La preeclampsia representa una de las principales causas de muerte en el embarazo, a nivel mundial la OMS indica que un 20% de muertes maternas son provocados por problemas hipertensivos. Los inconvenientes que representan mayor índice de riesgo es la hipertensión y proteinuria, que a frecuencia se generan desde la semana 20 de gestación, hasta seis semanas después del parto, valores que generan un aumento rápido de complicaciones graves en la preeclampsia incluida la muerte de la madre y el feto, sin embargo, si la edad gestacional del feto supera a las 36 semanas, el mejor tratamiento es la inducción del parto, debido a que reduce el riesgo de sufrir complicaciones no obstante si es menor a las 33 semanas, se iniciar un manejo expectante que incluye estudios de imagenológica, laboratorio y de bienestar para el feto. De este modo es de significativa importancia el estudio que aporta el mejor control prenatal, diagnóstico y manejo adecuado de dicha enfermedad, medidas más eficaces para disminuir la tasa de morbi-mortalidad de esta patología.
Preeclampsia represents one of the main causes of death in pregnancy, worldwide the WHO indicates that 20% of maternal deaths are caused by hypertensive problems. The problems that represent the highest risk index are hypertension and proteinuria, which are often generated from the 20th week of gestation, up to six weeks after delivery, values that generate a rapid increase of serious complications in preeclampsia including the death of the mother and fetus, However, if the gestational age of the fetus exceeds 36 weeks, the best treatment is the induction of labor, because it reduces the risk of complications, however if it is less than 33 weeks, expectant management including imaging, laboratory and welfare studies for the fetus should be initiated. Thus, it is of significant importance the study that provides the best prenatal control, diagnosis and adequate management of this disease, which are the most effective measures to reduce the mortality rate due to this cause.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Pre-Eclampsia/prevention & control , Pre-Eclampsia/etiology , Proteinuria , Calcium/administration & dosage , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Risk Factors , Perinatal Care , Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced/diagnosis , Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced/prevention & control , Magnesium Sulfate/therapeutic use , Antihypertensive Agents/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Introducción: La hipertensión postparto de inicio tardío se presenta desde las 48 horas hasta las 6 semanas postparto, afectando al 2% de los embarazos relacionados o no con antecedentes de hipertensión gestacional. La preeclampsia posparto tiene una incidencia del 5,7% a las 72 horas del parto y está asociada a varios factores maternos como la edad (≥ 35 años), etnia (negra) y obesidad (IMC ≥ 30), presentando mayor riesgo en embarazos múltiples, madres añosas (mayores de 35 años) hogares con bajos ingresos económicos. Los síntomas más frecuentes de esta patología son cefalea, disnea, trastornos visuales y edema periférico.Objetivo: Describir la experiencia en un centro de salud de atención primaria, el manejo de una paciente diagnosticada de preeclampsia posparto de inicio tardío, así como las caracte-rísticas clínicas y factores de riesgo.Presentación del caso: Se presenta el caso de una paciente indígena de 32 años con antece-dente de parto gemelar quien en su control del puerperio a las 72 horas presentó hipertensión arterial, cefalea frontal, edema periférico y proteinuria estableciéndose el diagnóstico de pree-clampsia posparto de inicio tardío. No fue posible la referencia a un segundo nivel de atención por las características culturales de la paciente por lo cual recibió manejo clínico y tratamiento en el primer nivel de atención presentando una evolución favorable sin complicaciones. Conclusiones y recomendaciones: La hipertensión posparto de inicio tardío es una patolo-gía poco frecuente en el puerperio, infradiagnosticada, con complicaciones cardiovasculares a corto y largo plazo, por lo cual su diagnóstico, diferenciación y manejo debe ser óptimo en base a las recomendaciones existentes.
Introduction: Late-onset postpartum hypertension occurs from 48 hours to 6 weeks pos-tpartum, affecting 2% of pregnancies related or not to a history of gestational hypertension. Postpartum preeclampsia has an incidence of 5.7% at 72 hours postpartum and is associa-ted with several maternal factors such as age (≥ 35 years), ethnicity (black) and obesity (BMI ≥ 30), presenting higher risk in multiple pregnancies, elderly mothers (older than 35 years) low-income households. The most frequent symptoms of this pathology are headache, dysp-nea, visual disturbances and peripheral edema.Objective: To describe the experience in a primary care health center, the management of a patient diagnosed with late-onset postpartum preeclampsia, as well as the clinical characte-ristics and risk factors.Case presentation: We present the case of a 32-year-old indigenous patient with a history of twin birth who in her puerperium control at 72 hours presented arterial hypertension, frontal headache, peripheral edema and proteinuria establishing the diagnosis of late-onset pos-tpartum preeclampsia, after which treatment was initiated at the first level of care, making referral difficult due to cultural characteristics. Conclusions and recomendations: Late-onset postpartum hypertension is an infrequent pathology in the puerperium, underdiagnosed, with short and long-term cardiovascular com-plications, so its diagnosis, differentiation and management should be optimal based on existing recommendations
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pre-Eclampsia , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Primary Health Care , Risk Factors , Late Onset DisordersABSTRACT
We report the case of a 34-year-old female patient, without relevant medical records, with a single pregnancy of 36 + 5 weeks, who suddenly presented diplopia and pain in the right eye of 4 days' evolution. During the evaluation in the Emergency Department, hypertension 144/93 mmHg was evidenced. No other neurological symptoms were found. The neurologist confirms a right abducens nerve palsy, with the rest of the neurological examination being normal. She was admitted to the Critical Patient Unit for imaging studies and hemodynamic monitoring. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the brain was normal. Laboratory tests showed proteinuria in preeclampsia range, so it was decided to interrupt the pregnancy at 37 weeks by cesarean delivery due to lack of obstetrical conditions. During surgery, spinal anesthesia was provided with standard technique, a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sample was taken for cytochemical and microbiological studies, which were subsequently reported as normal. No significant hemodynamic alterations were presented during surgery, concluding without incidents. After 48 hours of delivery the NC VI palsy resolves completely. Similar cases have been reported by other authors, highlighting isolated cranial nerve palsy as a unique presentation, without other neurological involvement, a very rare presentation of preeclampsia. The most likely etiology is the compromise of the vessels of the affected nerve, and it is essential to study with a MRI and rule out autoimmune, endocrinologic, neurologic and any infectious disease of the CNS. The approach must be multidisciplinar to decide the risk/benefit of continuing pregnancy. Resolution is spontaneous and during puerperium. It is recommended to manage in the Critical Patient Unit with both neurological and ophthalmologic follow-up during the pre and post delivery period.
