O hipoclorito de sódio (NaOCl), bastante difundido nos tratamentos endodônticos como uma solução de irrigação eficaz, pode causar complicações graves através da extrusão do mesmo nos tecidos periapicais. O objetivo desse estudo é relatar um caso clínico de extravasamento de hipoclorito durante o tratamento endodôntico, evidenciando a conduta terapêutica. Paciente do sexo feminino, 52 anos, comparece ao setor de urgências e emergência do Hospital da Restauração Governador Paulo Guerra, Recife-PE, cursando com aumento de volume em hemiface direita de aspecto eritematoso, difuso, com sintomatologia dolorosa e sensação de ardência, e necrose tecidual sugestiva de extrusão do NaOCl através dos tecidos periapicais. Foi realizada a limpeza copiosa, desbridamento, drenagem cirúrgica e antibioticoprofilaxia. Observou-se redução do edema e boa cicatrização tecidual intraoral, evidenciando-se que, embora seja rara, é essencial o manejo rápido e preciso diante dessa condição, além da terapêutica medicamentosa a fim de se prevenir infecções secundárias... (AU)
Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), widely used in endodontic treatments as an effective irrigation solution, may cause serious complications through extrusion into the periapical tissues. The aim of this study is to report a clinical case of hypochlorite extravasation during endodontic treatment, highlighting the therapeutic approach. A 52-year-old female patient presented at the emergency department of Hospital da Restauração Governador Paulo Guerra, Recife-PE, complaining of a diffuse, erythematous swelling of the right hemiface, with painful symptoms and burning sensation, and tissue necrosis suggestive of extrusion of NaOCl through the periapical tissues. Copious cleaning, surgical debridement and drainage, and antibiotic prophylaxis were performed. A reduction in edema and good intraoral tissue healing were observed. Although rare, rapid and precise management of this condition is essential, as well as drug therapy to prevent secondary infections... (AU)
El hipoclorito de sodio (NaOCl), muy extendido en los tratamientos endodónticos como solución de irrigación eficaz, puede causar graves complicaciones por su extrusión en los tejidos periapicales. El objetivo de este estudio es reportar un caso clínico de extravasación de hipoclorito durante el tratamiento endodóntico, destacando el enfoque terapéutico. Paciente de sexo femenino, 52 años, comparece en el servicio de urgencias y emergencias del Hospital de Restauración Gobernador Paulo Guerra, Recife-PE, cursando con aumento de volumen en hemiface direita de aspecto eritematoso, difuso, con sintomatología dolorosa y sensación de ardor, y necrose tecidual sugestiva de extrusión del NaOCl a través de los tejidos periapicales. Se realizó una abundante limpieza, desbridamiento, drenaje quirúrgico y antibioprofilaxis. Se observó una reducción del edema y una buena cicatrización de los tejidos intraorales, lo que demuestra que, aunque sea poco frecuente, es esencial un tratamiento rápido y preciso de esta afección, además de la terapia farmacológica para prevenir las infecciones secundarias... (AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Sodium Hypochlorite , Root Canal Preparation , Antibiotic ProphylaxisABSTRACT
É sabido que a cavidade oral é a porta de entrada para muitos microrganismos e que possui alguns gêneros de bactérias que quando se associam ou proliferam em excesso, com a falta de higienização correta, fatores ambientais e imunológicos podem causar danos em algumas partes dos dentes como no tecido pulpar e canais radiculares. Neste sentido, a endodontia tem sido capaz de tratar pessoas com problemas dentários em fases muito precoces como as medidas profiláticas até casos infeciosos que afetam a polpa dos dentes causando as lesões perirradiculares que são infecções causadas por microrganismos, Para tanto, é necessário que a odontologia ofereça transformações positivas por meio de técnicas que sejam mais previsíveis para os tratamentos. A literatura tem indicado o uso da laserterapia como técnica auxiliar para o tratamento endodôntico pelo seu potencial mínimo invasivo, preciso e eficaz em menor tempo de cura de patologias orais como as lesões perirradiculares. Este estudo pretendeu abordar a importância da laserterapia sobre as variáveis patológicas de pacientes com lesão perirradiculares. Para realiza-lo foi necessário buscar na literatura estudos que associem este tipo de tratamento e sua eficiência no tratamento desta patologia. Para realizar esta pesquisa foi necessário buscar dados na literatura que tratam sobre o tema para investigar o tempo indicado ao tratamento com a laserterapia bem como o estágio em que as lesões podem ser tratadas com auxílio deste método. Corroborando com o estudo apresentamos um caso clínico(AU)
It is known that the oral cavity is the gateway to many microorganisms and that it has some genera of bacteria that when they associate or proliferate in excess, with the lack of correct hygiene, environmental and immunological factors can cause damage in some parts of the teeth such as in pulp tissue and root canals. In this sense, endodontics has been able to treat people with dental problems at very early stages such as prophylactic measures to infectious cases that affect the pulp of teeth causing perirradicular lesions that are infections caused by microorganisms, therefore, it is necessary that dentistry offer positive transformations through techniques that are more predictable for treatments. The literature has indicated the use of laser therapy as an auxiliary technique for endodontic treatment for its minimal invasive, precise and effective potential in shorter time of cure of oral pathologies such as perirradicular lesions. This study aimed to address the importance of laser therapy on the pathological variables of patients with perirradicular lesions. To accomplish this, it was necessary to seek studies in the literature that associate this type of treatment and its efficiency in the treatment of this pathology. To carry out this research it was necessary to seek data in the literature that deal with the subject to investigate the time indicated for treatment with laser therapy as well as the stage at which lesions can be treated with the aid of this method. Corroborating the study, we present a clinical case(AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Root Canal Therapy , Laser Therapy , Root Canal Filling Materials , Root Canal Preparation , Dental Pulp Cavity/injuries , Dental Pulp Diseases , Microbiota , Mouth/microbiologyABSTRACT
La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia de la morfología externa de la raíz de primeros premolares superiores en la existencia de sobreestimación radiográfica durante la preparación para poste. Con este fin se realizó un estudio transversal in vitro, donde 60 premolares superiores uniradiculares fueron instrumentadas con fresas Gates Glidden y Pesso de calibre 1, 2 y 3. Seguidamente se obtuvieron imágenes radiográficas digitales de cada pieza dentaria mediante un aparato posicionador a una distancia constante en sentido vestíbulo lingual, asimismo se realizaron imágenes tomográficas volumétricas de las muestras. En ambas técnicas imagenológicas se midió el espesor a mesial y distal de las piezas. La sobreestimación fue calculada mediante la diferencia de la medida tomográfica menos la radiográfica. Los resultados indicaron que en ambas paredes radiculares hubo diferencia significativa entre las medidas radiográficas y tomográficas (p<0,05), encontrándose en la pared distal diferencias altamente significativas (p<0,001); además se evidenció que la sobreestimación radiográfica fue mayor en la pared distal. El estudio concluyó que existe sobreestimación radiográfica en premolares superiores durante la preparación para poste de un 20,42 % en promedio, siendo la pared distal la estructura que presenta mayor sobreestimación.
