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Chinese Journal of Stomatology ; (12): 584-591, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986114


Objective: To analyze the equity of national stomatologist resource allocation from 2016 to 2020, providing relevantly referenced basis for further stomatologist resource allocation. Methods: Collect data of domestic and international stomatologist resources in 2016, 2018 and 2020, and analyze the relevant data by using the health resources agglomeration degree and population agglomeration degree. Results: At present, at the international level, the number of dentists per 10 000 people ranks 46th in 2010-2019. The quantity of domestic dental resources is on the rise, with a balanced gender distribution and a concentrated age distribution mainly in 25-44 years old. At the specialized technical level, the proportion of junior titles can reach 79.5%-83.0%. The ratio of resource agglomeration of dental practitioners and assistants calculated based on geographical area and population density shows that the ratio of HRAD to PAD in the eastern provinces is greater than 1, while the ratios of most provinces in the central and western regions are less than 1. The eastern regions have excessive allocations, while ones in the central and western regions are insufficient. Conclusions: Unfairness still exists in the allocation of resources for dentists in China. At the national level, it is necessary to continue to cultivate high-quality stomatologists and intensify efforts to support the grass-roots and remote areas. The ability, quality and work competence of on-the-job personnel should be comprehensively improved. Multi-point practice of stomatologists should be standardized and popularized, promoting the rational flow of oral health personnel.

Humans , Adult , Dentists , Professional Role , Health Resources , Resource Allocation , China
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940950


OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the current status and evaluate the equity of health human resource allocation for echinococcosis control in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, so as to provide the empirical evidence for optimizing the health human resource allocation for echinococcosis control.@*METHODS@#A questionnaire survey was performed to collect the numbers of health human sources for echinococcosis control, including health workers, healthcare professionals, certified/assistant physicians and registered nurses, per 1 000 permanent residents, per 1 000 m2, per 1 000 residents screened using Bmode ultrasonography and per 1 000 echinococcosis patients in two highly endemic counties and three lowly endemic counties in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province from 2016 to 2019. The equity of health human resource allocation for echinococcosis control was evaluated by permanent residents and geographical areas using Lorenz curve and Gini index in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture from 2016 to 2019.@*RESULTS@#The numbers of health workers, healthcare professionals, certified/assistant physicians and registered nurses per 1 000 permanent residents, per 1 000 permanent residents, per 1 000 m2, per 1 000 residents screened using B-mode ultrasonography and per 1 000 echinococcosis patients were 0.99-, 1.06-, 1.78- and 1.88-fold; 3.38-, 3.67-, 6.00- and 6.00-fold; 1.64-, 1.74-, 3.22- and 3.18-fold; and 64.92-, 70.39-, 139.34- and 117.44-fold more in lowly endemic counties than in highly endemic countries in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, 2019. The Gini indexes of health human resource allocation for echinococcosis control were 0.371 to 0.397 by permanent residents and 0.477 to 0.591 by geographical areas in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture from 2016 to 2019, and the Gini indexes (0.469 to 0.730) for allocation of certified/assistant physicians and registered nurses were both higher than those of health workers and healthcare professionals (0.302 to 0.451) by both permanent residents and geographical areas.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The health human resource allocation for echinococcosis control showed general equity by permanent residents and poor equity by geographical areas in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province from 2016 to 2019.

Humans , China/epidemiology , Echinococcosis/epidemiology , Health Personnel , Health Workforce , Resource Allocation , Ultrasonography
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e181069, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374570


Abstract Stomach cancer is the second leading cause of death by cancer worldwide and is even more pronounced in South America. In Brazil, it is estimated that an increase in the number of cases due to this cancer occurred in the biennium 2018-2019. In this study, we investigated the expenditures of the State Health Department of Goiás on hospitalizations and treatment of gastric cancer for the Unified Health System (SUS) from 2008-2016. This is a cross-sectional, descriptive, and analytical study based on secondary data from the Unified Health System computing department (DATASUS) and the System of Management of the Table of Procedures, Medications, Orthosis, Prosthesis, and Special Materials of SUS through CONECTA-SUS related to International Classification of Diseases-10/C16 (ICD-10/C16) procedures for gastric neoplasms. A total of I$ 5,697,958.20 was spent on gastric tumor in the last nine years in Goiás, I$ 4,492,916.67 (0.3%) on hospitalizations, and I$ 1,997,120.91 on treatment. This study presents a current and relevant estimate of the costs of gastric cancer patients in Goiás. Moreover, we provide information on the extent of the cancer issue to public health. Our analysis offers components for service management and studies that reduce resource allocation in more rational ways

Stomach Neoplasms/economics , Brazil/ethnology , Health Expenditures/statistics & numerical data , Patients/classification , Therapeutics/classification , Unified Health System , Costs and Cost Analysis/statistics & numerical data , Resource Allocation/classification , Hospitalization/economics
Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 29(4): 825-831, out.-dez. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365517


Resumo Este trabalho avalia, sob a ótica da bioética, o impacto estrutural, institucional e emocional da alocação de recursos escassos durante a pandemia de covid-19, doença que emergiu no final de 2019 e se tornou um dos maiores desafios da sociedade. A análise dos artigos selecionados indica que, mesmo após ampliação de leitos em santas casas e hospitais filantrópicos, a demanda continuou maior que a oferta. Desse modo, é necessário reestruturar o atendimento com medidas de recomendação e protocolos que priorizem profissionais da saúde e melhores prognósticos, com maior tempo de vida pós-tratamento, e excluam qualquer prioridade por classe ou influência social não médica. A adoção dessas medidas e protocolos de atendimento otimiza o tratamento e maximiza os recursos, abrangendo um número maior de doentes e possibilitando a oferta de tratamento com medidas justas, éticas e resolutivas.

