En la región cervicofacial los quistes de los maxilares de origen odontogénico constituyen una afección relativamente importante, los más frecuentes son los quistes radiculares. Se presentó un paciente masculino de 23 años de edad con un quiste radicular residual extenso que ocupaba la zona mandibular posterior izquierda, y acude a consulta estomatológica de la Clínica «Celia Sánchez Manduley» por un aumento de volumen que causa asimetría facial notable de la hemicara izquierda, de tres centímetros de diámetro, indoloro, asintomático, con 6 meses de evolución y consistencia dura; además refiere tratamiento de exodoncia de molar inferior en la zona (37) hace 2 años. Se indicó radiografía periapical y panorámica donde se observó zona radiolúcida bien definida de 35 a 38 con reabsorción de raíz mesial de 38, distal de 36 y movilidad dentaria grado II en ambos dientes. Se realizó exéresis de la lesión cuyo estudio histológico informó un quiste radicular residual.
Jaw cysts of odontogenic origin constitute a relatively important condition in the cervicofacial region, where radicular cysts are the most frequent. We present a 23-year-old male patient who come to "Celia Sánchez Manduley" Dental Clinic with an extensive residual radicular cyst that occupied his left posterior mandibular area and an increase in volume that caused him a notable facial asymmetry in the left side of his face, of three centimeters in diameter, painless, asymptomatic, with 6 months of evolution and hard consistency; he also mentions a lower molar extraction treatment in area (37) 2 years ago. Periapical and panoramic X-rays were indicated where a well-defined radiolucent zone of 35 to 38 was observed with mesial root resorption of 38, distal of 36 and grade II dental mobility in both teeth. Exeresis of the lesion was performed, whose histological study reported a residual radicular cyst.
Tooth Root , Actinomycosis, Cervicofacial , Radicular CystABSTRACT
Palatal radicular groove is a developmental malformation of maxillary incisors, lateral incisors in particular, which often causes periodontal destruction. This paper reports a case of combined periodontal-endodontic lesions induced by palatal radicular groove, which was initially misdiagnosed as a simple periapical cyst. After root canal therapy and periapical cyst curettage, the course of disease was prolonged, resulting in the absence of buccal and maxillary bone plates in the affected tooth area. After the etiology was determined, the affected tooth was extracted and guide bone tissue regeneration was performed at the same time, followed by implantation and restoration at the later stage, leading to clinical cure. The palatal radicular groove is highly occult, and the clinical symptoms are not typical. If the abscess of the maxillary lateral incisor occurs repeatedly, and the abscess of the maxillary lateral incisor has not been cured after periodontal and root canal treatment, cone-beam computed tomographic and periodontal flap surgery should be considered.
Humans , Incisor , Radicular Cyst , Abscess , Tooth Root/abnormalities , Root Canal Therapy , Maxilla , CystsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the proliferation of epithelium (using the Ki67 index) and the polarization pattern of collagen in selected odontogenic cysts and tumours. In addition, an exploratory analysis of the effect of inflammation on the proliferation rate was done. Material and Methods: Following immunohistochemical staining, the labelling/proliferation index of Ki67 was calculated. The thickness and corresponding polarization colour of 100 juxta-epithelial picrosirius red-stained collagen fibers were assessed using linear micrometry with an eyepiece reticule under × 1000 magnification. Inflammation was graded subjectively as mild, moderate, and severe. Results: Overall Ki-67 expression was higher in the radicular cyst, Odontogenic Keratocyst, Ameloblastoma, while suprabasal Ki-67 positivity was maximum in Odontogenic Keratocyst. The stromal collagen fibers in Ameloblastoma showed predominantly green birefringence, whereas Odontogenic Keratocyst had orange birefringence. There was no significant association of inflammation with Ki-67 expression or birefringence patterns. Conclusion: The highest Ki67 expression in the radicular cyst, followed by Odontogenic Keratocyst and Ameloblastoma. Differences in the collagen maturation pattern were noted innately in five lesions studied and were further influenced by inflammatory changes. Epithelial proliferation and concomitant expression of thickness and maturity of the stromal collagen are innate features of the lesion further influenced by inflammation in various odontogenic cysts and tumours and may, in turn, guide the clinical behavior.