SUMMARY: he investigation´s objective was to determine the influence of external morphology of the root of upper first premolars in the existence of radiographic overestimation during preparation for post. An in vitro cross-sectional study was carried out, where 60 single-rooted upper premolars were instrumented with burs. Gates Glidden and Pesso of caliber 1, 2 and 3, then, digital radiographic images of each dental piece were obtained by means of a positioning device at a constant distance in the buccolingual direction; volumetric tomographic images of the samples were also performed. In both imaging techniques, the mesial and distal thickness of the pieces was measured. The overestimation was calculated by the difference of the tomographic measurement minus the radiographic one. The results indicated that in both root walls there was a significant difference between the radiographic and tomographic measurements (p<0.05), with highly significant differences being found in the distal wall (p<0.001); In addition, it was evidenced that the radiographic overestimation was greater in the distal wall. The study concluded that there is radiographic overestimation in upper premolars during post preparation of 20.42% on average, with the distal wall being the structure that presents the greatest overestimation.
Humans , Bicuspid/diagnostic imaging , Tooth Preparation , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Bicuspid/anatomy & histology , Radiographic Image Enhancement , Cross-Sectional Studies , Post and Core Technique , Root Canal Preparation , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
El objetivo de esta comunicación es describir y analizar el sistema BlueShaper para la preparación quirúrgica mecaniza- da de los conductos radiculares. El sistema dispone de un set básico de 4 limas: Z1, Z2, Z3 y Z4, con un D0 de 0,14 mm, 0,17 mm, 0,19 mm y 0,25 mm respectivamente y conicidad variable que oscila entre el 2 y 10 %. La lima Z1 posee una aleación Pink, que le confiere mayor resistencia a la torsión y una gran capacidad de corte. Las limas Z2, Z3 y Z4 presentan una aleación Blue que aumenta la resistencia a la fatiga cíclica e incrementa su flexibilidad. Para conductos radiculares más amplios se incluyen, además, las limas Z5, Z6 y Z7. La empresa comer- cializa conos de gutapercha BlueShaper que se corresponden con las limas Z3, Z4, Z5, Z6 y Z7. El sistema de limas mul- tialeación Blue Shaper podría considerarse como un nuevo aporte clínico para la preparación mecánica de los conductos radiculares (AU)
The aim of this communication was to describe and analyze the BlueShaper system for the mechanized surgical preparation of root canals. The system has a basic set of 4 files: Z1, Z2, Z3 and Z4, with 0.14 mm, 0.17 mm, 0.19 mm and 0.25 mm DO respective- ly, and variable conicity ranging between 2 and 10 %. Z1 file has a Pink alloy, which gives it greater resistance to torsion and great cutting capacity. The Z2, Z3 and Z4 files feature a Blue alloy that increases resistance to cyclic fatigue and increases their flexibility. For larger root canals, the Z5, Z6 and Z7 files are also included. The company supplies specific BlueShaper Ìs gutta-percha cones for Z3, Z4, Z5, Z6 and Z7 files. The BlueShaper multialloy file system could be consid- ered as a new clinical contribution for the mechanical prepa- ration of root canals (AU)
Root Canal Preparation/instrumentation , Dental Alloys , Dental Instruments , Rotation , Thermodynamics , Torsion, MechanicalABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of ultrasound and acoustic and laser cleaning of curved root canals.@*METHODS@#A total of 92 molars with independent root canals with a curvature of 20°-40° were prepared and standardized at 04 25# and stained with gentian violet solution for 72 h. Among them, 52 were randomly divi-ded into four groups for final rinsing (n=13): NI group, PUI group, EDDY group, and PIPS group. Ten samples in each group were cut horizontally along the long axis perpendicular to the root and divided into curved upper, curved, and apical segments. Images were taken with a stereomicroscope and Image J measurements were taken to calculate the depth of rinse penetration. The remaining three samples from each group were split along the long axis of the dentin, photographed by scanning electron microscope to record the dentin tubule exposure and staining layer, and scored for staining layer by double-blind method. SPSS 26.0 software was used to perform statistical analysis and select the best flushing method. An extra 40 samples were randomly divided into four groups for detection of flushing fluid penetration depth (n=10): 10, 20, 30, and 40 s.@*RESULTS@#In the upper part, the mean depth of infiltration was not significantly different between the experimental and control groups (P>0.05). The PIPS group had a significantly lower smear layer score than the control group and the EDDY group (P<0.01). In the curved segment, the mean depth of infiltration was significantly greater in the PUI group than in the control group (P<0.05); the tarnish layer score was lower in each experimental group than in the control group. At the top, the mean depth of infiltration was greater in the PUI and PIPS groups than in the control group (P<0.05), and the smear layer score was lower in the PIPS group than in the other groups (P<0.05). After the time was changed, the depth of infiltration of PUI increased only in the apical segment as the flushing time increased.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The PUI and PIPS methods facilitate the penetration of irrigation solution into the dentin canal in curved root canals, especially in the apical segment. The PIPS technique is effective in removing the smear layer in curved root canals.