Abstract This work evaluates, from the perspective of Bioethics, the structural, institutional and emotional impact of the allocation of scarce resources during the COVID-19 pandemic, a disease that emerged at the end of 2019 and has become one of the greatest challenges of society. The analysis of the selected articles indicates that, even after the expansion of beds in holy houses and philanthropic hospitals, demand remained higher than supply. Thus, it is necessary to restructure care with recommendation measures and protocols that prioritize health professionals and a better prognosis, with longer life after treatment, and exclude any priority by class or non-medical social influence. The adoption of these care measures and protocols optimizes treatment and maximizes resources, covering a greater number of patients and enabling the provision of treatment with fair, ethical and resolute measures.

Resumen Este trabajo evalúa, desde la perspectiva de la Bioética, el impacto estructural, institucional y emocional de la asignación de recursos escasos durante la pandemia de covid-19, una enfermedad que surgió a finales de 2019 y se ha convertido en uno de los mayores retos de la sociedad. El análisis de los artículos seleccionados indica que, incluso después de la expansión de camas en santas casas y hospitales filantrópicos, la demanda se mantuvo por encima de la oferta. Así, es necesario reestructurar el funcionamiento con medidas de recomendación y protocolos que prioricen a los profesionales de la salud y un mejor pronóstico, con una vida más larga después del tratamiento, y excluir cualquier prioridad por clase o influencia social no médica. La adopción de estas medidas y protocolos de atención optimiza el tratamiento y maximiza los recursos, cubriendo un mayor número de pacientes y permitiendo la prestación del tratamiento con medidas justas, éticas y resolutivas.

Bioethics , Resource Allocation , Pandemics , COVID-19
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 27(spe): 94-96, Mar. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156125


ABSTRACT With the deepening of the national health program, the number of people participating in sports activities is increasing, and the problem of insufficient community sports resources is becoming more and more obvious. It is an effective way of solving the problem of injecting sports resources into the public service system of national fitness, but the process of integration of sports resources and public national fitness service is not smooth. Through expert consultation and a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, this study analyzed the current situation of university sports resources into the public service system of national fitness, and collected the evaluation of social fitness personnel on the opening of university resources by means of a questionnaire combined with experts' opinions, using a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to transform subjective and fuzzy evaluation into objective and specific evaluation points. The research shows that the current level of university sports resources into the public service system of national fitness is low, which shows that the sports resources sharing policy under the national fitness has not been well implemented. The study proposes that the level of sharing of sports resources can be strengthened by the awareness of sharing of sports resources by university leaders and improving the management system. This study is expected to represent a reference for the university sports resources into the public service system of national fitness in the new era.

RESUMO Com o aprofundamento do programa nacional de saúde, o número de pessoas que participam de atividades esportivas está aumentando, e o problema de recursos esportivos comunitários insuficientes está se tornando cada vez mais óbvio. É uma forma eficaz de resolver o problema da introdução dos recursos desportivos sistema público nacional de serviços de educação física, mas o processo de integração dos recursos desportivos e do sistema público nacional de serviços de educação física não é simples. Através de consulta com especialistas e de um método de avaliação abrangente, este estudo analisou a situação atual dos recursos desportivos universitários no sistema nacional de serviços públicos de educação física e procedeu à avaliação dos profissionais de saúde social sobre a abertura dos recursos universitários através de questionário e pareceres de especialistas, utilizando um método de avaliação abrangente e difuso para transformar a avaliação subjetiva e difusa em pontos de avaliação objetivos e específicos. A pesquisa mostra que o nível atual de recursos esportivos universitários no sistema nacional de serviços públicos de educação física é baixo, o que mostra que a política de compartilhamento de recursos esportivos no âmbito nacional de educação física não foi bem implementada. O estudo propõe que o nível de compartilhamento de recursos esportivos pode ser fortalecido através do reforço da consciência dos líderes universitários e da melhoria do sistema de gestão. Espera-se que, através deste estudo, seja possível estabelecer uma referência aos recursos desportivos universitários para o sistema nacional de serviços públicos na área de educação física na nova era.

RESUMEN Con la profundización del programa nacional de salud, aumenta el número de personas que participan en actividades deportivas y el problema de la insuficiencia de recursos deportivos comunitarios se hace cada vez más evidente. Este programa es una forma eficaz de resolver el problema de la inyección de recursos deportivos en el sistema público nacional de educación física, pero el proceso de integrar ambos, los recursos para el deporte y el servicio público nacional de educación física no es sencillo. Por medio de la consulta a expertos y un método amplio de evaluación integral, este estudio analizó la situación actual de los recursos deportivos universitarios en el sistema público nacional de educación física. Recopiló la evaluación del personal de esa área sobre el uso de recursos universitarios mediante un cuestionario combinado con opiniones de expertos, utilizando un método de evaluación integral amplia para transformar dicha evaluación subjetiva, en puntos de evaluación objetivos y específicos. La investigación muestra que el nivel actual de recursos deportivos universitarios en el sistema de servicio público nacional de educación física es bajo, lo que demuestra que la política de distribución de recursos para el deporte en el marco nacional no se ha aplicado correctamente. El estudio propone que el nivel de distribución de recursos deportivos puede fortalecerse aumentando la conciencia de los líderes universitarios sobre esos recursos y mejorando el sistema de gestión. Se espera que este estudio represente una referencia para el uso de los recursos deportivos universitarios en el sistema público nacional de educación física en la nueva era.

Humans , Physical Education and Training/trends , Sports/trends , Resource Allocation , Public Health Services
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 27(spe): 17-19, Mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156144


ABSTRACT With the improvement of people's yearning for a healthy and beautiful life, national fitness has become a hot word in academic circles. Combining Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the Tobit technology, this paper constructs the evaluation model of college sports resource efficiency based on the DEA Tobit model. Based on the establishment of the input-output index system of college sports resources, the model achieves the effect of accurate analysis on the allocation efficiency of university sports resources. Taking 10 universities in a city as experimental objects, the model is verified. The verification shows that the three efficiency indexes of STU University and IPE University in group M are all 1, which shows that the resource allocation is more reasonable; the comprehensive efficiency of Ju university is low, and the sports resources investment is excessive; in group n, except for the EU University, the efficiency of other colleges and universities is lower than the pass line. It can be concluded that there are problems such as excessive input of sports resources and low output rate in Colleges and universities of a city. Therefore, colleges and universities in a city should make full use of the existing resources, enhance their social sports guidance force, while improving the publicity of national fitness. This study has high reference significance for the path selection of national fitness integration in Colleges and Universities.

