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Respirar (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 16(1): 5-15, Marzo 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1538330


Objetivos: Millones de pacientes con COVID-19 fueron internados en terapia intensiva en el mundo, la mitad desarrollaron síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda (SDRA) y recibieron ventilación mecánica invasiva (VMI), con una mortalidad del 50%. Analiza-mos cómo edad, comorbilidades y complicaciones, en pacientes con COVID-19 y SDRA que recibieron VMI, se asociaron con el riesgo de morir durante su hospitalización.Métodos: Estudio de cohorte observacional, retrospectivo y multicéntrico realizado en 5 hospitales (tres privados y dos públicos universitarios) de Argentina y Chile, durante el segundo semestre de 2020.Se incluyeron pacientes >18 años con infección por SARS-CoV-2 confirmada RT-PCR, que desarrollaron SDRA y fueron asistidos con VMI durante >48 horas, durante el se-gundo semestre de 2020. Se analizaron los antecedentes, las comorbilidades más fre-cuentes (obesidad, diabetes e hipertensión), y las complicaciones shock, insuficiencia renal aguda (IRA) y neumonía asociada a la ventilación mecánica (NAV), por un lado, y las alteraciones de parámetros clínicos y de laboratorio registrados.Resultados: El 69% era varón. La incidencia de comorbilidades difirió para los diferentes grupos de edad. La mortalidad aumentó significativamente con la edad (p<0,00001). Las comorbilidades, hipertensión y diabetes, y las complicaciones de IRA y shock se asociaron significativamente con la mortalidad. En el análisis multivariado, sólo la edad mayor de 60 años, la IRA y el shock permanecieron asociados con la mortalidad. Conclusiones: El SDRA en COVID-19 es más común entre los mayores. Solo la edad >60 años, el shock y la IRA se asociaron a la mortalidad en el análisis multivariado.

Objectives: Millions of patients with COVID-19 were admitted to intensive care world-wide, half developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and received invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), with a mortality of 50%. We analyzed how age, comor-bidities and complications in patients with COVID-19 and ARDS who received IMV were associated with the risk of dying during their hospitalization.Methods: Observational, retrospective and multicenter cohort study carried out in 5 hospitals (three private and two public university hospitals) in Argentina and Chile, during the second half of 2020.Patients >18 years of age with SARS-CoV-2 infection confirmed by RT-PCR, who devel-oped ARDS and were assisted with IMV for >48 hours, during the second half of 2020, were included. History, the most frequent comorbidities (obesity, diabetes and hyper-tension) and the complications of shock, acute renal failure (AKI) and pneumonia as-sociated with mechanical ventilation (VAP), on the one hand, and the alterations of re-corded clinical and laboratory parameters, were analyzed.Results: 69% were men. The incidence of comorbidities differed for different age groups. Mortality increased significantly with age (p<0.00001). Comorbidities, hyper-tension and diabetes, and complications of ARF and shock were significantly associat-ed with mortality. In the multivariate analysis, only age over 60 years, ARF and shock remained associated with mortality.Conclusions: ARDS in COVID-19 is more common among the elderly. Only age >60 years, shock and ARF were associated with mortality in the multivariate analysis

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Pneumonia/complications , Respiration, Artificial/methods , Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Newborn/complications , Shock/complications , Comorbidity , Renal Insufficiency/complications , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19/epidemiology , Argentina/epidemiology , Chile/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Mortality , Multicenter Study
Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 20(2): 78-82, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428700


Objetivo: Estimar a prevalência do anticorpo anticitoplasma de neutrófilos (ANCA) positivo em pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise, assim como também associar essa prevalência às características sociodemográficas e clínicas destes pacientes. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado em 78 pacientes de uma Clínica de Hemodiálise no Sul de Santa Catarina nos meses de agosto a novembro de 2013. Foi realizada entrevista, coleta de dados em prontuário eletrônico e pesquisa do anticorpo anticitoplasma de neutrófilos por imunofluorescência indireta WAMA em plasma heparinizado. Resultados: A prevalência de anticorpo anticitoplasma de neutrófilos reagente em amostra titulada 1:10 foi de 24,4%, sendo que 10,3% apresentaram padrão c-ANCA e 14,1% apresentaram padrão p-ANCA, do total. Não foram observadas associações com características clínicas e sociodemográficas. Conclusão: Com base na alta prevalência de anticorpo anticitoplasma de neutrófilos positivo encontrada neste estudo, salienta-se a necessidade de mais estudos nesse grupo de pacientes para definição da contribuição deste exame no diagnóstico e prognóstico da doença renal e suas complicações

Objective: To estimate the Antibodies, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic (ANCA) prevalence in patients submitted to hemodialysis, as well as associate this prevalence to sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of these patients. Methods: Cross-sectional study performed with 78 users from a Hemodialysis Clinic in Southern Santa Catarina on the period from August to November 2013. Interviews, data collection of electronic records and antibodies, antineutrophil cytoplasmic research by WAMA indirect immunofluorescence on heparinized plasma were performed. Results: The prevalence of ANCA reagent 1:10 titrated sample was 24.4%, and 10.3% had c-ANCA pattern and 14.1% had p-ANCA pattern, from total sample. No associations were observed with clinical and sociodemographic characteristics. Conclusions: Based on the high antibodies, antineutrophil cytoplasmic prevalence in this study, and no statistically significant association with clinical and sociodemographic characteristics, we emphasize the need for more studies on this group of patients to determine the contribution of this exam in the diagnosis and prognosis of kidney disease and its complications.

