El tratamiento con implantes dentales hoy en día es un procedimiento clínico de rutina que permite rehabilitar a los pacientes con prótesis fijas. En este caso presentamos un tratamiento complejo de implantación inmediata del sector anterior con pérdida parcial de la cortical vestibular en el que se realizó una regeneración ósea guiada y provisionalización en un tiempo quirúrgico en un paciente con patología renal. Complementamos el estudio con una revisión de la efectividad de las técnicas utilizadas y las posibles respuestas celular asociadas a la patología renal.
Treatment with dental implants nowadays is a routine clinical procedure that allows patient rehabilitation with fixed prostheses. In this case we present a complex treatment of immediate implantation of the anterior sector with partial loss of the vestibular cortex, in which guided bone regeneration and provisionalization was performed in surgical time in a patient with kidney pathology. The study was complemented with a review of the effectiveness of the techniques used and the possible cellular responses associated with kidney pathology.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Dental Implants , Dental Implants, Single-Tooth , Immediate Dental Implant Loading/methods , Bone Regeneration , Radiography, Dental , Treatment Outcome , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Esthetics, Dental , Hydronephrosis/pathology , Mouth RehabilitationABSTRACT
El recontorneo estético es una cirugía plástica periodontal que tiene como objetivo restablecer una sonrisa más armoniosa de acuerdo al aspecto facial del paciente, el principal motivo para realizar este procedimiento es cuando existe un diagnóstico de una erupción pasiva alterada o sonrisa gingival. La sonrisa gingival es una de las principales preocupaciones de acuerdo a la estética cuando existe una exposición gingival de más de 3 mm en lo cual es justificable realizar el recontorneo estético. Paciente femenino de 28 años de edad, con diagnóstico de erupción pasiva alterada 1B con un seguimiento de 4 meses. El tratamiento consistió en realizar el recontorneo estético para corregir la sonrisa gingival. El recontorneo estético es un procedimiento quirúrgico que se realiza con el objetivo de mejorar la estética del paciente cuando existe una exposición gingival excesiva y para facilitar la armonía de acuerdo a su aspecto facial.
Esthetic recontouring is a periodontal plastic surgery that aims to restore a more harmonious smile according to the patient's facial appearance, since the main reason to perform this procedure is when there is a diagnosis of an altered passive eruption or gingival smile. The gingival smile is one of the main concerns according to aesthetics when there is a gingival exposure of more than 3 mm in which it is justifiable to perform the aesthetic recontouring. 28-year-old female patient with a diagnosis of altered passive eruption 1B with a 4-month follow-up. Treatment consisted of esthetic recontouring to correct the gingival smile. Esthetic recontouring is a surgical procedure performed with the aim of improving the patient's esthetics when there is excessive gingival exposure and to facilitate harmony according to facial appearance.
Humans , Female , Adult , Smiling , Lip , Radiography, Dental , Prevalence , Crown Lengthening/methods , Photography, Dental , Esthetics, Dental , GingivaABSTRACT
Introdução: A saúde bucal é um aspecto que não deve ser subestimado pelos pacientes, principalmente se considerar que as infecções odontogênicas podem levar a quadros graves, incluindo complicações cervicotorácicas, como Mediastinite e cervicofaciais, como Angina de Ludwig. Para tanto, é imprescindível que os profissionais da odontologia saibam reconhecer os principais sinais e sintomas dessas infecções, sua evolução, conhecer as complicações associadas e qual o manejo adequado. Objetivo: Assim, é objetivo deste trabalho, relatar, discutir um caso clínico de uma infecção odontogênica grave que acarretou em complicação cervical, com trajeto em direção ao mediastino, necessitando manejo multidisciplinar, e explorar os principais aspectos desse quadro e a conduta necessária, que exige, no mínimo, intervenção cirúrgica, antibioticoterapia e manutenção das vias aéreas. Relato de caso: O caso trata de um paciente com infecção odontogênica, iniciada como uma pericoronarite do dente 38 semieruptado, que evoluiu para a área cervical, demandando imediata drenagem nesta região pois encaminhava-se para uma mediastinite. Após a drenagem cervical e antibioticoterapia e, assim que houve redução do trismo, foi removido o dente 38, evoluindo para a cura.Conclusões:As infecções odontogênicas, principalmente as que acometem os espaços fasciais e cervicais profundos, são potencialmente graves e devem ter suas principais manifestações clínicas entre os domínios de conhecimento dos profissionais Bucomaxilofaciais, pois necessitam de diagnóstico preciso, manejo rápido e tratamento adequado e precoce, considerando a velocidade com que podem evoluir (AU).
Introduction: Oral healthis an aspect that should not be underestimated by patients, especially considering that dental infections can lead to serious symptoms, including cervicothoracic complications, such as Mediastinitis and cervicofacial complications, such as Ludwig's Angina. Therefore, it is essential that dental professionals know how to recognize the main signs and symptoms of these infections, their evolution, know the associated complications and appropriate management.Objective: Thus, this work aims to report and discuss a clinical case of a serious odontogenic infection that resulted in a cervical complication, with a path towards the mediastinum, requiring multidisciplinary management, and to explore the main aspects of this condition and the necessary conduct, which requires, at least, surgical intervention, antibiotic therapy and airway maintenance.Case report: The case concerns a patient with odontogenic infection, which began as pericoronitis of semi-erupted tooth 38, which progressed to the cervical area, requiring immediate drainage in this region as it was heading towards mediastinitis. After cervical drainage and antibiotic therapy and, as soon as the trismus was reduced, tooth 38 was removed, progressing towards healing.Conclusions: Odontogenic infections, especially those that affect the fascial and deep cervical spaces, are potentially serious and should have their main clinical manifestations among the domains of knowledge ofOral and Maxillofacial professionals, as they require accurate diagnosis, rapid management and adequate and early treatment, considering the speed at which they can evolve (AU).
