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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(66): 74-83, jan-abr.2025. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1570709


O objetivo do presente estudo foi de comparar o diâmetro dos cones acessórios FM EL calibrados por duas réguas calibradoras com seus respectivos diâmetros nominais. Foram calibrados 80 cones de guta percha FM EL (Odous de Deus) utilizando duas réguas calibradoras das seguintes marcas: Prisma e Denco. Os cones foram divididos em 8 grupos (n=10) de acordo com a régua e com o diâmetro em que foram calibrados. Posteriormente, os cones foram fotografados e tiveram seus D0 mensurados através do software ImageJ. Após a realização da análise estatística utilizando-se os testes de Normalidade de Shapiro-Wilk e o teste t Student (Distribuição Normal), obteve-se os seguintes resultados: não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa com o valor de referência na régua prisma nos cones 40, isto é, em todas as outras situações encontrou-se diferença com os valores de referência. Quando foram comparados os valores das medianas e desvio padrão das duas réguas calibradoras também houve diferença estatisticamente significativa (p<0,05) nos cones 25, 35 e 40. Os cones acessórios FM EL (Odous de Deus) calibrados com a régua Denco diferiram dos diâmetros nominais da régua. Assim, deve-se estar atento à exatidão e precisão desses instrumentos a fim de se evitar possíveis erros de mensuração e interpretação capazes de comprometer o êxito da obturação no tratamento endodôntico.

The aim of the present study was to compare the diameter of the FM EL accessory cones calibrated by two calibrating rulers with their respective nominal diameters 80 FM EL gutta percha cones (Odous of God) were calibrated using two calibrating culers of the following brands: Prisma and Denco. The cones were divided in 8 groups (n=10) according to the ruler and the diameter in which they were calibrated. Posteriorly, the cones were photographed and nad their D0 neasured through the software ImageJ. After performing the statistical analysis using the Shapiro- Wilk Normality tests and the Student T test (Normal Distribution), the following results were obtained: there was no stastistically significant difference with the reference value in the prism rule in the cones 40, that is, in all other situations, a difference was found with the reference values. When the median values and standard deviation of the two calibrating rulers were compared, there was also a statistically significant difference (p<0,05) in cones 25, 35 and 40. The FM EL (Odous of God) accessory cones calibrated eita the Denco ruler differed from the nominal diameters of the ruler. Thus, one must pay attention to the accuracy and precision of these instruments in order to avoid possible errors of measurement and interpretation capable of compromising the success of filling in endodontic treatment.

Root Canal Obturation , Root Canal Therapy , Calibration , Endodontics , Gutta-Percha
Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e242700, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553432


Aim: This study aimed to compare the influence of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and calcium hypochlorite [Ca(OCl)2 ] on the apical sealing capacity of AH Plus (Dentsply Maillefer) and Bio-C Sealer (Angelus) endodontic sealers. Methods: Sixty permanent human lower incisors were randomly allocated (, according to the irrigant used, into three groups (n=20): 0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl/Control); 2.5% NaOCl; and 2.5% Ca(OCl)2 . The root canal was prepared with rotary files under 10 mL of the solution corresponding to the experimental group. Each group was subdivided into two (n=10) according to the sealer used for filling: AH Plus (Dentsply Maillefer) or Bio-C Sealer (Angelus). Then, all samples were immersed in black India ink for one week. After the storage period, the roots were then grooved longitudinally and split, and the ink penetration was measured from the apical part to the coronal part of the root canal into which the ink penetrated using a stereomicroscope. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc tests. Results: There was no statistical difference in ink penetration between the different endodontic sealers tested for the same irrigating solution (p > 0.05). However, when the Bio-C Sealer (Angelus) was used, the group treated with 2.5% Ca(OCl)2 was associated with lower values of apical leakage, compared to 2.5% NaOCl (p < 0.05). For the AH Plus sealer (Dentsply Maillefer), there was no difference between the irrigants (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Associating Ca(OCl)2 irrigant with Bio-C Sealer (Angelus) seems to be a good option to reduce apical leakage

Root Canal Obturation , Sodium Hypochlorite , Calcium Compounds , Dental Cements , Dental Leakage , Calcium Hypochlorite
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 24: e230122, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1564862


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the possible renal and hepatic alteration by root canal filling pastes in mice. Material and Methods: Fifty-four mice were divided into nine groups and received one polyethylene tube implant containing two filling pastes (CTZ or calcium hydroxide pastes). Empty polyethylene tubes were used as a negative control. All tubes were implanted subcutaneously in the back of the mice. After time intervals of 7, 21, and 63 days, 1.5 mL of blood was collected by cardiac puncture, and serum samples were used for serological testing. Urea, creatinine, aspartate transferase (AST), alanine transferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) were evaluated. Data were analyzed by 2-way ANOVA (p<0.05). Results: When comparing CTZ and calcium hydroxide pastes and empty tubes and experimental time intervals, no significant differences in the results were found for any of the biochemical parameters analyzed (p>0.05). No differences were observed in the interactions (material*experimental time intervals) and the biochemical parameters analyzed (p>0.05). Conclusion: CTZ and calcium hydroxide pastes did not cause hepatic and renal alterations in mice, demonstrating the pastes' safety.

Animals , Mice , Root Canal Obturation/instrumentation , Calcium Hydroxide/pharmacology , Subcutaneous Tissue , Anti-Infective Agents/pharmacology , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric , Mice
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 39(91): 41-48, 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554951


La microtomografía es un estudio que utiliza la ra-diación X para obtener imágenes de tamaños de mi-lésimas de milímetros y de alta resolución. Las imá-genes 2D son procesadas por diferentes softwares para lograr obtener volúmenes capaces de ser ana-lizados tridimensionalmente. La microtomografía es el estudio de elección a la hora de evaluar caracte-rísticas muy pequeñas con gran precisión. La obtu-ración endodóntica buscar lograr un sellado que no tenga espacios vacíos dentro de la masa de obtura-ción. Esto es importante debido a que los poros pue-den permitir, si están en contacto con la pared den-tinaria, la entrada de microorganismos al conducto radicular. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir el procedimiento para el análisis y visualización de los espacios vacíos dentro de la obturación endodónti-ca, utilizando la microtomografía de rayos x, y esta-blecer un protocolo para ser utilizado por cualquier investigador(AU)

Microtomography is a study that uses X-radiation to obtain high-resolution images of sizes of thousandths of millimeters. The 2D images are processed by different software to obtain volumes capable of being analyzed three-dimensionally. Microtomography is the study of choice when evaluating very small features with great precision. Endodontic filling seeks to achieve a seal that does not have voids within the filling obturation. This is important because the voids can allow, if they are in contact with the dentin wall, the entry of microorganisms into the root canal. The objective of this work was to describe the procedure for the analysis and visualization of voids within the endodontic filling using microtomography and to establish the protocol to be used by any researcher (AU)

