Abstract Background Argon plasma coagulation (APC) is a non-tactile ablative therapy that helps to stop rectal bleeding in patients who have developed actinic proctitis after exposure to radiotherapy. This approach seems to be more effective than medications or surgical procedures. Objective To review the literature to verify the effectiveness of APC in the treatment of patients with actinic proctitis induced by radiation therapies. Methods A systematic search was conducted on the following databases: MEDLINE/PubMed, LILACS, SCIELO, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. We identified 81 studies, and 5 of them fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Results In the articles included, a total of 236 patients were evaluated. Most of them were men (67.7%) with a mean age of 66.6 years. Prostate cancer was the main cause of actinic proctitis (67.3%), and control of the bleeding was achieved in 83.3% of the cases, after a mean of 1.67 session of APC. Moreover, 66 patients had complications with the treatment, and rectal pain was the most referred. Conclusions Argon plasma coagulation is a well-tolerated and effective treatment to control rectal bleeding in patients who underwent radiotherapy, and the number of sessions varies from 1 to 2, according to the case. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Proctitis/therapy , Proctitis/etiology , Radiotherapy/adverse effects , Rectum , Argon Plasma CoagulationABSTRACT
Malignant neoplasms are increasingly prevalent in the daily clinical practice. Up to 61% of patients with pelvic malignancies undergo pelvic radiotherapy in different doses, which may cause intestinal damage, and the rectum is the segment most frequently affected due to its fixed position in the pelvis. Currently, there are several strategies to minimize the effects of radiation on the tissues surrounding the neoplastic site; despite those strategies, radiotherapy can still result in serious damage to organs and structures, and these injuries accompany patients throughout their lives. One of the most common damages resulting from pelvic radiotherapy is acute proctitis.The diagnosis is confirmed by visualizing the rectal mucosa through rigid or flexible rectosigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy. The objective of the present study was to review the forms of radiation-induced proctopathytherapy, and to evaluate the results of each method to propose a standardization for the treatment of this pathology. Despite the prevalence of radiation-induced proctopathy, there is no definitive standardized treatment strategy so far. The first approach can be tried with local agents, such as mesalazine and formalin. For refractory cases, control can usually be achieved with argon plasma coagulation, hyperbaric oxygen, and radiofrequency ablation therapies. Regarding the study of radiation-induced proctopathy, there is a lack of robust studies with large samples and standardized therapies to be compared. There is a lack of double-blinded, randomized controlled studies to determine a definitive standard treatment algorithm. (AU)
Proctitis/etiology , Radiotherapy/adverse effects , Colitis/therapy , Pelvic Neoplasms/radiotherapy , Rectum , Mesalamine/therapeutic use , Formaldehyde/therapeutic use , HemorrhageABSTRACT
Resumen La proctitis infecciosa secundaria a una enfermedad de transmisión sexual ha aumentado en incidencia y deben ser consideradas especial-mente en varones homosexuales o bisexuales con síntomas rectales. Presentamos un paciente con una proctitis y enfermedad perianal por Chlamydia trachomatis que podría haber sido diagnosticado con otra enfermedad ano-rectal como es la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, si la historia clínica no hubiese sido considerada. Un alto nivel de sospecha es necesario para evitar un diagnóstico incorrecto, retrasar el tratamiento antimicrobiano y el desarrollo de complicaciones.
Abstract Infectious proctitis by sexually transmitted diseases are increasing in incidence and should be considered in homosexual patients with rectal symptoms. In this case, we show a patient with proctitis and perianal disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis that could be diagnosed as another anorectal disease such as inflammatory bowel disease if the clinical history is not taken into account. A high level of suspicion is crucial, in order to avoid an incorrect diagnosis, delayed antibiotic therapy and the development of complications.
Humans , Male , Adult , Proctitis/diagnosis , Proctitis/etiology , Proctitis/drug therapy , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/diagnosis , Inflammatory Bowel Diseases/diagnosis , Chlamydia trachomatis , Intraabdominal InfectionsABSTRACT
Abstract Purpose Changrui enema, a traditional Chinese medicine prescription, is used as a supplementary treatment for acute radiation proctitis (ARP). Herein we explored the inhibition effects of Changrui enema on NF-κB and VEGF in ARP mice. Methods A total of 120 C57BL/6 mice were divided randomly into normal mice group, ARP mice group, western medicine enema group (dexamethasone combined with gentamicin), and Changrui enema group. ARP mice were established by pelvic local irradiation. The expression of IL-1β, NF-κB, VEGF, AQP1, AQP3, p-ERK1/2 and p-JNK was determined by immunohistochemistry or western blot. Results The study firstly found that Changrui enema alleviated ARP mice. The expression of IL-1β, NF-κB, VEGF, AQP1 and p-ERK1/2 was increased in ARP mice, and was reserved by Changrui enema. However, the expression of AQP3 and p-JNK was decreased in ARP mice, and was up-regulated by Changrui enema. Conclusions Changrui enema is an effective treatment with fewer side effects for ARP. The mechanism of Changrui enema may be related to the inhibition of inflammation-induced angiogenesis. Changrui enema inhibits IL-1β and NF-κB expression as well as VEGF expression. Interestingly, AQP1 promotes angiogenesis, while AQP3 inhibits inflammation. Changrui enema probably inhibits AQP1 expression by down-regulating p-ERK1/2, and improves AQP3 expression by up-regulating p-JNK.
