Objetivo: avaliar as notificações de intoxicação exógena por raticida no Brasil entre 2008 e 2022. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo ecológico, do tipo série temporal, avaliando a quantidade anual de notificações nos últimos 15 anos, considerando os casos confirmados pelo Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN). A tendência temporal e as razões de incidência antes e durante a pandemia de COVID-19 foram examinadas com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: entre 2008 e 2022, 48.448 notificações de intoxicação exógena por raticidas foram registradas. A tendência temporal foi estabelecida como estacionária nos últimos 15 anos (p = 0,285), mas tornou-se, significativamente, crescente ao remover os anos relacionados à pandemia de COVID-19 (p = 0,001; VPA = 5,4% [IC95% = 2,1, 8,6). Além disso, ao comparar com período pré-pandemia, a incidência de notificações foi 34% menor (RI = 0,66 [IC95% = 0,59, 0,73]) no primeiro e 28% menor (RI = 0,72 [IC95% = 0,65, 0,79]) no segundo ano da pandemia de COVID-19. Por fim, observou-se que 82,2% das circunstâncias foram tentativas de suicídio, 89,4% foram exposições do tipo aguda-única e a maioria (91,1%) evoluíram para cura sem sequelas. Conclusão: foi possível concluir que as intoxicações exógenas por raticidas persistem como um problema de Saúde Pública no Brasil.
Objectives: to evaluate notifications of exogenous poisoning by rodenticides in Brazil between 2008 and 2022. Methods: an ecological time-series study was carried out, evaluating the annual number of notifications in the last 15 years, considering the cases confirmed by the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN). Temporal tendency and incidence ratios before and during the COVID-19 pandemic were examined at a 5% significance level. Results: between 2008 and 2022, 48,448 notifications of exogenous poisoning by rodenticides were reported. The temporal tendency was established as stationary over the last 15 years (p = 0.285) but became significantly increasing when removing the COVID-19 pandemic years (p = 0.001; VPA = 5.4% [95%CI = 2 .1, 8.6). In addition, when compared to the pre-pandemic period, the incidence of notifications was 34% lower (IRR = 0.66 [CI95% = 0.59, 0.73]) in the first and 28% lower (IRR = 0,72 [CI95% = 0.65, 0.79]) in the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic. At last, it was observed that 82.2% of the circumstances were suicide attempts, 89.4% were acute-single exposures, and most (91.1%) evolved to cure without sequelae. Conclusion: it was possible to conclude that exogenous poisoning by rodenticides persists as a Public Health problem in Brazil.
Rodenticides , Brazil , EpidemiologyABSTRACT
Os casos suspeitos de intoxicações exógenas são frequentes na clínica de cães e gatos. O presente trabalho objetivou realizar um estudo retrospectivo dos casos suspeitos de intoxicação em cães e gatos atendidos no Hospital Veterinário Universitário da UFPI, localizado em Teresina PI, durante o período de 2017 a 2021. Os casos foram classificados por agente tóxico suspeito, espécie, idade e ano de ocorrência. No total foram registrados 324 casos, sendo 58 em 2017, 88 em 2018, 94 em 2019, 50 em 2020 e 34 em 2021. A maioria dos casos ocorreu em 2019 (29,01%) tendo como causa principal a intoxicação medicamentosa (16,04%), seguida da intoxicação por agrotóxicos (10,80%). A maior prevalência foi em animais com idade inferior a cinco anos (87,03%); machos (56,79%); cães (68,20%). Foram observados: elevado número de casos sem agente tóxico identificado (28,08%) e de fichas de atendimento não preenchidas (8,33%) pelos médicos veterinários em atendimento. A prevenção, a educação continuada dos tutores e a capacitação dos médicos veterinários são destacadas como essenciais para a redução dos casos de intoxicações exógenas em cães e gatos.(AU)
Suspected cases of exogenous poisoning are frequent in the clinic of dogs and cats. The present study aimed to perform a retrospective study of suspected cases of intoxication in dogs and cats treated at the University Veterinary Hospital of UFPI, located in Teresina PI, during the period from 2017 to 2021. The cases were classified by suspected toxic agent, species, age and year of occurrence. A total of 324 cases were recorded, being 58 in 2017, 88 in 2018, 94 in 2019, 50 in 2020 and 34 in 2021. Most cases occurred in 2019 (29.01%) with drug intoxication (16.04%) as the main cause, followed by pesticide intoxication (10.80%). The highest prevalence was in animals less than five years old (87.03%); males (56.79%); dogs (68.20%). It was observed: high number of cases without identified toxic agent (28.08%) and unfilled attendance forms (8.33%) by the attending veterinarians. Prevention, continued education of guardians and training of veterinarians are highlighted as essential for the reduction of cases of exogenous poisoning in dogs and cats.(AU)
Los casos sospechosos de intoxicaciones exógenas son frecuentes en la clínica de perros y gatos. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo realizar un estudio retrospectivo de los casos sospechosos de intoxicación en perros y gatos tratados en el Hospital Veterinario Universitario de la UFPI, ubicado en Teresina PI, durante el período de 2017 a 2021. Los casos se clasificaron por agente tóxico sospechoso, especie, edad y año de ocurrencia. Se registraron un total de 324 casos, 58 en 2017, 88 en 2018, 94 en 2019, 50 en 2020 y 34 en 2021. La mayoría de los casos se produjeron en 2019 (29,01%) siendo la intoxicación por fármacos la principal causa (16,04%), seguida de la intoxicación por plaguicidas (10,80%). La mayor prevalencia se dio en animales menores de cinco años (87,03%); machos (56,79%); perros (68,20%). Se observó un elevado número de casos sin agente tóxico identificado (28,08%) y de formularios asistenciales no cumplimentados (8,33%) por los veterinarios asistentes. Se insiste en que la prevención, la educación continuada de los propietarios de animales de compañía y la formación de los veterinarios son esenciales para reducir los casos de intoxicación exógena en perros y gatos.(AU)
Animals , Poisoning/veterinary , Rodenticides/adverse effects , Agrochemicals/analysis , Brazil , Cats , DogsABSTRACT
La intoxicación humana por rodenticidas anticoagulantes de acción prolongada, conocidos como superwarfarinas, provoca coagulopatía de prolongado manejo. Presentamos el caso de un hombre de 42 años que ingirió una dosis tóxica de rodenticida en un intento suicida, evolucionando con epistaxis, INR de 11,6 y necesidad de hospitalización. Durante 7 días se realizaron controles seriados de pruebas de coagulación, con optimización de diferentes dosis de suplementación de Vitamina K. El caso destaca la potencia y vida media prolongada (aproximadamente 6 semanas) de este tipo de anticoagulantes, hecho que requiere un control clínico regular y una adherencia al tratamiento satisfactoria.