Introducción: La salud bucal es un aspecto que los pacientes no deben subestimar, especialmente considerando que las infecciones odontógenas pueden derivar en afecciones graves, incluidas complicaciones cervicotorácicas, como la mediastinitis, y complicaciones cervicofaciales, como la angina de Ludwig.Para ello, es fundamental que los profesionales odontológicos sepan reconocer las principales señalesy síntomas de estas infecciones, su evolución, conocer las complicaciones asociadas y el manejo adecuado.Objetivo: Así,el objetivo de este trabajo es reportar y discutir un caso clínico de infección odontogénica grave que resultó en una complicación cervical, con trayecto hacia el mediastino, que requirió manejo multidisciplinario, y explorar los principales aspectos de esta condicióny las medidas necesarias, que requiere, como mínimo, intervención quirúrgica, terapia con antibióticos y mantenimiento de las vías respiratorias.Reporte de caso: El caso se trata de un paciente con una infección odontogénica, que comenzó como pericoronaritis del diente 38 semi-erupcionado, la cual progresó hacia la zona cervical, requiriendo drenaje inmediato en esta región ya que se encaminaba para una mediastinitis.Después del drenaje cervical y la terapia antibiótica y, una vez reducido el trismo, se extrajo el diente 38, evolucijjonando hacia la cura.Conclusiones: Las infecciones odontogénicas, especialmente aquellas que afectan los espacios fasciales y cervicales profundos, son potencialmente graves y deben tener sus principales manifestaciones clínicas entre los dominios del conocimiento de los profesionales Orales y Maxilofaciales, pues requieren de un diagnóstico certero, un manejo rápido y un tratamiento adecuado y temprano, considerando la velocidad a la que pueden evolucionar (AU).
Humans , Male , Adult , Drainage/instrumentation , Infection Control, Dental , Ludwig's Angina/pathology , Mediastinitis , Osteomyelitis , Radiography, Dental/instrumentation , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/instrumentation , Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeonsABSTRACT
This clinical case report aims to describe the development of periradicular and perimplant cystic lesions resulted from the intimate contact of the apical region of osseointegrated implants of dental roots, and discuss the reasons fo r failure of the guided bone regeneration procedure associated with platelet rich fibrin and leukocytes, this process was used to the treatment of the first case. Case Reports. Three cases were reported, two cases described the close contact between the tooth roots and the osseointegrated implants and another with a distance of 1.08 mm. All cases realized a radiographic, and they had not periapical lesions before contact with the apical region of the osseointegrated implants on the roots of the teeth. In the case with the largest cystic extension, the procedure was: removal of the osseointegrated implant with apicectomy of the neighboring teeth, excisional biopsy of the lesion, and grafting using the technique of guided bone regeneration associated with L-PRF. All three cases, endodontic treatment was performed on the neighboring teeth within 2 years of survival of the osseointegrated implants in order to reverse the existing lesion. Results. The diagnostic hypothesis of the three cases was periradicular and peri-implant lesion, arising from a contact of the apical region of the osseointegrated implant with the adja cent tooth. The distance of 1.08 mm between the apices did not ensure normality of the periradicular and peri-implant tissues. The intimate contact caused lesions of different extents and root fractures. Conclusion. Premature contact of the osseointegrated implant with the root region of the neighboring tooth may lead to the development of periradicular and peri-implant lesions, suggesting that it is not possible to control this infectious process with endodontic treatment of the injured tooth.
Este reporte de caso clínico tuvo como objetivo describir el desarrollo de lesiones quísticas perirradiculares y periimplantarias resultantes del contacto íntimo de la región apical de implantes osteointegrados de raíces dentales, y además discutir las razones del fracaso del procedimiento de regeneración ósea guiada asociado a fibrina rica en plaquetas y leucocitos. Este proceso se utilizó para el tratamiento del primer caso. Se reportaron tres casos, en dos casos se describieron el estrecho contacto entre las raíces de los dientes y los implantes osteointegrados y en el otro se determinó una distancia de 1,08 mm. En los tres casos se realizó una radiografía y se determinó que no existían lesiones periapicales, antes del contacto con la región apical de los implantes osteointegrados, en las raíces de los dientes. En el caso de mayor extensión quística, el procedimiento fue: extracción del implante osteointegrado con apicectomía de los dientes vecinos, biopsia excisional de la lesión e injerto mediante la técnica de regeneración ósea guiada asociada a L-PRF. En los tres casos, el tratamiento de endodoncia se realizó en los dientes vecinos dentro de los 2 años de supervivencia de los implantes osteointegrados para revertir la lesión existente. La hipótesis diagnóstica de los tres casos fue lesión perirradicular y periimplantaria, originada por un contacto de la región apical del implante osteointegrado con el diente adyacente. La distancia de 1,08 mm entre los ápices no aseguraba la normalidad de los tejidos perirradiculares y periimplantarios. El contacto íntimo provocó lesiones de diferente extensión y fracturas radiculares. El contacto prematuro del implante osteointegrado con la región radicular del diente vecino puede conducir al desarrollo de lesiones perirradiculares y periimplantarias, lo que sugiere que no es posible controlar este proceso infeccioso con tratamiento endodóntico del diente lesionado.
