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Femina ; 51(3): 154-160, 20230331.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428722


CONTEXTO CLÍNICO O câncer ginecológico afeta diretamente a fertilidade, pois o tratamento consiste na remoção cirúrgica do sistema reprodutor e/ou na sua exposição a agentes gonadotóxicos. Entretanto, pacientes em estádios iniciais e que estejam dentro de critérios estabelecidos podem ser tratadas com cirurgias conservadoras da fertilidade, com resultados oncológicos equivalentes aos dos tratamentos tradicionais. As técnicas de preservação da fertilidade, como criopreservação de oócitos, embriões e tecido ovariano, também podem ser oferecidas em algumas situações. A American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) publicou recomendações sobre a preservação de fertilidade, com o objetivo de aumentar a conscientização sobre o tema, e, juntamente com a American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), recomenda que pacientes em idade fértil com câncer passem por aconselhamento reprodutivo. Essas pacientes apresentam menores taxas de arrependimento, mesmo quando optam por desistir do tratamento conservador. O interesse na preservação da fertilidade aumentou nas últimas décadas, tanto pelo fato de as mulheres postergarem a gestação como pelo aumento da incidência de câncer em jovens. A taxa de incidência de todos os cânceres aumentou 29% entre 1973 e 2015 em adolescentes e adultos jovens de ambos os sexos. O câncer de colo uterino, em mulheres de 20-29 anos, aumentou anualmente em uma média de 10,3% entre 2000 e 2009. A omissão em orientar pacientes com câncer sobre as possibilidades de preservação da fertilidade pode gerar questionamentos futuros; em alguns países. isso já se configura má prática médica.

Humans , Female , Fertility Preservation/methods , Genital Neoplasms, Female , Pregnancy Trimesters , Reproductive Techniques, Assisted , Reproductive Rights/ethics , Conservative Treatment/methods , Genital Neoplasms, Female/diagnostic imaging , Hormones/therapeutic use
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012286


Objective: To characterize the relationship between the levels of plasma methyl donor and related metabolites (including choline, betaine, methionine, dimethylglycine and homocysteine) and fetal growth in twin pregnancies. Methods: A hospital-based cohort study was used to collect clinical data of 92 pregnant women with twin pregnancies and their fetuses who were admitted to Peking University Third Hospital from March 2017 to January 2018. Fasting blood was collected from the pregnant women with twin pregnancies (median gestational age: 18.9 weeks). The levels of methyl donors and related metabolites in plasma were quantitatively analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography combined with mass spectrometry. The generalized estimation equation was used to analyze the relationship between maternal plasma methyl donors and related metabolites levels and neonatal outcomes of twins, and the generalized additive mixed model was used to analyze the relationship between maternal plasma methyl donors and related metabolites levels and fetal growth ultrasound indicators. Results: (1) General clinical data: of the 92 women with twin pregnancies, 66 cases (72%) were dichorionic diamniotic (DCDA) twin pregnancies, and 26 cases (28%) were monochorionic diamniotic (MCDA) twin pregnancies. The comparison of the levels of five plasma methyl donors and related metabolites in twin pregnancies with different basic characteristics showed that the median levels of plasma choline and betaine in pregnant women ≥35 years old were higher than those in pregnant women <35 years old, and the differences were statistically significant (all P<0.05). (2) Correlation between plasma methyl donor and related metabolites levels and neonatal growth indicators: after adjusting for confounding factors, plasma homocysteine level in pregnant women with twins was significantly negatively correlated with neonatal birth weight (β=-47.9, 95%CI:-94.3- -1.6; P=0.043). Elevated methionine level was significantly associated with decreased risks of small for gestational age infants (SGA; OR=0.5, 95%CI: 0.3-0.9; P=0.021) and low birth weight infants (OR=0.6, 95%CI: 0.4-0.9; P=0.020). Increased homocysteine level was associated with increased risks of SGA (OR=1.5, 95%CI: 1.0-2.2; P=0.029) and inconsistent growth in twin fetuses (OR=1.9, 95%CI: 1.0-3.7; P=0.049). (3) Correlation between the levels of plasma methyl donors and related metabolites and intrauterine growth indicators of twins pregnancies: for every 1 standard deviation increase in plasma choline level in pregnant women with twin pregnancies, fetal head circumference, abdominal circumference, femoral length and estimated fetal weight in the second trimester increased by 1.9 mm, 2.6 mm, 0.5 mm and 20.1 g, respectively, and biparietal diameter, abdominal circumference and estimated fetal weight increased by 0.7 mm, 3.0 mm and 38.4 g in the third trimester, respectively, and the differences were statistically significant (all P<0.05). (4) Relationship between plasma methyl donor and related metabolites levels in pregnant women with different chorionicity and neonatal birth weight and length: the negative correlation between plasma homocysteine level and neonatal birth weight was mainly found in DCDA twin pregnancy (β=-65.9, 95%CI:-110.6- -21.1; P=0.004). The levels of choline, betaine and dimethylglycine in plasma of MCDA twin pregnancy were significantly correlated with the birth weight and length of newborns (all P<0.05). Conclusion: Homocysteine level is associated with low birth weight in twins, methionine is associated with decreased risk of SGA, and choline is associated with fetal growth in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

Adult , Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy/metabolism , Betaine/metabolism , Birth Weight/physiology , Choline/metabolism , Cohort Studies , Fetal Development/physiology , Fetal Weight/physiology , Homocysteine/metabolism , Methionine/metabolism , Pregnancy, Twin/physiology , Biomarkers/metabolism , Pregnancy Trimesters/physiology , Pregnancy Outcome
rev.cuid. (Bucaramanga. 2010) ; 13(3): 1-13, 20220831.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1402468


Introducción: El apoyo social percibido durante la gestación es importante para la salud mental perinatal. Sin embargo, poco se conoce sobre estas variables en la población colombiana.Objetivo: Comparar el apoyo social percibido según variables sociodemográficas, ginecobstétricas y afecto positivo en mujeres gestantes de Santa Marta, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Participaron 40 mujeres entre 19 y 41 años (M=26.48; DE=5.03), que se encontraban en su tercer trimestre de embarazo, beneficiarias de un programa de promoción de la lactancia materna exclusiva. Las participantes diligenciaron una ficha de información sociodemográfica y ginecobstétrica, la Escala Multidimensional de Apoyo Social Percibido (α=0.88) y una subescala de la Escala de Afectos Positivos y Negativos (α=0.82). Se aplicó la prueba U de Mann-Whitney para los análisis estadísticos comparativos y se siguieron los lineamientos éticos en investigación con humanos. Resultados: 67% de las participantes fueron de estrato socioeconómico bajo, 87.5% tenía pareja, 67.5% contaba con estudios superiores, 42.5% tenía trabajo y 47.5% eran madres primerizas. Las mujeres de estrato socioeconómico alto percibieron mayor apoyo social por parte de sus amigos (p=0.01). El apoyo social familiar fue significativamente más alto en las madres primerizas (p=0.01) y en las que reportaron mayor afecto positivo (p=0.03). Por último, el apoyo social por parte de personas significativas fue mayor cuando era el primer embarazo de la mujer (p=0.02). Conclusión: Se encontraron diferencias significativas en algunas dimensiones del apoyo social percibido según el estrato socioeconómico, ser madre primeriza y el afecto positivo. Se recomienda realizar otros estudios con mayor tamaño muestral.