Human intoxication by long-acting anticoagulant rodenticides, known as superwarfarins, causes coagulopathy that is difficult to manage. We present the case of a 42-year-old man who ingested a toxic dose of rodenticide in a suicide attempt, evolving with epistaxis, INR of 11.6, and needing hospitalization. For seven days, serial controls of coagulation tests were carried out, with optimization of different doses of Vitamin K supplementation. The case highlights this type of anticoagulant's potency and prolonged half-life (approximately six weeks), which requires regular clinical control and satisfactory treatment adherence.
Humans , Male , Adult , Rodenticides/poisoning , Suicide, Attempted , Anticoagulants/poisoning , Vitamin K/therapeutic use , 4-Hydroxycoumarins/poisoningABSTRACT
Esta pesquisa buscou analisar os casos de intoxicações por organofosforados e carbamatos, presentes em agrotóxicos e pesticidas, registrados na base de dados do Centro de Informação e Assistência Toxicológica do Paraná (CIATox/PR). Trata-se de estudo retrospectivo em que foram avaliadas variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas relacionadas à intoxicação, à forma de exposição, à causa e ao desfecho. Para a análise estatística foram utilizados testes de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Shapiro-Wilk, Qui-Quadrado e Teste Exato de Fisher, considerando p<0,05. A amostra foi composta por 426 casos, sendo 218 (51,2%) mulheres. O principal agente foi raticida clandestino em 278 (65,2%) pacientes. A principal circunstância das intoxicações foi tentativa de suicídio com 293 (68,8%) casos. Houve predominância de exposição via oral (89,9%) e zona urbana em 349 (81,9%) casos, a maioria considerados leves (52,6%) e assistidos em serviços médicos (66,4%). Cerca de 327 (76,8%) indivíduos apresentavam manifestações clínicas. O tempo decorrido entre a exposição e o contato com o CIATox/PR foi maior nos casos considerados graves (p= 0,041). A atropina foi utilizada em 94 (49%) pacientes intoxicados por carbamatos, em 31 (33,3%) por organofosforados e em 84 (59,6%) por outros inibidores da colinesterase não especificados. Duas mulheres e um adolescente apresentaram desfecho fatal, tendo em comum a ingesta intencional de "chumbinho". A casuística predominante nesta série histórica foi paciente do sexo feminino, faixa etária adulta, residente na região metropolitana, exposta a agrotóxico por via oral, sintomática, classificada como gravidade leve, sem necessidade de atropina, contudo ocorreram três casos com desfecho para o óbito.
This research aimed to analyze the cases of poisoning by organophosphates and carbamates, present in agrochemicals and pesticides, registered in the database of the Information and Toxicological Assistance Center of Paraná (CIATox/PR). This is a retrospective study in which sociodemographic and clinical variables related to intoxication, form of exposure, cause and outcome were evaluated. For the statistical analysis, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Shapiro-Wilk, Chi-Square and Fisher's Exact Test were used, considering p<0.05. The sample consisted of 426 cases, 218 (51.2%) of which were women. The main agent was clandestine rodenticide in 278 (65.2%) patients. The main circumstance of intoxication was a suicide attempt with 293 (68.8%) cases. There was a predominance of oral exposure (89.9%) and urban areas in 349 (81.9%) cases, most considered mild (52.6%) and assisted in medical services (66.4%). About 327 (76.8%) individuals had clinical manifestations. The time elapsed between exposure and contact with CIATox/PR was longer in cases considered severe (p=0.041). Atropine was used in 94 (49%) patients intoxicated by carbamates, in 31 (33.3%) by organophosphates and in 84 (59.6%) by other unspecified cholinesterase inhibitors. Two women and one teenager had a fatal outcome, having in common the intentional ingestion of "chumbinho". The predominant casuistry in this historical series was a female patient, adult age, living in the metropolitan region, exposed to pesticides orally, symptomatic, classified as mild severity, without the need for atropine, however, there were three cases with an outcome of death.