Humans , Female , Adult , Tooth Fractures/complications , Odontogenic Cysts/diagnosis , Odontogenic Cysts/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Dental Restoration Failure , Tooth Fractures/pathology , Tooth Root/injuries , Tooth Root/pathology , Radiography, Dental , Aftercare , Dentin/injuries , Dentin/pathologyABSTRACT
Introducción: La identificación por cotejo de regis-tros odontológicos representa una metodología científicamente consolidada. La estrategia más co-mún reside en la comparación de odontogramas impresos o digitalizados, aunque se ha cuestionado cierta subjetividad al asentar dicha información. Los recursos imagenológicos constituyen una evidencia más confiable y objetiva, reduciendo el sesgo iden-tificatorio. La obtención de radiografías post mor-tem (PM) reproduciendo en lo posible las técnicas que han generado las imágenes ante mortem (AM) recuperadas, otorga una eficaz modalidad compa-rativa, aumentando su valor probatorio. Materiales y Métodos: Se efectuó la comparación entre radio-grafías panorámicas y periapicales tomadas a 10 pacientes atendidos en un consultorio particular de la ciudad de Quilmes, Provincia de Buenos Aires, don-de se visualizaban tratamientos de endodoncia. Los registros de ambas técnicas de imágenes se realiza-ron sobre los mismos sujetos entre los años 2010 y 2022. Se cotejaron 11 radiografías periapicales y 10 panorámicas, procediéndose a la digitalización de la totalidad de la muestra. Se clasificaron las imágenes de cada persona conforme a la fecha de obtención de las mismas. A las más antiguas se las catalogó con el color verde, representando el material AM, mien-tras que las más recientes se marcaron en color rojo, constituyendo la información PM. Resultados: Teniendo en cuenta los criterios estipulados por la Junta Americana de Odontología Forense (ABFO) se identificaron positivamente 7 casos estudiados, 2 fueron catalogados como identificación posible, en tanto que 1 se clasificó como insuficiente. No se re-gistraron exclusiones. Conclusión: Los tratamientos endodónticos podrían suministrar información pon-derable en procesos de identificación humana en virtud de la escasa probabilidad de sufrir alteracio-nes morfológicas y estructurales por su estratégica localización intradentaria, otorgando posibilidades concretas de establecer la identidad categórica de sujetos desconocidos (AU)
Introduction: Identification by comparison of dental records represents a scientifically consolidated methodology. The most common strategy lies in the comparison of printed or digitised odontograms, although certain subjectivity has been questioned when recording said information. Imaging resources constitute more reliable and objective evidence, reducing identification bias. Obtaining post-mortem (PM) radiographs reproducing the techniques that have generated the recovered ante-mortem (AM) images, provides an effective comparative modality, increasing its evidentiary value. Materials and Methods: A comparison was made between panoramic and periapical radiographs taken to 10 patients treated in a private office in the city of Quilmes, Province of Buenos Aires, where endodontic treatments were visualized. The records of both imaging techniques were carried out on the same subjects between 2010 and 2022. 11 periapical and 10 panoramic radiographs were collected, and the entire sample was digitized. The images of each person were classified according to the date they were obtained. The oldest ones were cataloged with the color green, representing the AM material, while the most recent ones were marked in red, constituting the PM information. Results: Taking into account the criteria stipulated by the American Board of Forensic Odontology (ABFO), 7 cases studied were positively identified, 2 were classified as possible identification, while 1 was classified as insufficient. No exclusions were recorded. Conclusion: Endodontic treatments could provide valuable information in human identification processes due to the low probability of suffering morphological and structural alterations due to their strategic intradental location, providing concrete possibilities of establishing the categorical identity of unknown subjects (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Root Canal Therapy/statistics & numerical data , Radiography, Dental/methods , Radiography, Panoramic/methods , Tooth, Nonvital/diagnostic imaging , Societies, Dental/standards , Post and Core Technique/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
El trasplante dentario es una opción terapéutica para reemplazar un órgano dental perdido, causado por un proceso carioso extenso, agenesia, trauma-tismos o iatrogenias. Este procedimiento quirúrgico traslada un órgano dental íntegro desde un alveolo donante hacia su lecho receptor; para lo cual debe poseer ciertas características que permitan tener un pronóstico favorable a largo plazo. El presente estudio describe la evolución de un trasplante dental autólogo realizado hace 14 años a una paciente que acudió a la consulta para valoración del órgano den-tal 4.7, el que presentó un pronóstico desfavorable, por lo cual se realizó exodoncia y trasplante inme-diato del diente vital 4.8 al alveolo del órgano dental 4.7. Tras la planificación quirúrgica se procedió con la intervención conservando la vitalidad pulpar del diente a ser trasplantado, se realizó control clínico y radiográfico a los 15 días, 30 días, 6 meses, 1 año, 5 años y 14 años, en el que se observó conservación del paquete vasculonervioso y ligamento periodontal del órgano dental; a su vez se pudo evidenciar rizo-génesis en el diente trasplantado y un aumento de la altura del proceso alveolar, mediante mediciones realizadas en Auto CAD 2023 (AU)
