INTRODUCTION: Platelet concentrates are blood products obtained from donor's blood, and their conservation must be subject to a strict quality control process to guarantee a safe and high-performance product in treating diseases that require their use. METHODS: We designed a cross-sectional study to determine the total compliance rate in platelet concentrates obtained in the blood bank of the Cayetano Heredia Hospital in Lima during November and December of 2019. The Buffy method Coat obtained the platelet concentrates, and parameters such as platelet count and residual leukocytes, pH, and swirling effect were evaluated according to the National Hemotherapy and Blood Bank Program criteria. RESULTS: The platelet count had a mean of 6.66 ± 3.94 x 10¹°/µL, the platelet concentrates had a mean of 56.30 ± 6.22 mL, and all, without exception, had the presence of the Swirling phenomenon. The pH had a mean of 7.64 ± 0.15, while the leukocyte count had a mean of 4.22 ± 3.51 x 107/µL. Regarding compliance by the parameters evaluated, it was evident that the platelet and leukocyte count had moderate compliance rates of 43.6% and 24.1%, while the pH and swirling effect had rates of 100% in both cases. The total compliance rate was 54.9% (95% confidence interval: 46.0 to 63.5). CONCLUSIONS: The compliance rate of platelet concentrates is moderate, and it is necessary to implement a process of continuous quality improvement in the blood bank.
INTRODUCCIÓN: Los concentrados plaquetarios son hemoderivados obtenidos de la sangre, y su conservación debe estar supeditada a un estricto proceso de control de calidad para garantizar un producto inocuo y de alto rendimiento en el tratamiento de enfermedades que requieran su uso. MÉTODOS: Diseñamos un estudio transversal que tuvo por objetivo determinar la tasa de conformidad total en concentrados plaquetarios obtenidos en el banco de sangre del Hospital Cayetano Heredia de Lima durante los meses de noviembre y diciembre del año 2019. Los concentrados plaquetarios fueron obtenidos por el método de Buffy Coat y se evaluaron parámetros como el recuento de plaquetas y leucocitos residuales, pH y efecto swirling, según criterios del Programa Nacional de Hemoterapia y Bancos de Sangre. RESULTADOS: El recuento de plaquetas tuvo una media de 6.66 ± 3.94 x1010/µL y los concentrados plaquetarios tuvieron una media de 56.30 ± 6.22 mL, y todos sin excepción tuvieron presencia de fenómeno Swirling. El pH tuvo una media de 7.64 ± 0.15, mientras que el recuento de leucocitos tuvo una media de 4.22 ± 3.51 x107/µL. En cuanto al cumplimiento por parámetro evaluado, se evidenció que el recuento de plaquetas y leucocitos tuvieron tasas de conformidad de 43.6% y 24.1%, mientras que el pH y efecto swirling tuvieron tasas del 100% en ambos casos. La tasa de conformidad total fue 54.9% (CI95%: 46.0 a 63.5). CONCLUSIONES: La tasa de conformidad de los concentrados plaquetarios es moderada, y se requiere implementar un proceso de mejora continua de la calidad en el banco de sangre.
Humans , Quality Control , Blood Banks/standards , Blood Platelets , Peru , Platelet Count , Cross-Sectional Studies , Platelet Transfusion/methods , Platelet Transfusion/standards , Hospitals , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Leukocyte CountABSTRACT
This article deals with the particularities of the quality of qualitative research, under the double lens of valuing it and ensuring it. While achieving the quality of qualitative research concerns only those who have opted for this methodology, assessing it is everyone's business because researchers in training will encounter, in the literature reviews, qualitative studies on which they must reflect and estimate their quality. Appreciating the quality of a research work is a complex activity as it is situated within a context and conducted by individuals who use any of the means available to do so. The means they use are criteria as evaluation guides and criteria checklists. For researchers in training, I suggest some guiding criteria to evaluate qualitative publications and ensure quality during the research process, key issues that they must address.
