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Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(3): 343-351, sept. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533945


Introducción. Las radiografías continúan usándose ampliamente, subestimando los riesgos. Esto sucede, especialmente, en las unidades de cuidado neonatal, lo que implica que los neonatos reciben una dosis de radiación ionizante mayor que los adultos. Objetivo. Cuantificar las dosis de radiación recibidas al tomar radiografías y evaluar los posibles factores asociados con el aumento de la dosis. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional de 160 neonatos de la Unidad de Recién Nacidos del Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, Bogotá, Colombia. Se consideró como variable dependiente la dosis de entrada en piel por cada radiografía. Se hizo la caracterización de los pacientes, seguida de un análisis multivariado con regresión lineal múltiple para identificar factores asociados. Resultados. Se analizaron 160 pacientes y 492 radiografías en total. Entre los hallazgos más frecuentes, se encuentran: pacientes de sexo masculino (n=87; 54,4 %), nacimiento por cesárea (n=122; 76,3 %) e indicación de toma de radiografías por dificultad respiratoria (n=123; 24,9 %). El 1,8 % (n=9) de los pacientes no tenían una indicación para la toma de la radiografía. La radiografía más frecuente fue la de tórax (n=322; 65,4 %). La mayoría de las radiografías se tomaron con el equipo computarizado (n=352; 71,5 %) y no con el digital (n=140, 28,4 %). La mediana de la dosis de entrada en piel con el equipo computarizado fue de 0,112 mGy (0,022; 0,134 mGy) y, con el equipo digital, de 0,020 mGy (0,019, 0,022 mGy). Conclusiones. Se cuantificaron las dosis de radiación absorbida en neonatos, general y específica, con el equipo computarizado y el digital. Se identificaron mayores dosis con el equipo computarizado. Se reconoció la interacción entre el equipo computarizado con menores edades gestacionales corregidas como principal factor para el aumento de la dosis. Además, se reconoció la relación entre el equipo computarizado y una menor edad gestacional corregida, como principal factor para una mayor dosis.

Introduction. Radiographs are still widely used, underestimating the risks. This situation is frequent in neonatal care units, generating radiation doses than in adults. Objective. To quantify the received radiation doses when performing radiographs on neonates and the possible factors associated with higher doses. Materials and methods. We performed an observational study of 160 neonates from the newborn unit of the Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, Bogotá, Colombia. We considered the input dose of each radiograph as the dependent variable. Patients were characterized and a multivariate analysis with multiple linear regression was performed to identify associated factors. Results. We analyzed 160 newborns and 492 radiographs. The most frequent findings were male patients (n=87, 54.4%), cesarean delivery (n=122, 76.3%), and radiograph indication for respiratory distress (n=123, 24.9%). One-point eight percent of the patients (n=9) did not have radiograph indication. The most frequently taken radiograph was chest (322, 65.4%). Most radiographs were taken with a computerized equipment (n=352, 71.5%), compared to a digital one (n=140, 28.4%). The median input dose with computerized equipment was 0.112 mGy (0.022, 0.134 mGy), and with the digital equipment was 0.020 mGy (0.019, 0.022 mGy). Conclusions. The general and specific absorbed radiation doses were measured in neonates with a computerized and a digital equipment. We identified higher doses with the computerized equipment. In addition, it was recognized the correlation between computerized radiography equipment with lower corrected gestational ages as the main factor for dose increase.

Radiation Dosage , Infant, Newborn , Radiation , Radiography , Risk Factors
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 9(3): 37-49, jul.2023. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1523961


RESUMEN Los Niveles de Referencia para Diagnóstico (NRD) son una herramienta dinámica que gana cada vez una mayor importancia para la optimización de las exposiciones médicas. La disponibilidad de información científica es esencial en este proceso de optimización para Medicina Nuclear (MN) y Radiología Diagnóstica (RD). Este trabajo presenta un estudio de la disponibilidad de información sobre los NRD para MN y RD en la base PubMed, en los últimos 20 años, empleando diferentes palabras clave. Se analizó de forma crítica la información disponible, buscando los cambios principales que se han producido como tendencia en diferentes aspectos del establecimiento de los NRD. Se verificó un desbalance significativo en la disponibilidad de literatura científica en estas dos áreas, aunque se ha incrementado la información para equipos híbridos y de forma general para todas las tecnologías. Este desbalance se hace mayor para estudios de medicina nuclear en pediatría. Se observaron avances en la forma de recolectar datos, la manera de organizar la información y analizarla, en especial con la disponibilidad de sistemas de monitoreo de dosis. Se encontró que, en los estudios TC e intervencionismo, las agrupaciones por localización anatómica están siendo acotadas o restringidas, por indicaciones clínicas que tienen similitudes en los requisitos de calidad de imagen para el diagnóstico adecuado. Similarmente en MN se vislumbra la incorporación de la actividad por peso como NRD en las tecnologías híbridas y estudios pediátricos. Este estudio demuestra que, en general, la literatura científica disponible sobre los NRD es mucho más amplia para pacientes adultos. Se requiere más estudios pediátricos, especialmente en el área de MN

ABSTRACT Diagnostic Reference Levels (DRLs) are a dynamic tool that is gaining more and more importance for the optimization of medical exposures. The availability of scientific information is essential in this optimization process for Nuclear Medicine (NM) and Diagnostic Radiology (DR). This work presents a revision of the information's availability about DRL in the PubMed database, in the last 20 years, using different search combinations. The available information was critically analyzed, looking for the main changes that have occurred as a trend in different aspects of the establishment of the NRD. A significant disparity in the amount of information between the two areas on the subject was verified, although there has been an increase of available scientific papers for hybrid equipment, and in general for all technologies. The disparity becomes greater for NM studies in pediatrics population. The way to collect data, the mode to organize the information and analyze it, has also undergone changes, mainly with radiation dose management systems. In CT and interventional studies, the grouping by anatomical locations is being constrained or modulated by clinical indications with analogous image quality requirements for proper diagnosis. Something similar happens in MN, where the incorporation of activity/patient's weight is envisioned as NRD for hybrid technologies and pediatric studies. In general, the study showed that, the scientific paper's availability about DRL for adult population are much wider. More pediatric studies on these subjects are needed, especially in NM

