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Audiol., Commun. res ; 28: e274128, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439469


RESUMO Vários estudos mostram a importância da avaliação quantitativa na patência nasal e do estado funcional das vias aéreas superiores para fornecer informações clínicas e diagnósticas em indivíduos respiradores orais, as quais são de grande interesse para a fonoaudiologia. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da irrigação de solução salina nasal nas vias aéreas superiores através da aeração nasal e rinomanometria anterior ativa em crianças respiradoras orais. Estudo de série de oito casos, realizado em crianças com idades entre 7 e 10 anos, com diagnóstico clínico otorrinolaringológico de respiração oral. O estudo consistiu em três etapas: avaliação inicial; intervenção e avaliação final. Foram aplicados os questionários do Índice de Identificação dos Sinais e Sintomas da Respiração Oral e qualidade de vida específica para doenças em pacientes pediátricos com queixas sinonasais. Realizaram-se as avaliações da aeração nasal e o exame da rinomanometria anterior ativa. A intervenção foi realizada por meio da irrigação de solução salina nasal com 10 ml. Em seguida, os pacientes foram reavaliados pela avaliação da aeração nasal e rinomanometria, para comparar os resultados. Em relação à avaliação da aeração nasal e rinomanometria, das 16 medidas comparativas entre pré e pós-irrigação nasal, constataram-se mudanças significativas na aeração nasal e na resistência nasal. A irrigação nasal resultou em melhora nas medidas da aeração nasal, enquanto para o fluxo nasal da rinomanometria, as medidas permaneceram inalteradas entre pré e pós-irrigação nasal.

ABSTRACT Several studies have shown the importance of quantitative assessment in nasal patency and functional status of the upper airways to provide clinical and diagnostic information in oral breather individuals, which are of great interest to speech therapy. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of nasal saline solution irrigation on the upper airways through nasal aeration and active anterior rhinomanometry in oral breathing children. This was an eight case series study, carried out in children aged 7 to 10 years with an otorhinolaryngological clinical diagnosis of mouth breathing. The study consisted of three stages: (I) initial evaluation; (II) intervention; and (III) final evaluation. The questionnaires of the Index for the Identification of Oral Breathing Signs and Symptoms and disease-specific quality of life in pediatric patients with sinonasal complaints were applied, nasal aeration assessments and the anterior active rhinomanometry exam were carried out. The intervention was performed by irrigating nasal saline solution with 10ml. Afterwards, they were re-evaluated by nasal aeration evaluation and rhinomanometry to compare the results. Regarding nasal aeration and rhinomanometry evaluation, from the 16 comparative measurements between pre and post nasal irrigation, we obtained significant changes in nasal aeration and nasal resistance. Nasal irrigation resulted in improvement in nasal aeration measurements while nasal flow measurements from rhinomanometry remained unchanged considering pre and post nasal irrigation.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Airway Resistance , Rhinomanometry/methods , Saline Solution/therapeutic use , Mouth Breathing/diagnosis , Nasal Obstruction
Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2022. 136 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1435707


Introdução: a hiperplasia adenotonsilar (HAT) é uma das causas mais comuns da Síndrome do Respirador Oral (SRO) devido à obstrução de via aérea superior em crianças e adolescentes. Tal afecção pode causar alterações ortodônticas, miofuncionais orofaciais, posturais, cardiopulmonares, antropométricas e polissonográficas. O diagnóstico precoce e indicação de Adenotonsilectomia (A&T) é essencial para reversão dessas consequências deletérias da SRO e restauração do bem estar biopsicossocial da criança.Objetivo: avaliar o estado nutricional, patência nasal, distúrbios do sono e fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina tipo 1 (IGF-1) em crianças de dois a doze anos de idade com SRO devido HAT grave e comparar com a reavaliação após seis meses de pós-cirúrgico das crianças operadas e com as demais que permanecem com obstrução da via aérea e aguardam a cirurgia na fila de espera do Sistema Único de Saúde. Métodos: trinta pacientes com SRO por HAT grave e indicação de A&T foram submetidos à avaliação antropométrica, polissonográfica, dosagem do IGF-1, rinomanométrica, teste alérgico cutâneo, questionário de padrão alimentar e prática de atividade física antes da A&T. Dez pacientes repetiram essa avaliação seis meses após o procedimento cirúrgico (grupo intervenção). Vinte pacientes aguardam a cirurgia na fila de espera do SUS e tiveram seus dados antropométricos e de IGF-1 reavaliados após seis meses com obstrução da via aérea (grupo controle). Resultados: trinta crianças realizaram a fase pré-operatória do estudo. A idade média foi de 5,6 anos (±2,17). Dezessete (56,7%) eram do sexo masculino e treze (43,3%) do sexo feminino. O teste cutâneo foi positivo em dezesseis indivíduos (53,3%) As médias dos escores Z de estatura por idade foi de -0,95 (±1,09); peso por idade de 0,17 (±1,42); índice de massa corporal (IMC) por idade de 0,31 (±1,36). A média do fluxo nasal inspiratório total (FNIT) foi de 444,63 ml/s (±161,02) e da patência nasal de 72,9% (±24,76). A média do índice de Apneia e Hipopneia (IAH) do sono foi de 4,95 ev/h (±4,07); da saturação mínima de oxihemoglobina no sono (Nadir de O2) de 78,93% (±6,00); da percentagem de sono com saturação menor que 90% (T90) de 4,16% (±5,48); da porcentagem do sono com ondas lentas (sono N3) de 37,62% (±9,61). A média do escore Z de IGF-1 foi de 0,72 (±1,30). O grupo intervenção e grupo controle não apresentaram alterações dos dados antropométricos com significância estatística. Houve diminuição do IGF-1 após a cirurgia sendo a média do escore Z de IGF-1 pré-operatório de 1,33 (±1,74) e pós-cirúrgico de -0,07 (±0,85); p=0,03. No grupo controle a variação do IGF-1 não foi significativa. O grupo intervenção não apresentou alteração com significância estatística do FNIT e da patência nasal. Nas dez crianças operadas foi constatada uma melhora da média do IAH de 5,25 ev/h (±4,29) para 1,99 ev/h (±1,16) e do T90 de 6,27% (±7,46) para 0,64% (±0,55) com p<0,05. Já o sono N3 e o Nadir de O2 não apresentaram alterações significativas. Não houve mudança qualitativa no padrão alimentar e na prática de atividade física nos dois períodos avaliados na vigência da pandemia de COVID19. Conclusão: Após A&T houve diminuição do IGF-1; p=0,03, melhora do IAH; p=0,03 e do T90; p=0,04. A cirurgia não modificou o estado nutricional com significância estatística nas dez crianças após 6 meses de pós-operatório. No pós-cirúrgico, não houve diferença estatística do FNIT e da patência nasal, assim como nessa amostra também não ocorreram alterações significativas do sono N3 e do Nadir de O2. O padrão alimentar e a prática de atividade física foram semelhantes qualitativamente no pré e no pós-operatório. Vinte crianças no grupo controle não tiveram alterações significativas dos dados antropométricos e do IGF-1 com seis meses de espera pela cirurgia e permanência da obstrução da via aérea. Não houve diferença estatística dos dados antropométricos e do IGF-1 entre o grupo controle e o grupo intervenção.

