Los errores de refracción contribuyen como un gran problema de salud pública. Las crecientes tasas de prevalencia de la miopía han alcanzado los niveles de epidemia en varias áreas. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las tasas de prevalencia de errores de refracción en los estudiantes de medicina. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo en el Departamento de Oftalmología, durante un período de un año desde enero de 2020 hasta diciembre de 2020. Los estudiantes de medicina fueron seleccionados al azar, como un total de 250 sujetos. Todos se sometieron a un examen oftálmico. De 250 estudiantes, se documentaron 148 (59.2%) casos de RE. La mayoría de los casos comunes eran mujeres (89, 60.1%), mientras que los hombres eran (59, 39.9%). De estos, 98 estudiantes tienen miopía (66.2%), 42 casos tienen astigmatismo (28.4%) y 8 casos tienen hipermetropía (5.4%). La etapa tardía de las clases (sexto) tiene los casos RE más frecuentes. La miopía fue la RE predominante entre los estudiantes de medicina. La clase anticipada y la mujer son factores predisponentes.
Refractive errors are contributing as a major public health problem. The increasing prevalence rates of myopia have reaching to epidemic levels in several areas. This study was aimed to determine the prevalence rates of refractive errors in medical students. A prospective study was conducted in the Department of Ophthalmology, over a period of one year from Jan 2020 to Dec 2020. Medical students were randomly selected, as a total of 250 subjects. All were undergoing an ophthalmic examination. Of 250 students, 148(59.2%) cases of RE were documented. Most common cases were female (89, 60.1%), whereas male was (59, 39.9%). Of these, 98 students have myopia (66.2%), 42 cases have astigmatism (28.4%) and 8 cases have hypermetropia (5.4%). The late stage of classes (6th) has the most frequent RE cases. Myopia was the predominant RE among the medical students. Advance class and female are predisposing factors
Humans , Adult , Refractive Errors/pathology , Astigmatism/diagnosis , Students, Medical , Prevalence , Myopia/diagnosisABSTRACT
Determinar la prevalencia del error de refracción (RE) como causa en los ojos en los niños en niños de esta edad (6-12 años) en la ciudad de Sulaimania. El estudio de tasa de prevalencia entre los pacientes que asisten al Shahed Dr. Aso Eye Hospital para el período del 1 de octubre de 2008 al 1 de junio de 2009. Un total de 116 niños (6-12 años) asisten al departamento de entrecerrares durante aproximadamente 8 meses. El estudio incluyó ambos sexos, eran niños de 55 años y niñas 61. Se sometieron a un examen ocular completo. Encontramos que (72) pacientes (62.02 %) tenían un error de refracción, incluyen: 33 pacientes (45.9 %) = hipermetropia (H); 22 pacientes (29.16%) = miopía [m]; 18 pacientes (24.3%) astigmatismo (AST.); 4 mixtos; 6 h-as. y 8 m-as. En conclusiones, la causa más frecuente del entrecerrar de la infancia a este ancho [6-12 años) es el error refractivo, mientras que las otras causas en su conjunto constituyen solo 1/3 de las causas, y el error de refracción más común es la hipermetropía
To determine the prevalence of refractive error (RE) as a cause in squinted in children in this aged (6-12 years) in Sulaimania city. The prevalence rate study among patient attending Shahed Dr. Aso eye hospital for the period from 1st October 2008 - 1st June 2009. A total of 116 children ( 6-12 years) attending squint department for about 8 months. The study included both sexes, were boys 55 and girls 61. Underwent full ocular examination. We found that (72) patients (62.02%) had refractive error, include: 33 patients (45.9 %) = Hypermetropia (H); 22 patients (29.16%) = Myopia [M]; 18 patients (24.3%) Astigmatism (Ast.); 4 mixed; 6 H-Ast. and 8 M-Ast. In conclusions, the most prevalent cause of childhood squint at this aged [6-12 years) is refractive error while the other causes as a whole constitute only 1/3 of the causes, and most common refractive error is hypermetropia
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Refractive Errors/pathology , Astigmatism/pathology , Hyperopia/pathology , Myopia/pathologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: To (a) determine the normative values for optical coherence tomography (OCT) parameters such as central macular thickness, retinal nerve fiber layer thickness, and choroidal thickness in healthy children; (b) investigate the relationships of these parameters with axial length, central corneal thickness, refractive errors, and intraocular pressure; and (c) determine interexaminer agreement for choroidal thickness measurements. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 120 healthy children aged 8-15 years underwent detailed ophthalmological examination and OCT measurements. Choroidal thickness was measured at three separate locations by two independent examiners. Results: The mean global retinal nerve fiber layer thickness was 98.75 ± 9.45 μm (79.0-121.0). The mean central macular thickness was 232.29 ± 29.37 μm (190.0-376.0). The mean subfoveal choroidal thickness obtained by examiner 1 was 344.38 ± 68.83 μm and that obtained by examiner 2 was 344.04 ± 68.92 μm. Interexaminer agreement was between 99.6%-99.8% for choroidal thickness at three separate locations. Central macular thickness increased with axial length (r=0.245, p=0.007). Choroidal thickness increased with age (r=0.291, p=0.001) and decreased with axial length (r=-0.191, p=0.037). Global retinal nerve fiber layer thickness decreased with axial length (r=-0.247, p=0.007) and increased with central corneal thickness (r=0.208, p=0.022). Global retinal nerve fiber layer thickness positively correlated with choroidal thickness (r=0.354, p<0.001). Global retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (r=0.223, p=0.014) and choroidal thickness (r=0.272, p=0.003) increased with the spherical equivalent (D). Conclusions: Optical coherence tomography parameters showed a wide range of variability in children. Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness, central macular thickness, and choroidal thickness were found to be either inter-related or correlated with age, central corneal thickness, axial length, and refractive errors. Furthermore, manual measurements of choroidal thickness showed high interexaminer agreement. Because normative values for optical coherence tomography parameters differed in children, the measurements should be interpreted according to an age-appropriate database.