RESUMO Com a melhoria do desejo das pessoas por uma vida saudável e agradável, a atividade física nacional tornou-se a palavra de ordem nos círculos acadêmicos. Combinando a Análise por Envoltória de Dados (DEA, do inglês Data Envelopment Analysis) e a tecnologia Tobit, foi construído o modelo de avaliação da eficiência dos recursos desportivos universitários com base no modelo DEA Tobit. Com base no estabelecimento do sistema de índice de entradas-resultados dos recursos desportivos universitários, o modelo produz o efeito de uma análise precisa da eficiência de alocação dos recursos desportivos universitários. Tomando dez universidades de uma cidade como objetos experimentais, o modelo é verificado. Após verificação, os três índices de eficiência da Universidade de Stu e da Universidade de IPE no Grupo M são todos 1, o que indica que a alocação de recursos é mais razoável; a eficiência global da Universidade de Ju é inferior à da Universidade UE, e a eficiência de outras universidades do Grupo n é inferior à linha de aprovação, com excepção da Universidade UE. Os resultados mostram que há alguns problemas nos recursos esportivos de faculdades e universidades em uma cidade, como muita entrada de recursos esportivos e baixos resultados. Por conseguinte, as escolas e universidades urbanas devem utilizar plenamente os recursos existentes, reforçar a orientação dos esportes sociais e melhorar a divulgação da aptidão física nacional. Este estudo tem um alta relevância de referência para a seleção do caminho da integração da atividade física nacional em faculdades e universidades.

RESUMEN Con el aumento del deseo de las personas de tener una vida saludable y plena, la educación física nacional se ha convertido en un concepto imperativo en los círculos académicos. Combinando el Análisis Envolvente de Datos (DEA) y la tecnología Tobit, este documento construye el modelo de evaluación de la eficiencia de los recursos deportivos universitarios basándose en el modelo Tobit DEA. Con el uso del sistema de índice de insumo-resultado de los recursos deportivos universitarios, el modelo logra un análisis preciso de la eficiencia de asignación de dichos recursos. El modelo es verificado tomando 10 universidades de una ciudad como objetos experimentales. La verificación muestra que los tres índices de eficiencia de la Universidad STU y de la Universidad IPE en el grupo M son todos 1, lo que demuestra que la asignación de recursos es más eficaz. Por otra parte, la eficiencia integral de la universidad de Ju es baja y la inversión en recursos deportivos es excesiva. En el grupo n, a excepción de la Universidad EU, la eficiencia de otros colegios y universidades es menor que la línea de aprobación. Se puede concluir que existen problemas como la inversión excesiva en recursos deportivos y la baja tasa de resultados en los colegios y universidades de una ciudad. Por lo tanto, los colegios y universidades deben aprovechar al máximo los recursos existentes, reforzando la orientación respecto a los deportes sociales y, al mismo tiempo, mejorando la publicidad de la educación física nacional. Este estudio tiene una gran importancia como referencia para la selección del camino de integración nacional de la educación física en colegios y universidades.

Humans , Sports/economics , Universities/economics , Resource Allocation , Public Sector
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 27(spe): 69-72, Mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156150


ABSTRACT With the deepening of urban public sports service construction in China, the construction of public sports service system has become an important guarantee for mass sports rights in China. In view of this, this study takes City XX as an example, and analyzes the difference of public sports service construction in this city using the Theil index method, and determines the measurement index. It analyzes the equality degree of service resource allocation among and within the four regions of City XX, including A, B, C, D, and so on. The influencing factors of sports service efficiency are analyzed. The results show that there are significant differences in the allocation of public sports service resources among districts and counties of City XX. From the overall difference, the total Theil index of national fitness and sports clubs showed an upward trend, while others showed a downward trend. From the perspective of regional differences, there were 6 indicators with the highest equalization level in area C and 5 indicators in area A. The lowest level was found. Population density, per capita GDP, aging rate and urbanization rate of city XX have obvious positive correlations with public sports service efficiency. The aging rate is the most positive factor, while per capita GDP and population density have little influence. This study can provide some reference value for other cities in China in the construction of public sports services.

RESUMO Com o aprofundamento da construção de serviços públicos desportivos urbanos na China, a construção de um sistema público de serviço desportivo tornou-se uma importante garantia para o exercício dos direitos desportivos em massa na China. Em vista disso, este estudo toma a Cidade XX como exemplo, e analisa a diferença de construção de serviços públicos desportivo nessa Cidade pelo método índice de Theil, e determina o índice de medição. Analisa o grau de igualdade de alocação de recursos entre e dentro das quatro regiões da Cidade XX, incluindo as regiões A, B, C, D, e assim por diante. Os fatores que influenciam a eficiência do serviço esportivo são analisados. Os resultados mostram que há diferenças significativas na alocação de recursos públicos de serviços esportivos entre os distritos e condados da Cidade XX. A partir da diferença global, o índice total serviços de atividades físicas em âmbito nacional e clubes desportivos mostrou uma tendência ascendente, enquanto outros mostraram uma tendência descendente. Sob a perspectiva das diferenças regionais, havia seis indicadores com o mais alto nível de equalização na área C e 5 indicadores na área A. O nível mais baixo foi encontrado. A densidade populacional, o PIB per capita, a taxa de envelhecimento e taxa de urbanização da Cidade XX têm uma correlação positiva óbvia com a eficiência do serviço desportivo público. A taxa de envelhecimento é o fator mais positivo, enquanto o PIB per capita e a densidade populacional têm pouca influência. Este estudo pode fornecer algum valor de referência para outras cidades da China na construção de serviços desportivos públicos.

