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Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(6): 686-690, dic. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530001


La neumonía por Pneumocystis jirovecii es una enfermedad fúngica oportunista descrita principalmente en pacientes con VIH, sin embargo, tras la introducción de la TARV, ha incrementado su incidencia en pacientes con inmunosupresión no asociada a VIH, como neoplasias hematológicas y trasplantes de órganos sólidos. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 17 años, receptor de un trasplante renal, con inmunosupresión prolongada con corticoesteroides, con cuadro clínico de tos, disnea y fiebre. La TC mostró micronódulos pulmonares centrolobulillares y vidrio esmerilado. El LBA fue compatible con hemorragia alveolar difusa (HAD), con RPC positiva para P. jirovecii. Se descartaron otras infecciones y enfermedades autoinmunes. Recibió tratamiento con cotrimoxazol con buena evolución clínica y mejoría radiológica. Si bien las causas más frecuentes de HAD son etiologías autoinmunes como enfermedades reumatológicas o vasculitis, es prioritario descartar causas infecciosas, incluyendo P. jirovecii, ya que el tratamiento dirigido puede tener un impacto significativo en la mortalidad en este grupo de pacientes.

Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia is an opportunistic fungal infection, described mainly in HIV patients, however, after the introduction of ART, its presentation has increased in patients with non-HIV immunosuppression, such as hematological cancers, solid or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. We report the case of a 17-year-old male, kidney transplant patient, with prolonged immunosuppression with corticoesteroids, with history of cough, dyspnea, and fever. Chest CT evidences centrilobular pulmonary micronodules with ground glass. BAL was performed compatible with diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, with positive PCR for P. jirovecii. Other infections and autoimmune disease were ruled out. He received treatment with cotrimoxazole with clinical improvement of the patient, and follow up chest CT at the end of treatment showed decrease of pulmonary infiltrates. Although the most frequent causes of DAH are autoimmune etiologies such as rheumatic diseases or vasculitis, it is a priority to rule out infectious causes, including P. jirovecii, since targeted treatment could have a significant impact on mortality outcomes in this group of patients.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Pneumonia, Pneumocystis/complications , Hemorrhage/complications , Pneumonia, Pneumocystis/drug therapy , Pneumonia, Pneumocystis/diagnostic imaging , Pulmonary Alveoli , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Kidney Transplantation , Immunocompromised Host , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/administration & dosage , Pneumocystis carinii , Immunosuppressive Agents/administration & dosage , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440519


Introducción: La ecografía es una técnica de imagen no invasiva que permite explorar diferentes órganos de manera inmediata, constituye un instrumento de alto valor diagnóstico al alcance del profesional de la salud, y es utilizada en todas las especialidades médicas. En los últimos años, la evolución tecnológica ha permitido que los aparatos de ecografía sean más pequeños, portátiles, y con una alta resolución, tal es el caso de la ecografía clínica o ecografía a pie de cama. La ecografía del paciente crítico ha cambiado la práctica médica; específicamente la ecografía pulmonar se debe realizar en todos los pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar aguda. Objetivo: Aportar el conocimiento teórico necesario para promover el uso de la ecografía pulmonar en la evaluación del paciente crítico, y contribuir, mediante su aplicación, a la disminución del riesgo de exposición a las radiografías. Métodos: Se efectuó una revisión de la literatura médica actualizada sobre el papel de la ecografía pulmonar en la evaluación del paciente crítico, en el período de julio a diciembre de 2021. Se utilizaron los siguientes motores de búsqueda: SciELO, Medigraphic y Google Académico. Conclusiones: En el contexto actual, la ecografía pulmonar ha adquirido un papel protagónico, pues su uso facilita una evaluación frecuente y no invasiva del paciente crítico con afección pleuropulmonar. Su aplicación garantiza la disminución del riesgo de exposición a las radiografías.

Introduction: ultrasound is a non-invasive imaging technique that allows us to explore different organs immediately; it constitutes an instrument of high diagnostic value within the reach of health professionals and used in all medical specialties. In recent years, technological evolution has allowed ultrasound devices to be smaller, portable and with high resolution, such is the case of clinical ultrasound or bedside ultrasound. Bedside ultrasound in critically ill patients has changed medical practice; specifically, lung ultrasound should be performed in all patients with acute lung disease. Objective: to provide the necessary theoretical knowledge in order to promote the use of lung ultrasound in the evaluation of critically ill patients, as well as to contribute, through its application, to reduce the risk of exposure to radiographs. Methods: a review of the updated medical literature on the role of lung ultrasound in the evaluation of the critically ill patients was performed from July to December 2021. SciELO, Medigraphic and Google Scholar were the search engines used. Conclusions: lung ultrasound has acquired a leading role in the current context, since its use facilitates a non-invasive and common evaluation of the criticall ill patients with pleuropulmonary disease. Its application guarantees the reduction of the risk of exposure to X-rays.