Introduction: adenotonsillar hyperplasia (ATH) is one of the most common causes of Mouth Breathing Syndrome (MBS) due to upper airway obstruction in children and adolescents. This condition can cause orthodontic, orofacial myofunctional, postural, cardiopulmonary, anthropometric and polysomnographic changes. Early diagnosis and indication of Adenotonsillectomy (T&A) is essential to revert these deleterious consequences of MBS and restore the child's biopsychosocial well-being. Objective: to evaluate the nutritional status, nasal patency, sleep disorders and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in children aged two to twelve years old with MBS due to severe ATH and compare with reassessment after six months post-surgical care of operated children and others who remain with airway obstruction and are waiting for surgery on the Unified Health System (UHS) waiting list. Methods: Thirty patients with MBS due to severe ATH and indication for T&A were submitted to anthropometric, polysomnographic, IGF-1 dosage, rhinomanometric, allergic skin test, dietary pattern questionnaire and physical activity practice before T&A. Ten patients repeated this evaluation six months after the surgical procedure (intervention group). Twenty patients were waiting for surgery on the UHS waiting list and had their anthropometric and IGF-1 data reassessed after six months with airway obstruction (control group). Results: Thirty children underwent the preoperative phase of the study. The mean age was 5.6 years (±2.17). Seventeen (56.7%) were male and thirteen (43.3%) were female. The skin test was positive in sixteen individuals (53.3%) The average Z-scores for height for age were -0.95 (±1.09); weight for age 0.17 (±1.42); body mass index (BMI) for age of 0.31 (±1.36). The mean total inspiratory nasal flow (TINF) was 444.63 ml/s (±161.02) and nasal patency was 72.9% (±24.76). The average sleep apnea and hypopnea index (AHI) was 4.95 ev/h (±4.07); minimum oxyhemoglobin saturation during sleep (O2 Nadir) of 78.93% (±6.00); percentage of sleep with saturation lower than 90% (T90) of 4.16% (±5.48); percentage of sleep with slow waves (N3) of 37.62% (±9.61). The mean IGF-1 Z-score was 0.72 (±1.30). The intervention group and control group did not show statistically significant changes in anthropometric data. There was a decrease in IGF-1 after surgery, with a mean preoperative IGF-1 Z-score of 1.33 (±1.74) and postoperative value of -0.07 (±0.85); p=0.03. In the control group, the IGF-1 variation was not significant. The intervention group did not show statistically significant changes in TINF and nasal patency. In the ten operated children, an improvement in the mean AHI from 5.25 ev/h (±4.29) to 1.99 ev/h (±1.16) and T90 of 6.27% (±7. 46) to 0.64% (±0.55) with p<0.05. On the other hand, N3 sleep and O2 Nadir showed no significant changes. There was no qualitative change in dietary patterns and physical activity in the two periods evaluated during the COVID19 pandemic. Conclusion: After T&A there was a decrease in IGF-1; p=0.03, AHI improvement; p=0.03 and T90 too; p=0.04. The surgery did not change the nutritional status with statistical significance in the ten children after 6 months postoperatively. Post-surgery, there was no statistical difference in TINF and nasal patency, as well as in this sample there were no significant changes in N3 sleep and O2 Nadir either. The dietary pattern and the practice of physical activity were qualitatively similar before and after the operation. Twenty children in the control group did not have significant alterations in anthropometric data and IGF-1 after six months of waiting for the surgery and the remaining airway obstruction. There was no statistical difference in anthropometric and IGF-1 data between the control and intervention groups.

Tonsillectomy , Adenoidectomy , Failure to Thrive , Mouth Breathing , Sleep Wake Disorders , Child , Nutritional Status , Polysomnography , Academic Dissertation , Rhinomanometry
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 86(1): 99-104, Jan.-Feb. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089377


Abstract Introduction Isotretinoin (13 cis-retinoic acid) is the most effective treatment for acne vulgaris and is the only treatment option that can provide either remission or a permanent cure. Objective The aim of this study was to use both subjective and objective methods to assess the nasal complaints of patients with severe acne who received oral isotretinoin therapy. Methods Fifty-four subjects were enrolled in the study. All the subjects were assessed with subjective (NOSE and VAS questionnaires) and objective (rhinomanometry and saccharine) tests to determine the severity of their nasal complaints. Results The mean severity scores (min: 0; max: 100) for nasal dryness/crusting and epistaxis were 0.47 ± 1.48 (0-5); 0.35 ± 1.30 (0-5) at admission, 3.57 ± 4.45 (0-10); 2.26 ± 4.71 (0-20) at the first month, and 4.28 ± 6 (0-20); 2.26 ± 4.71 (0-20) at the third month of the treatment respectively. Total nasal resistance of 0.195 ± 0.079 (0.12-0.56) Pa/cm3/s at admission, 0.21 ± 0.084 (0.12-0.54) Pa/cm3/s at the first month, and 0.216 ± 0.081 (0.14-0.54) Pa/cm3/s at the third month. Conclusion Oral isotretinoin therapy can cause the complaint of nasal obstruction. In addition, nasal complaints, such as dryness/crusting and epistaxis, significantly increase in patients during the therapy schedule.

Resumo Introdução A isotretinoína (ácido-13 cis-retinóico) é o tratamento por via oral mais eficaz para acne vulgar e é a única opção de tratamento que pode produzir remissão ou cura permanente. Objetivo Usar métodos subjetivos e objetivos para avaliar as queixas nasais de pacientes com acne grave que receberam terapia com isotretinoína oral. Método Foram incluídos no estudo 54 indivíduos. Todos os indivíduos foram avaliados por meio de testes subjetivos (questionários NOSE e escala EVA) e objetivos (rinomanometria e teste de sacarina) para determinar a gravidade de suas queixas nasais. Resultados Os escores médios de gravidade (min: 0; max: 100) para ressecamento/crostas e epistaxe nasal foram de 0,47 ± 1,48 (0-5); 0,35 ± 1,30 (0-5) no início, 3,57 ± 4,45 (0-10); 2,26 ± 4,71 (0-20) no primeiro mês e 4,28 ± 6 (0-20); 2,26 ± 4,71 (0-20) no terceiro mês do tratamento, respectivamente. A resistência nasal total foi de 0,195 ± 0,079 (0,12 a 0,56) Pa/cm3/s no início, 0,21 ± 0,084 (0,12 a 0,54) Pa/cm3/s no primeiro mês e 0,216 ± 0,081 (0,14 a 0,54) Pa/cm3/s no terceiro mês. Conclusão A terapia com isotretinoína por via oral pode resultar em queixa de obstrução nasal. Além disso, queixas nasais, tais como ressecamento/formação de crostas e epistaxe, aumentam significativamente nos pacientes durante o esquema terapêutico.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Isotretinoin/pharmacology , Dermatologic Agents/pharmacology , Nasal Cavity/drug effects , Saccharin , Sweetening Agents , Severity of Illness Index , Isotretinoin/adverse effects , Isotretinoin/therapeutic use , Nasal Obstruction/diagnosis , Nasal Obstruction/etiology , Epistaxis/etiology , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Acne Vulgaris/drug therapy , Rhinomanometry , Dermatologic Agents/adverse effects , Dermatologic Agents/therapeutic use , Symptom Assessment
São Paulo; s.n; 20200000. 139 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1119548


