El proceso de respiración y el intercambio gaseoso requiere la interacción de variadas fuerzas en los distintos tejidos y órganos involucrados. La tensión superficial a nivel alveolar provocaría colapso de dichas estructuras de no ser por las características del surfactante que lo recubre. Revisaremos en este articulo la fisiología involucrada en su estructura física, producción y efectos pulmonares.
The process of breathing and gas exchange requires the interaction of various forces in the different tissues and organs involved. The surface tension at the alveolus would cause collapse of these structures without of the surfactant that covers it. We will review in this article the physiology involved in its physical structure, production, and pulmonary effects.
Humans , Pulmonary Surfactants/metabolism , Lung/physiology , Phospholipids/analysis , Pulmonary Surfactants/chemistry , Proteins/analysis , Lipids/analysisABSTRACT
Seed germination is a complex process controlled by many factors, in which physical and biochemical mechanisms are involved and the mobilization of reserves is crucial for this process to occur. Although, seed reserve mobilization is usually thought to be a post-germination process, seed reserve proteins mobilization occurs during germination. This study quantified seed proteins of bean genotypes during different hydration times, in order to understand the process of protein mobilization and whether there is relationship of this biochemical component with seed vigor. This study was conducted using seeds with different levels of vigor, genotypes with highest (13, 42, 55 and 81) and lowest (07, 23, 44, 50, IPR-88-Uirapurú and Iapar 81) physiological quality. High vigor genotypes showed greater efficiency in hydrolysis and mobilization of protein component, because they presented low globulins content in cotyledons at radicle protrusion in relation to low vigor genotypes (07, 23 and 50). The protein alpha-amylase inhibitor, observed in all genotypes, is involved with the longer time needed for radicle protrusion, according to the band intensity difference in genotypes 07, 44 and Iapar 81.
A germinação de sementes é um processo complexo controlado por muitos fatores, nos quais mecanismos físicos e bioquímicos estão envolvidos e a mobilização de reservas é decisiva para que esse processo ocorra. Embora a mobilização de reservas de sementes seja considerada um processo pós-germinativo, a mobilização das proteínas de reserva de sementes ocorre durante a germinação. Este estudo teve como objetivo quantificar as proteínas de sementes de genótipos de feijão durante os diferentes tempos de hidratação, a fim de compreender o processo de mobilização proteica e se há relação desse componente bioquímico com o vigor das sementes. Este estudo foi realizado utilizando sementes com diferentes níveis de vigor, genótipos com maior (13, 42, 55 e 81) e menor (07, 23, 44, 50, IPR-88-Uirapurú e Iapar 81) qualidade fisiológica. Os genótipos de alto vigor apresentaram maior eficiência na hidrólise e mobilização do componente proteico, pois apresentaram baixo teor de globulinas nos cotilédones na protrusão radicular em relação aos genótipos de baixo vigor (07, 23 e 50). A proteína inibidora da alfa-amilase, observada em todos os genótipos, está envolvida com o maior tempo necessário para a protrusão da radícula, de acordo com a diferença de intensidade da banda nos genótipos 07, 44 e Iapar 81.
Seeds/chemistry , Genetic Variation/genetics , Proteins/analysis , Phaseolus/embryology , Mass Spectrometry , Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide GelABSTRACT
Resumen Los métodos diagnósticos clásicos para la tuberculosis son de baja sensibilidad o son muy lentos en la obtención de resultados (baciloscopía, cultivo de Koch). De ahí nace la necesidad de nuevos métodos diagnósticos para esta enfermedad. Los biomarcadores surgen como una opción a esta problemática, con un buen rendimiento diagnóstico, costo y accesibilidad. Ellos permiten identificar la respuesta inflamatoria y/o metabólica del huésped, extrapolando la presencia de Mycobacterium tuberculosis; o identifican moléculas propias del patógeno. En la presente revisión se describen biomarcadores que presentan un buen rendimiento diagnóstico basados en metodologías de investigación de alto nivel (estudio de cohortes, prospectivos, muestreo consecutivo o aleatorizado, comparación de rendimiento diagnóstico frente a cultivo). Es necesario el desarrollo de estas nuevas técnicas con el fin de realizar el diagnóstico precoz de la enfermedad y lograr así su tan ansiada eliminación.
The classical laboratory diagnostic methods for tuberculosis have a low sensitivity or take a long time to know their results. New methods are underway. Biomarkers are a good option to improve our diagnostic approach to this disease. They have good performance, low cost and accessibility. They identify a patient's inflammatory or metabolic response to Mycobacterium Tuberculosis or identifies molecules that are typical of the pathogen. In this paper we sum up the biomarkers with a good diag-nostic performance described in well design investigations. Early diagnosis with these new techniques should contribute to the elimination of the disease.