Ameloblastoma/pathology , Odontogenic Cysts/pathology , Radicular Cyst/pathology , Collagen , Ki-67 Antigen , Birefringence , Immunohistochemistry/methods , Retrospective Studies , Statistics, NonparametricABSTRACT
La persistencia de lesiones perirradiculares luego del tra- tamiento endodóntico es un problema que requiere del clínico un conocimiento cabal de la histofisiología y de la histopato- logía del sistema de conductos radiculares del tejido pulpar y de los tejidos perirradiculares (periodonto y hueso); además de considerar siempre la posible existencia de enfermedades sistémicas que también pueden actuar como factores de in- fluencia. La presencia de bacterias remanentes a posteriori del tratamiento es considerada como una de las causas principales y más frecuentes para la perpetuación de las lesiones perirra- diculares. Sin embargo, existen otros factores causales, como la existencia de conductos laterales o accesorios infectados y no tratados, la reabsorción dentinaria interna, intercomunica- ciones, cul-de-sacs o istmos; que representan áreas de difícil acceso durante la instrumentación e irrigación. Cuando la cau- sa original se localiza en la zona perirradicular, como en los casos de actinomicosis, reacciones a cuerpo extraño, cristales de colesterol (CRCo) y granulomas o quistes con alto conte- nido de CRCo, la indicación más adecuada es el retratamiento y la cirugía periapical como complemento (AU)
The persistence of periradicular lesions after endodontic treatment is a problem that requires the doctor to have a thor- ough knowledge of the histophysiology and histopathology of the root canal system, the pulp tissue and periradicular tis- sues (periodontium and bone); as well as always considering the possible existence of systemic alterations that can also be influencing factors. Persisting bacteria within the root canal system after treatment is one of the major and most frequent causes for the perpetuation of periradicular lesions. Howev- er, there are other possible causal factors such as the exist- ence of untreated lateral or accessory canals, internal dentin resorption, intercommunications, cul-de-sacs or isthmuses; areas that represent a difficulty in access during instrumen- tation and irrigation. If the original cause is located in the periradicular area, in cases like actinomycosis, foreign-body reactions, cholesterol crystals (CRCo) and granulomas or cysts with high content of CRCo, retreatment coupled with periapical surgery is the best approach to treatment (AU)
Humans , Periapical Diseases/etiology , Dental Pulp Diseases/etiology , Focal Infection, Dental/complications , Persistent Infection/complications , Periapical Diseases/surgery , Actinomycosis/pathology , Radicular Cyst/complications , Cholesterol/adverse effects , Foreign-Body Reaction/pathology , Retreatment/methods , Gram-Negative Anaerobic Bacteria/pathogenicityABSTRACT
O cisto radicular é uma lesão inflamatória associada à necrose pulpar que ocorre frequentemente em maxila. Objetivo: Descrever um caso cirúrgico detalhado de Cisto Periapical Abscedado. Relato de Caso: paciente gênero feminino, 40 anos, hipertensa, diabética Tipo II, compareceu à clínica queixando-se de dor ao ingerir alimentos frios e quentes na região da maxila, lado esquerdo. Ao exame físico, observou-se destruição coronária e presença de fístula na região do elemento dentário 23. Ao exame radiográfico, observou-se uma área radiolúcida ovalada bem circunscrita com halo radiopaco envolvendo a região apical do elemento dentário 23. Frente ao aspecto clínico e radiográfico, foram sugeridas as hipóteses diagnósticas de abscesso periapical crônico, granuloma periapical ou cisto apical abscedado. Foi realizada a exodontia do elemento 23 seguida de enucleação cística. O diagnóstico histopatológico final foi de cisto abscedado. Após 5 meses de evolução observa-se mucosa íntegra e reparo ósseo alveolar. Conclusão: É imprescindível um exame clínico cuidadoso associado ao exame radiográfico e histopatológico para analisar minuciosamente o caso a fim de oferecer ao paciente melhores condutas de tratamento. O diagnóstico de lesões intraósseas associado ao correto tratamento interrompe a evolução do processo patológico, evita danos maiores e restabelece a condição de saúde dos pacientes... (AU)
The radicular cyst is an inflammatory lesion associated with pulp necrosis that often occurs in the maxilla. Objective: To describe a detailed surgical case of Abscessed Periapical Cyst. Case Report: female patient, 40 years old, hypertensive, type II diabetic, came to the clinic complaining of pain when ingesting cold and hot foods in the left side of the maxilla. On physical examination, coronary destruction and the presence of a fistula in the region of the tooth 23 were observed. The radiographic examination showed a well-circumscribed oval radiolucent area with a radiopaque halo involving the apical region of the tooth 23. In view of the clinical and radiography, the diagnostic hypotheses of chronic periapical abscess, periapical granuloma or abscessed apical cyst were suggested. Element 23 extraction was performed followed by cystic enucleation. The final histopathological diagnosis was an abscessed cyst. After 5 months of evolution, intact mucosa and alveolar bone repair are observed. Conclusion: A careful clinical examination associated with radiographic and histopathological data is essential to systematically analyze the case in order to offer the patient better treatment. The diagnosis of intraosseous lesions associated with the correct treatment interrupts the evolution of the pathological process, avoids further damage and restores the patients' health condition... (AU)
El quiste radicular es una lesión inflamatoria asociada a necrosis pulpar que frecuentemente se presenta en el maxilar. Objetivo: Describir un caso quirúrgico detallado de Quiste Periapical Absceso. Caso Clínico: paciente femenina, de 40 años, hipertensa, diabética tipo II, acudió a la consulta quejándose de dolor al ingerir alimentos fríos y calientes en el lado izquierdo del maxilar. Al examen físico se observó destrucción coronaria y la presencia de una fístula en la región del diente 23. El examen radiográfico mostró un área radiolúcida oval bien delimitada con un halo radiopaco que involucraba la región apical del diente 23. En vista de la clínico y radiográfico, se sugirieron las hipótesis diagnósticas de absceso periapical crónico, granuloma periapical o quiste apical abscesificado. Se realizó la extracción del elemento 23 seguida de enucleación quística. El diagnóstico histopatológico final fue de quiste abscesificado. A los 5 meses de evolución se observa mucosa intacta y reparación del hueso alveolar. Conclusión: Un examen clínico cuidadoso asociado con el examen radiográfico e histopatológico es fundamental para analizar a fondo el caso con el fin de ofrecer al paciente mejores enfoques de tratamiento. El diagnóstico de lesiones intraóseas asociado al correcto tratamiento interrumpe la evolución del proceso patológico, previene mayores daños y restablece el estado de salud de los pacientes... (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Radicular