Humans , Renal Dialysis , Antibodies, Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic , Renal Insufficiency/complications
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 26: e20210203, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1356215


RESUMO Objetivo analisar as características individuais, clínicas e os fatores associados à mortalidade de pacientes com COVID-19, em hospital público do estado do Paraná, Brasil. Métodos estudo seccional, retrospectivo, documental (n= 86), com pacientes adultos internados, de março a junho de 2020. Resultados a mortalidade foi de 12,8%, o grupo de maior risco foi de idosos com comorbidades, especialmente, cardiovasculares. A chance de óbito foi 58 vezes maior em idosos, comparada aos adultos, e oito vezes maior naqueles com comorbidades, comparadas aos hígidos. A maioria dos pacientes apresentou sintomatologia respiratória, febre e mialgia. Tratamento à base de antibióticos, anticoagulantes e antivirais, associado ao suporte ventilatório. As principais complicações foram hipóxia, insuficiência renal aguda e infecção secundária. Conclusão e implicações para a prática idosos com comorbidades cardiovasculares que necessitaram de cuidados intensivos apresentaram maior chance de óbito. Os resultados de um dos centros de referência na pandemia possibilitam discutir medidas epidemiológicas adotadas, com ênfase em conceitos restritivos nos primeiros meses.

RESUMEN Objetivo analizar las características individuales, clínicas y los factores asociados a la mortalidad en pacientes con COVID-19 en un hospital público del estado de Paraná. Métodos estudio transversal, retrospectivo, documental (n = 86), con pacientes adultos hospitalizados, de marzo a junio de 2020. Resultados la mortalidad fue del 12,8%, grupo de mayor riesgo para los ancianos con comorbilidades, especialmente enfermedades cardiovasculares. La probabilidad de muerte fue 58 veces mayor en los ancianos en comparación con los adultos y ocho veces mayor en aquellos con comorbilidades en comparación con los sanos. La mayoría de los pacientes presentaban síntomas respiratorios, fiebre y mialgia. Tratamiento a base de antibióticos, anticoagulantes y antivirales, asociado al soporte ventilatorio. Las principales complicaciones fueron hipoxia, insuficiencia renal aguda e infección secundaria. Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica los ancianos con comorbilidades cardiovasculares que requirieron cuidados intensivos tenían una mayor probabilidad de muerte. Los resultados de uno de los centros de referencia pandémica permiten discutir las medidas epidemiológicas adoptadas, con énfasis en conceptos restrictivos en los primeros meses.

ABSTRACT Objective to analyze the individual and clinical characteristics and the factors associated with mortality in patients with COVID-19, in a public hospital in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Methods a cross-sectional, retrospective, documentary study (n= 86), with adult inpatients, from March to June 2020. Results mortality was 12.8%, the highest risk group was the elderly with comorbidities, especially cardiovascular ones. The chance of death was 58 times higher in the elderly compared to adults, and eight times higher in those with comorbidities compared to the healthy ones. Most patients presented with respiratory symptoms, fever, and myalgia. Treatment was based on antibiotics, anticoagulants and antivirals, associated with ventilatory support. The main complications were hypoxia, acute renal failure, and secondary infection. Conclusion and implications for practice elderly people with cardiovascular comorbidities who required intensive care had a higher chance of death. The results from one of the reference centers in the pandemic make it possible to discuss epidemiological measures adopted, with emphasis on restrictive concepts in the first months.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Health Profile , COVID-19/mortality , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Patients' Rooms , Brazil , Comorbidity , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Azithromycin/therapeutic use , Cough , Dyspnea , Renal Insufficiency/complications , Fever , Interactive Ventilatory Support , Myalgia , COVID-19/therapy , Inpatients/statistics & numerical data , Intensive Care Units , Length of Stay/statistics & numerical data , Hypoxia/complications , Anticoagulants/therapeutic use
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 41: e2367, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408601


En el presente trabajo se describe un caso de muerte súbita en una mujer de 70 años que fallece 20 días después de ser dada de alta tras ingreso por infección urinaria secundaria a litiasis renal complicada con shock séptico e insuficiencia renal y respiratoria. En el corazón se identificó una cardiopatía isquémica crónica y extensas áreas de miocardio calcificado. Además, se exponen los tipos de calcificaciones del miocardio existentes y sus causas; y se analizan aquellos factores que en el caso presentado han podido causar la calcificación del miocardio(AU)

In the present report, we describe a case of sudden death in a 70-year-old woman who died 20 days after been discharged after admission for urinary infection secondary to renal lithiasis complicated with septic shock and renal and respiratory failure. It has been identified chronic ischemic heart disease and extensive areas of calcified myocardium. Also, we review myocardial calfications subtypes and its causes, and we analyze the specifics of the presented case(AU)

Humans , Female , Aged , Causality , Myocardial Ischemia/complications , Shock, Septic/complications , Death, Sudden , Renal Insufficiency/complications , Nephrolithiasis/etiology , Myocardium
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 50(2): e460, 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1341436


Introducción: En la actualidad existen más de 150 medicamentos relacionados con la aparición de rabdomiólisis e insuficiencia renal aguda transitoria. La estreptoquinasa puede ser uno de ellos. Objetivo: Presentar un caso en el cual la administración de trombólisis con estreptoquinasa pudiera estar relacionado con una insuficiencia renal aguda transitoria. Caso clínico: Paciente de 38 años, con antecedentes de salud anterior y creatinina de 81 mg/L días antes del ingreso, sufrió infarto miocárdico agudo y después de la trombólisis con estreptoquinasa presentó dolores musculares intensos, náuseas, vómitos y lumbalgia intensa. La creatinina ascendió progresivamente; tuvo oligoanuria progresiva que evolucionó hasta las dos semanas y luego se recuperó. A los 21 días, la creatinina estaba en 116 mg/L. En la coronariografía, las coronarias son normales. Comentarios: Las causas de insuficiencia renal aguda transitoria pudieran ser, rabdomiólisis asociada con alteraciones del metabolismo del ATP y trastornos inmunológicos provocados por la administración de estreptoquinasa. La coronariografía resultó normal(AU)