Humans , Tuberculosis/diagnosis , Biomarkers/analysis , RNA/analysis , Proteins/analysis , Cytokines/analysis , Sensitivity and Specificity , Antibodies/analysis , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/isolation & purification , Mycolic Acids/analysisABSTRACT
RESUMEN Se estableció la caracterización de salchichas secas tipo cabanossi con carne de llama, cerdo y muestras comerciales mediante un análisis proximal (contenidos de grasa: 18,6 a 29,6% y proteína: 19,4 a 36,2%), color (C*: 15,8 a 33,7), actividad de agua (0,770 a 0,960), pH (5,2 a 6,5) y propiedades mecánicas como dureza (47,8 a 124 N) y masticabilidad (9,4 a 33,2 N). Se obtuvieron 19 descriptores a partir de la opinión de 83 consumidores; luego, se empleó el método CATA (Check-all-that-apply) para describir las características sensoriales del cabanossi empleando 55 consumidores. Se evidenció que el cabanossi con carne de llama presentó el menor contenido de grasa total y ácidos grasos saturados, y mayor contenido de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados en comparación a las otras muestras. Los descriptores más utilizados fueron: olor característico/embutido, sabor a especias/condimentos, picante y sensación residual picante. Los consumidores indicaron como atributos relevantes para la aceptabilidad al color rojo claro, blando/suave, masticable y picante. La utilización de carne de llama constituye una alternativa en el desarrollo de nuevos productos cárnicos basados sobre las características presentadas.
ABSTRACT The chemical and physical characterization of cabanossi-type dry sausages made with lama meat, pork and commercial samples were performed. Remarkable differences were found in terms of fat (18.6 to 29.6%), color (15.8 to 33.7), water activity (0.770 to 0.960), pH (5.6 to 6.5), hardness (47.8 to 124 N) and chewiness (9.4 to 33.2 N). Nineteen descriptive terms based on the opinions of 83 consumers were used. Then, 55 consumers used the CATA (Check-all-that-apply) method to describe the sensory traits of cabanossi . Sausage from lama meat had the lowest total fat and saturated fatty acid content, and the highest polyunsaturated fatty acid content in comparison to the other samples. The most utilized sensory terms were: characteristic odor/smell of sausage, spicy flavor and spicy after taste. For sensory acceptability, consumers selected light red color, soft/tender, chewable and spicy as the most relevant traits. The application of lama meat represents an alternative to new meat products developed based on the characteristics studied.
Animals , Meat Products/analysis , Swine , Taste , Camelids, New World , Proteins/analysis , Fats/analysisABSTRACT
Synthetic preservatives are widely present in processed foods, but most of them have carcinogenic potential, requiring the development of new natural alternatives such as fruit extracts, for microbial control. The objective of the study was to evaluate the chemical characterization, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activity of the sugar apple pulp (Annona squamosa L.). Physicochemical characteristics were evaluated, an extract was prepared, and its antioxidant activity by DPPH method and antimicrobial by disk diffusion. Minimal inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration against strains of Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, and Staphylococcus aureus were evaluated. The physicochemical analysis revealed that sugar apple pulp had 75.0% moisture, 3.0% ash, 4.0% protein, 0.2% lipids, 3.3% fibers, and 14.5% carbohydrates. The antioxidant activity of the extract by the DPPH method was 20.6%. The pulp extract from the sugar apple had inhibition zone for Staphylococcus aureus, satisfactory inhibitory effect against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, and Salmonella Typhimurium, but did not present a bactericidal effect. Sugar apple pulp presents adequate levels of nutrients and potential for food application due to its microbiological activity and antioxidant properties.
Los conservantes sintéticos están ampliamente presentes en los alimentos procesados, pero la mayoría tienen potencial carcinogénico, lo que requiere el desarrollo de nuevas alternativas naturales para el control microbiano, como los extractos de frutas. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la caracterización química, la actividad antioxidante y antimicrobiana de la pulpa de manzana de azúcar (Annona squamosa L.). Se evaluaron las características fisicoquímicas, y se evaluó su actividad antioxidante mediante el método DPPH y antimicrobiano por difusión en disco, concentración inhibitoria mínima y concentración bactericida mínima contra cepas de Salmonella Typhimurium, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes y Staphylococcus aureus. El análisis fisicoquímico reveló que la pulpa de manzana de azúcar tiene 75.0% de humedad, 3.0% de cenizas, 4.0% de proteínas, 0.2% de lípidos, 3.3% de fibras y 14.5% de carbohidratos. La actividad antioxidante del extracto por el método DPPH fue del 20.6%. El extracto de pulpa de la manzana de azúcar tenía zona de inhibición para Staphylococcus aureus, efecto inhibidor satisfactorio contra Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes y Salmonella Typhimurium, pero no presenta efecto bactericida. La pulpa de manzana de azúcar presenta niveles adecuados de nutrientes y potencial para la aplicación de alimentos debido a su actividad microbiológica y propiedades antioxidantes.
Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Annona/chemistry , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Antioxidants/pharmacology , Salmonella typhimurium/drug effects , Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Carbohydrates/analysis , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Proteins/analysis , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Escherichia coli/drug effects , Lipids/analysis , Listeria monocytogenes/drug effects , Anti-Bacterial Agents/chemistry , Antioxidants/chemistryABSTRACT
The potential use of babassu (Orbignya phalerata Mart.) in several activities is large. In view of these facts, this study aimed to determine the physicochemical composition of the babassu almond (OpAM) and evaluate the chemical, physical and physicochemical aspects of babassu coconut oil isolated by different methods of extraction. Babassu nut oil was removed by extraction with a hot solvent (Soxhlet) (OpS), hydraulic pressure (OpHP) and cold extraction (Blight and Dyer) (OpBD). Two artisanal samples from the states of Pará (OpP) and Maranhão (OPM) were also tested. OpAM presented 2% protein, 49.5% fat, 42.4% carbohydrates and water activity of 0.670. No statistical differences were found between the babassu coconut extraction techniques which presents saturated fatty acids as major oil fatty acids, especially lauric (41.6%), myristic (14.6%) and unsaturated oleic (15.7%). No samples tested positive in the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances test, and they also showed low levels of acidity. Babassu coconut oil showed good oxidative stability with a high induction period. The samples tended to green and yellow colors, and the babassu oil extracted by Soxhlet was less viscous than the others.