Animals , Mice , Proctitis/etiology , Proctitis/drug therapy , Radiation Injuries/metabolism , Radiation Injuries/drug therapy , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/pharmacology , NF-kappa B/drug effects , Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A/drug effects , Enema , Inflammation , Mice, Inbred C57BLABSTRACT
Introducción: Las infecciones transmisibles sexualmente (ITS) con afectación anorrectal constituyen un desafío pues las manifestaciones producidas por Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) y Treponema pallidum (TP) son similares. Objetivo: Evaluar si las manifestaciones anorrectales debidas a CT, NG y TP asociadas al examen proctológico permiten diagnóstico certero, sin estudios complementarios. Pacientes y método: Estudio retrospectivo. Revisión de registros de pacientes atendidos en consultorio coloproctológico. Periodo: 01/08/2015-01/07/2016. Se incluyeron pacientes con diagnóstico de ITS anorrectal, excepto aquellos con HPV únicamente. A todos se les pesquisaron ITS mediante hisopado anal para CT por inmunofluorescencia y para estudio directo y cultivo de NG, VDRL para TP y además HIV. Variables: sexo, edad, HIV, sexo anal, uso de preservativo, motivo de consulta y resultado de estudios efectuados. Resultados: Treinta y cuatro pacientes (32 hombres). Edad mediana 31,5 años (rango: 19-65). Veinticinco pacientes HIV + (73,5%). Veintinueve pacientes (28 hombres) mantenían sexo anal. 91% no usaba preservativo adecuadamente. 65% tuvo una única infección (ITS pura). Se diagnosticaron 14 sífilis (8 puras), 14 clamidiasis (7 puras) y 11 gonococcias (7 puras). Co-infección entre ellas: 9% y con HPV: 26%. La úlcera fue la manifestación en 7/8 casos de sífilis puras (todas dolorosas, excepto una). El resto presentó síntomas variados (condilomas virales atípicos, secreción purulenta y proctorragia). Más del 50% de las gonococias puras (4/7) se manifestó con úlcera, sin embargo, el dolor estuvo presente siempre (8/8) y en tres se asoció secreción purulenta. En cambio, la mitad de los pacientes con clamidiasis puras, se manifestó con proctorragia causada por un tumor rectal/sigmoideo inflamatorio, clínicamente indistinguible de neoplasia maligna. Todos las sífilis y gonococias tuvieron correlato con las pruebas diagnósticas, no así las clamidiasis cuyo diagnóstico no pudo confirmarse en tres casos (37,5%), que respondieron al tratamiento empírico. Conclusión: NG y TP anorrectal provocaron mayormente síntomas similares a los de etiología no venérea y se requirió del laboratorio para el diagnóstico etiológico. La presencia de tumor con biopsia negativa para neoplasia maligna en pacientes de riesgo para ITS obliga a descartar clamidiasis. (AU)
Introduction: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a challenge in medical consultation. The clinical manifestations of infection by Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) and Treponema pallidum ( TP) share symptoms at anorectal level. This implies the need for a high index of suspicion for diagnosis, which is based on history, physical examination and laboratory tests that not always are accurate or available . Purpose: Assess whether clinical signs of anorectal infections by CT, NG and TP associated with proctologic exams, lead to an accurate etiologic diagnosis without the help of specific laboratory studies. Patients and methods: Observational, retrospective study, based on a review of records of patients treated at the outpatient clinic of the Hospital Fernandez (City of Buenos Aires) department of coloproctology, in the period between August 2015 and July 2016. Patients who underwent STI diagnosis were all considered, but to those whose only diagnosis was infection by human papilloma virus (HPV) were excluded from the analysis. All patients were tested after the three etiologies of STI (anal swab for CT study by immunofluorescence, swabbing for direct study, and cultivation of NG and TP VDRL) and HIV. Variables analyzed: sex, age, presence of HIV infection, practice of receptive anal sex, proper use of condoms, signs and symptoms that prompted the consultation, and results of diagnostic tests. Results: 34 patients (32 men) were included. Median age 31.5 years (range: 19-65, interquartile range: 26-37). Twenty-five patients (73.5%) were HIV+. Twenty-nine patients (28 men) remained receptive anal sex. 91% did not use condoms properly. 65% of infections were pure, without other STI asociada-. 