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Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 57(1): 0-0182, jan.-fev. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431416


Resumo O Brasil possui 5.570 municípios e em cada um deles governos eleitos dispõem de um estoque de cargos em comissão disponíveis para nomeação discricionária. É possível observar variações nas estratégias políticas adotadas para essas indicações? Os principais achados deste trabalho permitidos através do uso de estatística descritiva e inferencial foram (1) identificação de diferentes estratégias de nomeação política entre recompensa (escopo elevado/escolaridade baixa) e policy-making (escopo reduzido/escolaridade alta) (2) robusta relação entre IDH e nomeações políticas com perfil de policy-making inferindo menores custos de coordenação e assimetrias informacionais para principais/eleitores e, (3) variáveis partidárias e de competição eleitoral apresentaram resultados modestos como candidatas a explicar a adoção de estratégias de recompensa, da mesma forma que estratégias de recompensa - maior proporção de CCs e menor escolaridade destes - não afetaram as razões de chance de incumbentes nas eleições municipais seguintes.

Resumen Brasil tiene 5.570 municipios y en cada uno de ellos los gobiernos elegidos electos tienen un stock de puestos en comisión disponibles para su nombramiento discrecional. ¿Es posible observar variaciones en las estrategias políticas adoptadas para estas candidaturas? Los principales hallazgos de este trabajo obtenidos mediante el uso de estadísticas descriptivas e inferenciales fueron (1) identificación de diferentes estrategias de nombramiento político entre recompensa (alcance alto/educación baja) y formulación de políticas (alcance reducido/educación alta); (2) relación sólida entre el IDH y los nombramientos políticos con un perfil de hacedor de políticas que infiere menores costos de coordinación y asimetrías de información para los principales/votantes y, (3) las variables de competencia electoral y partidaria mostraron resultados modestos como candidatas para explicar la adopción de estrategias de recompensa, de la misma manera que las estrategias de recompensa -mayor proporción de CC y menor escolaridad de estos- no afectaron las razones de probabilidad de los titulares en las siguientes elecciones municipales.

Abstract Brazil has 5,570 municipalities, and each local government has a stock of appointed positions. This study adopted descriptive and inferential statistics to observe the variations in the political strategies adopted when filling these positions. The research identified (1) different political appointment strategies, from those based on reward (high scope/low education level) to strategies based on policy-making (reduced scope/high education level), (2) a robust relationship between HDI and political appointments with a policy-making profile inferring lower coordination costs and informational asymmetries for principals/voters, and (3) party and electoral competition variables showed modest results as potential explanatory factors to adopting reward-based strategies. Also, the adoption of reward-based strategies - cases where municipalities' employees presented a higher proportion of appointees with lower education levels - did not affect the odds ratios of incumbents in the next municipal elections.

Reward , Cities , Personnel Delegation , Government
Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 14-28, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971562


Recent work in decision neuroscience suggests that visual saliency can interact with reward-based choice, and the lateral intraparietal cortex (LIP) is implicated in this process. In this study, we recorded from LIP neurons while monkeys performed a two alternative choice task in which the reward and luminance associated with each offer were varied independently. We discovered that the animal's choice was dictated by the reward amount while the luminance had a marginal effect. In the LIP, neuronal activity corresponded well with the animal's choice pattern, in that a majority of reward-modulated neurons encoded the reward amount in the neuron's preferred hemifield with a positive slope. In contrast, compared to their responses to low luminance, an approximately equal proportion of luminance-sensitive neurons responded to high luminance with increased or decreased activity, leading to a much weaker population-level response. Meanwhile, in the non-preferred hemifield, the strength of encoding for reward amount and luminance was positively correlated, suggesting the integration of these two factors in the LIP. Moreover, neurons encoding reward and luminance were homogeneously distributed along the anterior-posterior axis of the LIP. Overall, our study provides further evidence supporting the neural instantiation of a priority map in the LIP in reward-based decisions.

