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Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 29: 1-6, abr. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555967


This study aims to verify the concurrent validity of the paper, and the telephone versions of the instrument used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Vida Ativa Melhorando a Saúde (VAMOS) Pro-gram participants. The VAMOS Program is a community-based intervention aiming at motivating people to adopt an active and healthy lifestyle. The study population was adults registered at the Basic Health Units in the state of Santa Catarina, and the sample for the validity test was two groups that concluded the program. To compare each variable provided by paper and telephone format, multi-level generalized linear and logistic models were carried out, adjusted by age, sex, and educational level. As a result, it was possible to identify the validity of most of the questions, with variations in the frequency of cooked vegetable consumption, method of preparing animal meat, frequency of physical activity, and waist circumference. We concluded that the use of the telephone survey could be considered for VAMOS Program effectiveness evaluation

Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a validade concorrente das versões papel e ligação telefônica do ins-trumento utilizado para avaliar a efetividade do Programa Vida Ativa Melhorando a Saúde ( VAMOS). O Programa VAMOS é uma intervenção de base comunitária, com o objetivo de motivar as pessoas a adotarem um estilo de vida ativo e saudável. A população do estudo foi de adultos registrados nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde do estado de Santa Catarina, e a amostra para o teste de validade considerou dois grupos que concluí-ram o programa. Para comparar cada variável fornecida pelo formato papel e telefone, foram realizados mo-delos lineares e logísticos generalizados multiníveis, ajustados por idade, sexo e nível de escolaridade. Como resultado, foi possível identificar a validade da maioria das questões, com variações na frequência de consumo de hortaliças cozidas, modo de preparo da carne animal, frequência de atividade física e circunferência da cintura. Concluímos que o uso da coleta por telefone pode ser considerado para a avaliação da efetividade do Programa VAMOS.

Humans , Male , Female , Primary Health Care , Validation Study , Program Evaluation , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 58: 21, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1560454


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To identify the spatial patterns of the quality of the structure of primary health care services and the teams' work process and their effects on infant mortality in Brazil. METHODS An ecological study of spatial aggregates, using the 5,570 municipalities in Brazil as the unit of analysis. Secondary databases from the Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ-AB - National Program for Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care), the Mortality Information System (SIM), and the Live Birth Information System (SINASC) were used. In 2018, the infant mortality rate was the outcome of the study, and the exposure variables were the proportion of basic health units (BHU) with adequate structure and work processes. Global and local Moran's indices were used to evaluate the degree of dependence and spatial autocorrelation. Spatial linear regression was used for data analysis. RESULTS In 2018, in Brazil, the infant mortality rate was 12.4/1,000 live births, ranging from 10.6/1,000 and 11.2/1,000 in the South and Southeast, respectively, to 14.1/1,000 and 14.5/1,000 in the Northeast and North regions, respectively. The proportion of teams with an adequate work process (β = −3.13) and the proportion of basic health units with an adequate structure (β = −0.34) were associated with a reduction in the infant mortality rate. Spatial autocorrelation was observed between smoothed mean infant mortality rates and indicators of the structure of primary health care services and the team's work process, with higher values in the North and Northeast of Brazil. CONCLUSIONS There is a relationship between the structure of primary health care services and the teams' work process with the infant mortality rate. In this sense, investment in the qualification of health care within the scope of primary health care can have an impact on reducing the infant mortality rate and improving child health care.

RESUMO OBJETIVO Identificar os padrões espaciais da qualidade da estrutura dos serviços de atenção primária à saúde e do processo de trabalho das equipes e seus efeitos na mortalidade infantil no Brasil. MÉTODOS Estudo ecológico de agregados espaciais, empregando como unidade de análise os 5.570 municípios do Brasil. Foram utilizados bancos de dados secundários do Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ-AB), do Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade (SIM) e do Sistema de Informações de Nascidos Vivos (SINASC). Em 2018, a taxa de mortalidade infantil foi o desfecho do estudo, e as variáveis de exposição foram a proporção de unidade básica de saúde (UBS) com estrutura e processo de trabalho adequados. Os índices de Moran global e local foram usados para avaliar o grau de dependência e a autocorrelação espacial. Utilizou-se regressão linear espacial para análise de dados. RESULTADOS Em 2018, no Brasil, a taxa de mortalidade infantil foi de 12,4/1.000 nascidos vivos, variando de 10,6/1.000 e 11,2/1.000 no Sul e no Sudeste, respectivamente, até 14,1/1.000 e 14,5/1.000, nas regiões Nordeste e Norte, respectivamente. A proporção de equipes com processo de trabalho adequado (β = - 3,13) e a de unidades básicas de saúde com estrutura adequada (β = - 0,34) foram associadas à redução da taxa de mortalidade infantil. Observou-se autocorrelação espacial entre as taxas de mortalidade infantil médias suavizadas e indicadores da estrutura dos serviços de atenção primária à saúde e do processo de trabalho das equipes, com valores mais elevados no Norte e no Nordeste do Brasil. CONCLUSÕES Existe relação entre a estrutura dos serviços de atenção primária à saúde e o processo de trabalho das equipes com a taxa de mortalidade infantil. Neste sentido, o investimento na qualificação da atenção à saúde no âmbito da atenção primária à saúde pode impactar na redução da taxa de mortalidade infantil e na melhoria da atenção à saúde infantil.

Humans , Male , Female , Primary Health Care , Program Evaluation , Infant Mortality , Health Impact Assessment , Spatial Analysis
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 52(4)dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1559867


Introducción: El envejecimiento es un proceso fisiológico que genera cambios en la salud de los adultos mayores. Una de las esferas que con mayor frecuencia se afecta es la psicosocial, en la cual se presenta pérdida de la independencia y autonomía funcional. Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados de un programa educativo orientado a la promoción de la independencia y autonomía funcional. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cuasiexperimental de intervención antes - después. El universo fue de 697 adultos mayores residentes en las parroquias rurales del cantón Penipe, en la provincia Chimborazo. La muestra quedó conformada por 249 ancianos. Se aplicó un programa educativo durante 8 meses que incluyó como variable el nivel de conocimiento sobre hábitos y estilos de vida saludables y la dependencia. Se utilizó la prueba de McNemar para identificar cambios en el nivel de conocimiento sobre hábitos y estilos de vida. Resultados: Promedio de edad de 68,32 años, predominio del sexo femenino (55,02 %) y con comorbilidades (73,49 %). En el 42,97 % de los sujetos se identificó algún tipo de dependencia, con predominio de la dependencia escasa (45,79 %). Durante el pretest se identificó un nivel de conocimiento bajo en el 63,05 %, durante el postest solo el 15,66 % mantenía un nivel bajo (p= 0,02). Conclusiones: El programa educativo mejora el nivel de conocimiento sobre la importancia de adoptar hábitos y estilos de vida saludables para promocionar la independencia y la autonomía funcional.