Introduction: There are currently more than 150 medications related to the appearance of rhabdomyolysis and transient acute renal failure. Streptokinase can be one of them. Objective: Presenting a case the administration of streptokinase as a possible cause of acute, transient renal failure. Case report: A 38-year-old patient with a previous health history and 81 mg creatinine per liter days before admission, suffers acute myocardial infarction and after streptokinase thrombolysis he suffers severe muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, severe low back pain, creatinine ascends progressively and progressive oligoanuria that evolves until two weeks when it begins to return. At 21 days with 116 mg creatinine per liter, coronary angiography was performed with normal coronaries. Comments: The causes of transient acute renal failure may be rhabdomyolysis associated with abnormalities of the metabolism of ATP and immune disorders, caused by the administration of streptokinase. His coronary angiography was completely normal(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Streptokinase , Low Back Pain , Creatinine/analysis , Renal Insufficiency/complications , Acute Kidney Injury , Immune System Diseases , Myocardial Infarction , Coronary Angiography/methods
Autops. Case Rep ; 10(2): e2020164, Apr.-June 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131820


Emphysematous gastritis (EG) is a rare and potentially lethal process caused by invasive, gas-producing bacteria leading to inflammation and gas dissection of the stomach. The most common etiologic agents are Clostridium infections, but other organisms, including enterobacteria, staphylococcus, and fungi have also been identified. We report the first case of EG due to Sarcina ventriculi in a solid organ transplant recipient, who presented with epigastric pain and vomiting. The patient had a history of type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) with recurrent episodes of ketoacidosis and systemic diabetic complications, including severe gastroparesis. CT scan studies demonstrated EG with venous air, and endoscopy showed severe gastritis and ulcerations. In the gastric biopsies, abundant Sarcina ventriculi were noted in areas of mucosal/submucosal necrosis. Antibiotic treatment was instituted at admission, and subsequent endoscopy demonstrated the disappearance of Sarcina, with some improvement of the gastric inflammation; however, the patient developed septic shock with multiorgan failure and expired. This case highlights the need to consider other infectious etiologies in transplant patients, in addition to the well-known opportunistic infections.

Humans , Adult , Diabetes Complications , Transplant Recipients , Infections/etiology , Autopsy , Opportunistic Infections/etiology , Cholestasis , Clostridium Infections , Liver Failure , Fatal Outcome , Gastroparesis/complications , Renal Insufficiency/complications , Graft Rejection
Rev. argent. dermatol ; Rev. argent. dermatol;101(1): 1-10, mar. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092404


RESUMEN El embolismo por cristales de colesterol (ECC) es una complicación de la enfermedad arterioesclerótica en la que el desprendimiento de fragmentos de placa de ateroma, principalmente de grandes arterias, provoca oclusión de pequeños vasos. Esta entidad, también llamada ateroembolia o síndrome de los dedos del pie azules, es más frecuente en pacientes de edad avanzada y después de procedimientos invasivos intravasculares. Se manifiesta con cianosis, livedo reticularis, necrosis y úlceras asociado a manifestaciones renales y gastrointestinales. Se presenta un paciente trasplantado renal y portador de fístula arteriovenosa trombosada izquierda con ateroembolia localizada en mano homolateral.

ABSTRACT The cholesterol crystal embolism (ECC) is a complication of arteriosclerotic disease in which the detachment of fragments of atheromatous plaque mainly from large arteries, causes occlusion of small vessels. This entity, also called atheroembolism or blue toe syndrome, is more common in elderly patients and after intravascular invasive procedures. It manifests with cyanosis, livedo reticularis, necrosis and ulcers associated with renal and gastrointestinal manifestations. We present a renal transplant patient with a left thrombosed arteriovenous fistula with atheroembolism located in homolateral hand.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Cholesterol/adverse effects , Arteriovenous Fistula/complications , Embolism, Cholesterol/physiopathology , Upper Extremity/blood supply , Skin Manifestations , Embolism, Cholesterol/diagnosis , Renal Insufficiency/complications , Ischemia/complications , Necrosis/complications
Más Vita ; 2(1): 16-20, mar 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1255332


Los pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica se realizan hemodiálisis 3 veces a la semana. Una de las principales situaciones que se da, es la ganancia de peso o sobrecarga hídrica entre una diálisis y otra, ocasionando una serie de complicaciones que ponen en riesgo la vida del paciente. Objetivo: Determinar los factores que incrementan el peso interdialisis de pacientes sometidos a hemodiálisis. Método: El diseño de la investigación que se empleó fue cuantitativo, de tipo no experimental, transversal y descriptivo. La muestra estuvo representada por 14 pacientes adultos con enfermedad renal crónica. El análisis de los resultados se realizó a través del programa de IBM SPSS Statistcs versión 22. Resultados: A pesar de que el centro de diálisis tiene un programa de educación continua con temas de alimentación orientada hacia los pacientes, estos no siguen las recomendaciones ingiriendo líquidos a libre demanda provocando sobre peso al realizarse las hemodiálisis generalmente ocasionando dificultad en su tratamiento de hemodiálisis Conclusión: Los conocimientos de autocuidado que posee cada paciente, que presenta una enfermedad crónica como la insuficiencia renal, son esenciales porque pueden evitar las repetidas hospitalizaciones(AU)