Root Canal Obturation/adverse effects , Clinical Protocols , X-Ray Microtomography/methods , Porosity , Imaging, Three-Dimensional/methods , Dental Leakage/prevention & control
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 44(3): 35-40, set.-dez. 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553121


As perfurações endodônticas podem ocorrer patologicamente por lesão cariosa profunda, bem como durante o acesso ou na instrumentação dos canais radiculares, que em sua grande maioria estão relacionadas com a negligência ou desconhecimento das variações anatômicas internas do dente. O presente trabalho descreve um caso clínico de perfuração de furca, onde o tratamento inicial foi baseado na descontaminação e selamento da comunicação com uma técnica de inserção modificada do MTA. Após a anestesia, foi realizado o isolamento absoluto e remoção de tecido infectado presente na câmara pulpar. Feita a limpeza da perfuração utilizando soro fisiológico e modelagem do canal com o instrumento reciprocante, a obturação foi concebida com cone de guta percha e cimento biocerâmico. Em seguida, o MTA foi manipulado, de acordo com recomendações do fabricante usando água destilada na proporção 1:1 e inserido na canaleta de uma régua endodôntica com a espátula de inserção nº1. O material foi removido da canaleta e inserido na perfuração, finalizando o vedamento da mesma. Portanto, concluiu-se que o selamento da perfuração apresentou um resultado satisfatório, tanto clínico como radiográfico, destacado pela proservação de 5 meses, evidenciando discreta formação de trabeculado ósseo na região de furca(AU)

Endodontic perforations can occur pathologically due to a deep carious lesion, as well as during access or instrumentation of root canals, which are mostly related to negligence or ignorance of the internal anatomical variations of the tooth. The present work describes a clinical case of furcation perforation, where the initial treatment was based on decontamination and sealing of the communication with a modified MTA insertion technique. After anesthesia, absolute isolation and removal of infected tissue present in the pulp chamber was performed. After cleaning the perforation using saline solution and modeling the canal with the reciprocating instrument, the filling was designed with a gutta-percha cone and bioceramic cement. Then, the MTA was manipulated, according to the manufacturer's recommendations, using distilled water in a 1:1 ratio and inserted into the groove of an endodontic ruler with the #1 insertion spatula. The material was removed from the channel and inserted into the perforation, finishing its sealing. Therefore, it was concluded that the sealing of the perforation presented a satisfactory result, both clinical and radiographic, highlighted by the 5-month followup, evidencing a slight formation of bone trabeculate in the furcation region(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Root Canal Obturation , Biocompatible Materials , Furcation Defects , Dental Cements , Root Canal Therapy , Dental Pulp , Gutta-Percha
Odovtos (En línea) ; 25(3): 32-42, Sep.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1529067


Abstract The aim of this study was to compare the filling capacity in curved root canal using a new continuous wave of condensation technique (Termo Pack II, Easy Dental Equipments, Brazil) or lateral compaction. The percentage of voids in the filling of mesial root canals of mandibular molars was assessed by micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). Mesial root canals (n=24) of mandibular molars with a degree of curvature between 20° and 40° were prepared using rotary system (ProDesign Logic, Easy, Brazil) up to #35, .05 taper. The root canals were filled by using the continuous wave of condensation system or lateral compaction and AH Plus sealer (n=12). Scanning at 9 µm was performed after preparation and after filling by using micro-CT SkyScan 1176. The volumetric percentage of filling material and voids (total length and in each root canal third) were calculated. Data were analyzed using ANOVA/ Tukey and Student's t tests (α=0.05). Before the filling techniques, the root canals volume after preparation was similar (p>0.05). The root canals filled by the continuous wave of condensation technique presented the lowest percentage of voids, and the greatest percentage of filling material in total length and thirds (cervical, middle and apical) (p<0.05). Both techniques were not able of completely filling the root canals. The continuous wave of condensation technique Termo Pack II promoted better root canal filling in curved root canals, when compared with lateral compaction.

Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la capacidad de obturación en conductos radiculares curvos utilizando una nueva técnica de condensación de onda continua (Termo Pack II, Easy Dental Equipments, Brasil) vs compactación lateral. El porcentaje de brechas en la obturación de los conductos radiculares mesiales de los molares mandibulares se evaluó mediante microtomografía computarizada (micro-CT). Se prepararon conductos radiculares mesiales (n=24) de molares mandibulares con un grado de curvatura entre 20° y 40° utilizando un sistema rotatorio (ProDesign Logic, Easy, Brasil) al #35, conicidad 0,05. Los conductos radiculares se obturaron utilizando un sistema de condensación de onda contínua o compactación lateral y cemento AH Plus (n=12). Se realizó un escaneo de 9 µm después de la preparación y después de la obturación usando el micro-CT SkyScan 1176. Se calculó el porcentaje volumétrico de material de obturación y vacíos (longitud total y en cada tercio del conducto radicular). Los datos se analizaron utilizando las pruebas ANOVA/Tukey y t de Student (α=0,05). Antes de las técnicas de obturación, el volumen de los conductos radiculares después de la preparación fue similar (p>0,05). Los conductos radiculares obturados con la técnica de condensación por onda contínua presentaron el menor porcentaje de vacíos y el mayor porcentaje de material de obturación en longitud total y en tercios (cervical, medio y apical) (p<0,05). Ambas técnicas no fueron capaces de llenar completamente los conductos radiculares. La técnica de condensación de onda contínua Termo Pack II promovió un mejor relleno del conducto radicular en conductos radiculares curvos en comparación con la compactación lateral.

Root Canal Obturation/instrumentation , Condensation , Dental Pulp , X-Ray Microtomography/instrumentation
RFO UPF ; 28(1): 38-49, 20230808. tab, ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1509411


Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a qualidade da obturação e a resistência de união de dois cimentos endodônticos, AH Plus e Bio-C Sealer, em dentes humanos e bovinos. Métodos: Os canais radiculares de 60 dentes unirradiculares [30 humanos (H) e 30 bovinos (B)] foram preparados e obturados por condensação lateral da guta-percha e AH Plus (grupos AP-H e AP-B) ou Bio-C Sealer (grupos BC-H e BC-B). Seis fatias de 1,5 mm de espessura foram obtidas de cada raiz. Os espécimes foram observados em estereomicroscópio para avaliar a qualidade da obturação, considerando possíveis espaços vazios no material obturador. Posteriormente, as fatias radiculares foram avaliadas em termos de resistência de união por push-out e modo de falha. Os dados foram analisados pelos testes de Mann-Whitney e coeficientes de correlação de Spearman (α=5%). Resultados: A qualidade de obturação fornecida por AP e BC foi semelhante em ambos os substratos de dentina. No entanto, ao comparar dentes humanos e bovinos, os escores de espaços vazios foram maiores nas amostras bovinas, para ambos os cimentos. AP teve maior resistência de união à dentina humana e bovina do que BC. No entanto, não houve diferença significativa na resistência de união entre os substratos dentinários, para ambos os cimentos testados. Além disso, houve uma correlação positiva e moderada entre os valores de resistência de união de dentes humanos e bovinos. O modo de falha misto foi o mais prevalente. Conclusão: AP e BC fornecem qualidade de obturação semelhante, mas o primeiro apresenta maiores valores de resistência de união à dentina humana e bovina. A utilização de dentes bovinos como substitutos de amostras humanas parece ser adequada em estudos relacionados à resistência de união, mas não naqueles que testam a qualidade da obturação endodôntica.(AU)