Animals , Macaca mulatta/physiology , Parietal Lobe , Neurons/physiology , Saccades , Reward , Photic Stimulation
Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 559-575, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982412


Interval timing is involved in a variety of cognitive behaviors such as associative learning and decision-making. While it has been shown that time estimation is adaptive to the temporal context, it remains unclear how interval timing behavior is influenced by recent trial history. Here we found that, in mice trained to perform a licking-based interval timing task, a decrease of inter-reinforcement interval in the previous trial rapidly shifted the time of anticipatory licking earlier. Optogenetic inactivation of the anterior lateral motor cortex (ALM), but not the medial prefrontal cortex, for a short time before reward delivery caused a decrease in the peak time of anticipatory licking in the next trial. Electrophysiological recordings from the ALM showed that the response profiles preceded by short and long inter-reinforcement intervals exhibited task-engagement-dependent temporal scaling. Thus, interval timing is adaptive to recent experience of the temporal interval, and ALM activity during time estimation reflects recent experience of interval.

Animals , Mice , Reward , Time Factors , Cognition , Learning , Decision Making , Reinforcement, Psychology
Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 263-274, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-929087


Protein O-GlcNAcylation is a post-translational modification that links environmental stimuli with changes in intracellular signal pathways, and its disturbance has been found in neurodegenerative diseases and metabolic disorders. However, its role in the mesolimbic dopamine (DA) system, especially in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), needs to be elucidated. Here, we found that injection of Thiamet G, an O-GlcNAcase (OGA) inhibitor, in the VTA and nucleus accumbens (NAc) of mice, facilitated neuronal O-GlcNAcylation and decreased the operant response to sucrose as well as the latency to fall in rotarod test. Mice with DAergic neuron-specific knockout of O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) displayed severe metabolic abnormalities and died within 4-8 weeks after birth. Furthermore, mice specifically overexpressing OGT in DAergic neurons in the VTA had learning defects in the operant response to sucrose, and impaired motor learning in the rotarod test. Instead, overexpression of OGT in GABAergic neurons in the VTA had no effect on these behaviors. These results suggest that protein O-GlcNAcylation of DAergic neurons in the VTA plays an important role in regulating the response to natural reward and motor learning in mice.

Animals , Mice , Dopaminergic Neurons/physiology , GABAergic Neurons/physiology , Nucleus Accumbens/metabolism , Reward , Ventral Tegmental Area/metabolism
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e201215, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420475


Abstract Insulin receptors have distributed in all brain regions, including the nucleus Accumbens (NAc), and where is implicated in the reward properties of drugs. It is well known that insulin signaling can regulate dopamine release. Therefore, in the present study, we tried to examine the effect of insulin replacement on the acquisition and expression of morphine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP) in diabetic rats. Forty-eight male Wistar rats were divided into two non-diabetic (Naïve) and diabetic groups rendered by a single injection of streptozotocin (STZ). These groups separately received insulin (10U/kg) or saline (1 ml/kg) one hour prior to morphine administration (5mg/kg;s.c.) during conditioning days (acquisition phase) or post-conditioning day (expression phase) in the CPP paradigm. In this paradigm, conditioning score (CS) and locomotion activity were recorded by Ethovision. The STZ-induced diabetic rats displayed higher CS compared to naïve rats (P<0.05). This effect was abolished in all diabetic rats that received insulin during conditioning days but not the expression phase. This study has provided evidence that insulin plays a modulatory role in morphine-induced CPP, and insulin replacement during the acquisition phase could reduce the rewarding properties of morphine in diabetes conditions through a possible modulating effect on dopamine release in the NAc region

Animals , Male , Rats , Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental/chemically induced , Insulin/adverse effects , Morphine/administration & dosage , Reward , Receptor, Insulin/agonists
Biol. Res ; 55: 28-28, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403567


Atopic dermatitis (AD) is highly comorbid with negative emotions such as anxiety and depression. Although acupuncture has demonstrated efficacy in AD, its influence on comorbid anxiety and depression remains unclear. We sought to explore the impact and mechanisms of action of acupuncture on comorbid anxiety and depression of AD. AD-like skin lesions were induced by the topical application of MC903 to the mouse cheek. Acupuncture was performed at Gok-Ji (LI11) acupoints. AD-like phenotypes were quantified by lesion scores, scratching behavior, and histopathological changes. The effects of acupuncture on comorbid anxiety and depression-like behaviors were assessed using the elevated plus-maze (EPM), open-field tests (OFT), and tail-suspension test (TST). In addition, biochemical changes in the brain reward regions were investigated by immunoblotting for the expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), dopamine D1 receptor (D1R), phospho-dopamine and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein-32 kDa (pDARPP-32), phospho-cAMP response element binding protein (pCREB), ΔFosB, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the nucleus accumbens, dorsolateral striatum, and ventral tegmental area. Acupuncture effectively improved the chronic itching and robust AD-like skin lesions with epidermal thickening. Additionally, it considerably reduced comorbid anxiety- and depression-like symptoms, as indicated by more time spent in the open arms of the EPM and in the center of the open field and less time spent immobile in the TST. Higher pCREB, ΔFosB, BDNF, and pDARPP-32 levels, and reduced TH and D1R protein expression in the brain reward regions of AD mice were reversed by acupuncture treatment. The beneficial effects of acupuncture on clinical symptoms (scratching behavior) and comorbid psychological distress in AD strongly correlated with dorsal striatal ΔFosB levels. Collectively, these data indicate that acupuncture had a significant, positive impact on comorbid anxiety- and depression-like behaviors by modulating neuroadaptation in the brain reward circuit in mice with AD, providing a novel perspective for the non-pharmacological management of psychiatric comorbidities of AD.