Cyst/surgery , Radicular Cyst/diagnostic imaging , Oral Surgical Procedures , Radicular Cyst/pathology , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Los quistes periapicales o radiculares representan una de las patologías periapicales más frecuentes dentro del grupo de las lesiones quísticas de los maxilares. Son el resultado de la extensión de proce- sos inflamatorios-infecciosos. Su diagnóstico sigue siendo un desafío para el profesional odontológico, quien debe diferenciarlo de otros procesos inflama- torios periapicales. El objetivo del presente artículo es presentar, apoyado en una revisión de la literatura, el caso clínico de un paciente masculino de 38 años de edad que se presentó a la consulta por leve tume- facción indolora en zona anterosuperior del maxilar. A la inspección se observó borramiento de la región del surco vestibular a nivel de piezas dentarias 1.1, 1.2 y 1.3, de color rojizo con crepitación de la tabla ósea vestibular a la palpación. La tomografía de haz cónico mostró lesión osteolítica, extendida desde zona apical de la pieza dentaria 1.4 hasta zona del elemento dentario 1.1. Se realizó la extirpación de la lesión y api- cectomía. El estudio histológico corroboró el diagnós- tico presuntivo de quiste periapical. Los controles a distancia mostraron buena evolución del tratamiento. Se concluyó en la importancia de realizar un correcto diagnóstico clínico e imagenológico para la selección de un adecuado tratamiento según el caso (AU)
Periapical or radicular cysts represent one of the most frequent periapical pathologies within the group of cystic lesions of the jaws. They are the result of the spread of inflammatory-infectious processes. Its diagnosis continues to be a challenge for the dentist, who must differentiate it from other periapical inflammatory processes. The objective of this article is to present, supported by a review of the literature, the clinical case of a 38-year-old male patient who presented to the consultation due to mild painless swelling in the anterosuperior maxilla. Upon inspection, effacement of the vestibular sulcus region was observed at the level of teeth 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3, reddish in color with crepitation of the buccal bone table on palpation. Cone beam tomography showed an osteolytic lesion that extended from the apical area of tooth 1.4 to area of tooth 1.1. Excision of the lesion and apicoectomy were performed. The histological study corroborated the presumptive diagnosis of periapical cyst. Remote controls showed a good evolution of the treatment. It was concluded on the importance of carrying out a correct clinical and imaging diagnosis for the selection of an adequate treatment according to the case (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Radicular Cyst/surgery , Radicular Cyst/diagnostic imaging , Apicoectomy/methods , Biopsy/methods , Oral Surgical Procedures , Cone-Beam Computed TomographyABSTRACT
Introdução: os cistos radiculares são as lesões císticas mais comuns nos maxilares. Eles surgem dos Restos Epiteliais de Malassez, presos no ligamento periodontal e podem ser ativados por um processo inflamatório na região pulpar. Geralmente são descobertos em exames radiográficos de rotina, apresentando-se como uma imagem radiolúcida, bem delimitada, envolvendo o periápice de um ou mais dentes. Objetivo: apresentar o tratamento de um extenso cisto radicular, em região de maxila, com acompanhamento de 18 meses. Relato do caso: Paciente do sexo feminino, 49 anos, foi encaminhada para avaliação e tratamento na Clínica Odontológica da Faculdade Sete Lagoas (FACSETE), apresentando lesão extensa em região maxilar anterior direita ao exame radiográfico. Ao exame clínico, observou-se leve assimetria facial e ausência de sintomas dolorosos. Tomografia computadorizada, punção aspirativa e biópsia incisional foram utilizadas para se chegar ao diagnóstico compatível com cisto radicular. Optou-se por uma técnica conservadora, em que foi realizada a descompressão da lesão. Após 05 meses de tratamento, um novo procedimento cirúrgico foi realizado para enuclear o restante da patologia. Conclusão: a descompressão, com utilização de cânula, é um tratamento auxiliar fácil, conservador, eficaz e reduz a morbidade causada por diferentes cistos odontogênicos(AU)
Introduction: root cysts are the most common cystic lesions in the jaw. They arise from the Epithelial Remains of Malassez, trapped in the periodontal ligament and can be activated by an inflammatory process in the pulp region. They are usually discovered in routine radiographic examinations, presenting as a well-defined radiolucent image involving the periapex of one or more teeth. Objective: to present the treatment of an extensive root cyst, in the maxillary region, with a follow-up of 18 months. Case report: A 49-year-old female patient was referred for evaluation and treatment at the Dental Clinic of Faculdade Sete Lagoas (FACSETE), with an extensive lesion in the right anterior maxillary region on radiographic examination. On clinical examination, mild facial asymmetry and absence of painful symptoms were observed. Computed tomography, aspiration puncture and incisional biopsy were used to reach a diagnosis compatible with radicular cyst. We opted for a conservative technique, in which the lesion was decompressed. After 05 months of treatment, a new surgical procedure was performed to enucleate the rest of the pathology. Conclusion: decompression, using a cannula, is an easy, conservative, effective auxiliary treatment and reduces the morbidity caused by different odontogenic cysts.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Radicular Cyst , Decompression , Periodontal Ligament , Odontogenic Cysts , Radicular Cyst/surgery , Radicular Cyst/diagnosis , Radicular Cyst/therapy , Radicular Cyst/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Introdução: O cisto radicular é o cisto odontogênico mais comum, com uma prevalência aproximada de 60%. Esta lesão é geralmente observada por radiografias de rotina ou a partir de uma tumefação local, mas basicamente é assintomática, com crescimento lento e se encontra vinculada à um dente desvitalizado, possuindo predileção por indivíduos do sexo masculino com faixa etária se enquadrando entre a terceira e quarta décadas de vida. Seu tratamento pode ser cirúrgico ou não, variando de acordo com a dimensão e localização da lesão. Relato de caso: Paciente feminino, 66 anos, com presença de cisto radicular em região anterior de maxila, vinculada ao elemento dentário 22. A mesma foi submetida à enucleação cirúrgica associada à curetagem local para remoção e diagnóstico adequado da lesão, a partir da análise anatomopatológica do espécime. Considerações finais: Por ser uma patologia muito comum nos maxilares, é pertinente que o profissional conheça suas características essenciais para o correto diagnóstico, bem como os tratamentos mais adequados para cada paciente e que, apesar de somente a realização do tratamento endodôntico ser uma opção, a ausência da avaliação histológica da lesão restringe o correto diagnóstico desta patologia... (AU)