RESUMEN La profundización de la construcción de servicios deportivos públicos urbanos en China se ha convertido en una garantía importante para los derechos deportivos de masas en China. Ante esto, este estudio toma como ejemplo la Ciudad XX y analiza la diferencia de construcción de servicios públicos deportivos en esta ciudad utilizando el método del índice de Theil y determina el índice de medición. Verifica el grado de igualdad en la asignación de recursos de servicios entre y dentro de las cuatro regiones de la Ciudad XX incluyendo A, B, C, D, etc. También analiza los factores que influyen en la eficiencia del servicio deportivo. Los resultados muestran que existen diferencias significativas en la asignación de los recursos de los servicios deportivos públicos entre los distritos y condados de la Ciudad XX. A partir de la diferencia general, el índice de Theil total de los clubes deportivos y de educación física nacionales mostró una tendencia al alza, mientras que otros mostraron una tendencia a la baja. Desde la perspectiva de las diferencias regionales, se encontraron 6 indicadores con el nivel más alto de igualación en el área C y 5 indicadores en el área A. Se encontró también el nivel más bajo. La densidad de población, el PIB per cápita, la tasa de envejecimiento y la tasa de urbanización de la ciudad XX tienen evidentes correlaciones positivas con la eficiencia de los servicios deportivos públicos. La tasa de envejecimiento es el factor más positivo, mientras que el PIB per cápita y la densidad de población tienen poca influencia. Este estudio puede aportar algún valor de referencia para otras ciudades de China en la construcción de servicios deportivos públicos.

Humans , Sports , Urban Area , Resource Allocation , Sports and Recreational Facilities , Public Health Services , China
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 26(3): 1001-1012, mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153847


Resumo A resposta americana à pandemia envolve um proeminente volume de recursos federais, em especial destinados ao desenvolvimento e aquisição de produtos no uso interno, como diagnósticos ou vacinas. As justificativas para esse desembolso se baseiam em mecanismos de investimentos e aspectos históricos. Assim, a construção social do nacionalismo na formação na sociedade americana prejudica o acesso a tecnologias em saúde. A revisão desses aspectos demonstra como os Estados Unidos (EUA) garantiram compra de grande quantitativo de produtos em potencial, inclusive assegurando excessiva produção local. Essa política externa unilateral tem influenciado outros países ou blocos regionais e prejudicado a cooperação e a solidariedade global com impacto na saúde coletiva de diversas nações.

Abstract The American response to the pandemic involves a prominent volume of federal resources, especially for developing and acquiring products for internal use, such as diagnostics or vaccines. Investment mechanisms and historical aspects justify this expenditure. Thus, the social construction of nationalism in American society hinders access to health technologies. The review of such aspects shows how the United States (U.S.) secured a large number of potential products, ensuring excessive local production. This unilateral foreign policy has influenced other countries or regional blocs and undermined global cooperation and solidarity, affecting the collective health of several nations.

Humans , Global Health , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Pandemics , International Cooperation , Political Systems , United States/epidemiology , United States Dept. of Health and Human Services/economics , Coronavirus Infections/diagnosis , Coronavirus Infections/therapy , Costs and Cost Analysis , Resource Allocation/economics , Resource Allocation/methods , Developing Countries , Diffusion of Innovation , Economics , Health Resources/economics , Health Resources/supply & distribution , Health Services Accessibility
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-888226


Mental fatigue is the subjective state of people after excessive consumption of information resources. Its impact on cognitive activities is mainly manifested as decreased alertness, poor memory and inattention, which is highly related to the performance after impaired working memory. In this paper, the partial directional coherence method was used to calculate the coherence coefficient of scalp electroencephalogram (EEG) of each electrode. The analysis of brain network and its attribute parameters was used to explore the changes of information resource allocation of working memory under mental fatigue. Mental fatigue was quickly induced by the experimental paradigm of adaptive N-back working memory. Twenty-five healthy college students were randomly recruited as subjects, including 14 males and 11 females, aged from 20 to 27 years old, all right-handed. The behavioral data and resting scalp EEG data were collected simultaneously. The results showed that the main information transmission pathway of the brain changed under mental fatigue, mainly in the frontal lobe and parietal lobe. The significant changes in brain network parameters indicated that the information transmission path of the brain decreased and the efficiency of information transmission decreased significantly. In the causal flow of each electrode and the information flow of each brain region, the inflow of information resources in the frontal lobe decreased under mental fatigue. Although the parietal lobe region and occipital lobe region became the main functional connection areas in the fatigue state, the inflow of information resources in these two regions was still reduced as a whole. These results indicated that mental fatigue affected the information resources allocation of working memory, especially in the frontal and parietal regions which were closely related to working memory.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Brain , Frontal Lobe , Memory, Short-Term , Mental Fatigue , Resource Allocation
Rev. Asoc. Med. Bahía Blanca ; 31(2): 63-69, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1398500


Introducción: en el presente artículo se reflexiona sobre el uso del principio del ciclo de vida en adultos y la selección por lotería en la asignación de recursos críticos en el contexto de pandemia, tomando como referencia lo publicado y sugerido en las "Guías éticas para la atención durante la pandemia COVID-19. Recomendaciones multisocietarias para asignación de recursos" (Maglio et al, 2020). Desarrollo: son numerosas las guías que han decidido aplicar el principio del ciclo de vida (edad) al momento de asignar recursos críticos. Algunas sugieren utilizarlo como criterio independiente, mientras que otras proponen aplicarlo como criterio dependiente del pronóstico de supervivencia a corto plazo (score SOFA) y del pronóstico de supervivencia a largo plazo (evaluación médica de comorbilidades). La selección aleatoria es un criterio de asignación de recursos sanitarios que, según varias guías, solo se aplicaría ante dos o más pacientes con similares condiciones médicas y del mismo rango etario. Los comités de bioética hospitalarios juegan un rol clave en el monitorio ético de las guías establecidas en cada hospital. No obstante, durante lo que va de la pandemia, ha emergido una confusión (al menos teórica) entre monitoreo, reflexión y responsabilidad en la toma de decisiones. Comentarios finales: una decisión médica en un caso clínico particular debería estar sustentada por decisiones éticas globales (políticas, sanitarias y ciudadanas). La bioética ya tiene 50 años de existencia. Sin embargo, recién ahora el mundo se acuerda de ella.