Pulmonary Alveoli , Ultrasonography , Critical Illness , Lung Diseases, Interstitial
Odontoestomatol ; 24(39): 1-19, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY-Odon, BNUY | ID: biblio-1370330


La enfermedad por coronavirus es una infección respiratoria causada por el virus SARS-CoV 2, el cual genera una cascada de eventos sistémicos, afectando diferentes órganos y tejidos. El entendimiento de la fisiopatología del COVID-19 es indispensable no solo al momento de brindar tratamiento a los pacientes, sino que también para comprender las causas de las complicaciones que presentan un número importante de pacientes recuperados. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una revisión actualizada de los efectos de la infección en diferentes órganos y sistemas principales que sea de utilidad como material de referencia para profesionales y estudiantes de la salud. Para ello se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en los portales PubMED, Scielo, Google Scholar, Cochrane y Springer Link, así como en las bases de repositorios científicos pre-publicación bioRxiv ("bioarchives") y medRxiv ("med-archives") y sobre un total de cerca de 200 mil artículos, se seleccionaron 100 artículos para esta revisión en base a su relevancia o sugerencias de parte de profesionales especializados.

Coronavirus disease is a respiratory infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes a cascade of systemic events, affecting various organs and tissues. Understanding the pathophysiology of COVID-19 is essential to treat patients and understand the causes of the complications in a significant number of recovered patients. This article presents a review of the effects of infection on various organs and systems that will be useful as reference material for healthcare professionals and medical students. To this end, a literature search was conducted in PubMED, Scielo, Google Scholar, Cochrane, and Springer Link portals, as well as in the pre-publication scientific repositories bioRxiv ("bioarchives") and medRxiv ("med-archives") databases. From about 200,000 papers, 100 articles were selected for this review based on their relevance or suggestions from experts in the field.

A doença coronavírus é uma infecção respiratória causada pelo vírus SARS-CoV-2, que gera uma cascata de eventos sistêmicos, afetando diferentes órgãos e tecidos. Compreender a fisiopatologia da COVID-19 é essencial não apenas no tratamento de pacientes, mas também para compreender as causas das complicações que um número significativo de pacientes recuperados apresenta. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma revisão atualizada dos efeitos da infecção em diferentes órgãos e principais sistemas que seja útil como material de referência para profissionais de saúde e estudantes. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica nos portais PubMED, Scielo, Google Scholar, Cochrane e Springer Link, bem como nos repositórios científicos de pré-publicação bioRxiv ("bioarquivos") e medRxiv ("arquivos med"). Num total de cerca de 200 mil artigos, 100 artigos foram selecionados para esta revisão por sua relevância ou sugestões de profissionais especializados.

Humans , COVID-19/physiopathology , Pulmonary Alveoli/physiopathology , Cardiovascular Diseases/physiopathology , Central Nervous System Diseases/physiopathology , Digestive System Diseases/physiopathology , Endocrine System Diseases/physiopathology , SARS-CoV-2/metabolism , COVID-19/epidemiology , Mouth Diseases/physiopathology
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(5): 925-935, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1426618


El síndrome pulmón-riñón (SPR) o síndrome reno-pulmonar es la combinación de glomerulonefritis aguda rápidamente progresiva (GNARP) y hemorragia alveolar difusa (HAD) de causa autoinmune. El SPR fue inicialmente descrito por Goodpasture en el contexto del síndrome anti-membrana basal glomerular (MBG). Actualmente, las vasculitis asociadas a ANCA (VAA) explican el 60% (rango 56­77.5%) de casos, el síndrome de Goodpasture el 15% (12.5­17.5%), y un 10% de casos se deben a otras causas. El SPR presenta un gran espectro clínico, desde la capilaritis pulmonar fulminante con HAD y falla respiratoria aguda, hasta formas más sutiles de enfermedad sólo detectables mediante lavado bronquio-alveolar (LBA). El objetivo de este estudio es presentar la primera serie peruana de SPR asociada a agentes infecciosos. Reportamos 3 casos, dos correspondieron a lupus eritematoso sistémico y uno a vasculitis asociada a poliangeítis microscópica. El primer caso se asoció a sobreinfección por C. tropicalis; el segundo caso a A. fumigatus y C. albicans; y el tercero a infestación por A. lumbricoides. Todos los casos se presentaron en mujeres, requirieron soporte ventilatorio invasivo y hemodiálisis, y dos resultaron letales. Concluimos que, el SPR es una condición clínica grave comúnmente asociada a sobreinfecciones o infestaciones, y que conlleva una elevada morbilidad y mortalidad. Puesto que no existen características clínicas específicas, resulta crucial tener un alto índice de sospecha. Las investigaciones pertinentes­pruebas inmunológicas, imagenológicas, y biopsia cutánea, renal y/o pulmonar­para precisar la etiología deben realizarse sin demora ya que el tratamiento precoz puede cambiar el pronóstico de estos pacientes(AU)

