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Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 39(91): 9-18, 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554833


Introducción: La identificación por cotejo de regis-tros odontológicos representa una metodología científicamente consolidada. La estrategia más co-mún reside en la comparación de odontogramas impresos o digitalizados, aunque se ha cuestionado cierta subjetividad al asentar dicha información. Los recursos imagenológicos constituyen una evidencia más confiable y objetiva, reduciendo el sesgo iden-tificatorio. La obtención de radiografías post mor-tem (PM) reproduciendo en lo posible las técnicas que han generado las imágenes ante mortem (AM) recuperadas, otorga una eficaz modalidad compa-rativa, aumentando su valor probatorio. Materiales y Métodos: Se efectuó la comparación entre radio-grafías panorámicas y periapicales tomadas a 10 pacientes atendidos en un consultorio particular de la ciudad de Quilmes, Provincia de Buenos Aires, don-de se visualizaban tratamientos de endodoncia. Los registros de ambas técnicas de imágenes se realiza-ron sobre los mismos sujetos entre los años 2010 y 2022. Se cotejaron 11 radiografías periapicales y 10 panorámicas, procediéndose a la digitalización de la totalidad de la muestra. Se clasificaron las imágenes de cada persona conforme a la fecha de obtención de las mismas. A las más antiguas se las catalogó con el color verde, representando el material AM, mien-tras que las más recientes se marcaron en color rojo, constituyendo la información PM. Resultados: Teniendo en cuenta los criterios estipulados por la Junta Americana de Odontología Forense (ABFO) se identificaron positivamente 7 casos estudiados, 2 fueron catalogados como identificación posible, en tanto que 1 se clasificó como insuficiente. No se re-gistraron exclusiones. Conclusión: Los tratamientos endodónticos podrían suministrar información pon-derable en procesos de identificación humana en virtud de la escasa probabilidad de sufrir alteracio-nes morfológicas y estructurales por su estratégica localización intradentaria, otorgando posibilidades concretas de establecer la identidad categórica de sujetos desconocidos (AU)

Introduction: Identification by comparison of dental records represents a scientifically consolidated methodology. The most common strategy lies in the comparison of printed or digitised odontograms, although certain subjectivity has been questioned when recording said information. Imaging resources constitute more reliable and objective evidence, reducing identification bias. Obtaining post-mortem (PM) radiographs reproducing the techniques that have generated the recovered ante-mortem (AM) images, provides an effective comparative modality, increasing its evidentiary value. Materials and Methods: A comparison was made between panoramic and periapical radiographs taken to 10 patients treated in a private office in the city of Quilmes, Province of Buenos Aires, where endodontic treatments were visualized. The records of both imaging techniques were carried out on the same subjects between 2010 and 2022. 11 periapical and 10 panoramic radiographs were collected, and the entire sample was digitized. The images of each person were classified according to the date they were obtained. The oldest ones were cataloged with the color green, representing the AM material, while the most recent ones were marked in red, constituting the PM information. Results: Taking into account the criteria stipulated by the American Board of Forensic Odontology (ABFO), 7 cases studied were positively identified, 2 were classified as possible identification, while 1 was classified as insufficient. No exclusions were recorded. Conclusion: Endodontic treatments could provide valuable information in human identification processes due to the low probability of suffering morphological and structural alterations due to their strategic intradental location, providing concrete possibilities of establishing the categorical identity of unknown subjects (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Root Canal Therapy/statistics & numerical data , Radiography, Dental/methods , Radiography, Panoramic/methods , Tooth, Nonvital/diagnostic imaging , Societies, Dental/standards , Post and Core Technique/statistics & numerical data
Int. j. morphol ; 41(4): 1101-1106, ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514325


La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia de la morfología externa de la raíz de primeros premolares superiores en la existencia de sobreestimación radiográfica durante la preparación para poste. Con este fin se realizó un estudio transversal in vitro, donde 60 premolares superiores uniradiculares fueron instrumentadas con fresas Gates Glidden y Pesso de calibre 1, 2 y 3. Seguidamente se obtuvieron imágenes radiográficas digitales de cada pieza dentaria mediante un aparato posicionador a una distancia constante en sentido vestíbulo lingual, asimismo se realizaron imágenes tomográficas volumétricas de las muestras. En ambas técnicas imagenológicas se midió el espesor a mesial y distal de las piezas. La sobreestimación fue calculada mediante la diferencia de la medida tomográfica menos la radiográfica. Los resultados indicaron que en ambas paredes radiculares hubo diferencia significativa entre las medidas radiográficas y tomográficas (p<0,05), encontrándose en la pared distal diferencias altamente significativas (p<0,001); además se evidenció que la sobreestimación radiográfica fue mayor en la pared distal. El estudio concluyó que existe sobreestimación radiográfica en premolares superiores durante la preparación para poste de un 20,42 % en promedio, siendo la pared distal la estructura que presenta mayor sobreestimación.

SUMMARY: he investigation´s objective was to determine the influence of external morphology of the root of upper first premolars in the existence of radiographic overestimation during preparation for post. An in vitro cross-sectional study was carried out, where 60 single-rooted upper premolars were instrumented with burs. Gates Glidden and Pesso of caliber 1, 2 and 3, then, digital radiographic images of each dental piece were obtained by means of a positioning device at a constant distance in the buccolingual direction; volumetric tomographic images of the samples were also performed. In both imaging techniques, the mesial and distal thickness of the pieces was measured. The overestimation was calculated by the difference of the tomographic measurement minus the radiographic one. The results indicated that in both root walls there was a significant difference between the radiographic and tomographic measurements (p<0.05), with highly significant differences being found in the distal wall (p<0.001); In addition, it was evidenced that the radiographic overestimation was greater in the distal wall. The study concluded that there is radiographic overestimation in upper premolars during post preparation of 20.42% on average, with the distal wall being the structure that presents the greatest overestimation.

Humans , Bicuspid/diagnostic imaging , Tooth Preparation , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Bicuspid/anatomy & histology , Radiographic Image Enhancement , Cross-Sectional Studies , Post and Core Technique , Root Canal Preparation , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981120


Post-and-core crown is one of the most common forms of restoration of tooth after root canal therapy (RCT). Infection control is the core objective of RCT, which is usually well realized by endodontists. However, many prosthodontists often neglect the infection control of the tooth and the maintenance of the curative effect of RCT during the process of post-and-core crown, which may lead to the failure of the final restoration. The concept of integrated crown-root treatment advocated recently requires clinicians to consider the RCT and final restoration as a whole, rather than simply divided into two parts-endodontic treatment and restorative treatment. As the core content of integrated crown-root treatment, infection control should be taken seriously by clinicians and implemented throughout the whole treatment process, especially in the restorative treatment that is easily overlooked after RCT. Therefore, this article describes the infection control of post-and-core crown restoration, classifies the tooth requiring post-and-core crown restoration, and puts forward the measures of infection control before and during post-and-core crown restoration, in order to provide reference and guidance for clinical practice.