Animals , Mice , Acupuncture Therapy , Dermatitis, Atopic/complications , Dermatitis, Atopic/psychology , Dermatitis, Atopic/therapy , Anxiety/chemically induced , Anxiety/drug therapy , Reward , Brain , Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor/metabolism , Disease Models, Animal
Ciênc. cogn ; 26(2): 266-276, 31 dez. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1353869


O fenômeno de aceleração social, intimamente ligado a nossa modernização tecnológica e os sistemas políticos e sociais que adotamos, vem sendo alvo de questionamentos por parte da teoria crítica por diversos filósofos e sociólogos, principalmente em relação a se tal "aceleração" seja algo que, possa ser justificável pelo bem comum da sociedade. De fato, as rápidas mudanças que ocorreram no último século causaram uma tremenda mudança em nossos estilos-de-vida, e na maneira como experienciamos o mundo. Que a nossa sociedade mudou e continua a mudar é um fato evidente quando olhamos criticamente para o passado e presente, e comparamos diferentes épocas da história humana. Neste ensaio tentaremos explorar algumas possíveis hipóteses que fundamentem o comportamento aceleracionista em certos fatores e mecanismo biológicos que caracterizam os sistemas de motivação e saciação humanos. Também tentaremos mostrar como certos fenômenos sociais podem auxiliar em fortalecer este tipo de comportamento, e suas possíveis origens evolutivas. Este estudo tem como objetivo principal fundamentar a Tese Aceleracionista em evidências neurofisiológicas, cognitivo-comportamentais, evolutivas e sociais.

The phenomenon of social acceleration is closely linked to our technological modernization and the political and social systems we have adopted, and it has been questioned by several philosophers and sociologists, especially in relation to whether such acceleration is something that can be justified for the common good of society. In fact, the rapid changes that have occurred in the last century have caused a tremendous change in our lifestyles, and in the way we experience the world. That society have changed and continues to change is an evident fact when we look critically to the past and our present and compare different times in human history. In this essay we will try to explore some possible hypotheses that underpin accelerated behavior, in certain biological factors and mechanisms that characterize human motivation and satiation systems. We will also try to show how certain social phenomena can help to strengthen this type of behavior, and its possible evolutionary origins. The main objective of this study is to base the Accelerationist Thesis on neurophysiological, cognitive-behavioral, evolutionary and also social evidence.

Humans , Reward , Satiation/physiology , Social Change , Cognition/physiology , Neurotransmitter Agents/physiology , Motivation/physiology
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 26(5): 1931-1940, maio 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249502


Resumo Objetivo: Analisar a rede de correlações entre as dimensões do Modelo Desequilíbrio Esforço-Recompensa (DER), resiliência e qualidade de vida em policiais militares. Método: Estudo transversal realizado com 258 policiais do Batalhão de Operações Especiais (BOE) da Polícia Militar de uma cidade do Rio Grande do Sul. As escalas do Modelo DER, de resiliência e World Health Quality of Life (WHOQOL-bref) avaliaram o estresse psicossocial, resiliência e qualidade de vida. Foram realizadas estatísticas descritiva e analítica, com análise de rede. Resultados: As dimensões do Modelo DER e a resiliência se correlacionaram com todos os domínios do WHOQOL (p<0,001). O modelo de rede indicou associação negativa entre o esforço, o excesso de comprometimento e os domínios físico e meio ambiente. O domínio meio ambiente foi associado positivamente à recompensa, e a resiliência associou-se positivamente com os domínios geral, físico e psicológico. Conclusão: Concluiu-se que o estresse psicossocial interfere na qualidade de vida dos policiais militares e a resiliência pode atuar como um fator de proteção.

