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RFO UPF ; 28(1): 38-49, 20230808. tab, ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1509411


Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a qualidade da obturação e a resistência de união de dois cimentos endodônticos, AH Plus e Bio-C Sealer, em dentes humanos e bovinos. Métodos: Os canais radiculares de 60 dentes unirradiculares [30 humanos (H) e 30 bovinos (B)] foram preparados e obturados por condensação lateral da guta-percha e AH Plus (grupos AP-H e AP-B) ou Bio-C Sealer (grupos BC-H e BC-B). Seis fatias de 1,5 mm de espessura foram obtidas de cada raiz. Os espécimes foram observados em estereomicroscópio para avaliar a qualidade da obturação, considerando possíveis espaços vazios no material obturador. Posteriormente, as fatias radiculares foram avaliadas em termos de resistência de união por push-out e modo de falha. Os dados foram analisados pelos testes de Mann-Whitney e coeficientes de correlação de Spearman (α=5%). Resultados: A qualidade de obturação fornecida por AP e BC foi semelhante em ambos os substratos de dentina. No entanto, ao comparar dentes humanos e bovinos, os escores de espaços vazios foram maiores nas amostras bovinas, para ambos os cimentos. AP teve maior resistência de união à dentina humana e bovina do que BC. No entanto, não houve diferença significativa na resistência de união entre os substratos dentinários, para ambos os cimentos testados. Além disso, houve uma correlação positiva e moderada entre os valores de resistência de união de dentes humanos e bovinos. O modo de falha misto foi o mais prevalente. Conclusão: AP e BC fornecem qualidade de obturação semelhante, mas o primeiro apresenta maiores valores de resistência de união à dentina humana e bovina. A utilização de dentes bovinos como substitutos de amostras humanas parece ser adequada em estudos relacionados à resistência de união, mas não naqueles que testam a qualidade da obturação endodôntica.(AU)

Objective: This study aimed to compare the filling quality and bond strength of two endodontic sealers, AH Plus and Bio-C Sealer, in human and bovine teeth. Methods: The root canals of 60 [30 human (H) and 30 bovine (B)] single-rooted teeth were prepared and filled by lateral condensation of gutta-percha and AH Plus (groups AP-H and AP-B) or Bio-C Sealer (groups BC-H and BC-B). Six 1.5-mm-thick slices were obtained from each root. The specimens were observed under a stereomicroscope to assess filling quality, considering possible voids within the filling material. Subsequently, root slices were evaluated in terms of push-out bond strength and failure mode. Data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney tests and Spearman correlation coefficients (α=5%). Results: The filling quality provided by AP and BC was similar in both dentin substrates. However, when comparing human and bovine teeth, void scores were greater in the bovine samples, for both sealers. AP had higher bond strength to human and bovine dentin than BC. However, there was no significant difference in bond strength between dentin substrates, for both sealers tested. Also, there was a positive and moderate correlation between the bond strength values of human and bovine teeth. The mixed failure mode was the most prevalent. Conclusion: AP and BC provide similar filling quality, but the first presents higher bond strength values to human and bovine dentin. The use of bovine teeth as substitutes for human samples seems adequate in studies related to bond strength, but not in those testing root canal filling quality.(AU)

Humans , Animals , Cattle , Root Canal Filling Materials/chemistry , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Silicates/chemistry , Calcium Compounds/chemistry , Epoxy Resins/chemistry , Reference Values , Surface Properties , Materials Testing , Cementation/methods , Statistics, Nonparametric , Dental Restoration Failure , Gutta-Percha/chemistry
Rev. ADM ; 79(3): 146-151, mayo-jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378372


Introducción: La finalidad del tratamiento de conductos es conseguir la máxima desinfección, conformación y sellado tridimensional. Objetivo: Comparar la capacidad del sellado apical entre dos técnicas de obturación en conductos mesiales de molares inferiores con limas fracturadas en tercio apical. Material y métodos: Se utilizaron 60 raíces mesiales de molares inferiores, instrumentados con Protaper Universal, se desgastó 4 milímetros la parte activa del instrumento y se fracturó intencionalmente en tercio apical. Se formaron dos grupos de 30 raíces mesiales (n = 30) cada uno y se utilizaron dos técnicas de obturación: grupo 1: condensación lateral clásica y grupo 2: Obtura II. Las muestras se sumergieron en tubos de ensayo y en su interior contenían 5 mL de tinta china, se diafanizaron y observaron con un microscopio estereoscópico (LEICA, EZ4D) a 35x para medir la penetración de tinta china dentro del conducto radicular. Resultados: Se encontró una mayor microfiltración apical con suficiente evidencia estadística en el grupo de Obtura II comparado con el grupo de condensación lateral clásica (p < 0.002). Conclusiones: Ambos grupos presentaron microfiltración apical; sin embargo, en el grupo que se utilizó el sistema de obturación termoplastificada Obtura II se detectó mayor filtración apical comparada con el grupo de condensación lateral clásica (AU)