Introduction: Aging is a physiological process that generates changes in the health of people over 60 years of age. One of the spheres that is most frequently affected is psychosocial, in which there is loss of independence and functional autonomy. Objective: To evaluate the results of an educational program aimed at promoting independence and functional autonomy. Methods: A quasi-experimental before-after intervention study was carried out. The universe was 697 older adults residing in the rural parishes of the Penipe canton in the Chimborazo province. The sample was made up of 249 elderly people. An educational program was applied for 8 months that included as a variable the level of knowledge about healthy habits and lifestyles and dependency. The McNemar test was used to identify changes in the level of knowledge about habits and lifestyles. Results: Average age of 68.32 years, predominance of female sex (55.02%) and with associated comorbidities (73.49%). Some type of dependency was identified in 42.97% of the subjects, with a predominance of low dependency (45.79%). During the pretest, older adults with a low level of knowledge about healthy habits and lifestyles predominated (63.05%). During the posttest, the average level of knowledge predominated (51.81%). Conclusions: The educational program improves the level of knowledge about the importance of adopting healthy habits and lifestyles to promote independence and functional autonomy.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aging , Program Evaluation/methods , Healthy Lifestyle , Functional Status , Controlled Before-After Studies , Non-Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic
Curitiba; s.n; 20231124. 180 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1561872


Resumo: Esta tese compõe o projeto de pesquisa e desenvolvimento tecnológico "Difusão e adoção do Programa Fall TIPS: engajamento de pacientes, profissionais e liderança clínica para a prevenção de quedas em ambiente hospitalar. Está ligada à linha de Pesquisa de Gerenciamento de Serviços de Saúde e Enfermagem do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem (PPGENF) da UFPR e teve por objetivo elaborar e validar um modelo teórico, modelo lógico e matriz de análise e julgamento do Programa Fall TIPS, em sua adaptação pioneira ao cenário brasileiro. O programa,baseado em evidências, está implantado em mais de 125 instituições de saúde no mundo, e é sustentado por mais de uma década de pesquisas. Ao utilizar-se de estratégias multimodais para a prevenção de quedas hospitalares, consiste em um conjunto de ferramentas e instrumentos. Seu diferencial está no engajamento de profissionais de saúde, pacientes e acompanhantes no desenvolvimento e execução, em conjunto, de um plano personalizado para prevenção de quedas entre pacientes internados. Trata-se de um estudo de avaliabilidade (EA), realizado em um hospital público e de ensino, na cidade de Curitiba, no Paraná, no período de 2021 a 2023. Utilizou-se o referencial de Trevisan e Walser mediante componentes como: definição do foco do estudo de avaliabilidade; desenvolvimento de uma teoria inicial do programa; coleta de feedback sobre a teoria do programa; e considerações sobre os usos do estudo de avaliabilidade. Contou com uma etapa documental e outra participativa. Na etapa documental foram analisadas legislações, diretrizes e publicações sobre segurança do paciente, prevenção de quedas e sobre o Programa Fall TIPS. A etapa participativa foi resultante de oficinas, junto a 15 profissionais de saúde ligados a um hospital público e de ensino, indicados pela gestão hospitalar. Posteriormente, os construtos provenientes foram validados, em oficinas, por três enfermeiras ligadas à docência e assistência, convidadas por suas atuações em avaliação, segurança do paciente e gestão de riscos assistenciais, além de conhecimentos prévios sobre o Programa Fall TIPS. Os dados da etapa documental foram analisados à luz de pontos-chave sobre o programa e sobre o problema que se propõe a enfrentar. Os dados oriundos das oficinas junto a profissionais de saúde e informantes-chave foram analisados por Análise de Conteúdo, mediante categorias de análise previamente definidas: contextos interno e externo à instituição hospitalar, recursos, objetivos, atividades, produtos, resultados, impacto, metas e questões ligadas à execução do programa em instituições de saúde. O estudo possibilitou melhor conhecimento do programa e da temática prevenção de quedas hospitalares. Ainda, ao ser disponibilizado em website brasileiro do programa, isso contribuirá para a disseminação do programa, adoção por profissionais de saúde e instituições de saúde interessadas e condução de processos avaliativos.

Abstract: This thesis entails the project of research and technological development "Dissemination and adoption of the Fall TIPS Program": engagement of patients, professionals and clinical leadership for fall prevention within hospital settings". It is connected with the line of research of Health and Nursing Services Management of the Postgraduation Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Paraná (PPGENF- UFPR). It aimed to elaborate and validate a theoretical model, logic model and matrix of analysis and judgement of the Fall TIPS Program in its pioneer adaptation to the Brazilian setting. The evidence-based program has been implemented in over 125 health institutions worldwide, and it is supported by over a decade of research. It consists of a set of tools and instruments by using multimodal strategies for hospital fall prevention. Its differential lies in the engagement of health professionals, patients and their companions in the joint development and execution of a personalized fall prevention plan among hospitalized patients. It is an availability study (AS) conducted in a public teaching hospital in the city of Curitiba, Paraná State ­ Brazil from 2021 to 2023. Trevisan and Walser's theoretical framework was used by means of components as follows: definition of the focus of the availability study; development of an initial theory of the program; feedback collection on the program theory; and considerations on the use of the availability study. It comprised documentary and participating steps. In the documentary step, legislations, guidelines and publications on patient safety, fall prevention, and on the Fall TIPS Program were analyzed. The participating step resulted from workshops with 15 health professionals from the public teaching hospital, appointed by the hospital management. Subsequently, the resulting constructs were validated, during the workshops, by three teaching and health care nurses, invited by their performance in assessment, patient's safety and management of health care hazards, in addition to their previous knowledge on the Fall TIPS Program. The data from the documentary step were analyzed in light of the key points on the program and on the aimed problem. The data gathered from the workshops with the health professionals and key informants were analyzed by the Content Analysis, by means of previously defined analysis categories, as follows: internal and external contexts to the hospital institution; resources, objectives, activities, products, results, impact, goals and questions related to the program execution within health institutions. The study enabled better knowledge of the program and the thematics of hospital fall prevention. In addition, the release of the program in its Brazilian website will contribute to the dissemination and adoption of the program by health professionals and interested health institutions, with the execution of evaluation processes.

