In patients with Chronic Rheumatic Carditis, active carditis is an often underdiagnosed condition. Rheumatic attacks promote the aggravation of existing lesions, leading to a deterioration of the patient's clinical condition. Thus, reducing the morbidity and mortality of the disease depends, in part, on controlling relapses through secondary prophylaxis. Underdiagnosis is due in part to the occurrence of subclinical rheumatic attacks. This study was carried out with data from patients who were diagnosed with Chronic Rheumatic Carditis and who underwent cardiac surgery for valve replacement or repair, without clinical or laboratory evidence of rheumatic outbreak. A fragment of myocardium was sent for histopathological analysis. Data on the frequency of histopathological alterations compatible with a rheumatic outbreak were analyzed. After analysis, 80% of patients showed changes compatible with inflammatory activity. Of these, 87.5% had lymphocytic infiltrate; 25% had Aschoff's nodules. The most frequent histopathological findings of chronic disease were myocardial hypertrophy in 56.7% of patients and fibrosis in 53.3% (AU).
Nos pacientes com Cardite Reumática Crônica, a cardite em atividade é uma condição frequentemente subdiagnos-ticada. Os surtos reumáticos promovem o agravamento das lesões já existentes, levando a uma deterioração da condição clínica do paciente. Dessa forma a redução da morbimortalidade da doença depende, em parte, do contro-le de recidivas a partir da profilaxia secundária. O subdiagnóstico deve-se em parte a ocorrência de surtos reumáti-cos subclínicos. Este estudo foi realizado com dados dos pacientes que tiveram o diagnóstico de Cardite Reumática Crônica e foram submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca para troca ou plastia valvar, sem evidência clínica ou laboratorial de surto reumático. Um fragmento de miocárdio foi enviado para análise histopatológica. Foram analisados os dados de frequência de alterações histopatológicas compatíveis com surto reumático. Após análises, 80% dos pacientes apresentaram alterações compatíveis com atividade inflamatória. Desses, 87,5% apresentavam infiltrado linfocitá-rio; 25% apresentavam nódulos de Aschoff. Os achados histopatológicos de doença crônica mais frequentes foram hipertrofia miocárdica em 56,7% pacientes e fibrose em 53,3% (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Rheumatic Fever , MyocarditisABSTRACT
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, systemic autoimmune disease that poses a major healthcare challenge. In China, approximately 5 million patients are reported to have RA. Notably, Chinese patients with RA often experience a prolonged disease course and increased disease activity, leading to a substantial disease burden. The Chronic Disease Management Group of the Special Committee on Rheumatology and Immunology of Cross-Straits Medicine Exchange Association has advocated for an all-encompassing, continuous, and proactive scientific management approach for RA. This initiative has culminated in the formulation of the "Expert Recommendations for the Chronic Disease Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis", a comprehensive guideline developed through extensive consultations and consideration of the unique characteristics of RA. We have outlined 16 expert recommendations, addressing 10 key aspects central to RA management. We aim to enhance treatment outcomes for patients, streamline the distribution of medical resources, and reduce treatment-related burden on society, families, and individuals affected by this condition.