Pulmonary-renal syndrome (PRS) or reno-pulmonary syndrome is the combination of acute rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGNARP) and autoimmune diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH). RPS was initially described by Goodpasture in the context of anti-glomerular basement membrane (GBM) syndrome. Currently, ANCA-associated vasculitides (AAV) explain 60% (range 56­77.5%) of cases, Goodpasture syndrome 15% (12.5­17.5%), and 10% of cases are due to other causes. PRS presents a wide clinical spectrum, from fulminant pulmonary capillaritis with ADH and acute respiratory failure, to subtler forms of disease that can only be detected by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). The objective of this study is to present the first Peruvian series of SPR associated with infectious agents. We report 3 cases, two corresponded to systemic lupus erythematosus and one to vasculitis associated with microscopic polyangiitis. The first case was associated with superinfection by C. tropicalis; the second case to A. fumigatus and C. albicans; and the third to infestation by A. lumbricoides. All cases occurred in women, required invasive ventilatory support and haemodialysis, and two were fatal. We conclude that SPR is a serious clinical condition commonly associated with superinfections or infestations, and that it carries high morbidity and mortality. Since there are no specific clinical features, a high index of suspicion is crucial. Relevant investigations­immunological tests, imaging tests, and skin, kidney, and/or lung biopsies­to specify the etiology should be carried out without delay, since early treatment can change the prognosis of these patients(AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Pulmonary Alveoli , Vasculitis , Biopsy , Glomerulonephritis , Pneumonia , Anemia , Kidney Diseases , Lung Diseases
Rev. chil. enferm. respir ; 37(3): 233-240, sept. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388152


Resumen La leptospirosis es una de las zoonosis endémicas más importantes en el mundo con un aumento de la incidencia en los últimos años. En el personal militar podría ser catalogada como una enfermedad ocupacional dado sus actividades específicas en áreas rurales. Su presentación clínica es variable siendo en la mayoría de los casos una enfermedad febril autolimitada. De acuerdo con diversos factores dependientes del patógeno y del hospedero pueden presentarse manifestaciones severas de la enfermedad dentro de la cual destaca el compromiso pulmonar con una alta tasa de mortalidad. Existe evidencia del uso de esteroide sistémico como parte del tratamiento de esta complicación. Presentamos el caso de un paciente joven, militar, que debuta con síndrome de hemorragia alveolar difusa secundario a leptospirosis y presenta una excelente respuesta al tratamiento con altas dosis de metilprednisolona, con una discusión del proceso diagnóstico y aspectos fisiopatológicos de esta condición.

Leptospirosis is one of the most important endemic zoonoses in the world with an increase in incidence in recent years. In military personnel it could be classified as an occupational disease given their specific activities in rural areas. Its clinical presentation is variable being in most cases a self-limited febrile disease. According to various factors dependent on the pathogen and the host, severe manifestations of the disease may occur within which the pulmonary involvement with a high mortality rate stands out. There is evidence of systemic steroid use as part of the treatment of this complication. We present a case of a young, military patient who debuts with diffuse alveolar hemorrhage syndrome secondary to leptospirosis and presents an excellent response to treatment with high doses of methylprednisolone, with a discussion of the diagnostic process and pathophysiological aspects of this condition.

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Pulmonary Alveoli/pathology , Hemorrhage/etiology , Leptospirosis/complications , Lung Diseases/etiology , Steroids/therapeutic use , Weil Disease , Zoonoses , Tropical Zone , Leptospirosis/diagnosis , Leptospirosis/drug therapy , Military Personnel , Occupational Diseases
Int. j. morphol ; 38(6): 1779-1785, Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134511


SUMMARY: The Bactrian camel, which is native to China and Mongolia, is large in size and is an even-toed ungulate species. The double humps on the Bactrian camel back differentiate it from the dromedary camel, which has a single hump. This species has adapted to unsuitable conditions (lack of food and water) in the Gobi Desert and is advanced in unique anatomical and physiological characteristics during a prolonged evolution period. Several studies have been conducted on the anatomical features of the Bactrian camel, but none have given attention to the alveolar capillaries of the Bactrian camel lung. Therefore, the current study aims to explore the architecture of the alveolar capillary in the Bactrian camel lung and further explain the mechanism of blood flow in its lung. The current study extracted and examined the architecture of the alveolar capillary in the lung of the Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) and further explained the mechanism of blood flow by performing lung casting and replica scanning electron microscopy methods. The reports showed that the resources of the alveolar-capillary originated from the capillaries of the subpleural space or interlobular septulum, sometimes originating from the precapillary arterioles or directly from the terminal arterioles. The alveolar capillaries anastomosed and formed a single layer of dense, basket-like network surrounding the alveolus. The mash diameter of the alveolar-capillary network was larger than that of the capillary, and the appearance of the mash was oval and elliptical. Many of the collapsed alveolar-capillary networks were found in the alveolar microvascular architecture in the lung of the Bactrian camel. The study found that, due to many collapsed alveoli in the Bactrian camel lung, the disproportional pressure between the pulmonary alveoli induced less imbalance of blood flow in the alveolar capillary, which affected the gas exchange efficiency. Therefore, the function of the anastomosing capillary branch was likely to regulate the blood flow between the alveolar-capillary network.