Humans , Dental Pulp Cavity , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Root Canal Irrigants , Root Canal Preparation/methods , Smear Layer , Sodium Hypochlorite , Therapeutic Irrigation/methods , Double-Blind MethodABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the efficacy of 5% Glycolic Acid (GA), 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and 7% maleic acid (MA), in removing the smear layer (SL). Material and Methods: For the experiment, forty single-rooted human teeth were selected. To perform the chemo‑mechanical preparation, the root canals were instrumented to an apical size of #30, along with simultaneous irrigation of 2.5% NaOCl. The samples were allotted to the experimental groups based on the final irrigating solution (n=10): (1) The GA group: 05%, (2) the EDTA group: 17%, (3) the MA group: 7%, and (4) the control group: Distilled water. The teeth were evaluated for the presence or absence of SL using SEM. Results: Comparing the 5% GA, 7% MA and 17% EDTA groups, no statistically significant differences were found at the coronal and middle thirds (p>0.05). However, in the apical third, MA had greater efficacy than EDTA (p=0.002) and GA (p=0.041), with a significant difference in the SL removal, while there was no significant difference between the latter (p=0.148). Conclusion: Thus, it was concluded that 7% maleic acid as a final irrigating solution is more efficacious than 17% EDTA and 5% glycolic acid in eliminating the smear layer from the apical portion of the root canal.
Humans , Smear Layer , Edetic Acid/chemistry , Root Canal Preparation/instrumentation , Dental Pulp Cavity , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning/instrumentation , Chi-Square Distribution , Statistics, NonparametricABSTRACT
Foraminal enlargement has been recommended to optimize the disinfection of infected root canals, although some authors still claim that the foramen should be kept in its original shape and position. This study aimed to evaluate morphological alterations of apical foramen after foraminal enlargement through a systematic review. An electronic search was conducted until April 2022. Ex vivo studies evaluating influence of foraminal enlargement in the morphologic changes of apical foramen were included. Studies without a control group or available full text were excluded. Foraminal deformation and area increase were considered as primary outcomes. Risk-of-bias assessment was performed according to a modified Joanna Briggs Institute's Checklist. From 702 studies retrieved, five were eligible. Most studies used single-rooted teeth, and rotary systems for instrumentation ranging from 2 mm to + 1 mm to the apex. All studies found increased major foramen deformation after foraminal enlargement. Among four studies that evaluated foraminal area, all found increased area after foraminal enlargement. Insufficient data for touched/untouched walls by instruments and dentinal microcrack formation was observed. A low risk of bias was found. Foraminal enlargement during root canal preparation seems to increase deformation and major apical foramen area. Future investigations with standardized methodologies are encouraged (AU)
A ampliação foraminal tem sido recomendada para otimizar a desinfecção de canais radiculares infectados, embora alguns autores ainda afirmem que o forame deve ser mantido em sua forma e posição originais. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar alterações morfológicas do forame apical após ampliação foraminal por meio de uma revisão sistemática. Uma busca eletrônica foi realizada até abril de 2022. Foram incluídos estudos ex vivo que avaliaram a influência da ampliação foraminal nas alterações morfológicas do forame apical. Foram excluídos estudos sem grupo controle ou com texto completo indisponível. A deformação foraminal e o aumento da área foram considerados desfechos primários. A avaliação do risco de viés foi realizada de acordo com uma lista de verificação modificada do Instituto Joanna Briggs. Dos 702 registros recuperados, cinco foram elegíveis. A maioria dos estudos utilizou dentes unirradiculares e sistemas rotatórios para instrumentação, com comprimento de trabalho variando de 2 mm a + 1 mm até o ápice. Todos os estudos encontraram aumento da deformação do forame maior após ampliação foraminal. Dos quatro estudos que avaliaram a área foraminal, todos encontraram aumento de área após alargamento foraminal. Foram observados dados insuficientes para paredes tocadas/intocadas pelos instrumentos e formação de microfissuras dentinárias. Um baixo risco de viés foi encontrado. A ampliação foraminal durante o preparo do canal radicular parece aumentar a deformação e a área do forame apical. Futuras investigações com metodologias padronizadas são incentivadas (AU)
Root Canal Therapy , Root Canal Preparation , Tooth Apex , EndodonticsABSTRACT
The study aimed to find the incidence and awareness of endodontic instrument separation and its management among dental house officers, postgraduate trainees, demonstrators, consultants, and general dentists. Methods: This online questionnaire-based cross-sectional study was conducted with the approval of the IRB in private and public dental hospitals and dental clinics in Punjab. The authors developed the survey tool, which comprises 24 closed-ended items regarding demographics, the incidence of file separation, and awareness about its management. The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS version 24. The Chi-Square Test was used to compare percentages of categorical variables. Results: Postgraduate trainees experienced the most instrument separations (43.6%), made the most retrieval attempts (49.2%), and experienced the most secondary errors during retrieval (52.1%) (p<0.001). Around four out of ten respondents always informed the patients (39.6%) and department (41.6%) about errors. Manual files (69.8%), stainless steel files (75.8%), and short files (60.4%) were more frequently separated, and the most frequent cause was older fatigue files (57.7%). Manual files were more frequently broken in public dental institutes (p=0.003). Two-thirds of the file separations (72.5%) occurred during cleaning and shaping in the apical third of molars (65.1%), especially in mesiolingual canal (56.4%). Bypass attempt was the most common in symptomatic teeth (47.7%). Conclusions: Preventive approaches such as limiting file reuse and constructing a glide path can reduce the occurrence of file separation. Operators should be familiar with the number of uses of the instrument before fatigue and should be trained through workshops and refresher courses
Humans , Male , Female , Root Canal Preparation/instrumentation , Dental Instruments , Equipment Failure , Endodontists/statistics & numerical data , Pakistan , Root Canal Therapy/instrumentation , Incidence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
