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Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 416-423, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558121


SUMMARY: Trail running (TR), an extreme endurance sport, presents unique challenges due to the variety of terrain and distances, where physiological capacity and body composition have been considered better predictors of performance. This longitudinal case study examines the impact of training intensity distribution (TID) on an elite trail runner's physiological profile and performance over four years. Two TID models were implemented: polarized (POL) and pyramidal (PYR). Physiological assessments included maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), lactate thresholds (LT1 and LT2), and anthropometric characteristics. The training was classified according to the 3-zone intensity model (zone 1: below the first lactate threshold; zone 2: between the first and second lactate threshold; zone 3: above the second lactate threshold). During the four years, the average TID distribution was 75 % zone 1, 18 % zone 2, and 7 % zone 3. Physiological capacity increased by 7.14 % (14 to 15 km/h) for velocity at LT1 (vLT1) and 8.13 % (16 to 17.3 km/h) for velocity at LT2 (vLT2). The most significant increases were observed during the second year when the percentage of training time in zone 1 was lower (65 %) and in zone 2 greater (30 %) than those reported in other years. Consequently, vLT1 and vLT2 increased by 3.5 % (from 14.1 to 14.6 km/h) and 3.6 % (from 16.5 to 17.1 km/h), respectively. In conclusion, this case study revealed that emphasizing training in zone 2 (moderate intensity) and increasing the training load significantly improved performance at lactate thresholds. Despite modifying body composition, no influence on improving endurance performance was observed. These findings underscore the importance of TID in elite trail runners and highlight the potential to optimize physiological adaptations and performance outcomes.

Trail running (TR), un deporte de resistencia extrema, presenta desafíos únicos debido a la variedad de terrenos y distancias, donde la capacidad fisiológica y la composición corporal se han considerado mejores predictores del rendimiento. Este estudio de caso longitudinal examina el impacto de la distribución de la intensidad del entrenamiento (TID) en el perfil fisiológico y el rendimiento de un corredor de montaña de élite durante cuatro años. Se implementaron dos modelos TID: polarizado (POL) y piramidal (PYR). Las evaluaciones fisiológicas incluyeron el consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO2max), los umbrales de lactato (LT1 y LT2) y las características antropométricas. El entrenamiento se clasificó según el modelo de intensidad de 3 zonas (zona 1: por debajo del primer umbral de lactato; zona 2: entre el primer y segundo umbral de lactato; zona 3: por encima del segundo umbral de lactato). Durante los cuatro años, la distribución TID promedio fue 75 % zona 1, 18 % zona 2 y 7 % zona 3. La capacidad fisiológica aumentó un 7,14 % (14 a 15 km/h) para la velocidad en LT1 (vLT1) y un 8,13 % (16 a 17,3 km/h) para velocidad en LT2 (vLT2). Los incrementos más significativos se observaron durante el segundo año cuando el porcentaje de tiempo de entrenamiento en la zona 1 fue menor (65 %) y en la zona 2 mayor (30 %) que los reportados en otros años. En consecuencia, vLT1 y vLT2 aumentaron un 3,5 % (de 14,1 a 14,6 km/h) y un 3,6 % (de 16,5 a 17,1 km/h), respectivamente. En conclusión, este estudio reveló que enfatizar el entrenamiento en la zona 2 (intensidad moderada) y aumentar la carga de entrenamiento mejoró significativamente el rendimiento en los umbrales de lactato. A pesar de modificar la composición corporal, no se observó influencia en la mejora del rendimiento de resistencia. Estos hallazgos subrayan la importancia del TID en los corredores de trail de élite y resaltan el potencial para optimizar las adaptaciones fisiológicas y los resultados de rendimiento.

Humans , Male , Adult , Running/physiology , Body Composition , Athletic Performance , Somatotypes , Exercise/physiology , Anthropometry , Longitudinal Studies
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970845


Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS), as an overused injury of the lower extremities, has developed into a common cause of lateral knee pain. At present, the treatment of ITBS includes drug therapy, muscle strength training, physical therapy, and surgical treatment. Among these methods, physical therapy, drug therapy, and surgical treatment can only alleviate the symptoms of patients. As a safe and effective treatment, lower limb muscle strength training can improve patients' muscle strength, correct abnormal gait, and reduce the recurrence rate of the disease by paying attention to the dynamic changes of patients' recovery process. At present, the pathogenesis of ITBS remains unclear, and the treatment methods are not unified. It is necessary to further study the biomechanical factors related to the lower extremities and develop more scientific and comprehensive muscle strength training methods.

Humans , Resistance Training , Running/physiology , Iliotibial Band Syndrome/diagnosis , Lower Extremity , Physical Therapy Modalities/adverse effects , Knee Joint , Muscle Strength/physiology , Muscles/injuries , Biomechanical Phenomena
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; Rev. bras. med. esporte;29: e2022_0295, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407659


ABSTRACT Introduction: Core strength training focuses mainly on the muscle group and neuromuscular system of the central area of the human body to gain strength and stability for complex movements. Studies have reported the effect of core training on high-capacity athletes, but there is still a gap regarding the impacts on physical capacity in running athletes. Objective: To study the effects of strength training on athletes' core and the direct impacts on running quality. Methods: Athletes of the men's running team at the athletic training center of the Institute of Physical Education were core strength trained for 10 to 12 weeks. After the period, physical tests, according to predetermined protocols. The data were compared before, after the intervention, and after statistical treatment, and the findings were discussed according to the scientific literature. Results: After 12 weeks of training, among the five sports skills, there was only a significant difference before and after training of body lateral flexion (right side) (P<0.05), and there was no significant difference before and after training of the other four sport skills (P > 0.05). Conclusions: Through the static and dynamic exercises of core strength training, we can effectively improve the proprioception intervention in body movement so that runners can more accurately control their joints and muscles, ensuring movement and postural accuracy. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic studies - investigation of treatment outcomes.

RESUMO Introdução: O treinamento de força do core concentra-se principalmente no grupo muscular e no sistema neuromuscular da área central do corpo humano, com o propósito de ganho de força e estabilidade para movimentos complexos. Estudos relatam o efeito do treinamento do core em atletas de alta capacidade, porém ainda há uma lacuna quanto aos impactos sobre a capacidade física em atletas de corrida. Objetivo: Estudar os efeitos resultantes do treinamento de força no core dos atletas e os impactos diretos na qualidade da corrida. Métodos: Os atletas da equipe masculina de corrida, no centro de treinamento de atletismo do Instituto de Educação Física, foram treinados com força fundamental por 10 a 12 semanas. Após o período, testes físicos, segundo protocolos pré-determinados, foram executados. Os dados foram comparados antes e após a intervenção, após o tratamento estatístico, os achados foram discutidos segundo a literatura cientifica. Resultados: Após 12 semanas de treinamento, entre as cinco habilidades esportivas, houve apenas diferença significativa antes e depois do treinamento de flexão lateral corporal (lado direito) (P<0,05), e não houve diferença significativa antes e depois do treinamento das outras quatro habilidades esportivas (P > 0,05). Conclusão: Através dos exercícios estáticos e dinâmicos do treinamento de força do core, podemos melhorar efetivamente a intervenção da propriocepção no movimento corporal, para que os corredores possam controlar com mais precisão as articulações e músculos, garantindo a precisão do movimento e postural. Nível de evidência II; Estudos terapêuticos - investigação dos resultados do tratamento.