Este artículo trata sobre las particularidades de la calidad de la investigación cualitativa, bajo la doble lente de valorarla y asegurarla. Mientras que alcanzar la calidad de una investigación cualitativa atañe solo a los que han optado por esta metodología, valorarla es asunto de todos, ya que los investigadores en formación se encontrarán en las revisiones bibliográficas con estudios cualitativos sobre los cuales deberán reflexionar y estimar su calidad. Apreciar la calidad de un trabajo de investigación es una actividad compleja ya que está situada en un contexto y llevada a cabo por personas que usan alguno de los medios disponibles para hacerlo. Los medios que usan son los criterios como guías de evaluación y los listados de verificación de criterios. Para los investigadores en formación sugiero unos criterios guía para la valoración de publicaciones cualitativas y para asegurar la calidad durante el proceso de investigación, unas cuestiones claves a las que deben atender.
Este artigo trata das particularidades da qualidade da pesquisa qualitativa, sob a dupla lente de valorizá-la e garanti-la. Embora alcançar a qualidade da pesquisa qualitativa seja do interesse de quem optou por esta metodologia, Avaliar é tarefa de todos, pois os pesquisadores em formação se encontrarão em revisões bibliográficas com estudos qualitativos, sobre os quais deverão refletir e estimar sua qualidade. Avaliar a qualidade de um trabalho de investigação é uma atividade complexa, pois está situada num context e é realizada por pessoas que utilizam qualquer um dos meios disponíveis para o fazer. Os meios que utilizam são critérios como guias de avaliação e listas de verificação de critérios. Aos pesquisadores em formação, sugiro alguns critérios norteadores para avaliar publicações qualitativas e para garantir a qualidade durante o processo de pesquisa, questões chaves que devem ser abordadas.
Humans , Quality Control , Research , Nursing Research , Health Research EvaluationABSTRACT
Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor among women in China. In 2016, there were about 306 000 new cases of breast cancer in Chinese females. Of these, about 33% (100 400) occurred in rural areas. County-level (counties or county-level cities) hospitals are the first diagnosis units for most rural breast cancer patients and play an important role in cancer prevention, screening, maintenance treatment, rehabilitation, follow-up, and referral. Due to economic and geographical constraints, county-level hospitals are relatively deficient in medical equipment, health human resources, and drug accessibility. There is an imperative need for breast cancer prevention and management guidelines that are suitable for the actual situation in China's counties. Therefore, under the policy background of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, the Chinese expert group formulated the "Guideline for the management path and quality control of breast cancer prevention and treatment in China's counties (2023 edition)", aiming to expand the availability of quality medical resources and ensure they are better distributed among regions, enhance the capacity for breast cancer prevention and treatment, so as to improve the prognosis and quality of life of patients in China's counties. This guideline provides path diagrams which are concise, unambiguous and easy to translate into clinical practice, as reference for clinicians in county-level hospitals.
Humans , Female , Breast Neoplasms/prevention & control , Quality of Life , Quality Control , Asian People , China/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Background@#According to the guidelines of the Department of Health (DOH)’s Health Facilities and Services Regulatory Bureau (HFSRB), accreditation of drug testing laboratories (DTLs) requires annual participation in a proficiency testing (PT) program. Since 2009, the National Reference Laboratory for Environmental and Occupational Health, Toxicology and Micronutrient Assay of the East Avenue Medical Center (NRL-EAMC) has conducted the PT program for DTLs.@*Objectives@#This article aims to provide a general overview of the PT program conducted for screening drug testing laboratories (SDTLs) and to examine data on laboratories’ participation and performance in the PT program.@*Methodology@#Laboratories registered for the PT program were given ten 3-mL synthetic urine specimens which may or may not contain drugs of abuse such as methamphetamine and tetrahydrocannabinol at or above the cut-off level. Laboratories analyzed the PT specimens using immunoassay test kits. The results of the analysis were reported back to NRL-EAMC. The performance of the laboratories in the PT depends on the number of incorrect responses.@*Results@#For ten years (2009-2019), 1102 ± 188 laboratories annually participated in the program. The mean passing rate was 96.6 ± 4.8%. The number of laboratories which initially failed the PT program significantly decreased from 2009 (15.1%) to 2012 (1.5%). From 2013 to 2019, only below 2.5% of the participating laboratories initially failed the PT. On average, 48.4 ± 18.4% of the laboratories achieved an excellent performance, 34.0 ± 13.6% had a highly satisfactory performance, and 14.3 ± 5.4% got an acceptable performance.@*Conclusion@#The continued decreasing number of laboratories which failed the PT signifies the improvement of laboratories in urine drug testing. In general, some laboratories participating in the PT for the first time are the ones which initially fail the PT which could be due to a lack of experience in handling PT test items. The PT program highlights the effectiveness of quality control procedures being implemented in a drug testing laboratory.