Humans , Male , Female , Risk Management , Accidental Falls , Program Evaluation , Patient Safety , Work Engagement , Hospitals
Educ. med. super ; 37(3)sept. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1528557


Introducción: El programa de estudio es una formulación hipotética de los aprendizajes que se pretenden lograr en el educando. Constituye una herramienta fundamental de trabajo docente. Objetivo: Exponer un análisis crítico del programa de estudio de la asignatura Genética Médica en la carrera de medicina, a partir de lo normado en el reglamento vigente para el trabajo docente-metodológico. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica para desarrollar un análisis crítico del programa de la asignatura genética médica, en la que se consideraron artículos publicados entre 2012 y 2022. La búsqueda fue realizada en Google académico, Dialnet, SciELO y Redalyc en septiembre de 2022. Las palabras clave utilizadas fueron: programas, genética, asignatura, disciplina y proceso docente-educativo. Dentro de este marco se incluyeron todos los artículos cubanos publicados; no hubo restricción en cuanto al idioma. Se consultaron 50 artículos, de estos 11 fueron seleccionados. Se excluyeron aquellos no relacionados con la educación médica superior. Resultados: Se orientó metodológicamente la inclusión de aspectos encaminados a la promoción de salud; fomentar las habilidades comunicativas; reformular los objetivos, incluyendo en su estructura los elementos esenciales; realizar un cambio en el orden de impartir el contenido, con modificaciones, además, en el nivel de profundidad y con aporte de un enfoque preventive; y declarar adecuadamente los valores, la rectificación de la cantidad de horas del fondo de tiempo y la actualización de la bibliografía. Conclusiones: Las insuficiencias encontradas en el análisis efectuado identificaron las áreas vulnerables hacia donde deben dirigirse las principales acciones encaminadas a aumentar la calidad del proceso docente educativo y reflejaron la necesidad de su reevaluación(AU)

Introduction: The syllabus is a hypothetical formulation of the learning aspects intended to be achieved in the student. It is a fundamental tool for teaching. Objective: To present a critical analysis of the syllabus for subject Medical Genetics in the medical major, based on the current regulations for the teaching-methodological work. Methods: A literature review was carried out to develop a critical analysis of the syllabus of the subject Medical Genetics, considering articles published between 2012 and 2022. The search was performed in Google Scholar, Dialnet, SciELO and Redalyc in September 2022. The keywords used were programas [syllabuses], genética [genetics], asignatura [subject], disciplina [discipline] and proceso docente-educativo [teaching-educational process]. This framework included all published Cuban articles; there were not any language-related restrictions. Fifty articles were consulted, 11 of which were selected. Those not related to higher medical education were excluded. Results: The methodological orientation was to include aspects aimed at health promotion, to encourage communicative skills, to reformulate the objectives (including the essential elements in their structure), to make a change in the order of teaching (with modifications also in the level of depth and contributing with a preventive approach), as well as to state the values adequately, to rectify the number of hours within the available time fund, to update the bibliography. Conclusions: The insufficiencies found through the performed analysis permitted to identify the vulnerable areas towards the main actions should be directed if aimed at increasing the quality of the educational teaching process, apart from reflecting their need to be reassessed(AU)

Humans , Program Evaluation/methods , Genetics, Medical/education , General Practitioners/education
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 88(2): 87-94, abr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441422


INTRODUCCIÓN: La simulación es una herramienta que promueve la confianza y desarrollo de habilidades en los participantes. En la evaluación de programas formativos la percepción de utilidad se vincula a la confianza y aprendizaje, y corresponde al primer nivel de evaluación según Kirkpatrick. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la percepción de internos y residentes de obstetricia y ginecología en escenarios de simulación. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Investigación descriptiva cuantitativa, en una muestra a conveniencia de internos y residentes, quienes contestaron una escala de valoración global y de preferencias sobre sus simulaciones. RESULTADOS: Se obtuvieron 63 respuestas de internos (63%) y 7 de residentes (78%). La valoración promedio de las simulaciones fue de 6,42 en los internos y de 6,64 de los residentes. El 67% de los internos y el 86% de los residentes no eliminaría ninguna simulación. Los internos repetirían todas las simulaciones, en tanto que los residentes repetirían tres simulaciones de un total de 11. CONCLUSIONES: La valoración de las simulaciones fue alta en ambos grupos, difiriendo en las actividades que prefieren repetir, lo cual puede relacionarse con las competencias inherentes al rol de especialista en comparación al rol del médico general o a las diferencias en autoconfianza de internos y residentes.

INTRODUCTION: Clinical simulation is a training tool that promotes confidence and the development of procedural skills in participants, from initial training to the training of professional teams. In the evaluation of training programs, the measurement of perceived usefulness is linked to confidence and learning and corresponds to a first level of evaluation of the quality of training according to Kirkpatricks model. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the perception of medical interns and Obstetrics and Gynecology fellows regarding simulation scenarios. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Quantitative descriptive research, in a convenience sample of interns and fellows, who answered a scale of global assessment and preferences about simulations. RESULTS: The average score was 6.42 for the interns and 6.64 for the scholarship recipients. With odd answers about the repetition of scenarios. 67% of the interns and 86% of the fellows responded that they would not eliminate any simulation. Conclusions: The evaluation of the scenarios was excellent and satisfactory by the participants.