Introduction: Radicular cysts are the most common odontogenic cyst, with a prevalence of approximately 60%. This lesion is usually observed by routine radiographs or presence of local swelling, but it is basically asymptomatic, with slow growth and it is associated with the root apex of a nonvital tooth, with a predilection for male individuals with ages ranging between the third and fourth decades of life. Its treatment can be surgical or not, varying according to the size and location of the lesion. Case report: A 66 year old female, with the presence of a radicular cyst in the anterior region of the maxilla, associated to the dental element 22 was evaluated. She was underwent surgical enucleation associated with local curettage for removal and proper diagnosis of the lesion, based on the anatomopathological analysis of the specimen. Final considerations: As it is a very common pathology in the jaws, it is pertinent that the professional knows its essential characteristics for the correct diagnosis, as well as the most appropriate treatments for each patient and that, although only endodontic treatment is an option, the absence of histological evaluation of the lesion restricts the correct diagnosis of this pathology... (AU)
Humans , Female , Aged , Maxillary Diseases , Odontogenic Cysts , Radicular Cyst , Therapeutics , Tooth, Nonvital , MaxillaABSTRACT
Introdução: as lesões odontogênicas (LOs) compreendem um grupo heterogêneo de patologias orais e maxilofaciais que apresentam características distintas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar as características clínico--patológicas das LOs diagnosticadas em um hospital da região sul do Brasil. Materiais e métodos: foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo para levantamento dos casos com diagnóstico histopatológico de LOs no período entre 2007 e 2017. Os laudos dos pacientes foram avaliados para extração das características clínico-patológicas e dos diagnósticos histopatológicos de cada caso. Resultados: um total de 255 casos de LOs foram identificados. Destes casos, 197 (77%) cistos odontogênicos e 58 (23%) tumores odontogênicos foram coletados, sendo que somente um caso (0,39%) possuiu o diagnóstico de neoplasia odonto-gênica maligna. Os diagnósticos mais prevalentes foram cisto radicular (32,5%) e cisto dentígero (31,76%), seguidos de ceratocisto odontogênico (10,98%), odontoma (10%) e ameloblastoma (10%). A maioria dos casos acometeu mandíbula (53,7%), com uma discreta predileção pelo sexo feminino (51%). A média de idade foi de 34±20,53 anos. Discussão: os dados apresentados corroboram com a literatura no que se refere à raridade do diagnóstico de tumores odontogênicos. Conclusão: o presente estudo demonstrou as principais características clínico-pato-lógicas de LOs diagnosticadas em um hospital no sul do Brasil, contribuindo para um maior conhecimento do perfil destas lesões.
Introduction: odontogenic lesions (OLs) represent a heterogeneous group of oral and maxillofacial patho-logies presenting distinct characteristics. The present study aimed to identify the clinical and pathological characteristics of OLs diagnosed in a southern Brazilian hospital. Materials and methods: a retrospective study was performed to evaluate cases with histopathological diagnosis of OLs identified in the period between 2007 and 2017. The patient's medical records were evaluated in order to obtain the clinical and pathological charac-teristics and the histopathological diagnosis from each case. Results: a total of 255 cases of OLs were identified. From these, 197 (77%) odontogenic cysts and 58 (23%) odontogenic tumors were surveyed, with only one case (0,39%) of a malignant odontogenic neoplasm. The most prevalent diagnosis were radicular cyst (32.5%) and den-tigerous cyst (31.76%), followed by odontogenic keratocyst (10.98%), odontoma (10%) and ameloblastoma (10%). The majority of the cases affected the mandible (53.7%) with a slight preference by female individuals (51%). The mean age was 34±20.53 years old. Discussion: the presented data are in accordance with the literature regarding the rarity of the diagnosis of odontogenic tumors.Conclusion: the present study demonstrated the main clinical and pathological characteristics of OLs diagnosed in a southern Brazilian hospital, contrib-uting to a better understanding of these injuries profiles.
Humans , Male , Female , Odontogenic Cysts/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Neoplasms/epidemiology , Ameloblastoma , Dentigerous Cyst , Odontoma , Radicular Cyst , Odontogenic Cyst, CalcifyingABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the three-dimensional radiographic characteristics of maxillary radi-cular cysts using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and spiral CT.@*METHODS@#Clinical records, histopathological reports, and CBCT or non-enhanced spiral CT images of 67 consecutive patients with maxillary radicular cysts were retrospectively acquired, and radiographic features, including size, shape, expansion, internal structure and relationship with the surrounding tissues, were analyzed. The lesions were divided into three types according to the involved tooth number, as follows: type Ⅰ (single tooth), the epicenter of the cyst was located at the apex of a nonvital tooth, without involvement of the neighbo-ring tooth; type Ⅱ (adjacent tooth involvement), the cyst was located at the apex of a nonvital tooth with involvement of the mesial and/or distal tooth root; and type Ⅲ (multi-teeth), the cyst involved the apexes of ≥4 teeth. Besides, these cysts were classified as another three types on sagittal views, as follows: centripetal, the root apex was oriented centripetally to the center of the cyst; palatal, the cyst was located mainly at the palatal side of the apex; and labial/buccal, the cyst was located mainly at the labial/buccal side of the apex.@*RESULTS@#Totally, 67 patients with maxillary radicular cysts were acquired, including 38 males and 29 females, and their ages ranged from 13 to 77 years. Among them, 46 lesions (68.7%) were located in the anterior maxilla and 65 (97.0%) were round or oval. Labial/buccal cortex expansion was present in 43 cases (64.2%) and palatal cortex expansion in 37 cases (55.2%). The nasal floor was invaded in 27 cases (40.3%), the maxillary sinus was invaginated in 26 cases (38.8%), and root resorption was present in 9 cases (13.4%). The average diameter of lesions was (20.89±8.11) mm mesio-distally and (16.70±5.88) mm bucco-palatally. In spite of the 4 residual cysts, the remaining 63 lesions included 14 type Ⅰ, 26 type Ⅱ and 23 type Ⅲ cysts according to the involved tooth number. Besides, the 63 lesions included 46 centripetal, 15 palatal and 2 buccal cysts on sagittal views.@*CONCLUSION@#The maxillary radicular cysts were frequently well-circumscribed round or oval radiolucency, with significantly different sizes. According to the involved tooth number, it can be divided into single tooth, adjacent tooth involvement and multi-teeth types. On sagittal views, the root-cyst relationship was centripetal in most cases, while a minority of cysts expanded palatally or buccally.