Abstract Objective: To analyze the network of correlations between the realms of the Effor t-Reward Imbalance (ERI) model, resilience, and quality of life among military police officers. Method: This is a cross-sectional study conducted with 258 police officers from the Special Opera tions Battalion of the Military Police in a city in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The scales of the ERI model, resilience, and World Health Quality of Life (WHOQOL-bref) assessed psychosocial stress, resilience, and quality of life. Descriptive and analytical statistics were performed em ploying the network analysis. Results: The realms of the ERI model and resilience correlated with all the WHOQOL's realms (p<0.001). The network model showed a negative association between effort, overcommitment, and physical and environmental realms. The environmental realm was positively associated with reward, while resilience was positively associated with the general, physical, and psychological realms. Conclusion: We concluded that psychosocial stress interferes in the quality of life of military police officers, and resi lience may work as a protective factor.

Humans , Quality of Life , Police , Reward , Stress, Psychological/epidemiology , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
Investig. psicol. (La Paz, En línea) ; (25): 35-53, 2021. ilus.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1281777


La neuroeconomía es una de las neurociencias con base cognitiva ­ comportamental que ha experimentado un crecimiento teórico, metodológico y experimental bastante amplio en los últimos 20 años. Su capacidad de combinar elementos de salud cerebral como por ejemplo el adecuado freno inhibitorio que repercute necesariamente en una capacidad amplia de posponer la recompensa con comportamientos de base económica concretos como el ahorro puede implicar un nuevo eje de desarrollo de la salud mental en los estudiantes de psicología de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés en la ciudad de La Paz, Bolivia. De hecho, existe amplia evidencia documentada de que la capacidad de posponer la recompensa inmediata por un bien mayor constituye un gran predictor del rendimiento académico al mismo tiempo que deriva en habilidades positivas a lo largo de la vida. Este estudio constituye el primero en su naturaleza y área en la carrera de Psicología de la UMSA y constituye un aporte directo a la planificación de la salud mental de los estudiantes de la carrera.

Neuroeconomics is one of the cognitive and behavioral based neurosciences that has undergone a substantial growth in experimental, theoretical and methodological terms within the last 20 years. Its capacity to combine brain health factors such as an adequate inhibitory control (that necessarily will influence gratification delay) with economic-related behaviors such as saving, may generate a new axis of development of the mental health in psychology students of the Higher University of San Andres in La Paz, Bolivia. As a matter of fact, there is robust evidence that gratification delay executed in order to get a greater good constitutes in and on itself an accurate predictor of academic performance as well as positive life skills. This study is the first to be conducted on this area in the psychology undergraduate program and could be a potential contribution to the enhancement of the psycho-emotional health of the students who participated in it.

A Neuroeconomia é uma das neurociências de base cognitivo-comportamental que experimentou um amplo crescimento teórico, metodológico e experimental nos últimos 20 anos. Sua capacidade de combinar elementos de saúde cerebral, como o freio inibitório apropriado que necessariamente afeta uma ampla capacidade de adiar a recompensa com comportamentos de base econômica específicos, como poupança, pode implicar em um novo eixo de desenvolvimento da saúde mental em alunos de psicologia da Universidad Mayor de San Andrés na cidade de La Paz, Bolívia. Na verdade, há ampla evidência documentada de que a capacidade de adiar a recompensa imediata por um bem maior é um forte indicador de desempenho acadêmico, ao mesmo tempo que leva a habilidades positivas ao longo da vida. Este estudo é o primeiro em sua natureza e área na carreira de Psicologia da UMSA e constitui uma contribuição direta para o planejamento da saúde mental dos alunos da carreira.

Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Reward , Mental Health , Universities , Neurosciences , Academic Performance
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 25(4): 367-374, Oct.-Dec. 2020. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1339898


Addictive behaviors and their impacts have been widely explored. Going through a pandemic moment requires further research since crisis situations involve higher propensity to dependency. The aim of this integrative review was to identify studies that have been conducted so as to explore behaviors related to brain's reward system in a pandemic period, which include substance addiction, internet addiction, gaming and other overusing behaviors. In order to accomplish our objective an integrative search was conducted in CAPES periodicals. Some inclusion and exclusion criteria were used to select the studies and in total (N=12) were explored independently. The results showed that there is an increasingly concern about health care systems, especially for those addicted to substances who need daily support, since addictions habits may have also increased. Behavioral addictions also increased and were exploited in some studies, especially those related to technologies, such as gaming and smartphone usage.