Laboratories , Quality Control , Accreditation , MethamphetamineABSTRACT
Abstract A simple, rapid, precise, accurate and sustainable spectrofluorimetric method (SFM) was developed, validated and applied for the determination of 4-aminobenzoic acid and aromatic amino acids (phenylalanine, tryptophan and tyrosine). These compounds are used in biopharmaceutical formulations and therefore must be analyzed by quality control laboratories to meet the criteria established in pharmacopoeias. In general, potentiometric titration (PT) is described in the compendia as the official analytical technique. However, this method showed low sensitivity and selectivity, and moreover was performed with a non-aqueous solvent (acetic acid), which led to higher consumption of reagents and consequently to the formation of residues. Therefore, the SFM was developed in aqueous medium at pH 7.2 using phosphate buffer. It was successfully validated according to the ICH guidelines and showed good linearity range (r>0.999), specificity, accuracy and precision (within and between days) and robustness. The test results were compared between the SFM and PT using raw material samples, while according to the F- and t-tests at 95% confidence level, no statistical difference was found between the methods
Quality Control , Biological Products/classification , Spectrometry, Fluorescence/methods , 4-Aminobenzoic Acid/agonists , Amino Acids, Aromatic/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Introducción: La vacunación ha sido una de las intervenciones sanitarias más costo-efectivas, por su impacto en el control de las enfermedades inmunoprevenibles. La pandemia ocasionada por SARS-CoV-2 condujo al desarrollo mundial de más de doscientas vacunas en diferentes fases de investigación con diversas plataformas. Objetivo: Caracterizar la evaluación del control de calidad de las vacunas contra SARS-CoV-2 y los eventos adversos de las aprobadas contra otros agentes patógenos en las diferentes etapas del ensayo preclínico y clínico. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda en Google Académico y PubMed/Medline de artículos publicados entre 1969 y marzo de 2021. Se seleccionaron los de mayor relevancia. Desarrollo: Las vacunas se desarrollaron en un corto tiempo ante la pandemia de COVID-19, sin comprometer el adecuado control de los ensayos clínicos. Aunque resultan seguras, no están exentas de eventos adversos; por ello se debe vigilar su seguridad durante el proceso de poscomercialización. Muchas de ellas han comprometido su seguridad. Conclusiones: Las vacunas deben poseer inmunogenicidad, eficacia y seguridad comprobadas. Los eventos adversos pueden surgir en cualquier etapa de la investigación; por tanto, resulta fundamental la vigilancia en la fase de poscomercialización(AU)
Introduction: Vaccination has been one of the most cost-effective health interventions, due to its impact on the control of immunopreventable diseases. The pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 led to the worldwide development of more than two hundred vaccines in different phases of research with diverse platforms. Objective: To characterize the quality control assessment of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 and adverse events of those approved against other pathogens at different stages of preclinical and clinical trials. Methods: We searched Google Scholar and PubMed/Medline for articles published between 1969 and March 2021. The most relevant articles were selected. Development: Vaccines were developed in a short time in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, without compromising the adequate control of clinical trials. Although they are safe, they are not free of adverse events; therefore, their safety should be monitored during the post-marketing process. Many of them have compromised their safety. Conclusions: Vaccines should possess proven immunogenicity, efficacy and safety. Adverse events can arise at any stage of research; therefore, post-marketing surveillance is essential(AU)
Humans , Health Surveillance , Marketing/methods , COVID-19 Vaccines , COVID-19/prevention & control , Quality Control , Immunogenicity, Vaccine , Vaccine EfficacyABSTRACT