Introduction: Perceived social support during gestation is important for perinatal mental health. However, little is known about these variables in the Colombian population. Objetive: To compare perceived social support with sociodemographic and gynaeco-obstetric variables and positive affect in pregnant women in Santa Marta, Colombia. Materials and Methods: Forty women between 19 and 41 years of age (M=26.48; SD=5.03), in their third trimester of pregnancy and beneficiaries of a program to promote exclusive breastfeeding, participated. The participants filled out a sociodemographic and gynaeco-obstetric form, the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) (α=0.88), and a subscale of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) (α=0.82). The Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparative statistical analyses. Ethical guidelines for human research were followed. Results: 67% of the participants belonged to a low socioeconomic status, 87.5% had a partner, 67.5% had a higher education, 42.5% were employed, and 47.5% were new mothers. Women of higher socioeconomic status perceived greater social support from their friends (p = 0.01). Family social support was significantly higher in first-time mothers (p=0.01) and mothers who reported higher positive affect (p = 0.03). Finally, social support from significant others was higher when it was the woman's first pregnancy (p=0.02). Conclusions: Significant differences were found in some dimensions of perceived social support according to socioeconomic status, being a first-time mother, and positive affect. Further studies with larger sample sizes are recommended.

Introdução: O apoio social percebido durante a gravidez é importante para a saúde mental perinatal. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre essas variáveis na população colombiana. Objetivo: Comparar o apoio social percebido segundo variáveis sociodemográficas, ginecológicas e de afeto positivo em gestantes de Santa Marta, Colômbia. Materiais e Métodos: Participaram 40 mulheres entre 19 e 41 anos (M=26,48; DP=5,03), que estavam no terceiro trimestre de gestação, beneficiárias de um programa de promoção do aleitamento materno exclusivo. As participantes preencheram uma ficha sociodemográfica e ginecológica, a Escala Multidimensional de Suporte Social Percebido (α=0,88) e uma subescala da Escala de Afetos Positivos e Negativos (α=0,82). O teste U de Mann-Whitney foi aplicado para análise estatística comparativa e foram seguidas as diretrizes éticas para pesquisa em humanos. Resultados: 67% das participantes eram de baixo nível socioeconômico, 87,5% tinham companheiro, 67,5% tinham ensino superior, 42,5% trabalhavam e 47,5% eram mães de primeira viagem. As mulheres de nível socioeconômico alto perceberam maior apoio social dos amigos (p=0,01). O apoio social familiar foi significativamente maior nas novas mães (p=0,01) e naquelas que relataram maior afeto positivo (p=0,03). Por fim, o apoio social de pessoas significativas foi maior quando se tratava da primeira gravidez da mulher (p=0,02). Conclusões: Foram encontradas diferenças significativas em algumas dimensões do suporte social percebido de acordo com o nível socioeconômico, ser mãe de primeira viagem e afeto positivo. Outros estudos com tamanho amostral maior são recomendados.

Pregnancy Trimesters , Social Support , Comparative Study , Colombia , Affect
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 26(2)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405647


RESUMEN Introducción: Las tablas de crecimiento y la ecografía de rutina son el estándar de oro para valorar adecuadamente al feto. Se consideran óptimas y adecuadas las tablas de biometría fetal que se crean con datos propios de cada población con el fin de usarlas como referencia, para identificar oportunamente malformaciones, o desviaciones del crecimiento. Objetivo: Identificar desviaciones de la norma de incremento en variables biométricas: diámetro biparietal, circunferencia cefálica, circunferencia abdominal y longitud del fémur. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación con diseño analítico longitudinal retrospectivo en la provincia Villa Clara, en el período comprendido entre enero de 2013 a diciembre de 2017. La población de estudio estuvo conformada por 6050 gestantes. La selección de la muestra se realizó a través de un muestreo no probabilístico intencional por criterios y quedó constituida por 3910 gestantes. Se obtuvieron datos de libros de registros de consultas de genética de áreas de salud seleccionadas. Se utilizaron medidas de resumen para variables cuantitativas, medias y percentiles (10, 50 y 90). Resultados: En el diámetro biparietal, la circunferencia cefálica y longitud del fémur, los valores reales obtenidos fueron inferiores a Hadlock en la mayoría de las semanas; la circunferencia abdominal cambió el comportamiento que llevaban las variables, ya que en esta predominaron los valores superiores entre los reales obtenidos, sobre todo en el percentil 10. Conclusiones: Los percentiles bajos de todas las variables en las primeras semanas, presentaron valores superiores a los de la tabla de Hadlock, pero en la circunferencia abdominal fetal, la muestra local tiene valores superiores mayoritarios a través de las semanas.

ABSTRACT Introduction: growth charts and routine ultrasound are the gold standard to adequately assess the fetus. Fetal biometry tables, created with data from each population, are considered optimal and appropriate in order to use them as a reference and to timely identify malformations or growth deviations. Objective: to identify deviations from the increase norm in the following biometric variables: biparietal diameter, head circumference, abdominal circumference and femur length. Methods: a retrospective, longitudinal and analytical study was conducted in Villa Clara province between January 2013 and December 2017. The study population consisted of 6050 pregnant women. The selection of the sample was carried out through an intentional non-probabilistic sampling and was made up of 3910 pregnant women who meet the criteria established for the study. Data were obtained from genetic consultation record books from selected health areas. Summary measures were used for quantitative variables, means and percentiles (10, 50 and 90). Results: the real values obtained in the biparietal diameter, head circumference and femur length were lower than Hadlock in most weeks; abdominal circumference changed the behavior of the variables, since in this the superior values prevailed between the real ones obtained, mainly in the10th percentile. Conclusions: low percentiles of all variables in the first weeks had higher values than those of the Hadlock table, but in the fetal abdominal circumference, the local sample had higher values throughout the weeks.