Presentamos el caso de una paciente femenina de 34 años, sin antecedentes médicos relevantes, cursando embarazo único de 36 + 5 semanas de gestación, quien comienza de forma aguda con diplopía y dolor en ojo derecho de 4 días de evolución. Durante la evaluación en el Servicio de Urgencias se objetiva hipertensión 144/93 mmHg. No se refieren otros síntomas neurológicos. Neurólogo constata una parálisis del nervio abducens (NC VI) derecho, con resto de examen neurológico normal. Se decide su ingreso a la unidad de paciente critico para estudio imagenológico y vigilancia hemodinámica. RNM de encéfalo normal. Al laboratorio destaca proteinuria en rango de preclampsia por lo que se decide interrumpir el embarazo a las 37 semanas mediante cesarea a falta de condiciones obstetricas. Durante la resolución se realiza anestesia espinal con técnica habitual, y se toma muestra de LCR para estudio citoquímico y microbiológico, posteriormente, informado como normal. No se presentaron alteraciones hemodinamicas significativas durante el intraoperatorio, concluyendo sin incidentes. Luego de 48 h del parto la parálisis del NC VI se resuelve completamente. Casos similares han sido reportados por otros autores, destacando la parálisis aislada de un nervio creneal como presentacion única, sin otra afectación neurológica, una muy rara presentación de preeclampsia. Su etiologia más probable es el compromiso de la vasculatura del nervio afectado y es fundamental realizar un estudio con neuroimágen (RNM) y descartar enfermedad propia del SNC infecciosa, sistemica autoinmune u otro tipo de enfermedad endocrinológica. El enfrentamiento es miltidisciplinario para decidir el riesgo/beneficio de continuar con el embarazo. La resolución es espontánea y durante el puerperio, se recomienda su manejo en Unidad de Paciente Crítico junto a seguimiento neurológico y evaluación oftalmológica durante el pre y posoperatorio.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Abducens Nerve Diseases/etiology , Abducens Nerve Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Proteinuria , Brain/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Cesarean Section , Diplopia , NeuroimagingABSTRACT
Objective: To explore the associations between blood pressure trajectories during pregnancy and risk of future pre-eclampsia in a large cohort enrolling pregnant women at gestational age of ~12 weeks from community hospitals in Tianjin. Latent class growth modeling (LCGM) was used to model the blood pressure trajectories. Methods: This was a large prospective cohort study. The study enrolled pregnant women of ~12 weeks of gestation in 19 community hospitals in Tianjin from November 1, 2016 to May 30, 2018. We obtained related information during 5 antepartum examinations before gestational week 28, i.e., week 12, week 16, week 20, week 24 and week 28. LCGM was used to model longitudinal systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) trajectories. For the association study, the predictors were set as SBP and DBP trajectory membership (built separately), the outcome was defined as the occurrence of preeclampsia after 28 weeks of gestation. Results: A total of 5 809 cases with known pregnant outcomes were documented. After excluding 249 cases per exclusion criteria, 5 560 cases with singleton pregnancy were included for final analysis. There were 128 cases preeclampsia and 106 cases gestational hypertension in this cohort. Univariate logistic regression and multivariate logistic regression showed the higher baseline SBP level and DBP level were related with increased risk of preeclampsia. Four distinctive SBP trajectories and DBP trajectories from 12 weeks to 28 weeks of gestation were identified by LCGM. After controlling for potential confounders (baseline BMI, being primipara or not, white blood cell counts, hemoglobin level, platelet counts and alanine aminotransferase level), the OR for SBP latent classification trajectory_ 4 was 4.023 (95%CI: 2.368 to 6.835, P<0.001), and the OR for SBP latent classification trajectory_3 was 1.854 (95%CI: 1.223 to 2.811, P=0.004). Logistic regression showed that: using the DBP latent classification trajectory_1 as the reference group, the OR for DBP latent classification trajectory_4 was 4.100 (95%CI: 2.571 to 6.538, P<0.001), and 2.632 (95%CI: 1.570 to 4.414, P<0.001) for DBP latent classification trajectory_2. After controlling for potential confounders (baseline BMI, being primipara or not, white blood cell counts, hemoglobin level, platelet counts and alanine aminotransferase level), the OR for DBP_traj_4 was 2.527 (95%CI: 1.534 to 4.162, P<0.001), and the OR for DBP_traj_3 was 1.297 (95%CI: 0.790 to 2.128, P=0.303), and 2.238 (95%CI: 1.328 to 3.772, P=0.002) for DBP_traj_2. Therefore, BP trajectories from 12 weeks to 28 weeks identified by LCGM served as novel risk factors that independently associated with the occurrence of preeclampsia. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis showed incremental diagnostic performance by combing baseline blood pressure levels with blood pressure trajectories. Conclusion: By applying LCGM, we for the first time identified distinctive BP trajectories from gestational week 12 to 28, which can independently predict the development of preeclampsia after 28 weeks of gestation.
Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Infant , Blood Pressure , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Prospective Studies , Gestational Age , Alanine Transaminase , HemoglobinsABSTRACT
Objective: To explore the association between coagulation function indicators and placental abruption (PA) in different trimesters of pregnancy among preeclampsia-eclampsia pregnant women. Methods: From February 2018 to December 2020, pregnant women who participated in the China birth cohort study and were diagnosed with preeclampsia, eclampsia and chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia in Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital were enrolled in this study. The baseline and follow-up information were collected by questionnaire survey, and the coagulation function indicators in the first and third trimesters were obtained through medical records. The Cox proportional hazards model was used to analyze the association between the coagulation function indicators and PA. A restrictive cubic spline curve was used to draw the dose-response curve between the relevant coagulation function indicators and PA. Results: A total of 1 340 participants were included in this study. The age was (32.50±4.24) and the incidence of PA was 4.4% (59/1 340). After adjusting for relevant factors, Cox proportional hazards model showed that compared with the high-level classification of fibrinogen (FIB), participants within the middle-(HR=3.28, 95%CI: 1.27-8.48) and low-level (HR=3.84, 95%CI: 1.40-10.53) classification during the first trimester and within the low-level classification (HR=4.18, 95%CI: 1.68-10.39) during the third trimester were more likely to experience PA. Compared with the middle-level classification of pro-thrombin time (PT), the risk of PA in the participants within the low-level classification (HR=2.67, 95%CI: 1.48-4.82) was significantly higher in the third trimester. The restrictive cubic spline analysis showed a linear negative association between FIB and PA in the first and third trimesters, while PT and PA showed an approximately L-shaped association . Conclusion: Among pregnant women diagnosed with preeclampsia-eclampsia, the middle-and low-level classification of FIB in the first and third trimesters and the low-level classification of PT in the third trimester could increase the risk of PA.
Pregnancy , Female , Humans , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Abruptio Placentae/epidemiology , Pregnant Women , Eclampsia , Cohort Studies , PlacentaABSTRACT
Considera-se gestação de alto risco quando a mulher apresenta comorbidade materna e/ou condição sociobiológica que levam as chances de ocorrer alguma intercorrência na evolução natural da gravidez, como hipertensão arterial, diabetes, anemia, alcoolismo e obesidade. É de grande importância o acompanhamento pré-natal com uma equipe de assistência capaz de identificar os problemas antes mesmo que possam ser agravados. O objetivo deste estudo foi rastrear o perfil clínico e nutricional de mulheres com gestação de alto risco na Estratégia de Saúde da Família de Santa Quitéria- CE. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa realizado com 33 gestantes. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado o cartão da gestante e prontuário, o estado nutricional foi avaliado através do peso pré- gestacional contido no cartão e peso atual através da balança. Para análise estatística, foram usados frequências, percentuais, médias e desvio padrão, verificadas por meio dos testes de Kolmogorov-Smirnov e Levene. Para a comparação de médias entre duas categorias, utilizou-se o teste t de Student para amostras independentes. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria tinha o ensino médio como nível de escolaridade, renda igual ou menor que um salário mínimo, multíparas com um ou mais abortos. Em relação às características do estado clínico patológico, as condições mais prevalentes nas gestantes do presente estudo foram hipertensão arterial sistêmica, pré-eclâmpsia, seguidos de DMG e eritoblastose. Excesso de peso antes e durante a gravidez com ganho ponderal de peso adequado. O que demonstra a necessidade de estratégias para a saúde da mulher. É apropriado acionar sinal de alerta no acompanhamento da saúde da mulher também antes da gestação e não somente no pré-natal para que transcorra bem durante e após o parto. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Estado nutricional; Gestação de alto risco; Assistência Pré-Natal.
High-risk pregnancy is considered when the woman presents maternal comorbidity and/or sociobiological condition that increase the chances of some complication occurring in the natural evolution of pregnancy, such as arterial hypertension, diabetes, anemia, alcoholism, and obesity; It is of great importance the prenatal follow-up with an assistance team capable of identifying the problems even before they can be aggravated; The objective of this study was to track the clinical and nutritional profile of women with high-risk pregnancy in the Family Health Strategy of Santa Quitéria-CE; This is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach carried out with 33 pregnant women; For data collection the pregnant woman's card and medical records were used, the nutritional status was evaluated through the pre-gestational weight contained in the card and current weight through the scale; For statistical analysis, frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviation were used, verified by means of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Levene tests;For comparison of means between two categories, Student's t test for independent samples was used; The results showed that most had high school education, income equal to or less than one minimum wage, multiparous women with one or more abortions; Regarding the characteristics of the pathological medical condition, the most prevalent conditions in the pregnant women of the present study were hypertension, pre- eclampsia, followed by GDM and erythoblastosis; Overweight before and during pregnancy with adequate weight gain; This demonstrates the need for women's health strategies; It is appropriate to trigger warning signals in the monitoring of women's health also before pregnancy and not only in the prenatal period so that it goes well during and after delivery;
