Introducción: Siendo la cuarta causa de muerte a nivel mundial, las infecciones respira-torias agudas representan una carga importante para los sistemas de salud. Después de la pandemia de SARS-CoV-2, era necesario estudiar su etiología. El objetivo es identificar los microorganismos asociados a las infecciones respiratorias agudas registra-das en un hospital privado del país.Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal utilizando los resultados del Bio-Fire® FilmArray® Pneumonia panel en el periodo entre el 1 de enero 2022 al 30 de junio 2023, donde fueron seleccionadas 294 muestras positivas por muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia.Resultados: El 58,5% de las muestras fue del sexo masculino, con un rango medio de 48,0 años. Los grupos etarios con mayor porcentaje fueron < 5 años 39,1% (n=115) y > 60 años 20,7%. La mayoría de las muestras fueron tomadas mediante hisopado naso-faríngeo 78,9%. Los agentes más frecuentemente identificados fueron el rinovirus/enterovirus humano 30,6%, seguido de parainfluenza 12,6%, adenovirus 12,3%, virus sincitial respiratorio 10,9%, SARS-CoV-2 10,5% e influenza A 10,2%.Conclusión: La mayoría de las infecciones se dieron en los extremos de edad, lo que sugiere que pueden ser grupos más vulnerables y necesitar de un hospital. Los hallazgos de este estudio enfatizan en la importancia de las medidas de prevención para reducir la transmisión de infecciones respiratorias.
Introduction: Acute respiratory infections represent a global burden for health systems, currently the fourth leading cause of death worldwide. After the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, it was necessary to study its etiology. The objective is to identify microorganisms associated with acute respiratory infections registered in a private hospital in the country. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted by gathering data between January 2022 and June 2023 from the BioFire® FilmArray® Pneumonia panel, where 294 positive samples were selected by non-probabilistic convenience sampling.Results: Among the samples analyzed, 58.5% were from male individuals, with a mid-range of 48 years. The age groups with the highest frequency were < 5 years 39.1% and > 60 years 20.7%. Most samples were taken by nasopharyngeal swab 78.9%. The most identified microorganisms were human rhinovirus/enterovirus detected in 30.6%, followed by parainfluenza 12.6%, adenovirus 12.3%, respiratory syncytial virus 10.9%, SARS-CoV-2 10.5% and influenza A 10.2%.Conclusion: Most of the infections occurred at the extremes of age, which suggests the vulnerability of these groups and the need for hospital care. The study's results empha-size the importance of preventive measures to reduce the transmission of respiratory in-fections.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Respiratory Syncytial Viruses , Respiratory Tract Infections/etiology , Rhinovirus , Adenoviridae , Paramyxoviridae Infections , Enterovirus , Influenza, Human , SARS-CoV-2 , Klebsiella , Panama , Comorbidity , Prevalence , Vaccination , Laboratories, Clinical , Hospitals , Age GroupsABSTRACT
As Políticas Informadas por Evidências (PIE) tem ocupado uma posição de destaque nas últimas décadas. Nota-se, portanto, um aumento do estimulo e da valorização da síntese do conhecimento cientifico para apoiar o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas de saúde baseadas em evidências. No Brasil, o Ministério da Saúde institucionalizou em 2009 a Rede para Politicas Informadas por Evidencias (Evidence-Informed Policy Network EVIPNet Brasil). Essa Rede foi uma criação da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) para promover o uso sistemático e transparente de evidências cientificas no desenvolvimento e na implementação de políticas de saúde, proporcionando o intercâmbio de conhecimento entre gestores, pesquisadores e representantes da sociedade civil, e facilitando a formulação, a implementação de políticas e a gestão dos serviços e sistemas de saúde. Coordenada pelo Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia da Secretaria de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação e do Complexo Econômico-Industrial da Saúde do Ministério da Saúde (DECIT/SCTICS/MS), a EVIPNet Brasil, integrada por Núcleos de Evidências em Saúde (NEv), oferece periodicamente cursos diversos sobre PIE, além de materiais, como diretrizes metodológicas, para auxiliar na síntese de evidências para tomada de decisão em saúde. Com o evento da pandemia da COVID-19, a busca por evidências cientificas tornou-se mais intensa. A cobrança por resposta a curto prazo marcou esse período recente, desafiando o mundo todo a aprimorar mecanismos de elaboração, tradução e disseminação de conhecimento científico. Nesse contexto, surge o VigiEpidemia, um Programa Educacional em Vigilância e Cuidado em Saúde no Enfrentamento da COVID-19 e de outras doenças virais que oferece qualificação aos trabalhadores do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Por meio desse programa, foram elaborados produtos, baseados no Portfolio de Produtos do Serviço de Produção de Evidências para Apoio a Tomada de Decisão, do DECIT, que tiveram como objetivo principal estimular o uso de evidências cientificas no cotidiano dos serviços de saúde. Este e-book oferece a leitora e ao leitor 26 pesquisas criteriosamente selecionadas com conteúdo interessante produzidos por especializandos no âmbito do VigiEpidemia, dividido em duas partes: a primeira sobre COVID-19 e outras doenças virais e a segunda sobre Dengue e outras arboviroses.