A ciência endodôntica possui um vasto conhecimento e com esse conhecimento os seus inúmeros questionamentos. Algumas teorias e conceitos mudam constantemente e trazem à tona contradições e divergências clínicas no âmbito biológico e prático. A patência foraminal é uma prática que permite que um instrumento de pequeno calibre ultrapasse o forame apical, com o intuito de limpar passivamente e prevenir o acúmulo de detritos e inibir a proliferação de microorganismos que podem causar infecções pós tratamento endodôntico. Essa prática gera discussão interna entre especialistas da área, mas as vantagens da técnica são inúmeras, principalmente no que diz respeito aos casos de polpa necrosada. Casos como esse não são solucionados com sucesso sem a utilização da patência apical. Por outro lado, existem contradições em relação aos casos em que a polpa está viva. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as vantagens e desvantagens da patência apical, bem como, se os benefícios excedem os possíveis danos que ela pode trazer(AU)
Endodontic science has vast knowledge and with this knowledge its countless questions. Some theories and concepts are constantly changing and bring to light clinical contradictions and divergences in the biological and practical scope. Foraminal patency is a practice that allows a small-caliber instrument to go beyond the apical foramen, in order to passively clean and prevent the accumulation of debris in the region and inhibit the proliferation of microorganisms that can cause infections after endodontic treatment. This practice generates internal discussion among specialists in the field, but the advantages of the technique are numerous, especially with regard to cases of necrotic pulp. Cases like this are not successfully resolved without the use of apical patency. On the other hand, there are contradictions regarding the cases where the pulp is alive. This work aims to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of apical patency, as well as whether the benefits exceed the harm it can bring(AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Root Canal Therapy , Tooth Apex , Root Canal Preparation , InfectionsABSTRACT
Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the cleaning of mandibular incisors with WaveOne Gold® (WO) under different preparation techniques. Methods: A total of 210 human mandibular incisors were selected and divided into seven groups (n = 30), prepared by WO single-files (Small 20/.07 WOS; Primary 25/.07 WOP; Medium 35/.06 WOM; or Large 45/.05 - WOL) and sequential-file techniques (WOS to WOP; WOS to WOM; and WOS to WOL). Further subdivision was made according to irrigation protocol: control group (manual irrigation - CON), E1 Irrisonic® - EIR, and EDDY® - EDD. Debris removal and the smear layer were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy. Data were analyzed by using Spearman's correlation test. The significance level was set at 5%. Results: For debris and smear layer removal, WOS and WOP, EIR differed from CON and EDD (p <0.05). Conclusion: Regardless of the instrumentation used, the agitation of the irrigant solution provided better cleanability. These findings reinforce the need for agitation techniques as adjuvants in cleaning root canal systems in mandibular incisors
Root Canal Irrigants , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Root Canal Preparation , EndodonticsABSTRACT
O presente artigo tem como objetivo relatar um caso clínico de selamento de perfuração com uma técnica de inserção modificada do MTA. Após a anestesia, foi realizado o isolamento absoluto do dente e remoção do material presente na câmara, com o auxílio do inserto ultrassônico Smart X 1. Realizada a limpeza da perfuração utilizando hipoclorito de sódio e modelagem do canal com o instrumento rotatório, a obturação foi concebida com cone de guta percha e cimento AHPlus. Com broca Gates Glidden #3 foi removida a guta percha até o nível da perfuração. Em seguida, 5 mg de MTA branco foi manipulado, de acordo com recomendações do fabricante usando água destilada na proporção 1:1 e inserido na canaleta de uma régua endodôntica. Com o auxílio do instrumento de RHEM o material foi removido da canaleta e inserido na perfuração, concluindo o vedamento da mesma. Conclui-se neste caso clínico que o selamento de perfuração com MTA obteve sucesso clínico e radiográfico, utilizando a técnica de inserção com MTA modificada(AU)
This article aims to report a clinical case of sealing drilling rig with a modified MTA insertion technique. After anesthesia, the absolute isolation of the tooth and removing the material present in the Chamber, with the aid of ultrasonic Insert Smart X 1. Held drilling cleaning using sodium hypochlorite and modeling the canall with the Rotary instrument, the filling was designed with cone of gutta percha and cement AHPlus. With Gates Glidden bur #3 removed the gutta percha drilling level. Then 5 mg of white MTA was handled, according to manufacturer 's recommendations using distilled water in the ratio 1:1 and inserted in a canal endodontic ruler. With the aid of RHEM instrument the material was removed from the canal and inserted in drilling, completing the enclosure. It is concluded in this case that the sealing of drilling with clinical and radiographic success MTA, using the technique of does not avoid inserting rotating instrument. The obturation was performed with gutta percha cone and AHPlus cement. Removed gutta percha with Gates Glidden drill to drill level. Then, 5 mg of white MTA was handled, according to manufacturer 's recommendations using distilled water in the ratio 1: 1. Soon after, it was inserted in the caneleta of an endodontic ruler and with the aid of the instrument of RHEM the material was inserted in the indicated place. It is concluded in this clinical case that the perforation sealing with MTA obtained clinical and radiographic success, using the insertion technique with modified MTA(AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Root Canal Filling Materials , Root Canal Obturation , Root Canal Therapy , Sodium Hypochlorite , Biocompatible Materials , Root Canal Preparation , Gutta-PerchaABSTRACT
Various engine-driven NiTi endodontic files have been indispensable and efficient tools in cleaning and shaping of root canals for practitioners. In this review, we introduce the relative terms and conceptions of NiTi file, including crystal phase composition, the design of the cutting part, types of separation. This review also analysis the main improvement and evolution of different generations of engine-driven nickel-titanium instruments in the past 20 years in the geometric design, manufacturing surface treatment such as electropolishing, thermal treatment, metallurgy. And the variety of motion modes of NiTi files to improve resistance to torsional failure were also discussed. Continuous advancements by the designers, provide better balance between shaping efficiency and resistance to of NiTi systems. In clinical practice an appropriate system should be selected based on the anatomy of the root canal, instrument characteristics, and operators' experience.
Dental Alloys/chemistry , Dental Instruments , Equipment Design , Nickel/chemistry , Root Canal Preparation , Titanium/chemistryABSTRACT
Root canal therapy is the common treatment for endodontic infections. Successful root canal therapy depends on favorable root canal preparation, root canal medication and three-dimensional obturation of the root canal system. The key to successful root canal therapy is to prevent re-infection of the highly complex root canal systems by removing infecious biofilms and bacterial toxins in the root canal system. The present paper reviews the pathogenic mechanism of the Enterococcus faecalis in the harsh environment of root canal system, the inflammation and immunity of refractory periapical periodontitis and the progress of infection control methods.