Patients with chronic renal failure are performed hemodialysis 3 times a week. One of the main situations that occurs is the weight gain or water overload between one dialysis and another, causing a series of complications that put the patient's life at risk. Objective: To determine the factors that increase the interdialisis weight of patients undergoing hemodialysis. Method: The research design was quantitative, non-experimental, transversal and descriptive. And14 adult patients with chronic kidney disease represented the sample. The analysis of the results was carried out through the IBM SPSS Statistcs version 22 program. Even though the dialysis center has a continuous education program with patient-oriented feeding issues, they do not follow the recommendations, and ingest liquids on free demand, causing overweight at hemodialysis usually causing difficulty in hemodialysis treatment. Conclusion: The self-care knowledge that each patient has, which represents a chronic disease such as kidney failure, are essential because can avoid repeated hospitalizations(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Renal Dialysis , Diet Therapy , Renal Insufficiency/complications , Kidney Diseases , Self Care , Urinary Retention , Overweight
J. bras. nefrol ; 41(4): 492-500, Out.-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056600


Abstract Introduction: Intradialytic hypotension (IDH) is a major complication of hemodialysis, with a prevalence of about 25% during hemodialysis sessions, causing increased morbidity and mortality. Objective: To study the effects of sertraline to prevent IDH in hemodialysis patients. Methods: This was a double-blind, crossover clinical trial comparing the use of sertraline versus placebo to reduce intradialytic hypotension. Results: Sixteen patients completed the two phases of the study during a 12-week period. The IDH prevalence was 32%. A comparison between intradialytic interventions, intradialytic symptoms, and IDH episodes revealed no statistical difference in the reduction of IDH episodes (p = 0.207) between the two intervention groups. However, the risk of IDH interventions was 60% higher in the placebo group compared to the sertraline group, and the risk of IDH symptoms was 40% higher in the placebo group compared to the sertraline group. Survival analysis using Kaplan-Meier estimator supported the results of this study. Sertraline presented a number needed to treat (NNT) of 16.3 patients to prevent an episode from IDH intervention and 14.2 patients to prevent an episode from intradialytic symptoms. Conclusion: This study suggests that the use of sertraline may be beneficial to reduce the number of symptoms and ID interventions, although there was no statistically significant difference in the blood pressure levels.

Resumo Introdução: A hipotensão intradialítica (HID) é uma das principais complicações da hemodiálise, com uma prevalência de cerca de 25% durante as sessões de hemodiálise, causando aumento da morbimortalidade. Objetivo: Estudar os efeitos da sertralina na prevenção da HID em pacientes em hemodiálise. Métodos: Este foi um ensaio clínico duplo-cego, cruzado, comparando o uso de sertralina versus placebo para reduzir a hipotensão intradialítica. Resultados: Dezesseis pacientes completaram as duas fases do estudo durante um período de 12 semanas. A prevalência de HID foi de 32%. Uma comparação entre intervenções intradialíticas, sintomas intradialíticos (ID) e episódios de HID não revelou diferença estatística na redução dos episódios de HID (p = 0,207) entre os dois grupos de intervenção. No entanto, o risco de intervenções para HID foi 60% maior no grupo placebo em comparação com o grupo Sertralina, e o risco de sintomas ID foi 40% maior no grupo placebo em comparação com o grupo Sertralina. A análise de sobrevida utilizando o estimador de Kaplan-Meier corroborou os resultados deste estudo. A sertralina apresentou um número necessário para tratar (NNT) de 16,3 pacientes para prevenir um episódio de intervenção de HID e 14,2 pacientes para prevenir um episódio de sintomas intradialíticos. Conclusão: Este estudo sugere que o uso de sertralina pode ser benéfico para reduzir o número de sintomas e intervenções de HID, embora não tenha havido diferença estatisticamente significante nos níveis pressóricos.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Renal Dialysis/adverse effects , Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Sertraline/therapeutic use , Renal Insufficiency/therapy , Hypotension/physiopathology , Placebos/administration & dosage , Blood Pressure/drug effects , Blood Pressure/physiology , Double-Blind Method , Prevalence , Renal Dialysis/mortality , Cross-Over Studies , Renal Insufficiency/complications , Hypotension/prevention & control , Hypotension/epidemiology
Rev. medica electron ; 41(4): 899-913, jul.-ago. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1094097


RESUMEN Introducción: la diabetes mellitus es un trastorno metabólico caracterizado por hiperglucemia crónica con alteraciones en los carbohidratos, grasas y proteínas. Las tasas de morbimortalidad han aumentado al igual que la obesidad, constituye un problema de salud en el mundo, Cuba y la provincia de Matanzas. Objetivo: realizar una caracterización clínica epidemiológica de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en dos áreas de salud, conocer las variables e identificar las barreras para una posterior intervención. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo- transversal a 750 diabéticos tipo 2 mayores de 18 años en dos áreas de salud. Se realizaron encuestas, procesándose en el programa Epi-Info, obteniéndose la frecuencia de las variables, y las diferencias estadísticas significativas entre variables de las dos aéreas de salud, utilizándose el valor de p < 0,05 % y el Chi2. Resultados: el promedio de edad fue de 62,2 años, predominio del sexo femenino y color de la piel blanca. La hipertensión arterial y la obesidad fueron las enfermedades más asociadas, y el tabaquismo, la ingestión de bebidas alcohólicas y azucaradas, y la no realización de ejercicios físicos fueron los factores asociados más relevantes. Los medicamentos más utilizados fueron la glibenclamida y la metformina. Conclusiones: la diabetes mellitus es la primera causa de fracaso renal en el mundo occidental, siendo la insuficiencia renal una de las complicaciones crónicas más graves de esta enfermedad. Entre las principales causas de muerte de esta enfermedad son las complicaciones macrovasculares, manifestadas clínicamente como cardiopatía isquémica, insuficiencia cardíaca, la enfermedad vascular cerebral y la insuficiencia arterial periférica.