RESUMEN Introducción: El entrenamiento de la fuerza del core se concentra principalmente en el grupo muscular y en el sistema neuromuscular de la zona central del cuerpo humano, con el fin de ganar fuerza y estabilidad para los movimientos complejos. Los estudios han informado sobre el efecto del entrenamiento del tronco en los atletas de alta capacidad, pero todavía hay un vacío en cuanto a los impactos en la capacidad física en los atletas que corren. Objetivo: Estudiar los efectos resultantes del entrenamiento de fuerza en el core de los atletas y los impactos directos en la calidad de la carrera. Métodos: Los atletas del equipo masculino de atletismo, en el centro de entrenamiento de atletismo del Instituto de Educación Física, fueron entrenados con fuerza central durante 10 a 12 semanas. Tras el periodo, se ejecutaron pruebas físicas, según protocolos predeterminados. Los datos se compararon antes y después de la intervención, tras el tratamiento estadístico, los resultados se discutieron de acuerdo con la literatura científica. Resultados: Después de 12 semanas de entrenamiento, entre las cinco habilidades deportivas, sólo hubo diferencia significativa antes y después del entrenamiento de la flexión lateral del cuerpo (lado derecho) (P<0,05), y no hubo diferencia significativa antes y después del entrenamiento de las otras cuatro habilidades deportivas (P > 0,05). Conclusiones: A través de ejercicios estáticos y dinámicos de entrenamiento de la fuerza del core, podemos mejorar eficazmente la intervención de la propiocepción en el movimiento del cuerpo, de modo que los corredores puedan controlar con mayor precisión las articulaciones y los músculos, asegurando la precisión del movimiento y la postura. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudios terapéuticos - investigación de los resultados del tratamiento.

Humans , Male , Physical Endurance/physiology , Running/physiology , Athletic Performance/physiology , Endurance Training/methods
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; Rev. bras. med. esporte;28(6): 775-777, Nov.-Dec. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376766


ABSTRACT Introduction This paper studies physiological and biochemical indicators in the systematic training of sprinters. This paper analyzes the data measured during the athletes' training process and studies the detailed data of their physical functions. Objective This study aimed to find a link between exercise data and biochemical indicator data in sprinter athletes. By analyzing the data from this article, the researchers were able to find the optimal training program for the athletes. Methods High-intensity aerobic training tests were performed with statistical analysis of various physiological and biochemical indicators. Results Hemoglobin data were shown to be highly sensitive to intensity. The researchers found that long-term high-load training in athletes can lead to physical fatigue. This fatigue production is positively correlated with the intensity of the training load. Conclusion There is a strong positive correlation between biochemical and physiological indicators on performance levels in sprinter athletes. Evidence Level II; Therapeutic Studies - Investigating the results.

RESUMO Introdução Este artigo estuda o monitoramento de indicadores fisiológicos e bioquímicos no treino sistemático de velocistas. Este documento analisa os dados medidos durante o processo de treino das atletas e estuda os dados detalhados de suas funções físicas. Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo foi encontrar uma ligação entre os dados de exercício e os dados de indicadores bioquímicos nas atletas velocistas. Ao analisar as informações deste artigo, os pesquisadores conseguiram encontrar um programa de treino ideal para as atletas. Métodos Foram empegadas experiências de treino aeróbico de alta intensidade, com análise estatística de vários indicadores fisiológicos e bioquímicos. Resultados Os dados de hemoglobina mostraram-se altamente sensíveis à intensidade. Os pesquisadores descobriram que o treino a longo prazo de alta carga em atletas pode acarretar numa fadiga física. Essa produção de fadiga está positivamente correlacionada com a intensidade da carga de treino. Conclusão Há uma forte correlação positiva entre indicadores bioquímicos e fisiológicos nos níveis de desempenho em atletas velocistas. Nível de evidência II; Estudos Terapêuticos - Investigação de Resultados.

RESUMEN Introducción Este trabajo estudia el seguimiento de los indicadores fisiológicos y bioquímicos en el entrenamiento sistemático de los velocistas. Este artículo analiza los datos medidos durante el proceso de entrenamiento de los atletas y estudia los datos detallados de sus funciones físicas. Objetivo El objetivo de este estudio fue encontrar una relación entre los datos del ejercicio y los datos de los indicadores bioquímicos en los atletas velocistas. Al analizar las informaciones de este artículo, los investigadores pudieron encontrar un programa de entrenamiento óptimo para los atletas. Métodos Se realizaron pruebas de entrenamiento aeróbico de alta intensidad con análisis estadístico de varios indicadores fisiológicos y bioquímicos. Resultados Los datos de la hemoglobina se mostraron muy sensibles a la intensidad. Los investigadores descubrieron que el entrenamiento de alta carga a largo plazo en los atletas puede conducir a la fatiga física. Esta producción de fatiga está positivamente correlacionada con la intensidad de la carga de entrenamiento. Conclusión Existe una fuerte correlación positiva entre los indicadores bioquímicos y fisiológicos en los niveles de rendimiento de los atletas velocistas. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudios terapéuticos - Investigación de resultados.

Humans , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Running/physiology , Athletes , Endurance Training , Monitoring, Physiologic/methods , Testosterone/blood , Blood Urea Nitrogen , Hemoglobins/analysis , Hydrocortisone/blood , Radioimmunoassay
Acta sci., Health sci ; Acta sci., Health sci;44: e56397, Jan. 14, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1363820


According to different researches, 30% of university graduates have a low level of health, and studying at university is one of the factors of its deterioration, besides the first year is considered critical. The purpose of research is to study the dynamics of physical development, physical fitness and functional state of young men during the first year of university studies. For the survey we used standard measurements and index calculations for 11 indicators of physical development, 9 indicators of physical fitness and 15 indicators of functional status. We calculated the arithmetic mean (M), the standard error of the mean (m), then evaluated differences by the Student criterion (t) for independent samples and considered them as reliable atр < 0.05. It is shown that during the first year of studies, young men have an increase in the Erismann index, the corpulence (Rohrer's) index, the body mass index and a decrease in the Pignet index. There is also an increase in the coefficient of endurance, adaptive capacity and diastolic pressure, while vital capacity of the lungs, the vital index, time of hanging on the bar and the speed of running 1000 m decrease. The dynamics of physical development is expressed in a change in mass-growth indices and indicates an increase in body weight. The dynamics of physical fitness is expressed in a decrease of the time of hanging on the bar and the speed of running 1000 m. The dynamics of the functional state is expressed in a decrease of vital capacity of the lungs, vital index, increase in the coefficient of endurance, adaptive capacity and diastolic blood pressure.