Os progressos de reabilitação do paciente com fissura labiopalatina são consideráveis, porém não existe um consenso quanto ao método de tratamento ideal. A diversidade de fatores que afetam o resultado da reabilitação desses pacientes deu origem a uma grande variedade de protocolos e técnicas cirúrgicas. Existe muita controvérsia quanto à cronologia de reparação cirúrgica do palato, e um dos questionamentos é a precocidade das cirurgias primárias que poderiam resultar em problemas no crescimento facial e no desenvolvimento maxilar dos indivíduos com fissura labiopalatina. O propósito deste trabalho foi realizar um estudo comparativo da oclusão, função respiratória e estética, entre pacientes com fissura labiopalatina unilateral completa, submetidos à reparação cirúrgica pelo protocolo de Malek e Psaume modificado (fechamento do lábio e do palato mole concomitante entre 3 e 6 meses de idade e fechamento do palato duro acima de 6 anos de idade), e pacientes que se submeteram as cirurgias primárias em cronologia clássica (queiloplastia 3 a 6 meses e palatoplastia 18 a 24 meses). A amostra de 24 pacientes, entre 5 a 10 anos de idade, foi selecionada no Ambulatório da Disciplina de Prótese Bucomaxilofacial da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo. O grupo de estudo foi constituído por 12 pacientes submetidos à técnica de Malek e Psaume modificado e o grupo controle, também com 12 pacientes, que realizaram às cirurgias primárias em cronologia clássica. A análise do grau de má oclusão e o prognóstico dos resultados a longo prazo foram feitos através de modelos em gesso dos arcos dentários, a avaliação estética da região nasolabial e do perfil foi realizada por fotografias padronizadas e para o estudo da resistência respiratória utilizamos o exame de rinomanometria. Em relação aos resultados, na comparação entre o grupo de estudo e controle através do Teste de Verossimilhança, não foi encontrado diferença estatisticamente significante para a análise do prognóstico dos resultados a longo prazo (p= 0,251) e nem para a variável estética do perfil e da região nasolabial como um todo, porém na avaliação do lábio isoladamente, o grupo controle apresentou melhores índices de satisfação com a aparência (p=0,017). Na análise da resistência respiratória anterior, com pressão diferencial de 150 Pa e com uso de vasoconstritor, foi aplicado o teste de Mann-Whitney, sendo que o grupo de estudo mostrou menor resistência respiratória anterior nas narinas com fissura (p=0,017). Para as narinas sem fissura, não houve diferença entre os grupos (p=0,713). Podemos concluir que na análise oclusal, o grau de má oclusão e o respectivo prognóstico não diferiram entre os protocolos. Em relação à avaliação estética, região nasolabial e perfil mostraram um resultado harmonioso e similar em ambos os protocolos estudados. Para os resultados da rinomanometria, o grupo de estudo quando comparado ao controle, apresentou menores valores de resistência respiratória e, por consequência, maiores valores de condutância nasal nas narinas com fissura.

Cleft Lip , Cleft Palate , Rhinomanometry , Dental Occlusion
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-739225


OBJECTIVES: This study was performed to investigate the effects of aging on nasality and the influence of age-related changes in nasal cavity volume and nasal patency on nasality. METHODS: A total of 180 healthy Korean-speaking adult volunteers, who had no nasal or voice-related complaints, were enrolled in this study. Nasometry, acoustic rhinometry, and rhinomanometry were performed to obtain the nasalance score, nasal cavity volume, and nasal resistance, respectively. Changes in these parameters with age were analyzed. RESULTS: Nasal cavity volume increased significantly, and nasal resistance decreased significantly, with age. The nasalance scores for the nasal passage and oronasal passage decreased significantly with age, while there were no age-related changes in nasalance scores for the oral passage. CONCLUSION: Nasalance scores for the passages containing nasal consonants decreased with age although significant increases were observed in nasal cavity volume and nasal patency with age. Therefore, the age-related decreases in nasalance scores may result from factors other than changes in the nasal cavity.

Adult , Humans , Aging , Nasal Cavity , Rhinomanometry , Rhinometry, Acoustic , Voice Quality , Volunteers
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 84(3): 351-359, May-June 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-951841


Abstract Introduction: Nasal obstruction is a frequent complaint in otorhinolaryngology outpatient clinics, and nasal valve incompetence is the cause in most cases. Scientific publications describing surgical techniques on the upper and lower lateral cartilages to improve the nasal valve are also quite frequent. Relatively few authors currently describe surgical procedures in the piriform aperture for nasal valve augmentation. We describe the surgical technique called pyriform plasty and evaluate its effectiveness subjectively through the NOSE questionnaire and objectively through the rhinomanometry evaluation. Objective: To compare pre- and post-pyriform plasty nasal airflow variations using rhinomanometry and the NOSE questionnaire. Methods: Eight patients submitted to pyriform surgery were studied. These patients were screened in the otorhinolaryngology outpatient clinic among those who complained of nasal obstruction, and who had a positive response to Cottle maneuver. They answered the NOSE questionnaire and were submitted to preoperative rhinomanometry. After 90 days, they were reassessed through the NOSE questionnaire and the postoperative rhinomanometry. The results of these two parameters were compared pre- and postoperatively. Results: Regarding the subjective measure, the NOSE questionnaire, seven patients reported improvement, of which two reported marked improvement, and one patient reported an unchanged obstructive condition. Regarding the rhinomanometry assessment, of 96 comparative measurements between the preoperative and postoperative periods, we obtained 68 measurements with an increase in nasal airflow in the postoperative period, 26 negative results, and two cases that remained unaltered between the preoperative and postoperative periods. Conclusion: When analyzing the results obtained in this study, we can conclude that the piriform plasty surgical procedure resulted in nasal airflow improvement in most of the obtained measurements.