Tooth transplantation is a therapeutic option to re-place a lost dental organ, caused by an extensive carious process, agenesis, trauma or iatrogenesis. This surgical procedure transfers a complete den-tal organ from a donor alveolus to its recipient bed; for which it must have certain characteristics that allow it to have a favorable long-term prognosis. The present study describes the evolution of an autolo-gous dental transplant carried out 14 years ago to a female patient who attended the consultation for evaluation of the dental organ 4.7, the same one that presented an unfavorable prognosis, for which an extraction and immediate transplantation of the 4.8 vital tooth was performed to the alveolus of the den-tal organ 4.7. After surgical planning, the intervention was carried out preserving the pulpal vitality of the tooth to be transplanted; clinical and radiographic control was performed at 15 days, 30 days, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years and 14 years, in which preservation of the vascular-nervous bundle and periodontal liga-ment of the dental organ was observed; in turn, rhizo-genesis in the transplanted tooth and an increase in the height of the alveolar process could be evidenced, through measurements made in Auto CAD 2023 (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Tooth/diagnostic imaging , Transplantation, Autologous/methods , Odontogenesis/physiology , Prognosis , Radiography, Dental/methods , Radiography, Panoramic , Follow-Up StudiesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the accuracy of working length determination between cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and electronic apex locator by measuring the actual working length of teeth. Material and Methods: A total of 150 single-rooted tooth assessed by radiograph undergoing root canal therapy were selected. The process was repeated to obtain a buccolingual and mesiodistal section of all teeth. The measurement line was considered from the reference occlusal plane following the center of the canal to the terminus. All information regarding the accuracy of cone-beam computed tomography and apex locator was noted in a pre-designed proforma. Results: CBCT consistently demonstrated high accuracy across all tooth types in both jaws. The electronic apex locator exhibited varying precision, with greater accuracy observed in the mandible. Statistical analyses revealed significant differences in electronic apex locator accuracy among tooth types in the maxilla (p=0.042), emphasizing the importance of specific clinical considerations. Conclusion: Cone beam computed tomography emerges as a reliable diagnostic tool for accurate working length determination, especially in complex cases, while the electronic apex locator remains valuable with careful consideration of potential variations in accuracy. An individualized approach, considering tooth type, jaw location, and clinical context, is crucial for precise working length determination in endodontic practice.
Humans , Male , Female , Dental Equipment , Endodontics , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/instrumentation , Mandible , Odontometry/instrumentation , In Vitro Techniques , Radiography, Dental/instrumentation , Chi-Square Distribution , Dental Pulp Cavity , MaxillaABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the clinical and radiographic response of pulp-dentin complex after selective caries removal with or without pulp lining in primary teeth. Material and Methods: Twenty-four primary molars with deep occlusal caries lesions and without pulpal alterations were selected from children, both genders, aged between 5 and 9 years old. After selective caries removal, the teeth were divided into three groups: without cavity liner (Group I), calcium hydroxide cement - CH (Group II), and Mineral trioxide aggregate - MTA (Group III). The final restoration was performed with resin-modified glass ionomer cement. Clinical and radiographic assessments were conducted at 6-month follow-up. The Kappa test determined intraexaminer reliability. Fisher's exact test evaluated intergroup comparisons (p<0.05). Results: All teeth showed clinical and radiographic success at the 6-month follow-up without statistically significant differences (p>0.05). Conclusion: Selective caries removal without cavity lining was acceptable for deep caries lesions in primary teeth.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Tooth, Deciduous , Radiography, Dental/instrumentation , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Dental Pulp Capping , Calcium Hydroxide , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Dental Cements/chemistry , Dental PulpABSTRACT
Objetivo:Comparar os métodos radiográficos convencional e digital na Odontometria de molares inferiores. Materiais e Métodos: Foram selecionados 26 dentes e inseridos em recipientes com gesso e serragem para simular o osso alveolar. Após adequado acesso endodôntico, limas K#15 foram posicionadas nos canais mésio-vestibular e distal, 1mm aquém da patência foraminal (CT1). Foi construído um dispositivo em resina, onde fixou-se um medidor de ângulos padronizando a angulação horizontal em 20º para distal. O ângulo vertical foi 0º com distância foco-filme de 30 centímetros. Foi utilizado um aparelho de Rx de 70 KVp e 8 mA e exposição de 0,4 segundos. Para obtenção do CT radiográfico (CT2), posicionou-se o paquímetro na borda inferior do cursor até a ponta da lima. As mesmas medidas foram realizadas nas radiografias digitais obtidas com um sensor CMOS. A ferramenta "régua" foi utilizada determinando-se o CT digital (CT3). O teste de Correlação Intraclasse verificou concordâncias intragrupo e intergrupos e os testes Anova OneWay e Tukey (α = 0,05) foram usados para análise comparativa entre CT1, CT2 e CT3. Resultados: Tanto as medidas convencionais quanto as digitais apresentaram excelente concordância intragrupo (0,9842 e 0,9943, respectivamente). A concordância entre as mensurações para o CT digital foi maior em relação às medidas reais (0,8162) que as medidas do CT convencional (0,6761). A média e desvio padrão para CT1, CT2 e CT3 foram 18,4±1,4; 19,2±1,6 e 18,8±1,2mm, respectivamente. O teste de Tukey indicou diferença estatística entre CT1 e CT2 (p = 0,027); já entre CT1 e CT3 (p = 0,499) e entre CT2 e CT3 (p = 0,314) não houve diferenças significativas. Conclusão: As radiografias digitais propiciaram maior precisão na Odontometria de molares inferiores nas condições experimentais avaliadas.