Introducción: Garantizar la obtención de resultados analíticos de calidad en el trabajo de los laboratorios clínicos resulta de vital importancia, de ahí se infiere la necesidad de formar profesionales competentes que dominen y pongan en práctica la normativa nacional e internacional vigente relacionada con la calidad, el papel de la función calidad es hacer que ésta sea un aspecto inseparable del desempeño y la responsabilidad de cada empleado. Objetivo: Establecer el procedimiento para el desarrollo de la gestión de la función calidad en los laboratorios clínicos docentes. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación en sistemas y servicios de salud, en la cual se aplicaron técnicas y herramientas propias de la ciencia aplicada de la calidad. Resultados: Diseño de un procedimiento, con su representación en forma de diagrama de flujo con la explicación de los pasos incluidos en él, posteriormente se describe el procedimiento para garantizar su adecuación y aplicabilidad en cualquier institución que así lo considere pertinente. Conclusiones: El procedimiento diseñado para el desarrollo de la función calidad establece la secuencia lógica de pasos a seguir para lograr su implementación(AU)
Introduction: Guaranteeing procurement of quality analytical results in the work of clinical laboratories is of vital importance, hence the need to train competent professionals who master and put into practice the current national and international regulations related to quality. The role of the quality function is to make this an inseparable aspect of the performance and responsibility of each employee. Objective: To establish the procedure for the development of quality function management in teaching clinical laboratories. Methods: Research was carried out on health systems and services, in which techniques and tools from applied quality science were applied. Results: Design of a procedure was achieved with representation in the form of a flow chart with the explanation of the steps included in it. Then the procedure is described to guarantee adequacy and applicability in any institution that considers it relevant. Conclusions: The procedure designed for the development of the quality function establishes the logical sequence of steps to follow to achieve its implementation(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Quality Control , Clinical Laboratory Techniques/methods , Health ServicesABSTRACT
Objetivo: analisar a qualidade dos registros do processo de enfermagem e compará-la segundo as unidades de internação. Método: estudo transversal, retrospectivo que analisou 258 prontuários, entre os meses de março e julho de 2022, de pacientes internados no ano de 2019, em um hospital de grande porte da região Centro-Oeste. Para mensurar a qualidade dos registros, utilizou-se o instrumento Quality of Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes, validado para o Brasil. Pesquisa aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética. Resultados: considerando as dimensões dos diagnósticos de enfermagem como processo e como produto, os escores médios gerais de 4,5(±2,6) e 7,1(±4,1), respectivamente. Quanto às dimensões intervenções e resultados de enfermagem, médias de 3,0(±2,1) e 4,7(±4,8). Observaram-se variações das médias de escores entre as unidades analisadas, com diferença significativa (p<0,001). Conclusão: os resultados demonstraram baixos escores de qualidade dos registros do processo de enfermagem, e a média de escores divergiu entre as unidades de internação analisadas(AU)
Objective: To analyze the quality of nursing process records and compare them according to hospitalization units. Method: a cross-sectional, retrospective study that analyzed 258 medical records, between the months of March and July 2022, of patients admitted in 2019, in a large hospital in the Midwest region. The Quality of Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes instrument, validated for Brazil, was used to measure the quality of the records. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee. Results: considering the dimensions of nursing diagnoses as a process and as a product, the overall mean scores were 4.5(±2.6) and 7.1(±4.1), respectively. As for the dimensions of nursing interventions and outcomes, the mean scores were 3.0(±2.1) and 4.7(±4.8). There were variations in the mean scores between the units analyzed, with a significant difference (p<0.001). Conclusion: The results showed low quality scores for nursing process records, and the mean scores differed between the inpatient units analyzed(AU)
Objetivo: analizar la calidad de los registros del proceso de enfermería y compararla según las unidades de hospitalización. Método: estudio transversal, retrospectivo, que analizó 258 historias clínicas, entre marzo y julio de 2022, de pacientes internados en 2019 en un gran hospital de la región Centro-Oeste. Para medir la calidad de los registros, se utilizó el instrumento Quality of Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes (Calidad de Diagnósticos, Intervenciones y Resultados), validado para Brasil. El Comité de Ética aprobó la investigación. Resultados: considerando las dimensiones de los diagnósticos de enfermería como proceso y como producto, las puntuaciones medias globales fueron 4,5(±2,6) y 