Resumo Introdução: A obstrução nasal é queixa frequente nos ambulatórios de otorrinolaringologia, e a incompetência da válvula nasal é responsável em grande parte dos casos. São bastante frequente também as publicações de trabalhos científicos descrevendo técnicas cirúrgicas sobre as cartilagens laterais superiores e inferiores para melhorar a válvula nasal. Relativamente poucos autores descrevem atualmente procedimentos cirúrgicos na abertura piriforme para incremento da válvula nasal. Descrevemos a técnica cirúrgica chamada piriformeplastia e avaliamos a sua eficácia de forma subjetiva através do questionário NOSE e de forma objetiva através do exame rinomanometria. Objetivo: Comparar as variações do fluxo aéreo nasal pré e pós-piriformeplastia através da rinomanometria e do questionário NOSE. Método: Foram estudados 8 pacientes submetidos à piriformeplastia. Estes pacientes foram triados no ambulatório de otorrinolaringologia, pacientes estes que se queixavam de obstrução nasal, e que apresentavam resposta positiva a manobra de Cottle. Responderam ao questionário NOSE e foram submetidos a rinomanometria no pré-operatório. Após 90 dias foram reavaliados pelo questionário NOSE e pela rinomanometria pós-operatória. Os resultados desses dois parâmetros foram comparados pré e pós-operatoriamente. Resultados: Em relação a medida subjetiva, questionário NOSE, sete pacientes referiram melhora, sendo que dois deles referiram melhora acentuada, e um paciente referiu quadro obstrutivo inalterado. Em relação ao exame rinomanometria, de 96 medidas comparativas entre o pré e o pós-operatório, obtivemos 68 medidas com incremento ao fluxo aéreo nasal no pós-operatório, 26 resultados negativos, e dois casos inalterados entre pré e pós-operatório. Conclusão: O procedimento cirúrgico piriformeplastia conferiu melhoria do fluxo aéreo nasal na maioria das medidas obtidas.

Humans , Rhinoplasty/methods , Nasal Obstruction/surgery , Pyriform Sinus/surgery , Surveys and Questionnaires , Treatment Outcome , Rhinomanometry
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 84(2): 166-172, Mar.-Apr. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-889375


Abstract Introduction Pinched nasal point can be arising as congenital malformation or as results of unsuccessfully surgery. The nasal valve alteration due to this problem is not only an esthetic problem but also a functional one because can modify the nasal airflow. Several surgical techniques were proposed in literature, we proposed our. Objective The purpose of the study is the evaluation of nose airway flow using our flip-flap technique for correction of pinched nasal tip. Methods This is a retrospective study conducted on twelve patients. Tip cartilages were remodeled by means of autologous alar cartilage grafting. The patients underwent a rhinomanometry pre and post-surgery to evaluate the results, and they performed a self-survey to evaluate their degree of satisfaction in term of airflow sensation improvement. Results Rhinomanometry showed improved nasal air flow (range from 25% to 75%) in all patients. No significant differences were showed between unilateral and bilateral alar malformation (p = 0.49). Patient's satisfaction reached the 87.5%. Conclusion Our analysis on the combined results (rhinomanometry and surveys) showed that this technique leads to improvement of nasal flow in patients affected by pinched nasal tip in all cases.

Resumo Introdução A ponta nasal comprimida pode surgir como malformação congênita ou como o desfecho de uma cirurgia malsucedida. A alteração da válvula nasal devido a esse problema não é apenas um problema estético, mas também funcional, porque pode modificar o fluxo aéreo nasal. Várias técnicas cirúrgicas têm sido propostas na literatura; aqui, propomos a nossa. Objetivo O objetivo do estudo é a avaliação do fluxo das vias aéreas nasais utilizando nossa técnica de flip-flap para correção da ponta nasal comprimida. Métodos Este é um estudo retrospectivo realizado em doze pacientes. As cartilagens da ponta nasal foram remodeladas através de enxerto de cartilagem alar autóloga. Os pacientes foram submetidos à rinomanometria pré e pós-cirúrgica para avaliar os resultados, e realizaram uma auto-avaliação para avaliar seu grau de satisfação em termos de melhora da sensação do fluxo aéreo. Resultados e conclusão Nossa análise dos resultados combinados (rinomanometria e autoavaliação) mostrou que essa técnica melhora o fluxo nasal em pacientes afetados por ponta nasal comprimida em todos os casos. A satisfação do paciente atingiu os 87,5%.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Rhinoplasty/methods , Surgical Flaps , Nasal Obstruction/surgery , Nasal Cartilages/surgery , Nose/anatomy & histology , Nose/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Patient Satisfaction , Rhinomanometry , Nasal Cartilages/anatomy & histology
CoDAS ; 28(4): 403-408, jul.-ago. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-795252


RESUMO Objetivo Determinar os valores controles da área de secção transversa mínima nasofaríngea de indivíduos sem anomalias craniofaciais e em diferentes faixas etárias. Material e Método Participaram do estudo 96 indivíduos sem anomalias craniofaciais, de ambos os sexos, com índice de massa corpórea e circunferência cervical normais, subdivididos em 4 grupos etários: crianças com idade entre 6 e 10 anos (G1), adolescentes de 11 a 17 anos (G2), adultos jovens entre 18 e 39 anos (G3) e adultos de meia-idade entre 40 e 59 anos (G4). A área seccional transversa mínima nasofaríngea (área nasofaríngea – ANF) foi determinada por meio de rinomanometria anterior modificada (técnica fluxo-pressão), utilizando o sistema PERCI-SARS (versão 3.50 – Microtronics Corp.). Resultados Os valores médios±DP da ANF foram de 1,025±0,054cm2, 1,055±0,081cm2, 1,050±0,083cm2 e 1,054±0,081cm2, respectivamente, para G1, G2, G3 e G4, não havendo diferença entre as 4 faixas etárias. Conclusão Os valores controles da ANF foram determinados para indivíduos sem anomalias craniofaciais de diferentes faixas etárias e servirão de referência na rotina clínica e em estudos envolvendo diagnóstico de obstrução nasofaríngea, principalmente na presença de anomalias craniofaciais.

ABSTRACT Objective To establish normative values of minimum cross-sectional nasopharyngeal area in individuals without craniofacial anomalies at different age ranges. Material and Method Ninety-six individuals of both genders, without craniofacial anomalies, and with normal body mass index and neck circumference were evaluated. Participants were divided into 4 age groups: children, aged 6 to 10 years (G1); adolescents, aged 11 to 17 years (G2); young adults, 18 to 39 years (G3), and middle-aged adults, 40 to 59 years (G4). Minimum cross-sectional nasopharyngeal area (nasopharyngeal area – NPA) was assessed by means of modified anterior rhinomanometry (pressure-flow technique) using a PERCI-SARS system (version 3.50 – Microtronics Corp.). Results Mean±SD values of NPA were 1.025±0.054cm2, 1.055±0.081cm2, 1.050±0.083cm2, and 1.054±0.081cm2, respectively for groups G1, G2, G3, and G4, showing that there were no differences between the four age groups. Conclusion Normative data of NPA were established for individuals without craniofacial anomalies from different age ranges, and they may be used as reference values in the clinical routine and for future studies regarding nasopharyngeal obstruction diagnosis, particularly in cases of craniofacial anomalies.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Anthropometry , Nasopharynx/anatomy & histology , Nasopharynx/physiology , Reference Values , Age Distribution , Rhinomanometry , Airway Obstruction , Airway Management , Middle Aged
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 82(2): 184-190, Mar.-Apr. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-780985


ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Nasal hygiene with saline solutions has been shown to relieve congestion, reduce the thickening of the mucus and keep nasal cavity clean and moist. OBJECTIVE: Evaluating whether saline solutions improve nasal inspiratory flow among healthy children. METHODS: Students between 8 and 11 years of age underwent 6 procedures with saline solutions at different concentrations. The peak nasal inspiratory flow was measured before and 30 min after each procedure. Statistical analysis was performed by means of t test, analysis of variance, and Tukey's test, considering p < 0.05. RESULTS: We evaluated 124 children at all stages. There were differences on the way a same concentration was used. There was no difference between 0.9% saline solution and 3% saline solution by using a syringe. CONCLUSION: The 3% saline solution had higher averages of peak nasal inspiratory flow, but it was not significantly higher than the 0.9% saline solution. It is important to offer various options to patients.

RESUMO INTRODUÇÃO: A higiene nasal com soluções salinas tem sido indicada para aliviar a congestão, reduzir o espessamento do muco e manter a cavidade nasal limpa e úmida. OBJETIVO: Avaliar se as soluções salinas melhoram o fluxo inspiratório nasal entre crianças sadias. MÉTODO: Escolares com idades entre 8 e 11 anos foram submetidos a 6 procedimentos com soluções salinas em diferentes concentrações. O pico de fluxo inspiratório nasal foi medido antes e 30 minutos após cada procedimento. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio do teste t, análise de variância e teste de Tukey, considerando p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliadas 124 crianças em todas as etapas. Houve diferenças quanto à forma de uso de uma mesma concentração. Não houve diferença entre solução salina a 0,9% e solução salina a 3% por meio de seringa. CONCLUSÕES: A solução salina a 3% obteve maiores médias do pico de fluxo inspiratório nasal, porém não foi significativamente superior à solução salina a 0,9%. É importante oferecer diferentes opções aos pacientes.

Child , Female , Humans , Male , Peak Expiratory Flow Rate/drug effects , Peak Expiratory Flow Rate/physiology , Sodium Chloride/administration & dosage , Administration, Intranasal , Nasal Cavity/drug effects , Nasal Cavity/physiology , Rhinomanometry
Asia Pacific Allergy ; (4): 220-225, 2016.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-750080


BACKGROUND: Severe asthmatics are thought to have severer rhinitis than mild asthmatics. A pale nasal mucosa is a typical clinical finding in subjects with severe allergic rhinitis. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate whether a pale nasal mucosa affects airflow limitations in the upper and lower airways in asthmatic children. METHODS: Rhinomanometry, nasal scraping, and spirometry were performed in 54 asthmatic children (median age, 10 years). The nasal mucosa was evaluated by an otolaryngologist. Thirty-seven patients were treated with inhaled corticosteroids, and 11 patients were treated with intranasal corticosteroids. RESULTS: Subjects with a pale nasal mucosa (n = 23) exhibited a lower nasal airflow (p < 0.05) and a larger number of nasal eosinophils (p < 0.05) in the upper airway as well as lower pulmonary functional parameters (p < 0.05 for all comparisons), i.e., the forced vital capacity (FVC), the forced expiratory volume in 1 second, and the peak expiratory flow, compared with the subjects who exhibited a normal or pinkish mucosa (n = 31). No significant difference in the forced expiratory flow between 25%–75% of the FVC, regarded as indicating the peripheral airway, was observed between the 2 groups. CONCLUSION: A pale nasal mucosa may be a predictor of eosinophil infiltration of the nasal mucosa and central airway limitations in asthmatic children. When allergists observe a pale nasal mucosa in asthmatic children, they should consider the possibility of airflow limitations in not only the upper airway, but also the lower airway.

Child , Humans , Adrenal Cortex Hormones , Asthma , Eosinophils , Forced Expiratory Volume , Mucous Membrane , Nasal Mucosa , Nasal Obstruction , Rhinitis , Rhinitis, Allergic , Rhinomanometry , Spirometry , Vital Capacity
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-30188


OBJECTIVES: The purpose is to investigate effect of septoplasty and widened nasal patency on voice quality. METHODS: Fifty patients who undergone septoplasty were included in the study. Thirty-three people who had similar age and distribution were enrolled as control group. Before and 1 and 3 months after surgery, anterior rhinomanometry, voice analysis by Multi-Dimensional Voice Program, and spectrographic analysis were performed to patients. The recordings of /a/ vowel were used to evaluate average fundamental frequency (F0), jitter percent, and shimmer percent. In spectrographic analyses, F3–F4 values for the vowels /i, e, a, o, and u/, nasal formant frequencies of the consonants /m/ and /n/ in the word /mini/, and 4 formant frequencies (F1, F2, F3, and F4) for nasalized /i/ vowel following a nasal consonant /n/ in the word /mini/ were compared. The differences in nasal resonance were evaluated. All patients were asked whether change in their voices after the surgery. Preoperative and postoperative voice parameters and anterior rhinomanometry results were compared separately with the control group as well as in the patient group itself. RESULTS: Preoperative total nasal resistance (TNR) values of patients were higher than the control group (P=0.001). TNR values of patients measured one day before surgery and after surgery in the 1st and 3rd months were different and these differences were significant statistically (P=0.001). There was no significant difference between the voice analysis parameters in preoperative, postoperative 1st, and 3rd months. As a result of their subjective reviews, 12 patients (36%) noted their voices were better than before surgery and 20 patients (61%) noted no change before and after surgery. CONCLUSION: Providing widened nasal cavity has no effect on voice quality.

Humans , Nasal Cavity , Nasal Septum , Rhinomanometry , Voice Quality , Voice
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-647446


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to compare the nasality and acoustic variables of control subjects and those of patients with deviated nasal septum (DNS), preoperatively and postoperatively. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: Twenty patients who underwent septoturbinoplasty (DNS group) and ten control subjects (control group) who did not complain of nasal obstruction or did not show any anatomic or pathologic abnormality were selected. Performed for these subjects were acoustic rhinometry, rhinomanometry, nasality test and long-term average spectrum analysis of nasal sound sentence. Data were collected and analyzed prior to and 4 weeks after the surgery. RESULTS: In DNS group, the volume of nasal cavity was significantly increased and the nasal resistance was decreased significantly after operation. There were no statistically significant differences in the nasality of all sentences in the DNS group compared to those in the preoperative and the postoperative group. However, alternations of several acoustic variables in the final consonant were detected. CONCLUSION: Alternation of nasality and acoustic variables was observed after septoturbinoplasty, however, the changes of nasal resistance have been shown to contribute to the results.