ABSTRACT Introduction: diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycemia with alterations in carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Morbi-mortality rates have increased as have done obesity, being a health problem in the world, Cuba and the province of Matanzas. Objective: to carry out clinical-epidemiological characterization of type 2 diabetes mellitus in two health areas, knowing the variables and identifying the barriers for a subsequent intervention. Materials and methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in 750 type-2 diabetic patients over 18 years in two health areas. Surveys were made and processed in Epi-Info program, showing significant statistic differences among variables of both health areas; p < 0,05 % value and Chi2 were used. Results: the average age was 62.2 years, predominating female sex and white skin color. The most commonly associated diseases were arterial hypertension and obesity; smoking and drinking alcoholic and sugar-sweetened beverages and sedentary life were the most relevant associated factors. The most commonly used medications were glibenclamide and metformin. Conclusions: diabetes is the first cause of renal failure in the Western world, being renal insufficiency one of the most serious chronic complications of this disease. The main causes of death of this disease are macro vascular complications clinically manifested as ischemic heart disease, heart failure, cerebra-vascular disease and peripheral arterial insufficiency.

Humans , Adult , Risk Factors , Glyburide/therapeutic use , Diabetes Mellitus/diagnosis , Diabetes Mellitus/etiology , Diabetes Mellitus/mortality , Diabetes Mellitus/drug therapy , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiology , Metformin/therapeutic use , Tobacco Use Disorder/diagnosis , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Myocardial Ischemia/mortality , Stroke/mortality , Alcoholism/diagnosis , Renal Insufficiency/complications , Sedentary Behavior , Peripheral Arterial Disease/mortality , Heart Failure/mortality , Hypertension/diagnosis , Obesity/diagnosis
Rev. méd. Hosp. José Carrasco Arteaga ; 10(3): 242-245, nov. 2018. Imagenes, Tablas
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-999585


INTRODUCCIÓN: La granulomatosis con poliangitis es una enfermedad infrecuente, autoinmune y sistémica, caracterizada por inflamación granulomatosa del tracto respiratorio y glomerulonefritis necrosante pauciinmune. Sin tratamiento o con tratamiento de inicio tardío, la tasa de mortalidad alcanza un 90%, a causa de insuficiencia respiratoria o insuficiencia renal severa. Con tratamiento precoz la mayoría de los pacientes logran remisión de la enfermedad. Por esta razón es necesario un diagnóstico y tratamiento oportunos para inducir remisión y evitar complicaciones. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 81 años de edad con síntomas respiratorios agudos (hemoptisis y disnea), fiebre y edema de miembros inferiores. Estudios complementarios demostraron hemorragia alveolar y falla renal aguda. El perfil inmunológico fue positivo para anticuerpos anticitoplasma de neutrófilos, realizándose el diagnóstico de poliangitis con granulomatosis. EVOLUCIÓN: Se inició terapia de primera línea con glucocorticoides, ciclofosfamida, hemodiálisis y plasmaféresis. Se consiguió remisión completa del cuadro respiratorio; sin embargo hubo persistencia de la insuficiencia renal con necesidad de terapia renal sustitutiva de manera indefinida. CONCLUSIONES: El diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno de la enfermedad resulta en un mejor pronóstico así como disminución de la mortalidad y del riesgo de lesión orgánica permanente, especialmente en adultos mayores.

BACKGROUND: Granulomatosis with polyangiitis is an infrequent, autoimmune and systemic disease characterized by granulomatous inflammation of the respiratory tract and pauci-immune necrotizing glomerulonephritis. If treatment is delayed or not started, mortality is around 90%, attributed to respiratory or kidney failure. Early therapy achieves remission in the majority of patients, which is why timely diagnosis and treatment are essential. CASE REPORT: An 81-year-old patient with acute respiratory symptoms (hemoptysis and dyspnea), fever and lower limbs edema. Complementary workup shows alveolar hemorrhage and acute kidney injury. Immunological profile reports positive antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, suggesting the diagnosis of granulomatosis with polyangiitis. EVOLUTION: First line treatment with glucocorticoids, cyclophosphamide, plasmapheresis, and hemodialysis was started, achieving complete remission of the respiratory symptoms. Persistent kidney injury was observed with need for continual renal replacement therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Timely diagnosis and treatment leads to a better prognosis, reduces mortality and the risk of permanent organ damage, especially in the elderly.

Humans , Female , Aged, 80 and over , Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis , Case Management , Autoimmune Diseases , Renal Insufficiency/complications
Autops. Case Rep ; 8(3): e2018038, July-Sept. 2018. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-911892


Disseminated mycosis (DM)­with cardiac involvement and shock­is an unexpected and severe opportunistic infection in patients with yellow fever. DM can mimic bacterial sepsis and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of causes of systemic inflammatory response syndrome in this group of patients, especially in areas where an outbreak of yellow fever is ongoing. We report the case of a 53-year-old male patient who presented to the emergency department with fever, myalgia, headache, and low back pain. The laboratory investigation revealed a positive molecular test for yellow fever, hepatic injury, and renal failure. During hospitalization, the patient developed hepatic encephalopathy, ascending leukocytosis, and ascites, with signs consistent with peritonitis. On the 11th day of hospitalization, the patient developed atrioventricular block, shock and died. At autopsy, angioinvasive mycosis was evidenced mainly in the heart, lungs, kidneys, and adrenals.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Invasive Fungal Infections/complications , Yellow Fever/complications , Autopsy , Diagnosis, Differential , Fatal Outcome , Invasive Fungal Infections/pathology , Kidney/injuries , Renal Insufficiency/complications
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc;33(2): 155-161, Mar.-Apr. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-958393