14 cases of syphilis (8 pure), 14 Chlamydia (7 pure) and 11 gonococcias (7puras), including co-infection in 9% of cases, no evidence of a more frequent another co-infection diagnosed. Co-infection with HPV was detected in 9 (26%) cases. The ulcer was the sign in 7/8 cases of pure syphilis (all painful, except one). The rest is expressed by a variety of symptoms (atypical viral warts, purulent and bloody diarrhea). Similarly, just over 50% (4/7) of pure gonococcias demonstrated ulcer, but the pain was always present (8/8 of pure gonococcias) and three associated with purulent discharge. Instead of the ten patients with pure chlamydia, 50% manifested with bloody diarrhea caused by a rectal tumor / inflammatory sigmoid, clinically indistinguishable from malignancy. All cases of syphilis and gonococcal were correlated with diagnostic tests; not those whose diagnosis of chlamydial infection (confirmed in eight and was negative in three, 37.5%) who responded to empiric treatment indicated by the clinical suspicion. Conclusion: While this is a small series, it shows that the NG and TP in the anorectal location mostly caused symptoms similar to those of non-venereal ethology most of the times, and laboratory assistance for etiologic diagnosis was required. The presence of tumor with negative biopsy for malignancy in patients at risk for STIs, leads chlamydia to be ruled out. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Proctitis/etiology , Proctitis/microbiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Bacterial/complications , Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Bacterial/diagnosis , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Gonorrhea/diagnosis , Syphilis/diagnosis , Pain , Proctitis/epidemiology , Rectum/microbiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Bacterial/epidemiology , Comorbidity , HIV Infections , Retrospective Studies , Sex Distribution , Clinical Laboratory TechniquesABSTRACT
Objetivo: Estudiar las características clínicas y endoscópicas de la proctitis crónica hemorrágica por radioterapia en el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas del Perú. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y longitudinal, con una población de 588 pacientes con esta patología, en el periodo 2011-2013, de donde se seleccionaron 114 pacientes por muestreo probabilístico aleatorizado. Se usó la estadística descriptiva e inferencial para el análisis de las variables cualitativas y cuantitativas. Resultados: La investigación encontró como principales resultados, un periodo de latencia de 439,96 días; la severidad de rectorragia clínica fue grado II y III en el 86,84%, la hemoglobina media fue de 11,63 gr/dl, los hallazgos endoscópicos fueron severidad moderada en el 58,77%, extensión solo rectal en el 92,11%, friabilidad leve del 43,86%, compromiso menor del 33% de la superficie rectal en el 71,93% y una longitud media de 7,28 cm. Los hallazgos inflamatorios fueron de cicatrices en el 0,88%, erosiones del 0,88%, de úlceras del 7%, de fístula del 0,88% y del 3,51% de estenosis rectales, el tratamiento de argón plasma coagulación (APC) único o combinado se ofreció en el 96% de los casos. Conclusiones: La proctitis crónica hemorrágica por radioterapia fue una complicación importante de la radioterapia pélvica, con hallazgos clínicos y endoscópicos característicos.
Objective: To study the clinical and endoscopic features of chronic hemorrhagic proctitis by radiotherapy in the National Institute of Neoplastic Diseases of Peru. Materials and methods: The study was descriptive, retrospective and longitudinal, with a population of 588 patients with this pathology, in the period 2011-2013, from which 114 patients were selected by randomized probabilistic sampling. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for the analysis of qualitative and quantitative variables. Results: The main results were a latency period of 439.96 days; the severity of clinical rectal bleeding was grade 2 and 3 in 86.84%, the mean hemoglobin in chronic hemorrhagic proctitis by radiotherapy was 11.63 g / dl, the endoscopic findings were moderate severity in 58.77%, extension rectal only in 92.11%, slight friability of 43.86%, compromise less than 33% of the rectal surface in 71.93% and an average length of 7.28 cm. The inflammatory findings were 0.88% scars, erosions of 0.88%, ulcers of 7%, fistula of 0.88% and 3.51% of rectal stenosis, single or combined argon plasma coagulation (APC) treatment was offered in 96% of cases. Conclusion: Chronic hemorrhagic proctitis is an important complication of pelvic radiotherapy, with characteristic clinical and endoscopic findings.
Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Proctitis/etiology , Radiation Injuries/complications , Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage/etiology , Peru , Proctitis/diagnostic imaging , Radiation Injuries/diagnostic imaging , Radiotherapy/adverse effects , Rectum/radiation effects , Rectum/diagnostic imaging , Severity of Illness Index , Chronic Disease , Retrospective Studies , Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal/statistics & numerical data , Academies and InstitutesABSTRACT
Introducción: Las infecciones transmisibles sexualmente (ITS) son motivo de consulta frecuente, encontrándose Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) entre las prevalentes. Este germen provoca proctitis de diversa gravedad según el biovar involucrado. Los casos más floridos suelen ser ocasionados por el biovar LGV, responsable de la entidad linfogranuloma venéreo. Se desconocen la prevalencia de CT como causa de proctitis en Argentina y los biovares implicados. Con el objetivo de estudiar estas variables, se diseñó un protocolo para detectar y genotipificar CT en pacientes con proctitis infecciosa. Pacientes y métodos: Se incluyeron pacientes mayores de 18 años con cuadro de proctitis infecciosa atendidos en un centro público y otro privado. Se excluyeron pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal y radioterapia pelviana. El estudio fue aprobado por un Comité de Ética y los pacientes firmaron un consentimiento informado. En las muestras de hisopado anal se realizó detección y tipificación molecular de CT. Resultados: Entre 31de agosto de 2017 y 31 de mayo de 2018, se incluyeron 56 pacientes (1 mujer, 53 hombres, 2 mujeres trans), 79% HIV+. En 29 casos (52%) se detectó CT. Todos eran hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH) y refirieron practicar sexo anal u oral receptivo no protegido. La mediana de edad de este subgrupo fue de 31 años; 83% HIV+ en tratamiento antirretroviral y mediana de CD4 637 cel/mm3. La coinfección con otras ITS fue del 41% (siendo las más frecuentes HPV, gonococia y sífilis). Los motivos de consulta más frecuentes fueron proctorragia, pujo y tenesmo, proctalgia y secreción. Las manifestaciones clínicas fueron variadas: proctitis, úlcera perianal, tumor endoanal/rectal y absceso/fístula. El 86% de las proctitis correspondió al biovar LGV, siendo 62% moderadas a graves. La mediana de tiempo de evolución hasta el diagnóstico fue 21 días. Los casos más prolongados correspondieron a cuadros clínicos y endoscópicos más graves. La duración del tratamiento se adecuó al biovar involucrado. Todos los pacientes respondieron favorablemente; sin embargo, las dos fístulas perianales requirieron resolución quirúrgica. Conclusiones: Proctitis, úlceras y fístulas son manifestaciones inespecíficas; el hallazgo clínico y endoscópico per se no son suficientes para definir la etiología; sólo una anamnesis minuciosa permite presumir una ITS como agente causal. La tipificación logra definir el biovar, dato fundamental para adecuar el tratamiento, cortar la cadena de transmisión y contar con datos epidemiológicos a nivel local. Como resultado de esta investigación, el Ministerio de Salud de Nación proyectó la emisión de una alerta sobre la presencia de LGV en nuestro medio. Tipo de estudio: Observacional, transversal, analítico, multicéntrico.
Introduction: Sexually transmitted infections (STI) are a frequent reason for consultation, being Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) among the most prevalent ones. It causes proctitis of varying severity depending on the biovar involved. The most severe cases are usually caused by the LGV biovar, responsible for the entity called lymphogranuloma venereum. The prevalence of CT as a cause of proctitis in Argentina and the biovars involved are unknown. In order to study these variables, a protocol was designed to detect and genotype CT in patients with infectious proctitis. Patients and methods: Patients over 18 years old with infectious proctitis were attended in a public and private center. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease and pelvic radiation therapy were excluded. The study was approved by an Ethics Committee and the patients signed an informed consent. The detection and molecular typing of CT was performed in anal swab samples. Results: Between 31-08-2017 and 31-05-2018, 56 patients were included (1 woman, 53 men, 2 trans women), 79% HIV +. In 29 cases (52%) CT was detected. All were MSM and reported to practice unprotected receptive oral or anal sex. The median age of this subgroup was 31 years; 83% HIV + on antiretroviral treatment and median CD4 637 cel / mm3. The coinfection with other STIs was present 41% (the most frequent were HPV, gonococcal and syphilis). The most frequent symptoms were bleeding, tenesmus, proctalgia and secretion. The clinical manifestations were varied: proctitis, perianal ulcer, endoanal / rectal tumor and abscess / anal fistula. 