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Students , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Health Status , Physical Fitness/physiology , Athletic Performance/physiology , Motor Skills/physiology , Physical Endurance/physiology , Running/physiology , Blood Pressure/physiology , Body Weight/physiology , Cardiovascular System , Body Mass Index , Vital Capacity/physiology , Muscle Strength/physiology , Arterial Pressure/physiology , Functional Status , Indicators and Reagents , Men
Int. j. morphol ; 40(5): 1335-1343, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405278


SUMMARY: This study aimed to explore the effects of a single moderate-intensity aerobic endurance running program on the morphological characteristics of normal-weighted and overweighted female adolescents and whether effects differ between individuals of different nutritional statuses. A total of 47 adolescent girls participated in this randomized controlled trial. Before and after 12 weeks of intervention, measurements were obtained for body height, body mass, BMI, triceps, subscapular, abdominal, thigh, and calf skinfolds, and chest, abdominal, thigh, and calf circumference. The total duration of the program was 12 weeks, with a frequency of 2 hours/week (24 sessions). The individual session lasted 60 minutes, and the intensity ranged from 60 % HRmax to 80 %. The findings from the present study suggest that the 12-week aerobic endurance running program induced changes in morphological characteristics of female adolescents. The significant reductions in body mass and BMI were small for normal-weight adolescents (-2,64 % and -3,48 %) and moderate for overweight adolescents (-4,14 % and -4,36 %) following the experimental program. The magnitude of reductions in the skinfold thickness was small for both groups (triceps, subscapular, abdominal, and calf) and moderate for thigh skinfold and a sum of skinfolds in the overweight group. The reductions in the magnitude of all circular measures were small for both groups. It ranged from - 1.59 % to -2.59 % for normal-weight and from -2.54 % to -3.92 % for overweight adolescents, respectively. Additionally, the effects of the applied program seem more favorable to overweight than normal-weight adolescents. This study's current findings indicate that the 12-week aerobic endurance running program is effective due to improvements in morphological characteristics, body mass, and BMI of female adolescents. Additionally, this study's findings show that applied aerobic endurance running program proved more effective for overweight adolescents.

RESUMEN: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo explorar los efectos de un programa único de carrera de resistencia aeróbica de intensidad moderada sobre las características morfológicas de mujeres adolescentes con peso normal y con sobrepeso y si los efectos difieren entre individuos con diferentes estados nutricionales. Un total de 47 niñas adolescentes participaron en este ensayo controlado aleatorio. Antes y después de 12 semanas de intervención, se obtuvieron mediciones de altura corporal, masa corporal, IMC, tríceps, pliegues cutáneos subescapular, abdominal, muslo y pantorrilla, y circunferencia torácica, abdominal, muslo y pantorrilla. La duración total del programa fue de12 semanas, con una frecuencia de 2 horas/semana (24 sesiones). La sesión individual tuvo una duración de 60 minutos y la intensidad osciló entre el 60 % y el 80 % de la FCmáx. Los hallazgos del presente estudio sugieren que el programa de carrera de resistencia aeróbica de 12 semanas indujo cambios en las características morfológicas de las adolescentes. Las reducciones significativas en la masa corporal y el IMC fueron menores para los adolescentes con peso normal (-2,64 % y -3,48 %) y moderadas para los adolescentes con sobrepeso (-4,14 % y -4,36 %) después del programa experimental. La magnitud de las reducciones en el grosor del pliegue cutáneo fue pequeña para ambos grupos (tríceps, subescapular, abdominal y pantorrilla) y moderada para el pliegue cutáneo del muslo y la suma de los pliegues cutáneos en el grupo con sobrepeso. Las reducciones en la magnitud de todas las medidas circulares fueron pequeñas para ambos grupos. Osciló entre -1,59 % y -2,59 % para normopeso y entre -2,54 % y -3,92 % para adolescentes con sobrepeso, respectivamente. Además, los efectos del programa aplicado parecen más favorables para los adolescentes con sobrepeso que para aquellos de peso normal. Los hallazgos actuales de este estudio indican que el programa de carreras de resistencia aeróbica de 12 semanas es eficaz, debido a las mejoras en las características morfológicas, la masa corporal y el IMC de las adolescentes. Además, los hallazgos de este estudio muestran que el programa de carrera de resistencia aeróbica aplicada demostró ser más efectivo para los adolescentes con sobrepeso.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Physical Endurance/physiology , Running/physiology , Nutritional Status , Body Weight , Exercise , Body Mass Index
Motriz (Online) ; 28: e10220003122, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386369


Abstract Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the strength and ratios of the plantar flexors and ankle dorsiflexors in recreational runners with medial tibial stress syndrome and to assess the association between muscle strength and the level of pain in this population. Methods: Two groups (control and medial tibial stress syndrome) of eighteen runners each participated in this cross-sectional study. Isokinetic dynamometry was used to evaluate muscle strength, and for the analysis, the normalized isokinetic peak torque controlled by gender was used. Results: The medial tibial stress syndrome group showed lower normalized isokinetic peak torque in the dorsiflexors in the concentric (p = 0.008) eccentric (p = 0.011) contraction, as well as a lower plantar flexor, normalized isokinetic peak torque in the concentric (p = 0.001) and eccentric (p = 0.02) when compared to the control group. However, there was no difference in the normalized isokinetic peak torque ratio representative of the stance (p = 0.62) and swing phase (p = 0.16), and the level of pain was not correlated with the strength concentric (p = 0.32) and eccentric (p = 0.621) of plantar flexors, nor to the concentric (p = 0.21) and eccentric of dorsiflexors (p = 0.54). Conclusion: Recreational runners with MTSS showed decreased muscle strength in the sagittal plane of the ankle, no correlation with the level of pain, and no changing the ratio between plantar flexors and dorsiflexors.

Humans , Running/physiology , Pain Measurement , Fractures, Stress , Muscle Strength/physiology , Ankle Joint , Cross-Sectional Studies
Int. j. morphol ; 39(6): 1625-1634, dic. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385525


SUMMARY: Repeated sprint training in hypoxia (RSH) represents an innovative method in the process of development and improvement of physical performance among athletes. However, there is less scientific data on this topic. The purpose of this systematic review was to investigate the effect of RSH method on motor abilities and performance among athletes, obtain new information, and expand the already known conclusions. The data search was performed of 4 electronic databases for the years 2000-2021 May as follows: Google Scholar, PubMed, Web of Science, and ResearchGate. This search with English language restriction was made by using the following terms, individually/combination: "repeated sprint ability", "hypoxia", "effects", "physical performance", "VO2max" 844 studies were indentified, and 14 studies were selected (11 male studies, 1 female study, 2 both sexes). Results of this systematic review, a total sample size of 347 athletes (40 females and 307 males, aged 15.3 ± 0.5 - 35 ± 7 years), showed that RSH was an effective training method in improving all monitored variables (i.e. RSAmax, VO2max). However, it should be noted that major improvements were observed mainly in repeated sprint ability (RSA) tests, and less in aerobic tests (i.e. Wingate and Yo-Yo). In conclusion, based on current scientific studies, RSH is more effective method to improve the physical performance among athletes compared to repeated sprint training in normoxia (RSN). This study suggested that the RSH has a positive effect on the monitored variables in physical performance tests especially related to RSA.

