Objetivo: Desenvolver um aplicativo móvel de auxílio à captação de materiais recicláveis. Métodos: Estudo metodológico, de desenvolvimento tecnológica centrado no usuário, realizado entre março e dezembro de 2020, a partir de cinco fases sequenciais: reconhecimento do contexto; idealização; prototipação; teste de usabilidade, complementado por um processo de validação e implementação. Participaram dessa produção tecnológica pesquisadores, desenvolvedores e integrantes de uma Associação de Materiais Recicláveis de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Resultados: As três fases iniciais resultaram num protótipo de aplicativo móvel. Na fase do teste de usabilidade verificouse, por meio de simulação intuitiva do protótipo, que o aplicativo é de manejo acessível, rápido e prático, podendo ser acessado por qualquer cidadão que dispõem de celular. Constatou-se, no processo de validação, que o dispositivo possui os requisitos necessários para o adequado funcionamento e interlocução entre doadores e associações receptoras de materiais recicláveis. Está disponível online após obter registro no Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial. Conclusão: Revela-se que o desenvolvimento centrado no usuário é uma estratégia que amplia a difusão de conhecimento, possibilita a inclusão social e favorece o empoderamento. Como tecnologia social, o dispositivo móvel é capaz de potencializar melhores condições de trabalho e renda às associações de reciclagem. (AU)
Objective: To develop a mobile application to help the collection of recyclable materials. Methods: This is a methodological study, of user-oriented technological production, carried out between March and December 2020, from five phases: context recognition; idealization; prototyping; usability testing, complemented by a process of validation and implementation. Researchers, developers, and members of a Recyclable Materials Association in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, participated in the collaborative production. Results: The three initial phases resulted in a prototype mobile application. In the usability test phase it was verified, through intuitive simulation of the prototype, that the application is accessible, fast and practical, and can be accessed by any citizen with a cell phone. It was verified, in the validation process, that the device has the necessary requirements for the proper functioning and dialogue between donors and associations that receive recyclable materials. It is available online after being registered with the National Institute of Industrial Property. Conclusion: It is revealed that user-centered development is a strategy that expands the dissemination of knowledge, enables social inclusion, and favors empowerment. As a social technology, the mobile device is capable of potentiating better work and income conditions for recycling associations. (AU)
Objetivo: Desarrollar una aplicación móvil para ayudar a capturar materiales reciclables. Métodos: Consiste en un estudio metodológico de producción tecnológica orientada hacia el usuario, ocurrido entre marzo y diciembre de 2020, basado en cinco fases: reconocimiento del contexto; idealización; creación de prototipos; prueba de usabilidad, complementada un proceso de validación e implementación. Participaron en la producción colaborativa investigadores, desarrolladores y miembros de una Asociación de Materiales Reciclables de Santa María, RS, Brasil. Resultados: Las tres fases iniciales resultaron en un prototipo de aplicación móvil. En la fase de prueba de usabilidad, se verificó, por medio de una simulación intuitiva del prototipo, que la aplicación es de uso accesible, rápida y práctica, y puede ser accedida por cualquier ciudadano que disponga de un teléfono celular. Se constató, en el proceso de validación, que el dispositivo cuenta con los requisitos necesarios para el correcto funcionamiento y diálogo entre donantes y asociaciones receptoras de materiales reciclables. Está disponible en línea tras obtener el registro en el Instituto Nacional de Propiedad Industrial. Conclusión: Resulta que el desarrollo centrado en el usuario es una estrategia que amplía la difusión del conocimiento, posibilita la inclusión social y favorece el empoderamiento. Como tecnología social, el dispositivo móvil es capaz de mejorar las condiciones laborales y los ingresos de las asociaciones de reciclaje. (AU)
Mobile Applications , Public Health , Nursing , Recycling , Culturally Appropriate TechnologyABSTRACT
At present, the negative impact caused by white pollution has spread to all aspects of human society economy, ecosystem, and health, which causes severe challenges for developing the circular bioeconomy. As the largest plastic production and consumption country in the world, China has shouldered an important responsibility in plastic pollution control. In this context, this paper analyzed the relevant strategies of plastic degradation and recycling in the United States, Europe, Japan and China, measured the literature and patents in this field, analyzed the status quo of technology from the perspective of research and development trends, major countries, major institutions, and discussed the opportunities and challenges faced by the development of plastic degradation and recycling in China. Finally, we put forward future development suggestions which include the integration of policy system, technology path, industry development and public cognition.
Humans , Plastics , Ecosystem , Environmental Pollution , Recycling , PolicyABSTRACT
Este artigo aborda as experiências das catadoras de materiais recicláveis diante das implicações provocadas pela pandemia da COVID-19 em uma associação no Distrito Federal (DF). O objetivo principal foi compreender a situação de vida precária das mulheres catadoras inseridas em uma desigualdade sistêmica e institucional do capitalismo. Para tanto, foi realizada uma etnografia que combinou técnicas de observação, interação e escuta (conversas informais e entrevistas semiestruturadas). Através disso, permitiu-se o acompanhamento do cotidiano de vida dessas mulheres, desde a instauração de uma das maiores crises sanitária da humanidade até o período do retorno às atividades laborais. Os resultados revelaram que as catadoras estão inseridas na lógica de precarização da vida sendo que as condições foram agravadas com a chegada do novo coronavírus quando aumentou a vulnerabilidade relacionada ao vínculo de trabalho informal, a insalubridade e os riscos à saúde inerentes à ocupação e às dificuldades de acesso aos serviços de saúde e assistência social. O contexto mostra uma lida complexa relacionada ao medo do desemprego, às dificuldades e às barreiras do ingresso no mercado de trabalho e de manutenção da própria subsistência. Sobretudo, isso agravou-se de forma mais intensa diante da ausência de políticas e programas voltados para elas: o Estado fez pouco para a redução dos impactos da pandemia em suas vidas. Assim, a crise sanitária instaurada refletiu a fragilidade delas em face ao ciclo da reciclagem. Este fato demonstra a necessidade urgente de ações governamentais que abarquem esse grupo social tanto no momento da pandemia quanto pós-pandemia da COVID-19, visando superar a invisibilidade social
