Objetivo: compreender a percepção dos usuários de programa de reabilitação física sobre suas experiências no enfrentamento de barreiras de acessibilidade e mobilidade urbana para comparecer nos atendimentos em Centro Especializado de Reabilitação. Método:estudo descritivo, abordagem qualitativa, realizado na região Metropolitana I do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Dados coletados através de entrevistas semiestruturadas, analisados à luz da análise de conteúdo, abordagem temática. Resultados: da análise emergiram quatro categorias que evidenciaram reiteradas experiências desafiadoras no percurso de suas residências para agendamentos no programa de reabilitação, se deparando com ambientes de mobilidade urbana inadequados à circulação de pessoas com algum tipo de deficiência ou mobilidade reduzida. Considerações Finais: os participantes experimentam situações constrangedoras que os fazem se sentir impotentes, desmotivados, frustrados e com baixa autoestima, requerendo das equipes de reabilitadoras a adoção de estratégias acolhedoras de atendimentos para que não comprometam o alcance de metas planejadas no programa de reabilitação.
Objective: to understand the perception of users of a physical rehabilitation program about their experiences in facing barriers to accessibility and urban mobility to attend consultations at a Specialized Rehabilitation Center. Method: descriptive study, qualitative approach, in the Metropolitan Region I of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Data collected through semi-structured interviews, analyzed in the light of content analysis, thematic approach. Results: from the analysis, four categories emerged that showed repeated challenging experiences in the course of their residences for scheduling in the rehabilitation program, facing urban mobility environments unsuitable for the circulation of people with some type of disability or reduced mobility. Final Considerations: participants experience embarrassing situations that make them feel powerless, unmotivated, frustrated and with low self-esteem, requiring rehabilitation teams to adopt welcoming strategies for care so that they do not compromise the achievement of goals planned in the rehabilitation program.
Objetivo: comprender la percepción de los usuarios de un programa de rehabilitación física sobre sus experiencias frente a las barreras de accesibilidad y movilidad urbana para asistir a consultas en un Centro Especializado de Rehabilitación. Método: estudio descriptivo, abordaje cualitativo, realizado en la Región Metropolitana I de Río de Janeiro, Brasil. Datos recolectados a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas, analizados a la luz del análisis de contenido, abordaje temático. Resultados: del análisis surgieron cuatro categorías que evidenciaron reiteradas experiencias desafiantes en el transcurso de sus residencias para la inserción en el programa de rehabilitación, frente a ambientes de movilidad urbana no aptos para la circulación de personas con algún tipo de discapacidad o movilidad reducida. Consideraciones Finales: los participantes viven situaciones bochornosas que los hacen sentir impotentes, desmotivados, frustrados y con baja autoestima, requiriendo que los equipos de rehabilitación adopten estrategias acogedoras de atención para que no comprometan el logro de las metas previstas en el programa de rehabilitación.
Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Rehabilitation Centers/statistics & numerical data , Barriers to Access of Health Services , Transit-Oriented Development , Disabled Persons/rehabilitation , Qualitative Research , Mobility Limitation , Social DiscriminationABSTRACT
Background: The 6-minute walk test (6MWT) and the Glittre ADL-test (GT) are used to assess functional capacity and exercise tolerance; however, the reproducibility of these tests needs further study in patients with acute lung diseases. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the reproducibility of the 6MWT and GT performed in patients hospitalized for acute and exacerbated chronic lung diseases. Method: 48 h after hospitalization, 81 patients (50 males, age: 52±18 years, FEV1: 58±20% of the predicted value) performed two 6MWTs and two GTs in random order on different days. Results: There was no difference between the first and second 6MWT (median 349 m [284-419] and 363 m [288-432], respectively) (ICC: 0.97; P<0.0001). A difference between the first and second tests was found in GT (median 286 s [220-378] and 244 s [197-323] respectively; P<0.001) (ICC: 0.91; P<0.0001). Conclusion: Although both the 6MWT and GT were reproducible, the best results occurred in the second test, demonstrating a learning effect. These results indicate that at least two tests are necessary to obtain reliable assessments. .
Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Aftercare/statistics & numerical data , Fee-for-Service Plans/statistics & numerical data , Medicare/economics , Patient Readmission/statistics & numerical data , Rehabilitation Centers/statistics & numerical data , Arthroplasty, Replacement/rehabilitation , Cohort Studies , Fractures, Bone/rehabilitation , Inpatients , Medicare/standards , Nervous System Diseases/rehabilitation , Patient Discharge , Quality Indicators, Health Care , Reference Values , Retrospective Studies , Stroke/rehabilitation , United States/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Background: Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs play an important role in the control and prevention of new cardiac events. Aim: A survey was performed to evaluate the current situation of CR programs in Chile. Material and Methods: A questionnaire evaluating the structure of rehabilitation centers, characteristics of the rehabilitation programs and patients, management of risk factors, reimbursement methods, human resources and potential barriers for an efficient rehabilitation, was mailed to centers dedicated to CR in Chile. Results: Eight centers were contacted and seven responded. Coronary heart disease is the most common underlying disease of attended patients and CR is carried out mainly during phases II and III. All CR centers perform an initial assessment, stratify patients, plan and provide tips on physical activity and nutrition. Only three centers provide help to quit smoking. Lipid profile and blood sugar are assessed in 62% of centers. Most practitioners involved are cardiologists, nurses, physiotherapists and nutritionists, all trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The main barrier for their development is the lack of patient referral from practitioners. Conclusions: Despite the recognized value of CR in the care of patients after a cardiac event, this study reveals the need for further development of such programs and improvement of patient referrals.
Humans , Cardiovascular Diseases/rehabilitation , Health Personnel/statistics & numerical data , Rehabilitation Centers/standards , Cardiovascular Diseases/prevention & control , Chile , Coronary Disease/rehabilitation , Patient Care Team , Program Evaluation , Surveys and Questionnaires , Referral and Consultation , Rehabilitation Centers/organization & administration , Rehabilitation Centers/statistics & numerical data , Risk Factors , Secondary PreventionABSTRACT
PURPOSE: Epidemiologic evaluation and investigating the causes of visual impairment in any society is a matter of concern and has a direct effect on the country's health care planning. In this study we describe causes of low vision and blindness in Iranian patients referred to rehabilitation clinics for taking vision aids. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, visual acuity was classified based on best-corrected visual acuity in the better eye according to the World Health Organization definition (blindness, visual acuity [VA] < 20 / 400; severe visual impairment, VA < 20 / 200-20 / 400; mild to moderate visual impairment, VA < 20 / 60-20 / 200). The causes of blindness and low vision were determined using the 10th version of International Classification of Diseases based on the main cause in both eyes. To describe data, we used mean +/- SD and frequency. RESULTS: The study included 432 patients, 65% male, with a mean age of 43.6 +/- 25.5 years (range, 3 to 92 years). Mild to moderate visual impairment, severe visual impairment and blindness were present in 122 (28.8%), 196 (46.4%) and 105 (24.8%) of the patients, respectively. The main causes of visual impairment were retinal and choroidal diseases (74.5%), optic nerve and optic tract diseases (9.8%), vitreous and globe disorders (5.3%), congenital cataract (3.1%), and glaucoma (2.6%). The distribution pattern of the causes was similar in all age subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: Diseases of the retina and choroid are the main cause of visual impairment among patients referred to an academic visual rehabilitation clinic in Iran.