Evidence-Informed Policies (EIP) have gained prominence over the past few decades. Consequently, there has been an increase in the stimulation and appreciation of the synthesis of scientific knowledge to support the development of evidence-based public health policies. In Brazil, the Ministry of Health institutionalized the Evidence-Informed Policy Network (EVIPNet Brazil) in 2009. This network was an initiative by the World Health Organization (WHO) to promote the systematic and transparent use of scientific evidence in the development and implementation of health policies, facilitating knowledge exchange among managers, researchers, and representatives of civil society, and aiding in policy formulation, implementation, and the management of health services and systems. Coordinated by the Department of Science and Technology of the Secretariat of Science, Technology, Innovation, and the Economic-Industrial Health Complex of the Ministry of Health (DECIT/SCTICS/MS), EVIPNet Brazil, consisting of Health Evidence Centers (NEv), periodically offers various courses on EIP, along with resources such as methodological guidelines to assist in the synthesis of evidence for health decision-making. With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, the search for scientific evidence became more intense. The demand for short-term responses marked this recent period, challenging the world to enhance mechanisms for the elaboration, translation, and dissemination of scientific knowledge. In this context, the VigiEpidemia program emerged, an Educational Program in Health Surveillance and Care in addressing COVID-19 and other viral diseases, offering qualifications to workers of the Unified Health System (SUS). Through this program, products were developed based on the DECIT's Evidence Production Service Portfolio to Support Decision Making, primarily aimed at stimulating the use of scientific evidence in the daily operations of health services. This e-book provides the reader with 26 meticulously selected research studies with interesting content produced by specialists within the scope of VigiEpidemia, divided into two parts: the first on COVID-19 and other viral diseases, and the second on Dengue and other arboviruses.
Respiratory Syncytial Viruses , Vaccination , COVID-19 , Measles , ReviewABSTRACT
To explore the biological characteristics related to the pathogenesis and severity of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis by RNA sequencing of white blood cells in children with RSV bronchiolitis. This study is a case-control study. A total of 87 children diagnosed with bronchiolitis and RSV antigen positive and/or RSV nucleic acid positive in the pediatric respiratory department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University from October 2019 to April 2022 were selected as the case group. The case group was divided into three groups based on the condition: mild, moderate, and severe, and there were two groups according to the presence or absence of atopic symptoms: the atopic group and the non-atopic group, forty healthy children in the same period were selected as the control group. The whole blood leukocyte RNA of the children in the case group and the control group was extracted for RNA sequencing, and the data were analyzed to obtain differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Then, the immunobiological pathways and genes related to the pathogenesis, disease condition, and atopy were screened through Gene Ontology (GO) annotation, Kyoto Gene and Genome Encyclopedia (KEGG) annotation, and protein interaction network (PPI) construction methods. Construct the weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) module to identify potential biological indicators related to disease severity.Compared with the control group, the case group had a total of 1 782 DEGs, including 1 586 upregulated genes and 196 downregulated genes. The GO pathway enrichment of DEGs is mainly enriched in molecular functions such as peroxidase activity and oxidoreductase activity. In the cytological components, it is mainly enriched in cytoplasmic vesicle lumen and secretory granule lumen. In biological processes, it is mainly enriched in processes such as neutrophil activation involved in immune responses, neutrophil degranulation, and neutrophil activation. KEGG analysis is mainly concentrated in the signal pathway of the viral protein interaction with cytokine and cytokine receptor. A PPI network was constructed to screen four genes at the core position, including CCL2, IL-10, MMP9 and JUN. The DEGs obtained by comparing different disease groups with the control group are mainly enriched in retrograde endocannabinoid signaling and cell apoptosis pathways. WGCNA analysis showed that the brown module related to oxygen saturation was most closely related to the disease, and its gene was mainly enriched in the RNA helicase retinoic acid inducible gene-I (RIG-I) like receptor signal pathway. There are 230 specific DEGs in the atopic group and 444 in the non-atopic group. KEGG enrichment analysis results show that both groups are enriched to NF-κB signaling pathway, the characteristic does not cause significant changes in immune response and transcriptome characteristics in children with RSV bronchiolitis. In conclusion, neutrophil activation, degranulation pathway and signal pathway of interaction between viral protein and cytokine and cytokine receptor are involved in the immune response of RSV bronchiolitis host. CCL2, IL-10, MMP9 and JUN genes may be associated with the pathogenesis. They might be potential biomarkers related to disease severity in RIG-I like receptors, cell apoptosis, and endogenous cannabinoid related signaling pathways.