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Maxilla/diagnostic imaging , Radicular Cyst/diagnostic imaging , Retrospective Studies , Tooth RootABSTRACT
Abstract: Inflammatory periapical lesions are characterized by infiltration of different immune cell types, the functions of which depend on an effective vascular network. This study aimed to evaluate the mast cells density (MCD) in inflamatory odontogenic cysts capsules concerning microvascular density (MVD), microvascular area (MVA), and microvascular perimeter (MVP), and correlate such findings with the type of lesion, intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate, and thickness of the epithelial lining. Twenty inflamatory dentigerous cysts (IDCs), twenty radicular cysts (RCs), and twenty residual radicular cysts (RRCs) were submitted to immunohistochemical analysis using anti-tryptase and anti-CD34 antibodies. RCs exhibited the highest MCD, MVD, MVA, and MVP indexes (p = < 0.001, p = 0.008, p = 0.003 and p = < 0.001, respectively), and lesions with inflammatory infiltrate grade III showed the highest MVD (p = 0.044). Considering epithelial thickness, a higher MVP index was identified in lesions with hyperplastic epithelium (p = 0.018). In IDCs, RCs, and RRCs, a strong positive correlation was observed between MVA and MVP (r = 0.950 and p = < 0.001; r = 0.914 and p = < 0.001; r = 0.713 and p = < 0.001, respectively). In IDCs, a moderate correlation was observed between MCD and both MVA and MVP (r = 0.660 and p = 0.002; r = 0.634 and p = 0.003, respectively). These results suggest that tryptase-positive mast cells might play an important role in the angiogenic activity of IDCs, while RCs had the highest indexes. Our findings also confirmed that the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate and epithelial thickness influence angiogenesis.
Humans , Odontogenic Cysts , Radicular Cyst , Epithelium , Tryptases , Mast CellsABSTRACT
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of chronic inflammatory periapical diseases in different regions of Brazil and to compare with data from the literature. A multicenter study was carried out in four Brazilian referral centers in oral diagnosis. Histopathological records were reviewed, and all cases diagnosed microscopically as periapical granuloma, radicular cyst, and periapical abscess were included. Demographic and clinical data were collected. Descriptive statistics and Pearson's chi-square test were performed. A total of 10,381 cases of chronic inflammatory periapical diseases were found (13.8% of 74,931 archived specimens) over a period of 65 years. Radicular cysts were the most common lesion (59.9%). Women (56.1%) with a mean age of 37.01 years old (range 13 to 100 ± 14.42) and people of white skin color (59.2%) were the most affected individuals by chronic inflammatory periapical diseases. The lesions were generally asymptomatic (28.1%), located in the maxilla (60.1%), and posterior region (49.8%). The radicular cysts were larger when compared to periapical granulomas (p < 0.001). The disagreement between the clinical and histopathological diagnoses was higher when the final diagnosis was a periapical granuloma (p < 0.001). Chronic inflammatory periapical diseases continue to be common lesions affecting mainly adults. This should be a consequence of the burden of untreated caries in permanent teeth. Women are more affected and radicular cyst was the most common lesion.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Periapical Abscess/epidemiology , Periapical Diseases/epidemiology , Periapical Granuloma/epidemiology , Radicular Cyst/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Chronic Disease , Multicenter Studies as TopicABSTRACT
Cistos Periapicais são proliferações dos restos epiteliais de Malassez em decorrência do processo desenvolvimento ou inflamatório devido necrose pulpar. Apresenta-se no início de forma assintomática, e dependendo da sua evolução pode levar a expansão da corticais e reabsorção óssea. Ao exame de imagem se apresentam como uma área radiotransparente bem delimitada, circunscrita por halo radiopaco geralmente associado a região apical de uma ou mais unidades dentárias. O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar abordagem cirúrgica de enucleação e curetagem de um cisto periapical em região maxilar(AU)
Periapical cysts are proliferations of the epithelial remains of Malassez due to the development or inflammatory process due to pulp necrosis. It presents at the beginning asymptomatic, and depending on its evolution may lead to cortical expansion and bone resorption. Imaging studies present as a well-defined radiotransparent area, circumscribed by a radiopaque halo generally associated with the apical region of one or more dental units. The objective of this study is to report a surgical approach of enucleation and curettage of a periapical cyst in the maxillary region(AU)
Radicular Cyst , Radicular Cyst/surgery , Bone Resorption , Odontogenic Cysts , Radicular Cyst/diagnosis , Dental Pulp Necrosis , CystsABSTRACT