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Audiovisual Aids , Blindness/epidemiology , Choroid Diseases/epidemiology , Iran/epidemiology , Optic Nerve Diseases/epidemiology , Referral and Consultation/statistics & numerical data , Rehabilitation Centers/statistics & numerical data , Retinal Diseases/epidemiology , Vision, Low/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Introducción: Las enfermedades neuromusculares (ENM) son una causa importante de discapacidad progresiva en el niño. Objetivo: Describir el perfil clínico de las consultas por ENM hereditarias, atendidas actualmente en Instituto de Rehabilitación Infantil Teletón (IRI), Valparaíso. Pacientes y Método: estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo. Selección y análisis de pacientes con ENM en control activo, del registro estadístico de IRI Valparaíso. Resultados: Total 115 pacientes, hombres 70 por ciento. Edad promedio 14,9 años (rango: 1-28 a). Motivo de consulta más frecuente: trastorno de la marcha (49,5 por ciento). Las etiologías encontradas fueron: muscular (67 por ciento), neuropatías (21 por ciento) y enfermedad de motoneurona (10 por ciento). Los diagnósticos más frecuentes fueron: Distrofinopatías 30 por ciento, Charcot Marie Tooth 21,7 por ciento, Miopatías Congénitas 15,6 por ciento, Atrofia Muscular Espinal 10 por ciento, Distrofia Miotónica 7,8 por ciento. Discusión: El sexo masculino fue más prevalente lo que puede atribuirse a la mayor frecuencia de Distrofinopatías dentro de las ENM. La latencia para el diagnóstico es variable según la patología, siendo en promedio 3,2 años. Las frecuencias de diagnósticos encontrados coinciden parcialmente con la epidemiología descrita.
Introduction: Neuromuscular diseases (NMD) are a major cause of progressive disability in children. Objective: To describe the clinical profile of hereditary NMD consultations, currently being attended in IRI Valparaíso. Patients and Method: Selection and analysis of actually attending NMD patients from the IRI statistical registration. Results: 115 patients were identified, 70 percent men. Mean age 14.9 years (1-28). The most frequent cause for consultation was gait disorder (49.5 percent. Etiologies were: muscular (67 percent), neuropathy (21 percent) and motor neuron disease (10 percent). The most common diagnoses were: dystrophinopathies (30 percent), Charcot Marie Tooth 21.7 percent, Congenital Myopathy (15.6 percent), Spinal Muscular Atrophy (10 percent), Myotonic Dystrophy (7.8 percent). Discussion: Prevalence was higher for males, which is attributed to the higher frequency of dystrophinopathies. Time for diagnosis was variable depending on the disease, with a mean of 3,2 years. The frequency of NMD were partially coincidental with previously reported epidemiologic data.
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Young Adult , Rehabilitation Centers/statistics & numerical data , Neuromuscular Diseases/epidemiology , Chile/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Neuromuscular Diseases/congenital , Neuromuscular Diseases/etiology , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Sex DistributionABSTRACT
Cardiac Rehabilitation and secondary prevention programs are a group of therapeutic maneuvers that can reduce the adverse impact of cardiovascular disease, by using the cardiovascular risk factors reduction, through secondary prevention and exercise training therapy programs. This program started in Mexico in 1944, since then, several health institutions are working on a public or private basis, mainly in an isolated way. This article presents data about fourteen cardiac rehabilitation institutions that answered the first national registry of cardiac rehabilitation programs (RENAPREC) in 2007. On this study, we observed that these centers were mainly private; nevertheless, almost all of the referred population was attended in public health institutions. The core-components for an adequate cardiac rehabilitation attention were satisfied by almost all these centers. The patients used to pay, by their own, this kind of medical practice. In our country, only the 0.58% of the population, that needed to be included on a cardiac rehabilitation program, was covered. This phenomena is due, in one hand, to the reduced number of cardiac rehabilitation centers in Mexico, but on the other hand, it happens because the primary physician do not refer all the eligible patients to this kid of programs. RENAPREC can be one first attempt to consolidate all the activities around the inter-institutional cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention programs in our country.