Humans , Male , Female , Organophosphates , Poisoning , Carbamates , Cholinesterase Inhibitors , Cholinesterases , Agrochemicals , Casuistry , RodenticidesABSTRACT
Resumen En la industria agrícola se ha implementado el uso de plaguicidas lo que ha aumentado la cantidad y calidad de los productos agrícolas en varios países en desarrollo, su objetivo es mejorar la calidad de vida y sustento de los consumidores, sin embargo, el uso inadecuado puede causar graves intoxicaciones tanto por ingestión accidental, ocupacional o ingestión con fines suicidas u homicidas, lo cual los hace un tema de relevancia médico legal. El fosfuro de aluminio es un rodenticida, insecticida y fumigante sólido usado como una sustancia ideal para la conservación de los granos, ya que es altamente tóxico contra los insectos que invaden los granos en todos sus estadios sin afectar como tal las semillas y su germinación, es un compuesto accesible y económico lo que hace que su uso con fines suicidas y homicidas sea elevado, ante la intoxicación con fosfuro de aluminio se han descritos síntomas bastante inespecíficos como lo son dolor en el epigastrio, vómitos, diarrea, mareos, disnea y en algunos casos acompañado de un olor a ajo que es característico de ésta intoxicación lo que aumenta la sospecha clínica. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en diferentes bases de datos, de los artículos publicados referentes al tema de los últimos doce años, con el objetivo de profundizar en las características del fosfuro de aluminio, su mecanismo de acción y toxicidad. Se concluye que es fundamental conocer los diferentes plaguicidas y sus efectos en la salud, principalmente de aquellos con una alta letalidad, que se podrían estar utilizando clandestinamente y que al ser sumamente económicos son de fácil acceso para emplearse con fines delictivos.
Abstract The agricultural industry has implemented the use of pesticides, which has increased the quantity and quality of agricultural products in several developing countries, its objective is to improve the quality of life and livelihood of consumers, however, improper use can cause serious intoxications both by accidental ingestion, occupational or ingestion for suicidal or homicidal purposes, which makes them an issue of medico-legal relevance. Aluminum phosphide is a rodenticide, insecticide and solid fumigant used as an ideal substance for the preservation of grains, since it is highly toxic against insects that invade the grains in all their stages without affecting the seeds and their germination, it is an accessible and economic compound which makes its use for suicidal and homicidal purposes high, In the face of aluminum phosphide poisoning, quite unspecific symptoms have been described, such as pain in the epigastrium, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, dyspnea and in some cases accompanied by a garlic odor which is characteristic of this poisoning, which increases clinical suspicion. A bibliographic review was conducted in different databases, of the articles published on the subject in the last twelve years, with the aim of deepening in the characteristics of aluminum phosphide, its mechanism of action and toxicity. It is concluded that it is essential to know the different pesticides and their effects on health, those with a high lethality, which could be used clandestinely and which, being extremely cheap, are easily accessible to be used for criminal purposes
Rodenticides/toxicity , Aluminum Compounds/toxicityABSTRACT
Objetivo: Avaliar a indicação da lavagem gástrica no tratamento de intoxicações causadas por ingestão. Métodos: Todos os casos de intoxicação causada por ingestão que foram atendidos em dois hospitais do interior de São Paulo e submetidos à lavagem gástrica no período de 1° de janeiro de 2011 a 31 de dezembro de 2015 foram avaliados retrospectivamente quanto à indicação do procedimento, considerando o tempo entre ingestão e atendimento, a toxicidade da substância e as contraindicações para o procedimento. Resultados: Dos 587 casos atendidos, 338 (57,6%) foram submetidos à lavagem gástrica. Dentre esses casos, constatou-se a realização equivocada do procedimento em 95,8% casos. Conclusão: O número de pacientes submetidos à lavagem gástrica neste trabalho foi considerado elevado, mesmo quando orientado pelo centro de atendimento. Apesar da falta de evidências de que a lavagem gástrica traga benefícios nos casos de intoxicação, ela é largamente utilizada em virtude do desconhecimento das indicações e contraindicações desse procedimento por parte dos profissionais de saúde
Objective: To evaluate the indication of gastric lavage in the treatment of poisoning caused by ingestion. Methods: All cases of poisoning caused by ingestion that were treated in two hospitals in inland cities of São Paulo and subjected to gastric lavage from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2015 were retrospectively assessed as for the indication of the procedure, considering the time between ingestion and care, substance toxicity, and procedure contraindications. Results: Of the 587 cases treated, 338 (57.6%) underwent gastric lavage. The procedure was considered incorrect in 95.8% of cases. Conclusion: The number of patients undergoing gastric lavage in this study was considered high, even when instructed by the center of attendance. Despite the lack of evidence that gastric lavage brings benefits in cases of poisoning, it is widely used due to the lack of knowledge by health professionals of the indications and contraindications of this procedure.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Poisoning/therapy , Gastric Lavage/standards , Hospitals, University , Rodenticides/poisoning , Suicide, Attempted , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Agrochemicals/poisoning , Chemical Compound Exposure , Substance-Related Disorders/therapy , Age and Sex Distribution , Electronic Health Records , Drug Overdose/therapy , Contraindications, Procedure , Gastric Lavage/adverse effects , HospitalizationABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: Sodium fluoroacetate, known as compound 1080, was discovered in Germany during the Second World War. It is usually used as a rodenticide, it is an odorless and tasteless substance, with a lethal dose in humans of 2 mg / kg that is why it was withdrawn from the market in some countries, including Colombia; however, it is obtained illegally. This substance has biochemical and physiological effects at the cellular level that alter the transport of citrate at the mitochondrial level, generating accumulation of lactic acid and alteration of the glucose use. The clinical manifestations are nonspecific since there is no any cardinal symptom. Therefore, its diagnosis is made due to high clinical suspicion associated with establishment of exposure to the compound in view of the difficulty to obtain paraclinical confirmation in a timely manner. Methods: We present a case report of intentional ingestion of sodium fluoroacetate in an adolescent that is associated with an infection added to the bloodstream by methicillin- sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA). The patient developed multiple complications that lead to support in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with a satisfactory outcome. In view of the lack of a specific antidote, she was treated with ethanol in order to increase the level of acetate; thus, offering an alternative substrate to the Krebs cycle. It is suggested that the ethanol offers benefits in the acute treatment of these patients. Results: The patient with sodium fluoroacetate poisoning and kidney failure received renal replacement therapy with a favorable evolution and survival at discharge from the intensive care unit of a third-level hospital in the city of Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia. Conclusions: Sodium fluoroacetate poisoning is relatively rare and can cause acute kidney injury and multi-organ failure with a high rate of complications and death. A case of self-inflicted poisoning that received a timely manner continuous renal replacement therapy with a favorable outcome in terms of ICU survival was presented.