Humans , Male , Female , Education, Medical/methods , Simulation Training , Gynecology/education , Internship and Residency , Obstetrics/education , Perception , Program Evaluation , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Patient Simulation , High Fidelity Simulation Training
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 28: 1-8, mar. 2023. fig
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551619


O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o processo de implantação dos núcleos do Projeto Vida Ativa no município de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. O projeto é uma política de governo, desenvolvida desde 2013, financiado e executado pela prefeitura municipal, que estimava atender em 2019 cerca de 4.000 pessoas, promovendo atividades físicas e esportivas. Optou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa e um recorte transversal no ano de 2019. Foram realizadas oito entrevistas semiestruturadas com a dois níveis de coordenação do projeto. Para análise dos dados obtidos foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os principais resultados da análise apontaram que o projeto apresentava desafios a serem enfrentados como a sustentabilidades dos processos, financiamento para adequação dos núcleos e ampliação desses locais, continuidade nos processos de capacitações com os profissionais, monito-ramento e avaliação do projeto. Apesar das dificuldades enfrentadas de acordo com a percepção das coordenadoras, o projeto apresentava-se como uma iniciativa progressista na forma como estava sendo implementando seus núcleos e atividades físicas e esportivas, sobretudo por dialogar com demandas locais, e contar com apoio da população participante, mantendo-se ao longo das trocas de governo

The aim of this study was to describe the implantation process of the of the Projeto Vida Ativa in the city of Pelotas (Brazil). The project is a government policy, developed since 2013, financed and executed by the mu-nicipal government, which estimates to serve around 4000 people promoting physical activities and sports. We conducted qualitative research and opted to address the year 2019 as a time frame. In the collection, eight semi-structured interviews were carried out with the project's coordination. For data analysis, the content analysis technique was used. The main results of the analysis indicate that the project has weaknesses that need to be addressed as the sustainability of the processes, funding for the adequacy of the centers, expansion of these locations, continuity in training processes, and implementation of monitoring and evaluation. Despite the difficulties faced by the coordination and professionals who carry out the actions, the project presents itself as a positive initiative in the way the centers and physical activities and sports are being implemented. Further positive aspects included the local-domand attended and the population support for the continuity of the project despite changes in the government

Humans , Male , Female , Program Evaluation , Health Management , Public Policy , Health Policy
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 79-88, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997129


Background and Objective@#The pandemic acted as an accelerator for the development of online teaching formats in anatomy and histology worldwide. The authors introduce a bridging program that reinforces the knowledge and understanding of gross and correlative anatomy and histology acquired in a virtual environment in preparation for its future clinical application. The study aims to evaluate the Learning Enhancement in Anatomy Program (LEAP) conducted among first-year medical students at the College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila. @*Methods@#This descriptive cross-sectional study aims to determine the initial experience of implementing a learning enhancement program and assess areas for its improvement. An internally validated questionnaire was given to students after the program to gauge students’ reactions (Kirkpatrick Level 1 evaluation). Pre- and post-tests were administered to evaluate knowledge acquisition (Kirkpatrick Level 2 evaluation). Short-term behavioral peer evaluation (Kirkpatrick Level 3 evaluation) was also instituted. @*Results@#One hundred fifty-two (152) students participated in the study. General reactions from students to the LEAP were consistently positive, with a steady majority of the students rating ‘5’ or a ‘Strongly Agree’ to positive statements regarding the program. Higher ratings for more traditional teaching methods, such as cadavers, formalinized specimens, and bones, compared to virtual systems were apparent. However, inter-student variation in preference for teaching modalities was observed. All stations of the LEAP were evaluated satisfactorily, with most gross anatomy stations rated higher than histology stations. A significant increase was noted in the total post-test scores compared to pre-test scores. This improvement in test scores was observed in the anatomy and histology subcategories and in six of the seven organ system modules. Perceived behavioral outcomes were also generally positive. @*Conclusion@#The LEAP is a worthwhile endeavor, garnering overwhelmingly positive reactions and a significant improvement in test scores. Future studies are necessary to fine-tune teaching and training in a blended learning environment.

Anatomy , COVID-19 , Education, Medical , Program Evaluation
Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2023. 141 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1566420


A Promoção da Saúde vem se legitimando cada vez mais nos últimos anos, principalmente com a implantação de programas que buscam impulsionar a qualidade de vida dos indivíduos. Nesse sentido, compreender e avaliar um programa de promoção à saúde torna-se relevante para o seu planejamento, o que proporciona maior visibilidade do ponto de vista político e melhor utilização de recursos públicos. Construir o Modelo Lógico remete a representação gráfica do que é um programa, enquanto que os indicadores são instrumentos para mensurar uma realidade, possibilitam um retrato e acompanhamento das situações e que proporcionam a avaliação e o planejamento das ações na saúde. Assim, o presente estudo tem como objetivo desenvolver instrumentos e ferramentas para a avaliação do Programa Academia da Saúde (PAS) do Município de Belo Horizonte, MG, de forma a dar visibilidade aos resultados de suas ações. Para tanto, a metodologia adotada foi a abordagem qualitativa, descritiva a partir de uma análise documental, a fim construir e validar o modelo lógico e os indicadores do PAS de Belo Horizonte. A coleta e a análise dos dados foram divididas em três etapas, a primeira refere-se ao levantamento de dados oriundos de documentos e do sistema de informação relativo ao PAS da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde (SMSA) de Belo Horizonte. Na segunda, foi realizada a construção do modelo lógico e sua validação junto à coordenação SMSA do PAS de Belo Horizonte. Na última, foram construídos os indicadores do programa estratificados em: estrutura, processo e resultado. A análise documental possibilitou a compreensão do PAS de Belo Horizonte, a redefinição do seu objetivo e do problema que se propõe solucionar com o seu funcionamento. Foram identificados 1 (uma) Portaria e 21 (vinte e um) documentos internos e outros 7 (sete) documentos do Ministério da Saúde considerados importantes para esta análise. Como resultado da construção do Modelo Lógico foi possível conhecer o PAS no âmbito municipal, traçar seus objetivos, público-alvo e identificar o problema que o programa visa superar, vislumbrar seus resultados e impactos. Outro importante feito sobreveio da elaboração de 20 (vinte) indicadores para o PAS de Belo Horizonte, que tem como intenção apontar em que medida os objetivos foram alcançados em um determinado tempo. Para tanto, foram estratificados em 8 (oito) indicadores de estrutura, 7 (sete) de processo e 5 (cinco) de resultado. Em relação aos indicadores de resultado, por serem aqueles que de alguma forma dão visibilidade aos resultados das ações do PAS, esses remetem a percepção subjetiva de saúde dos usuários, a prevalência de dores corporais crônicas, a comparação do uso de medicamentos contínuos para doenças crônicas não transmissíveis na avaliação com a reavaliação, o interesse na comparação do Índice de massa corporal (IMC) de usuários sobrepesos e obesos e a comparação da pontuação do Índice de Vulnerabilidade Clínico-Funcional-20 (IVCF-20) dos usuários do PAS. Ressalta-se, ainda, que esta pesquisa possibilitou a entrega de um produto técnico, que consiste em um relatório detalhado contendo o modelo lógico e a ficha de cada indicador produzido para o PAS de Belo Horizonte, MG. Por fim, espera-se que o estudo oportunize produções científicas, avaliações e monitoramento do PAS, promovendo a melhora da qualidade do serviço ofertado à população.