Pregnancy Trimesters , Biometry/methods , Fetal Development
Rev. Méd. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 60(2): 116-128, abr. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, MMyP | ID: biblio-1367223


Introducción: la enfermedad COVID-19 en el embarazo es la primera causa de muerte materna en México, y se ha reportado que favorece las formas graves de la enfermedad. Objetivo: describir las características clínicas, obstétricas y perinatales de pacientes embarazadas con enfermedad COVID-19 atendidas en la UMAE "Luis Castelazo Ayala" del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS). Material y métodos: estudio observacional, transversal y retrospectivo de pacientes embarazadas con COVID-19 atendidas de marzo a diciembre del 2020. Las características epidemiológicas, complicaciones y resultados perinatales se analizaron con estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Resultados: se incluyeron 133 pacientes: 84.5% presentaron enfermedad leve, 8% moderada y 8.5% severa y crítica. Las comorbilidades preexistentes fueron: obesidad, diabetes e hipotiroidismo. Los principales síntomas: tos, cefalea, fiebre, rinorrea y anosmia. En casos severos y críticos la taquicardia, taquipnea e hipoxemia estuvieron presentes. En las formas severa y crítica se observaron: linfoneutropenia, hiperglucemia y transaminasemia. El fibrinógeno y dímero D sin cambios. El parto pretérmino, el oligohidroamnios, la hipertensión gestacional, la preeclampsia severa y la neumonía fueron las principales complicaciones. El 75% de los recién nacidos no presentaron complicaciones. Conclusiones: el comportamiento clínico de la enfermedad fue, en su mayoría, leve, e incluso en los casos moderados así como en los severos y complicados los resultados del binomio fueron favorables. No hubo muerte materna ni se evidenció transmisión vertical.

Background: COVID-19 disease is the leading cause of maternal death in Mexico. The data published to date indicate that pregnancy favors severe forms of the disease. Objective: To describe the clinical, obstetric and perinatal characteristics of pregnant women with COVID-19 disease treated at the UMAE "Luis Castelazo Ayala" of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Material and methods: Observational, cross-sectional and retrospective study of pregnant women with COVID-19 treated from March to December 2020. The epidemiological characteristics, complications and perinatal results were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: 133 patients included: 84.5% with mild disease, 8 % moderate and 8.5% severe and critical. Pre-existing comorbidities: obesity, diabetes and hypothyroidism. Main symptoms: cough, headache, fever, rhinorrhea and anosmia. In severe and critical cases, tachycardia, tachypnea, and hypoxemia were present. Lymphoneutropenia, hyperglycemia, and transaminasemia were seen in severe and critical forms. Fibrinogen and D dimer stayed unchanged. Preterm delivery, oligohydramnios, gestational hypertension, severe preeclampsia, and pneumonia were the main complications. 75% of the newborns without complications. Conclusions: The clinical behavior of the disease was mostly mild and even in moderate cases, and even in moderate as well as severe and complicated cases, the binomial results were favorable. There was no maternal death.

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/virology , COVID-19/complications , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/epidemiology , Pregnancy Trimesters , Comorbidity , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Peripartum Period , COVID-19/diagnosis , COVID-19/epidemiology , Mexico/epidemiology
Afr. J. Clin. Exp. Microbiol ; 23(3): 311-317, 2022. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1377773


Background: Bacterial vaginosis (BV) in pregnant women remains a cause for clinical concern among clinicians and health care professionals. BV has been linked to prenatal, antenatal and postnatal challenges in pregnant women. Information on prevalence of BV across trimesters of pregnancy is expected to give better clinical insight into the pathophysiology of this polymicrobial disorder. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of BV in pregnant women attending the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital (NAUTH), Nnewi, Nigeria. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study of 120 pregnant women (40 in each trimester of pregnancy) who had symptoms suggestive of BV, selected by systematic random sampling from among the women attending the Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O & G) clinic of NAUTH, Nnewi. Each subject participant was examined by the attending clinician, and high vaginal swab (HVS) sample was collected for diagnostic analysis of BV using with complete Amsel's clinical criteria, which consists of three of the four criteria; (i) adherent and homogenous vaginal discharge, (ii) vaginal pH > 4.5, (iii) detection of clue cells on saline wet mount, and (iv) amine odor after the addition of potassium hydroxide (positive Whiff test). Results: The mean age of the 120 selected participants was 27.25±6.09 years. The age groups 25-29 (36.7%) and 20-24 years (33.3%) constituted the largest proportion, while age groups <20 (5.0%) and 40-45 years (5.0%) constituted the least. Of the 120 participants, 26 (21.7%) were positive for BV by the Amsel's criteria. Pregnant women in age group <20 years had the highest prevalence of BV (100%, 6/6), followed by those in the age groups 20-24 (27.5%), 40-45 (16.7%), 25-29 (15.9%), 30-34 (9.1%) and 35-39 years (0%) (X 2=28.063, p=0.0001). Prevalence of BV was significantly higher in single (unmarried) pregnant women (45.5%, X 2=4.038, p=0.045), women with primary school education level (66.7%, X 2=14.530, p=0.001), unemployed women (36.1%, X 2=13.278, p=0.0013), and nulliparous women [36.4%, X 2 (for trend) = 4.805, p=0.0274), while there was no significant difference in the prevalence of BV with relation to trimester of pregnancy (X 2=2.750, p=0.253). Conclusion: This study reveals a relatively high prevalence of BV and significant association with factors such as age group, education and occupational status among pregnant women attending NAUTH Nnewi. Regular screening of women for BV prenatally may enable appropriate interventions to prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes

Humans , Female , Pregnancy Trimesters , Prenatal Diagnosis , Vaginosis, Bacterial , Pregnant Women , Hospitals, Teaching , Prevalence
Medical Journal of Zambia ; 49(1): 75-81, 2022. figures
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1382229


Objectives: This study aimed to determine the accuracy of prenatal sonographic gender determination during foetal anomaly ultrasound and the overall sensitivity pattern in our institution.Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study of 520 consenting pregnant women who presented for foetal anomaly scans within a one-year period in our institution. The diagnostic accuracy of gender determination during the anomaly and delayed scans were determined by comparing the sonographic gender with the birth gender and calculating sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Descriptive statistics, frequencies, Mc-Nemar chi-square test were used at 5% level of significance. Results: The mean maternal age was 31.51 ±5.02years. Of the 520 consenting pregnant women studied, 16(6.0%) women were having twin gestation. Four hundred and ninety-seven (92.7%) genders were determined during foetal anomaly scan. The accuracy of the ultrasonography (US) examination performed by the resident doctors was 98.02% while the accuracy of the scan performed by the consultant radiologists was 100%. Overall, the accuracy of the gender determination on ultrasound was 98.69%. The general specificity and sensitivity of the US were 98.71 % and 98.68% respectively while the positive and negative predictive value were 99.01 % and 98.29% respectively. Conclusion: The accuracy of ultrasound examination in detecting foetal gender during foetal anomaly ultrasound is high with equally high predictive values and therefore it is recommended as a mandatory variable during anomaly scans. There is need for continuous training of resident doctors or operators in lower cadre to improve their competency in foetal gender determination.