Comportamentos aditivos e seus impactos têm sido amplamente explorados. Passar por um momento de pandemia requer ainda mais pesquisas, pois situações de crise envolvem maior propensão a dependências. O objetivo desta revisão foi identificar estudos conduzidos que exploraram comportamentos relacionados ao sistema de recompensa cerebral em momentos de pandemia, incluindo, adição a substâncias, adição a tecnologias, jogos e outros comportamentos excessivos. Buscando alcançar nossos objetivos, uma pesquisa integrativa foi conduzida nos periódicos da CAPES. Alguns critérios de inclusão e exclusão foram utilizados para selecionar os estudos, e, no total, (N=12) foram explorados independentemente. Os resultados mostraram que existe grande preocupação com relação aos sistemas de saúde, principalmente, para as pessoas que são adictas a substâncias e necessitam de suporte diário, devido ao aumento nos hábitos de adição. Comportamentos aditivos também intensificaram e foram explorados em alguns estudos, especialmente aqueles relacionados às tecnologias, como os jogos e o uso do smartphone.

Las conductas adictivas y su impacto han sido ampliamente explorados. Pasar por una pandemia requiere más investigación, pues las situaciones de crisis implican una mayor propensión a la dependencia. El objetivo de esta revisión fue identificar los estudios realizados que exploran comportamientos relacionados con el sistema de recompensa del cerebro durante una pandemia: adicción a sustancias, adicción a Internet, juegos de azar, entre otras. Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda integrativa en las publicaciones de revistas CAPES utilizando algunos criterios de inclusión y exclusión, y se estudiaron en total (N=12) de forma independiente. Los resultados mostraron que existe una preocupación cada vez mayor por los sistemas de atención de la salud, especialmente para adictos a sustancias que necesitan apoyo diario, debido al posible aumento de los hábitos adictivos. Las adicciones comportamentales relacionadas con tecnologías también aumentaron, especialmente las relacionadas con los juegos y el uso de teléfonos inteligentes.

Reward , Mental Health , Behavior, Addictive/psychology , COVID-19/psychology , Periodicals as Topic , Brazil
Psico USF ; 25(1): 75-88, jan.-mar. 2020. tab, il
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1135699


O Inventário de Adiamento de Gratificação (DGI-35) foi desenvolvido para avaliar os diferentes níveis de adiamento de gratificação presentes na população geral. O objetivo deste estudo foi apresentar as propriedades psicométricas do DGI-35 para a população brasileira e evidências de validade convergente com a Escala de Impulsividade de Barratt (BIS-11). Participaram 405 brasileiros (61,2% mulheres), com idades entre 18 e 46 anos (M = 22,32, DP = 4,78). Foram conduzidas análises fatoriais exploratórias e confirmatórias com vistas a avaliar a estrutura interna do instrumento. Dos cinco fatores originais, quatro tiveram estrutura interna semelhante à versão original, exceto o fator "Físico" que não se ajustou ao modelo, levando a criação de uma alternativa de 28 itens à escala original (DGI-28), que apresentou adequados índices de ajuste. Conforme esperado, o escore global da DGI-28, bem como os seus fatores estiveram negativamente relacionados ao escore global da BIS-11. (AU)

The Delaying Gratification Inventory (DGI-35) was developed to evaluate different levels of gratification delaying in the general population. The purpose of this study was to present the psychometrics properties of the DGI-35 in the Brazilian population and evidence of convergent validity with the Barrat Impulsivity Scale (BIS-11). A total of 405 participants were selected (61.2% women) aged between 18 and 46 years (M = 22.32, SD = 4.78). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to evaluate the internal structure of the instrument. Four out of five original factors showed identical consistency, except for the "Physical" factor that did not fit the model, leading to the creation of an alternative of 28 items to the original scale (DGI-28), which presented good fit indices. As expected, the global score of the DGI-28, as well as its factors were negatively correlated to the global score of the BIS-11. (AU)