RESUMEN: El camello bactriano, es originario de China y Mongolia, es de gran tamaño y es una especie de ungulado de dedos pares. Las dobles jorobas del lomo del camello bactriano lo diferencian del dromedario, que tiene una sola joroba. Esta especie se ha adaptado a condiciones inadecuadas (falta de alimento y agua) en el desierto de Gobi y ha avanzado en características anatómicas y fisiológicas únicas durante un período de evolución prolongado. Se han realizado varios estudios sobre las características anatómicas del camello bactriano, pero ninguno ha prestado atención a los capilares alveolares del pulmón de este animal. Por lo tanto, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo principal explorar la arquitectura del capilar alveolar en el pulmón del camello bactriano y explicar el mecanismo del flujo sanguíneo. A partir de nuestro trabajo se examinó la arquitectura del capilar alveolar en el pulmón del camello bactriano (Camelus bactrianus) mediante la realización de métodos de microscopía electrónica de barrido y escaneo pulmonar. Los informes mostraron que los recursos del alvéolo-capilar se originaban en los capilares del espacio subpleural o del tabique interlobulillar y a veces se originaban en las arteriolas precapilares o directamente en las arteriolas terminales. Los capilares alveolares se anastomosaban y formaban una densa red de capa única en forma de cesta que rodeaba el alvéolo. El diámetro del macerado de la red alveolar-capilar era mayor que el del capilar y el aspecto del macerado era ovalado y elíptico. Muchas de las redes alvéolo-capilares colapsadas se encontraron en la arquitectura microvascular alveolar en el pulmón del camello bactriano. El estudio encontró que, muchos alvéolos colapsados en el pulmón del camello bactriano, la presión desproporcionada entre los alvéolos pulmonares inducía un menor desequilibrio del flujo sanguíneo en el capilar alveolar, lo que afectaba la eficiencia del intercambio de gases. Por lo tanto, la función de la rama capilar anastomosante probablemente regularía el flujo sanguíneo entre la red alveolar-capilar.

Animals , Pulmonary Alveoli/blood supply , Pulmonary Alveoli/ultrastructure , Capillaries/anatomy & histology , Capillaries/ultrastructure , Camelus/anatomy & histology , Lung/blood supply , Lung/ultrastructure , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning
Int. j. morphol ; 37(3): 953-958, Sept. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012380


La correcta utilización de los términos morfológicos está estandarizada por las terminologías, una de ellas es la Terminologia Histologica (TH). Éstas sugieren la exclusión de los epónimos. Pese a esto, existen estructuras que continúan en esta condición. Específicamente, "Poros de Kohn, Canales de Martin y Canales de Lambert" son términos que componen la ventilación colateral (VC) y son ejemplo de esta situación. Así, el objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar en TH los términos asociados a la VC a fin de proponer denominaciones siguiendo las recomendaciones de la Federación Internacional de Programas de Terminologías Anatómicas (FIPAT). Se buscaron los términos relacionados a la VC en TH, posteriormente, se efectuó el mismo ejercicio en textos de histología, además de esto, en base de datos MedLine a través de su buscador PudMed con el siguiente algoritmo: (lung) AND (alveoli pulmonary) AND (airway) AND (collateral) AND (ventilation). En TH se encontró el término Porus septalis (H3. para referirse al término Poros de Kohn, en seis textos de histología se menciona el término Poros de Kohn, en 21 artículos revisados se menciona la VC, de estos, en diez se utiliza el epónimo Poro de Kohn, para referirse a los poros septales, el epónimo Canales de Lambert fue utilizado en seis artículos y el epónimo Canales de Martin, apareció en cinco artículos. A partir de la información encontrada, su desarrollo histórico, sumado a los lineamientos de la FIPAT, proponemos complementar e incluir en TH los términos Porus septalis alveolaris para los poros de Kohn, Ductus bronchiolaris alveolaris para los Canales de Lambert y Ductus interbronquiolaris para los canales de Martin, respectivamente.

The correct use of morphological terms is standardized by the Terminologies, one of them is the Histological Terminology (HT) For these Terminologies, the exclusion of eponyms is recommended. Despite this, there are structures that remain as eponyms. Three in particular: Pores of Kohn, Martin Channels and Lambert Channels are terms that make up collateral ventilation (CV) and are an example of this. Thus, the objective of the present study was to identify in the HT the terms associated with the CV in order to propose denominations following the recommendations of the Federative International Programme on Anatomical Terminologies (FIPAT). The terms related to CV in the TH were researched, and subsequently, the same exercise was carried out in histology texts. The MedLine database was also used through its PudMed search engine with the following algorithm: (lung) AND (alveoli pulmonary) AND (airway) AND (collateral) AND (ventilation). In HT the term Porus Septalis" (H3. was found to refer to the term "Pores of Kohn, in six histology texts the term Pores of Kohn is mentioned, in 21 reviewed articles the CV is mentioned, of these, in ten the eponymous Pores of Kohn is used, to refer to the Septal Pores, the eponymous Lambert Channels was used in six articles and the eponymous Martin Channels appeared in five articles. From the information found, its historical development, added to the guidelines of the FIPAT, we propose complementing and including in the HT the terms "Porus septalis alveolaris" for pores of Kohn, "Ductus bronchiolaris alveolaris" for the Lambert Channels and "Ductus interbronquiolaris" for the Martin Channels, respectively.

Humans , Pulmonary Alveoli/anatomy & histology , Bronchi/anatomy & histology , Terminology as Topic , Pulmonary Ventilation , Eponyms
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-774179


The inhalation and deposition of particles in human pulmonary acinus region can cause lung diseases. Numerical simulation of the deposition of inhaled particles in the pulmonary acinus region has offered an effective gateway to the prevention and clinical treatment of these diseases. Based on some important affecting factors such as pulmonary acinar models, model motion, breathing patterns, particulate characteristics, lung diseases and ages, the present research results of numerical simulation in human pulmonary acinus region were summarized and analyzed, and the future development directions were put forward in this paper, providing new insights into the further research and application of the numerical simulation in the pulmonary acinus region.