Promotion of health has been increasingly legitimized in recent years, especially with the implementation of programs that seek to boost individuals' quality of life. In this sense, understanding and evaluating a health promotion program becomes relevant for its planning, which provides greater visibility from a political point of view and better use of public resources. Constructing the Logical Model refers to the graphical representation of what a program is, while indicators are instruments for measuring a reality, enabling a portrayal and monitoring of situations and facilitating the evaluation and planning of health actions. Therefore, the present study aims to develop instruments and tools for evaluating the Health Academy Program (HAP) (PAS) in the city of Belo Horizonte, MG, in order to provide visibility to the results of its actions. For this purpose, the adopted methodology was a qualitative, descriptive approach based on document analysis, in order to construct and validate the logical model and indicators of the Health Academy Program (HAP) (PAS) in Belo Horizonte. The data collection and analysis were divided into three stages. The first stage involved gathering data from documents and the information system related to the Health Academy Program (HAP) (PAS) of the Municipal Health Department (MHD) (SMSA) of Belo Horizonte. The second stage involved constructing the logical model and validating it with the coordination of Municipal Health Department (MHD) (SMSA) for the Health Academy Program (HAP) (PAS) in Belo Horizonte. In the final stage, the indicators of the program were developed stratified into three phases: structure, process, and outcome. The document analysis allowed for an understanding of the Health Academy Program (HAP) (PAS) in Belo Horizonte, the redefinition of its objective, and the problem that it aims to solve through its operation. One ordinance and twenty-one internal documents were identified, along with seven documents from the Health Department, considered important for this analysis. As a result of constructing the Logical Model, it was possible to understand the Health Academy Program (HAP) (PAS) at the municipal level, outline its objectives, target audience, and identify the problem that the program aims to overcome, envisioning its results and impacts. Another important outcome was the development of twenty indicators for the Health Academy Program (HAP) (PAS) in Belo Horizonte, intended to indicate to what extent the objectives were achieved within a specific timeframe. For this purpose, the indicators were stratified into eight structural indicators, seven process indicators, and five outcome indicators. Regarding the outcome indicators, as they are the ones that in some way provide visibility to the results of the Health Academy Program (HAP) (PAS) actions, they refer to the subjective perception of users' health, the prevalence of chronic bodily pain, the comparison of continuous medication use for noncommunicable chronic diseases in the evaluation and reevaluation, the interest in comparing the Body Mass Index (BMI) of overweight and obese users, and comparing the score of the Clinical-Functional Vulnerability Index-20 (CFVI-20) (IVCF-20) of Health Academy Program (HAP) (PAS) users. It is also worth noting that this research enabled the delivery of a technical product, consisting of a detailed report containing the logical model and a record for each indicator produced for the Health Academy Program (HAP) (PAS) in Belo Horizonte, MG. Finally, it is expected that the study will foster scientific productions, evaluations, and monitoring of the Health Academy Program (HAP) (PAS), promoting improvement in the quality of service offered to the population.

Program Evaluation , Health Status Indicators , Health Policy, Planning and Management , Health Evaluation , Academic Dissertation
Rev. méd. Chile ; 150(11): 1477-1483, nov. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442058


The mission of the University of Chile Clinical Hospital is to be the main University Hospital in the country. Along with training of health professionals in clinical practice and research, the Hospital provides comprehensive health solutions to the community. Since its foundation, it played an important role in the training of health professionals and specialists. To fulfill this mission, it is important to have outstanding academics and a system that allows their renewal and replacement. From January 25, 2001, the University of Chile approved the regulations that rule the Residents Program Fellowship, aimed to train the new generations of clinical academics. These regulations allow the financing of training programs in basic or primary specialties (such as internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, among others) or in specialties derived from them (such as cardiology, gastroenterology and reproductive medicine, among others.) The different clinical departments and the Hospital Direction define each year how many places will be offered and in which specialties. The Faculty of Medicine Graduate School carries out the formal selection of the applicants. This article reviews the results of this program between 2013 and 2021, analyzing in detail the traceability of each graduate over the years.

Humans , Education, Medical, Graduate/economics , Fellowships and Scholarships , Hospitals, University , Internship and Residency/economics , Program Evaluation , Chile
Licere (Online) ; 25(2): 140-162, set.2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398742


O PSE é uma articulação interfederativa e intersetorial das redes de Saúde e Educação para desenvolver ações no mesmo território. Correlacionado à Política Nacional de Promoção de Saúde, visa propiciar sustentabilidade pela corresponsabilidade. Mais de 5.000 municípios aderiram nos biênios 2017/18 e 2019/20. A execução compete aos Ministérios e Secretarias de Saúde e Educação, Grupos de Trabalho, Unidades Básicas e Escolas Estaduais e Municipais. Por meio de uma revisão bibliográfico-documental, o objetivo é apresentar sua estrutura geral, quadro institucional, traços constitutivos e conformação. Constatou-se que a parte normativa está bem delineada e não compromete, mas, a logístico-administrativa não, com lacunas identificadas à concretização ao cidadão. Preenchê-las pelo amplo diálogo é indicado à qualificação dessa relevante política pública.

The School Health Program (SHP) is an inter-federative and intersectoral articulation of the Health and Education networks to develop actions in the same territory. Correlated to the National Health Promotion Policy, it aims to provide sustainability through co-responsibility. More than 5,000 municipalities joined in the 2017/18 and 2019/20 biennia. The execution is responsibility of Ministries and Secretariats of Health and Education, Work Groups, Basic Units and State and Municipal Schools. Through a bibliographic-documental review, the objective is to present its general structure, institutional framework, constitutive features and conformation. It was found that the normative part is well outlined and does not compromise, but the logistical-administrative part is not, with identified gaps to the implementation to the citizen. Filling them in through the broad dialogue is indicated for the qualification of this relevant public policy.