Introduction: The purpose of root canal treatment is to achieve maximum disinfection, shaping and three-dimensional sealing. Objective: To compare the apical sealing capacity between two obturation techniques in mesial canals of mandibular molars with broken files in the apical third. Material and methods: 60 mesial roots of lower molars were used, instrumented with Protaper Universal, the active part of the instrument was worn by 4 millimeters and it was intentionally broken in the apical third. Two groups of 30 mesial roots (n = 30) each were formed and two filling techniques were used: group 1: classic lateral condensation and group 2: Obtura II. The samples were immersed in test tubes and contained 5 mL of Chinese ink inside, they were clear and observed with a stereomicroscope (LEICA, EZ4D) at 35x to measure the penetration of Chinese ink into the root canal. Results: A higher apical microfiltration with sufficient statistical evidence was found in the Obtura II group compared to the classic lateral condensation group (p < 0.002). Conclusions: Both groups presented apical microfiltration, however, in the group that used the Obtura II thermoplastic obturation system, greater apical filtration was detected compared to the classic lateral condensation group (AU)

Root Canal Obturation/methods , Dental High-Speed Equipment/adverse effects , Dental Leakage , In Vitro Techniques , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dental Restoration Failure , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology , Molar
Chinese Journal of Stomatology ; (12): 424-429, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935884


Compared with cold lateral condensation and continuous wave of condensation which are classically used in clinical, newly emerging single-cone obturation technique is easy-to-operate as well as time-saving. Especially when combined with bioceramic root canal sealers of improved physicochemical and biological properties, single-cone obturation technique showed satisfactory short-term outcomes in clinical observations. However, difficulties still exist in avoiding the root canal overfilling and in operating the retreatment. Besides, the long-term effects of single-cone obturation with bioceramic sealers still remain unclear. This article makes an overview on the history and development of single-cone obturation ,and provides analysis of its pros and corns. Furthermore, we would also like to summarize its clinical application and look into its future improvements.

Epoxy Resins/chemistry , Gutta-Percha/chemistry , Retreatment , Root Canal Filling Materials/therapeutic use , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Root Canal Therapy
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(2): 473-478, jun. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385769


The aim of this ex vivo study was to compare the ability of the apical sealing bioceramic cements BioRoot™ RCS (Septodont) and MTA-Fillapex (Angelus). One hundred and eighty-four vestibular canals were selected from ninety-two recently extracted maxillary molars. Canals were instrumented with the mechanized system ProTaper Next and obturated using the single cone technique. The sample was randomly divided into two groups (92): Group 1 was obturated with BioRoot ™ RCS, and Group 2 with MTA-Fillapex. Samples were processed for the leakage test by dye penetration and later cut longitudinally. The data obtained were tabulated and analyzed using Stata 15.0. The degree of leakage from BioRoot ™ RCS was 0.03 mm, and MTA-Fillapex was 0.31 mm p (0.00). BioRoot ™ bioceramic presented an adequate apical sealing, while MTA-Fillapex showed an accentuated leakage.

El objetivo de este studio ex vivo fue comparar la capacidad de sellado apical de dos cementos biocerámicos, el BioRoot™ RCS (Septodont) y MTA-Fillapex (Angelus). 184 conductos vestibulares fueron seleccionados de 92 molares maxilares recientemente extraídos. Los conductos fueron instrumentados con el sistema de instrumentación mecanizado Protaper Next y obturados usando la técnica de cono único. Las muestras fueron divididas aleatoriamente en dos grupos (N 92): Grupo 1 fue obturado con BioRoot™ RCS, y el grupo 2 con MTA-Fillapex. Las muestras fueron procesadas para el test de filtración por penetración de tinción, y luego cortadas de manera longitudinal. Los datos obtenidos fueron tabulados y analizados usando Stata 15.0. El grado de penetración de BioRoot™ RCS fue de 0,03 mm, y de MTA Fillapex fue de 0,31 mm (P 0.00). BioRoot™ RCSpresent un sellado apical adecuado, mientras que MTA Fillapex mostró una filtración mayor.

Humans , Root Canal Filling Materials/chemistry , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Pit and Fissure Sealants , Biocompatible Materials/chemistry , Materials Testing , Ceramics/chemistry , Dental Leakage
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 10(1): 1-7, feb. 24, 2021. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1282565


Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the micro-push-out bond strength of a mineral-based root canal sealer, BioRoot RCS in canals prepared by K3XF rotary systems of two different tapers. Material and Methods: Eighty caries free maxillary central incisors were used in this study. The samples were allocated into 4 groups (n=20) according to the root canal sealer and taper of the rotary instruments. The samples were obturated using single cone obturation technique. From each root 1mm thick slices at coronal, middle and apical thirds were collected using hard tissue microtome under continuous water coolant. Push-out tests were done for these sections using a Universal testing machine (INSTRON 8801) at a crosshead speed of 1mm/min. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the bond strengths within groups and Tukey's multiple post hoc analysis was used for pair-wise comparison of bond strengths. Results: AH Plus exhibited higher micro-push-out bond strength than BioRootRCS though they did not differ significantly (p>0.05). Preparation of root canals with 6% taper rotary instruments showed higher bond strength than 4% though they did not differ significantly (p>0.05). Conclusion: There was no significant difference between micro-push-out bond strength values of BioRoot RCS and AH Plus. The bond strength values were high in 6% taper canals than 4% canals though the difference was not significant statistically.

Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la fuerza de unión por micro-expulsión de un sellador de conductos radiculares de base mineral, BioRoot RCS, en conductos preparados por sistemas rotativos K3XF con dos conos diferentes. Material y Métodos: En este estudio se utilizaron 80 incisivos centrales superiores libres de caries. Las muestras se distribuyeron en cuatro grupos (n = 20) de acuerdo al sellador del conducto radicular y al cono de los instrumentos rotativos. Las muestras se obturaron mediante la técnica de obturación de un solo cono. De cada raíz se recogieron rodajas de 1 mm de grosor en los tercios coronal, medio y apical utilizando un micrótomo de tejido duro con refrigeración continua por agua. Posteriormente, se realizó una prueba de expulsión para estas secciones utilizando una máquina de prueba universal (INSTRON 8801) a una velocidad del cabezal transversal de 1mm/min. Se utilizó el análisis de varianza unidireccional (ANOVA) para comparar las resistencias de la unión dentro de los grupos y el análisis post hoc multiple de Tukey se utilizó para la comparación por pares de las resistencias de la unión. Resultados: AH Plus exhibió una fuerza de unión de micro-expulsión más alta que BioRootRCS, aunque no difirieron significativamente (p>0,05). La preparación de los conductos radiculares con instrumentos rotativos ahusados al 6% mostró una fuerza de unión superior al 4%, aunque no difirieron significativamente (p>0,05). Conclusión: No hubo diferencias significativas entre los valores de fuerza de unión de micro-expulsión de BioRoot RCS y AH Plus. Los valores de la fuerza de unión fueron más altos en canales cónicos al 6% que en canales al 4%, aunque la diferencia no fue significativa estadísticamente.

Humans , Root Canal Filling Materials , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Dentin-Bonding Agents , Flexural Strength , Resins, Synthetic , Analysis of Variance , Root Canal Preparation , Dental Pulp Cavity , Epoxy Resins/chemistry , Minerals
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 35(81): 25-32, 2020. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1178997


Objetivo: Comparar la presencia de poros en los tres tercios del conducto radicular luego de la obturación con cementos biocerámicos. Se trataron endodónticamente 20 premolares inferiores unirradiculares, de anatomía oval. Los mismos fueron divididos en dos grupos y se obturaron con dos cementos biocerámicos diferentes. Todas las muestras fueron analizadas con microtomografía de rayos X para comparar la presencia de poros en los tres tercios radiculares, clasificando los mismos en internos, externos y combinados. En las 20 piezas dentarias obturadas y analizadas se encontraron poros. La cantidad de poros detectados no presentó diferencias significativas mediante análisis estadísticos cuantitativos ni cualitativos. Los poros se presentaron más frecuentemente en el tercio cervical, independientemente del cemento sellador. Ambos grupos presentan una buena adaptación a nivel apical, siendo esto imprescindible para la longevidad y éxito del tratamiento endodóntico (AU)

Root Canal Filling Materials , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Root Canal Therapy/methods , Biocompatible Materials , Ceramics , X-Ray Microtomography , Argentina , Schools, Dental , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Dental Marginal Adaptation , Evaluation Studies as Topic
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 107(2): 42-48, abr.-jun. 2019. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1015526


Objetivo: Evaluar radiográficamente, en dientes extraídos, el grado de homogeneidad y adaptación de las obturaciones endodónticas realizadas por alumnos de grado, comparando las técnicas de condensación lateral e híbrida. Materiales y métodos: Entre 2003 y 2017, los alumnos de tercer año de la Escuela de Odontología de la Universidad del Salvador / Asociación Odontológica Argentina realizaron 5.384 tratamientos endodónticos ex vivo empleando, para la obturación, las técnicas de condensación lateral e híbrida. En las radiografías posoperatorias, un docente especialista en endodoncia evaluó la homogeneidad y la adaptación de cada obturación para categorizarla como correcta o incorrecta. Para la comparación entre técnicas, dentro de cada año lectivo, se utilizó la prueba exacta de Fisher, y para el análisis porcentual de las observaciones, la prueba de Chi cuadrado. El nivel de significancia fue establecido en P<0,05. Resultados: Del total de 5.384 tratamientos, 4.970 (92,3%) mostraron obturaciones correctas. Con la técnica de condensación lateral, de los 1.741 tratamientos, 1.560 (89,6%) mostraron obturaciones correctas con la técnica híbrida, de los 3.643 tratamientos, 3.410 (93,6%) tuvieron obturaciones correctas. En función del tamaño total de las muestras, sumando todos los años, puede estimarse con 95% de confianza que la diferencia de obturaciones incorrectas entre ambas técnicas está entre el 2,3% y el 5,7%. Con la prueba del Chi cuadrado, se observa una diferencia significativa de obturaciones correctas a favor de la técnica híbrida (P<0,01) Conclusiones: La evaluación radiográfica de los tratamientos endodónticos realizados ex vivo por alumnos de pregrado mostró un alto porcentaje de obturaciones correctas. Así mismo, el empleo de la técnica híbrida dio, en general, mejores resultados de compactación de la masa del material obturador que la técnica de condensación lateral (AU)

Aim: To evaluate radiographically the degree of homogeneity and adaptation of endodontic obturations completed by undergraduate students in extracted teeth using lateral and hybrid condensation techniques. Materials and methods: Between 2003 and 2017, third year students of a the School of Dentistry of the Universidad del Salvador / Asociación Odontológica Argentina performed 5384 ex vivo endodontic treatments using lateral condensation and hybrid technique. In the postoperative radiographs, a specialist in endodontics assessed the homogeneity and adaptation of each obturation and categorize it as correct or incorrect. The data were submitted to statistical analysis to compare results obtained with the two techniques. Fisher and Chi-square tests were used and significance level was set at P<0.05. Results: Out of 5384 treatments, 4970 (92.3%) showed correct obturation. Within the 1741 treatments completed with the lateral condensation technique, 1560 (89.6%) were correct while within the 3634 where a hybrid technique was used, 3410 (93.6%) were correct. When the whole sample was considered (sum of treatment carried out during each of the academic years) a statistically significant difference (P<0.01) favoring the hybrid technique was found. The difference in incorrect cases can be estimated to be between 2.3% and 5.7% with 95% confidence. Conclusions: The radiographic evaluation completed by undergraduate students in extracted teeth showed a high percentage of correct fillings. The use of the hybrid technique showed, in general, better compaction of the obturation material than the lateral condensation technique (AU)