Resumen Introducción: El fluoroacetato de sodio ⎯conocido como compuesto 1080⎯, fue descubierto en Alemania durante la segunda guerra mundial, suele ser utilizado como raticida y se caracteriza por ser una sustancia inodora e insabora. En humanos, una dosis de 2 a mg/kg es letal; debido a su toxicidad fue retirado del mercado en algunos países, incluyendo Colombia, no obstante, se consigue de forma ilegal. Esta sustancia tiene efectos bioquímicos y fisiológicos a nivel celular que altera el transporte del citrato a nivel mitocondrial, generando acumulación de ácido láctico y alteración en la utilización de la glucosa. Las manifestaciones clínicas son inespecíficas y no existe un síntoma cardinal. Por ende, su diagnóstico se realiza por alta sospecha clínica, asociado al establecimiento de la exposición al compuesto, ya que la confirmación paraclínica es difícil de realizar oportunamente. Métodos: Se presenta un reporte de caso de ingestión intencional en un adolescente, asociado con infección agregada al torrente sanguíneo por Estafilococos Aureos Meticilino Sensible (EAMS). El paciente desarrolló múltiples complicaciones y requirió asistencia en Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) con desenlace satisfactorio. Ya que no se cuenta con antídoto específico , se le dio tratamiento con etanol para aumentar el nivel de acetato, ofreciendo así un sustrato alterno al ciclo de Krebm. Se estima que el etanol puede ofrecer beneficios en el tratamiento agudo de estos pacientes. Resultados: Paciente con intoxicación por fluoroacetato de sodio e insuficiencia renal, recibe terapia de reemplazo renal con un evolución favorable y supervivencia al alta de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos de un hospital de tercer nivel en la ciudad de Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia. Conclusiones: La intoxicación por fluoroacetato de sodio es relativamente poco frecuente y puede causar injuria renal aguda y falla multiorgánica con alta tasa de complicaciones y muerte. Se presentó un caso de intoxicación autoinfligida que recibió terapia de reemplazo renal continua temprana con un desenlace favorable en términos de supervivencia en la UCI.
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Staphylococcus aureus , Toxicity , Fluoroacetates , Methicillin , Acetates , Rodenticides , Citric Acid Cycle , Citric Acid , Lactic Acid , Diagnosis , Ethanol , Eating , Acute Kidney Injury , Hoarding , Survivorship , Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy , Glucose , Hospitals , Intensive Care Units , LeadABSTRACT
Introduction: Rice-field rats are one of the most important pests because it can give large losses in all planting seasons including the storehouse. Synthetic rodenticide is the most commonly used of chemical technique for controlling rice-field rats. The application of these materials indirectly causes negative impacts; one of them is for the environment. As an alternative for controlling rice-field rats, natural materials can be used as a repellent. Objective: To examine the effects of methanol extract of Plumeriarubra leaves on metabolism, daily activity patterns, and its potency as a repellent of the rice-field rat. Methods: The experiments were conducted at the Laboratory of Pests, UniversitasPadjadjaran involves choice test (T-maze arena), and the Laboratory of Rats, Indonesian Center for Rice Research involves no-choice test (metabolic cage) from February until May 2019. The observations including food (g), water consumption (ml), feces production (g), urine production (ml), body weight (g), and its changes (%), also the daily activities (time spent for locomotion, foraging, and resting).The treatment was done with three replications for twelve mature male and twelve mature non-pregnant females. Data experiments analysis followed by a T-test. Results: Rice-field rats on the T-Maze arena avoided consuming food and beverage that close to methanol extract of Plumeriarubra leaves treatment. The treatment of methanol extract of Plumeria leaves in metabolic cage caused metabolic disorder of rice-field rat, which was significantly indicated by the decrease of the average consumption of food by 2.28 g and excretion of feces by 0.34 g, and also the increase of average consumption of beverage by 3.89 ml, excretion of urine by 3.15 ml, and body weight by 6.67 g. The treatment also caused daily activity patterns disorder of rice-field rats, which was significantly indicated by the increase of the average percentage of time for movement activities (locomotion) by 7.64 % and the decrease of time for eating and drinking activities (foraging) by 16.46 %. Conclusion: Methanol extract of Plumeria leaves affects a repellent for the rice-field rat.