Public Policy/legislation & jurisprudence , Schools , Public Administration , Program Evaluation , Health Education
Rev. chil. enferm. respir ; 38(3): 176-183, sept. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423699


Se ha reportado un importante daño sistémico de los pacientes afectados por COVID-19, y aún existen interrogantes sobre las secuelas a largo plazo. Surge ante esto la necesidad de plantear programas de rehabilitación de los sistemas primarios de atención, que respondan a estas necesidades. Se realizó un programa de 6 semanas de rehabilitación remota, con seguimiento y progreso semanal, posterior al alta hospitalaria por COVID-19 a 114 usuarios de 4 centros de atención primaria de la comuna de El Bosque, Santiago, R. Metropolitana. Se incluyó a pacientes de edades entre 21 y 93 años, combinando los principios del ejercicio terapéutico individualizado, una evaluación presencial previo y posterior a las 6 semanas de trabajo. Los indicadores evaluados fueron: Minimental Abreviado, 1 Minute Sit to Stand Test (1min STST), Timed Up and Go (TUG), índice de Barthel y FRAIL. Se hicieron análisis inferenciales y descriptivos y se encontraron mejoras favorables en los indicadores de condición física (TUG y 1'STST), Índice de Barthel y el Simple "FRAIL" Questionnaire Screening Tool (FRAIL). En conclusión, si bien la mayoría de los indicadores tuvieron resultados favorables, es necesario seguir estudiando herramientas de evaluación más sensibles e intervenciones específicas que se adapten a las necesidades de las personas.

Significant systemic damage has been reported in patients affected by COVID-19, and questions remain about long-term sequelae. Therefore, the need arises to propose rehabilitation programs for primary care systems that respond to these needs. A 6-week program of remote rehabilitation, with weekly follow-up and progress, after hospital discharge for COVID-19 was carried out on 114 users from 4 primary care centers in the commune of El Bosque, Santiago, Chile. The program included patients from 21 to 93 years-old, combining the principles of individualized therapeutic exercise, a face-to-face evaluation before and after 6 weeks of work. The indicators evaluated were: Abbreviated Minimental, 1 minute Sit to Stand Test (1 min STST), Timed Up and Go (TUG), Barthel index and the Simple "FRAIL" Questionnaire Screening Tool (FRAIL). Inferential and descriptive analyses were carried out and favorable improvements were found in the indicators of physical condition (TUG and 1min STST), Barthel Index and FRAIL. In conclusion, while most of the indicators had favorable results, it is required to further explore more sensitive assessment tools and targeted interventions that are tailored to people's needs.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Primary Health Care , Telerehabilitation , COVID-19/rehabilitation , Patient Discharge , Quality of Life , Program Evaluation , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Videoconferencing
Rev. chil. enferm. respir ; 38(2): 88-95, jun. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407774


Resumen En marzo del año 2020, se declaró una pandemia de características mundiales, por un virus, que genera deterioro importante a nivel sistémico, SARS -CoV-2, con la enfermedad COVID-19. El deterioro funcional de quienes sufren secuelas post COVID-19 ha llevado a los profesionales de la rehabilitación a buscar formas eficientes de intervenir. Este estudio, descriptivo y retrospectivo, evaluó los efectos de un programa de rehabilitación remoto de 6 semanas, en 39 pacientes dados de alta de COVID-19, de un Centro de Salud Familiar (CESFAM) de la Comuna de El Bosque, Santiago, Chile, entre julio y diciembre del año 2020, analizando la capacidad física con el test 1 minuto sentado-de pie y disnea con escala de Borg modificada. Los resultados mostraron cambios estadísticamente significativos en la capacidad física y disnea de los pacientes intervenidos. Es necesario estudiar los beneficios de intervenciones específicas para esta población, y su impacto a largo plazo, entendiendo que convivimos con una nueva enfermedad, un COVID-19 prolongado, que incluso en cuadros leves está dejando secuelas funcionales importantes.

In March 2020, a pandemic of global characteristics was declared, due to a virus, which generates significant deterioration at the systemic level, SARS -CoV-2, with the COVID-19 disease. The functional deterioration of those suffering from post-COVID-19 sequelae has led rehabilitation professionals to look for efficient ways to intervene. This study, descriptive and retrospective, evaluated the effects of a 6-week remote rehabilitation program, in 39 patients discharged from COVID-19, from a Family Health Center in the Commune of El Bosque, Santiago, Chile, between July and December 2020, analyzing physical capacity with the 1 minute sitting-standing test and dyspnea with modified Borg's scale. The results showed statistically significant changes in the physical capacity and dyspnea of the operated patients. It is necessary to study the benefits of specific interventions for this population, and their long-term impact, understanding that we live with a new disease, a prolonged COVID, which even in mild cases is leaving important functional sequelae.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Primary Health Care , Dyspnea/rehabilitation , Telerehabilitation/methods , COVID-19/rehabilitation , Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , Program Evaluation , Chile , Physical Fitness , Family Health , Retrospective Studies , COVID-19/complications
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(1): 33-45, Jan-Abr. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362669


Objetivo: Investigar a relação entre o perfil de adesão e barreiras percebidas por estudantes universitários para permanência no Programa de Extensão "Yoga: Awaken ONE". Métodos: Foram realizados dois cortes transversais com universitários da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia. O primeiro foi composto por 16 indivíduos e investigou o perfil demográfico, socioeconômico, antropométrico, da aptidão física e da qualidade de vida dos universitários que ingressaram no Programa de Extensão. O segundo visou identificar as barreiras para permanência de 13 estudantes (dentre os 16 iniciais) que haviam se afastado do Programa após quatro meses do início. Resultados: Houve predominância de indivíduos do sexo feminino, dos cursos de graduação em Educação Física e Pedagogia e da classe socioeconômica C. A maioria dos participantes estava com indicadores adequados de gordura corporal. Observou-se grande proporção de indivíduos com indicadores baixos de flexibilidade e força muscular. Para a qualidade de vida, a menor mediana foi observada para o domínio meio ambiente e a maior para o domínio relações sociais. As principais barreiras percebidas para a prática de yoga pelos universitários foram "jornada de estudos extensa" e "jornada de trabalho extensa". Observou-se correlação do perfil sociodemográfico, indicadores de obesidade, variáveis hemodinâmicas, flexibilidade, força muscular e qualidade de vida com barreiras percebidas para permanência no Programa de Extensão universitária "Yoga: Awaken ONE". Conclusões: Estes achados sugerem que o perfil do público universitário pode ser determinante para a permanência ou evasão de programas de promoção de exercícios físicos e precisa ser considerado em propostas de programas de extensão universitária.