Humans , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Root Canal Therapy/methods , Root Canal Therapy/statistics & numerical data , Tooth, Nonvital/diagnostic imaging , Education, Predental , Argentina , Dental Marginal Adaptation
RFO UPF ; 24(1): 120-126, 29/03/2019. ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1048469


Objetivo: relatar um caso clínico de perfuração radicular causada por iatrogenia, em terço cervical e médio de um incisivo central superior, dente 21, com presença de lesão óssea periapical. Relato de caso: clinicamente, pôde-se constatar ausência de edema e fístula. Na avaliação da condição pulpar e dos tecidos perirradiculares, o dente apresentou dor na palpação, ausência de mobilidade e de dor em percussão vertical e horizontal. Após os exames de imagem obtidos por meio de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC; Prexion 3D), constatou-se lesão perirradicular extensa, canal radicular obliterado e perfuração radicular em face vestibular após tentativa de acesso cirúrgico. Como escolha de tratamento, optou-se por recuperar o trajeto original do canal de maneira a obter acesso intracanal, realização do preparo químico-mecânico e obturação pela técnica do cone único, para posteriormente promover o selamento adequado da perfuração com MTA Repair HP (Angelus, Londrina, PR, Brasil). Após seis meses, o dente apresentava-se assintomático e, radiograficamente, observou-se o reparo da lesão periapical. Considerações finais: o correto planejamento, o conhecimento dos materiais utilizados e a abordagem terapêutica foram de suma importância para o manejo adequado do caso. (AU)

Objective: to report a clinical case of root perforation, caused by iatrogeny in the cervical and middle third of an upper central incisor, tooth 21, with presence of periapical bone lesion. Case report: clinically, there was no edema and fistula. Facing the evaluation of the pulp condition and the periradicular tissues, the tooth presented pain on palpation, absence of mobility and pain on vertical and horizontal percussion. After the imaging exams, obtained by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT; Prexion 3D), extensive periradicular lesion, obliterated root canal and root perforation were observed in the buccal face after attempted surgical access. As a choice of treatment, we chose to recover the original path of the canal in order to obtain intracanal access, chemicomechanical preparation and obturation by the single-cone technique to later promote proper sealing of the perforation with MTA Repair HP (Angelus, Londrina, PR, Brazil). After six months, the tooth was asymptomatic and, radiographically, the repair of the periapical lesion was observed. Final considerations: the correct planning, knowledge of the materials used and therapeutic approach were of paramount importance for the proper management of the case. (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Periapical Tissue/abnormalities , Root Canal Filling Materials/therapeutic use , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Tooth Diseases/therapy , Dental Pulp Cavity/abnormalities , Oxides/therapeutic use , Radiography, Dental , Treatment Outcome , Silicates/therapeutic use , Calcium Compounds/therapeutic use , Aluminum Compounds/therapeutic use , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Drug Combinations
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 13(1): 31-39, mar. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-990061


RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar mediante la revisión de la literatura científica disponible cuál es el tipo de cemento sellador que proporciona mayor resistencia a la fractura en dientes tratados endodónticamente, los cementos a base de biocerámicos o los en base a resina epóxica. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de acuerdo a las bases de los estamentos de PRISMA, en las bases de datos Medline, SciELO, Trip Database, LILACS, Web of Science, Cochrane. Se realizó la búsqueda a 10 años y se incluyeron sólo estudios in vitro. Se encontraron 202 artículos, luego se eliminaron los artículos duplicados y se excluyeron los estudios no atingentes por título y resúmenes, quedando ocho artículos que se revisaron a texto completo. En esta etapa se excluyeron dos estudios. Un total seis estudios fueron incluidos en esta revisión. De estos, ninguno encontró diferencia significativas entre cementos selladores a base de biocerámicos y a base de resina epóxica, en cuanto a resistencia a la fractura de los dientes tratados endodónticamente. Sin embargo, en 4 estudios los valores más altos encontrados de resistencia a la fractura estuvieron dados por los selladores en base a resina epóxica. Los artículos seleccionados, teniendo en consideración las limitaciones propias de los estudios in vitro, concluyen que en cuanto a resistencia a la fractura no hay diferencias significativas entre el uso de cementos selladores a base de biocerámicos y cementos selladores a base de resina epóxica en la obturación radicular de dientes tratados endodónticamente.

ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to determine through the review of scientific literature, the type of sealer that provides the greatest resistance to fracture in endodontically treated teeth. Bioceramic sealer or epoxy resin based sealers were considered for this analysis. A systematic review was performed according to PRISMA, in the databases Medline, SciELO, Trip Database, LILACS, Web of Science, Cochrane. The search was carried out over the last 10 years, and only in vitro studies were included; 202 articles were found and subsequently, duplicate articles were eliminated, non-inferential studies by title and abstracts were excluded, leaving eight articles that were revised to full text. In this stage, two studies were excluded. In total, six studies were included in this review. Of these, none found significant difference between sealer cements based on bioceramics and based on epoxy resin, in terms of resistance to fracture of endodontically treated teeth. However, in 4 studies the highest found values of fracture resistance were given by sealers based on epoxy resin. Taking into account the limitations inherent to in vitro studies, this review concludes that in terms of fracture resistance, there are no significant differences between the use of sealer based on bioceramics and the based on epoxy resin in the root canal obturation.