RESUMEN: El entrenamiento de velocidad repetida en hipoxia (RSH) representa un método innovador en el proceso de desarrollo y mejora del rendimiento físico entre los deportistas. Sin embargo, existen pocos datos científicos sobre este tema. El propósito de esta revisión sistemática fue investigar el efecto del método RSH sobre las habilidades motoras y el rendimiento de los atletas, obtener nueva información y ampliar las conclusiones ya conocidas. La búsqueda de datos se realizó en 4 bases de datos electrónicas: Google Scholar, PubMed, Web of Science e Research Gate para los años 2000- a mayo de 2021. Esta búsqueda se realizó en artículos en idioma inglés mediante el uso de los siguientes términos, individualmente / combinación: "capacidad de sprint repetido", "hipoxia", "efectos", "rendimiento físico" y "VO2max" Se identificaron 844 estudios y se seleccionaron 14 de ellos (11 estudios realizados en hombres, un estudio realizado en mujeres y dos estudios realizados en am- bos sexos). Los resultados mostraron, un tamaño muestral total de 347 atletas (40 mujeres y 307 hombres, de 15,3 ± 0,5 - 35 ± 7 años). Se observó que la RSH fue un método de entrenamiento eficaz para mejorar todas las variables monitorizadas (es decir, RSAmax y VO2max). Sin embargo, se debe tener en consideración que se observaron mejoras importantes, principalmente, en las pruebas de capacidad de sprint repetido (RSA), y menos en las pruebas aeróbicas (es decir, Wingate y Yo-Yo). En conclusión, según los estudios científicos actuales, la RSH es un método más eficaz para mejorar el rendimiento físico entre los atletas en comparación con el entrenamiento de velocidad repetida en normoxia (RSN). Este estudio sugirió que la RSH tiene un efecto positivo sobre las variables monitoreadas en las pruebas de rendimiento físico especialmente relacionadas con RSA.

Humans , Running/physiology , Exercise , Athletic Performance/physiology , Hypoxia , Oxygen Consumption/physiology
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; Rev. bras. med. esporte;27(4): 367-371, Aug. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288608


ABSTRACT Objective: To study the relationship between aerobic activity and cardiac autonomic nerve activity by artificial neural network algorithm and biological image fusion; because of the artificial neural network model (ANN) problems, biological image processing technology is introduced based on ANN. Methods: An Ann under biological image intelligence algorithm is proposed, a classifier suitable for electrocardiograph (ECG) screening is designed, and an ECG signal screening system is successfully established. Moreover, the data set of normal recovered ECG signals of the subjects during the experimental period is constructed, and a classifier is used to extract the characteristic data of a normal ECG signal during the experimental period. Results: The changes in resting heart rate and other physical health indicators are analyzed by combining resting physiological indicators, namely heart rate, body weight, body mass index and body fat rate. The results show that the self-designed classifier can efficiently process the ECG images, and long-term regular activities can improve the physical conditions of most people. Most subjects' body weight and body fat rate decrease with the extension of experiment time, and the resting heart rate decreases relatively. Conclusions: Certain indicators can be used to predict a person's dynamic physical health, which indicates that the experimental research of index prediction in this research has a good effect, which not only extends the application of artificial neural network but also lays a foundation for the research and implementation of ECG intelligent testing wearable devices. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic studies - investigation of treatment results.

RESUMO Objetivo: Com o objetivo de estudar a relação entre atividade aeróbia e atividade nervosa autonômica cardíaca por algoritmo de rede neural artificial e fusão biológica de imagens, tendo em vista os problemas existentes no modelo de rede neural artificial (RNA), é introduzida a tecnologia de processamento biológico de imagens com base em ANN. Métodos: um algoritmo de inteligência biológica de imagem Ann é proposto, um classificador adequado para triagem eletrocardiográfica (ECG) é projetado e um sistema de triagem de sinal de ECG é estabelecido com sucesso. Além disso, o conjunto de dados de sinais de ECG normais recuperados dos sujeitos durante o período experimental é construído e um classificador é usado para extrair os dados característicos de um sinal de ECG normal durante o período experimental. Resultados: As alterações na frequência cardíaca em repouso e outros indicadores de saúde física são analisadas pela combinação de indicadores fisiológicos de repouso, a saber, frequência cardíaca, peso corporal, índice de massa corporal e índice de gordura corporal. Os resultados mostram que o classificador autodesenhado pode processar com eficiência as imagens de ECG, e as atividades regulares de longo prazo podem melhorar as condições físicas da maioria das pessoas. O peso corporal e a taxa de gordura corporal da maioria dos indivíduos diminuem com a extensão do tempo do experimento, e a freqüência cardíaca em repouso diminui relativamente. Conclusões: Certos indicadores podem ser usados para prever a saúde física dinâmica de uma pessoa, o que indica que a pesquisa experimental de predição de índice nesta pesquisa tem um bom efeito, que não apenas estende a aplicação da rede neural artificial, mas também estabelece uma base para a pesquisa e implementação de dispositivos vestíveis de teste inteligente de ECG. Nível de evidência II; Estudos terapêuticos- investigação dos resultados do tratamento.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Para estudiar la relación entre la actividad aeróbica y la actividad del nervio autónomo cardíaco mediante el algoritmo de red neuronal artificial y la fusión de imágenes biológicas, ante los problemas existentes en el modelo de red neuronal artificial (ANN), se introduce la tecnología de procesamiento de imágenes biológicas basada en ANA. Métodos: Se propone un algoritmo de inteligencia de imagen biológica de Ann, se diseña un clasificador adecuado para el cribado electrocardiógrafo (ECG) y se establece con éxito un sistema de cribado de señales de ECG. Además, se construye el conjunto de datos de las señales de ECG recuperadas normales de los sujetos durante el período experimental, y se utiliza un clasificador para extraer los datos característicos de una señal de ECG normal durante el período experimental. Resultados: Los cambios en la frecuencia cardíaca en reposo y otros indicadores de salud física se analizan combinando indicadores fisiológicos en reposo, a saber, frecuencia cardíaca, peso corporal, índice de masa corporal y tasa de grasa corporal. Los resultados muestran que el clasificador de diseño propio puede procesar de manera eficiente las imágenes de ECG, y las actividades regulares a largo plazo pueden mejorar las condiciones físicas de la mayoría de las personas. El peso corporal y la tasa de grasa corporal de la mayoría de los sujetos disminuyen con la extensión del tiempo del experimento, y la frecuencia cardíaca en reposo disminuye relativamente. Conclusiones: Ciertos indicadores pueden usarse para predecir la salud física dinámica de una persona, lo que indica que la investigación experimental de predicción de índices en esta investigación tiene un buen efecto, lo que no solo extiende la aplicación de la red neuronal artificial sino que también sienta las bases para la investigación. e implementación de dispositivos portátiles de prueba inteligente de ECG. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudios terapéuticos- investigación de los resultados del tratamiento.

Humans , Running/physiology , Autonomic Nervous System/physiology , Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted/methods , Neural Networks, Computer , Heart Rate/physiology , Algorithms , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , Electrocardiography
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; Rev. bras. med. esporte;27(spe2): 20-22, Apr.-June 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280090


ABSTRACT In 2008, our country successfully held the Olympic Games, where China won the most gold medals. After these Olympic Games, China has also become a world sports power. Our country's table tennis, diving, skating and other sports are also in the leading ranks in the world. In this study, according to the current training status of Chinese football players, we used data mining algorithm to analyze the unawareness of acceleration and speed of Chinese athletes in the running process. In this study, these indicators were quantified and analyzed, which has successfully promoted the training level of Chinese football players.

RESUMO Em 2008, nosso país sediou os Jogos Olímpicos, em que a China ganhou a maior parte das medalhas de ouro. Após os Jogos Olímpicos, a China também se tornou uma potência esportiva mundial. O tênis de mesa, o salto ornamental, a patinação e outros esportes também estão em posições de liderança. Neste estudo, de acordo com o atual estado de treinamento dos jogadores de futebol chineses, usamos o algoritmo de mineração de dados para analisar a falta de aceleração e velocidade dos atletas chineses na corrida. No estudo, esses indicadores foram quantificados e analisados, elevando o nível do treinamento os jogadores de futebol chineses.