El uso potencial de babassu (Orbignya phalerata Mart.), en varias actividades es amplio. En vista de esto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la composición fisicoquímica de la almendra de babassu (OpAM) y evaluar los aspectos químicos, físicos y físicoquímicos del aceite de coco de babassu aislado mediante diferentes métodos de extracción. El aceite de coco de babasú se aisló mediante extracción con un disolvente caliente (Soxhlet) (OpS), mediante presión hidráulica (OpHP) y utilizando un disolvente frío (Blight and Dyer) (OpBD). También se analizaron dos muestras artesanales de los estados de Pará (OpP) y Maranhão (OPM). OpAM presentó 2% de proteína, 49,5% de grasa, 42,4% de carbohidratos y una actividad de agua de 0,670. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticas entre las técnicas de extracción de babassu de coco que presentan ácidos grasos saturados como los principales ácidos grasos oleosos, especialmente láurico (41,6%), mirístico (14,6%) y oleico insaturado (15,7%). Ninguna muestra resultó positiva en la prueba de sustancias reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico, y también mostraron niveles bajos de acidez. El aceite de coco Babassu mostró una buena estabilidad oxidativa con un alto período de inducción. Las muestras tendían a los colores verde y amarillo, y el aceite de babassu extraído por Soxhlet era menos viscoso que los otros.
Plant Oils/chemistry , Plant Extracts , Arecaceae/chemistry , Nutritive Value , Carbohydrates/analysis , Proteins/analysis , Fats/analysisABSTRACT
Due to its various structures in bio-compounds, snake venom is the indisputable result of evolutionary stages of molecules with an increasingly complex structure, high specificity, and of great importance for medicine because of their potential. The present study proposed an underpinning examination of venom composition from nine species of venomous snakes using a useful and replicable methodology. The objective was the extension of the evaluation of protein fractions in the field up to 230 kDa to permit possible identification of some fractions that are insufficiently studied. The gel capillary electrophoresis method on the chip was performed using an Agilent 2100 bioassay with the 80 and 230-LabChip Protein kits. Interpretation of electrophoresis was performed using the Protein 2100 expert (Agilent) test software as follows: a) Protein 80 (peak size scale): 1.60, 3.5, 6.50, 15.00, 28.00, 46.00, 63.00, 95.00 kDa; b) Protein 230 (peak size scale): 4.50, 7.00, 15.00, 28.00, 46.00, 63.00, 95.00, 150.00, 240.00 kDa. The screening revealed the presence of compounds with a molecular weight greater than 80 kDa, in the case of Vipera aspis and Vipera xantina palestinae. For V. aspis, a 125 kDa molecular weight pro-coagulant protein was identified, known as being involved in the reduction of plasma clotting time without any direct activity in the fibrinogen coagulation process. The samples examined on the Protein 230-LabChip electrophoresis chip can be considered as a novelty with possible uses in medicine, requiring further approaches by advanced proteomics techniques to confirm the intimate structural features and biological properties of snake venoms.
Animals , Viper Venoms/chemistry , Proteins/chemistry , Viperidae/classification , Viper Venoms/analysis , Proteins/isolation & purification , Proteins/analysis , Electrophoresis, Capillary , Proteome/classification , Proteome/chemistry , Proteomics/methodsABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: The pellicle, the acellular organic material deposited on the surface of tooth enamel, has been thought to be derived from saliva. In this study, protein compositions of the pellicle, gingival crevicular fluid, and saliva collected from healthy adults were compared to elucidate the origin of pellicle proteins. RESULTS: The pellicle, gingival crevicular fluid, and saliva from the parotid gland or mixed gland were collected; subsequently, protein expression in samples from the respective individual was compared by SDS-PAGE and mass spectrometry. Following SDS-PAGE, proteins in the major bands were identified by mass spectrometry. The band pattern of pellicle proteins appeared different from those of gingival crevicular fluid, or saliva samples. Using mass spectrometry, 13 proteins in these samples were identified. The relative abundance of the proteins was quantitatively analyzed using mass spectrometry coupled with stable isotope labeling and by western blot. Cystatin S and α-amylase detected in pellicle were enriched in saliva samples, but not in gingival crevicular fluid, by western blot, and their abundance ratios were high in saliva and low in gingival crevicular fluid when analyzed by stable isotope labeling. Serotransferrin, however, was found only in the pellicle and gingival crevicular fluid by western blot and its abundance ratio was low in saliva. CONCLUSIONS: Our study revealed that the gingival crevicular fluid appears to contribute to pellicle formation in addition to saliva.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Saliva/chemistry , Proteins/analysis , Gingival Crevicular Fluid/chemistry , Dental Pellicle/chemistry , Mass Spectrometry , Blotting, Western , Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide GelABSTRACT
Abstract: Background: In-vitro studies showed that Leucine-rich glioma inactivated 3 (LGI3) is a keratinocyte-derived cytokine that stimulates melanin synthesis and is increased after ultra violet B (UVB) irradiation. So, we postulated that LGI3 may be involved in vitiligo aetiopathogenesis and may participate in narrow band ultra violet B (NB-UVB) induced pigmentation in vitiligo. Objectives: To assess this hypothesis, lesional LGI3 immunohistochemical expression of vitiligo patients before and after NB-UVB phototherapy was studied, and its correlation with repigmentation was evaluated. Methods: Forty vitiligo patients and 20 age, sex, and skin phenotype-matched controls were enrolled. Patients were treated with NB-UVB thrice weekly for 12 weeks. VASI score was evaluated before and after NB-UVB sessions. For vitiligo patients, baseline LGI3 immunohistochemical staining was estimated, and compared to that of controls and to its post-treatment data in those patients. Results: Baseline LGI3 immunohistochemical studied parameters (expression, intensity, percentage and H score) were significantly lower in vitiligo cases than controls (p=0.003, 0.013, 0.001 and 0.001 respectively). After 12 weeks of NB-UVB phototherapy, these LGI3 immunohistochemical parameters were up-regulated and became comparable to that of controls (p >0.05 for all). There was a significant positive correlation between the improvement of both VASI score and LGI3 H score mean values (r=-0.349 , p=0.027). Study limitations: Small number of investigated subjects. Conclusions: Decreased LGI3 protein may play an active role in vitiligo pathogenesis and its up-regulation after NB-UVB phototherapy, may actively participate in NB-UVB photo-induced melanogenesis.