Humans , Crowns , Tooth Crown , Post and Core Technique , Root Canal Therapy , Infection Control , Tooth Fractures
Rev. Cient. CRO-RJ (Online) ; 7(1): 76-81, Jan-Apr 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1382199


Objective: To describe a clinical case that called for an anatomical post to be made to support and retain an indirect restoration in the anterior tooth. Case report: A 72-year-old female patient came to the office complaining that the crown of tooth 22 had come loose. A clinical and radiographic examination of element 22 was performed, and showed a very broad root canal, total displacement of the cast metal crown-core set, and satisfactory endodontic treatment. The restorative planning for this patient included the making of an anatomical post from Exacto # 2 fiberglass post (Angelus, Brazil), and refilling it with Bulk One composite resin (3M, USA), using self-adhesive resin cement U200 (3M, USA). The reconstruction of the coronary portion of the post was also performed with the same composite resin (Bulk One 3M, USA). The preparation for full crown and temporary restoration was performed in the same session, using self-curing acrylic resin. The all-ceramic crown was molded and cemented in subsequent sessions. Conclusion: The use of anatomical posts with composite resin represents a technically viable alternative for rehabilitating endodontically treated teeth with wide root canals, in cases where conventional prefabricated fiber posts cannot be adapted easily. The advantages that stand out are that these posts can be applied easily, at low cost, and in a single session.

Objetivo: Descrever um caso clínico de confecção do pino anatômico para suporte e retenção de restauração indireta em dente anterior. Relato do Caso: Paciente feminina, 72 anos, compareceu ao consultório queixando-se que a coroa do dente 22 havia "soltado". Realizou-se exame clínico e radiográfico do elemento 22, que apresentou conduto radicular bastante amplo, deslocamento total do conjunto núcleo/coroa e tratamento endodôntico satisfatório. O planejamento restaurador para essa paciente incluiu a confecção de pino anatômico, com pino de fibra de vidro Exato #2(Angelus, Brasil) reembasado com resina composta Bulk One (3M, EUA), utilizando o cimento resinoso autoadesivo U200 (3M, EUA). Foi realizada a reconstrução da porção coronária do pino também com resina composta do tipo Bulk. Realizou-se, na mesma sessão de atendimento, o preparo para coroa total e restauração provisória utilizando dente de estoque e resinaacrílica autopolimerizável. Em sessões seguintes foi realizada a moldagem e cimentação da coroa total em cerâmica pura. Conclusão: A utilização de pinos anatômicos com resina composta representa uma alternativa tecnicamente viável, de fácil aplicabilidade, com baixo custo e em única sessão, para reabilitação de dentes tratados endodonticamente com conduto radicular onde os pinos em fibra pré-fabricados convencionais não apresentam boa adaptação.

Humans , Female , Aged , Post and Core Technique , Dental Pins , Dental Restoration, Permanent/instrumentation , Composite Resins , Dental Materials , Glass
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 110(1): 31-36, abr. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1382333


Objetivo: Describir los aspectos clínicos, radiográfi- cos e histológicos del retratamiento realizado en un segundo molar superior en el que se había producido previamente una perforación radicular durante el tratamiento original. Caso clínico: Un paciente masculino de 50 años con- currió a la consulta para realizar un retratamiento endodóntico en un segundo molar superior derecho. El examen radiográfi- co reveló la presencia de un tratamiento incompleto, un área radiolúcida periapical y una perforación radicular producida por un poste roscado insertado fuera del espacio del conducto mesio vestibular. Una vez retirado el poste, se selló la perfo- ración con Biodentine y se realizó el retratamiento. Luego de dos años, el paciente regresó a la consulta con dolor a la mas- ticación, localizado en el área correspondiente al segundo mo- lar superior derecho previamente tratado. Durante el examen clínico y radiográfico se detectó la presencia de una fractura vertical en la raíz palatina. A causa del severo compromiso radicular el molar fue extraído y derivado para su análisis his- tológico. El informe del laboratorio reveló que la perforación había sido reparada por medio de la aposición de un nuevo tejido calcificado y que el remanente periodontal adherido a la raíz se encontraba dentro de los límites normales. El presente caso clínico resalta la importancia que tiene el conocimiento cabal de la anatomía del sistema de conductos radiculares con el objeto de evitar errores de procedimiento que puedan influir negativamente en el pronóstico del tratamiento (AU)

Aim: To describe the clinical, radiographic and histo- logical aspects of the retreatment of a second upper molar in which root perforation had occurred during the original treatment. Clinical case: A 50-year old male was referred for endo- dontic retreatment of the right second maxillary molar. Radi- ographic examination revealed the presence of an incomplete root canal treatment, a radiolucent periapical area and a root perforation produced by a threaded post placed outside of the mesiobuccal root canal. After post removal, the root perfo- ration was sealed with Biodentine and the root canals were retreated. Two years later, the patient returned to the office com- plaining of severe pain during mastication, in the area of the previously retreated right second maxillary molar. Clinical and radiographic examination revealed the presence of a ver- tical fracture on the palatal root. Since this kind of root dam- age non-restorable, the tooth was extracted and submitted to histologic analysis. The laboratory report revealed that the perforation site had healed by the apposition of new calci- fied tissue, and that the remnants of periodontal tissue which persisted attached to the root were within normal limits. This clinical case highlights the importance of thorough knowl- edge of the anatomy of the root canal system in order to avoid procedural errors which may compromise the prognosis of the treatment (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Root Canal Therapy/adverse effects , Tooth Root/injuries , Retreatment , Root Canal Filling Materials , Tooth Fractures/complications , Tooth Root/anatomy & histology , Wound Healing/physiology , Post and Core Technique/adverse effects , Medical Errors , Dental Restoration Failure , Molar/surgery
São José dos Campos; s.n; 2022. 104 p. tab, ilus, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1396533