Objective: Investigate the relationship between the member adherence profile and barriers perceived by university students to remain in the "Yoga: Awaken ONE" Extension Program. Methods: Two cross-sections were carried out with university students from the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia. The first was composed of 16 individuals and investigated the demographic, socioeconomic, anthropometric, physical fitness, and quality of life profile of university students joining the Extension Program. The second aimed at identifying the barriers to remain in the program faced by 13 students (out of the initial 16) who had withdrawn from the Program four months after the beginning. Results: There was a predominance of female individuals, from undergraduate courses in Physical Education and Pedagogy, and from the C socioeconomic class. Most participants had adequate body fat indexes. There was a large proportion of individuals with low flexibility and muscle strength. For quality of life, the lowest median was observed for the environment domain, while the highest could be noted for the social relationship domain. The main barriers perceived for the practice of yoga by university students were "long study hours" and "long work hours". There was a correlation between sociodemographic profile, obesity indicators, hemodynamic variables, flexibility, muscle strength, and QOL with the perceived barriers to stay in the "Yoga: Awaken ONE" university extension program. Conclusions: These findings suggest that the profile of the university audience can be a determinant for the permanence or dropout of programs that promote physical exercise and therefore, it should be taken into consideration in proposals for university extension programs.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Students , Universities/organization & administration , Yoga , Program Evaluation , Quality of Life/psychology , Work Hours , Exercise , Body Mass Index , Adipose Tissue , Student Health , Health Status Indicators , Range of Motion, Articular , Abdominal Fat , Adiposity , Muscle Strength , Arterial Pressure , Obesity/prevention & control
Educ. med. super ; 36(1)mar. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1404531


Introducción: La disciplina Enfermería es la principal integradora de esta carrera, donde se evidencian algunas transformaciones que responden a las exigencias de los planes de estudio D. A pesar de ello, persisten dificultades en ciertos componentes del programa que resulta necesario perfeccionar. Objetivo: Valorar las potencialidades y deficiencias en ciertos componentes del programa de la disciplina principal integradora Enfermería para el perfeccionamiento del currículo. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica narrativa que incluyó diversos textos, artículos, y materiales impresos y digitales relacionados con los programas de la disciplina principal integradora en la Educación Superior, en la Educación Médica y, particularmente, en la carrera de Enfermería. Se consultaron las bases de datos y directorios SciELO, Lilacs, Latindex, Medline, Scopus, mediante las palabras clave en español y operadores boléanos para ampliar los resultados: Enfermería, Disciplina principal integradora, Plan de estudio de Enfermería y Programa de disciplina. Fueron seleccionados 17 artículos originales y de revisión, nacionales e internacionales, publicados entre 2015 y 2020. Conclusiones: El análisis de la disciplina principal integradora Enfermería permitió identificar deficiencias en los objetivos educativos e instructivos, el sistema de habilidades, las estrategias curriculares y la tarjeta de habilidades, y realizar propuestas de perfeccionamiento del programa, que contribuyeron a la formación de un egresado de licenciatura en enfermería capaz de brindar cuidados de enfermería al individuo, la familia y la comunidad en relación con el medio ambiente en atención a sus necesidades, a través de la aplicación del Proceso de Atención de Enfermería(AU)

Introduction: Nursing is the main integrative discipline of this major, where some transformations are evident that respond to the requirements of the D Study Plan. In spite of this, there are still difficulties in certain components of the program that need to be improved. Objective: To assess the potentialities and deficiencies in certain components of the syllabus of Nursing as the main integrative discipline, for the improvement of the major curriculum. Methods: A narrative bibliographic review was carried out, including several texts, articles, as well as printed and digital materials related to the syllabuses of the main integrative discipline in higher education, in medical education and, particularly, in the Nursing major. The databases and directories of SciELO, Lilacs, Latindex, Medline, and Scopus were consulted, using the following keywords in Spanish and Boolean operators to expand the results: enfermería [nursing], disciplina principal integradora [main integrative discipline], plan de estudio de Enfermería [Nursing curriculum] and programa de disciplina [discipline syllabus]. Seventeen original and review articles, either national or international, published between 2015 and 2020 were selected. Conclusions: The analysis of the main integrative discipline of Nursing allowed identifying deficiencies in the educational and instructional objectives, the skills system, the curricular strategies and the skills card, as well as making proposals for syllabus improvement, which contributed to the formation of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing capable of providing nursing care to the individual, the family and the community in relation to the environment based on their needs, through the application of the nursing care process(AU)

Program Evaluation , Comment , Education, Nursing , Health Strategies
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 27: 1-6, fev. 2022. fig
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1382100


O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver o modelo lógico do Projeto Vida Ativa (PVA), Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. O modelo foi realizado com uma abordagem prospectiva e optou-se por delimitar como marco temporal o ano de 2019, refletindo um período pré-pandemia de Covid-19 e um momento de consolidação recente do programa. Foram conduzidas entrevistas semiestruturadas com a coordenação do projeto, além da análise de documentos. O projeto é uma política de governo, desenvolvida desde 2013, financiado e executado pela prefeitura municipal. O PVA tem como objetivo melhorar a qualidade de vida de crianças, jovens, adultos e idosos, em situação de vulnerabilidade social promovendo Atividades Físicas e Esportivas recreativas, aeróbicas, de resistência entre outros, além de eventos aos finais de semana e feriados. O modelo lógico possibilitou a sistematização de informações, demarcando objetivos, insumos, atividades desenvolvidas, produtos e resultados à curto e a longo prazo. Futuros estudos podem utilizar estas informações para avaliar os componentes do projeto

The aim of this study was to develop the logical model of the Projeto Vida Ativa (PVA) in the city of Pelotas (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). The model was performed with a prospective approach and focused on 2019, reflecting a pre-pandemic period of Covid-19 and a recent moment of program consolidation. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the coordination of the project, in addition to document analysis. The project is a government policy, developed since 2013, financed and conducted at municipal level, promoting physical activities and sports recreational, aerobics, resistance, in addition to weekend and holiday events and aims to improve the quality of life of children, young people, adults and elderly, in a situation of social vulnerability. The logical model the systematization of information, as well as identifying the objective, inputs, activities developed, products and results in short and long-terms. Future studies can use this information to evaluate components of the project

Program Evaluation , Health Promotion , Leisure Activities , Motor Activity
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425914


O objetivo do estudo é compreender como o Programa Saúde na Escola (PSE), no que diz respeito à Educação Física, é executado (mundo do ser/real) nas escolas municipais da região sul da capital paulista, a partir das suas diretrizes jurídico-institucionais (mundo do dever-ser). Para tanto, realizou-se entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores de Educação Física, um representando a equipe docente, e com coordenadores pedagógicos ou diretores, um representando a gestão da unidade. Os dados foram analisados no sentido de correlacionar as orientações do PSE com o que efetivamente ocorre na prática cotidiana. Constatou-se que, por um lado, o município aderiu ao programa, mas, por outro, os agentes pesquisados não receberam (in)formações, de forma que o PSE não foi implantado na região estudada, havendo, assim, um hiato entre a formulação e a execução desta política pública (AU).