Humans , Radiation Dosage , Diagnostic Reference Levels , Nuclear Medicine
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 9(3): 3-9, jul.2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519661


ABSTRACT: The aim of this work is to provide a methodology for evaluating the committed effective dose E(50) due to the incorporation of [18F] FDG in the occupationally exposed worker (OEW) of the Cyclotron-PET/CT Laboratory of the Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Atómicas, Nucleares y Moleculares (CICANUM) at Universidad de Costa Rica using in vivo measurements. The measurement system was calibrated to perform in vivo measurements and defined as the corresponding bioassay function for the radiopharmaceutical used. The conversion factor was assessed with a known activity of 18F in the geometry and measurement time established. Among the most relevant results, the measurement parameters and the calibration procedure were defined. A value of 1.73 x 103 Bq/cps for in vivo brain measurements was obtained as a conversion factor. This study provides a methodology, to evaluate the committed effective dose due to the incorporation of 18F-FDG in a radionuclide production and diagnostic center

Radiation Protection , Occupational Exposure/adverse effects , Cyclotrons/instrumentation , Radiation Dosage
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 9(3): 11-16, jul.2023. graf, ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1523879


ABSTRACT The transition from analog to digital radiology has expanded the capabilities of radiological imaging but has also made it possible to increase the radiation dose received by patients. Image quality in radiology is determined by factors such as radiographic techniques (kVp and mAs), which directly impact the dose and image quality. This study focuses on pediatric radiological exams considering their greater radiosensitivity and longer life expectancy. The study aimed to investigate the correlation between image quality and applied radiographic techniques using the CDRAD contrast-detail phantom. The results showed a direct linear relationship between the increase in kVp and the corresponding increase in image quality. Nonetheless, there was a significant variation in image quality between current-time products ranging from 0.5 to 2.5 mAs, in contrast to the nearly linear relationship observed within the 2.5 and 10 mAs range

RESUMEN La transición de la radiología analógica a la digital ha ampliado las capacidades de las imágenes radiológicas, pero ha también permitió aumentar la dosis de radiación que reciben los pacientes. La calidad de la imagen en radiología está determinada por factores como las técnicas radiográficas (kVp y mAs), que impactan directamente en la dosis y la calidad de la imagen. Este estudio se centra en exámenes radiológicos pediátricos considerando su mayor radiosensibilidad y mayor espe ranza de vida. El estudio está dirigido a investigar la correlación entre la calidad de la imagen y las técnicas radiográficas aplicadas utilizando el detalle de contraste CDRAD fantasma. Los resultados mostraron una relación lineal directa entre el aumento de kVp y el correspondiente aumento de calidad de la imagen. No obstante, hubo una variación significativa en la calidad de la imagen entre los productos actuales que van desde 0,5 a 2,5 mAs, en contraste con la relación casi lineal observada dentro del rango de 2,5 y 10 mAs.

Pediatrics/instrumentation , Radiographic Image Enhancement/instrumentation , Phantoms, Imaging , Radiation Dosage , Technology, Radiologic/instrumentation
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 9(3): 17-24, jul.2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1523952


RESUMEN Durante los procedimientos intervencionistas que utilizan fluoroscopia, se entrega a los pacientes diferentes niveles de dosis de radiación, que pueden tener un impacto a corto, mediano o largo plazo, así como en su severidad. Esto en función del tipo de radiación utilizada y de la sensibilidad a la radiación del tipo(s) de órgano(s) irradiado, es en este punto que se vuelve determinante conocer la dosis a órganos entregada durante los procedimientos con el fin de asegurar el bienestar de los pacientes, este procedimiento no se puede realizar directamente en los órganos del paciente, por lo que se utilizan programas especializado en cálculos dosimétricos. El software PCXMC 2.0 logra estimar la dosis efectiva a través del método determinístico Monte Carlo, a su vez, agregando la dosis equivalente y evaluación de riesgo para estudios dosimétricos, por lo cual, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue proponer una metodología estandarizada para la utilización del programa PCXMC en el cálculo de estas dos magnitudes

ABSTRACT During interventional procedures that utilize fluoroscopy, patients are exposed to varying levels of radiation doses, which can have short, medium, or long term impacts, as well as varying severities. This depends on the type of radiation used and the radiation sensitivity of the organ(s) being irradiated. At this point, it becomes crucial to determine the organ doses delivered during procedures in order to ensure patient well-being. Since direct measurements cannot be made on the patient's organs, specialized software is used for dosimetric calculations. PCXMC 2.0 software achieves the estimation of effective dose through the deterministic Monte Carlo method, while also incorporating equivalent dose and risk assessment for dosimetric studies. Therefore, the objective of this work was to propose a standardized methodology for the use of the PCXMC 2.0 sofware in the calculation of these two is important to outline a working method for this software and provide instructions on its operation

Radiation Dosage , Software , Fluoroscopy/methods , Radiologic Health , Monte Carlo Method , Dose-Response Relationship, Radiation , Organs at Risk/radiation effects
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 9(3): 25-35, jul.2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1523954