Pregnancy Trimester, Second , Pregnancy Trimesters , Sex Determination Analysis , Pregnancy , Ultrasonography
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 21(3): 925-934, July-Sept. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346994


Abstract Objectives: to describe the prevalence of sufficient leisure-time physical activity (LPA) in the trimesters of pregnancy and to test its association with sociodemographic and contextual characteristics. Methods: cross-sectional study that in 2019 analyzed data from 3580 pregnant women residing in Santa Catarina, Brazil. LPA was categorized as "active" (150 minutes or more of LPA/week) and "inactive" (less than 150 minutes). Results: the prevalence for the recommended level of LPA was 15.3% (CI95%= 14.1-16.4) before pregnancy, gradually declining to 7.8% (CI95%= 7.3-8.7), 7.3% (CI95%= 6.58.2), and 5.8% (CI95%= 5.1-6.7) in the following trimesters of pregnancy. Higher level of education was associated with the four outcomes, increasing the chance of being active by 79% in the third trimester of pregnancy. In the second trimester, living in a neighborhood that stimulates physical activity increased the chance of being active by 39%. In the third trimester, having received guidance from a health professional was associated with an increase of 60% in the chance of practicing LPA. Conclusion: the prevalence of recommended LPA is low among pregnant women and living in a neighborhood favorable to outdoor practices, greater education level and receiving guidance from health professionals increased the chance of pregnant women to be active.

Resumo Objetivos: descrever a prevalência de atividade física no lazer (AFL) suficiente nos trimestres da gravidez e testar sua associação com características sociodemográficas e contextuais. Métodos: estudo transversal que analisou em 2019 dados de 3.580 gestantes residentes em Santa Catarina, Brasil. AFL foi categorizada como "ativa" (150 minutos ou mais de LPA / semana) e "inativa" (menos de 150 minutos por semana). Resultados: a prevalência para o nível recomendado de AFL foi de 15,3% (IC95%= 14,116,4) antes da gravidez, diminuindo gradualmente para 7,8% (IC95%= 7,3-8,7), 7,3% (IC95%= 6,5-8,2), e 5,8% (IC95%= 5,1-6,7) nos trimestres seguintes da gravidez. Maior escolaridade foi associada aos quatro desfechos, aumentando a chance de ser ativa em 79% no terceiro trimestre da gravidez. No segundo trimestre, morar em um bairro que estimula a atividade física aumentou em 39% a chance de ser ativa. Já no terceiro trimestre, ter recebido orientação de profissional de saúde esteve associado a um aumento de 60% na chance de praticar AFL. Conclusão: a prevalência de AFL recomendada é baixa entre gestantes e morar em bairro favorável a atividades ao ar livre, maior escolaridade e receber orientação de profissionais de saúde aumentam a chance de gestantes serem ativas.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Trimesters/physiology , Exercise/physiology , Prevalence , Pregnant Women , Leisure Activities , Prenatal Care , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Epidemiologic Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies
Pensar mov ; 19(1)jun. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386756


Resumen Quesada Salazar, N. (2021). Alteraciones musculoesqueléticas y adaptaciones biomecánicas durante los trimestres de embarazo: una revisión sistemática. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 19(1), 1-27. El embarazo es un proceso progresivo que involucra cambios de tipo hormonal, mecánico, fisiológico y emocional en la mujer y que causa que el sistema musculoesquelético se adapte constantemente. Estos cambios suelen identificarse a través de la postura y la biomecánica de los movimientos en la vida diaria. En esta investigación, se realizó una revisión sistemática para encontrar las principales alteraciones y adaptaciones durante el embarazo, incluyendo artículos del 2008 al 2018, con mujeres gestantes sanas, con un solo feto, sin alteraciones musculoesqueléticas previas, de Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) normal y cualquier metodología de investigación excepto estudios de caso. Se identificaron 13 estudios que refieren evaluar las tres etapas de gestación, edades desde los 20 a los 35 años, así como con diversos objetivos de investigación. La postura de la mujer gestante presenta un aumento de la lordosis lumbar, la curvatura torácica y el ángulo de inclinación anterior de la pelvis. La tarea de sentarse y levantarse de una silla requiere de mayor control del movimiento, así como de tiempo de ejecución. La oscilación y las fuerzas de reacción del suelo del Centro de Presión corporal aumentan al estar de pie, lo que resulta en una mayor distancia entre los pies, como estrategia de control del equilibrio. Finalmente, la biomecánica de la marcha se adapta a una menor velocidad, longitud de paso y etapa de despegue de los pies del piso, con un aumento del ancho de paso y una mayor base de apoyo. En la gestación, la mujer desarrolla adaptaciones de tipo anatómicas y mecánicas como respuesta a los cambios progresivos experimentados.

Abstract Quesada Salazar, N. (2021). Musculoskeletal changes and biomechanic adaptations during the three trimesters of pregnancy: a sistematic review. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 19(1), 1-27. Pregnancy is a progressive process involving hormonal, mechanical, physiological, and emotional changes in women that stimulates the musculoskeletal system to adapt constantly. These changes are usually identified through posture and the biomechanics of day-to-day movements. This study consists of a systematic review of the main alterations and adaptations during pregnancy, including articles from 2008 to 2018 that involved healthy pregnant women without previous musculoskeletal affections, with a single fetus and normal BMI, and any methods of study excluding case studies. Thirteen studies were identified which indicate evaluation of participants ages from 20 to 35 years during their three trimesters of pregnancy, as well as different study objectives. Posture in a pregnant woman shows an increase in the lumbar lordosis, thoracic curvature, and anterior tilt of the pelvis. The task of sitting and rising from a chair requires more control to complete the movement as well as increased execution time. Oscillation movement and ground reaction forces of the center of pressure of the body increase during standing posture, which results in a greater distance between the feet as a strategy to control the balance. Finally, gait biomechanics adapt to a slower speed, smaller step length, and less time with feet off the ground, but a wider step and support base. During pregnancy, women develop anatomic and mechanic adaptations in response to the progressive changes they experience.