Objective: This study aimed to compare the filling quality and bond strength of two endodontic sealers, AH Plus and Bio-C Sealer, in human and bovine teeth. Methods: The root canals of 60 [30 human (H) and 30 bovine (B)] single-rooted teeth were prepared and filled by lateral condensation of gutta-percha and AH Plus (groups AP-H and AP-B) or Bio-C Sealer (groups BC-H and BC-B). Six 1.5-mm-thick slices were obtained from each root. The specimens were observed under a stereomicroscope to assess filling quality, considering possible voids within the filling material. Subsequently, root slices were evaluated in terms of push-out bond strength and failure mode. Data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney tests and Spearman correlation coefficients (α=5%). Results: The filling quality provided by AP and BC was similar in both dentin substrates. However, when comparing human and bovine teeth, void scores were greater in the bovine samples, for both sealers. AP had higher bond strength to human and bovine dentin than BC. However, there was no significant difference in bond strength between dentin substrates, for both sealers tested. Also, there was a positive and moderate correlation between the bond strength values of human and bovine teeth. The mixed failure mode was the most prevalent. Conclusion: AP and BC provide similar filling quality, but the first presents higher bond strength values to human and bovine dentin. The use of bovine teeth as substitutes for human samples seems adequate in studies related to bond strength, but not in those testing root canal filling quality.(AU)

Humans , Animals , Cattle , Root Canal Filling Materials/chemistry , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Silicates/chemistry , Calcium Compounds/chemistry , Epoxy Resins/chemistry , Reference Values , Surface Properties , Materials Testing , Cementation/methods , Statistics, Nonparametric , Dental Restoration Failure , Gutta-Percha/chemistry
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(1): 46-54, mar. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430557


El retratamiento no quirúrgico es la primera opción ante el fracaso del tratamiento endodóntico, por lo que se vuelve importante asegurar el completo retiro del material de relleno del conducto radicular, para mejorar el pronóstico del procedimiento. Los cementos biocerámicos en base a silicatos cálcicos han aparecido en los últimos años, caracterizados principalmente por su bioactividad, lo que adicionalmente se puede traducir en una mayor dificultad para su retiro del conducto radicular. El objetivo de esta revisión es determinar qué técnica de retratamiento es más efectiva en la eliminación de cementos selladores biocerámicos, en base al volumen de material remanente en el conducto radicular, evaluado a través del análisis de imágenes con micro-CT. Se realizó una revisión sistemática mediante la búsqueda de publicaciones en las bases de datos Pubmed, ScienceDirect y SciELO, de los últimos 10 años, en idioma español e inglés. Se incluyeron sólo estudios in vitro de dientes obturados con cemento biocerámico y diferentes técnicas de retratamiento endodóntico, en los que se evalúe la limpieza del conducto post eliminación del relleno mediante micro-CT. De un total de 174 artículos encontrados, 7 fueron seleccionados, analizados y se incluyeron en esta revisión sistemática. Los resultados de los estudios seleccionados no encuentran diferencias significativas en la eliminación de material entre las diferentes técnicas de retratamiento evaluadas. A pesar de la heterogeneidad presente en las metodologías de los artículos analizados, ninguna técnica de retratamiento ni técnicas complementarias lograron dejar completamente limpios los conductos radiculares, por lo que se sugiere realizar nuevos estudios en el futuro que evalúen nuevas técnicas de desobturación radicular.

Non-surgical retreatment is the first option in the case of endodontic treatment failure, so it becomes important to ensure complete removal of the root canal filling material, to improve the prognosis of the procedure. Bioceramic cements based on calcium silicate have appeared in recent years, characterized mainly for their bioactivity, which can additionally translate into greater difficulty in their removal from the root canal. The aim of this review is to determine which retreatment technique is most effective in the removal of bioceramic sealer cements, evaluated through micro-CT image analysis. A systematic review was performed by searching for publications in Pubmed, ScienceDirect and SciELO databases, of the last 10 years in Spanish and English. Only in vitro studies of teeth filled with bioceramic cement and different endodontic retreatment techniques were included, in which the cleaning of the canal after removal of the filling was evaluated by micro- CT. From a total of 174 articles found, 7 were selected, analyzed and included in this systemic review. The results of the included studies did not find significant differences in the removal of material between the different retreatment techniques evaluated. Despite the heterogeneity in the methodologies of the studies, no retreatment technique or complementary techniques were able to completely clean the root canals, it is therefore suggested that new studies be carried out in the future to evaluate new techniques.

Humans , Root Canal Filling Materials , Dental Pulp Cavity , Root Canal Obturation , Root Canal Preparation , Retreatment , Epoxy Resins , Gutta-Percha
Arq. odontol ; 59: 173-183, 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1551187


Aim: Report a clinical case of endodontic retreatment using a hybrid instrumentation technique, L&C paste associated with glycerin as intracanal medication and bioceramic cement.Methods: A 42-year-old male, melanoderma patient, attended the Nilton Lins University Dentistry clinic complaining of tooth fracture and sensitivity in the upper frontal region and pain on chewing. The image exams, showed a bone radiolucense on the root tip, suggestive of a periapical lesion. Clinicaly, pain on vertical percussion was observed. The findings indicated an unsatisfactory primary endodontic treatment. Given the characteristics presented, endodontic reintervention in two sessions was chosen.Results: After the endodontic obturation, the patient was followed through a year. During the months of follow-up, it was observed decrease of the radiolucense on the root tip, as well as the appearance of radiopaque areas, suggestive of bone formation, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed treatment.Conclusion: Therefore, the endodontic reintervention using hybrid instrumentation technique, L&C paste associated with glycerin as intracanal medication and bioceramic cement, showed a satisfactory result in the controlling of the infection. After 1 year, signs of bone remodeling can be seen, meeting the heal expectations predicted in the case planning, leaving the tooth suitable for prosthetic rehabilitation and return to its function.