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar in vitro a influência de um novo dispositivo fotopolimerização e pino de fibra de vidro nas propriedades mecânicas, físicoquímicas e adesão dos cimentos resinosos. Foram utilizados oitenta dentes bovinos, submetidos ao tratamento endodôntico, distribuídos em 5 grupos (n=16): CD (Pino fibra vidro e cimento dual); PF (Pino perfurado e cimento fotoativado); PD (Pino perfurado e cimento dual); POF (Pino perfurado iluminador de fibra óptica e cimento fotoativado); POD (Pino perfurado iluminador de fibra óptica e cimento dual). Os dentes foram preparados para colocação de um protótipo de pino em fibra de vidro que possui um canal interno de diâmetro regular e com conicidade progressiva. A perfuração permite a inserção da fibra óptica ao longo da extensão do pino a fim de possibilitar a ação da luz ao longo de todo o comprimento do conduto radicular. Após a cimentação, os espécimes foram seccionados perpendicularmente, e obtida 1 fatia de 2 mm de espessura do terço apical, médio e cervical. A avaliação mecânica foi realizada através do ensaio de push-out para determinação da resistência adesiva nos terços cervical, médio e apical seguido pela análise da fratura em estereomicroscópio. Os retentores intrarradiculares foram também submetidos ao teste de flexão de 3 pontos para análise do material preenchedor do pino de fibra (n=10). As análises físico - químicas foram realizadas através da determinação do grau de conversão dos cimentos (RAMAN) e análise em espectroscopia de energia dispersiva (EDS) dos monômeros presentes. A adesão foi analisada pela interface de cimentação pelo MEV e reconstrução 3D do novo sistema através do Micro-CT. Os dados obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente pelo ANOVA (um e dois fatores) e comparação múltipla de Tukey, (p<0,05). Os resultados de resistência adesiva evidenciaram que o terço apical obteve o maior valor de resistência adesiva em comparação ao terço médio (p<0,001), o grupo POD do terço apical foi estatisticamente significante em relação ao grupo CD do terço médio (p<0,001). Na analise individual de cada terço, não houve diferença entre os grupos experimentais e o controle (p>0,05). A falha adesiva entre cimento e dentina foi a mais predominante entre todos os grupos e terços. O pino de fibra de vidro (controle) obteve o maior valor de resistência à flexão (p<0,001), seguido do pino de fibra de vidro perfurado preenchido com cimento resinoso (p<0,001). Os maiores valores de GC foram alcançados pelo grupo POD com 82,3% (cervical) 69,9 % (médio) e 76,21% (apical) e o EDS comprovou a presença de componentes químicos adequados. A análise da adesão do novo pino de fibra de vidro comprova uma excelente adaptação no interior do canal radicular nas regiões cervical, médio e apical. Portanto o novo dispositivo com fibra óptica e pino de fibra de vidro experimental aumentaram as propriedades mecânicas, físico-químicas e adesão do cimento resinoso (AU)

The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the influence of a new light curing device with optical fiber and experimental glass fiber post on the physicochemical, mechanical, and adhesion properties of resin cements. Eighty bovine teeth were used, submitted to an endodontic treatment, distributed in 5 groups (n=16): CD (Glass fiber post and dual cement); PF (Perforated post and light-cured cement); PD (Perforated post and dual cement); POF (Fiber optic illuminating with a perforated post and lightcured cement); POD (Fiber optic illuminating with a perforated post and dual cement). The teeth were prepared for placement of a glass fiber post prototype, which has an internal canal of regular diameter and progressive taper. The internal perforation extension allows the insertion of the optical fiber along the entire length of the post in order to allow the action of light along the entire length of the root canal.The specimens were sectioned perpendicularly for the tests, and 1 slice approximately 2 mm thick was obtained from the apical, middle and cervical thirds. The mechanical evaluation was carried out through the push-out test to determine the adhesive bond strength, in the cervical, middle and apical thirds, followed by the fracture analysis under a stereomicroscope, the intraradicular post were also submitted to the 3-point bending test for material analys of the fiber post filler (n=10). The physicochemical analyzes were performed by determining the degree of conversion of the cements (RAMAN) of each sample and the analysis of energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) of the monomers present. Adhesion was analyzed by the cementation interface and 3D reconstruction of the new system through micro-CT, and finally, SEM analysis of the adhesive interface. The data obtained were analyzed for normality and statistically by ANOVA (one and two ways) and Tukey's multiple comparison (p<0.05). The adhesive bond strength results showed that the apical third had the highest value of adhesive strength compared to the middle third (p<0.001), and the POD group of the apical third was statistically significant in relation to the CD group of the middle third (p<0.001). In the individual analysis of each third, there was no difference between the experimental and control groups (p>0.05). Adhesive failure between cement and dentin was the most prevalent among all groups and thirds. The conventional post (control) had the highest flexural strength value (p<0.001), followed by the perforated fiberglass post filled with resin cement (p<0.001). The POD group achieved the highest GC values with 82.3% (cervical), 69.9% (medium), and 76.21% (apical) and EDS confirmed the presence of adequate chemical components. The analysis of the adhesion of the new fiberglass post proves an excellent adaptation inside the root canal in the cervical, middle and apical regions. Therefore, the new light curing device with optical fiber and experimental glass fiber post improved the resin cement's mechanical, phycochemical, and adhesion. (AU)

Animals , Cattle , Analysis of Variance , Post and Core Technique , Resin Cements , Curing Lights, Dental , Flexural Strength , Mechanical Tests
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526380


Objetivo: realizar uma revisão de literatura narrativa sobre a importância e a influência do efeito férula na resistência à fratura de restaurações em dentes tratados endodonticamente com utilização ou não de retentores intrarradiculares. Metodologia: Foram utilizados os seguintes descritores indexados no DeCS (Descritores em Ciências da Saúde): "Férula", Prótese Dentária", "Falha da Restauração Dentária", "Técnica de Retentor Intrarradicular" e "Pinos de Retenção Dentária" para busca nas bases de dados PubMed, Embase, Lilacs, Web of Science, Scopus e Cochrane Library. Resultados: Os dados da maioria dos estudos in vitro ou in vivo incluídos nesta revisão sugerem o uso da férula para aumento da resistência à fratura e longevidade dos dentes tratados endodonticamente. Tem sido recomendada a confecção de uma férula com altura uniforme de 2 mm e espessura superior a 1,5 mm. Conclusão: O uso de retentores radiculares foi indicado pela maioria dos trabalhos, sendo geralmente recomendados os pinos de fibra de vidro ao invés de núcleos metálicos fundidos para minimizar os riscos de fratura radicular em razão do módulo de elasticidade semelhante à dentina, além de possibilidade de retratamentos em casos de falhas adesivas. Apesar disso, ainda são necessários estudos clínicos com acompanhamento a longo prazo para avaliar a longevidade das restaurações de dentes tratados endodonticamente utilizando pinos de fibra de vidro sem ou com a presença de férula em diferentes espessuras e alturas.