This article addresses the experiences of women waste pickers in the face of the implications caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in an association in the Distrito Federal (DF). The main objective was to understand the precarious life situation of women waste pickers inserted in a systemic and institutional inequality of capitalism. For that, an ethnography was carried out that combined observation and listening techniques (informal conversations and semi-structured interviews). Through this, it was possible to monitor the daily life of these women, from the onset of one of the greatest health crises in humanity until the period of return to work activities. The results revealed that the waste pickers are inserted in the logic of precariousness of life, and the conditions were aggravated with the arrival of the new coronavirus when the vulnerability related to the informal work bond, the unhealthy conditions and health risks inherent to the occupation and the difficulties increased. access to health and social assistance services. The context shows a complex deal related to the fear of unemployment, the difficulties and barriers to entering the labor market and maintaining one's livelihood. Above all, it worsened more intensely in the face of the absence of policies and programs aimed at them, the State did little to reduce the impacts of the pandemic on their lives. Thus, the established health crisis reflected their fragility in the face of the recycling cycle. This fact demonstrates the urgent need for government actions to embrace this social group, both during the pandemic and post-pandemic of COVID-19, aiming to overcome social invisibility
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Occupational Risks , Waste Pickers , Food Supply , COVID-19/psychology , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Qualitative Research , Health Vulnerability , Recycling , COVID-19/epidemiology , Health Services AccessibilityABSTRACT
O Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais - PSA é um instrumento econômico utilizado para incentivar as práticas de conservação dos recursos naturais. O PSA para catadores de materiais recicláveis tem por finalidade o incentivo à recuperação de materiais, à redução de externalidades ambientais causadas durante o gerenciamento dos resíduos recicláveis e à inclusão social desses trabalhadores. O objetivo desta tese foi analisar as contratações públicas de catadores no Brasil sob a perspectiva do Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais, enquanto instrumento econômico de política pública ambiental. A metodologia utilizada envolveu as etapas de mapeamento sistemático da literatura, identificação dos serviços ambientais prestados pelos catadores, coleta de dados documentais e análise qualitativa dos contratos de prestação de serviços. O mapeamento sistemático da literatura mostrou que a América do Sul é o continente que mais desenvolveu pesquisas sobre PSA, principalmente sobre conservação de florestas, a gestão ambiental e a conservação de recursos hídricos. A relação entre o pagamento por serviços ambientais e o trabalho de catadores ainda não é evidente nas pesquisas. Mas as parcerias firmadas entre os municípios têm se mostrado um fator importante no processo de reconhecimento do catador como agente ambiental. Os catadores prestam serviços ambientais que colaboram para a redução do uso de recursos naturais, a diminuição ou controle da poluição e a gestão ambientalmente adequada dos resíduos sólidos recicláveis. Esses serviços são importantes para a provisão dos serviços ecossistêmicos, incluindo os serviços de suporte, provisão, regulação e culturais. Assim, podem ser inseridos também como uma Solução Baseada na Natureza (SbN), por ter como princípio a utilização da própria natureza para o manejo sustentável dos recursos naturais. A análise dos contratos firmados entre municípios e organizações de catadores mostrou que o instrumento PSA ainda não é utilizado para incentivar a recuperação de materiais e a inclusão socioprodutiva de catadores. Apenas os municípios de Natal - RN, Londrina - PR e Maceió - AL reconheceram os catadores financeiramente por motivações ambientais, pelo serviço de educação ambiental prestado. De tal modo, conclui-se que ainda são necessários estudos de valoração dos serviços prestados, desenvolvimento de mecanismos de pagamento e modelos de PSA que possam ser utilizados pelos municípios.
Payment for Environmental Services - PES is an economic instrument used to encourage natural resource conservation practices. The PES for waste pickers aims to encourage the recovery of materials, the reduction of environmental externalities caused during the management of recyclable waste and the social inclusion of these workers. The objective of this thesis was to analyze the public contracts of collectors in Brazil from the perspective of Payment for Environmental Services, as an economic instrument of environmental public policy. The methodology used involved the steps of systematic literature mapping, identification of environmental services provided by waste pickers, collection of documentary data and qualitative analysis of service contracts. The systematic mapping of the literature showed that South America is the continent that most developed research on PES, mainly on forest conservation, environmental management and water resources conservation. The relationship between payment for environmental services and the work of collectors is not yet evident in the surveys. But the partnerships established between the municipalities have proved to be an important factor in the process of recognizing the collector as an environmental agent. Waste pickers provide environmental services that help reduce the use of natural resources, reduce or control pollution, and manage environmentally sound recyclable solid waste. These services are important for the provision of ecosystem services, including support, provision, regulation and cultural services. Thus, they can also be inserted as a Nature-Based Solution (NbS), based on the principle of using nature itself for the sustainable management of natural resources. The analysis of contracts signed between municipalities and waste pickers' organizations showed that the PES instrument is not yet used to encourage the recovery of materials and the socio-productive inclusion of waste pickers. Only the brazilians municipalities of Natal, Londrina and Maceió recognized the collectors financially for environmental reasons, for the environmental education service provided. In this way, it is concluded that studies on the valuation of services provided, development of payment mechanisms and PES models that can be used by municipalities are still necessary.