Humans , Acoustics , Methods , Nasal Cavity , Nasal Obstruction , Nasal Septum , Rhinomanometry , Rhinometry, Acoustic , Spectrum Analysis , Turbinates , Voice
Journal of Rhinology ; : 31-38, 2016.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-113515


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to compare the nasalance between chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) patients and normal controls and to determine the correlation of nasalance with nasal volume, nasal resistance, CT score, and polyp score in CRS patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study enrolled 150 CRS patients and 154 normal adults. All subjects underwent acoustic rhinometry and rhinomanometry. Nasalance scores were measured with the nasometer. All CRS patients were graded according to the Lund-Mackay CT staging system and the degree of nasal polyp. RESULTS: Nasal volume was decreased and nasal resistance was increased in CRS patients compared with normal controls. However, the nasalance scores for oro-nasal and nasal passages were significantly higher in CRS patients compared with normal controls. In CRS patients, the nasalance score for the nasal passage showed positive correlation with nasal volume and negative correlation with nasal resistance and Lund-Mackay CT score. However, no significant correlation was found between nasalance score and endoscopic polyp score. CONCLUSION: Contrary to expectations, nasalance was increased in CRS patients despite decreased nasal volume and increased nasal resistance. Thus, nasal resonance likely depends on a multitude of factors other than changes in the sinonasal cavity.

Adult , Humans , Nasal Cavity , Nasal Polyps , Polyps , Rhinomanometry , Rhinometry, Acoustic , Sinusitis , Voice Quality
CoDAS ; 27(5): 464-471, Sept.-Oct. 2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-767914


RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar a atividade velofaríngea (VF) de indivíduos com disfunção velofaríngea (DVF) aferida por rinometria acústica, comparativamente à rinomanometria. Métodos: Estudo clínico prospectivo em 41 adultos, de ambos os gêneros, com fissura de palato±lábio previamente operada e DVF residual ao exame clínico, sem articulação compensatória nas plosivas surdas [p], [t] e [k]. Variáveis analisadas: (1) variação volumétrica da nasofaringe (∆V) na produção das três plosivas, relativamente ao repouso, por rinometria acústica (reduções <3 cm3 foram consideradas como ausência de atividade velofaríngea); (2) área do orifício velofaríngeo (área VF), por rinomanometria anterior modificada; áreas ≥0,05 cm2 foram consideradas como fechamento inadequado. Na comparação das técnicas foi utilizada a plosiva [p] (n=24). Resultados: Observou-se: (1) ∆V médio de 18% no [k], significantemente menor (p<0,05) que a redução relatada para normais (30%); valores de ∆V sugestivos de DVF constatados em 59% dos casos. Resultados similares foram obtidos no [p] e [t], mostrando-se mais apropriados para o exame rinométrico, por não envolverem a participação da língua no fechamento velofaríngeo, diferentemente da plosiva velar [k]; (2) fechamento VF inadequado em 85% dos casos. Não houve correlação significativa entre o ∆V e a área do orifício velofaríngeo. A concordância de diagnóstico entre os métodos ocorreu em 51% dos casos. Conclusão: A rinometria acústica não apresentou boa acurácia como método de diagnóstico da DVF frente ao método padrão. Demonstrou, contudo, potencial como método de acompanhamento dos resultados de intervenções clínico-cirúrgicas que levem à maior atividade velar e faríngea.

ABSTRACT Purpose: To analyze the velopharyngeal (VP) activity of subjects with velopharyngeal dysfunction (VPD) by acoustic rhinometry, as compared to rhinomanometry. Methods: This was a prospective clinical study conducted in 41 adults, both genders, with repaired cleft palate, with or without a previously repaired cleft lip, and residual VPD on clinical assessment, without compensatory articulations for [p], [t], and [k]. The outcome measures were as follows: (1) on acoustic rhinometry, nasopharyngeal volumetric change (ΔV) during [p], [t], and [k], relatively to rest condition (decreases by <3 cm3 considered as absence of VP activity); (2) on modified anterior rhinomanometry, VP orifice area (areas ≥0.05 cm2 considered as inadequate closure). The plosive [p] was used when comparing the techniques (n=24). Results: (1) A mean ΔV decrease of 18% was observed during [k], which was significantly lower (p<0.05) than the decrease reported for individuals without VPD (30%). ΔV values suggesting VPD were observed in 59% subjects. Similar results were obtained for [p] and [t], which shall be used as stimulus, given that they do not involve the use of the tongue to lift the velum during VP closure, differently from the velar plosive [k]. (2) Inadequate closure was seen in 85% subjects. No correlation was observed between ∆V and VP orifice area. Agreement between techniques was observed in 51% cases. Conclusion: Acoustic rhinometry had low accuracy as a diagnostic method of VPD when compared to the gold standard method. Nevertheless, the technique shows potential as a method for monitoring the outcomes of clinical and surgical treatment of VPD aimed at increasing velar and pharyngeal activity.

Adolescent , Adult , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Rhinomanometry/methods , Rhinometry, Acoustic/methods , Velopharyngeal Insufficiency/diagnosis , Cleft Lip/physiopathology , Cleft Palate/physiopathology , Prospective Studies , Rhinomanometry/instrumentation , Rhinometry, Acoustic/instrumentation , Velopharyngeal Insufficiency/physiopathology
CoDAS ; 27(3): 267-272, May-Jun/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-753093


PURPOSE: To investigate the correlation among velopharyngeal closure, hypernasality, audible nasal air emission (NAE) and nasal rustle (NR), in individuals with repaired cleft palate. METHODS: One hundred patients with repaired cleft palate and lip, submitted to pressure-flow study for measurement of velopharyngeal orifice area (velopharyngeal area) and speech sample recordings. Velopharyngeal area was estimated during the production of the sound /p/ inserted in a sentence, and the velopharyngeal closure was classified as adequate, borderline or inadequate. Hypernasality was rated using a 4-point scale, NAE and NR were rated as absent or present, by three speech language pathologists, using recorded speech samples. Inter and intra-judge agreements were established. Statistical analysis was performed using the Spearman correlation coefficient considering p<0.05. An ordinal logistic regression model was developed to investigate whether the characteristics of speech can predict velopharyngeal closure. For this, the speech samples included in this analysis were those that obtained 100% agreement among raters as to the degree of hypernasality (43 out of 100). RESULTS: Significant correlation was found between hypernasality and velopharyngeal area; audible NAE and velopharyngeal area. A negative correlation was observed between the NR and velopharyngeal area. The regression analysis showed that the perceptual speech characteristics contributed significantly to predict the velopharyngeal closure. CONCLUSION: There is significant correlation between velopharyngeal closure and hypernasality, NAE and NR. It suggests that the perceptual speech characteristics can predict velopharyngeal closure, favoring the diagnosis and the definition of treatment conduct of velopharyngeal dysfunction. .