Objective: This study aimed to conduct a narrative literature review on the importance and influence of the ferrule effect on the fracture resistance of restorations in endodon-tically treated teeth with or without the use of intraradicular posts. Methodology: The following descriptors indexed in the DeCS (Health Sciences Descriptors) were used: "Ferrule", Dental Prosthesis", "Dental Restoration Failure", "Post and Core Technique", and "Dental Posts", to search on the databases of PubMed, Embase, Lilacs, Web of Science, Scopus, and Cochrane Library data. Results: Data from most of the in vitro or in vivo studies included in this review suggest the use of the ferrule to increase fracture resistance and longevity of endodontically treated teeth. It has been recommended to make a ferrule with a uniform height of 2 mm and a thickness greater than 1.5 mm. Conclusion: The use of intraradicular posts was indicated by most studies, and fiberglass posts are generally recommended instead of cast metal cores to minimize the risk of root fracture due to the modulus of elasticity similar to dentin, in addition to the possibility of retreatments in ad-hesive failure cases. Despite this, clinical studies with a long-term follow-up are essential to evaluating the longevity of restorations of endodontically treated teeth using fiberglass posts without or with the presence of ferrule in different thicknesses and heights.

Periodontal Splints , Post and Core Technique , Post and Core Technique/trends , Dental Restoration Failure
Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 51: e20210058, 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1377170


Introduction: Endodontically treated teeth are usually affected by extensive structure loss requiring the use of intraradicular posts to provide retention and restoration. Objective: An in vitro assessment was performed on the bonding of glass fiber posts to the root dentin. Material and method: Ninety (n = 10) single bovine roots were used in a 3 x 3 x 3 factorial study with subdivided plots: post customization varying the presence and type of resin (without customization, conventional resin, and Bulk Fill resin), light-curing device (Valo, Radii-Cal, Rainbow), and root third (cervical, middle, and apical). Result: For the customization factor, Tukey's test (5%) showed the superiority of the Bulk Fill (8.16 MPa) and Z350 (7.40 MPa) groups compared to the control group (4.92 MPa), without differing from each other. All light-curing devices differed, showing the superiority of Valo (9.36 MPa), Radii (6.96 MPa) as an intermediate, and the inferiority of Rainbow (4.17 MPa). The cervical root third (7.81 MPa) was superior, the apical third was inferior (5.80 MPa), and the middle third (6.88 MPa) was an intermediate without differing from the others. Conclusion: The customization of glass fiber posts increases the bond strength to the root dentin, regardless of the resin used. There was a compromise in the apical third and when using light-curing devices with lower light intensity.

Introdução: Dentes com extensa perda de estrutura podem comprometer a retenção das restaurações ao remanescente dental, onde pinos intraradiculares são indicados. Objetivo: Avaliou-se in vitro a união de pinos de fibra de vidro à dentina radicular em função de diferentes modos de reanatomização, fotopolimerizadores e regionalização radicular. Material e método: Noventa (n=10) raízes bovinas uniradiculares foram usadas num estudo fatorial 3 x 3 x 3 com parcelas subdivididas: Reanatomização do pino, variando a presença e tipo de resina (Sem reanatomização, Resina Convencional e Resina Bulkfill); Fotopolimerizador (Valo, Radii-cal, Rainbow); e Terço radicular (cervical, médio e apical). Resultado: O teste de Tukey (5%) evidenciou para o Fator Reanatomização superioridade dos grupos BulkFill (8.16MPa) e Z350 (7.40MPa) ao grupo Controle (4.92MPa), sem diferirem entre si. Todos os fotopolimerizadores diferiram entre si, com superioridade de Valo (9.36MPa), Radii (6.96MPa) intermediário, e inferioridade de Raiwbow (4.17MPa). O terço radicular cervical (7.81MPa) foi superior e o apical inferior (5.80MPa), com o terço médio (6.88MPa) intermediário e sem diferir dos demais. Conclusão: Conclui-se que a reanatomização de pinos de fibra de vidro aumenta a resistência de união à dentina radicular, independentemente da resina utilizada, havendo prejuízo no terço apical e quando são empregados fotopolimerizadores com menor intensidade luminosa.

In Vitro Techniques , Cattle , Post and Core Technique , Resin Cements , Dentin , Light-Curing of Dental Adhesives , Photoinitiators, Dental
São José dos Campos; s.n; 2022. 111 p. tab, ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1410402


O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a resistência à flexão de um pino experimental de fibra de vidro vazado, e a resistência adesiva entre este pino experimental à dentina radicular, associando a utilização de um dispositivo iluminador em fibra óptica, sob o processo de envelhecimento, além de determinar a distribuição de tensão pela Análise de Elementos Finitos (FEA). O pino experimental e o dispositivo iluminador de fibra óptica têm por finalidade aumentar a efetividade de fotoativação dos cimentos resinosos nos terços médios e apicais dos canais radiculares. Para o teste de flexão de 3 pontos, estritamente do pino de fibra de vidro, as amostras foram divididas em 4 grupos (n=10): pino convencional (pc), pino experimental sem preenchimento (pp), com preenchimento de cimento resinoso (ppc) e com preenchimento de fibra óptica (ppf). Para o teste de resistência adesiva Pull-out, 100 raízes de dentes bovinos foram restauradas com retentores intrarradiculares e coroas de resina composta, distribuídos em 10 grupos (n=10), tendo como variáveis: o tipo de pino de fibra de vidro [convencional (C) ou perfurado (P)], o sistema de fotoativação [com ou sem o iluminador de fibra óptica (O)], o tipo de cimento resinoso [fotoativado (F) ou polimerização dual (D)] e o envelhecimento das amostras [com e sem ciclagem mecânica (C)]. O processo de envelhecimento foi realizado através da ciclagem mecânica e as amostras foram submetidas ao teste de resistência adesiva Pull-out. A análise do modo de falha foi realizada em Estereomicroscópio. A Análise em Elementos Finitos avaliou a distribuição de tensão pela análise de von Mises, deformação total e tensão máxima principal no Software Ansys 19.3. A análise estatística foi constituída pelo teste de normalidade Shapiro-Wilk, análise de variância (ANOVA) 1, 2 e 3 fatores e teste Tukey 5%. As médias e desvios padrão de resistência à flexão foram (MPa): pc = 677 ± 81,1; ppc = 419 ± 23,2; ppf = 200 ± 32,5 e pp = 177 ± 32,8. As médias e desvios padrão de resistência adesiva foram (MPa): CD = 12,2 ± 1,21; PD = 11,1 ± 1,32; PF = 10,9 ± 1,29; POD = 13,7 ± 1,16; POF = 11,9 ± 1,48; CDC = 10,1 ± 1,33; PDC = 9,25 ± 1,11; PFC = 8,37 ± 1,25; PODC = 10,8 ± 0,95 e POFC = 9,82 ± 1,02. Os resultados do modo de falha foram: adesiva entre pino e cimento (56%), mista predominantemente adesiva entre cimento e dentina (22%), adesiva entre cimento e dentina (14%) e a mista predominantemente adesiva entre pino e cimento (8%). Concluiu-se que entre os pinos experimentais, o grupo do pino perfurado preenchido com cimento resinoso obteve o maior valor de resistência à flexão, a utilização do dispositivo iluminador aumentou os resultados de resistência adesiva nos grupos dos pinos perfurados e não houve diferença na distribuição de tensões entre os grupos. (AU)