Abstract Introduction: Preoperative renal insufficiency is an independent predictor of mortality after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. However, there are few reports aimed to evaluate the impact of mild preoperative renal insufficiency on long-term follow-up outcomes after isolated CABG surgery. This study investigates the effect of mild preoperative renal insufficiency on long-term follow-up outcomes of patients after CABG. Methods: Five hundred eighty-four patients' data that underwent CABG between 1 January 2009 and 1 December 2016 were retrospectively analyzed. They were divided into two groups: normal group [Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) ≥ 90 ml/min/1.73 m2, n=304] and mild group (eGFR ranges from 60 to 89 ml/min/1.73 m2, n=280). Clinical material and long follow-up outcomes were compared inthe two groups. Results: Two groups had similar baseline and intraoperative data except eGFR. Six (0.01%) patients died in hospital, 15 in normal group and 28 in mild group during the long-term follow-up, which had statistical significance (P<0.05). Univariate factor analysis displayed that the two groups had similar in-hospital outcomes. Kaplan-Meier curves showed a better long-term survival in patients with normal preoperative renal function compared to mild preoperative renal insufficiency (x 2=4.255, P=0.039). Cox proportional model presented the hazard ratio of long-term mortality in patients with mild preoperative renal insufficiency compared to normal preoperative renal function was 1.79 (95% CI 1.17-2.88, P=0.027). Conclusions: Patients with mild preoperative renal insufficiency had a higher mortality rate than normal patients in long-term survival, whereas no evidence of worse in-hospital mortality rate was found. Patients with mild preoperative renal insufficiency showed a higher mortality rate than other studies.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Coronary Artery Bypass/mortality , Renal Insufficiency/mortality , Postoperative Complications/mortality , Time Factors , Coronary Artery Bypass/adverse effects , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Cause of Death , Treatment Outcome , Hospital Mortality , Statistics, Nonparametric , Renal Insufficiency/complications , Kaplan-Meier Estimate , Preoperative Period , Glomerular Filtration Rate
Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;109(3): 222-230, Sept. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-887924


Abstract Background: Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is very common in hemodialysis patients and an independent risk factor for mortality in this population. The myocardial remodeling underlying the LVH can affect ventricular repolarization causing abnormalities in QT interval. Objective: to evaluate the reproducibility and reliability of measurements of corrected QT interval (QTc) and its dispersion (QTcd) and correlate these parameters with LVH in hemodialysis patients. Methods: Case-control study involving hemodialysis patients and a control group. Clinical examination, blood sampling, transthoracic echocardiogram, and electrocardiogram were performed. Intra- and interobserver correlation and concordance tests were performed by Pearson´s correlation, Cohen's Kappa coefficient and Bland Altman diagram. Linear regression was used to analyze association of QTc or QTcd with HVE. Results: Forty-one HD patients and 37 controls concluded the study. Hemodialysis patients tended to have higher values of QTc, QTcd and left ventricular mass index (LVMi) than controls but statistical significance was not found. Correlation and concordance tests depicted better results for QTc than for QTcd. In HD patients, a poor but significant correlation was found between QTc and LVMi (R2 = 0.12; p = 0.03). No correlation was found between values of QTcd and LVMi (R2= 0.00; p=0.940). For the control group, the correspondent values were R2= 0.00; p = 0.67 and R2= 0.00; p = 0.94, respectively. Conclusion: We found that QTc interval, in contrast to QTcd, is a reproducible and reliable measure and had a weak but positive correlation with LVMi in HD patients.

Resumo Fundamentos: A hipertrofia ventricular esquerda (HVE) é muito comum em pacientes em hemodiálise e um fator de risco independente de mortalidade nessa população. O remodelamento do miocárdio, subjacente à HVE, pode afetar a repolarização ventricular, causando anormalidades no intervalo QT. Objetivo: avaliar a reprodutibilidade e confiabilidade das medidas do intervalo QT corrigido (QTc) e sua dispersão (QTcd), e correlacionar esses parâmetros com HVE em pacientes em hemodiálise. Métodos: Estudo caso-controle envolvendo pacientes em hemodiálise e um grupo controle. Foram realizados avaliação clínica, coleta de sangue, ecocardiografia transtorácica, e eletrocardiograma. Testes de correlação e concordância intraobservador e interobservador foram realizados por correlação de Pearson, coeficiente kappa de Cohen e diagrama de Bland Altman. A regressão linear foi usada para analisar a associação entre QTc ou QTcd e HE. Resultados: Quarenta e um pacientes em hemodiálise e 37 controles completaram o estudo. Houve uma tendência de os pacientes apresentarem valores mais altos de QTc, QTcd e de índice de massa ventricular esquerda que os controles, mas sem significância estatística. Os testes de correlação e de concordância apresentaram melhores resultados para QTc que para QTcd. Em pacientes em hemodiálise, uma correlação fraca, mas significativa foi encontrada entre QTc e IMVE (R2 = 0,12; p = 0,03). Não foi encontrada correlação entre QTcd e IMVE (R2 = 0,00; p=0,940). Para o grupo controle, esses valores correspondentes foram R2 = 0,00; p = 0,67 e R2 = 0,00; p = 0,94, respectivamente. Conclusão: o intervalo QTc, diferentemente do intervalo QTcd, é uma medida reprodutível e confiável, e apresentou uma correlação fraca, mas positiva com o IMVE em pacientes em hemodiálise.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular/diagnosis , Heart Conduction System/physiopathology , Echocardiography , Case-Control Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Risk Factors , Renal Dialysis , Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular/complications , Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular/physiopathology , Electrocardiography , Renal Insufficiency/complications , Renal Insufficiency/physiopathology , Renal Insufficiency/therapy
Rev. Salusvita (Online) ; 36(1): 47-54, 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-876018