Humans , Rheumatic Fever , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/drug therapy , Rheumatology , Chronic Disease , Disease Management , Antirheumatic Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Objetivo: analisar informações presentes na literatura sobre a citada patologia com enfoque odontológico, baseando-se em evidências atuais, a fim de estruturar uma conduta clínica, métodos preventivos e terapêuticos. Revisão de literatura: executou-se busca na literatura em dezembro de 2020, por meio dos descritores pré-estabelecidos, nos bancos de dados LILACS e PubMed/MEDLINE, além de complementações utilizando o Google Scholar. Foram encontrados 563 artigos, refinados em 10, juntamente ao uso de 3 livros. Considerações finais: a partir dos achados, constatou-se que a realização de uma anamnese criteriosa durante a primeira consulta faz-se imprescindível, por auxiliar na compreensão dos aspectos fisiopatológicos do paciente, os quais irão determinar o emprego ou não de fármacos, principalmente antes de procedimentos invasivos. Em contrapartida, verificou-se a negligência desse assunto no âmbito odontológico, pelo fato de existirem poucos estudos relacionados ao manejo clínico de pacientes com Febre Reumática (FR), sendo necessárias maiores pesquisas, com o fito de construir-se uma conduta clínica adequada, reduzindo-se os riscos e a incidência de tal enfermidade.(AU)
Objective: to analyze information in the literature about mentioned pathology with a dental focus, based on current evidence in order to structure a clinical conduct, preventive and therapeutic methods. Literature Review: literature searches were performed in December 2020, using pre-established descriptors, in the databases LILACS and PubMed/MEDLINE, in addition to complementations using Google Scholar. About 563 articles were found, refined in 10, along with the use of 3 books. Final Considerations: From the findings, it was found that the performance of a careful anamnesis during the first consultation is essential, as it helps to understand the patient's pathophysiological aspects, which will determine the use of drugs, mainly, before invasive procedures. On the other hand, this matter was neglected in the Dental field, due to the fact that there are few studies related to the clinical management of patients with Rheumatic Fever (RF), and further research is necessary, with the aim of building an adequate clinical conduct, reducing the risks and the incidence of such a disease.(AU)
Humans , Rheumatic Fever/physiopathology , Practice Patterns, Dentists' , Rheumatic Fever/diagnosis , Risk Factors , Dental ProphylaxisABSTRACT
Resumen Objetivo: Revisar las características demográficas, clínicas y ecocardiográficas, así como el abordaje quirúrgico de pacientes con fiebre reumática menores de 18 años, durante un periodo de diez años. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, en el cual se incluyeron pacientes menores de 18 años, con diagnóstico de fiebre reumática entre los años 2006 a 2016. Resultados: Se incluyeron 22 niños con edades entre los 10 a los 14 años, de los cuales 59% (13/22) eran mujeres; 13,6% (3/22) provenían de Arauca y el 18,1% (4/22) eran indígenas. Se diagnosticó carditis en el 63,6% (14/22) seguido de poliartralgia y fiebre en un 59% (13/22) y 54% (12/22) respectivamente; así mismo, se detectó corea de Sydenham y eritema marginado 4,5% (1/22). Se determinó compromiso severo de válvula mitral en el 72,7% (16/22). 15 pacientes fueron llevados a cirugía; se realizó reemplazo valvular mitral en 13,3% (2/15), plastia mitral y tricúspide en el 40% (6/15), plastia mitral, tricúspide y aórtica en el 6,66%(1/15) y reemplazo aórtico en el 5,2% (1/15). Un paciente requirió oxigenación por membrana extracorpórea. La mortalidad fue del 0% (0/22). Conclusiones: Se observó que la fiebre reumática ocasionó grave compromiso cardiaco, que requirió un alto grado de intervención quirúrgica. Las poblaciones rurales e indígenas se beneficiarían notablemente de una prevención primordial, primaria y secundaria, al igual que de un diagnóstico y tratamiento oportunos.
Abstract Objective: The aim of this study is to review the demographic, clinical, and cardiac ultrasound characteristics, as well as the surgical approach, of patients less than 18 years-old with rheumatic fever. Materials and methods: A descriptive, retrospective study was conducted that included patients less than 18 years-old diagnosed with rheumatic fever between the years 2006 to 2016. Results: The study included a total of 22 children with ages between 10 and 14 years, of whom 59% were female. It was recorded that 13.6% (3/22) were from Arauca Department (Colombia), and 18.1% (4/22) were indigenous. Carditis was diagnosed in 63.6% (14/22), followed by polyarthralgia and fever in 59% (13/22) and 54% (12/22), respectively. Sydenham's chorea and marginal erythema was also detected in 4.5% (1/22). The severity of mitral valve involvement was determined in 72.7% (16/22). Of the 15 patients that had surgery, 13.3% (2/15) had a mitral valve replacement, mitral and tricuspid repair in 40% (6/15), mitral, tricuspid, and aortic repair in 6.66%, respectively (1/15), and aortic replacement in 5.2% (1/15). One patient required extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. There was no mortality. Conclusions: It was observed that rheumatic fever led to serious cardiac compromise that required a high rate of surgical interventions. Rural and indigenous population would notably benefit from basic, primary, and secondary prevention, as well as a timely diagnosis and treatment.