The present study aimed to evaluate the flexural strength of an experimental hollow glass fiber post, and the bond strength between this experimental post and root dentin, associating the use of an optical fiber illuminating device, under the aging process, in addition to determine the stress distribution by Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The experimental post and optical fiber illuminating device are intended to increase the polymerization effectiveness of resin cements in the middle and apical regions of root canals. For the 3-point bending test, strictly of the fiber post, the samples were divided into 4 groups (n=10): conventional post (pc), experimental post without filling (pp), with resin cement filling (ppc) and with optical fiber filling (ppf). For the Pull-out test, 100 roots of bovine teeth were restored with intraradicular retainers and composite resin crowns, distributed into 10 groups (n=10), with the following variables: glass fiber post type [conventional (C) or hollow (P)], the photocuring system [with or without the optical fiber illuminating device (O)], the type of resin cement [light cured (F) or dual cured (D)] and aging of the samples [with and without mechanical cycling (C)]. The aging process was performed by mechanical cycling and the samples were submitted to the Pull-out bond strength test. Failure mode analysis was performed using a stereomicroscope. Finite Element Analysis evaluated the stress distribution by von Mises analysis, total strain and maximum principal stress in Ansys Software 19.3. Statistical analysis consisted of the Shapiro-Wilk normality test, 1-, 2- and 3-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test 5%. The means and standard deviations of flexural strength were (MPa): pc = 677 ± 81.1; ppc = 419 ± 23.2; ppf = 200 ± 32.5 and pp = 177 ± 32.8. The means and standard deviations of bond strength were (MPa): CD = 12.2 ± 1.21; PD = 11.1 ± 1.32; PF = 10.9 ± 1.29; POD = 13.7 ± 1.16; POF = 11.9 ± 1.48; CDC = 10.1 ± 1.33; PDC = 9.25 ± 1.11; PFC = 8.37 ± 1.25; PODC = 10.8 ± 0.95 and POFC = 9.82 ± 1.02. The failure mode results were: adhesive between post and cement (56%), mixed predominantly adhesive between cement and dentin (22%), adhesive between cement and dentin (14%) and mixed predominantly adhesive between post and cement (8 %). It was concluded that among the experimental posts, the hollow post group filled with resin cement obtained the highest flexural strength value, the use of the illuminating device increased the results of bond strength in the hollow post groups and there was no difference in the stress distribution among the groups (AU)

Materials Testing , Post and Core Technique , Resin Cements , Finite Element Analysis , Curing Lights, Dental
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1412077


La prostatectomía radical (PR) es uno de los pilares en el manejo del cáncer próstata. Esta cirugía constituye un reto para el urólogo, quien debe encontrar un balance entre el riesgo de extensión extraprostática y el grado de preservación del tejido neural. A pesar del avance en técnicas quirúrgicas, la incontinencia urinaria y disfunción eréctil (DE) post-prostatectomía continúan impactando considerablemente la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Por lo anterior, un abordaje transdisciplinario desde el momento del diagnóstico es esencial para mejorar los desenlaces funcionales y oncológicos.

Radical prostatectomy (RP) is one of the mainstays in the management of prostate cancer. This surgery constitutes a challenge for the urologist, who must find a balance between the risk of extraprostatic extension and the degree of preservation of neural tissue. Despite advances in surgical techniques, post-prostatectomy urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction (ED) continue to significantly impact the quality of life of patients. Therefore, a transdisciplinary approach from the time of diagnosis is essential to improve functional and oncologic outcomes.

Humans , Male , Prostatectomy , Erectile Dysfunction , Prostatic Neoplasms , Quality of Life , Urinary Incontinence , Post and Core Technique
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 37(86): 1-12, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1413026


El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar con microto-mografía los poros existentes entre el cemento de resina, poste de fibra y paredes del conducto en los distintos tercios radiculares en premolares inferio-res. Se utilizaron 15 premolares inferiores unirra-diculares humanos recientemente extraídos. Se les realizó el tratamiento endodóntico, y se obturó con conos de gutapercha y cemento endodóntico a base de resina. Una vez desobturados se procedió a la ce-mentación de los postes. Cada muestra se posicionó en un accesorio personalizado y se escaneó utilizan-do un Microtomógrafo. Con el software CTAn v.1.12 (Bruker-microCT) se analizaron las microtomografías para obtener el volumen de interés (VOI) que permi-tió calcular el área de superficie (mm2) y volumen de cada poro (mm3) entre la dentina y el poste a nivel co-ronal, medio y apical. Los datos fueron analizados me-diante las pruebas estadísticas de Friedman o ANOVA de medidas repetidas. El volumen de los poros entre los tres tercios radiculares mediante la prueba de Friedman, encontró una diferencia global significativa (F = 30,00; p < 0,05). El tercio en donde los poros presentaron un mayor volumen (mm3) fue el tercio coronal (mediana: 0,29250), seguido por los tercios medio (mediana: 0,03200), y apical (mediana: 0,00140). La comparación de la superficie de los poros entre los 3 tercios brindó un resultado análogo al de la comparación del volumen. La mayor superficie (mm2) correspondió al tercio coronal (media ± DE = 1,66377 ± 0,27175), seguido por los tercios medio (media ± DE = 1,16210 ± 0,20343) y apical (media ± DE = 0,41074 ± 0,12641). La microtomografía permitió realizar un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de los poros en toda la muestra, sin deterioro de la misma. Se puede concluir que el tercio coronal presenta más poros que el tercio apical con la técnica de cementación utilizada. En cuanto a la superficie y volumen de los poros, los resultados encontrados son similares a los reporta-dos por diversos autores (AU)