Introdução: a Insuficiência renal crônica (IRC) é definida como uma condição fisiopatológica com perda progressiva e irreversível da função renal. A perda superior a 75% da taxa de filtração glomerular resulta em uma instabilidade hídrica e eletrolítica. Objetivo: avaliar a prevalência de casos de insuficiência renal crônica na cidade de Rio Verde-Goiás que foram atendidos pelo Serviço Médico de Atendimento de Urgência de Rio Verde, Goiás (SAMU/RV). Método: trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico, transversal e documental, realizado através de consulta ao banco de dados do SAMU/RV referente ao período 2014-2015. Resultado e Discussão: a prevalência de IRC foi de 41,20% em 2014 e 38,20% em 2015, em relação aos outros atendimentos realizados pelo SAMU/Rio Verde por queixas nefrológicas nessa mesma data. Conclusão: Os resultados indicaram alta prevalência de casos de atendimento de IRC pelo SAMU/RV no período de 2014-2015. (AU)

Introduction: Chronic renal failure (CRF) is defined as a pathophysiological condition with progressive and irreversible loss of renal function. Loss greater than 75% of the glomerular filtration rate results in water and electrolyte instability. Objective: In this way, the study sought to evaluate the prevalence of chronic renal failure in the city of Rio Verde-Goiás, which was attended by the Emergency Medical Service of Rio Verde, Goiás (SAMU/RV). Method: This is an epidemiological, cross-sectional and documentary study, carried out by consulting the SAMU/RV database for the period 2014-2015. Results and Discussion: the prevalence of CRI was 41.20% in 2014 and 38.20% in 2015, in relation to the other visits performed by SAMU/Rio Verde for nephrological complaints at the same date. Conclusion: The results indicated a high prevalence of cases of CKI care by the SAMU/RV in the period 2014-2015. (AU)

Humans , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Emergency Medical Services/statistics & numerical data , Emergency Medicine , Renal Insufficiency/complications , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/physiopathology , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/epidemiology , Kidney Diseases/complications
Braspen J ; 31(4): 367-370, out.-dez. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-847401


Introdução: As atuais recomendações de oferta proteica para o doente crítico orientam uma grande quantidade, sendo a orientação entre 1,2 e 2,0 g/kg/dia. Todavia, os grandes estudos demonstram que esta oferta proteica não é atingida, trazendo prejuízos à evolução dos pacientes. A utilização de uma oferta proteica alta frente a uma disfunção renal instalada também é tema de discussão na condução da terapia nutricional. Objetivo: Este artigo busca discutir os principais pontos dos estudos atuais relacionados ao tema. Método: Foram avaliados artigos de 2010 até 2016, na base de dados PubMed e LILACS, que relatavam a oferta proteica oferecida aos doentes críticos, embora nem sempre este fosse o principal dado do estudo. Resultados: A maioria dos estudos tinha desenho observacional, sendo possível notar que, em grande parte destes estudos, a oferta proteica mínima recomendada não foi atingida, tanto no grupo intervenção como controle. Outro ponto importante é que com o aumento da oferta para 1,5 g/kg/dia a 2 g/kg/dia ocorre aumento significativo do balanço nitrogenado, sem alterar a função renal. Não foram encontrados estudos randomizados que mostrem melhora do desfecho com uma oferta proteica mais elevada. Conclusões: Pacientes críticos apresentam geralmente elevado catabolismo proteico, desta forma existe um racional de recomendação de elevada oferta proteica. Entretanto, a maioria dos estudos mostra que tal recomendação não é cumprida na prática clínica. Dúvidas persistem em relação à meta proteica, particularmente na primeira semana da doença grave de pacientes com lesão renal aguda.(AU)

Introduction: The current recommendations of protein supply for the critical patient guide a great quantity, being the orientation between 1.2 and 2.0 g/kg/day. However, the large studies show that this protein supply is not reached, bringing losses to the evolution of the patients. The use of a high protein supply facing an established renal dysfunction is also a topic of discussion in the conduction of nutritional therapy. Objective: This article aims to discuss the main points of the current studies related to the theme. Methods: Articles from 2010 to 2016 were evaluated in the PubMed and LILACS databases, which reported the protein supply offered to critically ill patients, although this was not always the main data of the study. Results: Most of the studies had an observational design, being possible to observe that in the majority of these studies, the recommended minimum protein supply was not reached, both in the intervention and in the control group. Another important point is that with the increasing supply to 1.5 g/kg/day at 2 g/kg/day there is a significant increase in the nitrogen balance, without altering renal function. No randomized trials were found to show improvement in outcome with a higher protein supply. Conclusions: Critical ill patients generally present high protein catabolism in thus there is a rational recommendation of high protein supply. However,the majority of the studies show that this recommendation is not fulfilled in clinical practice. Doubts persist regarding the protein target, particularly in the first week of severe disease in patients with acute kidney injury.(AU)

Humans , Nutrition Therapy/instrumentation , Renal Insufficiency/complications , Intensive Care Units , Nutritional Support/instrumentation , Critical Care
J. bras. nefrol ; 38(3): 374-378, July-Sept. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-796190