Resumo Quesada Salazar, N. (2021). Alterações musculoesqueléticas e adaptações biomecânicas durante os trimestres de gravidez: uma revisão sistemática. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 19(1), 1-27. A gravidez é um processo progressivo que envolve mudanças de tipo hormonal, mecânico, fisiológico e emocional na mulher e que faz com que o sistema musculoesquelético se adapte constantemente. Essas mudanças tendem a ser identificadas por meio da postura e a biomecânica dos movimentos na vida diária. Nesta pesquisa foi realizada uma revisão sistemática para encontrar as principais alterações e adaptações durante a gravidez, incluindo artigos de 2008 a 2018, com mulheres gestantes saudáveis, com um único feto, sem alterações musculoesqueléticas prévias, com Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) normal e qualquer metodologia de pesquisa, exceto estudos de caso. Foram identificados 13 estudos que registram avaliar as três etapas de gestação, com idades desde os 20 aos 35 anos, igualmente com diversos objetivos de pesquisa. A postura da mulher gestante apresenta um aumento de lordose lombar, curvatura toráxica e ângulo de inclinação anterior da pelve. A tarefa de sentar-se e levantar-se de uma cadeira exige maior controle do movimento, assim como de tempo de execução. A oscilação e as forças de reação do solo do Centro de Pressão corporal aumentam ao estar de pé, resultando em uma maior distância entre os pés, como estratégia de controle do equilíbrio. Finalmente, a biomecânica da marcha se adapta a uma menor velocidade, longitude de passo e fase de retirada dos pés do chão, com um aumento da largura do passo e uma maior base de apoio. Na gestação, a mulher desenvolve adaptações de tipo anatômicas e mecânicas como resposta para mudanças progressivas experimentadas.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Trimesters , Biomechanical Phenomena , Musculoskeletal Development , Pregnancy Maintenance
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 86(3): 265-273, jun. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388660


INTRODUCCIÓN: Durante el embarazo se reportan a menudo trastornos del sueño, pero son poco explorados en el control prenatal. El objetivo fue estimar la frecuencia e identificar los factores asociados a somnolencia diurna excesiva (SDE) en gestantes de bajo riesgo obstétrico que acudieron a consulta prenatal. MÉTODO: Estudio transversal dentro del proyecto «Salud biopsicosocial en gestantes», aprobado por el comité de ética de la Clínica Santa Cruz de Bocagrande, Cartagena, Colombia. Se estudiaron mujeres con 12 o más semanas de gestación. Se aplicó un formulario que incluía las escalas de somnolencia diurna de Epworth (ESE), de estrés percibido de 10 ítems (EPP-10) y revisada de depresión del Centro de Estudios Epidemiológicos (CESD-R10). Se realizó regresión logística ajustada y no ajustada de SDE con las otras escalas y variables cualitativas. Se buscó correlación entre variables cuantitativas y la escala de Epworth. Se consideró significativo p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron 683 mujeres de 28,3 ± 6,3 años y 31,5 ± 6,9 semanas de gestación. Puntuación en la escala de Epworth: 3,82 ± 3,45. En el 4,9% se identificó SDE: 50% leve, 32,2% moderada y 17,6% importante. No se observó en el primer trimestre de gestación y la frecuencia fue similar en los otros; la SDE importante solo se observó en el tercer trimestre. Depresión: odds ratio [OR]: 3,69, intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC95%]:1,83-7,43. Anemia: OR 3,10, IC95%:1,50-6,38. Fatiga: OR 3,22, IC95%:1,23-8,44. Nerviosismo: OR 2,49, IC95%:1,22-5,12. Estrés: OR: 2,38, IC95%:1,12-5,05. Gran paridad: OR: 2,64, IC95%: 1,01-6,89. Trabajar fuera de casa: OR: 2,33, IC95%: 1,05-5,15. Todas estas variables se asociaron con SDE. En el modelo ajustado, la anemia (OR: 3,05, IC95%: 1,44-6,45) y la depresión (OR: 2,72, IC95%: 1,26-5,85) conservaron la asociación. Se observó correlación positiva, despreciable y estadísticamente significativa, de la ESE con la CESD-R10 y con la EPP-10; y ausencia de correlación con la edad materna, la edad gestacional, el número de abortos y el número de cesáreas. CONCLUSIONES: En una de cada 20 gestantes de bajo riesgo obstétrico se identificó SDE, y varias situaciones biopsicosociales se asociaron con mayor presencia.

INTRODUCTION: Sleep disturbances are constantly reported during pregnancy, although they are not often taken care of in prenatal care. The aim was to estimate the regularity and identify factors associated with excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in pregnant women at low obstetric risk who attended prenatal consultation. METHOD: Cross-sectional study belonging to the project “Biopsychosocial health in pregnant women”, approved by the ethics committee of the Santa Cruz de Bocagrande Clinic, Cartagena, Colombia. Pregnant women with 12 or more weeks of gestation were studied. A form including: Epworth Daytime Sleepiness Scale, 10-item Perceived Stress and the Revised Depression Scale of the Centre for Epidemiological Studies was applied. Adjusted and unadjusted logistic regression was performed between EDS with the other scales and qualitative variables. In addition, correlation between quantitative variables and the Epworth scale. P<0.05 was significant. RESULTS: 683 pregnant women were studied, maternal age 28.3 ± 6.3 years and gestational age 31.5±6.9 weeks. Epworth Scale score: 3.82 ± 3.45. EDS was identified in 4.9%, 50% mild, 32.2% moderate and 17.6% severe. It was not observed in the first gestational trimester and the frequency was similar in the others, severe EDS only in the third trimester. Depression OR: 3.69 [95% CI: 1.83-7.43], anemia OR: 3.10 [95% CI: 1.50-6.38], fatigue OR: 3.22 [95% CI: 1.23-8.44], nervousness OR: 2.49 [95% CI: 1.22-5.12, stress OR: 2.38 [95% CI: 1.12-5.05], high parity OR: 2.64 [95% CI: 1.01-6.89] and working outside the home OR: 2.33 [95% CI: 1.05-5.15, were associated with EDS. In the adjusted model, anemia OR: 3.05 [95% CI: 1.44-6.45] and depression OR: 2.72 [95% CI: 1.26-5.85] retained the association. CONCLUSIONS: In one out of every twenty low obstetric risk pregnant women EDS was identified and several biopsychosocial situations were associated with more presence.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Disorders of Excessive Somnolence/diagnosis , Outpatients , Pregnancy Trimesters , Logistic Models , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Colombia , Disorders of Excessive Somnolence/classification
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 21(1): 187-195, Jan.-Mar. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250691


Abstract Objectives: to determine the relationship between maternal hemoglobin (HbM) per gestational trimester and birthweight (BW). Methods: this was an analytical, cross-sectional observational study that included the prenatal records of494 pregnant women who delivered live newborns in the Department of Antioquia. The maternal health data collected included HbM and BW, and gynecological and obstetric, anthropometric, and maternal health-related data. The Mann-Whitney U test was applied, supplemented by effect size (ES) to compare the study groups. Results: HbMin the third trimester was significantly associated with BW (p=0.029).It showed a significant effect size on BW as follows: first trimester: ES=0.44 (CI95%= 0.183-0.697); second trimester: ES=0.49 (CI95%= 0.187-0.79); and third trimester: ES=0.43 (CI95% = 0.202-0.658). Maternal anemia was 4.2%>, 11.2%, and 21.4%> in the first, second, and third trimester, respectively. Conclusions: as it is an inexpensive indicator and easy to determine, the timely monitoring and assessment of HbM is required owing to its importance in maternal and neonatal health, quality of life, and human capital development.