The aim of this study was to evaluate with microtomography the existing pores between the resin cement, fiber post and canal walls in the different in thirds of the canal, in single-root lower premolars. Fifteen recently extracted human single root lower premolars were used, endodontically treated, and filled with gutta-percha cones and resin-based endodontic cement. Once unfilled, the posts were cemented. Each sample was positioned on a custom fixture and scanned using a Microtomograph. Each sample was evaluated using CTAn v.1.12 software (Bruker-microCT) to obtain the surface area (mm2), volume of interest (mm3) of each pore between dentin and post at the coronal, middle and apical levels. Data were analyzed using Friedman's tests or repeated measures ANOVA. The volume of the pores between the three root thirds using the Friedman test, a significant global difference was found (F = 30.00; p < 0.05). The third in which the pores presented a greater volume (mm3) was the coronal third (means: 0.29250), followed by the middle (means: 0.03200) and apical (means: 0.00140) thirds. The comparison of the pore surface between the 3 thirds gave an analogous result to that of the volume comparison. The largest surface area (mm2) corresponded to the coronal third (mean ± SD 1.66377 ± 0.27175), followed by the middle (mean ± 1.16210 ± 0.20343) and apical (mean ± 0.41074 ± 0.12641) thirds.Microtomography allowed a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the pores in the entire sample without deterioration. It can be concluded that the coronal third has more pores than the apical third with the cementation technique used. Regarding the surface and volume of the pores, the results found are similar to those reported by various authors (AU)

Porosity , Post and Core Technique , Cementation/instrumentation , X-Ray Microtomography , Bicuspid , Analysis of Variance , Resin Cements , Imaging, Three-Dimensional/methods , Fibric Acids
RFO UPF ; 26(2): 323-333, 20210808. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1452537


Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi responder qual é a melhor técnica para remoção de pinos de fibra de vidro e pinos metálicos fundidos considerando tempo, preservação da estrutura dentária e custos. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo in vitro, randomizado e cego. Sessenta dentes tratados endodonticamente foram randomizados em dois grupos de acordo com o tipo de pino. Uma segunda randomização foi realizada para cada tipo de técnica de remoção (ultrassom, broca ou combinada; n=10). One-way ANOVA foi usado para comparar o tempo de remoção do pino, teste t pareado comparou a quantidade de estrutura dentária removida e Kruskal Wallis seguido pelo teste post hoc de Mann-Whitney foram usados para análise de custo (P = 0,05). Resultados: Não houve diferença no tempo de remoção do pino considerando o tipo ou técnica do pino (P=0,630). A perda média de estrutura dentária na região cervical foi superior a 30% quando apenas uma ponta diamantada foi usada para remover pino de fibra de vidro (P<0,00001) e pino metálico fundido (P=0,008). Conclusão: De acordo com os resultados deste estudo, podemos concluir que a seleção da técnica de remoção dependerá da habilidade do operador, e sempre ocorrerá alguma perda de estrutura dentária, embora seja esperada uma perda maior quando apenas pontas diamantadas são usadas para este fim.(AU)

Objective: The aim of this study was to answer which is the best technique to removing glass fiber post and cast metal post considering time, preservation of tooth structure, and costs. Methods: An in vitro, randomized, blinded study was conducted. Sixty endodontically treated teeth were randomized into two groups according to post type. A second randomization was performed for each type of removal technique (ultrasound, drill, or combined; n=10). One-way ANOVA was used to compare the time to post removal, paired t-test compared the amount of tooth structure removed and Kruskal Wallis followed by post hoc Mann-Whitney test were used for cost analysis (P=0.05). Results: There was no difference in post removal time considering post type or technique (P=0.630). The average loss of tooth structure in the cervical region was greater than 30% when only a diamond bur was used to remove fiber glass post (P<0.00001) and cast metal post (P=0.008). Conclusion: According to the results of this study, we can conclude that the selection of the removal technique will depend on the skill of the operator, and some loss of tooth structure will always occur, although greater loss is expected when only diamond burs are used for this purpose.(AU)

Humans , Post and Core Technique/economics , Device Removal/economics , Dental Pins/economics , Reference Values , Time Factors , Random Allocation , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric , Costs and Cost Analysis , Device Removal/methods
Rev. ADM ; 78(3): 135-141, mayo-jun. 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1254493


Se presentan los casos de fracturas verticales sintomáticos que ameritaron la extracción de las órganos dentales afectados en un periodo de cinco meses durante la pandemia por COVID-19 en la ciudad de Chihuahua, México. Material y métodos: Se recolectaron 26 muestras para el estudio, proporcionadas por los cirujanos dentistas integrantes del Grupo de Egresados de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua. Resultados: Los resultados muestran diferencias a lo reportado previamente respecto al tipo de diente involucrado, sexo de los pacientes, restauraciones coronales y tratamientos endodóncicos previos. Conclusiones: Se puede suponer que las modificaciones en el estilo de vida de la población, sumadas a la angustia permanente, pueden ser factores que contribuyen a las fracturas dentales (AU)

There are cases of symptomatic vertical fractures that warranted the extraction of affected teeth are presented, over a period of five months during the COVID-19 pandemic in Chihuahua City, Mexico. Material and methods: 26 samples were collected for the study, provided by the dentist who were members of the Graduate Group of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua. Results: The results show differences from what was previously reported regarding the type of tooth involved, sex of patients, coronal restorations and previous endodontic treatments. Conclusions: It can be assumed that changes in the lifestyle of the population, added to permanent distress, may be factors to preserve dental fractures (AU)

Tooth Fractures/epidemiology , Tooth Root/injuries , Coronavirus Infections , COVID-19 , Root Canal Therapy/statistics & numerical data , Schools, Dental , Bicuspid , Dental Fissures/epidemiology , Photomicrography , Post and Core Technique/statistics & numerical data , Tooth Crown/injuries , Dental Restoration, Permanent/statistics & numerical data , Age and Sex Distribution , Mexico/epidemiology , Molar
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(2): 427-433, jun. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385753


This study aimed to compare the effect of four irrigation solutions for post space cleaning on the bond strength between glass fiber post and root dentine. Forty bovine roots were root-filled and randomly divided into four groups (n=10), according to the irrigation solution: CG (Control Group): saline solution; SH (Sodium Hypochlorite Group); CLX (Chlorhexidine group) and EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid group). Specimens were submitted to mechanical aging and push-out test. Statistical analysis (ANOVA two-way and Tukey test; p<0.05) was performed. A stereomicroscope was used for failure mode classification. EDTA showed higher bond strength values, differing statistically from SH and CG (p<0.05). Adhesive failure between dentin and resinous cement was predominant, followed by mixed failures. SEM images showed pronounced smear layer removal in the EDTA group. 17 % EDTA was better than other solutions for cleaning of post space when using glass fiber posts.