Humans , Dental Pulp Cavity , Enterococcus faecalis , Periapical Periodontitis/therapy , Persistent Infection , Root Canal Irrigants , Root Canal Preparation , Root Canal TherapyABSTRACT
Objectives: To evaluate the diagnostic consistency of working lengths by observing endodontic files in root canals and periapical subtle structures in digital intraoral radiographs presented in two smartphones, a tablet and a laptop computer. Methods: A dried human skull embedded in an acrylic compound was used for exposing radiographs of the upper and lower second premolars and first molars with two endodontic files (Kerr files size 10 and 15) positioned to the full length of the roots or 1.5 mm short of apexes. A total of 100 radiographs were taken for each of the file sizes. Five observers were asked to assess all the 200 digital radiographs according to a 5-category scale in smartphone A (HUAWEI P9 Plus), smartphjone B (Apple iPhone 7), tablet (Apple iPad 2018) and laptop computer (Lenovo Thinkpad E480), respectively. The gold standard for receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis was determined with the endodontic Kerr file size 20. A total of 150 roots with files were radiographed, 75 of which with files reaching the radiographic apexes of the respective roots and 75 of which with files 1.5 mm short of the radiographic apexes for each endodontic file size. Results from ROC analysis was analyzed with one-way ANOVA and independent sample t test. Results: For the Kerr file size 10, the area under the ROC curve for laptop, tablet and two smartphones were 0.891±0.037, 0.869±0.037, 0.870±0.017 and 0.849±0.037, while for the Kerr file size 15 the ROC values were 0.957±0.02, 0.961±0.02, 0.961±0.01 and 0.961±0.02, respectively. There were no significant differences for diagnostic accuracy for observing endodontic file positions among digital radiographs presented in the two smartphones, one tablet and one laptop devices (endodontic file size 10: F=1.39, P=0.281; endodontic file size 15: F=0.05, P=0.985). A significant difference was found in the diagnostic accuracy of endodontic file positions between size 10 and 15 files in different display devices (t=-10.65, P<0.001). Conclusions: There was a high diagnostic consistency in the determination of working length and periapical subtle structures of roots by observing digital radiographs displayed on smartphones, tablet and laptop computer.
Humans , Dental Instruments , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Electronics , Molar , Observer Variation , Root Canal PreparationABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the clinical effect of root canal obturation therapy using cold flowable gutta-percha on young permanent teeth after apexification.@*METHODS@#Ninety cases of young permanent teeth with pulp necrosis or periapical periodontitis treated by apexification were randomly divided into two groups. The cases in each group were divided into single root canal and multiple root canal according to the number of the root canal, and divided into classifications Ⅰ, and Ⅱ/Ⅲ/Ⅳ according to Frank's classification of root development after apexification. Cold flowable gutta-percha and warm gutta-percha obturation techniques were used for root canal obturation of the two groups. The operation time was recorded, and the patients' therapy pain degree was evaluated by visual analog scale (VAS) immediately after operation. Periapical X-ray was performed after operation to evaluate the effect of the root canal filling. The total length of the root was divided into equal three parts on the X-ray film, and three-dimensional tightness of the apical, middle, and coronal region of the root canals were statistically analyzed respectively. Clinical examinations and X-ray examination were performed 6 and 12 months after the operation to evaluate the treatment success rate.@*RESULTS@#The operation time of cold flowable gutta-percha group was significantly lower than that of the control group, which were 51 s and 74 s (P < 0.05); The percentages of pain and discomfort in the two groups were 26.67% and 40.00%, respectively. There were two cases of underfilling and no overfilling in both groups. The percentages of proper filling and tight three-dimensional obturation in the experimental and control groups were 71.11% and 60.00% respectively; and the percentages of tight three-dimensional obturation in the apical third areas were 86.67% and 66.67%, the difference was significant (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the three-dimensional tightness between the two groups in the middle and coronal third areas. The percentages of tight three-dimensional obturation in classification Ⅰ groups were 86.67%, 83.33%, 93.33% and 76.67%, 90.00%, 96.67% in experimental and control group, respectively; The percentages of classification Ⅱ/Ⅲ/Ⅳ groups were 86.67%, 86.67%, 100.00% and 46.67%, 86.67%, 100.00%, respectively, and the difference was significant (P < 0.05). There were no apical lesions that occurred in either group during the one-year review period.@*CONCLUSION@#The application of cold flowable gutta-percha on young permanent teeth root canal obturation after apexification can achieve good obturation effect. The root obturation effect in the apical third area is significantly better than that of warm gutta-percha obturation techniques. Cold flowable gutta-percha can shorten the clinical treatment time and ameliorate the patients' therapy comfort.
Humans , Apexification , Dental Pulp Cavity , Gutta-Percha , Radiography , Root Canal Filling Materials , Root Canal Obturation , Root Canal PreparationABSTRACT
O conceito de Endodontia Minimamente Invasiva é amplo, e envolve não só a realização de acessos, mas também o uso de instrumentos com conicidades reduzidas ou geometrias inovadoras. Buscando avaliar se as estratégias minimamente invasivas adotadas apresentam vantagens frente aos tratamentos tradicionais, a presente tese foi dividida em três estudos. O estudo 1 avaliou a preservação da dentina perirradicular e o alargamento da porção apical dos canais de molares inferiores com instrumentos TruNatomy e ProTaper Gold. Para isso, vinte molares inferiores foram microtomografados, pareados e distribuídos em 2 grupos. No grupo ProTaper Gold, os canais mesial e distal foram preparados até os instrumentos F2 e F3, respectivamente, enquanto no grupo TruNatomy, os canais mesial e distal foram ampliados até os instrumentos prime e medium, respectivamente. Após um novo escaneamento, os parâmetros de instrumentação foram calculados. Os dados foram analisados pelos testes de Mann-Whitney, T Student e escalonamento multidimensional não-métrico. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre os grupos em relação à área não preparada e redução de espessura de dentina. O grupo ProTaper Gold removeu mais dentina que o TruNatomy no terço coronal das raízes mesiais. O estudo 2 avaliou a formação de microtrincas dentinárias em molares inferiores acessados de forma ultraconservadora (UltraAC), instrumentados com Reciproc e XP-Endo Shaper. Quarenta molares inferiores foram microtomografados, pareados e distribuídos em 4 grupos de acordo com o tipo de cavidade de acesso e protocolo do sistema de instrumentação: tradicional/Reciproc; tradicional/XP-endo Shaper; UltraAC/Reciproc e UltraAC/XP-endo Shaper. Após os preparos dos canais, os dentes foram escaneados novamente e as imagens transversais das raízes mesiais e distais, do nível da furca ao ápice foram avaliadas com o objetivo de identificar a presença de microtrincas dentinárias. Em todos os grupos, as microtrincas verificadas nas imagens pós-operatórias já estavam presentes no exame pré-operatório. O estudo 3 avaliou a influência de instrumentos com o mesmo diâmetro de ponta e diferentes conicidades no percentual de área não preparada e volume de dentina removida após o preparo dos canais mesiovestibular e distovestibular de molares superiores com ou sem o canal mesiovestibular 2 (MV2). Vinte e dois molares superiores foram selecionados, microtomografados, pareados e classificados em dois grupos, de acordo com a anatomia das raízes: dentes com MV2 e dentes sem MV2. Após o acesso, os canais radiculares foram preparados com instrumentos 25/.01, 25/.03, 25/.05, 25/.06 e 25/.08v. Os dentes foram submetidos a novos escaneamentos por micro-CT após preparo com cada instrumento descrito anteriormente. Os dados foram analisados usando o Modelo linear generalizado misto e aproximação de Kenward-Roger para testes Wald F. Em dentes com e sem canais MV2, a porcentagem de área não preparada apresentou uma diminuição significativa ao longo do tratamento após cada instrumento utilizado e a porcentagem de dentina removida apresentou um aumento significativo ao longo do tratamento. Com base nos estudos, concluiu-se que as estratégias minimamente invasivas adotadas não apresentaram vantagens frente aos tratamentos tradicionais(AU)
The concept of Minimally Invasive Endodontics is broad, and involves not only the realization of accesses, but also the use of instruments with reduced tapers or innovative geometries. Seeking to assess whether the minimally invasive strategies adopted have advantages over traditional treatments, this thesis was divided into three studies. Study 1 evaluated the preservation of periradicular dentin and enlargement of the apical portion of the mandibular molar canals prepared with TruNatomy and ProTaper Gold instruments. For this, twenty lower molars were microtomography, paired and divided into 2 groups. In the ProTaper Gold group, the mesial and distal canals were prepared up to the F2 and F3 instruments, respectively, while in the TruNatomy group, the mesial and distal canals were prepared up to the prime and medium instruments, respectively. After a new scan, the instrumentation parameters were calculated. Data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney, T Student and non-metric multidimensional scaling tests. No differences were found between groups regarding unprepared area and dentin thickness reduction. The ProTaper Gold group removed more dentin than TruNatomy in the coronal third of the mesial roots. Study 2 evaluated the formation of dentinal microcracks in mandibular molars accessed by ultraconservative cavites (UltraAC), instrumented with Reciproc and XP-Endo Shaper. Forty lower molars were microtomography, paired and divided into 4 groups according to the type of access cavity and instrumentation system protocol: traditional/Reciproc; traditional/XP-endo Shaper; UltraAC/Reciproc and UltraAC/XP-endo Shaper. After the root canal preparations, the teeth were scanned again and the transverse images of the mesial and distal roots, from the furcation level to the apex, were evaluated in order to identify the presence of dentinal microcracks. In all groups, the microcracks seen in the postoperative images were already present in the preoperative examination. Study 3 evaluated the influence of instruments with the same tip diameter and different tapers on the percentage of unprepared area and volume of dentin removed after preparation of the mesiobuccal and distobuccal canals of maxillary molars with or without the mesiobuccal canal 2 (MV2). Twenty-two maxillary molars were selected, microtomography, paired and classified into two groups, according to root anatomy: teeth with MV2 and teeth without MV2. After access, the root canals were prepared with instruments 25/.01, 25/.03, 25/.05, 25/.06 and 25/.08v. The teeth were rescanned by micro-CT after preparation with each instrument described above. Data were analyzed using the Generalized Linear Mixed Model and Kenward-Roger approximation for Wald F tests. In teeth with and without MV2 canals, the percentage of unprepared area showed a significant decrease throughout the treatment after each instrument used and the percentage of removed dentin showed a significant increase during treatment. Based on the studies, it was concluded that the minimally invasive strategies adopted did not present advantages over traditional treatments(AU)
Humans , Male , Root Canal Preparation/methods , X-Ray Microtomography , Molar/diagnostic imaging , Root Canal Preparation/instrumentation , Dental Pulp CavityABSTRACT
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a efetividade antimicrobiana e a dor pós-operatória (PP) da irrigação ultrassônica (IU) em comparação com a irrigação convencional (CI), por meio de duas revisões sistemática e meta-análises de ensaios clínicos randomizados, para isto foram produzidos dois artigos, um para dor pós operatória e outro para avaliação antimicrobiana, desta forma a dissertação a seguir contará com dois capítulos. Essa revisão foi elaborada seguindo o guia PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses). Após elaborada a pergunta clínica e a estratégia PICO de cada estudo, uma pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada nas principais bases de dados científicas por meio de uma estratégia de busca elaborada com termos MeSH e termos livres adaptados para as bases de dados. As meta-análise foram conduzidas usando o software R com o pacote "META", o efeito de medida de diferença média (MD) e odds ratio (OR) foi calculada e o modelo de efeito fixo foi aplicado com um intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95%. A escala da colaboração Cochrane foi usada para avaliar o risco de viés e a ferramenta GRADE para avaliar a qualidade das evidências. Os resultados mostraram vantagem favorecendo o grupo irrigação ultrassônica em ambas as variáveis de interesse (dor pós-operatória e efetividade antimicrobiana), na dor pós-operatória, 6 ensaios clínicos randomizados (RCTs) foram incluídos para revisão sistemática e quatro para meta-análise. IU resultou em menor PP em 3 dos 5 períodos, 6 horas (MD -1,40 [CI -2,38 a - 0,42] p = 0,0052), 24 horas (MD -0,73 [CI -1,07 a -0,39] p = 0,0001), e 48 horas (MD -0,36 [CI -0,59 a -0,13] p = 0,022). No entanto, a PP não apresentou diferenças significativas entre os grupos em 72 horas e 7 dias (p> 0,05). Um baixo risco de viés foi observado para a maioria dos domínios, exceto a alocação que foi considerada pouco clara. A certeza da evidência foi classificada em moderada (24 horas, 48 horas e 7 dias) e baixa (6 e 72 horas). Já na efetividade antimicrobiana, 12 RCTs foram incluídos para a revisão sistemática e oito para as meta-análises onde 4 foram utilizadas para (MD) e 4 para (OR). Em ambas análises a IU resultou em melhor efeito antimicrobiano em comparação com a CI MD -1,42 [-1,60; -1,23] p < 0,0001, I2 = 80% e OR 3.86 [1.98; 7.53] p< 0.0001, I2 = 28.7%. Um baixo risco de viés foi observado para a maioria dos domínios, exceto a alocação que foi considerada pouco clara. A certeza das evidências foi considerada moderada na meta-análise utilizando OR, devido aos achados de imprecisão, e baixa na meta-análise utilizando MD devido a presença de inconsistência e imprecisão. Desta forma é possível concluir que dentro das limitações das presentes revisões sistemáticas a IU apresentou resultados favoráveis tanto para dor pós-operatória quanto para o aumento da efetividade antimicrobiana. Contudo ensaios clínicos randomizados mais robustos são necessários para corroborar com esses achados(AU)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effectiveness and postoperative pain (PP) of ultrasonic irrigation (UI) compared to conventional irrigation (CI), through two systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomized clinical trials for this, two articles were produced, one for postoperative pain and another for antimicrobial evaluation, so the dissertation below will have two chapters. This review was prepared following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses). After preparing the clinical question and the PICO strategy for each study, a literature search was carried out in the main eletronic databases through a search strategy elaborated with MeSH terms and free terms adapted to the databases. Meta-analyses were conducted using the R software with the "META" package, the mean difference (MD) and odds ratios (OR) was the measure effect necessary and the fixed-effect model was applied with a 95% confidence interval (CI). The Cochrane Collaboration Scale was used to assess the risk of bias and the GRADE tool to assess the quality of evidence. The results showed an advantage favoring the ultrasonic irrigation group in both variables of interest (postoperative pain and antimicrobial effectiveness), in postoperative pain, 6 RCTs were included for systematic review and four for metaanalysis. UI resulted in lower PP in 3 of the 5 periods, 6 hours (MD -1.40 [CI -2.38 to -0.42] p = 0.0052), 24 hours (MD -0.73 [CI -1 .07 to -0.39] p = 0.0001), and 48 hours (MD -0.36 [CI -0.59 to -0.13] p = 0.022). However, PP did not show significant differences between groups at 72 hours and 7 days (p> 0.05). A low risk of bias was observed for most domains, except the allocation was considered unclear. The certainty of the evidence was classified as moderate (24 hours, 48 hours and 7 days) and low (6 and 72 hours). In the study of antimicrobial effectiveness, 12 RCTs were included for the systematic review and 8 for the meta-analyses where 4 were used for (MD) and 4 for (OR). In both analyses, UI resulted in better antimicrobial effect compared to CI MD -1.42 [- 1.60; -1.23] p< 0.0001, I2 = 80% and OR 3.86 [1.98; 7.53] p< 0.0001, I2 = 28.7%. A low risk of bias was observed for most domains, except the allocation was considered unclear. The certainty of evidence was considered moderate in the meta-analysis using OR, due to the imprecision findings, and low in the meta-analysis using MD due to the presence of inconsistency and imprecision. Thus, it is possible to conclude that, within the limitations of the present systematic reviews, UI presented favorable results both for postoperative pain and for the increase in antimicrobial effectiveness. However, more robust randomized controlled trials are needed to corroborate these findings(AU)
Pain, Postoperative , Root Canal Therapy , Ultrasonic Therapy , Effectiveness , Anti-Infective Agents , Pain , Root Canal Irrigants , Disinfection , Root Canal PreparationABSTRACT
Objective: Various glide path preparation techniques have been introduced, providing easiness to the practitioners. Recent literature has shown that glide path preparation influences the levels of postoperative pain occurrence in individuals receiving endodontic therapy. This systematic review aims to compare the different glide path preparation system in reduction of postoperative pain. Material and Methods: Electronic databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library, LILACS, Google Scholar, and European PMC were searched for published articles until July 2020. The studies included were randomized control trial (RCT) studies published during this time frame with comparison of continuous glide path system with various other glide path systems in reducing postoperative pain. The studies were reviewed using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and MetaAnalyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The studies were reviewed independently by two reviewers who had assessed the included studies, extracted data and the quality using the Cochrane risk of bias assessment tool. Results:544 studies were received from the initial search, 11 articles were included in full text appraisal, 4 studies were obtained for qualitative analysis. Mean VAS Scores showed an increased reduction of postoperative pain in continuous glide path treated individuals (1.90-0.20) compared to reciprocating glide path (2.00-0.50) and manual glide path (3.80-0.85). The consumptions of analgesics were seen to be as follows; Manual Glide Path > Reciprocating Glide Path > Continuous Glide Path. Three out of four studies showed an overall "high" risk of bias and another study showed an overall "unclear" bias. Conclusion: From the achieved results, continuous glide path with 5.25% NaOCl irrigation has shown better reduction of postoperative pain compared to other glide path systems. Individuals who had undergone manual glide path preparation showed higher incidence of postoperative pain compared to other systems. The consumption of analgesics was seen to be higher in manual glide path prepared individuals followed by reciprocating glide path and least being continuous glide path.(AU)
Objetivo: Várias técnicas de preparação do glide path têm sido introduzidas, permitindo maior facilidade aos profissionais. A literatura tem mostrado que a forma de preparação do glide path influencia nos níveis de dor pós-operatória em indivíduos que recebem tratamento endodôntico. Esta revisão sistemática tem como objetivo comparar os diferentes sistemas de preparação do glide path na redução de dor pós-operatória. Material e Métodos: Bases de dados eletrônicas como PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library, LILACS, Google Escolar, e European PMC foram utilizadas para pesquisar artigos publicados até Julho de 2020. Os estudos incluídos foram ensaios clínicos randomizados controlados (ECRC) publicados até este período de tempo que compararam sistema de glide path contínuo com outros sistemas de glide path na redução de dor pós-operatória. Para revisão dos estudos, foi utilizado o 'Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines'. Dois revisores analisaram, independentemente, os estudos incluídos, os dados extraídos e a qualidade através da ferramenta de avaliação de risco de viés da Cochrane. Resultados: 544 estudos foram encontrados na pesquisa inicial, 11 artigos foram selecionados para avaliação de texto completo, 4 estudos foram obtidos para a análise qualitativa. A pontuação média do VAS mostrou um aumento na redução de dor pós-operatória em indivíduos nos quais foi utilizado o sistema de glide path rotatório contínuo (1.90-0.20) quando comparados àqueles nos quais foram utilizados o glide path reciprocante (2.00-0.50) e o glide path manual (3.80-0.85). A utilização de analgésicos foi vista da seguinte forma: Glide path Manual > Glide Path Reciprocante > Glide Path Contínuo. Três dos quatro estudos apresentaram um "alto" risco de viés geral e o outro estudo apresentou risco de viés geral "incerto". Conclusão: O glide path contínuo com irrigração de 5.25% de NaOCl mostrou a melhor redução de dor pós-operatória comparado aos demais sistemas de glide path. Indivíduos que foram submetidos à preparação de glide path pelo sistema manual apresentaram a maior incidência de dor pós-operatória. O consumo de analgésicos foi maior diante do uso do glide path manual, seguido pelo glide path reciprocante, e por último pelo glide path contínuo. (AU)