El Inventario de Aplazamiento de Bonificación (DGI-35) fue desarrollado para evaluar los diferentes niveles de prórrogas de bonificación presentes en la población general. El objetivo de este estudio fue presentar las propiedades psicométricas del DGI-35 para la población brasileña y evidencias de validez convergentes con la Escala de Impulsividad de Barratt (BIS-11). Participaron 405 brasileños (61,2% mujeres) con edades entre 18 y 46 años (M = 22,32, DE = 4,78). Fueron realizados análisis factorial confirmatoria y exploratorio que evaluaron la estructura interna del instrumento. De los cinco factores originales, cuatro tuvieron estructura interna semejante a la versión original, excepto el factor "Físico" que no se ajustó al modelo, creándose una alternativa de 28 ítems (DGI-28) a la escala original, la cual presentó índices de ajuste adecuados. Como se esperaba, la puntuación global de la DGI-28, así como sus factores estuvieron negativamente relacionados con la puntuación global de la BIS-11. (AU)

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Reward , Impulsive Behavior , Reproducibility of Results , Factor Analysis, Statistical
Acta Physiologica Sinica ; (6): 255-261, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-827061


Preclinical studies suggest that the GABA receptor is a potential target for treatment of substance use disorders. Baclofen (BLF), a prototypical GABA receptor agonist, is the only specific GABA receptor agonist available for application in clinical addiction treatment. The nucleus accumbens shell (AcbSh) is a key node in the circuit that controls reward-directed behavior. However, the relationship between GABA receptors in the AcbSh and memory reconsolidation was unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of intra-AcbSh injection of BLF on the reconsolidation of morphine reward memory. Male C57BL/6J mice were used to establish morphine conditioned place preference (CPP) model and carry out morphine reward memory retrieval and activation experiment. The effects of intra-AcbSh injection of BLF on morphine-induced CPP, reinstatement of CPP and locomotor activity were observed after environmental cues activating morphine reward memory. The results showed that intra-AcbSh injection of BLF (0.06 nmol/0.2 μL/side or 0.12 nmol/0.2 μL/side), rather than vehicle or BLF (0.01 nmol/0.2 μL/side), following morphine reward memory retrieval abolished morphine-induced CPP by disrupting its reconsolidation in mice. Moreover, this effect persisted for more than 14 days, which was not reversed by a morphine priming injection. Furthermore, intra-AcbSh injection of BLF without morphine reward memory retrieval had no effect on morphine-associated reward memory. Interestingly, administration of BLF into the AcbSh had no effect on the locomotor activity of mice during testing phase. Based on these results, we concluded that intra-AcbSh injection of BLF following morphine reward memory could erase morphine-induced CPP by disrupting its reconsolidation. Activating GABA receptor in AcbSh during drug memory reconsolidation may be a potential approach to prevent drug relapse.

Animals , Male , Mice , Baclofen , Conditioning, Classical , GABA-B Receptor Agonists , Locomotion , Memory , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Morphine , Nucleus Accumbens , Opioid-Related Disorders , Reward
Acta Physiologica Sinica ; (6): 765-776, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878224


It has been reported that single-unit activity in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and striatum represented visual stimulus and reward information. But how to encode these pieces of information is quite complex from the view of single-neuron activity. Different neurons represented stimulus or reward information in different task epochs with increasing or decreasing their activities relative to their baseline firing rates. The present paper was aimed to study whether population neurons in the two brain areas could stably encode task-relevant parameters in a whole trial period. We recorded single-unit activities in the lateral PFC (LPFC) and striatum while the monkey was performing a stimulus- reward prediction task, and analyzed the neuronal activities by the method of a multi-variable regression model and the linear support vector machine. The results showed that, although proportions of task-related neurons in the two areas varied largely in the whole trial period, LPFC population neurons encoded reward and stimulus information stably and reliably. Population neurons in the striatum encoded only reward information, not stimulus information. A group of neurons in the two areas represented combined information of stimulus and reward. Further analysis showed that LPFC neurons encoded reward information for a group of relevant stimuli, while striatal neurons encoded reward information for a specific stimulus. These results suggest that both LPFC and striatal population neurons are able to stably represent task-relevant information, but from different aspects of the task. The different strategies to encode information in the LPFC and striatum suggest their different contributions in reward-based decision making.