OBJETIVO: Investigar a correlação entre as dimensões do orifício velofaríngeo, hipernasalidade, emissão de ar nasal (EAN) audível e ronco nasal (RN), em indivíduos com fissura palatina reparada. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados cem pacientes com fissura labiopalatina reparada, submetidos à medida da área do orifício velofaríngeo (área velofaríngea) por meio da técnica fluxo-pressão e à gravação de fala. A partir da área velofaríngea, determinada durante a produção de /p/ inserido numa frase, o fechamento velofaríngeo foi classificado em adequado, marginal e inadequado. A hipernasalidade foi classificada em escala de quatro pontos, EAN e RN em presente-ausente, por três fonoaudiólogas utilizando amostra de fala gravada. A concordância inter e intra-avaliadores foi estabelecida e a correlação entre as variáveis foi analisada por meio do coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, considerando p<0,05. Um modelo de regressão logística ordinal foi elaborado para investigar se as características da fala podem predizer o fechamento velofaríngeo. Para tanto, foram incluídas somente 43 amostras de fala que obtiveram 100% de concordância quanto ao grau de hipernasalidade entre as avaliadoras. RESULTADOS: Correlação significativa entre hipernasalidade e área velofaríngea; EAN audível e área velofaríngea. Correlação negativa foi verificada entre RN e área velofaríngea. O modelo logístico mostrou que as características da fala contribuíram significativamente para a previsão do fechamento velofaríngeo. CONCLUSÃO: Existe correlação entre dimensões do orifício velofaríngeo e hipernasalidade, EAN e RN, sugerindo que as características perceptivas da fala podem predizer o fechamento velofaríngeo, favorecendo o diagnóstico e a definição de conduta de tratamento da disfunção velofaríngea. .

Adolescent , Adult , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Cleft Lip/physiopathology , Cleft Palate/physiopathology , Pharynx/physiopathology , Velopharyngeal Insufficiency/diagnosis , Voice Disorders/diagnosis , Cleft Lip/surgery , Cleft Palate/surgery , Rhinomanometry , Velopharyngeal Insufficiency/physiopathology , Voice Disorders/physiopathology
CoDAS ; 27(2): 201-206, Mar-Apr/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-748844


Purpose: To investigate the influence of breathing mode and nasal patency in the dimensions of the hard palate by comparing mouth breathing (MB) and nasal breathing (NB) adults. Methods: Seventy-seven individuals, distributed into the MB group (n=38) and the NB group (n=39), of both genders and aged between 18 and 30 years old, took part in the study. The respiratory mode diagnosis was based on anamnesis, physical characteristics, and otorhinolaryngological examination. The volunteers were evaluated in terms of nasal patency, with a peak nasal inspiratory flow (PNIF) meter, and obstruction symptoms, by a Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE) scale, and had their transversal and vertical hard palate dimensions measured with a digital caliper in plaster models. Results: Comparing both groups, the MB group presented significantly higher values in the NOSE scale, lower values in the PNIF, lower values in the transversal distance of the palate in the intercanine region, and significantly higher values in the vertical distance in the regions of the first and second premolars and molars. There was a negative correlation between PNIF and NOSE, and a positive correlation between PNIF and transversal distance of the palate in the region of the first premolars. Conclusion: MB adults presented reduced nasal patency and a higher degree of nasal obstruction symptoms. The hard palate was morphologically narrower and deeper in adults with the MB mode compared to the NB mode. Moreover, it was concluded that the smaller the nasal patency, the greater the obstruction symptoms and the narrower the hard palate. .

Objetivo: Verificar a influência do modo respiratório e da patência nasal nas dimensões palatinas, comparando adultos respiradores orais (ROs) e respiradores nasais (RNs). Métodos: Participaram do estudo 77 indivíduos, distribuídos em grupo de ROs (n=38) e grupo de RNs (n=39), de ambos os gêneros e idade entre 18 e 30 anos. O diagnóstico do modo respiratório se baseou na anamnese, nas características físicas e no exame otorrinolaringológico. Os voluntários foram avaliados quanto à patência nasal com um medidor do pico de fluxo inspiratório nasal (PFIN) e à sintomatologia de obstrução (escala NOSE - Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation Scale), e tiveram as dimensões vertical e transversal do palato duro medidas por meio de um paquímetro digital em modelos de gesso. Resultados: Na comparação entre os grupos, os ROs apresentaram valores significativamente maiores na escala NOSE, menores no PFIN, menores na distância transversal do palato na região intercanina e maiores na distância vertical na região dos primeiros e segundos pré-molares e dos molares. O PFIN apresentou correlação inversa com a escala NOSE e direta com a distância transversal do palato na região dos primeiros pré-molares. Conclusão: Os adultos ROs apresentaram redução na patência nasal e maior grau de sintomatologia de obstrução nasal. O palato duro se apresentou mais estreito e alto nos adultos com modo respiratório oral, quando comparados aos com modo nasal. Ainda, concluiu-se que quanto menor a patência nasal, maior a sintomatologia de obstrução e mais estreito o palato duro. .

Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Mouth Breathing/physiopathology , Nasal Obstruction/physiopathology , Palate, Hard/anatomy & histology , Palate, Hard/physiology , Respiration , Anthropometry , Cross-Sectional Studies , Nasal Obstruction/diagnosis , Organ Size , Rhinomanometry
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-746489


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the change of nasal ventilation function in a group of SDB patients and its relationship to PSG parameters.@*METHOD@#One hundred twenty-eight controls, 11 habitual snorers, 33 cases of mild-moderate OSAHS and 33 cases of severe OSAHS were examined. NN1 Rhinospirometer was used to measure unilateral nasal respiratory capacity (NC(un)) and bilateral nasal respiratory capacity (NC(bi)), and the nasal partitioning ratio (NPR) can be calculated. NR6 Rhinomanometry was used to measure total nasal inspiratory and expiratory resistance (TNRi, TNRe). A1 acoustic rhinometry was used to measure distances of the two notches to the nostril (MD1, MD2), cross-sectional areas of the two notches (MCA1, MCA2) and nasal volume from 0-5 cm (NV(0-5)). Moreover, make the correlational analysis on different index of nasal functional tests and PSG.@*RESULT@#(1) Significant group differences were shown in NPR (P < 0.01). (2) TNRi and TNRe were statistical different among the groups (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05). (3) There are significant difference on MD1, MCA1, MCA2, NV(0-5) in male, but just on MD1 in female. (4) There was no correlation between PSG parameters and nasal functional parameters in SDB patients. But for certain subgroup analysis in female patients with a body mass index below 25, minimum oxygen saturation correlated significantly with MCA2 (r = 0.688, P < 0.05), arousal index correlated significantly with MCA1 (r = 0.543, P < 0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#The nasal anatomical structure and physiological function contribute to the pathogenesis of OSAHS, which may play a larger role in non-obese female patients.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Case-Control Studies , Nose , Rhinomanometry , Rhinometry, Acoustic , Sleep Apnea Syndromes
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-227939