Public Policy , Solid Waste , Solid Waste Collection , Waste Pickers , Environmental Management , Contract Services , Municipal Environmental Policy , RecyclingABSTRACT
El reciclaje, la reutilización y la reducción en el consumo, es la demostración más concreta de una toma de conciencia en el ser y su papel protagonista en los procesos transformadores de nuestra realidad como especie. En este sentido, vemos que inculcar conocimientos en el área, desde las más jóvenes generaciones, hasta nuestros ancianos, puede lograr positivos cambios para la salud general, tanto del planeta, como del ser humano, siendo el propósito de la investigación conocer la importancia del reciclaje como un hecho significativo para exaltar el valor ambiental en los estudiantes. En cuanto al apartado epistemometodológico, se trabajó bajo el paradigma interpretativo, con un método fenomenológicohermenéutico, usando la observación participante y la entrevista en profundidad, como técnicas de recolección de información, las cuales se aplicaron a un sujeto informante del aula de 4to año, siendo éste seleccionado por ser el más adecuado para el estudio. La técnica de análisis fue reducciones fenomenológicas a los extractos más importantes de la información, la cual fue proporcionada por el sujeto informante durante la entrevista, donde surgieron las categorías que se desglosaron en un cierre eidético que dio a conocer las ideas de la esencia verdadera del pensamiento del informante, así como también se hizo un giro hermenéutico, el cual logró proporcionar sentido a lo que se expresó en la investigación, como un aporte del investigador para dar visión a todo aquello en lo que se puede ir más allá del proceso investigativo(AU)
Recycling, reuse and reduction in consumption is the most concrete demonstration of an awareness of being and its leading role in the transforming processes of our reality as a species. In this sense, we see that instilling knowledge in the area, from the youngest generations, to our elders, can achieve positive changes for the general health, both of the planet and of the human being, the purpose of the research being to know the importance of recycling as a significant fact to exalt the environmental value in students. As for the epistemological-methodological section, we worked under the interpretive paradigm, with a phenomenological-hermeneutic method, using participant observation and in-depth interview, as information collection techniques, which were applied to an informant subject from the classroom of 4th year, this being selected for being the most suitable for the study. The analysis technique was phenomenological reductions to the most important extracts of the information, which was provided by the informant subject during the interview, where the categories emerged that were broken down into an eidetic closure that revealed the ideas of the true essence of the informant's thought, as well as a hermeneutical turn, which managed to provide meaning to what was expressed in the investigation, as a contribution of the researcher to give vision to everything in which one can go beyond the investigative process(AU)
Environmental Health , Conservation of Natural Resources , Recycling , Students , Awareness , Earth, Planet , Environment , Energy ConsumptionABSTRACT
RESUMO A manufatura aditiva, mais popularmente conhecida como impressão tridimensional, baseia-se no desenvolvimento de um objeto com a ajuda de um software de desenho assistido por computador seguido de sua impressão por meio da deposição de uma matéria-prima, camada por camada, para a construção do produto desejado. Existem vários tipos de técnicas de impressão tridimensional, e o tipo de processo de impressão escolhido depende da aplicação específica do objeto a ser desenvolvido, dos materiais a serem utilizados e da resolução necessária à impressão do produto final. A impressão tridimensional abriu perspectivas na pesquisa e revolucionou o campo das ciências da saúde, com a possibilidade de criação e de desenvolvimento de produtos personalizados de maneira rápida, econômica e de forma mais centralizada do que no processo de manufatura tradicional. As tecnologias de manufatura aditiva remodelaram os diagnósticos médicos; as medidas preventivas e pré-operatórias; o tratamento e a reabilitação, assim como os processos de engenharia de tecidos nos últimos anos. Na oftalmologia, as aplicações da impressão tridimensional são extensas. Modelos anatômicos para aplicação na área da educação e planejamentos cirúrgicos, desenvolvimento de implantes, lentes, equipamentos para diagnósticos, novas aplicações terapêuticas e desenvolvimento de tecidos oculares já estão em desenvolvimento. Por possuir um campo amplo e ser alvo de pesquisa constante, a área oftalmológica permite que a manufatura aditiva ainda seja amplamente utilizada a favor dos médicos e dos pacientes.
ABSTRACT Additive manufacturing, more popularly known as three-dimensional (3D) printing, is based on the development of an object with the help of computer-aided design software followed by its printing through the deposition of a material, layer by layer, to create the desired product. There are several types of 3D printing techniques and the type of printing process chosen depends on the specific application of the object to be developed, the materials to be used, and the resolution required to print the final product. 3D printing has brought new perspectives to research and revolutionized the field of health sciences, with the possibility of creating and developing customized products in a faster, more economical, and more centralized way than in the traditional manufacturing process. Additive manufacturing technologies have reformulated medical diagnostics, preventive, preoperative, treatment, and rehabilitation, as well as tissue engineering processes in recent years. In ophthalmology, the applications of 3D printing are extensive. Anatomical models for application in education and surgical planning, development of implants, lenses, diagnostic equipment, new therapeutic applications, and development of ocular tissues (3D bioprinting) are already under development. As it has a wide field and is the subject of constant research, the ophthalmic area allows additive manufacturing to still be widely used in favor of doctors and patients.
Humans , Ophthalmology , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Printing, Three-Dimensional , Polymers , Prostheses and Implants , Biosensing Techniques , Computer-Aided Design , Recycling , Bioprinting , Stereolithography , Models, AnatomicABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: Climate change is a health problem and, at the same time, health systems are important contributors. Hospitals stand out due to their high rates of energy consumption, resources and waste generation. The purpose of the study is to know and identify the determinants of sanitary waste and the measures that can be implemented that allow reducing the production of hospital waste, seeking to achieve a general and updated appreciation of this phenomenon and taking into account hospital sustainability. METHOD: A bibliographic search was carried out in pubmed that included keywords related to the concepts of carbon footprint, recycling and hospital waste. The screening yielded a total of 37 articles and later 12 publications founded from references (or that were previously known by the authors) were added. RESULTS: The results are presented into 5 points known as the "5 Rs", named below. "Reduce" (through adequate segregation of waste, correct management of effluents and energy, significant reduction of excesses and automatic administration of anesthetic gases), "Reuse" (through device reprocessing, reusable material and donation), "Recycle", "Rethink" (with examples such as selection of less polluting gases, selective use of containers, staff education) and "Investigate" through different models. DISCUSSION: Several of the recognized measures could have an application in many hospital areas despite the fact that most of the available evidence refers to the operating room. The organization and education of the personnel is important in order to implement the measures found.
INTRODUCCIÓN: La estrategia de disposición y generación de residuos influye en el cambio climático y éste, al mismo tiempo, afecta la salud de las personas, incrementando la frecuencia de enfermedades cardiovasculares, respiratorias e infecciosas, entre otras. Los sistemas sanitarios son contribuyentes importantes, debido a sus altas tasas de consumo de energía, recursos y generación de desechos. Esta revisión de la literatura pretende obtener una apreciación general y actualizada de los determinantes de desechos sanitarios y las medidas implementables para disminuir la producción de residuos hospitalarios y nuestro impacto en el medio ambiente. MÉTODO: Se realizó una amplia búsqueda bibliográfica en la base de datos Medline que incluyó palabras clave relacionadas a huella de carbono, reciclaje y residuos hospitalarios. El cribado arrojó un total de 48 publicaciones. RESULTADOS: Se presentan los resultados organizados en 5 puntos, a los que se les conoce como las "5 R" y que corresponden a "Reducir" (a través de segregación adecuada de residuos, correcta gestión de efluentes, energía y disminución de excesos), "Reusar" (a través de reprocesamiento de dispositivos), "Reciclar" (transformación de residuos), "Repensar" (búsqueda de nuevas formas, innovadoras y sustentables, de las prácticas clínicas) e "Investigar" (Research, generar nuevo conocimiento). DISCUSIÓN: Numerosas estrategias pueden ser implementadas para contribuir a la sustentabilidad hospitalaria y podrían tener una aplicación en muchas áreas, a pesar de que la mayoría de la evidencia disponible hace referencia al sector quirúrgico. La investigación nos ofrece herramientas para desarrollar nuevas alternativas de gestión, donde la organización y educación del personal son esenciales.