Animals , Corpus Striatum , Neurons , Prefrontal Cortex , Primates , Reward
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-787132


The ezrin-radixin-moesin (ERM) proteins are a family of membrane-associated proteins known to play roles in cell-shape determination as well as in signaling pathways. We have previously shown that amphetamine decreases phosphorylation levels of these proteins in the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), an important neuronal substrate mediating rewarding effects of drugs of abuse. In the present study, we further examined what molecular pathways may be involved in this process. By direct microinjection of LY294002, a PI3 kinase inhibitor, or of S9 peptide, a proposed GSK3β activator, into the NAcc core, we found that phosphorylation levels of ERM as well as of GSK3β in this site are simultaneously decreased. These results indicate that ERM proteins are under the regulation of Akt-GSK3β signaling pathway in the NAcc core. The present findings have a significant implication to a novel signal pathway possibly leading to structural plasticity in relation with drug addiction.

Animals , Humans , Rats , Amphetamine , Glycogen Synthase Kinases , Membrane Proteins , Microinjections , Negotiating , Neurons , Nucleus Accumbens , Phosphorylation , Phosphotransferases , Plastics , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt , Reward , Signal Transduction , Illicit Drugs , Substance-Related Disorders
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 54: 117, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1139462


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between the perception of pressure to publish academic work with job satisfaction and stress. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with 64 graduate advisors from a public university in the city of São Paulo. Data collection conducted via an online questionnaire that included: sociodemographic, work and health data; Occupational Stress Indicator Job Satisfaction Scale and Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) model. To assess the perception of pressure to publish academic work the advisors answered a numerical scale, assigning a score from 0 to 10 to how pressured they felt to publish their work (being 0 no pressure and 10 high pressure). Later, the generalized linear model was used to test the factors associated to high perception of pressure to publish academic work, adjusted for working time, academic management role and productivity grant. RESULTS: Advisors who had already worked in a higher education institution, who performed part of the work at home and who reported work stress were more likely to show perception of extreme pressure to publish academic work. This perception was associated with greater effort and over-commitment, as well as a greater imbalance between the effort employed and the reward received at work. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that the professors' work organization and mental health are interrelated: the higher the perception of pressure to publish academic work, the greater the stress. However, this result does not seem to be reflected in the job satisfaction (or dissatisfaction). The apparently deliberate extension of working hours hides the precariousness and increased work to which professors have been subjected in recent years by public policies that commercialize education in Brazil.

RESUMO OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a associação entre a percepção da pressão por publicações com a satisfação e o estresse no trabalho. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 64 orientadores de pós-graduação de uma universidade pública da cidade de São Paulo. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de um questionário on-line que incluiu: dados sociodemográficos, laborais e de saúde; Escala de Satisfação no Trabalho do Occupational Stress Indicator e modelo Desequilíbrio Esforço-Recompensa (DER). Para avaliar a percepção da pressão por publicação foi criada uma escala numérica na qual o orientador deveria atribuir uma nota de 0 a 10 para o quanto se sentia pressionado a publicar seus trabalhos (sendo 0 nenhuma pressão e 10 muita pressão). Posteriormente, foi utilizado o modelo linear generalizado para testar os fatores associados à alta percepção de pressão para publicação, ajustado pelo tempo de trabalho, função de gestão acadêmica e bolsa produtividade. RESULTADOS: Maiores proporções da percepção de elevada pressão para publicação foram encontradas entre orientadores que já haviam trabalhado em instituição de ensino superior, que realizavam parte do trabalho em casa e que apresentavam estresse laboral. Associou-se essa percepção a um maior esforço e comprometimento excessivo no trabalho, bem como a um maior desequilíbrio entre o esforço empregado e a recompensa recebida no trabalho. CONCLUSÕES: Os achados desta pesquisa sugerem que a organização do trabalho e a saúde mental dos trabalhadores estejam inter-relacionados: quanto maior a percepção de pressão por publicação maior o estresse. No entanto, esse resultado parece não se refletir na satisfação (ou insatisfação) do trabalho. O prolongamento aparentemente deliberado das horas de trabalho oculta a precarização e intensificação do trabalho a que os professores têm sido submetidos nos últimos anos pelas políticas públicas que mercantilizam a educação no Brasil.