Abstract The IgG4-related disease has a wide clinical spectrum where multiple organs can be affected, and the diagnosis depends on typical histopathological findings and an elevated IgG4 expression in plasma cells in the affected tissue. We describe the clinical presentation and evolution of a patient with acute tubulointerstitial nephritis, severe kidney failure and systemic manifestations such as lymphadenomegaly and chronic pancreatitis. The diagnosis was confirmed by the clinical picture and kidney and lymph node histopathology, in which immunohistochemistry of the lymphoid tissue showed policlonality and increased expression of IgG4, with a IgG4/total IgG ratio > 80%. The patient was treated with prednisone at a dose of 60 mg/day, followed by mycophenolate mofetil, and showed clinical and renal function improvement at 6 months of follow-up. The high index of suspicion of IgG4-related disease with multisystem involvement and the early treatment of this condition are essential to improve the prognosis of affected patients.

Resumo A doença relacionada à IgG4 tem um espectro clínico amplo em que múltiplos órgãos podem ser afetados, e o diagnóstico depende de achados histopatológicos típicos e elevada expressão de IgG4 em plasmócitos no tecido afetado. Descrevemos o quadro clínico e a evolução de um paciente com nefrite túbulo-intersticial aguda, insuficiência renal grave e manifestações sistêmicas como linfoadenomegalias e pancreatite crônica. O diagnóstico foi confirmado pelas características clínicas e pela histopatologia renal e de linfonodo, na qual a imunohistoquímica mostrou tecido linfoide com policlonalidade e expressão aumentada de IgG4, com uma relação IgG4/IgG total > 80%. O paciente foi tratado com prednisona na dose de 60 mg/dia, seguido de micofenolato mofetil, e apresentou melhora clínica e da função renal depois de 6 meses de tratamento. O alto índice de suspeição da doença relacionada ao IgG4 com comprometimento multissistêmico e o tratamento precoce desta condição são primordiais para a melhora do prognóstico destes pacientes.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Paraproteinemias/complications , Immunoglobulin G , Renal Insufficiency/complications , Nephritis, Interstitial/complications , Severity of Illness Index
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 114(1): e9-e12, feb. 2016. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-838167


El síndrome de artrogriposis, disfunción tubular renal y colestasis es un trastorno fatal infrecuente que compromete múltiples aparatos y sistemas de órganos. Es un trastorno autosómico recesivo hereditario, causado por defectos en los genes VPS33B y VIPAR. Los tres signos primordiales de este síndrome son la artrogriposis, la disfunción tubular renal y la colestasis. Otros compromisos orgánicos a veces asociados con este síndrome son ictiosis, malformación del sistema nervioso central, anomalías trombocíticas, defectos cardíacos congénitos y grave retraso del crecimiento. Las manifestaciones clínicas, la biopsia de un órgano y los análisis de mutaciones pueden ayudar con el diagnóstico, pero no existe un tratamiento curativo; solamente puede instaurarse un tratamiento sintomático. Varios síntomas de esta afección usualmente se manifiestan en el período neonatal: artrogriposis, colestasis neonatal, lesiones cutáneas, entre otros. En general, la supervivencia se prolonga hasta el primer año de vida. Presentamos el caso de una recién nacida con una rápida evolución y desenlace fatal.

Arthrogryposis-renal dysfunction-cholestasis syndrome is a rare lethal disorder that involves multipl organ system. It is inherited autosomal recessive and caused by defects in the VPS33B and VIPAR genes. Three cardinal findings of this syndrome are arthrogryposis, renal tubular dysfunction and cholestasis.The other organ involvements including ichthyosis, central nervous system malformation, platelet anomalies, congenital heart defects and severe failure to thrive are sometimes associated with this syndrome. Clinical findings, organ biopsy and mutational analysis can help for diagnosing but there is no curative treatment except supportive care. Several symptoms of this condition are already usually present in the neonatal period: arthrogryposis, neonatal cholestasis, skin lesions, among others. Usually survival is until the first year of life. We present a newborn whose evolution was rapidly fatal.

Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Arthrogryposis/complications , Arthrogryposis/diagnosis , Cholestasis/diagnosis , Cholestasis/etiology , Fatal Outcome , Renal Insufficiency/complications , Renal Insufficiency/diagnosis , Infant, Newborn, Diseases/diagnosis , Infant, Newborn, Diseases/etiology
Rev. Soc. Cardiol. Estado de Säo Paulo ; 26(1): 34-38, jan.-mar.2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP, SESSP-IDPCPROD, SES-SP | ID: lil-789774


A otimização das medidas para controle volêmico tem papel preponderante naabordagem de pacientes com disfunção cardíaca e renal combinada, uma vez quealterações crônicas ou agudas em um desses órgãos, em geral, induzem ou perpetuam anormalidades (funcionais e/ou estruturais) no outro. Esta revisão de literatura propõe uma análise sobre as principais medidas terapêuticas no cardiopata com disfunção renal...

Optimizing the methods used in the control of volemia is very important in the treatment of patients with combined heart and renal dysfunction, as chronic or acute changes in either of these organs generally induces or perpetuates abnormalities (functional and/orstructural) in the other. This literature review analyzes the main therapeutic methods used in heart disease with renal dysfunction...

Humans , Male , Female , Heart Failure/complications , Heart Failure/therapy , Renal Insufficiency/complications , Renal Insufficiency/therapy , Cardio-Renal Syndrome/diagnosis , Cardio-Renal Syndrome/therapy , Heart Diseases/complications , Heart Diseases/diagnosis , Shock, Cardiogenic , Peritoneal Dialysis/methods , Risk Factors , Ultrafiltration/methods