Objective: To compare conventional and digital radiographic methods in Odontometry of lower molars. Materials and Methods:Twenty-six teeth were selected and inserted into containers with plaster and sawdust to simulate the alveolar bone. After adequate endodontic access, K#15 files were positioned in the mesiobuccal and distal canals, 1 mm below the foraminal patency (CT1).A resin device was constructed, where an angle gauge was fixed, standardizing the horizontal angulation at 20º distally. The vertical angle was 0º with a focus-film distance of 30 cm. An Rx device of 70 KVp and 8 mA, with an exposure time of 0.4 seconds, was used. To obtain the radiographic CT (CT2), the caliper was positioned on the lower edge of the cursor up to the tip of the file. The same measurements were performed on digital radiographs, obtained with a CMOS sensor. The "ruler" tool was used to determine the digital CT (CT3). The Intra-Class Correlation test was used to verify intra-group and intergroup agreements, and the Anova One-way and Tukey tests (α = 0.05) were used for comparative analysis between CT1, CT2, and CT3. Results: Both conventional and digital measurements had excellent intra-group agreement (0.9842 and 0.9943, respectively). The agreement between measurements for digital CT was greater in relation to real measurements (0.8162) than conventional CT measurements (0.6761). The mean and standard deviation for CT1, CT2, and CT3 were 18.4±1.4; 19.2±1.6; and 18.8±1.2, respectively. The Tukey test indicated a statistical difference between CT1 and CT2 (p = 0.027); Between CT1 and CT3 (p = 0.499) and between CT2 and CT3 (p = 0.314) no significant differences were observed. Conclusion:Digital radiographs provided greater precision in the odontometry of lower molars according to the experimental conditions evaluated in this study.
Radiography, Dental , Radiography, Dental, Digital , Molar , OdontometryABSTRACT
Objetivo: Avaliar a percepção e segurança dos cirurgiões-dentistas servidores municipais de Porto Alegre - RS que realizam radiografias intrabucais em relação à conteúdos da radiologia odontológica. Materiais e métodos: Todos os 26 dentistas que atuam no Centro de Especialidades Odontológicas e Serviço de Apoio Terapêutico da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde foram convidados a participar de 15 horas do Projeto de Extensão em Radiologia Odontológica da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, onde alunos de graduação atendem pacientes encaminhados pelas unidades básicas de saúde. Foi aplicado um questionário online de 19 questões relacionado a sua segurança e rotina na Radiologia. Os dados coletados foram submetidos à análise descritiva. Dez profissionais participaram do projeto, e oito responderam ao questionário (n=8). Resultados: Realização de técnicas e processamentos radiográficos, a maioria dos participantes mostrou-se segura, assim como os aspectos de radioproteção. Relataram maior dificuldade em realizar exames radiográficos em criança, molares e caninos superiores, além de preferirem, o método manual visual de processamento radiográfico. Foi identificada menor compreensão sobre biossegurança e efeitos biológicos determinísticos. Discussão: Conhecer esses servidores, suas rotinas e vivências com a radiologia, permitiu aprimorar o atendimento aos pacientes e a integração da Faculdade ao programa de educação permanente. Observa-se que princípios teóricos, não estão sedimentados o que pode interferir tanto na sua saúde como na do paciente. Conclusão: Os profissionais estudados sentem-se seguros em relação à prática e compreendem suas lacunas de conhecimento sobre efeitos biológicos e biossegurança na área da Radiologia.
Aim: To evaluate the perception and confidence of dental surgeons working in Porto Alegre - RS who perform intraoral radiographs in relation to the contents of dental radiology. Materials and methods: All 26 dentists who work at the Center for Dental Specialties and Therapeutic Support Service of the Municipal Health Department were invited to participate in 15 hours of the Extension Project in Dental Radiology at the School of Dentistry at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, where students Undergraduate courses assist patients referred by basic health units. An online questionnaire of 19 questions related to your safety and routine in Radiology was applied. The collected data were submitted to descriptive analysis. Ten professionals participated in the project, and eight answered the questionnaire (n=8). Results: Performing radiographic techniques and processing, most participants proved to be safe, as well as radioprotection aspects. They reported greater difficulty in performing radiographic examinations in children, molars and upper canines, in addition to preferring the visual manual method of radiographic processing. Less understanding of biosafety and deterministic biological effects was identified. Discussion: Getting to know these public servants, their routines and experiences with radiology, made it possible to improve patient care and integrate the Faculty into the permanent education program. It is observed that theoretical principles are not settled, which can interfere with both your health and that of the patient. Conclusion: The professionals studied feel safe and understand their knowledge gaps such as biological effects and biosafety in the field of Radiology.
Radiography, Dental , Radiation Exposure , DentistsABSTRACT
La apicectomía consiste en la amputación de la fracción apical de la raíz de un diente lesionado y se considera la última opción terapéutica para mantener el diente afectado en boca. Con el objetivo de dilucidar el potencial terapéutico de la técnica quirúrgica, en el presente estudio presentamos el reporte de caso de un paciente con cuadro de hiperestesia asociada al nervio alveolar inferior debido a sobreobturación de la raíz mesial de un primer molar inferior izquierdo. Para resolver el caso realizamos apicectomía mediante abordaje convencional acompañado de medicación empírica enfocada a resolver cuadros de parestesia asociada al procedimiento. Durante los controles posteriores al procedimiento quirúrgico se pesquisa ausencia de parestesia y sintomatología dolorosa, por lo que consideramos la apicectomía como una buena opción de tratamiento en casos de sobreobturación apical que no pueden solucionarse mediante tratamiento no quirúrgico.