Se considera embarazo de alto riesgo cuando la mujer presenta comorbilidad materna y/o condición socio-biológica que conlleva las posibilidades de aparición de alguna complicación en la evolución natural del embarazo, como son la hipertensión, la diabetes, la anemia, el alcoholismo y la obesidad. Es de gran importancia el seguimiento prenatal con un equipo de asistencia capaz de identificar los problemas incluso antes de que puedan agravarse. El objetivo de este estudio fue rastrear el perfil clínico y nutricional de las mujeres con embarazo de alto riesgo en la Estrategia de Salud Familiar de Santa Quitéria-CE. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo con un enfoque cuantitativo realizado con 33 mujeres embarazadas. Para la recopilación de datos se utilizó el cartón de la gestante y el prontuario, el estado nutricional se evaluó a través del peso pregestacional contenido en el cartón y el peso actual a través de la balanza. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizaron frecuencias, porcentajes, medias y desviación estándar, verificados mediante las pruebas de Kolmogorov-Smirnov y Levene. Para la comparación de medias entre dos categorías, se utilizó la prueba t de Student para muestras independientes. Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría tenía estudios secundarios, ingresos iguales o inferiores a un salario mínimo, mujeres multíparas con uno o más abortos. En cuanto a las características del estado clínico patológico, las condiciones más prevalentes en las embarazadas del presente estudio fueron la hipertensión arterial sistémica, la preeclampsia, seguidas de la DMG y la eritoblastosis. Exceso de peso antes y durante el embarazo con un aumento de peso adecuado. Lo que demuestra la necesidad de estrategias de salud para las mujeres. Es conveniente activar la señal de alarma en el seguimiento de la salud de las mujeres también antes del embarazo y no sólo en la atención prenatal para que funcione bien durante y después del parto.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , National Health Strategies , Health Profile , Nutritional Status/physiology , Pregnancy, High-Risk , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Prenatal Care/statistics & numerical data , Women , Body Mass Index , Medical Records/statistics & numerical data , Women's Health , Pregnant Women , Diabetes Mellitus/diagnosis , Hypertension/complications , Obesity/complicationsABSTRACT
La preeclampsia se puede asociar a una patología poco frecuente como es el hígado graso agudo del embarazo. Se reporta el caso clínico de una paciente de 35 años, tercigesta, cursando embarazo gemelar que presenta preeclampsia con elementos de gravedad, asociada a hígado graso agudo del embarazo. Se realiza diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz de ambas patologías, presentando buena evolución materno-fetal.
Preeclampsia can be associated with acute fatty liver of pregnancy, a rare disease. This report describes the case of a 35-year-old patient, gravida 3, pregnant with twins, who presented with severe pre-eclampsia associated with acute fatty liver of pregnancy. Early diagnosis and treatment of both pathologies was performed, resulting in good maternal-fetal evolution.
A pré-eclâmpsia pode estar associada a uma patologia rara, como o fígado gorduroso agudo da gravidez. Neste relato, apresentamos uma paciente de 35 anos, terciária, em gestação gemelar, apresentando pré-eclâmpsia grave, associada a esteatose hepática aguda na gestação. É realizado diagnóstico e tratamento precoces de ambas as patologias, apresentando boa evolução materno-fetal.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Fatty Liver/diagnosis , Pre-Eclampsia/therapy , Pregnancy Complications/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications/therapy , Cesarean Section , Acute Disease , Hepatic Insufficiency/diagnosis , Hepatic Insufficiency/therapy , Renal Insufficiency/diagnosis , Renal Insufficiency/therapy , Fatty Liver/therapy , Pregnancy, TwinABSTRACT
Resumen Se presenta el caso de una gestante con cardiopatía congénita no estudiada que acudió al servicio de urgencias en la semana 25 + 4 por palpitaciones, con evidencia de hipertensión arterial desde el ingreso. Los estudios diagnósticos revelaron anomalía de Ebstein, con gran compromiso de cavidades derechas y asociado a comunicación interauricular. También se documentó preeclampsia lejos del término, con restricción grave del crecimiento intrauterino. Durante la estancia hospitalaria, y ante negativa de la paciente a finalizar la gestación, desarrolló síntomas de congestión pulmonar por sobrecarga. Una vez falleció el feto in utero y después de inducir el parto, remitieron los síntomas cardiovasculares y se controló la hipertensión.
Abstract We present the case of a pregnant woman with previously undiagnosed congenital heart disease, who presented to the emergency department at week 25 + 4 due to palpitations, with evidence of arterial hypertension from admission. Diagnostic studies revealed Ebsteins anomaly, with great involvement of the right cavities and associated with atrial septal defect. Preeclampsia was also documented far from term, associated with severe intrauterine growth restriction. During the hospital stay and due to the refusal of the patient to end the pregnancy, she developed symptoms of pulmonary congestion due to overload, once the fetus died in utero and after inducing labor, the cardiovascular symptoms remitted and hypertension was controlled.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Ebstein Anomaly/complications , Ebstein Anomaly/diagnosis , Fetal Death , Fetal Growth RetardationABSTRACT
ANTECEDENTES: El lupus eritematoso sistémico es una enfermedad autoinmunitaria multisistémica que afecta principalmente a mujeres en edad fértil. La nefritis lúpica es la manifestación clínica más frecuente durante la gestación y constituye un factor de riesgo para la pérdida del embarazo, en especial en pacientes con insuficiencia renal. Además, presenta mayor riesgo de pérdida fetal, restricción del crecimiento intrauterino e hipertensión. CASOS CLÍNICOS: El primer caso se trata de una gestante de 28 + 2 semanas con daño renal grave y anticuerpos anti-DNA en título elevado. En el segundo caso destaca el debut con sintomatología de dificultad respiratoria y edemas como manifestaciones clínicas de nefropatía lúpica tipo V a las 23 semanas de gestación. En ambas pacientes destaca la prematuridad como complicación perinatal, así como el crecimiento intrauterino retardado en el primer caso. Por último, se describen los resultados clínico-analíticos tras el inicio terapéutico específico en ambos casos. CONCLUSIONES: El diagnóstico diferencial del debut de nefritis lúpica durante la gestación continúa siendo un desafío, a pesar de los avances en cuanto a marcadores angiogénicos. La valoración clínica continúa siendo la piedra angular de este proceso diagnóstico y de sus implicaciones en cuanto a complicaciones del embarazo actuales y futuras.