Objetivo: Relatar um caso clínico de retratamento endodôntico utilizando uma técnica de instrumentação híbrida, pasta L&C associada à glicerina como medicação intracanal e cimento biocerâmico.Métodos: Paciente gênero masculino, 42 anos, melanoderma, compareceu ao clínica de Odontologia da Universidade Nilton Lins com queixa de fratura dentaria, sensibilidade na região anterosuperior e dor a mastigação. Os exames de imagem mostraram radiolucidez óssea no ápice radicular, sugestiva de lesão periapical. Clinicamente, foi observada dor à percussão vertical. Os achados indicaram um tratamento endodôntico primário insatisfatório. Dadas as características apresentadas optou-se pela reintervenção endodôntica em duas sessões. Resultados: Após à obturação endodôntica, o paciente foi acompanhado por um ano. Durante os meses de acompanhamento, observou-se diminuição da radiolucência no ápice da raiz, bem como o aparecimento de áreas radiopacas, sugestivas de formação óssea, indicando à eficácia do tratamento proposto.Conclusão: Portanto, a reintervenção endodôntica utilizando a técnica de instrumentação híbrida, pasta L&C associada à glicerina como medicação intracanal e cimento biocerâmico, apresentou um resultado satisfatório no controle da infecção. Após 1 ano, é possível observar sinais de remodelação óssea, atendendo às expectativas de cura previstas no planejamento do caso, deixando o dente apto para reabilitação protética e retorno à sua função.

Root Canal Filling Materials , Root Canal Obturation , Periodontal Cyst , Endodontics
Braz. dent. sci ; 26(2): 1-9, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1437119


Objective: to compare the quality of obturation, instrumentation time and post-operative pain after pulpectomy in primary molars using manual K-files, Kedo-S and Kedo-S Square rotary file systems. Material and Methods: a double blinded randomized control trial was conducted in 45 children, who were indicated for pulpectomy in any one of the primary mandibular molars. The canal preparation was done using either hand K-files, Kedo-S files, or Kedo-S Square files based on the groups assigned. The time taken for instrumentation was recorded using a stopwatch. The quality of obturation was evaluated using post-operative radiograph and post-operative pain was assessed with modified Wong-Baker Faces Pain scale. Results: instrumentation time was minimum in rotary Kedo-S Square files (53.23 ± 9.60 seconds) followed by Kedo-S files (82.70 ± 11.86 seconds). The preparation time was maximum with manual K-files (121.43 ± 20.18 seconds). Kedo-S square files provided a higher number of optimally filled canals (66.4%). All the three instrumentations equally showed the tendency to produce voids in the obturation. Rotary files Kedo-S Square followed by Kedo-S showed less post-operative pain compared to K-files. Conclusion: the use of pediatric rotary instruments for canal preparation during pulpectomy will result in better quality of obturation in reduced time with least post-operative pain (AU)

Objetivo: comparar a qualidade de obturação, tempo de instrumentação e dor pós-operatória após pulpectomia em molares decíduos usando limas manuais K, limas rotatórias Kedo-S e limas rotatórias Kedo-S Square. Material e Métodos: um estudo clínico randomizado duplo-cego foi conduzido com 45 crianças que foram submetidas à pulpectomia de algum molar decíduo indicado. A preparação do canal foi feita usando limas manuais K, ou limas Kedo-S, ou ainda Limas Kedo-S Square, com base nos grupos que foram selecionados. O tempo para a instrumentação foi registrado com um cronômetro. A qualidade de obturação foi avaliada por meio de uma radiografia após o procedimento e a dor pós-operatória foi avaliada com a escala de dor Wong-Baker Faces modificada. Resultados: o tempo de instrumentação foi mínimo para as limas rotatórias Kedo-S Square (53,23 ± 9,60 segundos) seguido pelas limas Kedo-S (82,70 ± 11,86 segundos). O tempo de preparação foi maior com as limas manuais K (121,43 ± 20,18 segundos). As limas Kedo-S Square promoveram um maior número de canais otimamente obturados (66,4%). Todas as três instrumentações mostraram igualmente a tendência em seproduzir vazios na obturação. As limas rotatórias Kedo-S Square seguidas pelas limas Kedo-S produziram menos dor pós-operatória comparadas às limas manuais K. Conclusão: o uso de instrumentos rotatórios pediátricos para a preparação do canal durante a pulpectomia resultará em melhor qualidade de obturação em tempo reduzido e com menos dor pós-operatória. (AU)

Humans , Child , Pain, Postoperative , Pulpectomy , Root Canal Obturation , Child
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 21(3): 613-623, 20221229. fig, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1416609


Introdução: os cimentos endodônticos obturadores à base de silicato de cálcio têm sido amplamente utilizados na endodontia, principalmente em razão de suas reconhecidas propriedades bioativas. Como consequência, uma quantidade expressiva de marcas comerciais foi lançada no mercado, dificultando a compreensão do profissional, principalmente no que diz respeito às diferentes composições químicas, apresentações, formas de uso e custo-benefício. Objetivos: o Objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as diferenças composicionais, técnicas (indicações e apresentação comercial) e comerciais (custo e disponibilidade de venda) dos cimentos endodônticos obturadores à base de silicato de cálcio, disponíveis para uso e comercialização no Brasil. Metodologia: foi realizada uma busca sistemática no site da Anvisa, sendo identificados sete cimentos endodônticos obturadores biocerâmicos para uso no Brasil. As bulas dos produtos foram analisadas para verificação de composição, apresentação e indicação de uso. Sites especializados foram consultados para verificação de preço dos produtos. Resultados: observou-se que a composição química varia bastante, a depender do fabricante, sendo os silicatos tricálcico e dicálcico os componentes mais frequentes. A maioria dos cimentos é apresentada comercialmente pronta para uso, e possui óxido de zircônio como agente radiopacificador. A venda através de sites especializados ainda é restrita a alguns produtos, e o custo varia de acordo com a quantidade de material por embalagem. Conclusão: este trabalho apresentou as características composicionais, técnicas e comerciais de sete cimentos endodônticos obturadores à base de silicato de cálcio registrados na ANVISA e autorizados para uso no Brasil.

Introduction: calcium silicate-based endodontic sealers have been widely used in endodontics, mainly because of their recognized bioactive properties. As a result, a significant number of commercial brands were launched on the market, making it difficult for professionals their comprehension, especially with regard to different chemical compositions, presentations, forms of use and cost-effectiveness. Objective: the Objective of this work was to analyze the compositional, technical (indications and commercial presentation) and commercial (cost and availability) differences of calcium silicate-based endodontic sealers, available for use and commercialization in Brazil. Methodology: a systematic search was carried out on the Anvisa website, and seven bioceramic endodontic sealers for use in Brazil were identified. Product leaflets were analyzed to verify composition, presentation and indication of use. Specialized websites were consulted to verify the price of the products. Results: it was observed that the chemical composition varies a lot, depending on the manufacturer, with tricalcium and dicalcium silicates being the most frequent components. Most sealers are commercially available ready-to-use, and have zirconium oxide as a radiopacifying agent. The sale through specialized websites is still restricted to some products, and the cost varies according to the amount of material per package. Conclusion: this work presented the compositional, technical and commercial characteristics of seven calcium silicate-based endodontic sealers registered at ANVISA and authorized for use in Brazil.