RESUMO Objetivo: Determinar valores normativos para parâmetros de tomografia de coerência óptica consistindo em espessura macular central, espessura da camada de fibra nervosa da retina e espessura coroidal em crianças saudáveis, para investigar suas relações com o comprimento axial, espessura corneana central, erros refractivos e pressão intraocular e determinar a concordância interexaminador para medidas de espessura coroidal. Métodos: um total de 120 crianças saudáveis com idade entre 8 e 15 anos foram submetidas a exame oftalmológico detalhado e a medições de tomografia de coerência óptica em uma configuração de estudo transversal. A espessura coroide foi medida por dois examinadores independentes em 3 pontos distintos. Resultados: A espessura global media da camada de fibra nervosa da retina foi de 98.75 ± 9.45 μm (79.0-121.0). A espessura macular central media foi de 232.29 ± 29.37 μm (190.0-376.0). A espessura coroidea subfoveal media foi de 344.38 ± 68.83 μm medida pelo examinador 1 e 344.04 ± 68.92 μm medida pelo examinador 2. A concordância foi entre 99.6-99.8% para a espessura coroidal em 3 pontos distintos. Verificou-se que a espessura macular central aumentava com o comprimento axial (r=0.245, p=0.007). A espessura da coroide aumentou com a idade (r=0.291, p=0.001) e diminuiu com o comprimento axial (r=-0.191, p=0.037). A espessura global da camada de fibras nervosas da retina diminuiu com o comprimento axial (r=-0.247, p=0.007) e aumenta com a espessura central da córnea (r=0.208, p=0.022). A espessura global da camada de fibras nervosas da retina foi correlacionada positivamente com a espessura coroidal (r=0.354, p<0.001). A espessura global da camada de fibras nervosas da retina (r=0.223, p=0.014) e a espessura coroide (r=0.272, p=0.003) aumentaram com o equivalente esférico (D). Conclusões: os parâmetros de tomografia de coerência óptica parecem mostrar uma ampla gama de variabilidade em crianças. A espessura da camada de fibra nervosa da retina, a espessura macular central, a espessura coroidea estão inter-relacionadas ou correlacionadas com a idade, espessura corneana central, comprimento axial e erros refractivos. Além disso, as medidas manuais da espessura coroidea apresentaram alta concordância entre examinadores. Deve-se ter em mente que os valores normativos dos parâmetros da tomografia de coerência óptica diferem em crianças, portanto, as medidas devem ser interpretadas de acordo com uma determinada base de dados apropriada para idade.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Retina/anatomy & histology , Choroid/anatomy & histology , Tomography, Optical Coherence/standards , Organ Size , Reference Standards , Reference Values , Refractive Errors/pathology , Observer Variation , Cross-Sectional Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric , Corneal PachymetryABSTRACT
Aim: To study the relationship between ocular parameters and amplitude of accommodation (AA) in the peri-presbyopic age group (35–50 years). Materials and Methods: Three hundred and sixteen right eyes of consecutive patients in the age group 35–50 years, who attended our outpatient clinic, were studied. Emmetropes, hypermetropes and myopes with best-corrected visual acuity of 20/20, J1 in both eyes were included. The AA was calculated by measuring the near point of accommodation. The axial length (AL), central anterior chamber depth (CACD) and lens thickness (LT) were also measured. Results: There was moderate correlation (Pearson’s correlation coefficient r = 0.56) between AL and AA as well as between CACD and AA (r = 0.53) in myopes in the age group 35–39 years. In the other age groups and the groups taken as a whole, there was no correlation. In hypermetropes and emmetropes, there was no correlation between AA and the above ocular parameters. No significant correlation existed between LT and AA across different age groups and refractive errors. Conclusion: There was no significant correlation between AA and ocular parameters like anterior chamber depth, AL and LT.