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Rheumatic Heart Disease , Myocarditis , Arthritis , Rheumatic Fever , Mitral Valve InsufficiencyABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: La valvuloplastia mitral percutánea con balón actualmente es el primer procedimiento terapéutico que se contempla en el mundo desarrollado para los pacientes con estenosis mitral reumática e indicación para ello, y se realiza en el Cardiocentro de Santiago de Cuba desde julio de 2008. Objetivos: Describir los resultados de la valvuloplastia mitral percutánea con balón en los pacientes estudiados. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional y descriptivo, unicéntrico, que incluyó a 91 pacientes tratados mediante este procedimiento en el Cardiocentro de Santiago de Cuba, desde julio de 2008 hasta junio de 2019. Se evaluaron variables clínico-epidemiológicas, ecocardiográficas y hemodinámicas, así como el resultado inmediato del procedimiento. Resultados: Predominaron los pacientes jóvenes (60,4% entre 15-44 años), del sexo femenino (86,8%), con antecedentes de fiebre reumática (48,4%), en clase funcional III (64,8%) de la NYHA (New York Heart Association) y en ritmo sinusal (86,8%). Se logró un aumento promedio del área valvular de más del doble (0,99 vs. 2,12 cm2) del valor inicial y una reducción de la presión auricular mayor de 50% (25,0 vs.11, 76 mmHg), lo que permitió evaluar de satisfactorio el tratamiento en el 95,6% de los pacientes. Se identificó una asociación significativa (Prueba de Fisher ≤ 0,05) entre la puntuación de Wilkins ≤ 8 y el resultado satisfactorio del procedimiento. Conclusiones: Los resultados de la aplicación de la valvuloplastia mitral percutánea con balón en el centro fueron satisfactorios y congruentes con los referidos nacional e internacionalmente.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty has flourished as a mainstream therapy (mostly in developed countries) for treating patients with medical indication and those suffering from rheumatic mitral stenosis. This procedure is performed at the Cardiocentro in Santiago de Cuba since July 2008. Objectives: To describe the results of percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty in the study participants. Methods: A descriptive, single-centered and observational study including 91 patients treated by this procedure was conducted at the Cardiocentro in Santiago de Cuba from July 2008 to June 2019. Clinical/epidemiological, echocardiographic and hemodynamic variables were assessed, as well as immediate procedure outcomes. Results: Young individuals (60.4% between 15-44 years), female (86.8%), with a history of rheumatic fever (48.4%), NYHA (New York Heart Association) functional class III (64.8%) and sinus rhythm (86.8%) predominated. An average increase in valve area of over double (0.99 vs. 2.12 cm2) the initial value and a reduction in atrial pressure of more than 50% (25 vs. 11.76 mmHg) was achieved; thus evidencing that the treatment was effective in 95.6% of the patients. A significant association (Fisher Test ≤ 0.05) was identified between Wilkins score ≤ 8 and satisfactory outcome of the procedure. Conclusions: The results of percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty in the medical center were successful and consistent with those achieved nationally and internationally.
Rheumatic Fever , Balloon Valvuloplasty , Mitral Valve StenosisABSTRACT
As crianças que evoluem para cardiopatia reumática passam a conviver com limitações, tornam-se comumente restritas no desempenho de atividade do cotidiano. OBJETIVO: Verificar a existência de correlação entre o desempenho no teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6M) e do degrau de três minutos (TD3) e a pontuação do child health assessment questionnaire (CHAQ) em criança com febre reumática. MÉTODOS: Estudo seccional sem grupo de comparação, descritivo e exploratório, realizado com 15 crianças. Foram avaliadas através dos testes submáximos, o TC6M e o TD3 e a avaliação da capacidade física sob a percepção do cuidador foi realizada por meio da aplicação do CHAQ. RESULTADOS: A média de idade 13,7 anos, desvio padrão 1,9 anos. A maioria dos acompanhantes eram mães, 66,7%, e uma parcela considerável dos cuidadores apresentou baixo nível socioeconômico e de escolaridade. O valor obtido na distância percorrida através do TC6M demonstrou um baixo desempenho, mediana (intervalo interquartil) 420 (101) metros que também foi observado no teste do degrau de três minutos, mediana (intervalo interquartil) 68 (6,5) degraus. Em relação ao questionário CHAQ foi observado ausência de comprometimento da capacidade física diante da percepção dos responsáveis com escore final do questionário de 0,1. A correlação entre o questionário e o teste de caminhada de seis minutos (correlação de Sperman = - 0,21) e, entre o questionário e o teste do degrau de três minutos, (correlação de Sperman = - 0,39). CONCLUSÃO: Não foi encontrada correlação dos testes submáximos, em relação à capacidade física obtida através da percepção dos responsáveis avaliada através do questionário. Esse resultado chama a atenção para a importância do fisioterapeuta inserir na sua prática clínica, nesse perfil de pacientes os testes submáximos.