Root Canal Filling Materials , Root Canal Obturation , Silicate Cement , Calcarea Silicata , Dental Cements , Endodontics
Rev. ADM ; 79(3): 146-151, mayo-jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378372


Introducción: La finalidad del tratamiento de conductos es conseguir la máxima desinfección, conformación y sellado tridimensional. Objetivo: Comparar la capacidad del sellado apical entre dos técnicas de obturación en conductos mesiales de molares inferiores con limas fracturadas en tercio apical. Material y métodos: Se utilizaron 60 raíces mesiales de molares inferiores, instrumentados con Protaper Universal, se desgastó 4 milímetros la parte activa del instrumento y se fracturó intencionalmente en tercio apical. Se formaron dos grupos de 30 raíces mesiales (n = 30) cada uno y se utilizaron dos técnicas de obturación: grupo 1: condensación lateral clásica y grupo 2: Obtura II. Las muestras se sumergieron en tubos de ensayo y en su interior contenían 5 mL de tinta china, se diafanizaron y observaron con un microscopio estereoscópico (LEICA, EZ4D) a 35x para medir la penetración de tinta china dentro del conducto radicular. Resultados: Se encontró una mayor microfiltración apical con suficiente evidencia estadística en el grupo de Obtura II comparado con el grupo de condensación lateral clásica (p < 0.002). Conclusiones: Ambos grupos presentaron microfiltración apical; sin embargo, en el grupo que se utilizó el sistema de obturación termoplastificada Obtura II se detectó mayor filtración apical comparada con el grupo de condensación lateral clásica (AU)

Introduction: The purpose of root canal treatment is to achieve maximum disinfection, shaping and three-dimensional sealing. Objective: To compare the apical sealing capacity between two obturation techniques in mesial canals of mandibular molars with broken files in the apical third. Material and methods: 60 mesial roots of lower molars were used, instrumented with Protaper Universal, the active part of the instrument was worn by 4 millimeters and it was intentionally broken in the apical third. Two groups of 30 mesial roots (n = 30) each were formed and two filling techniques were used: group 1: classic lateral condensation and group 2: Obtura II. The samples were immersed in test tubes and contained 5 mL of Chinese ink inside, they were clear and observed with a stereomicroscope (LEICA, EZ4D) at 35x to measure the penetration of Chinese ink into the root canal. Results: A higher apical microfiltration with sufficient statistical evidence was found in the Obtura II group compared to the classic lateral condensation group (p < 0.002). Conclusions: Both groups presented apical microfiltration, however, in the group that used the Obtura II thermoplastic obturation system, greater apical filtration was detected compared to the classic lateral condensation group (AU)

Root Canal Obturation/methods , Dental High-Speed Equipment/adverse effects , Dental Leakage , In Vitro Techniques , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dental Restoration Failure , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology , Molar
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 110(1): 20-25, abr. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1381778


Objetivo: Evaluar radiográficamente tratamientos en- dodónticos del sector posterior de la cavidad bucal y com- parar la frecuencia de aceptabilidad en cada pieza dentaria involucrada. Materiales y métodos: Se evaluaron 5000 radiogra- fías de archivo de tratamientos endodónticos realizados apro- ximadamente entre 2005 y 2019 en premolares y molares mandibulares y maxilares en Argentina. Se consideraron tratamientos correctos e incorrectos de acuerdo con: 1) con- formación de la preparación quirúrgica; 2) límite apical de la obturación; 3) homogeneidad de la obturación. Se obtuvo la fre- cuencia absoluta y relativa de correctos e incorrectos. El aná- lisis entre frecuencias y pieza dentaria se realizó con la prueba de chi cuadrado y el cálculo del coeficiente V de Cramer. Para la comparación entre grupos de piezas dentarias se utilizó la partición del valor de chi cuadrado obtenido en los corres- pondientes grados de libertad. Nivel de significación P <0.05. Resultados: La partición del valor de chi cuadrado no mostró diferencias significativas entre primeros y segundos premolares mandibulares. Las otras comparaciones exhibie- ron diferencias significativas. Conclusiones: Un alto porcentaje de los tratamientos endodónticos de la población estudiada tiene por lo menos una condición que permite categorizarlos como incorrectos según el criterio establecido en este trabajo. Este porcentaje es más preponderante en anatomías complejas (AU)

Aim: To evaluate radiographically endodontic treat- ments performed in the posterior area of the oral cavity and compare the frequency of acceptability in each tooth involved. Materials and methods: 5,000 archival radiographs of endodontic treatments performed between 2005 and 2019 on mandibular and maxillary premolars and molars in Argentina were evaluated. The percentages of correct and incorrect treatments were considered according to 1) shaping of the preparation; 2) apical limit of the obturation; 3) homogeneity of the obturation. The absolute and relative frequencies of correct and incorrect treatments were calcu- lated. The association between these frequencies and tooth type was analyzed using the chi-square test and Cramer's V coefficient. For the comparison between groups of teeth, the partition of the chi-square value obtained in the corre- sponding degrees of freedom was used. Level of significance was P <0.05. Results: The partition of the chi-square value did not show a significant difference between the first and second lower premolars. The differences were significant in the other comparisons. Conclusions: A high percentage of the endodontic treat- ments in the study population have at least one condition war- ranting their classification as incorrect according to the crite- ria established in this study. This percentage is more prevalent in complex anatomies (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Root Canal Therapy/statistics & numerical data , Bicuspid , Tooth, Nonvital/diagnostic imaging , Molar , Argentina/epidemiology , Root Canal Obturation/statistics & numerical data , Chi-Square Distribution , Treatment Outcome , Tooth Apex/anatomy & histology , Mandible , Maxilla
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 43(1): 18-23, jan.-abr. 2022. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1361569


O presente artigo tem como objetivo relatar um caso clínico de selamento de perfuração com uma técnica de inserção modificada do MTA. Após a anestesia, foi realizado o isolamento absoluto do dente e remoção do material presente na câmara, com o auxílio do inserto ultrassônico Smart X 1. Realizada a limpeza da perfuração utilizando hipoclorito de sódio e modelagem do canal com o instrumento rotatório, a obturação foi concebida com cone de guta percha e cimento AHPlus. Com broca Gates Glidden #3 foi removida a guta percha até o nível da perfuração. Em seguida, 5 mg de MTA branco foi manipulado, de acordo com recomendações do fabricante usando água destilada na proporção 1:1 e inserido na canaleta de uma régua endodôntica. Com o auxílio do instrumento de RHEM o material foi removido da canaleta e inserido na perfuração, concluindo o vedamento da mesma. Conclui-se neste caso clínico que o selamento de perfuração com MTA obteve sucesso clínico e radiográfico, utilizando a técnica de inserção com MTA modificada(AU)