The study's object is to understand how the School Health Program (SHP), in terms of Physical Education, is implemented (what is) in municipal schools in the southern region of São Paulo city, according to its institutional guidelines (what ought to be). For that purpose, structured interviews were conducted with physical education teachers representing the staff, as well as school coordinators and/or directors, representing the administration of the unit. The data was analyzed with the object of drawing correlations between the SHP guidelines and what effectively occurs in everyday practice. It was found that although the city did adhere to the program, the individuals who were interviewed did not receive information about it, meaning the SHP was not introduced to the studied region, therefore resulting in a hiatus between the formulation and proper execution of this public policy (AU).

El objetivo del estudio es comprender cómo el Programa Salud en la Escuela (PSE), en materia de educación física, es ejecutado (mundo del ser/real) en las escuelas municipales de la región sur de la capital paulista, a partir de sus directrices legales institucionales (mundo del deber/ser). Para eso, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas con Profesores de Educación Física, uno en representación del equipo Docente, y con Coordinadores o Directores Pedagógicos, uno en representación de la dirección de la Unidad. Los datos fueron analizados con el fin de correlacionar las orientaciones del PSE con lo que realmente sucede en la práctica diaria. Se constató que, por un lado, el Municipio se adhirió al programa, pero, por otro lado, los agentes encuestados no recibieron informaciones, por lo que el PSE no fue implementado en la región estudiada, teniendo así una brecha entre la formulación y ejecución de esta política pública

Humans , Physical Education and Training , Public Policy , Schools , Program Evaluation , Health Education , Faculty/education , Equipment and Supplies , Jurisprudence
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 27: 1-11, fev. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418210


Este estudo objetiva desenvolver e validar um instrumento para avaliar dimensões do planejamento e processo de implementação de um programa de intervenção voltado à promoção de atividade física em escolares. Foi conduzido um estudo metodológico realizado durante os meses de julho a dezembro de 2016, vinculado ao programa de intervenção intitulado de "Movimente". O estudo envolveu as fases teórica (construção do instrumento), empírica e analítica (validação de conteúdo por especialistas, com atribuição de pontuação para os itens e de semântica, por membros da comunidade escolar e alunos do 7º ao 9º ano). O instrumento é dividido em duas dimensões: planejamento e processo. Resultados mostram que a dimensão de planejamento foi composta por indicadores acerca da importância da discussão sobre temas de saúde no contexto escolar, interesse em participar do programa e de suas respectivas ações. A dimensão de processo englobou indicadores sobre conhecimento e avaliação do programa e de suas respectivas ações, bem como sobre o interesse em manter o mesmo. Todas as questões foram consideradas válidas (índices de validade acima de 0,90) e compreensíveis (escores acima de 0,82). Conclui-se que o instrumento apresentou qualidade satisfatória no que diz respeito a validade de conteúdo e semântica, sendo considerado apropriado para avaliação do Programa Movimente e programas e ou projetos similares

This study aims to develop and validate an instrument that evaluates dimensions of planning and im-plementation of an intervention program focused on physical activity promotion in schoolers. It was conducted a methodological study carried out during the months of July to December of 2016, part of the Movimente Program. The study included theoretical (instrument development), empirical and analytical phases (content validadion by specialists, with scores atribution to each item, and by par-ticipants with characteristics similar to those of the target population, including school community, and students from 7th to 9th grade school). The instrument is composed by two dimensions: planning and process. Results show that planning was composed by indicators related to the importance of discussing health topics on the school context; interest in take part of the Program and its respective actions. Dimension included indicatos related to awaraness and evaluation program, and interest on program maintenance. All questions were considered valid (validation scores greater then 0.90) and with a good semantic (scores greated than 0.82). In conclusion, the instrument showed a reasonable quality regarding semantic and content validity, being considered apropriate for evaluation of Movi-mente Program and similar programs of physical activitiy programs in schoolers

Exercise , Program Evaluation , Adolescent
Rev. eletrônica enferm ; 24: 1-9, 18 jan. 2022.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1380786


Objetivo: Desenvolver aplicativo de rastreio de fragilidade em idosos na Atenção Primária à Saúde e validar, semanticamente, com profissionais de saúde. Método: Estudo metodológico, realizado de fevereiro a março de 2021, por meio de validação semântica, com 75 enfermeiros e 44 médicos da Estratégia Saúde da Família dos 25 municípios da 2ª Região de Saúde do Estado da Paraíba e construção de aplicativo móvel denominado APS para Idosos Frágeis, para uso em sistema Android, com linguagem de programação HTML, Java Script, CSS, PHP, Framework IONIC e modelo de produção MVC. Resultado: Entre as 42 variáveis presentes no instrumento de validação semântica foram selecionadas 20 variáveis para compor o aplicativo, formado por quatro Dimensões: Fisiológica, Funcional, Biopsicossocial, Cognitiva. Conclusão: O aplicativo possibilita a avaliação multidimensional do idoso na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Entende-se que o diagnóstico precoce da fragilidade proporciona estabilização do quadro clínico, diminuindo risco de hospitalização, morte e encaminhamentos para atenção especializada.

Objectives: To develop an application for screening frailty in the elderly in Primary Health Care and to validate it semantically with health professionals. Methods: Methodological study, carried out from February to March 2021, through semantic validation. With the participation of 75 nurses and 44 doctors of the Family Health Strategy from the 25 Municipalities of the Second Health Region of the State of Paraíba. In addition to the construction of a mobile application called Primary Health Care for frail elderly, for use on an Android system, with the programming language HTML, Java Script, CSS, PHP, Framework IONIC and MVC production model. Results: Among the 42 variables present in the semantic validation instrument, 20 variables were selected to compose the application, formed by four Dimensions: Physiological, Functional, Biopsychosocial, Cognitive. Conclusion: The application enables the multidimensional assessment of the elderly in primary health care. It was identified that the early diagnosis of frailty provides stabilization of the clinical condition, reducing the risk of hospitalization, death and referrals to specialized care.

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Program Evaluation , Mobile Applications , Frailty/prevention & control