Humans , Global Warming , Sustainable Development , Hospitals , Climate Change , Medical Waste Disposal , Equipment Reuse , Conservation of Natural Resources , Carbon Footprint , RecyclingABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: Climate change is a health problem and, at the same time, health systems are important contributors. Hospitals stand out due to their high rates of energy consumption, resources and waste generation. The purpose of the study is to know and identify the determinants of sanitary waste and the measures that can be implemented that allow reducing the production of hospital waste, seeking to achieve a general and updated appreciation of this phenomenon and taking into account hospital sustainability. METHOD: A bibliographic search was carried out in pubmed that included keywords related to the concepts of carbon footprint, recycling and hospital waste. The screening yielded a total of 37 articles and later 12 publications founded from references (or that were previously known by the authors) were added. RESULTS: The results are presented into 5 points known as the "5 Rs", named below. "Reduce" (through adequate segregation of waste, correct management of effluents and energy, significant reduction of excesses and automatic administration of anesthetic gases), "Reuse" (through device reprocessing, reusable material and donation), "Recycle", "Rethink" (with examples such as selection of less polluting gases, selective use of containers, staff education) and "Investigate" through different models. DISCUSSION: Several of the recognized measures could have an application in many hospital areas despite the fact that most of the available evidence refers to the operating room. The organization and education of the personnel is important in order to implement the measures found.
INTRODUCCIÓN: La estrategia de disposición y generación de residuos influye en el cambio climático y éste, al mismo tiempo, afecta la salud de las personas, incrementando la frecuencia de enfermedades cardiovasculares, respiratorias e infecciosas entre otras. Los sistemas sanitarios son contribuyentes importantes, debido a sus altas tasas de consumo de energía, recursos y generación de desechos. Esta revisión de la literatura pretende obtener una apreciación general y actualizada de los determinantes de desechos sanitarios y las medidas implementables para disminuir la producción de residuos hospitalarios y nuestro impacto en el medio ambiente. MÉTODO: Se realizó una amplia búsqueda bibliográfica en la base de datos Medline que incluyó palabras clave relacionadas a huella de carbono, reciclaje y residuos hospitalarios. El cribado arrojó un total de 48 publicaciones. RESULTADOS: Se presentan los resultados organizados en 5 puntos, a los que se les conoce como las "5 R" y que corresponden a "Reducir" (a través de segregación adecuada de residuos, correcta gestión de efluentes, energía y disminución de excesos), "Reusar" (a través de reprocesamiento de dispositivos), "Reciclar" (transformación de residuos), "Repensar" (búsqueda de nuevas formas, innovadoras y sustentables, de las prácticas clínicas) e "Investigar" (Research, generar nuevo conocimiento). DISCUSIÓN: Numerosas estrategias pueden ser implementadas para contribuir a la sustentabilidad hospitalaria y podrían tener una aplicación en muchas áreas, a pesar de que la mayoría de la evidencia disponible hace referencia al sector quirúrgico. La investigación nos ofrece herramientas para desarrollar nuevas alternativas de gestión, donde la organización y educación del personal son esenciales.
Humans , Global Warming , Sustainable Development , Hospitals , Climate Change , Medical Waste Disposal , Equipment Reuse , Carbon Footprint , RecyclingABSTRACT
Las actividades humanas producen un fuerte impacto en la degradación del ambiente. Por tanto, es necesario considerar que, si bien es cierto que en general, los residuos que genera no son tóxicos, su volumen es considerable, produciendo contaminación visual y la rápida colmatación de los vertederos. Objetivo: la presente propuesta de estudio tiene como objetivo validar un instrumento de investigación con el fin de obtener los datos necesarios para diseño de un plan de manejo ambiental y la búsqueda de estrategias para clasificar, reducir, y reutilizar los desechos. Y que autoevalúe el sistema de gestión ambiental, teniendo en cuenta aquellos aspectos relacionados con la normatividad de medio ambiente. Materiales y métodos: El instrumento fue sometido a consideración por juicio de expertos en el tema en el que intervinieron 3 PhDs y 2 especialistas del tema y determinó el grado pertinencia, la validez y la confiabilidad, aplicando el método Delphi que permite encontrar el coeficiente de competencia en forma y contenido. Resultados: Se evidencia que tanto los PhD y los especialistas indican que el instrumento está en la categoría de excelente, por tanto, se puede afirmar que es un instrumento pertinente, válido y confiable para ser aplicado en una prueba piloto. Conclusión: El instrumento presenta validez y confiabilidad aceptable para medir el manejo de las estrategias de conservación ambiental con el fin de reducir, reciclar y reutilizar los desechos sólidos(AU)
Human activities produce a strong impact on the degradation of the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to consider that, although it is true that in general, the waste generated is not toxic, its volume is considerable, producing visual pollution and the landfills rapid clogging. Objective: The purpose of this study proposal is to validate a research instrument in order to obtain the necessary data for the design of an environmental management plan and the search for strategies to classify, reduce and reuse waste. In addition, to self-evaluate the environmental management system, taking into account those aspects related to environmental regulations. Materials and methods: The instrument was submitted to the judgment of experts in the subject, in which three PhDs and two specialists in the subject participated and determined the degree of relevance, validity and reliability, applying the Delphi method that allows finding the coefficient of competence in form and content. The results: It is evident that both the PhDs and the specialists indicate that the instrument is in the excellent category; therefore, it can be affirmed that it is a pertinent, valid and reliable instrument to be applied in a pilot test. Conclusion: The instrument presents acceptable validity and reliability to measure the management of environmental conservation strategies to reduce, recycle and reuse solid waste(AU)
Humans , Solid Waste/analysis , Surveys and Questionnaires , Validation Study , Recycling , Environment , Environment and Public Health , Environmental PollutionABSTRACT
Plastics are widely used in daily life. Due to poor management and disposal, about 80% of plastic wastes were buried in landfills and eventually became land and ocean waste, causing serious environmental pollution. Recycling plastics is a desirable approach, but not applicable for most of the plastic waste. Microbial degradation offers an environmentally friendly way to degrade the plastic wastes, and this review summarizes the potential microbes, enzymes, and the underpinning mechanisms for degrading six most commonly used plastics including polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, polystyrene and polyurethane. The challenges and future perspectives on microbial degradation of plastics were proposed.