RESUMEN En 2008, China celebró con éxito los Juegos Olímpicos.China ganó la mayoría de las medallas de oro en los Juegos Olímpicos.Después de los Juegos Olímpicos, China también se ha convertido en una potencia deportiva mundial.El tenis de mesa, el buceo y el patinaje sobre hielo en China también están en la posición de liderazgo en el mundo.De acuerdo con la situación actual del entrenamiento de los jugadores de Fútbol en nuestro país, este trabajo analiza la falta de percepción de la aceleración y velocidad de los jugadores de Fútbol en el proceso de correr con el algoritmo de minería.Y en los resultados de la investigación, el análisis cuantitativo de estos indicadores ha mejorado con éxito el nivel de entrenamiento de los jugadores de fútbol chinos.

Humans , Running/physiology , Soccer/physiology , Outflow Velocity Measurement/methods , Athletic Performance/physiology , Algorithms
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 29(1): [1-12], jan.-mar. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1348062


Este estudo objetivou comparar a influência do uso de polainas de compressão nas respostas fisiológicas, perceptuais e afetivas durante a corrida em corredores recreacionais. Dez corredores recreacionais (31,5 ± 9,7 anos) participaram deste estudo. Todos os sujeitos completaram três visitas ao laboratório: (a) familiarização e teste incremental até a exaustão (b) duas sessões de exercícios realizadas em dias diferentes. Cada sessão envolveu o mesmo protocolo de exercícios (20 minutos continuamente a uma intensidade de 80% da velocidade máxima da esteira a lcançada no teste incremental até a exaustão), com ou sem o uso de meias de compressão. A Felt Arousal Scale (FAS), Feeling Scale (FS), percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE), o consumo de oxigênio (VO2) e a frequência cardíaca (FC) foram registradas durante cada sessão experimental. Os resultados não mostraram diferenças entre as condições fisiológicas (% VO2máx: 88,1 ± 8,3 vs 87,1 ± 11,32; % HR: 91,8 ± 2,8 vs 90,8 ± 3,2), e as respostas perceptuais (PSE: 6,4 ± 1,2 vs 6,2 ± 1,4) e afetivas (FS: 0,35 ± 2,4 vs 0,37 ± 2,3; FAS: 4,3 ± 0,7 vs 4,3 ± 1,1) durante cada sessão de exercício. Os resultados do presente estudo indicam que o uso de polainas de compressão não promove benefícios fisiológicos, perceptuais e afetivas durante a corrida em corredores recreacionais.(AU)

This study aimed to compare the influence of wearing compression stockings on physiological, perceptual, and affective respon ses during running in recreational runners. Ten recreational runners (31.5 ± 9.7 years) participated in this study. All subjects completed three visits to the lab: (a) familiarization and incremental test until exhaustion (b) two exercise sessions conducted on different days. Each session involved the same exercise protocol (20 min continuously at an intensity of 80% of the maximum treadmill speed achieved in the incremental test until exhaustion), with or without the use of compression stockings. The Felt Arousal Scale (FAS), Feeling Scale (FS), Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE), oxygen consumption (VO2), and heart rate (HR) were recorded during each experimental session. Results showed no differ ences between the conditions of physiological (% VO2máx: 88.1 ± 8.3 vs 87.1 ± 11.32; % HR: 91.8 ± 2.8 vs 90.8 ± 3.2), perceptual (RPE: 6.4 ± 1.2 vs 6.2 ± 1.4) and affective (FS: 0.35 ± 2.4 vs 0.37 ± 2.3; FAS: 4.3 ± 0.7 vs 4.3 ± 1.1) responses during each exercise sessio n. The results of the present study suggest that wearing of compression stockings does not promote physiological, perceptual, and affective benefits during running of recreational runners.(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Oxygen Consumption/physiology , Running/physiology , Affect , Physical Exertion/physiology , Stockings, Compression , Heart Rate/physiology
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 29(1): [1-28], jan.-mar. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1348230


: O exercício físico, em especial a corrida de rua tem sido recomendada para prevenção e tratamento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. O objetivo desta revisão sistemática foi verificar os efeitos de diferentes métodos de treinamento sobre os indicadores cardiometabólicos de corredores recreacionais. As bases de dados eletrônicas utilizadas na presente pesquisa foram: PUBMED, SCIENCE DIRECT, LILACS e COCHRANE LIBRARY, usando os descritores agrupados segundo o método PICO; População ("adults" OR "young adult" OR "middle aged") AND Intervenção ("endurance training" OR "aerobic training" OR "running") OR Comparação ("recreational runners" OR "jogging") AND Outcome/Desfecho ("cardiovascular risk factors" OR "cardiometabolic risk factors" OR "metabolic syndrome"). Na seleção os artigos foram excluídos por título, resumo e texto. Obteve-se um total de 813 artigos encontrados, no qual nove (9) preencheram os critérios de inclusão e baixo risco de viés de acordo com a Escala Testex. Foram encontrados três métodos de treinamento: Combinado (Contínuo +Intervalado); Contínuo e Intervalado. Considerando a somatória das amostras dos nove estudos, um total de 604 indivíduos (466 homens e 138 mulheres) participaram dos ensaios. Os diferentes métodos de treinamentos resultaram na redução dos níveis de triglicerídeos, insulina e glicose e na redução do colesterol total e LDL, e consequentemente o aumento do HDL. Na composição corporal houve diminuição significativa do peso e da gordura corporal, do IMC, na medida da circunferência da cintura, e no aumento da capacidade aeróbia (VO2). Concluiu-se que os treinamentos combinado, contínuo e intervalado podem ser aplicados para melhora dos indicadores cardiometabólicos, cada um dentro da sua especificidade de frequência, volume e intensidade.(AU)

Physical exercise, especially running, has been recommended for the prevention and treatment of chronic non-communicable diseases. The objective of this systematic review was to verify the effects of different training methods on the cardiometabolic indicators of recreational runners. The electronic databases used in the present research were: PUBMED, SCIENCE DIRECT, LILACS and COCHRANE LIBRARY, using the descriptors grouped according to the PICO method; Population ("adults" OR "young adult" OR "middle aged") AND Intervention ("endurance training" OR "aerobic training" OR "running") OR Comparison ("recreational runners" OR "jogging") AND Outcome / Outcome ("Cardiovascular risk factors" OR "cardiometabolic risk factors" OR "metabolic syndrome"). In the selection, articles were excluded by title, abstract and text. A total of 813 articles were obtained, in which nine (9) met the inclusion criteria and low risk of bias according to the Testex Scale. Three training methods were found: Combined (Continuous + Interval); Continuous and Interval. Considering the sum of the samples from the nine studies, a total of 604 individuals (466 men and 138 women) participated in the trials. The different training methods resulted in a reduction in the levels of triglycerides, insulin and glucose and in the reduction of total cholesterol and LDL, and consequently an increase in HDL. In body composition, there was a significant decrease in weight and body fat, in BMI, as measured by waist circumference, and in increased aerobic capacity (VO2). It is concluded that combined, continuous and interval training can be applied to improve cardiometabolic indicators, each within its specific frequency, volume and intensity.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Running/physiology , Biomarkers/blood , Physical Fitness/physiology , Endurance Training/methods , Oxygen Consumption/physiology , Triglycerides/blood , Body Composition , Cholesterol/blood , Arterial Pressure/physiology , Cardiometabolic Risk Factors , Glucose/analysis , Heart Rate/physiology , Insulin/blood
Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 64(3): 201-204, May-June 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131082