Child , Humans , Transcriptome , Interleukin-10 , Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 , Case-Control Studies , Sequence Analysis, RNA , Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections/genetics , Receptors, Cytokine , Viral Proteins , Respiratory Syncytial Viruses , Computational Biology/methodsABSTRACT
To explore the biological characteristics related to the pathogenesis and severity of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis by RNA sequencing of white blood cells in children with RSV bronchiolitis. This study is a case-control study. A total of 87 children diagnosed with bronchiolitis and RSV antigen positive and/or RSV nucleic acid positive in the pediatric respiratory department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University from October 2019 to April 2022 were selected as the case group. The case group was divided into three groups based on the condition: mild, moderate, and severe, and there were two groups according to the presence or absence of atopic symptoms: the atopic group and the non-atopic group, forty healthy children in the same period were selected as the control group. The whole blood leukocyte RNA of the children in the case group and the control group was extracted for RNA sequencing, and the data were analyzed to obtain differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Then, the immunobiological pathways and genes related to the pathogenesis, disease condition, and atopy were screened through Gene Ontology (GO) annotation, Kyoto Gene and Genome Encyclopedia (KEGG) annotation, and protein interaction network (PPI) construction methods. Construct the weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) module to identify potential biological indicators related to disease severity.Compared with the control group, the case group had a total of 1 782 DEGs, including 1 586 upregulated genes and 196 downregulated genes. The GO pathway enrichment of DEGs is mainly enriched in molecular functions such as peroxidase activity and oxidoreductase activity. In the cytological components, it is mainly enriched in cytoplasmic vesicle lumen and secretory granule lumen. In biological processes, it is mainly enriched in processes such as neutrophil activation involved in immune responses, neutrophil degranulation, and neutrophil activation. KEGG analysis is mainly concentrated in the signal pathway of the viral protein interaction with cytokine and cytokine receptor. A PPI network was constructed to screen four genes at the core position, including CCL2, IL-10, MMP9 and JUN. The DEGs obtained by comparing different disease groups with the control group are mainly enriched in retrograde endocannabinoid signaling and cell apoptosis pathways. WGCNA analysis showed that the brown module related to oxygen saturation was most closely related to the disease, and its gene was mainly enriched in the RNA helicase retinoic acid inducible gene-I (RIG-I) like receptor signal pathway. There are 230 specific DEGs in the atopic group and 444 in the non-atopic group. KEGG enrichment analysis results show that both groups are enriched to NF-κB signaling pathway, the characteristic does not cause significant changes in immune response and transcriptome characteristics in children with RSV bronchiolitis. In conclusion, neutrophil activation, degranulation pathway and signal pathway of interaction between viral protein and cytokine and cytokine receptor are involved in the immune response of RSV bronchiolitis host. CCL2, IL-10, MMP9 and JUN genes may be associated with the pathogenesis. They might be potential biomarkers related to disease severity in RIG-I like receptors, cell apoptosis, and endogenous cannabinoid related signaling pathways.
Child , Humans , Transcriptome , Interleukin-10 , Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 , Case-Control Studies , Sequence Analysis, RNA , Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections/genetics , Receptors, Cytokine , Viral Proteins , Respiratory Syncytial Viruses , Computational Biology/methodsABSTRACT
Calendario de inmunización para población infantil.