Resumen Objetivos: determinar la relación entre hemoglobina materna (HbM) por trimestre de gestación y peso al nacer (PN). Métodos: estudio observacional analítico, transversal, en 494 historias prenatales de gestantes con recién nacido vivo del departamento de Antioquia. Se tomaron datos de HbMy PN, ginecobstétricos, antropométricos y de salud materna. Para comparar los grupos de estudio, se aplicó la prueba U-Mann Whitney, complementada con el tamaño de efecto (ES). Resultados: la HbM de tercer trimestre se asoció significativamente con el PN (p=0,029); la HbM mostró un tamaño de efecto importante sobre el PN, así: primer trimestre: ES=0,44 (IC95%= 0,183 a 0,697); segundo trimestre: ES=0,49 (IC95%= 0,187 a 0,79); tercer trimestre: ES=0,43 (IC95%o= 0,202 a 0,658). La anemia materna fue 4,2°%, 11,2%o y 21,4°% en el primero, segundo y tercer trimestre, respectivamente. Conclusiones: Se necesita seguimiento y evaluación oportuna de la HbM, indicador de bajo costo y fácil determinación, por su importancia en la salud materna y neonatal, en la calidad de vida y desarrollo del capital humano.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy Trimesters , Birth Weight , Hemoglobins/analysis , Risk Factors , Anemia/blood , Socioeconomic Factors , Nutritional Status , Colombia
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 43(1): 20-27, Jan. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156079


Abstract Objective To analyze the agreement, in relation to the 90th percentile, of ultrasound measurements of abdominal circumference (AC) and estimated fetal weight (EFW), between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Fetal and Newborn Growth Consortium for the 21st Century (intergrowth-21st) tables, as well as regarding birth weight in fetuses/newborns of diabetic mothers. Methods Retrospective study with data from medical records of 171 diabetic pregnant women, single pregnancies, followed between January 2017 and June 2018. Abdominal circumference and EFW data at admission (from 22 weeks) and predelivery (up to 3 weeks) were analyzed. These measures were classified in relation to the 90th percentile. The Kappa coefficient was used to analyze the agreement of these ultrasound variables between the WHO and intergrowth-21st tables, as well as, by reference table, these measurements and birth weight. Results The WHO study reported 21.6% large-for-gestational-age (LGA) newborns while the intergrowth-21st reported 32.2%. Both tables had strong concordances in the assessment of initial AC, final AC, and initial EFW (Kappa = 0.66, 0.72 and 0.63, respectively) and almost perfect concordance in relation to final EFW (Kappa = 0.91). Regarding birth weight, the best concordances were found for initial AC (WHO: Kappa = 0.35; intergrowth-21st: Kappa= 0.42) and with the final EFW (WHO: Kappa = 0.33; intergrowth- 21st: Kappa = 0.35). Conclusion The initial AC and final EFW were the parameters of best agreement regarding birth weight classification. The WHO and intergrowth-21st tables showed high agreement in the classification of ultrasound measurements in relation to the 90th

Resumo Objetivo Analisar a concordância, em relação ao percentil 90, das medidas ultrassonográficas da circunferência abdominal (CA) e peso fetal estimado (PFE), entre as tabelas da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) e do International Fetal and Newborn Growth Consortium for the 21st Century integrowth-21st, bem como em relação ao peso ao nascer em fetos/recém-nascidos de mães diabéticas. Métodos Estudo retrospectivo com dados de prontuários de 171 gestantes diabéticas, com gestações únicas, seguidas entre Janeiro de 2017 e Junho de 2018. Foram analisados dados da CA e do PFE na admissão (a partir de 22 semanas) e no pré-parto (até 3 semanas). Essas medidas foram classificadas em relação ao percentil 90. O coeficiente Kappa foi utilizado para analisar a concordância entre as tabelas da OMS e Intergrowth-21st, assim como, por tabela de referência, entre as medidas e o peso ao nascer. Resultados O estudo da OMS relatou 21,6% dos recém nascidos grandes para a idade gestacional (GIG) enquanto que o estudo do intergrowth-21st relatou 32,2%. Ambas as tabelas tiveram fortes concordâncias na avaliação da CA inicial e final e PFE inicial (Kappa= 0,66, 0,72 e 0,63, respectivamente) e concordância quase perfeita em relação ao PFE final (Kappa= 0,91).Emrelação ao peso ao nascer, asmelhores concordâncias foram encontradas para aCAinicial (OMS: Kappa= 0,35; intergrowth-21st: Kappa= 0,42) e como PFE final (OMS: Kappa = 0,33; intergrowth-21st: Kappa= 0,35). Conclusão A CA inicial e o PFE final foram os parâmetros de melhor concordância em relação à classificação do peso ao nascer. As tabelas da OMS e intergrowth-21st mostraram alta concordância na classificação das medidas ultrassonográficas em relação ao percentil 90. Estudos são necessários para confirmar se alguma dessas tabelas é superior na previsão de resultados negativos a curto e longo prazo no grupo GIG.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Adult , Pregnancy in Diabetics/diagnostic imaging , Birth Weight , Fetal Macrosomia/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Pregnancy Trimesters , World Health Organization , Brazil , Medical Records , Reproducibility of Results , Retrospective Studies
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 34: eAPE00575, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1349812


Resumo Objetivo Identificar diagnósticos de enfermagem pela Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem (CIPE®) à consulta de enfermagem pré-natal na atenção primária, segundo trimestre gestacional. Métodos Estudo transversal, conduzido em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família do município de Botucatu/SP. Participaram 48 gestantes, atendidas nos meses de agosto a novembro de 2015, nas 95 consultas de enfermagem de pré-natal realizadas. Adotou-se como referencial a Teoria das Necessidades Humanas Básicas. Resultados Foram identificados 452 diagnósticos, agrupados em diagnósticos de promoção à saúde, de risco e com foco no problema. A maior parte deles voltaram-se às necessidades psicobiológicas envolvendo necessidades de nutrição, hidratação, eliminações e exercícios e atividades físicas. Evidenciaram-se semelhanças quando considerados os três trimestres de gravidez, o que pode decorrer do fato de terem sido incluídas no estudo apenas gestantes de risco habitual, de forma que frequentemente os diagnósticos propostos guardavam relação com alterações fisiológicas decorrentes da gravidez normal. Foi pequena a proporção de diagnósticos voltados às necessidades psicossociais, com destaque às necessidades de segurança, gregária e aceitação. Nenhum diagnóstico foi proposto relacionado às necessidades psicoespirituais. Conclusão A maior parte do conjunto de diagnósticos propostos está no contexto do desenvolvimento de hábitos de vida saudáveis. Porém, nesse processo, há que se considerar a necessidade de ampliar a abordagem da gestante, de forma a contemplar diagnósticos psicossociais e psicoespirituais.