Humans , Heart Diseases/rehabilitation , Registries , Rehabilitation Centers , Mexico , Rehabilitation Centers/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
Se realizó el análisis retrospectivo de los datosepidemiológicos, clínicos y de funcionamientode 164 pacientes con patología psiquiátricasevera, ingresados al Programa de RehabilitaciónPsicosocial de un Centro de Día en sus primerosdiez años. El estudio se centró en los 88 pacientesque permanecieron en el mismo durante unmínimo de seis meses. Se diseñó un protocolopara analizar las características clínicas dela población y evaluar los resultados de laintervención. La población era mayoritariamenteesquizofrénica, con muchos años de evolución,ypermaneció en el Programa entre 18 y24meses, promedialmente. La mejoría funcionalfue estadísticamente significativa para toda lapoblación siendo más marcada en el subgrupono esquizofrénico. El 43,2% egresó con trabajoo estudio, o lo consiguió en breve tiempo. Sedejaron sentadas las bases para una evaluaciónprospectiva (actualmente en curso) que integraráaspectos psicopatológicos, funcionales y de calidad de vida.
164 patientswith severe psychiatric pathologywere admitted in the Psychosocial RehabilitationProgram of a Day Center during itsfirst ten yearsof work. They were studied retrospectively fromthe epidemiological, clinical and functional pointsof view. This paper focuses on the 88 patientswho assisted for 6 months or more, approachingsome clinical aspects of this sample, includingthe assessment of outcome. Most of the patientshad schizophrenics disorders, with many yearsof illness, and they attended this Program from18 to 24 months. The functional improvementwas statistically significant throughout thepopulation being most noteworthy in the non-schizophrenicsubgroup. 43.2% were employedor studying at the time of dismissal, or brieflyafter. The basis for a prospective evaluation (oncourse) is settled by the authors, in order to integrate psychopathological, functional and quality of life aspects.
Animals , Rehabilitation Centers/statistics & numerical data , Rehabilitation Centers/history , Rehabilitation Centers/trends , Psychology, Social/methods , Psychology, Social/trends , Mental Health Services , Schizophrenic Psychology , Psychopathology/methods , Psychopathology/trends , UruguayABSTRACT
Realizado dentro del Proyecto de Visitas de Evaluación y Asesoría a las Comunidades Terapéuticas de Lima y Provincias durante los meses de diciembre de 1997 a marzo de 1998. Presenta amplia y variada información, así como datos estadísticos de los diferentes aspectos relativos a las comunidades terapéuticas, número de instituciones, conformación legal, aspectos de formalidad, organización, infraestructura, servicios básicos, equipo terapéutico, captación de recursos, aspectos éticos, reinserción, seguimiento, etc
Rehabilitation Centers/statistics & numerical data , Data Collection , Psychotropic Drugs/adverse effects , Substance-Related Disorders/therapy , PeruABSTRACT
One hundred eighty two alcoholics admitted for treatment of their alcoholism were followed during 2 years in a special clinic. The effects of length of alcoholism, withdrawal symptoms on admission and the presence of histological liver damage on long term outcome were assessed using life table analysis. During the 2 years period, 75 percent of patients were lost from control and 63 percent relapsed in their alcoholic ingestion. None of the above mentionated parameters had an effect on relapse or loss from follow up. There are high attrition and failure rates and the length of alcoholism, degree of initial withdrawal and the liver damage do not influence the long term results of this program
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Alcoholism/rehabilitation , Rehabilitation Centers/statistics & numerical data , Follow-Up Studies , Program Evaluation , Strategic PlanningABSTRACT
Este estudo busca caracterizar o perfil diagnóstico de algumas entidades de reabilitaçäo da Grande Säo Paulo. Dos resultados obtidos destacam-se: reduzido número de entidades, mal distribuídas e particulares em sua grande maioria, com prestaçäo de serviços variados. Apenas duas entidades contam com serviço de enfermagem. A clientela predominante corresponde a crianças e adolescentes de ambos os sexos. Diante do perfil traçado é fundamental que se faça uma reflexäo sobre os recursos oferecidos ao deficiente, as suas implicaçöes na qualidade da assistência prestada bem como a participaçäo efetiva do enfermeiro nesse processo.