Biodegradation, Environmental , Plastics , Polyurethanes , RecyclingABSTRACT
Objetivos: Verificar a associação da distância da habitação em relação a sítios de reciclagem sobre habilidades cognitivas em escolares. Métodos: Estudo transversal, no qual aplicou-se a escala Wechsler Abreviada de Inteligência em 100 escolares de 6 a 14 anos. As crianças foram divididas em um grupo de estudo (expostos), cujas residências estavam situadas a menos de 100 metros de sítios de reciclagem, em um bairro da cidade de Caxias do Sul. Houve um grupo controle, cujas residências estavam a mais de 150 metros de algum sítio de reciclagem, no mesmo bairro ou adjacências. Resultados: A habitação próxima a sítios de reciclagem aumentou a chance de apresentar quociente de inteligência baixo nos escolares na análise univariada (OR 2,19; IC95% 1,213,95). No quociente de inteligência total, o escore obtido foi de 84 no grupo exposto e 95 no grupo controle (p≤0,01). Quando ajustadas para outras variáveis potencialmente prejudiciais, a escolaridade materna elevada mostrou-se um fator atenuador do impacto da distância (OR 0,28; IC95% 0,110,72). A diferença encontrada entre os escores de quociente de inteligência verbal foi de 14 pontos (p<0,01); no quociente de inteligência de execução a diferença foi de 4 pontos (p=0,04). Conclusões: A distância entre a habitação e os sítios de reciclagem de resíduos pode reduzir habilidades cognitivas em escolares, mas esse efeito parece ser atenuado pela escolaridade materna. Essa associação reforça as preocupações sobre o impacto do manejo inadequado de resíduos urbanos, podendo vir a subsidiar a criação de políticas públicas que visem diminuir exposições ambientais potencialmente danosas.
Aims: We verified the association of housing distance in relation to recycling sites on schoolchildren's cognitive abilities. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, in which the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence was applied to 100 schoolchildren aged 6 to 14 years. Children were divided into a study group (exposed), whose households were located less than 100 meters from recycling sites in a neighborhood in the city of Caxias do Sul, and a control group, whose homes were located more than 150 meters from a recycling site in the same neighborhood or nearby. Results: Residences located more than 150 meters away from a recycling site can reduce the chance of low intelligence quotient in schoolchildren in the univariate analysis (OR 2.19; 95% CI 1.21-3.95). The full-scale intelligence quotient score was 84 in the exposed group and 95 in the control group (p≤0.01). When adjusted for other potentially harmful variables, higher maternal education was a mitigating factor of distance impact (OR 0.28, 95% CI 0.11-0.72). The difference found among verbal intelligence quotient scores was 14 points (p<0.01); in the performance intelligence quotient, the difference was 4 points (p=0.04). Conclusions: Living close to waste recycling sites can reduces cognitive abilities in schoolchildren, and this effect seems to be attenuated by maternal education. This association reinforces concerns about the impact of inadequate urban waste management, and may subsidize the creation of public policies that aim to reduce potentially harmful environmental exposures.
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Cognitive Dysfunction , Solid Waste , Growth and Development , Recycling , Intelligence TestsABSTRACT
Objective: The recycling of heat pressed lithium disilicate glass-ceramic leftover material has been reported to be done by dental laboratories. The effect of this procedure on the fracture resistance of single crowns is unknown, especially when it is functioning inside the oral cavity with subsequent exposure to temperature changes and cycles of mastication. Material and Methods: A total of 28 lithium disilicate glass-ceramic crowns (IPS emax Press) were constructed and randomly assigned into two groups (n = 14); Group (P): Included crowns fabricated from new e.max ingots. Group (R): Included crowns fabricated from repressed e.max buttons. Specimens of each group were divided into two equal subgroups (n = 7) according to whether the aging of specimens will be performed or not before fracture resistance testing. Subgroup (N), samples were subjected to fracture resistance without thermo-mechanical aging, while subgroup (A), samples were subjected to thermo-cycling and cyclic loading before being subjected to fracture strength testing. Different methods; SEM, XRD, EDAX were used to characterize the properties of lithium disilicate glass-ceramics before and after repressing. Results: The highest statistically significant fracture resistance value was recorded for the subgroup (RN) repressed/non-aged, followed by the subgroup repressed/aged (RA), while the lowest statistically significant mean value was recorded for the subgroup pressed/aged (PA). There was no significant difference between pressed/non-aged (PN) and repressed/aged (RA) subgroups. Conclusion: Repressing of leftover buttons may increase the fracture resistance of IPS emax Press crowns. Thermo-mechanical aging may negatively affect the fracture resistance of IPS emax Press crowns, yet Repressing may decrease this effect. Clinical implications:This is a novel approach that targets a point of research that has not been investigated before. It elaborates how repressing may decrease the effect of aging and increase the fracture resistance of lithium disilicate crowns. Thus, recycling of lithium disilicate glass ceramics might decrease its failure and prolong their serviceability (AU)