BACKGROUND: Systemic lupus erythematosus is a multisystem autoimmune disease that mainly affects women of childbearing age. Lupus nephritis represents the most frequent clinical manifestation in pregnancy, constituting a risk factor for pregnancy loss, especially in patients with kidney damage. It also has a higher risk of fetal loss, intrauterine growth restriction, and gestational hypertension. CLINICAL CASES: The first case is a 28 + 2-week pregnant woman with severe kidney damage and high-titles anti-DNA antibodies. In the second case, we highlight the debut with symptoms of respiratory distress and edema as clinical manifestations of type V lupus nephropathy in a 23-week gestation. In both cases, prematurity stands out as a perinatal complication, as well as delayed intrauterine growth in the former. Finally, the clinical-analytical results are described, after the specific therapeutic initiation in both cases. CONCLUSIONS: The differential diagnosis of the onset of lupus nephritis during pregnancy continues to be a challenge, despite the advances in angiogenic markers; clinical assessment continues to be the cornerstone of this diagnostic process and its implications for current and future pregnancy complications.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pregnancy Complications/diagnosis , Lupus Nephritis/diagnosis , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/complications , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications/drug therapy , Lupus Nephritis/drug therapy , Diagnosis, DifferentialABSTRACT
Resumen Objetivo: Determinar la presión arterial (PA) normal en embarazadas en la Ciudad de México. Método: Estudio transversal descriptivo de la PA en embarazos normales de feto único en la Ciudad de México. Las mediciones siguieron un método estandarizado con uso de dispositivos electrónicos automatizados. Se construyeron valores de referencia de las presiones sistólica (PS), diastólica (PD) y arterial media (PAM). Se probaron los efectos de las características maternas y de la gestación sobre la PA. Los intervalos de referencia de la PA se ajustaron para las variables significativas. Resultados: En 1,056 mujeres con edad media de 33 años y 160 cm medios de estatura se realizaron 1,915 mediciones entre las 5 y 41 semanas de edad gestacional (EG) con peso medio de 65 kg. La PA durante el embarazo fue de 102.7/67.2 ± 9.3/7.4 DE mmHg y 79.0 ± 7.4 DE mmHg la PAM. La PA tuvo una relación cuadrática con la EG, la más baja en el segundo trimestre. La PS y la PD mostraron una correlación lineal (r = 0.71). El peso materno tuvo el efecto más significativo sobre PS y PAM; la estatura sobre la PD. La edad, etnia, paridad, consumo de tabaco y antecedente familiar ejercieron efectos diferentes en cada PA. La gestación no tuvo efecto significativo en el modelo multivariado de la PS. Conclusiones: La PA se halló por debajo de la norma convencional en embarazadas. Los criterios diagnósticos para hipertensión en el embarazo deben revisarse; los valores de referencia pueden ajustarse a características maternas y gestacionales.
Abstract Objective: To determine the normal blood pressure (BP) in pregnancy, Mexico City. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was carried out of BP on singleton normal pregnancies in Mexico City. Measurements followed a standardised methodology using automated electronic devices. Reference values of systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were constructed. Maternal and gestation characteristics effects on BP were tested. The reference ranges of BP were adjusted for significant variables. Results: On 1,056 women of 33 years old mean age and 160.0 cm mean height, 1,915 measurements were made between 5 and 41 weeks of gestational age (GA) with 65.0 kg of mean weight. The median BP throughout pregnancy was 102.7/67.2 ± 9.3/7.4 SD mmHg, and 79.0 ± 7.4 SD mmHg the MAP. BP had a quadratic relationship with GA, being the lowest in 2nd trimester. SBP and DBP had a r = 0.71 linear correlation. Maternal weight had the most significant effect on SBP and MAP; height, on DBP. Maternal age, ethnic origin, parity, tobacco habit and family history had differential effects on BP. Gestation had no significant effect on SBP multivariate model. Conclusions: BP resulted lower than conventional standard for pregnant women. Diagnostic criteria for hypertension in pregnancy must be revised; reference values can be adjusted by maternal and gestation characteristics.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Blood Pressure/physiology , Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced/diagnosis , Hypertension/complications , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Reference Values , Cross-Sectional Studies , Gestational Weight Gain , MexicoABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: Determinar el rendimiento diagnóstico de un nomograma de predicción de preeclampsia en gestantes atendidas en el Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo en Lima, Perú de enero de 2016 a julio de 2019. MÉTODO: Estudio de tipo pruebas diagnósticas. Se contó con una muestra de 513 pacientes; de ellas, 225 con diagnóstico de preeclampsia y 288 sin dicho diagnóstico. El análisis de los datos obtenidos se realizó en STATA v.14 y se determinaron la sensibilidad, la especificidad, el valor predictivo positivo y el valor predictivo negativo. RESULTADOS: Se analizó la curva ROC y se encontró un área bajo la curva de 0,91 (intervalo de confianza del 95%: 0,89-0,93), obteniendo 187 puntos como valor de corte de mejor rendimiento diagnóstico, con una sensibilidad del 81,33% y una especificidad del 85,76%. CONCLUSIONES: El nomograma de predicción de preeclampsia tiene un buen rendimiento diagnóstico para las gestantes atendidas en el servicio de ginecología y obstetricia del Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo.