Humans , Aerosols , Computer Simulation , Lung , Physiology , Models, Biological , Particle Size , Pulmonary Alveoli , Physiology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-775076


Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH) is a clinical syndrome with major clinical manifestations of hemoptysis, anemia, and diffuse infiltration in the lung. DAH has a high mortality rate in the acute stage and is a life-threatening emergency in clinical practice. Compared with adult DHA, childhood DHA tends to have a specific spectrum of underlying diseases. It has long been believed that idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis (IPH) is the main cause of childhood DAH; however, with the increase in reports of childhood DAH cases, the etiology spectrum of childhood DAH is expanding. The treatment and prognosis of DAH with different etiologies are different. This review article gives a general outline of childhood DAH, with focuses on DAH caused by IPH, systemic lupus erythematosus, anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-related vasculitis, COPA syndrome, or IgA vasculitis.

Child , Humans , Antibodies, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic , Hemorrhage , Lung Diseases , Pulmonary Alveoli , Vasculitis
Acta cir. bras ; 33(10): 896-903, Oct. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-973463


Abstract Purpose: To investigate the apoptotic mechanisms in rabbits with blast-induced acute lung injury (ALI). Methods: A total of 40 rabbits were randomly divided into a blank control group (A, n=10) and an experimental group (EXP, n=30). Explosion-induced chest-ALI models were prepared and sampled at different time points (4, 12, and 24h after modeling, T1-T3) to test the lung dry weight/wet weight ratio (W/D) and arterial oxygen pressure (PaO2), apoptosis of lung tissue by the TUNEL assay, and Caspase-3, Bax, and Bcl-2 levels by immunohistochemical analysis. Furthermore, lung tissue was sampled to observe pathological morphology by microscopy. Results: Under a light microscope, Group EXP exhibited obvious edema in the pulmonary interstitial substance and alveoli, a large number of red blood cells, inflammatory cells, and serous exudation in the alveolar cavity, as well as thickening of the pulmonary interstitial fluid. Compared to Group A, the W/D ratio was significantly increased in Group EXP (P<0.01), while PaO2 was significantly reduced (P<0.01). The apoptosis index was significantly increased (P<0.01), and caspase-3 and Bax/Bcl-2 levels were increased (P<0.01). Conclusion: Apoptosis plays an important role in the occurrence and development of acute lung injury in rabbits by participating in lung injury and promoting the progression of ALI.

Animals , Male , Female , Rabbits , Blast Injuries/physiopathology , Apoptosis/physiology , Acute Lung Injury/physiopathology , Pulmonary Alveoli/pathology , Blast Injuries/pathology , Blast Injuries/blood , Random Allocation , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-bcl-2/blood , Disease Models, Animal , bcl-2-Associated X Protein/blood , Caspase 3/blood , Acute Lung Injury/pathology , Acute Lung Injury/blood
Medicina (Ribeiräo Preto) ; 51(3): 211-216, jul.-set. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-979801


A poliangiite microscópica (PAM) é uma vasculite necrosante sistêmica pauci-imune associada ao anticorpo anticitoplasma de neutrófilos (ANCA) com preferência de pequenos vasos. Relato do caso: Relatamos o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, 54 anos, que apresentou quadro de poliartrite migratória em punhos, joelhos e tornozelos associada à rigidez matinal progressiva, com histórico de "rash" malar, fotossensibilidade e alopecia. Progrediu ao longo do ano de 2017 com deterioração da função renal e hemorragia pulmonar, necessitando de cuidados intensivos. A biópsia renal sugeriu padrão compatível com glomerulonefrite pauci-imune e o diagnóstico de poliangiite microscópica foi aventado. Realizou pulsoterapia com metilprednisolona e ciclofosfamida, além de plasmaférese, recebendo alta após estabilização do quadro clínico. Importância do problema: O presente caso ilustra uma complicação incomum e de elevada morbimortalidade da PAM. A negatividade do ANCA dificultou o diagnóstico, sendo necessária a realização de biópsia renal com confirmação diagnóstica. A síndrome pulmão-rim apresenta evolução potencialmente fatal se não instituído precocemente o tratamento. (AU)

Microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) is a pauci-immune systemic necrotizing vasculitis associated with neutrophil anti-cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) with a preference for small vessels. Case report: We report the case of a 54-year-old woman, who presented migratory polyarthritis in wrists, knees and ankles associated with progressive morning stiffness, with history of malar "rash", photosensitivity and alopecia. It progressed throughout the year of 2017 with deterioration of renal function and pulmonary hemorrhage, requiring intensive care. Renal biopsy suggested a pattern compatible with pauci-immune glomerulonephritis and the diagnosis of microscopic polyangiitis was suggested. She underwent pulse therapy with methylprednisolone and cyclophosphamide, in addition to plasmapheresis, being discharged from hospital after stabilization of the clinical condition. Importance of the issue: The present case reveals an uncommon and high morbimortality complication of MPA. The negativity of the ANCA made diagnosis difficult, and a renal biopsy was necessary to confirm diagnosis. Lung-kidney syndrome is potentially fatal if the treatment is not instituted early. (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Pulmonary Alveoli , Microscopic Polyangiitis , Glomerulonephritis , Hemorrhage , Hemothorax
Rev. méd. hondur ; 86(1/2): 34-36, ene-. jul. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1007329