Humans , Publishing , Faculty/psychology , Occupational Stress , Reward , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Workload/psychology , Workload/statistics & numerical data , Job Satisfaction
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-739631


This study aimed to assess the dietary quality and food habits in children with pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) and to evaluate the relationship between diet quality of children with PDDs and their caregivers' feeding practice and nutritional perceptions. Twenty-one pairs of caregivers and their children with PDD were surveyed. The caregivers completed surveys regarding their children's weight status, food habits, and dietary quality and their food habits, nutritional perceptions, knowledge, and feeding practices. Dietary quality was assessed as mean adequacy ratio, dietary diversity score (DDS), dietary variety score (DVS), and Index of Nutritional Quality (INQ). The children were in the normal ranges of body mass index (BMI) and Röhrer index. Having three times a meal, regular meal time, salty taste of the caregiver were related to those of the children with PDD (β = 0.533, 0.447, and 0.886, respectively; p < 0.05). Child control, food as reward, involvement, pressure, and restriction for the health of the caregiver were positively related to DDS, DVS, and INQ of the children with PDD (p < 0.05). High feeding stress and nutritional knowledge of the caregiver were related to the high BMI of the children with PDD (β = 0.445 and 0.602, respectively; p < 0.05), whereas emotion regulation, encourage balance and variety, and involvement of caregiver were negatively related to BMI (β = −0.426, −0.430, and −0.388, respectively; p < 0.05). In conclusion, food habits of children with PDD were closely related to those of caregiver. To improve nutritional status, more insightful understand will be required by considering their developmental differences in this population.

Child , Humans , Body Mass Index , Caregivers , Developmental Disabilities , Diet , Feeding Behavior , Feeding Behavior , Meals , Nutritional Status , Nutritive Value , Reference Values , Reward
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-738872


The Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety has approved three anti-obesity drugs for long-term management in the past decade. In addition, since 2019, bariatric surgery has been financially supported by National Health Insurance Service in Korea. In this review, the mechanisms of action and the clinical implications of the recently approved anti-obesity drugs, lorcaserin, naltrexone/bupropion, and liraglutide are explained. Lorcaserin stimulates proopiomelanocortin (POMC)/cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) neurons and inhibits neuropeptide Y (NPY)/agouti-related peptide (AgRP) neurons, which results in the activation of melanocortin 3/4 receptors. Naltrexone/bupropion stimulates POMC neurons through bupropion; this stimulation is augmented by blocking the autoinhibitory mechanism of POMC with naltrexone. The hypophagic effect of liraglutide is mediated through the direct activation of POMC/CART neurons and the indirect suppression of NPY/AgRP neurons through γ-aminobutyric acid-dependent signaling, with adjunctive suppression of the mesolimbic dopamine reward system. In addition to liraglutide, another glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist, semaglutide, is expected to be added to the list of anti-obesity drugs in the near future. In patients with obesity and high cardiovascular risk, lorcaserin was considered neutral and liraglutide was considered favorable, whereas inconclusive results were obtained for naltrexone/bupropion.

Humans , Anti-Obesity Agents , Bariatric Surgery , Bupropion , Dopamine , Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor , Korea , Liraglutide , Naltrexone , National Health Programs , Neurons , Neuropeptide Y , Obesity , Pro-Opiomelanocortin , Reward
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-765409


PURPOSE: This study assessed the current working conditions and job satisfaction on aquatic therapy performed by physical therapists in South Korea. METHODS: A total of 139 (managers: 53, staff: 86) physical therapists participated in this survey (90 questionnaires) and the data were analyzed using the SPSS 21.0 Windows. RESULTS: The retention conditions of aquatic therapy facilitation was high in the rehabilitation centers (or disabled living facilities) and rehabilitation hospitals. On the other hand, there were regional variations. The physical therapists in this field were likely to have limitations or restrictions of professional aquatic therapy education. The subjects showed a tendency for a career interruption during their fifth working year. The overall job satisfaction on aquatic therapy of physical therapists was high (managers: 94.3%, staff: 95.3%, p=0.276), but the work intensity was higher than the other parts of physical therapy and the relative reward was comparatively low (managers: 60.3%, staff: 66.3%, p=0.865). CONCLUSION: Based on this study, the current working conditions regarding aquatic therapy by physical therapists were assessed. These results will help enhance aquatic therapy and/or in aquatic therapy facilitation.

Humans , Education , Hand , Job Satisfaction , Korea , Physical Therapists , Rehabilitation , Rehabilitation Centers , Reward