7,1(±4,1), respectivamente. En cuanto a las dimensiones de las intervenciones de enfermería y los resultados, los promedios fueron de 3,0(±2,1) y 4,7(±4,8). Hubo variaciones en los promedios de las puntuaciones entre las unidades analizadas, con una diferencia significativa (p<0,001). Conclusión: Los resultados mostraron bajas puntuaciones de calidad en los registros de procesos de enfermería, y los promedios de las puntuaciones difirieron entre las unidades de hospitalización analizadas(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Quality Control , Nursing Records , Hospital Units , Nursing Process , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Forms and Records Control , Hospitals, UniversityABSTRACT
Introduction: External quality assessment is a crucial component in ensuring the quality of blood transfusion testing laboratories. Objectives: To develop a procedure for generating external quality assessment items for blood transfusion testing to evaluate participants' performance. Methods: Experimental research was conducted at Quality Control Center for Medical laboratory- University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Three items, including red blood cell, serum, and atypical antibody serum samples, were assessed for homogeneity and stability; 5 assessment areas, including ABO grouping, Rh grouping, compatible cross matches, Coombs test, and screening of atypical antibodies, were utilized to evaluate the performance of 38 participants in the 2020-2021 period. Results: Red blood cell and serum samples maintained quality for a specific period at controlled temperatures, while serum samples with atypical antibodies showed stability at different temperatures. The participants demonstrated high satisfactory performance in ABO grouping, Rh grouping, Coombs test, and screening for atypical antibodies. However, the most unsatisfactory performance was reported in crossmatching, with 15 percent of participants unsatisfactory results. Conclusion: The procedure of production of proficiency testing items has been successfully developed, and its application at the national level is suggested to improve the quality of blood transfusion laboratories(AU)
Introducción: La evaluación externa de calidad es esencial para asegurar la calidad de los laboratorios de pruebas de transfusión sanguínea. Objetivos: Desarrollar un procedimiento para generar elementos de evaluación externa de calidad y evaluar el rendimiento de los participantes en pruebas de transfusión sanguínea. Métodos: Estudio experimental realizado en el Centro de Control de Calidad para Laboratorios Médicos de la Universidad de Medicina y Farmacia en la Ciudad de Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. Se evaluaron muestras de glóbulos rojos, suero y suero con anticuerpos atípicos para homogeneidad y estabilidad. Se utilizaron 5 áreas de evaluación, incluida la agrupación ABO, la agrupación Rh, las coincidencias cruzadas compatibles, la prueba de Coombs y la detección de anticuerpos atípicos, para evaluar el desempeño de 38 participantes, en el período 2020-2021. Resultados: Las muestras de glóbulos rojos y suero mantuvieron la calidad durante un período específico a temperaturas controladas, mientras que las muestras de suero con anticuerpos atípicos mostraron estabilidad a diferentes temperaturas. Los participantes obtuvieron un alto rendimiento en algunas áreas, como la agrupación ABO y Rh, la prueba de Coombs y la detección de anticuerpos atípicos. Sin embargo, las pruebas de compatibilidad reportaron un rendimiento insatisfactorio en un 15 por cientode los participantes. Conclusión: El procedimiento desarrollado cumple con los criterios de calidad, y se sugiere su aplicación a nivel nacional para mejorar la calidad de los laboratorios de transfusión sanguínea(AU)
Humans , Quality Control , Blood Group Antigens/blood , Blood Transfusion , Erythrocytes , Quality Assurance, Health Care/methods , Blood Specimen Collection , Clinical Laboratory Services/standardsABSTRACT
A pesquisa em que se baseia este artigo apresenta uma discussão de fronteira entre as temáticas comunicação pública e qualidade da informação. Assumiu como objeto de estudo as edições do boletim epidemiológico com dados da transmissão do novo coronavírus, publicadas em um dos canais oficiais digitais da Prefeitura Municipal de Frutal, cidade localizada no Triângulo Mineiro, estado de Minas Gerais. Com os objetivos de analisar não só o conteúdo dos boletins epidemiológicos, para discutir as práticas de comunicação pública empregadas no período estudado, mas também os atributos de qualidade da informação presentes no produto informacional, foi feito um monitoramento das postagens realizadas por ela, no Facebook, de abril de 2020 a abril de 2022.