This article aims to report a clinical case of sealing drilling rig with a modified MTA insertion technique. After anesthesia, the absolute isolation of the tooth and removing the material present in the Chamber, with the aid of ultrasonic Insert Smart X 1. Held drilling cleaning using sodium hypochlorite and modeling the canall with the Rotary instrument, the filling was designed with cone of gutta percha and cement AHPlus. With Gates Glidden bur #3 removed the gutta percha drilling level. Then 5 mg of white MTA was handled, according to manufacturer 's recommendations using distilled water in the ratio 1:1 and inserted in a canal endodontic ruler. With the aid of RHEM instrument the material was removed from the canal and inserted in drilling, completing the enclosure. It is concluded in this case that the sealing of drilling with clinical and radiographic success MTA, using the technique of does not avoid inserting rotating instrument. The obturation was performed with gutta percha cone and AHPlus cement. Removed gutta percha with Gates Glidden drill to drill level. Then, 5 mg of white MTA was handled, according to manufacturer 's recommendations using distilled water in the ratio 1: 1. Soon after, it was inserted in the caneleta of an endodontic ruler and with the aid of the instrument of RHEM the material was inserted in the indicated place. It is concluded in this clinical case that the perforation sealing with MTA obtained clinical and radiographic success, using the insertion technique with modified MTA(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Root Canal Filling Materials , Root Canal Obturation , Root Canal Therapy , Sodium Hypochlorite , Biocompatible Materials , Root Canal Preparation , Gutta-Percha
Chinese Journal of Stomatology ; (12): 424-429, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935884


Compared with cold lateral condensation and continuous wave of condensation which are classically used in clinical, newly emerging single-cone obturation technique is easy-to-operate as well as time-saving. Especially when combined with bioceramic root canal sealers of improved physicochemical and biological properties, single-cone obturation technique showed satisfactory short-term outcomes in clinical observations. However, difficulties still exist in avoiding the root canal overfilling and in operating the retreatment. Besides, the long-term effects of single-cone obturation with bioceramic sealers still remain unclear. This article makes an overview on the history and development of single-cone obturation ,and provides analysis of its pros and corns. Furthermore, we would also like to summarize its clinical application and look into its future improvements.

Epoxy Resins/chemistry , Gutta-Percha/chemistry , Retreatment , Root Canal Filling Materials/therapeutic use , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Root Canal Therapy
Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao ; (6): 77-82, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936115


OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the clinical effect of root canal obturation therapy using cold flowable gutta-percha on young permanent teeth after apexification.@*METHODS@#Ninety cases of young permanent teeth with pulp necrosis or periapical periodontitis treated by apexification were randomly divided into two groups. The cases in each group were divided into single root canal and multiple root canal according to the number of the root canal, and divided into classifications Ⅰ, and Ⅱ/Ⅲ/Ⅳ according to Frank's classification of root development after apexification. Cold flowable gutta-percha and warm gutta-percha obturation techniques were used for root canal obturation of the two groups. The operation time was recorded, and the patients' therapy pain degree was evaluated by visual analog scale (VAS) immediately after operation. Periapical X-ray was performed after operation to evaluate the effect of the root canal filling. The total length of the root was divided into equal three parts on the X-ray film, and three-dimensional tightness of the apical, middle, and coronal region of the root canals were statistically analyzed respectively. Clinical examinations and X-ray examination were performed 6 and 12 months after the operation to evaluate the treatment success rate.@*RESULTS@#The operation time of cold flowable gutta-percha group was significantly lower than that of the control group, which were 51 s and 74 s (P < 0.05); The percentages of pain and discomfort in the two groups were 26.67% and 40.00%, respectively. There were two cases of underfilling and no overfilling in both groups. The percentages of proper filling and tight three-dimensional obturation in the experimental and control groups were 71.11% and 60.00% respectively; and the percentages of tight three-dimensional obturation in the apical third areas were 86.67% and 66.67%, the difference was significant (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the three-dimensional tightness between the two groups in the middle and coronal third areas. The percentages of tight three-dimensional obturation in classification Ⅰ groups were 86.67%, 83.33%, 93.33% and 76.67%, 90.00%, 96.67% in experimental and control group, respectively; The percentages of classification Ⅱ/Ⅲ/Ⅳ groups were 86.67%, 86.67%, 100.00% and 46.67%, 86.67%, 100.00%, respectively, and the difference was significant (P < 0.05). There were no apical lesions that occurred in either group during the one-year review period.@*CONCLUSION@#The application of cold flowable gutta-percha on young permanent teeth root canal obturation after apexification can achieve good obturation effect. The root obturation effect in the apical third area is significantly better than that of warm gutta-percha obturation techniques. Cold flowable gutta-percha can shorten the clinical treatment time and ameliorate the patients' therapy comfort.

Humans , Apexification , Dental Pulp Cavity , Gutta-Percha , Radiography , Root Canal Filling Materials , Root Canal Obturation , Root Canal Preparation
Araçatuba; s.n; 2022. 89 p. tab, ilus.
Thesis in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1434748


Este trabalho objetivou realizar duas revisões sistemáticas com as seguintes propostas: 1) Avaliar se a fototerapia com laser resultaria em menor dor pós-operatória (PP) em pacientes submetidos a reintervenção endodôntica; e 2) Avaliar se o uso da terapia fotodinâmica antimicrobiana (aPDT) seria eficaz na desinfecção de canais radiculares em casos de reintervenção endodôntica. As Revisões Sistemáticas foram registradas no PROSPERO (CRD42021243500 e CRD42021260013, respectivamente) e seguiram as diretrizes dos Itens de Relatório Preferenciais para Revisões Sistemáticas e Meta-análise (PRISMA). As buscas foram realizadas nas bases de dados eletrônicas PubMeb, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, Web of Science, Clinical Trials e Cochrane Library e nos bancos de dados da literatura cinza. A qualidade metodológica e o risco de viés foram avaliados pela ferramenta Cochrane Risk of Bias para ensaios clínicos randomizados (RCT) e pelo qualificador NewcastleOttawa (NOS) para estudos não RCT (prospectivos). A análise da qualidade de evidência foi realizada com base na abordagem GRADE. A meta-análise foi realizada com o R software Meta package, utilizando um intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95%. Quanto aos resultados do Artigo 1: Cinco artigos foram incluídos para análise. Os estudos foram classificados como "baixo" risco de viés. Dos cinco estudos clínicos, quatro estudos mostraram uma diminuição significativa da PP após a reintervenção endodôntica nos grupos de fototerapia a laser quando comparados ao grupo controle, principalmente nos primeiros dias após a intervenção. A certeza de evidência foi classificada como baixa. Devido à alta heterogeneidade clínica entre os estudos, não foi possível realizar qualquer meta-análise. Apesar das limitações desta revisão sistemática, a fototerapia se mostrou uma alternativa promissora na redução e controle da PP na reintervenção endodôntica não cirúrgica. Nos resultados do Artigo 2, dez estudos atenderam aos critérios de elegibilidade e foram incluídos, sendo 8 utilizados na síntese quantitativa. A meta-análise mostrou que todos os dados dos estudos apresentaram diferença significativa antes e depois da terapia fotodinâmica antimicrobiana na redução da carga microbiana em infecções endondônticas secundárias (OR 0,15 [0,07; 0,32], p < 0,0001). No geral, os estudos apresentaram baixo risco de viés e a análise das evidências foi classificada como moderada. Sugere-se que a terapia fotodinâmica seja uma ferramenta benéfica e promissora, mostrando eficácia na redução da carga microbiana nos casos de reintervenção endodôntica. Em suma, a abordagem da utilização da fototerapia se demonstrou eficaz na diminuição da dor pós-operatória e na desinfecção dos canais radiculares, podendo ser uma terapia indicada nos casos de reintervenção endodôntica(AU)