86% of the proctitis corresponded to the LGV biovar, being 62% moderate to severe. The median time of evolution until the diagnosis was 21 days. The most prolonged cases corresponded to more severe clinical and endoscopic symptoms. The duration of the treatment was adapted to the biovar involved. All patients responded favorably; however, the two perianal fistulas required surgical resolution. Conclusions: Proctitis, ulcers and fistulas are nonspecific manifestations; the clinical and endoscopic findings per se are not sufficient to define the etiology; only a meticulous anamnesis allows us to presume an STI as a causative agent. The typification allows to define the biovar, a fundamental data to adapt the treatment, stop chain of transmission and provides local epidemiological data. As a result of this investigation, the Ministry of Health of the Argentina issued an alert about the presence of LGV in our country. Type of study: Observational, cross-sectional, analytical, multicenter study.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Proctitis/etiology , Proctitis/epidemiology , Chlamydia Infections , Chlamydia trachomatis/pathogenicity , Rectal Diseases/etiology , Rectal Diseases/epidemiology , Lymphogranuloma Venereum/etiology , HIV Infections/complications , Prevalence , Homosexuality, MaleABSTRACT
Abstract Purpose: To investigate the prophylactic and therapeutical effects of sildenafil in a model of acute radiation proctitis (ARP). Methods: All experimental procedures of this study was examined by histopathological, immunohistochemical and transmission electron microscopic analysis. Results: Our histopathological evaluations indicated significant increases in lesion severity, cryptic apsis, cryptitis, cryptic distortion, reactive atypia and infiltration depth of the control (proctitis) group. While the prophylaxis group and the treatment group had significantly lower scores. High-dose group showed similar results as prophylaxis group. Histopathological findings of the prophylaxis group was more significant than the treatment group. Immunoreactivities of IL-1β, FGF-2, TNF- α and HIF-1α increased in the control group especially in the epithelial and cryptic regions. On the contrary, sildenafil application caused significant decreases of inflammatory markers in all treatment groups, specifically better results in the prophylaxis group. Conclusion: The sildenafil has anti-inflammatory effects on ARP, as well as protective effects against ARP and the protective effect of sildenafil surpasses its therapeutic effect histopathologically.
Animals , Proctitis/etiology , Proctitis/drug therapy , Radiation Injuries, Experimental/drug therapy , Post-Exposure Prophylaxis/methods , Sildenafil Citrate/pharmacology , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/pharmacology , Proctitis/pathology , Radiation Injuries, Experimental/pathology , Rectum/pathology , Time Factors , Severity of Illness Index , Immunohistochemistry , Random Allocation , Reproducibility of Results , Fibroblast Growth Factor 2/analysis , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/analysis , Treatment Outcome , Protective Agents/pharmacology , Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A/analysis , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1, alpha Subunit/analysis , Interleukin-1beta/analysisABSTRACT
Introducción: Varios tratamientos se utilizan para la rectitis actínica hemorrágica, entre ellos corticoides, sucralfato, mezalasina y distintas variantes de cauterización endoscópica, aunque ninguno puede considerarse de elección. En este contexto, la aplicación local de formalina al 4% ha demostrado ser efectiva y segura cuando han fracasado otros tratamientos conservadores. Objetivo: Comunicar nuestra experiencia en el tratamiento de la rectitis actínica sangrante con formalina, describiendo las variantes técnicas de su aplicación y los resultados. Diseño: Observacional retrospectivo. Lugar de aplicación: Hospital público de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Pacientes y Método: Se revisaron registros hospitalarios de 10 pacientes (7 mujeres) de edad promedio 61,1±15,6 (rango 28-81) años, con rectitis sangrante posterior a radioterapia pelviana. La dosis osciló entre 7400 y 8000 cGy y el sangrado comenzó en promedio 7,2±3,1 (rango 2-12) meses luego de finalizada la misma. Todos los pacientes presentaban anemia y habían recibido uno o más tratamientos conservadores previos sin respuesta, tres de los cuales habían requerido transfusiones. La terapia con formalina se realizó con dos modalidades: Grupo I: hisopo embebido en formalina al 4% a ph 7 puesto en contacto con la superficie sangrante durante 1-2 minutos. Grupo II: instilación de un volumen de 100-200 ml, en bolos de 30-40 ml por área sangrante, mantenidos en contacto durante 30-60 segundos con posterior aspiración y lavado con solución fisiológica entre los bolos y al final del procedimiento. La respuesta fue considerada completa cuando el sangrado cesó por completo o sólo hubo esporádicas y escasas pérdidas hemáticas, que no requirieron ningún tratamiento. La respuesta parcial se definió como la mejoría en frecuencia y magnitud del sangrado que no requirió otra terapia agresiva. Resultados: Se trataron 10 pacientes (Grupo I: 8 y Grupo II: 2)... (TRUNCADO)...