Humans , Periodicals as Topic , Information Management , COVID-19 , Quality Control , Communication , Qualitative Research , Quality Improvement , Health CommunicationABSTRACT
This study aimed to explore key quality control factors that affected the prognosis of intensive care unit (ICU) patients in Chinese mainland over six years (2015-2020). The data for this study were from 31 provincial and municipal hospitals (3425 hospital ICUs) and included 2 110 685 ICU patients, for a total of 27 607 376 ICU hospitalization days. We found that 15 initially established quality control indicators were good predictors of patient prognosis, including percentage of ICU patients out of all inpatients (%), percentage of ICU bed occupancy of total inpatient bed occupancy (%), percentage of all ICU inpatients with an APACHE II score ⩾15 (%), three-hour (surviving sepsis campaign) SSC bundle compliance (%), six-hour SSC bundle compliance (%), rate of microbe detection before antibiotics (%), percentage of drug deep venous thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis (%), percentage of unplanned endotracheal extubations (%), percentage of patients reintubated within 48 hours (%), unplanned transfers to the ICU (%), 48-h ICU readmission rate (%), ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) (per 1000 ventilator days), catheter related blood stream infection (CRBSI) (per 1000 catheter days), catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) (per 1000 catheter days), in-hospital mortality (%). When exploratory factor analysis was applied, the 15 indicators were divided into 6 core elements that varied in weight regarding quality evaluation: nosocomial infection management (21.35%), compliance with the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines (17.97%), ICU resources (17.46%), airway management (15.53%), prevention of deep-vein thrombosis (14.07%), and severity of patient condition (13.61%). Based on the different weights of the core elements associated with the 15 indicators, we developed an integrated quality scoring system defined as F score=21.35%xnosocomial infection management + 17.97%xcompliance with SSC guidelines + 17.46%×ICU resources + 15.53%×airway management + 14.07%×DVT prevention + 13.61%×severity of patient condition. This evidence-based quality scoring system will help in assessing the key elements of quality management and establish a foundation for further optimization of the quality control indicator system.
Humans , China/epidemiology , Cross Infection/epidemiology , Intensive Care Units/statistics & numerical data , Quality Control , Quality Indicators, Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Sepsis/therapy , East Asian People/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
Pien Tze Huang (PTH) was documented as an imperial prescription composed of Notoginseng Radix, Calculus Bovis, Snake Gallbladder, and Musk. It is famous in China and Asian countries due to its excellent effects in heat clearing, detoxifying, swelling reduction, and pain relieving. Modern pharmacological studies demonstrate that PTH shows excellent effects against various inflammatory diseases, liver diseases, and cancers. This review summaries the pharmacological effects, clinical applications, and mainchemical components of PTH. More importantly, its potential quality markers (Q-markers) were then analyzed based on the "five principles" of Q-markers under the guidance of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, including transfer and traceability, specificity, efficacy, compatibility, and measurability. As a result, ginsenosides Rb1, ginsenoside Rg1, ginsenoside Rd, ginsenoside Re, notoginsenoside R1, dencichine, bilirubin, biliverdin, taurocholic acid, and muscone are considered as the Q-markers of PTH. These findings will provide guidance and assistance for the construction of a quality control system for PTH.