Resumen Objetivo Identificar diagnósticos de enfermería a través de la Clasificación Internacional de la Práctica de Enfermería (CIPE®) para consultas de enfermería prenatal en la atención primaria, según el trimestre gestacional. Métodos Estudio transversal, conducido en una Unidad de Salud de la Familia en el municipio de Botucatu, estado de São Paulo. Participaron 48 mujeres embarazadas, atendidas entre los meses de agosto y noviembre de 2015, en 95 consultas de enfermería prenatal. Se adoptó la teoría de las necesidades humanas básicas como marco referencial. Resultados Se identificaron 452 diagnósticos, agrupados en diagnósticos de promoción de la salud, de riesgo y con foco en el problema. La mayor parte se relacionó con las necesidades psicobiológicas, que incluye necesidades de nutrición, hidratación, eliminación y ejercicio y actividad física. Se observaron semejanzas cuando se consideraron los tres trimestres del embarazo, lo que puede provenir del hecho de haber incluido solo gestantes de riesgo normal en el estudio. De esta forma, los diagnósticos propuestos estaban con frecuencia asociados con alteraciones fisiológicas resultantes de un embarazo normal. La proporción de diagnósticos relacionados con las necesidades psicosociales fue pequeña, con énfasis en la necesidad de seguridad, gregaria y de aprobación. No se propuso ningún diagnóstico relacionado con las necesidades psicoespirituales. Conclusión La mayor parte del conjunto de diagnósticos propuestos está dentro del contexto del desarrollo de hábitos de vida más saludables. Sin embargo, en este proceso hay que considerar la necesidad de ampliar el enfoque hacia la mujer embarazada, a fin de contemplar diagnósticos psicosociales y psicoespirituales.

Abstract Objective To identify nursing diagnoses by the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) to prenatal nursing consultation in primary care according to gestational trimester. Methods This is a cross-sectional study conducted at a Family Health Unit in the city of Botucatu/SP. Forty-eight pregnant women, assisted from August to November 2015, participated in the 95 prenatal nursing consultations held. The Theory of Basic Human Needs was adopted as a framework. Results We identified 452 diagnoses, grouped into health promotion, risk diagnoses and focused on the problem. Most of them turned to psychobiological needs involving needs for nutrition, hydration, eliminations, and exercises and physical activities. Similarities were evident when considering the three trimesters of pregnancy, which may be due to the fact that only pregnant women of habitual risk were included in the study so that the proposed diagnoses were often related to physiological changes resulting from normal pregnancy. There was a small proportion of diagnoses aimed at psychosocial needs, with emphasis on the needs of security, gregariousness, and acceptance. No diagnosis has been proposed related to psychospiritual needs. Conclusion Most of the set of diagnoses proposed is in the context of developing healthy lifestyle habits. However, in this process, it is necessary to consider the need to expand the approach of pregnant women, in order to include psychosocial and psychospiritual diagnoses.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Prenatal Care , Primary Health Care , Nursing Diagnosis , Pregnant Women , Standardized Nursing Terminology , Pregnancy Trimesters , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 85(6): 584-594, dic. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508027


INTRODUCCIÓN: El embarazo genera cambios fisiológicos, hormonales y psíquicos que afectan la sexualidad. OBJETIVO: Determinar los factores asociados a la sexualidad durante la gestación y mostrar los cambios en cada trimestre. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio transversal, analítico, muestra 346 puérperas. Se aplicó cuestionario de 47 ítems: datos sociodemográficos, creencias, vivencia e información recibida sobre sexualidad. RESULTADOS: El 56% tuvo encuentros sexuales un mes antes del parto. Frecuencia de encuentros sexuales: una vez por semana (54%, 43% y 63% primer, segundo y tercer trimestre; respectivamente). El análisis multivariado, estuvo asociado a que las mujeres reportaron haber experimentado mayor placer sexual cuando recibieron información del médico u obstetra (valor p<0,001), al alcanzar medianamente fácil el orgasmo (p<0,001) y ser estimulada en zonas erógenas (p<0,001); por el contrario, aquellas que experimentaron menor placer sexual, fueron las que sintieron que el deseo sexual cambio durante el embarazo (p=0,020) y cuando estimularon a su pareja en zonas erógenas (p<0,001). CONCLUSIONES: La vivencia de la sexualidad cambia durante la gestación. La información, el logro del orgasmo y la estimulación en zonas erógenas producen mayor placer sexual.

INTRODUCTION: Pregnancy generates physiological, hormonal, and psychic changes that affect sexuality. OBJECTIVE: To determine the factors associated with sexuality during gestation and to show the changes in each trimester. METHODOLOGY: Transversal, analytical study, showing 346 postpartum women. A questionnaire of 47 items was applied: sociodemographic data, beliefs, experience, and information received about sexuality. RESULTS: 56% had sexual encounters one month before delivery. Frequency of sexual encounters: once a week (54%, 43%, and 63% first, second, and third trimesters, respectively). The multivariate analysis was associated with women reporting greater sexual pleasure when they received information from the doctor or obstetrician (p<0.001 value), when reaching orgasm moderately easily (p<0.001) and when being stimulated in erogenous zones (p<0.001); on the contrary, those who experienced less sexual pleasure, were those who felt that sexual desire changed during pregnancy (p=0.020) and when they stimulated their partner in erogenous zones (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The experience of sexuality changes during gestation. The information, the achievement of orgasm and stimulation in erogenous zones produce greater sexual pleasure.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pregnancy/psychology , Sexuality , Peru , Pregnancy Trimesters , Sexual Behavior , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Pleasure , Sexual Health , Libido
Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 64(5): 507-513, Sept.-Oct. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131122


ABSTRACT As pregnant women are susceptible to changes in iodine, which can cause miscarriage, goiter, thyroid nodules, hypothyroidism, in addition to fetal neurological impairment or development. The aim of this study was to verify the implications of the iodine alteration in each gestational trimester and its consequences of physiological justification. The review was based on PRISMA. Searching for articles that took place in March 2020 without delimiting data. As bases consulted were the Clinical Trials, Cochrane Library, Lilacs and Medline (PubMed). The descriptors were combined as follows: "pregnancy" AND "iodine deficiency". Articles that addressed iodine deficiency and its implications were included. The selection followed the steps of reading the titles, abstracts and full articles. To assess the methodological quality of the studies, the STROBE Instruction instrument was used. The research resulted in 1,266 studies and 11 were included. In assessing methodological quality, the lowest score was and the maximum 20. According to studies, the fourth most affected by iodine loss are the second and third, it is possible to increase the volume and pneumatic nodules, subclinical hypothyroidism, pre-eclampsia, among others. The damages caused by iodine deficiency in the first or second trimester are still reversible, therefore, they need to be diagnosed early, to guarantee an iodic homeostasis and prevent damage to the health of the mother-child binomial.