Resumen Las lesiones óseas de los maxilares tienen su origen a partir de estructuras odontogénicas y no odontogénicas. Pueden ser benignas o malignas, asintomáticas, pueden ubicarse alrededor de la raíz del diente, alrededor de la corona y en el área interradicular o pueden no tener relación con los dientes. OBJETIVO: determinar la frecuencia de las diferentes lesiones óseas y la concordancia existente entre el diagnóstico clínico e histopatológico, en el internado clínico de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR). METODOLOGÍA: estudio retrospectivo de lesiones óseas recuperados del archivo de biopsias de la Facultad de Odontología de la UCR del 2008 a 2015. Se evaluaron y analizaron de forma descriptiva y cualitativa información sobre el sexo, edad, localización de la lesión, diagnóstico clínico y diagnóstico histopatológico. La concordancia entre el diagnóstico clínico e histopatológico fue verificada mediante el test Kappa. RESULTADOS: los 77 casos de lesiones óseas orales afectaron preferentemente a los hombres 53.8 % (n=41), el promedio de edad fue 34.7±19.6 años y con lesiones predominantemente localizadas en mandíbula posterior 36.4 % (n=28) y maxila anterior 35.1% (n=27). Los quistes odontogénicos (QO) 42.9% (n=33), diagnóstico no específico o sin clasificación 28.6% (n=22) y lesiones inflamatorias de origen pulpar y periapical 14.2% (n=11). Los TO representaron el 7.8% (n=6) de las lesiones. Las cuatro lesiones más predominantes fueron el quiste radicular, diagnóstico inespecífico, quiste dentígero y granuloma periapical. La concordancia con la primera hipótesis diagnóstica se presentó en 24 (31.2%) casos, el valor de Kappa fue de 0.274 (concordancia discreta) y un 20,8 % sin diagnóstico clínico solo una descripción de la lesión. CONCLUSIONES: Los QO fueron los predominantes; siendo en forma individual el quiste radicular la lesión más frecuente. La concordancia clínica e histopatológica fue discreta.
Abstract Bone lesions of the jaws have their origin from odontogenic and non- odontogenic structures. They can be benign or malignant, asymptomatic, they can be located around the root of the tooth, around the crown and in the interradicular area or they may not be related to the teeth. OBJECTIVE: to determine the frequency of the different bone lesions and the concordance between the clinical and histopathological diagnosis, in the clinical internship of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Costa Rica (UCR). METHODOLOGY: retrospective study of bone lesions recovered from the biopsy archive of the Faculty of Dentistry of the UCR from 2008 to 2015. Information on sex, age, location of the lesion, clinical diagnosis and diagnosis were evaluated and described. The agreement between the clinical and histopathological diagnosis was verified by the Kappa test. RESULTS: The 77 cases of oral bone lesions preferentially affected men 53.8% (n=41), the average age was 34.7 years (s.d.±19.6) and with lesions predominantly located in the posterior jaw 36.4% (n=28) and anterior maxilla 35.1% (n=27). Odontogenic cysts (OC) 42.9% (n=33), non-specific or unclassified diagnosis 28.6% (n=22) and inflammatory lesions of pulp and periapical origin 14.2% (n=11). TOs accounted for 7.8% (n=6) of the lesions. The four most predominant lesions were the radicular cyst, nonspecific diagnosis, dentigerous cyst and periapical granuloma. Concordance with the first diagnostic hypothesis was presented in 24 (31.2%) cases, the value of Kappa was 0.274 (discrete concordance) and 20.8% without clinical diagnosis only a description of the lesion. CONCLUSIONS: The OC were the predominant; being individually the radicular cyst the most frequent lesion. The clinical and histopathological concordance was discrete.
Radicular Cyst/epidemiology , Costa Rica , Mandibular InjuriesABSTRACT
Introduction: Apical periodontitis represents a local immune response directed against the progression of microorganisms from the dental pulp to the apical foramen and periapical tissues, which results in bone and dental resorption. The aim of this review is to describe the expression of this group of proteases in apical periodontitis and its modulation during the periapical healing phase following root canal treatment. Literature review: The pathogenesis of apical periodontitis involves degradation of several extracellular matrix components. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are expressed in response to specific stimuli by resident cells of connective tissue during tissue remodeling and by inflammatory cells that arrive into the surrounding tissues during inflammatory events. MMPs have been reported in apical periodontitis, either experimentally induced or obtained from humans and there is evidence that these enzymes show diff erent expression patterns in granulomas and periapical cysts. Root canal therapy is important for the reduction of periapical inflammation as well as the synthesis of MMPs, especially when using a calcium hydroxide-based dressing. Conclusion: Apical periodontitis show high expression of matrix metalloproteinases and root canal treatment results in less expression of MMPs when compared to untreated apical periodontitis.
Introdução: A lesão periapical representa a resposta imunoinflamatória devido ao aumento do número e progressão de micro-organismos advindos dos canais radiculares contaminados em direção aos tecidos apicais e periapicais, resultando em reabsorção óssea. O objetivo desta revisão será abordar a importância das metaloproteinases da matriz no desenvolvimento das lesões periapicais e sua modulação durante a fase de reparação tecidual depois de instituído o tratamento endodôntico. Revisão da literatura: A patogênese da lesão periapical envolve a degradação progressiva de diversos componentes da matriz extracelular. Dentre as proteases responsáveis pela degradação destes componentes estão as metaloproteinases da matriz (MMPs). Estas proteinases são expressas em resposta a estímulos específicos pelas células residentes do tecido conjuntivo durante o processo de remodelação tecidual e por células inflamatórias que invadem os tecidos durante eventos inflamatórios. As MMPs foram descritas em lesões periapicais experimentais e em humanos e existem evidências de que estas enzimas apresentam padrões de expressões diferentes em granulomas e cistos periapicais. A terapia endodôntica é importante para a redução da inflamação periapical assim como da síntese das MMPs, principalmente quando utilizado um curativo de demora à base de hidróxido de cálcio. Conclusão: As lesões periapicais apresentam alta expressão de metaloproteinases da matriz e o tratamento endodôntico em dentes com lesão periapical resulta em menor expressão de MMPs quando comparado às lesões periapicais não tratadas.