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Ultraviolet Therapy/methods , Vitiligo/pathology , Vitiligo/radiotherapy , Proteins/analysis , Cytokines/analysis , Reference Values , Time Factors , Severity of Illness Index , Immunohistochemistry , Case-Control Studies , Keratinocytes/radiation effects , Treatment Outcome , Statistics, Nonparametric , Melanocytes/radiation effectsABSTRACT
La información disponible referente a las características proteómicas del E. granulosus es escasa (no supera los 50 estudios publicados); y nos parece que la identificación proteómica, podría mejorar la comprensión de algunas características bioquímicas e inmunológicas de la Equinococosis Quística (EQ). De tal modo que el proteoma de E. granulosus aún no está bien descrito. Sólo existen reportes de algunas secuencias de proteínas. El objetivo de este manuscrito fue comentar algunos aspectos de la evidencia existente respecto de los estudios del perfil proteómico del E. granulosus. Se recomienda el estudio de al menos el quiste y su pared, el líquido hidatídico y la víscera del hospedero. Para ello, existen metodologías que han sido empleadas para estudiar las características proteómicas de la EQ. Entre ellas, destacan SDS-PAGE, electroforesis bidimensional combinada con Western Blot, inmunoanálisis, y espectrometría de masas mediante técnicas MALDI-TOF. Se han identificado una serie de proteínas en muestras de EQ. Algunas de ellas, asociadas a procesos inmunológicos, de gluconeogénesis, glucogenolisis y glucogénesis. Por otra parte, se ha documentado la liberación de exosomas al líquido hidatídico por parte de los protoescólex y la capa germinativa; estructuras en las que se han identificado factores de virulencia asociados con la supervivencia del quiste. No obstante lo anteriormente señalado, se requiere de múltiples estudios exhaustivos en la materia para comprender mejor la caracterización perfil proteómico del E. granulosus.
The information available regarding the proteomic characteristics of E. granulosus is scarce; and it seems that the proteomic identification could improve the understanding of some biochemical and immunological characteristics of cystic echinococcosis (CE). So, the proteome of E. granulosus is still not well described yet. There are only reports of some protein sequences. The objective of this manuscript was to comment on some aspects of the existing evidence regarding studies of the proteomic profile of E. granulosus. The study of at least the cyst and its wall, the hydatid fluid and the viscera of the host are recommended. There are a series of methodologies that have been used to study the proteomic characteristics of EQ. These include SDS-PAGE, bidimensional electrophoresis combined with Western Blot, immunoassay, and mass spectrometry using MALDI-TOF techniques. A series of proteins have been identified in CE samples. Some of them, associated with immune response, gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis and glycogenesis. On the other hand, release of exosomes to the hydatid fluid by protoescolex and germinative layer has been documented (associated virulence factors have been identified in these structures). Notwithstanding the foregoing, it requires multiple exhaustive studies in the field to better understand the characterization of the proteomic profile of E. granulosus.
Proteins/analysis , Proteomics/methods , Echinococcus granulosus/chemistry , Echinococcus granulosus/genetics , Echinococcus granulosus/metabolism , Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide GelABSTRACT
Seminal plasma is a rich source of proteins and serves as an ideal sample for proteomic analysis of male infertility. In varicocele-associated infertility, the contributory role of seminal plasma proteins specific to unilateral and bilateral varicocele is not clear. Furthermore, there is a lack of specific protein biomarker to differentiate bilateral from unilateral varicocele. The main objective is to identify the differentially regulated molecular and cellular pathways in bilateral varicocele. Furthermore, we intend to identify seminal plasma biomarkers to differentiate bilateral and unilateral varicocele patients in comparison with fertile healthy men. Global proteomic analysis of seminal plasma proteins has identified the functionality of differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) in varicocele patients. Bioinformatic analysis has revealed response to reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress, and tissue homeostasis as top process pathways that are affected in bilateral varicocele patients compared to fertile healthy men. In comparison with unilateral varicocele patients, inflammatory response pathways were dysregulated, especially interleukin 6 (IL-6) signaling and Janus kinase-signal transducer and activator of transcription (Jak-STAT) pathways, in bilateral varicocele patients, owing to the involvement of underexpressed DEPs. Key DEPs associated with oxidative stress (peroxiredoxin 2; PRDX2), DNA fragmentation (fatty acid synthase; FASN), and inflammatory response (fibronectin 1; FN1) validated by western blot analysis revealed differential expression of these proteins in unilateral and bilateral varicocele groups. Altered expression of DEPs and its association with key processes show that the seminal plasma homeostasis is compromised in bilateral varicocele patients. Furthermore, we propose PRDX2, FASN, and FN1 as potential noninvasive seminal plasma markers for the differentiation of unilateral and bilateral varicocele patients.