RESUMEN Los estudios radiológicos son fundamentales en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de diversas patologías. Su calidad depende de múltiples variables, entre las que destacan, los parámetros de adquisición, interpretación, entre otros. Se propone una metodología estandarizada, sencilla, de fácil interpretación, permitiendo la evaluación regular de la calidad de las imágenes, dando indicios de la propiedad del trabajo en el centro de salud y poder realizar comparaciones entre centros y autores, a partir de los criterios anatómicos establecidos por la Unión Europea, definiendo el parámetro de calidad de la imagen (CI), representadas en una escala de Likert para el análisis de frecuencia, demostrando que puede ser una herramienta de utilidad para la evaluación reiterada de los centros de radiología. Evaluando 140 proyecciones postero anterior y 85 laterales de tórax, con una muestra de 225 estudios, realizados en un centro de salud, ubicado en la ciudad de Mérida, República Bolivariana de Venezuela, escogiendo estas proyecciones, ya que, representan el 32% de los estudios de radiología convencional. Permitiendo la comparación entre proyecciones y autores, obteniéndose para la proyección postero anterior un CI de 5,07 ± 1,53 criterios de los ocho establecidos, normalizado un CI de 0,62 ± 0,19; las imágenes excelentes solo representan el 22,78%. Comparado con un CI de 4,91 ± 1,17 criterios de los seis establecidos, normalizado un CI de 0,82 ± 0,19, e imágenes excelentes en un 64,71% para la proyección lateral. Se observa las notorias diferencias entre la calidad de las imágenes clínicas en hombres y mujeres para ambas proyecciones

ABSTRACT Radiological studies are essential in the diagnosis and treatment of various pathologies. Their quality depends on multiple variables, among which the acquisition and interpretation parameters, among others, stand out. A standardized methodology is proposed, simple, of easy interpretation, allowing the regular evaluation of the quality of the images, giving indications of the property of the work in the health center and being able to make comparisons between centers and authors, from the anatomical criteria established by the European Union, defining the parameter of image quality (IQ), represented on a Likert scale for frequency analysis, demonstrating that it can be a useful tool for the repeated evaluation of radiology centers. Evaluating 140 postero anterior and 85 lateral projections of the thorax, with a sample of 225 studies, performed in a health center, located in the city of Merida, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, taking these projections, since they represent 32% of the conventional radiology studies. Allowing the comparison between projections and authors, obtaining for the postero anterior projection an IQ of 5.07 ± 1.53 criteria of the eight established, normalized an IQ of 0.62 ± 0.19; the excellent images only represent 22.78%. Compared with an IQ of 4.91 ± 1.17 criteria of the six established, normalized IQ of 0.82 ± 0.19, and excellent images in 64.71% for the lateral projection. It is observed the notorious differences between the quality of clinical images in men and women for both projections

Humans , Male , Female , Radiation Dosage , Radiography, Thoracic/methods , Radiographic Image Enhancement/methods , Venezuela
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 9(3): 75-82, jul.2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524804


El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer y mantener activo un programa de control de calidad semanal en un sistema de mamografía digital de campo completo (FFDM) con tomosíntesis digital de mama (DBT) para optimizar la relación dosis-calidad de imagen en el tamizaje mamográfico y en el diagnóstico de las patologías de la mama, así como determinar la sensibilidad y especificidad en el periodo 2019-2022. Las imágenes mamográficas fueron obtenidas con el maniquí del Colegio Americano de Radiología (ACR) como parte del programa de control de calidad y con el uso de un dosímetro se determinó la dosis glandular media (DGM). También se midieron otras variables que afectan calidad de imagen y dosis. La imagen optimizada tiene el potencial de reducir la tasa de mortalidad por cáncer de mama debido a que el cáncer de mama es un problema de salud pública en los países en vías de desarrollo. Los resultados generales en el periodo del estudio se ilustran con graficas e intervalos de confianza al 95% (IC, 95%), además los valores numéricos se expresan en términos del error estándar de la media con 95% de confianza. Para mamografía digital de campo completo (FFDM): mAs = 160 ± 3.74, kVp = 28, dosis glandular media (DGM) = 1.69 ± 0.02 mGy, razón señal-ruido (SNR) = 62.20 ± 0.67, razón contraste-ruido (CNR) = 12.16 ± 0.15 y para tomosíntesis digital de mama (DBT): mAs = 61.42 ± 1.14, kVp = 29, dosis glandular media (DGM) = 1.54 ± 0.01 mGy. Los valores de las diferentes variables fueron determinados de acuerdo a la metodología del fabricante (Hologic, 2011). Los valores de la sensibilidad y la especificidad fueron para mamografía digital de campo completo (FFDM) sensibilidad 91% y especificidad 94% y para tomosíntesis digital de mama (DBT) sensibilidad 94% y especificidad 97%. Los resultados de dosis y calidad de imagen en ambas modalidades mamografía digital de campo completo (FFDM) y tomosíntesis digital de mama (DBT) muestran que el programa de control de calidad se mantuvo operativo durante el estudio manteniendo una relación optimizada entre dosis y calidad de imagen

The objective of this study was to establish and maintain active a weekly quality control program in a full-field digital mammography (FFDM) system with digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) to optimize the dose-image quality relationship in mammographic screening and in diagnosis of breast pathologies, as well as determining sensitivity and specificity in the period 2019-2022. Mammographic images were obtained with the American College of Radiology (ACR) phantom as part of the quality control program and the mean glandular dose (DGM) was determined with a dosimeter. Other variables that affect image quality and dose were also measured. Optimized imaging (image quality-dose) has the potential to reduce the breast cancer mortality rate because breast cancer is a public health problem in developing countries. The general results in the study period are illustrated with graphs and 95% confidence intervals (CI, 95%), in addition the numerical values are expressed in terms of the standard error of the mean with 95% confidence, For full field digital mammography (FFDM): mAs = 160.3 ± 3.74, kVp = 28, mean glandular dose (DGM) = 1.69 ± 0.02 mGy, signalto-noise ratio (SNR) = 62.20 ± 0.67, contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) = 12.16 ± 0.15 and for tomosynthesis digital breast (DBT): mAs = 61.42 ± 1.14, kVp = 29, mean glandular dose (DGM) = 1.54 ± 0.01 mGy. The values of the different variables were determined according to the manufacturer's methodology. Mammography facility sensitivity and specificity values were determined using pathology results during the study. For FFDM mode they were sensitivity 91% and specificity 94% and for DBT mode they were sensitivity 94% and specificity 97%. The dose and image quality results in both full field digital mammography (FFDM) and digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) modalities show that the quality control program remained operational during

Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Mammography/instrumentation , Mammography/methods , Radiation Dosage , Breast Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Radiographic Image Enhancement/methods
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981285


Objective To evaluate the impact of deep learning reconstruction algorithm on the image quality of head and neck CT angiography (CTA) at 100 kVp. Methods CT scanning was performed at 100 kVp for the 37 patients who underwent head and neck CTA in PUMC Hospital from March to April in 2021.Four sets of images were reconstructed by three-dimensional adaptive iterative dose reduction (AIDR 3D) and advanced intelligent Clear-IQ engine (AiCE) (low,medium,and high intensity algorithms),respectively.The average CT value,standard deviation (SD),signal-to-noise ratio (SNR),and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) of the region of interest in the transverse section image were calculated.Furthermore,the four sets of sagittal maximum intensity projection images of the anterior cerebral artery were scored (1 point:poor,5 points:excellent). Results The SNR and CNR showed differences in the images reconstructed by AiCE (low,medium,and high intensity) and AIDR 3D (all P<0.01).The quality scores of the image reconstructed by AiCE (low,medium,and high intensity) and AIDR 3D were 4.78±0.41,4.92±0.27,4.97±0.16,and 3.92±0.27,respectively,which showed statistically significant differences (all P<0.001). Conclusion AiCE outperformed AIDR 3D in reconstructing the images of head and neck CTA at 100 kVp,being capable of improving image quality and applicable in clinical examinations.

Humans , Computed Tomography Angiography/methods , Radiation Dosage , Deep Learning , Radiographic Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted/methods , Signal-To-Noise Ratio , Algorithms
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981298


During interventional procedures,subjects are exposed to direct and scattered X-rays.Establishing diagnostic reference levels is an ideal way to optimize the radiation dose and reduce radiation hazard.In recent years,diagnostic reference levels in interventional radiology have been established in different countries.However,because of the too many indicators for characterizing the radiation dose,the indicators used to establish diagnostic reference levels vary in different countries.The research achievements in this field remain to be reviewed.We carried out a retrospective analysis of the definition,establishment method,application,and main factors influencing the dose difference of the diagnostic reference level,aiming to provide a basis for establishing the diagnostic reference level for interventional procedures in China.

Humans , Diagnostic Reference Levels , Radiology, Interventional/methods , Radiation Dosage , Retrospective Studies , Radiography
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003749


@#Performing external beam radiotherapy alone without chemotherapy or brachytherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer with multiple lymph node metastases is challenging. The purpose of this case report is to present the efficacy of high‑dose adaptive extended‑field intensity‑modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) with simultaneous integrated boost (SIB) in treating locally advanced cervical cancer with multiple lymph node metastases. A 67‑year‑old woman with locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix was treated by external beam radiotherapy alone due to the refusal of chemotherapy and intracavitary brachytherapy. In order to maximize the efficacy of treatment, extended‑field radiotherapy that includes the paraaortic lymph nodes as well as an adaptive IMRT‑SIB plan, was applied. The treatment was successful, resulting in complete tumor disappearance without severe adverse events. In conclusion, high‑dose adaptive IMRT‑SIB may be an alternative treatment option for locally advanced cervical cancer with multiple lymph node metastases.

Radiation Dosage , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008925


The Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) is often used to calculate the radiation dose during computed tomography (CT) scans. However, the physical calculation process of the model is complicated, the input file structure of the program is complex, and the three-dimensional (3D) display of the geometric model is not supported, so that the researchers cannot establish an accurate CT radiation system model, which affects the accuracy of the dose calculation results. Aiming at these two problems, this study designed a software that visualized CT modeling and automatically generated input files. In terms of model calculation, the theoretical basis was based on the integration of CT modeling improvement schemes of major researchers. For 3D model visualization, LabVIEW was used as the new development platform, constructive solid geometry (CSG) was used as the algorithm principle, and the introduction of editing of MCNP input files was used to visualize CT geometry modeling. Compared with a CT model established by a recent study, the root mean square error between the results simulated by this visual CT modeling software and the actual measurement was smaller. In conclusion, the proposed CT visualization modeling software can not only help researchers to obtain an accurate CT radiation system model, but also provide a new research idea for the geometric modeling visualization method of MCNP.

Radiation Dosage , Software Design , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Software , Algorithms , Phantoms, Imaging , Monte Carlo Method
Rev. Bras. Cancerol. (Online) ; 69(3)jul-set. 2023.
Article in Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1512687


Introdução: A radioterapia é utilizada no tratamento do câncer de mama. No planejamento radioterápico, há formas de desenvolver o plano de tratamento, como a radioterapia 3D conformacional (3D-CRT), a radioterapia de intensidade modulada (IMRT) e a arcoterapia volumétrica modulada (VMAT). Objetivo: Comparar as doses nos órgãos de risco e no volume-alvo de tratamento com as diferentes técnicas de planejamento: 3D-CRT, IMRT, VMAT e VMAT modificada para o tratamento do câncer de mama em um phantom antropomórfico. Método: O plano de tratamento foi realizado no sistema Eclipse™ v.15.6 da Varian a partir de imagens de tomografia computadorizada adquiridas de phantom. A dose de prescrição estabelecida foi de 45 Gy em 25 frações de 1,8 Gy/dia. Resultados: Sobre a cobertura do volume do alvo planejado (PTV), as técnicas 3D-CRT (FILTRO e field-in-field ­ FIF) demonstram cobertura inferior comparada aos planos de IMRT e VMAT. Já o plano 3D-CRT-FIF apresenta maior homogeneidade comparado ao 3D-CRT-FILTRO. Para o pulmão contralateral, os planos de 3D-CRT (FIF, FILTRO) obtiveram restrições melhores em relação aos demais planos. Sobre a exposição cardíaca, os planos 3D-CRT (FIF, FILTRO) apresentaram maiores benefícios do que as técnicas IMRT, VMAT e VMAT modificada. Conclusão: As técnicas convencionais 3D-CRT (FIF, FILTRO) apresentaram menores doses nos órgãos de risco. Contudo, as técnicas IMRT e VMAT obtiveram melhor homogeneidade e conformidade da dose distribuída no PTV ao comparar as técnicas convencionais.