Respiratory Syncytial Viruses , Infant, Newborn , BCG Vaccine , Influenza Vaccines , Smallpox Vaccine , Chile , Hepatitis B Vaccines , Vaccines, Combined , Immunization Programs , Chickenpox Vaccine , Meningococcal Vaccines , Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine , Hepatitis A Vaccines , Yellow Fever Vaccine , Heptavalent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine , COVID-19 Vaccines , InfantABSTRACT
Calendario de Inmunizaciones 2024 de población infantil, escolar y adulta.
Respiratory Syncytial Viruses , BCG Vaccine , Influenza Vaccines , Smallpox Vaccine , Vaccines , Viral Hepatitis Vaccines , Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Vaccine , Chile , Immunization , Hepatitis B Vaccines , Vaccines, Combined , Immunization Programs , Chickenpox Vaccine , Meningococcal Vaccines , Pneumococcal Vaccines , Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine , Yellow Fever Vaccine , Papillomavirus Vaccines , Heptavalent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine , COVID-19 VaccinesABSTRACT
A fines de 2023 la autoridad sanitaria de Argentina realizó modificaciones en el Calendario Nacional obligatorio, que serán implementadas en forma progresiva durante 2024. Este artículo está enfocado en la introducción de la vacuna contra el virus sincicial respiratorio en las personas embarazadas que cursan las semanas 32 a 36 de gestación durante la temporada de circulación del virus. (AU)
At the end of 2023, the Argentine health authority modified the mandatory National Calendar, which will be implemented progressively during 2024. This article focuses on the introduction of the vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus in pregnant women in the 32nd to 36th weeks of gestation during the season of the virus's circulation. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections/prevention & control , Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccines/administration & dosage , Argentina/epidemiology , Respiratory Syncytial Viruses/immunology , Public Health/methods , Immunization Schedule , Treatment Outcome , Clinical Trials, Phase III as Topic , Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections/virology , Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccines/adverse effects , Vaccine EfficacyABSTRACT
ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO Palivizumab es un medicamento usado como profilaxis del virus respiratorio sincicial en menores de 1 año, prematuros o de bajo peso al nacer. En Chile, este medicamento, por ser de alto costo, se encuentra actualmente cubierto para determinados subgrupos de infantes por la ley N°20.850, también conocida como Ley Ricarte Soto. Es en este contexto con el objetivo de conocer opciones de financiamiento, el Departamento de Coordinación de Garantías y Prestaciones en Salud, de la Subsecretaría de Salud Pública, ha solicitado una síntesis exploratoria sobre las formas de financiamiento de palivizumab en otros países. METODOLOGÍA Para la elaboración de esta síntesis rápida de evidencia, el equipo a cargo formuló estrategias de búsqueda con el fin de ser utilizada en el buscador web Google. De esta manera se recuperaron documentos los cuales fueron filtrados por criterios de tema, y tipo de documento, en donde se priorizaron leyes, documentos elaborados por instituciones gubernamentales y recomendaciones o protocolos de instituciones científicas. Se revisaron las 10 primeras páginas del buscador web Google, la información relevante se estudió a texto completo, además se encontraron referencias a documentos de interés los cuales se recuperaron separadamente. RESULTADOS Se determinaron 9 países por tener sistemas de salud similares a Chile, para explorar sus condiciones de financiamiento, los cuales son: México, Colombia, Italia, Argentina, Brasil, España, Portugal, Reino Unido y Francia. -El financiamiento de palivizumab por parte del sistema de salud se encuentra presente en 8 de 9 países estudiados. -La existencia de un fondo especial para medicamentos de alto costo se encuentra presente en 4 de los 9 países estudiados. -En cuanto si palivizumab posee financiamiento como medicamento de alto costo, 3 de los 9 países presentan esta característica. -Respecto a si restringen el financiamiento de palivizumab por alguna indicación en específico, 7 de los 9 países presentan esta característica.