Humans , Root Canal Filling Materials , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Tooth Fractures/prevention & control , Materials Testing , Ceramics , Composite Resins , Endodontics , Epoxy Resins
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 19(1): 3902, 01 Fevereiro 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-997921


Objective: To investigate the longevity of endodontic treatments and the survival of endodontic re-treatments performed in primary teeth. Material and Methods: The sample included endodontic treatments and re-treatments conducted in anterior and posterior primary teeth without sedation or general anesthesia among children attending a university dental service. Information collected retrospectively from clinical records was used for analyzing data. The Kaplan-Meier estimator test was used to analyze the longevity and survival of endodontic treatment and re-treatments, respectively. Results: A total of 73 patients with endodontic therapy in primary teeth were included in the study, and 116 teeth were analyzed. After one year, the longevity of endodontic treatments performed on primary teeth was 65.74% with an annual failure rate (AFR) of 34.2%. From 47 endodontic treatment failures, 14 teeth (29.8%) were endodontically re-treated. When the endodontic re-treatment was considered as survival, the longevity of treatments reached 68.06% with 31.9% of AFR after one year of follow-up. There was a significant increase in functional tooth retention in those patients that received an endodontic re-treatment (p<0.001). Retreatment provided an additional mean survival time of 8.3 months. Conclusion: Endodontic treatments performed in primary teeth presented a limited longevity. Endodontic re-treatment is a more conservative alternative for endodontically treated primary teeth that have failed and significantly increase tooth retention.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Pulpectomy/methods , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Root Canal Therapy/instrumentation , Tooth, Deciduous , Medical Records , Dental Health Services , Brazil , Survival Analysis , Retrospective Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 33: e049, 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001594


Abstract: The aim of the present study was to assess the penetration capacity of two endodontic cements, Endosequence BC Sealer and AH Plus, in artificial lateral canals. Twenty-six two-rooted, maxillary first premolars were instrumented to size 40.06 using K3 files. In each root, six lateral canals of two diameters (0.06 and 0.10 mm) were created with a working length of 2, 4, and 6 mm. The specimens were randomly divided into two groups according to the endodontic cement to be used (Endosequence BC Sealer and AH Plus) and obturated by the single-cone technique. The specimens were imaged by digital periapical radiography and scores from 0 to 4 were attributed according to the degree of penetration by sealers into the lateral canals. Data were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Student-Newman-Keuls tests, and a significance level of p < 0.05 was adopted. No significant difference was observed between the two endodontic cements used to fill the simulated lateral canals (p > 0.05). The diameter of lateral canals only influenced the capacity of the Endosequence BC Sealer in filling the canals, and presented greater penetration in the lateral canals of diameter 0.10 mm (p < 0.05). We concluded that the bioceramic endodontic cement Endosequence BC Sealer presented similar ability as AH Plus to fill simulated lateral canals.

Humans , Oxides/chemistry , Root Canal Filling Materials/chemistry , Calcium Phosphates/chemistry , Ceramics/chemistry , Silicates/chemistry , Dental Pulp Cavity/drug effects , Epoxy Resins/chemistry , Reference Values , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Materials Testing , Random Allocation , Reproducibility of Results , Statistics, Nonparametric , Drug Combinations
RFO UPF ; 23(3): 382-388, 18/12/2018.
Article in Portuguese | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-995423


Objetivo: analisar a importância da realização da patência apical durante o preparo químico-mecânico do sistema de canais radiculares, enfatizando os prós e contras do procedimento. Materiais e método: foi realizada uma busca na base de dados PubMed e na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde sobre o tema patência apical no contexto da terapia endodôntica. Foram incluídos nesta revisão 30 artigos, publicados no período de 1974 a 2018. Revisão de literatura: a patência apical consiste na limpeza passiva do canal cementário sem ampliação da constrição apical, realizada com instrumentos finos e flexíveis, a fim de manter o forame apical livre de raspas de dentina, remanescentes pulpares e microrganismos. Tal manobra é indicada para dentes com necrose pulpar. Contudo, em dentes com polpa necrótica sem lesão perirradicular, em que há possibilidade de vitalidade do coto pulpar, ou em casos de biopulpectomia, esse procedimento não tem sido bem aceito, devido à preservação da vitalidade do coto pulpar ser muito importante para o reparo periapical. Considerações finais: a etapa correspondente ao preparo químico-mecânico é de extrema importância para se ter êxito na intervenção endodôntica. Durante o preparo dos canais radiculares, o acúmulo de debris dentinários no terço apical pode gerar perda no comprimento de trabalho. Dessa forma, a patência apical impede que essa dentina seja compactada nesta porção do canal, o que favorece modelagem, desinfecção, irrigação e, posteriormente, obturação adequada dessa importante região do sistema de canais radiculares. (AU)