Introduction: Radiotherapy is utilized to treat breast cancer. For radiotherapy planning, there are several ways to develop the treatment plan, such as 3D conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT), intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT). Objective: To compare the doses to risk organs and treatment target volume with different planning techniques, 3D-CRT, IMRT, VMAT and modified VMAT for the treatment of breast cancer in an anthropomorphic phantom. Method: The treatment plan was performed in the Eclipse™ v.15.6 system by Varian from CT images acquired from phantom. The established prescription dose was 45 Gy in 25 fractions of 1.8Gy/day. Results: For the planning target volume (PTV) coverage, 3D-CRT techniques (FILTER and field-in-field ­ FIF) showed inferior coverage compared to IMRT and VMAT plans. The 3D-CRT-FIF plan, on the other hand, shows greater homogeneity when compared to 3D-CRT-FILTER. For the contralateral lung, the 3D-CRT plans (FIF, FILTER) have better restrictions when compared with the other plans. On cardiac exposure, the 3D-CRT (FIF, FILTER) plans showed greater benefits when compared with IMRT, VMAT and Modified VMAT techniques. Conclusion: Conventional 3D-CRT techniques (FIF, FILTER) showed lower doses in organs at risk. However, IMRT and VMAT techniques obtained better homogeneity and conformity of the dose delivered to the PTV when compared to conventional techniques

Introducción: La radioterapia se utiliza en el tratamiento del cáncer de mama. En la planificación de la radioterapia, existen formas de desarrollar el plan de tratamiento, como la radioterapia conformacional 3D (3D-CRT), la radioterapia de intensidad modulada (IMRT) y la arcoterapia volumétrica modulada (VMAT). Objetivo: Comparar las dosis en órganos de riesgo y en el volumen blanco de tratamiento con diferentes técnicas de planificación: 3D-CRT, IMRT, VMAT y VMAT modificada para el tratamiento del cáncer de mama en un fantoma antropomórfico. Método: El plan de tratamiento se realizó en el sistema Eclipse™ v.15.6 de Varian a partir de imágenes de TC adquiridas del fantoma. La dosis de prescripción establecida fue de 45 Gy en 25 fracciones de 1,8Gy/día. Resultados: En cuanto a la cobertura del volumen blanco de planificación (VBP), las técnicas 3D-CRT (filtro - FILTRO y field-in-field ­ FIF) demostraron una cobertura inferior en comparación con los planes IMRT y VMAT. El plan 3D-RCT-FIF mostró mayor homogeneidad en comparación con el 3D-RCT-FILTRO. Para el pulmón contralateral, los planes 3D-CRT (FIF, FILTER) obtuvieron mejores restricciones en comparación con los otros planes. En la exposición cardiaca, los planes 3D-CRT (FIF, FILTER) mostraron mayores beneficios en comparación con las técnicas IMRT, VMAT y VMAT modificada. Conclusión: Las técnicas convencionales de 3D-CRT (FIF, FILTER) mostraron dosis más bajas en los órganos de riesgo. Sin embargo, las técnicas IMRT y VMAT obtuvieron una mejor homogeneidad y conformidad de la dosis distribuida en el VBP en comparación con las técnicas convencionales.

Breast Neoplasms , Radiotherapy, Conformal , Radiotherapy, Intensity-Modulated , Radiation Dosage
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 151 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, Inca | ID: biblio-1518468


Propósito. Com a publicação, na última década, do resultado de grandes estudos demonstrando a correlação entre a dose de radiação recebida no coração e o aumento de eventos cardíacos adverso. Nosso estudo investiga a possibilidade de reduzir a dose cardíaca de radiação sem utilizar os protocolos ideais de inspiração profunda (DIBH). Metodologia. Analisamos os parâmetros dosimétricos referentes a 43 pacientes recebidas no departamento de radioterapia da Santa Casa de Maceió tratadas com radioterapia adjuvante em mama ou plastrão esquerdos incluindo fossa e cadeia mamária interna (MI). Todas as pacientes foram submetidas a duas tomografias e planejamentos distintos, com e sem inspiração profunda (DIBH), em um protocolo simplificado adequado para a realidade do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Foram analisados os efeitos dosimétricos sobre o volume alvo, o coração, o pulmão esquerdo com o DIBH simplificado e com formas alternativas de delineamento da cadeia mamária interna. Resultados. Em nosso estudo, o protocolo de DIBH simplificado demonstrou uma redução da dose média cardíaca mesmo em pacientes incluindo radiação nodal regional ampla (692 cGy vs 502 cGy - p < 0,0001). As doses médias no ventrículo esquerdo (VE) (1222 cGy vs 857 cGy ­ p < 0,0001), na artéria coronária anterior descendente (LAD) (3739 cGy vs 3345 cGy ­ p = 0,0001) e outros parâmetros como o V25% do coração (12,4% vs 7,7% - p < 0,0001) também se mostraram reduzidas. Os delineamentos alternativos da cadeia mamária interna (MI) não produziram alterações significantes nas doses cardíacas ou pulmonares. O melhor parâmetro para predizer o benefício do DIBH foi a expansibilidade do pulmão esquerdo (r = 0,6 - p < 0,0001), sendo que os pacientes com relação entre o pulmão normal e o inspirado menor que 1,3-1,4 não obtiveram benefício significativo. Doses pulmonares também tiveram melhora estatisticamente significativa com o DIBH (média 1448 cGy vs 1294 cGy ­ p < 0,0001; V20 32,6% vs 28,2% - p <0,0001; V5 48,7% vs 45,4% - p < 0,0005), Conclusão. Nosso estudo indica que um protocolo simplificado de DIBH pode ser uma alternativa para beneficiar pacientes selecionados que necessitam reduzir a dose cárdica de radiação em tratamentos e mama esquerda e drenagens regionais em serviços de radioterapia de alta demanda e recursos limitados