Antecedentes: La microlitiasis es una afección pulmonar poco frecuente, caracterizada por acumulo de fosfatos de calcio en el interior de los alveolos pulmonares, originando cuerpos nodulares conocidos como microlitos, siendo esta su principal caracterís-tica. Destacando la poca relación Clínico Radiológica, dada su escasa documentación y relativamente poco estudio, es difícil su diag-nóstico y frecuentemente es confundida con otras entidades patológicas. Caso Clínico: Femenina de 38 años, hipertensa controlada con atenolol 100 mg vía oral día, exposición al humo de leña, con 6 meses de tos intermitente, seca, disnea y sibilancias nocturnas, se le practicó una tomografía que en la ventana mediastial se aprecia corazón de tamaño normal con algunas adenomegalias de pocos milímetros para órticos y peri traqueales no sospechosos y en la ventana pulmonar hay llenado alveolar homogéneo difuso bilateral, con engrosamiento nodular centro lobular y septal con calciicaciones inas de la pleura. La biopsia trasbronquial reporta espacios al-veolares con presencia de concentraciones laminares en piel de cebolla basóilos intra alveolares compatible con microlitiasis alveolar. Discusión: Identiicar estas particularidades nos permitiría realizar un abordaje temprano para evitar complicaciones iniciales de esta enfermedad, aunque no se conoce un tratamiento curativo...(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Pulmonary Alveoli , Calcinosis/complications , Calcium Phosphates , Genetic Diseases, Inborn , Lung Diseases
INSPILIP ; 2(1): 1-16, ene.-jun. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-987255


El edema pulmonar no cardiogénico es una entidad fisiopatológica caracterizada por una lesión generalizada de los capilares pulmonares que provoca un aumento de su permeabilidad a los líquidos, proteínas y otros elementos formes de la sangre, ocasionando un constante flujo de líquidos desde la circulación pulmonar hacia el espacio intersticial y los alvéolos, resultando el edema pulmonar no cardiogénico. El objetivo de este estudio es considerar la incidencia de esta entidad en los casos de muertes súbitas, por medio del estudio histopatológico y caracterizar los factores predisponentes relacionados a esta patología. Todas las muestras fueron sometidas a procedimientos técnicos para estudio histopatológico para confirmar o descartar el diagnóstico macroscópico emitido en la necropsia. Para este estudio se analizaron 518 informes de estudio histopatológico correspondientes a los años 2013, 2014, 2015 y 2016, las cuales 119 correspondieron a edema pulmonar no cardiogénico, siendo el 22,97 % de estos 119 informes de estudio histopatológico se analizaron e interpretaron de acuerdo con los factores predisponentes teniendo como hallazgo importante 39,49 % al síndrome metabólico; 21,84 % a la intoxicación alcohólica; 14,28 % a la intoxicación medicamentosa, entre otros. De esto concluimos que es importante realizar el estudio histopatológico a los casos de muerte súbita sin diagnóstico, puesto que algunas pueden ser encasilladas en un síndrome metabólico o intoxicaciones que ameritan investigación para determinar la causa de muerte.

Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema is a pathophysiological entity characterized by a generalized lesion of the pulmonary capillaries that causes an increase of its permeability to the fluids, proteins and other form elements of the blood, causing a constant flow of liquids from the pulmonary circulation towards the interstitial space and alveoli, resulting in non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema. The aim of this study is to consider the incidence of this entity in cases of sudden deaths, through the histopathological study and to characterize the predisposing factors related to this pathology. All samples were subjected to technical procedures for histopathological study to confirm or rule out the macroscopic diagnosis emitted at necropsy. For this study, 518 histopathological reports corresponding to the years 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 were analyzed, of which 119 corresponded to non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, with 22.97% of these 119 histopathological reports being analyzed and interpreted according to to the predisposing factors having as important finding 39.49% to the metabolic syndrome; 21.84% to alcoholic intoxication; 14.28% to drug intoxication among others. From this we conclude that it is important to carry out the histopathological study to cases of sudden death without diagnosis since some may be pigeonholed in a metabolic syndrome or poisonings that warrant investigation to determine the cause of death.

Humans , Pulmonary Edema/pathology , Blood , Body Fluid Compartments , Proteins , Pulmonary Alveoli , Biopsy , Metabolic Syndrome
Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 30(2): 208-218, abr.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-959328


RESUMEN La mecánica del sistema respiratorio depende de las características del pulmón, la caja torácica y su interacción. En pacientes con síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo bajo ventilación mecánica el monitoreo de la presión meseta en la vía aérea es fundamental debido a su valor pronóstico y su capacidad de reflejar el estrés pulmonar. Sin embargo, su validez puede verse afectada por cambios en las características mecánicas de la caja torácica, y además, no otorga información para la correcta titulación de presión positiva al final de la espiración en función de restablecer el volumen pulmonar. La influencia que la caja torácica ejerce sobre la mecánica del sistema respiratorio en síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo no ha sido completamente descripta y es probable que haya sido sobredimensionada pudiendo conducir a toma de decisiones erróneas. Ante la insuflación con presión positiva al final de la espiración, la carga impuesta por la caja torácica es despreciable. En condiciones dinámicas, desplazar esta estructura demanda un cambio de presión cuya magnitud se relaciona con sus características mecánicas, dicha carga se mantiene constante independientemente del volumen a partir del cual es insuflada. Por lo que cambios en la presión en la vía aérea reflejan modificaciones en las condiciones mecánicas del pulmón. El monitoreo avanzado podría reservarse para pacientes con incremento de la presión intra-abdominal en los que no pueda implementarse una estrategia de ventilación mecánica protectora. Las estimaciones de reclutamiento alveolar basadas en la mecánica del sistema respiratorio podrían ser reflejo del diferente comportamiento de la caja torácica a la insuflación y no verdadero reclutamiento alveolar.