Objetivo: A reutilização de material residual de vitrocerâmicas de dissilicato de lítio prensadas a quente tem sido realizada pelos laboratórios de prótese. O efeito deste procedimento na resistência à fratura de coroas unitárias é desconhecido, especialmente quando estão em função na cavidade oral com subsequente exposição às variações de temperatura e ciclos mastigatórios. Material e Métodos: Vinte e oito coroas de dissilicato de lítio (IPS e.max Press) foram confeccionadas e divididas aleatoriamente em dois grupos (n = 14); Grupo (P): Incluiu coroas fabricadas de pastilhas novas de e.max; Grupo (R): Incluiu coroas fabricadas de e.max reprensado. As amostras de cada grupo foram divididas em dois subgrupos iguais (n = 7) de acordo com a realização de envelhecimento dos espécimes antes do teste de resistência à fratura. As amostras do subgrupo (N) foram submetidas ao teste de resistência à fratura sem envelhecimento termomecânico, enquanto as amostras do subgrupo (A) foram submetidas ao envelhecimento termomecânico antes do teste de resistência à fratura. Diferentes métodos (MEV, DRX e EDS) foram usados para caracterizar as propriedades da cerâmica de dissilicato de lítio antes e depois da reprensagem. Resultados: O maior valor de resistência à fratura estatisticamente significativo foi do subgrupo (RN) reprensado/não envelhecido, seguido pelo subgrupo reprensado/envelhecido (RA), enquanto o menor valor médio estatisticamente significativo foi do subgrupo prensado/envelhecido (PA). Não houve diferença estatística entre os subgrupos prensado/não envelhecido (PN) e reprensado/envelhecido (RA). Conclusão: A reprensagem de material residual pode aumentar a resistência à fratura de coroas de IPS e.max Press. O envelhecimento termomecânico pode afetar negativamente na resistência à fratura deste material, enquanto a reprensagem pode diminuir este efeito. Relevância clínica: Esta é uma nova abordagem que busca estudar um tema que não havia sido investigado anteriormente. Este estudo demonstrou como a reprensagem pode diminuir o efeito do envelhecimento e aumentar a resistência à fratura de coroas de dissilicato de lítio. Assim, a reutilização de vitrocerâmicas de dissilicato de lítio pode diminuir o risco à falha e aumentar o tempo de vida útil (AU)
Crowns , Recycling , Flexural Strength , MouthABSTRACT
Esta dissertação busca estudar formas para valorização de resíduos orgânicos (RO) por meio da técnica de digestão anaeróbia e redução de desperdício em empresa do ramo industrial alimentício responsável pelo fornecimento de suprimentos alimentares para restaurantes do tipo "fast-food". O panorama atual dos resíduos sólidos no Brasil indica que a fração orgânica representa mais da metade de sua composição, descartando como rejeito o que, nos moldes da economia circular, pode ser tratado como resíduo, sendo reinserido na cadeia produtiva e promovendo assim, grande redução dos impactos ambientais causados por sua destinação inadequada. A digestão anaeróbia consiste em viável alternativa para o aproveitamento de um valoroso subproduto dos resíduos orgânicos (RO), o metano; esse tratamento promove entalpia do resíduo e garante sua valorização de forma ampla. O resíduo abordado neste estudo consiste em itens que compõem sanduíches de rede "fast food", os quais serão avaliados de acordo com seu potencial de produção de metano; além disso, foi feita uma análise dos critérios utilizados pela empresa deste estudo para classificar o alimento como avaria, possibilitando a abertura de caminhos no quesito redução de desperdícios, tornando ínfima a quantidade destinada a aterros. Os resíduos orgânicos gerados pela empresa foram analisados em escalada de bancada identificando sua viabilidade para a produção de metano através de conjuntos eudiômetros, porém a rápida velocidade de hidrólise resultou em acidificação dos resíduos impedindo a ocorrência da metanogênese. Os resultados demonstraram a grande importância de ampliar o espectro de análises incluindo dados como relação Carbono/Nitrogênio e DQO (Demanda Química de Oxigênio) e DBO (Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio) para equilibrar parâmetros capazes de permitir a ocorrência de todas as etapas da biodigestão, uma vez que a estrutura disponível no desenvolvimento desta pesquisa não permitiu tal aprofundamento. Um manual de redução de desperdícios com foco nos Rs foi desenvolvido a fim de aprimorar processos de descarte que resultam hoje em grande geração de resíduos no cenário deste estudo.
This dissertation seeks to study ways to valorize organic waste (OR) through the technique of anaerobic digestion and waste reduction in a food industrial company responsible for the supply of food supplies for "fast-food" restaurants. The current scenario of solid waste in Brazil indicates that the organic fraction represents more than half of its composition, discarding as waste what, in the circular economy molds, can be treated as waste, being reinserted in the production chain and thus promoting a large reduction of environmental impacts caused by its improper disposal. Anaerobic digestion is a viable alternative for the use of a valuable by-product of organic waste (OR), the methane; this treatment promotes enthalpy of the waste and ensures its recovery in a broad way. The waste addressed in this study consists of items that make up "fast food" sandwiches, which will be evaluated according to their potential for methane production; furthermore, an analysis was made of the criteria used by the company of this study to classify the food as a malfunction, enabling the opening of ways in the waste reduction item, making the amount destined to landfills minimal. The organic waste generated by the company was analyzed in bench scale, identifying its viability for methane production through eudiometer sets, but the fast speed of hydrolysis resulted in acidification of the waste preventing the occurrence of methanogenesis. The results showed the great importance of broadening the spectrum of analyses by including data such as Carbon/Nitrogen ratio and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) to balance parameters capable of allowing the occurrence of all stages of biodigestion, since the structure available in the development of this research did not allow such deepening. A waste reduction manual focused on the Rs was developed in order to improve disposal processes that currently result in large waste generation in the scenario of this study.
Waste Products , Food Loss and Waste , Anaerobic Digestion , Hunger , Eating , Fast Foods , Recycling , GarbageABSTRACT
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To describe the hepatitis B prevalence in Brazilian waste pickers. METHODS: We performed a literature search in the SciELO, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), PubMed and Web of Science databases using the descriptors: "hepatitis B" AND ("informal recycling" OR "waste picker" OR "recyclable waste collectors" OR "solid waste segregator") AND ("recyclable waste" OR "solid waste") AND Brazil. Epidemiological studies on HBV in Brazilian waste pickers published prior to February 2020 were included and evaluated for quality and bias using a funnel plot. RESULTS: This meta-analysis consisted of five articles. Prevalence of HBV surface antigen seropositivity was 14% (95%CI: 6%-22%) in Brazilian waste pickers. CONCLUSION: HBV prevalence in Brazilian waste pickers remains high. There should be more campaigns showing the importance of vaccination and personal protective equipment use.