Infant, Newborn , Infant , Chile , Financing, Government , Respiratory Syncytial Viruses , Health Systems , Evidence-Based PracticeABSTRACT
Las infecciones respiratorias agudas son una condición prevalente en la población de todas las edades, y es una causa frecuente de ausentismo laboral, estas infecciones pueden ser originadas por virus tales como el SARS-CoV-2, virus de la Influenza, parainfluenza, Virus Sincitial Respiratorio, entre otros, que se encuentran propagados alrededor del mundo, afectando todos los aspectos de la vida diaria, incluyendo viajes, comercio formal e informal, turismo, suministros de alimentos, mercados financieros, actividades sociales, culturales, religiosas etc. En general deben brindarse las condiciones necesarias de seguridad a los empleados, que permitan generar la confianza necesaria para desarrollar las actividades propias de cada organización. Los presentes lineamientos desarrollan las intervenciones que pueden aplicarse en las instituciones tanto del sector público como del sector privado para la adopción de medidas sanitarias, las cuales tienen como objetivo prevenir especialmente las infecciones respiratorias agudas de diseminación frecuente
Acute respiratory infections are a prevalent condition in the population of all ages, and is a frequent cause of work absenteeism, these infections can be caused by viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, influenza virus, parainfluenza, syncytial virus Respiratory, among others, that are spread around the world, affecting all aspects of daily life, including travel, formal and informal commerce, tourism, food supplies, financial markets, social, cultural, and religious activities, etc. In general, the necessary security conditions must be provided to employees, which allow them to generate the necessary confidence to develop the activities of each organization. These guidelines develop the interventions that can be applied in institutions, both in the public and private sectors, for the adoption of sanitary measures, whose objective is to prevent, in particular, frequently disseminated acute respiratory infections
Respiratory Tract Infections , Public Sector , Private Sector , Respiratory Syncytial Viruses , El Salvador , InfectionsSubject(s)
Humans , Child , Syndrome , Bordetella pertussis , Whooping Cough , Respiratory Syncytial Viruses , Epidemiology, DescriptiveABSTRACT
Nos lactentes, o sistema imunológico ainda é imaturo, o que torna as crianças mais suscetíveis ao vírus sincicial respiratório, o principal causador da bronquiolite. O Reequilíbrio Toraco-abdominal (RTA) é um método de terapia manual que atua sobre o sistema respiratório por meio de uma leitura global em situações de doenças. Objetivos: Avaliar os efeitos do método RTA, comparado à fisioterapia tradicional (FT) em lactentes com bronquiolite. Metodologia: Pesquisa experimental e prospectiva, na qual 24 lactentes foram divididos em dois grupos, FT (n = 12) e RTA (n = 12). Parâmetros fisiológicos (frequência respiratória, frequência cardíaca, saturação de pulso de oxigênio e ausculta pulmonar), desconforto respiratório e desequilíbrio da biomecânica respiratória foram avaliados antes e após os manuseios. Resultados: A idade média foi de 13 (± 11,07) semanas no grupo FT e no grupo RTA 13,3 (± 8,41) semanas. Após os manuseios, obteve diferença estatística no grupo do RTA comparado ao da FT nos seguintes parâmetros: observamos uma diminuição significativa da frequência cardíaca (p = 0,02) e da frequência respiratória (p = 0,0002), no quesito esforço respiratório em tórax superior (p = 0,004) e tórax inferior (p = 0,017) e no escore de Wood-Downes em moderada com (p = 0,0001). Conclusão: O RTA mostrou-se mais eficaz que as técnicas da FT em relação aos benefícios ao lactente. (AU)
Infant , Respiratory System , Biomechanical Phenomena , Bronchiolitis , Respiratory Syncytial Viruses , Musculoskeletal Manipulations , InfantABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives: the aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of co-detection of Flu A and RSV using rapid immunochromatographic tests at the point of care, in pediatric patients under 2 years of age in a general hospital. Methods: a retrospective cohort study was conducted to analyze clinical outcomes in hospitalized infants with viral respiratory disease with positive results of rapid immunochromatographic test for RSV and/or Flu-A, from 2013 to 2018. A logistic regression model was adjusted to analyze predictors of orotracheal intubation during hospitalization. Results: we analyzed 220 cases: RSV (192), Flu-A (9), co-detection (19). Lethality rate was 1.8% (2 cases), and 88% (194) were under 1 year of age. Mean time of hospitalizations was higher in patients with co-detection. Variables significantly associated with orotracheal intubation were: younger age in months, comorbidities, RSV and Flu-A co-detection, and bacterial pneumonia during hospitalization. Conclusions: RSV and Flu-Aco-detection was associated with the least favorable clinical prognoses in this study. Rapid test diagnosis may provide important information at the point of care, because molecular panels are not widely accessible in general hospitals. Rapid diagnosis allows timely evaluation and treatment.