Children who develop rheumatic heart disease live with limitations, they become commonly restricted in the performance of everyday activities. OBJECTIVE: To verify the correlation between performance between two submaximal exercise tests and the questionnaire score in children with chronic rheumatic disease. METHODS: A cross-sectional, descriptive and exploratory study with 15 children. They were evaluated through the submaximal tests, the 6MWT and TD3 and the physical capacity assessment under the caregiver's perception was performed through the application of the questionnaire of CHAQ. RESULTS: Mean age 13.7 years, standard deviation 1.9 years. Most of the companions were mothers, 66.7%, and a considerable portion of the caregivers had low socioeconomic and educational levels. The value obtained in the distance covered by the 6MWT demonstrated a low performance, median (interquartile range) 420 (101) meters, which was also observed in the three-minute step test, median (interquartile range) 68 (6.5) steps. Regarding the CHAQ questionnaire, there was an absence of impairment of physical capacity in view of the perception of those responsible with a final score of 0.1. The correlation between the questionnaire and the six-minute walk test (Sperman correlation = -0.21) and between the questionnaire and the three-minute step test (Sperman's correlation = -0.39). CONCLUSION: No correlation was found between submaximal tests, in relation to the physical capacity obtained through the perception of those responsible, assessed through the questionnaire. This result draws attention to the importance of the physiotherapist inserting submaximal tests in his clinical practice.
Rheumatic Fever , Exercise Test , Motor ActivityABSTRACT
La enfermedad valvular cardíaca representa un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. El objetivo del presente estudio de recolección retrospectiva de datos fue determinar la etiología valvular en pacientes que asisten a la consulta de patología valvular del Centro Cardiovascular Regional ASCARDIO-Barquisimeto en el periodo comprendido entre 2002 y 2015. Se revisaron 1760 historias médicas obteniendo como resultado que la insuficiencia mitral fue la lesión valvular más frecuente (66,13%). Con respecto a patología aórtica, la estenosis aórtica severa predominó en un 69,2% de casos seguido de insuficiencia aórtica leve (37,7%). La etiología degenerativa fue la más frecuente para los casos de estenosis e insuficiencia aórtica (76,4% y 59,5% respectivamente). En cuanto a la lesión valvular mitral, predominaron la estenosis (58,3%) e insuficiencia severa (42,4%) mientras que la etiología de la estenosis e insuficiencia mitral fue predominantemente reumática (89% y 33%, respectivamente). La estenosis tricuspídea fue exclusivamente reumática y la insuficiencia tricuspídea y pulmonar se consideró principalmente funcional. La estenosis pulmonar fue exclusivamente congénita. Este estudio aportará información para evaluar la situación actual de la enfermedad valvular cardíaca en el estado Lara(AU)
Valvular heart disease represents a public health problem worldwide. The goal of this study was to determine the etiology of valvular disease in patients that attend the cardiac valvular pathology consult of the Centro Cardiovascular Regional ASCARDIO-Barquisimeto during the period 2002 to 2015. We reviewed 1760 medical charts and the results show that mitral regurgitation was the most frequent lesion (66.13%). In regards to aortic valvular pathology, severe aortic stenosis predominated in 69.2% of cases followed by mild aortic regurgitation (37.7%). The main cause was degenerative for both aortic stenosis and regurgitation (76.4% and 59.5%, respectively). With respect to mitral valve lesion, stenosis and severe regurgitation was more common (58.3%, and 42.4%, respectively), while the etiology of mitral stenosis and insufficiency was in most cases rheumatic. Tricuspid as well as pulmonary regurgitation was considered mainly functional. Pulmonary stenosis was exclusively congenital. This study provided information to evaluate the current situation of cardiac valvular disease in Lara state(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Aortic Valve Insufficiency , Heart Valve Diseases , Mitral Valve Stenosis , Pulmonary Valve Stenosis , Rheumatic Fever , Cardiovascular DiseasesABSTRACT