Humans , Ginsenosides/pharmacology , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/pharmacology , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Neoplasms , Quality Control , ChinaABSTRACT
Ventilator is an important medical instrument which can replace the function of autonomous ventilation artificially. Its safety and reliability are related to the health and even life safety of patients. With the publishing of the new national standard and international standard for ventilators, higher requirements are put forward for the detection and evaluation. This study mainly introduces an automatic test system for ventilator performance. The test system is based on PF-300 air-flow analyzer of Imtmedical and standard simulation lung. The automatic switch module of simulation lung is developed, and the automatic test system of ventilator is designed using the software development platform based on Python. It can not only automatically test all ventilation control parameters and monitoring parameters of the ventilator, but also realize automatic data recording, form reports and data analysis, and improve the efficiency and quality of inspection, detection and quality control.
Humans , Reproducibility of Results , Ventilators, Mechanical , Computer Simulation , Data Analysis , Quality ControlABSTRACT
In order to solve the problems of quality control and traceability of medical test lung for meeting the calibration conditions of JJF 1234-2018 Calibration Specification for Ventilators, the calibration device and method are researched for compliance and airway resistance of medical test lung in this paper. A calibration device for medical test lung is designed using constant volume active piston technology to simulate human breathing. Through comparison experiment, the deviation between this device and the similar foreign device can be found. The deviation is lower than 0.4% for lung compliance and lower than 0.7% for airway resistance. The calibration of lung compliance and airway resistance can be completed by this device. This device has a clear and complete traceability path to ensure quality control from the source. The calibration of ventilator is improved. This paper provides a reference for related metrology departments and medical institutions to study on quality inspection of respiratory medical instruments.
Humans , Calibration , Ventilators, Mechanical , Respiration , Quality Control , LungABSTRACT
Traditional Chinese medicine fumigation device is the carrier of traditional Chinese medicine fumigation treatment. In recent years, with the rapid development of new technology and new materials, the development of fumigation device changes with each passing day, and a variety of new products continue to emerge. However, at present, the lack of corresponding evaluation norms, resulting in some difficulties in the registration, marketing, quality control, evaluation scale and other aspects of the product. Some products have many disadvantages in clinical use. From the perspective of technical review, this paper elaborates and analyzes the main concerns in technical review, such as product structure, main risks, performance requirements, clinical evaluation, etc., in order to provide a basis for the design, development, production, registration, use and post-marketing supervision of the devices.
Fumigation , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Marketing , Quality ControlABSTRACT
Fermented Chinese medicine has long been used. Amid the advance for preservation of experience, the connotation of fermented Chinese medicine has been enriched and improved. However, fermented Chinese medicine prescriptions generally contain a lot of medicinals. The fermentation process is complicated and the conventional fermentation conditions fail to be strictly controlled. In addition, the judgment of the fermentation end point is highly subjective. As a result, quality of fermented Chinese medicine is of great difference among regions and unstable. At the moment, the quality standards of fermented Chinese medicine are generally outdated and different among regions, with simple quality control methods and lacking objective safe fermentation-specific evaluation indictors. It is difficult to comprehensively evaluate and control the quality of fermented medicine. These problems have aroused concern in the industry and also affected the clinical application of fermented Chinese medicine. This article summarized and analyzed the application, quality standards, and the modernization of fermentation technology and quality control methods of fermented Chinese medicine and proposed suggestions for improving the quality standards of the medicine, with a view to improving the overall quality of it.
Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Reference Standards , Quality Control , FermentationABSTRACT
The grey correlation-TOPSIS method was used to evaluate the quality of the origin herbs of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos, and the Fourier transform near-infrared(NIR) and mid-infrared(MIR) spectroscopy was applied to establish the identification model of origin herbs of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos by combining chemometrics and spectral fusion strategies. The content of neochlorogenic acid, chlorogenic acid, cryptochlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, secoxyloganin, isoquercitrin, isochlorogenic acid B, isochlorogenic acid A, and isochlorogenic acid C in six origin herbs of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC), and their quality was evaluated by the grey correlation-TOPSIS method. The Fourier transform NIR and MIR spectra of six origin herbs of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos(Lonicera japonica, L. macranthoides, L. hypoglauca, L. fulvotomentosa, L. confuse, and L. similis) were collected. At the same time, principal component analysis(PCA), support vector machine(SVM), and spectral data fusion technology were combined to determine the optimal identification method for the origin herbs of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos. There were differences in the quality of the origin herbs of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos. Specifically, there were significant differences between L. japonica and the other five origin herbs(P<0.01). The quality of L. similis was significantly different from that of L. fulvotomentosa, L. macranthoides, and L. hypoglauca(P=0.008, 0.027, 0.01), and there were also significant differences in the quality of L. hypoglauca and L. confuse(P=0.001). The PCA and SVM 2D models based on a single spectrum could not be used for the effective identification of the origin herbs of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos. The data fusion combined with the SVM model further improved the identification accuracy, and the identification accuracy of the mid-level data fusion reached 100%. Therefore, the grey correlation-TOPSIS method can be used to evaluate the quality of the origin herbs of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos. Based on the infrared spectral data fusion strategy and SVM chemometric model, it can accurately identify the origin herbs of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos, which can provide a new method for the origin identification of medicinal materials of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos.
Drugs, Chinese Herbal/chemistry , Flowers/chemistry , Quality Control , Lonicera/chemistry , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methodsABSTRACT
Rosae Radix et Rhizoma is a herbal medicine in a variety of famous Chinese patent medicines, while the quality standard for this medicine remains to be developed due to the insufficient research on the quality of Rosae Radix et Rhizoma from different sources. Therefore, this study comprehensively analyzed the components in Rosae Radix et Rhizoma of different sources from the aspects of extract, component category content, identification based on thin-lay chromatography, active component content determination, and fingerprint, so as to improve the quality control. The results showed that the content of chemical components varied in the samples of different sources, while there was little difference in the chemical composition among the samples. The content of components in the roots of Rosa laevigata was higher than that in the other two species, and the content of components in the roots was higher than that in the stems. The fingerprints of triterpenoids and non-triterpenoids were established, and the content of five main triterpenoids including multiflorin, rosamultin, myrianthic acid, rosolic acid, and tormentic acid in Rosae Radix et Rhizoma was determined. The results were consistent with those of major component categories. In conclusion, the quality of Rosae Radix et Rhizoma is associated with the plant species, producing area, and medicinal parts. The method established in this study lays a foundation for improving the quality standard of Rosae Radix et Rhizoma and provides data support for the rational use of the stem.
Drugs, Chinese Herbal/chemistry , Rhizome/chemistry , Plant Roots/chemistry , Plants, Medicinal , Quality ControlABSTRACT
Focusing on the development and quality improvement strategy of the traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) industry, the scientific and technological innovation of the new engineering of TCM should be paid attention to solve the "stuck neck" dilemma. Under the background of the ecological and industrial revolution of the scientific and technological innovation system, the super-scale information interaction and multi-dimensional integration will inevitably lead to profound changes in the manufacturing mode of TCM. Manufacturing measurement of TCM is formed on the basis of the reliability engineering theory of process control of TCM production. It is the development extension of system theory and system science ideas and a cross-fertilization discipline that combines theory with practice and adheres to the "four-oriented" re-epistemology improvement of the TCM discipline. In response to the problems of complex raw material sources, coarse process technology, unclear material basis, and poor applicability of equipment and technology in the manufacture of TCM, the transformation research mode of "aiming at the integration of pharmaceutical industry-developing intelligent production line-enabling industrial transformation" has been developed. This paper proposed the four key engineering technical problems, i.e., the identification of critical quality attributes(CQA) in the manufacture of TCM, the quality by design(QbD) and product development of the manufacturing process of TCM, the quality transfer principle and multivariate process capability index of TCM manufacturing, and the development of measurement technology and equipment of the manufacturing measurement of TCM, to achieve the systematization of quality control indicators, real-time process control, digitalization of manufacturing process, transparency of quality transfer, and intelligent whole-process control. In this paper, the new concepts, new theories, and new technologies provide a reference for the industrialization of TCM.