during the chemical-mechanical preparation of the root canal system, emphasizing the pros and cons of this procedure. Materials and method: a search in the literature for relevant articles on the topic apical patency in the context of endodontic therapy was carried out by consulting the databases of PubMed and the Virtual Health Library. A total of 30 articles, published between 1974 and 2018, were selected for inclusion in this literature review. Literature review: the apical patency consisted of passive cleaning of the cementum canal without enlargement of the apical constriction, performed with thin and flexible instruments, in order to maintain the apical foramen free of dentin scrapings, remaining pulp and microorganisms. This maneuver is indicated for teeth with pulp necrosis. However, in teeth with necrotic pulp without periradicular lesion, in which there is possibility of vitality of the pulp stump, or cases of biopulpectomy, this procedure has not been well accepted, due to the preservation of the vitality of the pulp stump being very important for the periapical repair. Final considerations: the stage corresponding to the chemical-mechanical preparation is extremely important to succeed in endodontic intervention. During the preparation of the root canals, the accumulation of dentinal debris in the apical third can cause loss of working length. Thus, the apical patency prevents this dentin from being compacted in this portion of the canal, which favors the modeling, disinfection, irrigation and subsequent filling of this important region of the root canal system. (AU)

Humans , Root Canal Preparation/instrumentation , Tooth Apex , Periapical Tissue , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Dental Instruments , Dental Pulp Diseases/therapy
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 7(8): 382-386, nov. 30, 2018. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1121119


Chronic pulpal inflammation and infection are the main predisposing factors for internal and external root resorption (IRR & ERR); however, merging of IRR and ERR is a rare lesion which rigorously alters the anatomy of root canals. this study reports a case of merged IRR and ERR in an asymptomatic maxillary left central incisor in a 33-year old caucasian woman that was managed by one-visit root canal therapy (RCT) using calcium-enriched mixture (CEM) cement. radiographic examination showed a short root with under-filled root canal obturation associated with ERR/IRR and an apical lesion. after thorough chemo-mechanical preparation, the root canal was obturated with CEM cement; one week later, the access cavity was permanently restored. clinical/radiographic examinations at 1-year follow-up revealed uneventful healing, reestablishment of lamina dura and stabilization of the resorptive defects. the treatment outcome demonstrates that one-visit RCT using CEM cement may be a viable treatment option in cases with merged external/internal root resorption. further clinical trials with a larger number of cases are suggested to document a higher level of evidence.

Humans , Female , Adult , Periapical Diseases/therapy , Root Canal Filling Materials/therapeutic use , Root Canal Therapy/methods , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Biocompatible Materials/therapeutic use , Calcium/therapeutic use , Dental Pulp Necrosis , Molar/pathology
RFO UPF ; 23(2): 206-210, 24/10/2018. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-947595


Objetivo: avaliar o efeito do uso de hipoclorito de cálcio (Ca(OCl)2) como irrigante na resistência de adesão do cimento AH Plus (De Trey-Dentsply, Konstanz, Alemanha) à dentina pelo teste de micro push-out. Materiais e método: trinta e três dentes humanos monorradiculares foram seccionados transversalmente na junção amelocementária e divididos em três grupos: hipoclorito de sódio (NaOCl) 2,5%, hipoclorito de cálcio 2,5% e soro fisiológico. Os canais foram preparados, irrigados ao final com EDTA 17% e obturados com cones de guta percha e cimento AH Plus. Após armazenagem por 7 dias, em 100% de umidade e a 37°C, os dentes foram seccionados transversalmente ao longo do eixo da raiz. Foram obtidas três fatias de cada dente (n=33), que foram submetidas ao ensaio de push-out. O tipo de falha foi analisado por fractografia e classificado em falha adesiva, coesiva ou mista. Os valores de resistência de união foram analisados pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis, com nível de significância de 95%. Resultados: o grupo Ca(OCl)2 2,5% apresentou a menor média de resistência de adesão, diferindo estatisticamente do NaOCl e do soro fisiológico (p<0,05). Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos irrigados com soro e NaOCl (p>0,05). Conclusões: a falha predominante em todos os grupos foi a do tipo adesiva. O Ca(OCl)2 2,5% teve um efeito negativo sobre a força de adesão do AH Plus à dentina radicular quando comparado ao NaOCl 2,5%. (AU)

Objective: to evaluate the effect of calcium hypochlorite (Ca(OCl)2) as an irrigant on the bond strength of the AH Plus sealer (De Trey-Dentsply, Konstanz, Germany) to dentin, using the micro push-out test. Materials and method: thirty-three single-rooted human teeth were cross-sectioned on the cementoenamel junction and divided into three groups: 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (Na- OCl), 2.5% calcium hypochlorite, and saline solution. The canals were prepared, irrigated with 17% EDTA at the end, and filled with gutta-percha cones and AH Plus sealer. After being stored for seven days at 100% humidity and 37ºC, the teeth were cross-sectioned along the root axis. Three slices of each tooth (n=33) were obtained and subjected to the push-out test. Failure mode was analyzed by fractography and classified as adhesive, cohesive, or mixed. Bond strength values were analyzed by the Kruskall-Wallis test at 95% significance level. Results: the 2.5% Ca(OCl)2 group showed the lowest bond strength mean, differing statistically from 2.5% NaOCl and saline solution (p<0.05). There was no statistical difference between the groups irrigated with saline solution and NaOCl (p>0.05). Conclusion: the adhesive failure was predominant in all groups. The 2.5% Ca(OCl)2 had a negative effect on the bond strength of AH Plus to the root dentin when compared to 2.5% NaOCl. (AU)