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comparar el efecto de cuatro soluciones de irrigación para la limpieza del espacio del poste sobre la fuerza de unión entre el poste de fibra de vidrio y la dentina radicular. Se rellenaron cuarenta raíces bovinas y se dividieron aleatoriamente en cuatro grupos (n = 10), según la solu- ción de riego: CG (Grupo Control): solución salina; SH (Gru- po de hipoclorito de sodio); CLX (grupo clorhexidina) y EDTA (grupo ácido etilendiaminotetraacético). Las muestras se sometieron a una prueba de envejecimiento mecánico y de expulsión. Se realizó análisis estadístico (ANOVA bidireccional y prueba de Tukey; p <0,05). Se utilizó un microscopio estereoscópico para la clasificación del modo de falla. EDTA mostró valores de fuerza de unión más altos, difiriendo estadísticamente de SH y CG (p <0,05). Pre-dominó la falla adhesiva entre dentina y cemento resinoso, seguida de fallas mixtas. Las imágenes SEM mostraron una eliminación pronunciada de la capa de frotis en el grupo de EDTA. El EDTA al 17 % fue mejor que otras soluciones para la limpieza del espacio de los postes cuando se utilizan postes de fibra de vidrio.

Animals , Post and Core Technique , Dental Bonding , Dental Pulp Cavity , Solutions , Materials Testing , Adhesives , Resin Cements/chemistry , Dentin , Glass/chemistry , Therapeutic Irrigation/methods , Microscopy
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878419


Many patients with large-area tooth defect need cast post-core crown restoration. However, the color defect of the cast post-core will affect the final restorative result, especially that of the anterior teeth. A new technology of color masking by applying CERAMAGE polymeric porcelain to the cast metal post-core surface improves the color of a full-ceramic restoration of anterior teeth and may provide a new alternative for the aesthetic repair of anterior teeth with a large area of defective tooth.

Humans , Ceramics , Crowns , Dental Porcelain , Esthetics, Dental , Post and Core Technique
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 36(82): 35-42, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1291352


En los últimos años resulta de elección la utilización de postes de fib ra en la rehabilitación de piezas endodónticamente tratadas. La adhesión entre poste, agente cementante y dentina radicular permitiría lograr una retención de la estructura dentro de las paredes del conducto. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la resistencia adhesiva en los tercios cervical, medio y apical, entre la dentina del conducto radicular y el cemento adhesivo utilizado en la cementación de postes de fibra. Se utilizaron 30 premolares inferiores uniradiculares humanos, recientemente extraídos, se realizaron los tratamientos endodónticos, se desobturaron y realizaron las preparaciones con la fresa conformadora número 3 para la cementación de postes White Post DC especial número 3 con cemento Paracore utilizando el protocolo adhesivo del mismo sistema. Las muestras fueron incluidas en acrílico cristal, cortadas en forma perpendicular al eje mayor de la pieza con una máquina de corte y por último se procedió a medir los valores de adhesión de los postes a la superficie interna de los conductos en los tres tercios con la prueba push-out mediante una máquina de ensayo universal. Los resultados arrojaron que las resistencias (media +- DE, MPa) en los tercios cervical, medio y apical, fueron 8,74 +- 3,12, 9,38 +- 2,29 y 11,11 +- 2,95, respectivamente. En el tercio apical se registró mayor resistencia. Considerando las limitaciones de esta investigación, se puede concluir que la cementación de postes de fibra con cementos resinosos, presenta mayores valores en el tercio apical y menores en el tercio cervical del conducto radicular con técnica de Push-out (AU)

Tensile Strength , Post and Core Technique , Flexural Strength , Bicuspid , Cementation/methods , Dentin-Bonding Agents , Tooth Cervix , Dental Pulp Cavity , Fibric Acids
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 35: e012, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1132751


Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the application of different concentrations of EDTA on the adhesion of fiber posts to root dentin using self-adhesive resin cements. After endodontic treatment, 78 single roots were randomly divided into six groups (n = 13) according to the combination of the following factors: surface dentin treatment - control (distilled water), 17% EDTA and 24% EDTA; and self-adhesive resin cement - RelyX U200 (RX); and Multilink Speed (ML). After fiber post cementation, six slices were obtained for each root. Ten roots of each group were used for bond strength (BS) and three for microhardness (MH) evaluations. Data obtained from BS and MH tests for each resin cement were subjected to two-way ANOVA (surface treatment vs. root region) and to a post-hoc Tukey's test (α = 0.05). The lowest BS value was observed in the 24% EDTA group for RX cement, whereas the highest values for ML cement were observed for the control group in the middle and apical regions. In the MH test, the lowest value for RX was observed for 24% EDTA in the cervical region, whereas and the highest value for the ML cement was observed in the control group. Regarding both self-adhesive resin cements tested, the application of 24% EDTA was not able to improve the adhesion of fiber posts to root canal.