Resumo Objetivos: avaliar o impacto da codetecção de Influenza A (FluA) e Vírus Sincicial Respiratório (VSR) por meio de testes imunocromatográficos rápidos em tempo real, em pacientes menores de 2 anos em hospital público e universitário. Métodos: estudo de coorte retrospectivo foi conduzido para analisar os desfechos clínicos de crianças hospitalizadas com doença respiratória viral com resultados positivos do teste rápido imunocromatográfico para VSR e/ou FluA, de 2013 a 2018. Um modelo de regressão logística foi ajustado para analisar preditores de intubação orotraqueal durante a internação. Resultados: foram analisados 220 casos: RSV (192), FluA (9) eco-detecção (19). A letalidade foi de 1,8% (2 casos) e 88% (194) casos em menores de 1 ano. O tempo médio de internação foi maior nos pacientes com codetecção. As variáveis significativamente associadas à intubação orotraqueal foram: menor idade em meses, comorbidades, codetecção de VSR e Flu-A e pneumonia bacteriana durante a internação. Conclusões: codetecção VSR e FluA foi associada a prognósticos clínicos desfavoráveis. O teste rápido fornece informações importantes a beira-leito, pois os painéis moleculares não são amplamente acessíveis em hospitais públicos. O diagnóstico rápido permite a avaliação e tratamento oportunos.
Humans , Child , Prognosis , Respiratory Syncytial Viruses/isolation & purification , Influenza, Human/diagnosis , Point-of-Care Testing/statistics & numerical data , Cohort Studies , Chromatography, Affinity/methodsABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: La infección por virus respiratorios es la causa más frecuente de consulta médica en el mundo. Puede asociarse con manifestaciones clínicas diversas, desde cuadros menores y auto limitados de la vía aérea superior hasta formas graves que comprometen la vía aérea inferior como la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de infección por virus respiratorios en dos instituciones de Boyacá 2016-2017. Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal. Se incluyeron las muestras de pacientes que fueron enviadas por dos unidades primarias generadoras de datos al programa de vigilancia centinela de virus respiratorios del departamento de Boyacá. Se realizó tamizaje por inmunofluorescencia indirecta para la detección de virus de influenza A y B, parainfluenza 1, 2 y 3, adenovirus, virus sincitial respiratorio y metapneumovirus. Resultados: Se incluyeron 614 muestras. La positividad para virus fue 22,8 %. Los virus respiratorios más identificados fueron virus sincitial respiratorio 66,0 %, seguido por influenza 8,7 %, metaneumovirus 8,6 %, adenovirus 8,6 % y parainfluenza 8,1 %. Se presentó co-infección por dos virus en 7,7 % de las muestras. De los pacientes positivos, el 50,7 % correspondieron al sexo femenino y el 83,5 % eran menores de cinco años. Los datos clínicos más frecuentes fueron tos 89,2 %, fiebre 87,8 %, rinorrea 58,5 % y odinofagia 56,4 %. Conclusiones: La vigilancia desarrollada por el Laboratorio de Salud Pública de Boyacá contribuye al conocimiento de la circulación de agentes virales y es importante para iniciar las medidas de prevención, control y mitigación para disminuir el impacto de la infección respiratoria aguda en el departamento.
Abstract Introduction: Respiratory viral infection is the most frequent cause of medical appointment in the world. It can be associated with various clinical manifestations, from minor and self-limited upper airway cases to severe forms that compromise the lower airway such as community acquired pneumonia. Objective: Determine the prevalence of respiratory virus infection in the state of Boyacá 2016-2017. Methodology: This cross-sectional study included samples of patients that were sent by two primary data generating units to the sentinel surveillance program for respiratory viruses in the department of Boyacá. Indirect immunofluorescence screening was performed for the detection of influenza A and B viruses, parainfluenza 1, 2 and 3, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus and metapneumovirus. Results: 614 samples were included. Virus positivity was 22.8%. The most identified respiratory viruses were respiratory syncytial virus 66.0%, followed by influenza 8.7%, metapneumovirus 8.6%, adenovirus 8.6% and parainfluenza 8.1%. There was co-infection by two viruses in 7.7% of the samples. Of the positive patients, 50.7% were female and 83.5% were under five years of age. The most frequent clinical data were cough with 89.2%, fever 87.8%, runny nose 58.5% and odynophagia with 56.4%. Conclusions: The surveillance developed by the Public Health Laboratory of Boyacá contributes to the knowledge of the circulation of viral agents and is important to initiate prevention, control and mitigation measures to reduce the impact of acute respiratory infection in the state.