Introducción: Las ratas arroceras son una de las plagas más importantes porque pueden producir grandes pérdidas en todas las temporadas de siembra, incluso en el almacenaje. La técnica química más utilizada para controlar las ratas de los arrozales es el raticida sintético. Sin embargo, la aplicación de estos químicos provoca indirectamente impactos negativos, por ejemplo, en el ambiente. Una alternativa para controlar la rata arrocera es la utilización de compuestos naturales como repelentes. Objetivo: Examinar los efectos del extracto metanólico de hojas de Plumeria rubra sobre el metabolismo, los patrones de actividad diaria en las ratas arroceras y su potencial como repelente. Métodos: Los experimentos se llevaron a cabo en Laboratory of Pests, UniversitasPadjadjaran usando la prueba T-maze arena, y en Laboratory of Rats, Indonesian Center for Rice Research usando la prueba metaboliccage, desde febrero hasta mayo 2019. Las observaciones incluyeron consumo de alimentos (g), consumo de agua (ml), producción de heces (g), producción de orina (ml), peso corporal (g) y cambios (%), además actividades diarias (tiempo dedicado a la locomoción, búsqueda de alimento, y reposo). El tratamiento se realizó con tres repeticiones para 12 machos maduros y 12 hembras maduras no gestantes. Los análisis de experimentos de datos se realizaron con la prueba T. Resultados: Las ratas arroceras en la T-maze arena evitaron consumir alimentos y bebidas cercanos al extracto de metanol de hojas de Plumeria rubra. El tratamiento del extracto metanólico de hojas de Plumeria rubra en la prueba metaboliccage provocó un trastorno metabólico en estas ratas, lo cual se demostró significativamente en la disminución del consumo promedio de alimento en 2.28 g y la excreción de heces en 0.34 g, además en el aumento del consumo promedio de bebida en 3.89 ml, excreción de orina en 3.15 ml y peso corporal en 6.67 g. El tratamiento también provocó un trastorno en los patrones de actividad diaria de las ratas, lo cual fue demostrado por el aumento significativo en el porcentaje promedio de tiempo para actividades de movimiento (locomoción) en un 7.64 % y la disminución del tiempo para comer y beber (búsqueda de alimento) en un 16.46 %. Conclusión: El extracto metanólico de hojas de Plumeria rubra tiene un efecto repelente en las ratas arroceras.
Animals , Rodenticides/administration & dosage , Sigmodontinae , Plant Extracts/analysis , Rodent Control/methodsABSTRACT
Resumen Los rodenticidas son sustancias de venta libre ampliamente utilizadas a nivel agrícola y a nivel doméstico para el control de roedores. Los rodenticidas anticoagulantes de larga duración tienen un mecanismo de acción similar al de la warfarina, pero con mayor potencia de acción. El espectro de manifestaciones clínicas de la intoxicación por rodenticidas anticoagulantes es muy amplio, que se puede presentar de manera asintomática hasta con sangrados que comprometan la vida del paciente. El tratamiento se basa en el control del sangrado y la reposición con su antídoto lógico que corresponde a la vitamina K para restablecer la hemostasis.
Abstract Rodenticides are agriculturally and domestically used substances used for the control of rats and other rodents, easily available on the market. Anticoagulant rodenticides have a similar mechanism of action than that of warfarin, but their potency is bigger. The spectrum of clinical manifestations of rodenticide intoxications is broad; and it varies from asymptomatic cases to hemorrhages that compromise the patient's life. Treatment is based on active bleeding control and reposition of its logical antidote Vitamin K in order to restore hemostasis.
Humans , Poisoning , Rodenticides , AnticoagulantsABSTRACT
Introducción. Los superwarfarinicos (SWF) son una de las herramientas utilizadas por el ser humano para el control de roedores y a la vez son tóxicos para el hombre y pueden conducir a la muerte sin los debidos cuidados en su uso.Casos clinicos. Tres pacientes masculinos, que consultaron por sangrados (gingivorragia, epistaxis, hematuria, hemartrosis y hematomas cutaneos) asociados a alteraciones del coagulograma (Tiempo de protrombina (TP) y tiempo de tromboplastina parcial (KPTT) prolongados). Todos tuvieron exposición a superwarfarinicos. Nuestro servicio no dispone del análisis de SWF en suero. Se administró vitamina K1 en los tres pacientes y plasma fresco congelado (PFC) en uno solo (sangrado mayor: hematuria). El seguimiento se realizó mediante controles seriados de coagulograma y su evolución fue favorable. Discusión. En todos los casos, el diagnóstico de intoxicación por SWF fue clínico, basado en caracteristicas clínicas de pacientes y alteraciones en sus parámetros de coagulación, y debido a imposibilidad de derivación de análisis a otro laboratorio. Se realizo tratamiento especifico (vitamina K1 y PFC) segun recomendación de expertos, ya que no hay hasta la fecha, estudios clinicos que evaluen las diferentes opciones terapéuticas. Conclusión. La intoxicación por SWF aunque no es frecuente, debe sospecharse en casos de paciente con coagulopatia sin otras causas que puedan justificarlo. El manejo del cuadro tóxico es la reposición de vitamina k y de plasma fresco congelado, en casos donde se necesite una rápida corrección de la alteración hemostática, como los sangrados mayores. Es imprescindible la oportuna consulta con médicos hematólogos y/o la consulta con un centro regional de control de intoxicaciones para todas las exposiciones sospechosas por SWF.