Resin Cements , Materials Testing , Post and Core Technique , Edetic Acid/pharmacology , Dental Pulp Cavity , Dentin , Glass
Rev. Salusvita (Online) ; 40(3): 83-102, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524730


Introdução: A dentística a cada dia demonstra grandes avanços nas técnicas e materiais, sendo eles aplicados de forma a preservar a estrutura dentária. Neste sentido, os pinos de fibra de vidro (PFVs) se destacam como uma alternativa de pinos intrarradiculares para a reabilitação de dentes endodonticamente tratados com perdas estruturais superiores a 50%. Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre os pinos de fibra de vidro enfatizando seus aspectos gerais, propriedades e considerações biomecânicas. Materiais e métodos: Realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica de estudos publicados nos últimos 21 anos (2000-2021), por meio de busca nas bases de dados: PubMED/MEDLINE, SciELO (Scientific Eletronic Library) e Google Acadêmico. Para a pesquisa, foram utilizados os seguintes descritores: Dente não Vital (Tooth, Nonvital), Pinos Dentários (Dental Pins) e Técnica para Retentor Intrarradicular (Post and Core Technique). Após criteriosa filtragem, foram selecionados 30 trabalhos para inclusão no estudo, além de 10 livros considerados relevan-tes para esta revisão. Resultado:Os PFVs demonstram excelentes propriedades estéticas, facilidade de execução da técnica e baixo custo, biocompatibilidade com tecidos dentais e perirradiculares, além de características biomecânicas vantajosas, o que resulta na trans-missão de menos tensão para a estrutura dentária, diminuindo a probabilidade de fratu-ras. Conclusão: As inúmeras vantagens e o excelente comportamento biomecânico desses pinos explicam seu destaque frente aos demais retentores intrarradiculares, sendo esses, quando bem indicados, a primeira opção para a reabilitação de dentes tratados endodonti-camente com extensas perdas coronárias.

Introduction: Every day, dentistry demonstrates great advances in techniques and materials applied to preserve the tooth structure. In this sense, fiberglass posts (FGPs) attract attention as an alternative to intraradicular posts for the rehabilitation of endodontically treated teeth with structural losses greater than 50%. Objective: Review the literature on aesthetic fiberglass posts, emphasizing their general aspects, properties, and biomechanical considerations. Material and Methods: A literature review of studies published in the last 21 years (2000-2021) through a search on the databases: PubMED / Medline, Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library), and Google Academic. The following descriptors were used: Tooth, Nonvital, Dental Pins, and Post and Core Technique. After careful filtering, 30 articles were selected for inclusion in the study, in addition to 10 books considered relevant to this review. Results: The FGPs demonstrate excellent aesthetic properties, eas-iness of execution and low cost, biocompatibility with dental and periradicular tissues, in addition to advantageous biomechanical characteristics, which result in the transmission of less stress to the tooth structure, reducing the probability of fractures. Conclusion: The numerous advantages and excellent biomechanical behavior of these pins explain their prominence concerning other intraradicular retainers, which, when properly indicated, are the first option for the rehabilitation of endodontically treated teeth with extensive coronary loss. Keywords: Tooth, Nonvital. Dental Pins. Post and Core Technique.

Post and Core Technique , Tooth, Nonvital , Dental Pins
Rev. Salusvita (Online) ; 40(4): 116-142, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525470


Introdução: Os pinos de fibra de vidro (PFVs) apresentam-se como uma alternativa prática e econômica capaz de reabilitar dentes endodonticamente tratados com perdas estruturais superiores a 50%. Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre o protocolo clínico acerca da utilização dos PFVs, bem como explanar as diferentes técnicas que po-dem ser utilizadas para implementá-los. Materiais e métodos: Realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica de estudos publicados entre 2000 e 2021 por meio da busca nas bases de dados: PubMED/Medline, Scielo (Scientific Eletronic Library) e Google Acadêmico. Para a pesquisa, foram utilizados os seguintes descritores: Dente não Vital (Non-vital Tooth), Pinos Dentários (Dental Pins) e Técnica para Retentor Intrarradicular (Post and Core Technique). Após criteriosa filtragem, foram selecionados 24 trabalhos para inclusão no estudo, além de 10 livros considerados relevantes para esta revisão. Resultados: Durante o diagnóstico e planejamento, é necessário avaliar determinados fatores para que se obtenha sucesso clínico, como: quantidade de estrutura dentária remanescente, posição dentária e forças oclusais recebidas e necessidades restauradoras e estéticas exigidas pelo caso e pelo paciente. Diante das particularidades de cada caso, o clínico deve selecionar entre as técnicas a mais ideal: Técnica do PFV direto/ técnica convencional; Técnica do pino de fibra de vidro anatômico; ouTécnica direta com PFV associado a pinos acessórios. Conclusão: A técnica do PFV apresenta passos clínicos simplificados e sua correta realização garante sucesso no tratamento. Diante de situações em que o PFV não apresenta correta adaptação, o clínico deve abrir mão da utilização da técnica convencional e utilizar as técnicas de personalização do PFV.

Introduction: Fiberglass posts (FPs) are presented as a practical and economical alternative capable of rehabilitating endodontically treated teeth with 50% structural losses greater than 50%. Objective: To review the literature on the clinical protocol for the use of FPs, as well as explain the different techniques that can be used. Materials and methods: A literature review of studies published between 2000 and 2021 was carried out through a search on the Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library) and Google Scholar databases. The following descriptors were used for the research: Non-Vital Tooth, Dental Pins, and Technique for Intraradicular Retainer (Post and Core Technique). After careful screening, we selected 24 papers and 10 books, considered relevant for this review. Results: During planning, it is necessary to determine specific factors for clinical success, such as the amount of remaining tooth structure, the tooth position and the occlusal forces received, and restorative and esthetic needs required by the case and the patient. Given each case's particularities, the clinician must select among the most ideal techniques: the direct FP technique/convention-al technique; the Anatomical fiberglass post technique, and the direct technique with FP associated with accessory posts. Conclusion: The FP technique has simplified clinical steps and its correct performance is successful in the treatment. Faced with situations in which the FP does not present adequate adaptation, the clinician must not use the conventional technique, using techniques for personalizing the FP.

Tooth, Nonvital/therapy , Post and Core Technique , Dental Pins
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 36(83): 7-12, 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1342061


La American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (2020) define a la caries temprana de la infancia (CTI) como una forma severa de caries de etiología multifactorial que compromete la dentición primaria de niños pre-escolares. Afecta principalmente a los incisivos primarios superiores seguidos de los primeros molares primarios, pudiendo promover el desarrollo de hábitos parafuncionales, reducción de la eficacia masticatoria, pérdida de la dimensión vertical, alteraciones en la fonación y defectos estéticos que causan repercusiones emocionales e impacto psicosocial. La insuficiente cantidad y calidad de estructura coronaria remanente, luego de la eliminación del tejido cariado, puede comprometer la adhesión de los materiales de restauración. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar la atención y el seguimiento a dos años de un paciente preescolar que presenta CTI, que concurrió para su atención a la Cátedra de Odontología Integral Niños de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (AU)

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Comprehensive Dental Care , Crowns , Dental Caries/rehabilitation , Esthetics, Dental , Argentina , Schools, Dental , Tooth, Deciduous , Post and Core Technique , Dental Care for Children/methods