ABSTRACT Objective Autonomic nervous system, especially the sympathetic nervous system, may stimulate the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator-1α, which regulates irisin. This study aimed to explore whether there was any association between autonomic function as assessed by heart rate related indices and irisin release following acute exercise. Subjects and methods Seventeen healthy adults were asked to perform an incremental exhaustive cycling as well as an incremental exhaustive running separately on different days. Heart rate was monitored, and blood samples were collected before, immediately, 10-, and 60-minutes post-exercise. Serum irisin was measured using ELISA kit. Results Markers for autonomic function, such as heart rate at rest, peak, or recovery, heart rate reserve, heart rate recovery, and chronotropic index, were comparable between cycling and running (all P > 0.10). Irisin was increased immediately following both exercise. No significant association was observed between heart rate at rest, peak, or recovery and irisin level at the corresponding time-point, as well as between heart rate reserve, heart rate recovery, or chronotropic index and exercise induced irisin release, with or without controlling for age, body mass index, and glucose (all P > 0.10). Conclusions Autonomic function might not be associated with irisin release in healthy adults. Arch Endocrinol Metab. 2020;64(3):201-4

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Running/physiology , Autonomic Nervous System/physiology , Autonomic Nervous System/blood supply , Fibronectins/blood , Heart Rate/physiology , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Random Allocation , Cross-Over Studies
Actual. osteol ; 16(1): 26-34, Ene - abr. 2020. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130074


La expansión modeladora de la geometría cortical de un hueso inducida por su entorno mecánico podría ser difícil de modificar por estímulos ulteriores con diferente direccionalidad. Este estudio, que por primera vez combina datos tomográficos del peroné (pQCT) y dinamométricos de la musculatura peronea lateral, intenta demostrar que, en individuos jóvenes no entrenados, el entrenamiento en fútbol produce cambios geométricos peroneos expansivos, similares a los del rugby, que podrían interferir en los efectos de un entrenamiento ulterior direccionalmente diferente (carrera larga). Confirmando la hipótesis, los resultados indican, con evidencias originales, 1) la relevancia creciente del uso del pie (rotación externa y eversión provocadas por los peroneos laterales) para la determinación de la geometría peronea (incremento del desarrollo de los indicadores de masa y de diseño óseos), evidenciada por la secuencia creciente de efectos: carrera < fútbol < rugby; 2) la predominancia de esos efectos sobre el desarrollo centro-proximal del peroné para resistir a la flexión lateral, y en la región distal para resistir el buckling (principal sitio y causa de fractura del hueso) y 3.) la relevancia de la anticipación de esos efectos para interferir en la manifestación de los cambios producidos por un entrenamiento ulterior (carrera), cuando los del primero (fútbol) afectan la modelación cortical de modo expansivo. Esta última deducción demuestra, en forma inédita, que un cambio modelatorio expansivo tempranamente inducido sobre la estructura cortical ósea 'delimitaría el terreno'para la manifestación de cualquier otro efecto ulterior por estímulos de distinta direccionalidad. (AU)

The modeling-dependent, geometrical expansion of cortical bone induced by the mechanical environment could be hard to modify by subsequent stimulations with a different directionality. The current study aimed to demonstrate that in young, untrained individuals, training in soccer or rugby enhances the geometric properties of the fibula cortical shell in such a way that the geometrical changes could interfere on the effects of a second training in which the loads are induced in a different direction, e.g. long-distance running. The original findings reported herein confirm our hypothesis and support 1) The relevance of the use of the foot (external rotation and eversion produced by peroneus muscles) to determine fibula geometry (improved development of indicators of bone mass and design) as evidenced by the increasing nature of the effects induced by running < soccer < rugby trainings; 2) The predominance of those effects on the ability of the fibula to resist lateral bending in the centralproximal region (insertion of peroneus muscles), and to resist buckling in the distal region (the main cause and site of the most frequent bone fractures), and 3) The interaction of the effects of a previous training with those of a subsequent training with a different orientation of the loads when the former induced a modeling-dependent expansion of the cortex. Our results support the proposed hypothesis with original arguments by showing that a first, expansive effect induced on cortical bone modeling would set the stage the manifestation of any subsequent effect derived from mechanical stimuli. (AU)

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Exercise/physiology , Fibula/growth & development , Running/physiology , Soccer/physiology , Sports/physiology , Tomography , Bone Density , Fractures, Bone/prevention & control , Muscle Strength/physiology , Muscle Strength Dynamometer , Fibula/diagnostic imaging , Cortical Bone/diagnostic imaging , Foot/growth & development , Foot/physiology , Foot/diagnostic imaging , Football/physiology
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.);66(2): 180-186, Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | SES-SP, LILACS | ID: biblio-1136170


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE The current study aimed to examine the body composition of adult male ultra-trail runners (UTR) according to their level of participation (regional UTR-R, vs. national UTR-N). METHODS The sample was composed of 44 adult male UTR (aged 36.5±7.2 years; UTR-R: n=25; UTR-N: n=19). Body composition was assessed by air displacement plethysmography, bioelectrical impedance, and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. In addition, the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) was applied. A comparison between the groups was performed using independent samples t-test. RESULTS Significant differences between groups contrasting in the competitive level were found for chronological age (in years; UTR-R: 38.8±8.2 vs. UTR-N: 33.5±4.1); body density (in; UTR-R: 1.062±0.015 vs. UTR-N: 1.074±0.009); and fat mass (in kg; UTR-R: 12.7±6.8 vs. UTR-N: 7.6±2.7). CONCLUSION UTR-N were younger, presented higher values for body density, and had less fat mass, although no significant differences were found for fat-free mass. The current study evidenced the profile of long-distance runners and the need for weight management programs to regulate body composition.

RESUMO OBJETIVO O presente estudo objetivou examinar a composição corporal dos corredores de ultra-trail (UTR) e, adicionalmente, comparar dois grupos de acordo com o nível de participação (Regional vs. Nacional, respectivamente UTR-R e UTR-N). MÉTODOS A amostra foi composta por 44 corredores adultos masculinos (36,5±7,2 anos de idade; UTR-R: n=25; UTR-N: n=19). A composição corporal foi avaliada recorrendo à pletismografia de ar deslocado, bioimpedância elétrica e absorciometria de raios X de dupla energia. Adicionalmente, foi utilizado o Questionário de Frequência Alimentar. A comparação entre grupos foi realizada com base na prova t-student para amostras independentes. RESULTADOS Foram encontradas diferenças significativas por nível de competição para as seguintes variáveis dependentes: idade cronológica (em anos; UTR-R: 38,8±8,2 vs. UTR-N: 33,5±4,1); densidade corporal (em kg/L; UTR-R: 1,062±0,015 L/kg vs. UTR-N: 1,074±0,009); massa gorda (em kg; UTR-R: 12,7±6,8 kg vs. UTR-N: 7,6±2,7). CONCLUSÃO Os UTR-N tendem a ser mais jovens e apresentam valores superiores de densidade corporal e, consequentemente, valores menores de massa gorda, sendo a massa isenta de gordura semelhante entre os grupos. O presente estudo determinou o perfil dos corredores adultos masculinos de longa distância (ultra-trail), realçando a importância de uma cuidadosa regulação da massa corporal.