Purpose. In the last decade, seminars studies demonstrated the correlation between radiation doses received in the heart with the incidence of cardiac disease, such as acute coronary events. This aroused the interest in new techniques to reduce this problem. Numerous studies have already shown that Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH) may be the best option for reducing cardiac dose. However, the vast majority of these investigations were carried out in a different scenario from the one found in our reality. Our study investigated the feasibility of reducing the cardiac dose without using an ideal DIBH protocol, which are difficult to implement in services with high demand and low economic support. Methods. The dosimetric parameters of 43 patients from the radiotherapy department of Santa Casa de Maceió were analyzed. All patients were treated with adjuvant radiotherapy to the left breast, including supraclavicular fossa and internal mammary chain (IM). The patients underwent two different CT scans and planning, with and without DIBH, in a simplified protocol suitable for the reality of tour public health system (Free Breath Hold; no respiratory training; selection of only the patients with greater benefit). The dosimetric impact on the heart, its substructures and the left lung were studied with the simplified DIBH and with alternative forms of delineation to the IM. Results. The simplified DIBH protocol demonstrated, in our study, a reduction in mean cardiac dose for patients including wide regional nodal radiation (692 cGy vs 502 cGy - p < 0.0001). The doses for the Left ventricular (1222 cGy vs 857 cGy ­ p < 0.0001), the Left anterior-descending coronary (3739 cGy vs 3345 cGy ­ p = 0.0001) and other parameters such as heart V25% (12.4% vs 7, 7% - p < 0.0001) were also reduced. The doses to the heart did not achieve statistically significant reduction with alternative delineation of the MI CTV. The best parameter predicting the benefit of DIBH was the left lung expansion (r = 0.6 - p < 0.0001), with patients with a ratio lower than 1.3-1,4 having no significant benefit. Pulmonary doses also showed a statistically significant improvement with DIBH (Dmed 1448 cGy vs 1294 cGy ­ p < 0.0001; V20 32.6% vs 28.2% - p <0.0001; V5 48.7% vs 45, 4% - p < 0.0005), but the reductions were small, as was the increase in pulmonary dose when the MI CTV is outlined to joining the supraclavicular fossa. Conclusion. Our study indicates that a simplified DIBH protocol may serve as an option to benefit selected patients with locally advanced breast cancer treated in departments with high occupation of the Linacs and low capacity for investment in new technology

Humans , Female , Breast Neoplasms/therapy , Radiation Dosage , Radiotherapy, Adjuvant
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 8(1): 63-72, ene.-mar. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395775


Las radiaciones ionizantes tienen el potencial de generar efectos adversos a la salud de las personas. Para hacer un uso más seguro y eficiente de estas radiaciones, la Comisión Internacional de Protección Radiológica fundamentalmente ha implementado un sistema de protección radiológica (SPR) que se basa en tres principios: justificación, optimización y límites. A su vez, estos principios se sustentan en cuatro valores éticos (beneficencia, prudencia, justicia y dignidad). Se sabe que en Chile el profesional que esta mandatado para realizar la toma de los exámenes que utilizan radiaciones ionizantes es el/la Tecnólogo Médico en Imagenología. Por lo tanto, resulta interesante valorar el grado de conocimiento adquirido y posteriormente aplicado en torno a los valores éticos del SPR por parte de dichos profesionales. De esta manera el objetivo del este artículo de tipo Punto de Vista fue realizar una serie de reflexiones en torno a esta temática. Cuando se realiza un procedimientos médico u odontológico con radiaciones ionizantes, el/la Tecnólogo Médico en Imagenología participa esencialmente en la realización del mismo, por lo que no debería ser su responsabilidad el cautelar que se cumplan los 4 valores éticos descritos dentro del SPR. A juicio nuestro, el principio de optimización, sería el único principio o pilar del SPR donde tiene real obligación de participar, utilizando las restricciones a las exposiciones individuales y los niveles de referencia para diagnóstico para reducir las desigualdades en la distribución de las exposiciones entre los grupos expuestos. Finalmente, resulta vital investigar si en su formación de especialidad se tocan estas temáticas.

Ionizing radiation has the potential to generate adverse effects on people's health. To make safer and more efficient use of these radiations, the International Commission on Radiological Protection has fundamentally implemented a radiological protection system (RPS) based on three principles: justification, optimization and limits. In turn, these principles are based on four ethical values (beneficence, prudence, justice and dignity). It is known that in Chile the professional who is mandated to perform the exams that use ionizing radiation is the Medical Imaging Technologist. Therefore, it is interesting to assess the degree of knowledge acquired and subsequently applied around the ethical values of the RPS by these professionals. In this way, the objective of this Point of View article was to make a series of reflections on this subject. When a medical or dental procedure is performed with ionizing radiation, the Medical Imaging Technologist essentially participates in its performance, so it should not be their responsibility to ensure that the 4 ethical values described in the RPS are met. In our opinion, the principle of optimization would be the only principle or pillar of the RPS where it has a real obligation to participate, using the restrictions on individual exposures and the diagnostic reference levels to reduce inequalities in the distribution of exposures between exposed groups. Finally, it is vital to investigate whether these topics are addressed in his specialty training.

Humans , Radiation Protection , Medical Laboratory Personnel/trends , Radiation Dosage , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Multivariate Analysis , Safety Management
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928892


Objective The study aims to investigate the effects of different adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction-V( ASiR-V) and convolution kernel parameters on stability of CT auto-segmentation which is based on deep learning. Method Twenty patients who have received pelvic radiotherapy were selected and different reconstruction parameters were used to establish CT images dataset. Then structures including three soft tissue organs (bladder, bowelbag, small intestine) and five bone organs (left and right femoral head, left and right femur, pelvic) were segmented automatically by deep learning neural network. Performance was evaluated by dice similarity coefficient( DSC) and Hausdorff distance, using filter back projection(FBP) as the reference. Results Auto-segmentation of deep learning is greatly affected by ASIR-V, but less affected by convolution kernel, especially in soft tissues. Conclusion The stability of auto-segmentation is affected by parameter selection of reconstruction algorithm. In practical application, it is necessary to find a balance between image quality and segmentation quality, or improve segmentation network to enhance the stability of auto-segmentation.