Humans , Male , Young Adult , Biomarkers/analysis , Blotting, Western , Inflammation/metabolism , Metabolic Networks and Pathways , Oxidative Stress , Proteins/analysis , Proteomics , Semen/chemistry , Varicocele/metabolismABSTRACT
Abstract The acquired enamel pellicle (AEP) is an organic film, bacteria-free, formed in vivo as a result of the selective adsorption of salivary proteins and glycoproteins to the solid surfaces exposed to the oral environment. Objective: This study aimed to compare the proteomic profile of AEP formed in situ on human and bovine enamel using a new intraoral device (Bauru in situ pellicle model - BISPM). Material and Methods: One hundred and eight samples of human and bovine enamel were prepared (4×4 mm). Nine subjects with good oral conditions wore a removable jaw appliance (BISPM) with 6 slabs of each substrate randomly allocated. The AEP was formed during the morning, for 120 minutes, and collected with an electrode filter paper soaked in 3% citric acid. This procedure was conducted in triplicate and the pellicle collected was processed for analysis by LC-ESI-MS/MS. The obtained mass spectrometry MS/MS spectra were searched against human protein database (SWISS-PROT). Results: The use of BISPM allowed the collection of enough proteins amount for proper analysis. A total of 51 proteins were found in the AEP collected from the substrates. Among them, 15 were common to both groups, 14 were exclusive of the bovine enamel, and 22 were exclusive of the human enamel. Proteins typically found in the AEP were identified, such as Histatin-1, Ig alpha-1, Ig alpha 2, Lysozyme C, Statherin and Submaxillary gland androgen-regulated protein 3B. Proteins not previously described in the AEP, such as metabolism, cell signaling, cell adhesion, cell division, transport, protein synthesis and degradation were also identified. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that the proteins typically found in the AEP appeared in both groups, regardless the substrate. The BISPM revealed to be a good device to be used in studies involving proteomic analysis of the AEP.
Humans , Animals , Cattle , Proteins/analysis , Dental Pellicle/chemistry , Peptides/analysis , Reference Values , Saliva/chemistry , Mass Spectrometry , Time Factors , ProteomicsABSTRACT
A gama-proteobactéria Pseudomonas aeruginosa é um patógeno oportunista humano frequentemente associado a pacientes com queimadura grave e aos portadores de fibrose cística. O estabelecimento de infecção depende de uma série de fatores que contribuem para a virulência deste patógeno, dentre eles a produção de sideróforos e outros sistemas de captação de ferro. Pioverdina é o principal sideróforo sintetizado por bactérias do gênero Pseudomonas e linhagens deficientes na sua produção são incapazes de estabelecer infecção em modelos animais. A regulação da biossíntese deste sideróforo envolve a agregação entre as células, indicando a dependência de contato para completa indução da sua produção. O contato com uma superfície altera o comportamento das células e diversos fenótipos são dependentes deste sinal mecânico. PrlC é uma oligopeptidase A putativamente envolvida na degradação de peptídeo-sinais e PA14_00800, uma pequena proteína com domínio de função desconhecida, codificada por um gene imediatamente à jusante de prlC. Existem poucos trabalhos na literatura sobre PrlC e seus homólogos e nenhuma informação sobre PA14_00800. Este trabalho teve como objetivo elucidar o envolvimento de PrlC e PA14_00800 na regulação da produção de pioverdina por células em contato com uma superfície. Para estabelecer uma correlação na expressão destes genes, um estudo da organização gênica foi realizado por RT-PCR, confirmando que eles fazem parte do mesmo operon e, portanto, que a expressão destes genes é regulada pelos mesmos fatores. Ensaios classicamente modulados pelo segundo mensageiro c-di-GMP, como formação de biofilme e motilidade, não apresentaram variações nas linhagens mutantes ΔprlC, ΔPA14_00800 ou Δoperon, indicando que a deleção destes genes não altera significativamente os níveis de c-di-GMP nas células. A motilidade do tipo swarming é, no entanto, severamente afetada na linhagem ΔPA14_00800 quando o meio de cultura não contém cloreto de cálcio e glicose, indicando um defeito na sinalização celular ou requerimento energértico desta linhagem nestas condições. PA14_00800 regula a fluorescência de P. aeruginosa em meio sólido e semissólido, mas não em meio líquido. Esta fluorescência depende tanto de pioverdina quanto de PQS, umamolécula de comunicação celular fluorescente, e a possibilidade de outros fatores estarem envolvidos neste fenótipo ainda está sob investigação. Análise do transcritoma por RNASeq com a linhagem ΔPA14_00800 comparada à linhagem parental foi realizada a partir de colônias destas linhagens crescidas em M9 modificado. Genes envolvidos no sistema de secreção do tipo III e do tipo VI e na biossíntese de PQS apareceram dentre os genes diferencialmente expressos, bem como genes para o catabolismo de glicose. Este trabalho foi o primeiro a investigar o papel de PA14_00800 na fisiologia de P. aeruginosa, e os conhecimentos adquiridos aqui podem ser transpostos, com cautela, para compreensão da função dos homólogos de PA14_00800 em outras bactérias