Bioethics , Resource Allocation , Pandemics , COVID-19
RECIIS (Online) ; 14(4): 942-959, out.-dez. 2020. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1145570


A mídia funciona como uma ponte entre a medicina e o público, e impacta como a informação é organizada e apresentada às pessoas. Realizou-se uma análise de conteúdo, quantitativo e qualitativo, dos enquadramentos principais nas matérias sobre medicina regenerativa publicadas pela Folha de São Paulo e O Globo, entre janeiro de 2012 e maio do 2019. A análise mostrou algumas limitações nas informações publicadas: um número bastante escasso de relatos, com poucas matérias sobre controvérsias sociais e regulatórias e matérias de tons otimistas demais sobre os benefícios das terapias celulares. Conclui-se que falta uma contribuição mais sistemática da imprensa à legitimação social e institucional desta área de ponta no país, desenvolvida com recursos públicos e que oferece uma oportunidade imperdível no aumento da consciência em saúde coletiva, assim como, na participação competitiva do Brasil no cenário global.

Mass media works as a bridge between medicine and the public and produces an impact according to how information is organized and presented. A quantitative and qualitative content analysis was developed on the main framings on regenerative medicine found in reports by the newspapers Folha de São Paulo and O Globo between January 2012 and May 2019. The analysis found limitations in the information published: a reduced number of stories, the presence of few articles on social and regulatory controversies and a portrayal of over-optimistic accounts on the benefits of cellular-based therapies. The article concludes that there is a lack of a more systematic contribution of the printed press to the social and institutional legitimation of the local area, one developed with public resources and that offers a valuable opportunity to raise awareness on collective health, as well as, for a competitive inclusion of Brazil at the global level.

Los medios de comunicación masiva funcionan como un puente entre la medicina y el público, e impactan en los públicos según cómo la información sea organizada y presentada. Se realizó un análisis de contenido, cuantitativo y cualitativo, de los encuadramientos principales en los diarios: Folha de S.Paulo y O Globo sobre la medicina regenerativa entre enero de 2012 y mayo de 2019. El análisis demostró las limitaciones de los contenidos: um número bastante escaso de reportajes, pocas noticias sobre debates y controversias sociales y de tono demasiado optimista acerca de los beneficios de las terapias celulares. Se concluye que falta una contribución sistemática de la prensa a la legitimación social e institucional de esta área de punta em el país, desarrollada com recursos públicos y que ofrece una valiosa oportunidad para un aumento de conciencia sobre la salud colectiva y una participación competitiva de Brazil en el escenario global.

Humans , Communications Media , Regenerative Medicine , Cell- and Tissue-Based Therapy , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil , Communications Media/classification , Communications Media/statistics & numerical data , Resource Allocation , e-Government
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 25(12): 4957-4967, Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | SES-SP, ColecionaSUS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1142714


Resumo Uma das preocupações ligadas à pandemia da COVID-19 se refere à capacidade da estrutura do sistema de saúde suportar a demanda por atendimento e tratamento de pessoas acometidas por esta doença. Diante disso, o objetivo deste estudo consiste em criar e mapear o Índice de Infraestrutura de Saúde (IIS) das Unidades da Federação (UFs) brasileiras, bem como verificar a sua distribuição espacial. Para isso, foi aplicada a metodologia de Análise Fatorial por Componentes Principais. Aplicou-se os testes de Bartlett e Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin para verificação da sua adequabilidade. Em seguida procedeu-se a Análise Exploratória de Dados Espaciais. Os dados foram coletados no DATASUS, COFEN, Ministério da Saúde, Portal de Compras do Governo e Portal da Transparência. Quanto aos resultados, o índice revelou que nove estados do Norte e Nordeste registraram os menores índices e cinco estados do Sudeste e Sul apresentaram os maiores índices. Foi registrado um cluster baixo-baixo nos estados do Amazonas e Pará e um Cluster alto-alto em Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Paraná.

Abstract One of the concerns linked to the COVID-19 pandemic is the capacity of health systems to respond to the demand for care for people with the disease. The objective of this study was to create a COVID-19 response Healthcare Infrastructure Index (HII), calculate the index for each state in Brazil, and determine its spatial distribution within and across regions. The HII was constructed using principal component factor analysis. The adequacy of the statistical model was tested using the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test and Bartlett's test of sphericity. The spatial distribution of the HII was analyzed using exploratory spatial data analysis. The data were obtained from DATASUS, the Federal Nursing Council, Ministry of Health, Government Procurement Portal, and the Transparency Portal. The nine states in the country's North and Northeast regions showed the lowest indices, while the five states from the Southeast and South regions showed the highest indices. Low-low clusters were observed in Amazonas and Pará and high-high clusters were found in Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Paraná.