Apicoectomy consists of the amputation of the apical fraction of the root of an injured tooth and is considered the last therapeutic option to keep the affected tooth in the mouth. With the aim of elucidating the therapeutic potential of the surgical technique, in this study we present the case report of a patient with hyperesthesia associated with the inferior alveolar nerve due to overfilling of the mesial root of a left lower first molar. To solve the case we performed apicoectomy by conventional approach accompanied by empirical medication focused on resolving paresthesia associated to the procedure. During the controls after the surgical procedure we found absence of paresthesia and painful symptomatology, so we consider apicoectomy as a good treatment option in cases of apical overfilling that cannot be solved by non-surgical treatment.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Tooth Root/surgery , Dental Pulp Cavity , Apicoectomy , Surgical Flaps , Radiography, Dental/methods , Medication Systems/statistics & numerical data , MolarABSTRACT
El uso de tomografía computarizada Cone Beam (CBCT) puede favorecer el diagnóstico temprano de periodontitis apical e influir en su pronóstico y tratamiento; sin embargo, no existe una estandarización entre los índices que determinan la presencia de lesiones periapicales en esta técnica radiológica. Es por tal motivo que, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar lesiones periapicales utilizando tres índices sobre CBCT. La población de estudio estuvo conformada por todas las CBCT realizadas en un centro radiológico peruano durante un año, se realizó un muestreo no probabilístico y se evaluaron 36 tomografías Cone Beam con los índices CBCT-PAI, COPI y CBCT-ERI; los datos recolectados fueron analizados estadísticamente y se determinó que el índice CBCT-PAI identificó 91,7 % lesiones periapicales; el índice COPI, 72,2 % y el índice CBCT-ERI, 88,9 %. Asimismo, se aplicó la prueba x2 de Pearson y se determinó un valor de p=0,05. Por lo tanto, se concluyó que el diagnóstico de lesiones periapicales sobre tomografía computarizada Cone Beam puede presentar resultados similares cuando se evalúa con cualquiera de los índices CBCT-PAI, COPI o CBCT-ERI.
The use of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) can favor the early diagnosis of apical periodontitis and influence its prognosis and treatment; however, there is no standardization among the indexes that determine the presence of periapical lesions in this radiological technique. For this reason, the aim of this study was to evaluate periapical lesions using three indices on CBCT. The study population consisted of all the CBCT scans performed in a Peruvian radiological center for one year, a non-probabilistic sampling was performed and 36 Cone Beam tomography's were evaluated with the CBCT-PAI, COPI and CBCT-ERI indexes; the data collected were analyzed statistically and it was determined that the CBCT-PAI index identified 91.7 % periapical lesions; the COPI index, 72.2 % and the CBCT-ERI index, 88.9 %. Likewise, Pearson's x2 test was applied and a value of p=0.05 was determined. Therefore, it was concluded that the diagnosis of periapical lesions on Cone Beam computed tomography can present similar results when evaluated with any of the CBCT-PAI, COPI or CBCT-ERI indexes.
Humans , Periapical Periodontitis/diagnostic imaging , Radiography, Dental/methods , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Dental Health Surveys , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Alveolar Bone Loss/diagnostic imaging , IndexABSTRACT
Objetivo: A má oclusão classe III de Angle se caracteriza por protrusão mandibular, retrusão maxilar ou pela combinação de ambas. Além de prejudicar a estética facial do paciente, essa má oclusão pode causar alterações funcionais e respiratórias. Uma das alternativas de tratamento para esses casos é o uso da máscara de Petit e do aparelho disjuntor de Hyrax. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar por meio da cefalometria ortodôntica se o tratamento com expansão maxilar em conjunto com a tração reversa da maxila diminuem os agravos estéticos e funcionais do paciente Classe III. Relato de caso: o relato de caso descrito no presente trabalho é sobre uma paciente que foi submetida a esse tratamento, sendo descrito por meio de análises cefalométricas, exames radiográficos, fotos intrabucais e achados clínicos. Considerações finais: A verificação dos resultados obtidos após o término do tratamento mostrou que a paciente teve uma boa adesão ao uso desses aparelhos e obteve resultados satisfatórios na sua função mastigatória, na sua oclusão e na sua estética facial e dentária.(AU)
Objective: Angle class III malocclusion is characterized by mandibular protrusion, maxillary retrusion or a combination of both. In addition to impairing the patient's facial aesthetics, this malocclusion can cause functional and respiratory changes. One of the treatment alternatives for these cases is the use of the Petit mask and the Hyrax breaker device. This study aims to evaluate, through orthodontic cephalometry, whether the treatment with maxillary expansion in conjunction with the reverse traction of the maxilla reduces the aesthetic and functional problems of Class III patients. Case report: the case report described in the present work is about a patient who underwent this treatment, being described through cephalometric analysis, radiographic examinations, intraoral photos and clinical findings. Final considerations: The verification of the results obtained after the end of the treatment showed that the patient had a good adherence to the use of these devices and obtained satisfactory results in her masticatory function, in her occlusion and in her facial and dental aesthetics.(AU)
