We monitored the pollen collection performance of 24 different honey bee colonies in different climate conditions within a period of one year. We then analyzed the statistical interaction among the number of worker bees returning with pollen loads and 12 climatic variables, to produce a predictive mixed linear model. The results obtained showed that 7 climatic variables were statistically correlated to the pollen collection observed: Maximum temperature of the day, minimum temperature of the day, dew point temperature, relative humidity, cloud cover, rainfall, and the date of the sample. This research brings information for the development of a more effective pollen productive system.(AU)
Serviços de polinização são essenciais para a reprodução de uma grande parte das plantas com flores. Além de fundamental para produtividade agrícola e segurança alimentar no planeta, a atividade de polinização por Apis mellifera também possibilita a produção do pólen apícola. Devido a sua riqueza nutricional, o pólen apícola vem sendo incorporado às dietas humanas e de animais de interesse zootécnico. Cerca de 1.500 toneladas de pólen de abelha são produzidas anualmente em todo o mundo, especialmente em países como Espanha, China, Austrália, Argentina e Brasil. Apesar da importância do pólen na cadeia produtiva apícola, muito pouco se conhece sobre os efeitos das variações climáticas sobre a coleta e a produtividade de pólen. Neste estudo, foi monitorado o desempenho da coleta de pólen de 24 colônias de abelhas africanizadas, em diferentes condições climáticas, por um período de um ano. Analisaram-se estatisticamente as interações dos dados obtidos para o número de abelhas operárias que retornaram com cargas de pólen nas corbículas e 12 variáveis climáticas, a fim de se produzir um modelo estatístico preditivo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que sete variáveis climáticas influenciaram significativamente a coleta de pólen: temperatura máxima do dia, temperatura mínima do dia, temperatura do ponto de orvalho, umidade relativa, cobertura de nuvens, precipitação pluviométrica e data da amostragem. Esta pesquisa traz informações importantes para o desenvolvimento de um sistema produtivo de pólen apícola mais eficaz.(AU)