Introduction. Superwarfarinics (SWF) are one of the tools used by humans for rodent control. They are toxic to humans and can lead to death without due care in its use. Clinical cases. Three male patients, who consulted due to bleeding (gingivorragia, epistaxis, hematuria, hamartrosis and skin hematomas) associated with coagulogram alterations (prolonged protombine time (PT) and partial thromboplastin time (KPTT)). All them exposure to superwarfarinics. SWF serum analysis was not available in our hospital. Vitamin K1 was administered in all three patients and fresh frozen plasma (PFC) in only one (major bleeding: hematuria). The followup was performed by serial coagulogram controls and the evolution was. Discussion. In all cases, the diagnosis of SWF intoxication was clinical, based on clinical characteristics of patients and alterations in their coagulation parameters, due to the impossibility of deriving the analysis of SWF in serum to another laboratory. Specific treatment was carried out (vitamin k and PFC) according to experts' recommendation, since there are no clinical studies to evaluate the different therapeutic options to date. Conclusion. SWF poisoning, although not frequent, should be suspected in patients with coagulopathy without other causes that may justify it. The management of toxic symptoms is the administration of vitamin K1 and fresh frozen plasma, in cases where a rapid correction of the haemostatic alteration is required, such as major bleedings. It is essential to consult with hematologists and / or consult a regional poison control center for all suspicious exposures by superwarfarins.
Humans , Male , Adult , Rodenticides/poisoning , Rodenticides/toxicity , Vitamin K/therapeutic use , Argentina , Vitamin K Deficiency BleedingABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: Aluminum phosphide (ALP), also known in Iran as rice tablets, is one of the most effective rodenticides used to protect stored grain. However, ALP poisoning regularly causes mortality in humans. The aim of this study was to evaluate the characteristics and predictive factors of mortality from ALP poisoning.METHODS: This study evaluated all patients with ALP poisoning referred to Imam Khomeini Hospital in Kermanshah Province, Iran from 2014 to 2015. For each patient, the following information was recorded: age, sex, the number of tablets consumed, the number of suicide attempts, the time elapsed from consumption to treatment, blood pressure, blood pH, HCO3 levels, and PCO2. Differences between the survivors and non-survivors of ALP poisoning were analyzed using univariate logistic regression and multivariate analysis.RESULTS: In this study, 48 patients were male and 29 patients were female (total: 77 patients). The average age of the survivors and non-survivors was 28.7 and 31.3 years, respectively. All cases (100%) of ALP poisoning were intentional, with the goal of committing suicide. The main predictive variables of mortality from ALP poisoning were blood pressure, blood pH, and time elapsed from consumption to treatment.CONCLUSIONS: The likelihood of mortality in patients with ALP poisoning can be predicted using blood pressure, blood pH, and time elapsed from consumption to treatment. These findings may help healthcare providers take more effective measures to treat patients with ALP poisoning.
Female , Humans , Male , Aluminum , Blood Pressure , Clergy , Health Personnel , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Iran , Logistic Models , Mortality , Multivariate Analysis , Poisoning , Rodenticides , Suicide , Survivors , TabletsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: Aluminum phosphide (ALP), also known in Iran as rice tablets, is one of the most effective rodenticides used to protect stored grain. However, ALP poisoning regularly causes mortality in humans. The aim of this study was to evaluate the characteristics and predictive factors of mortality from ALP poisoning. METHODS: This study evaluated all patients with ALP poisoning referred to Imam Khomeini Hospital in Kermanshah Province, Iran from 2014 to 2015. For each patient, the following information was recorded: age, sex, the number of tablets consumed, the number of suicide attempts, the time elapsed from consumption to treatment, blood pressure, blood pH, HCO3 levels, and PCO2. Differences between the survivors and non-survivors of ALP poisoning were analyzed using univariate logistic regression and multivariate analysis. RESULTS: In this study, 48 patients were male and 29 patients were female (total: 77 patients). The average age of the survivors and non-survivors was 28.7 and 31.3 years, respectively. All cases (100%) of ALP poisoning were intentional, with the goal of committing suicide. The main predictive variables of mortality from ALP poisoning were blood pressure, blood pH, and time elapsed from consumption to treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The likelihood of mortality in patients with ALP poisoning can be predicted using blood pressure, blood pH, and time elapsed from consumption to treatment. These findings may help healthcare providers take more effective measures to treat patients with ALP poisoning.
Female , Humans , Male , Aluminum , Blood Pressure , Clergy , Health Personnel , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Iran , Logistic Models , Mortality , Multivariate Analysis , Poisoning , Rodenticides , Suicide , Survivors , TabletsABSTRACT
Objective: to characterize rodenticide poisoning sold illegally under the name Chumbinho. Methods: this is a descriptive and cross-sectional study by retrospective analysis of epidemiological forms of Toxicological Occurrence of a Toxicological Assistance Center, from 2006 to 2013. Results: 115 forms were analyzed, with an annual average of 14.4 ± 4.8 cases and 35.6% of the records in the fourth biennial. Most poisonings occurred in males (57.3%), aged between 15 and 49 years (78.3%) and suicide attempted (90.4%). It was found clinical severity of cases because 92.1% intoxicated required hospitalization and occurred four deaths (3.5%). Conclusion: the cases of poisoning by Chumbinho increased gradually over the studied years, in males, in an economically active age, and by intentional poisoning. There is a need for greater sanitary inspection in the region, aiming to reduce supply and improvement of guidance to consumers.
Objetivo: caracterizar as intoxicações por raticida comercializado clandestinamente sob a denominação de chumbinho. Métodos: estudo descritivo e transversal, por análise retrospectiva de fichas epidemiológicas de Ocorrência Toxicológica de um Centro de Assistência Toxicológica, dos anos de 2006 a 2013. Resultados: foram analisadas 115 fichas, com média anual de 14,4 ± 4,8 casos e 35,6% dos registros no quarto biênio. A maioria das intoxicações ocorreu no sexo masculino (57,3%), na faixa etária entre 15 e 49 anos (78,3%) e pela circunstância tentativa de suicídio (90,4%). Constatou-se gravidade clínica dos casos, pois 92,1% intoxicados necessitaram de internação hospitalar e aconteceram quatro óbitos (3,5%). Conclusão: os casos de intoxicação por chumbinhoaumentaram gradualmente nos anos estudados, em indivíduos do sexo masculino, em idade economicamente ativa e por intoxicação intencional. Há necessidade de maior fiscalização sanitária na região, visando diminuição da oferta e aprimoramento das orientações aos consumidores.