Humans , Algorithms , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , Neural Networks, Computer , Radiation Dosage , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2022. 172 p. tab, graf.
Thesis in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378625


The solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation that reaches the Earth is composed of 95% of UVA (320 to 400 nm) and 5% of UVB (280 to 320 nm) radiation. UVB is carcinogenic, generating potentially mutagenic DNA lesions. The solar UVA radiation also causes DNA damage, but this fact does not fully account for its biological impact. UVA is absorbed by non-DNA cellular chromophores, generating reactive oxygen species such as singlet oxygen. Knowing the proteome mediates stress responses in cells, here we investigated the cellular effects of a non-cytotoxic dose of UVA radiation, equivalent to about 20 minutes of midday sun exposure, on the proteome of human keratinocytes. Using a combination of mass spectrometry-based proteomics, bioinformatics, and conventional biochemical assays, we analyzed two aspects of UVA-induced stress: spatial remodeling of the proteome in subcellular compartments 30 minutes after stress and long-term changes in protein levels and secretion (24 hours and 7 days postirradiation). In the first part of this thesis, we quantified and assigned subcellular localization for over 3000 proteins, of which about 600 potentially redistribute upon UVA exposure. Protein redistributions were accompanied by redox modulations, mitochondrial fragmentation and DNA damage. In the second part of the work, our results showed that primary human keratinocytes enter senescence upon exposure to a single dose of UVA, mounting antioxidant and inflammatory responses. Cells under UVA-induced senescence further elicit paracrine responses in neighboring premalignant HaCaT epithelial cells via inflammatory mediators. Altogether, these results reiterate the role of UVA radiation as a potent metabolic stressor in the skin

A radiação ultravioleta (UV) solar que atinge a superfície terrestre é composta por 95% de radiação UVA (320 a 400 nm) e 5% de radiação UVB (280 a 320 nm). A radiação UVB é carcinogênica e gera lesões potencialmente mutagênicas no DNA. A radiação UVA solar também gera danos no DNA, mas a genotoxicidade dessa radiação não explica inteiramente o seu impacto biológico. Atualmente, sabe-se que a radiação UVA é absorvida por cromóforos celulares, gerando espécies reativas de oxigênio, como o oxigênio singlete. Sabendo que o proteoma é um mediador de respostas ao estresse celular, nós investigamos os efeitos celulares de uma dose não-citotóxica de radiação UVA, equivalente a cerca de 20 minutos de exposição ao sol, no proteoma de queratinócitos humanos. Utilizando espectrometria de massas, bioinformática e ensaios bioquímicos convencionais, nós analisamos dois aspectos do estresse induzido por radiação UVA: o remodelamento espacial do proteoma 30 minutos depois do estresse e alterações nos níveis e na secreção de proteínas no longo prazo (24 horas e 7 dias depois da irradiação). Na primeira parte desta tese, nós quantificamos e atribuímos classificações de localização subcelular a mais de 3000 proteínas. Dentre essas proteínas, 600 tem potencialmente a sua distribuição subcelular alterada em resposta à radiação. As redistribuições subcelulares são acompanhadas de modulações redox, fragmentação mitocondrial e danos no DNA. Na segunda parte da tese, os nossos resultados mostraram que queratinócitos humanos primários entram em senescência sob exposição a uma única dose de radiação UVA, montando respostas antioxidantes e pró-inflamatórias. Células sob senescência induzida por UVA, por sua vez, desencadeiam respostas parácrinas em queratinócitos pré-tumorais (células HaCaT) por meio de mediadores inflamatórios. Em conjunto, esses resultados reiteram o papel da radiação UVA como um potente estressor metabólico em células da pele

Skin , Ultraviolet Rays/adverse effects , Keratinocytes/chemistry , Proteomics/classification , Radiation Dosage , Mass Spectrometry/methods , DNA , Epithelial Cells/classification , Genotoxicity/adverse effects , HaCaT Cells/classification , Antioxidants/adverse effects
urol. colomb. (Bogotá. En línea) ; 31(2): 56-62, 2022. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1412076


Objectives Ionizing radiation imaging is commonly used for diagnosis and follow up in children with vesicoureteral reflux (VUR). We aim to measure the effective dose (mSv) in patients with VUR. Methods We reviewed our electronic database of patients under 8-years-old with VUR. Primary endpoint was to calculate the effective radiation dose (ED). Absolute frequencies and percentages were reported for global qualitative variables. This study conducted a logistic regression model to calculate the odds ratio for radiation exposure. Analysis was performed using STATA version 14.0 (StataCorp LLC, College Station, TX, EEUU). Results A total of 140 patients were found, 97 were assessed for eligibility. We included 59 patients in the final analysis. Mean age was 20 ± 17.9 months, 66% were females. Most cases of VUR were bilateral (44%) and high grade (93.4%). The lowest number of studies per patient was two, with a minimum radiation of 5.7 mSv. The highest radiation was estimated at 20.7 mSv corresponding to a total of five studies. Logistic regression showed that highest grades of VUR and age of first UTI episode were associated with higher ED (OR, 1.7; 95% CI, 0.87-3.31), (OR 1.02; 95% CI 0.97-1.07) respectively. A mean ED for children with VUR was estimated of 5.5 ± 3 mSv/year. Conclusion In our study, the children with VUR were exposed to 5.5 mSv/year without counting the natural background radiation, which is alarming, and we believe should raise awareness worldwide in how we are unnecessarily diagnosing indolent VUR cases and following patients.