This study aimed to carry out two systematic reviews with the following proposals: 1) Evaluate whether laser phototherapy would result in less postoperative pain (PP) in patients undergoing endodontic reintervention; and 2) Evaluate whether the use of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) would be effective in disinfection of root canals in cases of endodontic reintervention. Systematic Reviews were registered in PROSPERO (CRD42021243500 and CRD42021260013, respectively) and followed the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Metaanalysis (PRISMA). Searches were performed in the electronic databases PubMeb, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, Web of Science, Clinical Trials and Cochrane Library and in the gray literature databases. Methodological quality and risk of bias were assessed by the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool for randomized clinical trials (RCT) and by the Newcastle-Ottawa (NOS) qualifier for non-RCT (prospective) studies. The analysis of the quality of evidence was performed based on the GRADE approach. The meta-analysis was performed using the R Meta package software, using a 95% confidence interval (CI). As for the results of Article 1: Five articles were included for analysis. Studies were classified as "low" risk of bias. Of the five clinical studies, four studies showed a significant decrease in PP after endodontic reintervention in the laser phototherapy groups when compared to the control group, mainly in the first days after the intervention. The certainty of evidence was rated low. Due to the high clinical heterogeneity between studies, it was not possible to perform any meta-analysis. Despite the limitations of this systematic review, phototherapy proved to be a promising alternative for the reduction and control of PP in conventional endodontic reintervention. In the results of Article 2, ten studies met the eligibility criteria and were included, being 8 used in the quantitative synthesis. The meta-analysis showed that all data from the studies showed a significant difference before and after antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in reducing the microbial load in secondary endodontic infections (OR 0.15 [0.07; 0.32], p < 0.0001). Overall, the studies presented a low risk of bias and the analysis of evidence was rated as moderate. It is suggested that photodynamic therapy is a beneficial and promising tool, showing efficacy in reducing the microbial load in cases of endodontic reintervention. In summary, the approach to the use of phototherapy has been shown to be effective in reducing postoperative pain and disinfection of root canals, and may be an indicated therapy in cases of endodontic reintervention(AU)

Phototherapy , Photochemotherapy , Root Canal Therapy , Tooth, Nonvital , Retreatment , Pain, Postoperative , Root Canal Obturation , Disinfection , Dental Pulp Cavity , Lasers , Anti-Bacterial Agents
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 22: e210168, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1422258


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the periapical healing following root canal treatment in teeth with apical periodontitis (in vivo) and the cytotoxic potential of root canal sealers in vitro. Material and Methods: Apical periodontitis was induced in 60 dogs' teeth and root canals were filled with Sealapex (40 roots), EndoREZ (40 roots), intracanal dressing (20 roots), or left untreated (20 roots). After 30 and 90 days, histopathological analyses were made. In vitro, J774.1 macrophages were stimulated with root canal sealers extracts, cytotoxicity was assessed using lactate dehydrogenase assay, and qRT-PCR was used to analyze TNF-α gene expression. Results: In vivo, smaller apical periodontitis and lower inflammatory cell infiltrate were found in teeth treated with Sealapex compared to EndoREZ. In vitro, EndoREZ was cytotoxic and induced TNF-α gene expression by macrophages differently from Sealapex. Conclusion: Sealapex allowed improved tissue repair following root canal treatment in teeth with apical periodontitis compared to EndoREZ. Synthesis of TNF-α induced by LPS was enhanced by EndoREZ, whereas Sealapex prevented pro-inflammatory gene expression (AU).

Animals , Dogs , Periapical Periodontitis , Root Canal Obturation , In Vitro Techniques , Dental Pulp Cavity , Endodontics , Analysis of Variance
Arq. odontol ; 58: 294-301, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1412062


Aim:To demonstrate the effectiveness of disinfecting substances with 2% and 5% Sodium Hypochlorite and 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate at each of the pre-established times of 0:15 and 0:30 seconds, and 1, 2, 5, and 10 minutes. Methods: This study selected 96 gutta-percha cones that were contaminated with Enterococcus Faecalis, dried and treated with the aforementioned substances and applied at pre-established times. Subsequently, these were transferred to sterile Brain Heart Infusion broth and placed in a bacteriological incubator at 37°C for 24 hours to evaluate microbial growth, as well as in a nutrient agar medium in Petri dishes. Half of the cone was transferred to individual filter paper packages and exposed to the environment in a dental clinic at Universidade José do Rosário Velano, for 7 days, with subsequent evaluation for microbial growth. The bacterial phenotype test was performed using Gram stain and growth in 6.5% saline solution. The results were submitted to statistical analysis using the Kruskal Wallis H test, with a significance level of 5%. Results:The substances were effective at all times tested and individual storage supported disinfection. In the statistics test, the p-value was greater than 0.05, as there was no variability in the data configurations. Conclusion: The disinfection of gutta-percha cones and individual storage was an effective protocol to be adopted with 2% and 5% Sodium Hypochlorite and 2% Chlorhexidine.

Objetivo: Demonstrar a eficácia de substâncias desinfetantes, Hipoclorito de Sódio a 2% e 5% e Gluconato de Clorexidina 2% em cada um dos tempos pré-estabelecidos de 15 e 30 segundos, e 1,2, 5 e 10 minutos.Métodos: Este estudo selecionou 96 cones de guta-percha,contaminados com Enterococcus Faecalis, secos e tratados com as substâncias citadas e aplicadas em tempos pré-estabelecidos. Posteriormente, estes foram transferidos para tubos contendo caldo Infusão Cérebro Coração estéril e colocados estufa bacteriológica a 37°C por 24 horas para avaliar o crescimento microbiano, também verificado em meio ágar nutriente em Placas de Petri. Metade dos cones foram transferidos para embalagens individuais de papel de filtro, e expostas ao ambiente da clínica odontológica da Universidade José do Rosário Velano por 7 dias, com posterior avaliação do crescimento microbiano. O teste do fenótipo bacteriano foi realizado pela coloração de Gram e crescimento em solução salina a 6,5%. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise estatística por meio do Teste H de Kruskal Wallis, com nível de significância de 5%.Resultados: As substâncias foram eficazes em todos os tempos testados e o armazenamento individual favoreceu a desinfecção. No teste estatístico, o valor de p foi maior que 0,05, pois não houve variabilidade nas configurações dos dados.Conclusão: A desinfecção dos cones com Hipoclorito de Sódio 2% e 5% e Clorexidina 2% a partir de 15 segundos, e o armazenamento individual foram protocolos eficazes para serem adotados.