Background: Several treatments are used for radiation-induced hemorrhagic proctitis, among these corticosteroids, sucralfate, mezalasina, and cauterization endoscopic variants, but none can be considered of choice. With varying results are described. In this context, the local application of 4% formalin has proven to be effective and safe when other conservative treatments have failed. Objective: To report on our experience in the treatment of radiation-induced hemorrhagic proctitis, describing the technical variants of its implementation and results. Design: Observational retrospective study. Setting: Public Hospital of the City of Buenos Aires. Patients and Methods: Hospital records of 10 patients (7 women), average age 61.1 ± 15.6 (range 28-81) years, with radiation-induced hemorrhagic proctitis after pelvic radiotherapy were reviewed. The doses ranged from 7400 to 8000 cGy and the bleeding started on average 7.2 ± 3.1 (range 2-12) months after it ended. All patients had anemia and had received one or more previous conservative treatments with no response, and three of them had required transfusions. Formalin therapy was performed in two ways: Group I: swab with 4% formalin at pH 7 in contact with the bleeding surface for 1-2 minutes. Group II: instillation of a volume of 100-200 ml, in 30-40 ml bolus by bleeding area, maintained in contact with that area for 30-60 seconds, with subsequent aspiration and washing with saline solution between the boluses and the end of the procedure. Treatment response was considered complete when the bleeding stopped completely or there was sporadic and limited blood loss not merequiring any treatment. Partial response was defined as improvement in the frequency and magnitude of bleeding not requiring other aggressive therapy... (TRUNCATED)...
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Formaldehyde/administration & dosage , Formaldehyde/therapeutic use , Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage/drug therapy , Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage/etiology , Proctitis/drug therapy , Proctitis/etiology , Administration, Topical , Observational Studies as Topic , Pelvic Neoplasms/radiotherapy , Radiotherapy/adverse effects , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Background: Hemorrhagic radiation rectitis occurs in 15 percent of patients subjected to pelvic irradiation. One of the treatment alternatives is the topical application of 4 percent formaldehyde. Aim: To report the results of the use of topical formaldehyde in radiation rectitis. Material and Methods: Twenty patients aged 36 to 80 years (13 women) with hemorrhagic radiation rectitis were prospectively recruited. Fistula or stenosis was discarded endoscopically. Formaldehyde was applied in the operating room or at the outpatient clinic. Results: Fifteen patients required repeated transfusions. The application was performed in the operating room in five patients. Bleeding stopped in three patients with one application, in 12 patients with two applications and in four, with three applications. In one patient, bleeding did not stop after the first application and had a sigmoid perforation; therefore no further application was attempted. One patient had a severe proctitis after the procedure, which subsided with symptomatic treatment after 15 days. Conclusions: Topical formaldehyde application for hemorrhagic rectitis is effective to stop bleeding but has complications in 10 percent of patients.
Introducción: La rectitis actínica hemorrágica es una complicación que se presenta en el 15 por ciento de los pacientes sometidos a radioterapia por una neoplasia pélvica. Existen distintas alternativas para su tratamiento, entre las que se cuenta la aplicación de formalina al 4 por ciento. Presentamos los resultados del tratamiento de esta complicación en una serie prospectiva no aleatoria. Material y Método: Desde marzo de 2004 a mayo de 2007 se reclutaron en forma prospectiva todos los pacientes tratados por una rectitis actínica hemorrágica en nuestro servicio. En todos los pacientes se descartó una estenosis o fístula por endoscopia flexible. Los pacientes fueron sometidos a aplicación de formalina en pabellón o ambulatoria según la evaluación del tratante. Resultados: La serie corresponde a 20 pacientes, 13 mujeres, con un promedio de edad de 61 años (36-80), 15 requerían transfusiones a repetición. La indicación de radioterapia fue por un cáncer cérvico uterino en 9 casos, de próstata en 7 casos y endometrio en 4. El promedio de sesiones necesarias para controlar el sangrado fue de 2 (1-3); en 5 pacientes la aplicación se realizó en pabellón. Tres pacientes mejoraron con una aplicación, 12 pacientes con 2 aplicaciones y 4 con 3 procedimientos. Un paciente continúa sangrado después de un procedimiento, pero presenta una perforación de sigmoides en terreno neoplásico y no se intentó una segunda sesión, por lo que se considera un fracaso del procedimiento. Además un paciente presentó una proctitis intensa que cedió con tratamiento sintomático en 15 días, con lo que la morbilidad del procedimiento alcanza a un 10 por ciento. El éxito acumulado es de un 95 por ciento de los casos, con detención del sangrado, sin necesidad de transfusiones. Conclusión: Estimamos que el tratamiento con formalina al 4 por ciento es un procedimiento seguro para el tratamiento de la rectitis actínica hemorrágica, con buenos resultados en la gran mayoría de los pacientes ...