The gamma-proteobacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a human opportunistic pathogen frequently associated with patients with severe burns and those with cystic fibrosis. The establishment of infection depends on several factors that contribute to the virulence of this pathogen, among them siderophore production and other iron uptake systems. Pyoverdine is the main siderophore synthesized by the bacteria of the genus Pseudômonas and pyoverdinedeficient strains are unable to establish infection in animal models. The regulation of biosynthesis of this siderophore involves cell aggregation, indicating contact dependency for complete induction of pyoverdine production. Surface contact alters cell behavior and several phenotypes are dependent on this mechanical cue. PrlC is an oligopeptidase A putatively involved in peptide-signals degradation and PA14_00800, a small protein with a domain of unknown function, encoded by a gene immediately downstream of prlC. There are few papers in the literature on PrlC and its homologues and no information on PA14_00800. This work aimed to elucidate the role of PrlC and PA14_00800 in surface-dependent regulation of pyoverdine production. To establish a correlation in the expression of these genes, a study of the gene organization was performed by RT-PCR, confirming that they are part of an operon and therefore the expression of these genes is regulated by the same factors. Traits classically modulated by the second messenger c-di-GMP, such as biofilm formation and motility, did not show variations in the ΔprlC, ΔPA14_00800 or Δoperon, indicating that the deletion of these genes does not significantly alter the levels of c-di-GMP within the cells. Swarming motility is, however, severely affected in the strain ΔPA14_00800 when the culture medium does not contain calcium chloride and glucose, indicating a cell signaling defect or energetic requirement under these conditions. PA14_00800 regulates surface-dependent fluorescence of P. aeruginosa, in solid and semi-solid medium. This fluorescence depends on both pyoverdine and PQS, a fluorescent cell-to-cell communication molecule, and the investigation of other putative factors involved in this phenotype is still under study. Transcriptomic analysis by RNASeq with the strain ΔPA14_00800 compared to PA14 was performed from colonies ofthese strains grown in modified M9 1% agar. Genes involved in the type III and type VI secretion systems, in PQS biosynthesis and glucose catabolism were differentially expressed. This work was the first to investigate the role of PA14_00800 in the physiology of P. aeruginosa, and the knowledge obtained here can be cautiously transposed to understanding the role of PA14_00800 homologues in other bactéria
Proteins/analysis , Gene Expression Regulation , Virulence Factors/analysis , Operon , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/physiology , Pseudomonas Infections/complicationsABSTRACT
Protein PEGylation is the covalent bonding of polyethylene glycol (PEG) polymers to amino acid residues of the protein and it is one of the most promising techniques for improving the therapeutic effect of biopharmaceuticals and long-term stability of protein-based biosensors. This chemical modification brings advantages to biopharmaceuticals, such as an increased half-life, enhanced stability, and reduced immunogenicity. Moreover, in the analytical field, PEGylation improves the multiple properties of protein-based biosensors including biocompatibility, thermal and long-term stability, and solubility in organic solvents. However, the use of PEGylated conjugates in the analytical and therapeutic fields has not been widely explored. The limited industrial application of PEGylated bioconjugates can be attributed to the fact that the reaction and separation steps are currently a challenge. The correct selection of the PEGylation reaction design and the purification process are important challenges in the field of bioconjugation. In this sense, the design and optimization of site-specific PEGylation reactions and application of aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) as purification platforms for PEGylated conjugates are the two main objectives of this thesis. Regarding the purification step, the efficient fractionation (i) of the PEGylated conjugates from the native protein and (ii) of the PEGylated conjugates based on their degree of PEGylation was studied. Centrifugal partition chromatography (CPC) was applied as a continuous regime platform based on ABS technology to efficiently purify the PEGylated proteins. The two proteins under study are L-asparaginase, an important biopharmaceutical applied in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and cytochrome c, a promising biosensor. The current work developed in this thesis demonstrates the great potential of ABS in the fractionation of PEGylated proteins, under batch and continuous regime. In addition, in situ recovery of the PEGylated products through one-pot bioconjugation and ABS purification was successfully demonstrated for both enzymes studied. Although further research on scale-up is still required, the results presented show the relevance of ABS platforms for the development of separation processes of PEGylated proteins
A PEGuilação de proteínas é a ligação covalente de polímeros de polietilenoglicol (PEG) a resíduos de aminoácidos da proteína e é uma das técnicas mais promissoras para melhorar o efeito terapêutico dos biofármacos e a estabilidade a longo prazo de biossensores proteícos. Esta modificação química traz vantagens aos produtos biofarmacêuticos, como um aumento da meia-vida, maior estabilidade e imunogenicidade reduzida. Além disso, no campo analítico, a PEGuilação melhora as múltiplas propriedades dos biossensores baseados em proteínas, incluindo biocompatibilidade, estabilidade térmica e a longo prazo, e solubilidade em solventes orgânicos. No entanto, o uso de conjugados PEGuilados em campos analíticos e terapêuticos não tem sido amplamente explorado. A aplicação industrial limitada dos bioconjugados PEGuilados pode ser atribuída ao facto de as etapas de reacção e separação serem atualmente um desafio. A seleção correcta do design da reacção de