Humans , Periapical Periodontitis , Matrix Metalloproteinases , Endodontics , Periapical Granuloma , Radicular CystABSTRACT
Objective: This observational and retrospective study evaluated the prevalence and characteristics of odontogenic cysts, outlining the epidemiological profile of these lesions. Material and methods: The following data were collected from the medical records of patients with a diagnosis confirmed by microscopy: age, sex, ethnicity, anatomical location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment, between 1995 and 2018. Results: Of the 70 cysts, 75.7% were inflammatory and 24.2% development. The inflammatory periapical cyst was the most prevalent (62.8%) followed by the dentigerous cyst (71.0%). The lateral radicular cysts and odontogenic keratocysts obtained the same percentage (5.7%), followed by the residual cyst (4.3%), paradental (2.8%) and the orthokeratinized variable (1.5%). Women were slightly more affected (1.12: 1) with greater involvement of leucodermas (80%). Age and anatomical location differed according to each lesion, although the anterior maxilla region was more affected. Enucleation was the most used treatment (75.7%), except for odontogenic keratocysts, in which marsupialization was performed in 75% of the cases. Conclusion: Epidemiological data provide an important insight into the prevalence, extent and severity of these lesions, allowing early diagnosis and prevention, in order to guarantee the reduction of cases and improve the quality of life of the population.
Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência e características dos cistos odontogênicos de forma observacional e retrospectiva, delineando o perfil epidemiológico destas lesões. Material e Métodos: Foram coletados os seguintes dados dos prontuários de pacientes com diagnóstico confirmado microscopicamente: idade, sexo, etnia, localização anatômica, diagnóstico histopatológico e tratamento, entre os anos de 1995 a 2018. Resultados: Dos 70 cistos, 75,7% eram inflamatórios e 24,2% de desenvolvimento. O cisto periapical inflamatório foi o mais prevalente (62,8%) seguido pelo cisto dentígero (71,0%). O cisto radicular lateral e queratocisto odontogênico obtiveram o mesmo percentual (5,7%), seguidos do cisto residual (4,3%), paradentário (2,8%) e a variável ortoqueratinizada (1,5%). As mulheres foram ligeiramente mais afetadas (1,12:1) com maior acometimento de leucodermas (80%). Idade e localização anatômica diferiram de acordo com cada lesão, embora a região anterior de maxila tenha sido mais afetada. A enucleação foi o tratamento mais utilizado (75,7%), exceto para o queratocisto odontogênico, no qual a marsupialização foi realizada em 75% dos casos. Conclusão: Os dados epidemiológicos fornecem uma visão importante para o entendimento da prevalência, extensão e gravidade dessas lesões, viabilizando o diagnóstico precoce e medidas preventivas, a fim de garantir a redução dos casos e melhorar a qualidade de vida da população.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Odontogenic Cysts/diagnosis , Odontogenic Cysts/epidemiology , Dentigerous Cyst , Periodontal Cyst , Radicular Cyst , Medical Records , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Este artigo descreve a dificuldade em diagnosticar um cisto folicular inflamatório na área anterior da mandíbula em um menino com dentinogênese imperfeita tipo I (DI-1). Um menino de 6 anos de idade, com DI-1, procurou tratamento devido ao comprometimento estético. O exame radiográfico revelou uma lesão periapical envolvendo os dentes decíduos incisivo central e lateral direitos. Esses dentes foram extraídos sem intercorrências. Após três meses, a criança se queixou de dor em um edema de cor azulada na mesma área. O diagnóstico diferencial foi de cisto folicular e a lesão foi acompanhada. Como os sinais e sintomas persistiram, o tratamento de escolha foi a descompressão da lesão, seguido por irrigação abundante e curetagem das paredes da lesão. O acompanhamento clínico e radiográfico, mostrou, após 6 meses, remissão da lesão, reparo ósseo, e erupção ativa dos incisivos permanentes. As características incomuns deste caso, fizeram com que o diagnóstico de cisto folicular inflamatório fosse dificultado.
This article reports the difficulties in diagnosing an inflammatory follicular cyst in the mandibular anterior area of a boy with type 1 dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI-1). A 6-year-old boy, with DI-1, sought treatment due to esthetic complaints. The radiographic examination revealed a periapical lesion involving the right primary central and lateral incisors. These teeth were extracted with no complications. After three months, the boy complained of pain in a blue-black edema in the same area. The differential diagnosis was of follicular cyst and the lesion was followed-up. As the signs and symptoms persisted, the treatment of choice was to decompress the lesion, followed by copious irrigation, and lesion's wall curettage. After six months, the clinical and radiographic follow-up showed lesion remission, bone repair, and active eruption of permanent incisors. The uncommon characteristics of the case make the diagnosis of inflammatory follicular cyst difficult.