Humans , Male , Adult , Female , Middle Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Formaldehyde/therapeutic use , Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage/drug therapy , Proctitis/drug therapy , Radiation Injuries/drug therapy , Administration, Topical , Formaldehyde/administration & dosage , Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage/etiology , Hemostatics/administration & dosage , Prospective Studies , Proctitis/etiology , Radiotherapy/adverse effects , Treatment Outcome , Radiation Injuries/complicationsABSTRACT
La alternativa quirúrgica de elección para los pacientes con colitis ulcerosa (CU) refractaria al tratamiento médico es la proctocolectomía total con una reconstrucción a través de la confección de un reservorio ileal y una anastomosis ileo-anal. Esta cirugía permite la curación de la enfermedad con buen resultado funcional. A pesar de las demostradas ventajas, no está exenta de complicaciones. Una de las complicaciones es la inflamación sintomática del remanente rectal o cuffitis. Esta genera controversias importantes acerca de la técnica que debe utilizarse para la anastomosis ileo-anal debido a la asociación que presenta con la preservación de mucosa rectal en técnicas de sutura mecánica. El presente trabajo propone la revisión del tema y el análisis del enfoque actual de tratamiento, basada en un caso clínico.
Restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch is the treatment of choice in the majority of patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) refractory to medical treatment. This surgery can cure the disease with good functional outcome. Despite the proven benefits, is not without complications. One of the complications is symptomatic inflammation of the rectal remnant or cuffitis. This generates significant controversy about the technique to be used for the Ileo-anal anastomosis because of the association presented to the preservation of rectal mucosa in mechanical suture techniques. This paper proposes the review of the topic and analysis of the current approach to treatment based on one case.
Humans , Female , Young Adult , Colitis, Ulcerative/surgery , Proctocolectomy, Restorative/adverse effects , Proctocolectomy, Restorative/methods , Anastomosis, Surgical/methods , Ileostomy , Proctitis/surgery , Proctitis/etiology , Proctitis/therapyABSTRACT
A retite actínica é uma complicação relativamente freqüente da radioterapia pélvica. Apesar de não oferecer dificuldade diagnóstica na maioria dos casos, é um distúrbio desafiador e muitas vezes de tratamento frustrante. Os autores discorrem sobre aspectos atuais de abordagem terapêutica deste distúrbio.
Male , Female , Proctitis/etiology , Proctitis/physiopathology , Proctitis/therapy , Radiation Injuries/complicationsABSTRACT
Perianal abscess and fistula are a cause of significant morbidity worldwide and have been documented since the time of Hippocrates [460 BC]. Anorectal sepsis accounts 0.5 - 1% of all surgical admissions and constitutes 20- 25% of those for colorectal disorders. Except for unusual diseases, fistula in ano originates from infection in the anal crypts of Morgagni, forming an abscess which, when it opens, results in a tract leading to the skin surface. This brief report presents a case of fistula-in-ano with unusual aetiology that not reported in literature
Humans , Male , Fishes , Abscess/etiology , Proctitis/etiology , Rectal Fistula/diagnosisABSTRACT
Radiation proctitis is a frequent acute complication encountered with pelvic irradiation. This study was aimed at establishing the optimal radiation dose for radiation-induced proctitis in rats. Female Wistar rats were used. The rectal specimens were examined morphologically at 5th and 10th day following 10-30 Gy irradiation in single fraction. With increasing dose, mucosal damage became worse, and there was a prominent reaction after > or =15 Gy. We selected 17.5 Gy as an optimal dose for radiation proctitis and examined specimens at day 1-14 and at week 4, 6, 8, and 12 after 17.5 Gy. The rectal mucosa revealed characteristic histological changes with time. An edema in lamina propria started as early as 1-2 days after irradiation and progressed into acute inflammation. On day 7 and 8, regeneration was observed with or without ulcer. Four weeks later, all regeneration processes have been completed with end result of either fibrosis or normal appearing mucosa. This study showed that the radiation injury of the rectum in rat develops in dose-dependent manner as it has reported in previous studies and suggested that 17.5 Gy in single fraction is the optimum dose to evaluate the protective effect of various medications for radiation proctitis in face of the clinical situation.