Humans , Root Canal Filling Materials/chemistry , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Epoxy Resins/chemistry , Calcium Hypochlorite , Tooth Fractures , Edetic Acid/chemistry , Statistics, Nonparametric , Dental Restoration Failure , Flexural Strength
Dent. press endod ; 8(1): 71-77, Apr-Jun. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-883806


Objetivo: o objetivo desse estudo foi comparar três técnicas de inserção do cimento endodôntico em canais achatados. A técnica convencional, na qual o cimento é introduzido com o cone principal, foi comparada com dois grupos experimentais: lima Easy Clean em movimento reciprocante e inserto ultrassônico Irrisonic. Métodos: quarenta e cinco incisivos inferiores com anatomia do canal radicular achatada foram selecionados para o estudo. O canal radicular foi preparado até o instrumento Reciproc R40. Em seguida, as amostras foram divididas em três grupos (n = 15), de acordo com a técnica de colocação do cimento, e obturadas. Para obturação, em todos os grupos, foi utilizado o Touch'n Heat. Secções aos níveis de 2 e 4mm aquém do forame apical foram obtidas e examinadas em lupa estereoscópica com 40 vezes de magnificação. Na sequência, imagens foram obtidas com câmera digital e mensurou-se, com o software Axion Vision LE, a área total do canal radicular, áreas vazias e preenchidas com guta-percha e cimento. Resultados: aos níveis de 2 mm (p = 0,131) e 4 mm (p > 0,05) não existiram diferenças entre os grupos com relação às áreas vazias avaliadas. Áreas vazias foram comparadas, também, entre os níveis de 2 mm e 4 mm, e não houve diferença apresentada em qualquer grupo testado. (Easy Clean, p = 0,309; Cone Principal, p = 0,164; Irrisonic, p = 0,867). Conclusões: o inserto ultrassônico Irrisonic e a lima Easy Clean não obtiveram um melhor resultado de preenchimento do que a técnica convencional com o cone principal.

Humans , Male , Female , Dental Cements , Endodontics , Incisor , Root Canal Filling Materials , Root Canal Obturation/methods
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 18(1): 4088, 15/01/2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-980086


Objective:To evaluatethe influence of threedifferent instrumentation techniques on the incidence of postoperative pain after endodontic treatment.Material and Methods:Ninety permanent single rooted mandibular premolar with sign and symptoms of non-vital teethwere selected. Patients were randomly divided into three different groups according to the type of instrumentation:Group 1=Reciproc; Group 2=Twisted File incontinuousmotion and Group 3=WaveOne. Oburation was done with corresponding guttapercha points using zinc oxide eugenol sealer. The intensity of pain was recorded by the patient using visual analoguescale, after 2hr,6hr,12hr,48hr and 3days of completion of obturation.Data analysis was done using Wilcoxon signed-rankstest. The level of significance was set at 5%.Results:For Group 1 at 12 hours mean was 4.53 + 1.9 and median was 5. The mean value increased from 2 hours to 6 hours upto 12 hours and decreased after 48 hours till 3rd day. For Group 2 at 12 hours mean was 2.80 + 0.71 and median was 3.00. The mean value increased from 2 hours to 6 hours upto 12 hours and decreased after 48 hours till third day. For Group 3 at 12 hours mean was 4.77 + 1.81 and median was 5.00. Mean value increased from 2 hrupto 12 hr and decreased from 12 hours upto third day.At interval from 2-48 hours there is no significant difference seen between 3 groups and at 2 hours-3 days interval significant difference was seen in first group, but no significant results were seen between group 2 and group 3. There was no significant difference seen between all the groups at the interval of 6-12 hours (p>0.05). Conclusion:Pain score was less in case of Twisted File continuous motion technique while it was more in WaveOne and Reciproc technique (AU).

Root Canal Obturation/methods , Root Canal Therapy/instrumentation , Bicuspid , Root Canal Preparation , Dental Instruments , Statistics, Nonparametric , Evaluation Study , India
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 18(1): 4115, 15/01/2018. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-966913


Objective: To compare lateral compaction obturation with carrier-based gutta-percha and downpack-backfill. Material and Methods: Ninety tooth with single root canal were prepared with rotary Protaper and divided into 3 groups: Group 1 obturated with lateral heated compaction (LHC), Group 2 with carrier-based gutta-percha (CP) and Group 3 with downpack-backfill (DB). The apical one-third adaptation was determined by examining the dye penetration between obturation material and root canal wall on the horizontal cut samples. The data received was analyzed using SPSS 17 software. Chi-square statistical test was done with level of significance (α) of 0.05. Results: The DB group had the highest amount of score of 0, followed by CP group and LHC group. The DB group had 28 samples (93.3%) with score of 0, which was the largest compared to the CP and LHC group. All groups had some score 2, and score 3 and 4 were only examined in the LHC group Adaptation of the apical one-third on DB group had the best result, followed by CP and LHC group (p>0.05). Conclusion: The adaptation of apical one-third by downpack-backfill was the best among the three groups, but there was no statistically significant difference among those groups.