Humans , Male , Adult , Running/physiology , Body Composition/physiology , Plethysmography/methods , Reference Values , Time Factors , Absorptiometry, Photon , Anthropometry , Surveys and Questionnaires , Electric Impedance , Athletic Performance/physiology , Athletes
Cienc. act. fís. (Talca, En línea) ; 21(1): 1-15, ene. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1123688


En este trabajo se ha pretendido analizar las diferencias que se observan en las carreras de velocidad realizadas por atletas paralímpicos clasificados en diferentes categorías. La muestra del estudio consistió en 133 carreras de 100 metros efectuadas por atletas en las fases semifinales y finales del Campeonato Europeo de Atletismo del Comité Paralímpico Internacional en Swansea (Wales, UK) 2014, donde participaron 24 países. Se valoraron las variables temporales marca (s) y tiempo medio de paso (s), las variables espaciales número de pasos y amplitud media de paso (m), y las variables espacio temporal velocidad media (m/s) y frecuencia media (Hz). Se hizo un estudio comparativo entre las diferentes categorías y género. Los datos se recogieron de las grabaciones disponibles en la web del campeonato y fueron tratados con el paquete estadístico SPSS (V.22.0). Entre los resultados hay que destacar la importancia que tienen la amplitud de paso y la frecuencia media.

The present study sought to identify the differences observed in sprint races conducted by Paralympic athletes classified in different categories. The study sample consisted of 133 runs of 100 m sprint race conducted by athletes in the semifinal and final stages of the 2014 International Paralympic Committee Athletics European Championships, in Swansea (Wales, UK), where 24 countries participated. The temporal variables mark (s) and average step time (s), the spatial variables number of steps and average step length (m), and the temporal space variables average speed (m/s) and average frequency (Hz) were assessed. A comparative study between the different categories and gender has been carried out. The data was collected from the recordings available on the championship website was processed with the SPSS statistical package (V.22.0). Among the results, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of the step length and the average frequency.

O presente estudo buscou identificar as diferenças que se observam nas corridas de velocidade realizadas pelos atletas paralímpicos de diferentes categorias. A amostra do estudo consistiu-se em 133 provas de 100 metros realizadas por atletas nas fases semifinal e final do Campeonato Europeu de Atletismo do Comitê Paralímpico Internacional em Swansea (Wales, Reino Unido) 2014, onde participaram 24 países. Foram analisadas as variáveis temporais marca (s) e tempo médio do passo (s), as variáveis espaciais número de passos e amplitude média do passo (m) e as variáveis espaço temporal velocidade média (m/s) e frequência média (Hz). Realizou-se um estudo comparativo entre as diferentes categorias, com distinção de gênero. Para o estudo foram utilizadas as gravações disponíveis na página web do campeonato e os dados foram tratados com o pacote estatístico SPSS (V.22.0). Entre os resultados encontrados se destacam a importância que tem a amplitude do passo e a frequência média.

Humans , Male , Female , Running/physiology , Biomechanical Phenomena , Disabled Persons , Para-Athletes
Acta sci., Health sci ; Acta sci., Health sci;42: e48114, 2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1370991


The purposeof this study was to analyze skin temperature(Tsk)responses after a short-term maximum effort test in middle-distance runners.Aquasi-experimental study was conducted with ten men (age 23.5±5.10 years)who trained 5 days per week, 2 to 3 hours per day,and were submitted to thermographic evaluationbefore and after Cooper's 12-minute run test (CRT). The mean temperature of the anterior-superior,posterior-superior,anterior-inferior,and posterior-inferiorregionswas compared between the sides(i.e., left and right)before and after CRT.The paired t-testshowed asignificantdecrease in Tskafter CRT in thefollowingregions:right pectoralis major (-3.4%), left pectoralis major (-3.4%),and abdomen (-5%) in the anterior-superior view (p<0.01); and in the upper right trunk (-1.9%),upper lefttrunk(-1.9%) and lower back (-2.9%) in the posterior-superior view (p<0.05). In the lower limbs,asignificantincreaseintemperature of the left knee (1.6%),and right (3.6%) and left ankles (2.9%) in the anteriorview (p<0.05),as well as in theright (4.3%) and left ankles (3.7%) in the posteriorview (p<0.05)wereobserved. There was no difference in temperature between the right and left sides. In conclusion, the Tskchange of middle-distance runners wassymmetricalbetween sides,decreasing in upper limbs and trunk and increasing in lower limbs after a short-term maximum effort test.

Humans , Male , Adult , Running/physiology , Skin Temperature/physiology , Athletes , Thermography/instrumentation , Lower Extremity/physiology , Upper Extremity/physiology , Physical Exertion/physiology
Einstein (São Paulo, Online) ; 18: eAO5256, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090048


ABSTRACT Objective To describe and identify the importance of different indicators of the aerobic and anaerobic fitness of male ultra-trail runners according to their level of participation (regional or national). Methods Forty-four male ultra-trail runners were assessed (36.5±7.2 years). They were classified as regional (n=25) and national (n=19). Wingate test was used to assess the anaerobic pathway. A progressive incremental running test was performed and ventilatory thresholds registered, in parallel to heart rate and lactate concentration at the end of the protocol. Comparison between groups was performed using independent samples t-test. Results No significant differences were found between outputs derived from Wingate test. For aerobic fitness, while examining absolute values, differences were uniquely significant for the second ventilatory threshold (ultra-trail regional runners: 3.78±0.32L.min-1; ultra-trail national runners: 4.03±0.40L.min-1 p<0.05). Meantime, when aerobic fitness was expressed per unit of body mass, differences were significant for the second ventilatory threshold (ultra-trail regional runners: 50.75±; ultra-trail national runners: 57.88± p<0.05) and also maximum volume of oxygen (ultra-trail regional runners: 57.33±; ultra-trail national runners: 63.39± p<0.05). Conclusion This study emphasized the importance of expressing physiological variables derived from running protocols per unit of body mass. Also, the second ventilatory threshold appears to be the best and the only aerobic fitness variable to distinguish between trail runners according to competitive level. Maximal oxygen uptake seems of relative interest to distinguish between long distance runners according to competitive level.

RESUMO Objetivo Descrever e comparar indicadores de aptidão metabólica em corredores de trilhas de longa distância (ultra trail running) adultos do sexo masculino, de acordo com o nível de competição (regional ou nacional). Métodos Foram avaliados 44 corredores masculinos com média de idade de 36,5±7,2 anos classificados como de nível regional (n=25) ou nacional (n=19). Foi utilizado o teste de Wingate para avaliação da via anaeróbica, enquanto o teste incremental de corrida em esteira também foi realizado para determinar os limiares ventilatórios, o consumo máximo de oxigênio, a frequência cardíaca e a concentração de lactato ao final do protocolo. A comparação entre os grupos foi realizada por estatística teste t para amostras independentes. Resultados As variáveis obtidas do teste Wingate não diferiram de forma significativa entre os grupos. No que diz respeito à aptidão aeróbica, foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre variáveis expressas em valores absolutos no segundo limiar ventilatório (corredores de nível regional: 3,78±0,32L.min-1; corredores de nível nacional: 4,03±0,40L.min-1; p<0,05). Quando considerados os valores expressos por unidade de massa corporal, o segundo limiar ventilatório (corredores de nível regional: 50,75±6,; corredores de nível nacional: 57,88±4,; p<0,05) e o volume máximo de oxigênio (corredores de nível regional: 57,33±7,; corredores de nível nacional: 63,39±4,; p<0,05) também diferiram de forma significativa. Conclusão Este estudo destacou a importância de se expressarem variáveis fisiológicas derivadas de protocolos de corrida por unidade de massa corporal. Além disso, o segundo limiar ventilatório pareceu ser o melhor e único indicador de aptidão aeróbica para a diferenciação de corredores de trilha de longa distância, segundo o nível competitivo. O consumo máximo de oxigênio não é especialmente relevante para distinguir os corredores de trilha de longa distância, segundo o nível competitivo.