Humans , Female , Child , Orthodontic Appliances , Palatal Expansion Technique/instrumentation , Malocclusion, Angle Class III/therapy , Radiography, Dental , Cephalometry , Treatment Outcome , Malocclusion, Angle Class III/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Introdução: Mesmo com toda evolução tecnológica desses instrumentos, com o desenvolvimento das limas de liga de níquel-titanio (NiTi) e sistemas mecanizados, as fraturas podem ocorrer durante o preparo químico/mecânico. Existem três abordagens mais regulamente aplicadas para solucionar essa intercorrencia: tentativa de remoção do instrumento com ultrassom, tentativa de ultrapassálo (bypass) ou a obturação do segmento. Objetivo: Relatar um caso da técnica de bypass em instrumento fraturado no canal radicular. Descrição do caso: Paciente, sexo feminino, 47 anos, brasileira, sem condições sistêmicas associadas, foi encaminhada à clínica do Curso de Odontologia da UNIFENAS, Divinópolis, Minas Gerais, Brasil, para resolução de fratura de instrumento no canal mésio- vestibular do primeiro molar superior direito (16). Optou-se pelo tratamento pela técnica de bypass, que envolveu as seguintes etapas: anestesia, abertura, utilização de lima C-Pilot #08 para ultrapassar o instrumento fraturado, odontometria, escalonamento regressivo a partir da lima k#20, desinfecção com hipoclorito de sódio 5%, medicação com hidróxido de cálcio por 21 dias, agitação da substância irrigadora e obturação dos canais radiculares. Conclusão: O bypass ao instrumento é uma técnica conservadora, eficaz e uma solução adequada em casos de fratura de limas endodônticas dentro dos canais radiculares. Essa técnica visa preservar o máximo possível da estrutura dental original, evitando procedimentos mais invasivos.(AU)
Introduction: Even with all technological evolution of these instruments, with the development of nickel-titanium alloy (NiTi) files and mechanized systems, fractures can occur during chemical/mechanical preparation. There are three most commonly applie to resolve this complication: attempting to remove the instrument with ultrasound, attempting to bypass it, or obturating the segment. Objective: To report a case of bypass technique in fractured instrument in the root canal. Case description: A 47-year-old female patient from Brazil, with no associated systemic conditions, was referred to the clinic of the Dentistry Course at UNIFENAS, Divinópolis, Minas Gerais, Brazil, for resolution of an instrument fracture in the mesio-vestibular canal of the right upper first molar (16). Treatment was performed using the bypass technique, which involved the following steps: anesthesia, opening, use of a C-Pilot #08 file to bypass the fractured instrument, odontometry, regressive scaling from the k#20 file, disinfection with 5% sodium hypochlorite, medication with calcium hydroxide for 21 days, agitation of the irrigating substance and root canal filling. Conclusion: Instrument bypass is a conservative, effective technique and an adequate solution in cases of endodontic file fracture within root canals. This technique aims to preserve as much of the original tooth structure as possible, avoiding more invasive procedures.(AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Root Canal Therapy/instrumentation , Dental Instruments , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Equipment Failure , Titanium , Radiography, Dental , Treatment Outcome , NickelABSTRACT
A lesão de reabsorção dentária consiste em um processo patológico que acomete elementos dentários permanentes, principalmente de animais adultos e idosos, e sua expressão na espécie canina vem aumentando. Etiologias diversas e não esclarecidas, associada ao subdiagnóstico por falta da realização de exames radiográficos na rotina e profissionais não especializados na área odontológica, tem permitido que injúrias na estrutura externa e interna do dente sofram processo reabsortivo por células clásticas. Frequentemente se confunde com a doença periodontal ou a ela está associada. O diagnóstico baseia-se nos achados clínicos e na radiografia intraoral. O tratamento depende do estágio da doença, sendo a exodontia a opção que devolve a qualidade de vida natural ao animal no longo prazo. O presente relato tem como objetivo descrever o caso de um cão da raça Dachshund, com seis anos de idade, inteiro, com queixa de halitose, disfagia, ptialismo, anorexia, desidratação, perda de peso, letargia, meneios de cabeça e espirros, e ao exame de imagem apresentava diversas lesões de reabsortivas, cujo tratamento periodontal promoveu remissão de todos os sinais clínicos e bem-estar ao paciente.
Tooth resorption injury consists of a pathological process that affects permanent dental elements, especially in adult and elderly animals, and its expression in the canine species has been increasing. Several and unclear etiologies, associated with underdiagnosis due to lack of routine radiographic examinations and professionals not specialized in the dental area, have allowed injuries to the external and internal structure of the tooth to undergo a resorptive process by cells clastic. It is often confused with or associated with periodontal disease. Diagnosis is based on clinical findings and intraoral radiography. The treatment depends on the stage of the disease, and tooth extraction is the option that returns the natural quality of life to the animal in the long term. The present report aims to describe the case of a six-year-old Dachshund dog, whole, complaining of halitosis, dysphagia, ptyalism, anorexia, dehydration, weight loss, lethargy, head sneezing and sneezing, and the imaging exam presented several resorptive lesions, whose periodontal treatment promoted remission of all clinical signs and well-being to the patient.
Animals , Dogs , Periodontal Diseases/veterinary , Surgery, Oral , Tooth Resorption/veterinary , Radiography, Dental/veterinary , Dentistry/veterinary , Dogs/injuriesABSTRACT
Inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia (IFH) is a common reactive lesion in dental prostheses users that may be associated with chondroid metaplasia (CM). Metaplasia is an adaptive cellular process that may be caused by trauma. We reported here five cases of IFH associated with CM and analyzed morphologically the deposition of collagen in these lesions. Patients had a mean age of 58.8 years-old and were ill-fitting dental prostheses users. They presented nodular lesions located in the anterior maxilla. Microscopically, it was observed hyperplastic fibrous connective tissue with chronic inflammatory infiltrate and hyaline cartilage. No morphological differences were observed in collagen deposition under light microscopy, but quantitative analysis revealed a significantly higher collagen deposition at the connective tissue near CM (p = 0.015). IFH associated with CM affects ill-fitting dental prostheses users. The presence of CM is not significant to the lesion prognosis. However, its formation and the higher collagen deposition near it reinforces the IFH reactive origin.