Introducción: existe un debate en la actualidad acerca de si la artritis reactiva post-estreptocócica es una entidad separada o una condición en el espectro de la fiebre reumática aguda. Objetivo: revisar la literatura existente sobre el tema artritis reactiva post-estreptocócica. Desarrollo : se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en Medline, Pubmed, Scielo y Dialnet, buscando como palabras clave: artritis y artritis reactiva post-estreptocócica. Además de la búsqueda computadorizada se realizó una búsqueda manual. Dichas bases de datos recogen las publicaciones más importantes en el campo científico de la medicina. La búsqueda se realizó en abril del 2018, y comprendió desde el año 1989 hasta la actualidad. Utilizamos el programa Reference Manager, versión 12, para crear una base de datos con las publicaciones, categorizarlas y filtrarlas de acuerdo a su relevancia para nuestro estudio. Se recabaron un total de 45 documentos en total, de los cuales fueron descartados unos 30, debido a su nivel de generalización y escasa especificidad en el tema abordado. Conclusiones: los signos clásicos de tumefacción, eritema, calor y dolor están presentes, siendo el dolor el más importante, está presente en reposo y aumenta con los movimientos. Como en la FR, la artritis postestreptocócica es una artritis reactiva caracterizada por una infección faríngeaestreptocócica, un intervalo libre y una posterior inflamación aséptica en una o más articulaciones(AU)
Introduction: there is currently debate about whether post-streptococcal reactive arthritis is a separate entity or condition in the spectrum of acute rheumatic fever. Objective: to review the existing literature on the topic post-streptococcal reactive arthritis. Development: a bibliographic search was carried out in Medline, Pubmed, Scielo and Dialnet, searching as keywords: arthritis and post-streptococcal reactive arthritis. In addition to the computerized search, a manual search was carried out. These databases collect the most important publications in the scientific field of medicine. The search was conducted in April 2018, and ran from 1989 to the present. We use the Reference Manager program, version 12, to create a database with publications, categorize them and filter them according to their relevance to our study. A total of 45 documents were collected, of which about 30 were discarded, due to their level of generalization and lack of specificity in the topic addressed. Conclusions: the classic signs of swelling, erythema, heat and pain are present, with pain being the most important, it is present at rest and increases with movements. As in RF, post-streptococcal arthritis is a reactive arthritis characterized by a pharyngeal-streptococcal infection, a free interval and subsequent aseptic inflammation in one or more joints(AU)
Humans , Rheumatic Fever , Streptococcal Infections , Arthritis, ReactiveABSTRACT
We present the case of a 71-year-old man who was diagnosed with amoebic encephalitis caused by Balamuthia mandrillaris. He had rheumatic arthritis for 30 years and had undergone continuous treatment with immunosuppressants. First, he complained of partial spasm from the left thigh to the left upper limb. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed multifocal enhancing nodules in the cortical and subcortical area of both cerebral hemispheres, which were suggestive of brain metastases. However, the patient developed fever with stuporous mentality and an open biopsy was performed immediately. Microscopically, numerous amoebic trophozoites, measuring 20 to 25 µm in size, with nuclei containing one to four nucleoli and some scattered cysts having a double-layered wall were noted in the background of hemorrhagic necrosis. Based on the microscopic findings, amoebic encephalitis caused by Balamuthia mandrillaris was diagnosed. The patient died on the 10th day after being admitted at the hospital. The diagnosis of amoebic encephalitis in the early stage is difficult for clinicians. Moreover, most cases undergo rapid deterioration, resulting in fatal consequences. In this report, we present the first case of B. mandrillaris amoebic encephalitis with fatal progression in a Korean patient.