Community Health Nursing , Health Surveillance , Poison Control Centers , Poisoning , RodenticidesABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo Determinar os fatores associados aos óbitos em vítimas de envenenamento por carbamato (“chumbinho”). Método Estudo retrospectivo, epidemiológico tipo caso-controle, baseado nas fichas de notificação de intoxicação do centro de controle de intoxicações localizado na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. Foram utilizadas 24 fichas de notificação de intoxicações de homens dos 20 aos 59 anos com história de envenenamento por carbamato entre 2005 e 2009. As fichas foram sorteadas aleatoriamente, respeitando-se a razão de 1:3 (um caso para três controles). A faixa etária variou de 23 a 58 anos; a média 43,83 anos. Resultados Os sintomas mais recorrentes foram: miose (OR = 1.0; IC 95%: 0,27 – 3,69. p= 1.0), sialorreia (OR = 0,83; IC 95%: 0,22 – 3,12. p= 0,78), dispneia (OR = 0,66; IC 95%: 0.14 – 3,03. p= 0,59). Conclusão Os óbitos apresentaram associação com sialorreia, miose e dispneia e uma forte associação com estertores pulmonares, broncoespasmos e os roncos pulmonares.
RESUMEN Objetivo Determinar los factores asociados a la muerte en las víctimas de envenenamiento por carbamato (“Chumbinho”). Método Estudio retrospectivo, epidemiológico de caso y control sobre el envenenamiento en los formularios de notificación un centro de control de envenenamiento localizado en la región metropolitana de Río de Janeiro. Utilizamos 24 formularios de notificación de envenenamiento en hombres de 20 a 59 años con intoxicación por el carbamato de 2005 a 2009. Los registros fueron seleccionados al azar, respetando la proporción de 1:3 (un caso y tres controles). El rango de edad fue de 23 a 58 años, promedio de 43,83 años. Resultados Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron miosis (OR = 1,0; IC del 95%: 0,27 a 3,69 p = 1.0.), Babeo (OR = 0,83, IC 95% 0,22-3,12 p. = 0,78), disnea (OR = 0,66; IC del 95%: 0:14 - 3.03 p = 0.59). Conclusión Las muertes se asociaron con babeo, miosis y disnea, y una fuerte asociación con estertores pulmonares, broncoespasmo y el ronquido pulmonar.
ABSTRACT Objective To determine the factors associated with death in poisoning victims by carbamate (“Chumbinho”). Method Retrospective study, epidemiological case-control based on poisoning reporting forms, a poison control center located in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro. We used 24 notification forms of poisoning in men aged 20 to 59 years with poisoning by carbamate history from 2005 to 2009. The records were randomly selected, respecting the ratio 1:3 (a case to three controls). The age range was 23-58 years, average 43.83 years. Results The most frequent symptoms were myosis (OR=1.0; 95% CI: 0.27 to 3.69 p=1.0.), drooling (OR=0.83; 95% CI. 0.22 to 3.12 p=0.78), and dyspnea (OR=0.66; 95% CI: 0:14-3.03 p=0.59). Conclusion The deaths were associated with drooling, miosis and dyspnea and a strong association with pulmonary rales, bronchospasm and pulmonary snoring.
Humans , Male , Adult , Young Adult , Rodenticides/toxicity , Carbamates/toxicity , Poisoning/diagnosis , Poisoning/epidemiology , Respiration Disorders/chemically induced , Sialorrhea/chemically induced , Suicide/statistics & numerical data , Suicide, Attempted/statistics & numerical data , Brazil/epidemiology , Case-Control Studies , Miosis/chemically induced , Retrospective Studies , Sampling Studies , Symptom Assessment , Time-to-Treatment , Middle AgedABSTRACT
Introducción: en la actualidad existe utilización masiva de rodenticidas y su venta no está restringida al público. Las etiologías de intoxicación por estos agentes son variadas pudiendo ser de tipo intencional o accidental. Objetivo: analizar estudios realizados en torno a intoxicaciones con rodenticidas superwarfarínicos en humanos con el propósito de reunir información que oriente a un adecuado tratamiento. Metodología: se realizó una revisión integradora en las bases de datos electrónicas PubMed, TripDataBase, Cochrane, además de Google Scholar y SciELO, libros de divulgación científica, documentos de convenciones, páginas web de instituciones públicas, privadas y artículos vinculados a efectos, cuadro clínico y tratamiento de exposiciones a rodenticidas en seres humanos. Se analizaron los documentos y la información se organizó en tres temáticas: toxicidad de los rodenticidas superwarfarínicos, cuadro clínico y tratamiento médico, y rodenticidas no anticoagulantes disponibles en Chile. Resultados: la dosis tóxica mínima reportada en adultos es de 1 mg de principio activo; en pacientes pediátricos ingestas accidentales rara vez producen síntomas. Los síntomas se observan de forma tardía y su toxicidad es variable. El examen de elección es el International Normalized Ratio (INR) y se realiza en todo paciente con factores de riesgo presentes. El antídoto no se administra de forma profiláctica y la dosis se ajusta individualmente. Conclusión: en niños las ingestas accidentales no son riesgosas por lo que pueden ser observados en el hogar. Pacientes con ingestas masivas requieren controles de INR por meses por lo que es importante que posterior al alta médica exista una óptima coordinación con nivel primario de atención.