Pain , Sodium Hypochlorite , Root Canal Preparation , Endodontics , AnalgesicsABSTRACT
Objective: The purpose of this systematic review with bibliometric analysis was to map the available scientific evidence on intentional foraminal enlargement (IFE) and explore publication trends. Methods: This review is in accordance with the PRISMA 2020 Statement and is registered on the Open Science Framework. Two independent reviewers carried out a comprehensive search of seven databases (PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, LILACS, and BBO) up to January 31 st, 2022. Studies that investigated IFE were considered eligible, and the data were analyzed using the VOSViewer software. Results:The search identified a total of 55 IFE-related articles from 10 countries and 25 journals, with an increasing trend for publications over the last decade. The majority of evidence was based on laboratory assays (65.4%), followed by randomized clinical trials (18.1%) with follow-up periods of up to 2 months. The main clinical outcome evaluated was post-operative pain. The highest number of studies were carried out by the State University of Campinas, and published in the Journal of Endodontics. Also, studies with the highest level of evidence found that IFE resulted in greater post-operative pain in the initial days post-treatment. Conclusion:This systematic review with bibliometric analysis mapped the scientific progress and publication trends in the field of IFE, thus shedding light on gaps in the literature with the aim of guiding researchers to conduct more high-impact investigations by performing clinical studies evaluating rates of periapical repair and IFE treatment success using long-term observation periods (AU)
Objetivo: O objetivo desta revisão sistemática com análise bibliométrica foi mapear as evidências científicas disponíveis sobre ampliação foraminal intencional (IFE) e explorar as tendências de publicação. Métodos: Esta revisão está de acordo com a declaração PRISMA 2020 e está registrada no Open Science Framework. Dois revisores independentes realizaram uma busca abrangente em sete bases de dados (PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, LILACS e BBO) até 31 de janeiro de 2022. Os estudos que investigaram IFE foram considerados elegíveis e os dados foram analisados usando o software VOSViewer. Resultados: A busca identificou um total de 55 artigos relacionados ao IFE provenientes de 10 países e 25 periódicos, com tendência crescente de publicações na última década. A maioria das evidências foi baseada em ensaios laboratoriais (65,4%), seguido de ensaios clínicos randomizados (18,1%) com períodos de follow-up de até 2 meses. O principal desfecho clínico avaliado foi a dor pós-operatória. O maior número de estudos foi realizado pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas e publicado no Journal of Endodontics. Estudos com os maiores níveis de evidência constataram que IFE resultou em maior dor pós-operatória nos primeiros dias pós- tratamento. Conclusão: Esta revisão sistemática com análise bibliométrica mapeou o progresso científico e as tendências de publicação na área de IFE, lançando luz sobre lacunas na literatura com o objetivo de orientar pesquisadores a realizar investigações de maior impacto, realizando estudos clínicos avaliando taxas de reparo periapical e sucesso do tratamento usando essa técnica e com acompanhamento à longo prazo. (AU)
Bibliometrics , Root Canal Preparation , Endodontics , Systematic ReviewABSTRACT
Introdução: O alargamento do forame refere-se ao alargamento mecânico intencional do forame para reduzir a carga bacteriana em uma área afetada frequentemente por infecções endodônticas além do limite da constrição apical. Objetivo: O objetivo do presente relato de caso é apresentar a técnica de alargamento do forame de um dente com lesão periapical extensa, como complemento do tratamento endodôntico e alternativa precoce à microcirurgia periapical. Métodos: É apresentado o caso de um incisivo lateral superior endodonticamente tratado, com uma extensa lesão periapical associada. Devido à história clínica e radiográfica, tempo decorrido desde o tratamento endodôntico inicial e alta probabilidade de áreas de reabsorção apical com biofilme extrarradicular, o retratamento endodôntico com alargamento do forame foi indicado como primeira opção, adiando a indicação de cirurgia endodôntica de acordo com a evolução. Resultados: Na avaliação de acompanhamento de dois anos, por exame de imagem, observou-se evolução clínica favorável ao retratamento, com aumento total da densidade óssea. O procedimento cirúrgico endodôntico complementar foi descartado. Conclusão: O alargamento do forame é uma alternativa complementar viável em casos de periodontite apical de longa duração com suspeita de biofilme no nível do forame. Pode ser considerado uma opção antes da indicação de retratamento endodôntico cirúrgico (AU).
Introduction: Foraminal enlargement refers to intentional mechanical enlargement of the foramen to reduce the bacterial load in an area frequently affected by endodontic infections beyond the limits of the apical constriction. The objective of this case report is to present the foraminal enlargement technique of a tooth with an extensive periapical lesion as a complement in the endodontic treatment and an early alternative to periapical microsurgery. Materials and methods: The case is presented of an endodontically treated upper lateral incisor with an extensive associated periapical lesion. Due to the clinical and radiographic history, the time elapsed since the initial endodontic treatment, and the high probability of areas of apical resorption with extra-radicular biofilm, endodontic retreatment with foraminal enlargement was indicated as the first option, postponing the indication for endodontic surgery according to evolution. Results: In the follow-up appointment at 2 years, a favorable clinical imaging evolution of retreatment was observed, with a total increase in bone density. The complementary endodontic surgical procedure was discarded. Conclusion: Foraminal enlargement is a viable complementary alternative in cases of long-term apical periodontitis with suspicion of biofilm at the foramen level. It can be considered an option before the indication of surgical endodontic retreatment (AU).