Aged , Humans , Balamuthia mandrillaris , Biopsy , Brain , Cerebrum , Diagnosis , Encephalitis , Fever , Immunosuppressive Agents , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Necrosis , Neoplasm Metastasis , Rheumatic Fever , Spasm , Stupor , Thigh , Trophozoites , Upper ExtremityABSTRACT
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart murió en Viena el 5 de diciembre de 1791, dos meses antes de cumplir 36 años. Sus restos fueron sepultados con otros cadáveres. El certificado de defunción consignó como causa de muerte "Fiebre miliar," sin mayores precisiones. Se ha postulado como causa de muerte un envenenamiento, pero no existen evidencias para precisar la naturaleza de su enfermedad, lo que ha dado origen a diversas hipótesis diagnósticas. Por los testimonios disponibles, es razonable postular una carditis por fiebre reumática aguda como causa de muerte.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died in Vienna on December 5, 1791, two months before his 36th birthday. His remains were buried with other bodies. The death certificate stated as a cause of death "Miliary fever," without further clarification. Poisoning has been postulated as a cause of death, but there is no evidence to specify the nature of his illness, which has given rise to various diagnostic hypotheses. From the available testimonies, it is reasonable to postulate acute rheumatic fever carditis as a cause of death.
Humans , Male , Adult , Cause of Death , Myocarditis/mortality , Rheumatic Fever , Causality , Death , MusicABSTRACT
La Corea de Sydenham (CS), manifestación mayor, tardía, frecuentemente única de la Fiebre Reumática (FR) y marcador de carditis, continúa afectando a nuestra población pediátrica pese a contar con los medios suficientes para evitarla. Presentamos tres casos de CS como manifestación de FR, con la presencia de carditis, atendidos en una sala de internación de un hospital público pediátrico en el lapso de los años 2014-2018. Es nuestra intención advertir a la comunidad médica sobre la importancia del tratamiento oportuno y completo de las faringitis estreptocócicas (grupos A, C y G) a fin de evitar la FR
Sydenham Korea (CS), a major, late, frequently unique manifestation of Rheumatic Fever (FR) and a carditis marker, continues to affect our pediatric population despite having sufficient means to avoid it. We present three cases of CS as manifestation of RF, with the presence of carditis, treated in an internment room of a pediatric public hospital during the years 2014-2018. It is our intention to warn the medical community about the importance of the timely and complete treatment of strep throat (groups A, C and G) in order to avoid RF
Humans , Rheumatic Fever , Child , Chorea , PediatricsABSTRACT
Background: Rheumatic carditis is a challenge for treatment and secondary prophylaxis, due to severe valve sequelae. Objective: To evaluate the cases of rheumatic carditis in patients under 18 years old treated with corticosteroids.Methods: An observational, longitudinal and retrospective study was carried out on the profile of patients, in the period of 2000-2015. We selected those who received corticosteroid therapy at immunosuppressive doses, for the treatment of carditis and were aged 5 to 18 years. Data were extracted from medical records. Calculations of: averages, standard deviations, medians and interquartile ranges, ratios and 95% confidence intervals were obtained. Chi-square and Wilcoxon tests were applied for comparisons. The level of significance was 5%. Results: Of the 93 cases, 93.53% developed moderate or severe carditis. Mitral regurgitation was detected in 100% of the sample. Pulse therapy was administered in 11.83%. Surgery was performed in 23.69% of patients: mitral, aortic and/or tricuspid valve repair or replacement. The evolution of the cases was favorable in 70.96%. There was a good response among those who received only clinical treatment and those who belonged to the surgical group. The comparison of the initial and posterior valve lesions to the corticoid use was statistically significant (p < 0.001). A difference between the ejection fraction medians was observed (p = 0.048). Hospitalization was required twice or more for 45.16% of the patients. The mortality rate was 5.38%.Conclusions: The patients showed significant clinical improvement. The treatment was effective, reducing trivalvular impairment
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Rheumatic Fever/therapy , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/therapeutic use , Hospitals, Public , Myocarditis/complications , Myocarditis/physiopathology , Aortic Valve , Penicillins/therapeutic use , Prostheses and Implants , Tertiary Healthcare/methods , Prednisone/administration & dosage , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Treatment Outcome , Observational Study , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Mitral Valve , Mitral Valve InsufficiencySubject(s)