La hiperplasia fibrosa inflamatoria (HFI) es una lesión reactiva común en los usuarios de prótesis dentales que puede estar asociada con la metaplasia cartilaginosa (MC). La metaplasia es un proceso celular adaptativo que puede ser causado por un trauma. El presente informe analizó cinco casos de HFI asociados a MC y se analizaron morfológicamente la deposición de colágeno en estas lesiones. Los pacientes tenían una edad media de 58,8 años y eran usuarios de prótesis dentales mal adaptadas. Se observaron lesiones nodulares localizadas en el la parte anterior del maxilar Microscópicamente se observó tejido conectivo fibroso hiperplásico con infiltrado inflamatorio crónico y cartílago hialino. No se observaron diferencias morfológicas en la deposición de colágeno bajo microscopía óptica, pero el análisis cuantitativo reveló una deposición de colágeno significativamente mayor en el tejido conectivo cerca de MC (p = 0,015). La HFI asociada con la MC afecta a los usuarios de prótesis dentales mal adaptadas. La presencia de MC no es significativa para el pronóstico de la lesión. Sin embargo, su formación y la mayor deposición de colágeno cerca de MC refuerza el origen reactivo de HFI.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Mouth/pathology , Mouth Mucosa/pathology , Fibrosis , Radiography, Dental , Cartilage/pathology , Collagen , Hyperplasia/pathologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the presence of sequelae in primary teeth and their permanent successors, as well as associations between TDI and the presence of sequelae in both teeth. Material and Methods: In this 14-year retrospective study, 2.290 records were reviewed, 192 patients who suffered dental trauma in primary teeth were followed until the eruption of successor teeth were included. Descriptive, chi-square, and regression logistic with generalized estimating equations tests were performed (p<0.05). Results: 362 primary and successor teeth were followed. Sequelae were present in 71.8% of primary teeth and 25.7% of their successors. Teeth with complicated fracture (100%), extrusion (100%) and avulsion (100%) resulted in the largest amounts of sequelae in primary teeth and intrusion (61%) on their successors. Age was associated with sequelae in permanent teeth (p<0.01). Extrusion (OR 10.06; CI 2.12-47.63) and intrusion (OR 7.51; CI 2.73-20.70) had a higher risk to cause sequelae in primary and permanent teeth, respectively. Conclusion: The type of injury involved influenced the sequelae in traumatized teeth and their successors, and the age of the child influenced the presence of sequelae in permanent teeth.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Tooth, Deciduous/injuries , Radiography, Dental , Pediatric Dentistry/education , Tooth Injuries , Chi-Square Distribution , Medical RecordsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the clinical and radiographic success rates of formocresol, BiodentineTM, and Endo Repair agents in primary molars after 12 months. Material and Methods: This randomized double-blind clinical trial was conducted on healthy children referred to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Kerman, Iran, in 2018. One hundred twenty children (human primary molar teeth) aged 3-9 years were selected and randomly divided into three interventions (with pulpotomy medicament agents), including formocresol, BiodentineTM, and Endo Repair. All pulpotomized teeth were restored using stainless steel crowns and evaluated clinically and radiographically during a 12-month follow-up. Fisher exact test was used to determine the association of categorical variables and the data were analysed with SPSS 25. Results: All the available teeth in formocresol and BiodentineTM groups obtained clinical success, whereas 62.5% of the Endo Repair group was successful in this regard. Radiographic success rates of the formocresol, BiodentineTM, and Endo Repair groups were 94.7%, 70%, and 28.1% after a 12-month follow-up, respectively. Moreover, pulp canal obliteration was observed in 26.3%, 25%, and 12.5% of the formocresol, BiodentineTM, and Endo Repair groups. Conclusion: This study reported a high rate of clinical success using both BiodentineTM and formocresol pulpotomy techniques. However, the radiographic success rate of formocresol was higher than that of BiodentineTM, and Endo Repair was not considered a suitable pulpotomy medicament agent.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Pulpotomy , Tooth, Deciduous , Formocresols/chemistry , Regenerative Endodontics , Radiography, Dental/instrumentation , Double-Blind MethodABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the 24-month clinical performance of composite resin restorations with and without polyethylene fiber in the first permanent molars of pediatric patients with extensive caries. Material and Methods: In total, 75 Class II restorations were placed in the permanent molar teeth of 75 children (mean age 11.3 years) with (FC; n=38) or without (C; n=37) fiber. One operator placed all the restorations. The restorations were evaluated using the modified USPHS criteria in terms of retention, color match, marginal discoloration, anatomic form, marginal adaptation, secondary caries, and postoperative sensitivity. Statistical data were analyzed using chi-square and Cochran tests (p<0.05). Results: At the end of two years, 65 restorations (FC:31; C:34) were followed up. No changes were observed during the first six months. After 24 months of follow-up, there were minor changes in marginal adaptation and marginal color in both groups; however, no statistically significant difference was observed between the clinical performances for all criteria (p>0.05). Conclusion: Extensive composite restorations with or without fibers displayed good clinical performance in high load-bearing areas after 24 months.