ABSTRACT The respiratory system mechanics depend on the characteristics of the lung and chest wall and their interaction. In patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome under mechanical ventilation, the monitoring of airway plateau pressure is fundamental given its prognostic value and its capacity to assess pulmonary stress. However, its validity can be affected by changes in mechanical characteristics of the chest wall, and it provides no data to correctly titrate positive end-expiratory pressure by restoring lung volume. The chest wall effect on respiratory mechanics in acute respiratory distress syndrome has not been completely described, and it has likely been overestimated, which may lead to erroneous decision making. The load imposed by the chest wall is negligible when the respiratory system is insufflated with positive end-expiratory pressure. Under dynamic conditions, moving this structure demands a pressure change whose magnitude is related to its mechanical characteristics, and this load remains constant regardless of the volume from which it is insufflated. Thus, changes in airway pressure reflect changes in the lung mechanical conditions. Advanced monitoring could be reserved for patients with increased intra-abdominal pressure in whom a protective mechanical ventilation strategy cannot be implemented. The estimates of alveolar recruitment based on respiratory system mechanics could reflect differences in chest wall response to insufflation and not actual alveolar recruitment.

Humans , Respiration, Artificial/methods , Respiratory Distress Syndrome/surgery , Respiratory Distress Syndrome/therapy , Respiratory Mechanics/physiology , Prognosis , Pulmonary Alveoli/metabolism , Respiratory Distress Syndrome/physiopathology , Tidal Volume/physiology , Positive-Pressure Respiration , Thoracic Wall/metabolism , Monitoring, Physiologic/methods
Frontiers of Medicine ; (4): 330-333, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-772759


We observed a rare case of invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma (IMA) with a lepidic-predominant pattern accompanied by pulmonary tuberculosis. An 85-year-old man with repeated cough and sputum was admitted to Xinhua Hospital. T-SPOT test result was 212 pg/ml (reference value of negative is < 14 pg/ml), Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture was positive, and tuberculin skin test (PPD) was negative (skin induration < 5 mm). The patient was treated with several courses of antibiotics and anti-tuberculosis treatments. Repeated chest CT scans showed disease progression. Bronchoscopy yielded negative results. PET-CT scans showed negative results. A percutaneous lung biopsy revealed mucin-secreting cells lining the alveolar walls. IMA with a lepidic-predominant pattern was diagnosed after invasiveness was found after experimental treatments. Simultaneous occurrence of pulmonary tuberculosis and lung cancer are common; however, the present case of IMA having a lepidic-predominant pattern and coexisting with active tuberculosis has not been reported yet.

Aged, 80 and over , Humans , Male , Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous , Diagnosis , Pathology , Antibiotics, Antitubercular , Therapeutic Uses , Disease Progression , Lung Neoplasms , Diagnosis , Pathology , Mycobacterium tuberculosis , Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography , Pulmonary Alveoli , Pathology , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary , Diagnosis , Drug Therapy
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-689617


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To study the expression of SUMO-modified CCAAT enhancer binding protein α (C/EBPα) in preterm rat model of bronchopulmonary dysplasisa (BPD) induced by hyperoxia exposure and its role.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Eighteen preterm rats were randomly divided into an air group and a hyperoxia group (n=9 each). The model of BPD was prepared in preterm rats exposed to hyperoxia. The rats from the two groups were sacrificed on postnatal days 4, 7 and 14 respectively (3 rats at each time) and lung tissues were harvested. Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining was used to observe the differentiation of rat lung tissues. Ki67 expression was detected by immunohistochemistry. Western blot was used to measure the protein expression of small ubiquitin-related modifier-1(SUMO1) and C/EBPα. A co-immunoprecipitation assay was performed to measure the protein expression of SUMO-modified C/EBPα.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>Compared with the air group, the hyperoxia group showed a decreased glycogen content in the lung tissue on postnatal day 4, and an increased content on postnatal days 7 and 14. Over the time of hyperoxia exposure, the hyperoxia group showed an increased expression of Ki67 in the lung tissue compared with the air group at all time points. Compared with the air group, the protein expression of C/EBPα increased on postnatal day 4 and decreased on postnatal days 7 and 14 in the hyperoxia group (P<0.05). The hyperoxia group had significantly upregulated expression of SUMO1 and SUMO-modified C/EBPα compared with the air group at all time points (P<0.05). In the hyperoxia group, the protein expression of SUMO-modified C/EBPα was positively correlated with the glycogen content (r=0.529, P<0.05) and the expression of Ki67 (r=0.671, P<0.05).</p><p><b>CONCLUSIONS</b>Hyperoxia may induce over-proliferation and differentiation disorders of alveolar epithelial cells in preterm rat model of BPD, possibly through an increased expression of SUMO-modified C/EBP&alpha.</p>