Female , Rats , Animals , Disease Models, Animal , Dose-Response Relationship, Radiation , Proctitis/pathology , Proctitis/mortality , Proctitis/etiology , Rats, Wistar , Rectum/radiation effects , Rectum/pathology , Time FactorsSubject(s)
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Diarrhea, Infantile/etiology , Diarrhea/etiology , Celiac Disease/diagnosis , Food Hypersensitivity/diagnosis , Food/adverse effects , Chronic Disease , Disaccharidases/deficiency , Esophageal Neoplasms/complications , Gastroenteritis/complications , Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage/etiology , Lymphoma/complications , Proctitis/etiology , Dietary Proteins/adverse effects , Self-Evaluation ProgramsABSTRACT
Os autores apresentam um relato de caso de estenose tardia de reto, conseqüente a trauma de bacia. A paciente H. F. S., 52 anos, foi atendida no pronto-socorro, após acidente de trânsito, colisäo entre veículos. Apresentava disjunçäo sacro-ilíaca esquesda, fratura bilateral de fêmur e perna esqueda, TCE leve, contusöes e escoriaçöes generalizadas. O tratamento imediato foi traçäo de membros inferiores e com fixador externo na perna. Ficou internada por 65 dias, recebendo alta hospitalar com consolidaçäo óssea quase completa das fraturas. Durante o internamento teve um quadro de diarréia e obstipaçäo. Após sete dias da alta evoluiu com quadro de suboclusäo intestinal, tratada clinicamente, apresentando diarréia e constipaçäo. A história pregressa ao trauma revelava hábito intestinal normal. Foi encaminhada ao serviço de cirurgia apresentando distensäo abdominal, dor pélvica, ao toque evidenciava uma estenose de 90 por cento da luz retal a 6 cm da linha anorretal. A retoscopia demonstrou sinais de retite, hiperemia de mucosa e microulceraçöes ao nível da estenose. A biópsia diagnosticou proctite crônica inespecífica. Foram descartadas patologias como proctite estenosante por clamídia e sífilis. A T.A.C. foi normal e o enema opaco demonstrou estenose circular curta no reto. O diagnóstico final foi de estenose de reto causada por trauma de bacia e disjunçäo sacro-ilíaca. O tratamento inicial foi de dilataçäo por retossigmoidoscópio e digital, o qual näo foi satisfatório. O tratamento definitivo foi a retossigmoidectomia com anastomose colorretal com grampeador intraluminar. A paciente evoluiu satisfatoriamente estando atualmente normal. Concluímos que o trauma pélvico de modo geral pode levar a lesäo do reto por este ser fixo a estruturas vizinhas e a evoluçäo para estenose se näo tratada precocemente. O tratamento por dilataçäo digital é um modo alternativo porém näo eficaz e o tratamento definitivo é a retossigmoidectomia
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Pelvis/injuries , Rectum/injuries , Constriction, Pathologic/surgery , Constriction, Pathologic/etiology , Proctitis/etiology , Rectum/surgeryABSTRACT
Se realizo un estudio descriptivo; el universo constituido por una cohorte de pacientes con cancer de cuello del utero de Ciudad de La Habana, irradiadas en 1991 en el INOR, con cualesquiera de las modalidades siguientes: braquiterapia, teleterapia o tratamiento compuesto (braquiterapia + teleterapia), para estimar la incidencia de proctitis radiogena tardia, determinar la frecuencia de mujeres con sintomas sospechosos de proctitis sin diagnostico de esta complicacion y describir las caracteristicas del tratamiento radiante y la conducta seguida con las pacientes segun presencia o no de proctitis o sintomas sospechos. Los resultados indican que de las 76 pacientes que integraban la cohorte 15 desarrollaron la complicacion del tratamiento radiante a los 14 meses de seguimiento como promedio y 12 presentaron sintomas sospechosos de proctitis. Del total de mujeres estudiadas 69 recibieron tratamiento radiante compuesto, 5 recibieron braquiterapia y 2 se trataron con teleterapia; todas las pacientes que desarrollaron la proctitis habian recibido tratamiento compuesto. En cuanto al promedio de dosis radiante recibidas en el punto A no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las mujeres que no desarrollaron la complicacion y las que enfermaron de proctitis; aunque en las ultimas fue ligeramente mas elevada. En relacion con las caracteristicas del tratamiento recibido, encontramos que las pacientes que presentaron proctitis radiogena fueron tratadas por el gastroenterologo y las que tenian sintomas sospechosos fueron atendidas por los radioterapeutas y los ginecologos. Recibieron ambos grupos diferentes tipos de tratamientos, la mayoria fue tratada de forma sintomatica y otras se trataron con el factor de crecimiento epidermico. De las 15 con proctitis, 10 se curaron, 4 mejoraron y solo una se mantuvo en el mismo grado de enfermedad. Segun nuestros resultados de cada 100 pacientes que reciben radioterapia 44 presentaron sintomas sospechosos y 33 desarrollan proctitis
Cohort Studies , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Rectovaginal Fistula/etiology , Radiation Injuries , Proctitis/etiology , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/radiotherapyABSTRACT
Se estudiaron 114 pacientes con cancer de cuello uterino entre 1988 y 1991, los cuales fueron tratados en el servicio de Oncologia del Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirurgico de Santa Clara mediante tratamiento radiante con cobalto-60 en forma de teleterapia y braquiterapia. El grupo mas afectado se encontro entre los 50-59 anos, la variedad histica mas frecuente correspondio al carcinoma epidermoide, y la etapa clinica mas comun fue la II. En la mayoria de los casos se aplicaron dosis de 2001 a 3000 cGy con teleterapia externa en los puntos A y B, previo a la braquiterapia; despues se completo los puntos B con teleterapia. La mayoria de los pacientes recibieron 80 Gy en el punto A y mas de 60 en el B. Las complicaciones inmediatas mas frecuentes fueron la proctitis y la enterocolitis, y entre las tardias, las fistulas y la estenosis vaginal