PEGuilação e do processo de purificação são importantes desafios no campo da bioconjugação. Neste sentido, a concepção e otimização de reações de PEGuilação sítio-específicas e aplicação de sistemas aquosos bifásicos (ABS) como plataformas de purificação de conjugados PEGuilados são os dois principais objetivos desta tese. No que concerne à etapa de purificação foi estudado o eficiente fracionamento (i) dos conjugados PEGuilados, da proteína nativa e (ii) dos conjugados PEGuilados baseados no seu grau de PEGuilação. A cromatografia por partição centrífuga (CPC) foi aplicada como uma plataforma de regime contínuo baseada na tecnologia de ABS para purificar eficientemente as proteínas PEGuiladas. As duas proteínas em estudo são a L-asparaginase, importante biofármaco aplicado no tratamento da leucemia linfoblástica aguda e o citocromo c, um potencial biossensor. A partir dos trabalhos desenvolvidos, é possível confirmar o grande potencial dos ABS no fracionamento de proteínas PEGuiladas, em regime contínuo e descontínuo. Além disso, a recuperação in situ dos produtos PEGuilados através da integração em uma única etapa de bioconjugação e purificação por ABS foi comprovada com sucesso para ambas as enzimas estudadas. Embora ainda sejam necessários estudos adicionais sobre a viabilidade destes sistemas em larga escala, os resultados aqui apresentados demonstram a relevância dos ABS para o desenvolvimento de processos de separação de proteínas PEGuiladas
Polyethylene Glycols/adverse effects , Proteins/analysis , Biological Products/therapeutic use , Proteins/isolation & purification , Cytochromes cABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar os níveis séricos de proteína 3 contendo um domínio NACHT, porção C-terminal rica em repetições de leucina e de domínio pirina (NLRP3) e catelicidina LL-37, bem como investigar sua importância prognóstica em pneumonia adquirida na comunidade (PAC). Métodos Este estudo prospectivo incluiu 76 pacientes com PAC. Foram obtidos dados demográficos e características clínicas. Os níveis séricos de NLRP3 e LL-37 foram determinados por meio do teste ELISA. A correlação entre NLRP3 e LL-37 foi estimada por intermédio da análise de Spearman. A associação entre NLRP3 e LL-37 com 30 dias de taxa de sobrevida e de mortalidade foi avaliada pela curva de Kaplan-Meier e análise de regressão logística. Resultados Os níveis séricos de NLRP3 estavam elevados, enquanto os níveis de LL-37 apresentaram redução significativa em pacientes com PAC grave. Observou-se correlação significativa entre os níveis séricos de NLRP3 e LL-37 em pacientes com PAC. Pacientes com níveis elevados de NLRP3 e níveis reduzidos de LL-37 exibiram maior taxa de sobrevida em 30 dias e de mortalidade quando comparados com aqueles com níveis inferiores de NLRP3 e LL-37. Conclusões Pacientes com PAC grave tendem a apresentar níveis séricos elevados de NLRP3 e níveis reduzidos de LL-37, o que pode ser utilizado como um potencial biomarcador prognóstico.
ABSTRACT Objective This study aimed to determine the serum levels of NACHT, Leucine-rich repeat (LRR), and Pyrin (PYD) domains-containing Protein 3 (NLRP3) and cathelicidin LL-37, and investigate their prognostic significance in community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). Methods The sample of this prospective study was composed of 76 consecutive patients with CAP. Demographic data and clinical characteristics were collected. Serum levels of NLRP3 and LL-37 were determined by ELISA. Spearman's analysis was used to evaluate the correlation between NLRP3 and LL-37. Association of NLRP3 and LL-37 with 30-day survival and mortality rates was assessed using the Kaplan-Meier curve and logistic regression analysis. Results Serum NLRP3 significantly increased whereas serum LL-37 significantly decreased in patients with severe CAP. Significant correlation was observed between serum NLRP3 and LL-37 in CAP patients. Patients with higher levels of NLRP3 and lower levels of LL-37 showed lower 30-day survival rate and higher mortality compared with those with lower NLRP3 and higher LL-37 levels. Conclusion Severe CAP patients tend to present higher serum NLRP3 and lower serum LL-37, which might serve as potential biomarkers for CAP prognosis.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Pneumonia/blood , Proteins/analysis , Community-Acquired Infections/blood , Antimicrobial Cationic Peptides/blood , NLR Family, Pyrin Domain-Containing 3 Protein/blood , Pyrin/blood , Pneumonia/mortality , Biomarkers/blood , Case-Control Studies , Logistic Models , Multivariate Analysis , Predictive Value of Tests , Prospective Studies , Community-Acquired Infections/mortality , Kaplan-Meier EstimateABSTRACT
ABSTRACT The hemoflagellate protozoan, Trypanosoma cruzi, mainly transmitted by triatomine insects through blood transfusion or from mother-to-child, causes Chagas' disease. This is a serious parasitic disease that occurs in Latin America, with considerable social and economic impact. Nifurtimox and benznidazole, drugs indicated for treating infected persons, are effective in the acute phase, but poorly effective during the chronic phase. Therefore, it is extremely urgent to find innovative chemotherapeutic agents and/or effective vaccines. Since piplartine has several biological activities, including trypanocidal activity, the present study aimed to evaluate it on two T. cruzi strains proteome. Considerable changes in the expression of some important enzymes involved in parasite protection against oxidative stress, such as tryparedoxin peroxidase (TXNPx) and methionine sulfoxide reductase (MSR) was observed in both strains. These findings suggest that blocking the expression of the two enzymes could be potential targets for therapeutic studies.