Objetivos La imagenología por radiación ionizante es una herramienta usada frecuentemente para el diagnóstico y seguimiento de pacientes con reflujo vesicoureteral (RVU). El objetivo del presente trabajo es calcular la dosis estimada en milisieverts (mSv) de pacientes con RVU. Métodos Se realizó una revisión retrospectiva de todos los pacientes menores de 8 años con RVU. El objetivo principal fue calcular la dosis de radiación efectiva recibida por los pacientes con base en los estudios imagenológicos realizados hasta el momento de la revisión de la base de datos. Las frecuencias y porcentajes fueron reportados para las variables cualitativas. Se realizó una regresión logística para calcular la asociación de factores de riesgo con la exposición a radiación. El análisis estadístico fue realizado con el programa STATA versión 14.0 (StataCorp LLC, College Station, TX, EEUU). Resultados Se identificaron 140 patientes, de los cuales 97 fueron evaluados para coprobar su elegibilidad. En total, 59 pacientes fueron incluidos para el análisis final. La edad promedio de los pacientes fue de 20 ± 1,.9 meses, y 66% eran mujeres. La mayoría de casos fueron bilaterales (44%) y de alto grado (93,4%). El menor número de estudios realizados por paciente fue 2, con una dosis mínima de radiación acumulada de 5,7 mSv. La máxima radiación acumulada fue de 20,7 mSv, correspondiente a un total de 5 estudios. La regresión logística demostró que altos grados de reflujo y la edad a la cual tuvieron la primera infección se asociaban con mayores dosis de radiación efectiva (razón de probabilidades [RP]: 1.7; intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC95%]: 0,87­3,31), (RP: 1,02; IC95%: 0,97­1,07), respectivamente. Estimamos una dosis efectiva de radiación de 5,5 ± 3 mSv/año en nuestra población. Conclusión Nuestro estudio demuestra que pacientes con reflujo son expuestos a un promedio de 5,5 mSv/año sin contar la radiación de base a la que se exponen todos los humanos anualmente, lo cual resulta alarmante. Esto debe generar introspección al momento de evaluar pacientes con reflujo y evitar efectos a largo y mediano plazos.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Background Radiation , Vesico-Ureteral Reflux , Radiation , Radiation Dosage , Radiation Exposure
Dent. press endod ; 11(3): 5-5, Sept-Dec.2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378751


Será o exame de tomografia computadorizada realmente de alto custo para o paciente, ou existe uma resistência por grande parte dos profissionais em indicá-lo? Paradigmas já foram quebrados com relação à dose de radiação. Ela é tão pequena que, em muitas universidades nos EUA, o paciente não utiliza avental de chumbo durante o exame. Isso se dá porque o exame usado para Endodontia tem algumas diferenças em relação à tomografia médica (AU).

Is the CT scan really a high cost for the patient, or is there a resistance on the part of most professionals to indicate it? Paradigms have already been broken with regard to the radiation dose. In many universities in the USA, the patient does not wear a lead apron during the exam because the dose is so small. The reason for this is that the exam used for Endodontics has some differences in relation to medical tomography (AU).

Humans , Radiation Dosage , Tomography , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Endodontics , Radiation , Lead
West Indian med. j ; 69(1): 51-55, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1341870


ABSTRACT Objective: To reveal the effect of 2100 MHz radio frequency (RF) radiation on thyroid tissues of rats in the 10 days (group E1) and 40 days (group G1) exposure groups. Methods: In this study, 30 healthy female Wistar albino rats, weighing 200−256 g each, were used. The animals were randomly divided into four groups (E1, E2, G1 and G2). Groups E2 and G2 served as the control groups. The exposure groups were exposed to 2100 MHz RF radiation emitted by a generator, simulating a 3G-mobile phone for 6 hours/day, 5 consecutive days/week, at the same time of the day (between 9 am and 3 pm), for 10 days (group E1) and 40 days (group G1). Results: Catalase and xanthine oxidase enzyme activities were compared between the groups E1 and E2; it was found that the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Between the groups G1 and G2, the difference was found to be significant with respect to catalase activities. Tissue samples of the early and late groups showed no serious pathological findings in the histopathological examination. Conclusion: We believe that comprehensive, clinical and experimental studies are needed to assess the effect of the RF exposure duration and dosage of exposure on thyroid tissues.

Animals , Female , Rats , Radiation Dosage , Thyroid Gland/radiation effects , Abnormalities, Radiation-Induced , Rats, Wistar , Models, Animal
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 67(2): 248-259, Feb. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287808


SUMMARY OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to develop artificial intelligence and machine learning-based models to predict alterations in liver enzymes from the exposure of low annual average effective doses in radiology and nuclear medicine personnel of Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Oncology Hospital. METHODS: Ninety workers from the Radiology and Nuclear Medicine departments were included. A high-capacity thermoluminescent was used for annual average effective radiation dose measurements. The liver function tests were conducted for all subjects and controls. Three supervised learning models (multilayer precentron; logistic regression; and random forest) were applied and cross-validated to predict any alteration in liver enzymes. The t-test was applied to see if subjects and controls were significantly different in liver function tests. RESULTS: The annual average effective doses were in the range of 0.07-1.15 mSv. Alanine transaminase was 50% high and aspartate transaminase was 20% high in radiation workers. There existed a significant difference (p=0.0008) in Alanine-aminotransferase between radiation-exposed and radiation-unexposed workers. Random forest model achieved 90-96.6% accuracies in Alanine-aminotransferase and Aspartate-aminotransferase predictions. The second best classifier model was the Multilayer perceptron (65.5-80% accuracies). CONCLUSION: As there is a need of regular monitoring of hepatic function in radiation-exposed people, our artificial intelligence-based predicting model random forest is proved accurate in prediagnosing alterations in liver enzymes.

Humans , Artificial Intelligence , Occupational Exposure/adverse effects , Radiation Dosage , Algorithms , Liver