Humans , Rheumatic Fever/diagnosis , Heart Neoplasms/surgery , Heart Valve Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Mitral Valve/surgery , Mitral Valve Insufficiency , Aortic Valve/surgery , Prostheses and Implants , Heart Valve Prosthesis , Diagnostic Imaging/methods , Echocardiography/methods , Heart Atria , Heart Ventricles , Mitral Valve StenosisABSTRACT
Resumen La vasculitis reumatoide constituye una complicación inusual, pero severa, de la artritis reumatoide, caracterizada por un proceso inflamatorio que compromete vasos sanguíneos de pequeño y mediano calibre, asociada o no a manifestaciones extraarticulares. Algunos factores predisponentes descritos incluyen ciertos haplotipos de antígenos leucocitarios humanos, fumado y enfermedad de larga data. Una disminución en la incidencia ha sido notada desde los años 90 y confirmada en estudios recientes, asociada en particular a un diagnóstico precoz de artritis reumatoide y estrategias terapéuticas que incluyen un aumento en la prescripción de metotrexate. La vasculitis reumatoide se asocia a tasas de mortalidad hasta del 40% a los 5 años y morbilidad importante. Se presentan dos pacientes con diagnóstico previo de artritis reumatoide, con un cuadro crónico de úlceras y disestesias en miembros inferiores, asociado a síndrome anémico. Los estudios histológicos revelaron vasculitis de mediano vaso compatible con vasculitis reumatoide. Se inició manejo con inmunosupresores más esteroides, con resolución del cuadro clínico inicial.
Abstract Rheumatoid vasculitis remains a rare but serious complication of rheumatoid arthritis characterized by an inflammatory process that primarily affects small to medium-sized blood vessels, it can be associated with other extra-articular manifestations. A number of predictor or predisposing factors including certain human leukocyte antigen haplotypes, smoking and long-standing disease. A declining trend in the incidence of rheumatoid vasculitis has been noted since the 1990s and reconfirmed in recent studies, related to early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, and widespread use of methotrexate. Rheumatoid vasculitis is associated with high rates of premature mortality with up to 40% of patients dying by 5 years, as well as a significant morbidity. We present two patients with diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis with a chronic condition of ulcers and dysesthesias on legs associated with anemic syndrome; the histological study revealed medium size vasculitis. Treatment with inmunosuppresants and steroids was given with resolution of symptoms.
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Rheumatic Fever/complications , Costa Rica , Rheumatoid Vasculitis/diagnosisABSTRACT
@#<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>BACKGROUND</strong>: Rheumatic fever (RF) and Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) patients Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) patients necessitate secondary prophylaxis with benzathine penicillin G (BPG) injection every 3 weeks to prevent recurrences and complications. Patients with rheumatic fever on regular benzathine penicillin G injection usually experience moderate to severe pain resulting to poor compliance to treatment. </p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>OBJECTIVES:</strong> This study aims to compare the effect of BPG diluted in lidocaine hydrochloride 1% versus diluted water in reducing injection pain in patients with RF and RHD.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>METHODS</strong>: This is a randomized double-blind crossover study conducted at the PCMC OPD. Thirty-three patients diagnosed with RF and RHD were divided into 2 groups; the first group received BPG diluted in sterile water followed by BPG diluted in lidocaine hydrochloride 1% after 21 days, the second group received the same medication in reverse order. Pain scale was measured using Universal pain assessment tool immediately after injection. Paired T test was used to compare the pain score results of the two groups.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>RESULTS:</strong> Pain score was significantly less in patients who received BPG diluted in lidocaine hydrochloride 1%; from an average pain score of 4.88 to 0.63 (p<0.0001), among those who received BPG diluted in sterile water. No adverse effects were seen in all patients.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>CONCLUSION:</strong> This study concluded that BPG diluted in lidocaine hydrochloride 1% significantly and safely reduced post-injection pain. In all patients diagnosed with RF and RHD, BPG injection should be diluted in lidocaine hydrochloride 1% to decrease injection pain and improve patient's compliance.</p>