Humans , Pregnancy , Child , Pregnancy Complications/etiology , Goiter , Hypothyroidism/etiology , Iodine , Pregnancy Trimesters
Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 62(1): 7-12, jun. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1148089


La saliva es un fluido complejo muy importante en las funciones de la cavidad bucal. El embarazo es un estado normal en el que el embrión se forma y evoluciona durante nueve meses. En este proceso la mujer sufre una serie de cambios fisiológicos y psicológicos. Entre ellos, tiene modificaciones en la saliva y, por consiguiente, en el flujo, pH y concentración de proteínas salivales, que desempeñan un papel importante en la protección contra la infección en los seres humanos. Su nivel en la cavidad oral está sujeto a constantes fluctuaciones que dependen de numerosos factores. El embarazo genera adaptaciones en la fisiología femenina que pueden repercutir en la salud bucal de la gestante. Las afecciones bucales más frecuentes son la caries dental y la gingivitis. Si estas afecciones no son tratadas a tiempo, pueden repercutir en la salud del futuro bebé. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de conocer acerca de los componentes de la saliva y su relación con caries dental en las embarazadas, considerando los tres trimestres de gestación (AU)

Saliva is a complex fluid very important in the functions of the oral cavity. Pregnancy is a normal state in which the embryo forms and evolves for nine months. In this process, women undergo a series of physiological and psychological changes. Among them, it has modifications in saliva and, consequently, in the flow, pH and concentration of salivary proteins, which play an important role in protecting against infection in humans. Its level in the oral cavity is subject to constant fluctuations that depend on numerous factors. Pregnancy generates adaptations in female physiology that can affect the oral health of the pregnant woman. The most common oral conditions are dental caries and gingivitis. If these conditions are not treated in time, they can affect the health of the future baby. A bibliographic review was carried out with the objective of knowing about the components of saliva and its relationship with dental caries in pregnant women, considering the three trimesters of gestation (AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Trimesters/physiology , Saliva/chemistry , Dental Caries , Pregnant Women , Salivary Proteins and Peptides , Salivation/physiology , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 64(1): 89-95, Jan.-Feb. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1088770


ABSTRACT Clinical and subclinical hypothyroidism are the most common hormonal dysfunctions during pregnancy. Insufficient maternal thyroid hormones (THs) in the early stages of pregnancy can lead to severe impairments in the development of the central nervous system because THs are critical to central nervous system development. In the fetus and after birth, THs participate in neurogenic processes, cell differentiation, neuronal activation, axonal growth, dendritic arborization, synaptogenesis and myelination. Although treatment is simple and effective, approximately 30% of pregnant women in Brazil with access to prenatal care have their first consultation after the first trimester of pregnancy, and any delay in diagnosis and resulting treatment delay may lead to cognitive impairment in children. This review summarizes the effects of clinical and subclinical hypothyroidism on fetal neurodevelopment, behavior and cognition in humans and rodents. Arch Endocrinol Metab. 2020;64(1):89-95

Humans , Animals , Female , Pregnancy , Rats , Pregnancy Complications/physiopathology , Brain/embryology , Cognitive Dysfunction/etiology , Hypothyroidism/complications , Maternal-Fetal Exchange/physiology , Pregnancy Complications/blood , Pregnancy Trimesters , Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects , Brain/physiopathology , Pregnancy Outcome
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 85(5): 537-548, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508005


OBJETIVO: determinar la prevalencia de disfunciones sexuales en gestantes del Eje Cafetero (COLOMBIA), y evaluar su impacto en la sexualidad durante cada trimestre. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: estudio observacional prospectivo, de carácter descriptivo; realizado en tres clínicas privadas de nivel III en el Eje Cafetero, Colombia. Se incluyeron mujeres mayores de 18 años, con diagnóstico confirmado de embarazo en el primer trimestre, sin infecciones de transmisión sexual, embarazo de un solo feto, pareja estable y sin contraindicaciones para la actividad sexual. El muestreo fue consecutivo por conveniencia. Se aplicó el Índice de Función Sexual Femenina (IFSF) como instrumento. Se midieron variables socio-demográficas, antecedentes de salud sexual y reproductiva, y por tipo de disfunción sexual evaluada. Los datos fueron procesados con el programa de análisis estadístico SPSS, versión 19. RESULTADOS: Se analizaron 1440 gestantes. La edad media fue de 24,9 ± 6,57 años. La puntuación media del IFSF, en la población total, fue de 29,47 ± 5,48 puntos (mínimo 9,71 y máximo 30,58). La prevalencia de disfunciones sexuales en el grupo estudiado, en el primer trimestre, fue del 39,79 %, en el segundo 44,37 % y 71,87 % en el tercero. La disfunción sexual presente con más frecuencia, en la población total, fue el trastorno del deseo (71,94 %), seguido por la alteración del orgasmo (39,79 %) y, en tercer lugar, la presencia de dolor (26,45%). La satisfacción sexual disminuyó 20,62 %. CONCLUSIONES: en las mujeres del Eje Cafetero se observa un revelador impacto del embarazo en la sexualidad, lo que puede tener efectos negativos sobre el bienestar general y en la relación de pareja. Se presenta una prevalencia de disfunciones sexuales cercana a las ¾ partes de la población estudiada, caracterizadas principalmente por trastornos del deseo y del orgasmo.

OBJECTIVE: to determine the prevalence of sexual dysfunctions in pregnant women of the Coffee Axis, and to evaluate their impact on sexuality during each quarter. MATERIAL AND METHODS: prospective observational study, descriptive in nature; carried out in three private level III clinics in the Coffee Region, Colombia. Women over 18 years of age, with a confirmed diagnosis of pregnancy in the first trimester, without sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy with a single fetus, stable partner and without contraindications for sexual activity were included. The sampling was consecutive for convenience. The Index of Female Sexual Function (IFSF) was applied as an instrument. Socio-demographic variables, sexual and reproductive health history, and by type of sexual dysfunction evaluated were measured. The data were processed with the statistical analysis program SPSS, version 19. RESULTS: 1440 pregnant women were analyzed. The mean age was 24.9 ± 6.57 years. The mean IFSF score in the total population was 29.47 ± 5.48 points (minimum 9.71 and maximum 30.58). The prevalence of sexual dysfunctions in the studied group, in the first trimester, was 39.79%, in the second 44.37% and 71.87% in the third. The sexual dysfunction most frequently present in the total population was desire disorder (71.94%), followed by alteration of orgasm (39.79%) and, in third place, the presence of pain (26, Four. Five%). Sexual satisfaction decreased 20.62%. CONCLUSIONS: a revealing impact of pregnancy on sexuality is observed in women from the Coffee Region, which can have negative effects on general well-being and on the couple relationship. There is a prevalence of sexual dysfunctions close to ¾ parts of the population studied, characterized mainly by desire and orgasm disorders.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological/epidemiology , Sexuality , Pregnancy Trimesters , Prevalence , Prospective Studies , Colombia/epidemiology