Humans , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Root Canal Therapy , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Endodontics/methods , Gutta-Percha , Chi-Square Distribution , Tooth Apex , Indonesia
J. appl. oral sci ; J. appl. oral sci;26: e20160584, 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-893731


Abstract Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the ability of multiple compounds to seal the dental tubules using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and micro-computed tomogra-phy (micro-CT). Material and Methods: Twenty-four single-root human mandibular premolars were selected and instrumented with nickel-titanium rotary file and the final file size was #40/06. They were then randomly allocated into 2 groups, and all samples were filled with single cone gutta-percha (#40/06) and one of the tested sealers (AH Plus and EndoSequence BC sealers). All specimens were scanned using micro-CT and then three from each group were randomly selected for SEM analysis. Results: According to SEM, both root canal sealers showed sufficient adaptation to dentin along the whole length of the root canal, though the coronal sections presented superior sealing than the apical sections. Micro porosity analyses revealed that the volume of closed pores and the surface of closed pores had the largest values in the coronal sections, followed by the middle and the apical sections for both sealants (p<0.05). However, no significant difference was observed for those two parameters between AH Plus and EndoSequence BC sealers in any of the three sections (p>0.05), whereas they were larger in the apical section when the AH Plus sealer was used. Conclusions: By using the single cone technique, neither EndoSequence or AH Plus pro-vides a porosity-free root canal filling. The EndoSequence BC sealer may have similar sealing abilities regarding the whole root canal as the AH Plus sealer. A better sealing effect could be obtained in the coronal and middle sections of a root canal than the apical part by using the tested sealers.

Humans , Oxides/chemistry , Root Canal Filling Materials/chemistry , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Tooth Root/drug effects , Calcium Phosphates/chemistry , Silicates/chemistry , Dentin/drug effects , Epoxy Resins/chemistry , Surface Properties , Materials Testing , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Random Allocation , Reproducibility of Results , Statistics, Nonparametric , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Dentin/ultrastructure , Drug Combinations , X-Ray Microtomography
J. appl. oral sci ; J. appl. oral sci;25(6): 641-649, Nov.-Dec. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-893677


Abstract The aim of this study was evaluate the influence of ultrasonic activation (UA) of AH Plus to improve canal and isthmus filing, and analyse the antimicrobial effect against Enterococcus faecalis within dentinal tubules. Material and Methods: Thirty mesial roots of mandibular first molars were selected and divided into 2 groups (n = 15): with and without UA of the sealer. Then the root canals were filled by using the single cone technique, and the specimens were sectioned at 2, 4 and 6 mm from the apex for stereomicroscope and confocal laser scanner microscopy (CLSM) analysis. In addition, 30 bovine incisors were contaminated with Enterococcus faecalis and divided into 3 groups (n = 10). The specimens were obturated by using the single cone technique with (G1) and without (G2) UA of the sealer and G3 as the control group. All were sectioned into 6 mm-long cylinders and stained with LIVE/DEAD to assess bacterial viability by CLSM. Results: The UA of the sealer significantly reduced the presence of unfilled areas in the canal and isthmus area in all sections (p<0.05), and there was a significant increase in sealer penetration in both canals and isthmuses (p<0.05). As regards gaps, a significant reduction was found at 2 and 6 mm in the isthmus area of the UA group (p<0.05). Moreover, UA of the sealer significantly reduced bacterial viability in the superficial dentine when compared with the other groups (p<0.05). Conclusion: Ultrasonic activation of the AH Plus sealer promoted a better quality of root canal filling and increased the intratubular penetration of sealer, especially in the isthmus area. Additionally, ultrasonic activation of the sealer increased the intradentinal antimicrobial action against Enterococcus faecalis, mainly in the superficial dentine of the root canal.

Humans , Root Canal Filling Materials/pharmacology , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Ultrasonics , Enterococcus faecalis/drug effects , Dental Pulp Cavity/microbiology , Epoxy Resins , Microscopy, Confocal
J. appl. oral sci ; J. appl. oral sci;25(4): 396-403, July-Aug. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-893636


Abstract Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of photodynamic therapy (PDT) and non-thermal plasma (NTP) on adhesion and sealer penetration in root canals. Material and Methods Sixty single-rooted premolars were used. The teeth were prepared using a crown-down technique. NaOCl and EDTA were used for irrigation and smear layer removal, respectively. The root canals were divided into three groups: control, PDT, and NTP. After treatments, the roots were filled using gutta-percha and either AH Plus (AHP) or MTA Fillapex (MTAF) sealers. Samples were sectioned at 4, 8, and 12 mm from the apex (1-mm slices)and analyzed by the push-out bond strength test (adhesion) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (sealer penetration). Data were statistically evaluated using Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn's, and Spearman's tests. Results Regarding AHP, bond strength was similar in the NTP group and in the control group, but significantly lower in the PDT group. As to MTAF, both therapies showed lower values than the control group. In the confocal analysis of AHP, maximum and mean penetration, and penetrated area were statistically higher in the control group than in the PDT and NTP groups. Penetrated perimeter was similar among groups. Regarding MTAF, all parameters yielded better results in the NTP than in the control group. The PDT and control groups showed similar results except for penetrated area. Conclusion PDT and plasma therapy affected the adhesion and sealer penetration of root canals filled with AH Plus and MTA Fillapex and there is no positive correlation between adhesion and sealer penetration.

Humans , Oxides/chemistry , Photochemotherapy/methods , Root Canal Filling Materials/chemistry , Silicates/chemistry , Calcium Compounds/chemistry , Aluminum Compounds/chemistry , Dental Pulp Cavity/drug effects , Epoxy Resins/chemistry , Plasma Gases/chemistry , Reference Values , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Materials Testing , Reproducibility of Results , Dental Bonding/methods , Statistics, Nonparametric , Microscopy, Confocal , Drug Combinations