Piperidones/pharmacology , Trypanocidal Agents/pharmacology , Trypanosoma cruzi/drug effects , Trypanosoma cruzi/chemistry , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Proteins/analysis , Reference Values , Mass Spectrometry , Trypanosoma cruzi/metabolism , Electrophoresis, Gel, Two-Dimensional , Reproducibility of Results , Oxidative Stress , ProteomicsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Soybean (Glycine max L.) seed contains amounts of protein, lipid, carbohydrate and mineral elements, which protein and lipid have been known as a main part for soybean's trade value. In this study, in order to investigate the effect of ferrous nano-oxide particles on nutritional compounds of soybean seed, an experiment with 5 treatments and 3 replications was conducted as a randomized complete block design. Treatments were 5 concentrations of ferrous nano-oxide particles including 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 g L-1 which were sprayed 3 times at 4 and 8 leaves stage and pod initiation. Lipid and protein contents, fatty acids profile, some of mineral elements such as Fe, Mg, Ca and P, chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll content were determined. Results showed that solution containing ferrous nano-oxide particles had significant effect on nutritional compounds of soybean seed (P<0.01) compared to control. The highest content of lipid and protein (25.4 and %33.8, respectively) observed by applying 0.75 g L-1 of ferrous nano-oxide and the lowest content was also in control. Changes in the trends of fatty acids profile (palmitic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids), some of mineral elements (Fe, Mg, Ca and P) and chlorophyll contents were similar to lipid and protein levels which by increasing in concentration of ferrous nano-oxide from 0 to 0.75 g L-1 all measured parameters also increased, but reduction in all parameters was observed in concentration from 0.75 to 1 g L-1. In conclusion, application of 0.75 to 1 g L-1 ferrous nano-oxide had the best effect on the nutrient composition of soybean seed.
Seeds/drug effects , Seeds/chemistry , Glycine max/drug effects , Glycine max/chemistry , Ferrous Compounds/pharmacology , Metal Nanoparticles/chemistry , Reference Values , Seeds/physiology , Glycine max/physiology , Trace Elements/analysis , Proteins/analysis , Random Allocation , Chlorophyll/analysis , Regression Analysis , Reproducibility of Results , Fatty Acids/analysis , Fertilizers , Lipids/analysisABSTRACT
ABSTRACT We aimed to evaluate the frequency of bee pollen production, its botanical origin and chemical composition when collected in different seasons. Our results indicate that higher proteins (22.80 ± 3.09%) and flavonoids (2789.87 ± 1396.00 μg 100g-1) levels were obtained in the winter season, which also showed greater pollen production (134.50 ± 35.70 grams) and predominance of the Myrtaceae family. As for spring we found high concentrations of lipids (4.62 ± 2.26%) and low ash content (2.22 ± 0.39%). Regarding the amino acid composition and vitamin C content, we found no differences between the averages throughout the seasons. Our results highlight the importance of understanding not only the botanical origin and the chemical composition of bee pollen, but also the harvesting frequency of this product by bees, so that it becomes possible to supplement the colonies in times of natural food resources shortage.
Animals , Pollen/physiology , Pollen/chemistry , Seasons , Bees/physiology , Magnoliopsida/physiology , Pollen/classification , Ascorbic Acid/analysis , Reference Values , Flavonoids/analysis , Proteins/analysis , Analysis of Variance , Amino Acids/analysis , Lipids/analysis , Animal Nutritional Physiological PhenomenaABSTRACT
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a inclusão do concentrado proteico da destilação de etanol obtido de arroz (CPA) na alimentação do jundiá. Trezentos e setenta e cinco peixes foram distribuídos em sistema de recirculação de água com 15 caixas (125L). Foram testadas três dietas (37% PB e 3200kcal/kg de energia digestível), sendo uma controle e duas testando a substituição da proteína da farinha de peixe em 25% (CPA-25%) ou 50% (CPA-50%) pelo CPA. Aos 30 dias, foram avaliadas as variáveis de desempenho, composição corporal e índices somáticos. Os animais submetidos ao tratamento CPA-25% apresentaram resposta de crescimento equivalente aos que receberam o tratamento controle, mas superior aos peixes submetidos ao CPA-50%. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos para os índices somáticos avaliados. Os animais submetidos às dietas contendo CPA apresentaram maior teor de gordura corporal. Já a deposição de gordura corporal foi superior para os peixes alimentados com CPA-25%, e a deposição de proteína corporal menor para os alimentados com CPA-50%. Os resultados indicam que o CPA pode substituir em até 25% a proteína da farinha de peixe, sem comprometer o crescimento dos jundiás, tendo esse nível de substituição proporcionado, inclusive, uma redução de 8% no custo da dieta.(AU)
The objective of this work was to evaluate the inclusion of protein concentrate from the distillation of ethanol from rice (CPA) in jundia feed. A total of 375 fish were distributed in water recirculation system with 15 boxes (125L). Three diets (37% PB and 3200kcal / kg digestible energy), one control and two were to test for the replacement of fishmeal protein by 25 (CPA-25%) and 50% (CPA-50%) by CPA. At 30 days, the variables of performance, body composition and somatic indexes were evaluated. The animals submitted to the CPA-25% treatment presented a growth response equivalent to those that received the Control treatment, but superior to the fish submitted to the CPA-50%. There were no significant differences between treatments for the somatic indices evaluated. Animals submitted to diets containing CPA had higher body fat content. Body fat deposition was higher for fish fed with CPA-25% and lower body protein deposition for those fed with CPA-50%. The results indicate that CPA can substitute up to 25% fish meal protein, without compromising the growth of jundias, and this level of substitution provided an 8% reduction in diet cost.(AU)