BACKGROUND: Perforations in the nasal septum (NSP) give rise not only to disintegration of the septum anatomy but also impairment in normal nasal physiology. The successes of these surgical techniques are usually equated to anatomical closure of the perforation. The goal of this study is to evaluate the subjective and objective results of our surgical technique for septal perforation surgery. METHODS: All NSPs in the six patients were closed by inferior turbinate flap. The Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE) instrument was used to evaluate the preoperative and postoperative subjective sensation of nasal obstruction. Measurement of preoperative and postoperative nasal airway resistance was performed using active anterior rhinomanometry which is an objective test. Wilcoxson signed rank test and Spearman correlation test were used to analyze correlation between NOSE scores and rhinomanometric measurements. RESULTS: The full closure of the septal perforations was noted in 100% of patients. The total NOSE score was 14 preoperatively and one postoperatively. The improvement in NOSE scores was statistically significant (P< or =0.002). The mean preoperative total resistance (ResT150) value was 0.13 Pa/cm(3)s(-1), which is below the normal range (0.16-0.31 Pa/cm(3)s(-1)), while the mean postoperative ResT150 value was 0.27 Pa/cm3s-1. The correlation between the improvement in NOSE scores and improvements in ResT150 values was statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical approaches should aim to solve both the anatomical and physiological problems of NSP. The application of subjective and objective tests in the postoperative period will help surgeons assess the applied techniques.

Humans , Airway Resistance , Nasal Obstruction , Nasal Septal Perforation , Nasal Septum , Nose , Physiology , Postoperative Period , Reference Values , Rhinomanometry , Sensation , Symptom Assessment , Turbinates
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-233816


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To evaluate the impact of nasal function after Draf III frontal sinus surgery (Draf III) or the modified endoscopic Lothrop procedure (EMLP).</p><p><b>METHODS</b>It was a prospective study with self-control. The pre-operative clinical data of 30 patients (from 2010 to 2013, Beijing Tongren Hospital) who underwent Draf III surgery, with the testing results of T&T olfactory testing, acoustic rhinometry and rhinomanometry before and 1 year after operation in these patients were collected in this study. All patients complete visual analogue scale (VAS), a telephone follow-up questionnaire of olfactory function used by Wormald and Lund-Kenndy endoscopy score simultaneously with testings above. Most of 30 patients were chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) with recurrent nasal polyps or systemic risk factors like asthma and aspirin-intolerance, called refractory rhinosinusitis. SPSS 19.0 software was used to analyze the data.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>89.3% (25/28) of these patients improved in nasal obstruction 1 year after operation, and the cure rats was 57.1% (16/28, VAS = 0). The level of improvement in nasal obstruction was significantly correlated with pre-operative nasal obstruction severity (r = 0.909, P < 0.01). 76.7% (23/30) improved in olfactory function 1 year after operation in all 30 patients, and 88.2% improved in patients with nasal polyps (CRSwNP). It was also found that olfactory function 1 year after operation was significantly related to Lund-Kennedy endoscopy scores (r = 0.671, P < 0.01), but was not correlated with VAS scores of nasal obstruction (P = 0.349).</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>The Draf III frontal sinus surgery has a significantly positive effect on olfactory and ventilation function post-operatively, especially on refractory rhinosinusitis.</p>

Animals , Humans , Rats , Asthma , Chronic Disease , Endoscopy , Frontal Sinus , General Surgery , Nasal Obstruction , Nasal Polyps , Paranasal Sinuses , Prospective Studies , Retrospective Studies , Rhinomanometry , Rhinometry, Acoustic , Risk Factors , Sinusitis , Smell , Treatment Outcome
CoDAS ; 25(5): 451-455, out. 2013. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-695099


PURPOSE: To investigate the postoperative outcomes of pharyngeal flap surgery (PF) and secondary palatoplasty with intravelar veloplasty (IV) in the velopharyngeal insufficiency management regarding nasalance scores and velopharyngeal area. METHODS: Seventy-eight patients with cleft palate±lips submitted to surgical treatment for velopharyngeal insufficiency, for 14 months on an average, were evaluated: 40 with PF and 38 with IV, of both genders, aged between 6 and 52 years old. Hypernasality was estimated by means of nasalance scores obtained by nasometry with a cutoff score of 27%. The measurement of velopharyngeal orifice area was provided by the pressure-flow technique and velopharyngeal closure was classified as: adequate (0.000-0.049 cm2), adequate/borderline (0.050-0.099 cm2), borderline/inadequate (0.100-0.199 cm2), and inadequate (≥0.200 cm2). RESULTS: Absence of hypernasality was observed in 70% of the cases and adequate velopharyngeal closure was observed in 80% of the cases, in the PF group. In the IV group, absence of hypernasality was observed in 34% and adequate velopharyngeal closure was observed in 50% of the patients. Statistically significant differences were obtained between the two techniques for both evaluations. CONCLUSION: PF was more efficient than the secondary palatoplasty with IV to reduce hypernasality and get adequate velopharyngeal closure. .

OBJETIVO: Investigar os resultados cirúrgicos do retalho faríngeo (RF) e da palatoplastia secundária com veloplastia intravelar (VI) no tratamento de indivíduos com insuficiência velofaríngea (IVF) secundária quanto ao escore de nasalância e à área velofaríngea. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 78 pacientes com fissura de palato±lábio submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico da IVF há 14 meses, em média, sendo 40 com RF e 38 com VI, de ambos os sexos, faixa etária de seis a 52 anos. A hipernasalidade foi estimada a partir da medida de nasalância obtida por meio da nasometria, considerando-se o escore de 27% como limite de normalidade. A medida da área do orifício velofaríngeo foi obtida por meio da técnica fluxo-pressão, sendo o fechamento velofaríngeo classificado em: adequado (0,000-0,049 cm2); adequado/marginal (0,050-0,099 cm2); marginal/inadequado (0,100-0,199 cm2); e inadequado (≥0,200 cm2). RESULTADOS: Ausência de hipernasalidade foi observada em 70%, e fechamento velofaríngeo adequado em 80% dos casos no grupo RF. No grupo VI, ausência de hipernasalidade foi observada em 34% e fechamento velofaríngeo adequado em 50% dos casos. Diferenças estatisticamente significantes foram obtidas entre as duas técnicas cirúrgicas nas duas modalidades de avaliação. CONCLUSÃO: A cirurgia de retalho faríngeo foi mais eficiente do que a palatoplastia secundária com veloplastia intravelar na redução da hipernasalidade e na adequação do fechamento velofaríngeo. .

Adolescent , Adult , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Cleft Palate/surgery , Oral Surgical Procedures/methods , Pharynx/surgery , Surgical Flaps , Velopharyngeal Insufficiency/surgery , Cleft Palate/physiopathology , Nasal Cavity/physiopathology , Pharynx/physiopathology , Rhinomanometry , Treatment Outcome , Velopharyngeal Insufficiency/physiopathology