Humans , Refuse Disposal , Hepatitis B/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Prevalence , RecyclingABSTRACT
A Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, aprovada em 2010, tem como destaque a integração dos catadores de materiais recicláveis nas ações que envolvem a responsabilidade compartilhada pelo ciclo de vida dos produtos e a logística reversa. Com o estabelecimento de metas de reciclagem, definidos nos termos de compromisso e acordos setoriais de embalagens em geral, os fabricantes, importadores, distribuidores e comerciantes devem implementar o sistema de logística reversa para realizar e comprovar a redução de embalagens dispostas em aterros sanitários, o que corresponde ao acréscimo da taxa de recuperação (reciclagem) da fração seca. Como uma forma de apoio, surgem os programas de crédito de logística reversa destinados principalmente às organizações de catadores, propiciando a elas comercializar créditos dos resíduos recicláveis originários de notas fiscais de venda. Como contrapartida, variados investimentos são realizados por parte dos programas. Esta pesquisa buscou avaliar os efeitos sociais e econômicos desses programas em cooperativas de catadores no município de São Paulo. Para isso, elaborou-se um questionário abordando temas como o processo de parceria entre as cooperativas e programas de créditos de logística reversa, remuneração versus produção, segurança do trabalho, saúde, qualificação, formalização e impacto da pandemia de COVID-19. Realizaram-se entrevistas com as lideranças de 10 cooperativas de catadores previamente selecionadas. De modo geral, com base na análise dos dados, constatou-se que os efeitos causados pelos programas nas cooperativas de catadores foram tímidos. No entanto, houve efeitos positivos como o aumento da remuneração e melhorias nos processos ergonômicos. E efeitos negativos no que tange à quantidade de resíduos recicláveis comercializados mensalmente e na falta de investimento para contribuição da previdência social, falta de oferta para planos de saúde e de cursos profissionalizantes para os cooperados. Os resultados evidenciaram que tais programas necessitam de melhorias em diversos pontos e devem avançar no que se refere ao pagamento pelo serviço ambiental.
The Brazilian National Policy on Solid Waste, approved in 2010, highlights the integration of waste pickers in actions that involve shared responsibility for the life cycle of products and reverse logistics. The establishment of recycling goals, defined in the terms of commitment and sectorial agreements for packaging in general, manufacturers, importers, distributors and traders must implement the reverse logistics system implement and prove the reduction of packaging disposed in sanitary landfills, the which corresponds to the increase in the recovery rate (recycling) of the dry fraction. As a form of support, reverse logistics credit programs arise, mainly aimed at waste picker organizations, enabling them to sell credits from recyclable waste originating from sales invoices and, in return, several investments are made by the programs. It is the social and economic effects of these programs on waste picker cooperatives in the city of São Paulo that this research sought to assess. For this, a survey was elaborated addressing topics such as the partnership process between cooperatives and reverse logistics credit programs, remuneration versus production, occupational health, health, education, legalization and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Interviews were carried out with the leaders of 10 previously selected waste picker cooperatives. In general, data analysis found that the effects that the reverse logistics credit programs had on waste picker cooperatives were small. However, there were positive effects such as increased compensation and improvements in ergonomic processes. Although negative effects on the amount of recyclable waste monthly sales, the lack of investment to contribute to social security, lack of offer for health plans and professional training courses for cooperative members. The results showed that such programs need improvement in several points and should advance in terms of payment for the environmental service.
Solid Waste Collection , Waste Pickers , Recycling , Remuneration , Reverse LogisticsABSTRACT
Minituber production is an important step to obtain high-quality seed potatoes. This production is carried out in a greenhouse using a large volume of commercial substrate acquired in specialized trade. An alternative to reduce the volume of substrate purchased for each production of minitubers would be to reuse it, which would be a way to optimize its use. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of reused substrates in the minituber production. The experiment was conducted in Tapira-MG with the Atlantic potato cultivar. The experimental design was a randomized block with six treatments and four replications, where each plot was represented by a box (0.15 x 0.4 x 0.5m: height, width, and length, respectively) containing substrates. Treatments consisted of formulation 04-14-08 rates (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 g box-1) added to reused substrate and a control consisting of a new virgin substrate. At 45 days after transplanting, the following characteristics were evaluated: stem size (cm), and quantities of fresh and dry matter of aerial part of plants. Harvesting was performed manually, counting, and calculating the yield of tubers according to class. The reuse substrate with enriched nutrient regardless of the rate, when compared to the use of a new virgin substrate, did not interfere in potato plant development and in the total productivity of minitubers of classes I, II, III, and IV. This can be a feasible alternative for optimizing the use of the virgin substrate. The rate of 25 g box-1 of 4-14-8 is sufficient to provide the needs of potato in nutrients, ensuring high productivity.
A produção de minitubérculos é uma etapa importante para obtenção de batata-semente de alta qualidade. Esta produção é realizada em casa de vegetação e utiliza grande volume de substrato comercial adquirido no comércio especializado. Uma alternativa para diminuir o volume de substrato adquirido a cada produção de minitubérculos seria a reutilização do mesmo, o que seria uma forma de otimizar o seu uso. Neste sentido, objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência de substratos reutilizados na produção de minitubérculos de batata. O experimento foi conduzido no município de Tapira-MG, com a cultivar Atlantic. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições, onde cada parcela foi representada por uma caixa (0,15 x 0,4 x 0,5 m: altura, largura e comprimento, respectivamente) contendo substratos. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por doses do formulado 04-14-08 (0, 25, 50, 75 e 100 g caixa-1) adicionadas ao substrato reutilizado e uma testemunha com substrato virgem. Aos 45 dias após o transplantio foram avaliadas as características: tamanho de haste (cm), matéria fresca e matéria seca da parte aérea. A colheita foi realizada manualmente e procedeu a contagem e a produtividade de tubérculos, em classes. O substrato reutilizado enriquecido com nutrientes, independentemente da dose, quando comparado ao substrato virgem, não interferiu no desenvolvimento da planta de batata e na produtividade total dos minitubérculos das classes I, II, III e IV. Esta pode ser uma alternativa viável para otimizar o uso do substrato virgem. A taxa de 25 g box-1 de 4-14-8 é suficiente para atender às necessidades de batata em nutrientes, garantindo alta produtividade.
Solanum tuberosum , Substrates for Biological Treatment/methods , Recycling/methods , Horticulture/methodsABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives This study aimed to analyze the efficacy of platelet-rich plasma obtained from the peripheral, autologous blood of the patients in pain complaints reduction and functional improvement of knee osteoarthritis compared with the standard treatment with injectable corticosteroid, such as triamcinolone. Methods The patients were followed-up clinically at the preinfiltrative visit, with quantitative evaluation using the Knee Society Score (KSS), the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) score, and the Kellgren and Lawrence scales. In addition, they were reevaluated with the same scales after 1 month and 6 months of intervention with 2.5 mL of triamcinolone acetate or 5 mL of platelet-rich plasma. The study was performed on 50 patients with knee osteoarthritis treated at the Medical Specialty Center and randomly divided into equivalent samples for each therapy. Results The present study verified the reduction of pain scores, such as the WOMAC score, and elevations of functional scales, such as the KSS, evidenced in 180 days when using platelet-rich plasma, a therapy that uses the autologous blood of the patient and has fewer side effects. Conclusion Although both platelet-rich plasma and corticosteroid therapies have been shown to be effective in the reduction pain complaints and functional recovery, there was a statistically significant difference between them at 180 days. According to the results obtained, platelet-rich plasma presented longer-lasting effects within 180 days in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis.