Accommodation, Ocular , Adult , Anterior Chamber/anatomy & histology , Anterior Chamber/pathology , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Refractive Errors/pathology , Refractive Errors/physiopathology , Visual AcuityABSTRACT
OBJETIVOS: Estabelecer o perfil dos pacientes com glaucoma agudo primário (GAP) e proceder a uma análise clínica e morfométrica comparativa entre o olho que sofreu a crise de GAP e o olho contralateral (OCL). Métodos: Estudo prospectivo. Foram avaliados pacientes no período de setembro de 2005 a março de 2007. Critério de inclusão: diagnóstico de GAP. Critérios de exclusão: catarata (exceto "glaukomflecken") à biomicroscopia que acarrete baixa acuidade visual ou miopização, glaucomas secundários, sinais de crise GAP prévio ou de procedimento cirúrgico anterior no OCL, impossibilidade de controle clínico do GAP, íris em platô. Foram avaliados: incidência do GAP, idade, sexo, raça, história familiar de glaucoma, acuidade visual com (AVCC) e sem correção (AVSC) na escala decimal, equivalente esférico (EE), escavação do disco óptico (E/D), gonioscopia, ceratometria (K), espessura central da córnea (ECC) e dados ecobiométricos [profundidade central da câmara anterior (PCCA), diâmetro axial ântero-posterior do olho (AXL), espessura do cristalino (CR)], e relação espessura do cristalino e diâmetro axial (CR/AXL). RESULTADOS: Foram admitidos 1346 pacientes no período de setembro de 2005 a março de 2007, 28 (2,1 por cento) tiveram o diagnóstico de GAP. A incidência de GAP no SGHSG (Serviço de Glaucoma do Hospital São Geraldo) foi de 20,8 por 1000 atendimentos. Os pacientes com GAP eram, na grande maioria, do sexo feminino, leucodérmicos, com história familiar negativa para glaucoma e média de idade de 59,6 anos. Na comparação entre olhos com GAP e os OCLs verificou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa nos seguintes parâmetros clínicos: AVSC (GAP:0,27 ± 0,32; OCL:0,57 ± 0,33, p=0,000); AVCC (GAP:0,53 ± 0,44; OCL:0,88 ± 0,23, p=0,000); EE (GAP: +0,49 ± 1,98; OCL: +1,21 ± 2,03, p=0,007); E/D (GAP: 0,51 ± 0,28; OCL: 0,42 ± 0,20; p=0,031). Além disso, à gonioscopia, os olhos com GAP apresentaram com maior freqüência os seios camerulares fechados...
PURPOSE: To establish the profile of patients with acute primary angle-closure glaucoma (APACG) and to assess comparatively clinical and morphometric parameters between eyes with APACG and contralateral eyes (CLEs). METHODS: Prospective study including patients attended from September 2005 to March 2007. Inclusion criteria: diagnosis of APACG. Exclusion criteria: presence of cataract (except for "glaukomflecken") that may cause low visual acuity or myopization, secondary glaucoma, previous APAGC or surgical procedure in the (CLE), no possibility to control the acute crisis of glaucoma clinically, plateau iris. The following were evaluated: incidence of APACG, age, gender, race, family history of glaucoma, corrected visual acuity (CVA) and uncorrected visual acuity (UVA), spherical equivalent (SE), cup/disc ratio (C/D), gonioscopy, keratometry (K), central corneal thickness (CCT), and echobiometric data [anterior central chamber depth (ACCD), axial length (AL), lens thickness (LT)] and relation between lens thickness and axial length (LT/AL). RESULTS: One thousand and three hundred and forty-three patients were examined from September 2005 to March 2006; 28 (2.1 percent) had the diagnosis of APACG. The incidence of the APACG was 20.8 cases per 1000 patients. The patients with APACG were manly white women with a negative familial history of glaucoma and with an average age of 59.6 years. When clinical aspects were compared between eyes with APACG and CLEs, statistical significance was observed: UVA (APACG: 0.27 ± 0.32; CLE: 0.57 ± 0.33, p=0.000); CVA (APACG: 0.53 ± 0.44; CLE: 0.88 ± 0.23, p=0.000); SE (APACG: +0.49 ± 1.98; CLE: +1.21 ± 2.03, p=0.007); C/D (APACG: 0.51 ± 0.28; CLE: 0.42 ± 0.20; p=0.031). Also, by gonioscopy, eyes with APACG demonstrated more frequently angle closure than CLEs. The eye of the crisis showed the following characteristics: average K of 45.21 ± 1.96 D, average CCT of 534.46 ± 34.15 mm, average ACCD of 2.43 ±...
Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Glaucoma, Angle-Closure/pathology , Acute Disease , Anterior Chamber/anatomy & histology , Anterior Chamber/pathology , Brazil , Case-Control Studies , Gonioscopy , Prospective Studies , Refractive Errors/pathology , Vision Tests , Visual Acuity/physiologyABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To determine the effect of the base curve radius (BCR) of therapeutic soft contact lens (T-lens) on epithelial healing after laser-assisted subepithelial keratectomy (LASEK). METHODS: Ninety-two eyes in 47 patients with myopia were prospectively evaluated after LASEK. All the patients wore T-lenses with the BCR (R1) randomly chosen after LASEK. The T-lenses were removed after complete healing of the epithelial wounds. We calculated an estimated BCR (R2) from postoperative topography using a diopter conversion table. The patients were divided into two groups according to the differences between the BCR (R1) and the estimated BCR (R2). The flat fitting group was R1 > R2 (Group A), and the steep fitting group was R1R2) had 53 eyes, and Group B (R1Subject(s)
, Female
, Humans
, Male
, Contact Lenses, Hydrophilic/standards
, Epithelium, Corneal/pathology
, Equipment Design
, Follow-Up Studies
, Keratectomy, Subepithelial, Laser-Assisted/methods
, Postoperative Period
, Prospective Studies
, Refraction, Ocular
, Refractive Errors/pathology
, Surface Properties
, Treatment Outcome
, Visual Acuity
, Wound Healing
PURPOSE: To determine the effect of the base curve radius (BCR) of therapeutic soft contact lens (T-lens) on epithelial healing after laser-assisted subepithelial keratectomy (LASEK). METHODS: Ninety-two eyes in 47 patients with myopia were prospectively evaluated after LASEK. All the patients wore T-lenses with the BCR (R1) randomly chosen after LASEK. The T-lenses were removed after complete healing of the epithelial wounds. We calculated an estimated BCR (R2) from postoperative topography using a diopter conversion table. The patients were divided into two groups according to the differences between the BCR (R1) and the estimated BCR (R2). The flat fitting group was R1 > R2 (Group A), and the steep fitting group was R1R2) had 53 eyes, and Group B (R1Subject(s)
, Female
, Humans
, Male
, Contact Lenses, Hydrophilic/standards
, Epithelium, Corneal/pathology
, Equipment Design
, Follow-Up Studies
, Keratectomy, Subepithelial, Laser-Assisted/methods
, Postoperative Period
, Prospective Studies
, Refraction, Ocular
, Refractive Errors/pathology
, Surface Properties
, Treatment Outcome
, Visual Acuity
, Wound Healing
OBJECTIVES: To study the normal Central Corneal Thickness (CCT) and investigate the correlation between CCT and age, gender intraocular pressure and refractive error MATERIAL AND METHOD: Population of age 12-60 years old were interviewed with standard questionnaire. Refractive error was measured and graded according to spherical equivalent power. Then intraocular pressure and central cornea thickness were measured by applanation tonometer and ultrasonic pachymeter, respectively. The data were analyzed using T-test, correlation and multivariate linear regression to identify mean CCT and correlation between age, gender, intraocular pressure, and refractive error. RESULTS: A total of 467 participants were enrolled into the study. One hundred and eighty-six (39.8%) were males and 281 (60.2%) were females. The average CCT was 535.2 +/- 29.9 microm. The mean CCT of right and left eyes were 535.3 +/- 30.4 microm, and 535.1 +/- 29.5 microm, respectively. The multivariate linear regression indicated that increasing in age would decrease the CCT 0.28 microm and an increasing of intraocular pressure would increase the CCT 1.4 microm statistically significance. CONCLUSION: The CCT was independently related to the refractive error and gender Greater CCT was associated with higher intraocular pressure. Conversely, thinner cornea was correlated with older age group.
Adolescent , Adult , Age Factors , Child , Cornea/pathology , Female , Humans , Intraocular Pressure , Male , Middle Aged , Refractive Errors/pathology , Rural Health , Sex Factors , ThailandABSTRACT
We studied 6,690 people in a population-based survey in order to determine the prevalence of blindness and its causes in the North West Frontier Province [NWFP] of Pakistan. The results showed that 1% of the population is blind in both eyes. The causes of blindness was cataract in 70%, trachoma in 9%, uncorrected aphakia in 7%, corneal opacity in 7% and miscellanea in 6%. Uniocular blindness occurred in 2.51% of the population. In uniocular blindness cataract was responsible for 45%, severe corneal opacity with or without phthisis for 29%, uncorrected aphakia for 10%, refractive errors for 8% and other diseases for 8%. Visual impairment occurred in 2.49% of the population. The leading causes of which were cataract and various types of refractive errors. [Pakistan Journal of Ophthalmology, Volume 10:39-42, April-July, 1994]