Root Canal Obturation , Disinfection , Endodontics , Gutta-Percha
Araçatuba; s.n; 2022. 125 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1444801


O objetivo desse estudo de revisões sistemáticas e meta-análises foi responder se os cimentos biocerâmicos resultam melhores efeitos para a dor pós operatória, capacidade em penetração em túbulos dentinários e atividade antimicrobiana em comparação ao cimento AH Plus®. Foram conduzidas duas revisões sistemáticas, orientadas pelas diretrizes PRISMA e foram registradas na PROSPERO (CRD4202125928) (Capítulo 1) e na Open Science Framework (OSF) Registries ( (Capítulo 2). Uma pergunta foi feita com base na população, intervenção, comparação e resultado (PICO), Capítulo 1: "O uso dos cimentos biocerâmicos resulta em menos dor pós operatória em comparação ao uso do cimento AH Plus® em pacientes tratados endodonticamente?"; Capítulo 2: "Os cimentos obturadores biocerâmicos apresentam superioridade na penetração em túbulos dentinários e atividade antimicrobiana ao cimento obturador AH Plus®?". Foram definidas as estratégias de buscas e realizadas buscas nas bases de dados: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, Cochrane Library, e OpenGrey. O Capítulo 1 utilizou a escala Cochrane para avaliar o risco de viés e a ferramenta GRADE para avaliar a qualidade das evidências. Enquanto, o Capítulo 2 utilizou a escala The Joanna Briggs para avaliar o risco de viés de estudos in vitro. As metaanálises foram conduzidas usando o "Meta" package, version 3.6.3, a diferença média (MD) medida de efeito foi calculada para variáveis quantitativas e odds ratio (OR) (Capítulo 1) e diferenças de médias padronizadas (SMD) (Capítulo 2), com um intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95%. Os resultados do Capítulo 1, foram incluídos 13 artigos na revisão sistemática, 11 foram incluídos na meta-análise. Para as variáveis quantitativas, o cimento biocerâmico apresentou menor ocorrência de dor pós-operatória do que o cimento AH Plus® em 24h (MD - 0,4101 [-0,80; -0,02], p = 0,0386) e 48h (MD -0,31 [-0,59; -0,03], p = 0,0295). Para as variáveis binárias, não houve diferença observada entre os cimentos avaliados: 24h (OR 1,12 [0,69; 1,80] p = 0,6476), 48h (OR 1,56 [0,76; 3,20] p = 0,2267), 72h (OR 1,38 [0,55; 3,45] p = 0,4893) e 7 dias (OR 2,10 [0,55; 8,01], p = 0,2790). Em relação à análise de risco de viés, observou-se baixo risco para a maioria dos domínios, exceto alocação que foi considerada pouco clara, enquanto a certeza da evidência variou de moderada a baixa. Os resultados do Capítulo 2, foram um total de 54 estudos foram incluídos, e 16 estudos foram incluídos na meta-análise. De modo geral, os estudos apresentaram baixo risco de viés. Não foi observado diferença estatística entre os cimentos avaliados para penetração em túbulos dentinários, independentemente dos terços: coronal SMD 0.58 [0.14; 1.31], p = 0.12; médio SMD 0.07 [0.54; 0.39], p = 0.75; e apical: SMD 0.08 [0.73; 0.56], p = 0.80. Os cimentos biocerâmicos e AH Plus® demonstraram similar ação antimicrobiana SMD [3.42; 5.32], p = 0.67 e SMD 0.67 [1.89; 0.55], p = 0.2825. Dessa forma, conclui-se que os cimentos biocerâmicos apresentam menor dor pós operatória nas primeiras 24 e 48 horas, e apresentam respostas similares para penetração em túbulos dentinários e atividade antimicrobiana quando comparado ao cimento AH Plus®(AU)

The aim of this study of systematic reviews and meta-analyses was to answer whether bioceramic sealers have better effects on postoperative pain, ability to penetrate dentinal tubules and antimicrobial activity compared to AH Plus® sealer. Two systematic reviews, guided by PRISMA guidelines, were conducted and registered in PROSPERO (CRD4202125928) (Chapter 1) and Open Science Framework (OSF) Registries ( (Chapter 2). A question was asked based on population, intervention, comparison and outcome (PICO), Chapter 1: "Does the use of bioceramic sealers result in less postoperative pain compared to the use of AH Plus® sealer in endodontically treated patients?"; Chapter 2: "Do bioceramic filling sealers have superior penetration into dentinal tubules and antimicrobial activity compared to AH Plus® filling sealer?". Search strategies were defined and searches performed in the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, Cochrane Library, and OpenGrey. Chapter 1 used the Cochrane scale to assess the risk of bias and the GRADE tool to assess the quality of evidence. Meanwhile, Chapter 2 used The Joanna Briggs scale to assess the risk of bias from in vitro studies. Meta-analyses were conducted using the "Meta" package, version 3.6.3, the mean difference (MD) effect measure was calculated for quantitative variables and odds ratio (OR) (Chapter 1) and standardized mean differences (SMD) (Chapter 2), with a 95% confidence interval (CI). The results of Chapter 1 were included 13 articles in the systematic review, 11 were included in the meta-analysis. For quantitative variables, the bioceramic sealer had a lower occurrence of postoperative pain than the AH Plus® sealer in 24 hours (MD - 0.4101 [-0.80; - 0.02], p = 0.0386) and 48h (MD -0.31 [-0.59; -0.03], p = 0.0295). For the binary variables, there was no difference observed between the sealers evaluated: 24h (OR 1.12 [0.69; 1.80] p = 0.6476), 48h (OR 1.56 [0.76; 3.20] p = 0.2267), 72h (OR 1.38 [0.55; 3.45] p = 0.4893) and 7 days (OR 2.10 [0.55; 8.01], p = 0 .2790). Regarding the risk of bias analysis, a low risk was observed for most domains, except for allocation that was considered unclear, while the certainty of evidence ranged from moderate to low. The results of Chapter 2 were a total of 54 studies included, and 16 studies were included in the meta-analysis. Overall, the studies had a low risk of bias. There was no statistical difference between the sealers evaluated for penetration into dentinal tubules, regardless of the thirds: coronal SMD 0.58 [0.14; 1.31], p = 0.12; average SMD 0.07 [0.54; 0.39], p = 0.75; and apical: SMD 0.08 [0.73; 0.56], p = 0.80. Bioceramic sealers and AH Plus® demonstrated similar antimicrobial action to SMD [3.42; 5.32], p = 0.67 and SMD 0.67 [1.89; 0.55], p = 0.2825. Thus, it is concluded that bioceramic sealers have less postoperative pain in the first 24 and 48 hours, and have similar responses for penetration into dentinal tubules and antimicrobial activity when compared to AH Plus® sealer(AU)

Root Canal Filling Materials , Root Canal Obturation , Dental Cements , Anti-Infective Agents , Root Canal Therapy , Ceramics , Calcarea Silicata , Epoxy Resins