Resumo Objetivo Analisar a eficácia do uso de plasma rico em plaquetas, obtido do sangue periférico e autólogo dos pacientes, na redução das queixas álgicas e melhoria funcional dos pacientes portadores de osteoartrite de joelhos, em comparação com o tratamento padrão com injeção de corticosteroides de depósito, como a triancilonola. Métodos Os pacientes foram acompanhados clinicamente na consulta pré-infiltrativa, com avaliação quantitativa através das escalas Knee Society Score (KSS), Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC), e Kellgren and Lawrence. Além disso, os pacientes foram reavaliados com as mesmas escalas após 1 mês e 6 meses de intervenção com 2,5 mL de acetato de triancinolona ou 5 mL de plasma rico em plaquetas. O estudo foi feito em 50 pacientes portadores de osteoartrite de joelhos atendidos no Centro de Especialidades Médicas, divididos em amostras equivalentes randomizadas para cada terapia. Resultados No presente estudo, verificaram-se redução dos valores em escalas álgicas, como a WOMAC, e elevação das pontuações em escalas funcionais, como a KSS, evidenciadas em 180 dias após o uso de plasma rico em plaquetas, uma terapia feita a partir do sangue autólogo do paciente e com menos efeitos colaterais. Conclusão Embora ambas as terapias com plasma rico em plaquetas e corticosteroides tenham se mostrado eficazes na redução das queixas álgicas e na recuperação funcional, houve diferença significativa entre as terapias aos 180 dias. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, no tratamento da osteoartrite do joelho, o plasma rico em plaquetas demonstrou efeitos mais duradouros em 180 dias.
Humans , Osteoarthritis , Blood , Triamcinolone , Efficacy , Adrenal Cortex Hormones , Osteoarthritis, Knee , Platelet-Rich Plasma , Recycling , InjectionsABSTRACT
RESUMEN Actualmente se generan grandes cantidades de sub-productos agroindustriales como residuos, aun cuando pueden ser fuente importante de variados compuestos antioxidantes. Una de las formas de aprovechar esta funcionalidad es concentrar los antioxidantes mediante la elaboración de extractos, siendo las "extracciones verdes", que usan solventes como agua o etanol, que por ser más amigables con el medio ambiente y la salud humana, han sido las más estudiadas en los últimos años. Sin embargo, uno de los principales problemas de reutilizar este tipo de compuestos bioactivos es mantener su estabilidad, debido a que luego de ser extraídos desde su matriz biológica son muy sensibles a distintas condiciones medioambientales y de almacenamiento. Una tecnología que puede reducir la inestabilidad de los compuestos antioxidantes es la encapsulación, la cual también reduce las alteraciones organolépticas que se pudieran producir cuando son incorporados en alimentos. Según nuestro conocimiento no existen revisiones de encapsulación de extractos de sub-productos agroindustriales (en donde se puede encontrar una gran variedad de compuestos antioxidantes) y la información existente se basa en compuestos antioxidantes específicos encapsulados. Por tanto, el objetivo de esta revisión fue recopilar información actualizada respecto a la encapsulación de extractos antioxidantes obtenidos a partir de sub-productos agroindustriales vegetales y su incorporación como ingredientes en alimentos.
ABSTRACT Currently large quantities of agro-industrial by-products are generated as waste even when they can be used as important sources of various antioxidant compounds. One of the ways to take advantage of this functionality is to concentrate antioxidants via the preparation of extracts. Due to their lower impact on the environment and human health "green extractions" using solvents such as water or alcohol have been the most studied in recent years. However, one of the main problems in re-using these bioactive compounds is maintaining stability after being extracted from their biological matrix. Instability relates to different environmental and storage conditions. One technology that can reduce antioxidants instability is encapsulation, which also reduces organoleptic alterations that could occur when they are incorporated into food. To our knowledge there are no reviews of encapsulation of agroindustry by-product extracts (where a wide variety of antioxidant compounds can be found) and existing information is based on specific encapsulated antioxidant compounds. Therefore, the objective of this review was to gather up-to-date information regarding the encapsulation of antioxidant extracts obtained from vegetable agro-industrial by-products and their incorporation as ingredients in food.
Humans , Waste Products , Functional Food , Antioxidants , Plants , Agribusiness , RecyclingABSTRACT
Background: Plaster of Paris (POP) is being used in different ways in the field of medicine, dentistry and rehabilitation. One of its uses is in the manufacture of models of body segments in prosthetics and orthotics. It is used as a one-off procedure in which the used material is dismantled and discarded. The disposal of discarded materials does not allow easy decomposition which then pollutes the environment. It is not known whether this material could be reused if recycled. Objectives: The main objective of the study was to recycle POP models and determine its reuse in producing models with identical qualities, and thus reduce environmental pollution. Method: The procedure adopted was to break discarded models into small pieces, remove impurities and dirt; then the sample models were milled, washed, dried and pulverised. The POP models were heated to evaporate crystalline water in order to determine for how many times it could be recycled while retaining the desired strength, setting time and working characteristics. Results: The recycled POP reached higher setting temperatures and was stronger in terms of compressive strain and strength than the virgin POP. The highest temperature recorded for recycled POP was 40°C, which was higher than that for virgin powder (32.5°C). Testing compressive strength of all cylinders in all groups showed that the average compressive strength of the recycled powder mixed with water in a ratio of 1:1 was 2407 KN/m² and the ratio of 2:3 resulted in a compressive strength of 1028 KN/m², whereas the average compressive strength of virgin POP powder mixed with water in a ratio of 1:1 was 1807 KN/m² and the ratio of 2:3 resulted in a compressive strength of 798 KN/m². There were no differences in working properties between the recycled POP and the virgin POP. Conclusion: It was therefore concluded that under controlled conditions, such as grinding size, heating temperature, time and avoidance of contamination, used POP could be continuously recycled, resulting in stronger and workable casts