Humans , Coronavirus Infections/therapy , Spatial Analysis , Betacoronavirus , Health Facilities/supply & distribution , Health Services Accessibility , Brazil/epidemiology , Multivariate Analysis , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Resource Allocation/supply & distribution , Pandemics , Health Workforce/statistics & numerical data
Cambios rev. méd ; 19(2): 68-75, 2020-12-29. ilus.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1179381


INTRODUCCIÓN. En abril de 2016 ocurrió en la provincia de Manabí-Ecuador un terremoto de 7,6 grados, escala de Richter. Afectó la gestión de entidades de salud de dicha provincia. El país viene implementando políticas para alcanzar acceso universal de atención de salud, pero, el sistema mantiene debilidades en el modelo de atención primaria. OBJETIVO. Describir los efectos del terremoto en la gestión del sistema de salud en el Distrito de Chone, en base a las percepciones de los funcionarios de salud. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio cualitativo. Se describió el evento desde la perspectiva de 11 funcionarios seleccionados de diferentes niveles de gestión técnica en el sistema de salud, que laboraron durante el terremoto. Datos obtenidos por una encuesta semiestructurada sobre las tres funciones del sistema de salud: Rectoría, Provisión de Servicios y Financiamiento. RESULTADOS. El terremoto profundizó las debilidades que ya existían, afectó la ejecución de los programas de salud. La gestión del nivel central del Ministerio de Salud Pública sobrecargó el trabajo del personal local y la asignación de recursos fue insuficiente. DISCUSIÓN. A pesar que la evidencia demostró que una adecuada atención primaria con suficiente personal de salud, mejora la respuesta ante desastres, sin embargo, esto no se dio y los efectos negativos del desastre se mantienen años después. CONCLUSIÓN. Las deficiencias en la atención primaria de salud, así como insuficiente preparación para la gestión adecuada ante un desastre natural, influyeron en la calidad de la respuesta del sistema de salud.

INTRODUCTION. In april 2016, an earthquake of 7.6 degrees, on the Richter scale, occurred in the province of Manabí-Ecuador. It affected the management of health entities in said province. The country has been implementing policies to achieve universal access to health care, but the system maintains weaknesses in the primary care model. OBJECTIVE. Describe the effects of the earthquake on the management of the health system in the Chone District, based on the perceptions of health officials. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Qualitative study. The event was described from the perspective of 11 officials selected from different levels of technical management in the health system, who worked during the earthquake. Data obtained by a semi-structured survey on the three functions of the health system: Stewardship, Provision of Services and Financing. RESULTS. The earthquake deepened the weaknesses that already existed, affected the execution of health programs. Management at the central level of the Ministry of Public Health overloaded the work of local staff and the allocation of resources was insufficient. DISCUSSION. Although the evidence showed that adequate primary care with sufficient health personnel improves the response to disasters, however, this did not occur and the negative effects of the disaster continue years later. CONCLUSION. Deficiencies in primary health care, as well as insufficient preparation to properly manage a natural disaster, influenced the quality of the health system response.

Humans , Male , Female , Health Systems , Earthquakes , Standard of Care , Health Policy , Health Services Accessibility , Natural Disasters , Primary Health Care , Public Health , Health Personnel , Richter Scale , Resource Allocation , Disasters
Salud pública Méx ; 62(5): 590-592, sep.-oct. 2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390322


Abstract On April 12, 2020, a bioethics guide for allocating scarce hospital resources during the current Covid-19 pandemic was posted on the website of the Consejo de Salubridad General (CSG) of the Government of Mexico. The guide, entitled Guía bioética para asignación de recursos limitados de medicina crítica en situación de emergencia, was intended as a preliminary document, but the website posting did not describe it as a first step in the process. The publicity resulted in a wide array of comments and criticisms. That first version posted on the CSG website contained an age-based criterion for breaking a tie between two or more medically eligible patients who needed of a ventilator: younger patients would have preference over older ones. The final version of the guide eliminated that criterion and instead, relied on the leading public health principle, "save the most lives", without regard to personal characteristics other than the possibility of benefitting from the scarce medical resources.

Resumen El 12 de abril de 2020, se publicó en el sitio web del Consejo de Salubridad General (CSG) del Gobierno de México una guía de bioética para asignar recursos hospitalarios escasos durante la actual pandemia de Covid-19. La guía titulada Guía bioética para asignación de recursos limitados de medicina crítica en situación de emergencia pretendía ser un documento preliminar, pero la publicación en el sitio web no lo describió como un primer paso en el proceso. La publicación resultó en una amplia gama de comentarios y críticas. La primera versión publicada en el sitio web del CSG contenía un criterio basado en la edad para romper el empate entre dos o más pacientes médicamente elegibles que necesitaran un ventilador: los pacientes más jóvenes tendrían preferencia sobre los de mayor edad. La versión final de la guía eliminó ese criterio y, en cambio, se basó en el principio principal de salud pública, "salvar la mayoría de las vidas", sin tener en cuenta las características personales que no sean la posibilidad de beneficiarse de los escasos recursos médicos.

Humans , Pneumonia, Viral , Triage/ethics , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Coronavirus Infections , Bioethical Issues/standards , Resource Allocation/ethics , Pandemics , Health Resources/supply & distribution , Pneumonia, Viral/therapy , Pneumonia, Viral/epidemiology , Social Justice , Ventilators, Mechanical/supply & distribution , Life Expectancy , Triage/standards , Coronavirus Infections/drug therapy , Coronavirus Infections/therapy , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Withholding Treatment/standards , Withholding Treatment/ethics , Value of Life , Decision Making , Dissent and Disputes , Ageism , Betacoronavirus , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Health Services Needs and Demand , Mexico
Salud pública Méx ; 62(5): 607-609, sep.-oct. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390325


Resumen El tema bioético sobre la asignación de recursos escasos no es nuevo, todos los países que han sido gravemente afectados por el SARS-CoV-2 han tenido que desarrollar y utilizar guías de triaje. Esto resulta más adecuado pues así la asignación de recursos limitados se hace de manera ética y justa, y no de manera discrecional y abierta a la corrupción. En México, en anticipación a la fase exponencial de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2, el 30 de abril el Consejo de Salubridad General publicó la Guía bioética para asignación de recursos limitados de medicina crítica en situación de emergencia. Dicha guía tiene como base criterios de justicia social y parte de la tesis: todas las vidas tienen el mismo valor. Este texto tiene como objetivo proporcionar las razones bioéticas y biojurídicas que conforman esta guía de triaje en nuestro país. En resumen, proporciona una breve exploración de las razones éticas que justifican cierta manera específica de asignar recursos escasos en medicina crítica, así como del sustento procedimental apegado a los estándares en materia de derechos humanos.