Introduction: Currently there is a widespread use of rodenticides, unrestricted to the public. The exposure to these agents may varied being intentional or accidental. Objective: To analyze studies about superwarfarin poisoning in humans, with the purpose of gathering information to guide proper treatment. Methodology: It was conducted an integrative review in the electronic databases PubMed, TripDataBase, Cochrane, Google Scholar and SciELO, science books (reference textbooks), convention documents, websites from public and private institutions and articles about the effects, clinical manifestations and treatment of human exposures to rodenticides. Documents were analyzed and the information organized into three themes: superwarfarin toxicity, clinical features and medical treatment, and non-anticoagulant rodenticides available in Chile. Results: In adults, the minimum dose reported to cause toxicity is 1 mg of active ingredient. In pediatric patients, accidental intakes rarely produce symptoms. The symptoms of poisoning are usually delayed and its toxicity is variable. The test of choice is International Normalized Ratio (INR) and it is performed in all patients with risk factors. The antidote must not be administered prophylactically and the dose is adjusted individually. Conclusions: Accidental intakes in children are not risky and they can be observed at home. Patients with massive intakes require INR monitoring for months so, it is important that an optimal coordination with primary care facilities still exists after medical discharge.
Humans , Rodenticides/toxicity , Vitamin K 1/therapeutic use , Rodenticides/antagonists & inhibitors , Rodenticides/poisoningABSTRACT
<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To investigate the characteristics of pesticide poisoning in Jiangsu Province, China, and to provide a scientific basis for developing effective intervention measures and prevention strategies.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>The data from report cards of pesticide poisoning in Jiangsu Province from 2006 to 2013 were arranged using EXCEL tables, and assessed. Statistical analysis was applied to the epidemiological data using SPSS.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>From 2006 to 2013, a total of 32672 cases of pesticide poisoning were reported in Jiangsu Province. Most of the cases were caused by non-occupational poisoning (life poisoning) (72.78%). A majority of patients with pesticide poisoning were 35-54 years old (40.85%) or older than 65 years (15.69%). There were more female patients (58.22%) than male patients (41.78%). Among patients with occupational poisoning, male patients (50.90%) were more than female patients. Among patients with non-occupational poisoning, female patients were more than male patients (38.37%). Pesticide poisoning mainly occurred from July to September. The case-fatality rate of occupational poisoning (0.47%) was lower than that of non-occupational poisoning (7.10%). All 13 cities in Jiangsu Province reported cases of pesticide poisoning. There were more cases in the northern regions than in the southern regions. Pesticide poisoning was mainly caused by organophosphorus insecticides including methamidophos, dichlorvos, dimethoate, omethoate, and parathion, which accounted for 65.58%of all cases. Paraquat had the highest case-fatality rate (10.06%) among all pesticides, followed by tetramine (10.00%), dimethoate or omethoate (7.85%), methamidophos (7.79%), and dimehypo (7.68%).</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>Pesticide poisoning cannot be ignored. The management and control should be improved in production and usage of highly toxic pesticides including organophosphorus insecticides, rodenticides, and herbicides. More attention should be paid to the protection of vulnerable groups including women, children, and the elderly.</p>
Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Age Distribution , China , Epidemiology , Cities , Dichlorvos , Dimethoate , Environmental Exposure , Herbicides , Poisoning , Insecticides , Poisoning , Organothiophosphorus Compounds , Paraquat , Pesticides , Poisoning , Poisoning , Epidemiology , RodenticidesABSTRACT
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Recently, many cases of vitamin K-dependent coagulopathy of unknown origin have been reported. Such patients lack any relevant family history and have no systemic disease, raising suspicion of superwarfarin intoxication. We evaluated individual risk factors causing coagulopathy and hemorrhagic symptoms in patients with suspected superwarfarin intoxication. In addition, we determined how to effectively treat vitamin K-dependent coagulopathy caused by suspected superwarfarin intoxication. METHODS: Seven patients with suspected superwarfarin intoxication who lacked any definitive history of rodenticide ingestion were included. Thirty-one patients initially diagnosed with rodenticide poisoning were also included. We performed a retrospective chart review of all subjects and examined clinical data including patient demographics and medical histories. RESULTS: Patients initially diagnosed with rodenticide poisoning were divided into two groups, one of which had a laboratory abnormality (prothrombin time [PT] > 13 seconds) and another group with PTs in the normal range. There was no significant difference between the two groups in any of age, gender, the extent of chronic alcohol consumption, the causative rodenticide, psychiatric problems, ingestion of drugs interacting with warfarin, the extent of intoxication, or the type of ingestion attempt. The albumin level of the former group was significantly lower than that of the latter group (p = 0.014). Furthermore, a significant difference between the two groups was evident in terms of simultaneous ingestion of rodenticide and alcohol (p = 0.023). CONCLUSIONS: Most patients with superwarfarin poisoning did not exhibit any complication. When such complications were evident, they were associated with serum albumin level and coingestion of rodenticide and alcohol.
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , 4-Hydroxycoumarins/poisoning , Alcohol Drinking/adverse effects , Anticoagulants/poisoning , Blood Coagulation/drug effects , Partial Thromboplastin Time , Prothrombin Time , Republic of Korea , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Rodenticides/poisoning , Serum Albumin/metabolism , Vitamin K/blood , Vitamin K Deficiency Bleeding/bloodABSTRACT
No abstract available.