Radicular Cyst , Odontogenic Cyst, Calcifying , Dentinogenesis ImperfectaABSTRACT
Abstract Asymptomatic Apical Periodontitis is essentially an inflammatory disease of microbial aetiology. Association and function of the cell components involved, or specific inductive factors and growth mediators associated with development, maintenance and resolution of the periapical lesions are still unknown. The objective of this study was to evaluate the concentration of Regulatory T cells (FoxP3+; Treg), Langerhans cells (CD1a+; LC) and mast cells in asymptomatic apical periodontitis. 73 cases were selected: 30 periapical granulomas, 29 radicular cysts and 14 residual cysts. All groups were submitted to morphological analysis for classification of inflammatory infiltrate and thickness of the epithelial lining as well as to immunohistochemical analysis for detection of LC and Treg cells. Toluidine blue staining was used for detecting mast cells. Analysis showed higher mean numbers of LC (8.2 cells/0.2mm2), and Treg cells in radicular cysts (5.910 cells/0.2mm2). As for mast cells, it was found that radicular cysts had a higher mean number of these cells compared to other periapical lesions (12.68 cells/0.2mm2). The association between thickness of the epithelial lining and inflammatory cells showed that the presence of hypertrophic epithelium in radicular cysts presented higher density of LC. The number of LC and Treg cells play an important role in the control of the inflammatory micro-environment in periapical granulomas and radicular cysts, respectively. The presence of mast cells in radicular cysts may be associated with progression of the lesion. Knowledge regarding the inflammatory cell profile is therefore essential for a better understanding of the pathogenesis of asymptomatic periapical periodontitis.
Humans , Periapical Periodontitis , Periapical Granuloma , Radicular Cyst , Langerhans Cells , T-Lymphocytes, Regulatory , Tumor Microenvironment , Mast CellsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT: Periapical cyst originates from an inflammatory reaction in the body that occurs due to a long-term endodontic aggression. It is more prevalent in caucasian male, during the third decade of life, in the anterior portion of the maxilla. They are commonly radiographic findings, due to their asymptomatic aspect. This study reports a Periapical Cyst in the portion corresponding to teeth 21, 22 and 23, which was treated by enucleation of the cyst, apicoectomy and retrograde root filling with Mineral trioxide aggregate (M.T.A) of teeth 21 and 22, filling of the cyst cavity with xenogeneic bone graft GenOx and a collagen membrane Gen-Derm. Observations after three months show good and rapid bone regeneration, periodontal and periapical health of the teeth involved.
RESUMEN: El quiste periapical se origina de una reacción inflamatoria que ocurre debido a una agresión endodóntica a largo plazo. Es más frecuente en el varón caucásico, durante la tercera década de la vida, en la porción anterior del maxilar. Son comúnmente hallazgos radiográficos, debido a su aspecto asintomático. En este estudio informamos acerca de un quiste periapical, en la porción correspondiente a los dientes 21, 22 y 23, que se trató mediante enucleación, apicectomía y relleno de raíz retrógrada con agregado de trióxido mineral (MTA) de los dientes 21 y 22, relleno de la cavidad del quiste con injerto óseo xenogénico Gen-Ox y una membrana de colágeno GenDerm. Las observaciones después de tres meses mostraron una buena y rápida regeneración ósea, con conservación de la salud periodontal y periapical de los dientes involucrados.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Mandibular Diseases/pathology , Mandibular Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Maxillary Diseases/pathology , Maxillary Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Odontogenic Cysts/pathology , Odontogenic Cysts/diagnostic imaging , Bone Transplantation/methods , Radicular Cyst/diagnostic imaging , Bone Substitutes/therapeutic use , Oral Surgical ProceduresABSTRACT
O cisto periapical tem origem associada à proliferação dos restos epiteliais de Malassez, após um processo inflamatório crônico decorrente de uma extensa lesão cariosa com acometimento pulpar. Quando um cisto periapical passa por um processo de reagudização infecciosa o quadro clínico é denominado de abscesso Fênix. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso de abscesso Fênix associado à raiz residual do dente 44. Paciente M.R.G, 19 anos, apresentou queixa principal de "espinha no meu queixo". Ao exame clínico, foi observada uma fístula cutânea na região mentual, com drenagem purulenta. Ao exame intraoral, foi observada a raiz residual do dente 44. Ao exame imaginológico, observou-se um cisto periapical associado ao dente 44 que se estendia anteriormente até a região anterior de mandíbula, fenestrando a cortical vestibular (mais espessa) e drenando para a região de mento. O paciente foi então tratado com a enucleção da lesão, seguida de plastia da fístula cutânea. Após exame histopatológico foi confirmado o diagnóstico de cisto periapical com processo de inflamação aguda. O paciente evoluiu bem após o tratamento, sem queixas álgicas. Portanto, é fundamental que o Cirurgião-Dentista conheça a etiopatogenia das lesões odontogênicas para o correto diagnóstico e tratamento em casos atípicos como o relatado
The periapical cyst origin is associated to the proliferation of epithelial cell rests of Malassez after a chronic inflammatory process due to an extensive carious lesion with pulp involvement. When a periapical cyst goes through a process of infectious exudation, clinically, it gets denominated phoenix abscess. The purpose of this study is to report a case of phoenix abscess associated to the residual root of the tooth 44. Patient M.R.G., 19 years old, presenting as main complaint a "pimple on my chin". After the clinical exam it was observed an exudating cutaneous fistula on the mentual region. After the intra-oral exam it was observed a residual root of the tooth 44. Radiographically, it was observed a periapical cyst associated to the tooth 44 wich reaches the anterior region of the jaw penetrating the vestibular cortical and draining on the mentual region. The patient has been treated with an enucleation procedure followed by a fistuloplasty. After hystological exam it was confirmed the diagnostic of periapical cyst with an acute inflammatory process. Patient has evolved well after treatment without any pain complaints. Therefore, it is fundamental that the dentists know the etiopathology of the odontogenics lesions to have a correct diagnostic and treatment of unusual cases as same as the reported.