OBJECTIVE: Determine the diagnostic performance of a preeclampsia prediction nomogram in pregnant women attended at the Dos de Mayo National Hospital during the period from January 2016 to July 2019. METHOD: Study of diagnostic tests. There was a sample of 513 patients, 225 patients with a diagnosis of pre-eclampsia and 288 patients without such diagnosis were selected. The analysis of the data obtained was carried out in STATA v.14, obtaining the values of sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV. RESULTS: The ROC curve was analyzed obtaining an AUC of 0.91 (95% CI: 0.89 - 0.93), obtaining 187 points as the cut-off point for the best diagnostic performance, with a sensitivity of 81.33% and a specificity of 85.76%. CONCLUSIONS: The preeclampsia prediction nomogram has a good diagnostic performance for pregnant women attended at the Gynecology and Obstetrics service of the Dos de Mayo National Hospital.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Nomograms , Peru , Predictive Value of Tests , ROC Curve , Sensitivity and SpecificitySubject(s)
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Pre-Eclampsia/prevention & control , Mass Screening , Developing CountriesABSTRACT
Abstract Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a severe disorder that affects up to 8% of all pregnancies and represents an important cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. The screening of the disease is a subject of studies, but the complexity and uncertainties regarding its etiology make this objective a difficult task. In addition, the costs related to screening protocols, the heterogeneity of the most affected populations and the lack of highly effective prevention methods reduce the potential of current available algorithms for screening. Thus, the National Specialized Commission of Hypertension in Pregnancy of the Brazilian Association of Gynecology and Obstetrics Federation (Febrasgo, in the Portuguese acronym) (NSC Hypertension in Pregnancy of the Febrasgo) considers that there are no screening algorithms to be implemented in the country to date and advocates that Aspirin and calcium should be widely used.
Resumo A Pré-eclâmpsia (PE) é uma doença grave que acomete ~ 8% das gestações e representa importante causa de morbimortalidade, tanto materna quanto perinatal. O rastreamento da doença émotivo de estudos, porém a complexidade e as incertezas quanto a sua etiologia tornam esse objetivo bastante difícil. Além disso, os custos relacionados com o rastreamento, a heterogeneidade das populações mais afetadas e ainda a falta de métodos de prevenção de grande eficácia reduzem o potencial dos algoritmos de rastreamento. Assim, a Comissão Nacional Especializada sobre Hipertensão na Gravidez da Federação Brasileira das Associações de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (CNE Hipertensão na Gravidez da FEBRASGO) considera que não há algoritmos de rastreamento que possam ser aplicados no país nesse momento e defende a utilização dos métodos de prevenção como ácido acetilsalicílico e cálcio de maneira ampla.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Prenatal Diagnosis , Brazil , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Developing CountriesABSTRACT
El Hospital Nacional Dr. Mario Catarino Rivas (hospital de segundo nivel de atención), sirve como centro de atención para embarazos de alto riesgo de la zona noroccidental de Honduras; reportó 1,702 casos de trastor-nos hipertensivos del embarazo en 2017 y 2,070 casos en 2018. Se caracterizó pacientes con signos y síntomas de trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo agrupadas desde un punto de vista obstétrico, epidemiológico y clínico. Se realizó un estudio, descriptivo de corte transversal en gestantes que presentaron cefalea, cifras tensionales elevadas (≥ 140/90mmHg); registrando ausencia o presencia de proteinuria, atendidas en la emergencia de labor y parto de un hospital nacional de segundo nivel de atención en San Pedro Sula, Honduras, desde junio hasta octubre del 2019. Se incluyeron 110 pacientes de entre 18-43 años, mestizas y amas de casa, la edad gestacional promedio por fecha de ultima menstruación de 37.7 semanas; el 28.2% presentó preeclampsia severa. Las manifestaciones clínicas frecuentes fueron edema de miembros inferiores y cefalea. El 57.3% desarrolló trabajo de parto espontá-neo, la resolución del embarazo fue cesárea en el 57.3% de las gestantes. Respecto al producto de la concepción, 66.4% tenían peso normal y talla apropiada para la edad gestacional, un APGAR de 8 al primer minuto y de 9 a los 5 minutos. En este estudio, se reporta una prevalencia del 13.72% con respecto a los trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo. Particularmente en pacientes mayores de 35 años, multípara, con índice de masa corporal ≥ 32 kg/m2, presentando antecedentes de hipertensión arterial, diabetes mellitus y preeclampsia.
The National Hospital Dr. Mario Catarino Rivas (second-level care hospital), serves as a care center for high-risk pregnancies in the northwestern part of Honduras; it reported 1,702 cases of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in 2017 and 2,070 cases in 2018. Patients with signs and symptoms of hypertensive disorders of preg-nancy were characterized grouped from an obstetric, epidemiological and clinical point of view. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in pregnant women who presented headache, high blood pressure (≥ 140 / 90mmHg); registering the absence or presence of proteinuria in urine, attended in the labor and delivery emer-gency of a national hospital of second level of care in San Pedro Sula, Honduras; from June to October 2019. 110 patients between 18-43 years old, mixed race and housewives were included, the average gestational age by date of last menstruation of 37.7 weeks, 28.2% presented severe preeclampsia. The frequent clinical manifestations were lower limb edema and headache. 57.3% developed spontaneous labor, the pregnancy termination route was cesarean section in 57.3% of pregnant women. Regarding the product of conception, 69.1% had weight and height appropriate for gestational age, an APGAR of 8 at the first minute and of 9 at 5 minutes. In this study, a prevalence of 13.72% is reported with respect to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Particularly in patients older than 35 years, multiparous, with a body mass index ≥ 32 kg / m2, presenting a history of arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and pre-eclampsia.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Adolescent , Adult , Cesarean Section/methods , Gestational Age , Pregnancy, High-Risk , Natural Childbirth , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Proteinuria/complications , Infant, Newborn/growth & development , Labor, Obstetric , Diabetes, Gestational/diagnosis , HELLP Syndrome/diagnosis , Eclampsia/diagnosis , Headache/diagnosis , HondurasABSTRACT
Abstract Primary hyperparathyroidism is an endocrine disorder characterized by hypercalcemia and elevated or inappropriately normal levels of parathyroid hormone. The diagnosis is based on a biochemical evaluation, and a neck ultrasound is the first choice during pregnancy to access the parathyroid glands. Manifestations during pregnancy are rare and can be present with life-threatening complications, so the diagnosis is challenging. The conservative treatment is limited, and there is not enough data about its safety and efficacy during pregnancy. Surgery is the only curative treatment, and a parathyroidectomy performed during the second or third trimesters is considered safe. Recently, some authors suggested an association between primary hyperparathyroidism and preeclampsia. We describe a case of preeclampsia with severe features at 27 weeks of gestational age. The severity of the preeclampsiamotivated an early termination of the pregnancy by cesarean section. During the postpartum period, the patient presented life-threatening complications, such as severe hypercalcemia and acute pancreatitis. An ultrasound exam found two parathyroid nodules, suggestive of parathyroid adenomas. The patient recovered after the pharmacological correction of the calcemia levels.