Abstract The bioethical inquiry about allocating fairly scarce health resources is not new, all countries around the world that were seriously afflicted by SARS-CoV-2 have issued triage guidelines in order to address the dilemmas raised by the pandemic. There is no question about the need to create bioethical guidelines, since its creation provides a degree of certainty that fair and ethical decisions are taken. This also prevents that decisions are made in solitary and maybe motivated by corrupted actions. In Mexico, the creation of this guideline was a proactive and preventive measure to what was unavoidable, the exponential contagion phase of the pandemical scenario caused by Covid-19. On April 30, 2020 the General Sanitary Council published the Bioethical Guide to Allocate Scarce Resources on Critical Care Medicine in Emergency Situation. This guide has at its core that principle of utmost importance in social justice which main thesis is: "All lives have the same value". The aim of this contribution is to provide the ethical and legal principles established in the aforementioned bioethical guideline. In sum, a brief exploration of the ethical reasons that support a specific way to allocate scarce health resources is provided, as well as the foundations of the procedural part from a human rights-based approach.

Humans , Pneumonia, Viral , Triage/ethics , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Coronavirus Infections , Bioethical Issues/standards , Resource Allocation/ethics , Pandemics , Health Resources/supply & distribution , Pneumonia, Viral/epidemiology , Social Justice , Triage/standards , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Withholding Treatment/standards , Withholding Treatment/ethics , Value of Life , Decision Making , Betacoronavirus , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Government Agencies , Health Services Needs and Demand , Mexico
Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 28(3): 471-478, jul.-set. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137125


Resumo Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar conceitos centrais do pensamento de Hugo Tristram Engelhardt Junior. Inicialmente são introduzidos os principais elementos de sua argumentação, com ênfase na maneira como o autor percebe a bioética, considerando o fracasso do projeto filosófico moderno e sua concepção original de "estranhos morais". Em seguida, o estudo procura interpretar o posicionamento de Engelhardt quanto à moralidade e à justiça na distribuição dos recursos de saúde. Ao final, critica-se a concepção marcadamente ultraliberal do autor, que, ao se colocar no extremo do espectro do liberalismo, nega qualquer dever moral do Estado em prover assistência à saúde.

Abstract This study presents and critically analyzes the main conceptual aspects of the moral thinking of US physician and bioethicist Hugo Tristram Engelhardt Jr. Initially, the theoretical elements that frame Engelhardt's arguments are introduced, emphasizing how the author perceives the status of bioethical morality in postmodernity, including the "failure of the modern philosophical project" and his original notion of "moral strangers". After addressing these epistemological aspects, the study examines Engelhardt's position on morality and justice in the allocation of healthcare resources. Finally, Engelhardt's ultraliberal approach is critically analyzed, concluding that by putting himself at the radical end of the liberal spectrum, he denies the State any moral duty to play a role in healthcare provision.

Resumen Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los conceptos centrales del pensamiento de Hugo Tristram Engelhardt Junior. Inicialmente, se introducen los principales elementos de su argumento, con énfasis en la forma en que percibe la bioética, considerando su concepción original de "extraños morales" y el fracaso del proyecto filosófico moderno. Al final, se critica a la concepción marcadamente ultraliberal del autor, que al situarse en el extremo del espectro del liberalismo niega cualquier deber moral del Estado en la atención en salud.

Bioethics , Consensus , Resource Allocation , Secularism , Morals
Rev. invest. clín ; 72(3): 127-134, May.-Jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251845


ABSTRACT Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been declared a global pandemic. Older adults have been found as a vulnerable group for developing severe forms of disease and increased mortality. Objective: The objective of the study was to propose a pathway to assist the decision-making process for hospital resource allocation for older adults with COVID-19 using simple geriatric assessment-based tools. Methods: We reviewed the available literature at this point of the COVID-19 outbreak, focusing in older adult care to extract key recommendations for those health-care professionals who will be treating older adults in the hospital emergency ward (HEW) in developing countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: We listed a series of easy recommendations for non-geriatrician doctors in the HEW and suggested simple tools for hospital resource allocation during critical care evaluation of older adults with COVID-19 in low- and middle-income countries. Conclusions: Age must not be used as the sole criterion for resource allocation among older adults with COVID-19. Simple and efficient tools are available to identify components of the comprehensive geriatric assessment, which could be useful to predict outcomes and provide high-quality care that would fit the particular needs of older adults in resource-limited settings amidst this global pandemic.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Coronavirus Infections/economics , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Developing Countries/economics , Emergency Service, Hospital/economics , Clinical Decision-Making , Betacoronavirus , Pneumonia, Viral/economics , Pneumonia, Viral/epidemiology , Activities of Daily Living , Geriatric Assessment/methods , Triage , Frail Elderly , Resource Allocation/standards , Resource Allocation/ethics , Vulnerable Populations , Patient Preference , Pandemics/economics , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 80(supl.3): 67-76, June 2020. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1135193


El presente documento tiene como fin proporcionar recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia para estimar los equipos de proteccion personal (EPP), los dispositivos médicos y los medicamentos comúnmente utilizados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura y evaluación de la literatura gris. La evidencia se clasificó utilizando la metodología GRADE. Luego, se construyó un modelo predictivo para apoyar la estimación de recursos durante 30 días de la pandemia. En el desarrollo de estas recomendaciones se incluyeron 33 publicaciones con calidad de evidencia variable (calidad baja a muy baja), acerca del uso de EPP según el riesgo de exposición; manejo y re-uso de EPP, y las necesidades de fármacos y dispositivos médicos para la atención de pacientes con COVID-19. Es destacable lo difícil que resulta estimar y administrar la cantidad de suministros y equipos esenciales necesarios durante una pandemia. El modelo nos permitió predecir los recursos necesarios para proporcionar cuidados críticos durante 30 días de actividad pandémica. Dada la evolución constante de COVID-19, estas recomendaciones pueden cambiar a medida que evolucione la evidencia.