Humans , Male , Adult , Running/physiology , Athletes , Oxygen/metabolism , Reference Values , Time Factors , Anaerobic Threshold/physiology , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric , Exercise Test/methods , Heart Rate/physiology
Rev. Salusvita (Online) ; 39(1): 255-275, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1140922


O Deep Water Running (DWR) é um método bastante difundido para o condicionamento cardiovascular e reabilitação em atletas. Contudo, nos últimos anos, foram realizadas investigações científicas sobre o DWR em populações especiais. Porém, ainda existem poucas evidências sobre as respostas musculoesqueléticas e cardiorrespiratórias em indivíduos obesos. O objetivo foi realizar um estudo de revisão sistemática de literatura referente às respostas musculoesqueléticas e cardiorrespiratórias, mediante ao treinamento em água funda em obesos. Trata-se de uma revisão de literatura de 2009 a 2019, por meio de levantamento de artigos científicos nas bases de dados eletrônica PubMed, e Scielo. Para tanto, foram utilizadas as seguintes palavras-chave: aquatic, deep water running, water-based, head-out aquatic, physical activity, obesity, overweight, também foram aplicados os operadores boleanos "and" e "OR". Foram encontrados 11 estudos de ensaios clínicos, cujos temas estavam relacionados com as variáveis de interesse do presente estudo. Baseado na literatura científica selecionada, conclui-se que a técnica de DWR é uma estratégia de treinamento e reabilitação física extremamente indicada para potencializar a força e resistência muscular, melhorar a capacidade funcional, cardiorrespiratória e qualidade de vida em obesos.

Deep Water Running (DWR) is a widely used method for cardiovascular conditioning and rehabilitation in athletes. Although, in recent years, scientific investigations have been conducted on DWR in special populations. However, there is still little evidence on musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory responses in obese individuals.The objective was to perform a systematic review on musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory responses, through deep water running in obese patients. It is a systematic reviewfrom 2009 to 2019, by means of a survey of scientific articles in the electronic databases PubMed, and Scielo. The following keywords were used: aquatic, deep water running, water-based, head-out aquatic, physical activity, obesity, overweight, and boolean operators "and" and "OR". Were found 11 clinical trial studies, whose themes were related to the variables of interest of the present study. Based on the selected scientific literature, it is concluded that the DWR technique is a strategy of training and physical rehabilitation extremely indicated to potentiate muscular strength and endurance, improve functional capacity, cardiorespiratory capacity and quality of life in obese patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Running/physiology , Exercise Therapy/methods , Muscle Strength/physiology , Cardiorespiratory Fitness , Immersion , Obesity/rehabilitation , Quality of Life , Swimming Pools , Water
Int. j. morphol ; 37(3): 1111-1117, Sept. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012405


La carrera descalza ha sido ampliamente estudiada últimamente, pero poco se sabe de cambios anatómicos que produce en el pie. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar estos cambios producidos de forma aguda y a largo plazo en sujetos que entrenan a pie descalzo. 29 sujetos divididos en dos grupos: Barefoot (BFGr) (n=17) y Shod (SGr) (n=12), realizaron un protocolo de efecto agudo consistente en correr durante 20 min sobre treadmill a 3.1 m/s y un protocolo de entrenamiento de 8 semanas de carrera de resistencia con aumento progresivo de volumen. BFGr realizó todas las sesiones a pie descalzo. Al finalizar cada protocolo se midió Foot Length (FL), Forefoot Width (FW), Hindfoot Width (HW), Navicular Height (NH), Arch Index (AI) y Maximum Surface (MS). Se efectuó ANOVA 3x2 para comprobar los efectos que el tiempo y la condición de calzado produjo. La condición de calzado produjo efectos significativos sobre todas las variables (FL: p=0.000, η2p=0.997; FW: p=0.000, η2p=0,997; HW: p=0.000, η2p= 0,994; NH: p=0.000, η2p=0.953; AI: p=0.000, η2p=0.898; MS: p=0.000, η2p=0.983) y el factor tiempo sobre AI (p=0.012, η2p=0.152) y MS (p=0.000, η2p=0.259). Hubo interacción significativa Tiempo x Condición en FW (p=0.036, η2p= 0.116) y NH (p=0.019, η2p= 0.143). MS aumentó luego del protocolo de efecto agudo (p=0.000) y a largo plazo (p=0.001) en BFGr. El porcentaje de sujetos con pie normal aumentó en BFGr y con pie plano aumentó en SGr. El entrenamiento de carrera a pie descalzo produce efectos, principalmente luego de un período de adaptación de 8 semanas, tendientes a un aumento armónico en la superficie de apoyo plantar con tendencia a una disminución relativa del área del mediopié, lo cual se tradujo en una disminución de sujetos con arco plantar de tipología plana.

Barefoot running has been studied extensively recently, but little is known of the anatomical changes that take place in the foot. The objective of this study was to determine the acute and chronic changes that are produced in subjects who train barefoot. 29 subjects divided into two groups, Barefoot (BFGr) (n=17) and Shod (SGr) (n=12), followed an acute effect protocol which consisted in running during 20 min on a treadmill at 3.1 m/s, and an eight-week long chronic effect protocol covering eight weeks of resistance running with progressively increasing volume. BFGr did all the sessions barefoot. At the end of each protocol Foot Length (FL), Forefoot Width (FW), Hindfoot Width (HW), Navicular Height (NH), Arch Index (AI), and Maximum Surface (MS) were measured. ANOVA 3x2 was run to verify the effects caused by time and the shod condition produced. Shod/ Unshod factor caused significant effects on all the variables (FL: p=0.000, η2p=0.997; FW: p=0.000, η2p=0,997; HW: p=0.000, η2p= 0,994; NH: p=0.000, η2p=0.953; AI: p=0.000, η2p=0.898; MS: p=0.000, η2p=0.983), and the time factor on AI (p=0.012, η2p=0.152) and MS (p=0.000, η2p=0.259). There was a significant Time x Condition interaction in FW (p=0.036, η2p=0.116) and NH (p=0.019, η2p= 0.143). MS increased after the acute (p=0.000) and the chronic (p=0.001) protocols in the BFGr. The percentage of subjects with normal feet increased in the BFGr and that with flat feet increased in SGr. Barefoot running training causes effects, mainly after an adaptation period of eight weeks, tending to a harmonic surface increase on the support plantar area, with a relative decrease of the midfoot area, which meant a decrease of subjects with plantar arch of flat type.

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Pressure , Running/physiology , Foot/anatomy & histology , Shoes , Time Factors , Adaptation, Physiological , Anthropometry , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance