Se estima que entre el 25 % y el 40 % de los niños sanos presentan algún síntoma de dificultad alimentaria (DA) durante su crecimiento y desarrollo, y muchas veces no son adecuadamente diagnosticadas. El propósito de este trabajo consistió en realizar una revisión narrativa que reuniera la información disponible sobre las dificultades alimentarias. Se desarrollaron algoritmos de evaluación y abordaje a partir de la evidencia en la literatura. La mayoría de los problemas de alimentación en los niños pequeños (selectividad alimentaria, falta de apetito, miedo a la alimentación) a menudo coexisten y es necesario evaluar el riesgo clínico para planificar una intervención individualizada. Contar con definiciones estandarizadas y terminología común para abordar estas dificultades de manera adecuada y multidisciplinaria es uno de los caminos para optimizar su tratamiento. Involucrar a los diferentes profesionales de la salud y a los padres es fundamental para abordar las dificultades alimentarias.
It has been estimated that between 25% and 40% of healthy children show symptoms of feeding difficulties (FDs) during their growth and development; many times, these are not adequately diagnosed. The objective of this study was to conduct a narrative review that collected the available information on fee ding difficulties. Assessment and management algorithms were developed based on the bibliographic evidence. Most feeding problems in young children (feeding selectivity, loss of appetite, fear of feeding) are often con current, and a clinical risk assessment is necessary to plan an individualized intervention. Having standardized definitions and common terms to address these difficulties in an appropriate and multidisciplinary manner is one of the ways to optimize their treatment. The involvement of different health care providers and parents is critical to address feeding difficulties.
Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Feeding and Eating Disorders of Childhood/diagnosis , Feeding and Eating Disorders of Childhood/etiology , Feeding and Eating Disorders of Childhood/therapy , Algorithms , Risk AssessmentABSTRACT
La apnea obstructiva del sueño (AOS) es una condición común en adultos en edad laboral. Incluso, en la actualidad, vemos cómo la edad de retiro se ha ido prolongando de tal manera que adultos mayores, quienes tienen mayor prevalencia de AOS, continúan trabajando incluso en situaciones de alto riesgo de siniestralidad. Uno de los principales síntomas de la AOS es la somnolencia diurna que puede contri- buir de manera directa al riesgo de accidentabilidad, compromiso cognitivo y desem- peño laboral. También se ha demostrado cómo la reducción de la materia gris a nivel cerebral y cerebelar provoca alteraciones en coordinación y capacidad de conducción. El tratamiento con dispositivos de presión positiva mejora el desempeño laboral y redu- ce la incidencia de accidentes de tránsito, pero algunos déficits cognitivos pueden per- sistir incluso después de meses de tratamiento. La evaluación del riesgo de accidentabilidad en conductores es un desafío y los cues- tionarios actuales no son adecuados para el cribado. Los simuladores de conducción y las pruebas de alerta son más prometedores. El futuro de la investigación se centra en estandarizar los resultados de los simulado- res, determinar los mejores predictores de eventos reales y utilizar la inteligencia arti- ficial y los automóviles autónomos para reducir los riesgos relacionados con la somno - lencia al volante. Es necesario que la posición de los entes gubernamentales de nuestros países latinoa- mericanos sea proactiva y orientada a la protección de la salud y la seguridad de la po- blación.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common condition among working-age adults. In today's context, we observe that the retirement age has been extended, with older adults, who have a higher prevalence of OSA, continuing to work even in high-risk situations. One of the main symptoms of OSA is daytime sleepiness, which can directly contribu- te to the risk of accidents, cognitive impairment and reduced work performance. It has also been demonstrated that the reduction of gray matter in the brain, especially in the cerebellum, can lead to coordination and driving capacity impairments. Treatment with positive pressure devices improves work performance and reduces the incidence of traffic accidents, but some cognitive deficits may persist even after months of treatment. Assessing the risk of accidents in drivers is a challenge, and current questionnaires are not suitable for screening. Driving simulators and alertness tests show more promise. The future of research is focused on standardizing simulator outcomes, identifying the best predictors of real-world events, and utilizing artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles to mitigate risks associated with driver drowsiness. It is imperative that the stance of government entities in our Latin American countries is proactive and aimed at safeguarding the health and safety of the population.
Humans , Accidents , Sleep Apnea, Obstructive/complications , Disorders of Excessive Somnolence/complications , Argentina , Review , Colombia , Risk Assessment , Continuous Positive Airway Pressure , Cognitive Dysfunction , Simulation Training , MexicoABSTRACT
Introduction: Preterm birth, before 37 weeks of gestation, is the main determinant of neonatal morbidity and mortality and is associated with serious consequences,including compromised quality of life for the affected individual and physical, psychological, and economic costs. Objective: To evaluate the correlation of obstetric history, cervicovaginal infections, and cervical length with preterm birth. A prospective, blind cohort study evaluated 1,370 pregnant women from Ribeirão Preto between 20 and 25 weeks of gestation. Materials and methods: The correlation between obstetric history, cervical length, and gestational age at birth was obtained by calculating the relative risk of the different variables. Results: The distribution of pregnant women according to cervical length (CL) showed a predominance of women with a cervix longer than 2.5 cm (n = 1,308, 95.8%), followed by women with a cervix between 2 and 2.49 cm (n = 42, 3.1%) and < 2 cm (n = 15, 1.1%). Among the 1,370 pregnant women evaluated, 133 had spontaneous preterm birth (< 259 days); 14 (10.5%) preterm births occurred in women under 19 years of age, 105 (79%) in women between 19 and 35 years, and 14 (10.5%) in women older than 35 years. Microbiological analysis showed the growth of Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, and other bacteria in 8, 17, and 16 women with preterm birth, respectively. Among the 133 women with spontaneous preterm birth, CL was < 2.5 cm in 15 women, < 2 cm in 3, < 1.5 cm in 3, and < 1 cm in 2. Conclusion: The identification of pregnant women at high risk for preterm delivery can reduce the incidence of preterm birth. Although no gold standard test exists for the prediction of preterm birth, this study confirms that the measurement of CL is a good individual predictor.
Introducción: El nacimiento pretérmino, antes de las 37 semanas de gestación, es el principal determinante de la morbimortalidad neonatal y se asocia a graves consecuencias,incluyendo el compromiso de la calidad de vida del individuo afectado y costes físicos, psicológicos y económicos. Objetivo: Evaluar la correlación de los antecedentes obstétricos, infecciones cervicovaginales y longitud cervical con el parto prematuro. Estudio de cohorte prospectivo, ciego, evaluando 1.370 gestantes de Ribeirão Preto entre 20 y 25 semanas de gestación. Material y métodos: La correlación entre los antecedentes obstétricos, la longitud cervical y la edad gestacional al nacer se obtuvo calculando el riesgo relativo de las diferentes variables. Resultados: La distribución de las gestantes según la longitud cervical (LC) mostró un predominio de mujeres con cuello uterino mayor de 2,5 cm (n = 1,308, 95.8%), seguidas de mujeres con cuello uterino entre 2 y 2,49 cm (n = 42, 3.1%) y menor de 2 cm (n = 15, 1.1%). De las 1,370 embarazadas evaluadas, 133 tuvieron un parto prematuro espontáneo (< 259 días); 14 (10.5%) partos prematuros se produjeron en mujeres menores de 19 años, 105 (79%) en mujeres de entre 19 y 35 años, y 14 (10.5%) en mujeres mayores de 35 años. Los análisis microbiológicos mostraron la proliferación de Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum y otras bacterias en 8, 17 y 16 mujeres con parto prematuro, respectivamente. Entre las 133 mujeres con parto prematuro espontáneo, la CL fue < 2.5 cm en 15 mujeres, < 2 cm en 3, < 1.5 cm en 3 y < 1 cm en 2. Conclusión: La identificación de las gestantes con alto riesgo de parto prematuro puede reducir la incidencia de parto prematuro. Aunque no existe una prueba de referencia para la predicción del parto prematuro, este estudio confirma que la medición de la longitud cervical es una buena predicción individual.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/epidemiology , Cervix Uteri/anatomy & histology , Premature Birth/etiology , Premature Birth/epidemiology , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , Gestational Age , Risk AssessmentABSTRACT
SUMMARY: The identification of children and adolescents who are at risk of sarcopenic obesity development often requires specialized equipment and expensive test procedures. Therefore, the establishment of cheaper and faster methods would be greatly useful, especially if they could be applied in the field. The study's objective was to establish if identification of female adolescents who suffer the risk of developing sarcopenic obesity can be obtained through the standing-long-jump test application. To achieve the research objectives, various anthropometric and body composition measurements were performed and lower limb explosive strength was assessed using the standing long jump fitness test. The research was conducted on a sample of 535 female respondents randomly selected from 9 elementary schools in the Skopje region of the Republic of North Macedonia. The respondents were divided into quintiles according to BMI z-scores, and the arithmetic means and SD about muscle-to-fat ratio were calculated for each quintile. The cutoff was determined based on the mean and standard deviation of the muscle-to-fat ratio for the 3rd quintile of BMI and the percentage of respondents with sarcopenic obesity was examined. The optimal cut-off value of the long jump fitness test results for predicting sarcopenic obesity in an adolescent girl showed that the area under the ROC curve was 0.781 (95 % CI 0.743-0.815). The standing-long-jump test values, on grounds of odds ratio (OR 95 % CI) about the girls at risk of sarcopenic obesity development, which was identified on muscle-to-fat ratio base, were 8.76 (4.39 - 17.54, p 0.001). It can be used to predict sarcopenic obesity presence in female adolescents, which can be vital in case of health intervention.
La identificación de niños y adolescentes que corren riesgo de desarrollar obesidad sarcopénica a menudo requiere equipos especializados y procedimientos de pruebas costosos. Por lo tanto, el establecimiento de métodos más baratos y rápidos sería de gran utilidad, especialmente si pudieran aplicarse en el campo. El objetivo del estudio fue establecer si la identificación de mujeres adolescentes que sufren riesgo de desarrollar obesidad sarcopénica se puede obtener mediante la aplicación de la prueba de salto de longitud de pie. Para lograr los objetivos de la investigación, se realizaron diversas mediciones antropométricas y de composición corporal y se evaluó la fuerza explosiva de los miembros inferiores mediante la prueba de aptitud de salto de longitud de pie. La investigación se realizó con una muestra de 535 mujeres encuestadas seleccionadas al azar de 9 escuelas primarias de la región de Skopje, en la República de Macedonia del Norte. Los encuestados se dividieron en quintiles según las puntuaciones z del IMC, y se calcularon las medias aritméticas y la DE sobre la relación músculo-grasa para cada quintil. El límite se determinó en función de la media y la desviación estándar de la relación músculo-grasa para el tercer quintil del IMC y se examinó el porcentaje de encuestados con obesidad sarcopénica. El valor de corte óptimo de los resultados de la prueba de condición física de salto de longitud para predecir la obesidad sarcopénica en una adolescente mostró que el área bajo la curva ROC fue 0,781 (IC del 95 %: 0,743-0,815). Los valores de la prueba de salto de longitud de pie, sobre la base del odds ratio (OR IC del 95 %) sobre las niñas en riesgo de desarrollar obesidad sarcopénica, que se identificó sobre la base del ratio músculo-grasa, fueron 8,76 (4,39 - 17,54, p. 0,001). Puede utilizarse para predecir la presencia de obesidad sarcopénica en adolescentes, lo que puede ser vital en caso de intervención sanitaria.
Humans , Female , Child , Adolescent , Exercise Test , Sarcopenia/diagnosis , Obesity/diagnosis , Body Composition , Anthropometry , Adipose Tissue , Surveys and Questionnaires , Regression Analysis , Electric Impedance , Risk Assessment , Muscle, Skeletal , Standing PositionABSTRACT
Introducción: El cáncer de endometrio ocupa el sexto lugar en incidencia del cáncer en mujeres. La caracterización molecular de este cáncer permite optimizar la estratificación de riesgo para mejorar el tratamiento de las pacientes. Objetivo: Determinar el perfil molecular TCGA de pacientes con cáncer de endometrio en Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. Método: Estudio descriptivo en una cohorte de pacientes con cáncer de endometrio. Las mutaciones en los exones 9 a 14 del gen POLE fueron identificadas mediante amplificación por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa, seguida de secuenciación Sanger y análisis bioinformático. La expresión de las proteínas MMR y p53 se identificó mediante inmunohistoquímica. Resultados: Se incluyeron 40 pacientes con una mediana de edad de 66 años. El 15% presentaron mutaciones en el dominio exonucleasa de POLE. El 32% de las pacientes que no presentaron mutaciones manifestaron deficiencia en el sistema MMR. El 43,47% de las pacientes sin mutaciones en POLE ni alteración del sistema MMR presentaron alteración de la proteína p53. Conclusiones: La población de cáncer de endometrio analizada presenta un perfil molecular TCGA similar a lo reportado para otras poblaciones.
Introduction: Endometrial cancer ranks sixth in cancer incidence among women. Its molecular characterization allows for a more precise risk stratification with the aim of improving patient treatment. Objective: To determine the TCGA molecular profile of patients with endometrial cancer in Bogota, Colombia. Method: A descriptive study of a cohort of patients with endometrial cancer. The expression of MMR proteins and p53 was identified through immunohistochemistry. Mutations in exons 9 to 14 of the POLE gene were identified through polymerase chain reaction amplification, followed by Sanger sequencing and bioinformatic analysis. Results: Forty patients were included in the study, with a median age of 66 years, 15% of them exhibited mutations in the exonuclease domain of POLE, while 32% of patients without mutations showed deficiency in the MMR system. Forty three percent of patients without mutations in POLE or MMR alterations showed aberrant p53 protein expression. Conclusions: The analyzed population of endometrial cancer presents a TCGA molecular profile similar to that reported for other populations.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Endometrial Neoplasms/genetics , Immunohistochemistry , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Genes, p53/genetics , Endometrial Neoplasms/diagnosis , Endometrial Neoplasms/pathology , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Colombia , Risk Assessment , DNA Polymerase II , DNA Mismatch Repair , Poly-ADP-Ribose Binding Proteins , MutationABSTRACT
Introducción: Entre las variables que afectan el riesgo de mortalidad relacionada (MRT) al trasplante alogénico de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas (TACPH) se incluyen las comorbilidades previas. Los índices de comorbilidad (IC) buscan mejorar la predicción de eventos combinando factores de riesgo independientes. Objetivos: 1) evaluar el uso de la versión breve y adaptada para niños, adolescentes y adultos jóvenes con enfermedad maligna del índice de comorbilidad específico para trasplante alogénico de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas (smyHCT-CI ); 2) evaluar el uso de los biomarcadores ferritina y albúmina en un índice de comorbilidad ampliado (smyHCT-CIa). Población y métodos: Diseño: cohorte retrospectiva. Periodo 2017- 2022. A cada p se le asignó nuevos puntajes utilizando el smyHCT-CI y el smyHCT-CIa. Los p se clasificaron en grupos de riesgo (GR) bajo (puntaje 0), intermedio (1-2) y alto (>3) con cada índice. Se comparó el n° de p asignado a cada GR grupo de riesgo y la MRT en cada grupo al usar el HCT-CI, el smyHCTCI y el smyHCT-CIa. Resultados: n 75. Frecuencia de p por GR según cada indicador (IC95): HCT-CI bajo 36 (25-47), intermedio 57 (56-69), alto 7 (1-12); smyHCT-CI: bajo 48 (37-59), intermedio 33 (23-44), alto 19 (10-27); smyHCT-CIa: bajo 43 (31-54), intermedio 36 (25-47), alto 21 (12-31). MRT por GR según indicador (IC95): HCT-CI: bajo 6,8 (14-28), intermedio 20,9 (9-33), alto 17,9 (0-55); smyHCT-CIa bajo 12,5 (1-24), intermedio 18,5 (4-33), alto 31,2 (9-54). Conclusión: El smyHCT-CI permitió identificar mejor los pacientes con mayor comorbilidad y riesgo de MRT. La ferritina resultó un biomarcador útil en la estimación del riesgo de MRT (AU)
Introduction: Variables affecting allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT) related mortality risk (TMR) include prior comorbidities. Comorbidity indices (CI) aim to improve event prediction by combining independent risk factors. Objectives: 1) to evaluate the use of the brief and adapted version of the HCT-specific comorbidity index for children, adolescents and young adults with malignancies (ymHCT-CI); 2) to evaluate the use of the biomarkers ferritin and albumin in an expanded comorbidity index (expanded ymHCT-CI). Population and methods: Design: retrospective cohort. Period 2017- 2022. Each patient was assigned new scores using the ymHCTCI and expanded ymHCT-CI. The p were classified into low (score 0), intermediate (1-2) and high (>3) risk groups (RG) with each index. The number of patients assigned to each RG and the TMR in each group were compared using the HCTCI, the ymHCT-CI, and the expanded ymHCT-CI. Results: n 75. Frequency of patients per RG according to each indicator (95%CI): HCT-CI low 36 (25-47), intermediate 57 (56-69), high 7 (1-12); ymHCT-CI: low 48 (37-59), intermediate 33 (23-44), high 19 (10-27); expanded ymHCT-CI: low 43 (31-54), intermediate 36 (25-47), high 21 (12-31). TMR by RG according to indicator (95%CI): HCT-CI: low 6.8 (14-28), intermediate 20.9 (9-33), high 17.9 (0-55); expanded ymHCT-CI low 12.5 (1-24), intermediate 18.5 (4-33), high 31.2 (9-54). Conclusion: ymHCT-CI allowed better identification of patients with higher comorbidity and risk of TMR. Ferritin proved to be a useful biomarker to estimate TMR risk (AU)
Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Transplantation, Homologous , Comorbidity , Bone Marrow Transplantation/mortality , Risk Assessment , Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation/mortality , Hematologic Neoplasms/therapy , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Introducción: La infección persistente por genotipos de virus papiloma humano de alto riesgo (VPH-AR) es la principal causa del cáncer cérvico-uterino en todo el mundo. Los genotipos 16 y 18 están asociados a la progresión hacia el cáncer de cuello uterino; sin embargo, otros genotipos también presentan alto riesgo oncogénico. Existe escasa evidencia respecto a la distribución de genotipos VPH-AR en la población nacional, siendo un tema que debiese ser abordado en el contexto de un creciente aumento de la inmigración e implementación del programa de inmunización en Chile desde 2015. Objetivo: Dar a conocer la distribución de genotipos de VPH-AR detectados en pacientes de ambos sexos, atendidos en la red de atención privada de Clínica Dávila de Santiago, entre los años 2014 y 2021. Metodología: Se estudiaron muestras genitales y anales provenientes de 3.642 pacientes, incluyendo ambos sexos. La genotipificación fue realizada mediante reacción de la polimerasa en cadena (RPC) en tiempo real (HPV AnyplexTM II HPV28 detection, Seegene, Korea. Resultados: La distribución global de genotipos en mujeres (porcentaje) fue: 16 (14,34%) - 31 (6,20%) - 39 (5,94%) - 58 (5,94%) - 51 (5,68%) - 53 (5,64%) - 52 (5,30%) - 56 (5,27%) - 68 (5,19%) - 66 (4,97% - 18 (3,36%) - 59 (3,29%) - 73 (2,80%) - 35 (2,54%) - 45 (2,13%) - 33 (1,53%) - 82 (1,38%) - 26 (0,49%) y 69 (0,41%). En hombres fue: 16 (8,52%) - 58 (4,39%) - 51 (8,44%) - 26 (0,42%) - 18 (3,21%) - 52 (4,47%) - 39 (5,40%) - 53 (4,56%) - 33 (1,69%) - 35 (2,03%), 73 (2,19%) - 69 (0,59%) - 45 (2,11%) - 59 (4,22%) - 68 (3,04%) - 66 (5,06%) - 31 (4,64%) - 56 (4,81%) y 82 (1,10%). Conclusiones: La distribución de los genotipos de VPH fue concordante con estudios previos nacionales. Se observó una tendencia a la reducción del genotipo 16 en el tiempo, lo cual podría relacionarse a la vacunación, implementada en los últimos años en Chile. Destaca que otros genotipos de VPH-AR tuvieron una alta frecuencia en la población estudiada por lo que sería recomendable evaluar la pesquisa ampliada de genotipos de VPH-AR para valorar el riesgo oncogénico, con fines diagnósticos y terapéuticos.
Background: Persistent infection by high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) genotypes is the main cause of cervical cancer worldwide. Genotypes 16 and 18 are associated with progression to cervical cancer, however other genotypes also present high oncogenic risk. There is little evidence regarding the distribution of HR-HPV genotypes in the national population, being an issue that should be addressed in the context of a growing increase in immigration and implementation of the immunization program in Chile since 2015. Aim: To show the distribution of HR-HPV genotypes detected in women and men, attended at the private care network of Clinica Davila, Santiago City, between 2014 and 2021. Methods: Genital and anal samples from 3,642 patients were studied, including both sexes. Genotyping was performed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (HPV AnyplexTM II HPV28 detection, Seegene, Korea). Results: The global distribution of genotypes in women (percentage) was: 16 (14.34%) - 31 (6.20%) - 39 (5.94%) - 58 (5.94%) - 51 (5.68%) - 53 (5.64%) - 52 (5.30%) - 56 (5.27%) - 68 (5.19%) - 66 (4.97%) - 18 (3.36%) - 59 (3.29%) - 73 (2.80%) - 35 (2.54%) - 45 (2.13%) - 33 (1.53%) - 82 (1.38%) - 26 (0.49%) and 69 (0.41%). In men was: 16 (8.52%) - 58 (4.39%) - 51 (8.44%) - 26 (0.42%) - 18 (3.21%) - 52 (4.47%) - 39 (5.40%) - 53 (4.56%), 33 (1.69%) - 35 (2.03%) - 73 (2.19%) - 69 (0.59%) - 45 (2.11%) - 59 (4.22%) - 68 (3.04%) - 66 (5.06%) - 31 (4.64%) - 56 (4.81%) and 82 (1.10%). Conclusions: The distribution of HPV genotypes was consistent with previous national studies. A tendency to reduce genotype 16 over the years was observed, which could be related to the vaccination, implemented in recent years in Chile. It is remarkable that other HR-HPV genotypes had a high frequency in the population studied, so it would be advisable to evaluate an expanded screening for HR-HPV genotypes to assess the oncogenic risk, for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
Humans , Male , Female , Papillomavirus Infections/epidemiology , Papillomaviridae/genetics , DNA, Viral/genetics , Chile/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Assessment , Papillomavirus Infections/virology , Human papillomavirus 16/genetics , Human papillomavirus 18/genetics , Genotyping Techniques , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Genotype , Papillomaviridae/isolation & purification , Health Facilities, ProprietaryABSTRACT
Antecedentes. El valor pronóstico de una ergometría positiva en el contexto de imágenes tomográficas de perfusión miocárdica de estrés y reposo (SPECT) normales no está bien establecido. Objetivos. Documentar la incidencia de infarto, muerte y revascularización coronaria en pacientes con una ergometría positiva de riesgo intermedio e imágenes de perfusión SPECT normales, y explorar el potencial valor del puntaje de riesgo de Framingham en la estratificación pronóstica de estos pacientes. Métodos. Cohorte retrospectiva integrada por pacientes que habían presentado síntomas o hallazgos electrocardiográficos compatibles con enfermedad arterial coronaria durante la prueba de esfuerzo, con criterios de riesgo intermedio en la puntuación de Duke y perfusión miocárdica SPECT normal. Fueron identificados a partir de la base de datos del laboratorio de cardiología nuclear del Instituto de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular de la ciudad de Posadas, Argentina. Resultados. Fueron elegibles 217 pacientes. El seguimiento fue de 3 1,5 años. La sobrevida libre de eventos (muerte,infarto de miocardio no fatal, angioplastia coronaria o cirugía de bypass de arteria coronaria) a uno, tres y cinco años fue significativamente menor (Log-rank test, p= 0,001) en el grupo con puntaje de Framingham alto o muy alto (77, 71y 59 %, respectivamente) que en el grupo de puntaje bajo o intermedio (89, 87 y 83 %). Tomando como referencia a los pacientes con riesgo bajo en el puntaje de Framingham, luego de ajustar por edad, sexo y puntaje de Duke, los pacientes categorizados en los estratos alto y muy alto riesgo del puntaje de Framingham presentaron una incidencia del evento combinado cercana al triple (hazard ratio [HR] 2,81; intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95 % 0,91 a 8,72; p= 0,07 y HR 3,61;IC 95 % 1,23 a 10,56; p= 0,019 respectivamente). Conclusiones. La estimación de riesgo con el puntaje de Framingham sería de ayuda en la estratificación pronóstica de los pacientes con ergometría positiva y SPECT normal. (AU)
Background. The prognostic value of positive exercise testing with normal SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging is not well established. Objectives. To document the incidence of infarction, death, and coronary revascularization in patients with a positive intermediate-risk exercise test and normal SPECT perfusion images and to explore the potential value of the Framingham Risk Score in the prognostic stratification of these patients. Methods. A retrospective cohort comprised patients who presented symptoms or electrocardiographic findings compatible with coronary artery disease during the stress test, with intermediate risk criteria in the Duke score and normal SPECT myocardial perfusion. They were identified from the database of the nuclear cardiology laboratory of the Instituto de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular of Posadas, Argentina. Results. 217 patients were eligible. Follow-up was 3 1.5 years. Event-free survival (death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, coronary angioplasty, or coronary artery bypass surgery) at one, three, and five years was significantly lower (Log-ranktest, p: 0.001) in the group with a score of Framingham high or very high (77, 71 and 59 %, respectively) than in the lowor intermediate score group (89, 87 and 83 %). Taking as reference the low-risk patients in the Framingham score, after adjusting for age, sex, and Duke score, the patients categorized in the high-risk and very high-risk strata showed about three times higher incidence of the combined event (hazard ratio [HR] 2.81; 95 % confidence interval [CI] 0.91 to 8.72;p=0.07 and HR 3.61; 95 % CI 1.23 to 10.56; p=0.019 respectively). Conclusions. Risk estimation with the Framingham score would be helpful in the prognostic stratification of patients with positive exercise testing and normal SPECT. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Prognosis , Myocardial Infarction/prevention & control , Myocardial Infarction/diagnostic imaging , Survival Analysis , Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon , Incidence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Sensitivity and Specificity , Ergometry , Risk Assessment/methods , Exercise Test , Myocardial Perfusion Imaging , Percutaneous Coronary Intervention , Myocardial Infarction/mortalityABSTRACT
La evaluación de la perfusión miocárdica con SPECT combina una prueba de esfuerzo (ergometría o estrés farmacológico) junto a imágenes de perfusión con radioisótopos. Este estudio es útil para establecer el diagnóstico de enfermedad arterial coronaria, estratificar el riesgo de infarto y tomar decisiones terapéuticas. Un resultado normal aporta un alto valor predictivo negativo, es decir, una muy baja probabilidad de que el paciente presente eventos cardiovasculares. El hallazgo de signos de isquemia en la ergometría podría poner en jaque el valor predictivo negativo de una perfusión normal. En presencia de este resultado, el paso siguiente es evaluar los predictores de riesgo en la ergometría, el riesgo propio del paciente en función de los antecedentes clínicos y el puntaje cálcico coronario, cuando este se encuentra disponible. Ante la presencia concomitante de otros marcadores de riesgo se sugiere completar la evaluación con un estudio anatómico.El uso de nuevas tecnologías podría mejorar la precisión en la predicción de eventos. (AU)
Assessment of myocardial perfusion with SPECT combines a stress test (ergometry or pharmacological stress) with radioisotope perfusion imaging. This test is helpful to diagnose coronary artery disease, stratify the risk of heart attack, and make therapeutic decisions. A normal result provides a high negative predictive value; therefore, the probability of cardiovascular events is very low. Signs of ischemia on an ergometry could jeopardize the negative predictive value of normal perfusion. In this clinical setting, the next step is to evaluate the risk predictors in the stress test, the individual risk based on the clinical history, and the coronary calcium score when available. Given the simultaneous presence of other risk markers,completing the evaluation with an anatomical study is suggested. The use of new technologies could improve the accuracy of event prediction. (AU)
Humans , Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon , Ergometry , Myocardial Ischemia/diagnostic imaging , Risk Assessment/methods , Myocardial Perfusion Imaging , Myocardial Infarction/prevention & control , Prognosis , Survival , Coronary Artery Disease/diagnostic imaging , Sensitivity and Specificity , Exercise Test , Clinical Decision-MakingABSTRACT
A utilização de agrotóxicos ao redor do mundo é elevada, estimada em mais 2 milhões de toneladas e somente o continente americano emprega 1,2 milhão de toneladas de produtos. O Brasil possui na agricultura a sua principal atividade econômica e utilizou em 2021 aproximadamente 700 mil toneladas de agrotóxicos. O tomate é um dos vegetais mais cultivados e consumidos no mundo e o Brasil figura como o 10º maior produtor. O consumo anual médio de tomate do brasileiro é de 4,2 kg, é um vegetal nutritivo e com propriedades associadas à prevenção de câncer. O tomate é uma das culturas com maior uso de agrotóxicos e durante o período desse estudo, era autorizado o uso de 123 agrotóxicos. Os resíduos desses produtos nos alimentos podem acarretar em diversos problemas à saúde, mesmo em curta exposição (< 24h). Desse modo, uma das maneiras de garantir a segurança alimentar da população é a realização da avaliação de risco de contaminação dietética. No processo de validação 73 ingredientes ativos respeitaram os critérios do protocolo adotado. Para a realização da estimativa de risco de exposição dietética aguda, foram coletadas 30 amostras de tomate in natura e 11 de tomate pelado, entre setembro de 2021 e março de 2022. Para a extração dos compostos de interesse foi utilizado o método QuEChERS e para avaliação dos resíduos, a cromatografia líquida acoplada à espectrometria de massas. Das amostras de tomate in natura, somente seis (20 %) estavam isentas dos compostos pesquisados; 18 (60 %) apresentaram resíduo(s) abaixo do limite (LMR) estabelecido e seis amostras (20 %) foram consideradas impróprias ao consumo. Das amostras de tomate pelado, três estavam isentas dos agrotóxicos pesquisados e oito (72 %) apresentaram resíduo de carbendazim abaixo do LMR. Nenhuma das amostras mostrou potencial de contaminação aguda por agrotóxicos, apesar disso não é possível afirmar que não há risco, pois não há como estimar os potenciais efeitos adversos provenientes do consumo de um alimento com múltiplos compostos.
More than 2 million tons of pesticide products are used annually through the world and only the America continent was used 1,2 million tons of these products. The agriculture is the main economic activity in Brazil, this way in 2021 approximately 700 thousand tons of pesticide were applied in its crops. Tomato is one of the most cultivated and consumed vegetables in the world and Brazil is the 10th largest producer. The Brazilian people consumes an average of 4.2 kg of tomatoes by year, it is a nutritious vegetable with anti-cancer properties. Tomato crop is one of the which highest pesticide usages, during this study 123 compounds were permitted for this crop. Pesticide residues in food may causes several health problems, even in short-term exposition (< 24h), thus one of the ways to ensure the food safety to population is performing the dietary contamination risk assessment. In the validation process 73 active ingredients were within the established criteria. To perform the acute risk assessment of dietary exposure, were collected samples of: fresh tomato (30) and whole peeled tomato (11) in between September of 2021 and March of 2022. To extraction of interest substances was used the QuEChERS method and to residue evaluation the liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Of the fresh tomato samples, only six (20 %) were free of searched analytes; 18 (60 %) showed residue(s) bellow the established limits (MRL) and six (20 %) were considered unfit to consumption. Of the whole peeled tomato samples, three were free of searched substances and eight (72 %) showed residue of carbendazim bellow the MRL. None of the samples showed potential for acute contamination by pesticide, however it is not possible to say that there is no risk, as there is no way to estimate the potential adverse effects on health arising from the consumption of a food with several compounds.
Mass Spectrometry , Agrochemicals/toxicity , Solanum lycopersicum , Risk AssessmentABSTRACT
Introdução: "Violence Risk Screening-10" (V-Risk-10) é um instrumento de gestão do risco de violência (GRV) em saúde mental para pacientes com transtornos mentais graves (TMG). Tem como objetivo identificar brevemente os pacientes mais suscetíveis à agitação psicomotora e a partir desta percepção, elaborar proposta de plano de cuidado. Foi desenvolvido na Noruega e para utilizá-lo no Brasil, é necessário que seja realizada a adaptação transcultural (ATC) e a validação do instrumento. Para isto, adequa-se o conteúdo à linguagem e ao contexto do grupo social que será beneficiado, seguido de análises estatísticas que comprovem a precisão do instrumento. Objetivo: descrever o processo da ATC e validação do V-Risk-10 para a cultura brasileira com a elaboração final do instrumento "Rastreio do Risco de Violência-10". Método: estudo de ATC composto pelas etapas de análise conceitual e semântica; avaliação por comitê de juízes e proposição final do instrumento. Para realizar o estudo de validação, é necessário avaliar a confiabilidade e precisão, utilizando a medida estatística Kappa de Cohen, que mensura a concordância entre dois avaliadores independentes. Resultados: o estudo gerou o instrumento de GRV "Rastreio do Risco de Violência10", versão da V-Risk-10 adaptada ao português/Brasil, para ser utilizada em pacientes com transtorno mental grave. Conclusão: a ferramenta adaptada apresenta conteúdo concordante ao cenário brasileiro, constituindo um apoio para a GRV em pacientes com TMG, de fácil e rápida operacionalização. A mediana geral do instrumento apresentou coeficiente Kappa 0,83, que significa elevada confiabilidade do instrumento em geral.
Introduction: Violence Risk Screening-10 (V-Risk-10) is a violence risk management (VRM) tool in mental health for patients with severe mental disorders (SMD). Its aim is to briefly identify most susceptible patients to psychomotor agitation and, based on this perception, develop a proposed care plan. It was developed in Norway, and to use it in Brazil, cross-cultural adaptation (CCA) and validation of the instrument are necessary. This involves adapting the content to the language and context of the social group that will benefit, followed by statistical analyses to prove the instrument's accuracy. Objective: To describe the process of CCA and validation of V-Risk-10 for Brazilian culture, with the final development of "Rastreio do Risco de Violência-10" instrument. Method: CCA study consisting of conceptual and semantic analysis stages; evaluation by a panel of judges; and final proposition of the instrument. To conduct the validation study, it is necessary to assess reliability and accuracy using Cohen's Kappa statistical measure, which assesses agreement between two independent raters. Results: The study generated "Rastreio do Risco de Violência-10" instrument, a version of V-Risk-10 adapted to Portuguese/Brazilian for use in patients with severe mental disorder. Conclusion: The adapted tool presents content consistent with the Brazilian scenario, providing support for violence risk management in patients with SMD, with easy and quick operationalization. The overall median of the instrument showed a Kappa coefficient of 0.83, indicating high reliability of the instrument overall. Keywords: Cross-Cultural Adaptation. Validation. V-Risk-10. Portuguese. Brazil. Risk Management. Violence. Mental Health.
Social Adjustment , Risk Assessment , Validation Study , Violence , Mental Health , Academic DissertationABSTRACT
Primary liver cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide, its early diagnosis and early treatment are of great clinical importance. The main detection tools for liver cancer include serological indicators, imaging tests and risk assessment models. With the advancement of technology and research, the sensitivity and specificity of laboratory tests for liver cancer have been substantially improved, but there are still false negatives and low rates of early diagnosis. For different causes and prevalence regions, each country has developed its clinical practice guidelines to guide risk groups for effective prevention, early diagnosis and standardized treatment. It is important to establish a liver cancer diagnosis strategy that is suitable for China's national conditions, concerning the guidelines for the vigilance and prevention of liver cancer. In this article, the advantages and disadvantages of liver cancer-related tests and the impact of future development trends on laboratory strategies are explained from the perspective of laboratory testing strategies, to provide theoretical support for the practical application of liver cancer diagnostic strategies.
Humans , Sensitivity and Specificity , Risk Factors , Risk Assessment , Liver Neoplasms/diagnosisABSTRACT
Primary liver cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide, its early diagnosis and early treatment are of great clinical importance. The main detection tools for liver cancer include serological indicators, imaging tests and risk assessment models. With the advancement of technology and research, the sensitivity and specificity of laboratory tests for liver cancer have been substantially improved, but there are still false negatives and low rates of early diagnosis. For different causes and prevalence regions, each country has developed its clinical practice guidelines to guide risk groups for effective prevention, early diagnosis and standardized treatment. It is important to establish a liver cancer diagnosis strategy that is suitable for China's national conditions, concerning the guidelines for the vigilance and prevention of liver cancer. In this article, the advantages and disadvantages of liver cancer-related tests and the impact of future development trends on laboratory strategies are explained from the perspective of laboratory testing strategies, to provide theoretical support for the practical application of liver cancer diagnostic strategies.
Humans , Sensitivity and Specificity , Risk Factors , Risk Assessment , Liver Neoplasms/diagnosisABSTRACT
Abstract The quality, efficacy, and safety of medicines are usually verified by analytical results. Measurement uncertainty is a critical aspect for the reliability of these analytical results. The pharmacopeial compendia usually adopt a simple acceptance rule that does not consider information from measurement uncertainty. In this work, we compared decision-making using simple acceptance and decision rules with the use of guard-band for multiparameter evaluation of ofloxacin ophthalmic solution and acyclovir topical cream. Ciprofloxacin ophthalmic solution and acyclovir topical cream samples were subject to pharmacopeial tests and assays. Multivariate guard-band widths were calculated by multiplying the standard uncertainty (u) by an appropriate multivariate coverage factor (k'). The multivariate coverage factor (k') was obtained by the Monte Carlo method. According to the simple acceptance rule, all the results obtained for ciprofloxacin ophthalmic solution and acyclovir topical cream are within the specification limits. However, the risk of false conformity decisions increases for ciprofloxacin tests. Decisions made using the simple acceptance rule and decision rules with the use of guard-band may differ. The simple acceptance rule may increase the risk of false conformity decisions when the measured value is close to the regulatory specification limits and/or when the measurement uncertainty value is inappropriately high. Nevertheless, the guard-band decision rule will always reduce the risk of false conformity decisions. Therefore, using information on measurement uncertainty in conformity assessment is highly recommended to ensure the proper efficacy, safety, and quality of medicines.
Pharmaceutical Preparations/analysis , Multivariate Analysis , Risk Assessment/trends , Uncertainty , Acyclovir/adverse effects , Ciprofloxacin/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Introdução: Diabéticos podem apresentar perda de força e massa muscular de forma acentuada. Assim, as triagens SARC-F e SARC-CALF são úteis na investigação do risco de sarcopenia. Objetivo: Associar o risco de sarcopenia em pacientes diabéticos com as variáveis sociodemográficas, econômicas, clínicas, antropométricas e de estilo de vida. Método: Estudo do tipo série de casos realizado com adultos diabéticos tipo 2, de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 20 e 59 anos. A avaliação do risco de sarcopenia se deu pela aplicação dos questionários SARC-F e SARC-CALF. Para caracterização da amostra e associação com o risco de sarcopenia, foram coletados dados sociodemográficos e econômicos, medidas antropométricas, condições clínicas e estilo de vida. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 69 pacientes, com média de idade de 53±7,5 anos e maior proporção de mulheres (63,8%; IC95%: 50,7-75,4). A frequência do risco positivo para sarcopenia segundo o SARC-F e o SARC-CALF foi de 43,48% e 46,38%, respectivamente. O SARC-F não mostrou associação significativa com as variáveis estudadas; já o SARC-CALF associou-se com índice de massa corporal (p <0,001), circunferência da cintura (p <0,001) e hábito de fumar (p = 0,027). Conclusão: O risco de sarcopenia foi observado em aproximadamente metade dos pacientes avaliados. O instrumento SARC-CALF apresentou associação com as variáveis antropométricas e o hábito de fumar, podendo ser considerado satisfatório para avaliar o risco de sarcopenia e intervir de forma precoce e efetiva.
Introduction: Individuals with diabetes often experience an accentuated loss of muscle mass and strength. Thus, the SARC-F and SARC-CALF screening tools are useful for the investigation of the risk of sarcopenia. Objective: Associate the risk of sarcopenia with sociodemographic, economic, clinical, anthropometric and lifestyle variables in individuals with diabetes. Methods: A case-series study was conducted involving male and female adults with type 2 diabetes between 20 and 59 years of age. The assessment of the risk of diabetes was performed using the SARC-F and SARC-CALF instruments. Data were collected on sociodemographic-economic variables, anthropometric measures, clinical conditions and lifestyle for the characterization of the sample and to test associations with the risk of sarcopenia. Results: The sample was composed of 69 patients, with a mean age of 53 ± 7.5 years and a predominance of women (63.8%; 95%CI: 50.7-75.4). The prevalence of risk of sarcopenia was 43.48% and 46.38% based on the SARC-F and SARC-CALF, respectively. Using the SARC-F, no significant associations were found with the variables of interest. Using the SARC-CALF, however, the risk of sarcopenia was associated with body mass index (p < 0.001), waist circumference (p < 0.001) and smoking habit (p = 0.027). Conclusion: Approximately half of the individuals analyzed were at risk of sarcopenia. The SARC-CALF questionnaire was associated with anthropometric variables and the smoking habit and can be considered adequate for the assessment of the risk of sarcopenia, enabling early, effective interventions.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Risk Assessment , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Sarcopenia , Economic Factors , Sociodemographic Factors , Life Style , Body Weights and Measures , BrazilABSTRACT
Objetivo: Desenvolver uma plataforma virtual de Teleconsulta para atendimento a casos suspeitos de Síndromes Gripais e infecção por COVID-19. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo de natureza aplicada, com desenvolvimento de produção tecnológica e inovadora, prospectivo, ecológico, descritivo, de série temporal. A população do estudo foi formada por qualquer pessoa sintomática para Síndromes Gripais por COVID-19, suspeitos ou confirmados, de qualquer local do Brasil. Este estudo foi realizado em duas etapas, a saber: Etapa I: Desenvolvimento da Aplicação para Plataforma de Teleconsulta. Etapa II: atendimento por meio de Teleconsulta de Casos suspeitos de COVID-19 e Sindromes Gripais. A metodologia utilizada para o desenvolvimento da aplicação proposta foi a modelagem por prototipação evolucionária. Resultados: Foram realizados 209 atendimentos na Plataforma de Teleconsulta, sendo 151 (70%) do sexo feminino e 65 (30%) do sexo masculino, com prevalência de idade variando de 20 a 29 anos (41%). Quanto ao risco de infecção por COVID-19, 42 (20%) tinham alto risco, 75 (36%) médio risco e 92 (44%) baixo risco. Os sintomas mais prevalentes foram: secreção nasal ou espirros (53%), dores no corpo (49%), dor de cabeça (47%), dor de garganta (46%), tosse seca (35%), Febre (31%), falta de ar (25%) e diarreia (23%). Inicialmente o teleatendimento foi composto por teletriagem com classificação de risco com base na sintomatologia dos pacientes que foram codificados com pontuações conforme a gravidade do sintoma para formas graves de COVID-19. A classificação de risco categorizou os pacientes em risco baixo (1 a 9 pontos), risco médio (10 a 19 pontos) e risco alto (20 a 36 pontos). Em seguida, a teleconsulta foi agendada conforme disponibilidade do paciente por meio do método SBAR para comunicação efetiva e ao término do atendimento um plano de cuidados com Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem SAE era encaminhado ao paciente por meio de WhatsApp ou e-mail. Conclusão: A plataforma de teleconsulta possibilitou a triagem dos pacientes, reduziu as visitas desnecessárias às unidades de emergência, permitiu a avaliação e monitoramento dos casos, bem como o acompanhamento de pacientes ambulatoriais que não necessitam de avaliação presencial.
Objective: To develop a virtual Teleconsultation platform for care of suspected cases of influenza syndromes and infection by COVID-19. Methodology: This is a study of applied nature, with development of technological and innovative production, prospective, ecological, descriptive, time series. The study population was made up of any person symptomatic for COVID-19 influenza syndromes, suspected or confirmed, from any location in Brazil. This study was conducted in two stages, namely: Stage I: Development of the Application for Teleconsultation Platform. Stage II: care through Teleconsultation of suspected cases of COVID-19 and influenza syndromes. The methodology used to develop the proposed application was evolutionary prototyping modeling. Results: There were 209 consultations in the Teleconsultation Platform, 151 (70%) were female and 65 (30%) were male, with prevalence of age ranging from 20 to 29 years (41%). As for the risk of infection by COVID-19, 42 (20%) had high risk, 75 (36%) medium risk and 92 (44%) low risk. The most prevalent symptoms were: nasal discharge or sneezing (53%), body aches (49%), headache (47%), sore throat (46%), dry cough (35%), fever (31%), shortness of breath (25%), and diarrhea (23%). Initially, the telecare was composed of teletry with risk classification based on the symptomatology of the patients who were coded with scores according to symptom severity for severe forms of COVID-19. The risk classification categorized patients into low risk (1 to 9 points), medium risk (10 to 19 points), and high risk (20 to 36 points). Then, the teleconsultation was scheduled according to the patient's availability through the SBAR method for effective communication and at the end of the service a care plan with Nursing Assistance Systematization - SAE was forwarded to the patient through WhatsApp or e-mail. Conclusion: Teleconsultation platform enabled patient triage, reduced unnecessary visits to emergency units, allowed the evaluation and monitoring of cases, as well as the follow- up of outpatients who do not need face-to-face evaluation.
Objetivo: Desarrollar una plataforma de Teleconsulta virtual para atender casos sospechosos de síndromes gripales e infección por COVID-19. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio aplicado, con desarrollo de producción tecnológica e innovadora, prospectivo, ecológico, descriptivo, con serie de tiempo. La población de estudio estuvo formada por cualquier persona sintomática de síndromes gripales por COVID-19, sospechada o confirmada, de cualquier localidad de Brasil. Este estudio se realizó en dos etapas, a saber: Etapa I: Desarrollo de Aplicaciones para la Plataforma de Teleconsulta. Etapa II: atención mediante teleconsulta de casos sospechosos de COVID-19 y síndromes gripales. La metodología utilizada para el desarrollo de la aplicación propuesta fue el modelado por prototipo evolutivo. Resultados: Se realizaron 209 consultas en la Plataforma de Teleconsulta, 151 (70%) del sexo femenino y 65 (30%) del masculino, con prevalencia de edades entre 20 a 29 años (41%). En cuanto al riesgo de infección por COVID-19, 42 (20%) fueron de alto riesgo, 75 (36%) de riesgo medio y 92 (44%) de bajo riesgo. Los síntomas más prevalentes fueron: secreción nasal o estornudos (53%), dolor de cuerpo (49%), dolor de cabeza (47%), dolor de garganta (46%), tos seca (35%), fiebre (31%), falta de aliento (25%) y diarrea (23%). Inicialmente, la teleasistencia consistía en teleselección con clasificación de riesgo en función de la sintomatología de los pacientes a los que se codificaba con puntuaciones según la gravedad del síntoma para formas graves de COVID-19. La clasificación de riesgo clasificó a los pacientes en riesgo bajo (1 a 9 puntos), riesgo medio (10 a 19 puntos) y riesgo alto (20 a 36 puntos). Luego, se programó la teleconsulta de acuerdo a la disponibilidad del paciente a través del método SBAR para una comunicación efectiva y al final de la atención se remitió al paciente un plan de cuidados con Sistematización de Atención de Enfermería - SAE vía WhatsApp o correo electrónico. Conclusión: La plataforma de teleconsulta posibilitó el triaje de pacientes, redujo las visitas innecesarias a las unidades de emergencia, permitió la evaluación y seguimiento de casos, así como el seguimiento de pacientes ambulatorios que no requieren evaluación presencial.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Technology/instrumentation , Remote Consultation/instrumentation , COVID-19/epidemiology , Nursing Care/organization & administration , Primary Health Care/organization & administration , Referral and Consultation , Risk Assessment/methods , Emergency Service, Hospital/organization & administration , Influenza, Human/diagnosis , Epidemiological Monitoring , Inventions , Telescreening, MedicalABSTRACT
La determinación del porcentaje de pérdida en pacientes lesionados con múltiples secuelas por riesgos de trabajo resulta un verdadero reto para el perito, esto adquiere mayor relevancia cuando en el fuero judicial se pueden presentar discrepancias en los criterios para el uso o no de fórmulas matemáticas para el cálculo. La fórmula de suma combinada, creada por el Médico Forense Víctor Balthazard, no es más que un ordenamiento de una regla de tres que ordena los porcentajes otorgados a cada secuela de mayor a menor para evitar que el porcentaje final sobrepase el 100%, o bien que resulte en un porcentaje mayor que una secuela única puntuada en el baremo y que por gravedad en la intensidad de la misma resulte con un porcentaje menor al calculado por la secuela múltiple y que se ha utilizado en fueros laborales y de seguridad social alrededor del mundo. El Baremo contenido en el Código de Trabajo no establece explícitamente la forma en que se calcula el porcentaje de pérdida por secuelas múltiples, lo cual brinda libertad al perito para utilizar fórmulas, como lo es la fórmula de suma combinada, que permite calcular de forma congruente las pérdidas sucesivas sin sobrepasar a la persona más allá de su capacidad general total del 100% o de otorgar porcentajes mayores a secuelas de mayor gravedad que la suma de las pérdidas por el evento que se está valorando.
The determination of the percentage of loss in injured patients with multiple sequelae due to occupational hazards is a real challenge for the expert, this becomes even more relevant when in the judicial system there may be discrepancies in the criteria for the use or not of mathematical formulas for the calculation. The combined sum formula, created by the Forensic Physician Victor Balthazard, is nothing more than an arrangement of a rule of three that orders the percentages given to each sequel from highest to lowest to avoid that the final percentage exceeds 100%, or that it results in a higher percentage than a single sequel scored in the scale and that due to the severity in the intensity of the same results in a lower percentage than that calculated for the multiple sequel and that has been used in labor and social security courts around the world. The Schedule contained in the Labor Code does not explicitly establish the way in which the percentage of loss for multiple sequelae is calculated, which gives the expert the freedom to use formulas, such as the combined sum formula, which allows a congruent calculation of the successive losses without exceeding the person's total general capacity of 100% or to grant higher percentages to sequelae of greater severity than the sum of the losses for the event being valued.
Risk Assessment/methods , Forensic Sciences/methods , Costa Rica , Forensic MedicineABSTRACT
Objetivo: mapear los instrumentos para la evaluación del riesgo de lesiones por presión en adultos en situación crítica en una unidad de terapia intensiva; identificar los indicadores de desempeño de los instrumentos y la apreciación de los usuarios con respecto al uso/limitaciones de los instrumentos. Método: scoping review. Para redactar el estudio se utilizó la extensión Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews. La investigación se realizó mediante la herramienta de búsqueda EBSCOhost en 8 bases de datos, resultando 1846 estudios, de los cuales 22 conforman la muestra. Resultados: se identificaron dos grandes grupos de instrumentos: los generalistas [Braden, Braden (ALB), Emina, Norton-MI, RAPS y Waterlow]; y los específicos (CALCULATE, Cubbin & Jackson, EVARUCI, RAPS-ICU, Song & Choi, Suriaidi y Sanada y el índice COMHON). En cuanto al valor predictivo, EVARUCI y CALCULATE mostraron los mejores resultados de indicadores de desempeño. En cuanto a las apreciaciones/limitaciones señaladas por los usuarios, destaca la escala CALCULATE, seguida de la EVARUCI y la RAPS-ICU, aunque aún necesitan ajustes futuros. Conclusión: el mapeo mostró que las evidencias son suficientes para indicar uno o más instrumentos para la evaluación del riesgo de lesiones por presión en adultos críticos en una unidad de cuidados intensivos.
Objective: to map the instruments for risk assessment of pressure ulcers in adults in critical situation in intensive care units; identify performance indicators of the instrument, and the appreciation of users regarding the instruments' use/limitations. Method: a scoping review. We used the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews in the writing of the study. We carried out the searches in the EBSCOhost search tool for 8 databases, resulting in 1846 studies, of which 22 studies compose the sample. Results: we identified two big instrument groups: generalist [Braden, Braden (ALB), Emina, Norton-MI, RAPS, and Waterlow]; and specific (CALCULATE, Cubbin & Jackson, EVARUCI, RAPS-ICU, Song & Choi, Suriaidi and Sanada, and COMHON index). Regarding the predictive value, EVARUCI and CALCULATE presented better results for performance indicators. Concerning appreciation/limitations indicated by users, we highlight the CALCULATE scale, followed by EVARUCI and RAPS-ICU, although they still need future adjustments. Conclusion: the mapping of the literature showed that the evidence is sufficient to indicate one or more instruments for the risk assessment of pressure ulcers for adults in critical situation in intensive care units.
Objetivo: mapear os instrumentos para avaliação do risco de lesões por pressão nos adultos em situação crítica em unidade de cuidados intensivos; identificar os indicadores de desempenho dos instrumentos e a apreciação dos utilizadores quanto ao uso/às limitações dos instrumentos. Método: scoping review. O Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews foi utilizado para a redação do estudo. A pesquisa foi realizada na ferramenta de busca EBSCOhost em oito bases de dados, resultando em 1846 estudos, dos quais 22 compõem a amostra. Resultados: identificaram-se dois grandes grupos de instrumentos: os genéricos [Braden, Braden (ALB), Emina, Norton-MI, RAPS e Waterlow]; e os específicos (CALCULATE, Cubbin & Jackson, EVARUCI, RAPS-ICU, Song & Choi, Suriaidi e Sanada e o índice de COMHON). Quanto ao valor preditivo, a EVARUCI e a CALCULATE apresentaram os melhores resultados de indicadores de desempenho. Em relação à apreciação/às limitações apontadas pelos utilizadores, destacam-se a escala CALCULATE, seguindo-se da EVARUCI e da RAPS-ICU, embora ainda necessitem de ajustes futuros. Conclusão: o mapeamento mostrou que as evidências são suficientes para indicar um ou mais instrumentos para avaliação do risco de lesões por pressão nos adultos em situação crítica em unidade de cuidados intensivos.
Humans , Adult , Risk Assessment/methods , Pressure Ulcer/diagnosis , Intensive Care UnitsABSTRACT
Objetivo: Analisar o impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 no excesso do risco de morrer no Brasil em 2020. Métodos: Estudo ecológico do tipo exploratório, com dados de óbitos por todas as causas de morte do Painel de Monitoramento da Mortalidade do Ministério da Saúde. Calcularam-se taxas brutas e razões de taxas (RT) de mortalidade por todas as causas segundo os capítulos da causa básica de morte, sexo e faixa etária. Verificou-se associação estatística por meio do teste qui-quadrado de Mantel Haenszel quando p<0,05. Resultados: Houve aumento no risco de morrer de 13% em 2020. As regiões com maior incremento na taxa demortalidade foram Norte (RT=1,24; IC95%: 1,23-1,26), Centro-Oeste (RT=1,17; IC95%: 1,16-1,18) e Nordeste (RT=1,15; IC95%: 1,14-1,15). O excesso no risco de morrer foi maior no sexo masculino, na região Norte, por doenças infecciosas e parasitárias, incluindo a COVID-19 (RT=4,58; IC95%: 4,53-4,62), seguida de causas mal definidas (RT=1,33; IC95%: 1,32-1,34), gravidez, parto e puerpério (RT=1,17; IC95%: 1,10-1,25). Conclusão:O excesso de risco de morrer possibilitou reconhecer a magnitude e o impacto da COVID-19 no país e pode subsidiar as autoridades de saúde na organização de ações voltadas para a diminuição dos efeitos dessa emergência de saúde pública. Descritores: COVID-19; Medição de Risco; Mortalidade; Sistemas de Informação em Saúde
Objective: To analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the excess risk of dying in Brazil in 2020. Methods:An ecological study of the exploratory type conducted with data on deaths due to all causes from the Ministry of Health's Mortality Monitoring Panel. Unadjusted rates and rate ratios (RR) of all-cause mortality were calculated according to underlying cause of death, gender and age group. A statistical association was verified by means of the Mantel Haenszel chi-square test when p<0.05. Results:There was a 13% increase in the risk of dying in 2020. The regions with the highest increase in the mortality rate were North (RR=1.24; 95%CI: 1.23-1.26), Midwest (RR=1.17; 95%CI: 1.16-1.18) and Northeast (RR=1.15; 95%CI: 1.14-1.15). Excess risk of dying was higher in males, in the North region, due to infectious and parasitic diseases, including COVID-19 (RR=4.58; 95%CI: 4.53-4.62), followed by ill-defined causes (RR=1.33; 95%CI: 1.32-1.34) and by pregnancy, delivery and puerperium (RR=1.17; 95%CI: 1.10-1.25). Conclusion: Excess risk of dying allowed recognizing the magnitude and impact of COVID-19 in the country and can support health authorities in organizing actions aimed at reducing the effects of this public health emergency. Descriptors: COVID-19. Mortality. Risk Assessment. Health Information System.
Mortality , Risk Assessment , Health Information Systems , COVID-19ABSTRACT
La cirugía de revascularización coronaria (CABG) es el estándar de tratamiento para la revascularización de la enfermedad de la arteria coronaria izquierda y/o de tres vasos. La cirugía coronaria sin bomba (OPCAB) evita el uso de derivación cardiopulmonar y puede mejorar los resultados a largo plazo al reducir las tasas de lesión miocárdica perioperatoria, accidente cerebrovascular (ACV), deterioro neurocognitivo y mortalidad de causa cardiaca. En la actualidad, se han llevado a cabo diversos ensayos clínicos desde la popularización del OPCAB en la década de los 90. Sin embargo, hasta el momento no se ha demostrado ningún beneficio del OPCAB en comparación con la cirugía tradicional a pesar de las reducciones favorables a corto plazo en los requerimientos de transfusión y otras complicaciones postoperatorias. Además, OPCAB se asocia con una revascularización miocárdica menos eficaz y no previene por completo las complicaciones tradicionalmente asociadas con la circulación extracorpórea (CEC). Este artículo revisa la evidencia actual de OPCAB en comparación con CABG tradicional en cuanto a los resultados clínicos a corto y largo plazo. Se analizan los resultados de la cirugía coronaria sin circulación extracorpórea (CEC) , comparándola con la cirugía convencional (con CEC). La revascularización coronaria sin CEC presenta resultados similares a la convencional, siempre que se cumplan determinadas condiciones en la selección de los pacientes. Una de ellas, muy importante, es la mayor experiencia del cirujano con el procedimiento.
The results of coronary artery revascularization performed without extracorporeal circulation (off pump) are compared to those of the traditional ("on pump") procedure. Compliance with selective conditions are required to obtain similar results. The most important being the experience of the surgeon performing the off pump procedure.