This document aims to provide evidence-based recommendations to estimate the personal protective equipments (PPE), medical devices, and drugs commonly used in the Intensive Care Unit during the COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic literature review and gray literature assessment was performed, and the evidence was categorized using the GRADE methodology. Then a predictive model was built to support the estimation of resources needed during 30 days of the pandemic. In the development of these recommendations, 33 publications were included, with variable quality of evidence (low to very low quality). They refer to the use of PPE according to the risk of exposure; management and reuse of PPE, and the stock of drugs and medical devices needed for the care of patients with COVID-19. It is important to remark the difficult in estimating and managing the number of essential supplies and equipment required during a pandemic. The model allowed us to predict the resources required to provide critical care during 30 days of pandemic activity. Given the constant evolution of COVID-19, these recommendations might change as evidence evolves.

Humans , Health Care Rationing/methods , Coronavirus , Resource Allocation/organization & administration , Personal Protective Equipment/supply & distribution , Intensive Care Units/economics , Pneumonia, Viral/epidemiology , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Pandemics , Betacoronavirus , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Intensive Care Units/organization & administration
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 36(8): e00161320, 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124332


Resumo: A pandemia por COVID-19 representa um dos maiores desafios da saúde pública deste século, causando impactos na saúde e nas condições de vida das populações em todo o mundo. Tem sido apontado pela literatura que a pandemia afeta de diversas formas o sistema alimentar hegemônico. No Brasil, a pandemia amplifica as desigualdades sociais, raciais e de gênero já existentes, comprometendo ainda mais a garantia do Direito Humano à Alimentação Adequada (DHAA) e a concretização da segurança alimentar e nutricional, especialmente entre os mais vulneráveis. Nesse contexto, este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as primeiras ações, em âmbito federal, do governo brasileiro para a mitigação dos efeitos da pandemia que podem repercutir na segurança alimentar e nutricional, considerando as recentes mudanças institucionais das políticas e programas. Foi realizada uma revisão narrativa da literatura e utilizado como fontes de informação os boletins do Centro de Coordenação de Operações do Comitê de Crise para Supervisão e Monitoramento dos Impactos da COVID-19 e homepages de ministérios setoriais, de março a maio de 2020. As ações foram sistematizadas segundo as diretrizes da Política Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional. Foi identificada a criação de arranjos institucionais para o gerenciamento da crise. Dentre as ações propostas, destacam-se aquelas relacionadas ao acesso à renda, como o auxílio emergencial, e a alimentos, como a autorização para a distribuição de alimentos fora do ambiente escolar com os recursos federais do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar. No entanto, os retrocessos e desmontes na área de segurança alimentar e nutricional podem comprometer a capacidade de resposta do Governo Federal no contexto da COVID-19.

Resumen: La pandemia por COVID-19 representa uno de los mayores desafíos de la salud pública de este siglo, causando impactos en la salud y condiciones de vida de las poblaciones en todo el mundo. Se ha señalado por parte de la literatura que la pandemia afecta de diversas formas el sistema alimentario hegemónico. En Brasil, la pandemia amplifica las desigualdades sociales, raciales y de género ya existentes, comprometiendo todavía más la garantía del Derecho Humano a la Alimentación Adecuada (DHAA) y la concretización de la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, especialmente entre los más vulnerables. En este contexto, el objetivo de este artículo es analizar las primeras acciones, en el ámbito federal, del gobierno brasileño para la mitigación de los efectos de la pandemia que puedan repercutir en la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, considerando los recientes cambios institucionales de las políticas y programas. Se realizó una revisión narrativa de la literatura y se utilizaron como fuentes de información los boletines del Centro de Coordinación de Operaciones del Comité de Crisis para la Supervisión y Monitoreo de los Impactos de la COVID-19 y homepages de ministerios sectoriales, de marzo a mayo de 2020. Las acciones se sistematizaron según las directrices de la Política Nacional de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional. Se identificó la creación de soluciones institucionales para la gestión de la crisis. Entre las acciones propuestas, se destacan aquellas relacionadas con el acceso a la renta, como el apoyo de emergencia, y de alimentos, como la autorización para la distribución de alimentos fuera del ambiente escolar con los recursos federales del Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar. No obstante, los retrocesos y recortes en el área de seguridad alimentaria y nutricional pueden comprometer la capacidad de respuesta del Gobierno Federal en el contexto de la COVID-19.

Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic poses one of this century's greatest public health challenges, with impacts on the health and living conditions of populations worldwide. The literature has reported that the pandemic affects the hegemonic food system in various ways. In Brazil, the pandemic amplifies existing social, racial, and gender inequalities, further jeopardizing the Human Right to Adequate Food (HRAF) and the attainment of food and nutritional security, especially among more vulnerable groups. In this context, the article aims to analyze the first measures by the Brazilian Federal Government to mitigate the pandemic's effects and that may have repercussions on food and nutritional security, considering the recent institutional changes in policies and programs. A narrative literature review was performed, and the information sources were the bulletins of the Center for Coordination of Operations by the Crisis Committee for Supervising and Monitoring the Impacts of COVID-19 and homepages of various government ministries, from March to May 2020. The actions were systematized according to the guidelines of the National Policy for Food and Nutritional Security. The analysis identified the creation of institutional crisis management arrangements. The proposed actions feature those involving access to income, emergency aid, and food, such as authorization for food distribution outside schools with federal funds from the National School Feeding Program. However, the setbacks and dismantlement in food and nutritional security may undermine the Federal Government's capacity to respond to COVID-19.

Humans , Pneumonia, Viral/epidemiology , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Nutrition Policy , Resource Allocation/statistics & numerical data , Pandemics , Food Supply/statistics & numerical data , Public Policy , Brazil , Public Health , Nutritional Status , Federal Government , Vulnerable Populations , Betacoronavirus , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Health Services Accessibility