Humans , Male , Female , Respiratory Syncytial Viruses , Respiratory Tract Infections , Prevalence , Influenza, HumanABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: La infección por virus respiratorios es la causa más frecuente de consulta médica en el mundo. Puede asociarse con manifestaciones clínicas diversas, desde cuadros menores y auto limitados de la vía aérea superior hasta formas graves que comprometen la vía aérea inferior como la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de infección por virus respiratorios en dos instituciones de Boyacá 2016-2017. Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal. Se incluyeron las muestras de pacientes que fueron enviadas por dos unidades primarias generadoras de datos al programa de vigilancia centinela de virus respiratorios del departamento de Boyacá. Se realizó tamizaje por inmunofluorescencia indirecta para la detección de virus de influenza A y B, parainfluenza 1, 2 y 3, adenovirus, virus sincitial respiratorio y metapneumovirus. Resultados: Se incluyeron 614 muestras. La positividad para virus fue 22,8 %. Los virus respiratorios más identificados fueron virus sincitial respiratorio 66,0 %, seguido por influenza 8,7 %, metaneumovirus 8,6 %, adenovirus 8,6 % y parainfluenza 8,1 %. Se presentó co-infección por dos virus en 7,7 % de las muestras. De los pacientes positivos, el 50,7 % correspondieron al sexo femenino y el 83,5 % eran menores de cinco años. Los datos clínicos más frecuentes fueron tos 89,2 %, fiebre 87,8 %, rinorrea 58,5 % y odinofagia 56,4 %. Conclusiones: La vigilancia desarrollada por el Laboratorio de Salud Pública de Boyacá contribuye al conocimiento de la circulación de agentes virales y es importante para iniciar las medidas de prevención, control y mitigación para disminuir el impacto de la infección respiratoria aguda en el departamento.
Abstract Introduction: Respiratory viral infection is the most frequent cause of medical appointment in the world. It can be associated with various clinical manifestations, from minor and self-limited upper airway cases to severe forms that compromise the lower airway such as community acquired pneumonia. Objective: Determine the prevalence of respiratory virus infection in the state of Boyacá 2016-2017. Methodology: This cross-sectional study included samples of patients that were sent by two primary data generating units to the sentinel surveillance program for respiratory viruses in the department of Boyacá. Indirect immunofluorescence screening was performed for the detection of influenza A and B viruses, parainfluenza 1, 2 and 3, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus and metapneumovirus. Results: 614 samples were included. Virus positivity was 22.8%. The most identified respiratory viruses were respiratory syncytial virus 66.0%, followed by influenza 8.7%, metapneumovirus 8.6%, adenovirus 8.6% and parainfluenza 8.1%. There was co-infection by two viruses in 7.7% of the samples. Of the positive patients, 50.7% were female and 83.5% were under five years of age. The most frequent clinical data were cough with 89.2%, fever 87.8%, runny nose 58.5% and odynophagia with 56.4%. Conclusions: The surveillance developed by the Public Health Laboratory of Boyacá contributes to the knowledge of the circulation of viral agents and is important to initiate prevention, control and mitigation measures to reduce the impact of acute respiratory infection in the state.
Respiratory Tract Infections , Viruses , Respiratory Syncytial Viruses , Prevalence , Colombia , Influenza, HumanABSTRACT
Lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) induced by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is an important cause of hospitalization for infants. Compared with adults, infants are more likely to cause serious respiratory diseases after RSV infection due to the specific immature airway structure and immune system. The balance of immune resistance and immune tolerance of the host is critical to effective virus clearance and disease control. This paper reviews the relationship between RSV infection and respiratory diseases in infancy, the influence factors of the high pathogenicity of RSV infection in early life, as well as the research progress of anti-RSV therapy, and expands the specific molecular events regulating immune resistance and immune tolerance. We expect to present new ideas for the prevention and treatment of RSV-related respiratory diseases in clinical practice.