Animals , Rats , Animals, Newborn , Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia , Metabolism , Pathology , CCAAT-Enhancer-Binding Protein-alpha , Metabolism , Cell Proliferation , Disease Models, Animal , Hyperoxia , Pathology , Ki-67 Antigen , Pulmonary Alveoli , Pathology , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Sumoylation
Protein & Cell ; (12): 267-282, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-757999


Irreversible destruction of bronchi and alveoli can lead to multiple incurable lung diseases. Identifying lung stem/progenitor cells with regenerative capacity and utilizing them to reconstruct functional tissue is one of the biggest hopes to reverse the damage and cure such diseases. Here we showed that a rare population of SOX9 basal cells (BCs) located at airway epithelium rugae can regenerate adult human lung. Human SOX9 BCs can be readily isolated by bronchoscopic brushing and indefinitely expanded in feeder-free condition. Expanded human SOX9 BCs can give rise to alveolar and bronchiolar epithelium after being transplanted into injured mouse lung, with air-blood exchange system reconstructed and recipient's lung function improved. Manipulation of lung microenvironment with Pirfenidone to suppress TGF-β signaling could further boost the transplantation efficiency. Moreover, we conducted the first autologous SOX9 BCs transplantation clinical trial in two bronchiectasis patients. Lung tissue repair and pulmonary function enhancement was observed in patients 3-12 months after cell transplantation. Altogether our current work indicated that functional adult human lung structure can be reconstituted by orthotopic transplantation of tissue-specific stem/progenitor cells, which could be translated into a mature regenerative therapeutic strategy in near future.

Humans , Bronchiectasis , Genetics , Metabolism , Pulmonary Alveoli , Cell Biology , Metabolism , SOX9 Transcription Factor , Genetics , Metabolism , Stem Cell Transplantation , Methods , Stem Cells , Cell Biology , Metabolism
Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 29(3): 354-363, jul.-set. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-899521


RESUMO A síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo é um desafio para o intensivista. A característica principal desta doença aguda é o dano alveolar difuso, presente em cerca de metade dos pacientes com a síndrome. É claro que o suporte respiratório à síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo tem melhorado gradualmente nas últimas décadas. É também evidente que todos estes procedimentos são benéficos, já que reduzem a lesão pulmonar e mantêm o paciente vivo. Isto deve ser interpretado como uma estratégia de ganho de tempo, até que o fator desencadeante ou de risco causal melhore, assim como a tempestade inflamatória diminua e o pulmão se cure. Por outro lado, todos - exceto dois tratamentos farmacológicos (bloqueadores neuromusculares e esteroides) - são incapazes de melhorar o desfecho da síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo. A hipótese de que os resultados farmacológicos negativos podem ser explicados pela heterogeneidade histológica da síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo tem sido apoiada pelas recentes demonstrações de que a síndrome com dano alveolar difuso tem característica clínico-patológica específica. O dano alveolar difuso é um diagnóstico patológico, e a biópsia pulmonar a céu aberto (a técnica mais comum para obtenção de tecido pulmonar) tem efeitos colaterais graves, sendo necessário que se desenvolvam biomarcadores substitutos para o dano alveolar difuso. O objetivo desta revisão é discutir três tópicos relacionados à síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo: o relacionamento entre a síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo e o dano alveolar difuso; como o dano alveolar difuso pode ser representado no quadro clínico; e como o enriquecimento pode melhorar os resultados de estudos clínicos farmacológicos realizados com pacientes com a síndrome e com dano alveolar difuso.

ABSTRACT Acute respiratory distress syndrome is a challenging entity for the intensivist. The pathological hallmark of the acute phase is diffuse alveolar damage, which is present in approximately half of living patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. It is clear that respiratory support for acute respiratory distress syndrome has gradually been improving over recent decades. However, it is also evident that these procedures are beneficial, as they reduce lung injury and keep the patient alive. This could be interpreted as a time-gaining strategy until the trigger or causal or risk factor improves, the inflammatory storm decreases and the lung heals. However, all except two pharmacological treatments (neuromuscular blockers and steroids) were unable to improve the acute respiratory distress syndrome outcome. The hypothesis that pharmacological negative results may be explained by the histological heterogeneity of acute respiratory distress syndrome has been supported by the recent demonstration that acute respiratory distress syndrome with diffuse alveolar damage constitutes a specific clinical-pathological entity. Given that diffuse alveolar damage is a pathological diagnosis and that open lung biopsy (the most common technique to obtain lung tissue) has several side effects, it is necessary to develop surrogate biomarkers for diffuse alveolar damage. The aim of this narrative review is to address the following three topics related to acute respiratory distress syndrome: (a) the relationship between acute respiratory distress syndrome and diffuse alveolar damage, (b) how diffuse alveolar damage could be surrogated in the clinical setting and (c) how enrichment in diffuse alveolar damage may improve the results of pharmacological clinical trials tried out on patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Humans , Pulmonary Alveoli/pathology , Respiratory Distress Syndrome/therapy , Intensive Care Units , Respiratory Distress Syndrome/physiopathology , Biopsy/methods , Biomarkers/metabolism , Risk Factors , Critical Care/methods