Resumo O hiperparatiroidismo primário é umdistúrbio endócrino caraterizado pela elevação do cálcio sérico associada a níveis de paratormona elevados ou inapropriadamente normais. O diagnóstico é baseado em análises bioquímicas, e, na gravidez, o exame de imagem de primeira linha é a ecografia cervical. É uma doença rara na gravidez, e pode se apresentar com complicações ameaçadoras de vida, pelo que o seu diagnóstico é desafiante. O tratamento médico disponível é limitado, havendo poucos dados relativos à sua eficácia e segurança na gravidez. A cirurgia é o único tratamento curativo, e pode ser realizada no segundo ou terceiro trimestres. Tem sido descrita uma relação entre hiperparatiroidismo primário e pré-eclâmpsia. Apresenta-se um caso de uma grávida de 27 semanas com pré-eclâmpsia com critérios de gravidade, o que obrigou ao término da gravidez por cesariana. Verificou-se agravamento clínico no período pós-parto, com aparecimento de complicações graves, tais como hipercalcemia grave e pancreatite aguda. Ecograficamente, constataram-se duas massas paratiróideias sugestivas de adenomas da paratiroide. A doente recebeu tratamento médico, e teve melhora apenas após a correção dos níveis de cálcio sérico.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Adult , Pancreatitis/diagnosis , Parathyroid Neoplasms/diagnosis , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Prenatal Diagnosis , Adenoma/diagnosis , Hyperparathyroidism, Primary/diagnosis , Pancreatitis/complications , Parathyroid Neoplasms/complications , Pregnancy Complications, Neoplastic/diagnosis , Pregnancy Trimester, Third , Adenoma/complications , Diagnosis, Differential , Hyperparathyroidism, Primary/complicationsABSTRACT
Las enfermedades cardiovasculares representan la mayor causa de morbimortalidad a nivel mundial. Si bien presenta un descenso en la población general, en las mujeres tiende a mantenerse estable la prevalencia de enfermedad coronaria. Varios factores propios de la mujer predisponen a que esto ocurra, incluyendo el embarazo, mediado tanto por los cambios hematológicos y cardiovasculares característicos de la gestación; como por patologías asociadas, principalmente trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo y diabetes gestacional. Su presencia se ha asociado fuertemente a la aparición a futuro de otras patologías de alto riesgo cardiovascular como hipertensión crónica, dislipidemia y diabetes mellitus. Dado el impacto que esto representa, se hace imperante la identificación de grupos de alto riesgo y la implementación de medidas preventivas, así como de diagnóstico precoz y tratamientos adecuados con el fin de disminuir complicaciones materno-fetales en las etapas perinatal y posparto.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Although there is a decrease in general population, the prevalence of coronary heart disease remains stable in women. Several factors typical of womenkind predispose to cardiovascular disease, including pregnancy, mediated by hematological and cardiovascular changes characteristic of it; and by associated pathologies, mainly hypertensive disorders and diabetes. The presence of these diseases has been strongly associated with future presence of other conditions of high cardiovascular risk such as chronic hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes mellitus. Given this impact, the identification of high-risk groups and the implementation of preventive measures, as well as early diagnosis and adequate treatment in order to reduce both maternal and fetal complications in perinatal and postpartum stages becomes imperative.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pre-Eclampsia , Pregnancy Complications, Cardiovascular/etiology , Cardiovascular Diseases/complications , Diabetes, Gestational , Hypertension/complications , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Pre-Eclampsia/therapy , Pregnancy Complications, Cardiovascular/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications, Cardiovascular/therapy , Cardiovascular System/physiopathology , Risk Factors , Diabetes, Gestational/diagnosis , Diabetes, Gestational/therapy , Metabolic DiseasesABSTRACT
Abstract Objective Preeclampsia is a major cause of perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality. Our objective is to assess the performance of a combined screening test for preeclampsia in the first trimester and the prophylactic use of low-dose aspirin. Methods Prospective study of all women attending our hospital for the first-trimester screening of aneuploidies, between March 2017 and February 2018 (n = 1,297). The exclusion criteria weremultiple pregnancy andmajor fetal abnormalities. Preeclampsia screening was performed with an algorithm that includes maternal characteristics, and biophysical and biochemical biomarkers. High-risk was defined as a risk ≥ 1:50 of earlyonset preeclampsia (before 34 weeks), in which cases low-dose aspirin (150mg at night) was offered to these women from screening until 36 weeks. Results From the 1,272 enrolled participants, the majority were Caucasian (1,051; 82.6%) and multiparous (658, 51.7%). Fifty patients (3.9%) screened high-risk for preeclampsia, and all started a low-dose aspirin regimen, with good compliance (96%). Early-onset preeclampsia was found in 3 pregnant women (0.24%), and total preeclampsia was diagnosed in 25 (2.02%), compared with 28 (0.75%) cases of early preeclampsia (p = 0.0099) and 98 (2.62%) of total preeclampsia (p = 0.2904) before the implementation of screening. Conclusion There was a lower incidence of both, early-onset and total preeclampsia, after the introduction of universal screening and prophylactic use of low-dose aspirin. This reduction was statistically significant in early-onset preeclampsia. The association of a first-trimester combined screening model and aspirin prophylaxis appears to be useful in predicting and reducing the incidence of early-onset preeclampsia, in a routine care setting.
Resumo Objetivo A pré-eclâmpsia é uma causa importante de morbi-mortalidade materna e perinatal. Os objetivos do nosso estudo foram avaliar a implementação do rastreio combinado de pré-eclâmpsia no primeiro trimestre e o uso profilático de aspirina em baixa dose. Métodos Estudo prospetivo das mulheres referenciadas ao nosso hospital para realização do rastreio do primeiro trimestre de aneuploidias, entre março de 2017 e fevereiro de 2018 (n = 1.297). Os critérios de exclusão foram gravidez múltipla e anomalias fetais graves. O algoritmo usado no rastreio da pré-eclâmpsia combina características maternas, e marcadores biofísicos e bioquímicos. Definiu-se alto risco como risco de pré-eclâmpsia precoce (antes das 34 semanas) ≥ 1:50, tendo sido recomendada aspirina em baixa dose (150 mg à noite) desde o rastreio até às 36 semanas. Resultados Das 1.272 participantes, a maioria era caucasiana (1.051; 82,6%) e multípara (658; 51,7%). Cinquenta grávidas (3,9%) foram consideradas de alto risco para pré-eclâmpsia e todas iniciaram aspirina em baixa dose, com boa adesão (96%). Pré-eclampsia precoce foi diagnosticada em 3 grávidas (0,24%), e no total foram diagnosticados 25 casos de pré-eclâmpsia (2,02%), comparativamente com 28 (0,75%) casos de pré-eclampsia precoces (p = 0,0099) e 98 (2,62%) casos totais de préeclâmpsia (p = 0,2904) observados antes da implementação do rastreio. Verificou-se uma menor incidência de pré-eclâmpsia precoce e total após introdução do rastreio universal e uso profilático de aspirina. A redução da pré-eclâmpsia precoce foi estatisticamente significativa. Conclusão A associação de um modelo de rastreio combinado no primeiro trimestre com o uso profilático de aspirina é aparentemente eficaz na redução do risco de préeclâmpsia precoce.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pre-Eclampsia/diagnosis , Pre-Eclampsia/prevention & control , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/therapeutic use , Aspirin/therapeutic use , Mass Screening , Pregnancy, High-Risk , Pregnancy Trimester, First , Pregnancy Outcome , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/administration & dosage , Aspirin/administration & dosage , Incidence , Prospective Studies , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
Abstract Objective To assess maternal and perinatal outcomes of pregnancies in women with chronic hypertension (CH). Methods Retrospective cohort of women with CH followed at a referral center for a 5 year period (2012-2017). Data were obtained from medical charts review and described as means and frequencies, and a Poisson regression was performed to identify factors independently associated to the occurrence of superimposed preeclampsia (sPE). Results A total of 385 women were included in the present study; the majority were > than 30 years old, multiparous, mostly white and obese before pregnancy. One third had pre-eclampsia (PE) in a previous pregnancy and 17% of them had organ damage associated with hypertension, mainly kidney dysfunction. A total of 85% of the patients used aspirin and calcium carbonate for pre-eclampsia prophylaxis and our frequency of sPE was 40%, with an early onset (32.98 ± 6.14 weeks). Of those, 40% had severe features of PE, including 5 cases of HELLP syndrome; however, no cases of eclampsia or maternal death were reported. C-section incidence was high, gestational age at birth was 36 weeks, and nearly a third (115 cases) of newborns had complications at birth One third of the women remained using antihypertensive drugs after pregnancy. Conclusion Chronic hypertension is related with the high occurrence of PE, C-sections, prematurity and neonatal complications. Close surveillance and multidisciplinary care are important for early diagnosis of complications.
Resumo Objetivo Avaliar os resultados maternos e perinatais em gestação de mulheres com hipertensão crônica. Métodos Coorte retrospectiva de mulheres hipertensas crônicas acompanhadas em hospital de referência por 5 anos (2012-2017). Foi realizada revisão dos prontuários médicos e os resultados são descritos em médias e frequências. A regressão de Poisson foi usada para identificar os fatores independentemente associados à ocorrência de pré-eclâmpsia superajuntada. Resultados Um total de 385 mulheres foram incluídas no presente estudo, e amaioria tinha idade > 35 anos, era multípara, majoritariamente brancas e obesas antes da gravidez. Um terço teve pré-eclâmpsia em gestação anterior, e 17% apresentavam lesão de órgão-alvo associada à hipertensão, majoritariamente disfunção renal. Um total de 85% das pacientes usaram ácido acetilsalicílico e carbonato de cálcio para a profilaxia de pré-eclâmpsia, sendo que a frequência de pré-eclâmpsia superajuntada foi de 40%, com um início prematuro (32.98 ± 6.14 semanas). Destas, 40% apresentaram sinais de gravidade associados à pré-eclâmpsia, com 5 casos de síndrome HELLP; entretanto sem nenhum caso de eclampsia ou morte materna. A incidência de cesárea foi alta, comidade gestacional de 36 semanas ao parto, e umterço dos recém-nascidos tiveram complicações ao nascimento. Um terço das mulheres permaneceu usando medicamentos anti-hipertensivos ao fim da gravidez. Conclusão A hipertensão crônica se relaciona comalta prevalência de pré-eclâmpsia, cesárea, prematuridade e complicações neonatais. Vigilância e cuidado multidisciplinar são importantes para o diagnóstico precoce das complicações.